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Lake Calhoun trail

inneapolis is a unique districts from because the trails will
city that grew the dense woods that lead you past several
up around surround Minnehaha chef-driven restaurants
its beautiful Creek, to the gorges located in historic park
Stone Arch Bridge
landscape instead of along the Mississippi buildings, including the
paving over it. Calling River that allow views seasonal Sea Salt Eatery
itself The City by of University of Min- (seasalteatery.wordpress.
Nature, its been ranked nesota crew teams and com), located near the
as one of the best biking glimpses of bald eagles side-trip-worthy, 53-foot
cities by Bike Score, in in flight, to the met- waterfall, Minnehaha
no small part because ropolitan crown jewel Falls, part of the Mis-
of its Grand Rounds known as the Chain of sissippi National River
trail system (minneap- Lakes (its exactly what & Recreation Area (nps. it sounds like). gov/miss).
Designated as a I always tell When youre riding
National Scenic Byway, people not to go too the Grand Rounds, its
the system is 51 miles of fast, because youll hard to believe youre
connected cycling trails miss all the scenery, the in a major metropolitan

that never fail to deliver neighborhoods and the area, because youre
a stunning skyscape or perfect places to stop cycling through so many
a diverting and often for a water break, says beautiful natural set-
delicious side trip. local writer and cyclist tings, says Minneapolis
Whether youre Liz Ward. Youll see the Park and Recreation
aiming to tackle part or life of the Twin Cities on Board Superintendent Minnehaha Falls
all of the Grand Rounds, this route. Jayne Miller.
youll find incredible va- Another tip: Bring
riety in each of its seven along a hearty appetite, Julie Kendrick

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