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LESSON 11 THE GREEK CIVILIZATION - Athens united city-states of Greece into a federation called

Delian League
- First of the classical civ. [Greek and Rome] that became o No peace
renowned o Members forced to pay tax for its treasury
o Tracts of land were taken from real owners
- Greece: Geography
o Traders of Athens allocated for themselves the best
o located at the southern end of the Balkan Peninsula advantages of the trade
in southeastern Europe o Paved the way for the expansion of the commercial
o mountainous (which is why the civ. that arose here empire of Athens
was founded on scattered city-states which were - Conflict bet. city-states and Athens led to war
independent from one another) - Athens VS Sparta
- Sparta won but lost its leadership in the Battle of Leuctra
- Greece: Climate
- Greeks became weak and divided
o Was conducive to cultivation, although, due to the
lack of staple food, the people needed additional MACEDONIAN EMPIRE
food supply from other places beyond the sea - King Philip II of Macedonia planned to unify the Greek city-
states through an army trained in warfare
- The whole of Greece, except Sparta, fell under the rule of
THE HELLENIC AGE (800 BCE 338) Macedonia through the easy defeat of Athens and Thebes
- Alexander the Great, son of Philip II brave, intelligent, and a
Hellenes what Greeks called themselves; derived from good leader
HELLAS, a place in northwestern Greece. o Defeated the Persian Empire of Darius III
Initial staging of the Olympics [in honor of Zeus] - signal to the o Invaded India
emergence of the Greek civ. (8th century) o Established an empire that stretched over the rest of
Polis first settlement in Greece; city-state West Asia, Egypt, and India
o Spread Asian and Greek civilization = Hellenistic
o Each city-state was independent and the life of the
inhabitants revolved around the city Hellenistic = to imitate the Greeks
Acropolis highest place in the city-state where the temple was o Died from illness at the age of 32
Agora - Center of the city = open space where people sold various CONTRIBUTIONS OF GREEK CIVILIZATION
goods or where they gathered informal meetings - Science
o Pythagorean Theorem from Pythagoras, Greek
The residents could live outside the polis (the polis is surrounded mathematician
by a strong stone wall_ o Archimedes advanced a method of measuring the
Two strong city states circumference of a circle; principle of specific gravity
1. Athens o Euclid = Father of Geometry
Became the center of trade and culture in o Aristarchus Earth revolved around the Sun while
rotating on its own axis
o Eratosthenes Estimation of the circumference of the
2. Sparta world; longitude and latitude on maps
Conquered the nearby regions and forced the - Architecture
people of the regions to serve as helots or o Temples
farm workers E.g. Parthenon
o Doric (simplest), Ionic (slender with scrolls), and
Athens: A Democratic Polis Corinthian (most elaborate) Columns
o Theaters, baths, stadiums, and markets
o Oligarchy
o Council of 400 by Solon - Drama
100 Representatives from four of the o Stage presentation by the Greeks during feasts in honor
principal tribes of Athens of Dionysius, the god of Wine
o System of Ostracism banishes officials who were o Tragedies
dangerous to Athens Most famous writers: Aeschylus,
Sophocles, Euripides
Sparta: A Military Polis
o Comedy Most famous writer: Aristophanes
o Seven year-old boys were sent to military camps;
- Painting
weak and disabled boys were killed
o Pottery that displayed everyday life and daily work
o 20 year-old men who received training were
- Sculpture
considered adults and were allowed to marry but had
o Made from marble or copper
to live in the military campus for 10 more years
o Greatest Greek sculptor: Phidias made the decorations
on the Parthenon
Praxiteles made the statue of Hermes
THREAT OF PERSIA o Depicted subjects realistically and beautifully the human
- Ambition of Persia: extend her empire to the west form (most likely young nude males)
- Athens sent aid for the Greek colonies that Persia fought but lost - Medicine
in the naval battle in Miletus o Hippocrates established school for medicine
- Darius I wanted to punish Athens for aiding the Greek colonies Every disease has a natural cause.
and planned to attack Athens o Herophilus Father of Anatomy and Physiology
- Athens started building war fleets - Alphabet
o Added vowels to the consonants of the Phoenicians
GREEK-PERSIAN WARS o Became the basis for the languages of the Europeans
- Persian fleet attempted to invade Athens - Writing of History
- Aid from Sparta did not arrive but Athenians still won o Herodotus Father of History
- Xerxes, son of Darius I, captured Athens and burned the Wrote the History of the Persian Wars
Acropolis where the word history was first used
- Athens gathered its ships in Salamis and lured the Persians o Thucydides
which resulted to a naval battle Wrote the History of the Peloponnesian
- Athens defeated the remaining Persian forces in Greece in the War
Battle of Plataea - Religion
- Xerxes completely gave up attempts on defeating Athens o (Refer to Greek Mythology for other gods and
PELOPONNESIAN WAR o Dionysus God of wine and plants
o Hephaestus God of fire
o Demeter Goddess of grain and harvest
o Mount Olympus
o Most famous oracle: Delphi
- Philosophy
o Socrates Reason and not emotion should prevail
The unexamined life is not worth
o Plato Student of Socrates; believed that law was for all
Wrote The Republic
o Aristotle Student of Plato; studied animal plants,
astronomy, and physics
One should accept a theory if this
conforms to observable data

LESSON 12 (P. 123 125)


- Latins and Etruscans
- Palatine, one of the seven hills near the Tiber River
- Senate advisory council of the king
o Made up of 300 members
o Patricians important people in society; elite
o Plebeian ordinary people such as farmers and


- Romans rebelled against the Etruscans
- Position of king was replaced by two consuls selected from the
patricians to head the government and army and to take care of
the finances and to stand as the court of last recourse
- Veto Institution of the Senate that controlled foreign affairs
and could nullify any law


- Assembly represent the ordinary people
- 10 Tribunes take care of the rights of the plebeians against
abusive officials
- Twelve Tables code of laws of Rome


1. Hadrian extended and strengthened the Roman Empire (Great

Britain was a part of the empire)
2. Law of the 12 tables type of law invented by the Romans
o Main objective: contains civil and religious rights
o Basis of all laws in Europe
o First law drafted in Europe
3. ALPS mountain separating Italy and Switzerland

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