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MATH4063 Functional Analysis (2014 Spring) Extra Exercise 1

Henry Cheng @ HKUST Feb 10, 2014 (Week 2)

MATH4063 Functional Analysis

Extra Exercise 1

TA: CHENG, Kam Hang Henry Office: 3215 (21)

Email: Tutorial Website:
Phone Number: 2358 7468 / 9853 8144
Office Hours: Mon 15:30 17:00 4063.html

Topics covered in week 1:

1. Axiom of Choice, Zorns Lemma
2. Topology, Compactness and Continuity

1. Show that the axiom of choice is equivalent to that for every non-empty set , there exists a
function : () \ {} such that () for every non-empty subset of .
Remark: The function : () \ {} in this statement is often called a choice function.
2. (Kreyszig 4.1.5-6) Let (, ) be a poset. Do not use the axiom of choice or Zorns lemma or
any other equivalent statements in this problem.
(a) Show that there exists at most one element such that for every , and
there exists at most one element such that for every .
(b) If is a non-empty finite set, show that has at least one maximal element.
3. Let be a non-empty set and be the collection of all partial orderings on . It is clear
that itself can be partially ordered by set inclusion . Show that every non-empty directed
subset (i.e. for every 1 , 2 , there exists such that 1 and 2 ;
cf. p.6 of lecture note) has a least upper bound in .
4. Recall from abstract algebra that a maximal ideal of a ring is an ideal such that for
any ideal of , implies = . Show using Zorns Lemma that every non-zero
ring with unity contains a maximal ideal.
5. Let be a dense subset of a metric space (, ). Show that the collection
{(; ): and > 0}
of all the open balls in centered at some point in is a base of the metric topology on .
6. Let (, ) be a metric space. For any subset and any real number > 0, let
() { : (, ) < for some }
() { : (, ) for some }.
(a) Prove that () is an open subset of .
(b) If is compact, prove that () is a closed subset of . Must () be closed for a
general subset of ?

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MATH4063 Functional Analysis (2014 Spring) Extra Exercise 1
Henry Cheng @ HKUST Feb 10, 2014 (Week 2)

7. Let and be two different topologies on such that is compact and Hausdorff with
respect to both topologies. Show that and .
8. Show that in a Hausdorff space, any intersection of compact sets is compact. Is this still true in
a non-Hausdorff space?
9. Let and be topological spaces, = , and : be a function such that |
and | are both continuous.
(a) If and are both open in , show that is continuous.
(b) Give an example where and are not both open in and is not continuous.

10. Prove that : is continuous if and only if 1 () 1 () for every subset .

11. Prove or disprove: The image of a Hausdorff space under a continuous map is Hausdorff.
12. Let : be a continuous function where is Hausdorff, be a closed subspace of
and be an open neighbourhood of 1 () in .
(a) If is compact, show that there exists an open neighbourhood of in such that
1 () .
(b) Give a counter example to show that if is not compact, such as in (a) may not exist.

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