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Oliver Koch Emma Speech

Through the comparison of Emma by Jane Austen and Everything will be OK by

G-Eazy, I will be looking at; inner and physical journeys. With the help of these two
texts, I will be supporting the statement, journeys are learning experiences.
Journeys can often be negative experiences, but can also be the catalyst to positive
growth. Emmas trip to the Box Hill Picnic is a prime example of a negative situation
resulting in positive growth. In the Regency Era, it was a woman's job to look after
the household. She was to keep the private life of the house in order and to
showcase the mans wealth through what she wore and how she acted, so when
Emma acted out toward Miss Bates it was a big surprise, Emma could not
resist.Ah! ma'am, but there may be a difficulty. Pardon mebut you will be limited
as to numberonly three at once." Jane Austen uses dialogue to allude to the pre-
journey Emma; the Emma that is willing to act maliciously just for her own
entertainment at the expense of Ms Bates. Mr Knightley is particularly horrified at
Emmas rudeness to Ms Bates and pulls her aside to berate her and concludes with
telling her ;"I will tell you truths while I can, satisfied with proving myself your friend
by very faithful counsel, and trusting that you will some time or other do me greater
justice than you can do now." Austen shows through the use of a personification that
although Mr Knightley was not thrilled with the way Emma was acting, he would
always be there for her with his faithful counsel and that he had hope that she
would not disappoint him again. After reflection upon the issue, Emma was
inconsolable, spending the carriage ride back to Highbury crying, and thinking about
the situation the next day. Never had she felt so agitated, mortified, grieved at any
circumstance in her life Austen uses cumulative listing to in still upon the readers
the severity of the anger Emma felt upon herself.

In G-Eazys song Everything will be OK, we can also see how negative
experiences can result in positive growth. And ten years would pass before Mom
sees anybody else, Just us, in middle school I ain't understand, Who Melissa was
and why she wasn't another man, Biased and confused they try to explain but
nobody can. G-Eazy is referring to them leaving his father and why his mum was
with another woman. I came around; happiness I see's what you may have found.
G-Eazy uses rhyming to convey his message strongly, as he realises that although it
was hard at first, he knows that his mum has found happiness and that is more
important than the standards set in society today. He is able to adjust to the changes
in life and see the positives in it.

Journeys can help people to deal with jealousy through revelation of truth. Both
Emma and Mr Knightley display jealousy to people they see as competition to who
they love. Mr Knightley with Frank Churchill as he assumed that Emma was
infatuated with him, and Emma with Jane Fairfax because Jane was good looking,
intelligent and also Emma and Harriet. On the flip side, Jane was also very jealous of
Emma as Frank was trying to hide his secret engagement with Jane by flirting
incessantly with Emma. In the Regency Era, heavy emphasis was placed upon
honour in the upper class, as they saw themselves as gentlemen, so when Mr
Knightley thought that Emma had feelings for Frank, he put aside his jealousy and
rushed to comfort her when the truth about Franks secret engagement to Emma
came into light, even though we find out that rather than being sad or depressed
about the secret engagement, Emma is only spurned at the fact that Frank never
liked her ...she had believed herself in the secret of everybodys feelings. Jane
Austens use of personification consolidates Emmas misplaced confidence and
eventual realisation that she was not the centre of everyones world.

G-Eazy is similar, in this context to Mr Knightley. You could have made a perfect
pair, that people wouldn't trade, Trade for nothing, I did though, I had to chase it,
Face it, I wasnt born to live a life basic. By alluding to the idea of others opinions
running your life, G-Eazy is able to convey his own outlook on life by referring to the
decisions he had to make to leave his girlfriend to chase his dreams of becoming a
music star, contradicting the opinions of others and following his heart. He knew that
everyone doubted him but he wanted to prove himself and live a higher quality of life,
just like Mr Knightley wanted to live better with Emma.

By analysing these quotes and techniques, we are able to relate these texts and
make comparisons between them, allowing us to explore the inner and physical
journeys. With the help of these two texts, we were able to support the statement,
journeys are learning experiences.

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