Westman Final Project

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New Third Grade NGSS Science Curriculum

Ashley Westman
EDU 627.30 Manage Instruction and Technology
Kathy Milhauser

New Third Grade Science Curriculum

Currently, the third grade curriculum of Hebron Elementary School in Hebron, CT is very

well run, and helps to meet the needs of all students. Yet, there is still one aspect that is missing;

they teachers and staff do not rely on their science curriculum. The third grade yearlong calendar

only covers two topics in science throughout the entire year. This poses the question is there

really even a science curriculum in place? Even throughout those two topics, it is not mandatory
to teach them since the larger focus is on math, reading, writing, and even social studies. As the

Board of Directors (2002) from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) mention,

reports have found early experiences to science are extremely important, So that students

develop problem-solving skills that empower them to participate in an increasingly scientific and

technological world (para. 1). This is the reason a new third grade science curriculum will be

One other problem is how the current science is taught. The teachers rely heavily on a

textbook and worksheets for the students to learn. This does not allow for exploration or use of

technology which is highly present in todays world. The new curriculum put in place will

extend the use of technology for both the teachers and students with each new topic. The teacher

will be using a SMART Board to present new ideas and allow students to interact with it. The

students will be required to use their Chromebooks for the purposes of Google Classroom

lessons, to record observations, and to explore topics on different websites to expand their

problem-solving skills. There will also be applications available on iPads both participants will

have access to for new ideas as well as review. This new curriculum will take a lot of time and

planning, and many stakeholders will be involved. The project manager will, Communicate

with the stakeholders to ensure that they know what and when their deliverables are needed

(Russell, 2015, para. 10). These stakeholders include the school principal, four other third grade

teachers, head of IT, the reading and math specialists, the schools STEAM teacher, parents, the

town curriculum coordinator, and superintendent. The manager will designate each role based

on strengths, but all will work together to create a successful project.

Project Proposal
Project Goal
This project will consist of designing a brand new curriculum that aligns with the Next

Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and incorporates technology into the lessons and
At Hebron Elementary School, the third grade team lacks a yearlong science curriculum.

Some topics are covered throughout the year, but are not mandatory, and do not follow the

Proposed Solution

The focus here is to discuss the project scope, or Outline the objectives of the project

and the goals that need to be met (CIO Staff, 2017, para. 4), in order for this new curriculum to

be deemed successful. There are many steps that need to be taken to create the topics, lessons,

and technology, and should be completed in order. All the stakeholders involved will be aware

of the schedule to know when and why their expertise and input is needed.
Major Requirements
1. Create a schedule of what needs to be accomplished and when. This is necessary

to ensure all stakeholders know what plans are next, and when their roles

should be completed. This schedule will be put together into a Gantt chart

which, Provides a graphical demonstration of a schedule that can be used to

plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project (Anantatmula, 2010, p.

12). The schedule not only allows for everyone to see the next tasks, but also

to see those which were already completed.

2. Deciding which topics will be covered throughout the third grade year. The

NGSS has multiple topics that should be covered throughout third grade, but

there is not enough time for them all. Its important to choose which would

work best for the team, and which topics resources can be found for.
3. Designing lessons, assessments, and technology components to match each topic.

The lessons will be outlined for each teacher, and any worksheets or

experiments will be designed as well. The pre-assessments will be developed

to see what the students already know, and the post assessment will be similar

so the teachers can see growth through the unit. A requirement for the lessons

is they will all include technology into the teaching and learning. As Campbell

(2008), as stated in Anantatmula (2010), pointed out, The use of technology is

considered a form of teaching (p. 15). Using technology as extension

activities on iPads or Chromebooks will be useful to the students learning and

understanding. Many lessons will also be designed on a SMART Board for

teaching purposes in the classroom.

4. Decide on new materials and resources that will follow the new topics. This part

will take some time to look at different outside vendors, and decide who has

the best resources that align with the NGSS. The other difficult part of vendors

is deciding which will provide the best materials but is also the most cost

effective. As Wiley (2016) stated, The bidder that can meet the project

quality and schedule requirements usually wins the contract by quoting the

lowest price (p. 45).

Schedule Overview
Estimated Project Completion Date: 08/25/2017
Major Milestones
Needs Assessment of the school 05/12/2017
Determining the three topics and standards 05/19/2017
Determine outside vendors to buy from 05/24/2017
Creating a yearlong schedule of topic 05/26/2017
Begin planning the lessons 05/30/2017
Complete the lessons for each topic 08/16/2017
Complete the assessments for each topic 08/16/2017
Finalize the project and resources 08/24/2017
External Milestones
Talk with multiple vendors 05/22/2017
Create an outline of lesson plans 07/14/2017
Define vocabulary words 07/14/2017
Determine technology components on devices 07/21/2017
Create worksheets 08/09/2017
Put together hands on activities/experiments 08/11/2017
Create SMART Board lessons 08/11/2017
Create quizzes/tests 08/11/2017
Take holidays into account of the final schedule 08/23/2017
Make copies of any needed materials 08/25/2017
Milestones are important to the overall project scope in that they fit in between

those main tasks. As defined by Wiley (2016), Milestones provide the

opportunity for project management to focus on completing activities that will

have the greatest impact on the schedule (p. 37). The major milestones are

those that must be completed in order for the project to have any hope. The

external are just as important, but are a little bit more detailed, and fit into the

major ones. The dates help each stakeholder know when that part of the

project should be completed by to keep everybody on the same page.

In order to gather new resources from outside vendors and put together this

curriculum, the project manager needs to determine what the school will allow

for a budget. The project manager must know if the project is on schedule

and within the budget (Wiley, 2016, p. 41). It is their job to talk with the

schools principal and superintendent to determine how much money will be

allowed. The school will offer enough for the resources in each classroom

since it is a new curriculum, but will still want to find the best deals.

Cost Categories Amount

Internal Labor Hours 1,000-1,200 hours
Stakeholders Compensation $350 each, $2,800 total
External Costs
New Science Kits $1,500
Outside Curriculum/Extra Resources $1,300
Toner for Printing and Copies $500
iPad Applications $100
Total projected/allowed costs $6,200
Even though this seems like a lot of money, and it is, creating a brand new curriculum

will always be more than just every year resources. These are all the projected costs of what

everything may cost, so the goal in the end is to spend even less. As Wiley (2016) points out, It

is impossible to predict which activities will cost more than expected, but it is reasonable to

assume that some of them will (p. 41). This is why the costs are projected so high. The hope is

also many of the projections will actually cost less than thought, so it all evens out.

Work Breakdown Structure

In developing a work breakdown structure, its important to think of those large tasks that

need to be accomplished first, then break them down into smaller tasks for the stakeholders to

complete. Anantatmula (2010) mentions how a Well-developed WBS will improve the

accuracy of the project schedule (p. 7). If the breakdown makes sense, its much easier to create

an accurate schedule. The work breakdown structure also makes the timeline much easier to

understand, and all stakeholders have a better sense of what is due when. Attached as an Excel

spreadsheet is the WBS for the new science curriculum.

Stakeholder Analysis

The purpose of a stakeholder analysis is to inform the project manager and sponsor who

should contribute to the project, where barriers might be, and the actions that need to be taken

prior to detailed project planning. The stakeholders of a project can be defined as, Those who

have a share or interest in the organization (Wiley, et al., 2016, p. 4). Its key to establish who

all the stakeholders will be in any given project, and what their roles will be.

Stakeholder Requirements/ What the Project Perceived Actions to Take

Interests of the Project Needs From Them Attitudes/Risks
Project The project manager Stakeholders need a The biggest They have a lot of
Manager runs the entire project project manager who is problems with the planning to think
plan. They will define a leader. Project project manager are about. Before even
the stakeholders and managers need excellent if they are not starting the project,
what their communication skills prepared, do not the manager needs
responsibilities will be. (Young, 2009, para. 3). have the proper to create a general
The project manager They need to always be communication, or outline, and make
must know if the project available if any do not possess the sure all the
is on schedule and problems arise, and be proper leadership stakeholders are
within the budget the center of qualities. Even recognized. They
(Wiley, 2016, p. 41). communication. The though the manager need to be prepared
They keep the project project requires their makes final for anything thrown
running smoothly, and full attention in order to decisions, they at them during the
on time. be a success. cannot be selfish, project process.
and must work with
everyone else on the
Principal The principal is another The project manager The principal must The principal needs
stakeholder who has a will need the principal be willing to trust to establish the
final say in a lot. They to help with the budget. the project manager guidelines for the
are the head of this They will set the limit, and their decisions. budget ahead of
school, and must agree and any outside She may create time. She needs to
with all requests and resources purchased will issues if she does not clearly state the
ideas. The principal need to be approved by agree with certain amount, and even
must also approve the them first. It will also materials, and does what that money
topics, yearlong be both stakeholders not allow them to be can be used for in
schedule, and budget jobs to keep track of purchased. She also terms of science
plan. how much has been has to be sure kits compared to
spent versus the amount purchases do not other useful
still available. exceed the given materials.
Superintendent Anything the principal The project needs the The biggest problem The superintendent,
approves needs to then superintendent to have a the superintendent once again, from
be given to the very open mind. This is could cause is not the start needs to be
superintendent in order a brand new curriculum, accepting a willing to accept
to move on. The and he must be willing proposal. Even if change. He can
schedule must also be to accept resources or the principal agrees, require the project
approved by him, and ideas that are new. The the superintendent is manager to provide
any resources that need current curriculum, or the final step. He a rationale for
to be purchased will lack of, has been around has the power to not anything they want
have to be finalized by for years, and big approve using a to purchase to show
him. The changes will need to certain vendor or the importance of
superintendent is in happen. resource, and the the items.
charge of the town, and project manager
must agree each would need to start
decision is best for the over. This would
school. push the project
back time wise.
Third Grade The four other third The project needs their Their greatest risk to A communication
Teachers (4) grade teachers all have input on which science the project is when plan will be set up
an input into this kits to purchase. They they all dont agree ahead of time, and
project. They will be have been teaching in on particular lessons all must agree to
needed when searching this school for years or resources. follow it. As
for new resources as now, and have seen what Another risk comes Russell (2015)
well as creating the has worked and what with their end of the states, Keeping the
schedule and lesson has not in the past. communication plan. lines of
plans. They will also be If the teachers are communication
needed in designing not communicating open between the
lessons both on paper when told to, or only team and the
and with technology communicating with customers is the
since they will be one another, it will only way to drive
teaching this new hurt the overall drive project success
content too. of the project. (para. 35).
Head of IT The head of IT will be He will be needed for The ITs greatest risk The head of IT will
needed for all two purposes. The first is not being able to need to establish
technology. This is if any problems with solve a problem. communication
includes the SMART technology occur, he There may problems with all other
Boards, Chromebooks, will need to be available that occur with stakeholders ahead
and iPads. to help solve it. The technology he has of time. He will
second is when not seen before, and need to be available
applications need to be may take extra time at any time, and
added to the iPads or trying to resolve the establish the best
websites put on students issue. way to reach him at
Chromebooks, it will be any given time.
his job to do so.
Reading The reading teacher of The project needs for The lessons plans A communication
Specialist the school will be her to be able to work will still be plan between all
responsible for with the manger, third interactive for the teachers and
connecting lessons to grade teachers, math students, so the coaches will be
literacy. She will work coach, and STEAM literacy components established before
with the others involved teacher in creating the must be more than a planning begins.
in creating the lessons lesson plans and textbook and notes. The reading
and assessments, and assessments. She will The coach also specialist will also
ensuring there are give her input on how needs to be willing be given the topics
reading and writing literacy can connect to to work with the ahead of time so
components. each science topic. other teachers to add she can begin to
in components, not think about ideas.
plan each lesson
Math Similar to reading, the The project needs for Math can be difficult A communication
Specialist math coach of the her to be able to work to implement into all plan between all
school will be with the manger, third topics, so the teachers and
responsible for grade, math, and specialist may have coaches will be
connecting lessons to STEAM teachers in some difficulties established before
math. She will work creating the lesson plans finding ways to planning begins.
with the others involved and assessments. She include it within The math specialist
in creating the lessons will give her input on each topic. will also be given
and assessments, and how math can connect the topics ahead of
ensuring there are math to each science topic. time so she can
components. begin to think about
STEAM The STEAM teacher The project needs her Some of the iPad The STEAM
Teacher will have a similar role scientific expertise on applications she teacher will be
as the third grade the different topics. She finds that would be aware ahead of time
teachers. She will work can provide insight to good to use may not what the budget is,
to plan the schedule and different interactive be free. This could and will know how
lesson plans for each activities she may have cause some issues she can use it. She
topic. She has taught used herself that will be with the budget will also set up a
each topic before, even fun for the students. depending on what communication
in different grades, and She also works with is still available to plan between all
has an idea what they technology a lot, and use. teachers and
are all about. She also can help create SMART specialists, and will
will work to include the Board lessons and in be given the topics
different technology finding different ahead of time in
components. If websites and iPad order to begin
technology is used right, applications. planning before the
it can really engage first meeting.
students to the lessons
and topic (Edutopia,
Town The curriculum All other stakeholders The worst thing that The coordinator
Curriculum coordinator of Hebron need her to be available could happen is for ahead of time will
will have the final say of by phone if there are the entire project to agree to attend
how the new curriculum any questions or be completed, and meetings every
will run. She works concerns along the way. the coordinator not other week. This
with the superintendent Although she wont to approve it. It way she will be a
and principals to make have much of a role in would be a lot of part of the process
sure all curriculums are the planning aspect, time, effort, and as it is being
as they should be. She nothing can be finalized money for nothing. completed, and can
will have the final say in without her approval. voice any concerns
the schedule, and even along the way
at the beginning of the instead of just at the
topics chosen. end.
Parents The parents There should be Although not likely Parents will be
responsibility lies in communication between in the 21 century, notified ahead of
helping their children at a childs teacher and there may be time of the new
home. They can have a parent, and the parent households that do changing
say in how the topics are needs to be open to it. not have a computer curriculum. They
being taught, but wont Many of the websites or internet will be instructed
be a part of the actual and applications can be connection. There how they can help
lesson planning process. used at home as well, also may be parents their students at
and the parents need to who feel they have home, and told they
help their children more of an input into may contact their
practice the material, the planning of the childs teachers if
even after completing a project than they they had any input.
certain topic. actually do. There will also be a
monthly newsletter
sent home to keep
them updated with
the process.

Communication Plan

This communication plan describes the strategy for keeping the projects stakeholders

sufficiently informed to avoid any disappointment regarding cost, schedule, or quality goals. As

Wiley, et al., (2016) mentions, A successful working relationship between individuals begins

with appreciating the importance of emotions and how they relate to personality types, leadership

styles, negotiations, and setting goals (p. 21). Its extremely important for all stakeholders to

learn how one another works in order to work together better. This plan ensures everybody

knows the modes of communication, as well as what they are responsible for.

Stakeholder Frequency Medium Information Needed/Objectives

Project Manager Daily Daily e-mails Each day the project manager has the job of
Weekly face to face keeping all other stakeholders informed of the
meetings progress being made. If any issues arise, they
Will be available by should let others know, and discuss the plan of
phone action to solve it. These updates and messages
Part of the Google will be sent out each day through e-mail to all
Docs file other stakeholders. There will also be weekly
meetings held face to face the manager will run.
These will include most of the stakeholders, and
will run about an hour long. These meetings are to
share ideas or concerns, and to ensure the schedule
is running on time. If any changes need to be
made, that would be the time to discuss it all.
Principal Daily Daily e-mails The principals main duty will be to keep everyone
Weekly face to face updated on the budget. She will work closely with
meetings the project manager, and keep them up to date
Will be available by when any expenses are approved. The principal
phone will send daily e-mails to the manager, and will
Part of the Google send them to all other stakeholders when there are
Docs file updates. She will also attend the weekly face to
face meetings to share input, and be available to
answer any questions or concerns.
Superintendent Weekly Will be available by The superintendent will be a part of weekly e-mail
e-mail chains. Although he is the last line of approval, he
Weekly face to face wouldnt need to be notified of every detail that
meetings occurs, but still needs to be aware of any major
Will be available by changes that occur such as the budget. He will
phone bring his idea and input of how the project is
Part of the Google moving, and approvals he has made to the weekly
Docs file face to face meetings.
Third Grade Daily Daily e-mails All teachers will have a daily e-mail chain to
Teachers (4) Weekly face to face describe the progress being made. There will be a
meetings Google Docs file that states the science topics, and
Will be available by has different sections for lesson plans, activities,
phone technology, and assessments. Whenever there is
Part of the Google an idea thought of or lesson plan created, they will
Docs file add it to the document so all involved in creating
the lessons will know what has been
accomplished. They will be a part of the daily e-
mail chains to also state their ideas and plans
added to the document, and bring all they have
accomplished to the weekly face to face meetings.
Head of IT Weekly Will be available by He will always be available by phone so if any
phone problems arise while planning, it can be resolved
Weekly e-mails as soon as possible. He will be a part of the e-mail
Weekly face to face chains in order to be updated on what has been
meetings accomplished, and where the technology
components are. In the weekly meetings, the head
of IT will break down any technological issues
that occurred throughout the week, or any he
anticipates may occur along with solutions. Also,
if he added any websites to Chromebooks or
applications to iPads, he will share those by
explaining what was added, and how they can be
Reading Weekly Will be available by The reading specialist will only need to check in
Specialist phone weekly since her job is very specific to the lessons
Weekly e-mails at hand. She will be part of the Google Docs file
Weekly face to face to observe the lessons and activities being created.
meetings From there, she will bring her input to each
Part of the Google weekly meeting on how to add literacy into each
Docs file topic. She will work with the lesson plan team to
tweak lessons already created, and add other hands
on activities which include reading and writing.
She will still be a part of the e-mail chain in order
to add any ideas that she thinks of throughout the
week, or to better and idea already mentioned.
Math Specialist Weekly Will be available by The math specialist will only need to check in
phone weekly since her job is very specific to the lessons
at hand. She will be part of the Google Docs file
Weekly e-mails
to observe the lessons and activities being created.
Weekly face to face
From there, she will bring her input to each
weekly meeting on how to add math into each
Part of the Google
topic. She will work with the lesson plan team to
Docs file
tweak lessons already created, and add other hands
on activities which include reading and writing.
She will still be a part of the e-mail chain in order
to add any ideas that she thinks of throughout the
week, or to better and idea already mentioned.
STEAM Teacher Daily Daily e-mails The STEAM teacher will have just as an important
Weekly face to face role as the other third grade teachers, and will have
meetings similar roles. She will be a part of that daily e-
Will be available by mail chain along with the Google Docs file to see
phone lessons created, and add in her own. Since she has
Part of the Google background in teaching the topics, she will be an
Docs file asset in creating plans and interactive activities/
experiments. The STEAM teacher will bring her
knowledge along with lessons prepared to each
weekly meeting. She will also work heavily on
the technology components of applications and
creating the SMART Board lessons at the meetings
using what the other teachers have provided.
Town Bi-Weekly E-mail check ins The coordinator does not have a large role in
Curriculum Bi-weekly face to creating the new curriculum, but needs to be kept
Coordinator face meetings up to date with progress, and what the lessons will
Will be available by entail. She must approve topics as well as
phone resources gathered since that is her overall role in
Part of the Google the town with every subject. She will be part of
Docs file the Google Docs file to stay up to date with what
the other stakeholders are planning. She will
attend the face to face meetings to present ideas
and concerns as well as listen to others, but will
only need to attend every other week bringing her
Parents Monthly Monthly e-mails Some parents may have ideas on outdoor activities
Newsletters sent that may be fun towards the learning they may
home each month communicate through e-mail about. They will
also be kept up to date about the progress of the
new curriculum with the monthly newsletters to be
aware of what their child will be learning during
the upcoming school year. It is also the job of the
parents to try out the different websites and/or
applications at home to ensure they work out of
school as well as in.

Budget Plan
This budget plan details all the costs that will be a part of the final project. It lists the

items needed as well as a rationale to why that item is important to the project. The most

accurate and time-consuming estimating method is to identify the cost of each item in each
activity of the schedule, including labor and materials (Wiley, et al., 2016, p. 40). Budget

doesnt just refer to the money involved in a project. Budget also relates to the time, effort, and

hours the stakeholders are required to put in as well. This can be found in the Excel worksheet.


Anantatmula, V. (2010). Project planning techniques for academic advising and learning.

[Article]. MountainRise, 6(1), 1-18.

Board of Directors. (July, 2002). NSTA position statement: Elementary school science. Retrieved

from http://www.nsta.org/about/positions/elementary.aspx

CIO Staff. (May 23, 2017). How to define the scope of a project. Retreived from

Edutopia. (March 23, 2010). Former Governor Angus King on lessons from Maines 1-to-1

laptop initiative. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Russell, L. (2015). Project Management for Trainers. Alexandria, VA: Association For Talent


Wiley, et al. (2016). Project management for instructional designers. Pressbooks. Retrieved from


Young, M. (March 18, 2009). 6 success factors for managing project quality. Retrieved from


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