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1 Introduction to Flexible Multibody Dynamics

1 Introduction to Flexible Multibody Dynamics........................................................... 2
1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................2
1.2 Multibody System Characterization...............................................................................3
1.3 Overview of Multibody System Programs.....................................................................4
1.4 Multibody System Applications.....................................................................................5
1.5 Notations .......................................................................................................................6
1.6 Standard Tables .............................................................................................................9
Table 1: Mass Moments of Inertia  ii for homogeneous lines and areas...........................9
Table 2: Mass Moments of Inertia  ii for homogeneous bodies......................................10
Table 3: Material Properties .............................................................................................11
Table 4: Common Finite Element Types .........................................................................12
1.7 SIMPACK Notations ..................................................................................................13
1.8 References ...................................................................................................................15
Referring to Multibody Systems......................................................................................15
Referring to Finite Element Method.................................................................................16
1 Introduction 2 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

1 Introduction to Flexible Multibody Dynamics

1.1 Introduction
This workshop is an introduction to flexible multibody systems (MBS) and the multibody program
SIMPACK along its pre-processors SIMBEAM and FEMBS.
The subject deals with the computer modeling of complex and large-scaled mechanical and aerospace
systems that can be sketched as shown in Fig. 1.

flexible body
external forces
rigid body

rigid rod
universal joint
global joint with
reference frame kinematical excitation

rigid body

prismatic joint
external torque
Fig 1: General multibody system and its components
Components are: global reference frame (inertial)
rigid and flexible bodies
joints caused by explicit and implicit constraints
force elements (included external forces and torques)
1 Introduction 3 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

1.2 Multibody System Characterization

Flexible multibody systems share the following features
1 Multi-Variables Flexible MBS have different sets of coordinates for each body i
- coordinates of position and linear velocity coordinates  i and vi
- coordinates of rotation (angles) and angular velocity  i and i
- coordinates of deformation ui and i or modal coordinates qi

2 Finite Rotations Components in the MBS undergo large rotations

that leads to di/dt  i

3 High-Dimension A set of coordinates describes the motion of the bodies of the MBS

( ) ( )
z iI = i  i qi ; z I =  z iI  , i = 1, 2,...., N

4 Non-Linearity MBS are nonlinear with respect to the coordinates (state variables)
Kinematical Equations z I = Z(z I , t) z II
Dynamical Equations z II = f(z I , z II , t)
Constraint Equations g(z I , t) = 0
1 Introduction 4 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

1.3 Overview of Multibody System Programs

The development of multibody system software has always been driven by the problems arising in

connection with satellites, spacecraft, aircraft and ground vehicle research. The group of Willi Kortm

at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, has been active in MBS

software development since the early 1970's and has developed various MBS software. Names such as

FADYNA (1977), MEDYNA (1984), and finally SIMPACK (1990) are known overall the world.

An overview of the worldwide MBS software development until 1990 is given in (Schiehlen, 1990)

and summarized as an update in Fig. 1-2. The figure gives the respective models (rigid or flexible with

linear or quadratic interpolation, modal or nodal formulation) and the type of the used formalism

(absolute or relative coordinates, linear or non-linear), leading to the type of equations of motion.

Today the most common MBS programs are ADAMS, DADS, WorkingModel, and SIMPACK.

Name Devel. leader Body models Formalism Eqs of motion

ADAMS M. Chace rigid, flex-lin-modal absolute, nonlin DAE
DADS E. Haug rigid, flex-lin-modal absolute, nonlin DAE / ODE
SIMPACK W. Kortm rigid, flex-quadr-modal relative, nonlin ODE / DAE
MECANO G. Gradin flex-nonlin-nodal absolute, nonlin DAE
WorkingModel D. Baszucki rigid absolute, nonlin DAE / ODE
SimMechanics NN rigid absolute, nonlin DAE
RecurDyn Bai & Kim rigid, flex-lin-modal relative, nonlin ODE / DAE
Fig 1-2. Overview of commercial multibody system software and their features.
1 Introduction 5 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

1.4 Multibody System Applications


A 3

1 B0

2D rigid body 4-bar mechanism 3D rigid body 4-bar mechanism


15 16

wheel suspention car body 13

3 8
7 x
2 6
4 5

Elastic triangle in gravity field Flexible wheel suspension linkage

Deployment of satellite arrays

2 2

1 1
3 3
u2 2

F2 = 0.01 N F2 = 0.01 N

3 3
F1 F3 1 u1
u3 u1 u3

Buckling (F1 = -525 N) Tilting (F3 = 1043 N) Tacoma Bridge (14.11.1940)

1 Introduction 6 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

1.5 Notations
1. General:
Scalar arbitrary letters incl. Greek letters a, b, P, xi , , , , 
Indices subscript and superscript letters i, j, k, l
Matrices capital letters in bold face, M = (Mij ), i = 1, 2, 3, ... , n; j = 1, 2, 3, ... , m
(arrays containing scalars)
Vectors small letters in bold face x = (xi ), i = 1, 2, 3, ... , n), (xi), i = 1, 2, 3, ... , n)
(vector is a column of a matrix)

Vector Norm x = x12 + x22 + ..... + xn2

2. "Physical Vectors" in the space  or  3
are independent of a specific coordinate frame
Vectors small or capital letters: v , F
Magnitude or length of a vector v = | v |; F = | F |;

3. Representation of a vector in a reference frame

with the base vectors e1, e2 , e3 (3D or 2D),

where | ei ] = 1,
v = e1 v1 + e2 v2 + e3 v3  eT v = v T e

 v1   e1 
where v = ( vi ) =  v2  , e = ( ei ) =  e2 
 v3   e3 

and v1 , v2 , v3 are the coordinates or components of vector v
in this specific reference frame

The specific right hand Cartesian frame:

ei  e j =  ij or e  eT = I
 0 e3  e2 
ei  e j =  ijk ek or e  e =  e3 0 e1  = e T
 e2  e1 0

where I is the identity matrix, ijk is the permutation tensor, ~ is the "Tilde"-operator of ijk

4. Superscripts and Subscripts:

The following superscript and subscript notation for variables and arrays is used:

Index of a frame where the Index of MBS components

coordinates of the e.g. body i, joint s, node
array are expressed kFi or marker k, frame I
prefix of the name,
index of array e.g. x
1 Introduction 7 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

5. Relation between vector calculus and matrix calculus

Matrix Calculus of coordinates

Vector Calculus   
w.r.t. a fame with base vectors e1, e2 , e3

v v = ( vi ) =  v2  , i = 1, 2, 3

Magnitude (Length) v= v v = v = v12 + v22 + v32

      a1   b1   a1 + b1 
v = a+b =b +a v = a + b = ( ai ) + ( bi ) =  a2  +  b2  =  a2 + b2 
 a3   b3   a3 + b3 
Scalar product = a  b = b  a = aT b = bT a = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3
= a b cos (a, b)
Dyadic product = a  b
= Tensor of order 2
( )
I = I ij = a bT , IT = b aT
 I11 I12 I13   a1 b1 a1 b2 a1 b3 
=  I 21 I 22 I 23  =  a2 b1 a2 b2 a2 b3 
 I 31 I 32 I 33   a3 b1 a3 b2 a3 b3 
Vector product v = a  b =  b  a
  v = a b =  b a
v = v = a b sin(a, b)
 a3 b2 + a2 b3   0 a3 a2 
v =  +a3 b1  a1 b3  where a =  a3 0 a1 
 a2 b1 + a1 b2   a2 a1 0 
Kinematical Example:   z ry +  y rz 
v =  r =  + z rx   x rz 
  y rx +  x ry 

  y2   z2 x y x z 
  =  .  x2   z2 y z 
 symm. .  x2   y2 
Note:   = 0   = 0,  T =  
Transformation of coordinates from frame 2 into frame 1:
 = A12 2 by orientation matrix A12
 = A12 2 A12T
1 Introduction 8 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

6. Rules of Differentiation:

da  a d  a
Function a( (t)) : = a = = 
dt  dt 

da a a
Function a( (t),  (t)) : = a =  + 
1 Introduction 9 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

1.6 Standard Tables

Table 1: Mass Moments of Inertia  ii for homogeneous lines and areas

see e.g. Falk, Technische Mechanik, Band 2, Springer-Verlag 1986.
1 Introduction 10 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

Table 2: Mass Moments of Inertia  ii for homogeneous bodies

1 Introduction 11 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

Table 3: Material Properties

Note: Shear Modulus G =
2 (1 + )

Material Young's Shear Poisson number Mass Temperature

modulus E modulus G density  coefficient 
(N/mm2 ) (N/mm2 ) () (kg/m3 ) ( 1)
Steel 2.1105 0.3 7895 1210-6
Grey Iron 0.8105 0.1 ... 0.2 7870 910-6
Copper 1.2105 0.3 8930 1610-6
Brass 0.9105 0.3 8700
Aluminum 0.7105 0.3 2700 2310-6
Steel Concrete 0.4105 0 ... 0.16 2700
Breech Wood 0.16105 0 700
Rubber 2 ... 3 0.5
Glass 0.72105 0 2200
1 Introduction 12 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

Table 4: Common Finite Element Types

Type of Element Displacements Strains Stresses Nodal Loads

3D Continuum u1, u2, u3 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, F1, F2, F3
4, 8, xx nodes 12, 23, 31 12, 23, 31
 dx dydz

2D Shell u1, u2 1, 2, 12, 1, 2, 12, F1, F2,
3, 4, 8 nodes
 dx dy

Rod u1 1 1 F1
2 nodes

3D Beam u1, u2, u3 1, 12, 31 1, 12, 31 F1, F2, F3,
with tension and torsion  1 L1, L2, L3
2 nodes

3D Beam u1, u2, u3 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, F1, F2, F3,
with shearing  1, 2, 3 12, 23, 31 12, 23, 31 L1, L2, L3
2 nodes

Plate u3 1 1 F3,
3, 4 nodes L1, L2

 dx dy

Plate u1, u2, u3 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, F1, F2, F3,
with tension and  1, 2, 3 12, 23, 31 12, 23, 31 L1, L2, L3
3, 4, 8 nodes
 dx dy
1 Introduction 13 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

1.7 SIMPACK Notations

Conversion between the notation given in the workshop script and the notation used in SIMPACK
input and output control menues as well as in its documentation

Body j
Body i FROM Marker k H TO Marker l
Frame Kf =Kk s H Frame Kt =Kl

Dki Vs
Body Reference
rk Ok H
Frame Ki Oi ds Dlj
Bs rl Body Reference
Ai H Ol
i Oj Frame Kj
k l
H Aj

rigid body
Inertial Frame

Workshop Script
Topic SIMPACK Documentation
based on (Schwertassek 1999)
Inertial frame { 
KI with O I , e I } RI

Body reference frame on i { 

Ki with O i , ei } Ri

Marker frame at k on i { 
Kk with O k , e k } Rk

i i
Absolute position  w.r.t. Ki rRIRi w.r.t. RI
Absolute orientation ei = Ai e I e I = A RIRi ei

Relative motion of TO w.r.t.

FROM of force elements and
Position d s = d t  d f w.r.t. Kk=f rij w.r.t. Ri or Rk
Linear velocity V = k d s w.r.t. Kk=f
k s vij w.r.t. Ri or Rk
Linear acceleration aij w.r.t. Ri or Rk
Orientation et = B s e f with angles  s e k = A RkRl el
Angular velocity  s =  t   f w.r.t. Kk=f wij w.r.t. Ri or Rk

Joint state variables s and s I zg w.r.t. Ri or Rk

1 Introduction 14 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

Force Element s Force Element s

FROM Marker k Body j
Body i Body i Frame Kf =Kk H H
Fki =Fs
H TO Marker l
Frame Kt =Kl
Body j s H
Dki H H H Vs
Body Reference rk Ok Lki Llj = s

Frame Ki Oi H Ol Dlj
ds rl
Ai H Bs
i H H H H Oj
k l Flj = s
Body Reference
H Frame Kj
Element s
Ok H Fs
H H H ds Inertial Frame
Ls ds N Fs
H Ol H
Fs Ls

Topic Workshop Script SIMPACK Documentation

based on (Schwertassek 1999)
i ki
Applied forces/torques F = + i Fas Same definition:
of force elements i
L = + La + d Fa
ki i s i s i s Fe and Te
between FROM and TO markers w.r.t. Ki ,
on TO body the reaction

Joint s FROM Marker k Joint s Body j

Body i Body i Frame Kf =Kk H ki
F = s
H H TO Marker l
Frame Kt =Kl
s H
Body j
H H H Vs
Body Reference Lki H Llj =Ls
rk ds
Frame Ki Oi Ol Dlj
Ok Bs rl
Ai H
i H H H Oj
l H
k Flj = Fs Body Reference
Joint s H Frame Kj
Ls j
H Aj
Ok H Fs
H H H ds
Ls + ds N Fs H
Ol Ls OI
Fs Inertial Frame

Constraint forces/torques F lj = Fcs = e kT k Fcs Same definition:
of joints Llj = Lsc = e kT k Lsc Fz and Tz
(in the tree and implicit form)  s  k Fcs = k Flj  or 
between FROM and TO markers
w.r.t. Kk ,
on FROM body the reaction
1 Introduction 15 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

1.8 References
Referring to Multibody Systems
Bremer, H. and F. Pfeiffer (1992). Elastische Mehrkrpersysteme. Stuttgart, B. G. Teubner.
Clough, R. W. and J. Penzien (1975). Dynamics of Structures. Tokyo, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd.
DeSalvo, G. J. and G. J. Gorman (1989). ANSYS, Engineering Analysis Systems, User's Manual. Houston, PA,
Swanson Analysis System Inc.
Dietz, S. (1999). Vibration and Fatigue Analysis of Vehicle Systems Using Component Modes, Berlin.
Dietz, S., H. Netter, et al. (1997). Fatigue Life Prediction by Coupling FEM and MBS Calculations. First Symposium
on Multibody Dynamics and Vibration at16th Annual Conference of ASME on Mechanical Vibration and Noise,
Sacramento, CA.
Haug, E. J. (1989). Computer-Aided Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, Volume I: Basic Methods.
Boston, Allyn and Bacon.
Kane, T. R. and D. A. Levinson (1985). Dynamics, Theory and Applications. New York, McGraw-Hill.
Kirk, C. L. and J. L. Junkins (1990). Dynamics of Flexible Structures in Space. Cranfield, UK, Springer.
Kirk, C. L. and S. M. Wiedemann (2002). Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of a Free-Free Beam with Large End
Masses. J. Sound and Vibration 254(5): 939-949.
KnowledgeRevolution (1999). WorkingModel2D, Version 5.0. San Mateo, Ca, Knowledge Revolution.
KnowledgeRevolution (1999). WorkingModel3D, Version 3.0. San Mateo, Ca, Knowledge Revolution.
Kortm, W. (1992). Software zur Modellbildung und Simulation der Dynamik mechatronischer Systeme. VDI/VDE-
GMA-Aussprachetag, Modellbildung fr Regelung und Simulation, Langen, VDI-Berichte Nr. 925.
Kortm, W., R. Sharp, et al. (1993). Review of Multibody Computer Codes for Vehicle System Dynamics. Multibody
Computer Codes in Vehicle System Dynamics. W. Kortm and R. S. Sharp. Amsterdam, Swets and Zeitlinger. 22,
Supplement to Vehicle System Dynamics.
Kortm, W. and R. S. Sharp, Eds. (1993). Multibody Computer Codes in Vehicle System Dynamics. Lisse, Swets and
Meirovitch, L. (1967). Analytical Methods in Vibrations. New York, The MacMillan Company.
Meirovitch, L. (1991). Dynamics and Control of Large Structures. Blacksburg, Virginia.
Meirovitch, L. and M. K. Kwak (1990). On the Modeling of Flexible Multi-Body Systems by the Rayleigh-Ritz
Method. AIAA Dynamics Specialists Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Paul, B. (1979). Kinematics and Dynamics of Planar Machinery. Englewood Cliffs NJ, Prentice Hall.
Roberson, R. E. and R. Schwertassek (1988). Dynamics of Multibody Systems. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
Rulka, W. (1990). SIMPACK - A Computer Program for Simulations of Large-Motion Multibody
Systems. Multibody System Handbook. W. Schiehlen. Berlin, Springer-Verlag: 265-284.
Schiehlen, W. O., Ed. (1990). Multibody Systems Handbook. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
Schwertassek, R. (1998). Flexible Bodies in Multibody Systems. Computational Methods in Mechanical Systems. J.
Angeles and E. Zakhariev. Berlin, Springer-Verlag: 329-363.
Schwertassek, R. and T. Klisch (1997). Two Modelling Problems in Multibody Simulation: Flexible Bodies and
Contact of Bodies. Computational Methods in Mechanisms. J. Angeles and E. Zakhariev. Varna, NATO Advanced
Stdy Institute. vol. I, Invited Lectures: 283-312.
Schwertassek, R. and O. Wallrapp (1999). Dynamik flexibler Mehrkrpersysteme. Braunschweig, Friedr. Vieweg
1 Introduction 16 Oskar Wallrapp, FHM, 2006

Schwertassek, R., O. Wallrapp, et al. (1999). Modal Representation of Stress in Flexible Multibody Simulation.
Nonlinear Dynamics 20(4): 381-399.
Schwertassek, R., O. Wallrapp, et al. (1999). Flexible Multibody Simulation and Choice of Shape Functions.
Nonlinear Dynamics 20(4): 361-380.
Shabana, A. A. (1997). Flexible Multibody Dynamics: Review of Past and Recent Developments. Multibody System
Dynamics 1: 189-222.
Shabana, A. A. (1989). Dynamics of Multibody Systems. New York, J. Wiley & Sons.
Shabana, A. A. and R. Schwertassek (1998). Equivalence of the Floating Frame of Reference Approach and Finite
Element Formulations. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 33(3): 417-432.
Wallrapp, O. and R. Schwertassek (1991). Representation of Geometric Stiffening in Multibody System Simulation.
Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 32: 1833-1850.
Wallrapp, O. (1993). Standard Input Data of Flexible Bodies for Multibody System Codes, DLR, German Aerospace
Establishment, Institute for Robotics and System Dynamics, Oberpfaffenhofen.
Wallrapp, O., A. Eichberger, et al. (1997). FEMBS - An Interface Between FEM Codes and MBS Codes, User Manual
for ANSYS, NASTRAN, and ABAQUS, INTEC GmbH, Wessling.
Wallrapp, O. and S. Wiedemann (2002). Simulation of Deployment of a Flexible Solar Array. Multibody System
Dynamics 7: 101-125.
Wallrapp, O. and S. Wiedemann (2003). Comparison of Results in Flexible Multibody Dynamics Using Various
Approaches. Nonlinear Dynamics 34: 189-206.
Wallrapp, O. (2004). Review of Past Developments in Multibody System Dynamics at DLR - From FADYNA to
SIMPACK. J. Vehicle System Dynamics 41(5): 339-348.
Washizu, K. (1982). Variational Methods in Elasticity and Plasticity. Oxford, Pergamon Press.

Referring to Finite Element Method

ABAQUS (1995). User's Manual, Vol. I and Vol II. Hibbit, Karlsson & Sorensen, Inc.
Bathe, K. J. (1986). Finite-Elemente-Methoden. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
Brebbia, C. A. (1982). Finite Element Systems, A Handbook. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
Knothe, K. and H. Wessels (1999). Finite Elemente. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
Link, M. (1989). Finite Elemente in der Statik und Dynamik. Stuttgart, B. G. Teubner.
Przemieniecki, J. S. (1968). Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis. New York, McGraw-Hill.
Zienkiewicz, O. C. (1984). Methode der finiten Elemente. Mnchen, Carl Hanser Verlag.

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