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What is Science and Technology Application in Rural Development (STARDev)


The Program aims to harness the countrys scientific and technological capabilities to spur
economic growth and development by providing funds to fast track the transfer, adoption,
utilization and commercialization of developed technologies. It encourages development of
new/improved technologies (which may include hardware, software, equipment, devices or
processes) that have potential for commercialization.

Program Components:

Prototype Development
Pilot Scale Testing
Livelihood Development Assistance

Who are qualified to avail of the assistance from the STARDev Program?
The proponent can be any of the following:
Government Offices (GOs)
Research and Development Institute (RDIs)
State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)

Is there a maximum limit on the number of assistance and/or amount of request per
There is no maximun limit of number of assistance, however, there is a maximum amount of
financial assistance per project:
For prototype development, financial grant of P250,000.00 per project.
For pilot testing purposes, financial grant of P250,000.00 per project.
For livelihood development assistance purpose, financial grant of P100,000.00 per
project per community.

For thesis project(s) / creative / concept ideas of college students, financial

assistance thru a grant of P50,000 per project for raw materials to validate process
and/or fabrication of equipment. Project(s) is lead by a student with guidance of a

Will the program require counterpart funds from the requesting party?

The proponent must provide counterpart support for the project e.g. labor cost, building,
utilities, etc. The financial grant provided by TAPI will not include expenses to cover
salaries, labor cost and/or operating expenses in the form of a capital.

What are the eligibility requirements to avail assistance from STARDev Program?

The proponent must be a Filipino citizen, of good moral character and has not been
convicted of any case involving moral turpitude.
Proponents must have no pending accountabilities with TAPI.
What documentations are required with the submission for an application for the
STARDev Program?

The proponent may directly forward the proposals with Letter of interest to avail the
assistance addressed to:
Technology Application and Promotion Institute
DOST Compound, General Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City

or send in email to:,

Endorsement letter from DOST Regional Office (with preliminary evaluation as to

validity of the information provided in the proposal);
Curriculum Vitae of Proponent and other co-researchers / implementers;
Quotations from at least three (3) fabricators (if applicable);
Test results (if applicable);
Project proposal following the prescribed format below:

Can the requesting party/ proponent submit more than one proposal under the same
Yes, proponents can submit more than one proposal under the same program.

What are the criteria for evaluation and approval of a proposal?

The project proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Validity / Workability technical soundness, maturity and advance feature of the
technology / invention as compared to other existing products with the same function;
Market competitiveness;
Sustainability of technology;
Affordability for consumers/users;
Social significance;
Relevance to DOSTs development thrust/priority areas;
Existence of a working drawing (if applicable); and
The applicant demonstrates a personal commitment and there should be favorable
contacts to determine the applicants qualifications and background.

Approximately, how long will it take to evaluate the proposal and release the funds to
the requesting party?
When a proposal is complete (with all its requirements), it will take 45 days to evaluate
including the release of funds to the requesting party from the date of submission.

What other documentary requirements are needed before funds is released to the
requesting party?
Proponents may be required to attend the MOA signing/ orientation for funds to be released.

What are the expectations from the implementing agency after assistance is granted?
The financial assistance provided should be used in accordance with the approved Line-
Item Budget and its implementation should be in accordance with the schedule of activities
and achieved the objectives of the project.
What are the reportorial requirements needed by TAPI from the implementing
agency/proponent after financial assistance is released?
The proponent shall submit documents / report that outline the work that has been done,
issues that have been addressed through the use of funds of which details shall be
stipulated in the MOA and the reports such as/but not limited to the following must be

A Project Status Report including photos / videos of the project implementation to be

submitted quarterly
Audited Financial Report (AFR) and Completion Report
List of Equipment Acquired

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