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The World of Energy

Chapter 30 LNG Technology - Processes

30.13. ConocoPhillips Optimized Cascade

Ch. 30 - 166
Phillips Optimised Cascade Process





Ch. 30 - 167
Phillips Optimized Cascade LNG Process

Ch. 30 - 168
The Optimized Cascade LNG Process

Ch. 30 - 169
COP Optimized Cascade LNG Process
Two-Trains-in-One Approach Maximum
plant availability with operating flexibility

Power Turbine/ Turbine/ Turbine/ Turbine/ Turbine/ Turbine/

Generation Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Boil off Gas

Gas Propane Ethylene Methane Storage &

Conditioning Cycle Cycle Cycle Loading
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Overall Plant Production Efficiency >95%

Operating Range (% of design)
Full Plant 80 105%
One Turbine Offline 60 80%
Three Turbines Offline* 30 60%
*At least one turbine on each cycle must be operating

Plant Idle 0 30%

Ch. 30 - 170
Darwin LNG Project
Block Flow Diagram

Acid Gas Fuel Gas

Plant Fuel
Incineration Distribution

Feed Propane Ethylene Methane Vapor

Gas Refrig.
Refrig. Compressor Recovery
Gas Conditioning System Ship

LNG Storage Marine

LIQUEFACTION and Loading Facilities

Condensate LNG
Stabilization Rejection to Ship

Condensate Condensate
To Acid Gas
Incinerator /

Ch. 30 - 171
The Darwin LNG Process

Ch. 30 - 172
The Optimized Cascade LNG Process SM

Representative Turbine Performance

Power Consumption Scheduled
Turbine Shaft (kW) Efficiency (Indexed) Downtime

Frame 5D Dual 32,580 29.4% 100 2.6%

LM2500+ Dual 31,364 41.1% 72 1.6%
LM6000 Dual 44,740 42.6% 69 1.6%
Frame 7E Single 86,225 33.0% 89 4.4%
Frame 9E Single 130,100 34.6% 85 4.6%

Values are representative

Ch. 30 - 173
The Optimized Cascade LNG Process SM

Turbine Performance

Power and Heat Rate Index

120 (ISO=100)
LM6000 Heat
110 Rate
Frame 7 Heat

LM6000 Power Frame 7 Power


0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Inlet Air Temperature (C)

Aeroderivatives are more sensitive to ambient conditions

Ch. 30 - 174
The Optimized Cascade LNG Process

Aeroderivative Plant Configurations

Number of Turbines Nominal

Turbine By Service Train Size
(No. x Model) (Propane/Ethylene/Methane) (MTPA)

6 x LM2500+ 2/2/2 3.5

8 x LM2500+G4 3/3/2 5

6 x LM6000 DLE 2/2/2 5

9 x LM6000 DLE 3/3/3 7.5

Ch. 30 - 175
Phillips Cascade Process
Simple to design and operate
Simple cycle Frame 5 gas turbines mechanical drive
No helper turbine or large motor needed for start-up
Increased size with two gas turbine trains for each
refrigerant process
Parallel compressor trains avoids capacity limits
Increased CAPEX due to more (six) trains offset by
increased availability 95-96% with parallel train
Loss of one train does not cause plant shut down
Production carries on with reduced capacity
Refrigerant and exchangers temperature not affected
by one train trip enabling quick restart

Ch. 30 - 176

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