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To: Floyd Hardy-Henry

From: Devika Sharma

Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Re: Action needed regarding contamination of the product.

This is to bring to your notice regarding the contamination of the products at Maple Leaf
Foods. Employees in the unit are not following proper hygiene, such as not cleaning the
equipment in the meat processing operations. Due to improper sanitization many people
would fall sick which is a concern and a threat at the same time for our companys reputation.
It is my request to you to take immediate action and look into the matter.
To: Floyd Hardy-Henry

From: Jyotsana Nagi

Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Re: Concern regarding contamination of the product.

I would like to bring to your notice concerns in regards to the contamination of the products
at Maple leaf food as the employees working in your unit are not able to maintain proper
hygienic environment such as sanitizing the machinery in the meat process unit. If this
continues it could be a major setback to our organization as it would lead to clients
consuming our products falling ill frequently which would in turn bring down the
organizational equity. It is my request to take an urgent action in regard to this problem so we
can retain our market value.

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