Final Feature Story Fabian Gil

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Balcom, DuBard, Gutierrez, Iturralde

Ms. Angie

Fabian Gil: The Domino Effect

On a blustery and rainy winter evening, my group and I settled by the light of the library,
huddled underneath the overhang. Preparing for our interview, we warmed our hands with shaky
breath and watched the rain pour like down hard pellets from a bb gun, cold settling into our
bones like paperweights on a fanned desk. Our group was gathered in an unfamiliar setting so
that we could develop a deeper understanding of ProjectREO, a local organization working hard
in the Paradise Hills area to create a stronger community. Heading inside, we were greeted by
warm air and the heavy smell of ink print on mildewed paper. Met by staffers and our teachers,
our group acquired a large table, and pulled out notes and questions, preparing for the interview.
Before long, Fabian Gil arrived, towering over us with a hood pulled over his ProjectREO hat,
and his rough hands tucked in his pockets. He introduced himself in a gruff vibrato, but the
warmth of his personality is felt through a jovial smile and a low, rumbling laugh. His smile was
inviting, a feeling lost on us from the blazing storm outside the sheltered haven of books and
friendly souls. The library was full of ProjectREOs members, all waiting to be interviewed by
High Tech High Chula Vista students to tell us what their organization is all about.

Fabian Gil was born in Tijuana, Mexico 47 years ago. At the age of 10, he moved to Paradise
Hills with his family. He described his transition. I didnt speak a lick of English, nothing.
Moved here, on Cumberland, I grew up on Cumberland, I bought my house on Cumberland. So
Ive lived here forever. Im not going anywhere, he says with a proud and satisfied smile. In
high school, Fabian found that drug abuse was steadily common in his community. He noticed
the effects of drug use in adults, and how that changed the way their kids functioned. When
talking about this his eyes lit up with passion. This revelation pushed Fabian to do something to
help kids in this situation overcome the obstacles facing them. He completed an Associate's
program at San Diego City College studying behavioral science with an emphasis in chemical
dependency and drug addiction. It was while studying that he had taken a vow to become an
outlet for someone to get help or to just talk. Even though he ended up pursuing a different
career path in life, the feeling of wanting to help people in his community remained.

When asked about his favorite thing to do in Paradise Hills, his eyes lit up and he didnt hesitate
to jump in. I mean, right now we're part of ProjectReo. Were revitalizing the area. In the years
Ive lived here, theres never been anything like that. Fabian is invested in his communitys
future, and his family and him are proud of ProjectREOs growth so far, and cant wait to see
where ProjectREO goes from here. He is starting to get his 7 year-old daughter involved as well,
and teaches her about the community and how to help others. Fabian knows that ProjectREO is
making a difference, and he explains, What were doing- its helping a lot.

Almost a year ago, Fabian was driving his truck down Reo Drive in Paradise Hills when he
noticed a group of people painting a mural on the local grocery store, La Palapa. He was curious
about what the people were doing and parked. As he approached the high school students
painting the mural, Fabian asked if they wanted any help. He offered to buy snacks, or water.
The teacher declined, and instead, asked for help painting the mural. Fabian was inspired, and
joined the students in their efforts. He was ecstatic to see people getting involved in his
community. While painting the mural, Fabian sparked a conversation with Mr. Lugo, the head of
the project. They started to discuss the community, their hopes and fears, and decided to join
together, along with friends to tackle those issues facing their community. The first ProjectREO
meeting was held in Fabians house, and those five families in attendance became the basis of
the organization. The admiration for the project is evident in Fabians thoughtful answers, and in
the way he turns what could be a simple answer into an inspirational and motivational speech
about the importance of community organization.

Part of the work that ProjectREO does is altering the perception that other communities have of
Paradise Hills. Fabian explains how people at his work react when he tells them where he lives,
I work in La Mesa, I tell them about Paradise Hills and they go oohh you live in the ghetto.
One of the biggest misconceptions other communities have of Paradise Hills is that it is a crime-
ridden, gang-filled and dangerous place, but the reality is far from that. Every community has its
pros and its cons. Fabian elaborates, Paradise Hills is an older community, and the media will
always focus on the bad things that have happened. That is one of the biggest roles that
ProjectREO plays; changing the way other communities, the city, and the way that Paradise Hills
itself views the neighborhood. That is also what drives Fabian to keep working with ProjectREO,
so he can show them how far they have come.

Since the mural, Fabian has been involved in every ProjectREO function and is a major player in
the formation of a more involved and strong Paradise Hills. During the painting of that first
mural, Fabian remarked, Whatever you guys are doing here, Im here. You can count on me.
As for his hopes, all Fabian needs is more involvement. ProjectREO isnt trying to change
things, its trying to better the community. Sometimes all it takes is one domino to fall. The rest
will come in time.

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