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he Old World is filled with adventure, romance, Assassins devote all of their time and energy to
mystery, intrigue, espionage, and politics. The developing and improving their killing techniques so that
mighty realms such as Bretonnia, Kislev, Tilea they may quickly and efficiently eliminate their targets.
and the Empire have the constant threat of It is a level of killing that most Warriors can never
annihilation hanging over their heads and they achieve for Assassins are unlike Barbarians who crush
usually deal with marauding Orc warbands or Chaos through their targets trying to break and destroy
hordes through open warfare on the battlefield. everything in their path. Anticipation, timing, speed,
Removing a leader of such an army is usually a job for a and judging distance are essential if an Assassin is to
highly skilled regiment of forces. But at times a subtler seize an opening before it is gone. In fact, highly skilled
approach is called for to deal a strategic blow to an Assassins create their own openings by using tricky
enemy: Assassins. tactics and cunning strategies to force their opponent to
Assassins are inheritors of the Cathayan Assassins open up vital, sensitive areas such as joints, eyes, or
who also influenced the Skaven Clan Eshin. Masked and throat. The perfect amount of finesse must be balanced
robed in black they are dexterous and subtle, trained in with just the right amount of force in order to swiftly
the arts of combat and deception, able to mix with the and effectively penetrate an opponents defenses. The
finest company in the royal courts and kill hideous Assassin prefers to keep a plethora of blades and knives
monsters in a dank dungeon. Most assassins are concealed upon her person in every way imaginable.
products of the criminal element of cities so they are Assassins are quick and efficient and waste no time
perceptive and quick individuals. Many more come from in dispatching their foes. Unlike Wardancers and
unnoticed families such as tradesmen, craftsmen, or Imperial Nobles, Assassins do not squander their energy
artisans. All are handpicked for their cunning and with extravagant, elaborate movements or narcissistic
intelligence. displays of showmanship. Killing an opponent with a
Most of the major cities in the Old World are filled single stroke or eliminating a target without anyone
with organizations of thieves which have a small being aware that the Assassin was ever present is the
conclave of Assassins within their circles. They trademark of a professional and instills great pride in
congregate in secret, usually in the middle of a bustling them. It is through this mindset that Assassins have
metropolis right under the noses of law abiding citizens. raised killing to an art form.
These Thieves Guilds are usually disguised as a large Making a living as an Assassin can initially be very
townhouse in a select part of the city where state difficult, so one may find that the treasure from a
messengers can be seen visiting often. Once trained, an dungeon is a quick way to start a business. Likewise,
assassin will undergo many missions, usually as ordered an Assassin who is busy building a reputation as a
by the Grand Master and Council of her Guild House. reliable executioner can hone her killing skills against
Although their name suggests the main nature of their monsters and foes that she encounters. What better
work, they are also picked for a variety of other place to find them than to join up with a group of
missions: spying, rescues, kidnapping, couriers and even adventurers? And if the company doesnt quite work
infiltration. out, the Assassin could always just try out her
Rival states constantly keep watch on each other techniques on her new friends, eh?
and Assassination attempts are often used to cause The Warriors will discover that an Assassin can be
confusion, chaos, disorder, or upheaval within a region. extremely useful in a dangerous cavern or mysterious
But there are many other reasons that Assassins may dungeon. She brings a variety of unique skills and
be called upon. It could be an eye for an eye vendetta fighting abilities to aid the group in these horrid places.
or the result of a debt that went unpaid. The It is worth noting, however, that many Warriors find
assignment may be a strong political move by an the Assassin shifty, somewhat deceitful and a little
aspiring official or the assassination may be necessary difficult to trust. One moment she is playing the part of
to dissolve the plans of an evil tyrant attempting to bold leader, carrying the lantern and giving directions
seize power. Love has often been a motive for murder whilst the next she is slinking toward the back in the
and it is also quite possible that the contract killing is shadows and hidden from view. Other Warriors never
the result of a family dispute. Whatever the reason, the seem to know the Assassins true nature and
Assassin could care less. Her principles lie in job personality and it is likely the Assassin doesnt know
performance and it is through this unmoving and either. She is constantly changing her identity during the
unerring professionalism that will keep her in so high course of her work, taking on new personas and playing
demand and well paid! various roles that will move her closer to her selected
Assassins have a great sense of style and work target
ethic and pride themselves on doing the job right.

Assassin (Littlemonk) 2
This pack contains everything you need to introduce a that of the Assassin! Remember too, that if there is not
new Warrior the Assassin to your games of a Barbarian in the party, then one of the other Warriors
Warhammer Quest, including her Warrior card, Warrior will have to carry the lantern and be the leader.
counter, Equipment cards, and this rulebook.
This rulebook is split into three sections: a basic
Warhammer Quest section, an Advanced section and a BIGGER GROUPS OF WARRIORS
Roleplay section. If you want to, you can take more than four Warriors
The Warhammer Quest rules contain all the rules for into an adventure, but you will have to make sure that
using this Warrior in your games. The Advanced rules there are enough Monsters to go round! The cards and
cover the Assassins progression through the Battle- tables from the Warhammer Quest game are based on
Levels, including any special skills, equipment, or special there being four Warriors, so if you have fifteen
rules, and the final section gives rules guides for using different Warriors in the party then the game as it
the new Warrior with the Roleplay game. stands will present no challenge at all! As a general
rule, stick to parties of four Warriors, but if you have a
party of five or six, then increase the number of
RULES FOR WARHAMMER QUEST Monsters by an equal proportion. For example, if you
have six Warriors in the party that is 50% more Warriors
If you wish, you may replace one of the Warriors from than the Event cards are set up to deal with. In this
the Warhammer Quest game with the Assassin. Simply case, you should make sure that each time Monsters
swap the Seadog for one of the existing Warriors. The appear, there are 50% more of them. If the card says
rules which follow explain how to use the Assassin in "1D6 Orcs", roll the dice as usual and then multiply the
your games. Remember to put the Warrior counter for result upwards to match the party size so a dice roll of
the original Warrior back in the box, replacing it with four Orcs becomes six Orcs, and so on.

Any player may start the game as an Assassin rather WEAPONS
than one of the warriors in the Warhammer Quest box.
All the rules for creating a new character apply unless The Assassin starts the game with a Sword which
otherwise stated in this article. causes 1D6 + 3 Wounds.
She also carries a Black Dagger (Strength 1) that
can she can use in either hand-to-hand or as a missile
Wounds 1D6+7 weapon. It is covered with a thick, dark coating making
Move 4 it impossible to see and therefore a target cannot use
Weapon Skill 4 any type of dodging or similar ability to avoid the
weapon if it hits. The Black Dagger may be retrieved at
Ballistic Skill 4+ the end of the Combat in which it was thrown.
Strength 3
Toughness 3
Initiative 5
Attacks 1
Pinning Roll 4+

The Assassin begins the game with a Shadow Cloak ARMOUR RESTRICTION
which covers her from head to toe. Any enemies using
missile weapons are -1 To Hit her while she wears the The Assassin relies on stealth, speed and agility and
cloak so long as she is not carrying, or adjacent to a therefore may never wear Armour of any kind.
Warrior carrying, the lantern or similar light source.
If the Assassin rolls a natural 6 To Hit, she has made a
Deadly Strike indicating that she has struck a vital or
sensitive spot. An opponent who is hit with a Deadly
Strike takes Damage as normal but may make no
deductions for Toughness or Armour.


The Assassin may use any one-handed sword, knife, or
dagger. She will not use any weapon that radiates light
as it would leave her vulnerable and exposed and unable
to hone her craft. The only ranged weapons she may
use are daggers, knives, and throwing stars.
Other than the restrictions above, she may use any
item that is normally allowed to all Warriors (e.g. a
BDEW in the code).

Assassin (Littlemonk) 3
In the Advanced game, you can keep your Assassin
from game to game, building up her character as she
progresses from adventure to adventure. This section
of the rulebook gives you all the rules for taking your
Assassin right up to Battle-Level 10, including special
rules for visiting Settlements, Training, and a list of
unique skills and abilities that she may study as she
advances in level.
The Assassin begins the game as a simple Spy
you will find her Battle-Level Table on the last page of
this booklet. All the rules for Warhammer Quest still
apply in the Advanced game, unless specifically stated

Each time the Assassin hits her foe, it is possible that
her timing was impeccable and her aim extremely
accurate. If the To Hit roll was the same as that listed in
the chart below, she has struck her enemy in a vital or
sensitive spot. An opponent who is hit with a Deadly
Strike takes Damage as normal, but with no deductions Successfully completing an Adventure: +1 Point.
for anything. Making an escape after being captured: +1 Point.
Assassinating a given target: +1 Point.
Title To Hit Roll
Infiltrating a Special Location: Varies.
Spy 6+ Completing a Grand Master Mission: Varies.
Agent 6+
Executioner 4+ Failing to complete an Adventure: -1 Point.
Getting captured by authorities for any reason: -1
The Assassins reputation in the underworld is of Spending more than 1 day in jail for any reason: -1
utmost importance. One who is not of high repute in Point.
her skills and abilities will find it hard to gain prosperous Failing to Assassinate a given target: Varies.
assignments in this field. A potential employer needs a
job done and done well. He will pay handsomely for it to Failing a Grand Master Mission: Varies.
be completed by the right person.
The Assassin begins the game with zero Rogue
Points. Each time that the Assassin performs her trade ABANDONING THE LIFE OF AN ASSASSIN
successfully, she gains points to her Rogue Status. An Assassin who finds her Rogue Status too low may
Each time she fails, she deducts points from her Rogue just not be cut out for this particular line of work.
Status. Points are awarded and deducted as follows: Constantly having to look over her shoulder, avoiding
law enforcement, and having the cold, hard composure
to take sometimes take an innocent persons life can be
too mentally and physically stressful for some.
At the end of an Adventure, if the Assassin finds
that her Rogue Status is less than her Battle-Level, she
must add up the difference. She must then roll 1D6 for
each point below her Battle-Level and if any of the dice
come up a 1, she gives up the life of an Assassin and is
removed from the game.


The Assassin may only use one-handed swords, knives,
daggers, throwing stars, knuckle dusters, and weapons
from the Thieves Guild.
She may not use any missile weapons except for
those found at the Thieves Guild.
In addition, an Assassin will never use a blade that
radiates bright light. To do so would leave her
vulnerable and exposed and thus unable to hone her
Other than the restrictions above, she may use any
item that is normally allowed to all Warriors (e.g. a
BDEW in the code).
The Assassin may us the Potion of Disguise to add
+1 to his Infiltration roll or completely negate any
modifier penalties (whichever is better). Additionally, he
may use a Potion of Disguise or a Potion of Invisibility to
add +1 to an Assassination Result.

Assassin (Littlemonk) 4
When visiting Settlements an Assassin may visit all the standard locations such as the various traders and the following
special locations: The Alehouse (no modifier), the Alchemist, the Gambling House, and the Temple.
In addition, there is a new Special Location: the Thieves Guild. All the usual rules for finding a Special Location should
be used with the exception that a Thieves Guild is only every found in City.


It is often thought that an Assassin is a mysterious, Each time she visits a Settlement, the Assassin
shadowy figure who disappears down a foggy alleyway may to attempt to Infiltrate one Special Location that
unidentified and unseen. In all actuality, an Assassin is a would normally otherwise be off limits. It takes 1D3
charismatic fellow or lady and a master of disguises. days to prepare for an infiltration as the Warrior seeks
She attempts to befriend the colleagues and family out contacts to gather information, prepares her
members of her victims to gain their confidence and clothing and other props, and absorbs the overall
establish relationships, in hopes of completing her attitude, gestures, and lingo of the Location. The
objective. The Assassin often participates in leisure or Assassin must declare which Warrior persona she is
business activities with her assassination target and she assuming (i.e. Wizard, Barbarian, Elf, Trollslayer, etc.)
is sometimes unwittingly invited into her victims The modifications for races are listed below and are
residences where she is able to easily carry out her applied to the Infiltration roll.
She hones this skill anytime she visits various cities
and towns, knowing that it may be a part of future Race Modifier
assignments that she will be given.
Human 0
Elf -2
Other -4

The Assassin must still pay any entrance fees that are
normally associated with the Special Location and rolling
on any appropriate tables as necessary. Remember
that the Assassin receives +1 point to her Rogue Status
each time she successfully infiltrates a Special Location.


2-3 In a dismal disguise that only a circus performer would wear, the Assassin strolls into the Special Location.
The regulars are immediately suspicious of her and in a well-timed confrontation the Assassin is revealed as
an imposter and arrested by the local Watch. She is charged with espionage and impersonation (and a poor
one at that!) and must spend the next 1D6+3 days in incarceration after which a mysterious stranger
petitions for her release.

4-5 The members of the Special Location dont take long to catch on to the dubious nature of the Assassin. She
is soon revealed as an imposter and arrested by the local Watch. She is charged with impersonation and
loitering and must spend the next 1D6 days in incarceration after which a mysterious stranger petitions for
her release.

6 After careful preparation and 2D6x10 gold in expenses the infiltration goes off without a hitch until one of
the patrons of the Special Location begins an interrogation of ridiculous proportions! With a swift and
confusing retort, the Assassin abandons her scheme by leaving the establishment immediately and
disappears into the outdoors before the Watch can be summoned

7 After a meticulous planning session and spending 1D6x10 gold in expenses the Assassin infiltrates the
Special Location. No one is the wiser and the Assassin begins to connect to the community until the
Assassin stumbles over some of her false background in what should have been a typical conversation. The
Assassin may perform only one action (i.e. one purchase) while at the Special Location. The Assassin then
quickly takes her leave of the Special Location before she draws more suspicion unto herself.

8-9 Following a well-laid plan which involves tavern drinking and rubbing elbows with the locals, the Assassin
gains access to the Special Location. She plays the part perfectly and her stay is both fruitful and rewarding!
The Assassin may perform any actions that can normally be carried out by a Warrior at that Location. She is
for all intents and purposes a member of that particular circle and follows all the rules of that particular

10-12 No scheme has been planned or executed better and the Assassin does a masterful job of impersonation and
infiltration into the Special Location. Her performance is so convincing and accurate that the associates at
the Special Location take her into their utmost confidence. Not only may the Assassin engage in all activities
normally associated with this particular Warrior, but the Assassin has become a trusted comrade to this inner
circle. With newly acquired references, she may from now on add +1 to her Infiltration roll at this type of
Special Location at least until she is exposed and arrested (results 2-4)! This bonus is not cumulative each
time it is rolled.

Assassin (Littlemonk) 5
If a target has been designated, the Assassin may now
Once each time that the Assassin visits a Settlement, plan the Assassination. An assassination plot takes 1D6
whether it is a City, Town, or Village, she may be days in which the Assassin gathers information and
contacted by the underworld to carry out an observes her target, which may involve establishing
assassination against a local. To find out whether the patterns, trailing her target and gossiping with locals or
Assassin makes contact with an employer, roll 1D6 and family members. During this time she also determines
add it to her Rogue Status. what she feels is the most appropriate method of the
execution. The Assassin player may choose one of the
methods below, declaring it out loud to the other
players. She then rolls 1D6. If the player rolls the same
method as she declared, then she may roll twice on the
Result table and choose the higher score!

Roll Method
1 Plans to poison her victim
2 Endeavors to drown her victim
3 Aims to burn her victim
4 Tries to break the neck of her victim
5 Attempts to suffocate her victim
6 Seeks to stab her victim

Roll Result (with modifiers)
1 The assassination was a success but the
wrong person was killed! The Assassin must
lose -3 points to her Rogue Status and flee the
Settlement immediately!
CONTRACT KILLING 2 Careless and amateurish! The target escapes!
(Roll 1D6 + Rogue Points)
Points) The Assassin must lose -2 points to her Rogue
Status and may do nothing for the next 1D3
5 or less There is no sign of any attempt to contact days as she hides from authorities.
the Warrior by an employer. 3 Sloppy and unfinished. The target survives! The
6-8 At the Inn where the Warriors are staying Assassin must lose -1 point to her Rogue Status
is a letter addressed to the Assassin. In it and may do nothing for the next day as she
is an undertaking to be performed against evades authorities.
a petty servant. If the attempt is 4 Shoddy work, but the job has been completed.
successful, the Assassin will be rewarded Authorities suspect an assassination No points
with 1D6x10 gold per her Battle-Level in awarded to Rogue Status.
5 Well done. The target has been eliminated.
9-10 On the street, the Assassin makes eye Authorities suspect an assassination but no
contact with a passerby. No sooner than investigation is opened. The Assassin gains +1
that occurs, the passerby drops point to her Rogue Status!
something into a nearby bush. Retrieving 6 High quality job! The work is done and the
the item, the Assassin discovers it is a watch is baffled! The Assassin gains +2 points
wooden tube with a small parchment to her Rogue Status!
wrapped inside. In it is a contract for the
killing of a local shop owner. The job pays 7 Professionally done! The authorities have
1D6x50 gold per her Battle-Level in declared the death an accident! The Assassin
payment. gains +3 points to her Rogue Status!
Although the Assassin may perform an Assassination at
11-12 In a dark back alley, the Assassin meets
one Settlement, she isnt paid until she reaches the next
with the contact of an employer. The job
promises to pay 1D6x100 gold per her
Battle-Level in payment if the Assassin
removes a local magistrate.
13+ At a local inn, the Assassin is directed to
an isolated room by a mysterious
messenger. In a darkened corner is the
outline of a man who asks the Assassin to
eliminate a prominent noble. If she
succeeds, the job will yield 1D6x100 gold
per her Battle-Level in payment and one
random Treasure Card.

Assassin (Littlemonk) 6
Organized crime syndicates maintain a base of operations
in every city. It may be contained in a wealthy merchant's
townhouse or a noblemans mansion. Some Guilds have
even been located in a banking institution! Inside,
however, it is quite a different matter. The complex is
always far larger than you can see from the outside and it
is filled with winding corridors, beautiful courtyards,
secret rooms and meeting halls. Roaming the grounds are
assassins, informants, contacts, servants, ordinary
guards, instructors, and messengers. Secretly visiting
are politicians, nobles, and high officials.
In contrast to popular speculation, Thieves Guilds
are almost always well lit and airy. Fine art decorates the
walls and beautiful gardens complete with flowing
fountains fill the courtyards.
Every Guild has a resident Grand Master. This is a
revered assassin or thief who has gained her monarch's
trust and been appointed to this position. She is usually
possessed of a keen intellect and structured mind and
has much wisdom and experience to impart to young
assassins. Often she will hand pick a member to perform a special service for the Guild. Succeeding in these tasks is a
good way for an Assassin to increase her reputation and curry the favor of a very powerful person!

The Thieves Guild is a Special Location and may be found in City and follows the normal rules for finding a Special
The Guild is where an Assassin may be informed on the latest rumours, purchase special items from the Guild
Depository, or train to go up Battle-Levels.

Whenever the Assassin finds a Thieves Guild, there is a chance that she may find information which she may deem
useful. Through discussions and conversations with contacts, informers, and associates the Assassin might discover
something that will aid her in her dungeon adventurers. There is even a chance that the Warrior may inquire into a circle
where the Guilds Grand Master has taken an interest. Roll 1D6 on the Rumour Network Table Below.


1 Although there is something obviously brewing, rogues are tight-lipped and the Assassin learns nothing.

2 The grapevine reports that the Guild is stockpiling items in the Depository. When rolling for stock on any items
there, the Assassin may add +1.
3 Inquiries reveal that precious cargo is being transported through the area. Roll 1D6. If the number rolled is
equal to or lower than the Assassins Rogue Status, she may participate in the heist. If she does, the Assassin
gains 1D6x10 gold per Battle-Level as her share.
4 Talk abounds about an illegal substance that bolsters the inner fortitude of the one who consumes it. The
Assassin manages to acquire a sample of it from her sources for 1D6x100 gold and for the next Adventure
she adds +1 to her Toughness.
5 The rumour mill reveals that the denizens of the next Dungeon are susceptible to a particular poison. The
Assassin eagerly purchases a dose of it for 1D6x100 gold. Coating it upon the weapons she currently has in
her possession, the Assassin does an extra point of Damage to her foes for the next Adventure.
6 While exploring the Guild and mingling with contacts, the Assassin is approached by an assembly of thugs
roll on the Grand Master Mission Table below!

Assassin (Littlemonk) 7
1 An Imperative Dispatch! The Assassin is nabbed in a latrine by ruffians, her eyes blindfolded, and her
person carried away into a large inner chamber. There, seated from a great distance, is a woman of great
magnitude with a cold stare that chills the Assassins bones. She instructs the Warrior to deliver a message to
an important contact in a nearby Settlement.
At the end of the next Adventure roll 1D6. On a 1, the Settlement is a Village. On a 2-4 the Settlement is a
Town. On a 5-6 the Settlement is a City.
If the Assassin is successful in reaching the proper Settlement, she gains +1 point to her Rogue Status and
500 gold as payment for delivering the important message. If the Assassin fails in her mission (whether by
her own initiative or due to Hazards along the road), she loses -1D6 points to her Rogue Status and receives
no gold.
2 A Meticulous Assessment! While discussing the latest techniques of infiltration with guild members,
the Assassin is accosted by scoundrels. She is bound and carried like a log into a secret chamber where she is
placed face up on the floor. As she stares up at the vaulted and elaborately painted ceiling, a low,
authoritative voice, presumably that of the Grand Master speaks:
The Grand Master has heard that the Assassin is headed to a nearby dungeon and she demands any
information that can be gathered there. Each time the Assassin enters a new Room in the next dungeon, she
should roll 1D6. On a 6, she has time to make note of the layout, occupancy, and items that are there.
At the end of the adventure, the Assassin receives +1 point to her Rogue Status for each 6 that she rolled. If
no 6s are rolled the Assassin loses -1D6 points of Rogue Status and must pay 250 gold per Battle-Level to the
Grand Master to make amends, selling any Equipment or Treasure Items if necessary. If the Assassin cannot
pay, her Rogue Status is immediately dropped to zero!
3 A Covert Operation! The Assassin gathers information as she slips in and out of antechambers, foyers,
and lobbies. Soon she realizes that she is being watched. The Assassin is quickly captured by hoodlums, her
hands tied behind her back, and she is led down long winding corridors and maze-like hallways. She is finally
pushed through a doorway and thrown into a chair and ordered not to turn around. Moments later she is
spoken to by a clear, commanding voice, probably that of the Guilds Grand Master herself. She commands
the Assassin to spy on one of the Warriors (chosen at random and revealed to no one but the Assassin)!
After the next Adventure, and when the Warriors reach the next Settlement, the Warrior spied upon must roll
1D6 for each item of Treasure collected in the last adventure (regardless of who now has the item!). On a roll
of 1 or 2, the item is filched by an agent of the Grand Master as the Warrior walks the crowded streets.
The Assassin collects 1D6x10 gold per Battle-Level for her undercover skills and adds +1 point of Rogue
Status. If the chosen Warrior received no treasure items the Assassin deducts -1 point of Rogue Status and
receives no gold.
4 An Intrepid Recovery! Showing off her most recent treasure in a bustling crowd of chit-chats and
socialites, the Assassin is grabbed by the arms and ushered into a private room where she is seated before
the Grand Master. Standing next to the powerful woman are three armed guards and an advisor. The advisor
shows the Warrior a drawing of an item of great importance.
The Grand Master expects the Warrior to retrieve the valuable item that is located somewhere in a nearby
dungeon. Each time the Warrior receives a Treasure Item, roll 1D6. On a score of 4, 5, or 6 it is the item the
Grand Master seeks. At the next Settlement a contact will meet the Assassin to retrieve the item.
Doing so earns her twice the gold value of the item and +1 point to her Rogue Status. If she fails to deliver a
Treasure Item in the next Advenure, the Assassin loses -1D3 points of Rogue Status and receives nothing.
5 A Daring Rescue! Seemingly dashing and charming during an extravagant banquet held at the Thieves
Guild, the Assassin is soon obstructed by brutes. She is whisked away to a garden gazebo where the Grand
Master sits, flanked by six tough-looking knaves. The Grand Masters advisor steps forward and issues an
assignment to the Warrior.
The Assassin is charged to rescue an important contact who has been abducted. The Assassin is told that the
contact has been taken to a dungeon in close proximity. Each time the Assassin enters a room in the next
dungeon, roll 1D6. On a 6 the contact is there, bound and gagged. If no 6s are rolled, then the contact is
automatically in the Objective Room. When found, he is alive and in decent shape, and once the Monsters are
defeated the contact may be freed, upon which he returns to the Settlement.
At the end of the Adventure, the Assassin receives +1D3 points to her Rogue Status as well as a stack of
coins worth 100 gold per Battle-Level if she successfully rescues the contact. If she fails in the mission, she
deducts 1D3 points from her Rogue Status and receives no gold.
6 A Bold Assassination! As the Assassin mingles about the topiary with fellow rogues, she discusses her
effective throat-slashing technique that she has dubbed The Slice of Silence. No sooner than she has
demonstrated the manuever, she is detained by a group of hooligans. Politely she is asked to accompany
them to the chamber of the Grand Master. In a lavish study, across from a long table, the Grand Master
imparts to the Warrior a mission of assassination to be carried out in the next Adventure.
In the next Dungeon, each time new Monsters are placed on the board, roll 1D6. On a 5 or 6, the
Assassination target the Grand Master spoke of is among them. Randomly determine which model is the
target (if more than one of that kind) and if the Assassin lands the killing blow, she may return to any Thieves
Guild with proof that the job has been completed.
In addition to the Monsters Gold Value she received in the dungeon, the Assassin receives 1D3+1 points to
add to her Rogue Status and an extra Item of Dungeon Room Treasure (or Objective Room Treasure if there
happened to be one for completing this particular Adventure). If she fails, she loses -1D6 points of Rogue

Assassin (Littlemonk) 8
The Assassin may visit the Guilds Depository to purchase special weapons and supplies that might aid her in her
These items may not be sold back to a Guild as no Assassin in their right mind would ever use a weapon or item that
has been used by another Assassin. To do so would be extremely risky since many Assassin blades have been dipped in
their personal poisons and other dangerous substances. Selling them elsewhere is futile as shop owners would recognize
the murderous devices and summon the Watch almost instantly.
A true Assassin prefers to possess clean, crisp equipment, unstained and untainted by another and one that she can
call her very own. Rarely does she part with any piece of equipment she owns as each one holds a proud niche in her
memory of its use.

Assassins Equipment Stock Cost Description


Black Dagger 6 200g Strength 1. Can be used in either hand-to-hand or as a missile

weapon. A Black Dagger is coated with a thick, dark coating making
it almost impossible to see and therefore a target cannot use any
type of Dodge or sidestepping ability to avoid it. The Black Dagger
may be retrieved at the end of the Combat in which it was thrown.
This is the Assassins Starting Equipment.

Blowpipe 7 150g Strength 2; Range 8; Ignores 1 point of Armour; one shot per turn.

Executioners Blade 9 700g This dark blade is similar to the sword that the Assassin begins the
game with. However, the jet black coat makes it difficult for
Monsters to see and thus gives the Assassin +1 To Hit if hes at
least 2 spaces away from the lantern.

Shadow Cloak 7 400g A Shadow Cloak covers the Assassin and any enemies using missile
weapons are -1 To Hit her as long as she is not adjacent to a light
source like the lantern. The Assassin needs a Shadow Cloak to use
the Shadow Kill Skill. This is the Assassins Starting Equipment.

Needles 5 30g Enough needles for blowpipe to last for one Adventure.

1D6 Poison Needles of Pain 7 100g When used with a Blowpipe, they cause 1D6 Wounds with no
deductions for Toughness or Armour. Roll 1D6 Damage (no
modifiers) for each turn thereafter until the Damage roll comes up a
natural 1 or 2 where the poison effects cease, causing no more

1D6 Poison Needles of 7 200g When used with a Blowpipe roll another 1D6 if the needle hits its
Gorgon target. If the score is equal to or above the Monsters Toughness, it
is paralyzed for one turn and may do nothing. Any Warrior attacking
a paralyzed Monster only misses on a natural To Hit roll of 1.

1D6 Knaves Powder Sachets 6 100g ea May throw Knaves Powder at one adjacent Monsters eyes &
orifices. Roll 1D6. On a score of 1 the Monsters is unaffected. On a
score of 2+ the Monster is -1 To Hit for the next turn. On a 5+ the
Monster also loses 1 of its Attacks this turn. Additional Knaves
Powders have no effect on an already affected target.

1D6 Smoke Bombs 7 100g ea May be automatically thrown up to 6 squares during the Warriors
Phase and covers a 2x2 square area. No model may fire a missile
weapon through it nor may any model cast a spell beyond it. The
line of sight is for all intents and purposes considered blocked. A
Smoke Bomb remains in place for 1D3 turns. Models inside the
affected squares are -3 To Hit opponents on the third to last turn, -2
To Hit on the second to last turn, and -1 To Hit on the last turn.

Disguise Kit Standard 5 500g This simple disguise kit is used in conjunction with the Disguise Skill
and allows the Assassin to add +1 to her Infiltration roll.

Disguise Kit Professional 9 1000g This professional disguise kit is used in conjunction with the Disguise
Skill and allows the Assassin to assume many convincing
appearances. She gains +2 to her Infiltration roll and +1 to
Assassination Result.

Lock Tools 7 200g Lock tools allow the Assassin to open any lock as long as it is not
magical or the rules for the lock specifically state otherwise.
To see if your Warrior can open a lock, roll 1D6. On a score of 4, 5
or 6 the lock opens. On a score of 2 or 3 the lock refuses to open at
the moment, though your Warrior may try again next turn. On a
score of 1, the lock tools are snapped off in the lock and are now
There is only one set of lock tools available at a Thieves Guild.

Assassin (Littlemonk) 9
If an Assassin finds a Thieves Guild and has the required gold, she may pay for training just like the other Warriors. The
Assassins training is done in labyrinths beneath the Guild which contain chambers carefully designed to enhance the
talents and expertise that one needs to carry out the bidding of the Guilds. These chambers are headed by master
rogues who specialize in a particular type of skill or ability. They are experts who are paid to teach their talents to young
novices and who also enjoy the torturous methods that one must endure in such a short amount of time in order to attain
any significant amount of progress.
Training takes one week and the Assassin will emerge from the harsh instruction more cold-blooded, distant, aloof,
unfeeling, and detached than ever before. This transformation is necessary so that the Assassin can carry out her
missions without emotion, sentiment, or hesitation. The Assassin will be toughened both physically and emotionally and
thus better prepared to handle situations that may arise during her professional career.
Instead of extra Attacks like other Warriors get to their profile as they advance, the Assassin gains special Skills that
usually augment her Attacks and/or the Damage she causes. She receives one Skill each time she trains to go up to the
next Battle-Level.

The Assassin has the following Skills available to her as she goes up her Battle-Levels.
To determine which specific skill she learns each level, roll 2D6.

The Assassin's hands are a blur of motion as she throws
her blades toward her targets.
The Assassin may now throw a Dagger or Knife
twice per turn.
If the Assassin rolls this skill again, she may throw
her ranged weapons yet another time.

Just as her weapon is about to be blocked, the Assassin
spots a different opening with a better angle and quite
possibly a better result.
The Assassin is instructed how to change her
attack in mid strike. Each turn, the Assassin may reroll
her regular Attack the first time it misses.
If the Assassin rolls this skill more than once, then
reroll this result.

Out of the corner of her eye the Assassin sees that one
of her opponents has turned away from her. In an
almost instinctive reaction the Assassin plunges her
blade deep into her opponents back!
The Assassin studies the Backstab Attack which 6 LEAP OF THE PANTHER
can be used against any one Monster who has their
back facing the Assassin. This extra Attack is +1 To Hit With the dexterity of a cat, the Assassin vaults into the
but it cannot cause a Death-blow. air and over her astonished opponent, landing into the
square beyond.
This skill may be used once per Warriors Phase. If
the Assassin rolls this skill again, then reroll this result. The Assassin trains to jump one square in any
direction as part of her move, landing in the square
beyond. Any obstacles in the square are ignored,
5 WICKED STEP though it still counts as one square of movement
although all the rules for pinning still apply. To attempt
As her opponents weapon is about to hit home, the the leap, the Assassin rolls 1D6 and on a 4, 5 or 6 the
Assassin nimbly darts out of the way, leaving the space attempt is successful. On a 1, 2 or 3 the Assassin
she was in. aborts the jump at the last moment and decides to stay
The Assassin learns to sidestep any incoming where she is. Her movement is over but she may
Attack but only if there is an adjacent, unoccupied continue her turn.
square to move into. Roll 1D6 and on a score of 6 the If the Leap of the Panther is used to jump over an
Assassin was successful, the blow misses her and she enemy, the Assassin lands squarely behind them where
may move into the adjacent square. On any other she may be in position to Backstab (see #4) or to
number the blow strikes her as normal and she remains simply continue with her turn in any manner she sees
where she is. fit.
If the Assassin rolls this skill again, it is cumulative This skill may be used once per Warriors Phase. If
and she is successful in sidestepping on a 5+, etc. the Assassin rolls this skill more than once, then reroll
this result.

Assassin (Littlemonk) 10
Wrapping herself with her cloak, the Assassin Like a slithering serpent, the Assassin uses incredible
disappears into the darkness only to reappear at a more muscle control to contort her body and thus pass
advantageous moment! through the narrow opening!
The Assassin is trained to obscure herself among The Assassin has developed the ability to contort
the shadows using her Shadow Cloak. To use this skill, her body to pass through otherwise blocked squares,
the Assassin rolls 1D6 at the start of the Warriors useful in pursuit and escape. She may automatically slip
Phase and if the number rolled is equal to or higher than between two spaces occupied by friendly models. There
the one listed on the table below, the Assassin is must be two spaces to fit through and moving through
successfully hidden. the friendly models count as 1 for Movement just like
While hidden, she cannot move, attack or be any other square. There will usually be two spaces that
attacked for the rest of this turn, although she will the Assassin may move into after slipping through
suffer any effects that occur in the square that she friendly models and she may choose which one she will
occupies (such as a spell, Blunderbuss effects, etc.). No occupy.
model may move through the square the Assassin is in. In addition, the Assassin may use this skill to
In the next Warriors Phase, and if she does not attempt to slip through an opening that is considered
move from her current position, she may leave the impassable, such as gates, bars, holes, etc. as long as
shadows to attack an adjacent Monster at +2 To Hit. the structure is not sealed. Roll 1D6 and on a score of
This Shadow Kill Attack replaces the Assassins regular 6, she somehow succeeds in twisting her body to
Attack and it may cause a Death-blow. In addition, if conform to the opening and she may pass through it as
the Shadow Kill Attack is successful it causes extra if it were not there. The Assassin may only try this
Damage appropriate to the Assassins Battle-Level Title ability once per particular opening. If successful, she
listed below: may pass back and forth through that area without
rolling again, so long as the structure has not changed
its shape in any manner.
# Needed to Extra This skill may be used once per turn. If the
Hide in Shadows Damage Assassin rolls this skill more than once, then reroll this
Agent 5+ 1D6
Killer 4+ 2D6
Executioner 3+ 3D6

If the Assassin moves from the space she is in, she 10 SLAYERS
automatically leaves the Shadows and can be seen by all
models on the board, thus no longer at a +2 To Hit. In the blink of an eye, the Assassin reaches into her
This skill may be used once every other turn. cloak and pulls out a hidden weapon and buries it into
the heart of her opponent!
If the Assassin rolls this skill more than once, then
reroll this result. In addition to all of her other Attacks (normal or
special), the Assassin has become skilled in a special
Slayer Attack. At the start of each combat, the
Assassin must declare which weapon is her concealed
weapon. Her secret weapon can be hand-to-hand or a
missile weapon and may be drawn only once per
Combat. This Slayer Attack is +1 To Hit and may cause
If the Assassin rolls this skill more than once, then
reroll this result.

Rolling her body in an unusual manner, the Assassin
dislocates her shoulders to bring her arms from all the
way behind her back to the front of her, where she
unties her bound hands with her teeth before relocating
her joints back into their sockets again!
Any time an Event occurs (whether in a Dungeon,
traveling between Settlements, or during her stay at a
Settlement, etc.) and the Assassin is tied, bound, or held
prisoner, she may roll 1D6 once per turn (or per day if
appropriate) to see if she escapes her captors. On a 6+
she has managed to break free.
If the Assassin rolls this skill more than once, it is
cumulative and she is successful in escaping on a 5+,

8 DISGUISE Spinning like a tornado, the Assassin carves through her
Acquiring the items she needs from her kit and foes at a blinding speed, leaving a trail of carnage.
surroundings, the Assassin resourcefully changes her The Assassin has developed the ability to use two
facial features, hair, clothing, and can even appear different weapons in the same turn, such as an
shorter, taller, thinner or thicker with masterful optical Executioners Blade in one hand and a Blade of Leaping
illusions and difficult and painful muscular control Gold in the other. She gains +1 Attack with her
The Assassin may now make use of the Disguise secondary weapon as a Spy or Agent, +2 as a Killer and
Kits found at a Thieves Guild. +3 as an Executioner. Follow the normal combat
If the Assassin rolls this skill more than once, then procedure for any Hits and Damage.
reroll this result. If the Assassin rolls this skill more than once, then
reroll this result.

Assassin (Littlemonk) 11
Roleplaying the Assassin will be extremely tricky as they will have a wide variety of attitudes and personalities dependent
upon the situation. There will be times that she may wish to be completely aloof, solitary, and quiet and will want to
appear as a simple ordinary citizen with no distinguishable characteristics. In other situations, she may choose to be
outgoing and friendly, to worm her way into the hearts and minds of those around her. She might try diligently to gain
the confidence of whomever she needs in order to complete her assignment. But some things are certain; the Assassin
will be meticulous and efficient. She will be as exact and precise as possible, for the killing game is measured in seconds
and inches and she cannot afford to be careless. If she fails in her assignment it could mean that she will be the next
assassination target!
The Assassin is the master of disguise and will never reveal her true name, even to fellow Warriors. She probably
assumes the identity of someone of unimportance who has died (perhaps by her own hand). Her life is one constant lie
after another, covering up the deceit with more deceit to create a veil of secrecy that no one can penetrate. It takes great
effort to keep all the facts straight so the Assassin will be good at remembering sequences and events. This allows the
Assassin access into places where others are never allowed to go.
The Assassin looks thin and wiry but is extremely resilient and durable. She will have great stamina but also great
patience. She is cautious, but not overly so and she seizes an opportunity when it presents itself. Like a cat, the
Assassin has quick reflexes and she always seems to land on her feet. As much as she uses deceit she also uses stealth.
At night or in the dungeon the dark is her closest ally where she might slip in and out of the shadows. Ironically, in the
daytime she stays as visible and with as much company as possible so that she will be able to blend into crowds to avoid
detection. She knows how to use either cover to sneak in and out of places quickly without being noticed and that is why
she is so prized as a spy as well as a killer.
The Assassin treats her companions like commodities to be bought, traded or sold. She can never be trusted and a
skilled Warriors instincts will tell them him to be suspicious of her. Likewise, an Assassin will trust no one nor will she
ever rely on anyone. She looks out for herself first and she is never really eager to help someone in need unless there is
something in it for her. She has no problems with cutting loose the dead weight as she is not the most understanding
and compassionate individual. In addition, she wont hesitate to turn traitor on the Warriors if it means that it brings her
closer to her goal or her target. The Assassin is likely to help deliver her companions to their rival to obtain a huge
reward but then turn right around and save them from execution because she needs them to help her in her next
assignment. Its only business after all!
ACTION MODIFIER TEST The Assassin is shrewd but systematic. This means
that she will analyze each problem carefully before
Barge Aside -1 Str arriving at a creative conclusion. She will use both her
Bluffing Enemies +2 I mind and her body in her solution.
Climb on Shoulders +1 I The Assassin has some knowledge of languages and
lore, a necessary skill for infiltrating locations, and she
Climb Wall +1 I
will digest information quickly. She will be as good at
Construction -1 I/Str sneaking around as she will be fighting.
Crawl +1 - The Assassin never relies on luck. Instead she will
Disarm Enemy 0 WS/Str be a calculated guesser and its a good idea for the GM
Disarm Trap 0 I to warn them when they are going to attempt
something that is extremely risky or has virtually no
Distract Enemy 0 I, BS to hit chance of success.
Duck +1 I She will excel in everything that involves agility,
Hide* +2 I nimbleness, balance and coordination. Her crutch will
Hold Door Open/Closed 0 Str be the inability to react to magic or arcane traps and
she will be most susceptible to spells and items of a
Identify* 0 I magical nature.
Interrogate -1 I, Str, Wp
Jump +1 I, T
Kick Over 0 Str
Leap +1 I
Lift Trapdoor 0 Str
Listen at Door* +1 I
Loosen/Tie Bonds +2 I/Str
Make Bandages 0 I
Make Difficult Shot 0 BS
Make Rope -1 I/Str
Moving Heavy Objects 0 Str
Pick Lock +1 I
Play Dead +1 I
Read +1 I, Wp
Search Object* -1 I
Searching Rooms* 0 I
Starting Fires -1 I
Stunning Enemies 0 WS, to hit
Swing on Rope +1 I
Understand Speech 0 I
Wedge Door Shut/Open 0 Str

Assassin (Littlemonk) 12
Battle- Weapon Ballistic Damage Escape
Gold Title
Title Strength Toughness Wounds Initiative Attacks Luck Willpower Skills
Level Skill Skill Dice Pinning

1 0 Spy 4 4+ 3 1 3 1D6+7 5 1 0 3 Deadly Strike 4+

2 2,000 Agent 5 4+ 3 1 3 +1D6 5 1 0 3 1 4+

3 4,000 Agent 5 4+ 3 1 3 +1D6 5 1 1 4 2 3+

4 8,000 Agent 5 3+ 3 1 3 6 1 1 4 3 3+

5 12,000 Killer 6 3+ 3 2 4 +1D6 6 1 2 4 4 3+

6 18,000 Killer 6 3+ 3 2 4 7 1 2 5 5 3+

7 24,000 Killer 6 3+ 4 2 4 +1D6 7 1 2 5 6 3+

8 32,000 Killer 7 2+ 4 2 4 7 1 3 5 7 2+

9 45,000 Executioner 7 2+ 4 3 4 +1D6 8 1 3 5 8 2+

10 50,000 Executioner 7 2+ 4 3 4 8 1 3 5 9 2+

Assassin (Littlemonk) 13
Assassin (Littlemonk) 14

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