The Evolution of Geostatistics: G. Matheron and W.1. Kleingeld

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MATHERON, G. and KLEINGELD, W.J. The evolution of geostatistics. APCOM 87.

Proceedings of the
Twentieth International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Mathematics in the Mineral Industries.
Volume 3: Geostatistics. Johannesburg, SAIMM, 1987. pp. 9-12.

The Evolution of Geostatistics

*Centre de Geostatistique, Fontainebleau, France and **De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd,
Kimberley, South Africa

This paper was the subject of a cross-disciplinary presentation under the chair-
manship of Dr F.A.C.M. Camisani-Calzolari

This paper discusses important aspects, both psychological and methodological,

which have delayed the introduction of geostatistics in practice. The evolu-
tion of geostatistics is traced through three' generations', and in conclusion
some important questions are raised on the current status of the subject and
possible areas of future research.

In his address at the Nato Conference on geostatistics in H. Sichel) first introduced statistics into ore evaluation.
Rome during 1975, Matheron observed that it was incor- However, the Topo-probabilistic model was pre-eminent
rect to speak of geostatistics in an historic sense since it and the geometric relationship between sample and mining
was an evolving science.! Geostatistics is currently ex- blocks was taken into consideration. The concept of the
periencing a growing popularity in the South African random function was, as far as is known introduced by
mining industry, and it was felt that the evolution of the B. Matern in his work in forestry/ while the name geo-
subject should be put into perspective before raising some statistics was introduced by Matheron in 1962.3
questions regarding future developments. Unfortunately,
not all contributors to the field of geostatistics can be men- General aspects of evolution
tioned since this is not possible within the scope of this From the outset it should be noted that the difficulties
paper. experienced with the acceptance of geostatistics in the field
of ore evaluation were not the result of complex mathe-
Geostatistics and the random functions matics, as there is no complex mathematics in the general
Geostatistics covers a particular part of the wider field application of simple and ordinary kriging which forms
of ore evaluation and addresses the estimation of global part of linear geostatistics. However, difficulties were ex-
and local reserves which might include sampling strategy perienced with conceptual and the psychological inter-
and block selection. From a statistical point of view, pretation of the given phenomenon as well as the clarity
geostatistics is concerned with calculating estimates in with which the problems were posed.
what can be called a Topo-probabilistic region. Minerals Certain specific problems encountered in the evolution
are usually spatially distributed, structured into richer and of geostatistics are discussed below.
poorer zones, but also containing a large random com-
ponent. On a larger scale the spatial relationships are more Inter~disciplinary communication
apparent whereas on a small scale (locally) they are more Communication was one of the major psychological pro-
random. blems which slowed the acceptance of geostatistics in ore
The Topo-probabilistic aspect of geostatistics has given evaluation. There was poor communication between
rise to the application of what is now called the Random mathematicians and the mining engineers and geologists,
Function. The random function was introduced so that and vice versa.
for each point x there is a random variable Z(x) such that Through the mathematician had all the available tools,
two points x and y with variables Z(x) and Z(y) are dif- such as the random function, he tended to avoid prac-
ferent but not independent, and where the degree of cor- tical applications such as those encountered in more ap-
relation between the variables reflects the degree of con- plied areas such as economics. The practicalities of mining
tinuity of the mineralization. The concept of the random were complex and difficult for the mathematician to
function was not defined in the 1950s when what might understand. Even today, some statisticians produce off-
be called the South African school (D.G. Krige and target solutions to problems that they do not understand.


The mining engineers on the other hand, although per- gested that the timing of the use of the models was occa-
fectly persuaded of the complexity of their problem, sionally unfavourable.
found abstraction very complex and thus continued to The preoccupation with the use of the Markovian
solve practical problems, while in general the sight of an model, which was well adapted for one dimension but
integral sign made geologists nervous. Fortunately, this which did not work for two and three dimensions, fur-
level of communication is now being improved. ther retarded the development of geostatistics. It took
The situation was compounded by the advent of the some time to realize that other models were applicable.
computer and computer programmers. This new breed This realization was assisted by the breaking up of con-
possessed neither the intuitive feeling of the geologist, nor tinuous phenomena into discrete components.
the methodical approach of the mathematician, nor the
practical experience of the mining engineer. Programs
were being created for the sake of programs and machines, The development of non-linear geostatistics
and seemed removed from the complexities of ore eva- The discussion above concerns the evolution of linear
luation. This problem still exists. geostatistics. However, the data supplied by linear geo-
statistics, such as the block mean and variance, did not
Methodology provide information as to how blocks should be mined
There were fundamental difficulties in the ways in which to achieve certain production or financial objectives. The
problem-solving should be carried out and what tools or intricacies of combining blocks for mining and block
techniques should be used. It must be realized that an selectivity required the development of a non-linear geo-
orebody is unique, and it is only possible after mining statistics.
to determine exactly what the orebody contained. There- Initially, conditional simulation was used to accom-
fore it is not correct to associate an orebody with a ran- modate non-linearity, but this gave no optimization of
dom function in the classical statistical sense of the word, selectivity, for example, with respect to optimum cut-off
using the philosophy of random sampling on an infinite grades. It was found that it was necessary to define clearly
population of possible ore bodies. Hence it is questionable the objectives, and this led to the parameterization of the
whether statistical inference should be used and whether reserve and the creation of such useful tools as the grade/
it is possible to reconstruct the probability distribution tonnage curve.
or even the covariance of the random function from limit- In order to create these curves, it was necessary to solve
ed sampling information from the orebody. problems such as change of support, the effect of data
It is not possible to reconstruct the probability distribu- and the treatment effect. These will now be examined
tion unless other assumptions are made such as stationari- briefly.
ty and ergodicity. However, these assumptions do not
always hold true in practice, as exemplified by a decreas- The effect of change of support
ing grade from the centre of a porphyry deposit. The shape of the sampling distribution density curve
Fortunately, after substantial research, it can be stated (small support) is different from that for the mining
that the random function assumed to be locally intrinsic blocks (large support), and any estimate ofthe block must
of order zero, one, or even higher, is sufficiently general take this into account. To incorporate this effect it is
to cope with the requirements of global and local esti- necessary to consider three multivariate distributions,
mates. It is for this reason that the Variogram (Random namely, sample/sample, sample/block and block/block.
Function intrinsic of order 1) rather than the Covariance However, in practice, it is impossible to derive these
(Stationary Random Function) is used. laws, and even the bivariate laws are difficult to deter-
This departure to intrinsic random functions becomes mine. For this reason Disjunctive kriging was developed,
obvious from Krige's classic curve which plots the ex- providing estimates less rich than those obtained using
perimental variance for samples for increasing size conditional expectation, but going a long way to supply-
regions4 and the work done by De Wijs which shows the ing reasonable answers using only bivariate laws. To sim-
theoretical development for lognormal distribution. 5 plify the use of bivariate laws to the equivalent of simple
Both thc experimental results and the De Wijs model kriging, isofactorial models were introduced and statistical
are incompatible with the concept of stationarity and give models such as the gamma distribution were incorporated
rise to a random function with an infinite variance com- to effect the change of support.
ponent. On the other hand, the variogram caters for the
increasing variance, and does not need to involve itself The effect of data
with the problems of stationarity and ergodicity. The effect of data involves the final data available on
Another problem which retarded the initial develop- which the ore/waste selection is made. These data are not
ment of geostatistics was the preoccupation with specific always available at the time when the estimation is made.
models. Certain a priori assumptions of log-normality Furthermore, they are still only an estimate which has
directed initial research away from the fundamental pro- less variability and is thus less selective than true block
blems associated with geostatistics. This retarded the values.
development of linear geostatistics which is distribution-
free. It is not implied that statistical models are not ap- The treatment effect
plicable to geostatistics, for in fact statistical models are The treatment effect involves numerous aspects such as
widely used in non-linear geostatistics. However, it is sug- the difference between sample and production treatment,

the level of sampling information and geological con- Numerous activities relating to change of support, the
siderations related to mineral liberation. All aspects must transfer function, parameterization of reserves and the
be considered to reduce the discrepancy between the ac- selectivity of distributions took place during the period.
tual and estimated grade tonnage curves. It is suggested In 1980 W.J. Kleingeld posed the problem of extremely
that it might be feasible to correct for the treatment ef- skewly distributed discrete particle deposits which cul-
fect using disjunctive co-kriging. minated in the development of a generalized approach
to discrete Isofactorial models. 17
Milestones in the evolution of geostatistics These models were put into practice by Ch. Lantue-
Having discussed the more general aspects of the develop-- joul and Ch. Lajaunie l8 for the general case and by
ment of geostatistics, it was felt that a more detailed ac- W.J. Kleingeld l9 for the negative binomial and Mosai-
count should be given of the more significant develop- que models. During this period, indicator kriging, a spe-
ments in geostatistics. These 'milestones' are divided into cial form of disjunctive kriging, was also developed by
three generations of geostatistical history. Journel.

Linear geostatistics 1945 - 1965 The present and the future

The science now called geostatistics had its beginnings in Notwithstanding the considerably greater acceptance of
the work by H.S. Sichel6,7 on the application of the log- geostatistics, there is still some hesitancy in its use. One
normal distribution in gold mining. This was followed of the apparent stumbling blocks is that many practi-
by the now famous contributions of D.G. Krige8 in the tioners believe that geostatistics is too complex (by reason
application of regression analysis between sampling and of its mathematical content) and thus do not use it. Rock
mining blocks which set the stage for linear geostatistics. mechanics has equally complex mathematics yet there is
The generation of linear geostatistics culminates in the no objection to that science. Mother problem is the com-
work of G. Matheron in his doctoral thesis of 1965. 9 plexity of the geological structures that geostatistics at-
tempts to model. Geostatistics is taught as a set of tech-
niques and not as an integrated science.
Non-linear geostatistics 1966 -1974
With regard to future research, the authors believe that
The second generation saw the establishment of the Fon-
developments related to genetic modelling of deposits and
tainebleau school and can also be called the generation
a return to mathematical morphological models are im-
of non-linear geostatistics. In May 1968 the Centre de
minent. Research in this respect is presently being under-
Geostatistique was created in the tranquil atmosphere of
taken by J. Rivoirard at Fontainebleau. There are also
Fontainebleau, whilst Paris was experiencing a high degree
many problems to be solved in the area of non-linearity
of student unrest. Although important contributors, such
and non-stationarity.
as M. David, entered the field during this period, under
the guidance of G. Matheron, the major contributions
in theoretical developments of non-linear geostatistics References
were made by A.G. Journel,lO Ch. J. Huijbregts,11 P. 1. MATHERON, G. A simple substitute for conditional
Delfiner,12 P. Chauvet l3 and J.P. Chiles. 14 expectation: The distinctive kriging. Advanced Geo-
Many other authors in the field of geostatistics also con- statistics in the Mining Industry. Proceedings of the
tributed during this period, as is clearly evidenced by the Nato Advanced Study Institute, Rome, 1975.
large number of papers published. 2. MATERN, B. Spatial Variation. Almaenna Foerlaget
In addition to the development of non-linear geosta- Stockholm, 1960.
tistics, work was also carried out by A.G. J ournel on the 3. MA THERON, G. Traite de Geostatistique appliquee,
simulation of deposits, HI and, by the end of the period, vols.'l and 2. Technip, Paris, 1962 1963.
the basis of non-linear geostatistics had been laid. This 4. KRIGE, D.G. A statistical analysis of some of the
period also saw the expansion of mathematical mor- borehole values in the Orange Free State Gold Field.
phology by J. Serra. 15 ,16 The difference between geo- J. Chem. Metall. Min. Soc of S. Africa 53, no. 3,
statistics and mathematical morphology that emerged 1952.
during this period was the difference in approach to the 5. DE WIJS, H.J. Statistics of ore distribution. J. of
solution of a problem. In geostatistics, the knowledge the Royal Netherlands geol. & Min. Soc. 1951.
based on sampling is extended to that of estimating the 6. SICHEL, H.S. An experimental and theoretical
orebody, while in mathematical morphology all the date investigation of bias error in mine sampling with
are known, and observations are condensed into some- special reference to narrow gold reefs. Trans. Institute
thing concise. of Mining Metallurgy 56, 1947.
7. SICHEL, H.S. Mine valuation and maximum likeli-
The third generation 1974 - 1987 hood. Unpublished Master's thesis, University of the
To solve the complex problems associated with ore/waste W itwatersrand, J ohannes burg, 1949.
selection and the combination of mining blocks, Mathe- 8. KRIGE, D.G. A statistical approach to some mine
ron introduced the disjunctive kriging model in 1975. The valuation and allied problems on the Witwatersrand.
first practical application of Gaussian disjunctive kriging Unpublished Master's thesis, University of the Wit-
was carried out by A. Marechal in 1975, and the results watersrand, Johannesburg, 1951.
were presented at the Nato Conference of that year. 9. MATHERON, G. Les variables regionalisees et leur


estimation, Masson, Paris, 1965. 1975.
10. JOURNEL, A. Simulations conditionelles - Theorie 15. SERRA, J. Echantillonnage et estimation locale des
et Pratique. Doctoral thesis, CO. Fontainebleau, 1974. phenomenes de transition miniers. Doctoral thesis,
11. HUIJBREOTS, CR. andMATHERON, O. Univer- IRSID and CO, Fontainebleau, 1967.
sal kriging - An optimal approach to trend surface 16. SERRA, J. Les structures gigognes: Morphologie
analysis, in decision-making in the mineral industry, mathematique et interpretation metallogenique.
Special Volume No. 12, CIMM Montreal 1970. Mineralium Deposita 3, 1968.
12. DELFlNER, P. Linear estimation of non-stationary l7. MATHERON, O. Une methodologie general pour
spatial phenomena. In: Geostat 75, 1975. les models isofactoriels discrets. Librairie Fon-
13. CHAUVET, P. Example d'application de la teinebleau, 1985.
Oeostatistique non stationnaire: le corrigeage. 11'.: 18. LAJAUNIE, Ch. and LANTUEJOUL, Ch. Mise en
Proceedings of the Pribram Mining Congress, oeuvre de la methodologie des models isofactoriels
Prague, Oct. 1977. discrets. Confidential Report, Librarie Fon-
14. CHILES, J.P. andMATHERON, o. Interpolation tainebleau, 1985.
optimal et cartographie. Annates des Mines, Nov.


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