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Robert F. Dream, PE. Lockwood Greene Engineers, Inc gitator-equipped vessels with jackets for heating or cooling are drawing inereased attention in the process industries. Apart from a growing importance in biotech- nology (box, p. 94), such vessels are widely used in a’ variety of other process applications. Accordingly, en- gineers can benefit from a working knowledge of how heat-transfer and ‘temperature-control principles apply to such vessels. The rate of heat transfer to or from ‘an agitated liquid mass in a vessel is a fanction of the physical properties of that liquid and of the heating or cooling medium, the vessel geometry, and the degree of agitation. The type, and size of the agitator, as well a its location in the vessel, also affect the rate. ‘These values of the agitator para- meters are set by the given mixing task (such as suspending or dispers- ing solids or gases, emulsifying an im- riscible liquid, or festering chemical reactions), usually before their effects upon heat transfer are considered. But if during operation, the course of the process proves to be governed mainly by the heat transfer, then such variables as log mean temperature difference and heat-transfer surface area will usually take on more signifi cance than the agitation variables. In either case, the mixing can affect only the heat-transfer resistance on the inner vessel wall, which (as pointed oat in Equation [6}) is but one of the resistances that determine the overall heat-transfor coofficient Many jacketed vessels are reactors, 90 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING / JANUARY 1890, The principles are straightforward, but their application is tricky 80 exothermic or endothermic effects must be taken into account, Purther- more, in many applications employing Jacketed vessels, successive batches of material are heated (or cooled) to 2 given temperature, so the heat trans for is unsteady-state. Quick review sets the stage Ina vessel containing an agitated lig- uid, heat transfer takes place mainly through conduction and foreed convee- tion, as it does in heet exchangers. So, the starting point for heattransfer caleulations involving such vessels is the resistance or film theory that ap- plies to exchangers. The heat flow and the esleulation procedures may best be explained by building step by step upon the basic film-theory equation: a oe ® where the heat-flow rate per unit area isin for instance) Biu/thXf), the dri- ving forces the temperatare difference indogrees Fahrenheit, the resistance is the reciprocal of heat conductance U, and U is in Bra/ayX"P). Equation (1) can be written as: Q A ar @ ‘ua oh where AT is the temperature diffo ence in Fahrenheit degrees, Q is the heat-transfer rate in Btwh, and A is the heat-transfer area in square feet, Continnous operation Tn the simplest, idealized situation, the vessel and ifs jacket each operate continuously under isothermal condi- tions. Under those circumstances, Equation (2) becomes transformed simply into @euasr end applied directly. In the more realistic continuous situation, in which the vessel con- tents are at constant temperature but with differont jacket inlet and outlet temperatures, the general ‘equation becomes: Q=UASTin @) @ where ATi is the log mean tempera ttre difference between the bulk tem- perature of the vessel contents, f, and the temperature in the jacket, 7 -%)-(4-f) a) (4-1) In this equation, Subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the temperatures of the enter- ing and exiting fluids, respectively ‘The overall heat transfer coeffi- 6 ‘TABLE 1. EQUATIONS FOR CALCULATING INSIDE FILM O74Nad”=7Np)®*%y/iyd U4 | D/D, = 1/8, 2/0, = 1.0. Six-bladed turbine. Peek ysorbcny. Reoroncen 6 cn ‘ Flat Yos/ <400 D.54(N po) 47(Nipe)°3(u/yy)44 | D/Dy = 1/3, 2/Dy = 1.0. Skx-bladed turbine, blade | No Standard geomoty. References (6,7) ‘i Fla-blade | Yes 3400 10.85(Nag)®49(Np)933(2/D)-056 | Non-standard geometry. General fe Veromtunann | Sarton telco Retreating-} No No 0.68(Ng0)°47(Np)*u/ i444 | For agitators with six retreating blades, blade limitatton” refer to Reforences (6, I). For other related ae Soometion soa Relotonces 18, Retreating-| Yes No 0.33(Nge)94? (Np 03% ,./u,,)914 | Glassed-steel impeller, thrae retreating tec ufo Siem ower conten (50 tree acne Jiod lel pote anbutod Stoner lpsoge arcane cuved Sets Ren Sound he sere comers ot ino coy Soot peter eteronce @h Retroating-| Yes No 0.37(Nge)94?(Np,)°5%u/24)924 | Alloy-steel Impeller. Three retreating biage sont BisstRairencs fn bine 7 | Propeller | Yes No 0.54 (Nge)47(Np1)™25(u/ 4414 | 45-dog-pitched, four-blace impetier. Equ- tron? dione eed cn limioc cota toga erepacrstch na vessel batting Sagi puptose onde ho houtabed stint craton by etactr ot cbout 3 Reference (12) A Paddle Yeo! 4,000, 0.36 (Nge)957(Np)°99%(4/j1y)9-14 | Vessel geometry Is provided by Holland ee eseaepeene dretronee 3] pasate} Yash | 20cNge choo arate Yostel geomet provided by Holand ee ent eas _| tnd extpiran fRetoronce (8 ToT maker Wo] ana OO] Tg EATON ATT | Vesa goorcty is depiiedin Reoionce (rimgenoral Gooner trveree any orttns creer welclerance (ip aretorio wel clactencelsioss then th Rteronse (a an Anchor No 300i0a00 | o027A%7%tinyug)™ | Fornect- renter pupots ocho! con bo jacket X14 3804/00 considerod a special case of ahelieal col certain ww spat {actors ate Incorporated info equations for ealeut batting cuit coatlots ne equaen and Below, tho ogulvatent neat fransor clamor, fectangur cross-section ls equal fo four mes fe with ofthe annular space, v, and D, is tho moan or conterino| lameter ofho col halk. Velosiies are caleulatod rom the acluclcross-zection of he flow area, pw, whore P= ‘ho lich of hospital ato, and ttom the affective mass {tow rate, W, through the pessage. The leakage around ‘pial balos is conetderablo, amounting to 35-60% of fhe {ol mass-fow rato, W (20, To gol a conservative ‘ulelde fim cooticion and avold testing, th affective ‘ass ale should be Takon fo bo about 60% of ho fofel mass-few rate fo tho jockot: W'=0.4W Tho Nussalt ‘rummbor corresponding o tho equation a et should be ‘xprossod in forms of By (Ny, =FiDp/¥), as should tho Roynolds number (Nye =D_Vp/4), k being thermal con- duchy, Vbcing volosty andp boing dandy. Reforonce (2| VS [Anmutar | <2,100 | 7.86(igg pDCDA/UIESS(a/iq)9™ | Samo at for Uno 16. In tho oquaton al if, Ls locket tne length of col orjacket passage, ft. batting 7 | Annular [2100cNey ‘Gbiain Ny om Figure 4 of Reteronce (29 or, Jacket [210,000 for greater accuracy, uso the equation of ‘wth spat Ln6'15 oF 16, depending on tho valu Of Neg Batting Te [Amuler [amar | onsen uel | andy a he outide ands ania Jacket, | flow | <¢O 80M a/ing (hp 05 respectively. For this equation, D = De — Dy no bates ahclcte ‘number, Ny must Bo evaluated fom fd Properties at the bulk ternperature. Reference (2. 19 [Annutor | <2100 | T84(pe) HDD MOS 7pg)™ | Same as for Une 18 Te Nusselt ond Reynolds focket ‘numbers must be calculated wih Dyas he with spat ‘ameter form (stn Unes 1 and 1). Reterence (2. Batting 20 | Annular [Turbulent | O027%,,)°%(N—)°°%7s,)8% | For he equivalont heal-Kanslor ameter forfurbulont jecket, | flow” | x(1+38Dy/00) flow, use: Dg = (0,2 ~ ©)A/D;, where Dp and Dy cro no bates $ defined for Line 18, the erosssectional Now ated. Ay equals (Dip)? (Dy 2A, Roforonce (21). Bi_| Annular | 210cae Oban Ny, fom Figure 4 of Reference (29) or, fecket | <10000 for greater occuraey, use the equation of ‘wih spiral lina 19 0F20, deporting on the Valuo Of Na. Batting 22 [Halt-pipe | Laminar | 1.86(Wag Ne)D6/0)°55%n/ing"™ | When pipe cols aro made witha semicircular coiljacket | “flow ‘10ss-section, Dg = rdq/2, Where def the Inner diameter ‘tthe pipe. in eet. For calcuking the veloc, the cros- sechonal fow tec equels dg2/e, When pipe cals cre ‘mado wih a 120-deg central angle. De = 0.708 dey and the cross-sectional tea equals 0.1842). Reforenice (20. 2 [Hatpipe [Turbulent | 0027 An PAN) lig) | Same as for Line 22,D- isthe mean diameter coljacket| flow | X(1+3Sda/De ofthe col 24 |Haltpipe. |Treneton ‘Obtain Nyy, rom Figure 4 of Roloronce (29) or, col jacket | flow for greotor cecuraey, uso the oquation of ine 22.9123, deponcing on tho Valuo of Na 25 | Dimpio | Laminar | ¥.86(\pghNp) D/O" | The equivatont clametor, Dy, n a cimpled jacket jacket | “tow ‘oquale 0.66 in. The cross-sectional flow erea equals 1,98 in? por foot of versal crcumeronce, oloronce (24, 26 [Dimple [Turbuiont | 0270.80) G7;,,8* | Se0 Une 25, Socauso of tubule created by the lmples Jacket "tow inthe low stream, tho cooticlonis so oblalned are not vary aceurte, probably ering onthe fow sido, avaible, Costicents bused on experimental data should be used Roterenee (24 27 | Dimpto [Tanstion ‘Obtain Ny, ftom gure & of Rtorance (29 or, for grealor Jacket | flow ‘accuracy"use the equation of ine 25 of 26, depending ‘on the value of Nag- (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JANUARY 1009 98 ering Practice tween A; and A, is negligible, Bqua- tion (12) simplifies to: -2-fer-nyfao(f tere} In the fire trial to estimate & as re- ‘quired for this viscosity-correction cal- culation, assume (jw jug) does oqual 1.0 when using the Ny, equations in ‘Tables 1 or 2. Unless the term varies greatly from 1.0, one iteration should be sufficient to establish fy. ‘The vis- cosity at the wall, wp, is then taken from viscosity-vs-temperature data We assume that the ratio (wy) stays constant as the temperature within the vessel rises or falls during the heating or cooling. When a liquid is boing heated, the correction term will be greater than 1.0, because liquid viscosity decreases with increasing temperature; accord- ingly, the corrected value of h will be larger than the uncorrected one. ‘When a liquid is being cooled, the con- vvorse will occur. a3) Control, tracking, calorimetry ‘Temperature control — and, thus, the heat-flow eontral — for a jacketed ves: sel system usually requires two sens- ing elements, one in the vessel itself and the other in the heat-transfer ‘medium. Resistance temperature de- tectors (RTDs) are preferable to ther- * mocouples (CE, May 1998, pp. 9090. By use of a cascade loop, plant opera- tors can control the temperature dif- forential between the vessel and the Jacket, and thereby prevent harm to ‘temperature-sensitive materials (such as biochemical fluids; see box, this page), particularly the portion near the vessel wall. Conversely, monitoring the temper atures of the vessel and jacket con- tents can enable the engineer or plant operator to track the course of the re- action or physical transformation tak- ing place. Such tracking may be espe- cially useful for assessing the results of changes in operating parameters, such as the reactant feed rates or the choiee of catalyst. Determining the effects of such pa- rameter variations is also, of course, important in plant design. Test runs for that purpose, including such addi- tional findings as reaction pathways 94 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING / JANUARY 1909 ‘SOME COMPLICATIONS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY In biotechn cal manufacture, heat may be added to or removed from an agitated, peed re By mse ncn esa: Arong a fe mak cane es Fo, in which coe he lmpertve must be high encgh il esenilly ll oem dill ee Aang heat o reduce te weer content of cll cal * dak or remorng heal n order fo encnlchernel conden, For example, an anoerebic sewage sedge gat thtoperte btwoan 55 end GO°C mey require foc adon, whereas lermerfaion may require beat removal eep the ovive cle viele, And hough es heat orf nvoved, bet of metobelism mus eso be re moved rom cel cubes Calor eral seetive fo perature; in mot cose, «cll cute must beheld wihin bout 01°C of optimal temper. Especly lempecchresenative ce on aac etch ae 7 foro, rcncring and monitoring the empercure of many cules in og tcted vessels compleced, because the sing is Lew on theefoe the veel featronlr fm eoaficet is low In sch cose he engine rust guord geist on snoecptoelemperatre grdinl being sp beveon vessel wal ond einer portion othe cones Wile, ected or cooled os ncesary, i the usoltemperaure-contl medium in bictachnlogtcl monufckre, Te temper ofthe voter tsll may be cuted eter by cto ijcon of som wii he eck, by incon ofc smal hoc exchanger i The lar spon is usualy the beter, because dec Sega ones dingo ond Swope ‘Alhough fe ocromponying crcl facet on faceted vessel, keg nnd that here core ohher options fer heat ransfer in biolechnologial [or ofher) operations, One ie the Se of ping call inmerted in ha cure, And, snl reacirs under 30 L may be heated or cooled by water posing trough below bales wii he vse or beled by a low-watlage electric heckae mat wr The use and the heais of reaction are com- ‘monly made in laboratory-scale calorimeters. Carrying out a jacketed-calorimeter study usually requires a continuous measurement of the difference be- ‘tween the temperature of the fluid in the laboratory calorimetry reactor and that of the heat transfer medium in the calorimetry-reactor jacket. The jacket temperature is adjusted by a thermostat. ‘The amount of heat flow through the calorimetry-reactor wall depends not only on the temperature difference between vessel and jacket but also on the heat-exchange area and the over- all heatransfer coefficient. In a calorimeter, neither the area nor the coefficient can be assumed to be con- stant. The heat exchange area, A, is the area of the calorimetric-reactor wall wetted by the liquid phase, which depends not merely on the volume present but also on the stirring speed. ‘The overall transfer coefficient, U, de- pends on numerous parameters spe- cific to the material and instrument, such as stirrer speed, temperature, rapped around the vessel. intorol coils hot presen large surface orea may ronsfer the greatest ‘amount of hect. On the other hand, they inkeduce o site for shearing forces, ond make iv hard fo clean the inside ofthe vessel. When hollow bof "maintain the proper amount of eat tronsfer during operations in which the viscosity or cer proparies of he culture are changing. Baffles aio entail a great deol of ehacr. ‘Whe baie are nevertheless he choice fo a given design, toys «and easy to lean, end should not be insalled ogeins the vessel wal. les are used, i is dificult to ould ke removable a and physical properties of the reactor and jacket contents, To lessen these complications, U and A are in practice treated as a product, The value ofthe product, UA, is determined through calorimetric calibration with the aid of clectrical calibration heating, by introducing mown amount of thermal power, dco) into the reactor. The difference ‘in temperature between reactor and Jacket is noted. Then UA is ealenlated ‘on the basis of the relation: a Vani aa) 1, where 7, is the temperature of the re- actor contents and 7; is that of the Jacket Maid, Anew value for UA is caleulated for every calibration, and stored together with the other measured values, Dur- ing an experiment, any number of cal ibrations can be carried out, to take into account known or likely changes in UA. They should take place not only before and after every reaction, but also during the reaction if itis a rele- tively slow one — for instance, a cell Several fhe points developed in the ain txt refuted sample problem: ‘An agitcted, jacketed vessel having on 8-t diameter (0}) con- tens 3,000 gal 40119] of process id having he properties ated below. ts agitator isa retreating blade turbine, 3 ft in diameter (O), ‘ummiag ata spoed Nef $0 rpm, Neither the vessel nor the jacks! con- tains baffles. The inside and outside diameters of the jocket, Dj; and Dro ore 8 f ond 8.5 fy respectively. The process Aid is being heated by a jock! id consisting ofa mate ofehyene gyal and water, hoving the properties shown below. Coleulote the overall heatranster ‘coefficient, assuming thet the fouling factors end the vesselwal resistance [x/ in Equation [6)) can be ignored and that (i/siy! equals 1.0 forthe process Auid and beatransferfvid alike. Also, calculate the time required fo heat the ‘process fluid from 20 to 120°C, ossuming thot the beo-transfer uid enters at 130°C, leaves ct 124°C, end flows at arate of 100 gal/min (0.22 f/s}, ‘The procos uid has these properties: Density, p = 45 lb/#8 Viscosity, = 1016/5) Specific heat, c= 0.7 Bw/ bf) Thermal cnuetvy, k= 0.42 Bu/ thi} The properties ofthe hearonfer Bud are os flows Density, p= 62.427 b/8 Viscosiy, n= 0.03 Ie/(h) Speciic heat, C= 0.905 Blu/{b)¢F] Thermal conductiviy, k= 0.13 Bh/th] 2) /F Solution: |. We ist calculate fy, hus working wih the process uid proper fes and assuming Kbulent Now. From Table 1, Line 4, we hove the folowing: AiDrl k= 0.681NggP (Np P35 4/u,)014 where Neo D2Nb/ += {3}2(50 revs/min x 60 min/hl(45)/10 -21 105 (so the flow is indeed turbulent) and Nov cpu/k=(071110)/0.42 » 16.67 Thus, subsiuing in the Table 1, Line 4 equation, we have: +{8Y/0.42 = 0.68(1.21 x 105]067 (16.6799:33}1 0.14, 50 b= 230 BHF] 1s, Ned, we calelae fy, working wth he jockt geometry oe the hestnemiorhul opti od csauming turbulent ow. From Table 2, Line 20 (and recognizing that by corresponds oh), ADafk= 0.027( Nea (Np 0.23 % (uly? M41 + 3.50,/0) where in his ease Neo = DeVo/u. cond Dy (Dp? — 0421/0; = (B52 —epye = 1.038 The jacket cross-section area, Ay i found os follows: AN EXAMPLE MAKES IT (ens CTs Ars aD? ~ Dj2\/4 = 6.481, Ve= @/Ay = 0.22/6,48 = 0.034 H/s Therefore, Nee {{1.03}0.034 ft/s x 3,600 s/h) x 62.43]/0.03 ‘8 108 (tothe ow is indeed turbulent), andl Noy gue/k = (0,905}0.034/0.13 =021 ‘Thus, substituting inthe Tobe 2, ine 20, equation, we have: ‘AJ1.03Y/0.13 = [0.02712.6 x 105}08 X (0,21)0-33(1)0.14)11 + (3.5)(1.03)/8. 25) 3 Bru/ thi") 1c. Based on hyand fy and the assumptions hat x/kand the Hers con be cregarded, we clculte Uby substiving ine Equation [6 1/U= 1b + 1/h= 1/230 + 1/63, 9 Bru/thuRAIC) 2. Tocalevlat the tne required for healing, we fist compare he logmeon temperatuediference Aj, beeen vessel and jocket with he emperature drop AT within the focket sl Tin te ~Te) ~ (h - TL + loll —TVAh — Ti =[{i21 ~ 124) ~ (20 ~ 190)} <4lef(121 — 1244/20 ~ 130)} =-29.71 deg. whereas AT = 124 ~ 130= ~6 degrees Sinco AT is more thon 10% of ATi. we mus! vse Equation (9) rather hen Equation (7: 8 flat) ~ H/T, ~ edlitmeg/ We} x (k= 1) "Now W, the mass flow trough the jacket, equals the volumekie few, 0.22 i/s, muipled by the Fuid densi We (0.22 f9/s}3,600 s/h\62.43} = 49,445 Ib/h nd m the mass within the vessel, i found similerh: ‘m= (3,000 gall (748 gel/A9]) % [45 b/g) The height of process id inthe vessel equals 401 f/{m(8 f12/4], or 7.98 fi therefore, the wall area in con to wi is fed cet 7 9818, e 200, 56 The oor roa als {8 F2/4, or 50.27 f2, Accordingly, from Equation (11), called ox lowe ka ewwwe = exp [49](200.56 + 50.271/49,445}0,905) = ep (0.275) = 1.316 Therefore, 8 = {lo (130 ~ 20y/1130 — 121) X {(18,048](0.7/148,445}0,905) % (1.316)/(1.316 ~ 1) = (2.503}{0.282}(4.16) = 2.94h a (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING /JANUARY 1909 95 LIST LEADERS IN HIGH VISCOSITY PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY FOR MULTIPHASE, ‘COMPLEX, THERMAL PROCESSING WITH HIGHLY Viscous, CRUSTING, PASTY AND OTHER DIFFICULT PRODUCTS REACTIONS, DRYING EVAPORATION, DEGASSING ‘COMPOUNDING, SUBLIMATION, CRYSTALLIZATION (OUR TECHNICAL STAFF AND STATE-OF-THE-ART TEST CENTRE |ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE THE BEST SOLUTION To YOUR PROBLEM El agit WWW.LISTGRP.COM For More information, Circle 66 96 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING /JANUARY 1009 SEES eee eee eee eee eee eer eee Sree culture growth that takes place over a period of days. The bases for mathematically ma- nipulating calorimetric data are the mass and heat balances around the calorimeter system. The mass balance is as follows: Reaction mass present at time ¢ = algebraic sum of all dosing and sam- pling operations up to time ‘The heat balanee for the system is (on a rate basis) as follows: Aral = Yow * accu + Uae es Gade where: as) = sum of the heat-production rates of all physical processes and chemical reactions during the ran = calibration heating; namely, the effective electrical power supplied to the reactor Gftow™ heat flow through the reactor wall, equal to UA(T, - 7) Gasca heat accumulation, equal to mey(AT fat) age = heat flow due to dosing of reac- tants at a temperature not equal to 7; equal to (diigo AUN aT ~ Tae where the Sabseript dos per- tains to the reactants dosed at oss * heat losses due to dissipation via the internal fittings, « fanetion of (7,~ Troan); Goad = additional heat flows, such as those involving reflux. con- densers Jn the calculation of the reaction heat flow, q,, that term can be consid- ered either callectively or individually in terms ofits components. Depending on the problem, this allows the re- aquired cooling power, the heat output of the actual heat reaction or other heat outputs to be determined,” — mt Edited by Nicholes P. Chopey ‘Bor a more detailed discussion of reaction ‘Soviet, soe CB Nisy 1987, pp Author Robert F. Dreamy PE. isa ‘Shion Manager, Pharmeces tial Technology, with Locke stood Gresne Egineers, foes ‘Sate $05, 11812 Reed Comeil Bark Dele, Cincinaat OH, 48242) Phaher 915-930-009, Be ds0; Pax $15-590.9543, Erail ateamelgcom. He atmos than 2 ene of Uitcebnegy apd perma ceutical manufactire, A registered roles ‘ralneer, he an active member ofthe interne feel Se Semacetel Enene SE dnd ofthe Parentorl Drag Asst Tie has pubs lished several papers and mace presentations {or SPE sed adveral oer asscatons well Su at universities, He holds BS and MS de es from lols Instat of Technology and os completed academic requirements Ut PRD. aDrexel Univers References 2. Parker, NH, Chom ng. 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