The LDMF Foundation: Eurasians Matrix-Q

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The LDMF Foundation

Gamified Research Project: A futurist study on human potential: Eurasians & Matrix-Q. 2017.06.24. The Netherlands
How human culture and DNA breeding can advance Matrix-Q Collective Intelligence Potential?
By The LDMF Foundation & Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
04 pages

gamified research project

A futurist study of the human

Eurasians Matrix-Q

Individual and collective intelligence
potential increase out of human DNA/
Culture hybridization/mix.

Children (legacy) of binational parents
both with european and asian
cultural, ethnic and dan background.

Notable eurasian individuals in

modern and ancient eurasia history

gamification as a tool for activation

of the eurasian matrix-Q potential

eurasians 9+ stages of development

(human potential)

Primordial Technology
Theta applied
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken

The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus
on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies,
Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for
start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights,

culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where
human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.

RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige idele organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A,
3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands

copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation

Gamified Research Project: A futurist study on human potential: Eurasians & Matrix-Q. 2017.06.24. The Netherlands
How human culture and DNA breeding can advance Matrix-Q Collective Intelligence Potential?
By The LDMF Foundation & Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
04 pages

The LDMF Foundation announces a research project on going, A futurist study on human potential: Matrix-Q and Eurasians. (Gamified Research
Project) How human culture and DNA breeding can advance Matrix-Q Collective Intelligence Potential?
The project has been presented at the ResearchGate Network, (and several publications), questions and forum dialogue has started.
PTT Primordial Technology Theta, Primordial Algorithms, Matrix-Q Individual & Collective Intelligence, Ancient Cultures and civilizations in Eurasia,
History of Eurasia and its Sustainable Development, Human Potential, DNA Studies, Human DNA Diversity, Human DNA & Matrix-Q Test,
Study of Human DNA Diversity (Breeding) & Matrix-Q Test Results ( REF: Matrix-Q Intelligence: Ability to solve issues by approaching them from
several perspectives simultaneously, LDMF Foundation PTT Know How)
The study focus on Eurasian Human DNA Breed: European and Asian breed (In the family tree of the subjects of study, has been found european
and asian parents, binational parents for example), and their Matrix-Q
For purpose of study a search will be developed on notable, remarkable Eurasian individuals, and/or clusters, in the history of Eurasia. Collection
of biographies. Matrix-Q Test.
Eurasian Volunteers will as well participate in a Gamified Study of Eurasians Matrix-Q: Use of games designed with the Matrix 9+ Game Generator
PTT Tool, for the purpose of assessment of Eurasians. For example: The Matrix 9+ Multidimensional Strategy Board Game.
Eurasians Primordial Algorithms: Eurasian Scientists cluster participation in the game: The Primordial Algorithms. A pool of individuals or teams,
with Eurasian DNA, that engages into Primordial Algorithm Design, study and application of PTT Tools for Primordial Algorithm Design. Matrix-Q.
Two main publications have been suggested as conclusion of the study:
Publication: 09 Levels of Impact of Eurasians in the sustainable development of Eurasia. A Matrix-Q History Report
Publication: Eurasians DNA, Matrix-Q & Human Potential (REF: LDMF Foundation, Human Potential Studies, 9+ Stages of
Along the history of Eurasia, which is ancient as its cultures and civilizations, individuals with a mix of cultural and DNA origins have played a key
role in the unfolding of historical events (sustainable development, political and cultural changes, military actions, science and culture).
While eurasians may have been perceived by traditional cultures as not-pure in their origin, for reasons of their DNA/Culture Breed an rejected or
isolated. The natural reaction of eurasians have been to create, leverage, a place that welcomes their breeds.
Eurasians will have to work harder than "pure-blood" individuals in order to be recognized and accepted" at their locations of origin.
Within this context, Eurasians have traveled and intended to create a life and recognition of their value at other locations. Their travels among
Eurasia have been registered by local records or national, European or Asian Historians.
This research study is 3-Fold: 1.) Study of EURASIA as continent, with one single unified history and sustainable development challenges, its
participation in a Modern Global Culture and Civilization, and the participation of Eurasians (Key Role play) in them. 2.) As well, Eurasians Matrix-Q
correlation with their roles or remarkable abilities, played along the history of Eurasia. 3.) To finally integrate Eurasians in a direct study of their
Matrix-Q through gamified Matrix-Q Tests (Primordial Algorithms Design, Matrix 9+ Games) integrated to the games and PA design process.
In modern culture a unique social phenomena has been observed, associated to the ability of a local culture to include eurasians; and the ability of
eurasians to integrate themselves into their local cultures. A conflict, tension, between individuals with parents that belong to different cultures,
blood lines, races of Europe and Asia, and the local pure-blood culture, has created a social dissociation issue, as well as another form of
racism, for which binational breeding is perceived as un-pure or with less rights as citizen, even born in the same location.
The tension has been transferred from binational parents to their children, and to third and fourth generations or even longer.
This study intents to remark the value of DNA Diversity and cultural and DNA mix/breeding, as the soil for a new advanced human potential to be
triggered or explored (Collective/individual matrix-Q). Human DNA Diversity increase through breeding of binational parenting,.
A futurist study on human potential, with the question on how human culture and DNA breeding can advance Matrix-Q Collective Intelligence
Potential, and which methods can be utilized for the purpose of identification/activation of those skills, in particular how ramification can serve
these aims. Given the fact of the EURASIA sustainable develop shows an intentional tendency of perceiving an Eurasian Union as a political and
commercial strategy, eurasian individuals, breed of several ethnic and DNA sources from Europe and Asia, become natural citizens of Eurasia. The
conflict of cultural and history references of the individuals is being solved, when eurasians bring together Europe and Asia with an enhanced
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus
on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies,
Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for
start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights,
culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where
human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige idele organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A,
3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands

copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation

Gamified Research Project: A futurist study on human potential: Eurasians & Matrix-Q. 2017.06.24. The Netherlands
How human culture and DNA breeding can advance Matrix-Q Collective Intelligence Potential?
By The LDMF Foundation & Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
04 pages

About Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken!

Complete profile at:!
The Project manager, main consultant, know how developer, research leader, coach and trainer will be Mr Luis Daniel
Maldonado Fonken, Chairman of the LDMF Foundation. !
He will be in charge of the management of the project development and team leaders, he will as well provide all
training units, as well assessment of rank. (Assistants trained by him may collaborate with the training process and
assessment stages).!
Mr Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken is a Business Consultant, Coach and Trainer. With Multidisciplinary studies:
Science & Math for engineering, I.T., Business, Education & Personal Development. !
He has been dedicated to Business Know How Development since 1993, through the study of laws, cycles, rhythms
and principles of nature, biohacking, personal development and human potential. His know how has been upgraded
since 2000 several times, now known as Prime Tech Theta, includes assessment tools, strategy and decision making
tools, methods for the quantification of value, score card, as well as Training programs for self-management,
coaching, team building and personal development.!
He provides holistic training programs, in which personal development and self-management is integrated to practical
daily life business needs and the complex multidimensional matrix type of analysis a modern company needs for a
global market.!
With experience in business consultancy, and business entrepreneurship, since the year 2000, in countries like Chile,
Peru, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Russia, Belgium, Finland and The Netherlands; as well have provided
coaching and training services online since 2007.!
He is dedicated to research in the field of human potential since 1996 and multidisciplinary and multicultural team
building since 1987, applied to business, and in the last few years applied to peace and culture. Since 2015 has been
dedicated to the gamification of own training programs.!
As Founder and Chairman of the LDMF Foundation is dedicated to research and technology innovation, since 2016. !
Since 2012 he is dedicated to work on social issues, related to peace, human rights, non violence, ethics, economy,
family. Already engaged into sustainable development projects, street children programs, since 1995. Developed
communication for development, and empowering community, through culture exchange and technology transfer,
global citizenship, since 2002.!
Through the LDMF Foundation, he has integrated his business and human potential know how, into projects and
products dedicated to community, culture and family care. Integrating his know how into a training program for
coaches, and trainers, with a futurist approach.!
Main Trainer and designer of the content of the training programs provided at the Futurist Coach School, of the
LDMF Foundation, creator of the Matrix 9+ Multidimensional Strategy Board Game and the designer of the Strategic
Leadership Training Program.!
Mr Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken is also an author, published more than 100 e-books dedicated to innovation in the
field of business management, peace & personal development since 2007. Futurist, visionary in business, technology
innovation and social entrepreneurship, design and suggests new strategies necessary for the development and
advancement of a global culture and civilization. !

Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken

The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus
on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies,
Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for
start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights,

culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where
human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.

RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige idele organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A,
3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands

copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation

Gamified Research Project: A futurist study on human potential: Eurasians & Matrix-Q. 2017.06.24. The Netherlands
How human culture and DNA breeding can advance Matrix-Q Collective Intelligence Potential?
By The LDMF Foundation & Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
04 pages

Stichting (Foundation) Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken

The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of
work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights.
In the research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws,
rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies,
business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human
Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures.
In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching
& Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups.
We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and
private sectors.
As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human
rights, culture and family care.
As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology
for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace,
where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced,
family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige
idele organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy.
Register & Postal Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, c/o
KIK Accountants, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands

Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken

The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus
on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies,
Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for
start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights,

culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where
human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.

RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige idele organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A,
3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands

copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken

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