Wiki Lesson Plan

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Week of: 6/26/17 Grade: Kindergarten Time:

60 minutes

Written-KCAS/Standard I can statement
I can use technology to locate information on a topic.
I can communicate research findings.
I can tell about the butterfly parts.
I can compare and contrast information.
I can inform how to make a butterfly habitat.
I can gather information to answer questions.

What would you use to locate information on the internet? How do you search to find reliable information on a topic using the internet? How do you know this is a
reliable source? How do you know the information is correct?

Locate information to write about the parts of the butterfly, or how to create a butterfly habitat, or compare and contrast text and media

Locate, information, reliable, internet, source, topic, compare, contrast, habitat

R- small group with teacher to locate information
Y- Students work in groups to locate information
G- Students work individually to locate information

Step 1: Introduce the lesson with how we gather information on the Butterfly life cycle
using the brainpopjr video.
Step 2: I will then explain the importance of gathering accurate information and refer the
students to our SEEK chart.
Step 3: I will then Show students on the wiki how to post their information on the wiki
about the butterfly life cycle so that students will now how to post their findings. I show
students the butterfly life cycle how to graphic organizer under the brainpopjr video. I
will then show them how add a discussion at the bottom on the page by clicking the Add
Discussion button. I will explain to them we are going to complete this organizer in this
section to create a writing piece.
Step 4: I will write the how to piece using information I gathered from the video and
asking the students these questions: What is the first step in the butterfly life cycle?
What did the video tell us about this cycle? That is the next cycle? What did the video tell
us about this cycle? What is the next cycle after that? What did the video tell us about
this cycle? As I ask these question I type their answers into the add discussion box. For
the last step in the cycle I invite students to post their very own response on the page.
Step 5: I instruct students to get with their iPad/desktop partner so they can work
together to post their discussion on the page. I ask, what is the last cycle? What did the
video inform us about this cycle? Then students work together to post their discussion.
Step 6: then I show the students how to post their response by taping the post button
just one time.
Step 7: I will explain the objective for each page on the wiki: The parts of the Butterfly,
How to make a Butterfly Habitat, or Compare and Contrast.
Step 7: Next, students are asked to watch the video again and choose which page they
want to add a discussion on to do their own writing piece. For this section students are
able to work independently or with their desktop/IPad partner.
Step 8: to close out the lesson, I would bring everyone back together. Choose a post from
each page and add a comment to the post. At this point, I will be able to assess students
according to their responses.

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