101 BEST-EVER Workshop Projects PDF

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thrifty hold- down knobs Turn to the lathe for savings. ‘You can sink alot of money into knobs with threaded studs, such as those used fn the routertable fence shown above. “Why not make them?” we asked our selves the other day when we needed four knobs for project To make your own knobs, stat by mounting @ piece of oak to an auxiliary faceplate, as shown below. Then, using a skew or small gouge, tur the knob to shape and sand smooth, Next, drill ae" hole with a Forster bit, and epoxy.a 17 hexhead bottinco the hole. Before epoxying. check thatthe bolt isthe ‘mating T-nut and thatthe exposed thread will be long enough to zo throvgh the stock and into the T-nut, Our knobs mecsured 2” in diameter.® sgn expLooED VIEW Pi ese bot fee ‘He hole 94" doop, ‘contere in kn Stock Wsiter—”/ Vi rondovers Hormet adhesive Project Desi: Merten Kort Protapaph. Bob Gamer fusuator: Jamie Downing Setter Homes and Gardens® 101Best-Ever Workshop Projects: Song eM KET Peter AF ABEL ten DE SNE Pas er BE PL ove a Pet ae owen ‘eet on OUR Se ei xO ‘ip Je ‘etn CRS MLN Pest ng MAREE USER Cea Cae m4 HEY Poe sm SoS Petter Rt EA ‘esses Ne RS ‘Deas Pre 2207 FOO Soca rent URAL ethyl ann ‘sine pen dey Me 25th at AS Fone USS act Sue as ny nec ST Sanat erg ARE. ISON Pere 2255 OO ae PRST IN Soe Paw fe SR UA Enna ans: Dean, er me oem east c.0 Sete a ‘St qatar Se ep ‘gape vnen eae Sofa enor fee ene are re ms ‘Sentra ots no tine team wa cer 2 A 101 Workshep Projects 2002 saw-blade selector Slotted holder keeps your blades in sight and ready. ‘Walk meunt this handy holder near the stationary saws in your shop. or, if you like, place it on a convenient beachiog. You'll find i the ideal storage proj ‘organizing an assortment of sa blades and a dado-blade se, TTormake the notches, eu the side pieces {o shape, and mark the noich locations ‘Then, mount a ¥4" dado blade to your tablesaw tilt the blade 45° from center, ‘nd using your miter gauge with an attached auxiliary wood fence for suppor make the cuts. Prject Desig: James 8, Downing 4 Pretogagny. we. Hopkins usratns: Kin Downs 2 FH. wocd screw for mounting fo wall s _ Vxerbed ae Y plywood sdes EXPLODED VIEW 4 notches —7 su deep PART VIEW “48 AH, wood seis for mounting 4 101 Workshop Projects 2002 stay-put Forget scrapwood. Once you try these these easy-to- make pads, you'll want to crank out a pair for every pipe clamp you own. ‘Trying to hold a scrapwood pad in place ‘hile snugging up a pipe clamp can prove nextto impossible, And, the small base on most pipe clamps also makes tem prone to tipping over. Oureasy-i0- make pipe-lamp pads solve both of these annyoing problems. The pads shown here fit a Pony-brand ‘4 pipe clamp, bur you cen adapt the design to fit otter brands and sizes. For a Y& pipe clamp, bore a %" hole, The size, shape, and lecation ofthe retainer notch also may Vay. ‘To start, cut a ¥ed~24" piece of ply- ‘wood, then lay out the shape and hole locations for four pads. where dimen sioned on the pattern below right. Cut the pads to shape, and then drill the holes ‘here marked, Sand or rout a slight round-over on all the edges. Cut the hardboard spacers and retainers to size, attach them with serews as shown, and. you're all set to clamp down on your next project PAD PATTERN Note: Enlarge | 200% to maxe fusing pattem. pipe clamp pads vans te a" shank hole, countereunk hardboard epacor = wen (\ Pre Lezak gen “US Peer Bey 36" roundovers routed botore ettng noiehos 4Yf forstding-read damos Tut for Quehare camps. BAR-CLAMP RACK 12 101 Werkohop Projecto 2002 eee “A. EXPLODED VIEW Washer 0x2) Ey Ws reund-over~ amping pressure applic sever utsde edges fora good bond. seeas, ve turn to our locking C-clamps, asa throat depth of over 15". To. on of locking C-clumps, we found this jpport an organizer's dream, } 117 x4 brads LOCKING C-CLAMP SUPPORT 7 All-in-a-row C-clamp rack EXPLODED VIEW Stet shark noe, ‘cunversune on beck sd 1 cowal ‘slong 7s hola 1" dep Qe A #101270 FH Wood we 0s Y ve shankoles (obama) 76° (< ‘Yat hole 1" deop onbboth endo ‘When the job calls for plenty of clamping pressure, no- nonsense C-clamps provide the answer. Te hang and organize this type of clamp, build our four-piese wall- ‘mounted hanger with its notched front support. The notches allow you to hang the clamps on the ruck /— #10 x2" FH. wood screw ‘without having to tighten them ‘outed before eating "shark hele, countersunk C-CLAMP RACK vesracoodonlin.corm 13 Ifthere was ever a simpler organizer for hand- screw clamps, we haven't seen it, Just cut the sup- pport extension (A) to fit between the threaded rods of the clamp, chamfer the outside end of the sup- port, and securely mount it to the backboard (B). ‘We've found that about four clamps per supportis | afull load, # | cut Maran Kot Project Desgns: Richard Tollastson; \ SelSontng Janet dowbe \ Pieces ie tone | crane mee Ue | oiaeares ccuntoreuni on back side EXPLODED VIEW { : ve chamfer ee 4 #10 finish (courtarsure) washer 0x20" FH, wood serow — HANDOSCREW-CLAMP ORGANIZER 4 404 Workthop Projects 2002 oe doeeoe 9 double-duty clamp/lumber rack Great storage for both! Ve washer {Lamber inventories inthe typical home ssvodworking shop always vary. If you stock up on material to make a big project or a lot of holiday gifts, the stacks of lum- ber on the floor can become a trafic huz- xd. Buti you build « permanent home ve wing nut trea eneaier necpend fr these plans, the space stile when wat cur wood supply is Here's one sohition foldable racks ) shat can keep pipe clamps tucked against ecb ae the wall bt dp fer isan amber ste~ eB ODED YEW Naser sexier 298 when you nved it "With sides of 4" plywood and center blocks of 2x material, these brackets are trong and eay to make, The rea pivot point ots acund a" bot that's placed in the wall stad on if te wal studs ae covered, ina 2 upright LUMBER /CLAMP RACK secured to the top and botem of the wll The serzs of hoes (on 6” centr) in the stud or upright ets you position the brackets ight where you need them, and also provides a ocking bolt location when they're olde The clamp-holding feature requires jut thee Yo" screw oks threaded ito cach corter block, Tey'l hold 4" and ‘pipe clamps, as well as clamp styles wih square or rectangular bars. Find all the needed hardvare at your loal kad ware Tetailer or home center. ve hole ts" washer ea) W hexhead bolt ve wing nt usuators: Roxanne Lomein Photographs: HetRenngton Pnotograpty PART VIEW i ce ai wee law LE Leg Lg Lar — for serew hock wr mocaoniine com 18 scrolisaw-b organizer With just a little effort and scrapwood you'll finally have the perfect place for those easly misplaced blades. Scrollsawers know that laying their hands on the right biade can be tricky and time- consuming, especially if these tiny cuting tools get mixed together. This handy litle organizer, designed to separate and store your blades comes from WOOD» maga- vine reader John M. Turok of Coon Rapids, Minnesou. To build it, all you need is smal bit of serop stock and some ¥3'-diameter (54" OLD.) CPVC pipe and caps. For still more convenience, dill few extra holes in a rack top to hold serollsaw tools, such as Allen wrenches, Consider EXPLODED VIEW Paper label labeling the tubes for easy reference. You tgpod'te tte. t can hang the unit on a wall or set iton a fat surface near your serolisaw pei inte % boron! CVE hob Iuswaton: Jame Downing Photegraan. Wns Hepline [Hote sized to op ecrotcaw too! uc SO tu Su toes sens esac cane ac sae totam eavoaree “test ae #8x2" FH. 19.1 FH wood ocow — ead sre ‘listo ek, os ve deep yy 7 bentone te eye he same es cane | Sue Bis" shank hole, Bete pret ip ae ieee SUA 16 40% Workshop Projects 2002 ‘Meke this fabulous little storage unit with common cove moldings available at any home center. Tired of constantly fussing around with your scsollsaw blades? With this clever helper made ‘Som commen cove moldings, you can easily remieve blades by reaching in with a finger and jwceping the blades up along the eurved edge of exh hollow. To baiid the drawer, glue and clamp the cove ‘ogether. Then, serew the guides under- seath your bench or srollsaw stand. A sting seeps the drawer from sliding out too far, and a ‘rad nailed to one guide stops the drawer flu ‘vi the front of the bench. ® eet Design: James R. owning = togrpn, Hopeis Associates “svaon Roxanne LeMiine Fagtan to undersda of mounting surace fo provent drawar rom pulling outcompetely. EXPLODED VIEW PS eee | sworn mocdenine.com 7 workbench tool crib Keep. power tools out of sight and out of the i way, yet rignt at hand when you want them, with this easy-to-make workstation helper. END DETAIL ‘To stores tols cose at Hand, reader Donovan Nagel of “Madison, Wisconsin, designed and built this flip-down tool crib that neatly secures in place beneath the benchiop. He sores power ts in it but you can use ito suit your needs. ‘Simply build the exib as shown to fit between the logs of your ‘workbench. Fasten it in place with twos” cariage bolts, To put your crib into action, simply pull on the handle cutout and swing it out A pair of stops srowed to the bottom of your workbench help prevent the eri from ever falling {0 far forward or backward, ‘Asan added feature, cuta hole in the back piece and install a ‘multiple out in the ‘00h crib EXPLODED VIEW Note: A stocks 3" plywood ‘excep! stonblotks. mmulteoutet Powertip “1 hale fer cor Wate FH, ‘wood cereus 4 groves it Siiomtovom eae Ser reppel i deep Pre! Design: Donovan Nagel Tuan: Kim Deora 18 ‘101 Workshop Projets. 2002 simple saw rack Heng up your: up your saws safely aaa reacily at hand. Test eee poor ancaws en pep- east feos cx worse, mails? Iso, dress Soe Sep with this sturdy maple Sssssse= Asdimensioned on the draw eee Se 19 thick spacers between {Se epee fee rezulerhandsaws and 36 Sees forhicksaws. Thea, we s@es Se mp between the ends and on top Se sport stp. For safety, hang all of soe ses wth the tee Facing the wall ® SSS ate Downing: Mike Henny ‘he! shank hole, ‘countersunk tex2 Fi, EXPLODED VIEW ie pilot holes 114" der ue e 0 ‘ee shark noe, ey ( #83" FH. wed stow ‘et shank hole, ‘or drywall sevew “courtorourk| 19 ready wrench rack Hang ’em up and keep ’em handy! We built cur racks to handsomely hold 16-pcce ("to 1%") Stanley combination wrench set As desenbed betow and onthe Notch det you may need wo change afew dimensions for your puter set. A, depending upon how mach space you have fr banging your wrenches ‘you may vant to place the racks end to-end, as shown at righ. or ang ne rack under the ote: ‘Note In or research, we discovered hat several marafecters offer lghl deren wrench designs and ell ses containing varingrum- bers wrenches. For this reason, she size and numberof epenings in the racks you me may reed to difer fram the ones shown here “ottild the racks, cu the ont and hack pieces to size. Measure the di shane ne, ‘width (A) of each wrench, and lay out the comesponding dadoes to ths: ee Holitha stan os bol one arene Tee agact be eZ dade inthe bck piece wl eth width ofthe wrench (A) plus. ‘Now, measure the thickess(B) of each wrench, and et the dadoes Wo this dept plus" on he fon face ofthe back pies. Gi the pieces toetr, and then cutaway the waste (Shaded acs) fom the from pees, wheteshown 14 4" onthe dravings ® Weste s1ox20' FH, wood sera ay shank hoe, ‘countersunk NOTCH DETAIL, het shank hol, ‘saunter EXPLODED VIEW shes tta tu ee ‘4c! shank hoe, ve ‘countersunk HOx2u EM, ‘wood eoron Projet Desir: cae atson Ioseators: Jamie Downing Photeoreph Hopkins Assocites 20 top-notch chisel rack ‘You won't need much time or materials to make our practical wall-mounted holder. Smctimes, the best ideas are also the simplest. For this handy lit Se shop project, we went to our scrap pile for the material and covesied about a half hour of shop time, Now, we have a top-notch sack for our chisel set Note: All siook is 4" thick, Hole sizes may vary with diferent brands of cists. ® #8 iish (countersunk) washer 483.108" FH. wood seraw TE at res web gem Been Ce 14" round-overs on _7 es he only 7 i 6 Bis ee Fe ey iris: a All holes (except for the far let one) 4 fe dismetee Hol Sige maya) Ne Sit dterentbrand of cess EXPLODED VIEW Project Desir: Raymond Pusell Photograph Hopkins Assosites puswaters: Ki Downing a

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