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Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 6570

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Childhood self-control, adolescent behavior, and career success

Patrick D. Converse , Katrina A. Piccone, Michael C. Tocci
School of Psychology, Florida Institute of Technology, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Research indicates that dispositional self-control is an important predictor of a wide range of behaviors
Received 7 June 2013 and outcomes but little research has examined this characteristic in the context of career success. This
Received in revised form 1 November 2013 work adds to the limited ndings in this area and extends previous research by developing and examin-
Accepted 9 November 2013
ing a model of self-control and career success. Specically, drawing from the concepts of cumulative and
Available online 5 December 2013
interactional continuity (Caspi, Bem, & Elder, 1989) and the recently proposed distinction between start/
initiatory and stop/inhibitory self-control (e.g., de Ridder, de Boer, Lugtig, Bakker, & van Hooft, 2011), we
developed and tested a model of the pathways leading from childhood self-control to career outcomes
Initiatory control
focusing on adolescent behavior that is positive (e.g., studying) versus negative (e.g., stealing), education,
Inhibitory control and job complexity. Results indicated that childhood self-control predicted positive and negative adoles-
Adolescent behavior cent behavior; this behavior predicted educational attainment; education predicted the complexity and
Career success income associated with ones job; job complexity predicted income and job satisfaction; and income pre-
Income dicted job satisfaction. These ndings add to research on self-control and career success, further demon-
Job satisfaction strating the relevance of self-control in this context and highlighting key links connecting these variables
involving factors related to start and stop control.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction behaviors and outcomes, this may represent a notable gap in

research on the factors inuencing career-related outcomes. The
Self-controlinvolving effective regulation of thoughts, feel- purpose of the present study was to extend the limited research
ings, and behaviorshas been extensively examined across a range on this issue. More specically, this research draws from two the-
of contexts. Researchers investigating clinical, developmental, so- oretical perspectivesinvolving the concepts of cumulative and
cial, personality, criminology, and health issues (among others), interactional continuity (Caspi, Bem, & Elder, 1989) and the recent
have developed substantial knowledge bases regarding the nature notion of a distinction between two aspects of self-control (stop/
and implications of self-control in these areas (e.g., see Baumeister inhibitory and start/initiatory; de Boer, van Hooft, & Bakker,
& Vohs, 2004; Gottfredson & Hirschi, 1990). This broad and sus- 2011; de Ridder, de Boer, Lugtig, Bakker, & van Hooft, 2011)to de-
tained research attention stems in part from the notion that inef- velop and test a model of the pathways leading from self-control to
fective self-control is a major factor responsible for a range of career outcomes.
personal and social problems (e.g., Baumeister, Heatherton, & Tice,
1994) and conversely effective self-control is a key to success in life
1.1. Dening self-control and career success
(e.g., Baumeister, Leith, Muraven, & Bratslavsky, 1998). Consistent
with this idea, dispositional self-control has been linked to a
Self-control has been dened as the exertion of control over
number of important outcomes including academic performance,
the self by the self (Muraven & Baumeister, 2000, p. 247). This
impulse control, psychological adjustment, and interpersonal
concept thus entails internally focused active control tendencies
outcomes (e.g., Tangney, Baumeister, & Boone, 2004; Wolfe &
involving regulation of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Disposi-
Johnson, 1995).
tional self-control has connections to other prominent personality
However, dispositional self-control has not received substantial
traits, including the Big Five, but evidence indicates this character-
attention in work contexts, particularly in terms of career success.
istic is reasonably distinct. There is, for example, a clear link be-
Given the pervasive inuence of this characteristic on signicant
tween self-control and conscientiousness but these
characteristics appear to overlap only partially (e.g., Tangney
Corresponding author. Address: School of Psychology, Florida Institute of et al., 2004, reported a correlation of .54 between self-control
Technology, 150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901-6975, United States. and conscientiousness).
Tel.: +1 (321) 674 8104. Career success has been conceptualized in a variety of ways
E-mail address: (P.D. Converse). but is often dened as the positive psychological or work-related

0191-8869/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
66 P.D. Converse et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 6570

outcomes accumulated as a result of ones work experiences and consequences of interactional styles over time. Caspi et al.
(e.g., Judge, Cable, Boudreau, & Bretz, 1995; Ng, Eby, Sorensen, & (1989) proposed two general processes involving person-environ-
Feldman, 2005). Career-related success is typically characterized ment interactions across time. First, cumulative continuity in-
as involving two primary components: extrinsic or objective and volves the individual selecting, creating, and shaping his/her
intrinsic or subjective (see Ng et al., 2005). Extrinsic career success environments based partially on dispositional qualities, and these
involves observable outcomes such as salary, whereas intrinsic environments then sustaining those dispositions. An extraverted
career success involves subjective outcomes such as satisfaction. individual, for example, may often select environments involving
Given previous evidence suggesting that these two types of social interaction; these environments may then help to maintain
outcomes are relatively independent (Ng et al., 2005), the current this individuals extraverted tendencies. Over long periods of time,
study examined both extrinsic and intrinsic outcomes, focusing this type of process may lead to not only stable dispositions, but
on income and job satisfaction. also distinct life paths. Second, interactional continuity involves
transactions between the individual and the environment: the
1.2. Linking self-control and career success individual acts, the environment reacts, and the individual re-
sponds. Caspi et al. (1989) proposed that this process can also have
As noted, although a large number of studies have demon- implications for life paths and dispositional continuity in several
strated connections between self-control and a variety of impor- ways including through reciprocal reinforcement, self-conrming
tant behaviors and outcomes, research on this characteristic in expectations, and selective attention to information that conrms
the career context has been quite limited. For instance, in a recent ones self-concept.
meta-analysis, de Ridder, Lensvelt-Mulders, Finkenauer, Stok, and In developing these ideas, Caspi and colleagues emphasized
Baumeister (2012) reviewed evidence regarding the relationship continuity with respect to certain interactional styles, but these
between trait self-control and behaviors across a range of domains. processes also appear to be quite relevant to the current context
These researchers reported k (number of tests) of only 5 for the do- involving pathways leading to career outcomes. More specically,
main school and work performance. Furthermore, although de the concepts of cumulative and interactional continuity suggest
Ridder et al. did not provide detailed information regarding the that individual differences in an inuential characteristic such as
specic behaviors examined in the school and work performance self-control present relatively early in development can produce
domain, it may be that these were largely school- or task-related, different life paths, resulting in different career outcomes. For in-
rather than work- or career-related, as these authors listed GPA, stance, self-control may inuence the types of environments indi-
homework hours, and persistence at solving tasks as examples of viduals select, create, and shape (e.g., those higher in self-control
behaviors in this domain. There have been a few studies examining may choose situations based on longer term implications rather
relationships between self-control variables and unemployment than shorter term rewards). Similarly, this trait may also affect
(e.g., Kokko, Pulkkinen, & Puustinen, 2000) and career orienta- individuals reciprocal interactions with the environment (e.g.,
tion (involving occupational status, education, present work situ- those higher in self-control may engage in more long-term desir-
ation, and career stability; Pulkkinen, Ohranen, & Tolvanen, 1999), able behaviors that are then reinforced by the environment includ-
but research investigating specic career success outcomes in em- ing parents and teachers). As these processes unfold over time,
ployed individuals has been limited. different life paths may be created, leading to differing career out-
Two recent exceptions are studies by Moftt et al. (2011) and comes. Fig. 1 presents the current model based on this perspective
Converse, Pathak, DePaul-Haddock, Gotlib, and Merbedone and the following sections discuss the specic links.
(2012). Moftt et al. (2011) demonstrated that childhood self-con-
trol (beginning at age 3) predicted negative adolescent behaviors 1.2.2. Start and stop control
(from age 13 to 21; e.g., smoking and dropping out of school), Effectively exercising self-control involves both inhibiting
which, in turn, predicted income later in life (at age 32). Similarly, undesirable behaviors and initiating desirable behaviors (Baumei-
Converse et al. (2012) found that childhood self-control related to ster, Bratslavsky, Muraven, & Tice, 1998; de Ridder et al., 2011).
later income and occupational prestige through educational attain- Based on this notion, recent research by de Boer et al. (2011) and
ment and later career satisfaction through occupational opportu- de Ridder et al. (2011) suggests two key dimensions of self-control:
nity for achievement. These studies provide valuable initial start (or initiatory) and stop (or inhibitory). The start dimension of
evidence of the relevance of self-control in predicting career-re- self-control is expected to facilitate engaging in positive behaviors,
lated outcomes. However, information regarding the specic path- such as goal-directed activities, that may not be desirable in the
ways linking self-control to these outcomes is somewhat limited short-term but are likely to benet individuals in the long-term.
and, in particular, the above studies did not draw from the recent Alternatively, the stop dimension of self-control is expected to in-
perspective suggesting that there are two aspects of self-control hibit engaging in negative behaviors, such as illicit or harmful
(start and stop). Thus, this work draws from Caspi and colleagues activities, that may be desirable in the short-term but can have
(1989) ideas regarding cumulative and interactional continuity and negative consequences in the long-term. Based on this research,
the notions of start and stop self-control to develop and test a mod- it is likely that dispositional self-control predicts both positive
el involving self-control measured in childhood, positive and neg- and negative behaviors. Indeed, previous research has demon-
ative behaviors (related to start and stop control) in adolescence, strated that self-control is positively related to positive behaviors,
and career-related outcomes in adulthood (see Fig. 1). Note that such as time spent studying, and negatively related to negative
these perspectives provided the stimulus and conceptual back- behaviors, such as alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking
ground for the current research but we are not directly testing (de Boer et al., 2011; de Ridder et al., 2011). This has also been sup-
these theories. ported by a recent meta-analysis that found self-control predicts
both desirable and undesirable behaviors (de Ridder et al., 2012).
1.2.1. Cumulative and interactional continuity Based on the concepts of cumulative and interactional continuity,
The model developed in the present research is developmental these relationships are expected to hold over time, from childhood
in that it involves pathways leading from self-control relatively to adolescence. For example, children higher in self-control may be
early in life to career outcomes experienced in adulthood. To devel- more likely to choose situations and behaviors that are seen as
op this model, we drew from Caspi and colleagues (e.g., Caspi, Rob- more long-term desirable (e.g., following rules). This may then be
erts, & Shiner, 2005; Caspi et al., 1989) ideas regarding continuities rewarded by parents and teachers, reinforcing those tendencies
P.D. Converse et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 6570 67

Positive Behaviors Income

.04**(.10) .01**(.09)

Self-Control Education Job Complexity

-.05**(-.10) -3.10**(-.23)
-3.10**(-.23) .08**(.09)

Negative Behaviors Job Satisfaction

Fig. 1. Model and path analysis results. Unstandardized coefcients are shown rst, with standardized coefcients in parentheses. p < .01.

over time such that they are sustained into adolescence, manifest- First, educational achievement may be an important factor inu-
ing in more positive behaviors and fewer negative behaviors (in encing career success. According to a human capital perspective,
terms of long-term desirability). higher education levels signal that individuals have desirable attri-
butes, such as intelligence and self-motivation (Ng et al., 2005).
Hypothesis 1. Childhood self-control (a) positively relates to Organizations may attempt to gain and retain individuals with
positive adolescent behavior and (b) negatively relates to negative these desirable attributes by offering higher wages and more
adolescent behavior. workplace opportunities. Congruent with these expectations, edu-
cation level has been found to relate to salary (Ng et al., 2005).
Additionally, individuals with higher education levels are likely
1.2.3. Positive and negative behavior and education
to be better prepared for complex jobs, which involve intellectual
These behaviors are likely to then have implications for educa-
demands (Oswald, Campbell, McCloy, Rivkin, & Lewis, 1999).
tional attainment. First, success in school appears to require both
initiating these long-term desirable behaviors (e.g., studying) and
Hypothesis 4. Education positively relates to (a) job complexity
inhibiting these long-term undesirable behaviors (e.g., drinking/
and (b) income.
drug use). Thus, engaging in more positive behaviors and fewer
negative behaviors (with respect to long-term goals) is likely to Second, job complexity may also inuence career outcomes.
lead to more academic success. Clearly, this greater academic per- Highly complex jobs involve lack of routine repetitive work in fa-
formance is then likely to be associated with greater ability to con- vor of work involving high intellectual demands and/or frequent
tinue ones education (e.g., better grades increase the chances of changes in task-related requirementsoften involving the synthe-
admission to undergraduate institutions and graduate programs). sis or interpretation of complex data (Oswald et al., 1999, p. 3).
Second, these behaviors may also inuence motivation to continue Put differently, these jobs involve a high degree of difculty, which
with school. The idea of interactional continuity suggests how this is likely to relate to higher salaries. Indeed, previous research has
can occur. If, for example, an adolescent decides to do drugs or skip illustrated a job complexity-income relationship (Judge, Klinger,
class, the environment is likely to react negatively (e.g., criticism & Simon, 2010). Furthermore, the job characteristics model sug-
from teachers or parents). This change in environment may then gests that complex jobs predict positive outcomes such as mean-
have negative effects on the students subsequent motivation ingfulness of work, responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge
(e.g., trying less in school). In contrast, if an adolescent decides to of results (Hackman & Oldham, 1980), which positively impact
avoid drugs and attend class regularly, the environment is likely job satisfaction (Judge, Bono, & Locke, 2000). Finally, income is ex-
to react positively; this may then have positive effects on subse- pected to relate to job satisfaction, as higher income is associated
quent motivation. Thus, these positive and negative behaviors with self and others perceptions of success (Ng et al., 2005). In-
likely inuence both the ability and motivation to continue with deed, previous research has supported this income-satisfaction
school, which should inuence educational attainment. Consistent relationship (see Ng et al., 2005).
with this, there has been ample research showing how positive
behaviors can facilitate educational attainment (e.g., Lleras, 2008; Hypothesis 5. Job complexity positively relates to (a) income and
Staff & Mortimer, 2007) and how negative behaviors can deter edu- (b) job satisfaction.
cational attainment (e.g., Moftt, Caspi, Harrington, & Milne, 2002).
Hypothesis 6. Income positively relates to job satisfaction.
Hypothesis 2. Positive adolescent behavior positively relates to
educational attainment.
2. Method
Hypothesis 3. Negative adolescent behavior negatively relates to
2.1. Participants
educational attainment.
Data for this study came from the US Department of Labor
1.2.4. Education, job complexity, income, and satisfaction sponsored National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79)
Indicators of career success, including income and job satisfac- Children and Young Adults database. The NLSY79 Children and
tion, are likely to be predicted by education and job complexity. Young Adults database was started in 1986 and focuses on the
68 P.D. Converse et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 6570

children of the female participants from the original 1979 study. occupations. More specically, a crosswalk between the Census
Individuals in this database have been assessed every two years codes and ONET-SOC codes was used to identify corresponding
since 1986 (the most recent data available are from 2010). This ONET occupations. Job complexity was then measured with the
database includes information provided by the mothers about ONET variable Job Zone, which represents the amount of educa-
the children and self-reports from children aged 10 and older. tion, experience, and training required to perform the job and
In the current study, participants were 4932 individuals who ranges from 1 (little or no preparation needed) to 5 (extensive
had scores on at least two of the focal variables and were at least preparation needed). Job Zones were developed using Specic
20 years of age (in 2010). Note, however, that sample size varied Vocational Preparation from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles,
across variables (see Table 1). The sample was 50% female; 56% and evidence supports the validity of this index (see Oswald et al.,
Black or Hispanic, 44% Non-Black/Non-Hispanic; and the mean 1999). Using Job Zone as an indicator of job complexity is consis-
approximate age as of 2010 was 25.64 (SD = 3.63). tent with previous research (e.g., Le et al., 2011). Note that in the
crosswalk more than one ONET occupation was linked to a given
2.2. Procedures and measures Census occupation in several cases. In those cases, average Job
Zone scores across the multiple ONET occupations were used.
Self-control was measured with 21 items (a = .87) from the Income was measured as hourly rate of pay assessed in 2010 for
Behavior Problems Index (BPI; see Zill, 1990). These items have the respondents current or most recent job (a log transformation
been included in various measures of self-control (e.g., Chapple, was used for this variable). Job satisfaction was measured with
2005; McGloin, Pratt, & Maahs, 2004; Nofziger, 2008; Raffaelli, one item in 2010 that assessed how the individual felt about his/
Crockett, & Shen, 2005) and signicantly predicted theoretically re- her current or most recent job, with responses ranging from 1 (like
lated constructs such as peer relationships and delinquency. Addi- it very much) to 4 (dislike it very much). Previous research has sup-
tionally, several of these items (e.g., He/She has difculty ported the use of single-item measures of job satisfaction (Wanous,
concentrating, cannot pay attention for long; He/She is impulsive, Reichers, & Hudy, 1997). Scores were recoded so that lower values
or acts without thinking) are very similar to those included in pre- indicated lower satisfaction.
vious measures of start and stop self-control that, consistent with
expectations, signicantly predicted engagement in positive and 3. Results
negative behaviors (de Boer et al., 2011; de Ridder et al., 2011).
Mothers rated their children on these items in 1988. Responses Table 1 presents descriptive statistics and correlations. To
were based on a three-point scale ranging from 1 (often true) to 3 examine the hypotheses, a path analysis was conducted using
(not true). Lower scores indicated lower self-control. Amos. The model tested is that shown in Fig. 1 with two additions:
Positive and negative behaviors were measured in 1996. Based age, race (Hispanic or Black vs. Non-Hispanic, Non-Black), gender,
on items used in previous research (de Boer et al., 2011; de Ridder and conscientiousness (measured in 2010 using the Ten-Item Per-
et al., 2011), negative adolescent behavior was measured with 11 sonality Inventory; Gosling, Rentfrow, & Swann, 2003) were in-
items focusing on behaviors that may be more attractive in the cluded as predictors of all endogenous variables, and
short-term but less desirable in the long-term (involving lying, relationships between all exogenous variables were included.
stealing, damaging property, drinking, using drugs, smoking, skip- Model t indices indicated reasonably good t: v2(12) = 68.37,
ping school, and staying out without permission), and positive ado- p < .01; NFI = .973; CFI = .977; RMSEA = .031. The model v2 was sig-
lescent behavior was measured with seven items focusing on nicant but this is affected by sample size and the current sample
behaviors that may be less attractive in the short-term but more is relatively large; the other index values appear to indicate good
desirable in the long-term (involving spending time on homework t (e.g., see Kline, 2005). We also examined a model in which the
during school, after school, or during the summer, belonging to control variables (age, race, gender, and conscientiousness) were
clubs/teams/activities, and working for pay). A log transformation removed. Model t indices indicated somewhat poorer but still
was used for both of these variables due to skew. reasonable t: v2(12) = 116.63, p < .01; NFI = .913; CFI = .920;
Educational attainment was measured as the highest grade RMSEA = .042.
completed as of 2010, specied as rst grade (coded 1) through As shown in Fig. 1, all hypotheses were supported. Similar re-
eighth year of college or more (coded 20). Census codes for partic- sults were obtained for the model excluding the control variables
ipants current or most recent occupations in 2010 were also avail- in that all of the coefcients were signicant, the same sign, and
able. The Occupational Information Network (ONET) was used to similar in magnitude. In addition, Table 2 shows proportion of var-
obtain the level of complexity associated with each of those iance accounted for in the endogenous variables ranged from .04 to

Table 1
Descriptive statistics and correlations.

N M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Self-control 2182 2.52 0.31
2 Positive behavior 3382 0.25 0.12 .10**
3 Negative behavior 1741 0.13 0.13 .10** .03
4 Education 4682 12.85 2.07 .17** .14** .21**
5 Job complexity 4018 2.31 0.94 .10** .12** .08** .40**
6 Income 1672 3.00 0.14 .09* .20** .11* .20** .37**
7 Job satisfaction 4174 3.17 0.84 .02 .01 .01 .02 .14** .16**
8 Age 4932 25.64 3.63 .02 .32** .23** .05** .21** .33** .06**
9 Race 4932 0.44 0.50 .02 .03 .08** .16** .05** .10** .04** .10**
10 Gender 4932 0.50 0.50 .10** .04* .05* .12** .04** .02 .03* .01 .01
11 Conscientiousness 4661 5.80 1.15 .05* .05** .00 .06** .08** .03 .06** .05** .09** .07**

Note: Race coded 0 = Black or Hispanic, 1 = Non-Black/Non-Hispanic. Gender coded 0 = male, 1 = female.
p < .05.
p < .01.
P.D. Converse et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 6570 69

Table 2 (e.g., the types of adolescent behaviors investigated) due to the use
Squared multiple correlations for endogenous variables. of an existing database. This is a tradeoff often associated with the
Variable Including control Excluding control use of this type of database, where the dataset allows for examina-
variables variables tion of pathways over time but limits what measures can be used.
Negative behaviors .31 .01 Future research might conrm and build on the current study with
Positive behaviors .20 .02 cross-sectional designs involving more extensive measures or
Education .10 .06 other existing databases involving different measurement
Job complexity .20 .16
Income .28 .17
strengths and weaknesses. Third, this study did not examine start
Job satisfaction .04 .03 and stop self-control in the form of two separate measures also be-
cause of limitations involved in using an existing database. Future
Note: Control variables were age, race, gender, and conscientiousness.
research may benet from the development and implementation
of start and stop measures of self-control in predicting career-
related outcomes. Finally, missing data might be an issue in this
.31 for the model including the control variables and .01 to .17 for study as there is some potential for nonrandom missing data. Addi-
the model excluding the control variables. Thus, the predicted rela- tional studies involving different databases or other approaches to
tionships were found and in several cases the predictors accounted dealing with missing data may be useful.
for a reasonable amount of variance in the outcomes. Finally,
similar results were also obtained when no variable transforma-
tions were used.
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