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Bonita Open Solution

Version 5.3

Connectors Reference Guide

Version 3.0
Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

Change Notice

This document now describes the following new and improved Connector features in Bonita Open
Solution 5:

Define Connector inputs and outputs)

Test dynamic expressions in Connectors (see Test a Connector from inside the
Improvements to the edit Connector function allow you to access and re-use the original
Connector creation wizard (see Create a new Connector from an existing one)

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

Bonita Open Solution V5.3

Connectors Reference Guide


Change Notice ......................................................................................................................................... 2

Part 1. Bonita Open Solution Connectors Overview ........................................................................ 12
Part 2 How to connect processes to information systems.............................................................. 13
2.1 How to Add a Connector to a Step or a Process ................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Add a Connector to a Step ............................................................................................ 13 Trigger a Connector when a Step Deadline is reached ............................................. 15
2.1.2 Add a Connector to a Process or Pool........................................................................... 16
2.1.3 Define Connector inputs and outputs........................................................................... 17
2.1.4 Save Connector Configuration ...................................................................................... 18
2.1.5 Move / Copy a Connector ............................................................................................. 18
2.1.6 Test a Connector ........................................................................................................... 19 Test a connector from inside the configuration ....................................................... 19 Test a connector from the Menu Bar ....................................................................... 20
2.2 How to configure Messaging and Social Connectors ............................................................ 23
2.2.1 Configure a Connector to send an email ...................................................................... 23
2.2.2 Configure a Connector to send a Twitter Direct Message ............................................ 26
2.2.3 Configure a Connector to send a Twitter Status Update .............................................. 28
2.3 How to configure Java Connectors ....................................................................................... 30
2.3.1 Configure a Connector to invoke a Java method .......................................................... 30
2.4 How to configure Scripting Connectors ................................................................................ 32
2.4.1 Execute a shell command or script ............................................................................... 32 Input.......................................................................................................................... 32 Output....................................................................................................................... 33
2.4.2 Configure a Connector to execute a Groovy script ....................................................... 34 Input.......................................................................................................................... 34 Output....................................................................................................................... 35
2.5 How to configure LDAP Directory Connectors ...................................................................... 36
2.5.1 Inputs ............................................................................................................................ 36
2.5.2 Outputs ......................................................................................................................... 39
2.6 How to configure Bonita system Connectors ....................................................................... 40
2.6.1 Configure a Connector to add a comment ................................................................... 40
2.6.2 Configure a Connector to send a command to execute a Step .................................... 41
2.6.3 Configure a Connector to send a command to start a Step ......................................... 42

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

2.6.4 Configure a Connector to send a command to finish a Step ........................................ 43

2.6.5 Configure a Connector to create a variable .................................................................. 44
2.6.6 Configure a Connector to create multiple variables ..................................................... 45
2.6.7 Configure a Connector to use a hook previously defined in Bonita v4......................... 46
2.6.8 Configure a Connector to add an attachment .............................................................. 47
2.6.9 Configure a Connector to get the Initiator of a Process Case ....................................... 48
2.6.10 Configure a Connector to get the Submitter of a Step ................................................. 49
2.6.11 Configure a Connector to get a User Name .................................................................. 50
2.6.12 Configure a Connector to start a Case .......................................................................... 51
2.7 How to configure Database Connectors ............................................................................... 52
2.7.1 Inputs ............................................................................................................................ 52
2.7.2 Outputs ......................................................................................................................... 55
2.7.3 Use Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to execute a query or script ........................... 56 Inputs ........................................................................................................................ 56
2.8 How to configure Alfresco Connectors ................................................................................. 58
2.8.1 Common inputs ............................................................................................................. 59
2.8.2 Common outputs .......................................................................................................... 60
2.8.3 Configure a Connector to cancel a checked-out Alfresco file ....................................... 61 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 61
2.8.4 Configure a Connector to check in an Alfresco file ....................................................... 61 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 61
2.8.5 Configure a Connector to check out an Alfresco file ................................................... 63 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 63
2.8.6 Configure a Connector to create an Alfresco folder by path ........................................ 63 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 63
2.8.7 Configure a Connector to delete an Alfresco folder ..................................................... 64 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 64
2.8.8 Configure a Connector to delete an Alfresco item by ID .............................................. 64 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 64
2.8.9 Configure a Connector to download an Alfresco file by ID ........................................... 65 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 65
2.8.10 Configure a Connector to download an Alfresco file by store and ID .......................... 65 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 65
2.8.11 Configure a Connector to List Alfresco File versions .................................................... 66 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 66
2.8.12 Configure a Connector to list checked-out Alfresco files.............................................. 66
2.8.13 List all Alfresco folders by path ..................................................................................... 66 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 67

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2.8.14 Configure a Connector to update a checked-out Alfresco file...................................... 67 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 67
2.8.15 Configure a Connector to upload an Alfresco file by path ............................................ 68 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 68
2.9 How to configure Jasper Connectors .................................................................................... 69
2.9.1 Inputs ............................................................................................................................ 69
2.9.2 Outputs ......................................................................................................................... 70
2.10 How to Configure Sugar CRM Connectors ............................................................................ 71
2.10.1 Common inputs ............................................................................................................. 71
2.10.2 Common outputs .......................................................................................................... 72
2.10.3 Configure a Connector to get SugarCRM entries from indicated module .................... 73 Unique Inputs ........................................................................................................... 73
2.10.4 Configure a Connector to get SugarCRM Opportunities from an Account................... 74 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 74
2.10.5 Configure a Connector to create or modify a SugarCRM entry .................................... 75 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 75
2.10.6 Configure a Connector to create a SugarCRM Account ................................................ 76 Unique Inputs ........................................................................................................... 76
2.10.7 Configure a Connector to create a SugarCRM Contact................................................. 76 Unique Inputs ........................................................................................................... 76
2.10.8 Configure a Connector to create a SugarCRM Opportunity ......................................... 77 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 77
2.11 How to configure Talend Connectors ................................................................................... 78
2.11.1 Configure a Connector to launch a Talend job ............................................................. 78 Inputs ........................................................................................................................ 79 Outputs ..................................................................................................................... 80
2.11.2 Configure a Connector to launch a Talend MDM Connector ....................................... 80 Inputs ........................................................................................................................ 80
2.12 How to Configure eXo Connectors........................................................................................ 83
2.12.1 Common inputs ............................................................................................................. 84
2.12.2 Common outputs .......................................................................................................... 85
2.12.3 Configure Connector to create a folder in eXo ............................................................. 86 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 86
2.12.4 Configure a Connector to download an eXo file ........................................................... 86 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 86
2.12.5 Configure a Connector to upload a file to eXo.............................................................. 87
2.13 How to configure xWiki Connectors ..................................................................................... 88
2.13.1 Common inputs ............................................................................................................. 88

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2.13.2 Common outputs .......................................................................................................... 90

2.14 How to configure Google Connectors ................................................................................... 91
2.14.1 Common inputs ............................................................................................................. 91
2.14.2 Configure a Connector to create a Google calendar event with web content ............. 92 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 92
2.14.3 Configure a Connector to create a Google calendar event .......................................... 93 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 93
2.14.4 Configure a Connector to delete a Google calendar event .......................................... 94 Unique inputs ........................................................................................................... 94
2.15 How to configure web service Connectors ........................................................................... 95
2.15.1 How to configure a Connector to execute a web service ............................................. 95 Inputs ........................................................................................................................ 95 Outputs ..................................................................................................................... 96
2.16 How to configure a Drools Connector .................................................................................. 97
2.16.1 Inputs ............................................................................................................................ 97
2.16.2 Outputs ......................................................................................................................... 98
2.17 How to configure SAP Connectors ........................................................................................ 99
2.17.1 Configure a Connector to execute an SAP call function ............................................. 100 Inputs for existing configuration ............................................................................ 100 Outputs ................................................................................................................... 103
2.17.2 Configure a Connector to create an SAP connection.................................................. 104 Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 104
2.17.3 Configure a Connector to execute an SAP commit ..................................................... 105 Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 105
2.17.4 Configure a Connector to release an SAP connection ................................................ 106 Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 106
2.1.5 Configure a Connector to execute an SAP rollback .................................................... 106 Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 106
2.18 How to configure SharePoint Connectors .......................................................................... 107
2.18.1 Common inputs ........................................................................................................... 107
2.18.2 Common outputs ........................................................................................................ 108
2.18.3 Configure a Connector to cancel checkout from a SharePoint server ........................ 109
2.18.4 Configure a Connector to check in a SharePoint file .................................................. 109 Unique inputs ......................................................................................................... 109
2.18.5 Configure a Connector to check out a SharePoint file ................................................ 109
2.18.6 Configure Connector to get items from a SharePoint List .......................................... 109 Unique inputs ......................................................................................................... 109 Unique Outputs ...................................................................................................... 110

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2.18.7 Configure Connector to create a new folder in SharePoint........................................ 110 Unique inputs ......................................................................................................... 110
2.18.8 Configure a Connector to delete a SharePoint item ................................................... 111 Unique inputs ......................................................................................................... 111
2.18.9 Configure a Connector to download a SharePoint file ............................................... 112 Unique inputs ......................................................................................................... 112
2.18.10 Configure a Connector to upload a file to SharePoint ............................................ 113 Unique inputs ......................................................................................................... 113
2.19 How to Configure Exchange Connectors ............................................................................ 114
2.19.1 Common inputs ........................................................................................................... 114
2.19.2 Configure a Connector to create a new Exchange calendar item............................... 115 Unique Inputs ......................................................................................................... 115 Unique outputs ....................................................................................................... 116
2.19.3 Create a new Exchange contact .................................................................................. 117 Unique inputs ......................................................................................................... 117
Part 3. How to Configure Your Own Connectors ............................................................................ 118
3.1 Develop your own Connectors............................................................................................ 118
3.2 Create a new Connector from an existing one ................................................................... 121
3.3 Import or Export a Connector ............................................................................................. 122
Part 4. How to import a Connector from BonitaSoft Community contributions ........................... 123
Part 5. How to analyze a problem in Bonita Open Solution ........................................................... 123

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Figure 1. Bonita Open Solution Connectors accept embedded code, take inputs, communicate with
external services, and return outputs................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2. Choose a Connector to Add .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3. Specify Connector parameters at the Step level................................................................... 14
Figure 4. Specify Connector parameters at the Human Step level ...................................................... 14
Figure 5. Configure a Deadline to trigger a Connector ........................................................................ 15
Figure 6. Specify Connector parameters at the Process or Pool level ................................................. 16
Figure 7. Add variables or delete output ............................................................................................. 17
Figure 8. Add a variable to take Connector output ............................................................................. 17
Figure 9. Save a Connector configuration ............................................................................................ 18
Figure 10. Saved Connector configurations can be used to develop other similar connectors .......... 18
Figure 11. Move or duplicate a Connector .......................................................................................... 19
Figure 12. Test Connector configuration ............................................................................................. 20
Figure 13. Select Test a Connector....................................................................................................... 20
Figure 14. Test a Connector configuration........................................................................................... 21
Figure 15. Choose a Connector to configure and evaluate.................................................................. 21
Figure 16. Test the Connector when it is configured ........................................................................... 22
Figure 17. and wait for the evaluation results .................................................................................. 22
Figure 18. Configure a Connector to send an email............................................................................. 23
Figure 19. Complete email Connector configuration ........................................................................... 24
Figure 20. Configure a Connector to send a Twitter Direct Message .................................................. 26
Figure 21. Configure a Connector to send a Twitter Status Update .................................................... 28
Figure 22. Configure a Connector to invoke a Java method ................................................................ 30
Figure 23. Browse for the java class, enter a string to search and choose .......................................... 30
Figure 24. Choose the Java method to invoke ..................................................................................... 31
Figure 25. Configure a Connector to execute a shell command or script............................................ 32
Figure 26. Choose a destination variable for the output returned ...................................................... 33
Figure 27. Configure a Connector to execute a Groovy script ............................................................. 34
Figure 28. Choose a destination variable for the output returned ...................................................... 35
Figure 29. Configure a Connector to search in an LDAP directory and return a list ............................ 36
Figure 30. Define LDAP directory search ............................................................................................. 37
Figure 31. Configure LDAP Connector outputs .................................................................................... 39
Figure 32. Configure a Connector to add a comment.......................................................................... 40
Figure 33. Configure a Connector to send a command to execute a Step .......................................... 41
Figure 34. Configure a Connector to send a command to start a Step................................................ 42
Figure 35. Configure a Connector to send a command to finish a Step .............................................. 43
Figure 36. Configure a Connector to create a variable ........................................................................ 44
Figure 37. Configure a Connector to create a variable ........................................................................ 45
Figure 38. Configure a Connector to use a hook defined in Bonita v4 ................................................ 46
Figure 39. Configure a Connector to add an attachment .................................................................... 47
Figure 40. Configure a Connector to get the initiator of a Process case ............................................. 48
Figure 41. Data returned for case initiator .......................................................................................... 48
Figure 42. Configure a Connector to get Submitter of a Step.............................................................. 49
Figure 43. Data returned for Step Submitter ....................................................................................... 49
Figure 44. Configure a Connector to get a User Name ........................................................................ 50
Figure 45. Data returned for User Name ............................................................................................. 50
Figure 46. Configure a Connector to instantiate a Process Case ......................................................... 51
Figure 47. Data returned Instantiated Process Case............................................................................ 51
Figure 48. Configure a connector to execute a database query .......................................................... 53

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Figure 49. Define variable to take database query output .................................................................. 55

Figure 50. Use JDBC to query a database ............................................................................................ 56
Figure 51. Configure JDBC .................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 52. Alfresco Connectors ............................................................................................................. 58
Figure 53. Common inputs for all Alfresco Connectors ....................................................................... 59
Figure 54. Configure outputs for Alfresco Connector .......................................................................... 60
Figure 55. Enter path and information for checked-out file to cancel ................................................ 61
Figure 56. Enter ID and information for checked-in file ...................................................................... 61
Figure 57. Enter ID for checked-out file ............................................................................................... 63
Figure 58. Enter Alfresco path and folder details ................................................................................ 63
Figure 59. Enter path of Alfresco folder to delete ............................................................................... 64
Figure 60. Enter ID for item to be deleted ........................................................................................... 64
Figure 61. Enter path and information for file to download ............................................................... 65
Figure 62. Enter version store and information for file to download .................................................. 65
Figure 63. Enter ID of file ..................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 64. Specify the path for the folders .......................................................................................... 67
Figure 65. Enter path and information for checked-out file to update ............................................... 67
Figure 66. Enter path of and information about file ............................................................................ 68
Figure 67. Configure Connector to Create a Jasper Report from a database ...................................... 69
Figure 68. Enter file path and output for Jasper report ....................................................................... 70
Figure 69. Configure Connectors for SugarCRM .................................................................................. 71
Figure 70. Enter SugarCRM database locator and authentication ...................................................... 71
Figure 71. Define where to take SugarCRM output ............................................................................. 72
Figure 72. Inputs for Get SugarCRM entries ........................................................................................ 73
Figure 73. Inputs for Get SugarCRM opportunities .............................................................................. 74
Figure 74. Inputs for Create or modify a SugarCRM entry................................................................... 75
Figure 75. Inputs to Create a SugarCRM account ................................................................................ 76
Figure 76. Inputs to Create a SugarCRM contact ................................................................................. 76
Figure 77. Inputs to Create a SugarCRM opportunity .......................................................................... 77
Figure 78. Configure a Connector to launch a Talend job ................................................................... 78
Figure 79. Configure a new Talend job ................................................................................................ 79
Figure 80. Configure output of Talend job ........................................................................................... 80
Figure 81. Enter Talend MDM authentication ..................................................................................... 80
Figure 82. Enter Talend MDM configuration ....................................................................................... 81
Figure 83 Configure eXo Connectors ................................................................................................... 83
Figure 84a and b. Inputs for eXo Connectors ...................................................................................... 84
Figure 85. Outputs for eXo Connectors ............................................................................................... 85
Figure 86. Configure Connector to Create a new folder in eXo ........................................................... 86
Figure 87. Inputs for Download an eXo file ......................................................................................... 86
Figure 88. Configure Connector to Upload a file to eXo ...................................................................... 87
Figure 89. Configure an xWiki Connector ............................................................................................ 88
Figure 90a and b. Common inputs for xWiki Connectors .................................................................... 89
Figure 91. Outputs for xWiki Connectors ............................................................................................. 90
Figure 92. Configure a Google calendar event ..................................................................................... 91
Figure 93. Common inputs for Google calendar Connectors............................................................... 91
Figure 94. Configure a Connector to Create a Google calendar event with web content ................... 92
Figure 95. Configure a Connector to Create a Google calendar event ................................................ 93
Figure 96. Configure a Connector to Delete a Google calendar event ................................................ 94
Figure 97. Configure a Connector to Execute a web service ................................................................ 95
Figure 98. Configure a Web service Connector ................................................................................... 95
Figure 99. Configure Execute a Web service Connector outputs ......................................................... 96
Figure 100. Configure a Connector to execute a Drools knowledge session........................................ 97

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Figure 101. Configure output of Drools Connector ............................................................................. 98

Figure 102. Configure a Connector to call an SAP function ................................................................. 99
Figure 104a and b. Configure a Connector to execute an SAP call function ..................................... 100
Figure 105. Configure a connector to execute an SAP call function, contd...................................... 101
Figure 106. Configure a connector to execute an SAP call function, contd...................................... 102
Figure 107. Configure outputs for SAP call function .......................................................................... 103
Figure 108a and b. Configure a Connector to create an SAP client ................................................... 104
Figure 109. Configure outputs for Create an SAP client .................................................................... 105
Figure 110. Configure a connector to execute an SAP commit ......................................................... 105
Figure 111. Configure a connector to release an SAP connection ..................................................... 106
Figure 112. Configure a connector to execute an SAP rollback ......................................................... 106
Figure 113 Configure SharePoint Connectors .................................................................................... 107
Figure 114. Inputs for SharePoint Connectors ................................................................................... 107
Figure 115a and b. outputs for Outputs for SharePoint Connectors ................................................. 108
Figure 116. Unique input for Check in file from a SharePoint server ................................................ 109
Figure 117. Configure Connector to Create a new folder in SharePoint ........................................... 109
Figure 118. Unique output for Get items from a SharePoint list ....................................................... 110
Figure 119a and b. Configure Connector to Create a new folder in SharePoint ............................... 111
Figure 120. Configure Connector to Delete an item from SharePoint .............................................. 111
Figure 121. Inputs for Download a SharePoint file ............................................................................ 112
Figure 122. Configure Connector to Upload a file to SharePoint ...................................................... 113
Figure 123. Coonfigure Exchange connectors.................................................................................... 114
Figure 124. Configure a Connector to create a new calendar item ................................................... 115
Figure 125. Configure Connector for create a new Exchange contact .............................................. 117
Figure 126. Add your own Connector to Bonita Open Solution ........................................................ 118
Figure 127. Set the description of your Connector ............................................................................ 119
Figure 128. Create java source file ..................................................................................................... 120
Figure 129. Your Connector is now available..................................................................................... 120
Figure 130. Edit an exisiting Connector to create a new one ............................................................ 121
Figure 131. Select Use Wizard to start with an existing configuration .............................................. 121
Figure 132. Import (or Export) a Connector from the Menu bar ....................................................... 122
Figure 133. Select an extension from the Contributions page .......................................................... 123
Figure 134. Click Install to import extension...................................................................................... 123

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

Bonita Open Solution

How to Use Connectors

Welcome to Bonita Open Solution (BOS). If you dont already have the software, you can download
it from the BonitaSoft web site..

How to Use Connectors is intended to help you use the Connectors provided in Bonita Open
Solution Version 5, the complete open source Business Process Management Solution.

You can download this, and the general User Guide and updates, from the BonitaSoft web site.

Part 1 gives a basic overview and general information.

Part 2 describes how to use predefined Connectors to connect Bonita Open Solution to external
information systems.

Part 3 describes how to develop your own Connectors.

Part 4 describes how to import a Connector.

Part 5 gives information about how to analyze problems in Bonita Open Solution.

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Part 1. Bonita Open Solution Connectors Overview

Bonita Open Solution provides Connectors to connect a Step or a Process to external

information systems.

Connectors take specified input (directly as a value from the end user or carried over / built
into an expression) and execute. Some Connectors also return output back into Bonita Open
Solution. Inputs and outputs for each Connector provided in Bonita Open Solution are given
in this document.

There are two ways to configure Connectors:

Add a Connector choose a Connector already defined in Bonita Open Solution

Create a Connector Create a new Connector type; place it in an existing Bonita
Open Solution Category; use this as a wizard for future Connectors of the same type

Once created, Connectors can be Moved or Copied (to another Step or to a Process or Pool).
There is also a function to Test a Connector before the Process is run.

Figure 1. Bonita Open Solution Connectors accept embedded code,

take inputs, communicate with external services, and return outputs

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Part 2 How to connect processes to information systems

2.1 How to Add a Connector to a Step or a Process

2.1.1 Add a Connector to a Step

To Add a Connector already defined in Bonita Open Solution to a Step, click the Step and go
to Details -> Connectors -> Add.

Note: you will need to have global variables defined, to associate with your inputs and/or
output results. See How to define Data variables in the Bonita Open Solution User Guide.

When the Select a connector window appears, choose the type of Connector you want to
add. (These Connectors are described in detail in the following paragraphs, but all of them
go through these same first steps).

Figure 2. Choose a Connector to Add

In the wizard, for all Connectors, specify:

Name: name the Connector

Description / Purpose: what the Connector does
Select event: at which event the Connector is activated

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Figure 3. Specify Connector parameters at the Step level

Figure 4. Specify Connector parameters at the Human Step level

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o Enter: the connector implements as soon as the Process moves to this

o Start: the connector implements when the assigned Actor completes
the necessary action (presented via the web application and
initiated when the form is Submitted)
o Suspend: the connector implements if the Actor suspends the Process
o Resume: the connector implements if the Actor resumes the Process
o Finish: the connector implements as this Step is completed

If Connector fails: choose the appropriate action to take if the Connector itself fails
to execute properly:
o Raise exception;
o Ignore error and continue process; or
o Throw Error event in this case, name the error event. Trigger a Connector when a Step Deadline is reached

Deadlines are used to trigger a Connector after the specified duration or date has passed.

A Deadline is either:

a date by which a Step must be completed, or

the duration of time during which a Step must be completed.

Deadlines can be set for both Human and Automatic Steps. Go to Step -> Deadlines -> Add.
Choose a Connector to be triggered when the deadline is reached.

Figure 5. Configure a Deadline to trigger a Connector

Enter Name and Description

Message Type: select Duration, Date or Variable
o Duration: select the length of time to elapse between the initiation of this
Step and the activation of the Connector

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o Date: Select the date and time for the activation of the Connector
o Variable: Select a predefined variable that will return a date or an integer.
If Connector fails: choose the appropriate action to take if the Connector itself fails:
o Abort process and raise error; or
o Ignore error and continue process.
Select Next to continue and configure the Connector to activate when the deadline
is reached. See Add a Connector to a Step.

2.1.2 Add a Connector to a Process or Pool

At the Process level, there are also options to implement a Connector at any time during the

Figure 6. Specify Connector parameters at the Process or Pool level

o Cancel the connector implements if the Actor cancels the Process (case)
o Abort the connector implements if the Process case encounters a fatal
If Connector fails: choose the appropriate action to take if the Connector itself fails
to execute properly:
o Raise exception;
o Ignore error and continue process; or
o Throw Error event in this case, name the error event.

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2.1.3 Define Connector inputs and outputs

Next, define the parameters required for Connector inputs and, where appropriate, for
outputs. You will need to define variables used in the inputs before configuring the
Connector; but for outputs, you can create variables directly within the output

Note that whenever an output configuration wizard appears, you either need to define the
output or delete the output field.

Figure 7. Add variables or delete output

Figure 8. Add a variable to take Connector output

Specific Connector input and output configurations are described in the following sections.

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XML elements can now be used in Connectors. Select XML as the data type, the set the XML
namespace and XML element for this variable. Add an XML schema, if desired, by uploading
a file. (See How to define Data variables in the BOS User and Reference Guide.)

2.1.4 Save Connector Configuration

For many Connectors, you have an option to Save connector configuration which allows you
to re-use the same configuration to define another Connector of the same type. This option
will appear as you continue the Connector configuration wizard:

Figure 9. Save a Connector configuration

Figure 10. Saved Connector configurations can be used to develop other similar connectors

2.1.5 Move / Copy a Connector

To move a Connector to another Step, or to a Pool or Process, Go to Step -> Connectors and
select the Connector you want to move. Then select Move.

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Figure 11. Move or duplicate a Connector

Be sure that any variables you defined in a Connector attached to a Step are also available
either globally in the target Process, or locally in the target Step.

To duplicate a Connector that is, Move it and at the same time leave a copy in its original
location, check the Make a Copy option before moving it.

2.1.6 Test a Connector

You can test the function of a Connector before you save it.

Check external configurations before testing a specific Connector. Sometimes the Connector
test returns an error due to external factors. (For example, some Bonita Connectors may
return errors because the Process has not been Run, and therefore the Bonita Execution
Engine has not been launched. This example illustrates that not all Connectors can be tested
before an execution.)

Where dynamic values have been used, replace the Groovy expression with a static value to
complete the test. Test a connector from inside the configuration

For many Connectors, you have an option to Test configuration when you have completed
the configuration.

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Figure 12. Test Connector configuration Test a connector from the Menu Bar

From the Menu Bar, Select Connector -> Test a Connector.

Figure 13. Select Test a Connector

Then Select the type of Connector to test (Connectors, Groups, or Filters).

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Figure 14. Test a Connector configuration

Then choose the category and specific Connector to test. Continue to configure the
Connector (as explained below, beginning in Section 2.2).

Figure 15. Choose a Connector to configure and evaluate

When the Connector parameters are defined, select Test configuration.

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Figure 16. Test the Connector when it is configured

Figure 17. and wait for the evaluation results

You will get a Results window indicating that the Connector was successfully implemented,
or that an error occurred with information to help debug the connector.

When you are satisfied with the Connector behavior, you can Save connector configuration
and use this as a basis to create the actual Connector where you want it.

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

2.2 How to configure Messaging and Social Connectors

2.2.1 Configure a Connector to send an email

This connector will send an email message when activated. There is no output returned.

Figure 18. Configure a Connector to send an email

Category: Messaging
Connector description: send an email message
Input Description Type
Host IP address or name of string
email server
Port port defined for email number
Security: SSL check if SSL security
authorization required
Security: STARTTLS check if STARTTLS security
authorization required
Authentication: User User name for the host string
Name and password account
Authentication: password User password for the host string

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Figure 19. Complete email Connector configuration

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Category: Messaging
Connector description: send an email message
Input Description Type
From name@name.ext string
To: name@name.ext, string
CC: name@name.ext, string
Bcc: name@name.ext, string
Subject text string
Message message to recipient which string
can include variable(s) and
text (hello ${var})
Select data or create an chose a variable to add select
expression to use here
HTML Check to activate HTML Boolean
tags in message
Attachments Include email attachment string
defined as a variable or
Set Value as expression; Toggle between choice choice
Set Value as List
Charset Character set string
Other headers: name name of additional header string
Other headers: value value of additional header string
Set Value as expression; Toggle between choice choice
Set Value as List

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

2.2.2 Configure a Connector to send a Twitter Direct Message

This Connector will send a direct message to a Twitter address. There is no output.

Figure 20. Configure a Connector to send a Twitter Direct Message

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

Twitter Direct Message

Category: Social
Connector description: send a Twitter message directly
Input Description Type
Consumer key *See below string
Consumer secret *See below string
Access token *See below string
Access token secret *See below string
Message message to recipient which string
can include variable(s) and
text (eg hello ${var})
Select data chose a variable to add select
Recipient @username string
HTTP Proxy proxy server IP address string
Proxy port port of proxy server number
Proxy user name name of proxy user string
Proxy password password of proxy user string

You will need to configure BOS as a registered application for Twitter see this blog post on
how to obtain and what to do with the ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, Access Token and
Access Secret.

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2.2.3 Configure a Connector to send a Twitter Status Update

This Connector will broadcast a Status Update via Twitter. There is no output returned.

Figure 21. Configure a Connector to send a Twitter Status Update

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

Twitter Update Status

Category: Social
Connector description: send a Twitter update to What are you doing?
Input Description Type
Consumer key *See send a Twitter direct string
message, above
Consumer secret *See send a Twitter direct string
message, above
Access token *See send a Twitter direct string
message, above
Access token secret *See send a Twitter direct string
message, above
Show password checkbox boolean
Message message from sender string
Or select a data you want choose a variable to add string
to use
HTTP Proxy proxy server IP address string
Proxy port port of proxy server number
Proxy user name name of proxy user string
Proxy password password of proxy user string
Show password checkbox boolean

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

2.3 How to configure Java Connectors

2.3.1 Configure a Connector to invoke a Java method

Figure 22. Configure a Connector to invoke a Java method

Figure 23. Browse for the java class, enter a string to search and choose

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Figure 24. Choose the Java method to invoke

Java Executor
Category: Java
Connector description: configure invocation of Java methods
Input Description Type
Class java class; click Browse and select
enter a string to find class
Methods methods defined for select
selected class;
double-click on method to

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2.4 How to configure Scripting Connectors

2.4.1 Execute a shell command or script Input

Figure 25. Configure a Connector to execute a shell command or script

Category: Scripting
Connector description: execute a shell command or script
Input Description Type
Shell command enter command, script, or string
command path to execute
a shell file
can include variable(s)
Or select a data you want choose a variable to add select
to use

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide Output

Figure 26. Choose a destination variable for the output returned

You can return the output of your executable into a predefined variable. Note that if there is no
output for your connector, you should delete this option (click the red X).

Output Description Type

Result result of script or string

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2.4.2 Configure a Connector to execute a Groovy script Input

Figure 27. Configure a Connector to execute a Groovy script

Enter an expression in Groovy. You can include predefined variables (including variables that are
Groovy expressions) here.

Category: Scripting
Connector description: execute a Groovy command or script
Input Description Type
Groovy script enter the script directly string

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide Output

Figure 28. Choose a destination variable for the output returned

You can return the output of your executable into a predefined variable. Note that if there is no
output for your connector, you should delete this option (click the red X).

Output Description Type

Result result of script or object

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2.5 How to configure LDAP Directory Connectors

This Connector searches in an LDAP directory and returns a list.

2.5.1 Inputs

Figure 29. Configure a Connector to search in an LDAP directory and return a list

Category: Database
Connector description: search in an LDAP directory and return a list of specified
Input Description Type
Host IP address or name of string
server hosting LDAP
Port LDAP directory port number
Protocol choose LDAP, LDAPS, or select
User LDAP User name string
Password LDAP user password string

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Figure 30. Define LDAP directory search

Base DN Identify Distinguished Name at string

which to start search
Filter specify a subset , e.g. String in accordance with
(&(objectClass=person) LDAP syntax
Attributes define attributes to return in string or strings separated
result entries using LDAP syntax by ,

Under Advanced Configuration:

Scope subtree (entire subtree starting select

at the base DN)
one level (entries immediately
below base DN)
base (search just named entry)
Size limit maximum number of entries to number
Time limit (in seconds) maximum time to allow search number
to run
Referral handling ignore or follow referrals select
Alias dereferencing always: Always dereference select
searching: Dereference aliases

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide

only after name resolution

never: Never dereference
finding: Dereference aliases
only during name resolution.

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2.5.2 Outputs

Figure 31. Configure LDAP Connector outputs

Output Description Type

Result result of Query: List of LdapAttributes

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2.6 How to configure Bonita system Connectors

Bonita Connectors apply actions inside the Bonita-defined process.

Note that when a Connector is configured to act on another Step in the Process, the target
Step must be already activated in order for the connector to work properly (ie, Connectors
cannot act on future Steps.)

2.6.1 Configure a Connector to add a comment

This Connector adds a comment to a Step which will be shown in the User Experience when
the Process is running.

Figure 32. Configure a Connector to add a comment

Add a comment
Category: Other
Connector description: Add text to a Step or a Process
Input Input description Type
message enter text to display string
On this step The comment appears
when this step shows up in
the User Experience inbox

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2.6.2 Configure a Connector to send a command to execute a Step

When it is activated, it executes a specified Step.

Figure 33. Configure a Connector to send a command to execute a Step

Execute a Step
Category: other
Connector description: send a command to execute the indicated Step (anywhere in
the Pool)
Input Description Type
Step name name of Step string

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2.6.3 Configure a Connector to send a command to start a Step

This Connector starts a specified Step when it is activated.

Figure 34. Configure a Connector to send a command to start a Step

Start a Step
Category: other
Connector description: send a command to start the indicated Step (any Step in the
Input Description Type
Step name name of Step string

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2.6.4 Configure a Connector to send a command to finish a Step

This Connector finishes a specified Step when it is activated.

Figure 35. Configure a Connector to send a command to finish a Step

Finish a Step
Category: other
Connector description: send a command to finish the indicated Step (any Step in the
Input Description Type
Step name name of Step string

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2.6.5 Configure a Connector to create a variable

This Connector sets the value of a Data variable when a Step is reached.

Figure 36. Configure a Connector to create a variable

Set variable
Category: other
Connector description: create a global or a local variable
Input Description Type
Name name of variable string
Value variable definition string

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2.6.6 Configure a Connector to create multiple variables

This Connector sets the value of multiple Data variables when a Step is reached.

Figure 37. Configure a Connector to create a variable

Set variable
Category: other
Connector description: create a global or a local variable
Input Description Type
Name name of variable string
Value variable definition string
Set value as expression Chose an expression to set String
Set value as table Chose a table to set String in the form:

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2.6.7 Configure a Connector to use a hook previously defined in Bonita v4

Figure 38. Configure a Connector to use a hook defined in Bonita v4

Category: other
Connector description: Use a hook defined in Bonita v4 as a Connector
Input Description Type
className name of javaclass string

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2.6.8 Configure a Connector to add an attachment

This Connector adds an attachment as data in a Step.

Figure 39. Configure a Connector to add an attachment

Add a comment
Category: Other
Connector description: Add an attachment to a Step or a Process
Input Input description Type
Attachment name enter text to display string
File path Path to directory where file
is located

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2.6.9 Configure a Connector to get the Initiator of a Process Case

Figure 40. Configure a Connector to get the initiator of a Process case

Get Case Initiator

Category: Other
Connector description: Get the Initiator of a Process Case
Input Input description Type
InstanceUUID enter UUID of target string

Figure 41. Data returned for case initiator

You can return the output this connector into a predefined variable.

Output Description Type

instanceInitiator result UUID

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2.6.10 Configure a Connector to get the Submitter of a Step

This Connector will fetch the name of the User who submits a Step (in Bonita User

Figure 42. Configure a Connector to get Submitter of a Step

Get Step Submitter

Category: Other
Connector description: get the name of the User who submits a Step
Input Input description Type
Step name Name of target Step string

Figure 43. Data returned for Step Submitter

You can return the output this connector into a predefined variable.

Output Description Type

author result string

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2.6.11 Configure a Connector to get a User Name

This Connector will fetch the name of a User.

Figure 44. Configure a Connector to get a User Name

Get User Name

Category: Other
Connector description: get the name of a User
Input Input description Type
Step name Name of target Step string

Figure 45. Data returned for User Name

You can return the output this connector into a predefined variable.

Output Description Type

user result string

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2.6.12 Configure a Connector to start a Case

This Connector will instantiate a Process case using given parameters..

Figure 46. Configure a Connector to instantiate a Process Case

Instantiate a Process Case

Category: Other
Connector description: start a Process Case
Input Input description Type
Process name Name of target Process string
Process version Which version of Process to number
Process variables Add the input variables to various
start the case with

Figure 47. Data returned Instantiated Process Case

You can return the output this connector into a predefined variable.

Output Description Type

createdProcessInstanceUUID result string

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2.7 How to configure Database Connectors

You can configure a Bonita Open Solution connector for the databases shown below, or you
can use Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to execute a query on any database. (See Use
JDBC to execute a query.)

To see an example of how to configure a Connector to query a MySQL database, see the
video How to Query a Database with Bonita Open Solution.

Drivers for the following databases can be downloaded as noted:


2.7.1 Inputs

Bonita Open Solution supports multiple databases. The inputs required for each database
are specified in each database Connector wizard.

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Figure 48. Configure a connector to execute a database query

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1. Local access databases


2. Server based / remote access databases (with assigned port)


3. Server based /remote access (w/o port)


4. Local OR Server-based

5. Local OR Server OR Web-server-based


6. Oracle

Note that to send the query result to a variable, you will need to define the Data variable
before you define the Connector.

Category: Database
Connector description: search in a database and return data
Input Description Type
Database name of database string
User name database users name string
Password database password string
Host name IP address or name of string
database host server
Port database assigned port integer
DB server name of database server string
Local check if locally based boolean
Server check if server-based boolean
Web server check if web-server based boolean
SSL support check if SSL security boolean
authentication required
SID check if database has an boolean
Oracle system ID
oracleServiceName check if this is to go to an boolean
oracleOCI check is this is to go to an boolean
Oracle Instant Client

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Query the statement or query string
expression which can
include variable(s) with the
syntax ${var}
Or select a data choose a variable to add select
you want to use
others some databases require
unique input (ie Oracle)

2.7.2 Outputs

You can return the output of your database query into a variable.

Figure 49. Define variable to take database query output

Database Connectors Output

Output Description Type
rowSet result of Query RowSet
Destination variable Select a predefined
variable or Add a new one

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2.7.3 Use Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to execute a query or script

Figure 50. Use JDBC to query a database Inputs

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Figure 51. Configure JDBC

Category: Java Database Connector
Connector description: Use a JDBC to execute a command on a database
Input Description Type
Driver database access driver string
URL Location of the target String in the form of a URL
User name database users name string
Password database password string
Query or script To be executed on string
Statement separator For multiple statements: go MS SQL, Sybase
(separator specific to
database being queried) ; all others

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2.8 How to configure Alfresco Connectors

For an example of how to configure an Alfresco Connector, see the video How to Upload a File to
Alfresco with Bonita Open Solution.

Figure 52. Alfresco Connectors

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2.8.1 Common inputs

All Alfresco Connectors require the same initial input:

Figure 53. Common inputs for all Alfresco Connectors

Alfresco Connectors
Input Description Type
host IP address or name of string
Alfresco directory host
port Alfresco directory port number
username Alfresco user name string
password Alfresco user password string

Unique inputs for each Alfresco Connector are given in the following sections.

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2.8.2 Common outputs

All Alfresco Connectors present the same output options:

Figure 54. Configure outputs for Alfresco Connector

Output Description Type

responseType Response type String
statusCode Response status code number
statusText Response status text String
stackTrace Stacktrace if exception String
Destination variable Select a predefined
variable or Add a new one

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2.8.3 Configure a Connector to cancel a checked-out Alfresco file Unique inputs

Figure 55. Enter path and information for checked-out file to cancel

Cancel Checked-out File

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: cancel a checked-out file
Input Description Type
File ID ID of the file to be canceled String

2.8.4 Configure a Connector to check in an Alfresco file Unique inputs

Figure 56. Enter ID and information for checked-in file

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Check in
Category: Alfresco
Connector description: check in an Alfresco file
fileID ID of the file you are string
checking in
Major version if true, the file is checked in Boolean
as a major version
(example from 5.1 to 6.0)
if false, the file the file is
checked in as a minor
version (example from 5.1
to 5.2)
Check-in comments File history string

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2.8.5 Configure a Connector to check out an Alfresco file Unique inputs

Figure 57. Enter ID for checked-out file

Check out a File

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: check out an Alfresco file
fileID ID of the file you are string
checking out

2.8.6 Configure a Connector to create an Alfresco folder by path Unique inputs

Figure 58. Enter Alfresco path and folder details

Create Folders By Path

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: create folder in specified path
parentPath path of the folder in which String (file syntax)
you will create a new
newFoldersName folder name String
newFoldersDescription folder description String

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2.8.7 Configure a Connector to delete an Alfresco folder Unique inputs

Figure 59. Enter path of Alfresco folder to delete

Delete Folder By Path

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: delete folder and its contents in specified path
Input Description Type
folderPath path of the folder to be String

2.8.8 Configure a Connector to delete an Alfresco item by ID Unique inputs

Figure 60. Enter ID for item to be deleted

Cancel Checked-out File

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: cancel a checked-out file
Input Description Type
File ID ID of the item to be String

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2.8.9 Configure a Connector to download an Alfresco file by ID Unique inputs

Figure 61. Enter path and information for file to download

Download file by ID
Category: Alfresco
Connector description: download a file by ID
Input Description Type
File ID ID of the file to be canceled String
Folder for the downloaded Destination folder for the String (file path syntax)
file file
Downloaded file name Name of file to be String

2.8.10 Configure a Connector to download an Alfresco file by store and ID Unique inputs

Figure 62. Enter version store and information for file to download

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Download file by store and ID

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: download a file by store and ID
Input Description Type
Version store The sore for the version String
File ID ID of the file to be canceled String
Folder for the downloaded Destination folder for the String (file path syntax)
file file
Downloaded file name Name of file to be String

2.8.11 Configure a Connector to List Alfresco File versions Unique inputs

Figure 63. Enter ID of file

List File Versions

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: create folder in specified path
fileID ID of the file for which you string
are listing versions

2.8.12 Configure a Connector to list checked-out Alfresco files

This Connector has no unique inputs or outputs. See 2.9.1 and 2.9.2, Alfresco Common
Inputs and Output.

2.8.13 List all Alfresco folders by path

This Connector returns a list of Alfresco folders found in a specified path.

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide Unique inputs

Figure 64. Specify the path for the folders

List Folder By Path

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: list folders in specified path
Input Description Type
Folder path path of the folder for which String (file syntax)
you will list contents

2.8.14 Configure a Connector to update a checked-out Alfresco file Unique inputs

Figure 65. Enter path and information for checked-out file to update

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Update Checked-out File

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: update a checked-out file
Input Description Type
Absolute path of file path of the checked-out String (file syntax)
Description file description String
Mime type mime type String
checkedOutFileID ID of the file to be updated String

2.8.15 Configure a Connector to upload an Alfresco file by path Unique inputs

Figure 66. Enter path of and information about file

Upload File By Path

Category: Alfresco
Connector description: upload file to destination folder
Absolute path of file path of the folder in which String (file syntax)
you will create a new file
File name file name String
Description file description String
Mime type Mime type String
Destination folder Name of the destination String
folder in which you will
create a new file

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2.9 How to configure Jasper Connectors

2.9.1 Inputs

Figure 67. Configure Connector to Create a Jasper Report from a database

Create Report
Category: Jasper
Connector description: create a Jasper report from a database
Input Description Type
Database driver Database driver string
JDBC URL Location of database string
User name database user name string
Password database user password string

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2.9.2 Outputs

Figure 68. Enter file path and output for Jasper report

Create Report
Category: Jasper
Connector description: create a Jasper report from a database
Output Description Type
JRXML file path Path of Jasper xml file string
Parameters: name Name of parameter to string
include in report
Parameters: value Value of parameter to string
include in report
Set value as expression Use and expression for the string
output value
Set value as table Use table for the output String in the form:
values list<list<object>>
Output file path Destination of output file string
Output format Choose pdf, html, or xml

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2.10 How to Configure Sugar CRM Connectors

Figure 69. Configure Connectors for SugarCRM

2.10.1 Common inputs

Figure 70. Enter SugarCRM database locator and authentication

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Get Sugar entries

Category: SugarCRM
Connector description: get SugarCRM entries from the indicated module
Input Description Type
Sugar SOAP port Location of SOAP port String in the form a of a
User database user name String
Password database user password string
Application name Name of your Sugar app string

2.10.2 Common outputs

Figure 71. Define where to take SugarCRM output

Define the Data variables needed to accept the report returned. Note that you can Add
variables here for output.

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2.10.3 Configure a Connector to get SugarCRM entries from indicated module Unique Inputs

Figure 72. Inputs for Get SugarCRM entries

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Get Sugar entries

Category: SugarCRM
Connector description: get SugarCRM entries from the indicated module
Input Description Type
Module SugarCRM module to String
search in
Query Search function string
Order by How to organize the results string
Fields to retrieve Results to return Array
Set value as expression; Choose for single or String or
set value as a table multiple values array in the form
Link name List of link names Array
Link fields Variable definitions for the Array
link fields

2.10.4 Configure a Connector to get SugarCRM Opportunities from an Account Unique inputs

Figure 73. Inputs for Get SugarCRM opportunities

Get Account Opportunities

Category: SugarCRM
Connector description: get SugarCRM opportunities from the specified account
Input Description Type
Account ID ID of SugarCRM account to String
Account name Name of SugarCRM string
account to search

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2.10.5 Configure a Connector to create or modify a SugarCRM entry Unique inputs

Figure 74. Inputs for Create or modify a SugarCRM entry

Set Sugar Entry

Category: SugarCRM
Connector description: Create or modify SugarCRM entry
Input Description Type
Module Name of CRM module String
Name value list Name and value of entries string
to create or modify
Set value as expression; Choose for single or String or
set value as a table multiple values array in the form

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2.10.6 Configure a Connector to create a SugarCRM Account Unique Inputs

Figure 75. Inputs to Create a SugarCRM account

Create Sugar Account

Category: SugarCRM
Connector description: Create an account
Input Description Type
Account name Name of new account String
Phone number Accounts phone number number
Website Accounts Web site URL

2.10.7 Configure a Connector to create a SugarCRM Contact Unique Inputs

Figure 76. Inputs to Create a SugarCRM contact

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Create Sugar Contact

Category: SugarCRM
Connector description: Create a contact
Input Description Type
First name Name of contact String
Last name Family name of contact String
Email address name@name.ext String
Account ID Account to save contact to string

2.10.8 Configure a Connector to create a SugarCRM Opportunity Unique inputs

Figure 77. Inputs to Create a SugarCRM opportunity

Create Sugar Opportunity

Category: SugarCRM
Connector description: creates an opportunity
Input Description Type
Name Name of contact String
Account ID Account to file opportunity String
Expected close date Date Date
Amount Anticipated amount of sale number
Probability Estimated probability of number

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2.11 How to configure Talend Connectors

2.11.1 Configure a Connector to launch a Talend job

Figure 78. Configure a Connector to launch a Talend job

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Figure 79. Configure a new Talend job

Talend Job Launcher

Category: Talend
Connector description: Create a new Talend Job
Input Description Type
Project Name Name of the Talend project string
Job Name Name of the Talend job string
Job Version Version of the Talend job string
Job Parameter: name name of parameter string
Job parameter: value value of parameter string
Add row
Print Buffer Output Choose if you want your boolean
job to contain a buffer
Set value as expression; Choose for single or String or
set value as a table multiple values array in the form

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Figure 80. Configure output of Talend job

Output Description Type

bufferOutput Definition of the schema of Array array (table) of
the response of the job strings

2.11.2 Configure a Connector to launch a Talend MDM Connector Inputs

Figure 81. Enter Talend MDM authentication

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Talend MDM Connector

Category: Talend
Connector description: Update a Talend MDM entity
Input Description Type
Host IP address or name of string
server. You may use the
MDM_host variable if
Port Host port. You may use number
the MDM_port variable if
Version The version to use. If string
empty, defaults to the
[HEAD] version. You may
use the MDM_universe
variable if defined.

Figure 82. Enter Talend MDM configuration

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Talend MDM Connector

Category: Talend
Connector description: Update a Talend MDM entity
Input Description Type
datamodel The data-model to use. You string
may use the
MDM_dataModel variable
if defined.
datacontainer The data-container to string
update. You may use the
MDM_dataCluster variable
if it is defined.
updatemap: name XPath of the element to string
update. More than one
element may be updated,
add multiple rows using
add row. There must be
at least one row with the
XPath to the PK. You may
use the variables with the
_xpath suffix if defined.
updatemap: value The PK value, or the value string
to set in the element for all
the other rows.
Add row
Set value as expression; Choose for single or String or
set value as a table multiple values array in the form

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2.12 How to Configure eXo Connectors

Figure 83 Configure eXo Connectors

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2.12.1 Common inputs

Figure 84a and b. Inputs for eXo Connectors

Input Description Type
host IP address or name of eXo string
directory host server
port eXo directory port number number
username eXo user name string
password eXo user password string
URI URI of the item to String

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2.12.2 Common outputs

Figure 85. Outputs for eXo Connectors

Output Description Type

response Can be: String
client error
server error
statusCode Response status code number
statusText Response status text String

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2.12.3 Configure Connector to create a folder in eXo Unique inputs

Figure 86. Configure Connector to Create a new folder in eXo

eXo - CreateFolder
Category: eXo
Connector description: Create a new folder in eXo JCR
Input Description Type
Parent URI URI of the parent folder String
new folder name name of new folder String

2.12.4 Configure a Connector to download an eXo file Unique inputs

Figure 87. Inputs for Download an eXo file

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eXo DownloadFile
Category: eXo
Connector description: Download a file from a WebDav server
Input Description Type
File URI URI of the file to download String
Output file folder Destination folder for the String
Output file name Name of the output file String

2.12.5 Configure a Connector to upload a file to eXo

Figure 88. Configure Connector to Upload a file to eXo

eXo - UploadFile
Category: eXo
Connector description: upload file to a WebDAV server
Input Description Type
Destination URI the destination URI of the String
folder of the uploaded file
File the absolute path of the String
file to upload
ContentType mime type of the uploaded String

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2.13 How to configure xWiki Connectors

There are two xWikis Connectors; both have the same set of inputs and outputs to configure.

Figure 89. Configure an xWiki Connector

2.13.1 Common inputs

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Figure 90a and b. Common inputs for xWiki Connectors

Input Description Type
host IP address or name of wiki string
host server
port wiki port number number
User name Wiki account user name string
password Wiki user password string
Wiki name Name of wiki String
Space name Wiki space String
Page name Page in wiki String
Class name Wiki class String
Property name
Property value

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2.13.2 Common outputs

Figure 91. Outputs for xWiki Connectors

Output Description Type

Property value* Value returned from search string
response Can be: String
client error
server error
statusText Response status text String

Property value is returned for the Get Metadata Connector only.

Note that the output fields can be deleted (red X) if no output is needed.

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2.14 How to configure Google Connectors

Figure 92. Configure a Google calendar event

2.14.1 Common inputs

Figure 93. Common inputs for Google calendar Connectors

Google Calendar
Input Description Type
userEmail Gmail user email user String
password Gmail password string
CalendarURL URL of Google calendar (eg string

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2.14.2 Configure a Connector to create a Google calendar event with web content Unique inputs

Figure 94. Configure a Connector to Create a Google calendar event with web content

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Google Calendar CreateEventWithWebContent

Category: Google
Connector description: create a new event with Web content in specified Google
Input Description Type
Title Title of event String
Content Content of event String
startTime Date and time to start Date (and time)
endTime Date and time to end event Date and time
icon URL of favicon (eg String
Icon Title Title of icon String
contentType Text or HTML String
url URL of web content String
Width Width of web content in number
Height Height of web content in number

2.14.3 Configure a Connector to create a Google calendar event Unique inputs

Figure 95. Configure a Connector to Create a Google calendar event

Google Calendar CreateEvent

Category: Google
Connector description: create a new event in specified Google calendar

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Input Description Type

Title Title of event String
Content Content of event String
startTime Date and time to start Date
endTime Date and time to end event Date

2.14.4 Configure a Connector to delete a Google calendar event Unique inputs

Figure 96. Configure a Connector to Delete a Google calendar event

GoogleCalendar DeleteEvent
Category: Google
Connector description: delete an event from specified Google calendar
Input Description Type
searchString String to find event (by String

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2.15 How to configure web service Connectors

2.15.1 How to configure a Connector to execute a web service

Figure 97. Configure a Connector to Execute a web service Inputs

Figure 98. Configure a Web service Connector

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Web Service Client Execute a web service

Category: Web Services
Connector description: execute a Web service
Input Description Type
Target NS Target namespace (URL) String
Service name Name of web service string
Port name Web service port name string
Request Requestor entity string
End point address URI string
Binding Specify protocol and data string
format Outputs

Figure 99. Configure Execute a Web service Connector outputs

Output Description Type

response result of execution source

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2.16 How to configure a Drools Connector

2.16.1 Inputs

Figure 100. Configure a Connector to execute a Drools knowledge session

Drools Stateless Knowledge Session

Category: Drools
Connector description: Call a business rule or set of rules from Drools
Input Description Type
drlFilePath Path to the Drools List of String (in the form of a file
Facts path)
ListOfFacts Name of the Drools List of Array array (table) of
Facts strings

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2.16.2 Outputs

Figure 101. Configure output of Drools Connector

Output Description Type

RevisedListOfFacts Changes to List of Facts Array array (table) of
due to data exchange strings

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2.17 How to configure SAP Connectors

Figure 102. Configure a Connector to call an SAP function

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2.17.1 Configure a Connector to execute an SAP call function Inputs for existing configuration

Figure 103a and b. Configure a Connector to execute an SAP call function

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SAP Call Function

Category: SAP
Connector description: Call an SAP function
Input: Existing Description Type
Existing configuration Name of the SAP String
name configuration
Input: New Configuration:
Input Description Type
Server type Application or message Choose one option
Client Number of the SAP client number
for logon
User ID User ID for SAP logon string
Password SAP password string
Language Code for language string
Host Name SAP host name or IP String
address of the server
System number SAP system number number

Figure 104. Configure a connector to execute an SAP call function, contd

Input Description Type

Repository Name of SAP repository String
Function Name Name of SAP function string
Commit on success, Choose one or more Boolean
Roll back on failure; actions
Release client

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Figure 105. Configure a connector to execute an SAP call function, contd

Input Description Type

Type Data variable type String
Table/Structure Name Name of SAP table or string
Parameter name Data variable name string
Parameter value Data variable value string

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Figure 106. Configure outputs for SAP call function

Output Description Type

Type Data variable type String
Table/Structure Name Name of SAP table or string
Xpath Navigation path string
Variable name Name of output variable string
HTML file Name of HTML to save string
output to

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2.17.2 Configure a Connector to create an SAP connection Inputs

Figure 107a and b. Configure a Connector to create an SAP client

Create an SAP client

Category: SAP
Connector description: Create an SAP client
Input Description Type
Server type Application or message Choose one option
Client Number of the SAP client number
for logon
User ID User ID for SAP logon string
Password SAP password string
Language Code for language string
Host Name SAP host name or IP String
address of the server
System number SAP system number number

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Figure 108. Configure outputs for Create an SAP client

Output Description Type

createdConnectionName Output variable name String

2.17.3 Configure a Connector to execute an SAP commit Inputs

Figure 109. Configure a connector to execute an SAP commit

Input Description Type

Existing connection Name Name of SAP connection string
Repository Name of SAP repository String
Release client Choose action Boolean

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2.17.4 Configure a Connector to release an SAP connection Inputs

Figure 110. Configure a connector to release an SAP connection

Input Description Type

Existing connection name Name of SAP connection string

2.1.5 Configure a Connector to execute an SAP rollback Inputs

Figure 111. Configure a connector to execute an SAP rollback

Input Description Type

Existing connection Name Name of SAP connection string
Repository Name of SAP repository String
Release client Choose action Boolean

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2.18 How to configure SharePoint Connectors

Figure 112 Configure SharePoint Connectors

2.18.1 Common inputs

Figure 113. Inputs for SharePoint Connectors

Input Description Type
username SharePoint user name string
password SharePoint user password string
fileUrl Location of SharePoint file String (url)

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2.18.2 Common outputs

Output Description Type

succeed response string

Figure 114a and b. outputs for Outputs for SharePoint Connectors

Output Description Type

statusCode Response status code number
statusText Response status text String
response Can be: String
client error
server error

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2.18.3 Configure a Connector to cancel checkout from a SharePoint server

No unique inputs or outputs

2.18.4 Configure a Connector to check in a SharePoint file Unique inputs

Add a comment to the Connector input (optional).

Figure 115. Unique input for Check in file from a SharePoint server

2.18.5 Configure a Connector to check out a SharePoint file

No unique inputs or outputs

2.18.6 Configure Connector to get items from a SharePoint List Unique inputs

Figure 116. Configure Connector to Create a new folder in SharePoint

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SharePoint get items from a List

Category: SharePoint
Connector description: Get items from a List on a SharePoint server
Input Description Type
SharePoint list name Name of the SharePoint list String Unique Outputs

Figure 117. Unique output for Get items from a SharePoint list

Output Description Type

xmlResponse response string

2.18.7 Configure Connector to create a new folder in SharePoint Unique inputs

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Figure 118a and b. Configure Connector to Create a new folder in SharePoint

SharePoint Create a Folder

Category: SharePoint
Connector description: create a folder on a SharePoint sever through WebDAV
Input Description Type
host IP address or name of string
SharePoint directory host
port SharePoint server port number
username SharePoint user name string
password SharePoint user password string
Parent URI URI for new folder String
New folder name Name of new folder string

2.18.8 Configure a Connector to delete a SharePoint item Unique inputs

Figure 119. Configure Connector to Delete an item from SharePoint

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SharePoint Delete Item

Category: SharePoint
Connector description: delete an item from SharePoint server through WebDAV
Input Description Type
host IP address or name of string
SharePoint directory host
port SharePoint server port number
username SharePoint user name string
password SharePoint user password string
URI to delete URI for folder to delete String

2.18.9 Configure a Connector to download a SharePoint file Unique inputs

Figure 120. Inputs for Download a SharePoint file

SharePoint DownloadFile
Category: SharePoint
Connector description: Download a file from a SharePoint server through WebDav
Input Description Type
File URI URI of the file to download String
Output file folder Destination folder for the String
Output file name Name of the output file String

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2.18.10 Configure a Connector to upload a file to SharePoint Unique inputs

Figure 121. Configure Connector to Upload a file to SharePoint

SharePoint - UploadFile
Category: SharePoint
Connector description: upload a file to a SharePoint server through WebDAV
Input Description Type
Destination URI the destination URI of the String
folder of the uploaded file
File the absolute path of the String
file to upload
ContentType mime type of the uploaded String
URI URI of the folder for String
version control

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2.19 How to Configure Exchange Connectors

2.19.1 Common inputs

Figure 122. Coonfigure Exchange connectors

Category: Exchange
Connector description: create new calendar items and contacts with Exchange
Input Description Type
Username Account holders name String
Password Account holders password String
Server selection Location of server selection

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2.19.2 Configure a Connector to create a new Exchange calendar item Unique Inputs

Figure 123. Configure a Connector to create a new calendar item

Exchange create a new calendar item

Category: Exchange
Connector description: create new Exchange calendar item
Input Description Type
Subject Subject of calendar event String
Body Calendar event message string
Start time Beginning of event date
End time End of event date
Location Location of event string
Required attendees emails List of email addresses string

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Bonita Open Solution 5.3 Connectors Reference Guide Unique outputs

Output Description Type

statusCode Response status code number
statusText Response status text String
response Response text String
Destination variable Select a predefined
variable or Add a new one

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2.19.3 Create a new Exchange contact Unique inputs

Figure 124. Configure Connector for create a new Exchange contact

Exchange create a new contact

Category: Exchange
Connector description: create new Exchange contacts
Input Description Type
GivenName Contacts first name String
Surname Contacts family name string
CompanyName Contacts company string
Job Title Contacts position string
Phonenumber Contacts phone number string
Email Contacts email address string

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Part 3. How to Configure Your Own Connectors

There are two ways to configure a custom Connector. You can develop your own using the
editor to enter Java code, or use the re-use Wizard to create a new Connector based on an
existing one.

3.1 Develop your own Connectors

For a step-by-step example of how to develop a Connector by editing, see the tutorial How
to Create a Connector.

To add your own connector to Bonita Open Solution:

Menu bar: Connector -> New Connector
Menu bar: -> Connector -> New Group
Menu bar: -> Connector -> New Filter
click a Step and go to Details -> Connectors -> Create

Figure 125. Add your own Connector to Bonita Open Solution

The Connector wizard will appear.

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Figure 126. Set the description of your Connector

Connector ID: name the Connector

Description: description of Connector function
Category: select one of the existing Bonita Connector categories
Icon: import an image to be displayed with the Connector name (recommended
square, not larger than 60 x 60 pixels)
Class name: this automatically takes the Connector name, but you can change it
Package: Java package
Specify the pages of the wizard of your connector. This will define the parameters of
the fields to appear in the form displayed in the User Interface. Select Create.
o Enter the Page ID, title, and description
o Select Create
o For each field in the wizard, enter a Field name, indicate if it is Mandatory,
select a Widget and a Data type. Select OK to return to Set the description
of your Connector.
Specify the outputs of your Connector. Select Create.
o Enter the field names and data types

Click Finish when completed.

The java source file window will appear, in which you can create the executable Connector.
When it is completed, save it and close the window to return to the Process.

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Figure 127. Create java source file

The Connector you have created is now available in Details -> Connectors.

Figure 128. Your Connector is now available

For more information, see the tutorial, How to Create a Connector, and the video How to
Get the Latest Tweet About a Subject.

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3.2 Create a new Connector from an existing one

To create a new Connector from an existing one, go to the Menu bar and select Connectors -
> Edit Connector.

Figure 129. Edit an exisiting Connector to create a new one

Select the Connector you want to use as a starting point and Next.

Figure 130. Select Use Wizard to start with an existing configuration

When you select Finish, the editor will appear with the existing configuration. Change the name of
the Connector, and edit its parameters as shown in Develop your Own Connector.

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3.3 Import or Export a Connector

To import your own Connector to Bonita Open Solution:

Menu Bar: Connector -> Open Connector

Figure 131. Import (or Export) a Connector from the Menu bar

Browse to where your Connector is located and upload it.

To export a Connector form Bonita Open Solution:

Menu Bar -> Connector -> Export Connector

The Connector will be exported as a *.jar file.

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Part 4. How to import a Connector from BonitaSoft Community


To import a Connector from BonitaSoft Community Contribution into Bonita Open Solution:

Menu Bar: Extensions -> Browse contributions.

This will connect to the Contributions section of From here you can
select a shared extension and Install it. (You will need to be registered as a BonitaSoft
Community user and log in to the Community forum from Bonita Studio).

Figure 132. Select an extension from the Contributions page

Figure 133. Click Install to import extension

To close the Contributions page and return to the Whiteboard, click the X in the upper right
corner of the window.

Part 5. How to analyze a problem in Bonita Open Solution

Your Bonita Open Solution log files (for Bonita Studio and Bonita Execution Engine are
available via the Menu Bar: Help -> Show log and Help -> Show engine log.

When you encounter a problem, please post a description of the problem and a copy of your
log file on the Bonita Community Forum at

BonitaSoft developers, among others, actively contribute to the Bonita Community and will
post a response.

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