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BJT Biasing Homework Problems

1. Emitter Biased, Common Emitter

Determine the quiescent operating point (ICQ & VCEQ ) and VCE Cut-off & IC Saturation

= 150
VCC = 10 V
RB = 300K
RC = 1100

a. Quiescent Current ICQ

b. Quiescent Voltage VCEQ

c. VCE Cut-off

d. IC Saturation

2. Emitter Biased, Common Emitter with Emitter Resistor

Determine the quiescent operating point (ICQ & VCEQ ) and VCE Cut-off & IC Saturation

= 180
VCC = 16 V
RB = 330K
RC = 1100
RE = 550

a. Quiescent Current ICQ

b. Quiescent Voltage VCEQ

c. VCE Cut-off

d. IC Saturation
BJT Biasing Homework Problems

3. Voltage-Divider Biased, Common Emitter Configuration

Calculate the quiescent points (ICQ and VCEQ)
And determine VCE Cut-off and IC Saturation

= 100
VCC = 16 V
R1 = 47K
R2 = 12K
RC = 2200
RE = 1800

a. Quiescent Current ICQ

b. Quiescent Voltage VCEQ

c. VCE Cut-off

d. IC Saturation

4. Voltage-Divider Biased, Cascaded Amplifier

Calculate the quiescent points (ICQ and VCEQ) for Q1 and Q1.

1 and 2 = 100
VCC = 21 V
R1 = 47K
R2 = 10K
R3 = 15K
RC = 1200
RE = 1800

a. Q1 ICQ

b. Q1 VCEQ

c. Q2 ICQ

d. Q2 VCEQ
BJT Biasing Homework Problems

5. Use the Collector Characteristic Curves for IB, IC, & VCE to determine values for RB and RC for the BJT circuit below.

Set the quiescent point at approximately ICQ = 8 mA and VCEQ = 9.5 V with VCC = 16 Volts.

Hint: Use the chart to determine a value for = IC / IB.

Calculate a value for RB, consult the web or a catalog or your textbook to choose the nearest real world valued resistors
and then recalculate values for IB and IC.

a. Calculated value for RB

b. Real world value for RB

c. Re-calculated value for IBQ

d. Re-calculated value for ICQ

Calculate a value for RC, consult the web or a catalog or your textbook to choose the nearest real world valued resistors
and then calculate values for VCEQ, IC sat, and VCE cut-off.

e. Calculated value for RC

f. Real world value for RC

g. Calculated value for VCEQ

h. Calculated value for IC sat

i. Re-calculated value for VCE cut-off

BJT Biasing Homework Solutions

1. Emitter Biased, Common Emitter

a. ICQ = 4.65 mA
b. VCEQ = 4.9 V
c. VCE Cut-off = 10 V
d. IC Saturation = 9.1 mA

2. Emitter Biased, Common Emitter with Emitter Resistor

a. ICQ = 6.4 mA
b. VCEQ = 5.4 V
c. VCE Cut-off = 16 V
d. IC Saturation = 9.7 mA

3. Voltage-Divider Biased, Common Emitter Configuration

a. ICQ = 1.4 mA
b. VCEQ = 10.4 V
c. VCE Cut-off = 16 V
d. IC Saturation = 4 mA

4. Voltage-Divider Biased, Cascaded Amplifier

a. Q1 ICQ = 2 mA
b. Q1 VCEQ = 2.9 V
c. Q2 ICQ = 2 mA
d. Q2 VCEQ = 12.0 V

5. Note: = 200, for IB = 40 A and ICQ = 8 mA, set Q at ICQ = 8 mA and VCEQ = 9.5 V with VCC = 16 Volts.

a. First-cut value for RB = 382,500

b. Pick RB = 390 K

c. Re-calculated value for IBQ = 39.2 A

d. Re-calculated value for ICQ = 7.84 mA

e. First-cut value for RC = 829

f. Pick RB = 820

g. Calculated value for VCEQ = 9.6 V

h. Calculated value for IC sat = 20 mA

i. Calculated value for VCE cut-off = 16 V

Calculating Operating Points (Quiescent ICQ & VCEQ) for Voltage-Divider Biased BJT Cascaded Amplifiers

The following is NOT a computational algorithm; nor is it a step-by-step cookbook recipe to be followed blindly.
But rather, it is a list of insights illustrating a generalized method for solving similar problems.

Refer to Take-Home Quiz cascading amplifier schematic.


To find ICQ, VCEQ1, and VCEQ2

1. IC2 = IE2 = IC1 = IE2 = IC

2. VB1 is the voltage from the base of Q1 to ground:

Voltage Divider V B 1 = VCC
R1 + R2 + R3

Calculate VB1

VB1 also equals V B1 = VBE1 + I C RE

V B1 V BE1
So IC = where V BE1 = 0.7 V

Calculate ICQ

3. VB2 is the voltage from the base of Q2 to ground:

R2 + R3
Voltage Divider V B 2 = VCC
R1 + R2 + R3

Calculate VB2

VB2 also equals V B 2 = VBE 2 + VCE1 + I C RE

So VCE1 = VB 2 VBE 2 I C RE where VBE 2 = 0.7 V

Calculate VCEQ1

4. Finally, VCC = I C RC + VCE 2 + VCE1 + I C RE

So VCE 2 = VCC VCE1 I C ( RC + RE )

Calculate VCEQ2

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