Non-Invasive and Painless, Doctors Use Them To Get Detailed Images of Everything From Cancerous Tumors To Signs of Heart Disease To Bone Injuries

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Ultrasound images are captured
Abdomen Morning Scan - NOTHING by mouth after midnight
1) Do not eat or drink anything in real-time, they can show the
2) Do not smoke structure and movement of the
3) Do not chew gum
Afternoon Scan - Clear liquid only before 9 A.M. body's internal organs, as well as
Clear liquid includes water or apple juice. blood flowing through blood
No carbonated drinks or milk.’
vessels. Ultrasound imaging is a
Pelvis Empty bladder two hours before exam. noninvasive medical test that
Start and finish drinking 32 ounces of water within helps physicians diagnose and
the first hour.
Do not void until after exam is completed. treat medical conditions.

OB Two hours before exam, empty bladder then

choose the # that applies to the client.
1) 0 to 28 weeks, drink 32 ounces of water.
2) 28 to 40 weeks, drink 24 ounces of water.
Start and finish drinking this water within the first
Do not void until after exam is completed.

Renal Drink two 8 ounce glasses of water 1 1/2 hours

before scan and then drink one 8 ounce glass of
water right before the scan.
Do not void until after the exam is completed.

For children under 12 years of age,

drink one 8 ounce glass of water before exam.
Do not void before the exam.
Upper abdomen and It is essential to come with overnight fasting for Non-invasive and painless,
whole abdomen these examinations. Does not require to come doctors use them to get detailed
examinations with full bladder as it will generally fill during the images of everything from
course of administration of oral contrast. However, cancerous tumors to signs of
it required not to pass urine during this heart disease to bone injuries.

KUB and lower There is no need of fasting for these examinations

abdomen examinations but full bladder is a requirement. Further avoid
examination immediately after taking food. A gap
of 2hrs is advisable whenever contrast is to be

Head examination Normally no preparation is required for these

examinations. But in case of children and those
with neurological problems may need to be
sedated/anaesthetized as good examination can
not be done if patient is moving his/her head.

ECG No special preparations needed An ECG records the rhythm and

the electrical activity of the
heart. An ECG is a test used to
find out if the heart is healthy.
MRI: MRI is particularly good for some
Upper/ whole abdomen The precautions are same as for CT scan. types of brain tumour, for
examinations/MRCP primary bone tumours and soft
KUB and lower Patient is required to be full bladder. tissue sarcomas and for tumours
abdomen examinations affecting the spinal cord.

Fasting blood sugar Measures blood glucose after you have not eaten To check for diabetes
(FBS) for at least 8 hours.
2-hour postprandial Measures blood glucose exactly 2 hours after you To check for diabetes
blood sugar start eating a meal.
Random blood sugar Measures blood glucose regardless of when you last Random testing is useful
(RBS) ate. Several random measurements may be taken because glucose levels in healthy
throughout the day. people do not vary widely
throughout the day. Blood
glucose levels that vary widely
may mean a problem.
Oral glucose tolerance . An oral glucose tolerance test is a series of blood Used to diagnose prediabetes
test glucose measurements taken after you drink a and diabetes This test is
sweet liquid that contains glucose. commonly used to diagnose
diabetes that occurs during
pregnancy (gestational diabetes)
Colonoscopy Bowel must be completely empty. To prepare for The purpose of
the procedure you may have to follow a liquid diet the colonoscopy is to inspect the
for one to three days beforehand. lining of the large intestine
(colon), looking for
Sigmoidoscopy On the morning of the procedure, eat a light Sigmoidoscopy is used most
breakfast and then use a cleansing enema about 1 often in screening for colorectal
hour before the sigmoidoscopy. cancer or to determine the cause
of rectal bleeding. It is also used
in diagnosis of inflammatory
bowel disease, microscopic and
ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's

Mammogram Fasting is not necessary the day of the test, nor do The 10-minute X-ray procedure
you have to observe any particular dietetic rules in can be done for breast-cancer
the days before a mammogram. In some women, screening purposes in the
caffeine-containing products (such as coffee, cola, absence of symptoms or for
and chocolate) could make the breasts more diagnosis purposes after a doctor
tender. For this reason, women who are sensitive detects a change in a woman’s
to caffeine should stop caffeine consumption for 2 breast.
weeks before the test. It is better to perform a
mammogram when a woman's breasts are not
painful. Avoid the preovulatory and postovulatory
period (half cycle) and premenstrual period. If a
woman is still having menstrual cycles, she may
find it more comfortable to have a mammogram 1-
2 weeks after her period, when her breasts tend to
be less tender. It is preferable to wear two-piece
clothing, such as pants and a top, to simplify
undressing for the mammogram. In the hours
before the test, avoid applying cosmetics, oils,
creams, and especially talc or deodorant.  
Pap smear The procedure is best to perform when a woman A pap smear preparation is
does not have menses. True results are usually required if accurate test results
received within 12-14 days after the last are desired to determine the
menstruation day. Douching and taking vaginal presence of a genital wart virus
medicines as well as jellies and creams may also or vaginosis.
confuse test results, as these items may influence
the size and shape of the cells. Restrain from sex
within 24 hours before the test, as this can cause a
few cells look abnormal.
Creatinine It is recommended that the patient The creatinine blood test is used
be fasting (nothing to eat or drink) for at least eight along with a BUN (blood urea
hours before the test. The physician may also nitrogen) test to assess kidney
require that ascorbic acid (vitamin C), barbiturates, function.
anddiuretics be withheld for 24 hours.
Alanine No special preparations are needed for this test.  Helps detect and evaluate
aminotransaminase treatment of acute hepatic
(ALT) disease
/ SGPT Helps distinguish between
myocardial and hepatic-tissue
Uric Acid The uric acid test requires either a blood or urine The uric acid tests are used to
sample. For the blood sample, the patient should evaluate the blood levels of uric
be fasting (nothing to eat or drink) for at least eight acid for gout and to assess uric
hours before the test. The urine test for uric acid acid levels in the urine for kidney
requires a 24-hour urine collection. The urine test stone formation. The urine test
does not require the patient to fast or cut down on is used most often to monitor
fluids. Some laboratories encourage patients to patients already diagnosed
drink plenty of fluids during the collection period. with kidney stones, but it can
also be used to detect disorders
that affect the body's production
of uric acid and to help measure
the level of kidney functioning.
BUN Don’t eat meat or protein for 24 hours before
undergoing urea blood test. The BUN level may be checked
The doctor should check to make sure that the in order to assess or monitor the
patient is not taking any medications that can presence or progression of
affect BUN results. These drugs include kidney or liver disease, blockage
the antibiotics chloramphenicol, streptomycin, of urine flow, mental confusion.
amphotericin B, methicillin, gentamicin, Patients with kidney failure are
tobramycin, and kanamycin, as well sometimes disoriented and
as diuretics and corticosteroids. confused abnormal loss of water
from the body (dehydration)
recovery from severe burns. The
body uses larger than normal
amounts of protein following
serious burns.

Total Cholesterol (TC) This test may be measured any time of the day Directly linked to risk of heart
without fasting. However, if the test is drawn as and blood vessel disease.
part of a total lipid profile, it requires a 12-hour fast
(no food or drink, except water). For the most
accurate results, wait at least two months after a
heart attack, surgery, infection, injury or pregnancy
to check cholesterol levels.
High Density This test may be measured any time of the day High levels linked to a reduced
Lipoprotein (HDL) without fasting. However, if the test is drawn as risk of heart and blood vessel
“Good cholesterol” part of a total lipid profile, it requires a 12-hour fast disease.
(no food or drink, except water). For the most
accurate results, wait at least two months after a
heart attack, surgery, infection, injury or pregnancy
to check cholesterol levels.
Low Density Blood should be collected after a 12-hour fast (no High levels linked to an
Lipoprotein (LDL) “Bad food or drink, except water). For the most accurate increased risk of heart and blood
cholesterol” results, wait at least 2 months after a heart attack, vessel disease and is a major
surgery, infection, injury or pregnancy to check LDL treatment target for cholesterol
levels. lowering medications.
Triglycerides (TG) Blood should be collected after a 12-hour fast (no Elevated in obese or diabetic
food or drink, except water). For the most accurate patients. Level increases from
results, wait at least 2 months after a heart attack, eating simple sugars or drinking
surgery, infection, injury or pregnancy to check alcohol. Associated with heart
triglyceride levels. and blood vessel disease.
SGOT No special preparations are needed for this test.  Helps diagnose recent severe
heart problem
Helps detect and differentiate
between varying forms of liver
Ma’am Quintos/ Tl Keith/ Tl Prei

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