Eat Balanced Food, Eat Poison Free Food, Stay Healthy Naturally - Poster

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Eat balanced food, eat

poison free food, stay

healthy naturally
Author: K.Mohan alias Mohan Sanjeevan
Science and Science Fiction Writer, Poet
,Science, tech, space, astronomy
populariser, Citizen Scientist

Food is essential to survive, to keep the

body functioning
Its needless to say that food is very essential for our
living and to carry out day to day activities of sitting,
walking, working etc.,

Eat balanced food to fulfil bodys full

Its not just enough if we eat food, the food we eat
must be balanced with all essential nutrients
required by the body.

What are essential nutrients?

Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins,minerals and
fibre are the essential nutrients required by the body.
So the combination of all these make the food a
balanced food also called balanced diet.

How to get the essential nutrients?

To get all the essential nutrients in our food we have
to combine the following
Nutrient source from which to get
Carbohydrate Wheat, rice, millets, bread
Proteins Pulses, corn,almonds
Fats Cooking oils like gingelly
Oil, mustard oil, sun flower
Oil, olive oil
Vitamins Rice,millets, wheat,fruits
Vegetables are more rich
in vitamins
Minerals Milk,egg,fruits,veggies

Fibre Fruits and vegetables,

Millets. Again fruits and
Are more rich in fibers


In what way the nutrients are essential?

We will see the importance of the same nutrient
Carbohydrates: It is an organic compound made
up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrates
are the main energy source for our body they are
the energy that gets used first (before protein, fat
and alcohol). It is recommended by most sources
(including the Guideline Daily Amounts) that about
45-60% of our energy intake should come from
They have important roles in our body including:
An energy source that gives us most the energy that
our body needs;
Part of many proteins and fats (lipids) that our body
needs for many bodily processes;
Providing nutrients for the good bacteria in our
intestines that helps us digest our food; and
Protecting our muscles because carbohydrates are
the first source of energy for our body, without it,
protein from our muscles will be used meaning that
our body will effectively eat its own muscles!
Proteins: Proteins come in many different forms and
have many different functions, for example:
Part of your DNA your genetic inheritance!
Proteins combine with nucleic acids to form
nucleoproteins, in the nucleus of every cell in your
Enzymes These are the proteins which make
everything happen, e.g. to break down food for
absorption; to regulate the entry of nutrients through
cell walls, and the removal of waste-products; to
grow, develop, move, reproduce. (Many enzymes
also need specific vitamins and minerals to
Haemoglobin the protein which, with iron, carries
oxygen around your body;
Myoglobin and elastin These are the two main
proteins in muscle fibres;
Bones are mainly proteins, with calcium, magnesium
and phosphate;
Hormones which send chemical messages between
nerve cells and to regulate metabolism;
Antibodies which circulate in your blood to protect
you against viruses; and
Keratin which forms your hair and nails
Literally every function of your cells, organs and
whole body is controlled by proteins. They are all
made within the body from smaller molecules which
ultimately come from foods. None of our body
proteins arrive ready made.
Every single molecule of protein in the food you eat
is broken down for digesting.So dont be fooled!
You may see proteins on sale as nutritional
supplements, like chondroitin (a component of joint
cartilage). Not one molecule is actually absorbed!!
Fats: It is required in foods because both plants and
animals use fats as the most economical way to
store energy. It is needed for their growth,
development and function when there is a shortage
of food supply (or a shortage of sunlight in the case
of plants).
Fats have other essential functions but too much fat
is bad, a certain amount is perfectly ok for good
Fat a source of energy Our body uses the fat we
eat, and fats we make from other nutrients in our
bodies, to provide the energy for most of our life-
Fat an energy store The extra calories that we
consume, but not needed to use immediately, are
stored for future use in special fat cells (adipose
Essential fatty acids Dietary fats that are essential
for growth development and cell functions, but
cannot be made by our bodys processes
Proper functioning of nerves and brain- fats are part
of myelin- a fatty material which wraps around our
nerve cells so that they can send electrical
messages. Our brains contain large amounts of
essential fats
Maintaining healthy skin and other tissues. All our
body cells need to contain some fats as essential
parts of cell membranes, controlling what goes in
and out of our cells
Transporting fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K
through the blood to where they are needed
Forming steroid hormones needed to regulate many
of processes in our body
Vitamins: Vitamins are compounds which are
necessary for our normal growth and function, which
we cannot make within our bodies, and so we must
obtain them from our foods.
Most of the compounds needed for our body cells to
function for our health, can be made by our cells
from other nutrients. For some reason, we evolved
without the ability to make the small number of
vitamins. We only need tiny amounts of vitamins,
and they are still present in ample amounts in many
foods, but it is possible to become deficient in
vitamins, damaging the health.
Minerals: The minerals in our diet are essential for a
variety of bodily functions. They are important for
building strong bones and teeth, blood, skin, hair,
nerve function, muscle and for metabolic processes
such as those that turn the food we eat into energy.
This means that minerals are needed for the body to
work properly, for growth and development, and
overall, for maintaining normal health.
Different minerals are required in different amounts
but all are essential. Minerals are grouped
depending on how much they are needed on a daily
basis so the minerals that are needed more in bigger
amounts on a daily basis are known as the minerals,
macro-minerals or major minerals. The minerals that
are needed in smaller quantities are micro-minerals
or trace elements.
Children, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and
older people may need to adjust their intake
depending on the type of mineral. It is also important
to note that excessive intakes of minerals can be
Fibre: Dietary fibre is actually a form of
carbohydrate not digested by enzymes in our small
intestine, and so its sugar units are not absorbed
into the bloodstream. Dietary fibre is non-glycaemic.
Fibre has important effects on other nutrients within
the small intestine and through effects on the large
intestine, where few other nutrients arrive intact. It
has a range of valuable health effects:
Smooths out digestion and absorption of glucose
and fats in the small intestine. It reduces the
Glycaemic Index of a meal.
Provides fuel for the healthful or good bacteria in
our large intestine which in turn benefit us by making
vitamin B12, and by releasing volatile fatty acids
from the dietary fibre which are important for the
health of our colon.
Speeds up transit though the intestines to remove
waste and toxins from our body
Regulates bowel action, reducing cancer risks.

Eating balanced food is needed but it is

essential it is poison free
We have seen what is balanced food or balanced
diet, the essential nutrients constituting the balanced
food, the source of these nutrients and their role in
the body functioning upkeep and health. Yet we all
know that the food grown by synthetic fertilizers and
pesticides is poisonous and its essential to eat
poison free food. It was first thought organic farming
provided poison free food but the use of Eisenia
Foetida a red worm for vermi composting Eisenia
Foetida, a foreign variety, imported from western
countries. This Eisenia Foetida variety is epigeic i.e.
surface feeder that means surface dwelling species,
which lives only on the organic matter available on
the soil, may be any dried biomass of vegetative
dead bodies and excretion of the animals. They do
not burrow in to the soil. So, they cannot convert the
deep soil in to casting, which is the richest stock of
minerals necessary for plant growth. They feed on
organic matter, as the result, the mulching of the
organic matter on the soil, which is the cloths, sari of
mother soil, is totally destroyed. Eisenia Foetida also
accumulates in their bodies, highly toxic heavy
metals such as Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As) and
Cadmium (Cd), which are transferred into their
castings. The amount of heavy toxic metals stored in
this worm body are in several folds quantity, that is
deposited in the soil in turn getting into the food. The
food will be highly toxic to us if we consume such

Food grown by Zero Budget Natural

Farming is the real poison free food
It is elucidated by our beloved Padma Shriji Subash
Palekar how zero budget natural farming is poison
free by the use of local cows, the cow dung etc.,
Eating balanced poison free food grown by the zero
budget natural farming will help staying naturally

Staying naturally healthy we get back to

Yes zero budget natural farming is friendly
to the environment and to us protecting
nature. It helps us to get back to nature

Eat balanced poison free food get back to nature

Eat balanced food with all nutrients
Eat poison free balanced food
Zero Budget Farming is the way to
Get Poison free food
Become aware of ZBNF
Grow ZBNF poison free food
A total environment friendly
Nature protecting farming
Stay healthy naturally
Get back to nature!

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