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Actress Marlee Matlin in What the Bleep Do We

Know? Contemplates the Role of the Observer

The Prerogatives of Authorship

hese days many of us are learning to take a new look at the role of the observer in
the world of physical phenomena. Even the popular mediaas in the recent hit
movie What the Bleep Do We Know?has been reminding us that the so-called ob-
jective world may not be so objective after allthat the subjective reality may be,
indeed, the supreme reality. As in the science fiction thriller The Matrix, we suspect we are
living in a dream, albeit one from which it is very difficult to awaken.
Such notions, of course, are nothing new to the old-time metaphysics crowd or, for that
matter, to the so-called new age, but to serious left-brainers (the ruling linear/verbal/logical
gang) such thinking is still seen as anathema and nothing less than radical, even dangerous.
Never mind the worries of the slow learners, though. We of the intuitive/sensitive/artistic per-
suasion know that our side is destined to prevail. It is just a matter of time. We know this be-
cause we have seen the light and we know the inner world is greater than the external one
which we have learned is but the realm of effects emerging from inner causes. This we know,
so why are so many of us so worried about the fate of the poor external world in which we
Strangely, many of those who preach the power of mind over matter today seem over-
whelmed by material events, joining in the chorus of doom-sayers, and pointing to this
prophecy or that as the evidence for a coming apocalypse. The situation is nothing new, of
course, there is plenty of precedent in every period of momentous change throughout his-
tory. In such times, as the tide of onrushing events wash over us we seem to forget who we
are and to become swallowed up in the current illusions. In panic we lose grip on our moor-
ings and find ourselves swept out to sea, in danger of drowning, and looking to apparently
stronger swimmers for help. Unfortunately, many of those who seem on top at one moment
are often sucked down by the powerful undercurrents the next, and we realize belatedly we
could have done better on our own. The unfortunate fact, though, is that once one has in-
vested in a particular school of illusion, an abundance of supporting evidence shortly mani-
fests to support and validate the experience while contrary opinions are summarily debunked.
Such is the power of the unconscious will at work.
In any screenplay, of course, the real power belongs not to protagonist or antagonist, but
to the one who passes out the black hats and the white hatsthe writer/directorso if we
are the authors of our own reality, we are the only ones who can change the scenario to yield
a more desirable result.
The problem is with the intensity of the illusions we have created. In our pursuit of self-
realization we have gotten carried away with the fun of creation and, in the process, spun out
some fantastic webs and then gotten lost in the fun house. By the time the fun was over we
had forgotten how to exit.
This magazine is based very much on the idea that we have all forgotten a great deal and
that we desperately need to remember that seeds planted before the dawn of our present
waking time are not quite through bearing fruit yet. So as we observe the drama unfold, its
time once again to remember the prerogatives of authorship and to insert some redeeming
plot twists into the story.

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Skepticism Exposed
riting to Atlantis Rising, science. The definition of what these
via snail mail or e-mail is dissidents really were, skeptics, was
the best, but not the only then co-opted by the establishment,
way to make your views and newly designated establishment-
known to our readers. There are also supported skeptics were then set upon
forums on the Atlantis Rising web the dissidents, calling them cranks,
site (go to loonies, any and every negative name
and select Discussions). that came to mind. In a process that
has become common, and is illus-
Skeptical Hoaxes Then and Now trated by Dr. Little in his article, a
Having read Exposing a Skep- little known scientist publishes an ex-
tical Hoax, (A.R. #58) Dr. Greg planation for the phenomena or dis-
Littles skewering of the scientific es- covery that makes absolutely no
tablishments sloppy efforts to dis- sense, is not based on fact, is, in fact,
credit the nature of submerged stone just an ad hoc statement. That state-
formations in Bermuda, I think Dr. ment is then picked up and quoted as
Little should have also used quotation scientific fact in other journals. The
marks every time he used the term skeptical community then starts up
skeptic in the article. While Merriam- their crank machine, quoting the
Websters definition of skepticism has multitude of journals quoting the
been expanded to include doubt as to original journal, if that journal isnt
particular objects, like the so-called prestigious enough.
Bimini Road, that definition is rela- This whole process started with
tively new, added to accommodate es- Carl Sagans attack on Velikovsky,
tablishment sciences co-opting the which was so important to the astro-
word to denigrate any evidence or nomical community, this obscure as-
thoughts that contradict establish- tronomer was given a cover story in
ment dogma. Science Magazine. Intelligent Design
And dogma is the operative word, has become so hot, and so indefen-
because as recently as 1966, the sible, after all, science says the uni-
Random House Dictionary of the Eng- verse is operated by laws, those laws
lish language limited its definition to were created by men who believed in
the classical meaning, one who questions re- tion, even friends, with hints of possible God, if not in the literal Bible, so how can
ligion. By definition, members in good criminality thrown in for good measure, and science accept a universe operated by laws
standing of the scientific establishment not even the highest courts in the land can without a creator of those laws, that the vast
cannot be considered skeptics simply because do anything about it. The most recent ex- majority of the Letters to the Editor railing
they belong to an established religion, a re- ample is the flaying of Rick Sternberg, holder against any newspapers printing anything at
ligion with no God, but with a creation myth, of several PhDs and a practicing scientist at all about Intelligent Design are grounded in
the Big Bang, and an entire series of unexam- the Smithsonian. As editor of the Proceed- talking points that can be found at the Asso-
ined, and unexaminable, assumptions that ings of the Biological Society of Washington, ciation for the Advancement of Sciences web
have to be taken on faith. Who in what world he published a peer-reviewed article written site, the official source of everything
could prove the statement matter and en- by Stephen Meyer, a prominent spokesman anti-Intelligent Design.
ergy can neither be created nor destroyed? for Intelligent Design. Retribution was swift Once the new finding has been officially
Where in the universe, except for a dropped and complete, even to the point of de- discredited, those interested in main-
object, does anything move in a straight line, manding the names of the peer reviewers so taining its verification, unfunded by the vast
the basis of Newtons mass/gravity proof? they, too, could be flayed. Locked out of his machinery supporting the joke science dis-
Who can question the dogmatic basis of a sci- job, totally discredited by a series of carefully crediting it, spend many years, much time
ence that admits it not only doesnt know planted lies, he sought help from the highest using inadequate resources, to demonstrate
what gravity, the most prevalent force in our available authority, The U.S. Office of Special the fact is actually a fact. Then, of course, the
existence, is, but doesnt even include it the Counsel. That office issued a ruling up- scientific establishment officially ignores it,
top 25 questions science must understand in holding all of Sternbergs charges, saying the especially if it disproves something as in-
the next 25 years? See Science Magazines Smithsonian specifically was in violation of a grained and idiotic as no Europeans in
125th anniversary issue, 125 critical knowl- number of things, including the first Amend- America before Columbus.
edge gaps. ment, but concluding, well, even so, were These people are not skeptics, they are
In the olden days, established religions powerless to take remedial action. hired assassins, and they should be referred
protected their dogma by burning heretics at The definition of skeptic was expanded to as such, and the credentialed fools theyre
the stake. Since thats pretty much out of because dissidents to the scientific dogma, relying on are not scientists, theyre hacks.
style in the West, established science has to especially as science became more open to Peter Bros
come up with other ways to protect its public examination, had to be branded some- Author of The Copernican Series
dogma. For insiders, punishment for devia- thing, and allowing them to call themselves
tions is swift loss of income, status, reputa- skeptics would reveal the religious nature of Continued on Page 9

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of ether states, eventually transmuting into
READER FORUM states that form the basis for the physical
universe, and then passing on to others.
Here emerges a definition of an ever-
Continued from Page 6 changing universal energy that is responsive
to consciousness, and could even be the
Sound & Genetic Healing same as consciousness, according to David
I enjoyed Sol Luckmans article (A.R. #58) Wilcocks.
very much, since Ive been personally experi- The human body (and all life) is more
menting with sound and healing for over a than cellular structure, thus it needs more
decade. His article summarizes a great deal than physical energy to maintain itself. This
of valuable sound and healing information awareness led to the exploration of the roles
that readers may look into further. Along of electromagnetic and sound waves. Like-
similar lines, DNA music has been created wise, consciousness is more than structured
based on the infrared light vibrations of the energy waves and fields, it also requires con-
four DNA bases. These electromagnetic fre- tent for its existence. Sound and light parti-
quencies are lowered 35 octaves to corre- cles and waves can create energy boundaries,
spond to musical notes and then used as electromagnetic structures, and can be used
tones for compositions. Dr. David Deamer for communication between energy fields,
and Susan Alexander have created deeply but they cannot create the substance of the
moving music using these genetic sounds. energy itself. The substance is both a me-
dium and a field, as well as the waves and
Sol concludes that DNA can be activated
particles, all spiralled into one. Torsion (aka
through conscious linguistic expression to
consciousness) waves move through the
reset the bio-energy field, which in turn can
ether and carry universal healing substances
transmit radio and light signals to restore
which have yet to be scientifically defined.
the proper cellular structure and functioning
For aeons, mystics have called the gen-
of the human body. Id like to further point
eral substance love. I believe intention is the
out that in order for the linguistic expression
process of applying consciousness to an en-
to be fruitful, a conscious focus of intent is
ergy wave carrier (like light or sound), while
extremely helpful. I agree with Jonathan
being aware of that energy carrying the uni-
Goldman that SOUND + INTENTION =
versal etheric substance. Describing the sub-
HEALING. This is also the formula for
stance of ether by measuring and quanti-
change through the use of positive affirma-
fying its waves and its response to
tion that has been practiced for many years.
mechanical probes is like describing the
Intention is a function of consciousness, but,
ocean by measuring its waves, surfaces and
contrary to Mr. Luckmans definition, inten-
borders, while catching fish from a drifting
tion is more than simply a form of conscious
boat. We still know very little about the
light energy. Thus I disagree with Luckmans
water itself.
substitution of Light for Intention in that
equation. Masaru Emoto has done consider- From a psychological perspective, one
able research concerning the effect that way to learn about the water (or the ether) is
words of intention (either written, spoken, or to jump in and experience it. Thats akin to
thought) have on the crystal structure of feeling waves of emotion for the first time
water. He believes we have a lot to learn from during a particularly trying episode in a rela-
water, the most common element on earth tionship, but its effective in jogging our con-
and in our human bodies. Its truly amazing sciousness enough to experience from a new
the power of meaningful words and lan- point of awareness. I believe its now time to
guage! actually feel rather than simply observe the
ether, in order to understand its substance
The article describes ether as a unified and nature. The personal experience of an
subliminal field of potentially universal con- energy has been nominally explored with
sciousness. Quantum physics has defined quantum theory to the point of noticing that
the structure and activities of sound, light, something does not exist until it is observed,
and torsion waves as they pass through this and observers affect the behavior of particles
universal medium, but these descriptions do and energies. We need to continue that type
not explain wave creation nor describe the of relationship with energy in order to un-
substance of the etheric medium through derstand it better, while changing our per-
which they travel. According to Paul A. LaVi- spective from an observer to a participant in
olette, Ph.D., who has degrees in physics and our relationship with energy. Conscious lin-
systems science, the mechanical ether of guistic expression, endowed with the appro-
classical physics was a passive, non-active, priate intent, meaning, and feeling, is one
wave transmitter. Through his studies of an- way to participate in the understanding of
cient cosmology and mythology, LaViolette our relationship with many things, including
has become aware of a possible new defini- the substance of energy. Such an under-
tion for a dynamic ether, one that needs no standing will open doorways to greater
outside trigger to create waveforms, as is the healing.
case with current quantum mechanical en-
David Paulsen
ergy scenarios. He postulates a chemical-like,
reactive-diffusion process as a model for the Keaau, Hawaii
substance of the contemporary ether. When
imagined as an open system, this vital sub- Write to us at Letters to the Editor, At-
stance executes a continuous sequence of lantis Rising, P.O. Box 441, Livingston, MT
transmutations through a consecutive series 59047.

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 9

Strange standing stones of the Amapa Stonehenge (Photos by Greg A. Staub)

t has been called a Brazilian Stonehenge, to concede that the layout appears intended,
I but at this point, archaeologists know at a minimum, to mark the winter solstice.
even less about a newly discovered stone Further conclusions await more complete
temple in the far northern region of analysis. All this in an area and at a
Brazil than they do about Englands time declared by orthodox science to
famous monuments. Once again, be strictly primitive. No one knows
though, it is clear that forgotten how old the site is but indigenous
ancient builders were much more pottery found nearby has been
sophisticated than previously dated to at least 2,000 years. Mar- temples and hoards of gold in the South
believed. iana Petry Cabral, of Amapas Insti- American jungles. In southern Brazil cele-
According to a report from the tute of Scientific and Technolog- brated British explorer Col. Percy Fawcett
BBC, 127 giant stone blocks driven ical Research and the projects disappeared in the 1920s searching for what
into the groundupright and chief archaeologist, says the monu- he believed was a lost jungle metropolis. Tan-
evenly spaced, each weighing several Col. ment has been known to the local gible evidence for the existence of such a spot
tons and up to 10 feet tallon a remote Fawcett population for years. has never materialized, though, and the gen-
hilltop in the province of Amapa appear Alternative researchers such as eral idea of once advanced civilization in the
to have been carefully arranged so as to Harold T. Wilkins have long claimed that the dense rainforests of the Amazon basin has al-
imply advanced knowledge of astronomy and Amazon region was home to advanced an- ways been ridiculed by mainstream academia.
that well before the arrival of European colo- cient civilization. Legends like that of El Do- With the new discovery, though, all that may
nizers. At this point researchers are willing rado have led many to dream of fabulous change.


leagues have analyzed a 1500-hundred-year- for the Mayan civilization also lends new
old jade axe blade and others like it found on plausibility to arguments from those in the
the island of Antigua. Their conclusion is alternative archaeology community who be-
that the jade came from a Maya mine in Gua- lieve the influence of Central American civili-
temala, 1800 miles away. The obvious infer- zation can be seen in far distant areas of
ence is that commerce was established over North America and who argue that minerals,
Jade Axe Blade that distance which implies the existence of like copper, found in midwestern mines
a vast trading network. NationalGeo- made their way to points across the Atlantic
ccording to conventional wisdom, the
A ancient peoples of the Caribbean were
isolated, primitive and definitely uncivilized, reported in June on Harlows
report published in the Journal Canadian
Mineralogist. Heretofore the prevailing
before Columbus.
Reg Murphy, one of the archaeologists
publishing the research on Antiqua, is
but new evidence proves otherwise. In fact, it theory has been that while large civilizations quoted by National Geographic, There has
is clear now that a vast trading network cov- operated on the mainland, only isolated vil- been a closed mind-set that these [ancient]
ered the region long before Columbus. lage-based societies inhabited the Caribbean people out here were primitive, but we are
Mineralogist George Harlow of the Amer- islands. learning there was a whole world out here we
ican Museum of Natural History and his col- The notion of such extended commerce dont yet fully know about.

10 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
his fall will find leading alternative re-
T searchers out in force to tackle the pre-
vailing knowledge paradigm at major confer-
Angoulme Cave painting ences in four locations around the country
so dont be left in the dark. Make your plans
now to attend one or more.
STONE-AGE In Virginia Beach, Va.; Taos, N.M.; Irvine,
Ca.; and Tempe, Az. some of the best known
thorns in the side of orthodox thinking will
PORTRAIT make their astounding cases. Among the
better known headliners are Zecharia
Sitchin, Graham Hancock, John Anthony
DISPLAYS West, John Major Jenkins, and Russell Targ.
The weekend
of October 5-7
ADVANCED Graham Hancock will find Sitchin,
Adrian Gilbert,
ARTISTRY Dunn, and David
Hatcher Chil-
oughly 27,000 years ago some person, dress at the An-
R now forgotten, inspired a cave painter in
the region near todays Angoulme, France.
cient Mysteries
conference of the I
n the 20th century, while the Mar-
coni's...the Henry Ford's...the
Thomas Edison's have succeeded in
The result is wowing critics of the third mil- Association for capturing most of the attention,
lennium A.D. who say the image is the oldest Research and En- others with technological prowess
portrait on earth, and a very good one at lightenment bordering on the miraculous,
that. In fact, they say it reminds them of (www.edgarcayce strangely, have gone unnoticed. Men
modern arthigh praise indeed, from cer- .org) at Virginia with names like Tesla, Moray, Rife,
tain quarters. Beach (for infor- Russell and Schauberger, laboring in
Art criticism aside, the recently discov- mation call 888- almost complete obscurity, and
ered image in Vilhonneur grotto reveals a so- 273-0020). Two achieving almost incomprehensible
phistication which modern humans find diffi- days later (Oc- miracles--free energy, anti-gravity,
cult to associate with such an ancient work. tober 9-10) Earth Changes / Earth People transmutation of the elements, phys-
Still French scientists are confident of their will feature John Major Jenkins at Willy ical rejuvenation and more--were yet
dating tests. Like much of the cave art from Gaspars Taos 2006 conference (go to largely rejected, ridiculed and de-
the region it shows signs of significant an- or call 505-387- spised by the scientific establishment
cient advancement. The British newspaper 5816). Then on October 14-15 the third an- of their day. But now, a few decades
The Guardian marveled that the eye is shown nual Conference on Precession and Ancient later, a new breed of inventors, scien-
as a bold horizontal slash that connects to a Knowledge (CPAK) will launch at the Uni- tists and researchers is making rapid,
downward diagonal apparently signifying a versity of California at Irvine. Speakers will if yet unpublicised, strides toward un-
nose; below is a thinner line suggesting a include Hancock, West, Jenkins again, raveling the secrets of those unsung
mouth. Picasso would have been pleased. Walter Cruttenden, and several other giants who preceded them. Many
A few years ago, researcher Frank Edge cutting-edge scientific experts (go to now find themselves on the threshold
caused a stir when he demonstrated that the or contact the Binary of breakthroughs, still believed, by
ancient cave artists of Lascaux, France had Research Institute, 949-399-0306). After that many, to be the stuff of hallucination.
incorporated a depiction of the Pleiades and you can take a month to reflect before Atlantis Rising Video now tells their
other stars over the most prominent bull in heading to Tempe where Chet Snows Signs story.
the famed hall of the bulls. More recently of Destiny 2006 is set for November 17-20
when researchers at Chauvet said they had offering J. J. Hurtak, Russell Targ, Linda 1 Hr. DVD $24.95
found charcoal scraped from some cave Moulton Howe, William Henry and others or VHS $19.95
drawings to be 30,000 years old, skeptics (for more information go to + $5.95 S.&H.
howled. But, with the discovery at Angou- or call 480- To Order Call
lme we are reminded once again that when 897-7444).
it comes to appreciating the capabilities of More detail on each of these events is 800-228-8381
the very ancient we have hardly scratched available from advertisements elsewhere in
the surface. this issue.

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T he many secrets of Leonardo Da Vinci
continue to unfold. If Dan Brown was
right in his novel The Da Vinci Code, the
renaissance master had much to hide, most
importantly the untold story of the true rela-
tionship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
Whether that story is gospel or not remains
the subject of much debate, but no one
doubts that there are still many unsolved
mysteries surrounding Leonardo. Recently
art scholars have discovered previously un-
known sketches beneath his Adoration of the
Maurizio Seracini, an engineer who
makes scientific investigations of artwork, is
a real life expert who Brown mentions in his
book. According to the Times of London,
using multispectrum imaging, Seracini has
shown that beneath the thick brown paint
are drawings by Leonardo depicting a bloody
skirmish between knights, a group of figures The Adoration of the Magi with previously hidden drawings revealed
rebuilding a ruined temple, and an elephant.
It is thought that the fighting and rebuilding of the period were shocked by the idea of later by another artist, and the true inten-
were intended to contrast war and peace and bloody battle so close to the virgin Mary and tions of Da Vinci himself remain an enigma
that the elephant was transportation for the wanted it covered up. At any rate, the Adora- yet to be decoded.
magi. Speculation also has it that the monks tion painting was apparently finished years


tephen Hawking says we must go he scientist who led the team re-
S to space. That, argues the British
astrophysicist, is because we are not
T sponsible for cracking the human
genome says he has found God. Francis
likely to be able to stay on Earth Collins, the director of the U.S. National
much longer. The possibility that our Human Genome Research Institute, has
planet will be wiped out, Hawking be- written a new book The Language of
lieves, is quite significant. The good God to be released in September ar-
news is, if we can avoid killing our- guing that there is nothing in science
selves for another century we should that contradicts the existence of God.
have the necessary space settlements On the contrary, Collins says his re-
in place to launch our descendants search has convinced him that God is
into the universe. real.
A wheel-chair-bound victim of In his book the pioneering geneticist
ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) Stephen Hawking argues that Today we are learning the Francis Collins
who must speak through a computer, language in which God created life. Collins believes the sequencing
Hawking laid out his assessment of Earths future at a June news of the human genome is in fact the most remarkable of texts offering
conference in Hong Kong. According to the Associated Press, within a detailed view of the mind of the creator at work. By making the
20 years he thinks we could have a base on the moon, and within an- case for spiritual reality Collins is challenging the materialistic estab-
other 20 a settlement on Mars. To find anyplace else as nice as lishment which dominates most of todays science, but says he
earth, though, we will have to go to another star system. Specula- doesnt believe things need to be so confrontational. Science is not
tors, be warned, though, he was not specific about locale. threatened by God, it is enhanced, he says, and God is most cer-
Hawking is author of the international best-seller A Brief History tainly not threatened by science. He made it all possible.
of Time. Despite his handicaps, he is generally greeted anywhere on In staking out a position in support of the existence of God, Col-
earth like a rock star, but it remains to be seen if that would apply lins joins some of historys most influential scientistsIsaac
elsewhere in the universe. Newton, and Albert Einstein, to name but two.

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B efore long, playing poker with your
computer may not be to your advantage
and the days when you can bluff your way
out of a tight spot may be numbered. Com-
puters that can read minds, or at least faces,
are in the works. A team of British and U.S.
scientists say they are teaching computers to After becoming
watch facial expressions, raised eyebrows, magnetized,
quizzical looks, nods of the heads and to cal- Norton's fingertip
culate the underlying moods behind them. implant is able to
Professor Peter Robinson of Cambridge lift other magnets.
University told Reuters, The system we have Photo by Quinn
developed allows a wide range of mental Norton
states to be identified just by pointing a
video camera at someone. Developed in col-
laboration with Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, the program was on display in
London in June. Visitors to the exhibit were
asked to participate in a study to sharpen the 6TH SENSE
One idea is to have your computer pick
the right emotional moment to try to sell SURGICAL
you something, and the auto industry is said
to be very interested in using the technology
to improve road safety by telling if drivers
are confused bored or tired.
ext time the subject of extra-
If you dont want the camera watching,
theoretically, you could turn it off. Big N sensory perception (ESP) comes
up, those who have felt left out have
brother may not always be so accommo-
a new option to considersurgical
dating though.
implantation. A couple of avant
garde experimenters in Arizona have
found a way to make one sensitive to
electromagnetic fields.
COULD THE ARCTIC HOLD So-called body-modification art-
ists Jesse Jarrell and Steve Haworth
have figured out that implanting a
SECRETS OF ALIEN LIFE? bit of rare earth under the skin of a
fingertip makes it possible to feel
magnetism, and thus to be able to
I t may smell like rotten
eggs but NASA scien-
tists like the aroma. That
sense the presence of live electric
wires (without being shocked), com-
putrid odor, they think, Ellesmere
puter activity or even security de-
could mean alien life is Research vices in stores. Writer Quinn Nor-
possible on one of Ju- station toni (
piters icy moons. High technology/0,71087-
in the Canadian arctic in 0.html?tw=wn_index_1) reports that
an area which has been he tried it himself and, notwith-
frozen solid for aeons, a standing a sore finger, found that
strange glacier spring ap- the technique worked and provided
pears to be home to mi- him with many new sensations in
crobial life, and if life the presence of EM fields. His rela-
could exist there, scien- tionship with his computer soon
tists reason, it might also moved to a new level.
be able to live in the icy Such sensitivities have long been
depths of space. That, at claimed by some people without sur-
least is the possibility in- gical assistance. So-called earth-
spiring Canadian geologist Benoit Beau- sensitives have even reported being
According to a team able to pick up the magnetic distur-
champ and his colleagues.
from the university of Calgary was ready to bances caused by earthquakes. How-
The spot, one of the coldest and harshest
begin a study in mid June with an eye toward ever, most apparently do not enjoy
on earth, said to be unlike any other place, is
proving whether life can survive in one of the sensations involved, so the pros-
a sulphur coated spring on Ellesmere island
the most difficult possible environments pect of surgically implanted ESP ap-
in Borup Fiord Pass. Under investigation
one very much like that expected to be found pears unlikely to become a fad. At
since the mid 1990s, it is home to several
on Jupiters moon Europa and perhaps other least until it feels better.
new forms of bacteria and a rare mineral
remote places in the solar system.
know as vaterite.

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Tracking the News of the Coming Energy Revolution


BY one of the authors, Howard Bloom, posed a thrive.
research question which asks how to create Aside from the small typeface in Beyond
JEANE Earth, my only criticism is that the rocket
in the wider community a new sense of pur-
MANNING pose and goalsby showing the majesty of a scientists vision of future energy technology
new frontier that humankind can move to- is uninspired unless you think nearly bank-
rupt economies on earth can go out and
H ow can we prepare our world so that
breakthroughs such as an energy revo-
lution wont be co-opted by corporate or gov-
ward with the zest that makes life worth
Developing human capital is one theme
mine asteroids or rely on mining the moon
for Helium 3. The Maynards did suggest syn-
ernmental cultures who mainly want to of Beyond Earth, as is the integration of ergistic hybrid technologies and investigation
dominate other cultures? Who is providing a music, art, the visions of children as to- of the unconventional MagneGas process, but
vision of how humankind could work to- morrows space people, ethics, no one mentions zero-point en-
gether to create an exciting inspiring cooper- law and the lessons of his- ergy, as far as I could see in a
ative and more peaceful future? tory. Some of the 36 quick read. That area of
One group is indeed working on that, chapters are down-to- speculation is not the
from the standpoint of seeking global coop- earth technical and goal of the ATWG
eration on programs aimed at space travel others soar. Asso- book anyway.
and eventual human settlements elsewhere ciate editor Rocket scientists
in our solar system. NASA chartered the Aer- Langdon Morris think space solar
ospace Technology Working Group (ATWG) poses a research power when they
in 1990 to facilitate dialogue between gov- question of how to hear energy from
ernment, academia and industry, and sup- solve both the mys- space. Solar
port the development of knowledge and teries of the uni- power collected in
wisdom that will nurture living systems on verse that tempt us space on a satellite
earth and in outer space in a way that sup- from without and and beamed down
ports economic, social, and ecological sus- the mysteries that to earth sounds
tainability for the future. ATWG in the post- lie within human grand, but it also
911 world sees a lofty purpose for going into knowledge, compas- uses radiation tech-
spaceto restore balance to our civilization. sion and consciousness. nology (beaming micro-
The roots of the group began decades If you see the humani- waves through the atmos-
ago. Kenneth J. Cox, now head of ATWG, was tarian advantages of putting phere to the earth) instead of
a young NASA engineer working in the humans into space, consider technologies that employ the
Apollo program and in 1970 was part of the forming a local, workplace or Internet dis- non-destructive invisible contracting half
team that guided Apollo 13 safely back home cussion group around this book. An appendix of natures cycle. Students of Walter Russells
after one of its oxygen tanks exploded en to the book makes that easy, with research or Viktor Schaubergers concepts know the
route to the moon. He recalls that tense and questions and hypotheses in 29 categories. difference and why it is crucial to radically
uncertain time, during which he learned For instance, the self destruction category change the way we work with energy and
what men and women can do when filled points out that Chapter 3 of Beyond Earth other technologies. Throughout the universe,
with courage and purpose. It was collabora- introduces global leaders views that while expansion and contraction are continually
tion, intensity, action and the integration of military relationships dominate the political taking place, but our mainstream energy sci-
science and spirit that brought the Apollo 13 agenda on earth, the lure of human space pi- ence only works with the explosive/radiative
astronauts back safely Cox sees those oneering can still deliver us from our dan- half of the cycle, according to New Energy
same qualities as contributing to the best of gerous propensity for self-destruction. The Science proponents.
human accomplishments across millennia. question is how global society can build on Burning biofuels are seen by some Be-
His pivotal experience with the Apollo pro- this leadership consensus. It looks like yond Earth authors as the next step. How-
gram led him and others to form the ATWG. todays outmoded diplomatic framework ever, other than Dr. Ruggero Maria Santillis
One result of the groups collaboration is balancing power and terrorwont cut it for nonpolluting MagneGas, burning anything,
an optimistic newly published anthology our military, economic, academic, industrial even hydrogen, depletes our oxygen.
( Beyond Earth: The complexes operating in space. Despite my prejudice for small-is-
Future of Humans in Space, edited by Bob Other topics introduced in Beyond Earth beautiful local clean energy inventions that
Krone, Ph.D. and with a foreword by Dr. include artificialand extraterrestrial hold promise for tapping into an ambient en-
Edgar Mitchell. The 40 authors of the book intelligence, spaceports and proposed devel- ergy source day or night, I experienced Be-
are from diverse backgrounds but agree that opments on the moon. ATWG authors Elliott yond Earth as containing depth of thinking,
human exploration of outer space could help Maynard and Sharon Tanemura Maynard and inspired writing: Space is the unlimited
stop the cycles of war on earth. The thinking suggest fresh or synergistic technologies mirror of our own limited selves. It re-
is that when humans work together to de- could result from the push into space. They minds us to never, ever forget the search for
fend their planet against asteroids and also advocate creating new ecosystems for enduring truths that transform the dully
comets whose orbits cross earths orbit, for Space Oases, an oasis being a small commu- mundane into transcendent inspiration and
example, they may learn to collaborate on nity in a pleasant environment with gracious hope.
other large issues. living where space people can recharge their The concluding chapter of the book sums
If it gets widely read, the books concepts personal batteries. According to the book, up the authors collective belief that humans
could revive public interest in one of the space migration would give humankind a living in space will be forced to deal with par-
most challenging frontiers remainingthe chance to create an Island of Excellence to
one hanging above our heads. For example, showcase ways that our civilization could Continued on Page 58
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 17

were following on the internet

Notes from
Michael A. Cremo
Alien Skulls: The Great
Debate Sterkfontein: Cradle of Humanity or of Lies?

A growing number of re- n May 27, 2006, I finished my last lecture in the Johannesburg area. I was on a
searchers support the theory tour of South Africa, lecturing on forbidden archaeology at universities in Johan-
nesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town, and Stellenbosch, and
that mans evolution could be also doing some radio and TV interviews. May 28 was a free day. One of the tour or-
the result of genetic engi- ganizers suggested we go out somewhere. I picked the Sterkfontein archaeological site. We
neering by extraterrestrial cul- drove out of Johannesburg, past Pretoria and into the countryside. At the sites entrance
tures (alien intervention stood a tall obelisk, with signs proclaiming that we were entering a United Nations World
theory), and believe that at Heritage Sitethe Sterkfontein Caves, the Cradle of Humanity.
least some of the skulls could We continued along the access road to the visitors center. We bought tickets for the
offer DNA evidence of such tour, and then waited in the centers museum for the tour to begin. In the museum you are
alien contact. invited to explore yourself. Who are you? A sign displaying an infamous quote by arch-
evolutionist Richard Dawkins gives you the answer: We are survival machinesrobot vehi-
cles programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes.
And how did our human robot vehicles come into existence? The colorful museum dis-
Power of Pyramids Behind plays give you the answer. You began as chemicals. The chemicals combined to form the
first single-celled living thing. You look in vain, however, for any description of exactly
Waters Unique Properties which chemicals combined in exactly which way to form exactly which first living thing. Ac-
Water molecules, which con- tually, no scientist anywhere in the world can give any such account.
sist of one oxygen and two hy- Then for some untold reason some of these single-celled creatures start sticking to-
drogen atomsH2Oarrange gether. Eventually, they became simple sea plants and animals. Some of the animals came
themselves in a network of tri- out of the ocean. Some of these first amphibious animals became reptiles. Some of the rep-
angular pyramids rather than a tiles became mammals, and some of the mammals became primitive apes. Some of the
series of chains and rings, a primitive apes became ape men, and some of the apemen became humans, with trillions of
new study suggests.

Can We Change The

A holdover from 1950s-era sci-
entific theory, weather modifi-
cation has drawn renewed in-
terest with the growth of
technology and 21st-century
weather concerns. Its next as-
pirationsto combat Atlantic
hurricanes or Western
droughtmay well prove the
most far-reaching.
Sterkfontein Cave. Into the abyss. Continued on Page 20
Continued on Page 20

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Continued from Page 18

cells arranged in complex organs.

Bionic Limbs in Five So how did all this happen? By a series of genetic
Years changes that led to changes in physical structure, we are
Scientists say bionic artificial told. But in the museum you look in vain for any account of exactly what
the genetic changes were. In fact, no scientist in the world can tell us what
limbs controlled by thought those genetic changes were. But we have to accept that it happened.
could be available within five
years. Researchers have devel- Then its time for the walk to the Sterkfontein caves. Our cool young guide recites
a memorized script, which includes quite a few laugh lines. Still, there is some gravity to
oped an implant that links it, like a sermon. We are told we are going to visit the cradle of our ancestors. Evolution is
nerves to a prosthesis via spe- like the new religion. Not only does it have its priests (evolutionary biologists) and scriptures
cial electrodes. (The Origin of Species) and saints (Darwin). It also has its churches (museums) and sacred places (like Sterkfontein) and relics (fossils of our ancestors) and its Inquisition that con-
/story/sm_1902141.html?menu= demns heretics (like me). All very re-
news.scienceanddiscovery ligious. The closest thing to my expe-
rience at Sterkfontein was going
down into the cave where Christ was
born, beneath the Church of the Na-
tivity in Bethlehem.
The walk from the museum to the
cave entrance was indeed like a pil-
grimage. There were about forty of
us. We were told we were walking the
path of evolution, sort of like walking
the Stations of the Cross in Jeru-
salem, the route that Christ followed
on the way to his crucifixion. At in-
tervals on either side of the path were
big exhibition slabs of rock con-
taining fossils, from the simplest to
the more complex forms of life. The
first stone slabs contained fossils of
Ancient Rock Art May microorganisms. Then came fish fos-
Depict Exploding Star sils. Then reptile fossils. Then land
A discovery in Arizona might mammal fossils. Then apeman fossils.
depict an ancient star explo- And finally some human fossils. But
sion seen by Native Americans there were many fossils absent from
this display, the fossils of humans
a thousand years ago. If con- from all periods of the earths his-
firmed, the petroglyph would tory, as documented in my book For-
be the only known record in bidden Archaeology.
the Americas of the well- At last, we descended into the
known supernova of the year cave. The Sterkfontein cave is a series
1006. of limestone caves of moderate size, with the usual stalactites and stalag-
TECH/space/06/05/ mites. In ancient times, there were
index.html breaks in the roof of the cave,
through which animals, including Sterkfonteins australopithecine
some apelike creatures, fell down.
Supercomputer Takes on a They died on hitting the cave floor,
Cosmic Threat and their bones were incorporated into the cave breccia (a mix of stones and bones cemented
A super-powerful computer together with the limestone that gradually forms by the dripping of mineral rich water).
has simulated what it might Many scientists suppose that the bones of the apelike creatures found in the cave are
take to keep Earth safe from a human ancestors. Standing in the cave, and looking up at the light coming down from a
menacing asteroid. small opening to the surface, I was suddenly overwhelmed with a very strong sense of the utter falsity of this supposition. It was clear what happened. Three million years ago, some
technology/060614_asteroid_ poor ape with some few humanlike features in its bones fell down into the cave and died. The
computer.html bones were incorporated into the rock. And then later some human scientists found the
bones and called them our ancestor, although that is not true at all. Three million years
Does a Giant Crater Lie ago, and further back than that, there were humans, apes, and apemen, all coexisting.
Beneath the Antarctic Ice? One of the most important alleged human ancestors found in the cave is called Little
Signs of an ancient impact Foot, an australopithecine discovered by Ron Clark and his coworkers. The skeleton, which is
fairly complete, is about 3.3 million years old. Last time I was in South Africa, at the World
could help to explain a mass Archaeological Congress in Cape Town in 1999, I heard Ron Clark give a report about the dis-
extinction. covery of Little Foot. During his talk, he showed a model of the reconstructed foot of this australopithecine. The foot was quite apelike. For example, it had a long first toe, which
2006/060529/full/060529-11. could move out to the side like the thumb of a human hand. The other toes were also longer
html than normal human toes. After Ron Clark gave his talk, I asked a question. Why doesnt the
Continued on Facing Page

20 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
foot of the Sterkfontein australopithecine match the footprints found by Mary Leakey at Lae-
toli, in Tanzania? In her original report in National Geographic (1979), Mary Leakey said the
Laetoli footprints were indistinguishable from modern human footprints. They were found in Satellite Could Open Door
layers of rock 3.7 million years old. So you can see the problem: if the Sterkfontein australo
pithecine, with its apelike foot, is supposed to be a human ancestor, how are we to explain the
on Extra Dimension
presence of fully modern human footprints existing at roughly the same time at Laetoli? An exotic theory, which at-
tempts to unify the laws of
Clark insisted that a creature like his Little Foot did in fact make the Laetoli prints. But,
according to him, the creature must have been walking with his long first toe pressed tightly physics by proposing the exis-
against the others. And he also must have been walking with his other four long toes curled tence of an extra fourth spatial
under. And that is why the footprints looked human! Otherwise, one would have to say, as I dimension, could be tested
do, that humans like us were walking around in Africa over three million years ago. Ac- using a satellite to be launched
cording to the current evolutionary theories, humans like us only came into existence be- in 2007.
tween one and two hundred thousand years ago.

Experts Look for Watery

Scientists are to carry out an
underwater search for a sup-
posed kingdom in Cardigan
Bay said to have existed more
than 5,000 years ago.

The Real X-Men

They may not be genetic mu-
tants, in the strictest sense,
and they may not be able to
threaten or save the world
with their strange and fan-
tastic powers of the body and
mind, but they are extraordi-
Laetolis footprints nary... not at all like you and
In some of his papers, Clark shows photographs of footprints made by Bonobo chimpan-
zees. At times, the tracks of these creatures will show a footprint or two with the large, long,
first toe pressed up against the others, instead of being extended out sideways from the body
of the foot, as is normal. If we had at Laetoli only a couple of footprints, one might suppose
that perhaps they could have been made by an apelike australopithecine foot with the toes
scrunched up in an abnormal position. However, at Laetoli, there are dozens of prints, from
three different individuals. It defies imagination to think that three individuals, walking for
some distance, were all doing so with all the toes of their feet in an abnormal position. But
evolutionists have very active imaginations.
Another way to avoid the conclusion that the Laetoli footprints were made by humans like
us is to say that perhaps there existed 3.7 million years ago some kind of apeman who had
feet exactly like human feet. That is possible. Unfortunately, no one has ever discovered from
that time period the bones of any apemen with feet just like human feet. At the present mo-
ment, the only creature known to science that has a foot just like a modern human foot is a
modern human, someone like us.
So the best explanation for the Laetoli footprints is that they were made by humans like
us. And there is other evidence to support that. As I have documented in Forbidden Archae- Physicists Generate
ology, there are many human bones (of modern type) and human artifacts (of the kind nor-
mally attributed to Homo sapiens) that are as old as the Laetoli footprints and older. That Ball-Lightning in the Lab
means that the Little Foot australopithecine is not a human ancestor. Over three million Scientists have produced lumi-
years ago, at the same time this apelike creature fell into the Sterkfontein cave and died, hu- nous plasma balls above a
mans like us were already existing. So the Sterkfontein Caves UN World Heritage site is not water surface which have life-
the Cradle of Humanity, but rather the cradle of one of the biggest lies that has ever been times of almost half a second
forced on the human mind, the theory of evolution.
and diameters of 10 to 20
Michael A. Cremo is author, with Richard Thompson, of the underground classic For- centimeters.
bidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race. His latest book is Human Devo-
lution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwins Theory (see 68812957.html

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Art by Randy Haragan

Can Newly Emerging Technology

Make Solid Objects Vanish?

ican Civil War that camouflage for ships to an essay in Angewandte Chemie Interna-
BY JOHN KETTLER emerged. And even then, it was a kind of tional (Vol. 44, Issue 22, pp. 3344-3355) by

hile natural camouflage, from haze gray scheme intended to hide blockade Elisabeth Vaupel of the Deutsches Museum,
two French words meaning to runners slipping amid the coastal fog and Munich, FRG. Later, in the 1930s, Russian
cover with flowers, has been mist from the vigilant eyes of the blockaders. designer S. G. Kozlov (
with us in Nature for aeons in But it wasnt until World War I that war- php) did the same basic thing with an Ya-
creatures as diverse as the chameleon, the ships began to sport official camouflage kovlev AIR-4 parasol-winged trainer, but cov-
octopus, the zebra and the flounder, orga- paint patterns, intended to either mask the ered his with rodoid, a French-made trans-
nized camouflage in warfare, as opposed to presence of the vessel or fool the enemy parent thick cellophane, which is why it was
tribal type activities, didnt really get going gunner by distorting his perception of what described as organic glass. At medium and
until much later. he was seeing, taking a page from the zebras long range, the optical Stealth worked great,
The famous Japanese Ninja, for example, bold natural camouflage. And as aerial recon- but the problem was that airplanes were
date back to A.D. 600, though the core ideas naissance and later, aerial attack, became shifting to metal construction, with highly
go back thousands of years to a Chinese book more and more of a problem, to both those stressed metal skins and were becoming
(not the man, called Sun Tzu) it wasnt until on the ground and above it, camouflage more and more solid to boot, so the project
after the Boer Wars at the turn of the 1900s measures became common for both ground was canceled in 1935.
that the premier army of the world, the and many air units. Some fighter units, such Remember the Russians, though, for
British Army, ceased going into battle clad in as Jasta 27, Richthofens Flying Circus, took from them will come a huge Stealth
bright scarlet uniforms and adopted the to the sky in bright, lurid paint schemes in- breakthrough.
same khaki which had given the Boers such tended to be seen for miles and strike fear in World War II was a time of great innova-
an edge in Africa, this despite an earlier sav- the foe, such as the brilliant red Fokker tri- tion in the field of techno invisibility, with
aging during the American Revolution at the plane flown by the Red Baron himself. certain aspects of it still being hotly debated.
hands of rifle-armed American snipers One of the truly novel ideas to emerge The knowns are astounding in their own
wearing hard-to-see buckskins. from World War I was the notion of optical right, to include the German development of
The response was typically British: meas- Stealth, little known but first achieved by the the all-but-invisible to radar Horten flying
ured, controlled, understated, being ex- Germans in 1916 by taking a standard wing aircraft (Ho IX V3 nearly made it into
pressed as a few specialist skirmishing units, Fokker E III monoplane and, instead of cov- production) and the deployment of a primi-
notably the 95th Regiment, the Rifles, per- ering the wooden frame with fabric and tive form of radar-absorbing material (RAM)
haps familiar to some readers via the doping it, the frame was first painted white. on the snorkels of late model U-boats. Add to
Sharpes Rifles PBS series, starring Sean And all solid items, such as the engine this the American work on the Yehudi effect,
Bean as an NCO and later an officer in the fa- cowling, fuel tank, weapons, etc., were either in which lights placed along the leading
mous Green Jackets, who first saw action painted white or given a mirror treatment edges of the wings and engine cowlings of
in Spain during the Napoleonic Wars. For before the transparent cellon (cellulose buty- antisubmarine aircraft were used to remove
European fighting, green was a huge im- rate acetate) skin, the brainchild of the little the contrast between the dark aircraft and
provement over scarlet. known German Jewish chemist Arthur Ei- the bright sky. This was one of the key means
Although disguising ships as innocent chengruen, was applied. of visual aircraft detection, the object being
vessels or even the other sides own, was This unsung Stealth pioneer is beginning
used for centuries, it wasnt until the Amer- to emerge from the mists of history, thanks Continued on Page 59

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 23

What Can Be
Learned from
New Research
about Our
through the

Parsing the
Puzzle Wide-angle view of the Milky Way
in the direction of its center. The
teapot of the constellation
Sagittarius is in view. [Photo:
NOAO (National Optical
Astronomy Observatory)]


n 1969, a book was published which put Essay on Myth and the one of the seasonal quarters
forth a long-overdue reinterpretation of Frame of Time. The frame will line up with the bright
ancient mythology. The authors argued of time is the celestial frame- band of the Milky Way
that myth was the technical language of work of constellations, stars, specifically, that part of the
a lost science, a science that mainly encoded the equinoxes and solstices. Milky Way that contains the
a profound grasp of astronomy. That book The phenomenon of pre- Galactic Center. The authors
was Hamlets Mill, and the authors were well cession causes the positions of Hamlets Mill note that the
respected historians of science, Giorgio de of the equinoxes and solstices last time this occurred was
Santillana and Hertha von Dechend. Many of to slowly shift over vast pe- around 4400 B.C., and that
the pioneering new insights came from ear- riods of time. It has been at- time of cosmic alignment was
lier work by von Dechend, published in tributed to the currently thought by later cultures as a
German, but Santillana eagerly joined the widely accepted idea that the God creating the stars time of an ancient Golden
fray, hoping to push the history of science to earth wobbles, like a top, very with the planetary spheres Age. The un-tuning of the
new levels of understanding. He was well slowly on its axis. One com- shown inside, according to sky that occurred after the
aware of the controversial nature of the plete wobble is roughly the Ptolemaic order. alignment shifted out of syn-
books thesis. Even before the book came 25,920 years, and during this chronization was thought to
out, he wrote: time the Vernal equinox point will shift back- be responsible for the idea of the Fallthe
Whatever fate awaits this last enterprise ward through all twelve constellations that descent of mankind out of a state of cosmic
of my latter years [Hamlets Mill], and be it lie along the ecliptic. As we will see, modern harmony and into states of limitation and
that of Odysseuss last voyage, I feel com- researchers at the Binary Research Institute strife. The authors of Hamlets Mill indeed
forted by the awareness that it shall be the in California have called into question the seem to have been onto something here, al-
right conclusion of a life dedicated to the cause of the precession of the equinoxes, ar- though this part of their book is spoken in
search for truth. Reflections on Men and guing that instead of the earth wobbling, our hushed tones, for the implications are
Ideas (1968:xi). sun actually belongs to a binary system. astounding.
And what was the thesis of Hamlets Mill? Hamlets Mill was a major influence on Extrapolating from the arguments in
Well, there is a general thesis that most later the Binary Institutes director, Walter Crut- Hamlets Mill, its easy to see that the fabled
researchers have taken to heart, and that is tenden, and many other writers today who return of the state of cosmic harmony will
that ancient mythology and astronomy go to- have sought to reconstruct the lost knowl- occur when the next seasonal quarter aligns
gether. But there is a more specific thesis edge of the ancients. My own books on the with the Milky Way. The next seasonal
that is more controversial. That is the idea Maya 2012 date took a clue from Hamlets quarter in the precessional sequence is the
that ancient mythologies describe the slow Mill, a deeper thesis in Hamlets Mill that winter solstice, which aligns with the Milky
shifting of the heavensthe precession of few have recognized or commented on:
the equinoxes. The books subtitle is An Every quarter-precession cycle (6,450 years), Continued on Page 61

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Art by Randy Haragan
It has been ordained by the Karma of
the Germanic world that he (Hitler) should
wage war against the East and save the Ger-
manic peoplesa figure of the greatest bril-
liance has become incarnate in his
person...whom men would regard in centu-
ries to come with the same reverence that
they had accorded to Christ.
Heinrich Himmler

rdained, Karma, Incarnate, Christ.
Words of a priest who would pre-
tend to be a prophet. The words of
Heinrich Himmler regarding his
Messiah, the dark soul of Adolph Hitler. This

Nazis and
is not poetic license, or sentimental prose,
but words of devotion, ideology, an apostles
creed, of the hidden, better be forgotten, oc-
cult mythology behind the Nazi movement.

Ariosophistry and the Rise of Hitler

The German Workers Party (Deutche Ar-
beiterpartei, DAP) was founded at Munich in
January 1919 by Anton Drexler. Drexler was
employed at the nearby locomotive factory
and an associate of Baron Rudolph von Se-
bottendorf. The purpose of the Party was to
promote German militarism, anti-semitism,
and the doctrine of racial superiority, known
the Occult
as Ariosophistry.
It is because of Drexlers association with
V. Sebottendorf that it is believed that the
German Workers Party served as the outer
political wing of the Thule Society (Thule
Gesellschaft), founded by v. Sebottendorf.
The Thule Society was a secret society op- Just How Deep Did the Evil
erating in Germany which mixed right wing
politics, occultism, and Teutonic paganism of the Third Reich Run?
into a single belief system. Sebottendorf was
a self-styled aristocrat who added von to his
name to hide his more average origins as the
son of a railway worker. Sebottendorf trav-
eled extensively by working on a steamship
and while visiting Egypt became interested
in occultism, and may have been initiated
into Islamic mystical practices while in
Turkey. It was in Turkey that he began stud-
ying astrology, alchemy, and Rosicru- tericism, including the return of the Haps- Volkischer Beobachter or the People's Ob-
cianism. In 1901 he was initiated into a Ma- burg monarchy. By 1918 it had over 250 server. The VB was quickly absorbed and be-
sonic lodge connected to the Grand Orient of members in Munich, and almost 1,500 across came the official organ of the Nazi Party. It
France, a common feature among masonic Bavaria, with its headquarters consisting of was Eckart who introduced Hitler to the rich
lodges in the Middle East. Nine years later, several floors in the swank hotel Vierjahres- and powerful and taught him the etiquette
Sebottendorf formed his own society in Is- zeiten. needed for high society.
tanbul, combining his previous studies with As its symbol, the Society chose a swas- Unfortunately for v. Sebottendorf, his pe-
right-wing politics and anti-semitism. tika with a dagger enclosed in laurel leaves. riod of influence was over before Hitlers had
In 1916, after returning to Germany, he Thule members included the rich and the even begun. By the time Hitler had obtained
contacted the Order of Germans (Germane- powerful from all areas of business, political, control of the German Workers Party, Sebot-
norden) and by the end of the war had and military life. They were predominantly tendorf had resigned as head of the Thule So-
moved to Munich and changed its name to upper and middle class. Franz Gurtner, Ba- ciety. He attempted to revive the society in
the Thule Gesellschaft, or Thule Society. The varian Minister of Justice before and during 1933, and quickly fell into disfavor with Nazi
Germanenorden was formed to oppose the the Nazi period, was a member as was the authorities for claiming to be the forerunner
perceived Jewish-Masonic conspiracy to Munich police commissioner, and Wilhelm of National Socialism. After hearing of the
dominate the world, a favorite theme in na- Frick, assistant police chief, future Minister German surrender, Rudolph v. Sebottendorf,
tionalist circles of the period. of the Interior for Hitler. self-made aristocrat, would-be Grand Master
Thule was believed to be the pre- Dietrich Eckart (1868-1923), a publisher of German occultism, and father of National
historical homeland of the German people, a of anti-semetic materials, sponsored seances Socialism, committed suicide in Turkey.
kind of Nordic Atlantis. The newly named so- for prominent society members and pub-
ciety continued to promote its brand of eso- lished the Thule Societys newspaper the Continued on Page 31
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 29
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Numberon 59Page 74 Subscribe or Order
58 Books, RMuch
Videos and ISINGMore!
have occult connections that could be used
OCCULT NAZIS against the Nazis.
Karl Haushofer, Professor of Geopoli-
tics at the University of Munich, advocated
Continued from Page 29 expansion into Asia in order to reclaim the
original homelands of the Aryan people. It
Protocols of Zion, The Master Race and was in these lost lands that the Master Race
German Templars of Aryans would reestablish their rightful
While Hitler and Hess were in prison for place of power in the world. While a student
the failed putsch, Alfred Rosenberg, the offi- in Munich, Rudolph Hess, future Deputy
cial Party Philosopher, led the NSDAP from Fuher, met Haushofer and became his as-
192224. Rosenberg, along with Eckart, sistant. How much influence Haushofer had
were part of a plan to bring copies of The on Hesss occult development is unknown.
Protocols of the Elders of Zion into Germany However, Hess, like Himmler and Rosen-
to stir up anti Jewish, Freemasonic, and berg, was one of the few leading Nazis who
Communist feelings. we know had a deep and
Rosenberg believed that lasting interest in the oc-
the Aryan race was the cult, wherever it may have
former priesthood of the come from. While Hess
anti-deluvian continent of would fly to Scotland on
Atlantis and had fled prior an ill-fated and still un-
to its destruction eventu- known mission, and Ro-
ally settling in the Middle senberg would fade into
East, Mongolia, India, and obscurity, left to loot the
Tibet. Rosenberg held to esoteric lodges and li-
the earlier 19th century braries of Europe,
theosophical belief that the Himmler would remain
reason for Atlantiss de- true to his beliefs and re-
struction was that the gods tain power until the end.
were angry at the Atlan- Heinrich Himmler de-
teans who were mating spised Christianity and re-
women with animals and Alfred Rosenberg nounced his Catholicism
creating half-breeds to use in 1936 to set an example
as slaves. Many of these half-breeds survived for the SS rank and file. Like Hitler,
in the existing sub-human races of the Himmler believed that after the war, they
Jews, blacks, slavs, and others. Like other could eliminate the churches altogether.
Nazi and right-wing Indiophiles, he saw the However, he admired the churchs organiza-
Hindu caste system as a shadow of the orig- tional structure and began to model the SS
inal racial divisions of pre-historical times. after the Jesuit Order.
Rosenberg flirted with the idea of pre- Incorporating ideas of Freemasonry, the
christian germanic paganism, asserting that Knights Templar, Teutonic Knights, the my-
Christianity was not strong enough for the thos of the Holy Grail and Round Table,
German yolk. In an attempt to sway those Himmler began to create a secret society out
Germans who might be turned off by the of the SS. This society was to form the elect
elimination of Christian churches by the (auserwahit) who would serve the Fuhrer in
Nazis, plans were made for the establishment his mission. This elect would consist of
of a National Reich Church, and Jesus was only those who believed in a supreme being,
aryianized by making him blond. His book, called der Uralte or Altvater and the
Mythus of the Twentieth Century, which Fuhrer Adolf Hitler whom He sent to us.
outlined his esoteric, neo-pagan, racist, anti- Himmler believed that he was the rein-
christianity and its relationship to National carnation of Heinrich der Lowe, Duke of
Socialism was the second best-selling book Saxony and Bavaria (1129-1195) and enjoyed
in the Third Reich next to Mein Kampf. being referred to as King Henry. He read
However, by 1940, Rosenberg had fallen and esteemed highly Buddhist, Hindu, and
out of influence, as he simply was not brutal Zoroastrian holy scriptures along with the
enough to survive in Hitlers inner circle. Vedas, and astrological writings.
While given several high-sounding titles, he Every King must have his castle and
had little power. Only his Einsatzstab Rosen- Himmler was no different. Complete with
berg (Special Section) managed to exercise Round Table, monastic cells, and coats-of-
any practical impact. Through his minions, arms for his chosen Gruppenfuhrer, who
Rosenberg looted the archives of dozens of were the spiritual elect of the elect, the
occult, fraternal, and esoteric societies and castle at Wewelsburg, near Paderborn, was
orders across occupied Europe. The stolen to be the capital of a future SS state.
goods were then shipped back to Germany In the North Tower they were to meet at
for inclusion in a special Hohe Schule planned ritualistic intervals, and in the
which was to be the main intellectual center tower crypt an eternal flame burned. Reno-
of National Socialism. Among those most se- vated by slave labor from a nearby concen-
riously affected in these round-ups were the tration camp, esoteric symbolism was used
Freemasons, various Rosicrucian groups, throughout the structure. The entire town
Martinists, members of the Theosophical So- was to be rebuilt so that it radiated out in
ciety, Anthroposophists, and any group, or-
ganization or printing house thought to Continued on Page 64

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 31

Did the Creator of

Sherlock Holmes Know
Something We Dont?

A. Conan
Doyle and
the Holy Grail

he Scottish writer Arthur Conan
Doyle is most familiar to us today as
the creator of the detective Sherlock
Holmes, but less known is that he
was also a Scottish Rite Freemason. Unargu-
ably a highly intelligent and well-read man,
Doyle, later in his life, turned to mysticism
and headed a Spiritualist movement which
lobbied to change Englands old law against
According to a simplified version of
Jungs theory of the collective subconscious,
all of humanitys dreams and desires are
added to an endless stream of thought which
is common to us all. Some sensitive people,
notably adepts of the various creative arts, Sherlock Holmes illustrated by Frank Wiles from The Strand Magazine, September 1914.
can somehow connect to that stream and aristocratic friend, but ends up finding some- family ritual of his friend Reginald Musgrave.
extract ideas and symbols for their creations. thing morea buried treasure of King Nobody in the family knows its meaning but,
(what others call creativity or imagina- Charles I Stuart (spelled Stewart on the respecting ancestral wishes, they had duti-
tion). Scottish King Lists). fully passed it through many generations,
An idea as big and ancient as the Holy The nature of the treasure is revealed each teaching it to his male offspring.
Grail would certainly leave a mark on that only at the end, but it is the part which Holmes friend had caught his butler one
record. Doyle is likely to have been familiar should pique the curiosity of a Grail re- day in the familys private library surrepti-
with the Grail lore, at least as part of his re- searcher. According to research in such tiously studying the old document. Shortly
search into the history of the Scottish Rite. works as Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Baigent, thereafter the butler went missing. Holmes
But purposely or not, the subject found its Leigh and Lincoln), or Bloodline of the Holy immediately realizes that the ritual reveals
way into his tales. Grail (Laurence Gardner), Charles I Stewart the location of a treasure.
A particular Holmes adventure, The Mus- was named the hereditary head of a secret The Musgrave ritual is presented as a
grave Ritual, indeed, provides some very re- brotherhood in charge of safeguarding the question-and-answer dialogue, familiar as an
vealing information. Holy Grail itself (the chalice from Jesus last entry ritual for secret societies, including
By no means an example of Doyles finer
writing, or of Holmes more brilliant deduc-
supper) supposedly JOSEPH
hidden somewhere in Freemasonry and College Fraternities. It
Scotland, most likely Roslyn Chapel, by the goes:
tions, the storys plot is less captivating than remnants of the Knights Templar who fled Whose was it?
many others. But this may have been a France during the destruction of their Order His who is gone.
clever tactic to conceal its real importance. by King Philip IV of France in 1307 CE. Who shall have it?
In the story Holmes seeks a missing The main clue for Holmes is an old He who will come.
butler and maid at the mansion of an old

32 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
Where was the sun? which eventually did not find its way to
Over the oak. Charles II but instead remained rusting
Where was the shadow? under the Musgrave house for over two cen-
Under the elm. turies, was, in Holmes own words, nothing
How was it stepped? less than the ancient Crown of the Kings of
North by ten and by ten, east by five and England.
by five, south by two and by two, west by one We are told this only at the end of the
and by one, and so under. story. The nature of the treasure turns out to
What shall we give for it? be merely incidental to the romantic adven-
All that is ours. ture between the butler and the maid, and in
Why should we give it? fact, its a disappointment to find the
For the sake of the trust. treasure means little to the story characters
Holmes measures the steps from the or to the reader.
ritual on the ground, after performing a bit Yet the very unimportance of the
of triangulation to determine where the treasure in the plot obscures the fact that
shadow of a rooted-out elm would have were talking about a vital link in the British
fallen, and proceeds to find both the missing Royal Succession, the very Old Crown of
butler and the treasure crypt concealed by England itself. A highly significant artifact, it
friends of the executed King Charles I, A. Conan Doyle is also truly symbolicnot only of the power
fleeing the Parliamentary forces of Oliver its wearer wields, but also of the sacred Grail
Cromwell. Charles II when he was restored to power. guardianship with which the Stewarts were
The exact date is not given, but Musgrave The hiding place was described in the family entrusted.
notes that his ancestor was a prominent ritual. The opening lines, Whose was it/ The lost cache belonged to Charles I and
Cavalier and right-hand man of Charles the His who is gone refers to Charles I. The it did not reach his son because of the Revo-
Second in his wanderings. These wander- second question and answer Who shall lution. But Charles II did in fact eventually
ings are known to have taken place after the have it/He who will come refers to the assume the British throne nine years later in
battle of Worcester in 1651, when the Royal- foreseen future coronation of Charles II. 1660, soon after Cromwells deathso he
ists were defeated in their attempt to help But the original Musgrave who con- did actually inherit the crown, the Mon-
the young son of Charles I recover the cealed the trove and wrote the ritual, had archy itself. So which treasure of his fa-
usurped throne, two years after his father evidently died in the war before he had time thers did he not get?
was beheaded. to reveal its secret to his own son. Thus his This can only mean that Doyle was refer-
Holmes guesses that Musgrave and other descendants had no idea of the rituals true ring to another kind of succession which was
Stuart supporters hid some historically im- significance, until it was discovered by Regi- broken herethat of the Stewart Grail
portant relics to keep them from being plun- nald Musgraves butler and then by Holmes. Keepers, which was interrupted with the be-
dered, so that they could be passed onto The treasure itself, thus hidden and
Continued on Page 65

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 33


ho has not
tranced by
sight of Mercury? Those
silvery globules racing
around in a madcap

startled when one of its
members, a
named Charles Price,

claimed to have solidified

pure mercury and then
turned it into gold. He was
called upon to repeat this
feat before selected com-
mittees of the Royal So-
ciety and did so several
chase more than justify times to the astonishment
the metals other name of
quicksilver, while their
elusiveness and their of of all presentthese com-
prising members of the
House of Lords, senior dig-
eternal motion are quali-
ties that affirm their re-
fusal to be captured and
emphasize their determi-
nation to preserve the
secrets of this unique
MYSTERY nitaries of the Church of
England and master gold
refiners. Price used a
white powder as the cata-
lyst in this process but
naturally refused to di-
vulge what this was. He
The very fact of being a liquid metal is in
itself a paradox. How can a metal be liquid? Are Todays took his own life by drinking cyanide before
his veracity could be established.
we wonder and it is one of the many charac-
teristics that make mercury singularly Scientists Taking a The core of the solution to the cen-
turies-old search for the Philosophers Stone
The ancient alchemists regarded mercury Page from Ancient was believed by many to consist of two steps.
The first step was to combine mercury and
with awe, recognizing immediately its mys- sulfur and then . . . but that second step
tical aura. They bestowed the name of Mer-
cury on it because of its resem-
Alchemists? eluded even the most gifted of
the alchemists. Modern re-
blance to the god Mercury searchers have valid reason to
winged and fugitive, they de- believe that their efforts could
scribed it. be successful. While it was long
The metal was used exten- considered that there were 92
sively by alchemists in both elements and that the entire
the Eastern and Western universe did not contain any
worlds and was crucial to more, nuclear bombardment
many chemical experiments. It was able to produce what are
was particularly valued be- known as the trans-uranium
cause of its ability to combine elements, uranium being
with most other metals. One of the most renowned of the number 92.
The renowned Chinese alchemist, Ko Western alchemists was the Swiss, Para- Elements from number 93 onwardand
Hung, wrote a book in the fourth century celsus. It was the 15th century and he be- there are now over a dozen of themare
that referred frequently to his use of mercury lieved that things were not merely inert man-made which distinguishes them from
while in the Arab world, Ar-Razi, in the tenth lumps of matter but that they all possessed the natural elements in the atomic table.
century, experimented with the liquid metal unknown powers and were merged in the Nevertheless, some researchers argue that
extensively. magic of an unseen world. He reached the this proves that elements can be transmuted
In Spain in the 13th century, Ramon conclusion that there were three basic al- and that in theory, base metals can be con-
Lulli was a Franciscan friar and mystic. He chemical elementsmercury, sulfur and verted into gold. Perhaps someday, this sci-
wrote extensively on scientific subjects and salt. entific dream will be realizedand that real-
eagerly sought the Philosophers Stonethe Successors to Paracelsus expanded his ization has some founding in scientific fact,
substance that would transmute base metals beliefs to assert that there were seven ele- based on the following reasoning . . .
into gold. He became a technical adviser to ments, basing this number on the fact that Mercury has an atomic weight of 200,
Pope John XXI then later spent months in a the sky contained seven heavenly bodies. gold has an atomic weight of 197. This
laboratory in the Tower of London where it Again, mercury was one of the seven means that 200 electrons circle around the
was said that he transmuted mercury into selected. nucleus of a mercury atom so it is only nec-
gold for King Edward in the amount of six When Pope John XXI died, he was suc- essary to knock 3 of these electrons out of
million crowns. Were there enough mer- ceeded by John XXII, a noted alchemist. He orbit and the result is an atom of gold!
cury, Lulli said, I could transform whole built a laboratory in Avignon, the new Vat- Todays scientists (21st century alchemists?)
oceans into gold. ican and wrote books on the transmutation believe that this can be achieved with the aid
During the same century, Roger Bacon in of metals which identified mercury as the of the new and immensely powerful particle
England was also a Franciscan friar but at dominant chemical agent. When he died, he accelerators.
the same time, he was an Oxford don of ex- left eighteen million florins in goldan un- Mercury occurs only rarely in the me-
traordinary learning and achievement. He precedented amount for the impoverished tallic form in nature. Alchemists of the
was a dedicated alchemist and a fervent be- papacy at that time, and it was universally Middle Ages believed that it occurred
liever in the mercury-sulfur combination as believed that he could have made it only by wherever the planet Mercury had the most
being the key to transmutationthough he transmutation. influence. Still, they described its appearance
never succeeded in producing gold. In 1782, the Royal Society of London was
Continued on Page 36
34 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 35
reported excitedly on one occasion that
MERCURY Newton has unlocked the secret of mercury.
What he meant by that has been long de-
bated although it was known that mercury
was widely used in Newtons work.
Continued from Page 34 The British nuclear physicist, Edward Ne-
accurately and correctly identified the types ville da Costa Andrade, gave a speech at Cam-
of rock in which it could be found. Its prin- bridge University in July 1946 making refer-
cipal ore is cinnabar which consists of mer- ence to Newtons knowledge of mercurys
cury and sulfur. The ore can be heated in air secrets. He said, Modesty teaches us to speak
so as to oxidize the sulfur and leave the glob- of the ancients with respect, especially when
ules of mercury metal. This has been a we are not familiar with their works. Newton,
common practice since as early as 1,500 who knew them practically by heart, had the
B.C., consequently it was readily available to greatest respect for them and considered
Paracelsus and the other practicing them to be men of genius and superior intel-
alchemists. ligence who had carried their discoveries in
Metallic mercury guards its secrets and is every field much further than we suspect
not a human-friendly element. It is, in fact, a today.
virulent poison and is readily absorbed Andrade continued, quoting Newton and
through the nose and mouth, the stomach saying, Because of the way mercury may be
and even through unbroken skin. Handling impregnated, it has been thought fit to be
the metal at room temperatures is moder- concealed by others that have known it and
ately safe but any increase in therefore may possibly be an
temperature produces mercury inlet to something more noble,
vapor that is highly toxic. not to be communicated without
Mercury was found to be immense danger to the outside
dangerous in another way too. world. Did Newton refer to gold
The expression Mad as a in his mention of something
hatter has been an expression more noble and what is the im-
in common use for some time mense danger to which he al-
and it took many years for the luded?
realization that an inordinately Possibly the most extensive
large number of hat-makers did references to mercury in earlier
in fact become insane. The times are those in the Vedic lit-
reason was eventually found to erature of ancient India. The Ma-
Edward Neville habharata, the Ramayana and
be due to the mercury com- da Costa Andrade
pounds used in hat-making. the Puranas all give detailed de-
The alchemists and doctors of the time scriptions of flying machines. There are liter-

tlantis Rising Video presents
English Sacred Sites: The At- were aware to some extent of the metals ally hundreds of these texts; some have not
lantis Connection. dangers but they were also aware that what yet been translated from the old Sanskrit.
The new 40-minute VHS can kill man can also kill mans diseases. As these works tell of a world 10,000 to
program pulls together powerful evi- Used cautiously, mercury-based chemicals 15,000 years ago, they have not been given a
dence linking Stonehenge, Avebury, were powerful weapons in the hands of the great deal of credenceuntil recently. The
Glastonbury and many other English early health practitioners. reason for this is the remarkable similarity of
locations with an advanced ancient Mercurys mysterious properties have led the powers possessed by these Vimanas or
order now lost to history. Written and some to place credence in its ability to sus- sky chariots to those ascribed to UFOs.
narrated by Atlantis Rising editor Doug tainand even prolonglife. A group in Vimanas are described as flying machines
Kenyon, the video is based primarily modern times has followed this persuasion with a double-deck, being circular with port-
upon the discoveries of Cambridge- and called themselves Hermeticists. among holes for look-out and a dome. The Vimanas
trained scholar and author John Mi- them an Anglo-Indian named Swami Purna, are about twenty feet in diameter and ac-
chell. The program demonstrates how an Oxford scholar who later lived in London. cording to the ancient texts have a strong
a mysterious network of perfectly He alleged that he had graduated in 1845 and durable body like a great flying bird
straight tracks, laid out for hundreds (which would have made him over a hundred made of light material but it was their de-
of miles across the English landscape, years old) and maintained that his longevity scriptions of the engines that are extraordi-
proves the great advancement of pre- was due to a small image of the Hindu god, narily fascinating . . .
historic science. Michells deep insight Shiva, that he had himself carved from a Inside the Vimana must be placed the
into the origins of English culture illu- block of solidified mercury that was then im- Mercury engine with its iron heating appa-
minates a startling new vision of the planted in his flesh. ratus beneath it. By means of the power la-
roots of civilization. Sir Isaac Newton was perhaps the tent in the mercury which sets the driving
Beautiful on-location footage inter- greatest scientist in history. His discoveries whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside
spersed with spectacular 3-D anima- in gravity and light are the cornerstones of may travel a great distance in the sky in a
tion and a great original music score much of our current scientific knowledge. most marvelous manner.
make English Sacred Sites not only Less known, however, is his passionate The account in the Samarangana Sutra-
moving and persuasive but enter- interest in alchemy. He amassed one of the dhara goes on to state that Vimanas could be
taining as well. finest private alchemical libraries ever col- built as large as a temple . . . four strong
lected and at the same time wrote more than mercury containers must be built into the
one million words on the subject. The best inner structure. When these have been
1 Hr. DVD $24.95 biography of Newton (written by Andrew heated by controlled fire from the iron con-
or VHS $19.95 White) is apt in being titled, The Last of the tainers, the Vimana develops thunder-power
+ $5.95 S.&H. Sorcerers. through the mercury . . . it develops power
To Order Call Newton was a devoted experimenter and with the roar of a lion.
his friend and contemporary, Lord Atterton,
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and the
A Forgotten Case for Ancient
Achievement Revisited

The McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope, currently the largest unobstructed-aperture optical telescope in the world (Photo: NOAO/AURA/NSF)

the telescope was known to the ancients. fact, the exact length of the ancient Babylo-
BY LARRY BRIAN RADKA One of these passages is found in The nian year has been determined to have been
Face of the Moon, written by the first- 365 days, 6 hours, and 11 minutes, which

he word telescope is derived from
the ancient Greek word tle, meaning century Greek biographer Plutarch. He varies less than two minutes from the side-
far off, plus skopein, meaning to claimed, The moon is very uneven real year. They also ascribed eclipses
look. The primary definition of a and rugged. How could he have de- of the sun to the interposition of the
telescope, according to the 1927 Encyclo- termined this if the ancients were not moon between the sun and the earth,
pedic Edition of The Winston Simplified Dic- using telescopes to observe its terrain and they apparently knew the ar-
tionary, is: An optical instrument for at the time? rangement of at least seven planets
viewing distant objects, especially heavenly In another passage, on the and spotted some of their moons
bodies: called refracting if bringing the rays wisdom of Pythagoras in the sixth which certainly requires the use of
to a focus by a lens, reflecting if by a concave century B.C., the ancient phi- a telescope.
mirror. However, this authoritys editors: losopher Iamblichus sug- Their long line of as-
Yale University Dr. H. S. Canby, the editor of gested that the Greeks used tronomical records on
The Saturday Review of Literature Dr. T. K. telescopes by clay tablets stored in the
Brown Jr., formerly of Haverford College, and spelling out the British Museum, dating
Dr. W. D. Lewis, formerly the Superintendent word when he an- back to 747 B.C., indicate
of Public Instruction for the Commonwealth nounced, Sight is they observed some of
of Pennsylvania, made no mention of who in- made precise by the the moons of Jupiter and
vented the telescope, perhaps because of the compass, rule, and Saturn. There is said to be
previous controversy surrounding the telescope. distinct evidence that they ob-
subject. The ancients ap- A bronze replica of served the four satellites of Ju-
The credit of the discovery of the tele- parently used the a gigantic mobile piter, and strong reason to be-
scope has been a fruitful subject of discus- telescope long be- telescope of the lieve that they were
sion, declared the 1911 edition of Encyclo- fore Pythagoras. Babylonian seventh century B.C. acquainted likewise with the
paedia Britannica. Thus, because astronomers catalogued the seven satellites of Saturn, wrote the
Democritus announced that the Milky Way is non-planetary fixed stars, observed and re- English Orientalist George Rawlinson, in the
composed of vast multitudes of stars, it has corded their observations on occultations of 1860s. It has generally been assumed that
been maintained that he could only have the planets by the sun and moon, and deter- they were wholly ignorant of the telescope,
been led to form such an opinion from actual mined correctly within a small fraction the added this Camden professor of ancient his-
examination of the heavens with a telescope. length of the synodic revolution of the tory. But if the satellites of Saturn are really
Other passages from the Greek and Latin au- moon. They also knew the true length of the mentioned, as it is thought that they are,
thors have similarly been cited to prove that solar year was 365 days and a quarter. In
Continued on Page 67

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The massive alabaster (Egyptian

crystal) platform at Abu Ghurob.
It is a mandala depicting the four

The Lost World of Egypts Abu Ghurob The Taking

of Christ,

This Little-Known Site Offers Startling Clues to Ancient High Technology Caravaggio

BY WILLIAM HENRY and is one of the oldest ceremonial sites on

the entire planet. Moreover, he says the site
Of course, Hakim is describing what is
called a portal or stargate today. I found

bout a 20-minute drive from the was designed to create heightened spiritual some eye-opening connections to stargates at
Great Pyramid, and visible from the awareness through the use of vibrations Abu Ghurob. Additionally, I found connec-
Giza Plateau on a clear day, is one of transmitted through the alabaster platform tions to both Atlantis and to the Anunnaki
Egypts greatest treasures from an- and other materials. This expanded aware- gods of Sumeria, which will be shared here.
tiquity, and one of the most extraordinary ness enabled one to connect with the sacred Entering the site at Abu Ghurob felt like a
places on our planet. energies of the universe known as Neters. Hollywood movie set for a movie titled For-
Abu Ghurob is a closed-to-the-public ar- Mehler notes that Hakims indigenous bidden World, or something like that. The
chaeological site in the pyramid fields that tradition teaches that the Neters themselves, dunes of the great desert appeared lunar. The
run alongside the Nile south of Cairo. Egyp- in some sort of physical form, once landed three pyramids (per neters or houses of en-
tologists quaintly refer to it as a sun temple, and appeared in person at Abu Ghurob. It is ergy) of Abu Sir, about a mile away, seemed
a burial center or funerary complex for a for this reason that this site has been consid- surreal like three elder fires burning for eter-
new cult of Ra (they usually use these terms ered sacred for thousands upon thousands of nity. Strangely, when I stepped onto this set
when the actual function of a place is un- years. I have never felt more at home in a place in
clear) dating to around 2400 B.C. I could hardly wait to get up over the my life.
In fact, indigenous Egyptian tradition crest of a hill in front of me and cross the The site appeared as if it had sat undis-
teaches that this site is one of the oldest cere- barrier to Abu Ghurob when I visited the turbed for millennia. The vacuum-like si-
monial centers on the planet and is a place place during my stay in Cairo in March/April lence accentuated that perception.
where the ancients connected with divine en- 06. I was particularly interested in the large The red granite casing stones that once
ergies. square structure or platform made of ala- covered the pyramid at Abu Ghrob were scat-
According to Stephen Mehlers account in baster (Egyptian crystal) that sits in front of tered like Lego blocks. An obelisk (sun
Land of Osiris, Abu Ghurob has a remarkable the mound where an obelisk stood. Hakim stick) once stood atop this mound. Pieces of
past. Ancient Egyptian, or properly Kheme- proposes this platform created a harmonic this original sun stick or ben ben are scat-
tian, oral tradition relayed by AbdEl Hakim resonance through sound vibrations to in- tered all over the place. In fact, the entire site
Awyan, the acclaimed teacher and wayshower crease heightened awareness and to further is one giant debris field with pieces of lime-
of the sacred mysteries of ancient Khemet, open the senses to communicate and be
claims this site dates deep into pre-history one with the Neters. Continued on Page 69

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Dianne Robbins 585-442-4437

Box 10945, Rochester, NY 14610 USA

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Art by Ron O. Cook


t appears to be a subject that no Chris- sible that some in the early church knew Such sayings as the kingdom of heaven is
tian wishes to discuss. Priests, bishops, this history and found it incompatible with within you and know ye not that ye are
ministers and laymen alike avoid it like the new religion proclaimed by Constantine, gods? can easily be discerned as deriving
the plague. Why? Because they have no built around the divinity of Jesus. A belief in from Eastern religious thought. Jesus also
answers. And yet, it is a simple and impor- this possibility is encouraged by the fact that made indirect references to karma and rein-
tant questionwhere was Jesus between the the story of the so-called lost years of Jesus carnation, and much of what he taught about
ages of 13 and 30? Are we to understand that was well-known at the timein India! love and compassion seems clearly influ-
he spent those years laboring as a carpenter enced by the teachings of the Buddha. One
in his fathers shop? Would this have been an Was Jesus a Yogi? reviewer of The Second Coming says, ...a
appropriate endeavor for a young man whose In the modern era, there have been nu- deeper esoteric study of what Christ was
birth was heralded by angels and who was de- merous references to the travels of Jesus in saying...this interpretation is laced with
bating brilliantly with rabbis at the age of 12? India and Tibet, and they are all remarkably eastern mysticism and Christ is seen as a
Clearly, the man who showed up in Jeru- consistent. Perhaps the most noteworthy is self-realized Yogi come to awaken mankind
salem at the age of 30 to undertake what he The Second Coming of the Christ by Para- to their own cosmic consciousness.
knew to be a very dangerous mission that mahansa Yogananda (1893-1951), originally Yoganandas view of Jesus as a self-
would probably end in his death was well- written in the 1940s, but re-published in a realized yogi becomes more acceptable
prepared, and one might even say trained slip-case edition in 2004. Yogananda, who when one takes a closer look at the mira-
for that mission, and fully confident of his founded Self-Realization Fellowship in Los cles that Jesus performed. All of them, it is
ability to carry it to completion. It seems Angeles in 1920, is best known for his classic said, have been duplicated by generations of
highly unlikely that he achieved that prepar- best-seller Autobiography of a Yogi. In The yogis in the Himalayan foothills. These
ation and confidence in his fathers carpentry Second Coming he re-casts the teachings of powers are the so-called siddhis developed
shop. The failure of the Gospels to treat this Jesus in the light of Eastern religious philos- by years of rigorous adherence to spiritual
subject is suspicious. Logic would dictate ophy, taking the position that Jesus was in- development through yoga and meditation
that his followers would want to know the fluenced by Hinduism and Buddhism, and with the help of a guru, especially the arts of
history of such a miracle-man and self- higher esoteric Eastern wisdom, believed to Raja Yoga. According to Shri Prakash Ji, A
proclaimed Son of God. It suggests that be the province of the Himalayan masters. yogi is one whose soul has linked to the Uni-
somehow, sometime, this information may This influence, he claims, was the result of versal Soul, one who has reached God...Yogi
have been excised from the Gospels, perhaps the youthful Jesus having lived and studied is within God and God is in Him. God and
at the Council of Nicea in A.D. 323 It is pos- with monks and teachers in India and Tibet. Yogi are Oneness. And once this union has

42 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
been achieved, the spiritual powers or sid- Kashmiri started Martin off on a life-long re- 1894. It consisted of 244 of the scattered,
dhis manifest. The ability to walk on water, search odyssey that culminated in his book translated verses organized by Notovitch into
or to levitate, is known as vayu-siddhi and twenty-five years later. We interviewed him 14 chapters. The complete story by Noto-
is considered one of the minor siddhis. Jesus to discuss the book, and his recent trip back vitch with the verses incorporated was titled
was even able to teach his disciples the tech- to India with Hollywood producer Paul Da- The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ. That book,
nique. The power to raise the dead is known vids, in which they traveled over 4000 miles originally in French, was an instant success,
as ishitvam and is one of the eight major across the continent filming a new docu- going through eighteen editions in France,
siddhis. Kabir, Tulsidas, Akalkot Swami and mentary on the subject to be released in three in the U.S. and one in England, and was
others had the power of bringing back life to 2007. translated into German, Spanish, Swedish
the dead. Raja yogins routinely appear and In our interview with Martin, he focused and Italian.
disappear, heal the sick, calm the elements, on the so-called chain of evidence, i.e., all
and manifest solid objects out of thin air. the reliable sources of information on the Issa Preaches to the Lower Castes
Could the evidence that Jesus had these subject. In his book, he mentions Edgar The Life of St. Issa could really be consid-
powers mean that he studied Raja Yoga with Cayce, who made frequent references to the ered the earliest gospel, even though related
high yogis in India and Tibet until he became travels of Jesus, and The Aquarian Gospel of by merchants rather than disciples, since it
self-realized? Jesus the Christ by Levi Dowling, first pub- was supposedly written in the first or second
lished in 1907. Martins opinion is that the century A.D. It begins with the story of the
Shangri-La most thorough coverage of this subject is to Jewish enslavement in Egypt and ends with
The most recent book on the subject is be found in The Lost Years of Jesus by Eliza- the Crucifixion. Regarding the departure of
The King of Travelers (Jonah Publishing, beth Clare Prophet (1984, Summit Univer- Jesus to India, it says that at the age of 13, he
1999) by Edward T. Martin. Martin traveled sity Press). The evidence seems to revolve al- was expected to take a wife, and the modest
to India in 1974, while stationed in Kabul, Af- most entirely around the secluded and house of Joseph and Mary became crowded
ghanistan with the Peace Corps. In what is mysterious Buddhist monastery of Himis in with the rich and noble seeking to make
clearly a case of synchronicity, Martin, who Leh in the province of Ladakh in northern the illustrious, brilliant youth a son-in-law.
had already read extensively on the subject of Kashmir. Himis is a gompa or solitary It was then that Issa clandestinely left his fa-
Jesus in India, came across the book thers house, went out of Jerusalem,
Christ in Kashmir by Aziz Kashmiri in a and, in company with some mer-
small bookstore in Srinigar, and was able chants, traveled toward Sindh (India),
to immediately meet the author through that he might perfect himself in the
the bookstore owner. In his book, Martin divine word and study the laws of the
describes that fateful meeting,. ...over great Buddhas. Almost certainly, the
steaming cups of tea, we had a far-ranging merchants camel caravan traveled
discussion about the subject of Jesus in over the Silk Road, the main East-
India. To my surprise, I found out that in West trade route.
India itself there is a very long-standing Issa crossed the Indus River and
tradition and folklore that Jesus did in- moved on across the continent to the
deed live in India. That meeting with Temple of Jagganath in the province
Documentary of Orissa in Southeast India. There, he
Producer Paul was enthusiastically welcomed by the
Davids on the white Brahmin priests, and spent six
Ganges years studying the Vedas, and learning
Ed Martin how to teach, heal the sick, and per-
and his form exorcisms, in Jagganath, Raja-
book place of refuge from the world of tempta- griha, Benares and other holy cities. Then, in
tion prized by Buddhist monks. Prophet an early display of his characteristic anti-
says that Himis is ...tucked away in a hidden establishment trouble-making, the 21 year-
valley in the Himalayas 11,000 feet above sea old Issa defiantly preached the holy Hindu
level. Some who have visited it say it brings scriptures to the lower castesthe farmers,
to mind visions of Shangri-La. It was to merchants and laborers, thus enraging the
Himis that 29-year-old Russian journalist Ni- Brahmins and Kshatriyas (priests and war-
colas Notovitch traveled in late 1887 because riors), who promptly put out a contract on
a lama had told him that he might find a his life. According to the verses, He strongly
manuscript there about the life of the denounced the men who robbed their fellow-
prophet Issa who had traveled there as a beings of their rights as men, saying God the
young man. Issa was the Indian name for Father establishes no difference between his
Jesus. In the course of a conversation, the children, who are all equally dear to him.
chief lama at Himis mentioned that there Warned by his friends, Issa fled to the Hima-
were scrolls there in which are to be found layan foothills in Nepal, the birthplace of
the life and acts of the Buddha Issa who Gautama Buddha with whom he evidently
preached the holy doctrine in India and felt a strong connection. Having learned the
among the children of Israel. These scrolls Pali tongue, Issa spent the next six years
in Tibetan, the lama explained, were copied studying the ancient scrolls in the Buddhist
from the original version kept in Lhassa and monasteries of Nepal and Tibet, including
written in ancient Pali. Himis where he remained for about two
During an extended stay at Himis while months, until he whom the Buddha had
convalescing from a broken leg, Notovitch chosen to spread his holy word, could per-
persuaded the lama to show him the scrolls, fectly explain the sacred rolls. And then he
two large bound volumes with leaves yel- turned his face westward, and began the
lowed by time, and to allow him to translate fateful journey back to Palestine, to live out
and record the verses. This ultimately be- his hard destiny.
came the book, The Life of St. Issa: Best of While popular, The Unknown Life got
the Sons of Men, published by Notovitch in Continued on Page 71
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the birth of the Information Economy. silence to service, she suggests. Citing Mal-
As an Architect of Corporate Transfor- colm Gladwells popular book, The Tipping
BY CYNTHIA LOGAN mation, Aburdene offers audiences a con-
crete blueprint of how values, consciousness,
Point, she elaborates on the power of spiritu-
ality. A quest that was once personal has be-

ad a banana lately? Pa- and leadership will heal todays economic come more universal. The wounded become
tricia Aburdene throws the crisis, namely, by embracing and partici- healers; the warriors, statesmen. Victims be-
question out to the audi- pating in the seven new trends shes uncov- come advocates and managers become corpo-
ence of conscious consu- ered: the power of spirituality, the dawn of rate activists and agents of change. Not only
mers shes addressing at a LOHAS (Life- conscious capitalism leading from the middle that, but such spirituality spells financial
styles of Health and Sustainability) spirituality in business, the emergence of the success. Quite frankly, spirituality is highly
convention on the topic of corporate trends.
As many nod, she continues Chances are it
may have had a Chiquita brand sticker on
the peel. This would have been cause for
caution a few years ago, since the
United Fruit Company (which owned
Chiquita) had a history of corrup-
tion, brutality and environmental
Charting the
Growth of
destruction. Today, you can eat
that banana knowing the com-
pany has cleaned up its act. Chi-
quita now embraces vigorous
new standards to cut toxic
chemicals, control pollution
and protect workers. It has also
restructured management and
investment to reflect a commit-
ment to social responsibility,
even winning the Rainforest Alli-
ances first Sustainable Standard-
Setter Green Global award. Ac-
cording to Aburdene, Chiquita is
just one of a huge wave of corpora-
tions changing their ways. The
bubbly, animated trend-tracker
hardly seems the consum-
mate librarian / re- Megatrends Tracker
searcher, but thats
her passion, and shes
armed to the teeth
Patricia Aburdene Has Her
with facts and figures
that substantiate the
Eye on the Future and
astonishing claim she
makes in her latest book, Likes What She Sees
MegaTrends 2010, The
Rise of Conscious Capi-
talismthat ordinary people profitablethere are 63 million consumers
are healing capitalism and, in now shopping according to their values, and
doing so, are changing the world. consumers make up 70% of the GDP (Gross
Fueled by a BS in library science Patricia Aburdene
Domestic Product). Corporations responding
from Catholic University (as well as by a BA to this demographic and their employees
in Philosophy and four honorary doctorates), values-driven consumer, the wave of con- changing values are reaping savings, en-
Aburdenes tracking mission began in the scious solutions, and the socially responsible joying increased productivity and capturing
1980s with her former partner, John Nais- investment boom. Reading MegaTrends 2010 larger market-shares, says the spiritually
bitt. Their book, MegaTrends topped best- is uplifting and inspiring. While some con- minded capitalist.
seller lists worldwide, correctly outlining sider her to be a bit Pollyanna-ish, most Aburdene starts her day by lighting can-
major paradigm shifts in business and cul- readers and seminar participants welcome dles and journaling (core and central to my
ture. A megatrend is an overarching direc- her upbeat attitude. Ive lived my life with a life), then meditating in the Ashaya tradi-
tion that shapes our lives for a decade or philosophy of hope. If there were not a lot of tion (focusing on full statements rather than
more, she states, adding that it has to occur people uncovering everything thats wrong on single-word mantras or phrases) then, she
in many different areas simultaneously in in the world I might feel called to do that, ritualistically turns on CNBC. Im a junkie,
order to be viable and is a confluence of but it doesnt fit me temperamentally, she she admits. Recently, she saw something
changing values and economic necessity that says. The positives are so underrepresented shed waited years to witness: I turned on
results in social transformation. High- in this world that Ive kind of found my the TV and there was (former) Federal Re-
Tech, High Touch was one of the original niche holding the positive energy. serve Chairman Alan Greenspan saying fraud
touchstones, heralding the popularity of A baby-boomer herself, the fifty- and falsification, inspired by greed, are
yoga, massage and other touch therapies to something dynamo feels that the spiritual highly destructive to free-market capitalism
match the development of technological ad- work many boomers have done in their and, more broadly, to the underpinnings of
vances. That was our most popular trend personal lives is now spilling over into larger our society... I was elated. Aburdene had
and its still very much in effect, laughs arenas. Were emerging from (meditative)
Aburdene, who, with Naisbitt, also predicted Continued on Page 72
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Passion in Coral
The Strange and Miraculous Obsession of Edward Leedskalnin
Coral Castles Crescent Moon (Photo courtesy Debra Jane

via a gate fashioned from a single block of approximately 243 tons of coral cut into cy-
BY FRANK JOSEPH coral weighing nine tons. This massive mon- clopean blocks weighing from four to nine

hen what was, at the time, the olith is eighty inches wide, ninety two inches tons each. The roof alone comprises 30 one-
worst storm in North American tall, and twenty one inches thick. It fits ton blocks neatly fitted together. Although
history struck Florida during within a quarter of an inch of the walls sur- electricity and plumbing are absent, oil lamps
1991, only one structure in the rounding it, and pivoted on an iron rod and a well of fresh water serve the living
city of Homestead, where Hurricane An- resting on an automobile gear. The enor- quartersa sleeping chamber with twin
drew concentrated its fury, escaped damage. mous block balanced so perfectly on its beds, an outdoor cookery, and bathroom. A
The surviving building was not a modern center of gravity that a visitor could easily low but massive altar rests against the south
bank or skyscraper, but a coral castle com- push it open with one finger. wall. But to what god or gods it was dedi-
pleted by one lonely man in 1940. How could Another gate, this one shaped into a large cated, no one knows.
his private mansion have defied a cataclysm triangular configuration at the opposite wall, Through a single window looking out
that devastated everything around it for weighs three tons. Inside the courtyard, to over the courtyard below, the extent of this
thousands of square miles? This is only one the visitors immediate right, rears a broad, peculiar place can be perceived in a glance.
of the numerous questions people have been square tower with a flight of stone steps as- Among its oddities is a scattering of over-
asking about Coral Castle for more than 65 cending to a single doorway near the top. sized chairs made of coral, each one weighing
years. They lead to the highest point on the prop- a half-ton. Although they look extremely un-
The fortress-like complex was con- erty and a small room. This chamber is occu- comfortable, the chairs are, in fact, excep-
structed of massive blocks of cut coral, many pied by only a leather hammock and a crude, tionally restful and balanced into perfect
of which exceed five tons. These are imagina- wooden table piled with primitive tools rockers. Remarkably, not a single tool mark
tively arranged and fitted together to form a chains, saws, drills, wedges, hammers, has been found on any of them. A smaller
central courtyard encircled by high, domi- chisels and crowbars. Tools also festoon the number of chairs resemble contour lounges
nating walls. Entrance through them is made walls. This imposing tower was raised with oriented to the sun after dawn or at noon.

46 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
But they are not the only Coral Castle fea- cludes Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Ju- quet table surrounded by half-ton rocking
tures with celestial orientations. There are piter, Saturn and Uranus make up the chairs. These chairs are so perfectly balanced
numerous stone representations of planets, middle group, with Neptune and Pluto rep- that they continue rocking long after a light
moons and suns, many (perhaps all) of them resented by the outermost ring. touch has set them in motion.
deliberately aligned with various sky phe- An appreciation of the extraordinary The building, its furnishings and art ob-
nomena, as were the twenty-five larger chairs labor that went into building this place may jects were carved from one thousand, one
carefully positioned throughout the estate. be gained by inspecting the north wall. Its hundred tons of coral. The average weight of
The site appears to be some kind of celes- center section, surmounted by the represen- cut rock used in its construction exceeds that
tial observatory dating back to a time before tation of a crown, contains the sites heaviest of the stone blocks used to erect Egypts
the invention of the telescope. Twenty feet single block at thirty tons. Almost as massive Great Pyramid.
outside the walls stands a lensless, telescopic is a forty-foot obelisk set in a pit six feet To visitors ignorant of its origins, Coral
structure, twenty five feet tall and weighing deep. There is also a two-and-a-half-ton ban- Castle might impress them as the ruin of
twenty tons. Cross-hairs inside its aperture some ancient, unknown civilization. But it
resemble those of a bomb-sight, but they are was not built by astronomer-priests directing
aligned with Polaris, the North Star. Nearby stone-dragging slaves of some prehistoric
is a massive sun-dial calibrated to noon of the kingdom. No less incredible than its own stu-
winter solstice, December 21, and the pendous construction is the fact that the en-
summer solstice, June 21. The sun-dial is ad- tire complex was built between 1920 and
jacent to a fountain adorned with the repre- 1940 by and for one, frail man working alone
sentations of the moon in its first and last and in secret. His name was Edward Leeds-
quarters, and when full. On Coral Castles kalnin. He was born in 1887 into a farming
north wall are sculpted images of Saturn and family at Stramereens Pogosta, a small vil-
Mars. The latter is shown next to a palmetto lage near Riga, Latvia. Apprenticed to his
plant, signifying the artists belief that life ex- grandfather, the young Edward became a
ists on the Red Planet. Other astronomical stone cutter. Sometime before World War
depictions and alignments abound One, he left his homeland under mysterious
throughout the mansion. Its astronomical circumstances. Agnes Scuffs, a young woman
identity is subtly reinforced here. some years his junior, promised to marry
For example, a feature referred to by him, but she left him waiting in vain at the
guides as the bird bath comprises three church. Broken-hearted, he left to seek his
concentric circles one hundred twenty four fortune in America, where he hoped to amass
inches, sixty two inches, and eighteen inches enough wealth to lure his sweet sixteen to
in diameter, respectively. These measure- his side in the New World.
ments represent the solar system. The con- This is what he repeatedly told visitors to
centric rings correspond to the three major Edward Leedskalnin
division of planets. The innermost group in- Continued on Page 73

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 47
The Lord of the Sea
The Universe is full of magical things
patiently waiting
for our wits to grow sharper.
in the Realm of
Eden Phillpots
the Water Bearer
lthough science and our logical
minds know that nothing in the uni-
verse is really solid, there is still a
tendency to act as if only concrete
Neptune in Aquarius 1998-2012
physical objects are real. Neptune guards the
border between what is solid and the ethe-
real realm of subtle energies that we might
The Planet Neptune as seen from
attribute to imagination. The oceans are the
least solid aspect of earth, so this domain be-
BY JULIE GILLENTINE the Voyager spacecraft. (NASA)
longs to Neptune, Poseidon in Greek myth.
Neptune operates through concealment
which readers of Atlantis Rising will recog- junction, amplifying and intensifying the
and can render ordinary awareness diffused
nize as the close of the current cycle of the combined energies. At the least its akin to
like light shining into water. So the planet is
Mayan Calendar in December 2012. Neptune walking several years in someone elses moc-
related to altered states of consciousness in-
will then move into its own sign Pisces, the casins.
cluding trances, artistic inspiration, and
twelfth sign of the zodiac, and the last stage Because Neptune and Uranus are one
drug-induced states ranging from anesthesia
of a 164-year orbit around the sun. sign apart they have been moving somewhat
to LSD or the Indian Medicine plant Peyote.
Neptune was first sighted in 1846 when in tandem. As both planets approach the
Depending on the person or the situation,
the planet last transited the scientific sign of later portions of their current transits (May-
perceptions can range from miracle to
Aquarius and true to its nature was not de- Oct of 2009), they will form a semi-sextile or
mirage, compassion to confusion, transcen-
tected directly but by deduction because of thirty-degree aspect. This carries the idea of
dent thoughts to despair, or inspired dreams
anomalous motions in the orbit of Uranus. continuity and the natural shift of polarity
to nightmarish delusions. To navigate Nep-
The last time Neptune transited Aquarius, from one sign to the next. This semi-sextile
tunes sometimes murky realm and peer
18341848, we saw a surge in interest of aspect can be somewhat unsettling but can
through a seemingly impenetrable fog, we
spirit communication as well as the blos- also open a line of communication between
need the psychological equivalent of SCUBA
soming of hypnosis which accesses the sub- adjacent signs and present an opportunity
gear to discern whether were meeting a
conscious. Neptunes last transit through for growth in succeeding stages of develop-
mermaid or the Loch Ness monster.
Aquarius also gave us the discovery of anes- ment. Since this aspect includes the phe-
Neptune is said to be the higher octave of
thesia for surgery in 1844 and foreshadowed nomenon of Mutual Reception I believe it
Venus. Human love, the domain of Venus,
the Communist Manifesto which appeared in can expand the positive opportunities. But as
gives way to divine love which surpasses ego
1848. This also coincided with the move- time gets closer and we have the benefit of
needs and self-centeredness so often typical
ment of Uranus into Aries. experience and context, well see how the in-
of human affection. Neptune acts in a spiri-
As Neptune passes through Aquarius this fluences take shape.
tual sense to dissolve the illusion of the ma-
time there has been heightened interest in These planets function in vastly different
terial world, revealing what is hidden from
extraterrestrial life and the possibility of con- ways even though each acts to break up old
view in the depths or heights of our con-
tact. Carl Sagans book of the same name, patterns, creating opportunity for growth
sciousness, opening a portal to a larger re-
which became a popular movie, explored and expansion. Uranus operates through
ality. Neptune can engender mystical long-
these ideas and introduced a wider audience what appears to be random mutation. Exter-
ings like a river making its way back to the
to the highly Aquarian very large array of nally a sudden unforeseen influence upsets
sea, its source.
radio telescopes (the one in Arizona), which the status quo and shifts factors in the col-
Neptunes symbol is the trident which is
listens for intelligent signals from deep lective equation. Tornadoes are a Uranian
formed from the crescent or chalice of the
space. Although the book was written prior, weather manifestation. This influence is nei-
moon superimposed over a cross which
this combination of technology and altered ther random nor sudden but our awareness
shows the soul crucified within the earth
states of consciousness is a good example of is not tuned to perceive the cause. As the
plane. Because the nature of the experience
Neptunes influence in Aquarius. quote at the beginning of this article sug-
involves what might be termed temptation,
Neptune operates very much in a be- gests, our wits need to grow sharper.
sadly this same symbol is used as the devils
neath-the-surface manner, and during this Neptune in Aquarius, on the other hand,
transit we have already witnessed contro- can dissolve mental patterns and make way
versy because of technologies like the for more idealistic mind-sets and expanded
Neptune in Aquarius
HAARP project and the use of undersea thoughts, although the effect is slower. Hur-
Because the orbits of the outer planets,
sound vibrations which have raised concerns ricanes and Tsunamis can be seen as the de-
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, take seven, four-
about harmful effects to marine life, Nep- structive side of these combined energies. In
teen and twenty years respectively to pass
tunes children. the face of natures awesome power hu-
through one zodiac sign, they are seen to
manity can become humble and hopefully
represent a collective view with the potential
Mutual Reception, Neptune & Uranus more conscious and caring. Operating to-
to transform a generation. Although we may
In Atlantis Rising #38 I explored the in- gether these giant planets are facilitating
feel the influences personally the motion is
fluences of Uranuss current transit through changes we cant yet imagine. Even if nature
typically too slow to register as individual
Pisces, the sign which is ruled by Neptune. had help creating the magnitude of these dis-
events. In the case of Neptune moving
Concurrently Neptune is transiting Uranuss asters, as some researchers speculate, our re-
through a sign, astrologers look for some
sign Aquarius. When two planets are in each sponse is still a choice which defines our
collective transformation of our psyche oper-
others signs they are said to be in Mutual character.
ating in a largely unseen realm.
Reception. This usually occurs with the
Neptunes passage through the fixed air
planets that are closest to the sun. This ex- Saturn in Leo opposed Neptune in
sign of Aquarius began at the end of 1998
change of residences seems to act like a con- Aquarius
and will continue until February of 2012,
The planet Saturn is also contributing to

48 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
the combined influences. As Neptune moves for past mistakes. Where we resist growth tragedy of the Titanic showed (Neptune in
through Aquarius and Saturn moves we will feel frustration and repressed feel- Cancer), our inability to comprehend and
through Leo (July 2005Sep 2007), the two ings. The constant question to be asked is: deal with the reality of the influence does
planets will move into opposition. This as- What are we clinging to individually, na- not diminish the effects.
pect will be in effect for nearly a year, tionally and globally that prevents our de- The outgoing Piscean paradigm of hier-
forming three exact oppositions at the end of velopment as a species and our ability to archy concentrates power and resources,
August 2006, February 2007 and the last in create peace and plenty for everyone? centralizing and controlling their distribu-
June 2007. Stated simply, and in a negative light, tion. Aquarius has everything to do with dis-
I have called the axis of Leo and Aquarius Saturn in Leo opposed Neptune in Aquarius tribution of resources of an energetic or in-
the continuum of personal power. In a polarizes issues of self-interest against al- formational character. How we distribute
sense, Leo represents the king and Aquarius truism, placing the needs of the few at odds knowledge, food and resources is at issue,
the collective of the kingdom, moving along with the needs of the many. Seen positively, and certainly fossil fuels versus free energy
the continuum from potentially dogmatic enlightened leadership can take a strong technologies provide modern classrooms for
dictatorship through unconscious rebellion. stand and set an example for a populace this lesson.
With Saturn in Leo we are dealing with is- which reacts in a mob mindset. We wit- As Uranus begins a new 84-year cycle in
sues of fatherhood, kingship and rulership. nessed the entire spectrum of human be- 2011 and Neptune moves into its own sign in
Saturn is said to be in detriment, a posi- havior in the aftermath of Katrina. We are 2012 we will also witness winter solstice sun-
tion of weakness, in Leo as the Lion is the not choosing sides but we can choose rise conjoin the rare alignment of the ga-
opposite sign to Aquarius. One end of this higher ground. The ultimate realization hu- lactic plane and the ecliptic. As the outer
polarity examines how authority is held and manity is meant to reach, and that the col- planets serve to magnetize the evolutionary
power over others is wielded, while the other lective generational planets represent, is process we live at a time of rapid change and
side examines how we respond that what we do to each other heightened frequencies, hopefully moving
to impulses toward individua- and the earth we do to our- toward more Aquarian views. At a deep level
tion and personal freedom. Even selves. Just like solidity, separa- humanitys collective awareness rebels
monarchs have to obey natural tion is an illusion. against mental hegemony. The rebellion is
law, and everyone is ultimately largely one of consciousness. It is my
subject to some authority. Revolution or evolution opinion that one manifestation of the revolu-
Elements of this opposition An iceberg is a good meta- tion is the enormous popularity of Harry
include compromise for the phor for either Uranus in Pisces Potter and The DaVinci Code. Both address
sake of placating a partner or or Neptune in Aquarius as fixed the issue of power structures which decide
vanquishing an antagonist. Spir- and fluid energies combine and how people are valued and what they can be-
itual discipline and walking the crystallize. As an iceberg Nep- lieve. Forces at the heart of this collective
talk, not just mouthing hollow tunes influence and effects in metamorphosis are Neptunes compassion
platitudes will be crucial. We Aquarius are largely submerged and the Uranian impulse to reveal truth.
may be called upon to make sac- beneath the level of ordinary
rifices and in some way atone consciousness. But as the

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 49

Ancient Geometric Wisdom

Many People Talk but Only a Few Can Take Us to Another Level
sense of the word. Sometimes,
BY MARSHA OAKS we say that amusedly, Snow says,

or some of us, the subjects but in this case it is really very,
of numbers and geometry very appropriate...His most recent
get our full attention only book is The Confessions of a Rad-
when very special people ical Traditionalist, and I think
are doing the talking. Heres what that says it all about John Michell
we mean. he IS exactly that. Snow speaks
of Michells work with sacred ge-
CROP CIRCLE ometry and his understanding of
ENLIGHTENMENT: Numbers, how humanity has brought to-
Geometry and Knowledge gether the natural and divine pro-
John Michell cesses to create our extraordinary
Regular readers are well ac- world through number.
quainted with John Michell. Weve Crooked Soley (2002) is one of
carried articles on him, offered his the most intriguing of all crop cir-
books, and featured him in our cles. Many feel it has encoded
DVD/VHS English Sacred Sites. He within it some of the most impor-
has guided tours to many ruins tant numbers from the world that
and sacred sitessome celebrated, we know and the civilization that
others quiet and secluded. Michell we live in. Michell and mathema-
has traveled the highways and by- tician, Allan Brown, have decoded
ways of his native England as have Crooked Soley in a way that Snow
few others. calls absolutely masterful!
Among those who have argued Michell believes it is very clear
in their writings that there once that the ancients possessed ad-
was a great and shiningalbeit vanced technology. He sees it in
forgotten to historyfountainhead the elaborate work of siting and
of civilization whose ghosts even construction of monuments well
now continue to haunt us, few before the pyramids, and he sees it
have been more eloquent than in their highly developed sciences
John Michell. of number and geometry. Its
Michell argues that across truly just extraordinary so many
much of the earth are ancient numerical harmonies are put into
earthworks and stone monuments basically very simple structures,
built for an unknown purpose, and he marvels, and how they de-
cred geometry, sophisticated prehistoric en- signed others to concentrate on the long
that their shared features suggest they might
gineering, and much more, Michell paints term. In this very beautiful pattern is im-
be part of a worldwide system which he be-
the picture of a vast and coherent worldwide plied the kind of philosophy that says we can
lieves served the elemental science of the ar-
order beyond anything imaginable today. construct here on earth the path to the
chaic civilization which Plato called Atlantis.
We live within the ruins of an ancient struc- heavens. He cites the frequent use of the
Michell suggests in this connection the most
ture, he stated, whose vast size has hith- number 12, as in the 12 tribes of Israel, and a
significant modern discovery is that of leys,
erto rendered it invisible. Emerging from connection with the 12 signs of the zodiac,
a mysterious network of straight lines which
current research is the awesome image of an hinting at an attempt to order life on earth
link the ancient places of Britain and have
ancient structure so great, its outlines have according to the pattern of things in the
their counterparts in China, Australia, South
heretofore escaped understanding, awaiting heavens. He speaks of this in relationship to
America, and elsewhere.
patiently our ascent to a sufficient height Crooked Soley.
In his book, The New View Over Atlantis,
where its masterful design, stretched out be- Whatever lost secrets the ancients may
his vision of a high megalithic civilization
neath us, could at last be appreciated. have possessed, Michell believes that we can
with a mastery of principles far beyond
Born in 1933 and educated at Eton and yet recover them and, in fact, willwhen the
present-day understanding is so thoroughly
Cambridge, he has written more than 22 time is right. Human ingenuity is such that
and beautifully worked out that it becomes
books and is recognized the world over as we can do anything we want. If the ancient
difficult, if not impossible, to credit orthodox
one of the preeminent authorities on ancient knowledge is actually needed, then it will re-
notions that the sources of our megalithic
science, geometry, religion, and the deeper turn again. (He thinks that the circlemakers
heritage were but Stone Age hunter-gatherer
meaning of the ancient landscape. Often are giving us more to work with at this
societies with little on their primitive minds
quoted in the media, few can match his in- time.) Theres no doubt about that, he in-
but survival and procreation. In detailed de-
sight into the meaning of our ancient sists. As to the suggestion that we may have
scriptions of phenomena, such as the precise
heritage. been left hidden caches of records such as
terrestrial and celestial alignments of ancient
In his introduction, Chet Snow calls Mi-
monuments along very long ley lines, ad-
chell a gentleman and a scholar in every
vanced ancient sciences of number and sa-
Continued on Page 52
50 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 51
VIDEOS & DVD turethrough the natural process of cause
from nature and he says, It is invoked.
When we need it, we ask for it and it comes. and effect. Things are chaotic and we have a
Today, when people are so uncertain, I think reaction and a yearning for a source of
the legendary Hall of Records in Egypt, he we are looking for a truth and understanding ordertheres quest for that and an invoca-
thinks it very likely that such treasure troves that is beyond this world of chaos, of secular tion of that, and then there follows a
exist, but he is not certain we will recognize theories, and all the scientific theories which revelation.
them when we see them. Plato went on follow one after the other, but never estab- Look behind the chaos of our existence
about a certain canon of law possessed by the lish anything. Were looking for the higher and you see order. It is not utopian, fascis-
ancient Egyptians by which numerical pro- truth that is always there. When we ask for tical or like any kind of man-made order, but
portions and musical harmonies which domi- that, well get that. divine and perfect, and it existed before time.
nate a society enable it to continue on the In a chaotic world where dissonance and Socrates called it the heavenly pattern
same level for literally thousands of years, dissonant music apparently reign supreme, which anyone can discover, and once they
he explains. Ancient civilization lasted far there seems little hope that such a negative have found it, they can establish it in them-
longer than we can conceive of today. So it force can be overcome, but Michell remains selves.
seems to me that the whole society was based optimistic. It will overcome itself, he be- This may be just a lecture presentation
upon an understanding of the harmonies by lieves. Certainly it has always been recog- with slides, but have no doubtJohn Mi-
which the universe is laid. And acting upon nized that music is the most powerful of the chell is entertaining! Rubert Sheldrake said
these by corresponding rituals, and that sort arts. As Plato said, forms of government it best in his comments on Michells new
of thing, could hold the society together eventually follow the forms of music. Thats book: John Michell is wise, mischievous,
through crises. However, he concedes, being why the ancients were very careful in con- and amusing. Youll enjoy him here, as well.
sufficiently developed to appreciate the trolling musicno cacophony was allowed. Though we dont expect perfection with
wisdom of such laws may be another matter. The same music was heard at festivals every conference presentations, this one should
The possibility that we have begun, at year and people were held under a kind of en- have been cleaned up at the very beginning
least in some quarters, to resonate in har- chantment where the mind was held under where you can hear comments while theyre
mony with the ancient chords of wisdom, one influence. Music is by far the most pow- waiting for the filming to begin. And a mis-
could open the door to a return of ancient erful means for therapy. Certainly the music spelled word in the title was a bit off-putting.
wisdom though. In religious stories such as we see nowand the other art forms, too Then toward the end of the DVD, it becomes
the Revelation of St. John, Michell sees the threatens chaos in society. Its a vessel that garbled. This is unlike Chet Snows usual
description of a New Jerusalem coming not only reflects what happens, but actually product, so its probably just the unfortunate
down ready-made through a parting of the determines what will happen. As to what will case that this reviewer received a poor copy!
heavens as the manifestation of an awakening come about, I have no idea. I think more and DVD - 90 min.
and a wholesale change from the patterns of more its in the hands of God and that there $24.95
a previous age. is now working out an alchemical process 1-800-228-8381
Such a revelation comes, he believes, and that changes come about through na-

52 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
20 Scientists
Filmmaker Gregory Alsbury brings
this diverse group of researchers to-
gether, creating a work that is exciting
in its search for who we all are, how we
fit, and where we might be going.
This set of 5 DVDs (9 hours) is
packed with the observations of many
leading scientists in the field of con-
sciousness, including professors from
major universities. Much of the footage
was shot in 2002, before the film What
the Bleep came out and before most of
the general public even realized there
was a science of consciousness. Some
of this group appeared in the Bleep
movie and DVD. Now, of course, con-
sciousness is a hot topic even among
the relatively unconscious. Included
are in-depth discussions in topics as di-
verse as quantum biophysics, nano-
neuroscience, philosophy, meditation,
metaphysics, dreaming, causation, and
the paranormal, et al. A list of contrib-
utors reads like a Whos Who from this
exciting field:
Dr. Stuart Hameroff, M.D.
Professor, Anesthesiology and Psychology, Tony Bell, Ph.D.Senior Scientist, Red-
Associate Director, Center for Consciousness wood Neuroscience Institute
Studies, University of Arizona Ellery Lanier, Ph.D.Interdisciplinary
Dr. Andrew B. Newberg, M.D.Professor, Program, New Mexico State University
Dept. of Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medi- Gregg H. Rosenberg, Ph.D.Post-
cine, University of Pennsylvania, co-author of doctoral Fellow/Assistant Research Scientist,
The Mystical Mind Artificial Intelligence Center, The University
Nancy J. Woolf, Ph.D.Professor, Labor- of Georgia
atory of Nano-Neuroscience, Department of Christian Seiter,Department of Psy-
Psychology, UCLA chology, Institute for Umweltmedizin, Uni-
Jack A. Tuszynski, Ph.D.Professor of Bi- versity of Freiburg
ophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Univer- Chester Wildey, M.Sc.The University of
sity of Alberta, Canada Texas at Arlington
David Chalmers, Ph.D.Professor, De- Willoughby BrittonUniversity of Ari-
partment of Philosophy Director, Center For zona, Tucson
Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona Susan BlackmoreAuthor of The
Dick Bierman, Ph.D.Professor, Depart- Meme Machine
ment of Psychology, University of Am- Adele Engel BeharSatellite Captiva
sterdam, Utrecht University Ltd.
Vilayanur Ramachandran, Ph.D., M.D. Though there are some very interesting
Director, Center for Brain and Cognition discussions and thought-provoking ideas
Professor, Department of Psychology and here, dont expect to find too many answers
Neurosciences Program, University of Cali- from some of these scientists. These are just
fornia, San Diego Adjunct Professor of Bi- their theories, and they are just scientists,
ology, Salk Institute after all. Some are more open-minded than
Paavo Pylkkanen M.Sc., Ph.D. others which adds some excitement. Its dis-
Professor, Consciousness Studies Pro- appointing, though, to hear statements from
gramme, Department of Humanities, Univer- some of these learned minds which demon-
sity of Skovde, Sweden. strates considerable spiritual ignorance, but
Dr. Petra Stoerig, Ph.D.Professor of Ex- then there are contrasting views from others
perimental Psychology, University of Dussel- who have the courage to go right out to the
dorf end of that proverbial limb!
C. Van YoungmanProfessor of Psy- One would expect a set of this academic
chology, Art Institute of Philadelphia, De- quality, let alone quantity, to sell for much
partment of General Education more than $39.95. This is a good dealand
Dr. Steven Sevush, M.D.Associate Pro- you certainly wont consume it in one sit-
fessor of Psychiatry and Neurology, Univer- ting!
sity of Miami 5-DVD Set - 9 Hours
Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D.Director of the $39.95
Lucidity Institute and author of Exploring 1-800-228-8381
the World of Lucid Dreaming.
Dean Radin, Ph.D.Senior Scientist, In-
stitute of Noetic Sciences
Continued on Page 55
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 53
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Continued from Page 53 Brain/Learning
Relaxation Tools
Stress Reduction
Accelerated Plant
Growth Through
Sound Stimulation
This DVD does end
up sounding a bit like a
commercial since Be-
gich offers some of
these products for sale,
but he provides much
information as well.

This lecture is also
delivered from his
home in Alaska and ex-
plores several new
technologies as well as
their implications for
personal privacy, se-
curity, and the state of
democracy in the be-
ginning of the 21st
Included in this lec-
ture are:
Updates on the
HAARP Story, Weather
Control, and related
New Underwater
EARTH RISING SERIES ow a breakthrough video
Dr. Nick Begich
Begich co-authored with Jeane Manning
the book Angels Dont Play This HAARP and
co-authored with the late James Roderick
Sonars and the Possible Death of the Seas
Marine Mammal and Whale Beach-
ingsA Military Side Effect
Energy in the Air and the Implications
of Cell Phone Technology
N from the creators of At-
lantis Rising magazine takes
a look at real evidencelargely ig-
Earth RisingThe Revolution: Toward a Dataveillance, Security, Privacy, and
nored by the academic establish-
Thousand Years of Peace and Earth Rising the End of the Road mentwhich shatters the or-
IIThe Betrayal of Science, Society and the Information Overload and the Impacts thodox scenario for the dawn of
Soul. He also has published articles on sci- of Technology civilization on earth. Now assem-
ence, politics, and education and is a well- Implantable Chips and the New
known lecturer, having presented
bled in a devastating one-hour
throughout the United States and in nine- Using over 300 referenced sources, the
documentary, hosted by Atlantis
teen countries. He has been featured as a hallmark of Begich and Rodericks research Rising editor and publisher J.
guest on thousands of radio and television efforts, Begich discusses the implications for Douglas Kenyon, are the com-
broadcasts reporting on his research activi- these technologies and the possible alterna- ments and evidence of break-
ties including new technologies, health, and tive directions. He says this generation will
earth-science related issues.
through researchers such as John
determine whether our technology becomes
our master or our servant, and challenges us
Anthony West, Robert Bauval,
VOL. I - MIND CONTROL: A BRAVE to seek a better direction for everyone on Richard Noone, Colin Wilson,
NEW WORLD OR ENHANCING HUMAN planet Earth rather than the betrayal of our John Michell, Patrick Flanagan,
PERFORMANCE science, our society, and our individual Christopher Dunn, Zecharia
From his home in Alaska, Begich souls. Begich believes that many of the new
presents a lecture and product demonstra-
Sitchin, David Hatcher Chil-
technologies threaten the very essence of
tion of the new technological impacts on so- who we arewounding the human spirit.
dress, Edgar Evans Cayce and
ciety and our planet in terms of positive sci- This lecture is about both the dangers sur- others.
ence and some of the tools available for rounding new technology and sane
enhancing human performance now. He 1 Hr. DVD $24.95
covers breakthroughs in new technologies Both volumes come with a free CD. or VHS $19.95
which can enhance life and learning. Sev- Each DVD is120 min. + $5.95 S.&H.
eral health and human improvement related $20.00 each To Order Call
technologies are introduced and demon- 1-800-228-8381
strated, including (among others): 800-228-8381
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1) Having loss of consciousness when a blood vessel is
11) A small thing that people living in dry climates might
cheer for
18, 19 & 20) This tiny creature is the likely suspect involved in
86 across - 3 wds.Gittleman - AR # 1
21) Super size or strenth
22) Atomic number 97
23) Can be killed by chlorination - Gittleman - AR # 1
27) Thought
29) Roman numeral
30) The name you are known by
31) The PSI enlist the likes of this chap - Lewis - AR # 4 -
32) Maybe
35) Sheila Ostranders co-author - Kasten - AR # 14 - init
37) Location of Canyonlands National Park - Childress - AR
# 3 - abbr.
38) Species of Hawaiian honey eating birds
40) Location of the B2 UFO project - Kasten - AR # 10 -
41) Common name for the desert bird, Pyrrhuloxia
43) Desert where Robert Bauval realized the pyramids
were arranged according to the stars - Kasten - AR # 5
44) Nickname for a famous Pharaoh of Egypt
45) Blue pencil
47) What Americas famous sleeping prophet said would be
found in a lost city in the Gobi Desert - Childress - AR #
54) Turkish national drink
55) Chai
59) You see them riding camels in desert movies
60 & 63) Part of the King Leopold ranges - 2 wds.
64) 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
65) Atomic number 35
66) The seer in 47 across - init.
68) Ancient city of Mesopotamia
70) Trinkets thought to ward off evil
72) State where Edgar Mitchell founded The Institute of No-
etic Science - Kasten - AR # 9 - abbr.
73) This desert is proposed as one of the sites of Atlantis -
Childress - AR # 8
76) Exists
77) Aliens are thought to have six of these - Kasten - AR #
79 & 80) The Institute for New Energy is located in this city -
2 wds - Manning - AR # 6
82) Island group that is an integral part of Denmark - abbr. CRYPTOGRAM
36) Uiger civilizations desert - Childress - AR # 1 WEO THREW COKYQO H POKW PIZ MORIZ H BIPAOS YNW HT
83) Part of the Thar Desert is located in this country 39) Arrow direction - abbr.
86) A parasitic disease suffered in the desert - Gittleman - WEO SOZOQW WY PYYA IW WEO UYYT. WEOQO BIZ I DOBOPOS
AR # 1 41) The official state insect is the praying mantis - abbr. VHWG YT WEO EYQHFYT, ZLHQOZ QHZHTR HT WEO THREW,
96) The Salton Sea is located in this desert 42) Gold CNW WEO DOBOPZ BOQO SHISOUZ YK OPOVWQHV ITS WEO
97) Administrative official 43) Oxygen ZLHQOZ BOQO WEO TOYT YK ZHRTZ WOT ZWYQHOZ EHRE.
46) Perform ~TYQUIT UIHPOQ
48) _ _ _ Vegas
DOWN 49) A well known company famous for
Answer to CRYPTOGRAM from #58
1) After Christ was born making photography film - abbr.
2) A plant you might use in veriscaping 50) Vedic flying machines - Childress - AR # 8 Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen
3) A mouth or mouthlike opening 52 & 67) What most tourists visit when in 48 down and thinking what no one else has thought.
4) The mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of its 53) Containing a lot of grease Albert Szent-Gyorgi
position; stored energy 56) Important department in a hospital - abbr.
5) A radioactive element synthesized from californium 57) Notice of sale - abbr.
6) A way of interpreting culture 58) Location of the Great Victoria Desert
Solution to DISCOVERY #58
7) A degree on the centigrade scale of temperature 59) In particular
8) Thanks (Brit) 61) Country - abbr.
9) Mid-western state - abbr. 62) Will be told later - abbr.
10) Modern evolutionary theorist - init.
69) Atomic number 88
11) Premier of Quebec (1976-1985) - init.
12) Informal affirmative reply 71) An untruth
13) Naked 74) Ancient Egyptian Sun God
14) Author of The Academy Lashes Back - AR # 17 - init. 75) You Can Call Me _ _ (Paul Simon)
15) Co-Author of Forbidden Archaeology - init. 78) Egyptian motion picture actor - first name
16) Shapes often found in prehistoric earthworks near 81) She is collaborating with Rodney Charles on a book
Newark - Dunn - AR # 10 about flying saints - Gage - AR # 5 - first name
17) Where you will find the Indus Valley - Childress - AR # 1 84) Declitre
23) _ _ _ Humbug! 85) One of the moons of Jupiter
24) Author of The Monuments of Mars - Kenyon - AR # 86) He portrayed Howard Hughes in The Aviator - init.
2 init. 87) Science program for kids provided by NASA - abbr.
25) Home state of Every Day a Miracle Happens author - 88) A degree in science - abbr.
Gage - AR # 5 - init. 89) _ _ Han-min
26) Molding at the top of a column 90) Polite title for a man
27) Suffering from a physical disease or discomfort 91) George William Russells pen name
28 & 51) This event began with a solar eclipse - 2 wds - Garcia 92) Birth control device - abbr.
- AR # 5
93) An electric current
33) A kind of steak
34) Turf 94) The oldest - abbr. title
95) Public Road - abbr.

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 57
space is the place where you could do pretty energy. They are still at the experimental
JEANE MANNING much as you like. The moon doesnt have an level of research and most are far from being
Environmental Protection Agency or any ready with a reliable new energy converter
other regulatory agencies. What Teller had that you could buy. However, there have
in mind was experimenting with nuclear ex- been enough prototype devices working, al-
Continued from Page 17 plosions. Worden now also sees the moon as though in crude and often short-lived form,
adigm shifts in the physical, biological, tech- a reserve for doing things too dangerous to to indicate that a new energy science is ma-
nological, psychological, social, religious and do on the earth but with earth-shaking ben- turing without the benefit of a moon-based
political areas, and in so doing will enrich efit. laboratory.
earthly civilization. As with my past reactions when learning Is Worden unwittingly propagating yet
about Tellers schemes, Im intuitively re- another fear-spreading impression that dis-
Meanwhile a few brilliant individuals out- pelled by the thought of turning our moon courages the funding of independent re-
side academia have invested decades edu- into Quarantine Central. When Teller pro- search into zero-point energy? Or does he
cating themselves about how the universe posed to create an artificial harbor in Alaska have data that should be shared with those
works and uncovering a very different, uni- with nuclear explosives, society didnt know independent researchers?
fied theory. One such bright light, Nassim the extent of the hazards that radioactive
Haramein whom I wrote about a year ago in wastes and gases pose to all life. What makes His suggestion for the climate problem is
this magazine, gave a work-
shop in Oregon recently (His
long-awaited DVD was set for Artists conception of a Lunar base (NASA)
released in July.). One of his
comments at the workshop
was that creating technolo-
gies which manipulate gravity
and levitation forces would be
easy for a civilization which
understands the geometry of

For a civilization whose

official science is not quite
there yet, lets see what a
space bureaucracy has to say
about the future of space
technologies. Plans for
dealing with a frontier reflect
societys values. Years ago
President John F. Kennedys
administration saw space ex-
ploration as a national
spending priority. Today,
NASA officials are talking
about privatizing space travel and luring cor- us think we can experiment on the moon also a Teller-inspired megaproject instead of
porations research laboratories to the moon without affecting larger systems? Why not a change in the way we do things on earth.
by opening up moon real estate to private put the billions of dollars into research that You already know that the climate problem is
ownership. we know would be life-enhancing? being called global warming, especially if
Recently NASA Ames Research Center di- However, Wordens speech was inter- youve seen the film An Inconvenient
rector Simon P. Worden gave a speech (Los esting to me because it shed a bit more light Truth. Worden in his speech to the Interna-
Angeles, May 7, 2006, audio transcribed by on the politics surrounding breakthrough tional Space Development Conference belit-
SpaceRef). Worden said it will take at least a energy research. He publicly classifies zero- tled proposed solutions that fall into what he
couple of decades to expand human settle- point energy research in the same cate- calls the grow strawberries in the backyard
ment out into the solar system and he didnt goryfar more dangerous than nuclear schoolthe return to nature thinkingor
know how NASA can keep up the necessary technologies and too risky to do on earth the complete restructure of the economy to
level of support for that. Space tourists them- as certain advanced genetic engineering, use alternate fuels and so forth solution.
selves might not keep up the level of interest true artificial intelligence, and creating self- At this point in contemplation of
and funding, he said. Historically, new fron- replicating nano-robots! Wordens speech I wonder why restructuring
tiers were not opened by wealthy tourists. To quote Worden, Other even more ex- the world economy is more difficult than
If not space tourism, what then? Worden otic possibilities may arise such as experi- endless megaprojects. Worden said Edward
believes space science could be done with pri- ments into so-called zero-point energy. The Teller and colleagues proposed a giant shield
vately funded observatories and that access latter (is) clearly the province of science fic- 2,000 kilometers, placed across at the La-
to space should be treated like a private tionbut perhaps not forever. Each of these Grange point at which things stay in a fixed
trucking company venturean approach al- technologies offers an unlimited future, with position in space, to block a few percent of
ready urged by NASA for re-supply of the corresponding rewards for those investing in the solar input. Why not instead start putting
space station. their development. But each has risks that the best minds on earth onto creating a
Why would the private sector place may well mandate the use of extreme isola- world economy not based on buying fuel and
money on the moon, for starters? Worden tion such as the moon offers. selling fuel, and welcome non-carbon energy
asked Dr. Edward Teller this question some Dont believe every fear-promoting thing technologies?
years before Tellers death in 2003. Teller, you hear, because at the same time indepen- Take heart in the fact that many unsung
whom the fictional Dr. Strangelove may be dent researchers around the world have individuals and the Aerospace Technology
modeled after, said the best resource the safely tapped into that invisible background Working Group are building a vision for a
moon has is space. Worden thought that was energy that some call the aether and other better future. Dont underestimate the
a flippant reply, but Teller went on to say scientists have given the name zero-point human spirit.

58 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
the concept on a crewed
INVISIBILITY vessel. These had to do
with sophisticated con-
cepts of how humans fit
into local reality and may
Continued from Page 23 be thought of, in Star Trek
to prevent visual detection until the plane terms, as beaming partially
was two miles out, so close the U-boat into a solid object. Not
couldnt submerge in time to escape. good!
While most dont know about many of While this may sound a
these developments, where things get con- bit far-fetched, some evi-
troversial in a hurry is when we look at the dence suggests that not
other American techno invisibility project, only did von Neumann
the brainchild of the great Nikola Tesla and carry on the work, but that
the Princeton brain trust known as the Insti- the capability was eventu-
tute for Advanced Studies, consisting of ally weaponized. We know,
people like Einstein and von Neumann, to that in the 1980s, a U.S.
name but two. This was the ship invisibility aircraft carrier, dogged at
program commonly known as the Philadel- every turn by Soviet spy
phia Experiment but was properly known as trawlers, simply vanished
RAINBOW. Devised in response to so many in an instant, only to reap-
ship sinkings by U-boats that at times they pear hundreds of miles
outpaced the ship building rate, the idea was, away. Intelligence sources
through strong rotating magnetic and micro- described Soviet reaction
wave fields, to make a ship optically invisible to losing track of a key
by creating a kind of energy bottle around American mobile nuclear
the vessel through which light could not strike platform as being
pass. Some think this was also designed to like someone stomped an
defeat radar as well. Alegedly, there were anthill. Reportedly, every- the Fokker E III see-through monoplane
many wholly unexpected effects, such as tele- thing which could fly or
portation, and some expected by Tesla, which sail was pressed into a panicked, all-out hunt some highly classified technology without
he warned of, then quit the project (report- for the missing carrier, which was found way permission.
edly sabotaging it out of concern for the out of its original area, only after many And while the Americans earlier learned
crew), when he left after his concerns were grueling hours of search. It is said, the the hard way in the skies over North Vietnam
ignored in a headlong rush to demonstrate American skipper got reamed for activating how deadly modern air defenses could be, a >

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 59
ment and a somewhat inglorious start in (ARV) whizzing around Area 51 (Project
DNA during Operation Just Cause in Redlight 1 and 2 DVDs at http://
1989, the F-117 Stealth Fighter, the argu-
able star of Desert Storm in 1990. And it was page/page/2569223.htm), that we need to
lesson relearned by the Israeli Air force in the
in 1990, during a scientific visit to the U.S., look at two new developments, neither of
1973 Yom Kippur War, few realized that a
that Pyotr Ufimstev learned that his discov- which requires antigravity technology.
major key to the puzzle had been published
eries which were ignored in his own country
in the Soviet Union in 1962, buried deeply in
at the time (Soviet Union collapsed in 1989) Metamaterials, Not Magic
a body of work so poorly understood that the
had been eagerly and secretly seized upon by Some readers may recall a popularly re-
scientist himself said of his colleagues, they
the Americans to field one of the key tech- ported invisibility cloak invented in Japan
thought my work was crap. And what was
nologies, generally credited with causing the by Susumi Tachi. It worked on the principle
this marvel?
Soviets to spend themselves into oblivion in of reading the scene behind the wearer,
Metod Kraevykh Voln v Fizichesko Te-
response. How splendidly ironic! then projecting it onto the front of the cloak,
orii Difraktsii (Method of Edge Waves in
It is against this background and such thus hiding the wearer to a substantial de-
the Physical Theory of Diffraction, Moscow:
later projects as the B-2 Spirit Stealth gree via shape obscuration and through con-
Sovetskoe Radio, 1962) by Pyotr Ufimstev.
Bomber, the Sea Shadow Stealth Ship, cov- trast reduction with the optical background.
Now available as DOC ID 19720010515N
ertly built, interestingly enough, inside the It seems that what the Japanese inventor was
(72N18165) NASA Technical Reports, Report
notorious Glomar Explorer, and the fasci- working on, at a macro level, may be a full-
#AD-733203 FTD-HC-23-259-71, 243 pages.
nating reports of the Alien Replica Vehicle blown technical breakthrough at the micro
It was directly from this deep technical
paper that in 1975 Dennis Overholser of what and even nano levels. How Hermetic can it
was then the Lockheed Skunk Works gave get?
his boss, Skunk Works president Ben
Rich, the key to radar Stealth, in Metamaterials Explained
the form of an unprecedented The term metamaterial was
plane designed as a series of invented by Roger Walser of
carefully calculated plates, the University of Texas and
each forming a facet in a was used in a paper he wrote
revolutionary design so not which was published in
expected to fly that it was 2001. He defined it as arti-
dubbed the Hopeless Dia- ficial composites...that
mond, but its real name achieve material perfor-
was HAVE BLUE, and it was mance beyond the limits of
the technology demonstrator conventional composites. Un-
aircraft for what became, after surprisingly, this turned out to be
long, expensive deep black develop- of such interest to DARPA (Defense

60 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
but heres where the
technology is going. PRECESSION
When Its Okay
Being Warped
The Japanese invis-
Continued from Page 24
ibility cloak suffers Way in the years around A.D. 2000. Ive
from its sheer com- argued how this galactic alignment is what
plexity, what with all the ancient Maya were intending to target
those cameras, wires, with their Long Count calendar, which ends
light emitters and on December 21, 2012. Ive also argued that
much more. But sup- this particular alignment bodes a situation
pose you could get the that I call galactic midnight in the preces-
same effectsans all sional seasons. The reason is simple: The
the expensive elec- winter solstice is like the hour hand of a
tronics? What if the clock, and the Milky Way runs through mid-
entire process could night (on one side of the sky) and noon (on
somehow be made en- the other side). The hour hand points to mid-
tirely passive? night in an alignment zone that can be cal-
What if you could culated, based on the work of astronomer
Susumi Tachis invisibility cloak arrange it so a radar Jean Meeus, as occurring 1980 A.D. 2016
Advanced Research Projects Agency), that it or visual observer saw, not the aerospace ve- The alignment of the December solstice sun
launched its own program in 2001 and hicle/individual armored vehicle or warrior, and the galactic equator is a time of rare ga-
prompted the agency, in the form of now but what was behind it/him/her, as though lactic alignment that comes only once every
Program Manager Valerie Brown and Stu the actual target didnt exist at all? Wave- 25,920 years. The interpretation of what it
Wolf, to expand the definition, as follows: length issues mean that this technology will means can be derived from the energy dy-
Metamaterials are a new class of ordered first be seen in the microwave region, for the namics of the midnight turning point. We
composites that exhibit exceptional proper- wavelengths involved are much shorter than are turning the corner, ending the phase of
ties not readily observed in nature. These those for visible light, but it, too, is at least increasing darkness, and entering the phase
properties arise from qualitatively new re- theoretically possible. So, how would it of increasing light.
sponse functions that are: (1) not observed in work? These alignments and energy dynamics
the constituent materials and (2) result from As noted earlier, metamaterials work in occur no matter what cause for precession is
the inclusion of artificially fabricated, ex- ways weve never seen before, to include ex- presented. However, we may be at a revolu-
trinsic, low dimensional inhomogeneities. hibiting the remarkable and previously un- tionary point in understanding the real
Putting this into plain English, metama- seen negative index of refraction when causes of precession, and Walter Crut-
terials are created by taking familiar com- struck by electromagnetic waves of the ap- tendens book The Lost Star promises to
posite materials and modifying them by propriate frequency. In simple terms, instead blaze the trail (see Atlantis Rising, #44 The
adding microstructures or even nanostruc- of refracting the energy toward the source, it Binary Sun Riddle, and #53, Precession Par-
tures, yielding materials with properties so turns it away from it, much in the mannner adox).
out there as to fall under Sir Arthur C. that water flows around a pier or bridge I believe that we need to parse out and
Clarkes dictum Any sufficiently advanced abutment. The concepts reported to date do correct ancient misconceptions about preces-
technology is indistinguishable from magic. this with either tiny spheres or cylinders sion. For example, in Platos day, the idea of
How out there are we talking? Think of it carefully built right into the composite at ei- a Great Year was known, but it was not con-
this way. If standard science were to be as- ther a microscopic or nano scale, and basi- nected with the possibility that the stars
signed only one quadrant of whats theoreti- cally catch, then flow the incoming micro- shift. In fact, an inviolable dogma of the day
cally possible, metamaterials give us the wave energy or light, depending on the proclaimed that the stars were fixed. The
other three quadrants. Hows that for design, around the viewed side and across to Greeks interpreted earlier Babylonian in-
progress? This concept is explored in David the opposite side, where it exits. sights (which hinted at the precession of the
R. Smith's Electromagnetic Metamaterials From the observers viewpoint, the item stars) in a highly questionable way: the flood
portion of his site ( simply isnt there, for there's nothing to per- that ended one Great Year was believed to be
~drsmith/ Smith ceive, at least within the designed coverage timed by all the planets aligning in one sign,
is one of three authors of a key paper on met- of the metamaterial. If its a radar, the signal Cancer, and then the conflagration to end.
amaterials published May 25, 2006 in simply keeps going until it hits something The next Great Year was thought to occur
Science. which is radar reflective, then returns and is when a similar alignment of planets occurred
While DARPA waxes lyrical about meta- measured in the usual way. If its visual, in the opposite sign, Capricorn. This is a pop-
materials the real excitement lies not in then the observer or vision system sees only culture translation of precession, very much
sharpening antenna patterns, making better whats behind what would otherwise be a like the dawning of the Age of Aquarius in
motors and what not, but in the stunning target. the song from the 1960s. However, although
Stealth possibilities made possible by meta- Is this a panacea? Hardly. The metama- an alignment of planets in one sign doesnt
materials, specifically, bending microwaves terials are lossy, that is, tend to absorb up- have anything to do with precessional mo-
and light to cloak something which needs to wards of 20% of the original input signal and tion, it is invoked time and again to explain
hide, be it an aerospace craft or a GI. This are highly frequency specific, meaning that the dawning of a new precessional era.
was what the SCIENCE paper was all about, for each frequency band of interest, a dif- This mistaken notion has been hallowed
and Smith really goes into the possibilities in ferent variety of tailored metamaterial will by time and the Greek godfathers of Western
a piece called Blueprint for Invisibility at be needed. There is presently no known philosophy for thousands of years, and is
www. ee. html. broadband metamaterial. called the conjunctional explanation of the
There, he looks at the fundamental notion of Interestingly, there's a parallel between Great Year. Greek mathematicians could not
invisibility, as expressed in science fiction metamaterials and modern electronics. figure out how all the planetary periods
books and films, then compares and con- Both rely on the deliberate contamination of could come together in anything less than
trasts the shortcuts allowed writers and film an otherwise innocuous everyday substance millions of yearsbut even in Platos time,
makers with whats doable, and potentially to do things otherwise impossible. the Great Year was believed to be only 36,000
doable, in hard science. It cant be done yet, years long. Even after the Greek astronomer >

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 61
was that the Kali Yuga began in 3102 B.C. of the Laws of Manu should be divided into
PRECESSION Also, he had to anchor his zodiac calcula- two halvesone ascending and one de-
tions to the sidereal sky, meaning that the scending. As we approach the end of the de-
sign of Cancer had to corresponded exactly scending phase, we shift from descending
Hipparchus discovered that the frame of the to the actual constellation of Cancer as Kali Yuga to ascending Kali Yuga. Since
skythe starsslowly shift, Greek philoso- viewed in the sky. He did so, and of course A.D. 500 was the zero point, according to Ar-
phers could not except it, for it violated the his own era was considered the anchor point yabhata, then Yukteswar believed that A.D.
dogma of the fixed stars. The precessional for his calculations. 500 was the moment of
explanation for the Great Year suffered con- Thus, A.D. 500 became turnabout. According to
stant distortion and misinterpretation the anchor point for time his chronology, which was
through the centuries. calculations. Today, be- subsequently adopted by
It is clear that Babylonian and early cause of precession, the members of the Self Reali-
Hindu doctrines supported a Great Year with abstract signs have zation Fellowship, we are
a length that was 24,000 yearsmore-or-less slipped far out of align- now some 1,500 years into
on target with precession. Such information ment with their viewable the ascending phase of pre-
is recorded, for example, in the Vedic Laws of counterparts, causing cession (meaning human
Manu, believed to convey information much tracking problems for societies and civilization
older than 1000 B.C. The Hindu-Vedic doc- modern astrologers. have been improving spiri-
trine of yugas or World Ages originally fit When Aryabhata fixed tually, and life on earth
the four ages into the 24,000-year period of the sidereal and tropical has been becoming more
the Great Year. However, around A.D. 500 a zodiacs, he defined a spiritualized and less
Hindu mathematician named Aryabhata, who zero time that was tending towards brutality
was trained within the hallowed guidelines of purely a mathematical and violence).
Greek science and philosophy, tried to recon- convenience, but was In my 2002 book Ga-
cile the Greek bias with his own traditions taken up later by various lactic Alignment, I con-
yuga doctrine. He tried to calculate when all theologians, philoso- Sri Yukteswar tended that Yukteswars
the planets would come together, but real- phers, and even Hindu perspective is question-
ized that periods much larger than 24,000 saints. One such Saint who believed the A.D. able, on several fronts. First, there is the Ar-
years were needed. So, he multiplied yuga pe- 500 zero date to be critical for chronology yabhata debacle, explained above. Second,
riods by factors of 360. He called these di- was Sri Yukteswar, the master of Yogananda, the galactic alignment (alignment of the sol-
vine days and years. who founded the Self Realization Fellowship stice sun with the galactic equator) serves as
One consequence of his clever manipula- in California. an hour-hand pointer to the Milky Way, de-
tion was that the precessional basis of the an- In Yukteswars book The Holy Science, fining era-2012 as the midnight turning
cient Vedic-Hindu yuga doctrine became ob- written in the 1890s, he made the important point to the ascending phase. The armature
scured. Another side effect of his calculations observation that the 24,000-year Great Year of this model involves the unambiguous key

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62 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
features of precessional trackingthe sol- Does this mean that our sun does not be-
stice point and the Milky Ways equator. long to a binary system? No, I dont think so.
These are the main pillars of the frame of But it is important to separate out the argu-
time spoken of in Hamlets Mill. Third, the ments that work and those that dont work.
debaucheries and brutalities of the twentieth For example, one possible implication of MAILING POLICIES
century exceed by far anything that came in Yukteswars words is that we may belong to a A regular subscriber to Atlantis Rising (for
the centuries before. And, so far, the early binary system. Lets explore it. Yukteswars either 6 or 12 issues) is mailed each new issue
years of the 21st century are giving the pre- other statements, for example, that as- directly from the printer at the time of publication.
Address labels go directly on the cover, with no
vious century a serious challenge. cending Kali Yuga began in A.D. 500, should additional packaging. Such mailings are sent 4th
In my view, the historical arguments for also be questioned and explored. In my view, class to the U.S. postal system only.
enlightenment via the material conven- this particular idea of Yukteswars doesnt In the past when customers have expressed
iences spawned by the industrial revolution stand up to the facts. Luckily for the Binary interest in foreign subscriptions, or in receiving
their U.S. subscription by first class mail in an
dont really mean that spirituality has been Research Institute, it is irrelevant to the bi- envelope, we have been unable to comply.
on the upswing. In addition, the Kali Yuga nary star argument. There are, in fact, Unfortunately, the handling requirements for such
ends when spiritual darkness has maximized anomalies and certain flaws in the earth services were beyond our means to deliver.
in a global context, whereas in A.D. 500 there wobble model of precession, and Crut- However, we are happy to report, that situation
has changed. We can now offer FOREIGN and
was no global context. tendens book The Lost Star is the first step FIRST CLASS U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (to be
Walter Cruttendens Binary Research In- in what may be a profound revolution in how airmailed in envelopes within a few days of
stitute has explored many ancient teachings, we understand our solar system. publication). These subscriptions will be charged
and its binary hypothesis is based primarily Such revolutions have occurred before. the additional regional flat rate for postage
required, plus a service charge to cover the
upon Yukteswars words in The Holy Sci- For example, when Copernicus showed that envelope and office expenses which we incur in
ence. He writes: the earth revolves around the sun, the impli- order to provide these services on a relatively small
. . . the sun, with its scale. Should we experience sufficient demand, we
planets and their moons, may at some time be able to reduce the service
takes some star for its dual
and revolves around it in Subscription additional service Total
about 24,000 years of our Category postage charge Subs
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See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 63
against occult manifestations
OCCULT NAZIS (stopped by Rudolph Hess) followed
by the banning of the Anthroposoph-
ical Society in 1935, and its sister
Continued from Page 31 sect, the Christian League in 1941. In
1937 several of the leading occult and
concentric circles, with the main mystical organizations in Germany
road forming the shaft of a spear, and were closed down, including many
the triangular castle its point. smaller ones who had even helped
Himmler believed that the castle lay the Nazis in their seizure of power.
on a mystical power grid, known as One month after Hesss flight to
ley lines by dowsers, and was the Great Britain, in June 1940 Aktion
center of the world (Mittlepunkt der Himmler, Hitler & Hess Hess was undertaken across all of
Welt), a theme in Nordic mythology. occupied Europe. The action was so
This ideology of revived romantic ger- We can communicate direct with God named as it was thought that somehow oc-
manic paganism was not limited to the lead- through Adolph Hitler. cultists had influenced or tricked Hess into
ership alone, although they were seen as its The most sacred relic of the movement, flying to Great Britain, resulting in his subse-
best and most capable. For the officers of the however, was the Blood Flag, carried during quent capture. Thousands of affiliated and in-
SS, special training schools were established the ill-fated putsch in Munich. Exhibited dependent occultists, publishers, and astrolo-
known as Ordensburgen. These Ordens- only twice a year after 1933, it was elevated gers were arrested and interrogated. Special,
burgen were under Himmlers direct supervi- to icon status, and with its unveiling, was poorly worded questions, were even sent
sion, and as such, even higher than the pre- read the roll call of martyrs. Those initiated from Berlin to assist in the questioning.
vious Junkerschulen led by Reichleiter Ley, into the fold were done so using the blut- Many of those arrested were even forced to
and the later SS-Verfungungstruppen. fahne and each banner passing in succes- participate in Nazi-sponsored parapsychology
Here, ideological training was given prime sion was brought into contact with it. Like a experiments, although morale was poor, and
importance (and the reason for higher than perverse form of apostolic succession, or es- results negligible.
average SS casualties early in the war), and oteric initiation, contact with the relic, this Not to be outdone by their German occu-
equinox and solstice ceremonies were cele- blood talisman, was the means of linking piers, Vichy French authorities were among
brated along with Hitlers birthday. SS wed- each member and each banner with the the first to independently crack down on se-
dings were pre-christian in design, with the great stream of National Socialism. cret societies, particularly in Southern
married couple being instructed to sire their Although used by other groups, and France, a historical center of occult activity.
offspring near the tombs of fallen Nordic he- rooted deep in western and eastern sym- Here, even the Catholic Church joined in the
roes in order for them to reincarnate. To fa- bolism, the swastika was picked by the Thule bloodletting, supporting the elimination of
cilitate couples in their duty, listings of pre- Society because it represented the solar what it has always considered heretics and
ferred cemeteries appeared in SS newspapers. myths of pre-christian Europe. Hitler undesirables.
Actual membership in the SS was an im- adopted it as the symbol of the Nazi Party,
portant ceremony in which the ring and and a leading member of both organizations, Prior to the war, particularly in France,
dagger were bestowed upon the candidate. Dr. Fredrick Kohn, presented the final ver- and for decades after it, much has been
The magical ring and ceremonial dagger are sion of the flag to Hitler. While sticking to written and said about the occult influences
two of the most important magical items in the original design, Hitler turned the swas- behind the Nazi movement. Most of it is sen-
occultism, and suggest strongly the notion tika counter-clockwise, in turn, making it sationalized fiction passed as second- and
and symbolism of the SS as a secret society. the traditional symbol of death. third-hand research and not worth reading.
The ring was given to those who had great Even those who did not believe in the However, occult ideas did shape the for-
devotion to the organization and its mission, metaphysical rationale given as the force be- mation of the National Socialist ideology,
the dagger as a symbol of the candidates mis- hind National Socialism, men such as Bor- that is clear. Fortunately, they did little else,
sion, and the sword, the highest symbol of mann, and even rank and file Party and SS and what activity was carried out during the
all, was bestowed only on those who were men confessed to believing in a superior war, Himmlers castle, Rosenbergs Hohe
members of the innermost circle. being, or Gottglaubig. This belief in God Schule, etc., was to be of use after a suc-
While many of the SS leaders saw their was required for admittance into the SS, cessful conclusion of hostilities. Within the
task as political and military, and tolerated even if its more bizarre beliefs were not ad- Nazi movement the emphasis on ideology
Himmlers idiosyncrasies, it was clear to hered to, with atheism being a worse offense slid increasingly into the background, lim-
Himmler and Hitler, as it had been to Hess, than receiving Christian sacraments, and ited to research centers such as the SS-
and the still hopeful Rosenberg, that National cause for denial of membership or dismissal. Ahnenerbe, or the persecution of non-Nazi
Socialism was a religious, albeit quasi- esoteric societies, through Gestapo Section
mystical, movement drawing on the inherent The Crackdowns IV-B, as the war dragged on.
mythological desires of the German people. For those who belonged to esoteric or- The failure to stop or even prevent Na-
William Shirer writes, He (Hitler) is re- ganizations, fraternal orders with esoteric tional Socialism prior to the military conflict
storing pageantry and color and mysticism to overtones, such as Freemasonry, even if the was a result of the inability to understand its
the drab lives of twentieth-century Ger- teachings were absent, or simply practiced deeper roots. National Socialism, by the ad-
mans. In his description of the seven-day- astrology, psychicism, or parapsychology on mission of its creators, and denied by its
long Nuremberg rallies, Shirer states that the their own, life inside the Third Reich was prosecutors and historians alike, never was
Nazis were successful because they offered even harsher than usual. simply a political movement. It was, and con-
not only a political ideology but a philosoph- If Hitler was god incarnate, Himmler his tinues to be, primarily a metaphysical one,
ical one, complete with cosmology, as well. priest, Hess his scribe, and the SS its disci- with deep roots in the human psyche. Yearn-
Blood became the rallying point of the ples, then there could be no alternatives. ings for a Golden Age messiahs and saviors
movement. Blood and Honor was engraved The first crackdowns against what were who free us from responsibility, promises of
upon the daggers and minds of the Hitler officially viewed as competing forces began becoming one of the chosen, the elect who
Youth. Sieg Heil and Heil Hitler were the in Germany itself. In 1933, the Fraternity of rule, and commune with the ancestral spirits
mantras and prayers of a nation. They were Saturn, a three-hundred-year-old occult and forces of the race the need to control and
sacred rituals allowing the German people to order, was shut down. In 1934, official ac- be controlledall are what lead us down the
touch the supernatural. Even the Mayor of tions against Freemasons began, and the en- path of doom, of which National Socialism is
Hamburg proclaimed, We need no priests. forcing of the so-called witchcraft laws the leading example.

64 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
Gnostic whos considered the spiri-
A.C. DOYLE AND THE GRAIL tual father of the Rosicrucians and is
also found in some histories of the or-
igins of Modern Freemasonry.
Continued from Page 33 It is very likely therefore, in light
heading of Charles I so that his sacred of what weve found in this story so
charge did not make its preordained far, that Shadow under the Elm was
way to his eldest son and rightful Doyles way of saying that the traces
heir. of that old Templar Split still weigh
The Grail, according to the leg- heavy, like a shadow, over the guardi-
ends, was deemed much more impor- anship of the Grail. But this doesnt
tant to its guardians than rulership of prevent Holmes from solving the
the land. Charles II mustve had a puzzlebecause after all, the sun is
new crown made to replace the lost still over the oak. This is akin to the
one, and this signifies that some sort Biblical expression the hand is still
of a major change took place in the upraised, meaning that despite the
British Monarchy at that time as well, split, the broken succession, the lost
since from that time on the monarchs treasure, and all the other problems
wore a different crown than before. acquired over the years, the old Grail
But the symbolic significance of the Legacy still stands to be discovered, if
Old Crown as the Old Grail cannot be one merely looks in the right place.
denied. What one has to do then, presum-
This is borne out in the last ques- ably, is find the right starting place
tion of the RitualWhy do we do it/ from which to apply Doyles triangu-
For the sake of the trust, which lation and step measurements, to find
words should be written with capital the actual location of the Grail in his
letters as The Trust, thus obviously day, which he mayve even known due
referencing the object of this ancient to his many associations, or had
Stewartship. Doyle is saying that due simply guessed. He gives a hint as to
to the social and political upheavals the general geographical location in
brought by the Commonwealth Revo- the very last words of the story, which
lution (as well as the changing relig- are also very significant, just like the
ious climate in Scotland), Charles II Charles II and disputed crown opening ones.
no longer had the same control of the Grail As hes talking about the missing maid
fully passed heritage of Charles II, the an-
as his father; it was not fully passed on to (who, significantly, is the only feature of the
cient guardianship of the Grail somehow
him. story which he failed to physically locate),
continued. But like the English Crown in the
Our notion is borne out in several other Holmes says that she carried herself and the
story, it was hidden away, with the hiding
features of the story, perhaps most perti- memory of her crime to some land beyond
place and its meaning forgotten by subse-
nently its very opening words an anomaly the seas. This is undoubtedly a reference to
quent generations. Yet the Old Oak still
which often struck me. Using a first line the United States, where many sources claim
stands to guide ones way, as it guided
which drops a hint to the Intrepid Searcher is that the Grail itself was carried. The idea of
Holmes to make his find.
an established trick in occult literature. The the Grail in America was well known in
An interesting aspect of The Musgrave
anomaly should make the reader aware that Doyles time and was later yet more popular-
Ritual is that by the time Holmes arrived on
something very unusual will be told. It also ized by people like Manly Hall.
the scene the elm was already cut down on
refers to the mentioned disappointment at The missing woman would then obvi-
the Musgrave estate, and Holmes (as did the
the useless nature of the found treasure ously symbolize the Lost Sacred Feminine,
missing butler before him) had only the
because despite its apparent irrelevance which according to many writers constitutes
place where it stood and its known old
today, this treasure is in actuality a vital the nature of the Grail. Like the treasure it-
height to work with. This did not prevent ei-
symbol for something most important. self, which was buried and lost in the story,
ther of them from performing a geometrical
The wording of the ritual itself also indeed another very poignant symbol for that
calculation and locating the spot which the
strongly supports the Broken Grail Succes- broken succession.
shadow of the elm wouldve pointed to at a
sion theory, in Doyles choice to use particu- The meaning of the second-to-last ques-
certain time of day.
larly the oak and the elm tree as the starting tion of the ritual is not entirely clear at this
The cut-down elm here undoubtedly re-
markers from which to determine the loca- timeWhat shall we give for it/All that is
fers to the famous event in the history of the
tion of the hidden trove. Both trees have tra- ours. This evidently refers to some sort of
Knights Templar, known as the Cutting of
ditionally been deeply associated with Grail self-sacrifice, because all would presumably
the Gisors Elm. This momentous instance
lore. include ones life as well. Apparently referring
ties into the Grail legend in many more ways
The Oak was an ancient symbol of the to the personal sacrifice of people like the
than can be readily enumerated in a short ar-
House of Stewart, and earlier was the symbol Musgrave ancestor in the story, who gave his
ticle, but basically it signified an ideological
of the House of king David from the Bible. life in support of his charge. This phrase
split within the Templar Order and the Mero-
The Mediterranean Oak (a slightly different could also refer to something which Doyle
vingian Bloodline, and also the split between
variety from the European one) was the thought was still very pertinent to the Grail
France and Plantagenet England, (which led
largest shade-giving tree in old Palestine and in his day and probably in the future.
to such things as the hundred-year war).
was justly considered the King of the Trees An additional hint on the possible modern
The Cutting of the Elm took place near
there. Thus the Oak became a symbol for the location of the Grail could be the fictitious lo-
the Castle of Gisors in France in the year
Holy Bloodline itself, which bloodline was cation of the Musgrave manorHurlstone
1188 CE. That same year the Rosicrucian
shown by the above writers and others to in western Sussex. The name is suggestive of
Order was founded by none other that Jean
have gone from King David to Jesus, and a stones throw, which is a familiar relative
de Gisors, also founder of the Priory of Sion,
then through the Merovingians in France to measure of distance. And though the figures
the organization said to be in charge of
the Stewart kings. in the Ritual could be variously interpreted
guarding the Grail Bloodline.
Sun over the Oak would then be Doyles for example, ten and by ten could refer to
The word for elm in French is orme,
way of telling us that despite the unsuccess- multiplication, and not taking ten steps with >
which is related to Ormus, the 1st Century

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 65

Continued from Page 36

each foot as Holmes had surmisedConan
Doyle is basically telling us how the measure-
ment should be done, once we find the Did the Hindus of 10,000 to
starting point. 15,000 years ago have such tech-
It should be noted that in the film version nology? We do not know today
of this story made in 1986, available today on exactly what was meant by a
DVD as The Return of Sherlock Holmes, Vol. mercury engine but current de-
5, The Musgrave Ritual & The Man with the velopment work on ion propul-
Twisted Lip the steps in the ritual are given sion techniques suggest that a
differently: West 8 by 8, South 7 by 7, West mercury engine may be not only
6 by 6, South 5 by 5 plus 2 by 2 and then a power source of the past but a
under. valuable power source of the fu-
One has to wonder why the film writer ture.
Jeremy Paul, who won an Edgar Award for Millions of dollars are now
this script, changed the original wording. He being spent on bringing ion pro-
may have thought that his new figures car- pulsion technology to practical NASAS Deep Space 1 with the
ried an additional numerological signifi- fruition. Hydrogen gas was used NSTAR Ion Engine (NASA)
cance, or perhaps it was meant to hide the as the fuel in the earliest ion ex-
numbers given by Doyle for some reason. periments but xenon gas has now
But perhaps the new sequence simply looked become the preferred choice. In a
better on film, or happened to be the best fit space propulsion engine, the gas is ionized miles from earth. The construction of en-
for the set location. But another interesting in a magnetic chamber and expelled from an gines with considerably higher thrust capa-
coincidence about that DVD is that the hero exhaust, driving the craft forward. Though bilities is now under way based on the experi-
of the second story The Man with the the mass expelled is very low and provides ence gained from this project.
Twisted Lip is called St. Clairwhich name only a barely measurable amount of thrust, Gases have very low atomic weights and a
is intimately associated with the Holy Grail, the concept has been proven valid. What re- shift from xenon gas to a heavy metal such as
the Templars, and Freemasonry. mains is to increase that thrust. mercury would increase the amount of
NASAs Deep Space probe, designated thrust by several orders of magnitude. Mer-
Reprinted by permission from DS1, has now been operating for more than cury is easily vaporized and, being a liquid, a year using the ion propulsion method in readily stored and easy to meter into a com-
the near-vacuum of space and millions of bustion chamber. As a result, it would be an

66 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
ideal propellant. Is it possible that the an- Here the parallel rays are seen to pass
cients had already made such discoveries? OLD
TELESCOPES through the lens at A, and to be so converged
In 1970, a Soviet periodical, The Modern to a point as to enter the eye of the beholder
Technologist, published descriptions and il- at B. His eye is thus virtually enlarged to the
lustrations of mysterious pots found by a So- Continued from Page 38 size of the lens at A.
viet archaeological team in a cave near Tash- Having some time ago procured a very
kent in what is now Uzbekistan. These were large lens, 26 feet in focal distance and 11
conical ceramic jars, each carefully sealed upon some of the tablets, it will follow
strange as it may seem to usthat the Baby- inches in diameter, I have tried it with var-
and each containing a single drop of mer- ious experiments of this kind upon different
cury. There was no clue as to the purpose of lonians probably possessed optical instru-
ments of the nature of telescopes, since it is objects, claimed Dr. Thomas Dick, in an
the pots or their age. Were they some kind of 1857 article titled: Telescope formed by a
power generator? Small batteries today use a impossible, even in the clear vapourless sky
of Chaldea [ancient Babylonia], to discern Single Lens. Standing at the distance of 25
tiny amount of mercuryhad the ancients feet from it, I can see distant objects through
discovered how to use the metal for that the faint moons of that distant planet
without lenses. it magnified about 26 times in diameter, and
same purpose? consequently 676 times in surface, and re-
In the 15th century, that indefatigable Some of their ancient astronomical in-
struments likely consisted of single-lens re- markably clear and distinct, so that I can dis-
and brilliant inventor, Leonardo da Vinci, tinguish the hour and minute hands of a
made use of mercury in his design for a per- fracting telescopes, larger and more sophisti-
cated than the ancient Babylonian lens A. H. public clock in a village two miles distant,
petual motion machine. It consisted of a he added. This single lens, therefore, an-
wheel with four radial arms. At the end of Layard found at Nimrud and brought to Eng-
land in 1853. Since then, in The Crystal swers the purpose of an ordinary telescope
each arm was a hollow sphere containing a with a power of 26 times.
small amount of mercury. As the wheel Sun, Robert Temple has identified and pro-
vided photographs of several previously un- Nevertheless, the ancients did not need to
turned, the theory was that it would always rely on this type of telescope. They also made
be heavier on the side of the axle and thus recognized ancient lenses, scattered around
in various museums. In this scholarly work, reflectors, which work even better. In em-
keep turning. ploying a mirror if the thickness of the metal
Da Vinci was an intensive researcher and he also included a photograph of an over-
2000-year-old fragment of Greek pottery in has been polished and beaten out into a
was always ready to apply the development slightly concave shape, wrote Pliny, The
work of earlier researchers though it is un- the Acropolis Museum at Athens and on it,
there is a man peering up through what ap- size of the objects reflected is enormously
likely that he was aware of the writings in magnified. This observation certainly
the Sysyadhivrddhida Tantra in A.D. 748, an pears to be a set of telescoping tubes, which
looks amazingly like one of our more proves that the ancients invented the tele-
ancient Sanskrit document, as translations scope!
from Sanskrit to Latin or Italian had not modern refracting telescopes.
been made. We now have such translations These, however, need no tubes to fulfill
and this work tells us that the Hindu astron- their purpose. Refracting telescopes may
omer Lalla built a self-rotating wheel driven consist of a double-convex lens placed upon
by mercury running inside its curved a stand, without tube or eyepiece, states the
spokes. 1873 revised edition of Elijah H. Burritts
Such a method of transference of energy Geography of the Heavens and Class-Book
is the same basic concept as that of da Vinci of Astronomy. Indeed, a pair of ordinary
and it proved to be a popular one. In A.D. spectacles is nothing less than a pair of small
1150, the Hindu Bhaskara proposed a wheel telescopes, for aiding impaired vision.
that had containers around its rim. As the They are sometimes called binoculars,
wheel turned, the mercury moved, keeping which were also known in antiquity. The
the wheel turning foreverin theory. Fragments of Polybius, a second-century-
B.C. Greek historian, speak of a telescope
None of these thoughtful ideas translated
into practical reality as far as perpetual mo- with two tubes. Furthermore, in arguing
tion was concerned. the Earths position in the universe, in the
All of theseand many otherwheel first century, the Roman encyclopedist Pliny
notions saved energy and made the appa- the Elder confirmed their use in his day by
ratus more efficient but they did not pro- maintaining: Binoculars confirm this very
duce energy from nowhere which a per- powerfully.
petual motion machine is expected to do. Before introducing the Julian calendar in
So mercury continues to baffle us even as 46 B.C., Julius Caesar may have used binocu-
we are able occasionally to add to our store lars to confirm the earths position also. In fact, astronomers still use Plinys con-
of knowledge and make advancements in After all, according to Roger Bacon, a Med- cave type of mirrors, similar to the search-
areas of science that in the past would have ieval Franciscan monk of Ilchester, before light mirror shown here, to prevent precious
been considered as witchcraft. There can be crossing the English Channel nine years pre- light from being absorbed by additional
no doubt that mercury will be a major con- viously, he used some sort of telescope to lenses and/or mirrors often employed in
tributor to numerous fields of research not survey the shores of Great Britain from Gaul modern telescopes. They ignore these extra
only those in aerospace and engineering but (France). optical devices, and revert to a simple con-
in more mundane applications to everyday cave mirror to make photographic plates of
life. the stars and the highly magnified results
Such advances will undoubtedly be diffi- prove its efficiency and effectiveness.
cult to achievefor mercury can be ex- Despite this blatant fact, recent diction-
pected to continue to exhibit a determina- aries and astronomy books still fail to define
tion to hold on to its secrets in the future as simple concave mirrors (or double-convex
it has in the past. Man has spent centuries lenses) as telescopes. Yet, years ago, as
probing its mysteries but has still not pulled Winstons Dictionary has fully affirmed, with
aside the cloak that resolutely hides what its definitions of a telescope, this was not al-
may be more arcane properties than even He may have used just a simple double- ways the case. And other, older authorities,
the most outre experimenters have ever convex lens, similar to the telescope illus- like astronomers Dick and Burritt, also
suspected. trated above, which Burritts revised text- pointed out the fact. The revised edition of
book on astronomy explains as follows: Burritts work plainly exemplifies this by >

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 67
of a corresponding diameter, might produce made with this instrument.
ANCIENT TELESCOPES a magnifying power, to certain eyes, of about Thousands of years before Herschels
75 times and, from the quantity of light with time, a similar telescope stood atop a tower
which the object would be seen, its effect near the island where the Pharos Lighthouse
stating: The Reflecting Telescope is one in was later built. According to Makrizi, it
would be much greater than the same power
which the light is converged to a focus by served as the prototype for the mirror that
applied to a common telescope.
means of a concave metallic reflector or spec- was later placed atop the Pharos Tower in the
Sir W. Herschel states that, on one occa-
ulum. Like Refractors, they may be con- third century B.C. In the ancient city of Ra-
sion, by looking with his naked eye on the
structed with very little mounting, though koti [Rhakotis] there is said to have been a
speculum of his 40-foot reflector, without
for convenience in use it is necessary to place dome on pillars of brass, all gilded, and above
the interposition of any lens or mirror [eye-
the reflector in a tube. And it goes on to ex- this dome rose a lighthouse, on which was a
piece], he perceived distinctly one of the sat-
ellites of Saturn, which requires the applica- mirror of composite metal [speculum], five
tion of a considerable power to be seen by an spans [about 45 inches] in diameter.
ordinary telescope, added Dr. Dick, in his Another large telescope, a mobile military
article entitled A Reflecting Telescope, with a type, from Pythagorass time, is illustrated
Single Mirror and No Eyepiece. Such an on page 38. Here, the concave mirror is tied
instrument is one of the most simple forms down horizontally upon the hands of a statue
of a telescope, and would exhibit a brilliant by ropes so that a strong wind would not
and interesting view of the moon, or of ter- catch it enough to overturn the wagon.
plain the image above, by relating that In restrial objects. When the reflective telescope was ready for
this cut, the light A is seen passing from the Speaking again of Herschel, who discov- use, the guards protecting the prize had to
object on the right, and falling upon the con- ered Uranus and several of its moons in the release the ropes, and the mirror swung
cave surface of the reflector B, from which it eighteenth century, he pointed out another down in a vertical position to enable the
is reflected back to a focus, and enters the occasion when he bypassed the eyepiece of spotters riding in the wagon to see its images
eye of the observer at C. This telescope has one of his telescopes and just used its large easily. This little replica of an ancient tele-
no eye-piece. mirror as a telescope. Being sensible of the scope is stored in a museum in Strettweg,
This mode of viewing objects is ex- vast quantity of light which is lost by a Austria. It represents one that was perhaps
tremely easy and pleasant, especially when second reflection from the small speculum, six actual feet in diameter, and it displays
the mirror is of a large diameter, and the ob- he determined to throw it aside altogether, signs of Italian workmanship. However, no-
server is at first struck and gratified with the and mounted this 20-foot reflector on a body knows where, or by whom, it was made.
novel aspect in which the objects appear, stand that admitted of being used without a The bronze replica shown here was found
wrote Dr. Dick. Were a concave mirror of small speculum in making front observa- in a Danish peat bog at Trundholm in 1902,
this descriptionwhether of glass or of spec- tions, that is, in sitting with his back to the and still partially decorated with gold leaf.
ulum metalto be formed to a very long object and looking directly towards the sur- Both bronze and gold are highly reflective
focus, the magnifying power would be con- face of the speculum. Many of his discoveries metals, and in antiquity, both were readily
siderable. One of 50 feet of focal length, and and measurements of double stars were available for use in large telescopes, like the

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68 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
cut, polished and mounted in place as facing
ABU GHUROB stones on the pyramid. Whoever laid these in
place had an accuracy that was extraordinary.
Continued from Page 40 In its original state the Abu Ghurob pyr-
amid may have been a giant machine, espe-
stone scattered everywhere that appear to cially a water processing plant or power
have come from structures that once existed plant (like the other per neters of Egypt).
here. The whole place looked as if a massive Water, we are told, was channeled in from
hand had swatted it like a sand castle. the Ur Nile to Abu Sir. We have to imagine
Climbing atop the mound the alabaster water everywhere at Abu Ghurob as well, in
one on the Pharos. However, because of at- platform revealed itself before me. Its a man- pools in front of the pyramid, running under-
mospheric effects, the metal in bronze mir- dalaa sacred designin the shape of the neath it and perhaps even flowing down from
rors quickly becomes dull and often requires Khemetian symbol Hotep, translated by the top of the red granite faced pyramid like
cleaning. This is not the case with gold be- Egyptologists as peace. a fountain. The energy water produced by
cause it does not tarnish or corrode. Except On close inspection this platform is Chris the piezoelectric effect of the quartz crystal-
for periodically wiping off the accumulation Dunn cool, meaning it displays evidence of laden red granite may have been one of the
of dirt, it requires no further cleaningand advanced machining that even
it lasts forever. Gold coins found in old challenges todays technology.
sunken galleons are as bright and shiny as
the day they were cast. The gold recovered Formless Light Beings
from Tutankhamuns grave is as lustrous as I am highly intrigued by the
the day it was buried with the young Egyp- re-collections and re-
tian king, thousands of years ago! But in an- memberings concerning the
cient Egypt, gold, like today, was rare and ex- Neter and Abu Ghurob in the
pensive but, for the protection of Alexandria, Khemetian tradition. Particu-
a vital emporium of ancient trade, its wealthy larly since Ancient American oral
Ptolemaic kings would have gladly supplied tradition from Tennessee, where
it to plate the mirror, or speculum, on the I live, retold by Cherokee
Pharos Lighthouse. wisdom keeper Dhyani Yahoo in
However, gold does not reflect as much her book Voices of Our Ancestors
light as the corrosive but cheaper metal alloy also describes formless thought
(copper, tin, and arsenic) called speculum beings called TLA beings who
also, or nearly as much as corrosion-resistant rode a sound wave from the Perfectly circular drill mark on the
tinned glass. And the ancient Alexandrians, Pleiades star cluster through a alabaster platform. Is this also evidence of
noted for their production of modern types of hole in space in East Tennessee advanced precision machining?
glass, probably manufactured both. We and created the Cherokee. All
meet, in ancient classical writers, with very humans are dream children of
ample and repeated testimony, that the Egyp- these angels or elemental forces of Nature products of this power plant.
tians, in the glass-houses of Diospolis, knew (the Egyptian Neter) who came from the Lined up near the entrance to Abu
how to fabricate mirrors of stupendous mag- stars. This legend obviously resonates with Ghurob are giant square alabaster dishes or
nitude, wrote Thomas Maurice. And, Khemetian belief concerning Abu Ghurob. basins with strange gear-like designs on
though hence it does not absolutely follow The correspondence got me thinking: what, top. These dishes were apparently placed
that these mirrors should be tinned glass, yet exactly, took place at this site? there at some point enroute to another loca-
the use to which they applied, at least, two of In addition, theres the work of Dr. Eve tion. Significantly, a few more are still in
these mirrors, afford very strong reason for Reymond, a scholar who had explored the an- situ. (Stephen Mehler told me in a conversa-
that supposition since, if composed of any cient Egyptian Building Texts from Edfu, tion that the basins may originally have been
metal-line substance, the situation in which Egypt in her book The Mythical Origin of the arranged in a circular pattern around the
they were placed must unavoidably have ex- Egyptian Temple. Her interpretations of pyramid.)
posed them to obscuration or corrosion. these texts also tell of formless beings who Egyptologists guess that the massive ba-
One of these mirrors, according to came from the stars and created an island sins were used to hold sacrificial animal
Strabo (lib. xvii. p. 492), was elevated on the civilization in Egypt. These sages, as they blood, which ran through perfectly round
summit of the great temple of Heliopolis, or were called, constructed an original mound channels cut into the paving. There is not a
the city of the sun, to reflect into that temple where the creation of humankind took place. single drop of DNA or other evidence to sup-
the full splendor of its meridian beam, This island was called the Island of the Egg port this misconception. Interestingly, the
added the nineteenth-century Assistant and was surrounded by the primeval water. inner surface of the basins are smooth to the
Keeper of Manuscripts in the British Mu- The Edfu tale matches the Atlantis story touch and show signs of circular tool marks,
seum. Another of still more prodigious di- as told by Plato of a civilization founded by suggesting that whoever crafted them did so
mensions was, in later periods, erected on the gods who created a hybrid race of hu- with a technology we would admire today
the Pharos of Alexandria, and so placed as to mans. I believe the Edfu Building Texts are (and make fortunes marketing, too).
reflect ships approaching Egypt at a vast dis- the source material for Platos story of At- On my second trek to Abu Ghurob I was
tance, and imperceptible by the eye from the lantis, which he originally learned from destined to wade even deeper into the mys-
loftiest pinnacle. Egypt. I further believe that shards of this tery of this amazing place.
In her 1877 edition of Isis Unveiled, H. P. tale are found in numerous indigenous tradi-
Blavatsky pointed out, If the mirror really tions, and that it may even relate to Abu Threshold to the Lost Realm
existed, as I firmly believe it did, to the an- Ghurob. One connection is found in the Videographer Ted St. Rain has an
cients belong the honor of the invention of stones. astounding grasp of the ancient mysteries.
the telescope. Alternative researchers uphold the use of Hes been to a tour guides book full of sacred
megalithic red granite blocks as a trademark sites with a whos who of alternative re-
Larry Radka is author of The Electric of Atlantean temple building. At Abu searchers. Im not sure when the first
Mirror on the Pharos Lighthouse and Other Ghurob one sees colossal red granite blocks domino began to fall in Teds mind. However,
Ancient Lighting, available from Atlantis weighing several tons that were precision after only a short time at Abu Ghurob with >
Rising at 800-228-8381.

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 69
The precision cut and
polished red granite
ABU GHUROB facing stones of the
pyramid at Abu Guhrob
is a trademark of
me Ted proclaimed that he had the answer to Atlantean construction.
the question of the purpose of this temple
The Lost Realms by Zecharia Sitchin will
help explain what we are seeing here, he
In his Earth Chronicles series of books
Sitchin claims that a race of extraterrestrials
called Anunnaki came to earth over 450,000
years ago in search of gold. In addition to
surface mining the Anunnaki used sophisti-
cated water mining techniques to filter or
process the gold from the waters of earth.
Abu Ghurob, it seems, matches the de-
scription of their processing plants.
The Lost Realms is about the massive this mineral beneath the pyramid at Teoti-
pyramids of South American and MesoAmer- huacn. Then he remembered the water
ican cultures and their interactions with flowing from the San Juan River and how it
gods who set up pyramid/workshops there. was artificially channeled to this site. What
Sitchin cites the Mexican pyramids of Te- he proposed is that the river was channeled
otihuacn to support his theory. There are Beautifully round holes
along the Avenue of the Gods and under-
two pyramidsthe Pyramid of the Sun and in the basins. What are neath the pyramid. Through a chemical reac-
the Pyramid of the Moonwith the Avenue they for? How were tion caused by the mica (or, I wonder, could
of the Dead running between them. Some they drilled? it have been a harmonic process?) gold was
scholars believe the Teotihuacn complex pulled from the river water.
was begun 6,000 years ago and was known as Drainage holes are spread throughout Te-
the Place of the Gods. otihuacn . Sitchin theorizes these were used
The Pyramid of the Moon is an earthen to sluice the gold into chambers where the
mound. Some 2,000 feet to the south the Anunnaki could collect it.
path of the Avenue of the Dead reaches the As Ted continued his brainstorm at Abu Just like you see here, said Ted,
Pyramid of the Sun. These pyramids are vir- Ghurob, he noted a key discovery at Teoti- pointing to one of the massive square ala-
tually identical to the Giza pyramids. Sitchin huacn. Underneath the Pyramid of the Sun baster basins or sluices at Abu Ghurob.
believes that there is no doubt that the de- archaeologists discovered mica, a dielectric Those basins, it turns out, were decanters.
signer of this complex had detailed under- mineral composed of delicate crystal that is a I was thinking about Sitchins theory,
standing of the Giza pyramids. The most re- semiconductor. Its presence has perplexed said Ted, because heres the pyramid here.
markable correspondence noted by Sitchin is ancient mystery writers Erich von Dniken Now, keep in mind that 10,000 years ago this
the existence of a lower passageway running and Graham Hancock. area was a lush jungle with water
underneath the Pyramid of the Sun. The word mica is thought to be derived everywhere.
As Sitchin records, in 1971 a complex un- from the Latin word micare, meaning to Indeed, the Abu Ghurob site was begin-
derground chamber system was discovered shine, in reference to the brilliant appear- ning to look a lot like the Teotihuacn lay
directly underneath the Pyramid of the Sun. ance of this mineral (especially when in out. The only thing missing was the mica.
A tunnel, seven feet high and extending for small scales). Mica has a high dielectric It didnt take very long before we found
almost 200 feet, was also discovered. The strength and excellent chemical stability, huge sheets of mica in front of the pyramid.
floor of this tunnel was divided into seg- making it a favored material for manufac- The pieces were falling into place.
ments and drainage pipes (possibly con- turing capicitors for radio frequency applica- As Ted explained, the theory is that, like
necting to an underground water source?) tions. It has also been used as an insulator in Teotihuacn, Abu Ghurob was a gold refining
were found. The tunnel led to a strange hol- high voltage electrical equipment. Sheet facility. What they would do, Ted proposed,
lowed-out area shaped like a cloverleaf and mica is used as an insulating material and as is bring gold laden water in from the Nile. It
supported by adobe columns and basalt slabs. a resonant diaphragm in certain acoustical would flow over the mica sheets (which may
The enigma posed by this mysterious sub- devices. have covered this entire site). Through the
terranean facility was amplified for Sitchin The Anunnaki, Sitchin claims, utilized piezoelectric effect produced by the mica
when he observed a path of six segments run- some form of spacecraft. In the Vedic litera- electricity was produced. The water would be
ning along the Avenue of the Dead. These ture of India, there are many descriptions of channeled into the basins and would be spun
segments were formed by the erection of a ancient flying machines that are generally around inside and flow up and out through
series of double walls perpendicular to the called Vimanas and may be equated with the the round holes in the sides. The gold would
course of the avenue. These six compart- craft of the Anunnaki. Some call them an- filter down and remain in the basins to be
ments are fitted with sluices at their floor cient Atlantean craft. Interestingly, these scooped out at the end of the day.
level. Sitchin proposes that the whole com- craft utilized mica in a profound way. Is Abu Ghurob a stargate/power plant of
plex served to channel water that flowed The Vymanika Shastra (sometimes given the Anunnaki? Is it connected to Teoti-
down the avenue. This complex, says Sitchin, other spellings) is a text of disputed age huacn? No one can, as yet, say for sure. On
was an enormous waterworks, employing which deals heavily with the operational fea- thing is certain, this place of the gods is not
water for a technological purpose. tures of these flying vehicles. According to only one of the greatest treasures of ancient
This ceremonial center, notes Sitchin, Aakaasha-tantra, by mixing black mica so- Khemet, but of our whole world. It deserves
has artificial water channels running lution with neem and bhoonaaga decoctions further investigation.
through that diverted water from the nearby and smearing the solution on the outer body
San Juan river. The water is channeled into of the vimana made of mica plates and ex- For more on the mysteries of Egypt
the Ciudadela, a quadrangle that contains at posing to solar rays, the plane will look like please see William Henrys 3-lecture DVD set
its eastern side a third pyramid, called the the sky and becomes cloaked. Egypt: The Shadow of Atlantis available from
Quetzalcoatl Pyramid. Sitchin was perplexed by the presence of Atlantis Rising at 800-228-6381.

70 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!

Continued from Page 43

some rough treatment from critics, notably

Max Muller, a well-known Orientalist and
professor of Philology at Oxford University,
who declared the book to be fraudulent in an
article in The Nineteenth Century, a schol-
arly review. And so, the authenticity of St.
Issa remained in question for many years.
Then in 1922, Swami Abhedananda traveled
to the Himis Monastery to determine once
and for all, whether or not Notovitch had
told the truth. Abhedananda, who was 56 at
that time, had lived a life of unquestioned
spiritual integrity and authority having
walked the length and breadth of India him-
self barefoot and without money at the age of
20. In 1929, in his book Kashmir and Tibet,
Abhedananda stated that while he was skep-
tical at first, he was able to verify that every-
thing Notovitch had said was absolutely true. The Ancient Meenakshi Temple, Madurai, India Nicholas Roerich in Central Asia
Ironically, Max Muller, then deceased,
had been one of the Swamis closest
friends! This confirmation of the Issa Nicolas Paul Davids
legend by such as Abhedananda Notovitch explores the
might have been enough to silence archives at
the critics. But then came an even Orissa
grander endorsement from an unex-
pected, and very impressive source.

These Books Say Your Jesus

Was Here
Nicholas Roerich was truly a Ren-
aissance Man in every sense of the
word. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia
in 1874 to an upper-middle class
family, and educated as both a lawyer and about Christs
artist, Roerich was an accomplished painter, visit to this place.
professor and art impresario during his early Afterwards, we
life, but he sought to bring all the arts to- saw how widely
gether. Prophet says, Typically described in spread in India, in
biographical notes as a Russian-born Ladak and in Central Asia, was the legend of tery, and two monks. They carried three
painter, poet, archaeologist, philosopher and the visit of Christ to these parts... He said manuscripts with elegant coverings. As he
mystic, Roerich was also a diplomat, writer, further that he heard several versions of the carefully unwrapped the parchment leaves,
critic, educator, set and costume designer, legend, but that they all agreed on one point, the librarian said to her, These books say
and explorer. But underneath it all, the that during the time of His absence, Christ your Jesus was here.
mystic prevailed, and he had a strong urge to was in India and Asia. Then Roerich started All of these reports basically take the posi-
travel to India and Tibet. In 1924, at the age hearing about the manuscript of the life of tion that Jesus was a conscious disciple of
of 50, his worldly success behind him, Roe- St. Issa. In his second book, Himalaya, he Guatama Buddha, and thats why the monks
rich, his wife Helena, his two sons and writes about Himis. Regarding the manu- at Himis treated the manuscript so rever-
Tibetan lama Lobzang Mingyur Dorje, scripts of Christfirst there was a complete ently. Some believe that he was actually a re-
mounted an expedition to Central Asia con- denial... Then slowly, little by little, are incarnation of the Buddha. They claim that
sisting of nine Europeans, thirty-six natives, creeping fragmentary reticent details, diffi- he understood that his mission was to spread
and 102 camels, yaks, horses and mules. cult to obtain. Finally, it appearsthat the Buddhist doctrine in the West, and that
The eldest son, George Roerich, was a noted about the manuscripts, the old people in Christianity is simply a Westernized version
archaeologist and Orientalist who had Ladak have heard and know. Roerich knew of Buddhism. There have been several books
studied at Harvard and the School of Oriental about Notovitchs book. He says, Many re- on this subject, giving impressive lists of par-
Languages in Paris. He was conversant in member the lines from the book of Noto- allels between Buddhism and Christianity.
Persian, Sanskrit, Chinese and all of the vitch, but it is still more wonderful to dis- This idea argues for a long and hoary history
many Tibetan dialects. One of the several cover, on this site, in several variants, the of continued and connected revelations by
goals of the journey was the study of ancient same version of the legend of Issa. successive standard bearers coming at pre-
monuments and the conditions and origins There were others after Roerich. In the cise intervals, and all dedicated to elevating
of contemporary religions. summer of 1939, Madame Elisabeth G. Cas- the spiritual consciousness of the human
Unexpectedly, wherever they traveled, pari, a Swiss musician, and her husband race. From this perspective, it certainly
they heard legends about Jesus. In his book were on a pilgrimage to Mt. Kailas in Tibet, makes sense that the young Jesus, conscious
Altai-Himalaya published in 1929, which and stopped at Himis on the way. While of the role he was to play, would travel to the
was more of a travel diary, he says, In Srin- seated on the roof of the convent, she was only place on the planet where he knew he
igar we first encountered the curious legend approached by the librarian of the monas- could be prepared for that role.

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 59 ATLANTIS RISING 71
she loves the more spiritual, physical aware- does seem pervasive. Even Wal-Mart has de-
ABURDENE ness available in Telluride, where one of her signed a recycling program into its business
five stepchildren lives. With no children (nor plan, as well as a plan to carry organically
pets) of her own, she revels in the closeness grown food. Corporations are responding to
Continued from Page 44 she feels to her stepdaughter, a niece and grassroots consumer demands. Conscious-
three grandchildren. Im blessed with this ness is really embedded in people, says
been eagerly anticipating the day when such amazing number of close relationships with Aburdene. Its not like a bunch of cigar
a voice of authority would acknowledge what young people. Calling herself a bad Cath- smoking men are sitting in a boardroom
she knew to be true. Shed been patient: olic, Aburdene is a great believer in Mother saying, (here, she lowers her voice to mimic
Until we played out the accounting scandals Earth, in connecting to the natural energy. the imaginary CEO) damn it, Charlie, we
and experienced the market crash, we hadnt She celebrates old Celtic holidays and the gotta get more spirituality in this company!
come to the point where we could see this new moon each month, but considers herself No, its being imposed by the marketplace
profound spiritual truth...that prosperity and Christian, not Pagan. Shes troubled by too and thats the best thing, because business
trust are aspects of spiritual consciousness. many of us new-age folks labeling all Chris- cant afford to ignore the marketplace.
She points out that all great mystical tradi- tians as narrow-minded bigots. Though Im All this good-natured action isnt just al-
tions talk about the positive power of abun- sorry to say there are those people within the truism or philanthropy, either. Spirituality
dance, including financial wealth, and says Christian tradition, some of the most fan- is profitable in a very big way, says Abur-
the consumer / invest- tastic people I inter- dene. My favorite example of the link be-
ment climate has viewed for the book are tween spirituality and profit is Frank Luskin,
changed so much in the loving Christians who director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project,
wake of these scandals exemplify the tenets of who took the spiritual techniques hes long
that corporations cant their faith. Like Dr. taught individuals to American Express.
ignore the voice of cul- Fred Alan Wolf, Abur- Their productivity increased from between
tural creatives de- dene feels that the 60 and 400 percent. Now how could that be?
manding corporate re- middle is expanding, Because he taught them to let go of the petty
sponsibility. She doesnt and that more and more things that happened in the past and be in
yet have a take on new people with varying be- the present. This door to human conscious-
Federal Reserve lief systems are finding ness is the door to human productivity and
Chairman Ben Ber- and standing on similar financial profit. I am making the link be-
nacki... except that I ground. tween spirituality and (she says the
wouldnt want to be in Single for eleven word dramatically for emphasis). Thats what
his position! Were years, Aburdene is makes my book different.
walking a tightrope. Its starting a new life with There is also money to be made in SRI
not going to be easy. a wonderful man, a (Socially Responsible Investing). A $40 bil-
There are a lot of diffi- former Wall Street guy I lion dollar market in 1984, it had grown to
cult patches well have met at a spirituality-in- $2.16 trillion in 2003 and is expanding expo-
to deal with. Usually a business convention. nentially. This is, Aburdene mentions, a
charging bull, Abur- The two share an apart- 5,000 percent increase in less than two dec-
dene is a hibernating ment in Boston and, ades. While she admits the jump may have
bear at the moment, but while he works in Ge- something to do with the skepticism and
very bullish in the neva, she lectures mistrust towards business as usual, she
long-run with regard throughout the U.S., claims that investors are staying with SRI
to the overall health of the U.S. economy. Canada, Europe, South America, Australia, because it is matching or outperforming con-
Some of those rough patches include nav- and the Pacific Rim, where audiences are ventional funds. She also asserts that there
igating the waters of global competition. buying her message that there are powerful is a new role for middle managers in the re-
India and China will, eventually, probably trends reinventing free enterprise. She asks invention of free enterprise. Organizations
out-produce us. Were not going to create them to consider into which of three concen- are changing from hierarchical structures
new wealth through low labor rates, because tric circles they might fit. In the center are dominated by CEOs to networks managed
theyre just obliterating us, she states. The core consumers: dyed-in-the-wool values- from the middle. The leadership that mil-
only way to compete is in the realm of con- driven shoppers. Surrounding them are con- lions of managers practicequiet, modest,
sciousness; we have to nurture and foster it scious followers, people who are becoming behind the scenesis more effective than
through the tools and techniques of spiritu- more interested in organics or environmen- the top down model weve come to associate
alitythats why its so interesting that all talism, but who switch on and off. On the with corruption.
these technology companies are sponsoring outer circle sits the public at large, the vast Aburdene sees the business community
meditation courses. Most will say its to alle- majority of whom, writes Aburdene, consider embracing what could be called systems
viate stress (which is true; stress costs busi- the moral implication of their choices. The theory. Old fashioned capitalism cares only
ness $200 million a year), but really, thats sister of a core consumer (the family vege- about profit. Holistic capitalism still wants to
where every innovation comes fromthe tarian, environmentalist, hybrid driver and make money, but wants to do right by cus-
genius of human consciousness. There can animal rights advocate) Aburdene calls her- tomers, employees, suppliers, communities
be no invention in business or technology self a follower. I shop at Whole Foods, but and the greater environment, she states.
without human consciousness, the prime in- dont buy all organic food. I recycle, but Im This synergy has the potential to make more
gredient in creativity. Consciousness is now not a trendsettermy next car will be a money than ever, yet profit is just a measure-
as valuable to business as mundane assets hybrid. ment of how the whole system is func-
like capital, energy or even technology. According to Aburdene, corporations can tioning. So sure is she that capitalism will
Living in both Cambridge, Massachusetts not only wreak havoc, but can do amazing continue to spur creativity, innovation and
and Telluride, Colorado, Aburdene sees her amounts of good: Once a corporation like productivity, without continued oppression
megatrends playing out very differently in Hewlett Packard applies ethical, environ- and exploitation of workers and the environ-
each locale. Theres a lot of mental energy in mental and labor standards to its 46,000 ven- ment, that shes delighted to stand behind a
the east (where, interestingly, McDonalds has dors worldwide, inviting them to comply or podium and make the radical statement
begun a partnership with fair-trade grown sell elsewhere...think of the power! Looking many are stunned to hear: Once we the
Green Mountain Coffee); its very palpable. at billboards, picking up current magazines people transform it, conscious capitalism can
While she can think with the best of them, from Time to Forbes, this do-good trending absolutely heal the world.

72 ATLANTIS RISING Number 59 Subscribe or Order Books, Videos and Much More!
placed on a pair of iron girders mounted on a clusive mans strange genius. But how he
CORAL CASTLE makeshift truck chassis, then transported built it is no more mysterious than why he
over ten miles to Homestead. For this major did so. He had no interest in money, consis-
operation, he relied on outside help for the tently resisting efforts by entrepreneurs to
Continued from Page 47 first and last time. He hired a flat-bed, but advertise his place and turn it into a tourist
insisted that its driver not be present when- attraction. Indeed, outsiders could only gain
his Florida castle, but this version of events ever the blocks were placed on the truck. entrance after pulling a bell-cord, to which
is transparently false. Interviewed during the The driver showed up every morning, re- he may or may not have been in a mood to
1970s, Agnes Scuffs said she never promised turning in late afternoon to find the chassis respond. He rarely left the site, and what he
to wed Leedskalnin, with whom she was only loaded with immense coral monoliths. Once, mostly did behind its sheltering walls, no one
remotely acquainted. She never left Latvia, the driver absentmindedly returned after less ever knew.
and married in the early 1920s, shortly after than half an hour for a lunch he had for- Like the enigmas of its construction, its
Ed arrived in North America. In truth, he gotten on the seat of the cab. He was real function is still unknown. Why did he
fled his homeland under threat of a warrant astounded to see several multi-ton stones al- make so many sculpted references and astro-
issued by the Czarist police for his arrest on ready laid neatly on the girders. It was im- nomical orientations to the heavens? For
subversive activities. Latvia was then, circa possible to have stacked those gigantic whom were the 25 half-ton rocking chairs
1913, under the dubious protection of Im- blocks in under thirty minutes, he recalled, designed? To what or whom was his barbaric
perial Russia. While the precise nature of even with a steam- altar dedicated? What need
Leedskalnins subversion is not known, it powered derrick. And Ed could have demanded so
would appear he made his way across had no equipment, just a massive a complex as Coral
Northern Europe, where he contracted a se- simple tackle and chain Castle? And why did Ed-
rious respiratory disorder. He claimed later hoist. Yet, there they ward Leedskalnin devote
to have gone to Canada, where he worked at were, piled like cord his whole life to it?
a logging camp, but his debilitating illness wood. Their mysterious Perhaps an answer lies
and slight stature would have prevented him mover was nowhere in in an e-mail I received
from becoming a lumberjack. sight, and the driver, three years ago from a
Between his departure from Latvia prior somewhat apprehensive, reader in the Cayman Is-
to the First World War and his arrival in left before Leedskalnin lands. She told me of a
Florida during 1920 nothing is known, save returned. German physician, Dr. Al-
that he contracted a serious, lingering sick- Relocating Coral bert Bender, who arrived
ness and somehow learned the building se- Castle progressed with in the Caymans fifty years
cret of Coral Castle. With his puny savings, easy pace. Leedskalnin ac- ago to build a natural
he purchased an acre of virtually worthless complished this amazing healing clinic based on his
land near Florida City for twelve dollars. engineering feat in less experiments with coral. Ap-
Here he began building his strange monu- than a month, and re- parently, he discovered
ment. At five feet tall, weighing one hundred erected his stone complex, Coral
Coral Castles
Castles entrance
entrance that patients in physical
pounds and in delicate health, Leedskalnin working always under contact with the hard,
seemed unable to quarry and move the more cover of darkness, from stony skeletons secreted by
than a thousand tons of coral that even the dusk until dawn. It took him four years of many millions of certain marine polyps to
most robust man would have found impos- unrelieved labor, during which time he form reefs in tropical seas experienced re-
sible to budge. And his fourth-grade educa- added a wall eight feet high and four feet markable tissue regeneration. Sufferers who
tion hardly qualified him as a construction wide at the base, with an average thickness ingested finely pulverized coral in a protec-
engineer. His tools were handmade saws, of three feet. After his work was completed, tive solution while laying on a coral bed in a
chisels, chains, hoists and hammers of the he opened Coral Castle to restricted tours, small room with coral-lined walls Dr. Bender
most primitive kind, and his only mode of charging twenty-five cents per visitor, but he had specially constructed at his Munich of-
transportation was a dilapidated bicycle preferred to live behind the great walls in fice reportedly enjoyed a spectacular recovery
without tires. otherwise perfect seclusion. He never shared rate from infectious diseases caused by the
Ed was a fanatic for secrecy and worked the secret of its construction with anyone, tubercle bacillus.
only after sundown, when he was certain no saying only that he understood the same Consumption, pulmonary phthisis and
one was watching him. If anyone did stop by laws of magnetism used by the Ancients, and various serious lung ailments, Dr. Bender
to inquire how he was getting along, he that these same principles somehow involved supposedly demonstrated, could be re-
would immediately put aside his labors and a relationship of the earth to certain posi- gressed, even cured in some cases, by the
chat pleasantly with visitors until they left. tions of the heavenly bodies. Leedskalnin was proper application of coral. He had come to
Only then would he resume construction. quoted as saying, I have discovered the se- the Cayman Islands for their abundant reefs,
When we consider that he cut, moved and crets of the pyramids. I have found out how from which he intended to build a medical
positioned every block in the megalithic the Egyptians and the ancient builders in facility entirely out of coral. For reasons I
structure during the dead of night, the mans Peru, Yucatan and Asia, with only primitive could not discover, nothing came of his pro-
achievement assumes a truly incredible tools, raised and set in place blocks of stone ject, and I learned little concerning Albert
scale. Some children spying on him one eve- weighing many tons. Bender, other than confirming his estab-
ning claimed they saw him float coral blocks Eds work was his life. Material pleasures lished medical reputation and death in the
through the air like balloons, but no one meant nothing to him, and he merrily sub- early 1960s.
took them seriously. If their testimony can sisted in his solitary existence on a diet of But what most struck me about his
be believed, they were the only eye-witnesses sardines, crackers, eggs and milk. His healing work with coral was its parallel with
to the building of Coral Castle. meager garden yielded green vegetables and Ed Leedskalnin: the reclusive builder of
In 1936, when developers threatened to some fruits. He worked tirelessly throughout Coral Castle fought a life-long battle with TB.
set up a sub-division near Florida City, each night, and spent much of his day Did he know something about the curative
Leedskalnin bought ten acres in nearby reading, mostly about magnetic current and powers of coral, with which he built south
Homestead with money saved through years cosmic forces, resting only a few hours in Floridas strange structure to heal himself of
of performing odd jobs for neighboring late afternoon. Leedskalnin passed away in the disease? If so, how could he have found
farmers. He dismantled the largely finished his sleep in 1953 of malnutrition and kidney out about corals supposedly therapeutic
Castle and transferred it piece by piece to its failure. Today, Coral Castle is open to the properties? After more than six decades, his
new location. Each enormous block was public as the self-made monument of a re- unique castle still keeps its secrets.

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BOOKS Alphabetically by Title groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology by Dr. CHRIST & Scota:
Lipton (former medical school professor at the University Egyptian Queen of
ABOMINABLE of Wisconsin and research scientist at Stanford University
SNOWMEN: Legend the Scots
School of Medicine) has previously been offered in VHS/ Ralph EllisTwo new books
Come to Life DVD format. Here, finally, is the written format. His exper-
Ivan T. SandersonThe author in one from the author of
iments, examining in great detail the molecular mecha- Jesus, Last of the Pharoahs.
has been accumulating material nisms by which cells process information, have revealed
for 30 years on this subject and Why was Jesus visited by the
that genes do not, in fact, control our behavior. Instead, Magi, the Persion king-
explains why no snowman has genes are turned on and off by influences outside the cell.
ever been captured and kept for makers but taken to Egypt
These influences include our perceptions and beliefs. for his education? What we
a zoo or a museum. Learn, for 6 x 9 H/B, 224 pp., B&W photos & drawings $25.00 NEW!
what may be the first time, the are looking for says Ellis is a
NEW! true story of the continents, BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL Laurence royal family liked to Both
and above all, the vegetation GardnerSpecial Authors Edition, 4 NEW CHAP- Egypt and Persia, who were exiled to Judaeo-Syria in about
which covers them. Learn why TERSFrom royal and suppressed archives comes proof A.D. 4. The author believes he has found such a family. In
many areas thought to be well known are less known today of the descending heritage of Jesus in the West. Pene- the second book Ellis makes the case that the Irish and the
than a hundred years ago. Learn why maps are so decep- trating new light is cast upon the Grail Code of Service and Scots were descended from an Egyptian Pharaoh and his
tive, and frequently entirely useless. the venerated feminine element, abandoned by the Church Queen. Cited are manuscripts written a thousand years
6X9 P/B, 525 pp., B&W drawings $26.95 in order to forge a male dominated society. ago.
P/B 454 pp, 24 col. pl., 10 B&W fig., & 15 B&W charts 6x9 P/B, 420 pp., 12 page col. section, Bibliography $28.00
EGYPTIAN RELIGION Ahmed OsmanBuilds on Secret Heretical
NEANDERTHALS: the arguments of the authors previous books, The He- Messages Within Church
100,000 Years of brew Pharaohs of Egypt, Moses and Akhenaten, and and Renaissance Art
Lost History Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs. He compares the Tim-Wallace MurphyExpanding
Colin WilsonThe author chronology of the Old Testament and its factual content on issues touched on in The Da
presents evidence of a with ancient Egyptian records to show that the major Vinci Code, this thought-provoking
widespread Neanderthal characters of the Hebrew scriptures are based on Egyptian study explores the real story of
civilization as the origin of historical figures. He further suggests that the major Christianitya story told by men NEW!
sophisticated ancient tenets of Christian beliefthe One God, the Trinity, the and women condemned by the tradi-
knowledge. Examining re- hierarchy of heaven, life after death, and the virgin birth tional, orthodox church and one long hidden in mysterious
markable archaeological are all Egyptian in origin. codes and symbols. Branded as heretics and subject to tor-
discoveries that date back
millennia, he suggests that
NEW! 6x9 P/B, 304 pp., 16-page B&W insert $18.00 ture and execution for their beliefs, the dissenters con-
CHRISTIANITY: The Origins of a Pagan cealed these complex symbols in art, artifacts, and architec-
civilization on Earth is far
ture of the medieval world.
older than previously realized. He shows that not only did Religion Philippe WalterThis extensive study of the
Christian mythology 6X9 H/B, 320 pp. $24.95
Atlantis exist, but that the civilizing force behind it was the
Neanderthals. Far from being the violent brutes tradition- that animated med- CONSPIRACIES AND SECRET SOCIETIES
ally depicted, he shows the Neanderthals had sophisticated ieval Europe shows Brad and Sherry SteigerShedding light onto the darkest
mathematical and astrological knowledge, including an un- that this mythology is and most enduring of stories, this book is a compelling en-
derstanding of the precession of the equinoxes, and ad- primarily of pagan in- cyclopedic overview of 300 individuals, organizations, and
vanced telepathic abilities. spiration and that events where official claims and standard explanations of
6X9 P/B, 352 pp., 25 B&W Illus. $20.00 very little of it comes actions and events remain clouded in mystery. With nearly
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The Future of grafted itself onto ear- historical riddles, old and enduring societies, modern-day
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Providing a foundation Church Fathers, the 6x9 P/B, 550 pp. $24.95
for space planners and author explains.
anyone interested in Pagan elements were
human settlement in Richard Firestone, Allen West, and Simon Warwick-
incorporated into the
the solar system, this NEW! SmithThere are a number of puzzling mysteries in the
Christian faith on the
book theorizes about history of Earth that have yet to be satisfactorily explained
advice of Pope
the near future, when Gregory the Great, who told Saint Augustine of Canterbury by mainstream science: the extinction of the dinosaurs, the
the heretofore signifi- that rather than tear down the pagan temples in Britain, vanishing of ancient Indian tribes, the formation of the
cant steps of human- he should instead add the pagan rituals into the mix of mysterious Carolina Bays, the disappearance of the mam-
kindtraveling to the Christian practices, thus providing an easy transition to moths, the sudden ending of the last Ice Age, and the cause
NEW! moon and building the new religion. It was simply a matter of convincing the of huge underwater landslides that sent massive tsunamis
space stationwill be populace to slightly redirect their focus to include Jesus. racing across the oceans millennia ago. Eyewitness ac-
dwarfed by new progress. Working from the assumption In this highly documented work, Walter shows which counts of these events are chronicled in rich oral traditions
that humankind has a biological need to explore and im- major calendar days of the Christian year are founded on handed down through generations of native peoples. The
prove the quality of life, the wide variety of contributors pagan rituals and myths, including the high holidays of authors recent scientific discoveries link all these events to
successfully argue that space as a future human habitat is Easter and Christmas. a single cause. Their findings also support the idea that we
not simply possible, but manifest. are entering a thousand-year cycle of increasing danger
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Origins of
tria of the Jordan
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Edited by J. Douglas sented it in this
omers began receiving and cataloging precisely timed radio KenyonIn 42 articles
pulses from extraterrestrial sources, which they called pul- easy-to-read new
from Atlantis Rising, book. It is a capti-
sars. Paul LaViolette, who has been researching pulsars for Kenyon has carefully
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been assumed to be spinning stars, the true nature of these
HOT! built a compelling col- discoveries which
lection of material in
radio sources has been grossly misunderstood. He shows support of today's growing challenge to such outmoded
have never before NEW!
that pulsars are distributed in the sky in a nonrandom been published. The
ways of thinking as Darwinism and Creationism. Each con- entire length of the Jordan is built upon the Golden Pro-
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definition of life? Solomans Key, and the Lost Secret of
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THE PHAROS this books explana- logical detective work on the suppressed secrets of Jesus,
LIGHTHOUSE AND OTHER tion of the mysteries NEW! Mary Magdalene and the Stairway to Heaven first appeared
ANCIENT LIGHTING surrounding the in Henrys book, Blue Apples. In this book, he presents
Edited by Larry Brian RadkaThe au- space, the elements, the energy, and finally the life of the new evidence about the secrets and the true history of
thor, a retired broadcast engineer, Cosmos. This is itthe Grand Unified Theory presented Mary Magdalene, including the reasons why she was called
brings us his latest work which covers as an open door. the Illuminator or Illuminatrix. Building on his early
electric lighting in antiquity. In this HOT! 6X9 P/B, 111 pp. $15.95 works, he pierces the veil of her secrets, revealing sensa-
book, he presents a comprehensive GLIMPSES OF OTHER REALITIES tional new information from forbidden texts and teachings
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several maps, over 200 high quality illustrations of ancient hind the US Governments cover-up of paranormal ac-
coins, bas-reliefs, and other hard evidence, along with the to study her relation to the Tower or Ladder to God, also
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Howe presents evidence that a non-human intelligence is
ties. His numerous footnotes, a dozen pages of endnotes, 6x9 P/B, 280 pp. $24.95
interacting with earth, including information about recov-
an extensive bibliography, photo appendix, and two indexes ered crash debris and the transfer of human souls from JESUS, KING ARTHUR AND THE
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thodox skeptic that the ancients possessed a vast amount of human race. Maurice CotterellWith his knowledge of how and why
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8 1/2 x 11 P/B, 168 pp., B&W photos and drawings $19.95 $45.00 bestselling author, Maurice Cotterell, now follows the trail
FINAL THEORY: Rethinking Our Scientific GLIMPSES OF OTHER REALITIESVOL. of the Celts on an epic journey from the deserts of China,
Legacy Mark McCutcheonGravity may not be II: High Strangeness
across Europe to Ireland. Here lies the untold story of the
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gravity? For some scientists, its an endless attracting Revealed Philip Gardner Gnosis means knowledge cracked the codes of the Celts to behold the cup of light.
force emanating from matter for others, its a mysterious of the most esoteric kind. This is the story that has been The author reveals how the cup passed to monks for safe-
warping of a 4-dimensional space-time, or even more kept from the ears of mankind for too long. It is the truth, keeping, how it later inspired them to write the Lindisfarne
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iton particles. That is, no one really knows. This book societiesincluding the Knights Templar, it is the revela- Kellsand how it found its way to the National Museum of
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science. covery of the secret of the Temple of Solomon. 6X9 P/B, 236 pp., 22 pg. color insert, B&W Illus. $16.00
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JESUS PAPERS Michael Baigent (Holy Blood, orders of over $100
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gent explores the religious and political climate in which The Mysterious The place: the Arizona desert. The mystery: An emerging
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serts that Jesus and the circumstances leading to his death Ashmole (1617-1692) was explores this terrestrial-celestial relationship and its
have been heavily mythologized. He also uncovers the in- the first to record a per- astounding global significance. The correlation Mr. David
consistencies and biases in the accounts of the major histo- sonal account of initiation makes between the Hopi and Egyptian sky view is most
rians of Jesuss timeincluding Josephus, Pliny, and Tac- into Accepted Freema- interesting. (Robert Bauval, author of The Orion Mys-
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account of his groundbreaking discoveries, including many operative and speculative PROOFDoes God Exist? Philip Gardner
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6X9 H/B, 321 pp., 32 color plates $27.95 that symbolic Freemasonry existed within the Masonic markable attempt to try to weigh all the various pieces of
KING OF TRAVELERS: trade bodies. Ashmole was one of the leading intellectual evidence there is for or against the existence of an omnipo-
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Jesus Lost Years In trait of Ashmole offers a perfect illustration of the true
India Edward T. MartinWhat mology, philosophy, numerology, science, creation myths,
Renaissance figurethe magus. and much more, Gardner leaves no stone unturned and yet
really happened to Jesus Christ 6X9 P/B, 320 pp . $16.95
during the myserious missing 18 makes it easy for the reader to understandoutlined in
years in his life, from the age of MARY MAGDALENE: Christianitys laymans terms so you can decide for yourself.
12 to 30? What truths have been Hidden Goddess Lynn Picknett (Stargate Con- 6X9 P/B, 190 pp. $23.95
hidden from us, and why? Join spiracy, The Templar Revelation)The conflicting ac- ROSWELL IT REALLY
the author as he journeys to re- counts of Mary Magdalene have sent the author on a quest HAPPENED
mote exotic locations in India, for the truth that has led her to the thirteenth-century A historical document by Col. Jesse
Nepal, and elsewhere in Central cult of the Black Madonna, then back to Christianitys be- MarcelAs one of the last survivors, and
NEW! Asia, unraveling the mysteries of ginnings and earlier. Tracing Marys name to Magdala in the only individual who has been acknowl-
Jesus lost years. Follow the au- Egypt, Picknett learns that the term Magdal-eder means edged by our government to have exam-
thor on a thrilling journey of spiritual discovery as he tower of the flock, or Good Shepherd, a title also given to ined and analyzed this debris, Mr. Marcel
travels the world, from Alaska to the Himalayas, in search Jesus Christ. Based on her explorations into new scholar- feels its necessary that his knowledge of the event
of lost knowledge, adventure, and much more! ship on recently discovered Gnostic texts, she finds a vital never be lost. He comments in the Introduction: As time
6X9 P/B, approx. 100 pp. $16.95 partnership between Jesus and Mary that synthesized goes on, there are fewer and fewer of us first-hand wit-
Eastern and Egyptian mysticism and that promulgated nesses still alive. The Roswell event happened over 58 years
LOST CIVILIZATION OF LEMURIA gender equality, anointing rites, and sexual rituals. In that
Frank JosephUsing recent deep-sea archaeological finds, ago, which is hard for me to believe, but the calendar does
relationship, she discovers an alliance that Christs Apos- not lie. With this account, I have written about the Roswell
enigmatic glyphs and symbols, and ancient records shared
tles, and later the Catholic Church, strove ardently to sup- incident from a very personal viewpoint. This is written as
by cultures divided by great distances that document the
press. Picknetts revelations rarely fail to provoke at least a seen through my eyes and what influence this has had on
story of this sunken world, Joseph painstakingly recreates a
reconsideration of long-accepted church doctrine. the way I have lived my life, looking at it through a Roswell
picture of this civilization in which people lived in rare har-
5X8 P/B, 286 pp., 8-pg. color insert $14.00 prism. I have never altered my story. The symbols, debris,
mony and possessed a sophisticated technology that al-
lowed them to harness the weather, defy gravity, and con- MEGATRENDS 2010: and so forth have never changed, but the governments
duct genetic investigations far beyond what is possible The Rise of cover-up seems to change with the seasons. I am merely
today. When disaster struck Lemuria, the survivors made Conscious Capitalism standing in for my father when it comes to my depictions
their way to other parts of the world, incorporating their Patricia AburdeneOne of and memories of Roswell.
scientific and mystical skills into the existing cultures of the worlds leading business 6X9 H/B, 250 pp., photos $24.95
Asia, Polynesia, and the Americas. Totem poles of the Pa- forecasters once again offers SCIENCE AND THE REENCHANTMENT OF
cific Northwest, architecture in China, the colossal stone vital insight into trends that THE COSMOS Ervin Laszlo (Science and the
statues on Easter Island, and even the perennial philoso- will shape business, society, Akashic Field)
phies all reveal their kinship to this now vanished civiliza- and the way we live. Whats What scientists are
tion. Relying on 10 years of research and extensive travel, her prediction? The next meg- now finding at the
Frank Joseph offers a compelling picture of this mother- atrend will be the rise of spiri- outermost frontiers
land of humanity. tuality in the workplace. She of every field is
6X9 P/B, 376 pp., 8-pg. color insert & 25 B&W Illus. $20.00 had previously, along with au-
NEW! overturning all the
LOST SCIENCE OF thor John Naisbitt, predicted basic premises con-
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from the Stone Age!! Two of Prehistoric, Megalithic, Astrophysical separate things and
events but a
the most experienced re- Map and Sculpture of the Universe cosmos that is con-
searchers into prehistoric cul- Thomas G. BrophyOn a desolate plain in the Egyptian
ture have made a remarkable nected, coherent, HOT!
Sahara desert, west of Aswan, there is a very remote pre-
breakthrough in under- and bears a pro-
historic site called Nabta Playa. There, a recently discov-
standing the system by which found resemblance
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mark out vast geometric shapes across the landscape. At and the universe were one. The findings that justify this
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key points, they erected their magnificent stone temples new vision of the underlying logic of the universe come
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and the (Giza Death
Secret Star)In 1945, a
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secret weapons
Notre-Dame- project code-
de-Marceille named, The Bell,
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CoppensWas Ber- ground bunker in
enger Sauniere, the lower Silesia, along
NEW! priest at the center with all its project
of the enigma of documentation,
Rennes-le-Chateau, and a four-star SS
controlled by a secret society? Yes is the answer, but which general then, it all
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cessor of the Compagnie de St. Sacrement, a 17th century prelude to this dis-
secret society that was banned by King Louis XIV. Both appearing act, the SS murdered most of the scientists and
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have uncovered a hidden dimension of the basilica of Notre was given a classification of decisive for the war. What
Dame de Marceille. Hidden for more than 500 years under- was The Bell? The author reveals a range of exotic tech-
neath the church lies a secret underground complex in nologies the Nazis had researched and challenges the con-
which not only a monetary treasure was located, but which ventional views of the end of World War II, the Roswell In-
was also a pagan religious site, which was directly related cident, and the beginning of MAJIC-12, the government's
to the secret. alleged secret team of UFO investigators.
6X9 P/B, 152 pp., Illus. $14.95 WANDERINGS OF THE GRAIL: The
6X9, 456 pp., Illus., Maps $16.95 Cathars, the Search for the Grail, and
SION REVELATION: The Truth About the SUPERNATURAL Graham Hancock Hancock the Discovery of Egyptian Relics in the
Guardians of Christs Sacred Bloodline sets out to investigate the mysterious before-and-after French Pyrenees Andre DouzetIn the 13th cen-
Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince (Guardians of the Holy moment that gave birth to the modern human mind. His tury, the Church came down hard on the Cathars, who had
Grail, The Templar Revelation)An essential notion in quest takes him on an adventure that includes visionary settled in the French Pyrenees. The Cathars practices had
the best-selling, The Da Vinci Code, is the existence of an encounters with masterful beings. He leads us to ques- some similarities with ancient Egyptian belief systems:
age-old French society, the Priory of Sion, whose task it is tioncould it be that human evolution is not just the dying consciously was at the heart of both, and both the
to protect Christs sacred bloodline. Drawing on a wealth blind, meaningless process that Darwin identified, but Egyptians and the Cathars felt they had to break the cycle
of evidence, they answer numerous questions that shroud something elsemore purposive and Intelligentthat we of reincarnation (the cycle of evil) and ascend to the world
this society, including: Does the Priory actually exist or is have barely even begun to understand? of light. In the 20th century, German Nazis such as Otto
the groups entire history an elaborate hoax? What is the 6x9 H/B, 710 pp. $44.95 Rahn became interested in Catharism and sent investiga-
truth behind Pierre Plantard, the enigmatic French aristo- tors to the region to search for the Holy Grail. They uncov-
crat who claimed to be a Priory Grand Masterand who TEMPLAR
MERIDIANS: The ered the ancient sanctuaries of the Catharsoften caves in
some claim was a Nazi sympathizer? Was Leonardo da perilous locationsand found statues of Egyptian gods.
Vinci really one of the Priorys Grand Masters? Here, the Secret Mapping of Was the Grail perhaps a sacred Egyptian artifact?
authors reveal the story of the Priory, taking readers on a the New World Wil- 6x9 P/B, 152 pp., Illus. $14.95
highly significant, disturbing, and even alarming ride liam F. MannThe most
through history into an intriguing world where a great enduring mystery sur- THE WORD
many uncomfortable facts will have to be faced, both relig- rounding the Templars con- MADE
ious and political. cerns the nature and where- MANIFEST
6x9, 514 pp. $16.95 abouts of their great THROUGH
SPIRIT treasure. Whereas many be- SACRED
lieve this lost treasure con- GEOMETRY
FACES: Truth tains knowledge of the
About the NEW! bloodline of Christ, the au-
Robert Thomas
Afterlife (Chapter 1 contrib-
HOT! thor shows that it actually uted by Jeanne Man-
Mark MacyThis is consists of an ancient sci-
a visionary book ning, author of The
ence developed before the Great Floodknowledge discov- Coming Energy Revo-
about the afterlife ered by the Templars in the Holy Land during the Cru-
based on Mark sades and still extant today in Templar/Masonic ritual.
HOT! lution)This is the
Macys fifteen years story of David Hamel
6x9 P/B, 384 pp., 103 B&W illus. $18.95 of Ontario and what
of research, with
special emphasis on TEMPLAR PAPERS Compiled he was taught by visi-
a growing collection and edited by Oddvar OlsenMuch tors from the cosmos.
of unique photo- has been written about the group of This book provides:
graphs in which he 14th-century warrior monks known the possibilities of advanced spacecraft the meaning of Sa-
captures clear faces as the Knights Templar. Were they cred Geometry how the musical scale, based on phi, con-
of nonphysical be- wrongly accused folk heroes? Or is nects metaphysics and science how Stonehenge and the
ingsspirits. These their story ultimately one of greed, Great Pyramid and the Egyptian Book of the Dead tie in
photographs and deception, and idolatry? Olsen has as- with the Christian Bible and new or ancient energy tech-
other results of his research provide some of the first solid sembled a veritable Whos Who of nology. After visiting Mr. Hamel, the author used mathe-
evidence, and verifiable proof, that life continues after experts to unravel the mystery. In- matics to discover underlying principles in the Torah and
death of the physical body. He weaves his groundbreaking stead of rehashing previous scholar- Christian Bible which relate to the Hamel spaceship.
information into a clear picture of life on the other side. He ship, this book delves into new aspects of Templar lore. In- Hamel says that Stonehenge was a jig on which to build a
explains in easily digestible terms how loved ones, ances- cludes contributions by Lynn Picknett (The Templar flying saucer. Included with this book are three actual
tors, angels, and ghosts all play a part in the affairs of our Revelation), Robert Lomas (Turning the Hiram Key), blueprints of the Hamel device.
world. and Karen Ralls (The Templars and the Grail). 10x13 P/B, 370 pp., numerous B&W drawings, some color
6X9 H/B, 176 pp. $24.95 6X9 P/B, 254 pp., Illus. $14.95 $37.00

Use Our Convenient Order Blank on Page 81 More Great Products on Next Page 77
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ATLANTIS RISING the ATLANTIS RISING C a t a l o g (See page 81)

VIDEOS HARD-TO-FIND Dr. Bruce LiptonBroadly reviews the molecular mecha-
nisms by which environmental awareness interfaces ge-
CLASH OF THE netic regulation and guides organismal evolution. The
GENIUSES: VIDEO, DVD, etc. quantum physics behind these mechanisms provide insight
into the communication channels that link the mind-body
INVENTING THE duality. This knowledge can be employed to actively rede-
Dale PondWeve all heard that we are powerful creators. fine our physical and emotional well-being.
Here, at last, is the 120 min. DVD only $39.95
story of a handful of Countless books have been written on this topic which
inventors battling to we've all studied to little avail. Maybe, just maybe, the pro- CEREAL WORM
save the world from cess is so simple we've been overlooking it. Recently, Pond HOLES:
industrial giants, like has discovered a new approach that works. It is simple, di- Investigating the
Ford, Morgan, Edison rect, immediate and doable. You can learn it firsthand. Extra-Dimensional
1 1/2 hr. DVD ONLY $24.95
and their ilk. From Ni- Aspects of Crop
kola Tesla to T. Henry Moray, from John Keely to ANCIENT BIMINI Circles
Pons and Fleischman, the struggle to break through HARBOR: For thousands of
with world-saving technologies has gone on for gen- Uncovering the years an alien presence
erations, but now a new breed of inventors threatens Great Bimini Hoax here on Earth has made
to succeed where others have failed. Here is the Gregory L. Little us aware of their exis-
story and the commentary of the geniuses behind Edgar Cayce, made a tence through miracu-
many of todays amazing discoveries in free energy, prophecy in 1940 that a por- lous signs and wonders,
antigravity, rejuvenation, and much more. tion of Atlantis would be such as the ancient Nazca
One-Hour VHS $19.95 DVD $24.95 found in the area of the Ba- Lines of Peru, the Sphinx
hamas in 1968 and 1969. A and Pyramids of Egypt,
ENGLISH discovery was made in 1968 Stonehenge in England, and now, the global phenomena of
SACRED that was hailed by some re- Crop Circles. Presented here are the details of an investiga-
SITES: THE searchers as confirmation of tion into the extra-dimensional aspects of the crop circle
ATLANTIS this prophecy. However, phenomena. Includes spectacular cinematography and a
CONNECTION three skeptical geologists published articles deeming it a series of interviews with researchers, experiencers, and the
Powerful evi- hoax, and many people accepted the skeptics claims most credible crop circle authorities in the world today.
dence linking without question. Then in May 2005, a team of researchers 132 min. DVD - 2 Disks $34.95
Stonehenge, Ave- re-examined the evidence and compared the results to the CIRCLESPEAK: A
bury, Glastonbury skeptics claims. After several of the skeptics were con- Journey into the Heart of
and many other tacted, it became clear that a hoax had, indeed, been perpe-
tratedby the skeptics who engaged in the outright mis-
Crop Circle Country
English locations Laurence NewnamSays producer
with an advanced represention of their results.
and writer, Laurence Newnam, We
ancient order now 73 min. DVD $14.95
thought we needed to raise the bar
lost to history. ANCIENT POWER PLANTS AND its time to treat the topics of UFOs,
Written and narrated by Atlantis Rising editor Doug ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY HOT! crop circles, and the paranormal with
Kenyon, the video is based primarily upon the dis- (from the 1999 Egypt In The New Millennium confer- more respect and intelligence.
coveries of Cambridge-trained scholar and author ence) Christopher DunnExplore how the pyramids were Building on ten years of research and writing about the
John Michell. The program demonstrates how a really built, and how they were used. phenomenon, Newnam was able to gain greater access to
mysterious network of perfectly straight tracks, laid DVD 240 min. $39.95 the people involved. The film captures the conflict be-
out for hundreds of miles across the English land- tween two adversarial camps of opinionthe Re-
scape, proves the great advancement of pre-historic searchers, who believe in a genuine mystery and the Cir-
science. clemakers, who claim to be making the crop circles. But
Forty minutes VHS $19.95 DVD $24.95 its just not that simple, and CircleSpeak never tries to
dumb-down or explain the things that still remain genuine
OF THE GODS 97 min. with 2 hrs. of Extras - DVD only $24.95
evidence of the exis- CONSCIOUSNESS: 20 Scientists, 9
tence of high tech- Hours Brace yourself. All the
nology in prehis- questions you ever had about
toric times, this your identity, your mind, your
video shatters the dreams, your place in the uni-
orthodox scenario verse, and your role in eternity
for the dawn of civ- are about to be addressed in a
ilization on Earth. head-on, take-no-prisoners, no-
Now assembled in a ANOINTING OF THE DOVE W. HenryWhat if holds-barred fashion by a group
devastating one- Mary Magdalene was an alchemist who learned her craft in of fearless professors who dare
hour documentary, Egypt? What if we are close to reproducing her anointing plunge where science itself is
hosted by Atlantis oil that will enlighten as well as protect us in the days to only just beginning to ven-
Rising Editor and come? Investigative mythologist and author, William tureinto the deepest realms of
Publisher J. Henry, applies a serious and radical re-evaluation of the se- interior human existenceinto the soul. There is great ex-
Douglas Kenyon, are the comments and evidence of crets of the anointing oil of Mary Magdalene and its use in citement afoot and you are about to become part of it. This
breakthrough researchers such as John Anthony conjunction with the Ark of the Covenant and monatomic total immersion into the worlds latest theories on con-
West, Robert Bauval, Richard Noone, Colin Wilson, gold to prepare Jesus for his journey to the Netherworld. sciousness includes in-depth discussions with twenty scien-
John Michell, Patrick Flanagan, Christopher Dunn, Presenting evidence from cutting edge science and ancient tists on topics as diverse as quantum biophysics, nano-
Zecharia Sitchin, David Hatcher Childress, Edgar Sumerian, Egyptian, and Early Christian alchemical art, neuroscience, philosophy, meditation, metaphysics,
Evans Cayce and others. he pursues the mysteries of this oil and the startling likeli- dreaming, causation, and the paranormal, all of which are
One-Hour VHS $19.95 DVD $24.95 hood of its cosmic origin. converging into the greatest exploration of all time, to un-
2 hrs. 45 min. $29.95 derstand just who, or what, we are.
9 Hours 5-DVD Boxed Set $39.95

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ENLIGHTENMEN SERIES: Vol. 1 The press conference with Tom Van Flandern, former
T: NUMBERS, and Vol. 2 Chief Astronomer for the U. S. Naval Observatory and
CREATIVE Dr. Nick BegichThis Brian OLeary, former Apollo Astronaut trained for
series explores the Americas first manned mission to Mars. In this historic
GEOMETRY AND press conference, scientists announce the discovery of star-
ANCIENT major technology is-
sues facing this gener- tling artifacts found among the 65,000 recently released
KNOWLEDGE NASA/JPL photos by Mars Global Surveyor. They believe
John MichellAuthor ation. These well re-
searched video these artificial structures are proof that Mars was once in-
of more than 22 books, habited by an intelligent civilization.
John Michell is recog- presentations are in-
tended to supplement Approx. 1 hr. DVD $19.95
nized as the world au-
the information devel- LIFES STORY:
NEW! thority on ancient sci-
oped for the internet The One That
ence, geometry,
religion, and the sym- and printed in Dr. Be- Hasnt Been Told
bolism of ancient landscapes. He is much quoted in the gichs published Narrated by Nick
media as the expert on ancient civilizations and what they books, articles and es- Jackson - BBC National
reveal to us. This DVD is his presentation at Chet Snows says. As an investigative reporter and educator, Dr. Nick RadioWhat does
Signs of Destiny IV conference. Begich delivers a lucid and clear presentation on these modern DNA research
DVD - 90 min. approx. $24.95 topics while presenting thought provoking material in- now prove about the
tended to stimulate discussion and well reasoned debate. theory that simple cells
DA VINCI CODE DECODED Richard Metzger See more in the Review Section of this magazine. evolved into all life on
Answers the questions everyone is asking: *What exactly Both volumes come with a free CD. earth? The answer?
was Leonardo Da Vinci trying to tell us in his coded paint- 120 min. each DVD $20.00 each Simply that evolution is
ings? Was Jesus married to Mary Magdalene? Who were
the Knights Templar? What is the secret of the mysterious EGYPT: Shadow of impossible. So why is this
Atlantis William Henry information being kept
church at Rennes-le-Chateau? What is the Priory of Sion?
Ancient beings of light uni- from the general public?
What secret did the real life Sauniere know that threat-
maginably powerful tech- Should Darwins theories still be taught as facts in our
ened teh Church? What are the Gnostic Gospels? Did
nology a lost chamber of se- educational institutions? In a wildlife program unlike any
Roman emperors rewrite the New Testament to control
crets. Join investigative other seen before, you will journey to discover the story of
the population? Essential viewing for all readers of The
mythologist, William Henry, life itself. This program examines the long-held beliefs that
Da Vinci Code. Also features orignal location photog-
in Egypt to explore the tem- have been the foundation of natural selection for more
raphy from The Louvre, Temple Church, Westminster
ples/workshops and cryptic than 150 years. How much can animals change? Why do so
Abbey, Rosslyn Chapel, and Rennes-le-Chateau--all shot
symbols of antiquity. In three many species depend upon one another to survive? Where
especially for this production.
all-new lectures, based upon does instinct and intelligence come from? And what do the
152 min. DVD only $19.95
extensive research and designs of creatures alive today reveal about their history?
loaded with astounding NEW! Filmed and researched over a five-year period in more than
graphics, he presents his ten different countries.
latest research and a provocative new view of the mystical 55 min. DVD $22.95
connection between Atlantis and Egypt. And much more
after these lectures, there is no going back!
3 DVDs - 6 hrs. $49.95 Crystals in Motion Masaru EmotoBy taking a
photographic look at water crystals, we are able to deter-
AN EVENING WITH ZECHARIA SITCHIN mine the mysterious effects that music and words have on
Zecharia Sitchin, internationally acclaimed author of The water. Until now, researchers alone--with the use of their
Twelfth Planet, The Stairway To Heaven and Genesis Revis- microscopes--had the capacity to witness water crystals
ited to name a few, presents evidence for mankinds extra- grow and expand. Not any more--caught on video for the
terrestrial origins and cosmic connections. Sitchin dis- first time: water crystals in motion. Refer to the DVD/VHS
cusses some of the advanced knowledge possessed by the reviews in this issue for more coverage of this item.
Sumerians nearly 6,000 years ago. Not only did they have 35 min. DVD/VHS $19.95
the wheel and detailed writings on clay tablets but also
wrote of the planets in our solar system and knew the ac- NATIONAL
curate distances between them. TREASURES: Signs and
2-hours 2-videos $34.95 Symbols of the U.S.
Founding Fathers
THE GREAT YEAR Nar- There are many amazing mys-
rated by James Earl JonesThe
tical and mythological mysteries
Great Year. Investigates commo-
connected with the symbols that
nalities in ancient beliefs and
the the U.S. Founding Fathers
looks back into time for answers
chose to represent their beliefs,
to questions that still loom over
their dreams, and their inten-
science today. How far back do hu- HOT! tions during the formation of the
DOLPHINSTRIBES OF THE SEA Hosted mankinds roots really go? What
United States government.
and Narrated by Grant GoodeveProbably no other sea did the ancients know about the
Drawing from the traditions of all ages, including the mys-
animal has captured our affection and attention like the HOT! stars and their movements and
tical knowledge of Alchemy and Kabbalah, investigative
dolphin. Its intelligence and athleticism has fascinated ob- what can we learn from them?
mythologist and author, William Henry, unravels vital
servers for years. Dolphins seem to exhibit a friendly will- How was the Precession of the Equinox used to mark the
knowledge lost within the icons of America to reveal the
ingness to cooperate with humans...something very rare rise and fall of these great ages by the ancients? The Great
mysterious secret treasures of Americas hidden heritage.
in the wild animal kingdom. We think we know them Year examines this theory and finds that perhaps these an-
Join him in an exploration of the coded art and mystery
racing through aquariums and performing at marine cients were really onto something!
symbols and their connection to the Freemasons, the
parks, but dolphins are more complex animals, with the 46 min. DVD $24.95
Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and a host of other
capacity for language and affection. In this DVD you travel LETTERS FROM EGYPT mystical traditions dating back thousands of years.
the world to see how dolphin groups in different locales MCF ProductionsThis production allows you to tour 55 min. DVD $19.95
interact with humans. Youll also visit researchers as they Egypt with top researchers in the field: David Childress
discover just how intelligent, clever, and intuitive dol- Christopher Dunn Stephen Mehler AbdEl Hakim Awyan,
phins really are. See these magnificent beings through the Atlantis Rising publisher Doug Kenyon talks about
and Mark & Andrea Pinkham, and the producer, Mark
lens of some of the finest wildlife photographers in the planetary amnesia. From Signs of Destiny II: Crop Circles
world. and Earth Mysteries Conference at Tempe, AZ in No-
10 hrs. (Individual DVDs run an average of 1-1/2 hrs.
50 min. DVD $24.95 vember of 2003.
each) 6-DVD Set $120.00 or $25.00 each
90 min. VHS and DVD $24.95

Use Our Convenient Order Blank on Page 81 More Great Products on Next Page 79
Exploring the CD ROM
the ATLANTIS RISING C a t a l o g Mystery of Crop
Robert Nichol
According to Nichol, sci-
SEARCH FOR THE ence and the media have
REAL MT. SINAI not given the crop circle
Two explorers take an phenomenon the atten-
incredible expedition into tion it deserves. Now is
the blistering Arabian the time for a careful re-
Desert and turn up what consideration based on
some scholars believe to the information and in-
be one of the greatest dis- sights gained by the
coveries in historythe many researchers in the
real Mt. Sinai, the holy field. Presented here are images of the major crop circles,
mountain on which interviews with top researchers, and a narrative line
Moses received the Ten dealing with the mystical aspects of the phenomenon.
HOT! Commandments. This 90 min. DVD $24.95
program chronicles their SWIMMING
amazing adventure, how they crawled into forbidden mili-
tary installations and used night vision goggles to avoid
being detected as they pursued remnants still remaining at Healers of the FOUNDATION SERIES
the site. They found remarkable evidence which they be- Sea Nicole LaVoieThe seven chakra recordings con-
lieve confirms the Bible as historically accurate. For thousands of tain the frequencies of the building block of the
50 min. DVD $19.95 years dolphins have been body (amino acids, hormones, minerals, noble gases,
revered as sacred healers, and vitamins.) Your body will re-attune to these fre-
THE SPHINX AND THE TOWER OF heroes, and emissaries quencies, which will enable you to assimilate them
BABEL Grizzly Adams ProductionsFrom the Pax TVs from the sea. In this fas- from the foods you eat. The specific combination of
Encounters with the Unexplained, this episode includes cinating program, Ma- the frequencies on the recordings will bring balance
interviews with Atlantis Rising editor Doug Kenyon, riette Hartley and Brion to the elements that we have too much of, thus
Boston University Geologist Robert Schoch, Christopher James present stunning eliminating toxicity. The other recordings will re-
Dunn, Stephen Mehler and others. Can we discover what, new facts about these move resistance and stress, balance both sides of the
if anything, is under the Sphinx? Is it possible that even amazing healers from brain, release unhealthy emotions, and encourage
today, the Sphinx stands guard over some still undiscov- the sea. Neuroscientist unconditional love.
ered chamber? Archaeologists and geologists square off as and dolphin researcher, Dr. David Warner, presents an in- 12 CDs plus a complimentary copy of the book,
the Egyptian government declares: hands off! Also, some depth look at the extra-dimensional interaction between Return to Harmony,
argue that much of the hatred and animosity in the world dolphins and humans, including the miraculous details the autobiography of founder, Nicole LaVoie,
today can be traced to a single event... the confusion of about dolphin-assisted therapy with autistic children and plus one free CDPrana (helps you breathe
language at the Tower of Babel. New discoveries fire the cancer patients. Includes spectacular underwater cinema- better) or Cal Mag (helps you assimilate calcium
debate. tography of dolphins and sea mammals and a series of in- better)your choice.
DVD approximately 46 min. $19.95 terviews with researchers and the most credible authori- $288.00
STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN: The Lost ties on dolphins in the world today.
Secrets of Mary Magdalene 73 mins. DVD $24.95
William HenryHenrys historical and mythological de- UNLOCKING
tective work on the suppressed secrets of Jesus, Mary Mag- THE
dalene, and the Stairway to Heaven continues. In this MYSTERY OF
presentation, he reveals new evidence about the secrets LIFE: The
and the true history of Mary Magdalene, including the rea-
sons why she was called the Illuminator or Illuminatrix.
1 hr. 30 min. $24.95 Case for
TO HEAVEN Illustra Media
Written, filmed, and Today, Darwin is
being challenged as WAVE ENERGY Nicole LaVoie
Silva (Secrets in the never before. This is
Fields)This exhilar- Harmonic Structure CDdesigned to help
the story of contem- the cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bones function
ating documentary porary scientists
leads you through the properly.
who are advancing a Vibrant Expression CDdeveloped to assist
spiritual technology of powerful, but con-
the ancients, and how HOT! troversial, idea
in cleansing and energizing the blood so it can carry
its application in sa- toxins out of the body and nutrients into the body,
the theory of intelligent design. It is a theory based to promote cellular changes to the root cells of the
cred spaces, temples, upon compelling biochemical evidence. Through state-of-
and Gothic cathedrals skin, hair and nails.
the art computer animation, youre transported into the Physical Senses CDdesigned to
has influenced hu- interior of the living cell to explore systems and machines
manitys states of strengthen and increase the acuity of the senses of
that bear the unmistakable hallmarks of design. Discover hearing, vision, smell and taste.
awareness for millennia. With breathtaking sites filmed the intricacy of a microscopic bacterial rotary motor,
across the British Isles, you will be led on a 8000-year Muscles CDdesigned to tone muscles,
which spins at 100,000 rpm. Within the cell nucleus, ex- help the release of lactic acid after physical work and
journey into a practical magic whose principles are alive plore the wonder of DNA, a threadlike molecule that stores
a legacy for our times, when all systems of understanding, bring a sense of deep relaxation throughout the
instructions to build the essential components of every body.
structure, and environment lie in a state of transformation living organism. It is part of a biological information pro-
and upheaval. You will also discover how, with the appear- Ultimate Lovemaking CDdesigned to en-
cessing system more complex and more powerful than any hance sexual function, providing energy that will
ance of crop circles, this ancient information is once again computer network. This remarkable documentary exam-
coming to lightinformation that is imprinting all living give a greater sensuality, enhance kinesthetic ability
ines the scientific case for intelligent designan idea with and heighten our sense of touch.
things on Earth, including the human body. (Read more in the power to revolutionize our understanding of lifeand
the Reviews section.) 5 CD Set plus book, Return to Harmony $99.00
to unlock the mystery of its origin.
54 min. DVD $16.95 67 min. DVD or VHS. DVD has 45 min. extras $19.95

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