Husam' Solution of Yallops Formula For Visibility of Crescent of Luna

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Yellops formula is a good formula for the prophecy of Crescent of Luna.

How ever it is difficult to solve.

We have modified this formula for some practical simplicity.

We may give an example for its solution.

Yallops Formula at a given place on Earth at Best Time within 60h of New Moon.

Yallops Formula in Husa:ms Modified form:

Q=[ARCV-(11.8371-6.322()+0.731(^)2-0101(^)3] [(10)^(-1)]

Q=Q(ARCV, )A function of ARCV and

[ARCV inDegrees and in Arc Min]

is called as Si:n=Seen.

= (60), In Arc Min

. = S(1-Cos(ARCL)) In Degrees. [Topocentric Width Of Crescent]

S=SD(60)^(-2) In Degrees

SD= [566204.92/RP][1+Sin((AltM)/RP)] In Arc Sec.

[There are may formulae of SD, we HAVE CHOSEN THIS ONE]

RP= 61.52 [Generally]

Alt M = 90-Z,

Z = Zenith

ARCV= ArcCos [(Cos(ARCL))(Cos(DAZ))] in Degrees

ARCL= ArcCos((Cos(Lm-Ls))(Cos(Dm))) in Degrees

Tb= Best Time for the visibility of Cresent

Tb= Ts +(4/9)Lag or Tb= (4.3/9.3)Lag +Ts [A better Approximate Value]

Lag= Tm-Ts

Tm= Time for Lunar Set

Ts= Time for Solar Set

Other Variables required

Ls,Lm, Dm,Azs (Azimuth of Sun),Azm(Lunar Azimuth),Daz =|Azm-Azs|

SP=Illumination of Lunar Disc

RP={Geocentric Distence between Earth and Lunain Km}/{Radious of Earth in Km}

May vary from time to time.

Tb,Ts,Tm may be in UTC or GMT.

Q> 0.216 Visibility With Unaided Eye

0.216>Q>-0.014 Visibility with unaided eye under perfect conditions.

-0.16<Q<-0.14 Visibility With Optical Aid.

Q<-0.16 Invisibility of Crescent IOf Luna

Example 1

To find the visibility of Lunar Crescent at a place on Earth

Where Tb = 14:48 UMT






All are in degrees


We can find =0.248834 in Minutes


This is a visibility

Example 2

Let the values of Variable at some place on Earth at best time are:

Ls=235.65,Lm248.32,Dm=3.55,Azm=244.69,Azs=243.47,DAZ=1.22>0 All in degrees,AltM= 1.75 {Given, if

given then we do not require Zenith}
Suppose that the best time is given and we do not require it. For sake of simplicity take the best time of
the previous Example.

We can calculate ARCV and

is calculated as 0.2464873

FOR ARCV Try yourself

Try yourself as an exercise

Q(ARCV,= )-0.497

This shews invisibility

We can use Shahid Quraishis formula as well, neglecting the difference between Topocentic Width and

= Q=[ARCV-(0.351964-2.2220()+5.422(^)2-10.43418(^)3]

With Criteria

> 0 Probebly Visible with out aid

> 0.15 Visible Under Perfect Conditions

0.05<< Probebly Visible under Perfect Conditions


May require Optical aid

-0.16> Invisible

Try to solve by this method as well.

Leglect the differenceof Topocentic Width and Width

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