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First International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction

Usability Practice: The Appealing Way to HCI

Cristian Rusu, Virginia Rusu, Silvana Roncagliolo

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile
{cristian.rusu, virginica.rusu, silvana}

Abstract programs and systematic research in HCI area. There

are rather exceptions, due to enthusiasts. Research
The importance of Human-Computer Interaction centers (as Center for Web Research, University of
(HCI) education for software professionals should be Chile) or companies that offer usability services are
evident and well understood, when designing also exceptions [33]. The coordination of the isolated
Computer Science (CS) programs, at all levels. Chilean efforts in HCI is difficult to perceive (if there
Unfortunately there is a lack of HCI courses in is one!), and the Chilean chapter of SIGCHI is still a
Chilean CS programs. It is difficult and usually highly Prospective Chapter [35]. There is a governmental
bureaucratic to change curricula. It is only a matter of intent to offer guidelines for web-based systems
good will to make small changes in the courses development, including usability practices [34]. Even
approach and emphasis. An appealing way to if the proposal is quite general, it is however a good
introduce HCI at all computer science curricula levels starting point.
is by systematically including usability practices, Our interest in getting better user interfaces came
especially usability evaluations. from practice, as we have a rather extensive previous
experience in software development [26], [29], [30].
1. Introduction Later on, we discovered HCI as a well established field
of CS. We are teaching HCI as optional subject in
The Special Interest Group on Computer-Human undergraduate CS curricula in Pontificia Universidad
Interaction (SIGCHI) of the Association for Catlica de Valparaso (PUCV), Chile, since 2003. A
Computing Machinery (ACM) defines Human- major step forward was the introduction of HCI as
Computer Interaction (HCI) as a discipline concerned compulsory subject into the curriculum of a Master
with the design, evaluation, implementation of Degree (MD) program in CS (in PUCV), in 2006. An
interactive computing systems for human use, and with appealing way to introduce HCI at all CS curricula
the study of major phenomena surrounding them [35]. levels is by systematically including usability
The importance of HCI education for software practices. We are now trying to establish usability
professionals should be evident and well understood, evaluations as standard practice over the whole
when designing Computer Science (CS) programs, at curricula.
all levels. It sounds good in theory, but is difficult in
practice. It is rather common that professors involved 2. The beginning: HCI as optional subject
in CS programs usually consider HCI to be a in Computer Science undergraduate
secondary matter. It has serious consequences for the programs
training of the software professionals, as they will
focus on the inner part of the software systems, The easiest way to improve the CS curricula is by
ignoring the importance of the outer part (the means of the optional courses [20]. As there were no
interface). What will we get then? Top models dressed HCI subjects in CS curricula in PUCV, we proposed an
in poor clothes, and not in the haut couture creations HCI course as optional subject, back in 2003. We
they deserve! [25], [27]. strongly believe in a user-centered approach for
The extraordinary development of the HCI field, interface design and software development [4], [5],
both as theory and practice, is poorly reflected in South [15], [16]. Our HCI course mainly focuses on usability,
America, with the notable exception of Brazil [1], [3], which is practically the core of the course [21]. The
[9], [32]. This unfortunate rule is followed by Chile. ISO 9241 standard defines usability as the extent to
There is an obvious lack of HCI courses in Chilean CS which a product can be used by specified users to

0-7695-30876-9/08 $25.00 2008 IEEE 265

DOI 10.1109/ACHI.2008.14
achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency Based on the feedback that students gave us, we
and satisfaction in a specified context of use. intend to split the current one semester HCI
Designing for maximum usability should be the main undergraduate course in two parts (two semesters). The
goal of the software design. There cannot be software first course will offer the HCI theoretical background,
without software users! That is why we consider and some practice (basic usability evaluations, as
usability as the most important software attribute [21], heuristic evaluations and usability tests). The second
[23], [25], [27], [29]. one (tentatively named Usability Engineering) will
As new comers in Chile, but with extensive focus on practice, applying usability practices over the
teaching experience in Europe (Romania), maybe the whole software development process. Common
biggest challenge was to adapt ourselves to a higher usability evaluations will be complemented by basic
education system that does not explicitly include techniques such as user interviews, brainstorming
practical academic activities (seminars, laboratories), sessions, prototyping, and questioner design. They
like the Romanian system does. We had to include all seem easy to understand and perform, at the first sight,
these activities during the regular classes schedule, but we realized that students have serious problems
which was quite a challenge. We didnt count anymore when applying them in practice. The new structure
on the support of an assistant professor. We didnt composed by two optional courses will be tentatively
even have a tutor student (ayudante), as optional implemented in 2008.
courses do not include such activities. As we believe
that a HCI course at undergraduate level should put a 3. The major battle: HCI as compulsory
special emphasis on practice, it was difficult to include subject in Computer Science graduate
as many practical activities as we would like.
We gradually increased the weight of practical program
activities, and we came to focus more and more on
teaching the students how to put the HCI theory into A major step forward was the introduction of HCI
practice. That is why we are trying to include as many as compulsory course into the curriculum of the MD
practical exercises as possible, especially usability program in CS, a program that PUCV offers since
evaluations [12], [13], [14], [17]. Two Usability 2006. We consider that the introduction of the HCI as a
Laboratories were opened in PUCV in 2006, which are compulsory course into the new curricula was a major
of great help in our teaching and research activity. battle we won. Some of the arguments that helped us
These are the very first Software Usability Labs in the to win this battle were:
Central area of Chile, and some of the very few The successful experience of teaching HCI as
existing in Chile. The Usability Labs are particularly optional course in undergraduate program,
important, because some usability evaluations require The interest of the students,
this kind of infrastructure. The feedback of the ex-undergraduate students
During the development of their HCI project, (now software professionals) that have graduated
students have to apply the usability concepts, to cross- the HCI course,
evaluate prototypes, and to improve them based on the The demand of the potential MD students.
evaluations they performed. They have to highlight the Surprisingly, the software professionals seem to be
changes and the improvements they have made, in more convinced of the importance of HCI than our
public presentations. As the undergraduate HCI course own colleagues (professors of CS programs). The
is open for two different programs, we strongly belief comes from practice, from their professional
encourage the formation of mixed teams, including experience. We find this extremely important, as it
students that belong to different programs. Even if they proves the awareness of the importance of HCI
dont have yet (much) working experience, they bring practices. This is stronger and more important than any
different points of view, which definitely enrich the bureaucratic argument that may occur when designing
proposed solutions. CS curricula. It is particularly encouraging for the
The HCI course is very appealing for the students as Latin American context.
it offers them a whole new world. They have a solid The graduate HCI course includes some HCI basics
background in CS courses, but the curricula are (for students without prior experience in HCI), without
definitely neglecting the most important counterpart of entirely repeating the content of the undergraduate HCI
the interactive software systems, the users! More than course. It brings the concepts to a higher level, as we
60 students applied for the HCI course during the first have to focus on preparing both HCI practitioners and
semester of 2007, but (for logistic reasons) we were researchers in CS graduate program [23].
able to accept only 30 of them. We kept the main focus on usability, and usability
evaluation, but we introduced new topics, as elements

of semiotic engineering [2], [6], [7], [8]. Besides usability test, the freshman are (many times) good
usability evaluations, graduate students are performing candidates!
communicability evaluations on a regular basis [18], More and more students are choosing HCI or HCI-
[31]. Communicability evaluations require the use of a related subjects for their graduation theses (see Figure
Usability Laboratory, that is why in PUCV it became 1). As the MD program started in 2006, graduate theses
possible to perform such evaluations only in 2006. are supervised since 2007. In addition, it has to be
As we consider usability practice particularly mentioned that four graduate students will start their
important, we increased the weight of the practical theses in HCI field in early 2008.
activities, each semester. The third version of the
graduate HCI course, taught during the second
semester of 2007, includes (among others): 10
Five heuristic evaluations,
Four usability tests, 8
One communicability evaluation,
One HCI project.
The HCI project that the students have to prepare
during the semester includes (as minimum):
Two heuristic evaluations, 2
Two usability tests,
The comparative analysis of the initial and the 0
final prototype that the students have to develop. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
As the compulsory HCI graduate course was very
successful, we decided to introduce Web Engineering Undergraduate theses Graduate theses
(usability and accessibility - oriented) as graduate
optional subject [22]. The interest was tremendous Figure 1. HCI theses supervised in PUCV
(much more that we could expect): 24 graduate
students had to choose between Web Engineering and The topics of the HCI theses started during 2007
Software Quality (the two optional subject that the MD show a large range of interests. However, most of the
program in CS offered during the first semester of topics focus on usability (in practice). Topics for
2007), and 18 of them have chosen Web Engineering! graduate theses were: (1) Usability in CMMI, (2)
Usability and security in software systems, (3) Web-
4. HCI over the whole curriculum mail usability, (4) Web-mail communicability, (5)
Usability and accessibility in e-learning platforms, (6)
Usability in e-portfolios. Undergraduate theses topics
There is a whole debate over the conflict between
were: (1) Web Usage Mining for web usability
HCI specialists and software engineers [11], [19].
evaluations, (2) Usability evaluations of software for
Fortunately it was easy for us to solve the conflict, as
mobile devices, (3) Automatic usability evaluations, (4)
we teach both Software Engineering and HCI. We are
Languages for interaction modeling, (5) Usability in
trying to take full advantage of teaching both courses,
financial software, (6) Usercentered development of
always highlighting the strong relationship that should
web systems, (7) Usability in e-commerce, (8) Software
exist between the Software Life Cycle and the Usability
accessibility for students with hearing disabilities.
Engineering Lifecycle.
Graduation theses on HCI or HCI-related topics had
There are many arguments that support the
a tremendous impact over the diffusion of HCI, both
introduction of HCI topics early in the CS curricula
among students and professors. They were important
[10]. Introductory CS courses usually focus on
bricks in building the awareness of the importance of
systems, ignoring users most of the time. That is why
HCI in educating CS professionals.
we are stressing from the very first introductory course
Table 1 resumes our experience in introducing HCI
in CS the importance of the users over the systems.
in PUCV, quantifying the efforts that we (subjectively)
Of course, to only postulate the importance of the
think are required in order to implement HCI practices
HCI and HCI practices is not enough, especially in the
(Bureaucracy or Good Will?) in CS curricula [24].
early stage of a CS undergraduate program. Once
Most of the specified activities only require enthusiasts
again, the approach has to be practical, always based
and good will! Actually the only item that required
on examples. We are trying to involve CS students in
bureaucracy was the compulsory HCI graduate
practical HCI activities from their very first semester.
courses. That is why we consider it a major battle won!
As HCI students always need test users for their

The first strategy will be implemented by
Table 1. HCI activities in CS programs in PUCV generalizing the introduction of HCI topics early in the
Level Required CS curricula, in the very first course. As the practice is
Activity usually more appealing and persuasive than the theory,
Usability and/or Undergraduate Good Will a good starting point is to include novice students in
HCI topics early in usability tests, first as test users, later explaining them
the Undergraduate the aim and the techniques of the performed tests.
curricula The second strategy is meant to stress the
(Compulsory) importance of usability as basic attribute of the
Usability and/or Undergraduate Good Will software quality, in all courses related to the software
HCI topics in development process. A systematic approach should be
used, both at theory and practice levels. Usability
Engineering courses
(Compulsory) evaluation workshops will be organized for all CS
undergraduate students. They will offer a basic
HCI courses Undergraduate Good Will
theoretical background and (mainly) the methodology
of designing and performing usability tests, and
Usability Graduation thesis Good Will interpreting the collected data, in order to identify
evaluations usability problems and to propose appropriate
(Compulsory) solutions. Workshops will include, as voluntary
HCI or HCI-related Graduation thesis Good Will supervisors, graduate students and students that
theses (Optional) develop their graduation thesis in HCI area.
HCI courses Graduate Bureaucracy The third strategy requires the agreement of the
(Compulsory) authorities and all the professors of the Informatics
Engineering School of PUCV. The objective is to
impose usability evaluations as compulsory practice
5. A systematic approach to usability during the software development process. Usability
practices will have to be proved (not only stated) for all software
products developed as part of the graduation thesis.
Our 4 years experience in introducing HCI in CS
curricula was officially acknowledged, and a new 6. Conclusions
project was recently approved by the PUCVs
authorities (Integracin de pruebas de usabilidad de A CS curriculum has to be dynamic, to adapt itself
software en las prcticas docentes de la Escuela de to the continuous IT changes. We consider HCI as a
Ingeniera Informtica, June 2007). The project basic part of the formative process of the future
purpose is to systematically integrate usability software professionals. Changing curricula is usually a
evaluations (especially usability tests) into the long and bureaucratic process. Improvements are faster
formative process in Informatics Engineering School and much easier to implement by offering new or
(Escuela de Ingeniera Informtica) of PUCV, redesigned optional subjects.
establishing usability evaluations as standard practice We proposed an HCI course as optional subject
over the whole CS curriculum. It is a new stage that back in 2003. The experience was highly successful, so
allows the transition from isolated efforts to a we repeated it every year, in CS undergraduate
systematic approach, integrating the past experiences programs. As we strongly believe in a user-centered
in a consistent frame, which will also include new approach, we are mainly focusing our HCI course on
proposals [28]. usability. We try to improve the course each year, and
Three strategies were proposed: to adapt it to the necessities of local software
To develop a user centered vision early in the companies, mainly based on the feedback received
formative process of CS undergraduate programs, from ex-students. We gradually increased the weight of
To establish software usability as main purpose of practical activities, and come to focus more and more
the software process, in curriculas subjects related on teaching the students how to put HCI theory into
to the software development process, practice.
To establish usability evaluations as current A major step forward was the introduction of HCI
practice during the development of the graduation as compulsory course into the curriculum of the MD
thesis (when the thesis involves software program in CS, a program that PUCV offers since
development). 2006. We focus on preparing HCI practitioners in

undergraduate programs, and on preparing both HCI 7. References
practitioners and researchers in graduate programs.
We were able to introduce HCI topics all over CS [1] R. Baeza, C. de Souza, and C. Rivera,
curricula, as we are teaching courses at all levels: Enseanza de Interaccin Humano-Computador en
Computer Science Basics, Software Engineering (both Latinoamrica in Proc. of I Jornadas de Trabajo
as compulsory undergraduate courses), Human- sobre Enseanza de HCI, Puertollano, Spain, 2005, pp.
Computer Interaction (as optional undergraduate 21-31.
course and compulsory graduate course). However, [2] S. Barbosa and C. de Souza, Extending
this is an exception, a fortunate case. Similar results software thruogh metaphors and metonymies,
may be achieved only when the awareness of the HCI Knoledge-Based Systems, 14, 2001, pp. 15-27.
importance exists among the CS professors [3] C. Collazos, N. Vivas, and M. Ramrez, La
community, when there is a good will to do individual enseanza de HCI en Colombia: Un trabajo
efforts, and when the efforts can be coordinated. multidisciplinario basado en competencias in Proc. of
New projects are undergoing or will start soon. XXXI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informtica
Some of them are require only good will, as the new (CLEI 2005), Cali, Colombia, 2005, pp. 51-58.
optional subjects Web Engineering and Usability [4] L. Constantine and A. Lockwood, Software
Engineering. Some others involve bureaucracy, as for Use. ACM Press, New York, 1999.
the systematic approach to usability practices, over the [5] Dix, A., Human-Computer Interaction.
whole CS curricula, a project that requires the support Prentice Hall, 1998.
and/or the participation of our colleagues, professors of [6] C. de Souza, The Semiotic Engineering of
Informatics Engineering School. The fact that the Human-Computer Interaction, The MIT Press, 2005.
project was approved by the PUCVs authorities is not [7] C. de Souza, Semiotic Engineering: bringing
(only) an acknowledgment of our efforts, but a designers and users together at interaction time,
rewarding prove that the awareness of the importance Interacting with Computers, Vol. 17, 2005, 3, pp. 317-
of HCI practices is now a reality in PUCV. 341.
The practice is usually more appealing and [8] C. de Souza, S. Barbosa, and R. Oliveira, A
persuasive than the theory. The experience showed us semiotic engineering approach to user interface
that an appealing way to introduce HCI at all computer design, Knoledge-Based Systems, 14, 2001, pp. 461-
science curricula levels is by systematically including 465.
usability practices. [9] C. de Souza and S. Barbosa, Human-
We were lucky enough to succeed in introducing computer interaction in Latin America, Interacting
HCI at all CS curricula levels in PUCV. It was an with Computers, 16, 2004, pp. 611-614.
effort over the years, but very rewarding. The [10] X. Faulkner and F. Culwin, Integration of
experience that we showed is probably difficult to usability issues within initial software development
replicate in other universities. It certainly depends on education in ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, The proceedings
the specificity of each university and program, but a of the thirtieth SIGCSE technical symposium on
similar strategy may be applied. Regardless the Computer science education SIGCSE '99, Vol. 31,
specific conditions, we strongly believe that things are 1999, 1, pp. 296-300.
not always as bad as they seem to be. Small, yet [11] E. Folmer, M. van Welie and J. Bosch,
systematic, changes lead most of the time (sooner or Bridging patterns: An approach to bridge gaps
later!) to rewarding results. between SE and HCI, Information and Software
Technology, Vol. 48, 2005, 2, pp. 69-89.
Acknowledgment [12] C. Ghaoui, Encyclopedia of Human Computer
Interaction. Idea Group Reference, 2006.
Our thanks to Pontificia Universidad Catlica de [13] K. Hornbaek, Current practice in measuring
Valparaso (Chile), which made possible the usability: Challenges to usability studies and research,
experience described here. We also thank to SERG Int. J. Human-Computer Studies, 64, 2006, pp. 79-102.
(Semiotic Engineering Research Group), of Computer [14] M. Ivory and M. Hearst, The State of the Art
Science Department of Pontificia Universidad Catlica in Automating Usability Evaluation of User
de Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), especially to Prof. Dr. Interfaces, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 33, 2001,
Clarisse de Souza, for all the support and continuous 4, pp. 470-516.
encourages. [15] D., McCracken and R. Wolfe, User-Centered
Web Site Development: A Human-Computer

Interaction Approach. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle [26] C. Rusu and V. Rusu, Proiectarea unei
River, 2004. interfee utilizator n Microsoft Excel folosind Visual
[16] J. Nielsen, Designing Web Usability. New Basic for Applications, Lucrarile seminarului de
Riders Publishing, Indianapolis, 2000. creativitate matematica, North University of Baia
[17] J. Nielsen, Usability Engineering. Academic Mare, Vol. 10, 2001, pp. 149-166.
Press, Boston, 1993. [27] C. Rusu and V. Rusu, Teaching HCI: A
[18] R. Prates, C. de Souza, and S. Barbosa, A Challenging Intercultural, Interdisciplinary, Cross-field
method for evaluating the communicability of user Experience, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
interfaces, ACM Interactions, Vol. 7, 2000, 1, pp. 31- Ishida T., Fussell S. and Vossen P. (Eds.), 4568, 2007,
38. PP. 344-354.
[19] E. Rozanski and N. Schaller, Integrating [28] C. Rusu, V. Rusu, S. Roncagliolo, and J.
Usability Engineering into the Computer Science Rubio, A Systematic Approach to Usability Practices
Curriculum A Proposal in ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, in Computer Science Curricula, in Proc. Workshop on
Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities for
Innovation and technology in computer science Human-Computer Interaction in Latin America
education ITiCSE '03, Vol. 35, 2003, 3, pp. 202-206. (CLIHC2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007.
[20] C. Rusu, Abordarea informaticii ca disciplina [29] V. Rusu and C. Rusu, Ergonomia Software
facultativa in planul de invatamant, Lucrarile in birotic, Buletinul tiinific al Universitii de Nord
seminarului de creativitate matematica, North Baia Mare, Romania, Fascicola tiinte Economice,
University of Baia Mare, Vol. 7, 1997, pp. 103-110. Seria A, Vol. 21, 2004, pp. 144-146.
[21] C. Rusu, Human-Computer Interaction. [30] V. Rusu and C. Rusu, Intefata utilizator
Lecture Notes, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de pentru functii de analiza bursiera, in Economia
Valparaso, Chile, 2007. contemporana. Prezent si perspectiva, AGIR
[22] C. Rusu, Ingeniera Web, Lecture Notes, Publishing House, Bucarest, 2004, pp. 303-312.
Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Valparaso, Chile, [31] H. Sharp, Y. Rogers, and J. Preece,
2007. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer
[23] C. Rusu, Interaccin Persona - Computador. Interaction, Wiley, 2007.
Lecture Notes, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de [32] ***: - Asociacin Interaccin
Valparaso, Chile, 2007. Persona-Ordenador Website.
[24] C. Rusu and V. Rusu, HCI in Computer [33] ***: - Center for Web Research,
Science Curricula: Bureaucracy or Good Will?, in University of Chile.
Proc. XV Congreso Iberoamericano de Educacin [34] ***: - Gua para el
Superior en Computacin (CIESC), San Jos, Costa Desarrollo de Sitios Web, Gobierno de Chile, 2004.
Rica, 2007. [35] ***: - ACM SIGCHI Website
[25] C. Rusu and V. Rusu, Human-Computer (ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human
Interaction from theory to practice, in Actas VIII Interaction).
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