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Actividades con Devolucin.

1. Reading.
A. Read the text and tick () A, B or C.

Studying in the UK
A student at Kings School tells us what she likes
about her English course.

My names Carmen Garca and Im a student at Kings

School, which is a language school in Glasgow. Im
Spanish, from Madrid, but my mother is French. Shes a
teacher in Madrid. The students at Kings School are
from many different countries. Im in a class which has
students from Japan, Mexico, Germany, and Italy. Its
really interesting to meet so many different people. The
director of the school is British, but my teacher is
American. Shes from New York and her names Helen.
Shes very nice and shes an excellent teacher. Her
classes are always great fun. Jos and Karl are probably
my best friends in the class. Jos is from Mexico and
Karl is from Berlin, in Germany. We always speak
English together because thats the best way to learn.

Example: Carmen is French.

A True
B False
C Doesnt say

1.- Kings School is a language school.

x A True B False C Doesnt say

2.- Her mother is Spanish.

A True x B False C Doesnt say

3.- Her father is a teacher.

A True B False x C Doesnt say

4.- The students at the school are from the same country.

Tasador y martillero Pblico Ingls Tcnico 1

A True x B False C Doesnt say

5.- The director is from London.

A True B False x C Doesnt say

6.- Carmens teacher is American.

x A True B False C Doesnt say

7.- Jos and Karl are in different classes.

A True x B False C Doesnt say

8.- Karl is German.

x A True B False C Doesnt say

B. Answer the questions.

1.- Example: What is Carmens surname? Garca
1. Whats the name of her school? Kings
2. Where is her school? Glasgow
3. Where is she from? Madrid
4. Who is her teacher? Helen
5. Wheres her teacher from? New York
6. What nationality is Jos? Mexican
7. Which country is Karl from? Germany

2. PERSONAL QUESTIONS. Answer the questions with complete sentences.

Example: How old are you? Im twenty-four years old.

1. Whats your first name?

My first name is Eduardo
2. Whats your surname?
My surname is Pelle
3. Where are you from?
Im from CABA
4. Wheres your father from?
Hes from Antonimina, Italy.

5. Wheres your mother from?

Shes from CABA

Tasador y martillero Pblico Ingls Tcnico 1

6. Whats your phone number?
My phone number 11-6912-0001
7. Is your house near the city centre?
Yes its
8. When are your English classes?
My English classes are on Saturdays
9. Whats your address?
My address is Calfucura 2725 CABA
10. Is your teacher from the United States?
No, she isnt

3. Read the description and complete the application form for Tom Doffman.

Tom Doffman is from Oxford. Hes a university student but he wants to work as a lifeguard in the
summer. Hes twenty years old his birthday is on 23 October. He isnt married. Hes an excellent
swimmer. Hes got a gold medal for lifesaving and rescue technique and also a first aid certificate. He
wants to work from 1 June to 30 August.


Application form
JOB Lifeguard
DATES: from 06 /01 to 08/30
First names(s): Tom
Surname: Doffman
Sex: x M F
Age: 20
Date of birth: 10 / 23 / 1996
Nationality: American
Marital status: married x single
Occupation: Student
Swimming skills:
basic intermediate x advanced
Lifesaving: x Yes No
First Aid : x Yes No
Others: rescue technique

Tasador y martillero Pblico Ingls Tcnico 1

a) Complete the dialogues.
1. Is Carla Spanish? No, she isnt

2. Are BMW cars German? Yes, they are

3. Are you English ? Yes, I am

4. Can you speak Chinese? No, I cant

5. What sport can they play? They can play tennis very well.

6. How old are you? I m twenty-seven.

7. Where are Susan and her sister from? They are From Italy.

8. Is he married? No, he isnt

9. Whats his sons name? His sons name is Mathew.

10. Are you very tired? A little.

11. What is your brothers job? My brother is a dentist.

5. WRITING. Write a paragraph about yourself. Include the following information: name, nationality,
age, hometown, occupation, marital status, family and abilities. Use the words AND, BUT to connect
My name is Eduardo Pelle, Im argentinian, and I live in Buenos Aires. Im 47 years old, and
I work as a restaurant manager. Im married, and Ive got three daughters.I can play football
very well, but I cant play tennis.

Tasador y martillero Pblico Ingls Tcnico 1

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