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Applied Geochemistry 15 (2000) 785790

The ferrozine method revisited: Fe(II)/Fe(III) determination

in natural waters
E. Viollier*, P.W. Inglett 1, K. Hunter, A.N. Roychoudhury, P. Van Cappellen
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Atlanta, GA 30332-0340, USA
Received 4 October 1998; received in revised form 31 July 1999
Editorial handling by R. Raiswell


The original ferrozine method has been modied to sequentially determine the Fe(II)/Fe(III) speciation in small
volumes of fresh and marine water samples, at the submicromolar level. Spectrophotometric analyses of the Fe(II)
ferrozine complex are performed on a single aliquot before and after a reduction step with hydroxylamine. The
procedure is calibrated using Fe(III) standards stable under normal conditions of analysis. It is shown also that the
presence of high concentrations of dissolved NOM (natural organic matter) do not create any signicant artifacts.
The method was used to measure Fe(II) and Fe(III) depth distribution in salt marsh pore waters and in a stratied
marine basin. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Iron speciation; Fresh and marine water; Spectrophotometry; Ferrozine

1. Introduction states, II and III, which are thermodynamically stable

under anoxic and oxic conditions, respectively. Fe(III)
Determination of the concentration distribution of forms complexes with organic acids and oxyhydroxide
soluble reactive species is key to understanding biogeo- colloids. The latter may aggregate into larger particles
chemical processes in natural settings. Iron is one of (Davison, 1993). Fe(III) oxyhydroxides undergo reduc-
the most reactive elements in aquatic environments, tive dissolution in most aquatic sediments (Van Cap-
and its cycling is coupled to that of the major biogeo- pellen and Gaillard, 1996). The reductive dissolution
chemical elements (C, O, S and P) and trace elements can be coupled directly to the oxidation of organic
such as heavy metals (Tessier and Campbell, 1988). It matter by specialized bacteria (DiChristina and
is present in the hydrosphere under two oxidation Delong, 1993), or it may proceed via abiotic reactions
with inorganic or organic reductants (Van Cappellen
and Wang, 1996).
The usual methods for collecting sediment pore
* Corresponding author. Present address: Laboratoire de
waters (dialysis, core extraction, diusive equilibration
Geochimie des Eaux, Universite Paris 7, 2 Place Jussieu,
in thin lms) for the determination of dissolved chemi-
75251 Paris cedex 05, France. Fax: +33-1-4427-8148.
E-mail address: (E. Viollier). cal parameters (Carignan, 1984; Janhke et al., 1986;
Present address: Soil and Water Science Department, Uni- Davison et al., 1994) typically yield small sample
versity of Florida, 106 Newell Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611- volumes (200 ml to 20 ml). The spectrophotometric
0570, USA. measurements of Fe(II) and total Fe (i.e. Fe(II)+-

0883-2927/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 8 3 - 2 9 2 7 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 9 7 - 9
786 E. Viollier et al. / Applied Geochemistry 15 (2000) 785790

Fe(III) species) are generally performed on two separ- A1 eFeII lCFeII eFeIII lCFeIII 1
ate sample fractions (Fadrus and Maly, 1975). Electro-
active Fe(II) concentration is also measured by volta- where A1 is the measured absorbance before the re-
metric methods complemented by an independent de- duction step, eFe(II) and eFe(III) are molar absorption
termination of total Fe (Bue et al., 1987). More coecients, l is the optic path length and CFe(II) and
recently, Elrod et al. (1991) developed a method of CFe(III) are the Fe species concentrations.
detection based on the work of Yamada et al. (1985) After addition of a reducing agent and a buer,
to measure subnanomolar levels of Fe(II) and Fe(III) Fe(III) reduces to Fe(II), thereby increasing the con-
(after reduction to Fe(II) with ascorbic acid) in ocean centration of Fe(II)ferrozine complex in solution. The
water by ow injection analysis, coupled to a chemilu- additive property of the LambertBeer law yields the
minescence detector. A major drawback of these absorbance:
approaches is the requirement for a separate analysis
of dissolved Fe(II) and total dissolved Fe (Fe(III) is A2 eFeII lCFeII CFeIII a 2
calculated by dierence).
The concentrations of total Fe measured on ltered where A2 is the measured absorbance after the re-
samples (0.45 mm pore size) from anoxic environments duction step and a is the dilution factor due to ad-
are generally interpreted as representing the concen- dition of the reducing agent and buer. The simple
trations of Fe(II) species (e.g. Albrechtensen and linear system of Eqs. (1) and (2) is solved for the
Christensen, 1994). However, O2 contamination during Fe(II) and Fe(III) concentrations:
sampling and ltration may induce fast precipitation
of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides and decrease the dissolved A1 eFeII la A2 eFeIII l
Fe(II) concentration. Moreover, when collecting natu- CFeII 3
eFeII laeFeII l eFeIII l
ral waters, contamination by colloidal particles may
occur. The preservation of samples by acidication
may cause the dissolution of these particles, and hence
A2 A1 a
increase the total dissolved Fe concentration. These CFeIII 4
aeFeII l eFeIII l
two eects are not reproducible and emphasize the
need for an immediate speciation measurement, prefer-
ably on a single sample fraction. Calibration curves with Fe(III) standards allow one
The authors have designed an experimental protocol to derive the values of eFe(II)l at A1 and eFe(II)la at A2
to work with sample volumes of 1 ml or less in order (Fig. 1). Due to the successive additions of reagents
to determine the dissolved concentrations of Fe(II) and during the procedure, the uncertainty on the calculated
Fe(III) at the submicromolar level. The method, suit- value of a may become important. However, an accu-
able for eld work, consists of recording the absor- rate value of a can be obtained directly during the pro-
bances of an Fe(II) colored complex before and after cedure: one has to repeat the reduction step for the
an Fe(III) reduction step. standards and record A2' . a is the coecient of propor-
tionality between A'2 and A2.

2. Theory

The ferrozine (monosodium salt hydrate of 3-(2-pyri-

dyl)-5,6-diphenyl-1,2,4-triazine-p,p '-disulfonic acid) re-
agent proposed by Stookey (1970) which reacts with
divalent Fe to form a stable magenta complex species
is used. The maximum absorbance is recorded at 562
nm and yields, between pH 4 and 9, a molar absorp-
tion coecient close to 30,000 l mol1 cm1. When
Fe(III) is also present in solution (as a true dissolved
complex or as colloids with diameters less than the l-
tration membrane pore size) it can react with ferrozine,
thereby interfering with the coloration of the ferrous
complex (Siert, 1989). A mixture of dissolved Fe(II) Fig. 1. Calibration curves (absorbance vs. concentration) with
and Fe(III) reacting with the ferrozine leads to the fol- Fe(III) standards determined before A1 and after the re-
lowing absorbance: duction step A2.
E. Viollier et al. / Applied Geochemistry 15 (2000) 785790 787

3. Experimental

3.1. Reagents

All solutions were prepared in water puried with a

NANOpure II deionization system (Barnstead Corp.).
The following reagents were used as received:
1. Ferrozine (FW 492.47, 97%, Aldrich #16,060-1):
102 mol/l prepared in an ammonium acetate
(CH3COONH4, Aldrich #37,233-1, 99.999%) sol-
ution of 101 mol/l.
2. Reducing agent hydroxylamine hydrochloride
(H2NOH.HCl, 99.9999%, Aldrich #37, 992-1): 1.4
mol/l prepared in a solution of analytical grade hy- Fig. 2. Calibration curves of Fe(II) standards performed with
(reagents A, B and C) and without (only reagent A) the re-
drochloric acid 2 mol/l.
duction step. The dilution factor (a ) is the same for both
3. Buer ammonium acetate: a 10 mol/l solution cases. Reagents B and C do not interfere with the Fe(II)fer-
adjusted to pH 9.5 with a solution of ammonium hy- rozine complex.
droxide (2830%, NH4OH, JT Baker #9721-02).
Standards are prepared from a 1000 mg ml1 Fe(III)
stock solution (1.786  102 mol/l of FeCl3 in HCl dards, hence making it possible to account for the con-
102 mol/l) diluted in a NaCl solution matching tribution of Fe(III) to the absorbance.
sample salinity (only deionized water in case of fresh- It was also veried that the ferrozine complex is not
water samples). aected by the successive additions of reagents. Stan-
dards made with FeSO4 prepared in deaerated water
were added in the same volume proportion to either
3.2. Procedure
the ferrozine reagent (A) alone, or the ferrozine re-
agent (A)+the reducing agent (reagent B)+the buer
(1) A1 is recorded after adding 1 ml of ltered
(C). The two calibration lines superpose almost per-
sample or standard to 100 ml of reagent A. (2) Re-
fectly indicating no signicant interfering eects (Fig.
duction step: a known volume (e.g. 800 ml) of the mix-
ture is then added to 150 ml of reagent B. The solution
In a 1:1 Fe(II)Fe(III) mixture, successive measure-
is allowed to react for 10 min to complete the re-
ments over a period of 90 min showed an increase of
duction of Fe(III). (3) 50 ml of reagent C is added and
3% over initial absorbance (Fig. 3). Hence, better ac-
A2 is recorded. (4) Steps (2) and (3) are repeated for
curacy is achieved in the rst step of the procedure by
the standards; A'2 is measured and a is calculated. In
recording the absorbance within 10 min of adding the
the procedure above a is close to 0.8.
In the experiment, the sample volume of 1 ml is con- ferrozine reagent. Variation of the absorbance A1 of
strained by the volume necessary for the quartz spec- the Fe(II)ferrozine complex was found to remain
trophotometric cell. It can be considerably reduced by under 1% for periods of up to 3 h.
immediate sample dilution at step (1), as long as the
Fe concentration is sucient.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Verication of the theory

Fe(III) has long been considered to interfere with

Fe(II) determinations (Siert, 1989) and was conse-
quently masked by addition of strong ligands such F,
NTA or EDTA. Fig. 1 shows calibration curves with
Fe(III) standards for steps (1) to (3) of the procedure
(recording of A1 and A2). Though the A1 absorbance
measurements are small, the response of the Fe(III) Fig. 3. Relative change of the absorbance of a Fe(II)/Fe(III)
ferrozine mixture is linear within the range of the stan- mixture with time.
788 E. Viollier et al. / Applied Geochemistry 15 (2000) 785790

Fig. 4. (a) Standard addition of Fe(III) to an organic-rich water sample (experimentally derived salt marsh pore water). (b) Stan-
dard addition of Fe(III) to an organic-rich water sample (25 mg C/l from Suwannee River, GA).

A potential problem with the classical ferrozine the reduction step and the absence of NOM-bound Fe
method is the incomplete reduction of organically com- precipitation. Though reduction of the ferric ferrozine
plexed Fe(III), as pointed out by Luther et al. (1996). complex in the presence of humic substances could po-
These authors also attribute a poor recovery of total tentially lead to an artefact, no signicant change in
Fe to the precipitation of Fe(III) and Fe(II) humic absorbance with time was observed in the experiment.
complexes upon acidication of the sample by hydro- Thus, the proposed method can be used to measure
xylamine hydrochloride. In order to test the reliability Fe(II)/Fe(III) speciation, even in organic-rich natural
of the proposed analytical protocol in the presence of waters. The method detection limit (MDL) is estimated
organically complexed Fe(III), standard additions of to 0.3 mmol/l with a 1 cm cell. Tests on a 20 mmol/l Fe
Fe(III) were performed to two water samples rich in (III) solution prepared in NaCl 0.7 M lead to 20.1 2
dissolved organic matter (NOM). 0.2 mmol/l Fe(III) and 0.1 2 0.1 mmol/l Fe(II) n 5).
A pore water sample was extracted under anaerobic Only slight absorbance dierences occur for salinity
conditions from a ow-through reactor containing an above 5-. Salinity, when above this latter value,
undisturbed core section of a salt marsh sediment should be known within 220%. Interferences with
(Roychoudhury et al., 1998). The presence of relatively major inorganic ions are described in Stookey (1970).
high levels of dissolved NOM was apparent from the
yellow to light brown color of the pore waters. Dis-
solved organic C (DOC) concentrations in marshes are 4.2. Applications
among the highest found in natural environments,
typically in the range 15 to 30 mg C/l (Leenheer, The proposed method was used to measure the
1994). A second water sample was prepared by adding depth distributions of Fe(II) in anoxic pore waters
NOM extracted by reverse osmosis from the Suwannee retrieved by dialysis from a salt marsh (Skidaway
River (Georgia, USA) (SR) to deionized water (1409 Island, Georgia), and in the water column of the Orca
mg C/l SR-NOM sample provided by E.M. Perdue). Basin (Gulf of Mexico) whose deeper part contains an
The original total dissolved Fe content (363226 mmol/ anoxic brine (salinity 250-) (Shokes et al., 1977).
l) was determined using graphite furnace atomic Iron(II) concentrations show the expected depth dis-
absorption (GFFAS) with 800 times sample dilution. tribution in the salt marsh pore waters (Fig. 5). Iro-
The nal DOC concentration of the solution was 25 n(II) produced by reductive dissolution right below the
mg/l. The SR-NOM was chosen because of its high sedimentwater interface is removed from the pore
abundance of strong cation-binding functional groups waters by formation of FeS in the lower part of the
(Cantrell et al., 1990; Gu et al., 1996; Leenheer, 1998). prole. The amounts of Fe(III) are negligible except
In both NOM-rich solutions, excellent linearity of for 4 samples in the top of the prole. These anoma-
the standard additions was observed (Fig. 4). The lous concentrations are explained by contamination of
extrapolation of the calibration curve to X axis leads the samples by sediment particles sticking to the dialy-
to 337 2 18 mmol/l for the original SR-NOM Fe con- sis membrane. These particles dissolve after addition of
tent. These observations demonstrate the reliability of the acidic reagent leading to a release of Fe(III) in the
E. Viollier et al. / Applied Geochemistry 15 (2000) 785790 789

Fig. 5. Vertical distributions of dissolved Fe(II), Fe(III) and

aH2S in a salt marsh of Skidaway Island, GA.
Fig. 6. Comparison between Fe(II) concentrations in the Orca
basin (Gulf of Mexico) determined by the proposed method
solution. Visual observation of the progressive devel- and total Fe concentrations determined with the original fer-
opment of a thin magenta veil in one of the reaction rozine method by a research group at the University of Texas
tubes strongly supports this hypothesis. The identi- at Austin.
cation of the nature of the spurious Fe(III) concen-
trations would not have been possible by measuring ral waters across redox interfaces. The method was
only total Fe or performing a speciation on dierent used in marine waters of dierent salinities and was
sample fractions. proven to be reliable. Though not yet tested, the
The authors determined Fe(II) concentrations in the method should also apply to freshwater environments.
stratied water column of the Orca Basin, by the pro- Future developments include: (1) the addition of an
posed method, while an independent research group inert dye to directly estimate a for each sample or stan-
(University of Texas at Austin) used Stookey's (1970) dard, and (2) adaptation of the method for continuous
total Fe procedure (i.e. without intermediate absor- or segmented ow spectrophotometry, ow injection
bance reading A1). A comparison of the results (Fig. 6) analysis, and in situ measurement techniques (Viollier
shows excellent agreement between the two methods et al., 1993).
and conrms that all the observed dissolved Fe in the
anoxic brine is at the oxidation state II, and that no
signicant oxidation of Fe(II) occurred after sample l-
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5. Conclusions
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and to determine the Fe(II)/Fe(III) speciation in natu- Lake Bret, Switzerland. Sci. Total Environ. 12, 4159.
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