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CRKIMR- Khandelwal Case Study (KCS) Competition- Version 2010


Theme: “Making India ready for complex financial products”

Team Name: “Optimists”


Bhawna Sajwani
PGDM- 1st Year
Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research
Contact No: +91 9819238150

Mayank Kumar
PGDM- 1st Year
Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research
Contact No: +91 9820739811
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY equities, bonds, currencies, and commodities
markets; it will greatly augment the Indian
As global financial markets witness a sea
economy and enhance the returns on our
change, innovation remains a key
citizens savings. If we can succeed in
determinant of sustainable growth. The
routing these domestic savings to corporate
future of financial markets will stand on four
growth, it will reduce India’s dependence on
pillars of innovation products, market
foreign investments for capital mobilization,
structure, technology, and regulation. These
Also see India graduating to the status of an
four pillars need to evolve from an open
international financial powerhouse; a place
competitive environment spanning the entire
where multinational companies can look to
spectrum of products and services. Building
raise capital or use as a hub for their
on these four pillars, we can achieve
regional capital deployment, India has the
transformed economies, empowered masses,
potential to become an exporter of capital
changed and better lives and can create
rather than an importer. At the same time,
immense depth in the financial ecosystem.
we as a nation need not have any fear about
foreign investments.
As the Raghuram Committee report says,
the primary lesson of the Asian financial
Even the well-established segment of equity crisis is not that foreign capital or financial
presents immense opportunities. Today, only markets are destabilizing, but that poor
about 1-1,5% of the population holds demat governance, poor risk management, asset
accounts, of which about 600,000 are active liability mismatches, inadequate disclosure,
market participants on a given day, excessive related party transactions, and
representing only about 0,06% of the murky bankruptcy laws, make an economic
population. In the developed nations, this system prone to crisis.
number is as high as 30%-40%.

India has immense potential, and to tap it,

we intend to develop a new India Model,
Even if we can mobilize just 10% (US$ 30
billion) of the current household savings of
US$ 305 billion and channelize it into WHAT FUTURE STORES FOR INDIA
Convergence of value across asset classes September 2008 report, titled A Hundred
and geographies through modern tech- Small Steps, by the Committee on Financial
centric financial markets is the cornerstone Sector Reforms (CFSR) headed by Professor
for effective and efficient risk management. Raghuram G.Rajan, under the aegis of the
This will minimize price volatility and Planning Commission, corroborates this
enhance value creation over time. Despite belief and cautions, .strict regulations on
the current trade contraction, the multiple participation are no guarantee that risks are
forces of globalization will continue to contained, in fact they may create additional
integrate economies and reshape the world sources of risk,
economic order. Cross-listing, cross- CONNECTING MARKETS THROUGH
clearing of products, global accessibility, EXCHANGES
cross-margining, technology intensive
As the world gets flatter, markets will be
trading, and leveraging across time zones
better connected. Global operations and
will foster fund flows and liquidity. Change
network of exchanges will bring economies
always demands fresh thought. Market
of scale, and enable it to manage and
reforms will involve strengthened capital
mitigate global risks on a real-time basis.
requirements for complex financial
instruments and derivatives, stringent new Thorough analysis reveals that exchange-
rating norms without any conflicts of traded products provide an inherent
interest, .greater transparency and strict advantage over off-exchange or over-the-
adherence to disclosure norms by all counter (OTC) products. The former offer
financial players and counterparties. These mark-to-market valuation, clearing house
will become the essentials for the financial guarantee, fungibility, lower impact cost,
market in India in the near future. and higher liquidity—all without any
associated counterparty risk. They are
In April 2009, heads of nations at G-20
transparent and operate under proven
Summit in London highlighted some of
regulatory supervision.
these measures for the future of financial
markets. While there is a thought about
moving towards a robust regulatory regime, The crux lies in leveraging the advantages of
one needs to be wary of over-regulation, as these exchange traded products and building
it might become a deterrent for growth. The value for all its stakeholders by creating new
exchanges, new markets, new products and also bring in innovations to offer a platform
investing in strategic geographies while for SMEs, and introduce new equity and
focusing on promoting an interconnected debt market products. MCX stock Exchange
and sophisticated marketplace, true value has already initiated its demutualization
ensues when we build on the four pillars of process by offering equity participation to
innovation, and create a trading platform strategic investors including leading
which can cater to the needs of all market domestic and international institutions,
participants. banks and stock exchanges.

Following are milestones covered by MCX

The Indian financial market is increasingly
 MCX was ranked the fourth-largest
underpinned by technology that creates,
commodity exchange in Asia by
integrates, innovates, drives, and makes
Futures Industry Association (FIA),
markets more accessible to everyone. It is a
Washington DC; it is also the
well known and proven fact that exchanges
seventh- largest commodity
based on such technology offer transaction
exchange in the world
platforms that are fast, secure, transparent,
and regulated.  MCX, in August 2008, became the
first Indian commodity exchange to
receive membership of the
International Organization of
MCX have promoted a new-generation
Securities Commission (IOSCO).
stock exchange, MCX Stock Exchange,
 MCX Stock Exchange, which
which currently offers currency derivatives
commenced operations in October
trading, and is poised to offer equity,
2008, has already established itself
exchange-traded interest rate derivatives and
as the leading exchange in the
other exchange-traded financial products.
currency derivatives segment, with
around 50% market share (as on
The new exchange has sought the regulators
March 2009) and daily average
permission to facilitate trade in equity (cash
volume of 261,820 contracts valued
and F&O) and interest rate derivatives.
at Rs 13 billion.
Going forward, MCX stock Exchange will
 MCX Stock Exchange has initiated better capitalized balance sheet would
its - divestment process to meet improve its credit worthiness.
regulatory guideline on shareholding Though the securitization process is similar
in exchanges. The Exchange has to factoring, it could be more cost effective
already placed its equity through than bank funding, factoring, and letters of
primary and secondary market credit. This is an innovative way to look at
placements to a clutch of Indian complex instrument like securitization;
banks and financial institutions, which could be an important way of
respectively. refinancing small and medium lenders such
NEED OF SECURTISATION IN as cooperatives in rural and semi-urban
INDIA[ CITATION Rag08 \l 1033 ] areas, as is already the case in urban areas.
Trade credit is a critically important source
of finance for Indian firms across the board.
For all firms together, the share of trade
credit in total corporate financing has grown Financial engineering is, in essence, the
steadily from 7.25 percent to almost 16 per phenomenon of product and/or process
cent during 2001–05. innovation in the financial industries - the
development of new financial instruments
In 2005, it was the biggest funding source.
and processes that will enhance
Further, the proportion was much higher
shareholders', issuers' or intermediaries'
(26percent) for SME’s. SMEs could reduce
wealth. It can be classified into three
their investment in working capital, and thus
principal types of activities: securities
their need for finance, significantly if the
innovation; innovative financial processes;
receivables due to them from large firms
and creative solutions to corporate finance
could be securitized.
In principle, such receivables, if accepted,
 All these innovations are implemented
are essentially commercial paper with the
using a few basic techniques, such as
high credit ratings of the large firms.
increasing or reducing risk (options, futures
Further, if the SME can securitize and sell
and other more exotic derivatives), pooling
its receivable claim, its resulting smaller and
risk (e.g. MUTUAL FUNDS), swapping
income streams (interest rate swaps),
splitting income streams ('stripped' bonds),
and converting long-term obligations into
shorter-term ones or vice versa (maturity
transformation). But to be truly innovative, a
new security or process must enable issuers
or investors to accomplish something they Subprime crisis has shaken the entire world.
could not do previously, in a sense making Many Economists believe that 2008
markets more efficient or complete. recession was magnified on account of
complex instruments like Collateralized debt
obligations (CDOs). But what went wrong is
underestimating the lying blunder of
Significant investment in financial literacy is securitization of sub-prime loans. Lessons
required if the poor are to make effective use are learnt and underlying problems are
of various initiatives to foster financial understood. It is believed that India was
inclusion. A good understanding of the costs unaffected because of its conservative
and benefits of various financial services, economy
the impact of inflation on savings, and the
The Indian economy is breathing again.
trade-off between risk and return can help
Riding on the back of resilient domestic
households choose the right products for
demand, the Indian economy recorded a
their needs and weed out dubious schemes
better than expected growth rate of about
from truly beneficial ones. This will
6% in the fourth quarter of 2008-09. The
encourage common man as they understand
economy grew by an aggregate of 6.7% for
the market dynamics, risk involved and
the fiscal 2008-09. Formation of the new
returns. This change will lead to increase in
government at the Centre has boosted the
demand of financial instruments and thus the
confidence level of industries, and with
supply in generally risk averse Indian
falling interest rates, controlled inflationary
society. Today when Indians are getting
pressures, thrust on rural development and
exposed to impact of global economy and
the infrastructure sector getting the attention
higher education there is increased
it deserves, there is a new-found optimism
awareness of markets and returns which is a
on the economic outlook and the future of
sign for shoot up of demand of such
financial markets in India. The Economic
financial instruments.
Survey, released in July 2009, projects In India, today, the bond market is still at an
India’s GDP growth at an average 9% per incipient stage. The Raghuram Committee
annum for the next few years. report of September 2008 validates the case
for development of the bond market in India,
The vision of various companies spread
It recommends, a corporate bond market
across varied sectors is to continue to build a
could serve as a useful buffer between
strong and. profitable network of exchanges;
financial institutions and be an important
to expand and provide liquidity and risk
source of stability in the current
management solutions to the developing and
emerging economies; and identify national
and regional markets for their products
through the interface of Indian financial INDIAN FINANCIAL MARKET VALUES

market. Introduction of trading in new asset

classes on its efficient tech-centric exchange The Indian financial market has tremendous

platforms in different regions as a part of the value and potential in today’s rapidly

market structure innovation, the SEBI changing global financial scenario. India,

vigorously pursues its avowed mission of apart from being an excellent investment

increasing access to markets by creating and paradise, also provides opportunities to a

operating exchanges that cater to the needs wide spectrum of companies spread over

of the micro, small and medium enterprise various sectors to expand and grow. The

(MSME) segment of the economy. monetary policy adopted by the RBI is in

complete compliance with the market
scenario and the government has also helped
The financial system develops efficient
by rolling out a comprehensive fiscal
markets in diversified asset classes such as
stimulus. Although a lot of due credit must
equities, interest-rate derivatives, credit
be given to the stringent norms followed by
default swaps, cross-currency derivatives,
Indian banks when it comes to issuing loans,
bonds, etc., depending on the regulatory
but still India has been mostly successful in
framework of respective countries. It will
keeping itself away from the after effects of
continue to tap new opportunities to develop
the asset bubble. Although India is running a
such markets
huge fiscal deficit currently, still rupee is
aptly stable compared to the US dollar.
A huge role is played the financial products
which have contributed immensely in the
smooth functioning of the Indian financial
market. Proper awareness, appropriately set
norms, rules and regulations by SEBI has
also reduced the friction and confusion in
the market which has lead to appropriate
understanding of the market structure and
research. Therefore, it can be safely
concluded that new financial products will
definitely enhance value of the Indian
financial market.

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