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MSc in Project Management

Online Programme
MSc in Project Management 2

Professor Murray Dalziel
Director, University of Liverpool
Management School

s a management professional and prospec-
tive student looking to develop your knowl-
edge and skills as a leader, youve made a
great choice with the University of Liverpool Man-
agement School (ULMS). Our teaching mission at the
Management School is to prepare and develop leaders
who are committed to making a difference, both per-
sonally and professionally. Whats exciting about our
online programmes is that we use the latest industry
research, knowledge, and trends, and bring it to life in
an interactive online learning environment that is rel-
evant for todays leaders. With an online degree from
ULMS, you will be equipped to put your new knowl-
edge and global insights to immediate use in your ca-
reer so you can truly make a difference, wherever you
are in the world.
MSc in Project Management 3

Get ahead with an online MSc Contents

from the University of Liverpool Put your career in the fast lane 4

Learn with a globally-respected UK university 6

International reputation ranked in the top
A world-class research university 7
1% of universities worldwide, with an AACSB
A reputation you can rely on 8
accredited management school
The Liverpool online MSc in Project Management 9

Convenience fit your studies around your Programme Structure 11

other commitments. Accelerate your career Dissertation or consultancy project 11

without interrupting your current job Specialisation tracks 13

Maximum convenience, maximum results 14

Global perspective meet like-minded pro-
Achieve your career aspirations 15
fessionals from all over the world for a rich,
Invest in your future 16
multi-cultural experience
Join our global alumni network 18

Industry-relevant skills and knowledge de- Admission requirements 19

velop critical understanding and analytical Takethe firststeptoday 20

skills to respond to todays toughest business


Dedicated support benefit from close, per-

sonal support and feedback throughout your
studies, helping you stay motivated and
MSc in Project Management 4

On this MSc in Project

Management you will:
Put your career in the fast lane
Gain a recognised degree from an internation-
Top tier project management skills are in high demand in todays complex glob- ally respected university, and one of very few
management schools to be awarded AACSB
al economy. Whether you already work in project management and want to en-
hance your skills and improve your prospects, or you are looking to move into
this field of expertise, the University of Liverpools online MSc in Project Man-
Acquire a set of skills that have direct and im-
agement offers an excellent blend of theory and knowledge coupled with industry mediate application across a range of business
insight and global perspectives. sectors

Develop insight into the needs of organisa-
ffered fully online by the University of Liv- On graduation, you will be equipped with an impres-
tions operating in todays global multicultural
erpool Management School (ULMS), this sive range of practical skills applicable across a range
programme allows you to study while you of sectors, from IT, construction, and oil & gas to
work. You will engage with the latest project manage- healthcare and financial services, where successful
ment theories and practice, gaining the knowledge project management can give you a significant com- Collaborate and share best practice with pro-
and confidence to create, manage and deliver complex petitive advantage. You will be in an excellent position fessionals from around the world
projects on time and on budget. At the same time, you to exploit a full range of pan-regional and multi-sector
will enhance your understanding of the soft skills opportunities in project management. Learn within a supportive online environment
needed to succeed in a modern, international work- and benefit from a support network that will
place. keep you motivated and on track to succeed

Be taught by internationally respected faculty

with a wide range of practical project manage-
ment experience across a number of sectors.
MSc in Project Management 5

This online degree

has made a real
difference to me,
putting me on
track for a project
Stephanie Williamson
(MSc Project Management 2012)

Project Management &

Communications professional

From Austria, living in the United Kingdom

MSc in Project Management 6

Learn with a
UK university
Making the commitment to pursue University of Liverpool
any postgraduate degree programme Key facts
is a big decision. You have many choic-
In the top 1%
es to make which university to study
of universities worldwide*
with, the quality of the management
school, how you will learn, and what Member of the UKs
sort of experience you will have. Russell Group

t the University of Liverpool, we offer the One of Europes largest
very best choice for successful internation-
providers of
al professionals looking to collaborate and
share best practice with their peers from around the fully online degrees
world in the field of project management. Our online
MSc in Project Management will broaden your hori- Nine
zons, challenge your thinking, help develop your crit- Nobel Laureates
ical thinking and analytical abilities, and give you the
skills, knowledge and confidence to take a major step *As listed in the International Universities
Handbook, published 2012
forward in your career without taking time out from
your job to study.
MSc in Project Management 7

A world-class Pioneers in research

research university and education since

he University of Liverpool is a world- Through our research, teaching and collabo-
class research university with a long rations we seek to be life changing and world
track record of academic excellence shaping.
and rigour. It is a member of the UKs prestig-
ious Russell Group and ranked within the top Leaders in online
1% of universities worldwide*. We have been
Were also a European leader in fully online
providing online postgraduate education since

postgraduate degrees. Our partnership with
2000, with more than 10,500 online students
e-learning experts Laureate Online Education
currently studying with us around the world.
enables us to support you every step of the way
Over 5,000 students have already graduated
throughout your studies. Its through this excit- online graduates
with an online degree, joining the Universi-
ing partnership that the University is a member
tys thriving international alumni network of
of the Laureate International Universities net-
183,000 people in over 192 countries.
work an international network of prestigious,
innovative institutions of higher education
Global pioneers
with access to international experts and leaders

We have been pioneers in research and educa- through events such as the World Business Fo-
tion since our founding in 1881, and are con- rum and the Clinton Global Initiative.
sidered one of the great international centres
of research, knowledge and innovation. Our
*As listed in the International Universities
Handbook, published 2012
online students
pioneering reputation attracts students, facul- worldwide
ty, experts and partners from across the globe.
MSc in Operations and Supply Chain Management 8

A reputation
you can rely on
Our online MSc in Project Management is livered in a high-quality teaching environ-
offered by the University of Liverpool Man- ment.
agement School (ULMS), a globally recog-
nised centre for management and leader- For more information, visit
Professor Murray Dalziel ship training, education and research. Our
mission is Learning to Make a Difference.
Director, ULMS This is reflected in the foundations of our PMI Registered
research and teaching, which strive to make Education Provider
a difference to the lives of individuals, busi-
AACSB accreditation puts The University of Liverpool has been
nesses and communities.
ULMS in the top 5 per cent of awarded Registered Education Provider
(REP) status from the Project Manage-
the worlds business schools. It Accredited at the highest level
ment Institute (PMI) for its online MSc in
reflects the dedication of our ULMS is accredited for both its campus Project Management. PMI REP recogni-
and online programmes by the Association tion is only bestowed on institutions that
staff to helping our students to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business provide the highest quality project manage-
learn to make a different (AACSB), the oldest and most respect- ment training. They must also meet PMIs
ed global accreditation body for business rigorous criteria for programme content,
to employers worldwide. schools. Less than 5% of the worlds busi- instructor qualification and instructional
ness schools are accredited by AACSB. In design.
achieving this distinction, we have made a
commitment to continuous improvement, For more information, visit
and to providing a curriculum that is both
responsive to the needs of business and de-
MSc in Project Management 9

The Liverpool online

MSc in Project Management

World-class project management skills have never been more impor-

tant than today. And thats exactly what you will master on this global-
ly-oriented and industry-relevant specialist online programme. You will
study alongside like-minded professionals from around the globe, share
best practice, build your professional network and gain vital cultural and
business insights that will make a positive difference in how you act and
approach your work.

Apply global perspectives Real business insights

The programme allows you to study from wher- With a curriculum designed with input from
ever you are, at any time of the day from your industry and academic experts from the field of
first module all the way through to graduation. project management, this programme blends
Our easy-to-use learning platform and collab- current theory and practice with new concepts
orative approach connects you with an inter- and the latest insights from business and in-
national network of professionals from every dustry. Youll gain leading edge knowledge and
continent. Through this collaborative learning understanding alongside practical skills and
approach, you will gain real insights into to- understanding that can help boost your career
days global business trends and industry best in project management.
practice that you can immediately apply in your
MSc in Project Management 10

Make an immediate impact

You dont need to wait until you graduate for this pro-
gramme to start benefitting your career. The beauty of
our online programmes is that you can put your skills
and understanding to work as you progress, helping
you to take the next step up the career ladder while
you study. And to support you through this progres-
sion, you will create a Personal Development Portfolio
Im now more confident
(PDP) that runs throughout your programme, helping
you reflect on your own learning and record your ac- in handling my projects,
ademic journey.
with a better understanding of the
Tailored to your career challenges and the risks, and more
This programme offers you the flexibility to tailor your knowledge and skills in the different
studies according to your own interests and profes-
sional requirements. We offer three specialised indus- approaches to mitigating them.
try tracks, so you can match your programme to your
specific career aspirations. In the final phase of your
Whael Matti, President & CEO (Partner)
studies, you can also choose between a research dis-
for Delta Integra Group
sertation or a live consultancy project based on a real
issue in your organisation. From Iraq, living in the United Arab Emirates
MSc in Project Management 11

The programme includes six core mod- Elective modules (choose two) Dissertation or
ules and two elective modules. You can consultancy project
choose from a pool of electives based g Total Quality Management

You complete the programme

on your professional area of interest, g Strategic Operations Management
with either a dissertation or a
or, if you wish to opt for one of our
g consultancy project:
specialisation tracks, you will follow a Enterprise Management Systems

prescribed path of elective modules. g Modelling and Simulating Operations The dissertation is a 15,00020,000-word
piece of research. You choose an appropriate

Core modules (mandatory) o+g Economics of Oil, Gas and Energy research topic, critically select and apply ap-
propriate research methodology and data col-
o+g Managing Energy Sources lection methods to your chosen research topic,
1 Project & Portfolio Management in Organisations
and demonstrate a rigorous understanding of
c+i Project Management in Construction the theory and literature relevant to the issues
2 Planning for Risk, Uncertainty and Complexity
under investigation.
c+i Integrated Infrastructure Project Management
3 Executing, Controlling and Closing Projects
For your consultancy project you would work
it Managing Successful IS/IT Projects
on a specific project for an organisation typ-
4 Sustainable Programme & Portfolio Management
ically your employer or another organisation
it Tools & Techniques for Successful IS/IT Projects
with which you are familiar. The aim is to en-
5 Leading and Managing Project Teams
able you to undertake a guided process of sys-
6 Strategic Purchasing Management General elective modules tematic practitioner inquiry within the project
o+g Oil and Gas specialisation modules management domain. The output will be a
c+i Construction and Infrastructure specialisation modules 15,000 20,000-word report.

it Information Technology specialisation modules

for module details
MSc in Project Management 12

I could study at my
own pace - at home,
in the office, or on
business trips.
I am very proud of
my achievement and
the impact it will
have on my career.
Joseph Salameh
(MSc Project Management, Construction
& Infrastructure 2013), online graduate

Project Manager

From Lebanon, living in the

United Arab Emirates
MSc in Project Management 13

Specialisation tracks
If you are looking to forge a project management
career in a particular industry, this programme
also offers three specialist tracks, depending on
your experience or area of interest:

Oil & Gas

If you are looking to enhance your career opportunities in the oil
and gas industry, this track is for you. The two elective modules
Economics of Oil, Gas and Energy; and Managing Energy Sources
focus on the knowledge and principles of project management in
the international energy sector.

Construction and Infrastructure

This track focuses on construction and infrastructure projects. The
two elective modules are Project Management in Construction and
Integrated Infrastructure Project Management, providing a thor-
ough grounding in the specifics of project management within these

Information Technology
This track provides you with the knowledge and tools to develop
specialist skills in project management for the IT sector. The two
elective modules are Managing Successful IS/IT Projects and Tools
& Techniques for Successful IS/IT Projects, enabling you to develop
a sound knowledge and understanding of IT project management.
MSc in Project Management 14

Maximum convenience, Your online experience

maximum results L A U R E A T E

As a fully online programme, our MSc in Project Management LEARN. EVOLVE. NETWORK. SOCIALIZE.

conveniently fits around your existing personal and profes-

Your studies will be based around
sional commitments. It means that wherever in the world you the Laureate LENS learning plat-
live and work, you can study for a prestigious ULMS masters form. Laureate LENS brings togeth-
degree without interrupting your career or your personal life. er all the resources you need from

your electronic classroom to learn-
Visual Identity Usage Guide
here are no fixed lecture You will also benefit from con- ing Laureate
tips, LENS
the Universitys extensive
times. All your course- tinuous academic support. From and fully online
Date Created 10.05.12 library to student

work, class discussions the moment you contact us right support in one easy-to-use dash-
and group projects take place on- through to your graduation, you will board, making it easier for you to
line, which means the classroom is enjoy continuos support, including stay motivated and focused on your
always open. As long as you have a personal Enrolment Advisor and studies.
internet access, you choose when in Student Support Manager. You will
the day you study and where. receive regular feedback on your Laureate LENS also enables you
progress from our international to network with your fellow online
Continuous support faculty instructors throughout each students around the globe. You can
module and when you work on your engage, learn and share with your
You can interact and collaborate
dissertation. Additional self-study peers and with the faculty, not only
with your faculty instructors and
and taught skills modules are also on your course, but across the entire
fellow students all over the world at
available to support your academic online university community giv-
any time of the day. And if you run
and professional development. ing you the chance to make valuable
into any IT problems, our technical
connections across a range of pro-
support team is on hand 24/7 to
fessions and industries.
help you out.
MSc in Project Management 15

What our online management graduates say:

76% 87% 90%

perceived a career improvement felt that their degree would recommend the
as a result of their education with prepared them for University of Liverpool to a
the University of Liverpool.* their career.* friend, family or colleague.*

*Results gathered by the University of Liverpool in 2012 from online alumni who responded to our survey.

Achieve your career aspirations

ur online MSc in Project Management and Studying with us gives you a solid foundation on Not only will you study the latest project management
specialisation track options, are designed which to accelerate your career, achieve your aspira- techniques and concepts, develop new skills and un-
for business professionals looking to forge tions, handle the toughest business challenges and derstanding, and learn how to apply them to real life
successful careers in the field of project management. boost your earnings potential. situations, you will develop an extensive global net-
Its a unique opportunity to combine rigorous aca- work of fellow industry professionals with similar pro-
demic study with practical experience in an exhila- ject management expertise.
rating international environment of collaboration and
MSc in Project Management 16

Our online MSc in Project Management students:

average age
work full-time

relevant work experience

Invest in your future

Did you know that

ur students are employed by organisations Our online postgraduate degrees are tough. They will
of all sizes from around the world, and most
have at least five years front-line business
experience. Many of the professionals studying this
stretch you beyond your comfort zone. But you will
come away with an unrivalled armoury of skills and
knowledge that you can apply directly to your own
96% of online management grad-
uates said their University
of Liverpool education provided them with a
programme are already working in project manage- organisation, delivering tangible results for both your strong return on investment in their career.**
ment field, while others are professionals from other career and your employer.
**Results gathered by the University of Liverpool in 2013
disciplines looking to improve their skills or move into from online graduates who responded to our survey.
a project management role. The key thing they have in
common is a commitment to investing in their futures.
MSc in Project Management 17

This programme
has made a real
impact in my
It has been a platform
to take it further - I have
been able to specialise
in project management,
as well as broaden my
general management skills.
Casper Raft
(MSc Project Management 2013)

Programme Manager

From Denmark
MSc in Project Management 18

Join our global

alumni network
On graduation, you become part
of the University of Liverpools
183,000-strong international alum-
ni network. The Universitys alumni
programme will continue to support Alumni Benefits
you throughout your career, offering a
range of benefits and services to help Professional
you achieve your career aspirations. development courses
Wherever you are in the world, the benefits of an on-
line postgraduate degree with the University of Liv-
erpool Management School will stay with you, both International
professionally and personally, long after graduation. events and lectures
Career and business focused
webinar series
online journal access
MSc in Project Management 19

Admission requirements
The ULMS online MSc in Project Management is aimed at professionals and graduates looking to further their careers in this
field and gain knowledge they can apply immediately in their work. We welcome applications from people all over the world,
at any time of the year.

he programme is based on the demands of Entry requirements English proficiency
todays fast-moving business world. We ex-
When you apply, we will consider both your educa- All of our online programmes are taught in English. So
pect our students to be able to demonstrate
tional qualifications and your work experience. In gen- if English is not your mother tongue, you will need to
real business skills, experience and knowledge that
eral, you will be expected to have a bachelors degree demonstrate English proficiency comparable to IELTS
will enrich their studies and help them gain maximum
from an accredited college or university, or a degree 6.5, TEEP 6.5, TOEFL 600, or GCSE C.
benefit from our online masters programme.
from a recognised institution comparable or equiva-
lent to a British honours degree. After that, you will need to:
How to apply
1. Submit an online application form
Its our aim to make the application process as smooth If you do not directly meet the educational require-
and straightforward as possible. The first step is to get ments, you will be evaluated on an individual basis, 2. Provide the required documents (for example, iden-
in touch with one our dedicated Enrolment Advisors. taking into account any vocational and professional tification and certificates)
They will advise and guide you through the application qualifications and working experience.
3. Pay an application fee
process, help you prepare the information we need,
and explain your options to you. Your application will then be passed to the Admissions
Team, and provided it meets the entry requirements,
we will assess your application.
MSc in Project Management 20

Takethe firststeptoday
To contact an Enrolment Advisor, find out more about the online MSc in P
roject Management, or Contact:
check key dates and tuition fees, visit:
Laureate Online Education B.V.
Haarlerbergweg 23C
1101 CH Amsterdam Z.O.
Information sessions and webinars
The Netherlands
You can also come and meet us at one of the many information and networking sessions we organise
all over the world, or join us online for free 45 minute webinar presentations, where you can have your
questions answered and find out more about the University of Liverpools online programmes.
+31(0)20 7130000
Visit to find out when the next information session,
networking event or webinar is taking place.

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