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Name: Alison Guala



1.You need a passport to come into the country. Everyone _____________have one.

Have to has to has doesn`t have to

2.Can you come to the dance tonight?

__________________________ take care of my little sister.

No, I have. No, I study. No, I have to.

3. Victor learns quickly. He _________________________ have to work very hard in school.

Doesn`t never Hasn`t Doesn`t.


4. Jim is going to the store now. He __________________________ time later.

May not have has not may have not does have

5.It`s a little hot in here. ___________________________ open the window?

Don`t I Do I May I Will I

6.It`s snowing! Can we go outside?

______________________. It`s too cold.

No, you may. No, you may not. No, You do not. No, it`s not.

Comparatives and Superlatives

7.McDougal`s restaurant is ________________________Harvey`s.

Cheaper than cheap as cheap like cheaper.

8. Eric is the ________________________ student in class,

Smarter as smart as smartest very smart

But Joe is a _______________________ athlete.

Best better better than good as

9. The weather in November isn`t as _________________________ as in January.

Worst too bad worse bad.

January is ________________________ month of the year.

Very bad the worse the bad the worst

10. Is Canada _____________________ than the U.S?

Large too large larger largest

Yes, It`s one of ________________________ biggest countries in the world.

Too the very a

11. The Golden Dragon has the ______________________ delicious Chinese food of any

Best most more very

restaurant in town, but it`s still not ___________________ as my Auntie Lus food.

So good the best better as good


12.Matthew listened during the meeting, but he _______________________everything.

Can`t understand has to understand wasn`t able to understand

shouldn`t understand

13.My grandmother ________________ to get out often, so she really enjoys visitors.

Shouldn`t might not isn`t able can`t

14.Although Mary`s baby is only ten months old, he _____________, and he knows ten words.

Could walk should walk might walk is able to walk


15.The best part of the evening was _____________ who won first prize.

To find out found out finding out find out

16.Please come and get your son. One thing I don`t allow in my house _____________.

The fight fighting to fight fight

17.The class Laura is takin is called __________________

Learning about the Law Learns about the Law To learn about the Law
The learning about Law


18. We have to sing Happy birthday to Claudia before ___________________the cake.

We are cutting to cut cutting cut.

19. After _______________________ the book, The Old Man and the Sea, I want to read
more books by Hemingway.

Read reads reading to read

20. Where`s Kathy? She left the party without ________________ goodbye to anyone.

Said to say saying the saying


21.Several people saw the thief. The police ___________________ some idea of who he is.

Are able to have must have can have had to have

22.You ___________________________ the Matisse exhibit at the art museum. Its fantastic!

May not miss Don`t have to miss Might not miss Mustn`t miss

23.There are no trains to some villages in Mexico. You _____________ by bus or car.

Might get there should get there could get there must get there


24.Daniel couldn`t get a non-stop flight to Prague. He ________two stops on the way there.

Might make had to make should make could make

25.Is Ralph`s girlfriend still angry at him?

No, she finally believed his story. He _____________, but he did anyway.

Couldn`t apologize must not apologize didnt have to apologize might not

26.The elevator in the dentist`s building was broken, so Melissa ___________up to the
seventh floor.

Had to walk could walk should walk must walk


27.i know how to drive, but I dont have a license.

You __________________ drive without a license. You could get in trouble!

Don`t have to might not don`t mustn`t won`t

28.You _______(1)___________ get too tired. We ______(2)___________ move everything

today. We can do the rest later.

(1) can`t mustn`t won`t should don`t have to

(2) can`t mustn`t won`t should don`t have to

29.We`d better hurry. We ______(1)__________get to the train station late.

We ______(2)___________ leave for a few minutes. It`s still early.

(1) couldn`t may not mustn`t don`t have to don`t

(2) couldn`t may not mustn`t don`t have to don`t


30.When will my computer be ready?

It`s an easy repair. It _______________________ very long. Is tomorrow OK?

That`s fine.

Can`t take mustn`t take shouldn`t take doesn`t have to take

31. It`s after 9:00 am, and the supermarket isn`t open. It __________ open at this time of day.

Could be can be should be must be

32.Mmm. I really _________________________ anything. Im going out for dinner soon.

May not eat shouldn`t eat don`t have to eat might not eat


33.I think I want to become a doctor.

Well, prepare to spend many years of studying. You need to think about it carefully
before you decide.

Spending to think to spend thinking on spending

34.Guess what? I just got a job as a salesman.

Will you have to travel often?
I think so. I expect ________ at least two weeks a month.

To travel travel for traveling traveling

35. Joel offered ________(1)_______________ to the game, but I prefer _____(2)_______with

(1) To give me a ride not to go for giving me giving me a ride don`t go

(2) To give me a ride not to go for giving me giving me a ride don`t go


36. I _______________you fix the motorcycle, Jim. I don`t have anything else to do.

Mind helping mind it helping mind not helping dont mind helping

37. Sally and Rita are going shopping after they finish __________________.

Do their homework Doing their homework to do their homework

did their homework

38. It`s difficult to describe _______(1)____________ an airplane; I suggest

______(2)_________ it yourself.

(1) flying to fly fly

(2) try to try trying

PAST PROGRESSIVE vs SIMPLE PAST: Choose the correct answer for each space:

39 did anyone meet you at the airport?

Yes. My aunt and uncle Were waiting for me when the plane landed.

Were waiting landed Did was landing waited.

40.Stephen was driving fast when the accident _ Happened.

Happened didn`t drive was driving was happening is driving

41. Did you hear me?

I`m sorry. I was thinking about something else. What did you say?

Thought was thinking you said think did you say

42. Is the secretary typing the letters?

I don`t know. She Wasn`t typing anything when I went into the office a few minutes ago.

Wasn`t typing isn`t typing was going didn`t type went


43. The white sweater was too small, and the red one was too big. This one fits me
Better than the best good

44.Kathy and Robert like many different foods, but they eat chicken ___________anything

More frequent than more frequently than as frequent as the most frequently

45.I don`t play tennis well, but my friend Sally plays ______________than I do.

Bad worst worse

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