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Gestalt, the German word means organised whole is a theory that about the unification of pattern, form, structure

and figure, it developed by German psychologists, Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka in the
1920s.Gestalt principles are the basic of all that is done for visual presentation. It is attempts to understand the
psychology behind how people tent to organise the visual elements into groups or unified wholes. Furthermore,
Gestalt psychology was structured to making sense of how the human brain perceives things in their entirely, not
the parts of the whole.
According to Gestalt psychologists, we organise our perception based on eight principles. These principles are
figure-ground relationship, multi-stable perception, invariance, law of proximity, law of similarity, law of
continuity, closure and reification.

These eight principles are further explained as follows:

1) Figure-ground relationship
Figure-ground relationship explained that how a people can identify which part is figure and which part is ground
immediately. The figure is the one in focus while ground serves as the background of the figure. Besides that,
there are two principles which are related to this, area and convexity. Area is the smallest element in the entire
design as the figure and the larger one as the ground. Convexity is convex elements are related to the figures.
2) Multi-stable perception
This principle is for the eyes to see two things and have different experiences at the same time because there are
more than one interpretations being triggered.
3) Invariance
Invariance is perception that recognises an object no matter what their orientation on the page if they are rotated
or scaled. However, human brain has the ability to recognise objects even if they change appearance and it doesnt
affect how people recognise familiar objects.
4) Law of proximity
Law of proximity is elements that closely to each other are perceived as part of the same group.A proper of kerning
in letters helps readers make up the words. For instance, putting too much space between letters would often create
confusion on where to start or begin when reads the words.
5) Law of similarity
Law of similarity represented theelements that look same are perceived as part of a group. So the principle of
similarity applies to colour, shape, texture, orientation and size to helps us can find a point to emphasis when we
use the principle of similarity.
6) Law of continuity
Law of continuity is objects that are plotted in a continuous pattern are grouped together by the mind. For example,
we prefer to see contours based on smooth continuity instead of abrupt changes of direction.
7) Closure
Closure, a principle of Gestalt, states that we tend to perceive figures as closed rather than open. A shape only
needs to be implied for the mind to fill in the gaps and see what it wants to see.
8) Reification
This is the aspect in which the object is seen to have more spatial elements than what is really presented. With
reification, there can be present the incomplete object for the viewer to know it. When viewers see the design,
their mind will catch the drift and find the matching figure based on what the mind sees.

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