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Evaluation of the Utilization of 4-phenylcyclohexane and styrene monomer, from carpets and

Supercritical Fluid Technology for latexed carpet backings.

Analytical, Process and Environmental . . . . . .
Applications in Textiles c92c4
Mike J. Drews, project leader (Clemson); Garment Engineering
Keith R. Beck (NC State); Research in the design, development and manufacture
Matthew E. Sikorski, A. Teja (Georgia Tech) of garments

I We are researching- supercritical

- CO. II

System Modeling
used both as a processing fluid and to ex-
tract finishes, lubricants, oils, etc. from for Apparel Manufacturing:
fiber for subsequent analysis.
J Focus on the Cutting Room G93Nl
Supercritical fluid extraction is an emerging analytical Charlotte Jacobs-Blecha (Georgia Tech)
technique that has the potential to both reduce extraction
times of textile substrates by a factor of 5-10 and to drasti- We have developed a model of the cutting
cally reduce the amount of solvent required for analysis of ex- room which integrates the cut order
tractables. Our primary analytical focus continues to be the planning and marker making processes.
L ,
establishment of standard methods that employ supercritical For cut order planning in the apparel industry, the problem
CO, extraction as a nontoxic alternative to organic solvent begins with a given set of garments, in varying sizes, to be
Soxhlet methods. Such applications include the analysis of manufactured. A plan is needed for spreading the fabric and
synthetic fiber spin finishes, warp yam sizing lubricants, dividing the garments into various sections of the spread so
knitting oils, etc. In addition, we are investigating ways that as to minimize fabric waste and the cost of cutting, but still
supercritical fluid can be used as a processing fluid. satis@ the customers order. The cut is performed by spread-
Extraction ing fabric onto a table, often spreading several layers of fabric
In a series of experiments, we extracted finish from for cutting efficiency (See Figure at right). The actual layout
commercial polyester yams using supercritical CO, over a of the pattern pieces is called a marker.
large range of temperature (45120C) and pressure (147-680
atmospheres). Neither temperature nor pressure intluenced The key inputs for the cut order planning problem are the
the amount of finish extracted. These results demonstrate the sizes to be cut in each section, ply height in each section and
utility of supercritical CO, as a Soxhlet alternative for fiber the number of sections required to fill the order. The size
finish analysis. We are also studying the use of supercritical combinations per section are passed to the marker making
CO, to extract cotton fabrics. To minimize channeling and to function for actual determination of the marker itself Addi-
maximize the contact of the cotton fibers with supercritical tional output is the estimated efficiency of the marker (in per-
CO, s fabrics are now being cut into small strips and tightly centage of fabric utilization), the cutting cost per unit, the
packed into the extraction thimble. These procedural total perimeter to be cut and the total area to be cut.
changes have increased the amount of extractables and im-
In our previous research, we showed that cutting costs do
proved precision. Mechanistic studies of the extraction proc-
not have a significant impact on the total cost of cut order
ess are now underway.
planning, so our methods are now based solely on the cost of
As a Process Technology the fabric. Three heuristic algorithms were developed for
Because supercritical CO, generates no waste effluent solving the cut order planning problem. The Savings heuris-
stream, is low cost and totally recyclable, the broader techni- tic assigns size combinations to a section based on the fabric
cal question is to explore its use as a process fluid. Super- savings achieved by combining them into one section. The
critical CO, has already been demonstrated in the textile in- Cherry Picking algorithm builds sections by combining cer-
dustry for such applications as dyeing, scouring, bleaching tain sizes based on the best utilization of fabric. The Im-
and dry cleaning. Additional applications might include ap- provement algorithm takes an existing solution and tries to
plying finishes, extrusion and specific extraction of compo- improve it by exchanging sizes in different sections or by
nents from solid waste streams for recovery and recycling. combining existing sections into one section. These algo-
rithms are embedded in a user interface which we have devel-
Another potentially important use of supercritical CO, is
oped in the WindowsTM environment on a DOS-based PC.
the solubilization, separation and recovery of individual com-
where graphics and statistics are displayed for quick under-
ponents from complex textile structures, such as carpets.
standing of the results.
Initially, we are studying the use of supercritical CO, as a sol-
vent to separate and recover the polypropylene split film pri- Both the cut order planning and marker making problems
mary backing from carpets. In another study we are are combinatorial in nature, and require heuristic methods for
extracting volatile organic compounds, such as obtaining solutions efficiently. We can integrate the two by

14 Notional Tucailc Cenier Quarterly Repoti: Decamba 31,1993

Length=10 total garment system. In the first stage
PlyHedghtDlO ; we are targeting civilian applications of
Y fabrics requiring an active sorbant layer to
L igecthm2
; Length=20
: PlyHdght~l3 !
PlyHeight= f
Length=30 :
PlyHelght.23 i
protect workers in the chemical and in-
dustrial fields against liquid and airborne
: agents. We have just completed an end
user survey of hazardous waste disposal
workers to categorize some of these users.

New Materials - Grafting

Potential protective fabrics were made
by reacting several different combinations
of silicon or titanium dioxide particles
with organic molecules, then grafting the
Fabric spread on the cutting table in varying ply heights products onto cotton fabrics. These fab-
rics are now being characterized and
listing all possible size combinations for the current order evaluated for comfort.
and the length of fabric required, then solve the cut order New Materials - Carbonization of Aramid
planning problem using one of the improvement heuristics. Carbonized aramid fibers are made by rapidly pyrolizing
The markers for the order are then designed, using automated the surface of aramid fibers to obtain a black degraded ara-
software. This description constitutes one iteration of the in- mid skin while maintaining an essentially unchanged fiber
tegrated process and can be repeated until no signif?cant core. We have developed a model to explain the chemical
changes are found. and physical changes that occur with this pyrolysis. The
model states that chain scission occurs in the fiber, producing
The one remaining task in this project is to develop a
a product which escapes from the near surface regions of the
scheduling method for the cutting room system which we will
fiber, allowing crosslinking. Inside the fiber, chain scission
begin 14194. [Graduate Research Assistant: John Eskew
is accelerated by the presence of oxygen and occurs preferen-
(Georgia Tech)J
tially in the defect layers. Hence, the fracture surface of Kev-
For Further Information, wee page 24 la? changes from fibrillar throughout to brittle in the
. . . . . .
.*..*..+..e..e..e* crosslinked regions, resulting in substantial declines in fiber
strength. The model agrees with our data from X-ray analy-
sis of both core and skin, intrinsic viscosity, fiber tenacity,
Development of fracture surface analysis of skin and core, etc.
Practical and Comfortable
Fabric Testing
Barrier Textile Systems G9Xl Prototype protective fabrics from both grafted cotton fibers
Steven B. Warner, Prashant Desai and carbonized aramid fibers were evaluated for protective
(Georgia Tech); Lisa A. Shanley, P. Shanley, efficacy and wearer comfort, including thermal insulation
B. Lewis Slaten, David Pascoe, Ian R. Hardin, and permeability. The results were entered into a theoretical
German Mills (Auburn); Solomon P. Hersh, model we developed to predict comfort in terms of maximum
Roger L. Barker, Paul A. Tucker, allowable exertion. We also measured abrasion resistance,
Keith R. Beck, Itzhak Shalev, tensile strength, stiffness, water resistance chemical penetra-
Mansour I-I. Mohamed (NC State) tion resistance (for acetone, methanol and sodium hydrox-
ide), etc. and compared these properties with those of
We are developing garment systems that commercial barrier fabrics.
protect the wearer against liquid and air-
bourne hazards, but yet are comfortable Garment Testing
We have begun to collect physiological data for these newly
and cost effective. developed protective garment systems on human subjects.

One of the most serious limitations of existing barrier fab- Data will include thermal characteristics, skin and core tem-
rics is that they lack acceptable comfort properties. They are peratures and heart rate during resting, walking and exercise.
generally thick fabrics, often being completely impervious to In addition, we will evaluate our subjects ability to perform
moisture vapor transport. The objective of this project is to simple motor tasks while wearing the protective garment
assemble a world class team charged with understanding the systems and examine their ease of movement, flexibility,
underlying principles associated with effective barrier fabrics reach and speed to accomplish tasks as well as the stress ar-
and developing a new class of cost effective garments that are eas within the system. Thermal infrared imaging will be
comfortable as well as protect the wearer. Our focus is the used to determine where liquid or airborne agents might be
able to penetrate the garment system. Also we continue to
National Tua% Centa Quorter& Report Decemba 31,1993 15

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