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Sequential and Binary Search

Sequential (linear) and binary search are two methods for finding a given element in a list.
Sequential search checks every elements of the list, one at a time and in sequence, until the
desired element is found or the list ends. Whereas, binary search operates on a sorted list and
finds the given element by comparing it with the middle element of the list. The comparison
determines whether the middle element is equal to the given element, less than the input or

Sequential or Linear Search

Sequential search, also known as linear search, is the simplest of all searching algorithms. It is a
brute-force approach to locating a given element in a list. It finds the element by starting at the
first element of the list and examining each subsequent element until the matching element is
found or the list exhausts.
Sequential search is proved very useful in the context when you need to search an element in a
list quite frequently, and the list may or may not be ordered. In that situation sequential
search gets the job done in a brute-force manner.
Sequential search might be the most effective search method, depending upon n, the number of
elements in the list, and the number of times you will perform such a search. If n is relatively
small or you won't be performing the search over the list often, the cost of sorting the elements or
using a complex data structure might outweigh the resulting benefits.
Sequential search places the fewest restrictions on the type of elements you can search. The only
requirement is that there must be a match function to determine whether the target element being
searched for matches an element in the list. No additional ordering is required.

Java Program for Sequential or Linear Search

The implementation of sequential or linear search is trivial. If the list is stored as an array, you
need only start at the first element of the array and compare it to the target. If it matches,
return true. If not, go to the next element and continue until you find the element you are looking
for. If you reach at the end of the list without success, return false. The following program
develops a classSequentialSearch containing two overloaded generic methods named
/* Java program demonstrating sequential or linear search.*/
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.*;
class SequentialSearch
/* Apply sequential search to search the indexed list (of type T) for the given item. */
public static <T> boolean sequentialSearch (T[] list, T searchKey)
for (T item : list)
if (item.equals(searchKey))
return true;
return false;

/* Apply sequential search to iterable collection (of type T) for the given item. */
public static <T> boolean sequentialSearch (Iterable<T> collection, T searchKey)
Iterator<T> iter = collection.iterator( );
while (iter.hasNext())
if ( ).equals(searchKey))
return true;
return false;

public class SequentialSearchDemo

public static void main (String[] args)
Integer arr[] = {10, 9, 3, 8, 5, 6, 7, 4, 2, 1};
Integer searchKey = new Integer("5");

/* Uses first definition of sequentialSearch and search through the indexed list */
System.out.println("Search key " + searchKey + " is found? " +
SequentialSearch.sequentialSearch (arr, searchKey));

ArrayList<Integer> arrList = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(arr));

/* Uses second definition of sequentialSearch and search through the iterable collection
System.out.println("Search key " + searchKey + " is found? " +
SequentialSearch.sequentialSearch (arrList, searchKey));

Search key 5 is found? true
Search key 5 is found? True

Both methods of SequentialSearch are static, therefore it is not needed to create an object of
class SequentialSearch in order to call sequentialSearchmethods. Both methods operate on type
parameter T that specifies the elements in the collection; T must provide a valid equals(Object
o) method.

Pros and Cons of Sequential or Linear Search

For small lists of unordered elements, sequential search is easy to implement and reasonably
efficient. The worst case is when we search for an item not in the list, since we must inspect
every element in the list. If the list is large enough and does record frequent additions and
deletions then it is better not to apply sequential search on the list. Rather, sort the list once and
use binary search. We are discussing binary search in next section.
Binary Search
Binary search delivers better performance than sequential search by sorting the elements of the
list ahead of searching.
Binary search looks at the middle element of the list and see if the element sought-foris found. If
not, than it compares the sought-for element with the middle element of the list and check
whether the middle element is larger than the element we are trying to find. If so, we keep
looking in the first half of the list; otherwise, we look in the second half. It cuts the number of
elements to be compared by half. We keep going in the same way until the item is found or it is
determined that the sought-for element is not present in the list.
The input to binary search is an indexed collection A of elements. Each element A[i]has a key
value ki that can be used to identify the element. These keys are totally ordered, which means that
given two keys, ki and kj, either ki<kj, ki==kj, or ki>kj.

Java Program for Binary Search

Given an ordered collection of elements as an array, the following program develops a
class BinarySearch that contains a parameterized static method binarySearch for any base type T.
Note that Java provides thejava.util. Comparable interface that contains a single
method, compareTo. Any class that correctly implements this interface guarantees a total
ordering of its instances.

import java.util.*;
class BinarySearch
/* Apply binary search to search the sorted list (of type T) for the given item. */
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> boolean binarySearch (T[] list, T searchKey)
// null is never included in the list
if (searchKey == null)
return false;
int low = 0, high = list.length - 1;
while (low <= high)
int mid = (low + high)/2;
int rc = searchKey.compareTo(list[mid]);
if (rc < 0)
// searchKey is less than list[i]
high = mid - 1;
else if (rc > 0)
// searchKey is greater than list[i]
low = mid + 1;
// found the item.
return true;
return false;

public class BinarySearchDemo

public static void main (String[] args)
Integer arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
Integer searchKey = new Integer("7");

/* Uses binary search and search through the sorted list */

System.out.println("Search key " + searchKey + " is found? " +
BinarySearch.binarySearch (arr, searchKey));
Search key 7 is found? True

Above binary search implementation in Java uses three important variables: low,high,
and mid. low is the lowest index of the current sub-array being searched,high is the upper index
of the same sub-array, and mid is the midpoint of the sub-array.

Pros and Cons of Binary Search

Binary search adds a small amount of complexity for large performance gains. The complexity
can increase when the collection is not stored in a simple in-memory data structure, such as an
array. There must be a way to access element A[i] for 0 <= i < n in the collection based upon the
natural order of the elements in the collection, as represented by the Comparable interface. A
large collection might need to be kept in secondary storage, such as a file on a disk. In such a
case, the ith element is accessed by its offset location within the file. Using secondary storage, the
time required to search for an element is dominated by the costs to accessing the storage; other
solutions related to binary search may be appropriate.

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