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I agree that one of the reasons for the war in Europe was due to the weaknesses of the League of

Nations. The league was weak and ineffective in carrying out its objective of maintaining peace. The
leagues disarmament efforts in the 1920s and 1930s failed miserably as some major powers refused
to disarm. In 1934, the League held the World Disarmament Conference in Geneva. However, France
refused to disarm, while Britain and the USA refused to disarm to the level requested by France.
Germany also left the League. Thus, as the League failed to intervene in the military capacity to
engage in conflicts. The League also failed to intervene in the Abyssinian Crisis in 1935. Italy invaded
Abyssinia in 1935. Although Abyssinia appealed for help, Britain and France did not want to offend
Mussolini. Hence the Leagues ineffective sanctions failed to stop Italy and it took over Abyssinia in
136. Thus, Britain and Frances decision to look into their own self-interest led to the inability of the
League to maintain world peace and stop aggressive nations convinced Hitler that the League would
not be able to stand up against his expansionist plans.
This. The League had failed to achieve its objectives and had in fact encouraged nations like Italy and
Germany to be more aggressive, threatening peace in Europe. Thus, the weaknesses of the league of
the Nations were the main reason why the war started in Europe.
However, I disagree. Another reason for the war in Europe was the expansionist foreign policy of
Hitler. The first Nazi policy document drawn up in 124 clearly indicated the aim of Germany its
territories. Hitler demanded that France disarm to the same level as Germany did under the Treaty.
France refused and Germany used this as a excuse and withdrew from the League of nations. Hence,
he was free to re-introduce conscription and rearmament in violation of the Treaty of Versailles.
Hitler built his army and air force which violated the Treaty. He had an army of 550,000 and 2,500
planes. Hitler said this were defensive acts. Britain and France were unwilling to strike another war
and did not intervene. Britain even signed the Anglo-German Agreement in 1935 which allowed
Germany to build up its navy. Hitler also used the Franco-Soviet alliance as an excuse, Germany
remilitarised the Rhineland. Similarly, he justified as actions as defensive acts, this again violating the
Thus all these actions and foreign policies had directly challenged the treaty of Versailles and
increased tension in Europe. His action had clearly threatened peace in Europe and eventually peace
collapsed when Hitler invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. Therefore, Hitlers expansionist policies
had brought about the collapse of peace and led to war in Europe.
The Appeasement Policy also led to war in Europe. Many European countries felt that the Treaty of
Versailles was unfair and German resentment was reasonable. They wanted a war by satisfying some
of Germanys demands. This was clearly when German reoccupied the Saar in 1935 which was clearly
in violation of the treaty. The British signed the Anglo-German Naval agreement, which allowed
Germany to have a navy which had one-third the tonnage of Britains surface fleet and an equal
tonnage of submarines. This clearly went against the Treaty. Britain hoped these concessions would
ease German anger towards the treaty and stabilise Europe. Britain also failed to take action against
Hitlers aggressive moves in Europe. In the Munich agreement, Britain gave in the Hitlers aggressive
moves in Europe. In the Munich Agreement, Britain gave in to Hitler when he wanted to take
Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia in 1938. Chamberlain had hoped that all Hitler wanted was to
unite all German lands together and would not take any further action. As a result, however instead
of appeasing Hitler, it only served to embolden Hitler and even led him to invade Poland.
In conclusion, the allied powers were responsible for the outbreak of war due to the lack of purpose
in the League and the passive policy of appeasement. The league failed to disarm and help nations
out in times of distress which boosted Hitlers confidence. The policy of appeasement gave in way to
Hitler, the policy gave in to his demands. The allied powers could have prevented Hitlers polices by
posing sanctions but they didnt. Hence, the treaty and the policy of appeasement is solely
responsible for the outbreak of war in Europe.

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