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Hbieh 0 GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO. KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 4 ‘TP HO CHi MINH NAM HQC 2014-2015 MON: TIENG ANH 10 - Thdi gian lam bai: 160 phut (khéng ké thoi gian giao aa) DE CHINH THUC Ngay 04 thang 4 nam 2015 Dé nay gém 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION |. Liston fo the recording carefuly and wnite down the missing words on your answer sheet. Driving a taxi isn only (1)_. its bad fora person's heath as wel, Tax! divers (2) lot of stress every day out on the street. Of course, we all know they have to drive in (3)____ traffic, but they also have to dive inbad weather (4) Think abeut having to try ina big lly during a) (6) In adaiion taxi divers have to work on holigays! There isnt much time for them to spend (6)___ with their fiends and fammiles. All ofthese can (7)____ a tivers health I's no (8) lot of taxl drivers have high blood (8)__and other health problems. Driving a taxi is (10)__a stressful job. ‘SECTION II. Listen to the recording. For questions 11 - 15, choose the option (4, B, C, or D) which best completes the blank space or best answers the question. 11. At ballet school in New York, Elena. ‘A. was the only student from Bulgaria BB. found leaming the language hard CC. suffered from a rare disease . learned to be dependent 12, What does Elena say about the ballet called Cinderella? ‘A. Children will enjoy it. B. The music was unfamiliar to her. ©, She was so moved when performing it. 1D. She saw it when she was a child 418. Inher free time, Elena tkes to, ‘A. go fishing Ego sightseeing ©. go to clubs D. go shopping 14. What does Elena often do to her fans? ‘A. She gave them a flower. B. She eats out with one of them. C. She sends them a free ticket. D. She signs one of her photographs. 15. What does Elena like best about her job? ‘A. getting applause —__—B. appearing on TV__C. doing something she loves _. traveling to different countries, ‘SECTION Ill. Listen fo two pieces of radio news. Give brief answers to the questions. 46. Why did the explosion happen, according to the Gas Board officials? 17. What cracked the gas main? 18. How many goals did Rangers score in the first half? 49. When did Franklin start imping? 20. How was the weather during the match? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. 1. They told me he was home then, A. a reat place from B. far away ©. adistance of D. along way from 2, Don't you think they are able to help ‘A. each other one 8. iherown C. one another D. together 3. Up high inthe sky ‘is a plane fying past B.the plane is fiying __C. past flewaplane + D. is fying past a plane 4, He doesn't drink much, the police catch him as he drives home, ‘in the event B incase C. despite D. otherwise 5. He gave me a lt of informetion, and | couldn't remember, A them all B.Itall nothing . none of it 6. This plan is very good. its feasibility. Ain contact with B.in terms of ©. im return for D. in addition to 7. They may have their fight rescheduled, they wil let you know. ‘Ain which event Bin which case - . by which time D. atwhich point 8, She seldom goes shopping without her mother by her side, 2 ‘A. doesnt she B. does she Cis ehe D. wouldn't she 98, Men cause. fatal accidents as women do for every mile they drive. A. twice more B. twice as many C. double as much D. as double 410, Had we known they 2 road right there, we would never have bought the house. A. were bulging 'B. could have built C. must be bulding . were going to build 11. The government set up a(n) ‘body on the use of crugs in sport. A. advisable B inadvisable C. welhadvised D. advisory 412. The principal doesn't allow. In the auditorium, ‘Aus smoke B. smoking ©. to smoke D. us smoking 13. 'm not, them staying with us, as long as i's only fora couple of days. ‘A. disagreeing with 8. looking forward to ©. opposed to D. objected to 14, That worker is than sick, ‘A lazier B, more laxy ©. solazy , much iazy 418. There is one kind of sports which | ke playing ebove all ‘and its tennis. ‘A, sports B other of sports ooFothers D.others 46. He rove away as soon asthe lights ___ green. ‘A became 8. turned C. changed D. grew 47. The spectators huried___at the referee when he disallowed the goal A abuse 8. complaint . petition D. objection 16, He's so. Hell beleve anything you say. ‘A. genersus 8, stubbom C. believable ©. gulible 419, He promised her a loan but disappointingly he on his word ‘A tutned over Bi stood off ~ C. went back D. sat down 20. ifeel a bit dizzy | dct sleep last night. Aan eye Brawink C.ajot D.aninch 21. That was not @ genuine Van Gogh. i's 2 A fraud fake ©. countereit D. wreck 22. Your steak looks really mnine is so tough | cant chew it ‘Asoft B flexible C. tender D. mid 23. Our planning forthe sales at the last minute ‘A. went up B fel through came apart D. broke away 24, Fé rather __it differently in that situation! ‘A.be doing B tohave done Cutis D. have done 25. Icould play the guitar wel. | 2 professional guitarist, but! decided to become a businessman instead. ‘A may have become would become could have become. was becoming 26. We can't beer nothing. ‘A.to sit around tod B siting around todo. siting around doing _D. to st around without doing 27. People came from to take partin the peace demonstration in Washington. ‘Around and round Bout and about G. there and back fer and wide 28, The teacher requested all the assignments by the end of this week ‘A are submited 8. be submitted . should submit D. wil have been submited 28. ‘Would you tke tea or cotiee?* a ‘A. Yes, please 8. Please, do, C. 1d prefer both D. Either will do 30, Lose this important match, ‘A.or you will have been sacked B. you wil be fred C. 60 you will be sacked immediately D. and youl be fred right away 31. She would make an excellent lawyer - she's conscientious and has @___mind. ‘A.welltrained B.woltintentioned —_C. welkbuit D. welLinformed 82. The baby cannot craw yet, ___walk. ‘let alone B not to mention C. least of al D.by degrees 33. The internship in a psychiatric ward forthe rest of his ite. ‘A.had an influence on him _B, fiadinfluericed on him —C. bad him as an influence D. exerted an influence for him 34. Since he changed professions, Fed's yearly income has ‘A. neatly tripled B. got almost three times bigger C. almost grown by trae times D, just about gone up three tines 35, Advertsing ___peopeinto buying things that they don realy want. ‘A. makes B blackmails C.brainwashes D.trestens Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that is incorrect. 36. Nearly al he electricity for industrial use almost comes from large generators driven by steam turbines, A 8 c D 97. The cag leader on beta ofthe ches, promised not to come to he the teagan anymore. . seuigat stint rant sage atemaveerery snc thls sth risa of carbon dioxide oe. There axznesone iret tereore, Soa tt exchange sides sien in our hostel B 40, Printmaking ‘is the generic term for a number of eee ‘which woodcut ak engraving are two prime examples, A @ c WORD FORMS (40 pts) ‘A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. Forall his hhe never really connects with other people. (SOCIAL) 2. The work was done well thanks to their attitude. (OPERATE) 3 They started the search in 2 farm. (DESERT) 4, He's one of the best ‘we Rave ever worked with. (NEGOTIATE) 5. Her is more important to her than anything else. (DEPEND) 6 7 8 The rate of crime is high in the area, and the authorities must do something about it, (INCREASE) ‘They made certain ‘about the market. . (ASSUME) Isn'tit time for you to have a medical (CHECK) 8. They are discussing the of the effectiveness of the system. (MAXIMUM) 10. The hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment is called (BIRD) '8, Put the words given in the correct blanks, You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage. There are two extra words that you cannot use. ‘wander plenty ease camp cruise * starve spirit probable politics concept vary study itis a common (1)___ that peopie in the Stone Age lived on the edge of (12)__, in small groups, (13)_arouné from place to place. On the contrary, recent (14) __ of archaeological sites have infact shown that ite was a great deal (76) than it was for later farming communities. After the Tos Age the weather was warmer than itis today and food was (16)___. There were large numbers of animals to hunt, fish could easily be caught in rivers and the sea, and a huge (17), ‘grew in the forests, During the Stone Age or Mesolithic Period, as it is known to archaeologists, men and women led an active social and (re), life, Large (18)__, where up to 200 people may have lived, have been found in several parts of Europe, in addition to the remainé of communal tombs and temples, Making stone tools was (20). seen as a communal activity, in which even children Used to take part GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space. of piants and berries ‘Speech - the act of uttering sounds to (1, ‘meaning - is a kind of human setion. Like any other repeated action, speaking has to be learned, but once itis learned, it becomes a generally (2) ‘and apparently automatic process. ‘As far as we can determine, human beings do not need to be @), to speak; most babies seem to possess a sort of instinctive ative to produce speech-lke noises. How to speak and what (4)_—___are another matter altogether. These are learned froma particular society (5)__the baby is born: so tha, tke all conduct hats learned from a society ~ from the people around us ~ speech isa patterned activiy. The meandering (6) land chatter of young child are eventually channeled by imitation into a few orderly grooves that M. the patter accepted as meaningful by the people around him. Similarly, @ child's indiscriminate (8) ‘of putting things info his mouth becomes limited to putting food into his mouth in a certain day. The sounds that a child can maké are more ©) ‘and numerous than the sounds that any particular language utlizes. However, a child bom into @ society with @ patter of Tanguage is encouraged to make a small (10). ‘of sounds and to make these few sounds over and over untl itis natural for him to make these sounds and no others. 1. A transmit B. describe ©. convey D. reveal 2. A. unconscious B. unknown C.insensible D-irationat 3. A. expiained B forced ©. directed D.leamed 4. Ato talk B.teling Sto sey . speaking 5. A. Into where B. into which into this D- into that 6A. blabber B. chirp ©. babble D. croon 7.A represent B. express tell D.give 8. A. routine B. practice custom D. habitation 8. A. changed B. distorted . varied D. reflected 10. A. gathering BB. accumulation ©. gettogether D. selection READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) ‘Choose the item (A, B, C of D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passag Large animals thet inhabit the desert have evolved a number of adaptations for reducing the effects of extreme heat. One ‘adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the Sun's rays. Desert mammals also depart from the normal mammalian practice of maintaining a constant body temperature. Instead of trying to keep down the body temperature deep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure of water and energy, desert mammals allow their temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height, and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grant's gazelles. The overheated body then cools down during the cold desert night, and indeed the temperature may fall unusually low by dawn, as low as 34 degrees Celsius in the camel. This isan advantage since the heat ofthe fst few hours of dayight is absorbed in warming up the body, and an excessive buildup of heat does not begin unt well into the day. ‘another sirtegy of farge deser animals i to tolerate the loss of body water toa goin tat woul be fatal for non-adepted animals. The camel can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight as water without harm to itself, whereas human beings die after losing coy 12 to 13 percent of their body weight. An equally important adaptation isthe abit to replenish this water loss at one drink. Desert ‘animals can drink prodigious volumes in @ short time, and camels have been known to imbibe over 100 lters in a few minutes. A very dehydrated person, on the other hand, cannot drink’ enough water to rehydrate at one session, because the human stomach is not sufficiently big and because a too rapid dilution of the body fluids causes death from water intoxication. The tolerance of water loss is of ‘obvious advantage in the desert, es animals do not have to remain near a water hole but can obtain food from grazing sparse and far- flung pastures. Desert-adapted mammals have the further abiity to feed normally when extremely dehydrated, it is a common experience in people that appetite is lost even under conditions of moderate thirst. 4, What isthe main topic of the passage? (A) Weather variations in the desert (B) Adaptations of desert animals (C) Diseases of desert animals (D) Human use of desert animals 2, According to the passage, why is ight coloring an advantage to large desert animals? (A) It helps them hide from predators, (B) It does not absorb sunlight as much as dark colors. (©) ithelps them see their young at night {D) Itkeeps them coo! at night. 83, The word “maintaining” is closest in meaning to (A) measuring (®) inheriting (0) preserving (©) delaying 4, The author uses of Grant's gazelle as an example of (A) an animal with a low average temperature (@) an animal that is not as well adapted as the camel (C)a desert animal that can withstand high body temperatures _—_(D) a desert animal with a constant body temperature ‘5. When | the internal temperature of a large desert mammal lower? (A) Just before sunrise {®) In the middle ofthe day (©) Just after sunset (©) Just after drinking 6, The word "tolerate" is closest in meaning to (A) endure (@) replace (©) compensate (0) reduce 7. What causes water intoxication? (A) Drinking too much water very quickly (8) Drinking polisted water (C) Bacteria in water (0) Lack of water. 8 What does the author imply about desertadapted mammals? (A) They do not need to eat much food. (B) They can eat large quantities quickly (0) They easiy lose thei appetites. (0) They can travel iong distances looking for food, ‘8. Why does the author mention humans in the second paragraph? (A) To show how they use camels. (8) To contrast them to desert mammals. (C) To give instructions about desert survival (©) To show how they have adapted to desert ite 410. Which of he folowing is NOT mentioned as an adaptation of large desert animals? (A) Variation in body temperatures (®) Eating while dehydrated (©) Drinking water quickly (©) Being active at night. OPEN CLOZE TEST | (60 pts) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make @ meaningful passage. PASSAGE A For years, concem has been (1), by parents and teachers about the effect of computer games on the moral and @) make-up of the next (3) ‘Some have wamed that a relentless dlet of whiz-bang ‘shoot-em-upe' fosters antisocial behavior, (4)___ playground violence. (6)__believe that the age of the zombie is upon us. ‘But expert opinion is (6), radically. Peychologists in America and Britain now suggest that (7) ‘computers games hhold some dangers for children, they also provide opportunities their parents (8), enjoyed to amplify powers of concentration and memory. Researchers (2) also highlighted the positive (10) of children to the way computer games reward success, thereby spurring (11), ‘nto look for greater challenges — a boon ifthe same attitude is applied to school (12), Aleading ‘academic at the University of Washington has even claimed that children think (13), when they play computer games, learning to deal with problems in parallel rather than in sequence, in (14) ___, children ar@ Being trained to tackle problems in a (15), which is not only more rapid but also more effective. PASSAGE B. ‘The geographical (1)_of a country and its physical characteristics are very important to its (2) United States is very fortunate In TAS (3) < First of al, it has a good ciate. In (4) {al sections of the country its possible to ive comfortably during the (6), year. Its true that in the south it sometimes gets very (6)_, and in the north very cold, But the people who lve in these (7), become accustomed to the ciate and never suffer (8), ‘When the weather is either very hot or very cold. {na large country (2) is usualy a great variey of diferent physical characteristics. In the United States, there are wide plains and high (10) ‘thousands of lakes and rivers of all sizes, cool forests and hot (11) ‘and a coastline several thousand miles long. ‘The many lakes and rivers, as well as the long coastline, have been of great (12), to the development of the country, sine they have made (13) the easy transportation of people and all the things they need. Transportation by water is tli Necessary and important. In modem (14)__, however, trains, automobiles, trucks and airplanes are doing much of the work which was (19) He didn't pay 2. She burst into tears immediately after eaying (HAD) >No sooner 3 The artist's performance attracted such a big crowd at thad fo Start late. (SHOWED) > Somany ae 4. should have bought the car at last week's auction. (AUCTIONED) 3H 5, The farmer and his children used to do most ofthe farm work (WELL) > Most of 6. The attendance atthe football match was very ow. (SEE) 3 Hardly 7, Although he perheps has some faults, meanness isnatone ofthem. (INCLUDE) 3 Whatever: 8, Everyone fieard about the accident before 1did. (INFORMED) > was 8, Someone has suggested banning care from the oly center. (AUTHORITY) 3 10, You cannot nd that precious Book anywhere else exceptin he private ibvery. (RATHER) tis, land progress, The ‘THE END OF THE TEST s& GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHE MINH LAN 3 TP HO CHI MINH NAM HQC 2016-2017 MON: TIENG ANH 10 i ‘Thot gian lam bal: 180 phiit (khOng ké thai gian giao a) BE CHINH THU Ngay 8 thang 4 naim 2017 a nay gdm 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION |. Listen to the recording caretuly and write down the missing words on your answer sheet At the moment, there Is @ lt of (1). In the sport of parkour. Some people want competitions, but others do not. Right now, It is mote of e(n) (2), ‘sport, Parkourists only compete with (3) They try to get belter every day. But lately, somes of that the spor would is ane, They tin hat comeetitons would be good. would make the sport more (2) pate they think that the sport would improve at a faster (6) They say that itis only a matter of tme before (7) ‘compelitions get started, But many ofthe (8), aivetes aro agains this change, They say that itis against the idea of parkour. There fe no-bese ones, oot omaynd f overcome (@)_—_. No one way is better than another. These parkouists are doing thor (10) 10 prevent competitions from ever happening. They do not want the sport to change. Fe cme arcisten fo the recorting. For questions 14-16, choose the option (A, B,C, orD) which best completes the blank space or ‘best answers the question. ‘1. What was the Hindenburg? A. Atrain series B.A ship ©. An aitplane D. An airship 12. The Hindenburg had __ hwy cabins, A.40 8.50 ©.26 D.15 13. Which of the following was NOT included in a cabin Aa cargo B. electric heating G.a dance floor D. a lounge 14, The Hindenburg had been built to with the great trans-Atlantic liners. Ahelp B. compare C. travel D. compete 16. The Hindenburg could ross the Atlantic ‘A. in less than 41 hours B. in less time than the Graf Zeppelin . in tess than half the time of a liner D. three times as fast as a train SECTION Ill Liston to the recording. Give brief answers to the questions. 18. Where was Penelope Cruz born? , 17. What did Penelope do when she was a teenager? 18. When did she become famous? 19, What classes had she attended before she started learning acting? 20. For which category did she win an Oscar? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. 4. To attract more leamers, we noed Updated teaching ‘A. solutions 'B. methods C-treatments D. modes 2. I'd rather that the boys. ‘$0 much trouble in the last party. A didn't make B. wouldn't make C. weren't be making —_D, hadn't made 3. They've put forth many suggestions, ‘sound practical, in my opinion, ‘A. neither of which B none of them C. none of which D. not any of them 4, Frankly, we ‘a hand had they asked us to. A. could have given B, would give C. must have given D. should be giving 5. The hotel we stayed at was really fithy, and I'm not. ‘A. exaggerating B. lying ‘Camplfying . boasting 6.1amnot accustomed ____ in public. A to speak 5 fo speaking C. speaking D. with speaking 7. He gave her ring in the wedding ceremony, ‘A, such big beautiful diamond B. a beautiful big diamond 80 beautiful a diamond big D. a big diamond beautiful 8. His evidence doesn’, ‘A fall for Badd up C. figure out D. setin 9. I'm worn out. | could a cup of tea. ‘A. put up with B. call for ©. do with D. come in for 10. | was caught parking on a double yellow line and had to pay @ parking A.fine B. charge fee D- cost “11. Im not surprised he became an author. Even as a child he had a imagination. A large B fertile C. bright D. lively 12. Katie is really creative; and | mean “creative” in the broadest of the word. ‘A. meaning B. value C. idea D. sense 13, The more expensive caris a good choice itis a faster one, A.80 that B. owing to Cin that D. but for the fact that 44. He leads a quite dificult life; he can just, ‘A. run errands B. make ends mest C. make allowance for it_D. mind his own business 18, He won the match A. hands up hands down C. near at hand D. from hands to mouth 46. If you're going to succeed in this job, you will need ‘A. supporters B. rivals -sopanvisors D. accomplices 47. Although he claims to have left his job voluntarily, he was actuelly {for misconduct A. resigned B, dismissed ©. dispelied D. recruited 18. ‘his poor English, he rnanaged to make himself understood. A Hence B. Contrary to C. Regardless of D. On account of 19. Will you ever forget ‘together in such a nice atmosphere and environment? A. lean B.telearn ©. leaming D. leamt 20. Alice is an up and coming novelist works are praised by the critics, A. who B. whom C. whose D.her Py will the survey take place? _ Maybe, in about two weeks’ time, How soon B. How long. ¢. How much D. How many 22. | can't go out because | have work to do. ‘A. such a lot of B. too much of . such many D. such much 23, The poem __ three parts. A. consists B. is composed of C. includes for D. comprises of 24, The fishing boats were destroyed at sea in a storm. A. disaster B. disaster-prone Cr disastrous D. disaster-stricken 25. Many students take courses to help with the _ ‘of their knowledge, ‘A. widening 8, spreading T-opening D. massing 26. Men still expect their jobs t0 take. A. forward B. priority C. privilege D. order 27. What John says__ true but | very much doubt it * A. may be: B. should be C. wil be D. must be 28. They suggested “inthe contest. ‘A.| would participate _B. me to participate _—_C. my participating . that I must participate 28. She. ‘a cold after walking in the rain for some time. A. came into B. went down with C. took over D. brought up 30, I want _ rive, please. Aatew B. any Cate D. anumber of 31, The altitude of Lhasa, is over 12,000 feet. A. Tibet capital B. where Is Tibet's capital C. the capital of Tibet__D. Tibet's capital is there 22, Person 1: _ "What do you think of the film we've watched?” Person 2: _* f A Itsa piace of cake! B, None of your business! C. I've seen worse. No kidding? 33, Person 4: _" "Person 2: _ ‘Nothing serious!” ‘A. What's that? B What's up? C. What does it look like? D. Why so? 34, Person 1: _‘Well, I didn't make it. Person 2: _" : ‘A, Not a mament too soon. BY Betler luck nest time! C. I don’t know how to make it D. Not bad! 36. Person 1: _ "Putt down, or I'l kil you.” Person 2:_* ‘A. Thope $0. B.I'mafraid of death. _C. I's a good idea. D. | won't forall the word, Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that is incorrect. 36. You have made remarkable progresses in your study in the last few weeks. A 8 ic D 37. She has spent many sleepless nights to examine the question raised by one student A B CHSEED) 38. One of the weaknesses in English is that itis not pronounced the way itis written. A B c D 39. In the first meeting, a headmaster briefly introduced me to the school’s teaching staff. A B ci D 40. Motor vehicles are among the majoring causes of ar pollution in big city centers. A 8 cl D WORD FORMS (40 pts) ‘A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. wish you would stop all that imsitating sound, (continue) Natural disasiers alvays bring about damage. (width) Giles is a fiercely independent and, ‘man. (wil!) ‘The interior decoration of the hotel presents Every single piece of work in this company has been (compute) On your passport may be renewed for a further five years. (expire) Juvenile delinquency is increasing at a(n) rate in the area. (alarm) He's gotting on at school, which pleases his parents. (satisfy) Which Is just one of the drawbacks. (taste) 8. The mountaineer __. survived the fall fom the altitude of 252meters, (fniraclo) 40. Most ofthe gifts in his shop are ‘0 ust the wellto-do often come here, (cost) B, Put the worde given in the correct blanks. You have fo use thelr correct forms to make a meaningful passage. There are ‘tvvo extra words that you cannot use, perception indicate observation mystery high enormity elucidate vision comprehend secrecy wide publication Everyone nowadays knows that ait photographs have contributed (11), to the discovery and (12), of archaeological sites, yet there is nothing (13) or complicated about the basic principle of archaeology from the ait. The ats Dr 0.6.8, Cresiecd made a convenient and striking demonstration when he (14). side by side two photographs of a patterned carpet, seen (as he put I) frst ffom the ca’s ~ eye and then ftom the mar’s eye viewpoint The cat, afew inches above the carpet, veos a sina recat Very oblique angle, which gives no (18) Of the sttucture ofthe total pattern, easly (16), by the man looking down on the carpet from a (17) ‘This is exacy what happens in sr (18)___, but the value of ar photographs Is twofold, Whi they enable (19) ws {0 be obisined which are impossible on the ground, and thus enable the significance of festuroe to eo recognized, they also reveal sites and features which are completely (20) ‘on the ground. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space. [The tiger can le in almost (1)____ natural environment from ht, steamy jungles to snoufields wth sub-zero temperatures. A female tiger has her frst (2) when che is less than four years old. About half usually die before they are-a yesr old They kik thelr firt small animals when they are about one and leave thelr mother a year later. Tigers are good swimmers, can clint teeerency eat 23 kilos of meat (3), ‘They can jump nearly nine metes, which is about the length of a double-decker bus. A tiger depends on its sharp eyes end (4) ears. waits under (6)_____and rushes at the animaisit hunts, jumping on them. If it fall, itofen (8)_ a beeen s gets tired very easly. t ean go formore than a week without catching amthing, Tigers communicate by many sounds, (7), ‘2 roar that can be heard over several miles. Adult tigers usually live alone ‘though they are quite friendly with each other. They @) hunt et night. They offen meet while they go out hunting, rub heads together and then part. They have (°)____ bodies to lions. However, they never mate together in the wid. Occasionally they da in +2008 and their(10)__are called ‘gions or ‘igone. 4.A.any B.all C.none D. some 2A. cubs BB. youngsters C.calves D. chicks 3. at night B. ona night Cina night . nightiong 4.4, keen B. bettered ©. sharp D. active 5.A. darkness B. cover C. shelter D. secret, 6.A brings B. picks C. takes D. gives F 7A. containing B. consisting C. including . having 8. A. mostly B. especially C. almost D. nearly oe 98. A familiar B. similar . likening D. resembling 10. A. offspring B. children C. toddlers D. kids READING COMPREHENSION — (10 pts) Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passag One of the most important social developments that helped to make possible a shit n thinking about the role of public {education was the effect of the baby boom of the 1950's and 1960's on the schools. In the 1920's, but eapecely in the Depression onaitions ofthe 1990's, the United States experianced a dectning bith rate — every thousand women aged fteen to fory-four one Birth to about 118 lve children in 1920, 892 in 1930, 75.8 in 1998, and 80 in 1940. With the growing prosperity brought on by ine Second World Wat and the economic boom that followed i, young people married and established households earller and began to false larger familes than had their predecessors during the Depression. Birth rates rose to 102 per thousand in 1946, 1082 n1060, and 116 in 1965. although economics was probably the most important determinant, itis not the only explanation forthe baby boon, ‘The increased value placed on the idea ofthe family also helps to explain ths rise in bith rates, The baby boomere began steaming ino the first grade by the mid-1840's and became a flood by 1950. The public school system suddenly found itself overtaced. While re number of schoolchildren rose because of wartime and postwar conditions, these same conditions made the schosle oosn lees Prepared to cope withthe flood. The wartime economy meant that few new schools were bult between 1940 and 1846, Noreowss during the war and in the boom times that followed, large numbers of teachers left their profession for bettr-paying jobs elsewhere i, the economy Theos nthe 880 and 1860, the beby boom hit an angled and nadequat chad atom, Conseqventy, the “custodial rhetoric” of the 1930's and early 1940's no longer made sense; that i, Keeping Youths aged sixteen and elie: set of the labor merket by keeping them in school could no longer be a high priority for an insttution unable to find space and stat to leah younger children aged fve to shteen. With the baby boom, the focus of educators and of laymen intrested in education Inevitably "ured toward the lower grades and back to basio academic eklls and discipline. The system no longer had much interest in offering nontraditional, new, and extra services to older youths. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) The teaching profession during the baby boom (8) Birth rates in the United States in the 1930's and 1949 (©) The impact ofthe baby boom on public education (0) The role of the family in the 1950's and 1960's 2. The word "it" inline 7 refers to. (A) 1955 (8) economies (C) the baby boom (0) value 2. The word "overtaxed’ in line 9 is closest in meaning to (A) well prepared (B) plentifully supplied (Cy heavily burdened —_(D) charged too much. 4. The public school of the 1950's and 1960's faced all ofthe following problems EXCEPT: (A) a declining number of students (8) old-fashioned faciities (C) a shortage of teachers (0) an inadequate number of school buildings ‘5. According fo the passage, why did teachers leave the teaching profession after the outbreak of the war? (A) The needed to be retrained (®) They were dissatisfied with the curriculum, {(C) Other jobs provided higher salaries. (©) Teaching positions were scarce. 6, The word “inadequate” in ine 14 is closest in meaning to (A) deficient (®) expanded (©) innovative (©) specialized 7. The phrase “custodial thetoric" mentioned inline 15 refers to (A) raising @ famiy (8) keeping older individuals in school (©) running an orderly house hold (©) maintaining discipline in the classroom e 8. The word "inevitably" in ine 17 is closest in meaning to (4) unwilingly ©) imparialy (©) irationaty (0) unavoidably 9. Where in the passage does the author refer fo the alitude of Americans toward raising a family in the 1950's and 1960's? (A) Lines 1-2 (8) Lines 7-8 (C) Lines 15-16 (©) Lines 18-19 40. Which of the following best characterizes the organization of the passage? (A) The second paragraph presents the effect of circumstances described in the first paragraph, (8) The second paragraph provides a fictional account to ilustrate a problem presented in the first paragraph. (C) The second paragraph argues against a point made inthe fist paragraph, (0) The second paragraph introduces a problem not mentioned in the first paragraph, ‘OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage, PASSAGE A Greenland is the largest island in the world but has a small (1), ‘of 66,000. Many of these ‘Greenlanders’ live (2) to the ‘coastline because @ large part of the country is (3)____ with 1ee and glaciers. Since the 1960s, the country has had economic (4)__ and social problems. Its traditional (5), ‘nd its biggest ~ is fishing but the country still imports much more than it ©, Now, however, life is about to change dramatically - and all because of the weather. The world’s (7) is getting warmer and you can already see the change in Greenland: the ice melts. One industry that is (2). from the meting ice is the oil Industry. Nowadays, the sea around the west (@|____of Greenland has no ice for six months of the year. This (10), oil ‘companies can explore this area. They plan to dril for ol in the next few years. Greenlanders have (11)___feeings about this modem development. However, the country’s prime (12) explains the dlemma: ‘The Arctic people are the ones most (13), to climate change but we need a strong economy and we have to uflise the opportunities that ol could bring us .. we don't have any other natural (14) forthe time (15), that hold as much potential as ol. PASSAGE B The great avenues are quiet, the shops are (1)___. Soon the streets will be full of people and (2)__.. As with most other cities, you see the real Paris when the city (3) up. There is, however, (4) part of Paris which is silent and (6) from people 24 hours a day. Under the city are hundreds of klometres of “There are sewers and old subways (7) "there are also spaces of al kinds: canals and catacombs, (8), cellars which have been made into nightclubs and galleries, @) you 0 under Paris, there is history and legend. Historians and novelists often (10)____to them in thelr books. For example, Viclor Hugo mentions the tunnels in his famous (11) Les Miserables, and in the story and musical The (12)_____ of the Opera there is 2 pond beneath the old opera house. Most people think this is (13) but In fact there is an underground pond here with fish. A ‘normal tourist can visit parts of Paris beneath the ground. However, Ife Megal to enter other parts ofthe tunnels and (14), often search the area. It's also very (15), because some of the tunnels might collapse. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in brackets without making any change to it. 1. He spent all his money and he even borrowed some from me. (well) 3 Not 2. We like fo talk to Jil because she Is humorous, (eense) > We enjoy 3, You should see the principal for further advice, think, (refer) 3 Id tke you. 4, Everyone siaried complaining the moment the announcement was made, (burst) DAs. 5, | hate both of the paintings they sent yesterday. (expectations) > Neither, 6. They aré highly ikely fo win the scholarship, (granted) > inal 7. Mind your step, oF youl slip on the wel floor. (over) > Upp tenon oo sm 8. Itis evident that he is making good progress at school. (getting) > Obvious! 8. Scarcely had he got out of the house when it started raining, (down) >No 410. ‘They said that Paula had quit five jobs before working for us (up) > Paula was ‘THE END OF THE TEST 86 GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 2 TP HO CHi MINH NAM HOC 2015-2016 MON: TIENG ANH 10 5 ThOi gan lam bai: 150 phut (khéng ké thoi gian giao 48) DE CHINH THU Nagay 2 thang 4 nam 2016 é nay gém 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION |, Liston fo the recording carefully and write down the missing words on your answer sheet. Interviewer: It (1), Tike @ long process. Jennifer: Its... it Took about four years to make my movie. i: What were the most interesting (2), of the process for you? J: Well, (3) was really interesting, but it ean be (4) _ 00. If you want to try and get a well-known Hollywood actor, it can mean a lot of wailing for each person's. (8) We ended up choosing an (6) actress for my movie because none of the famous ones could work with our (7), ‘But I don't think Ya doit that way again. @ famous actress can make a big (8) so | think fd wait |: What was the best par of the process? J Oh, definitely (2) the movie. Its extremely (10), = butit’s also very exciting. Ifs so diferent from any other kind of Job SECTION Il. Listen tothe recording. For questions 11 - 15, choose the option (A, 8, C, or D) which best completes the blank space or best answers the question. 14. What program is it? we worked 12 to 14 hours a day for four weeks on my movie ‘A. Fashion on TV B. music on the radio, TV music show D. music for fashion shows 12, 's probably the okiest among the people who are suggesting songs. A deany B. Andy C. Felix D. Mark 13, Which of the following countries is where Andy from? ‘A, England B. Scotland ©. Ireland D. Wales 14. The presenter really wants something about ‘A. fashion models B, memories of old times ©. fashions D. university days 16. The least suitable song to be suggested is. ‘A. Vogue B. Fashion G. Dedicated Followers of Fashion D. Freedom SECTION Ili, Listen to the recording, Give brief answers to the questions. 46. What are the speakers talking about? 17. In Scotland, how will they travel to, and where will they stay in the mountains in the free days? - 18. To compare with that on the last camping trp, how Is the accommodation in Greece this time? 19. What wil the weather be lke in Greece during their stay? 20. Who will get the special trophy at the celebration? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pis) Choose the word or phrase (A, 8, C, or D) that best completes the sentence, 1. Without the sun, there no life on the earth, ‘A. would be Bis ©. couldn't be D. hasnt been 2, Who was the fist person, the South Pole? A. reaching B. reached C.to reach D. who reached 3 idy for the test, the boys felt very nervous. Being not B. Hadn't been C.Not tohave been —_D. Not being 4. | hope nobody will hurt_ A. himself B. themselves C. herself D. oneself 6 ‘my younger brothers are engineers. None 8. Some ©. Both D. Neither 6. She can't stand, after as if she was a child A. to look B. to be looked C. looking D. being looked 7. Mishaps sometimes come so soon, ‘A. one and another B.one after another —_C. oneafter the others. one or another 8. Id rather television; the programs seem to get worse. ‘A.read than watch B. read to watch C. reading to watching _D. reading than watching 9. | can't do my work! | wish they that lousy music next door, A. all could stop @. fad all stopped . would all stop D. are all stopping 40. Gosh! Our kids ‘things they have leant ‘A. forever forget B. always forget ©. are forever forgetting _D. always have forgotten 11, With my new computer, lean work. than before. ‘A. a great deal more effectively B. by far more effectively C. much effectively . more and more effectively 42. The cost of living is getting ‘A. the higher, the higher more and more highly C. higher and higher _D, the more high than ever 13. Michael asked me the term paper to the teacher. ‘A. when had | submitted B. when | was submitting C. when | had submitted _D, when did ! submit 44, The principal will declare the ceremony open as soon as all the graduates and guests A, will have sat B.have been seated —_C. willbe sitting Dave seated 15, Of the ten beauty spots my brother visited, left a lasting impression on him. ‘A. none of which not one of them C. which none D. and none of them 46. Taking photographs in this world renowned museum is__ forbidden. ‘A, absolutely B. highly seriously D. strictly 17. They managed to all the men from the collapsed mine. A, survive B. sacrifice C. rescue D. save 18, Adam tripped over a rock and _ his ankle. A. twisted B. sprained ©. struck , wounded 19, The heel on Jane's new shoes A. scratched crumbled ©, damaged ©. broke 20. Some endurance events may be rescheduled if such high pollution levels a health risk to most athletes. ‘A. create: B. present C.run D. face 21. He promised his daughter a doll, and, to my great joy, he. his word. ‘A, stood by B. stuck at ©. went back on D. held onto 22, They just With each other. They used to be a dream couple. ‘A. ended up B. put up C. got along well D. broke up 23. I'm worn out. | could a cup of tea. ‘A, put up with B. call for ©, do with D. come in for 24, Tim is staying with a(n) family while studying in Australia, A. adopted B. host C. unofficial D. fake 25. During the someone tried to cal the police, A. hold-up B. outbresk . check-in D. get-together 26, She is now in the public after her appearance in the film series. ‘A altention 8. arm C. eye D. notice , 27, She ‘a few clothes into a case and hurried to the airport A. scattered B, shoved C. piled D. heaved 28. AC Milan Is a(n) _story of a football club in 1990's. A, successful B, successive C. unsuccessful D. success 28. Television came into, ‘and became 2 competitor with the motion pictures. ‘A, practice B. enforcement C.use D. life 20. The teacher gave him a smile to encourage him to answer the question. ‘A. trusting . worthy C. considerable D. pleasure 31, My sisters don't with me about the arrangements. A. see eye to eye B. tum their hand C.tum theirnose up —_D. discuss 32. These days | have my full wth organizing workshops. A. face B. neck C.eyes D. hands. 33, _ A: 5 —B: "0K, Il take it” ‘A Nobody wants to say anything. B, That biscuit is going begging. C. Old habits die hard! D. Please don't take it to heart. 34, Our favorite player Djokovic once again his arch rival Nadal in the last Roland Garros final. A lost to B, defeated by ©. beat with D. triumphed 35. _ A: "Why would he bother to lie about it?" a ‘A. There's no doubt about it, B. Not go fast! Search me! D. Liars bother hirn! Choose the word or phrase (A, B,C, or D) that is incorrect. 36. Being a professional footballer, you get tough physical contact, therefore becoming injured. A 8 ci D 7, The glass tube in a fluorescent lamp contains mercury vapor under small pressure. A EB rc D 38, Fibers can come from plants, animals, or mineral ores, or they may be made from a variety chemical substances. A 8 c D 39, Bacteria lived in the soll play a vital role in cecycling the carbon and nitrogen needed by plants. B c D A 40. If we kept on using energy at this rate, most of coal mines would be used up in 60 years. A 5 cs 0 WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. 4. The school is very proud of having its own, inscientiic research. (expert) 2. The man committed a theft and was sentenced to three-month (prison) 3, Everyone in the neighborhood looks up to him and calls him the man of, (wise) 4 In the last test, his paper result was satisfactory. (surprise) 5. This is a very important event, and there willbe the presence of a great number of (celebrate) 6. Then comes the ‘stage; if you lose a match you will be eliminated. (knock) 7. The collection of Books inthis brary is truly a treasure of value. (estimate) 8. The tendency now is to have schools for young children Instead of segregated ones. (educate) 8. They can't travel anywhere by boat or ship because of their (sick) 10. To eam a litte more money, students can apply for work in the department store. (Season) EB, Pat the words given in the correct blanks, You have to use thelr correct forms to make a meaningful passage, There are ‘two extra words that you cannot use. startle fy system diverse peculiar lite vary water adapt odd decorate arrange A ts have feathers, and al animals with feathers ae birds. No other major group of animals 80 Gasy to categorize, Al birds have wings, too, but wings are not the (11), ofbirds. Many (12), 5s found in beth feathers and wings of birds. Feathers form the soft down of geese and ducks, the long (13)__plumes of ostriches, and the strong (14), feathers of eagles and hawks. Wings vary from the short, broad cues of shickens, which seldom fy, fo the long sim ones of aibarosses, which spend almost all he (15) soaring rte nce erguins, wings have been modified ino fippers anc feathers into a (16)__ covering. In kvis, The wings aro simoet moceelns 1a detect. Yet (17), jimong birds is not so striking as i's among mammals, The difference between a hummingbird and 2 Penguin is immense, but hardly 9s (18) as that between @ bat end a whale. itis (19) in details rather than in fundamental patterns thet has been important in the adaptation of birds to many kinds of (20), GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space, Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and (1) to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she Sec tna emanted to become a doctr. That was nearly imposdibie for a woman in the middle ofthe nineteenth centuny Atte writing many letters seeking (2) to medical schools, she was finally (3) by a doctor in Philadelphia. So determined was she that she taught in a school and (), ‘music lessons to eam money for her tution. In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to (5) her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to (6) the idea, Upon returning to the United States, she found it diffcult to start her own (7) because she was a woman, By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, (6) {6 open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides being the fst (9) Physician and (10), her own hospital, she also established the first medical school for women, 1, A, evacuated B. migrated C. emigrated D. exiled 2. A. permission 8 recognition C. admittance . admission 3.A received B. accepted C. rejected D. achieved 4.4 had B made C. gave D. did 6. A. further B. made C. started D.ran 6A. do without Btu away C. give up ©. run out 7. A business B cause C.trade D. practice 8.A. succeeded B. managed ©. coped D. enabied 8. A, womanizing B. feminine C. female D. womanly 40. A. making B. finding CC. producing . founding READING COMPREHENSION ({0 pts) Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. ‘Scientists have discovered that for the last 160,000 years, at least, there has been a consistent relationship between the amount Cf carbon dioxide in the air and the average temperature of the planet. The importance of carbon dioxide in regulating the Earh’s tantamount to dliling back through time. ‘The deepest sections of the core are composed of water that fell as snow 180,000 years ago. Scientists in Grenoble, France, fractured portions of the core and measured the composition of ancient air released from bubbles in the ice. Instruments wore ueee te measure the ratio of certain isotopes in the frozen water to get an idea of the prevailing atmospheric temperature at the time when that particular bit of water became locked in the glacier, ne resull is @ remarkable unbroken record of temperature and of atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide. Almost every time the Shill ofan ice age descended on the planet, carbon dioxide levels dropped. When the global temperature dropped 8°F (6 *C), carbon cloxide levels dropped to 190 parts per milion or so. Generally, as each ice age ended and the Earth basked in a werm interglacial Period, carbon dioxide levels were around 280 parts per million. Through the 160,000 years of that ice record, the level of carson dioxide in the atmosphere fluctuated between 190 and 280 parts per milion, but never rose much higher until the Industriel Revolution beginning in the eighteenth century and continuing today. {There is indirect evidence that the link between carbon dioxide levels and global temperature change goes back much further than the glacial record, Carbon dioxide levels may have been much greater than the current concentration during the Carboniferous Period, 260 fo 286 milion years ago. The period was named for @ profusion of plant Ife whose butied remains produced a large ‘action of the coal deposits that are being brought to the surface and burned today. 1 Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss? (A) Chemical causes of ice ages (8) Techniques for studying ancient layers of ice in glaciers. (C) Evidence of a relationship between levels of caron dioxide and global temperature (0) Effects of plant life on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere 2. The word “accumulated” is closest in meaning to (A) spread out (@) changed (©) became denser (0) built up 3. According to the passage, the driling of the glacier in eastern Antarctica was important because it (A) allowed scientists to experiment with new dling techniques (8) permitted the study of surface temperatures in an lee-covered region of Earth (C) provided insight about climate conditions in earlier periods (0) confirmed eartier findings about hew glaciers are formed 4. The phrase “anlamaunt to is closest in meaning to 4) complementary to (8) practically the same as_(C) especially well-suited to (0) unlkely to be confused with 5. According tothe passage, scientists Used isotopes fromthe water ofthe ie core to determine which of following? (A) The amount ofa hat had bubbled to the surface since th ice had formed {B) The temperature ofthe atmosphere winen the ice was formed {C) The date at which water had become locked in the glacier (0) The rate at which water hed been frozen inthe glacier 6. The word "temarkabl' is closest in meaning to (A) genuine (8) permanent (©) extraordinary (©) continuous 7. The word “lnk” is closest in meaning to (A) tension (8) connection (©) attraction (©) distance 8, The passage implies that the warmest temperatures among the periods mentioned occurred (A) inthe early eighteenth century (8) 160,000 years ago (C) at the end of each ice age (©) between 360 and 285 milion years ago ©. According to the passage, the Carboniferous period was characterized by {(A) a reduction in the number of coal deposits (B) the burning of a large amount of coal (©) an abundance of plants (0) an accelerated rate of glacier formation 40. The passage explains the origin of which of the following terms? (A) Glacier (®) isotopes (©) Industrial Revolution _(D) Carboniferous period OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage. PASSAGE A Children have been wrongly assumed to have poor sense of proportion when it (1. to painting something. When drawing human (2) , children often make the head too large for the (3)__ of the body. A recent study offers some 4, into this common (6) in children’s ilustrations. As (6) Of the study, researchers asked children (7) 4 and 7 yeers old to make several drawings of men. When they drew (@) views of male figures, the size of the head was markedly enlarged. (2) ‘when the children drew rear views of men, the size of the head was not (10) ‘exaggerated. The researchers suggest (17) chiideen draw bigger heads when they know they must leave (12), for facial details Therefore, the odd head (13) in children ilustraons is a form of planning (14). ‘and not an indication of @ poor (15), of scale. PASSAGE B Imagine you're driving down the highway one spring day and it begins to rain. You hear the sound of the rain on the car o. Suddenly, it (2). 2s if small stones are pounding on the car, and you see (3) of ice bouncing on the road. You'té in a hailstorm, and you'd better get your car under (4) ! Hallstones can (6) Vehicles @s well as gardens and farmers’ (6), If You pick up a haiistone and cut it in (7)__, you'll see it has (@) . just like an onion. A hailstone begins its existence as a snovake, high in the almosphere. The snowiake comes in (9) wih what is called ‘supercooled water’ ~ water that exists at temperatures below (10), «buts sill in iqud (11)_ THis water forms a coating of ce around the snowfiake, and it becomes @ halstone. As the hallstone falls, the layers of ice (12). up. Air currents may lit the hailstone back into the supercooled water many (18)__, and more layers of ice forms untl the air currents can no (14)___hold it up. Then it falls to earth, Hailstorms (1). ‘most often in the spring, Some heiistones are as big as baseballs and may weigh over a pound, SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence in such @ way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in brackets without making any change to it 1. We were all surprised when she suddenly came back. (once) SI as ce 2, Because of her Boyfriend’ Tack of punciualy, she Tefthim. (unpunctual) 3 The fact _ 3. It seems asf there Isa Sight deterioration in Ris physical condition. (slighty) > His physical 4, Success depends on your hard work, (become) > The harder you 5. Itis said that our boss has Wavelled o many diferent counties now. (number) > Our boss 6. In all probability, we will fish the project on Thursday. (finished) 3 There is every 7. He may have some weaknesses, Buthe fs sulted othe job than anyore else. (despite) > Hels by 8. No one else in the class Ts as good atal chess as Timis. (second) > Timis 9, How ong have you been playing badminton? (take) > When 10. He is So inteligent a student that his classmates admire him, (look) > Such _ ‘THE END OF THE TEST ’ *- sé GIAO DYC VA BAO TAO TP-HO CHI MINH Thoi gian lam bai: 160 phut (khéng ké thoi BE CHINH THUG é nay gém 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHi MINH LAN 4 NAM HQC 2014-2015 MON: TIENG ANH 11 gian giao aé) Ngay 04 thang 4 nim 2015 SECTION |. Listen fo the recording carefully and write down the missing words on your answer sheet How does Nathan Sawaya make his (1)____? When he sta make, He sometimes looks at hundreds of photos. He then dra ‘this preparation, It's on to building. For this, he needs bricks, ©. Quite often, he has to change his original idea of the sculpture as he builds. Somelimes, part of the sculpture he has already done in order to rebuild it in a Sculpture? Sawaya says its using straight lines to represent (2), litle (10)___ to use them to make round object SECTION I. Listen to the recording. space or best answers the question 11, What does Sarah say about her job? ‘A. She enjoys the spirit of teamwork C. She works ten or twelve hours a day. 42, When Sarah does a weather forecast, ‘A she prepares it in advance. . She sometimes forgets her words. 1. Sarah's husband ‘A. works on the same days each week. C. expects to get a promotion 14, Sarahis pleased because she ‘A. has got her pilot's license C. ls going to have a vacation 418. A man in Inga wanted A. to invite Sarah out. B, to meet Sarah's family ‘SECTION Il. Listen to the recording, Give brief answers fo the 16. Why doesn’ the first woman download musie from cheaper 1 a projec, he lok at photos ofthe (2)___he is going to ws (@)_—___fo help him pete the sculpure hs mig thes time, and patience. (3)_" uth LEGO maleate a ae, he has to) down better 7)__ What he (6) thing BBO LEG “As aT TEGO bricks are straight and square, ivakes 9 For questions 11 - 15, choose the option (A, B, C, or D) which best completes the blank B. She sometimes has to work at night. D. She enjoys getting up early. B. She has to do some rehearsal D. She worries about making a mistake, B. wants to move nearer his work D. spends a lot of time traveling 8. taught her husband to play tennis, D. took part in a long race. . a photo of Sarah, questions. ‘websites? D. to receive a letter from Sarah, 17. What can the man do when he has become a member of the website? 18. How much was the membership? 18, What's the name of the website the second woman found? 20. Why doesn't she want to buy DVDs? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. 1 it started to rain, Hardly when he stepped out . No longer did he step out when 2. Helen is said ‘a millionaire, ‘A, to get married to C. to be married to 3, the teacher decided to punish him severely. AK serious mistake was made by the student C. The student having made @ serious mistake 4, Do you really understand all he said? ‘A. what B which 6. If you can win his attention, i's for you. ‘A. so better much B. the better so much 6. He looks familiar. | him somewhere before. ‘A. should have seen B. had to see 7-Give her a telephone number to ring A. whether 8.We A. didn’t need to run 9. | can't concentrate! I wish they she gots lost. case B. shouldn't have run that annoying noise B. No sooner had he stepped out before D. Barely had he stepped out than B. to have got married with D. to have been married with B. Making a terrible mistake = D. Although the student had made a terible mistake C. that D. of what . so much the better. the better so much C. must have seen D. would have’seen C. unless . although all the way to the meeting: it had already been put off because of the absence of the director. C. can't have run D. needn't have run (on the upper floor. A.all could stop B. had all stopped C. would all stop D. are all stopping 10. It seems that we are having sSsignments this term, _. A.twice more B. two times many C. double number D. twice as many 11, Asa student, you should ‘whatever your teacher tells you to. come across B. result in C. carry out . run away 412. The tooth was so badly that it had to be pulled ‘A. disturbed, ®, decayed . decomposed D. disordered 13. After the football match the crowds ‘out of the stadium into the nearest bars and cafes, ‘A. poured B. trickled C. leaked D. dripped 14, Many trouble-makers were from school last month. ‘A. moved B. removed C. expelled D. evacuated 16. Ihave all the proof of purchase here; I'm sure you me differently otherwise. ‘A. must have treated B. wil treat C. are treating D. would be treating {ribute tothe valuable contibutions to society made by voluntary organizations, 46.1n her speech the Prime Minister, ‘A paid ent C. brought D. gave 47, Ate ya have {a lot of work in my office. A. get away with B. put up with C. cut down on D. catch upon — \.16)You don't look happy. You seem __a bad job in the exam yesterday. ‘A. as if youhad been doing 8. fo be doing C. having done D. to have done 419: This plan is very good its feasibility. A. in contact with B. in terms of . in return for D. in adaition 10 20, This is such an important question that itis over. ’.. worth being thought B, worth thinking . worth be thought _D. worth to think 21. im sorry to inform you that you'r from the next two matches. {A informed B. suspended . C. exempted D. prevented 22, As a result of his fear, he hasn't driven since his. ‘two years ago. A, break-up B. dropout . smash-up D. check-in 23. His mothers taian, _his name ~ Luca. A. hence B. therefore C. by contrast D. above all € 24. She. ‘as manager two weeks ago. ‘A. broke in B. took over C.ran into D. putaway 25, Official business requirements obviously over personal requests. ‘A. make effort B. get C. take priority D. do favor 28. We insisted on our ideas, seriously. fake B. be taken . taking D. being taken 27, She was left__with amazement. A. unspeakabie B. speech-lke C. outspoken D. speechless - 28, Unless the Prime Minister the warning inflation will rise rapidly ‘A. remarks B. heeds C. applies D. attends 28, The Piranha is a(n) _ fish which is very dangerous for other creatures living around it. ‘A. eaten-fesh B. flesh-eating C. eating-flesh D. flesh-eaten 30, im afraid that argument really doesn't hold Fe ‘A firm 8. water C.sense D. meaning 31. Snow blindness is impaired vision caused by sunlight from snow surfaces. ‘A that was reflecting 8. the reflection C. reflected D. is reflected 32. Will you please excuse me? | am feeling a litle color. Ain B. with C.by D.off - 53, When they frst met, Kate wes aut taken : ‘A. away with C.with — D. through 34. What do you. 0 to main sou afecing he stuaton? SA. conceive B. perceive C. receive D. deceive “- (GB. _ "Ve tke to try on these shoes please.” 4 ‘A That right, sir. B. By all means, si. ©. Why not? D. I'd love to, si Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) thatis incorrect. 36. Without he sphabeticl oder, ts impossible or ual © use dlctonaries 8 37. Hardly has ha ted the office than he ree haha toh walt at home. B Fates en fs 8s calle dace ie ele igis Gan Wine wate: ry B C D 39. Most of societies have to do without some conveniences to prevent environmental problems, A B cs D ‘40. Should you probably experience any technical difficulties, our repair division willbe more than hapoy to help you. A B Cc . . WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. 1. Itnever seemed likely that the ‘would be settled. (AGREE) 2. The litle girl grabbed, of dirty snow. (HAND) 3, That was such a(n) official that he was relegated. (SCRUPLE) 4; Look at the way she’s with the street children. | ust love this kind of communication. (ACT) 5. Some believe that the nuclear family is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. (SOCIAL) 6. What iam interested in is the ‘of your English. (GOOD) 7.The campaign seems to be achieving some encouraging results. (SMOKE) 8. 'm affaid your bike is damaged. (REPAIR) 9. They say Mike is really a(n) ;person who never stops work until very late. (WORK) 40. The manual includes a section on. to help you with any problems you might have with the TV. (TROUBLE) B. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage ‘There are two extra words that you cannot use. look ‘deaf polite sea please avail bad know wide board Last year | won a competition in @ newspaper and the prize was a holiday for two in a (1) Mediterranean resort. Itturned out to be an extremely (2), ‘experience and one which my husband and | would not like to repeat. Our room (3) the road, which was unfortunately being (4). at that time, and the noise from the machinery was (5) For some strange reason the road works went on twenty-four hours a day, and as a result we suffered several (6) nights. Unable to put up with the constant noise, we decided to complain to the manager. We (7)_____ expressed our dissatisfaction with the room and asked if we could possibly change. However, our request was not Successful as the hotel was fully booked and there were no spare rooms. ‘The situation (6)_ when my husband suffered food potsoning as a result of eating some local (9)_ By that tee we'd enough and decided to shorten our stay and catch the fst (10)___ fight home. They say That Travel broadens the mind but we shall happily narrow our horizons this year and enjoy a week ih our own back garden. GUIDED CLOZE TEST. (10 pts) Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space. Karaoke enthusiasts can now enjoy thelr sometimes nervous (1)___ safe in the knowledge that they are atleast losing some weight. Thanks to Tokyo-based Daiichikosho, which sells and (2)___ out karaoke equipment, Karaoke machines can now (3)____ how many calories the singer has burt while singing a song. Over 40,000 users of is karaoke ‘song-broadcasting service throughout Japan have now (4)__up for the company's "Karaoke diet’. Such factors as the volume and pitch ofthe singer's voice and the tempo and length ofthe song were (5)__ into consideration before assigning Calorie burning values to more than 1,000 favorite tunes. ‘Naturally, the longer and iveler one sings, the more calories are burnt” sald a company spokesman. ‘According to Daiichikosho, the Beatles’ Let It Be burns up 11.4 kcal; but for those interested in (6) a lite more weight, a (7) of Frank Sinatra's classic My Way will result in the loss of 15.6 kcal. An average man will burn up ‘approximately 81 Kcal during a ten-minute walk, suggesting that karaoke may not be the ideal (8) Program. In fact, ©, In karaoke (literally ‘empty orchestra’) can be counterproductive to any diet as the singing of such songs usually (0), a drink ~ causing the singer to get back on the same calories they may have just lost. 1.A.performances _B. representations ©. productions: . realizations 2. borrows B. hires ©. hands D. spends 3. tum up, B. come across C. put down . work out 4.A.gone B. taken C. signed D. registered 5.A taken B, brought C. held D. put 6. A. shedding B. spreading ©, abandoning D. releasing 7.A. singing 8, moaning ©. rendition D. chanting 8. A. weight loss B, weight losing C. losing weight D. lost weight 9. A. engrossing B. absorbing C. indulging D. involving 10. A. suggests B. requests ©. inquires D. requires READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) ‘Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. ‘Archaeological records-paintings, drawings and carvings of humans engaged in activites involving the use of hands- indicate that humans have been predominantly right-handed for more than 6,000 years. In ancient Egyptian artwork, for ‘example, the ight hand is depicted as the dominant one in about 80 percent ofthe examples. Fracture or wear patterns on to0Is also indicate that a majority of ancient people were right-handed. (Cro-Magnon cave paintings some 27,000 years old commonly show outlines of human hands made by placing one hand against the cave wall and applying paint with the other. Chidren today make similar outlines of their hands with crayons Con paper. With few exceptions, left hands of Cro-Magnons are displayed on cave walls, indicating that the paintings were usually done by right-handers. ‘Anthropological evidence pushes the record of handedness in early human ancestors back to at least 1.4 milion yeers ago. One important ine of evidence comes from flaking patterns of stone cores used in tool making: implements flaked ‘with 2 clockwise motion (indicating a right-handed toolmaker) can be distinguished from those flaked with a counterclockwise ‘rotation (indicating a left-handed toolmaker). ven ecratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into strips by holding it between their teeth and slicing it with stone knives, as do the present-day Inult. Occasionally the knives slip and leave scratches on the users' teeth. Scratches made with a left-to-right stroke direction (by right-handers) are more common than scratches in the opposite direction (made by let-handers), ‘Stil other evidence comes from cranial morphology: scientists think that physical diferences- between the right and left sides of the interior of the skull indicate suble physical diferences between the two sides of the brain. The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which side ofthe body is used to perform specific activites. Such studies, as well as studies of tool use, indicate that right- or left-sided dominance is not exclusive to modem Homo sapiens. Population of Neanderthals, such as Homo erectus and Homo habilis, seem to have been predominantly right-handed, as we ae. 1, What isthe main dea of the passage? (A) Human ancestors became predominantly right-nanded when they began to use tools, @ tis dificult to interpret the significance of anthropological evidence concerning tool use. (C) Humans and their ancestors have been predominantly right-handed for over a milion years. (0) Human ancestors were more skilled at using both hands than modern humans. 2. What does the author say about Cro-Magnon paintings of hands? (A) Some are not very old @ Itis unusual to see such paintings. (©) Many were made by chitdren. (©) The artists were mostly right-handed. 3, The word "implements" is cosest in meaning to (A) tools 8) designs (© examples (©) pieces It can be inferred that “implements flaked with @ 4, When compared with implements “flaked with a counter-clockwise rotatio ‘clockwise motion’ are (A) more comm (®) larger (©) more sophisticated (0) older 5. The word "clus" is closest in meaning to (A) solutions. (8) details (©) damage (0) information 6. The fact thatthe Inuit cut meat by holding it between their teeth is significant because (A) the relationship between handedness and scratches on fossil human teeth can be verified () It emphasizes the differences between contemporary humans and their ancestors, | | | 0) the scratch pattems produced by stone knives vary significant from pattems produced by modem knives (0) demonstrates that ancient humans were not sklled at using fools 7. The word "hemispheres" is closest in meaning to (A) differences ® sides (©) act 8, Why does the author mention Homo erectus and Home habils? (A) To contrast them with modern humans (B) To explain when human ancestors began to make tools (C) To show that early humans were also predominantly right handed (0) To prove that the population of Neanderthals was very large 9. Ailof the follows are mentioned as types of evidence concerning handedness EXCEPT (A) ancient artwork (®) asymmetrical skulls (C) studies of tool use (0) fossilized hand bones 410. Which of the following conclusions is suggested by the evidence from cranial morphology? (A) Differences in the hemispheres of the brain probably came about relatively recently. (6) There may be a link between handedness and differences in the brain's hemispheres. (C) Left-handedness was somewhat more common among Neanderthals. (©) Variation between the brain hemispheres was not evident in the skil of Home erectus and Home habils (0) studies: OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage. PASSAGE A ‘Do you think (1)____ songs are popular because they are great songs? If so, you need to think again. For most listeners, the (2) of the song isnot as important. A recent online study looked at (3), We choose our music. It showed that @ song's popularity infuences our 4, In other words, we lke to listen to the music that our peers enjoy. In the study, researchers gave a (6) of 48, ©) ‘songs to 14,000 teenagers. The students listened to some of the songs and (7) them. Participants gave one star to ‘songs thal they didn't ke. They gave five stars to songs that they liked very much. ‘The researchers (8)_____ the participants into two groups. The first group saw only the song (8)___and the name of the band. They rated songs because the name ofthe song or the name ofthe Band (10). interesting, Aer Slening tothe tone partielpants rated it with stars. The second group of teenagers received extra information. Tis group could alse ee the melon oe downloads fr each song. The songs with many downloads looked le they were very (11 The teenegers thought that these songs were favorites with ther (12|____. However, the researchers (13) up the humbet of downloads for eaan seegt ane songs showing the (14), downloads werent really popular. In fact Thess songs werent very good, (Io) nner sna expers PASSAGE 8 Loneliness is «curious thing, Most of us can remember (1)____most lonely wien we were notin fect alone at al, but when we were (2)____ by people. Everyone has experienced, a some te, that iter (3, of iolaton tel comes over yon when you are ata party, in a room (4) __of happy taughing people, or in an (5)_____at atheatre ora lecture. k suddenly (>) to you as if everybody knows everybody (7) ‘everybody is sure of himself, everybody knows what is going on; everybody, that Js, except you. ‘This feeling of ( which can overcome you when you are in a crowd is very difficult to get (9) of, People living elone ~ divorced, widowed or single people — are advised to tackle ther loneliness by (10), ‘a club or society, by going out and meeting people, Does this realy help? And what do you do Ifyou are (11 surrounded by people? There are (12). easy solutions. Your first day at work, ot at new school or university, fsa typical situation in which you are (13), to feel lonely. You fee! lonely because you feel left cut of things, You feel that other people are full of confidence soa know what to 49, (14) you are adrif and helpless. The fact of the matter is that, in order to survive, we all put on a show of self-confidence to (18) ‘our uncertainties and doubts, SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Uso the word in brackets without making any change to it. 1. Your trying to help is pointless, as they will reject your suggestions. (TURN) > It’s no. ea 2. Hardly anyone tured up to watch the football match. (CAME) 4 > Almost. 3. His behavior may occasionally be unpredictable. (WHAT) > Sometimes you 4. It was to be another si months before Sally met him again. (LATER) > Not 5. The completion of the work was scheduled for last week (ACCORDING) > The work was to 8. Theyll soon find out what ahe i doing for money. (LIVING) > Itwon't 7. His efforts to find a solution didnt deserve such savage erficiam, (SO) e > They shouldn't 8, Didn't you realize that he was only pretending? (BELIEVE) > Didn't it 8. Whatever happens we must avoid adverse publicly. (COSTS) > We've 10. When he was small, Jimmy used to collect stamps. (WAKE) Dasa nee aera THE END OF THE TEST $0’ GIAQ DUC VA BAO TAO. KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 2 ‘TP HO CHI MINH NAM HQC 2015-2046 MON: TIENG ANH 44, - i ‘Théi gian lam bai: 150 phut (khong ké thdi gian giao a8) BE CHINH THUC Nagay 2 thang 4 nm 2016 DS nay gdm 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION I Listen to the recording carefully and write down the missing words on your answer sheet, Good evening, and here isthe Eight O'clock News, Five thousand people marched through the streets of Chesilworth today (1) ‘against plans for a new international eimport ‘near the town. Although there were such a large number of demonstrator, there was no (2) ‘The demonstrators marched to the town hall, where a (3), enquiry info the plans was taking place, and handed im @ (4) to the chairman of the. enquiry. A new airport is needed because the other airports in the London area are (6), ‘Several (6), for a new airport have been suggesied, and Chesilworth was (7)__ because itis neer both a major motorway and a (2) line. Although i ‘wes a protest march, there was almost a (0) ‘aimosphere, and both demonstrators and police (10) {G00d-humored, SECTION Il. Liston fo the recording. For questions 11 - 18, choase the option (4, 6, C, or) which best completes the Blank space ‘or best answers the question 11. The two speakers are taking about ont. ‘Aa sports game 8. some music bands C. an award ceremony D. aprogram on the musie industry 12. When the woman hears that her favorite band won some awards, ‘A. she is really heppy. B, che Is not surprised at all C. she hopes they improve their musi. . she quits being a fan of that band, 1. Theman and the woman seem ‘A.to have the same idea sbout good art. 6. to have different idea ebout good sport C., to conflct with each other on good art criteria. _O, to enjoy watching the same kinds of program. 14. The woman does NOT agree with which of the following opinions ‘A. Award ceremonies are good entertainment B.Itis Gear fo say who is better in sport, C. Judging artis ike judging eport D. Artis subjective 16, According to the woman, _ ‘A. awards encourage music bands 8. the number of CD sold is an indication of a good CD. C. the Grammy Awards is a great event D. money is proof of quality in the music industry ‘SECTION Ill. Listen to the recording. Give brief answers to the questions. 16. What do they want to advertise? 417, What does the big window allow inta the room? 48, How are the lights on the celing? 19. Why is the location ofthe house good? 20. What does the rent of 60 pounds Include? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. 1. The teenager. stamps for'3 years by the end of 2016, ‘A. will have been collecting B. will have collected Chas collected D. willbe collecting 2. There's no point the problem will soon sort itself out A for us worry B. to worry C. worried . worrying 2, Either you, or |, or your brother responsible forthe damage. Aam Bie C. are D. being 4,1 could hardly understand he said? ‘A all what B. nothing which . anything that D. everything of what 5. He really looks worried. He his homework yesterday. A. should have done Brdidn't need todo. musthave done . would have done ©. "Mary has a litle difficulty fiting in." "Well I guess she 1o this type of wor A didnt use B. hasn't used ©. isn't used D.Is getting used 7.Monly! then what | know now! Ahad known B knew C. could know D. was known 28, He plays an Important roe in the company he is the driving force behind every project, A. despite the fact that B.in that C. incase D. as though 9 this workshop, you will know how to analyze large amounts of numerical deta, K Competed B. You have completed C. Being completed. On completing 10. Tom could play basketball eally well, He ‘professional player, but he decided to become a businessman instead, ‘A. may have become B. would become ©. could have become —D. was becoming" 11, Ive just been introduced to some. ‘A. many energetic nice boys _B, energetic and nice boys C. nice boys very energetic D. boys rice and energetic. 412, The point is that you have to be able to work. {8 a group to successfully carry out the project. ‘A, yourselves: B. each other C. together D. for the other 18. These days, people who do manual work often earn ‘money than clerks who work in offices, A faralotof B. quite much ©. alot more D. far much 14. | could not put it down unti | finished i ‘AThe article was such interesting that B. twas so interesting an article ©. So interesting the aricie was that D. Such an interesting article was it that 48. Itwas not untl she had arrived home remembered her appointment with the doctor. ‘A. when she had B hadshe . thal she D. and she 46, The patient cannot get up yet, Walk or run ‘A. in the least B. Nol to mention C. et alone D. better si! 47, During his college years, the boy. his allowance by mowing lawns around the neighborhood. ‘A augmented ‘© epread . infated D. expanded 48, The new manager's rude behavior humerous protests among his colleagues and he had to resign. ‘A, called in B. called oft C. called on D. called forth 49. Advertising ‘people into buying things that they don't realy went. ‘A, makes B. blackmails C. brainwashes D. threatens 20. Some of the most important concepts in physics. their success to these mathematical systems, A, oblige ‘ Bowe ©. contribute D. attribute 21. The estate company is now___ their new apartment building ‘A. bring B, chartering . leasing . mortgaging 22. Idon't know what fight coming by. 'm fying on a_ ticket ‘A. giveaway , Second-hand standby D. checkout 23. They were going climbing, but the bad weather ‘A. put thom off . break them away C. carry them on D. fill therm up 24, Anli-terrorism forces were full alert during the Olympic Games. Ain Br under C.on D.at 25. His qualified teaching is ‘appreciated by his colleagues and students. ‘A. reasonably B substantially . fully D. absolutely 26. ‘Though the house looked quite new and in good condition, there was @ carpet on the stairs. ‘A, brand-new B.laid-out, C.done-up D. worn-out 27. | recognize that voice, but | can’t quite __it ‘A. know 8. place ©. realize D. pull 28. The author of @ book may choose to honor someone by putting his or her name in the front of it thereby ‘A. designating . dedicating ©. pledging D. contrving 29. Many celebrities resent their private lives being held up to public, ‘A. observation 8. deliberation . scrutiny D. investigation 30, The lecture was dull and | almost went to sleep. ‘A. tightly B. deadly ©. highly D. deeply 31. The prospect of bankruptey loomed In his mind, A large 8 Keay, C. enormous, ©. hard 32, A gang of thieves broke into the gallery and paintings worth $5,000,000, ‘A, ran out of BB, made off with C. came in for D. got away from 23, A “Let's go and see that horror film!” Be ‘ 's not my bag. B, Yes, we shall. TFs an open book _D. We've nathome and dry yet. 34, ASS, __ B: "Well, m sure he's talking through his hat.” ‘A; Whats that on his hat? , What's the point he's trying to make? C, How do we choose the winner now? . Where on earth is his panama hat? 35. “can't understand our new French teacher's accent” ‘ : A. Me, neither! BB Nor do | c.naherdor D. Sol can't, Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that is incorrect. 36, itis high time the government heloed the unemployed people to find some job. A B iS D 37, Nora hardly never misses an opportunity to play in tennis tournaments A B c D 38, My mother did't cae how mich dite washing machine cost because she decid to bur arsway A c D 99, Just because ofthe government's policy, some farming areas heve abandoned. a 8 c 0 40, The British national antnem,caling "God Save the Queen’, was a trdliona! song inthe 18th century A 8 c D WORD FORMS (40 pts) ‘A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. 41. Crows are probably the most easil ‘members of the native fauna of the United States. (identity) 2 ‘ofganizations help to pressive the ecology of an area by keeping track of endangered species. (conserve) 3, Tilresign if you continue to ‘everything! say. (regard) 4, The incident left him with feelings of anger end (bitter) 5, There was a sudden ‘of clapping and chearing as he rose to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, (burst) 6. The new salesgirl is Very nice, efficient and polite to the customers. (fail) 7. Famous though he may be, he is an actor with & privatelife. (scandal) 8. I'm afraid its not fair when her achievements are always ttle) 9, That director always tries to paint @ pleture of warking in this company. (sugar) 10. He was accused of being ‘Ofhis Gin children. (neglect) B. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use thelr correct forms to make a meaningful passage, There are ‘two extra words that you cannot us test suffer loom need popular surprise absence reach Intend wil ability former Every day, all across the nation, as meny a8 1 in 4 children refuse to go to school. But while the reasons can range from a an, {est to an il-placed pimple, “school refusal," (12) knewn 28 school phobia, Is an actual andely-based disorder. (13) " school refusal is more prevalent than some betier known child disorders like ADHD, but, because many children are vague In thelr complaints. and (14), to verbalize what's making them anxious, i's sometimes dismissed as typical childhood (16), However, the effects of recurring schoo! refusal can be (16) for your child's education. So, where’ the line Between whats normal and whet’ no!? "You need to lock et whether Ie afesing the chid or fomilve dst) functioning" In other words, ifa chile's grades are (17) ‘or @ parent's job isin jeopardy from frequent absences, its time to took closely at the issue. Parents should be listening Careily to children who say they cart go to school because of "vecut, (18) kinds of things lke stomachaches or headaches." While these somatic complaints alone dont (19), indicate ‘school refusal, there may be deeper problems if combined with general complaints about school, taks of threats at Seal ars chronic (20) GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space. In a world increasingly fearsome and fragil, TV commerciale represent a(n) (1)_____ of calm and reassurance, For six ‘minutes in every hour, viewers know that they wil be kept away from tis cel world nto Bh TSalized wel-ordered ined Yousweny ill experience real fe as (2|__harassed ana chaotic but n the world of TV commersais happy families ray be flied Ges, to gather at breakfast-ime for (@)___bowis of cornflakes, ther teeth free of dacay,thlr shits whiter than enow TV advertising in Brain, (@)_—___ withthe symbols of good life, explolts, a (6)__ for evidence of olt-fashioned security. Things were better inthe old days: bread was crusty and beer was a man's cink, Sutin selng the idea of & bate nent (6)____ me that most Briish commercials fin their primary function. I cannot be alone arnong those who Usually remennter ‘everything about TV advertising except the product itis desred fo (7) In one superb commercial, a butler dives a car headlong into @ Vast dining-hall to serve chempagne. What on eerth wae it selling? The champagne? The car? No-one can tel. People (3 in the medium and forgot the message, American advertisers don't make such mistakes. A typical U.S. commercial (0|_— a women ina kitchen holding a highly-veible bette of ‘something or other and selng It (10 No art no cra jst the message. @ 1.A. space B Tosaiity ‘atmosphere D. oasis 2.4 absolutely B. largely ©. widely D. highly 3.4 stutfed 8. wealthy C. begging D. convivial 4.4 filled B. satisfied C. obsessed D disappointed 5. yearning B. wishing finding D. searching B.A gets B. strikes C. suggests D- insists TA make B. purchase tu D. publicize B.A, reveled B. enjoyed C enlghtenes D fascinated B.A. expresses B. views. C. features D. describes 10. big B hard cheap D. quick READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) ‘Choose the item (A, B,C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. Perhaps the most stking quality of satiric iterature is its freshness, its originality of perspective. Satire rarely offers Criginal ideas. Instead it presents the familar in a new form. Satirsts do nat offer the world new philosophies. What they dos look ‘at familar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful of affected. Satire jars us out of Complacence into a pleasently shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false, Don Quixote ‘makes chivalry e2em absurd, Brave New World ricicules the pretensions of science, A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by ‘advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas is original, Chivalry was suspect before Cervantes, humanists objected to the claims, of pure science before Aldous Huxley and people were aware of famine before Swif. It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popula. It was the manner of expression the satiric method that made them interesting and entertaining. Sates are read because they are aesthetically satisying works of art, not because they are morally wholesome or ethicaly instructive, They fre stimulating and refreshing because with commonsense briskness they brush avvay illusions and secondhand opinions. With spontaneous irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into incongruous juxtaposition and speaks in a ‘personal idiom instead of abstract plattude. Satire exists because there is need for i. It has lived because readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus, an imeverent ‘reminder that they lived in a werld of platitudinous thinking, cheap moralizing, and foolish philosophy. Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth though rarely to any action on behalf of truth, Satire tends to remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read in popular media is sanctimonious, sentimental, and only partially true. Life resembles in only a slight degree the Popular image of it, Soldiers rarely hold the ideals that movies attribute to them, nor do ordinary etizens devote their ives to Unselfish service of humanity. Inteligent people know these things but tend to forget them when they do not hear them expressed. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) Dificuttias of writing satiric iterature (B) Popular topics of satire (C) New philosophies emerging from satrc literature (D) Reasons for the popularity of satire, 2. The word “realization” is closest in meaning to (A) certainly (8) awareness (©) surprise (0) confusion 3. Why does the author mention Don Quixote, Brave New World and A Modest Proposal in lines 4.5? (A) They are femous examples of satiric literature (8) They present commonsense solutions to problems. (C) They are appropriate for readers ofall ages. (0) They are books with similar stories, 4, The werd “aesthetically is closest in meaning to (A) artistically (B) exceptionally (©) realistically (0) dependably 5. Which ofthe folowing can be found in satire literature? (A) Nevdy emerging philosophies (B) Odd combinations of objects and ideas (©) Abstract discussion of moral and ethnies (0) Wholesome characters who are unselfish, «6, According to the passage, there Is a need for satire because people need to be (A) informed about new scientific developments (8) exposed to original philosophies when they are formulated (C) reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurate _—_(D] told how they can be of service to their communities. 17, The word “refreshing” is closest in meaning to (A) popular (8) ridiculous (©) meaningful (0) unusual 8, As a result of reading satiric erature, readers will be most likely to (A) teach themselves to write fiction (6) accept conventional points of view (C) become better informed about current affairs (0) reexamine their opinions and values 9, The various purposes of sare include all ofthe following EXCEPT (A) introducing readers to unfamiliar situations (6) brushing away illusions (C) reminding readers ofthe truth (0) exposing false values. 40. Why does the author mention "service of humanity" in ine 187 (A) People need to be rerninded to take action (6) Readers appreciate knowing about it (©) Itis an ideal that is rarely achieved, (0) Popular media often distort such stories. QPENCLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage. PASSAGE A “Anita Roddick’s The Body Shop was enormously successful. Customers voted it the second (1) trusted brand in Great Britain, and itwas (2)____ 28" best-known brand in the world. As The Body Shop grew, Roddick became an (3), for several environmental and (4) ‘causes. These included protecting the rainforests, helping poor farmers, saving whales, working to end sex (5) Th 1990, she founded Children on the Edge, a (6) ‘that help orphans in Europe and Asia. She algo helped establish a magazine (7) The Big Issue, which was produced and sold by homeless people. Her volunteer work ) Roddick many awards and honors. In 1981, she received the World Vision Award (2), Development and Initiative. Th 2007, Roddick told the (10), that she had hepatits C, an incurable (11) “he had gotten it from a blood transfusion in 1971, During the (12) Three years of her life, she campaigned to raise public (13) of hepatitis C. Roddick died in 2007 when she was 64. She did not give (14), ‘of her money to her daughters. Instead, she gave it (15), to charities PASSAGE B. Robots are being installed in many hospitals around the world. They have (1). been used for a variety of operations 2. heart surgery. (3) ‘to surgeons, the work robots can do Is more accurate than the work humans can do, Robots ‘can also help people with (4). For example, robotic arms have been used by people with missing limbs for many years. Now ‘2 new robotic erm has been (5)_____ which is controlled by thought. For the frst time (6)__, somebody with a false robotic arm just needs to think about a movement like (7) ‘up @ book, and the Neuro-Controlied Bionic Arm will do it. The arm has. already been successful, but doctors are (8) Geveloping i. They predict that a (9) faster and stronger version will be (10), ' few years’ time, Tv South Korea, the robot Olympics takes place every year. It (11) together groups around the world who are (12), ‘with robots. At the event, children as young ae six buld and program fobotic creations that can do all kinds of things such 28 run or kick a football. Robot Wars is (13). form of entertainment for robot lovers. It's @ TV show that (14) remote-controlled cabot vehicles taking part in games, The most popular game is when teams of people cause the vehicles To fight each other (18) only one robot survives, Other games include robot races and robot football SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in brackets without making any change to it. 4. The harsh weather prevented us from going to work this moming. (made) 3 Itwas. 2. | admire Fig Courage, Dut Mink he is quite foolish. (consider) > Much 5, Itis evident that he hasn't dreclly been Involved in the fraud, (complicity) > There 4, Itwill 6 another four months before they take the final exam. (underway) 3 Not 5, He gambled and had fo borrow money trom lots of is fiends. (ran) > Due 6, Oliver apologizes for taking her cellphone unintentionally, (milstake) 3 Olver is sorry to 7. Armstrong should el alld 3 I's about 8, | eoulde't help laughing at his blondering efor, (myselfy ie trth about what he knows. (whole) > I eoulan't 9, He is very ich thanks fo the money he inherited from his uncle, (came) 3 Had it 10. Scioniists Began To conduct research on AIDS in 1980. (out) > itwos ‘THE END OF THE TEST 80 GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO IY THI OLYIPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 3 TP HO CHI BINH NAM HOC 2016-2017 MON: TIENG ANH 41 i Thoi gian lam bai: 180 phuit (khong ké thol gian giao a8) BE CHINH THUC Ngay 8 thang 4 nam 2017 Dé nay gdm 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) ‘SECTION I Listen fo the recoraing cerefuly and write down the missing words on your answer sheet. Bosides (1)___, there are a few other troublesome areas for game (2). Most of the areas involve the (@).___. One aici ting to show is water. Water is always in (4, ‘So programmers have to think about how It moves, ‘and Row fo show this. Until recently, computers were not powerful enough tobe able to show all the (5). in water, That's right, and (6) fire involves similar problems. If you can believe i, fie is even more of @ problem than water. Fire moves faster than water I also (7) the things around it by burning ther. Fire in games now is (8), ‘and explosive, And although there are ways to show more (9) fire in games, our computers are not powerful enough. (10)____ thi this will change within the next five years, Imagine what games will look like then! ‘SECTION Il. Listen fo the recorcing. For questions 11 - 18, choose the option (A, B,C, or D) whlch best completes the blank space ‘or best answers the question, 11.A____was capsized in storm off the Devon coast. eam yacht ©. elcopter boat 12. How many vcims were involved inthe accident? A2 83 ca Ds 13, The closure ofthe plant was due to _ ‘Aastike B, dTackofmachines _C. a shortage of workers D. adectin in orders 14, ___ people wil lose ther jobs because of the closure. 7% 100 B. 200 ©. 200 D. 400 41. What do union leaders predict? ‘A. more loss of orders B. further redundancies C, concer fram the government D. e public outcry ‘SECTION Il. Listen (0 the recording. Give brief answers to the questions. 16. Where should the device go on the user's body? 17. What, besides touching the screen, can the user do to operate the device? 18. What should people use to listen to the music better? 19, Howr can people operate the new revolutionary computer? 20. Why's the screen bigger? es USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) oe Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. 1. The first bridge. vith electric ights was the Brooklyn Bridge, A.being built B. for building ©. tobe built D, to build 2. i's about time Peter ‘more responsible for his work. Als Bwas C.tobe D. were 3. 'm not tying to be too hard on you, but you Ime for permission to use my laptop. Armighthave asked —B. musthave asked CG, could have asked. needrit have asked 4. He has no dificulty new fiends, A tomake Bi making C. forthe making of —_D. to be making 5, Igo and get more food. ‘more guests to come than we expect. A.ifthere be Bifthere have C. should there be D. were there 6. They dont. the grammar point before ‘A look as though they study B. appear lke they were studying sound asifto study D. seem to have studied 7. ‘more help, could call my neighbor. A Nested B. Should I need If have needed D. I should need £8, Nobody is ready to 90, 2 ‘Aare they Bienthe C. isnot he D. aren't they 8. Don't make a loud noise, ‘you oan stay here, A. for ‘Sibu Cor D. and 10. He found these sentences too hard, ‘A. translate B.transiating C. to transtate D. tobe translated 114. When the archaeologist picked up the map, it ‘to dust in his hands, ‘A crumbled B dissolved disintegrated D, decomposed 412. Many celebrities resent their private lives being held up to public ‘A observation , deliberation . scrutiny D. investigation 18, Insuch circumstances, | am not to working long hours. ‘A contbuted 8. obliged C. averse D. reluctant 414. A rescue team was tohelp withthe search, ‘A. broken into Br pit out . brought in . looked for 16. Lucie 28 a nice gi. fi ‘A. looks upon B. falls under ©. takes up D. comes across 16, She fell__her knees and pray forthe health ofher son ‘A. with B. fom C16 D.down 17, proet_—_ venting oe ‘A. shows preference (0B. takes precedence over ©. gives pony over. takes advantage of 48, Catherine wes from school yesterday. Acabsent BL void ©. present D. valid 19, Because | am terifed of __spaces, | never goin it. A-contained B_compressed . constricted D. confined 20, Wat do you think the pot is in these tines? A geting t B.figuing ot C. taking on making up 21. Fiction should be__ reali. ‘A.groundedin ~~ B-depended on ©. use for D fami with 22. mn eorry inform you that you're from the nent two matches, Acinformed 8. suspendod . exempted D. prevented 23, 1amiwel___with the problems encountered in etertng a business, A aware 8. informed ‘. acquainted D. knowledgeable 24, Many people have to sleepin the parks because there is not enough __ in tha ely. A boarding B trensportaion ©. information 1. accommodation 26, The ciléren shouldnt be left alone. They may start fight with Kueachotthem —_B. themselves ©. every ofher D. one another 28, She wes. with her new bike ‘Avunder 8 Tacky Siar B. over the noon ©. upin the ar D. forthe fun ofit 27. Thelitle boys {0 goto schod pleases his mother. ‘A. buoyancy B. reluctance . dishonesty D. eagemess 28, Ive read the instructions twice end fm stit_ ‘A-none the wiser B.asiting duck G. asof target D.ablind eye 29, Phuong has __for deta. A. anerve B.a nose C. an eye D.amind 30. think Spencer is a(n) person? He stated to make his own mney wien sil a young boy. ‘A. depended B dependent . Independent D. dependable 31. Person 1: _ This is for you. Happy wedding day! Person2: ‘A. What aShamel —'B, The sameto you. ©. Howrricel Thanks. Fave a nice day! 32, Peraon 1: _ Shall we start now? Person 2: _ AYes,weare. B.Yes, lets CrTave a outlook —_. No, not bad 98, Person 1: Would youl to go tothe cinema with me this afternoon? Person 2: ‘Alm apologetic." B. How about the evening? C. Thank you Yes, 16 : 34. Person t:_ Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? Person 2:_ A.No, thar, %. Yes, lamso glad. ©. Sorry, the seats taken. D. Yes, yes. You can sit her. y 35, Person 1: _How terrible the food we ote et that restaurent was! Person 2: ‘A.Well,ndver agein! B.itwasnit ether. C. Another ime, perhaps. D. Not agai? Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that is incorrect. 26, The testis destned to know how much the students remember the lessons, whet they need to improve, and their achievement 37. Researchers atte natural eerhauon are looking at the way to carry ime on animals. R 28 Th sno tana fla he cs eset ss leva or, Z 22 Onis i noting hea ey het ov sha cain “owen my otiond and sige ino the living-room, srenen as vain a fm produced in the 19908. WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. 4A. 'm afraid the ‘of soocer betting will bring about more miseries than benefits. (crime) 2. Theres a friendly, between the two teams. (rival) 3. Being a professional footballer, you get tough physical contact, thus becoming (nur, 4, Being four nil dow, the team Is now in Circumstances. (reverse) 5, He ineurred her by refusing her invitation. (please) 6. The ite boy was taken care of by his parents. (naglect) 7. So-called scientifé ‘can sometimes misleading. (break) 8, | would lke to express my admiration for his ‘of knowledge. (profound) 9, One problem for Vietnamese students to leain English i that itis. (syllable) 10, Having fed it with different kinds of food, the biologist suggests thatthe strenge creature is (insect) BB. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage. There are ‘wo extra words that you cannot use. found member danger preserve art profit warm hurt support talent harm politics Scientists have been warring us about the problems of global (11)____and other environmental issues for years. However, the environment stil hasnt become the top priority of many (12)___—arGund the world. As a result, another grou of people have decided to show their concer in quite a different way, ‘The Ariss for conservation Foundetion (AFC) has been (13)___ environmental issues such a6 wildife and habitat ‘which started more than fen years ago, is a (15) Conservation since its (14), The or ithas ettracted a(n) (16)___of about 500 of the word based in Vancouver, Canada, Over the yes artis from about thity diferent countries Hundreds of pieces of (18)____have been sold through its website and the artists have contributed over $13 milion to ‘over 100 conservation organizations around the world. The pictures not only show the beauty of nature, but they also show ths problems of climate change and the threat to (18), species. Through their art, they are helping to communicate. what sclentists have been saying for decades that we must stop (0). nature f we want to keep our planet, international orgenization most (17) nature GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) ‘Reed the passage and choose the best option (A, B, Cor b) for each blank space. During the teenage years, many young people are (1) sifcul otalk to. Thay offen seem to dstike being questioned ‘They may seem unwiling to alk about thet (2) at school. This is normal at this (3) of development though it Can be very hard for parents to understand. Its par¥ of Becoming independent, of teenagers (4) tobe adult while they are stil growing up. Young people are usually more wing to talk if they believe that questions are asked Out of real Interest ava sex because people ae trying to (6) ‘pon them, Parents should do ther (6) to talk to thelr son or daughter about school, work and future (7) but should not push them (0 talk f they don't want fo. Parents should also watch forthe danger sine: eome young people Th Tying to be adult nop (8) with sex, drugs, alcohol or smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of unusual (0) ‘which may be (0) with these and get help if necessary. 4.A.at times B. at most C. atest D. atleast 2A thing B.job C. work D. service 3A. course B. connection C. stage D. process 4. A.testing B. tying working D. fighting 5.A, rebuke: B. monitor C supervise D. check’ 6... priority B. best highest D. most 7A. plan B. attention C. process D. advance BA test Bty C experiment D. deal 9. conducts B. behaviors C. movements D. competences 10. A, related B. cooperated . connected D. needed READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) Choose the item (A, B, Cor D) that best completes the unfinished statament about the passa Until recently, hunting for treasure from shipwrecks was mostly fantasy with recent technological edvances, however, the search for sunken treasure has become more popular asa legtimete endeavor, This has caused a debate between those wasting to salvage the wrecks and those wanting o preserve them. ‘Treasure hunters are spurred on by thought of finding catches of god oxins or other valuable objects on a sunken ship. ‘One team of salvagers, or instance, searched the wreck ofthe RMS Republic, which sank outside the Boston Harbor in 1900, The search party, using side-scan sonar, a device that projects sound waves across the acean bottom and produces a profile ofthe sea floor, located the wreck in just two and a half days. Before the use of this new technology, such searches could take months or years, The team of 45 divers searched the wreck for two months, finding siNer tee services, crystal dinnerware, and thousands ef boitles of wine, but they id not ind the fve anda half tone of American Gold Eagle coins they were searching for. Preservations focus en historic value of a ship. They sey that even Ifa ship wreck’s treasure does not have @ high monetary value, it can be an invaluable source of historic eric tha ae preserved in nearly maint condition. But once a salvage team has scoured a se, much ofthe archaeological value i lost. Maritime archaeologists who are preservetioniste worry thatthe success of salvagers will attract more treasure-hunting expeditions and thus threaten remaining undiscovered. wrecks Preservationists are lobbying their state lawmakers to legally restict underwater searches and unregulated salvages. To countor their efforts, treasure hunters argue that without the Jure of gold and milion-doler treasures, the wrecks and thei Mistrial artifacts would never be recovered a ll 41. Whats the main idea ofthe passage? ‘A Searching for wrecks is much easier with new technologies lke side-scan sonar. 5, Maritme archaeologists are concerned about the unregulated searching of wrecks C. The search ofthe RMS Republi fled to produce the hope-fr-cons ©. The popula of treasured seeking has spurred a debate between preservationists and salvagers. 2. The word sunken is closest in meaning, to A broken 8. underwater . ancient D.tow 5. Wich ofthe folowing statements is best supported by the author? A.The value ofa shipwreck depends on the quantity of ite artifacts. 8. Preservatonsts are fighting the use of technological advances such as side-scan sonar C. Side-scan sonar_has helped to legitimize salvaging D. The use of sound waves is crucial o Locating shipwrecks 4. The word services’ closest in meaning to A.cups B. sets ©. containers . decorations 5. The author uses the phrase ‘mint condition’ to describe ‘A. something perfect B something significant CC. something tolerant D. something magical 14 fe. 6, All of tho following were found on the RMS Republic except ‘A, wine bottles B. silver Tea services: ©. American Gold Eagle coins D. crystal dinnerware 7. From the passage, you can infer that a preservationist would be most likely to ‘A. shun treasure-seoking salvagers B. be a civer , put treasures in a museum . do archaeological research 8, The second and third paragraphs are an example of ___ ‘A. clvonolagical order —B. explanation Cepedlic to general —_D. definition 9, What isthe point preservationists are trying to make? A Itis necessary to pay attention fo the high monetary value. B. Its necessary (0 legally esticl underwater searches and unregulated C. Searches for wrecks should take months or years, rether than a few daye, D, Historical artifacts would never be recovered at al, 410. The word ‘ure"is closest in meaning to ‘A. knowledge B. attraction ©. hxury, D. olare OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fill in each blank with ONE sultable word to make @ meaningful passage. PASSAGE A “The samural (the word means ‘one wiho serves’) were the elite (1)___ class of Japan for nearly seven hundred years. In the tenth century, the (2),___courtin Kyoto tried and (@)_to organise a conscrit army. Ifthe court had succeeded in this, the wealthy landowners might not have decided to employ Their (4) soldiers and the samurai might never have ©) “The ciginal samurai were chivalrous warriors who went into baile on (6). challenging opponents to rtussed combat However, during @ long (7)____of peace in Japan things didn't go well for the samural and eventualy, in the 1860s, they lost heir (8)____ of power in Japanése society ‘The coninuing (6) fo the word ofthe samurai is due toa simple (10)__: he Is one of the work's greatest ‘action figures. The samurai waiiori the cowboy, the knight, te gladiator, and the Star Wars Jed (1)_____ roled into one. The samurai have (12)___ hundreds of films, video gemes, (13)__ books and TV dramas. In Japan, each spring, men put on ‘samurai armour and re-Gnect famous samurai bates. These Wwoskend samural' look fierce and realtc, (14) with ther Plastic goggles and blunt (16). they wouldnt have been a treat to the ral thing PASSAGE B ‘Most people don’ thnk tice about thelr caffeine (1)___. It raises blood pressure and thus increases the (2)_of heat disease. So the widespread uso of caffeine is now a cause for Goncern among scientists and (3) _ health authariies, On the obher hand, some of the research suggests that caffeine may have (4) for human health, Studies have shown it helps relieve pain, reduces asthma (5)__ snd increases reaction speed. i Bui we need coffee to Get Us out of (6),___ and back to work. For most of human existenog, thé pattem of sleeping ‘and waking has followed sunrise and (7) explains Charles Czeisier, a neuroscientist. "Then, the way we Work changed from a schedule built around the sun to an indoor job timed by a clock, and (8)___ humans had to (9) Electric ight. end caffeinated food and (10). lowed people to folow a work schedule set By the clock, not by daylight or the natural sleep (11)__ Therefore, without caffeine, the 24-hour society ofthe developed world simply couldn't exist. Nevertheless, there is 2 heavy, Reavy (12]___ to pay for all this extra wakefulness. Without adequate sleep ~ the conventional eight (13). out of ‘each 24 is about ight the human body wll not function at its (14) __, physically, (15)__, or emotionally, the Gastar says, SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the sam 5 the one printed before it, Use the word in brackets without making any change to It. 1, They say he is able to swim across this river. (swimming) Hels 2, They may be there at the meeting, or they may not. (out) 3 Lam not 3. "Don't forget to hand in the paper by the deadiin The teacher. (reminder) > The teacher. 4, Learning English is becoming more and more popular In our Glly. (inereasingly) > thas 5, Right afier disembarkation from the plane, he was taken Into custody. (got) PA ae 6. The teacher and his students knew nothing about the crack on the wall, (Idea) > Nelther 7. The boy's effort really impressed the audience and judges. (left) 3 Itwas, 8. Instead, you must ty to have @ good relationship with the others. (get) > I wish you 8. | always go jogging in the moming to Keep ft. (invariably) 380 410. Doubliessly, Katie is the b > itgoes: Violinist in the conservatory. (no-one) ‘THE END OF THE TEST sO’ GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO TP HO CHi MINH LISTENING (20 pts)) SECTION I.((0.5 pt each correct answer) (1) dangerot (2) experience (3) rush-hour SECTION I 11, D, learned tobe dependent 12. A, Children will enjoy it 13. D. go shopping 14. A, She gave them a flower. 15. C. doing something she loves USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) \. Dua long way from 27C- one another 3. D. is flying past a plane 4. B. in case Bit all B. in terms of B. in which case B. does she B. twice as many 40. A. were building advisory smoking opposed to . more lazy — others WORD FORMS (40 pts) A./(2 pts each correct answer) 1. sociability 2. cooperative _S. deserted i 4, negotiators (no $ > 4 pt) 5, independence ~: B. (2 pts each correct answer) 14, misconception 42, starvation 13. wandering S14, studigs (nos > 1 pt) 5. 6. Ti 8 $ 1 pteach correct answer) 4 I= KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 4 NAM HQC 2014-2015 MON: TIENG ANH 10 Tig 200 mails KEY (4) conditions (5) snowstorm (6) relaxing SECTION III. (2 pts each correct answer) 2% C5 240 219 (7) affect (8) wonder (9) pressure (10) indeed 16. (due to // because of) leaking gas 17. vibration from // road works 18. 2/ two goals 19. towards the end of // the second half of. 20. appalling (// bad (1 pt)) 16. B. turned 17. A. abuse 18. D. gullible 19. C. went back 20.8. a wink 21. B. fake 22. C. tender 23. B. fell through 24. D. have done 25. C. could have become 26. C. Sitting around doing 27. D. far and wide 28. B, be submitted 29. D. Either will do 6. increasingly _ 7. assumptions (nos > 4 pt) 8. check-up / checkup tO = 15. easier 16. plentiful 17. variety 48. spiritual 30. D. and you'll be fired at well-informed 32-4. let alone 33. A. had an influence on him ___34. A. nearly tripled “35 C- brainwashes “36.C AG) 38.8 M4 39. " 40. ¢ 9. maximizing / maximization =£ 10. bird-watching {no - (hyphen) > 4 pt) © 49. encampments (nos > 4 pt) 20. probably | GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) into which 1. C..convey 5.B. 8. B. practice 2. Alunonscious 6.C. babble 9. C. variéd/ 3. B. forced 7. A. represent 10. D. selection 4. C. to say READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) jx40- 1 ((1 pf each correct answer) B) Adaptations\of desert animals ) 2. (B) It does not Absorb sunlight aS much as dark colors 3, (C) preserving 4. (C) a desert animal that can withstand high body temperatures” 5, (A) Just before sunrise OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) PASSAGE A (2 pts each correct answer) (1) expressed (2) mental (3) generation 4¢(4) even / and (1 pt) (5) Others, (6) shifting / changing (1 pt) " (7) while | meanwhile / whereas (8) never PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer) (1) location 2) development ) respect ) almost / nearly ) whole ) hot ) regions / areas (1 pt) 8) much ( 3 (4) 6 (6) x ( SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (2 pts each correct answer) (20 pts) \ \ OMNDGSON= 6. (A) endure 7. (A) Drinking too much water very quickly 8. (D) They can travel long distances looking for food. 9. (B) To contrast them to desert mammals. 10. (D) Being active at night. Daels, __(9) have. = (10) response / attitude (1 pt) / reaction (1 pt) — (11) them (12) work (13) differently (14) effect (18) fashion / way oy Ir = 30 (9) there (10) mountairis' (11) deser oo (12) significance / importance (13) possible (14) times» (18) formerly <0 2 26 > He didn't pay much attention to the man who was standing at the gate. > No sooner had she said it than / before she burst into tears. > So many people showed up at the artist's performance that it had to start late. > If only | had bought the car (that was) auctioned last week. > Most of the farm work was done by the farmer as well as his children. |.) > . > Hardly anyone came to see the football match. ~~ > Whatever faults he perhaps has, they do not include meanness. > I was the last one to_he informed / who was informed about the accident, > It has’been suggested that the authority (sh id) ban cars from the city center. 10. > It is (only) in her private library that you can find that precious book rather than anywhere els THE END sO’ GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. TP HO CHi MINH KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 2 NAM HQC 2015-2016 MON: TIENG ANH 10 Ngay 2 thang 4 n&m 2016 KEY, LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION I. (0.5 pt each correct answer) (1) sounds (2) parts (3) casting (4) frustrating (5) response SECTION Il. (1 pt each correct answer) 11. B. music on the radio 412, C. Felix 43. B. Scotland 14, C, fashions 15. D. Freedom USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1. A. would be 45. A. none of which 2. C. to reach 16. D. strictly 3. D. Not being 47. C. rescue 4. B. themselves 18. B. sprained 5. C. Both 49. D. broke 6. D. being looked 20. B. present 7. B, one after another 21. A. stood by 8. A. read than watch 22. D, broke up 8. C, would all stop 23. C. do with 10. C. are forever forgetting 24. B. host 44. A.a great deal... 25. A. hold-up 12. C. higher and higher 26. C. eye 13. C. when | had submitted 27. B. shoved WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. (2 pts each correct answer) 1. expe! 5. celebrities 2. imprisonment 6. knockout 3. wisdom 7. inestimable 4. surprisingly 8. co-educational B. (2 pts each correct answer) (15) lives (16) waterproof (17) diversity (18) startling (11) peculiarity (12) adaptations (13) decorative (14) flight (8) unknown (7) schedule (8) difference (9) shooting (10) tiring SECTION Ill. (2 pts each correct answer) 16. hockey team // trip 17. by bus // in a (mountain) lodge 18. more // luxurious 19. extremely // hot 20, best player // on the tour 28. D. success 29.C. use 30. A. tru 31.A. see 32. D. hands 33. B. That biscuit ... 34. A. lost to 35. C. Search me! 36.C 37.0 38.D 39.A 40. toeye 9. seasickness 10. seasonal (19) variations (20) ecosystems GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 4. C. emigrated 8. A. further 9. C. female | 2. D.admission 6. C. give up 10. D. founding, 3. B. accepted 7. D. practice | 4.C.gave 8. B. managed READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) (4 pt each correct answer) 1. (C) Evidence of a relationship between levels of carbon dioxide and global temperature 2. (D) built up 3. (C) provided insight about climate conditions in earlier periods 4, (B) practically the same as 5, (B) The temperature of the atmosphere when the ice was formed 6. (C) extraordinary 7. (B) connection 8. (A) in the early eighteenth century 9. (C) an abundance of plants 40. (C) Industrial Revolution OPENCLOZE TEST (60 pts) PASSAGE A (2 pts each correct answer) (1) comes (6) part (14) that | (2) figures (7) between (12) room | 3) rest (8) front (13) size (4) insights (9) However (14) ahead (5) disproportion (10) so (15) sense PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer) (1) roof (6) crops (44) form (2) sounds (7) half (12) build (3) balls (i! pieces > 1 pt) (8) layers (13) times (4) cover (9) contact (14) longer (5) damage (10) freezing (15) occur SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) 4. > To our surprise, she came back all at once. 2. > The fact that her boyfriend is (often) unpunctual made her leave him. 3..> His physical conditions seem to be deteriorating slightly. 4. > The harder you work, the more successful you (will) become. 5. > Our boss is said to have travelled to a (great) number of countries. 6. > There is every likelihood (that) the project will be finished on Thursday. 7. 8 9. 1 _ > He is by far the best suited to the job than anyone else despite his weaknesses. ~ Timis second to none at chess in the class. > When did you take up badminton? 0. > Such is his intelligence that his classmates look up to him. THE END 80 GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 3. TP HO CHI HiINH NAM HOC 2016-2047 MON: TIENG ANH 10 Ngay 8 thang 4 nam 2017 Dap 4n va Hvéng dan cham LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION |. (1 pt each correct answer) (1) argument (5) popular (9) obstacles (2) individual (6) pace (10) best (3) themselves (7) regular (4) athletes (8) original SECTION Il. (1 pt each correct answer) SECTION Ill. (1 pt each correct answer) 11. D. An airship 16. Madrid 12. C. 25 17. TV presenter 13. A. a cargo 18. 1992 14. D. compete 19. ballet classes 15. C. in less than half the time of a liner 20. Best actress USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (4 pteach correct answer) 1. B, methods 14. B. make ends meet 28. C. my participating 2. A. didn't make 15. B, hands down 29. B. went down with 3. C. none of which # a eal Ls : eee ismiss capital ae ous hae oven, 18. C. Regardless of S2/Clve sean vocal 5. A. exaggerating 19. C. learning 33. B. What's up? 6. B. to speaking — 20. C. whose 34. B, Better luck next time! 7. B. a beautiful big diamond 21. B. How long 35. D. | won't for all the world, 8. B. add up 22. A. such a lot of 36.B 9. C. do with °23. B. is composed of 37.B 10. A fine 24, C. disastrous 38.B ge eae. 25. A. widening 39.B page conse: 26. B. priority 40.C 13. C. in that 27. A. may be WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. (2 pts each correct answer) 1. computerized / computerised 6. satisfactorily 2. continual 7. strong-willed 3. expiry 8. tastelessness / distastefulness 4. widespread 9. miraculously 5. alarming 10. costly 8. (2 pts each correct answer) (11) enormously (16) perceived (12) elucidation (17) height (13) mysterious (18) observation (14) published (19) comprehensive (15) indication (20) invisible GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 4.4. any 6. D. gives 2. A, cubs 7.¢. including 3.C. ina night 8. A. mostly 4.C. sharp 9. B. similar 5. B. cover 10. A. offspring READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1, (C) The impact of the baby boom on public education 2. (B) economics 3. (C) heavily burdened 4, (A) a declining number of students 5. (C) Other jobs provided higher salaries. 6. (A) deficient 7. (B) keeping older individuals in school 8. (D) unavoidably 9. (B) Lines 7-8 10, (A) The second paragraph presents the effect of circumstances described in the first paragraph OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) PASSAGE A (1) population (6) exports (2) close (7) climate (3) covered (8) benefiting (13) exposed (4) difficulties (8) coast (14) resources (5) industry (10) means (48) being PASSAGE B (1) closed (6) tunnels (11) novel (2) traffic (7) but (12) Phantom (3) wakes (8) wine (43) myth (4) another (9) Everywhere (14) police (5) free (10) refer (18) dangerous SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) 1. Not only did he spend all his money, but he borrowed some frony me as well. 2. We enjoy talking to Jill because of her sense of humor. 3. I'd like you to refer to the principal for further advice. 4, As soon as the announcement was / had been made, everyone burst out complaining. 5. Neither of the paintings they sent yesterday came / lived up to my expectations. 6. In all likelihood / probability, they will be granted the scholarship. 7. Unless you mind your step, you'll fall over on the wet floor. 8. Obviously, he is getting on well at school. 9. No sooner had he got out of the house than it started pouring down. 10. Paula was said to have ayit five jobs before working for us. THE END SO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHi MINH LAN 4 TP HO CHi MINH NAM HOC 2014-2015 MON: TIENG ANH 11 KEY LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION I. (0.5 pt each correct answer) (1) masterpieces (5) process (9) curves (2) object (6) tear (10) creativity (3) sketches (7) shape (4) Sculpting (8) hardest SECTION Il. (1 pt each correct answer) SECTION IIl. (2 pts each correct answer) 11. B. She sometimes has to work at night 16. (because) not all of them are legal 12. A. she prepares it in advance. 17. He can download all the games (that he 13. A. works on the same days each week. wants.) 18. $35 / 35 dollars 14. D. took part in a long race. 19. MoviesNow / Movies Now / movies now 15. C, a photo of Sarah 20. She can take her laptop anywhere (and watch a movie anytime.) // She can use her laptop (1 pt) USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1. B. No sooner had he 12. B. decayed 27. D. speechless stepped out before 13. A. poured 28. B. heeds 2. C. to be married to 14. C. expelled 29. B. flesh-eating 3. C. The student having 15. D. would be treating 30. A. firm made a serious mistake 16. A. paid 31. C. reflected 4. C. that 17. D. catch up on 32. D. off 5. C. so much the better 18. D. to have done 33. C. with 6. C. must have seen 19. B. in terms of 34. B. perceive 7. B. in case 20. B. worth thinking 35. B. By all means, sir. 8. D. needn't have run 21. B. suspended 36.B 9. C. would all stop 22. C. smash-up era8, 10. D. twice as many 23. A hence 38.A 41.C. carry out 24, B. took over 39.4 25. C. take priority 40.4 26. D. being taken WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. (2 pts each correct answer) 1. disagreement 5. sociologists 9. workaholic 2. handfuls 6. betterment 10. troubleshooting 3. unscrupulous 7. non-smokers 4. interacting 8. irreparably B. (2 pts each correct answer) 1. well-known 5. deafening 9. seafood 2. unpleasant 6. sleepless 10. available 3. overlooked 7. politely 4. widened 8. worsened GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1. A. performances 5. A. taken 2. B. hires 6. A. shedding 3. D. work out 7. C. rendition 4. C. signed 8. A. weight loss READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) (7 pt each correct answer) 1.(C) 5. (D) 2. (D) 6. (A) 3. (A) 7. (B) 4. (A) 8. (C) OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) PASSAGE A (2 pts each correct answer) (1) hit (6) unknown (2) quality (7) rated (3) how (8) divided (4) choice(s) (9) title / name (1 pt) (5) list (10) looked / were (1 pt) PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer) (1) being (6) occurs (2) surrounded (7) else (3) sense / feeling (1 pt) (8) loneliness (4) full (9) rid (5) audience (10) joining SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) 9. C. indulging 10. D. requires 9.(D) 10. (B) (11) popular (12) peers (13) made (14) most (15) according 1, > It's no use trying to help, as they will turn down your suggestions. 2. > Almost no-one came to watch the football match. > Sometimes you cannot predict what he may / will behave. > Not until six months later did Sally meet him ag: a 4 5. > The work was to be completed last week, according to (the / their ) schedule. 6. > It won't be long until they find out what she is doing for a living // how she makes / earns a living. 7. > They shouldn't have criticized him so savagely for his efforts to find a solution. 8. > Didn't it occur to you that he was only making believe? 9. > We've got to avoid adverse publicity at all costs, 10. > As a small child / boy, Jimmy used to make a collection of stamps. THE END $@’ GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHi MINH LAN 2 TP HO CHi MINH NAM HQC 2015-2016 MON: TIENG ANH 11 Ngay 2 thang 4 nam 2016 KEY LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION |. (0.5 pt each correct answer) (1) protesting (6) sites (2) trouble (7) considered (3) public (4) petition (9) carnival (5) overcrowded (10) remained SECTION Il. (1 pt each correct answer) 11. C. an award ceremony 12. D. she quits being a fan of that band. 18. C. to conflict with each other on good art criteria, 14. C. Judging art is like judging sport. 18. D. money is proof of quality in the music industry. SECTION Il. (2 pts each correct answer) 16. a spare /! room 47. natural light 18. old /! and not (very) bright 49. close to transport 20. electricity // household bills USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) (8) railway 29. C. scrutiny 1. A. will have ... 48. C. that she 2. D. worrying 16.C. let alone 30, B. deadly 3.B.is 47. A. augmented 34. A. large 4, C. anything that 18. D. called forth 32, B. made off with 8. A. should have done 19. C. brainwashes 33. A. It’s not my bag, 6. D. is getting used 20. B. owe 34. B, What's the point ... 7. A. had known 21. C. leasing 38, A. Me, neither! 8.B. in that 22. C. stand-by 36.C 9. D. On completing 23, A. put them off 37.4 10. C. could have become 24.C. on 38.8 14. D. boys nice ... 25. C. fully 39.0 12. C, together 26. D. worn-out 40.B 13. C. a lot more 27. B. place 14. B. It was 50 ... 28, B. dedicating WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. (2 pts each correct answer) 41, identifiable y 6. unfailingly 2. Conservation 7. scandalous 3. disregard 8. belittled 4, bitterness 9, sugar-coated 5. outburst 10. neglectful B. (2 pts each correct answer) (11) looming (16) far-reaching (12) formerly (17) suffering (13) Surprisingly (18) untestable // (untested) > 4 pt (14) unable (19) necessarily (15) willfulness / wilfulness (20) absenteeism GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 4, D.oasis 2.8. largely 3. D. convivial 4. C, obsessed 5. A. yearning READING COMPREHENSION (1 pt each correct answer) 1, (D) Reasons for the popularity of satire. 2. (B) awareness (10 pts) 3. (A) They are famous examples of satiric literature 4, (A) artistically 5, (B) Odd combinations of objects and ideas 10 6.8. strikes 7.D. publicize 8, A. reveled 9.C. features 40. B. hard 6. (C) reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurate 7. (D) unusual 8, (D) reexamine their opinions and values 9. (A) introducing readers to unfamiliar situations 10. (A) People need to be reminded to take action —OPENCLOZE TEST (60 pts) PASSAGE A(2 pts each correct answer) ao aes (4) most ( (6) charity | (2) the (7) called |) (3) activist (8) earned | (4) social | (9) for ||\(8) discrimination 1) (16) public PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer) { (1) already (2) in (for > 4 pt) \ (3) According (4) ios \ (6) developed (! introduced / used -> 4 pt) 6) ever \(7) picking (8) still SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) ;| (11) disease || (42) tast |) (13) awareness |) (14) any, (18) all (9) much / far! way (10) launched (/ introduced / used > 4 pt) (if) brings (12) fascinated (13) a/one (14) features (18) until. > Itwas the harsh weather that made it impossible for us to go to work this morning. > Much as / though | admire his courage, | consider him (to be) quite foolish. ~ There is evidence that ke has had no direct complicity in the fraud, > Not until four months tater will thelr final exam get underway. > Olivers sorry to have taken her cell phone by mistake. > It's about time Armstrong told the whole truth about what he knows. > | couldn't stop myself from laughing at his blundering effort. 1 2 3. 4 5, > Due to his gamblig, he ran into debt to lots of his friends, 6. 7 8. 9. ~ Had it not been for the money he came into from his uncle, he wouldn't be very / so rich. 40, > It was in 1980 that / when scien‘’sts began to carry out research on AIDS. THE END wel S@ GIAO pyc VA BAO TAO KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 3. ‘TP HO CHi MINH NAM HOG 2016-2017 MON: TIENG ANH 14 Wgay 8 thang 4 nim 2017 4p an va Huong dén chdm LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION |. (1 pt each correct answer) (1) faces (8) movement (8) realistic (2) developers (6) portraying (10) Programmers (3) background (7) changes (4) motion (8) brief SECTION Il. (1 pt each correct answer) SECTION Ill. (1 pt each correct answer) 44. B. yacht 16. wrist 42.0.5 47. voice command 43, D. a decline in orders 48. wireless headset 44. C. 300 49. by hand / by using hands 45. B. further redundancies 20. (for people) to work in group USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 4..C. to be built 16, D. comes across 29. C, aneye 2.B. was 16. C.to 30. D. dependable 3. A. might have asked 17. B. takes precedence over 31. C. How nice! Thanks. 4. B. making 18. A. absent 32. B. Yes, lets. BiG eradthere te: 19. D. confined 33. B. How about the evening? 6. D. seem to have studied 20. A. getting at 34, C. Sorry, the seat is taken. 7. B. Should | need 24. A. grounded in 35. A. Well, never again! 8. A are they 22. B. suspended 36.D ctplaa 23. C. acquainted 37.C 24. D. accommodation 38.D 10. C. to translate qASAC chuabled 25. D. one another 39.8 42. C. sorutiny 26. B. over the moon 40.B 13, 27. D. eagemess 3. C. averse 44. C. brought in __ 28. A.none the wiser WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. (2 pts each correct answer) 4. decriminalization 5. displeasure 8. profundity 2. rivalry 6. neglectfully / 9, multi-syllabic / 3. injured negligently polysyllabic 4. irreversible 7. breakthroughs 10. insectivorous B. (2 pts each correct answer) (11) warming (15) non-profit(able) (19) endangered (12) politicians (16) membership (20) harming (13) supporting (47) talented (14) foundation (18) artwork GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pteach correct answer) 1. A. at times 6B. best 2. C. work ‘ 7. A. plan 3.C. stage 8.C. experiment 4.8. trying 9. B. behaviors 5. D. check 10. C. connected 12 READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) Choose the item (4, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. 4, D. The popularity of treasure’ seeking has spurred a debate belween preservationists and salvagers, underwater The value of a shipwreck depends on the quantity of its artifacts. sets .. something perfect ‘American Gold Eagle coins do archaeological research explanation ). B. It is necessary to legally restrict underwater searches and unregulated salvages 410. B. attraction eR Oenoaa BDIOP>D>D OPEN CLOZE TEST. (60 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) PASSAGE A (1) warrior (6) horseback wo(14) fact (2) imperial (7) period 28 (92) all (3) failed (eventually 12 (43) inspired (4) own, *(9) position 1 (14) comic wn. but (5) existed 4 (10) appeal su. (15) swords PASSAGE B (4) intake (6) bed (11) cycle (2) risk (7) sunset (12) price (3) public (8) consequently (13) conventional {a.4-5 (4) benefits (9) adapt (14) best * (5) symptoms (0) drink (45) mentally SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) 4. He is said to be capable of swimming across this river. 2. | am not sure / certain (that) they will turn up at the meeting. Cut 3. The teacher gave us a reminder that we had to / should hand in the paper by the deadline. 4, It has become increasingly popular for people to learn English in our city. 5. As soon as he got off the plane, he was taken into custody. 6. Neither the teacher nor his students had any idea about / of the crack on the wall. 7. Itwas the boy’s effort that left an (/ a good) impression on the audience and judges. 8. | wish you would try to get along well with the others. 8. So as to keep fit, | invariably go jogging in the morning. 10. It goes without saying that no-one else in the conservatory is as good a violinist as Katie (is) ! plays the violin as well as Katie (does). THE END BQ GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO CONG HOA XAHOLCHUNGHIA VIET NAM TRUONG DAI HQC SU PHAM TP.HCM DOc Hip - Ty do - Hanh phic ——JQ—— KY THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN NAM HOC 2015 ~ 2016 MON: TIENG ANH Tho gian: 120 phiit (Dig cho hoe sinh thi vio lép chuyén tiéng Anh) (Thi sinh khong duege ste dung tai ligu — Cin 69 coi thi khong gidi thich gi them) A. MULTIPLE CHOICE I. PHONOLOGY (10 points) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three. 1 A. fuse B. fuss C. cube D. huge 2, Avheart B. heaven C. health D. heavy 3. Ad B. gild C. mild D. wild 4. A. respire B. respect C. respiration D. respective 5 A. enough B. tough C. cough D. though, Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three, 6. A. preference B, existence C. evidence D. insolence 7. A. pedigree B. nominee C. awardee D. absentee 8. A.minimize B. satisfy C. reoycle D. elevate 9. A.photographic BB proverbial C. ridiculous D, elaborate 10. A. remarkable B. centennial C. innocuous D. advantageous Il. VOCABULARY, PREPOSITIONS & STRUCTURES (30 points) 1, The unemployment rate this year is that of last year. A. nearly low as B. as nearly low as C. nearly as low as D.as lower than 2. “We need to buy a DVD player.” — “We don’t have money for the utility bills, __ a DVD.” ‘A. not mentioning B. let alone C.lest D. and not 3. I’m having difficulty with this math problem, It’s for me A. too much really hard _B. really much too hard C, much too really hard. really hard too much 4. The accident victims will all be released from the hospital___the next few days. A. until B. by C. between D. within 5 pleased with his performance, the athlete was disappointed he had lost the race. - Usually B. Although C. Being D. Even 6. The nature reserve is home to 200 species of animals. A. an estimated B. estimated C. been estimated D. the estimate 7. Basic stretches are a routine ___to your normal exercise plan. A. which they need adding B. that you need to add them C. you need to add D. can be added 8. told that there was no school, he woke up early, ‘A, Has not been B. He has not been C. Not having been D. His not being 9. The ferry ___ from the island when it capsized 200 yards from the port. ‘A. had passengers brought back B. was bringing passengers back C. brought back passengers D. had brought passengers back 10. I'm going to Germany on vacation. Fortunately, my German is for me to get day to day this done. ‘A. good enough B. too good C. not good enough D. enough good io va tn th sin: 86 bio danh: Page 1 of 6 4, Which of the following is closest in meaning to "frigid” in line 6? A. Extremely cold B. Never changing C. Quite harsh D. Rarely recorded 5. All of the following are true about the 1970 survey of Antarctica EXCEPT that it ‘A. was conducted by ait B. made use of radio waves, C. did not measure the exact size of the lake D. was controlled by a satellite 6. It can be inferred from the passage that the ice would not be flat if A. there were no lake B. the lake were not so big C. Antarctica were not so cold D. radio waves were not used 7. The word "microbes" in line 13 could best be replaced by which of the following? A. Pieces of dust B. Trapped bubbles C. Tiny organisms D. Rays of light 8. The passage mentions which of the following as a reason for the importance of Lake Vostok to scientists? A. It can be studied using radio waves. B. It may contain uncontaminated microbes. C. It may have elevated levels of ultraviolet light. _D. It has already been contaminated. 9. The word "downside" in line 15 is closest in meaning to A. bottom level B. negative aspect C. underside D. buried section 10. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses ‘A. further discoveries on the surface of Antarctica B. problems with satellite-borne radar equipment CC. ways to study Lake Vostok without contaminating it D. the harsh climate of Antarctica V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (20 points) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 1 to 10. Tn ancient times there was no such thing as money. When people wanted (1) __, they simply bartered for it. Bartering is the (2)____of goods or services without the use of money. For example, if a man had com and he wanted rice, he would barter his com for rice. So everyone was happy (G)____there was a crisis, such as a failure of the rice (4)_. Money as we know it today also has a risk of crisis. To understand how this may occur, we have to go back to the basics of finance. Money is created when a loan is (5)___out of a bank. This results in a debt, which is essentially a promise to pay the money back at (6)___ time in the future. When loans cannot be paid back, the system falls apart, (7)_ to a debt crisis. Basically, global financial crises (8) ___from the inability of countries to pay back their debts. “The catastrophic risk is that the country in debt will default on its loan (9)__, which means it can no longer pay back its debts, (10)___ chaos in the world’s financial markets. 1, A.money B. goods Cit D. something 2. A.replacement B. trading C. ownership D. giving 3. A. otherwise B. unless C. but D. although 4, A. produce B, season C. crop D. growth 5. A.taken B. checked C. handed D. brought 6 Aone B. certain C. the D. some 7. Acresulting B. reaching C. leading D. causing 8. A.derive B. cause C. distinguish D. raise 9. A.expenses B. payments C. subscriptions D. costs 10, A. causing B. setting C, developing D. making Page 4 of 6 11. The sunflower’s name is believed to the connection of the plant to the sun. A. be originated in B. have originated from —_C. originate in D. be originated from 12, What to discover that there was no running water in the isolated village! A. shock it was B. was it a shock C. it was a shock D.a shock it was 13. Mike is keen on playing the guitar, __no one else in his class is. A. who B. that C. for which D. which 14, I'm sorry that I have to leave so early, but because I have to pick up my son from school, A. itcan’t help B. it couldn't help C. can’t it be helped D. it can’t be helped 15, The archeologist was the first person __about the missing artifacts. A. informing us B. to inform us C. informs us D. who informs 16. Donis ona diet. He’s from eating fried foods. A. boycotting B. refraining C. ignoring D. withholding 17. Fred suffers from headaches that leave him unable to work. A. splitting B. breaking C. beating D. cracking 18. Larry covered his mouth as he didn’t want to smoke from the burning building. A. absorb B. exhale C. draw D. inhale 19. The two roommates could not live together. They were not_. A. compatible B. matching C. comparable D. related 20. Stuntmen perform remarkable of strength in their work. A. wins B. feats C. victories D. defeats 21. Helen says that she doesn’t any resentment over the accident. A. harbour B. conceal C. believe D. include 22. You can help out by _ the cheese while I wash the vegetables. A. peeling chopping C. grating D. straining 23. Jason tried to his wife, but she knew he was being insincere. ‘A. appeal B. cheer C. flatter D. admire 24, My birthday with my friend’s birthday, so we're having a party together. A. falls B, coincides C. matches D. arranges 25. P'm afraid I can’t make the party. [have a very tight ___. A. calendar B. strategy C-agenda D. schedule 26. Their nearest neighbours are miles away; they live in a spot. A. rural B. suburban C. regional D. provineial 27. What a they can’t come. A. humiliation B, shame C. disgrace D. mortification 28. I was following but lost her when she with the crowds. ‘A. mingled B. mixed C. joined D. intertwined 29. The bus was full that it started up the hill, A. agitation B. shivering C. quaking D. shuddering 30. Holland has increased its total area through extensive land. A. recuperation B. reclamation C. regeneration D. recapture IL. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (20 points) Choose the underlined part that needs correction. 1, Anumber of the materials used in manufacturing paint are potential dangerous if mishandled. A BC D 2. Since 1908, breeders set out to produce chickens that could survive Canada’s cold climate. A B c D 3. In the late nineteenth century, many public buildings, especially that on college campuses, A BC were built in the Romanesque Revival style of architecture. D Page 2 of 6 4, Art critics do not all agree on what are the qualities that make a painting great. 5. The unit ey camming called the foot was oriinally based on the length oft the human foot, 6. Because of setacion, the ‘water in a tank ever Tooks as deep as it actually i es Althouch geologists have a clearly understanding of ety earthquakes cee they cannot reliably ae when they will take psc. 2 8. Computers are nara to control, adjustment, and correct complex industrial operations. 9, Judges in dog shows rate dogs ona pois = their clu posture, shape, and size. A 10. The University of Chicago is unlike most other U.S. university in that it has emphasized graduate A B student programs so much as undergraduate programs ever since it opened. c D IV. READING COMPREHENSION (20 points) Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions. ‘A rather surprising geographical feature of Antarctica is that a huge freshwater lake, one of the world’s largest and deepest, lies hidden there under four kilometers of ice. Now known as Lake Vostok, this huge body of water is located under the ice block that comprises Antarctica. The lake is able to exist in its unfrozen state beneath this block of ice because its waters are warmed by geothermal heat from the earth’s core. The thick glacier above Lake Vostok actually insulates it from the frigid temperatures (the lowest ever recorded on Earth) on the surface. The lake was first discovered in the 1970s while a research team was conducting an aerial survey of the area. Radio waves from the survey equipment penetrated the ice and revealed a body of water of indeterminate size. It was not until much more recently that data collected by satellite made scientists aware of the tremendous size of the lake; the satellite-bone radar detected an extremely flat region where the ice remains level because it is floating on the water of the lake. The discovery of such a huge freshwater lake trapped under Antarctica is of interest to the scientific community because of the potential that the lake contains ancient microbes that have survived for thousands upon thousands of years, unaffected by factors such as nuclear fallout and elevated ultraviolet light that have affected organisms in more exposed areas. The downside of the discovery, however, lies in the difficulty of conducting research on the lake in such a harsh climate and in the problems associated with obtaining uncontaminated samples from the lake without actually exposing the lake to contamination. Scientists are looking for possible ways to accomplish this. 1. The purpose of the passage is to ‘A. explain how Lake Vostok was discovered _B. provide satellite data concerning Antarctica C. discuss future plans for Lake Vostok D. present an unexpected aspect of Antarctica’s geography 2. The word "lies” in line 2 could best be replaced by A. sleeps B. sits C. tells falsehoods D. inclines 3. What is true of Lake Vostok? A. Itis completely frozen. B, It is not a saltwater lake. C. Itis beneath a thick slab of ice. D. It is heated by the sun. Page 3 of 6 2 B. WRITTEN TEST I. WORD FORMS (20 points) Use the words given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space. Read the text below and complete each gap with the correct form of the word at the end of the line. Do not write more than ONE word in each gap. Two examples are given below. Spelling mistakes will be penalised. ‘The Shetland Islands The group of islands (0) known as Shetland which lie off the northern tip 0. KNOW of Scotland comes as a culture shock. The main island has a (00) population 00. POPULATE of just 17,000. The main town and capital, Lerwick can be explored in minutes, and the liveliest (1), is a night of fiddle-playing in a back-street_ 1. ENTERTAIN pub. Yet no one sits around twiddling their thumbs. In these harsh, (2) 2. HOSPITALITY islands, there is a culture of self-reliance and (3)__. They need it. The 3. INITIATE nearest mainland town is Bergen, Norway, and the islands are on the same latitude as Greenland. The elements are (4) making life here 4, RELENT invigorating, if not downright hard, The (5)__ qualities of the Shetlanders could be no better represented 5, RESILIENCE than in Ross Gazey, a 29-year-old (6) of Unst, the most northerly 6. RESIDE. community in Britain and home to 500 inhabitants. This small community has recently created the first and only (7) community-owned renewable 7. OPERATE hydrogen energy system in the world, which Gazey conceived and designed with a small group of local engineers, In short, they are pioneers in ground- breaking hydrogen technology, the fuel that many energy experts predict will dominate the post-oil world. It is difficult to (8) how important this 8, EMPHASIS work is for the future of energy production. As the Intemational Energy Agency put it, 'The (9), integration of wind and hydrogen technology 9, SUCCEED into a (10)____ system is something that many large energy businesses are 10. WORK still struggling to make a reality, yet the community of Unst have already done it' (Adapted from The Daily Telegraph online) Il. OPEN CLOZE TEST (30 points) Complete the passage below by writing ONE word in each gap. Every female child born on this earth within recorded history has had to absorb one fact: she is a member of that half of the human (1) considered inferior to the (2) half. From the moment of her (3) she is marked off from her brother and receives the stamp of sub- standard. (4) the circumstances of her arrival into this world, a long shadow falls across her, the shadow of the second sex. However (5) she struggles, however she succeeds, that shadow must touch some part of her and deform. Men, (6) are distorted by virtue of the role set for their sex, (7) because they belong to the dominant sex they have more room for manoeuvre, more ways in (8) to push their own individuality through the restrictions of that role. Whatever their handicaps, efforts to break out of the mould are considered at least respectable, if 0) necessarily rewarded. Women, on the other hand, are historically penalised (10) the same efforts and their rewards come only from remaining (and (11) looking) as much (2) the stereotype as possible. In a very general way, the female sex has been forced away (13) the main pull of evolution-diversity, and pushed into (14) . The Joss, so far, to humanity as a (15) , is incalculable. Page $ of 6 IN]. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (30 points) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. In some questions, you have to use the given words without changing their forms in any way. 1. The number of subscribers to our website is now at an all-time high. Our website has as ithas now. 2 (COMING) Ineed some with new ideas for my fashion website. 2. Can you help me think of new ideas for my fashion web: 3. They couldn’t accomplish the task of developing a new product. Developing a new product seemed 4. The discussion group formed back in May. May was 5, He should take responsi other people. (EASY) He should take responsibility for his action instead of __ 6. The boys escaped with a stern warning from the police, (HOOK) The boys. = 7. John needs to arrive soon or we'll have to go without him. ity for his actions instead of avoiding any difficulty and blaming We'll have to leave _ 8. Let me know if you prefer me to write on the board rather than just speaking. (WHETHER) Let me know if you have me about which slogan is best for the campaign. (DIFFERENCE) 9. Simon doesn’t agree wi Simon and I _ 10. I don’t usually learn anything useful from the television, but last night I did. (CHANGE) It 1V. WRITING A PARAGRAPH (20 points) In about 80 words, write a paragraph to answer the following question. ‘What makes a good parent?” Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. This is the end of the test. Page 6 of 6 BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. CONG HOA XA HOICHU NGHIA VIETNAM. TRUONG DAT HQC SU PHAM TP.HCM Doc lip - Ty do -Hanh phic 2. ioe DE THI TUYEN SIN VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN NAM HQC 2011 ~ 2012 MON: TIENG ANH CHUYEN Thoi gian: 120 phat A. MULTIPLE CHOICE: I. PHONOLOGY (10 points) Choose the word whose underlined partis pronounced differently from the other three. 1 A. result B. user C. musician D. consist 2. A.comic “ B village C. antique D. picnic 3. A. volcano B. collapse C. flavor D. slavery 4 A. effects B. earthquakes C. mouths D. baths 5 A. subway B. subtle C. climber D. plumber Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three. 6. A. oceanic B. magnificent C. detergent D. oasis 7. ‘A. developed B. envelope C. antelope D. influence 8 A. committee B. guarantee C. absentee D. referee 9. “A. assess B. access C. applaud D. affront 10. A. reconfirm B. reconnect C. recommend D. recompense TL, VOCABULARY, PREPOSITIONS & STRUCTURES (30 points) 1, Thave more than once warned him the risk of getting the disease. A. of B. in Cat D.on 2. The moth’s habitat is being destroyed, and it has nearly died, A. off Bof, C.out D. down 3. Thad no difficulty figuring what is wrong with the machine. A. in/out B.in/ about at/ round D. for/ out 4. We did not have enough time to__him a visit. A. take B. bring C. pay D. offer 5. They have three sons, two of. are army officers. A. which, B. whom C: who D. that 6. Don’t waste time that article. It’s a lie. A. toread B. reading C.when reading —_D, to be reading 7. Five____boitles of milk will be delivered to that remote area. A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 8. Ifyou want to do the job, you should have a good _ of English A. perfection B, demand C. master D. command 9. Come and join us at the concert, 2 A. Shall we —_B, will you C. don’t you D. aren’t you 10. I want to make sure that you have no business relations _ that company. A. with B.to C. for D.on 11, Lalways want to forget alll my failures A. regretting —_B. regreiful C. regrettable D. regretted Page 1/7 12 13. 14. 15, 16. 17. 18, 19, 20, 21 22. 23% 24, 25. 26, 27. 28. 29. 30, The flood caused a lot of damage _ the crops. A. for B.of C.witin D.to C.M. Schultz, created the character Snoopy, was a talented American artist. A. who B. that C. whose D. whom something wrong, the ceremony would have been a success. ‘A. Had Helen not said B. Had not Helen said C. Were Helen not to say D. Should Helen not say Olga is sai in Moscow only in the first three years of her life. A. to live B.tohave lived CC. that she lived _D. that she had lived The earthquake resulted big fires in many places. A. of B.to C. from Dain My marks are A. the same like his B. the same as his C. the same like him. D. the same as him Did I mention to see Vicky on Sunday? ‘A. about going B. going C.to go D. to you about going _____Teould pass this entrance exam! Alt B. Only if C.Asif D. Ifonly He was __ that no teacher wanted to teach him. ‘A. such disruptive boy B. too disruptive C. so disruptive aboy DD. a very disruptive boy This is the house were broken. A. which windows B. which, C. where the windows —_D. with the windows . There are __ she should not have got the job. ‘A. those who say B, someone who says C. those whom, you say D. some people whom you say ‘They're staying in rented accommodation for the time A. going B. doing C. making D. being It took Edward a long time to living in Canada. A. be used to B. used to C. get used to D. be used for The film is ___released at the end of next year. ‘A. on the verge of being _B. on the point of being C. due to be D. about to be - “Would you pick the kids up from school this afternoon?” = “No, I'm afraid 1 a A. wouldn’t B. won't C. shan’t D.can’t We on the beach now if we hadn’t missed the plane. ‘A.might have lain B. could be lying C. would have lain. would lie expect you'll feel a lot better when you your exams out of the way. A. will get B. had got C. have got D. are getting Its high time up to your responsibilities as a grown-up. A. you faced B. you face C. you have faced —_D. to face Usually'a bird species gains public recognition faces the danger of extinction A. which only B. only when C. only when it D. which IL, ERROR IDENTIFICATION (20 points) ‘The caverns were more excited before the guides came and took away the adventurous aspect 2 Ding the bleak winter, food became too scarce that aacatin aod tenis were wigan 3 oe number of lottery ae roan money on charity and social work, ° Wer te manager know the truth a the dice would behave in aiterent way. 5. The woman kept bie me ha oh sould she do there for nine e ; 6. Once Iread ihe whale pecel ftevoed what the oe meant in the first few lines. 7. Most ee eon try {0 get involve in some activities (omy studying like cS orarts, 8. Ifyou happen to get ete ee please es ithout das 9. Iprefer (ei football on TV to aia to the aie to ee 10, Dora decided to quit her well-paid job, that a sumaiing wines anybody. A B IV. READING COMPREHENSION (20 points) Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions. It’s often said that we learn things at the wrong time. University students frequently do the minimum amount of work because they're crazy for a good social life instead, Children often scream before their piano practice because it’s so boring, have to be given gold stars and medals to be persuaded to swim, or have to be bribed to take exams. But when you're older? Ah, now that’s a different story, Over the years, I've done my share of adult learning. At 30 I went to a college and did courses in History and English. It was an amazing experience. For starters, | was paying, so there was no reason to be late — I was the one frowning and drumming my fingers if the tutor was delayed, not the other way round. Indeed, if I could persuade him to linger for an extra five minutes, it was a bonus, not @ nuisance. I wasn’t frightened to ask questions and homework was a pleasure not a pain. When I passed, Thad passed for me and me alone, not my parents or my teachers. The satisfaction I got was entirely personal. Some people fear going back to school because they worry that their brains have got rusty. But the joy is that, although some parts have rusted up, your brain has learnt all kinds of other things since you were young. It’s leamt to think independently and flexibly and is much better at relating one thing to another. What you lose in the rust department, you gain in the maturity department. In some ways, age is a positive plus. For instance, when you're older, you get less frustrated. Experience has told you that, if you're calm and simply do something carefully again and again, eventually you'll get the hang of it. The confidence you have in other, areas — from being able to drive a car, perhaps - means that if you can’t, say, build a chair instantly, you don’t, like a child, want to Page 3/7 destroy your first pathetic attempts. Maturity tells you that you will, with application, eventually get there. Learning late doesn’t mean having to go back to school. Recently, I learnt how to swim. I thought, 1 could swim before, but I could always get across the pool quicker by walking than swimming. Wearing my glasses to see the other side didn’t help, because I never put my face in the water. True, I thought I looked silly wearing goggles with lenses over my eyes and a nose clip, and picking up colored rings from the bottom of the pool to conquer fear of water, but the sense of achievement when I finally managed to swim speedily from one side of the pool to the other was huge. I only wished my family had been there to congratulate me, as I felt I deserved. ‘Then there was the skating. Inspired by seeing ice-dancers on TV, I staggered on to the ice quite recently and, unlike the younger students, was tense with terror in case I fell over. I was the worst in the class, but I did eventually get a piece of paper that said I had now achieved the art of skating forwards. And although P'll never do ice-dancing, I feel pretty courageous for braving the ice. Finally, there was the piano. I hated piano lessons at school, but I was good at music, And coming back to it, with a teacher who could explain why certain exercises were useful and musical concepts that, at the age of ten, I could never grasp, was magical. Initially I did fee! a bit strange, thumping out a piece that I'd played for my school exams, with just as little comprehension of what the composer ended as I'd had all those years before. But soon, complex emotions that I never knew existed poured from my fingers, and suddenly I could understand why practice makes perfect. 1. The writer uses piano practice as an example of something that ..... A. people should not be forced to do. B. children often refuse to do unless they are rewarded. C. older people may be more willing to do than children. D. children do not gain much benefit from. 2. What surprised the writer when she did her first adult learning course? ‘A. She was able to learn more quickly than she had expected. B. She found leaming more enjoyable than she had expected. C. She got on better with her tutor than she had expected. D. She had a more relaxed attitude-to it than she had expected, 3. The writer says that when you learn later in life, you ..... A. find that you can remember @ lot of things you learnt when younger. B. should expect to take longer to learn than when you were younger. C. do not find it more difficult to learn than when you were younger. D. ate not able to concentrate as well as when you were younger. 4, What gives adult learners an advantage, according to the writer? ‘A. They are able to organize themselves better than younger people. B. They are less worried about succeeding than younger people. C. They pay more attention to detail than younger people. D. They have more patience than younger people. 5. The writer says that when she took swimming lessons, . A. she did so mainly to impress her family. Page 4/7 B. she had to overcome, feeling foolish C. she made surprisingly quick progress. D, she was confident that she would succeed. 6. When the writer took up skating, she was A. proud of the little progress that she did make. B, embarrassed by the way the others treated her. C. sorry that she had decided to try doing it. D. determined not to remain the worst in the class. 7. What pleased the writer when she took piano lessons? A. She could remember a piece she learned at school. B. She could see the point of what she was doing, C. She succeeded in impressing her music teacher. D. She discovered that she had some musical ability. 8, What is the writer’s main purpose in the article? A, to emphasize the pleasures of adult learning B. to point out how easy adult learning can be C. to explain her reasons for doing adult learning D, to describe the teaching methods used in adult learning 9. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “bribed to take exams” in paragraph 1? A. threatened with exams B. tempted into taking exams C, given money / presents to take exams D. encouraged to take exams 10. Which is the best title for the article? ‘A. Why fear going back to school? B. The importance of schooling C. Some ways of learning D. Learning later in life Y. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (20 points) Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call (1)___the tough and the gentle, The former method simply (2) __of setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of him, Apart from any moral considerations this is a stupid method of training, (3)__ it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well tun man-killer. The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal (4) The first essential in elephant training is to assign (5) the animal a single mahout who will be entirely (6)_____ for the job. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs (7) , and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection. There are (8)___ stories of half-trained elephant calves who have refused to feed and pined to death when by some unavoidable circumstance they have been (9). _.__of their own trainer. Such extreme cases must probably be taken with e grain of salt. But they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the (10) to successful training. Page 5/7 1. Aorderly B. consequently __C. seemingly D. respectively 2. A. composes B. consists C. contains D. comprises 3. A. for B. but C. although Daasif 4. A. function B.use C. service D. friendship 5. A. for B.to cc. with D. into 6. A.cared B. looked C. available D. responsible 7. Aare B. will C.do D. like any B. even C.no D. whatever ; B. separated “C.isotated -D--abotished B. key €. condition D, solution B, WRITTTEN TEST I. USE THE CORRECT FORMS OF THE GIVEN WORDS (20 points) 1. He was deeply ___about his rudeness at the meeting. (APOLOGY) 2. Though we kept asking, he refused to___his name and address. (CLOSE) 3. Giving e child punishment is necessary, but giving too much punishment is (PRODUCE) 4, Sarah is a good leader who always makes decisions. (OPPORTUNITY) | failed to take the last chance to get a job there. (FORTUNE) 6. People living in the countryside are said to give more __ to guests than urban people. (HOSPITABLE) 7. What we have done so far is completely__. We have to do everything again from the beginning. (AFFECT) 8. Thehall was decorated for the ceremony and everybody was impressed. (ORDINARY) 9. When we saw the girl's __face, we all knew that she had failed. (TEAR) 10, The latest styles in shoes "all others on the market. (SELL) IL. OPEN CLOZE TEST (30 points) ‘Supply each blank with one suitable word. WOOD FROM THE SEA Many things can be found on the beach, but (0) one of the most useful is wood. Wood that is washed up comes in varying shapes and sizes, (1) __ fish-boxes to parts of ships. Most old coastal cottages and houses have (2) _ " ‘beachwood built into them somewhere and many fishermen have a pile of beachwood from (3) “they can select the required piece for any job in hand Not only cut wood, (4) __the trees themselves may end up on the tideline. Tom up by (5) roots in time of flood or avalanche, (6) __ are riverborne and finally seabome. They @) even carry in their roots large rocks. These rocks (8)__ sometimes left behind, out of their geological context, to puzzle and intrigue those who come across them. The trees can often be traced back to their source simply (9) __ looking at the rings of their trunks ‘These can then be compared with (10) _ of other trees to establish which area they came s from, Page 6/7 After being washed by sea and sand, tree roots often take on strange shapes and ean look like living creatures (11) __as snakes and many people use these unusual pieces of art (12) _ decorative features in their homes. They can be tumed (13) ___attractive settings for plants, Or you may see a beachwood tree (14) _ used in a garden, perhaps with a bird-table (15) __top of it. UI. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (30 points) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. In some questions, you have to use the given words without changing their forms in any way. 1. They only made the announcement after the judges had given the remarks, Not until denen: eeeeee 2. [felt ashamed because I had made the mistake three times. Having ee ee 3. Idon’t mind whether you stay for a few more days or you leave now. It makes .. oe 4 o 4, Paul's repeated questions on the salary really annoyed me, (NERVES) 5. Dora enjoyed every chance she had to practice speaking Spanish. (USE) Dora 3 ae 6. It is common knowledge that English is an international language. (KNOWN) English .. is 7. Normally Ihave a 10-minute journey to school. (TAKES) Normally .. ee 8. He wants to have a place at university. To this end, he is studying very hard. (VIEW) He eae 9. She smiled in a friendly way and waved goodbye. (GAVE) She) anne a 10. [never have enough time. (SHORT) Ts IV, WRITING A PARAGRAPH (20 points) Write a paragraph of about from 50 t0 70 words on the topic “My favorite school activity”. HET -. Ghi cha: Cdr b@ coi thi khéng gidi thich dé thi. Page 7/7 BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO TRUONG DAI HQC SU’ PHAM TP.HCM aS vas pAp AN DE THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN _NAM HQC 2011 - 2012 MON: TIENG ANH CHUYEN A. MULTIPLE CHOICES I. PHONOLOGY (10 points) Doc CONG HOA XA HOI CHUNGHIA VIET NAM p - Ty do -Hanh phic 1D 2G 3B 4c BA 6A TA BA 9B 10.D = IL. VOCABULARY, PREPOSITIONS & STRUCTURES (30 points) 1A 2€ 3.4 4.C 5.B el Bie 7A &D 9.B 10.4 al 11.C 12. B.A 14. 15.B 16.D Tie 18.B 19.D 20.C 21. 22.4 23.D 24.C 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.C 29.4 30.€ ILL ERROR IDENTIFICATION (20 points) LB 26 3.B aA 3c 6A 7B 8B 9A 10.B IV. READING COMPREHENSION (20 points) 1c 2.B 3.¢ 4D 3B 6A 7.B BA 9.6 10.D V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (20 points) LD 2B 3.A 4€ SOR em 6D eae 3B oA 10.B B. WRITTEN TEST I. WORD FORMS (20 points) 1. apologetic 2. disclose 3, unproductive? 4. opportune | 5. counter-productive Unfortunately 6. hospitality T.ineffective | 8. extraordinarily | 9. tearful 10. outsell Il. OPEN CLOZE TEST (30 points) 1. from: 2.some . 3. which 4. but 5. the / their 6. they 7 may/can/ | 8.are 9. by 10. those might 11. such 12. as 13. into 14. being 15.0n Il. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (30 points) 1. Not until the judges had given the remarks did they make the announcement/ was the announcement made. 2. Having made the mistake three times, I felt ashamed. 3. It makes no difference to me whether you stay for a few more days or you leave now. 4, Paul's repeated questions on the salary really got on my nerves. 3, Dora made (full/good) use of every chance she had to practice speaking Spanish. 6. English is known to be an international language. 7. Normally it takes me 10 minutes to get / go to school. 8. He is studying very hard with a view to having a place at university. 9, She gave a friendly smile and waved goodbye. 10. [am always short of time. IV. WRITING A PARAGRAPH (20 points) Ideas (8pts) e school activity is Why it is interesting/ Why you like it How often you join it ‘What lesson you can learn from it Structure (pts) Variety of structures Grammatical accuracy Vocabulary (6pts) Correct use of parts of speech Good choice of vocabulary BQ GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO CONG HOA XA HOLCHUNGHIA VIETNAM TRUONG DAT HQC SU PHAM TP.HCM Dic lap - Ty do-Hanh phic DE THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN NAM HQC 2012 — 2013 MON: TIENG ANH CHUYEN ‘Thai gian: 120 phut A. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Phonology (10 points) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three. 1 A. weird B. wear C. beard D. merely a A. changeling B. channel C. chase D, chamber 3. A. iron B. ironic C. rhinoceros D. rhythm 4, A.education " _B. optician. C. session D. occasion 5. A. saviour B, favour C. devour D. tumour Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three. 6. A. jeopardize B. recipe C. coincide D. emigrate 7. A. geneticist B. accidental C. preferential D. economics 8 A.create B. tattoo C. mature D. relic 3: AL Lidrenes B. imperfect C. horizon D. cathedral 10. A. enthusiastic E. satisfactory C. purification D. tuberculosis II, Vocabulary and Structures (30 points) 1, One’of the problems local authorities have to deal with isthe ___ of plastic containers. A. dispersal B. disposition C. disposal D. dissolution 2. The police signalled the driver to __and stop. A. pull over B, putin C. pass by D. pick up 3. Could you the names of the people who are not coming to the party? ‘A. cut down B. cross out C. sign up D. keep up 4, We are moving out soon because our house is going to be knocked when the new road is built, A. off” B. out C. away D. down 5. Many elderly people have to live on the money they __ when they were working, A. laid up B. put back C. set up D. put aside 6. He got an excellent grade in the exam the fact that he worked particularly hard. A. in spite of B.onaccountof —_C. because D. although 7. Helen asked me the film called ‘Star Wars’. ‘A. have I seen Bhave youseen C.ifIhadseen _—_D.. if had I seen 8. In spite of his poor education, he was the most speaker. A. articulate B, ambiguous C. attentive D. authoritarian 9. Her parents accused her of A.nottryinghard BB. tryinghardnot —C. tryingnothard _D.. trying not enough enough enough enough hard 10. He tried to make out that the fake painting he had genuine, uN 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22) ye}, 24, 25% 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 10 A. been B. being C. tobe D. was Keep your ticket you have to show it to an inspector. Z A. if B. in case C. unless D. supposing ‘They used pesticide to the insects in the paddy field. A. get rid of B. get out of C. getaway with _D. get in the way with “Do you know Janet Wilson?” ‘Lremember the name, but I can’t recall __- A. what does she —_B, what she looks —C. what she does_D.. like what she looks look like like ook like Colonists in isolated areas of Northem America were almost totally self-sufficient. A. living B. lived C. who living D, who live She ‘drive to the station every day but then she suddenly decided to walk instead. A. was'used to B. had-used to C.wasusingto —-—D. usedito The interviewer told Kate that she would earn $40, 000 a year the job. ‘A. had she to offer B. had she to be offered C. were she to offer D. were she to be offered Diana hoped to become a friend of shares her interests. A. anyone B. any one C. whoever D. whomever If you don’t like the food served at this restaurant, we can go to another one A. near B. nearly C. nearer D. nearby John, turn down the music. Why you make such a big noise while your baby sister is sleeping? seine? : A.need B. would C. should | Dimay There isn’t enough room for all our clothes; we need anew A A. wardrobe B. compartment C. cabinet "Dv sideboard Crops in hot countries often fail because of prolonged é A. dryness B, drought C. desiccation D. thirst’ = So to send data ____ telephone lines you have to convert the data into the format which can be read by telephone lines. A. through B. along Con Din ‘The restaurant wants from guests in order to improve its services. A. feedback B. opinions C. remarks D. advice Last month the train went up by 20%. A.costs B. fares C. fees D. expenses I wanted to book my summer holiday, so I went to my local travel _ A. agency B. bureau C. office D. service My sister always asks for my opinion, so I was a little hurt when she took a major decision about her career without me. A. assuring B, consulting C. assisting D. confirming ‘The annual _ with the school was a day out to a local glass factory. ‘A. voyage B. journey C. expedition D, excursion In everyday life, her movements are restricted; she is in public, and she does not laugh or talk t6o much. A. talkative B. dumb C. reserved D. speechless “What a pleasure itis to see you,” Aphrodite warmly greeted. Gs ___” he replied. A. Atimy pleasure B. It gives me great pleasure C. The pleasure is all mine D. With pleasure When using computers for learning, students can work at their own _ A. rhythm B. beat C. time D. pace Page 27 a III. Error Identification (20 points) 1. The most visible remind of the close relationship between the United States and France is the A B ic famous Statue of Liberty, which stands in New York Harbor. D 2. They prefer to stick with their prejudices about the lack of intelligence of those whose skins A B did not have the same colour as their own. ic D 3. The mathematical diet for these lower attaining pupils is consisting of little more than, a B basic arithmetic, presented in simple step-by-step learning sequences, and repeated frequently. 4, Measured 840 rae length, the coast consists of the rugged cliffs of the oe Ranges foc aeh ena sandy beaches in the south. : : SW hal ye elena cb a the gate 14?” “The passengers oa becoming ne os they had been waiting for the flight to take off for nearly two hours”, 6. It is ironic that the novel that served to diminish Melville's popularity during his lifetime is A B c the one which he is best known today. D 7. A major challenge to management in late 1970s and early 1980s was the need to increase A B c D the productivity of American business. 8. If you are in the frightening position of waking in the middle of the night and think A B you can hear an intruder, then on no account you should approach the intruder. c D 9. Rover expected to produce about 50 vehicles a week for a few years, after that production A B ie would be abandoned. D 10. If people are deprived of the company of the others for prolonged periods, mental A B ic breakdown is the usual result. D IV. Reading Comprehension (20 points) Each advance in microscopic technique has provided scientists with new perspective on the function of living organisms and the nature of matter itself. The invention of the visible-light microscope late in the sixteenth century introduced a previously unknown realm of single-celled plants and animals. In the twentieth century, electron microscopes 5 have provided direct views of viruses and minuscule surface structures. Now another type of microscope, one that utilizes X-rays rather than light or electrons, offers a different way of examining tiny details; it should extend human perception still farther into the natural world. Page 3/7 The dream of building an X-ray microscope dates to 1895; its development, 10 however, was virtually halted in the 1940s because the development of the electron microscope was progressing rapidly. During the 1940s, electron microscopes routinely achieved resolution better than that possible with a visible-light microscope, while the performance of X-ray microscopes resisted improvement. In recent years, however, interest in X-ray microscopes has revived, largely because of advances such as the 15 development of new sources of X-ray illumination. As a result, the brightness available today is millions of times that of X-ray tubes, which, for most of the century, were the only available sources of soft X-rays. The new X-ray microscopes considerably improve on the resolution provided by optical microscopes. They can also be used to map the distribution of certain chemical 20 elements. Some can form pictures in extremely short times; others hold the promised special capabilities such as three-dimensional imaging. Unlike conventional electron microscopy, X-ray microscopy enables specimens to be kept in air and in water, which means that biological samples can be studied under conditions similar to their natural state, The illumination using so-called soft X-rays in the wavelength range-of twenty — 25. forty angstroms (an angstrom is one ten-billionth of a meter) is also sufficiently penetrating to image intact biological cells in many cases, Because of the wavelength of the X-rays used, soft X-ray microscopes will never mateh the highest resolution possible with electron microscopes. Rather, their properties will make possible investigations that will complement those performed with light- and electron-based instruments. Excerpt from Technical Communication: Principles and Practice by Meenakshi Raman, Sangeeta Sharma and Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford University Press, 2004 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The detail seen through a microscope B, Sources of illumination for microscopes C. A new kind of microscope D. Outdated microscopic technique 2. According to the passage, the invention of the visible-light microscope allowed scientists to A. see viruses directly. B. develop the electron microscope later on. C. understand more about the distribution of the chemical elements. D. discover single celled plants and animals they had never seen before. 3. The word "minuscule" in line 5 is closest in meaning to A. circular B, dangerous C. complex D. tiny 4. The word "it" in line 7 refers to ‘A.a type of microscope B, human perception C. the natural world D. light, 5. Why does the author mention the visible light microscope in the first paragraph? ‘A. To begin a discussion of sixteenth century discoveries B. To put the X-ray microscope in historical perspective C. To show how limited its uses are D. To explain how it unctioned velop the Xray microscope? Page si? 12 13 B. The source of illumination was not bright enough until recently. C. Materials used to manufacture X-ray tubes were difficult to obtain D. X-ray microscopes were too complicated to operate. 7. The word "enables" in line 22 is closest in meaning to A. constitutes B. specifies C. expands D. allows 8. The word "Rather" in line 28 is closest in meaning to A. significantly _B. preferably C. somewhat D. instead 9. The word "those" in line 29 refers to A. properties B. investigations C. microscopes. —_—D. X-rays 10. Based on the information in the passage, what can be inferred about X-ray microscopes in the future? ‘A. They will probably replace electron microscopes altogether. B, They will eventually be much cheaper to produce than they are now. C. They will provide information not available from other kinds of microscopes. D. They will eventually change the illumination range that they now use. V. Guided Cloze Test (20 points) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from I to 10. ‘Next on our trip around the beauties of Greece we take a look at Thrace and Samothrace. Thrace (Thraki) is (1) in the northeastern comer of Greece. It is a special place with a very rich history and has been (2) untouched by the tourist explosion. The lakes and wetlands of Thrace are (3 _ the most important in Europe with perhaps more than three hundred (4) species of birds. More than 200,000 wild water-birds (5) their winters here. 6) Thrace from Kavala, the visitor finds scenic Xanthi, the capital of the district of the (7) ___ name. It is built on the site of ancient Xantheia and is proud of the many old houses and mansions which are prime examples of local architecture. @), to the northeast, is scenic Komotini capital of the district of Rodopi. The parts of the area, which (9), from pre-Christian times to the Byzantine era, are of special (10)_ Finds from all the archaeological sites in Thrace are displayed in the Komotini Museum. 1, A. populated B. placed C, situated D. occupied 2. A.very B. much C. little D. almost 3. A.among B. being C. through D. some 4, A.covered B. protected C. safe D. cared 5. A.use B. take C. make D. spend 6. A. Arriving B. Entrance C. Coming D. Entering 7. A.constant B. same C. like D. equal 8. A. Additional B, Besides C. Extra D. Further 9. A.date B. age * C. time D. begin 10, A. attention B, knowledge C. interest D. concentration Page 5/7 14 B, WRITTEN TEST I. Word Forms (20 points) Use the words given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space. 1. The two players have developed a friendly __ ae RIVAL 2. Microbes _ organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide. COMPOSE 3. With City Link X70, there are frequent daily _ _ from Oxford to Heathrow - every half hour for much of the day. DEPART 4, IMlegal who hide from authorities often became victims of crime or criminals. MIGRATE 5. For use as a motor fuel, however, natural gas must be compressed or . LIQUID 6. There are very few places left on earth. Man has been nearly everywhere EXPLORE, 7. Many people do not understand the importance of the habitats to wild animals and plants so they spoil them z CONSCIOUS 8. The weak and the poor are and need people to represent them. POWER 9. Ibis forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird. It has been listed as one of the species. DANGER 10. My grandmother is getting now that she’s older. FORGET Il. Open Cloze Test (30 points) Complete the passage below by writing ONE word in each gap. For many years, Japan has relied on nuclear power for some of the electricity it needs. ‘Around 30% of the electricity the country (1), ___has been generated by nuclear power stations. This changed on 5" May, (2), the last of Japan’s 54 nuclear reactors was shut down. The nuclear power stations have been closed (3), _____ maintenance and normal repairs. This means they could be restarted again at any time. However, (4) __ofa nuclear accident in the country last year, the Japanese government has not yet decided (ayaa to restart the power stations or shut them down permanently. In March last year a tsunami (6)_ _ by an undersea earthquake OO the Fukushima power plant. This nuclear power station is (8), to the sea. The tsunami damaged the plant's cooling systems Some of the reactors at the power plant began to overheat. Several explosions followed. These (9) to dangerous leaks of radiation. Around 100,000 people living (10)__ ~~ 20 Kilometres (12.5 miles) of the power station were ordered to leave their homes. Much of this area has been contaminated by the (11) Most of the people have not been able to (12), home. ‘After the accident, whenever reactors at power plants closed down for normal maintenance the government ordered the electricity companies (13) to restart them. The last one to (14) “down is in Hokkaido, the most northerly (15)__ Japan's four main islands. UL. Sentence transformation (30 points) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. In some questions, you have to use the given words without changing their forms in any way. 1. Thad only just put the phone down when the receptionist rang b Hardly 15 2. They never made us do anything we didn’t want to do. We 3, What a pity you failed your driving test! Lwish 4, He was annoyed because his secretary came late to work. He objected 5. It is said that someone started the fire deliberately. The fire nae 6. The house shouldn't be left unlocked for any reason. (ACCOUNT) 7. I met your friend David the other day. (INTO) 8. Don’t pay any attention to what she says. (NOTICE) 9. Her sudden return was totally unexpected by the family. (TOOK) 10. He only stayed at university for a year. (DROPPED) TY. Writing a paragraph (20 points) Write a paragraph of 50-70 words answering the following question. What should you do at home to go green? This is the end of the test. Page 7/7 BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO CONG HOA XA HOLCHUNGHIA Vir NAM TRUONG DAI HQC SU PHAM TP.HCM Déc lp - Ty do - Hanh phic TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN NAM HQC 2012 - 2013 MON: TIENG ANH CHUYEN hoi gian: 120 phat ANSWER KEY NGAY THI: 16/6/2012 ‘S86 BAO y y =a ANH: cHo KY ert | | CHO KY GT2 sit SO MAT MA piéwso | | BlEM CHO] | CHO KY GK1 | | CHO KY GK2 sTT SO MAT MA A. "MULTIPLE CHOICE: Just write A, B, C or D for the correct answer. I. PHONOLOGY (/0 poinis) 1B 3A 5. TA 9A 2.3 4D 6.C 8.D 10.B IL. VOCABULARY & STRUCTURES (30 points) TEC} TG 13.B 19.B 25. A, 2A BA 14.4 20.A 26.B 3.B 9A 15.D 2B 27.D 4.D 10.D 16.D 2A 28.C 5.D .B 17.C 2B.A 29.6 6B ILA 18.D 24.B 30.D IIL. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (20 points) LA 3B 5.B 7B |9.¢ anc! 4A 6D 8.D 10.B Page 1/4 Chit $i: Hoe nh khéng lam bai vaio phan gach chéo IV. READING COMPREHENSION (20 points) HC 3.D 5.B 7D 9B 2.D 4A 6B 8D 10.C Y. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (20 points) HEC 3.4 5.D 7B 9A 2.D 4B 6.D 8.D 10. B. WRITTEN TEST I. WORD FORMS (20 points) 1. rivalty 3. departures 5. liquified 7. unconsciously 9, endangered 2, decompose 4, migrants 6. unexplored 8. powerless 10. forgetful Il. OPEN CLOZE TEST (30 points) 1. uses 4. when 7. struck 10. within 13. not/ never | 2, when 5. whether 8. hext 11. radiation 14. shut/ close 3. for 6. caused 9. led 12. return 15. of [es 9 Page 2/4 IM. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (30 points) 1. Hardly had I put the phone down when the receptionist rang back. 2. We were never made to do anything we didn’t want to do. 3. I wish you had not failed your driving test. I wish you had passed your driving test. I wish you had managed to pass your driving test I wish you had succeeded in passing your driving test. 4. He objected to the fact that his secretary came to work late. He objected to his secretary (‘s) cominig to work late. 5. The fire is said to have been started deliberately. 6. On no account should the house be left unlocked. Not on any account should the house be left unlocked. 7. [ran into your friend David the other day. 8. Don’t take any notice of what she says. ‘Take no notice of what she says. 9. Her sudden return took the family totally by surprise. 10. He dropped out of university after a year. Page 3/4 LV. WRITING 4 PARAGRAPH (20 poinis) Write a paragraph of 50-70 words answering the following question. What should you do at home to go green? ‘The impression mark given to the paragraph is based on the following scheme: Content: accounts for 50% of the total mark. To be given the maximum of 50% for the content, the candidate should provide all main ideas and details as appropriate. Language: accounts for 30% of the total mark, To be given the maximum of 30% for language, the candidate should use variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary school students. Presentation: accounts for 20% of the total mark. To be given the maximum of 20% for presentation, the candidate should write with coherence, cohesion and can use appropriate style and inking devices appropriate to the level of English language gifted lower-secondary school students. Page 4/4 a7 BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. CONG HOA XAHOICHUNGHIA VIETNAM, ‘TRUONG DAI HOC SU PHAM TP.HCM De lip - Ty do -Hanh phic DE THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN NAM HQC 2013 ~ 2014 MON: TIENG ANH CHUYEN ‘Thoi gian: 120 phat A. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 1, Phonology (10 points) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three, 1. A. catastrophe B, pantomime C. facsimile D. apostrophe 2A. paradigm B, paralyze C. rhyme D. crystalline 3. A. chocoholic B. chivalrous C. hie D. chauffeur 4. A. suite B. cruise C. reoruit. D. bruise 5. A.teethe B, thereafter C. theatergoer D. breathe Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three. 6. A.complimentary B. representative C. magnificently. comprehensible 7, A.prosperous_B. vigorous C. tourism D. cathedral 8 A.decompose _B. polities C. lunatic D. cultivate 9, A.competitive _B. hospitalize C. experience D. pedestrian 10. A.technological B. simultaneous. C. mutuality D. congratulation Il. Vocabulary and Structures (30 points) 1. Be at my hotel in fifteen minutes’ time. ___for you in my suite. A. I'm waiting B. I'll have waited C. Pll have been waiting D. I'll be waiting 2, “What's that noise I heard?” “Our next door neighbours __a party again.” A. have B, having C.werehaving ——_D. are having 3. “I feel so tired.” “So dol. Twish we to that party last night.” A. couldn’t B. wouldn't have gone C. hadn’t gone D. didn’t go 4, It’s strictly forbidden __ your car in front of this access road. A. to park B.tohave parked —C. for parking D. to be parking 5. Thinking ___a short cut will save you time can be a real mistake! A. to take B. of having taken C. that taking D. to taking 6,___ ina single-parent family are often very independent. A. Raising children B. To raise children Page V8 18 ©. Children raised D. Raising of children 7. Ihave to finish this report at home;__ more to do. A. itis so much B. there is so much CC. so much D. there so much 8. “Did you finish your packing?” “Yes, 1___ it last night.” A. could do B. was able to do €. could have done 1D. must have dons 9. You've been driving all day; you__be really tired A. might B. can C. must D, could 10. “How often does the express bus run on weekdays?” “Ttusually comes __ fifteen to twenty minutes.” Avat B. between C. every D.once 11 Further onshore and in the foreland basin created by the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains ___ Mexico's largest unsolved mystery. A. laid B. lied C. lays D. lies 12. Despite calls for its closure on safety _, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is to remain open for the time being. ‘A. account B. cause C. reasons, D. grounds 13, There’s nothing I enjoy more than___ my coffee. A. absorbing B. sucking C. nibbling D. sipping, 14. Do I have to wear a suit and tie or can I dress more ___? A. casually B. unofficially C. naturally, D. loosely 15.Onthe___ to the beautiful village is a deep lake. ‘A. direction B, distance C. street D. way 16. of patience, no one can beat Martha. A. In front B. In spite C. Interms D. Regardless 17. 1 do not understand what these results __. A. significant —_B. signify C. significantly _D. significance 18, He did not share his secrets with many people but he __in her. A. confided B. concealed C. consented D. confessed 19. Before you can start a business, you will have to raise the necessary_. A.investment ——_B. income C. savings D. capital 20. She was a devoted nurse, always very___. to the needs of her elderly patients. A. attentive B. observant C. earnest D. careful 19 21. He has been offered the job _ to his passing a medical examination, A confirmatory —_B. provisional C. subject D. dependent 22. Has he changed his mind again? I wish he'd at least be A. constant B. congenial C. compatible D. consistent 23. The situation was _ complicated by John’s indecision. A. more B. extra . further D. altogether 24, “Do you mind if I use your phone?” _ A. Not at all, Help yourself. B, You can say that again, C. Sorry, Ihave no idea. D. Certainly, it’s true. 25. “Do you like that advanced course you're taking, Mike?” _“ S A.No, thanks. . B, By and large, yes. C. Not me, I’m still waiting, D. No, not everyone. 26, Many a candidate unsuccessful in the previous speaking test AL was B. were C. are D.is 27. Neither my friends nor I_ in the schoo! team, Ais B. are Cam D. aren’t 28. 1'd prefer it if you : ‘A. don’t go B.hadn’t gone CC. go D. didn’t go 29. The UN has demanded that all troops_ withdrawn. A. to be B. is C.be D. are 30.1°d___bea sailor than a soldier. A. sooner B, prefer Ci like D.to ILL Error Identification (20 points) 1. In 1903, when the Wright brothers announced they had invented a flying machine, his, A B S, news was generally ignored. D 2. Why are you working on the Intemet for, getting information or chatting? A B c D 3. 1 found it wonder when I could first use a computer. A BEI" D 4. The teacher whom was respected by all of his students teaches French, A B c D 5, When she heard the news she got so a shock that she dropped her glass, A B c D 6. Once hearing the news of the air attack most foreigners headed for the border. AB i D 7. Some jellyfish make daily journeys from deep water to the surface and back, while others A B G migrate horizontal. D Page 3/8 8. Some research suggests what there is a link between the body’s calcium balance and tooth A B G. D decay. 9. Paul took many trips to Asia since he started his own import-export business. A B B D 10. He is enough of a spendthrift that he will buy something almost every day. A B Gi D IV. Reading Comprehension (20 points) THE UNITED NATIONS When the United Nations was first formed in 1945, only 51 countries were members. Now, however, the United Nations is truly a world organization, In fact, today almost every nation in the world is a member of the UN. The main goal of the United Nations is to bring different nations together to promote peace and justice in the world. The UN also works to make the world a safee and secure place. It is important to remember that the UN is not 2 “world government.” This means that the UN does not make laws for different countries to follow. It also does not enforce laws made by governments, However, the UN does hold regular votes on global policies and issues. Also, like a government, the UN is divided into different branches, or sections. Considering that the UN is such a large organization, it makes sense that it needs to be separated into different pieces to be effective, There are six branches in the United Nations. Below, the first three branches of the UN are discussed. In a later chapter, the other three divisions will be explained. ‘The main branch is called the “General Assembly.” In this branch, all members of the United Nations are represented. Each member country has one vote. These votes are counted when the UN has meetings about world issues. For example, if there is a problem in a certain area of the world or a particular country, the UN will vote on how to best solve the problem. At Jeast two-thirds of all member countries, that is 67 percent, must agree on how to resolve the problem in order for the UN to take action. If less than two-thirds of the voting countries agree, no immediate action is taken. ‘Another branch of the UN is the Security Council, [J The main purpose of this department is to maintain international peace and keep the world secure. ff] In this branch, there are only fifteen members. Five of these members are permanent, The permanent members are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom (Britain), and the United States. The other ten members are elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms. The third important branch of the UN is the Economic and Social Council. This branch works to help monitor the world economy. It also works to resolve social issues around the world. For example, issues of concern for the Economic and Social Council are violations of human rights, the fight against international crime such as selling illegal drugs, and destruction of the environment. There are 54 government representatives serving on this council. These members are elected by the General Assembly to serve for three-year terms. Council members are elected to represent certain areas of the world, so the council has fourteen members from ‘Aftica, eleven from Asia, ten from South America, and nineteen from Europe and North America. 1. The word “branches” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. growing parts B, locations C. divisions D. places of separation “it” in paragraph 5 refers to 20 2a A. the world economy B, the general assembly of the UN C. the monitors D. the Economic and Social Council 3. In paragraph 2, why does the writer mention the underlined sentence? A, To defend the reasoning behind separating the UN into different sections. B. To argue for the UN as a world government. C.To say that there are a total of six branches in the UN. D. To explain how the voting works in the UN. 4. How does the author argue that the UN is a true global organization? ‘A. There are 51 nations involved. B. It allows each country to vote. C. Itincludes almost all countries in the world, D. It acts as a global government, 5. According to the passage, where does the largest percentage of representatives on the Economic and Social Council come from? A. South America B. Asia C. Europe and North America D. Africa 6. According to the passage, how many members of the Security Council are selected on a B.5 c.20 D.10 7. Which of the statements below best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentenced in paragraph 3? A. The United Nations cannot take action right away because the General Assembly always has to meet together and vote. B. At least 66 percent of the General Assembly votes whenever the UN is asked to take action. C.A certain number of members must vote the same way in order for the assembly to do something, D. Countries that vote in the General Assembly of the UN seldom agree, so immediate action on issues is not taken. 8. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT. ‘A, The Economie and Social Couneil has fewer members than the Security Council B. There are six branches of the UN. C. France is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council. D, The UN tries to promote world justice and peace. 9, What does the author imply when he explains that the UN is not « world government? A. The UN would probably work better if it did function as a government. B. Some large countries would like the UN to be a government. C. Many people misguidedly think that the UN is-really a type of government. D, Countries do not like governments. Page 5i8 40. Look at the four squares [1] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. If the Council feels that international peace is being threatened, the fifteen members will try 10 outline a way to resolve the situation in a peaceful manner. Where would the sentence best fit? Y. Guided Cloze Test (20 points) Read the following passage about urban living and health and mark the letter A, B, C or D on ‘your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 1 to 10. For most people, the health benefits are not the first things that come to mind when we talk about living in a city. We have grown (1) to talking about urban living in negative (2)__, However, there are benefits too ‘Access to health (3) must be one of the major advantages. In the city, you are never far from doctors and emergency services. This is in (4) __ contrast to the countryside, where response times are (5)___longer for ambulances, and anything but the-(6)__ of complaints could necessitate a journey into the city. ‘Allergy sufferers, too, can be at a (7)___ advantage if they live in cities. The lack of nature can actually help because the pollen that causes many allergies is greatly (8)_- Likewise, for some asthma sufferers, (9)____can often be found by moving to the city. Research has also shown that centuries of city life have caused a genetic variant which gives ‘us resistance to certain diseases. Exposure to infection in the past has led to immunity which can be passed (10)___ from generation to generation. So, despite the problems, city life may not be as unhealthy as we once thought. 1. Ain B.up C. familiar D. used 2. A. terms B. lines C. ideas D. voices 3. A. benefits B. care C. cures D. plans 4, A. stark B. true C. fact D. vast A. unusually B. considerably C. needed D. impossibly ‘A. number B, worst C. simplest D. majority 7. A. distinguished B. better C. distinct D. more 8. A. overcome B. lowered C. reduced D. avoided 9. A. they B. who C. cures D. relief 10. A. around B, down C. often D. through B. WRITTEN TEST I. Word Forms (20 points) Use the words given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space. There can be little that (1) ___ a house-owner more than discovering HORROR they have been burgled. Even if the thief has only taken a box containing something he (2) believed to be valuable but which in fact only MISTAKE contains some family photographs, the effect on the owner can be devastating, They may be worthless to the thief, but these items are considered (3)__ by the owner. REPLACE, Moreover, the owner's sense of loss is often (4) _ bya feeling of COMPANY being unsafe in their own home as they know that, in all (5) vthe = LIKELY items will not be found and the thieves not caught. So what can we do to (6) the chance ‘of our valuables being. LESS taken? First of all, burglars prefer homes which are easily (7) to ACCESS them, so it’s a good idea to take some simple (8)__such as locking CAUTIOUS all your windows and doors. Also, do not enable the burglar to break into your house (9) __by erecting high fences around your property. NOTICE Burglats are also deterred by the (10)__ of dogs on a property, so if PRESENT you are not a pet owner, record the loud barking of a friend’s and play the recording while you're out I. Open Cloze Test (30 points) Complete the passage below by writing ONE word in each gap. ENGLISH IN FRANCE For several weeks many politicians in France have been arguing (1)____ lessons being taught in English at some universities. A previous law says that (2)____ lessons in schools and universities have to be in French, On 23rd May a vote was held in the country’s parliament, The result of the vote (3)___that some classes can now be taught in English. For many years some people in France have worried that French is becoming a (4)_ important international language. Today French is the eighth (5) _spoken language in the world It is difficult to estimate (6)__ many people in the world speak French. It’s thought to be about'220 million. The most spoken language is Mandarin Chinese, which is used by 1,026 million people. (7) is English with 765 million and third Spanish with 466 ‘million speakers. French is still the official language in 31 different countries. A number of (8)___ in North Africa were once French colonies. But in these countries French has become mixed (9)_____ words from local languages as (10) __as English. Some French people are unhappy about the increasing number of English (or American) words (11)___ in their language. They call this ‘Franglais’ - a (12) __of frangais (meaning French) and anglais (meaning English). Sometimes French people use Franglais (13) _ there is no simple French expression for an English word. ‘Le week-end’ is an (14)__. Other words, such as ‘email’, ‘spam’ and ‘DVD’, are used because they come (15) new technology. Page 7/8 23 HL. Sentence transformation (30 points) Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. Atthe end of her speech she thanked the organisers. She ended 2. Only the timely arrival of the police prevented the fight from escalating, Had it 3. The demand for his service was so great that it was impossible to accommodate everyone. Such 4, He didn’t bother to knock before he walked into the boss's office. He walked into the boss's office 5. Although she seems to be very courteous, she can also be very impolite. Courteous a For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way. 6. She rather fancies herself. OPINION > She has a__ 7. He didn’t want to get into a position where he might lose all his money. POSSIBILITY > He didn’t want to expose 8. [’'m afraid our problems are just beginning. © ICEBERG 2 1'm 9, Have a look at this picture. It may help you to remember something. JOG > Have a look at this picture. It : 10, tried as hard as I could to make sure that this problem would not arise. POWER 2 Idid fue “ from arising, 1V. Writing a paragraph (20 points) Write a paragraph of 50-70 words answering the following question. People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? In 50~70 words, discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples and details to support your answer. This is the end of the test. BO GIAO DUC VA DAO T. TRUONG DAI HQC SU PHAM TP.HCM CONG HOA XA HOLCHU NGHIA VIET NAM Doc I y do - Hanh pl TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN NAM HQC 2013 - 2014 MON: TIENG ANH CHUYEN ‘Thai gian: 120 phit Answer key NGAY THI: 16/6/213 CHO KY GT1 CHO’ KY GT2 sit SO MAT MA ee piEM SO piém CHO’ | | CHO KY GK1 CHO KY GK2 svT SO MAT MA Just write A, B, C or D for the correct answe I. PHONOLOGY (/0 points) LB 3A SC 7D oB 2.D aA 6C BA 10.D Il, VOCABULARY & STRUCTURES (30 points) 1D 7B 13.D 19.D 25.B 2.D 3B 14a 20.8 26.4 1G 9. 15.D 21. 27.C aA 10.C 16.C 2.D 28.D 5.C 1.D 17.B 23.C 29. 6C 12.D 18.4 24.8 30.A IIL. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (20 points) LC 3B 5.C 7D 9A 2.€ aA 6A 3B 10.4 Page L/3 Clui §: Hoc sinh khong lam bai vao phan gach chéo IV. READING COMPREHENSION (20 points) iG 3A eC: Peete! oC 2D 4c 6D BA 10.D V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (20 points) 1D 3B 3B 7.€ 9D 2A aA 6c aC 10.B B, WRITTEN TEST I. WORD FORMS (20 points) ees 2. a 4, 5, HORRIFIES | MISTAKENLY | IRREPLACEABLE | ACCOMPANIED | LIKELIHOOD 6.LESSEN | 7. ACCESSIBLE |. PRECAUTIONS |9.UNNOTICED | 10. PRESENCE Il. OPEN CLOZE TEST (30 points) 1. about 4. less 7, Second 10. well "| 13. because 2.all 5. most 8. them Il. used 14, example 3, means 6. how 9. with 12. mixture from | at Page 2/3 ee Se pa Hoc sinh khong lam bai yao phdn gach chéo IIL. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (30 points) 1, Attthe end of her speech she thanked the organisers. She ended her speech by thanking the organisers. 2. Only the timely arrival of the police prevented the fight from escalating. Had it not been for the timely arrival of the police, the fight would have escalated. 3. The demand for his service was so great that it was impossible to accommodate everyone. Such was the demand for his service that it was impossible to accommodate everyone. 4, He didn’t bother to knock before he walked into the boss's office. He walked into the boss’s office without bothering to knock. 5. Although she seems to be very courteous, she can also be very impolite. Courteous though/as she seems to be, she can also be very impolite. She has a (very) high opinion of herself. 6. 7. He didn’t want to expose himself to the possibility of losing all his money. 8, I’matfraid our problems are just the tip of the iceberg. 9. Haye a look at this picture. It may help (you) to jog your memory. 10. I did everything (with)in my power to prevent/ stop this problem from arising. IV. WRITING A PARAGRAPH (20 points) People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? In 50 ~70 words, discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples and details to support, your answer. Ideas (8pts) Students should give one or two specific reasons, which are not too general. Students’ ideas should be different from the need for money to live. The ideas are well supported by good examples or/and explanations. Structure (6pts) Variety of structures, Grammatical accuracy. Vocabulary(6pts) Correct use of parts of speech. Good choice of vocabulary. Page 3/3 TT BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. CONG HOA XA HOI CHUNGHIA VIET NAM TRUONG DAI HOC SU PHAM TP.HCM Doc lip - Ty do - Hanh phic ~E THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN NAM HOC 2014 — 2015 MON: TIENG ANH ‘Thi gian: 120 phat (Ding cho hoc sink thi vao lép chuyén tiéng Anh) (Thi sinh khong duge sit dung tai ligu — Can b6 coi thi khong giai thich gi thém) A. MULTIPLE CHOICE I. PHONOLOGY (10 points) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three. 1. A facsimile B. catastrophe C. simile D. reconcile 2. A.epoch B. stomach C. lichen D. attach 3. A-equation B. devotion C. technician D. optician 4 ‘A. voyage B. advantage C. camouflage D. mileage 5. A. serpent B. sergeant C. termite D. verdant Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three. 6. A. infamous B. interview C. influence D. infinitive 7. A-millennium B. atmosphere C. supervise D. psychopath & —— A.archaeology B, archipelago C. gerontocracy D. monosyllable 9. A.atchitecture B. agriculture C. hyperbole D. hypermarket 10. A.kindergarten —_B, salamander C. referendum D. mischievous I, VOCABULARY, PREPOSITIONS & STRUCTURES (30 points) Make the best choice. 1, The baby across the room to his mother. A. rushed B. crawled C. crept D. rolled 2. She felt much happier in the company of people. A. same-thinking B. like-minded C. like-thinking D. same-minded 3, Nowadays, with the help of the computer, teachers have developed a approach to teaching. A. multilateral B. multilingual C. multiple-choice D. multimedia 4, Susan got a feeling that Tom liked her, but she soon realized that was just A. pinky thoughts C. blessing thoughts B. wishful thinking D. imaginary thinking 5. His trip abroad was cut _ because of his sudden illness. ‘A. down B. short C. back D.up 6. When assessing his progress, you must in mind that this is his first term in office. A. take B. think C. bear D. consider 7, We are aware of the lack of food supplies. A. very B. very much C.alot D. lots 8, Due to ever more spreading poaching, there over the last decade, A. was Bis C. has been D. had been a dramatic decline in the number of elephants Page 1 of 7 IV. READING COMPREHENSION (20 points) Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions. MARK TWAIN Samuel Clemens, better known as the writer Mark Twain, is regarded as the father of American literature and his most famous book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is often called "The Great American Novel”. He was born on 30" November 1835. The date was notable because it was the day of a visit by Hailey's comet and, by strange coincidence, Twain was to die the day after its next visit to earth seventy four years later. Samuel and his siblings (although there were six children born to the family only three survived childhood) were brought up in the Missouri port town of Hannibal. Mr Clemens senior, a local attomey and judge, had moved the family there when Samuel was four years old. At the time, Missouri was a slave state and Samuel became very familiar with the institution of slavery during his childhood; it was a theme he would later explore in some depth in his writing. He also immortalised his home town of Hannibal by using the town as the thinly disguised setting for his two most popular books The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tragedy struck the family when Samuel was cleven when Mr Clemens senior died of pneumonia, Within a year Samuel had terminated his schooling and entered the world of work. He started out as a printer's apprentice at the local town paper and by 1851 he had advanced to typesetter. He also began contributing articles and humorous sketches for the newspaper. At the age of 18 he left Hannibal and worked as a newspaper printer in New York, Philadelphia, St Louis and Cincinnati. He used his free time in the evenings after work judiciously by spending many hours in local libraries in order to widen his education. By the time he was 22, Samuel had returned to his hometown in Missouri where he learned to be a Mississippi steamboat pilot. It was from this experience that he took his pseudonym Mark Twain’, a term utilised on river boats to signify that it is safe to navigate the river to certain depths. When riverboat traffic on the Mississippi was halted at the start of the American civil war, Samuel and his brother Orion set off to travel across America. Some of his experiences would later form the basis for his early writings. After unsuccessfully trying his hand at silver mining, he retumed to the newspaper business and began writing in earnest. It was not long before his work began to be appreciated within literary circles. He was soon settled enough to marry and he and his wife Olivia first lived in New York, but came to eventually make their permanent home in Hartford, Connecticut. It was here and at their summer home that Mark Twain would write his greatest works. ‘Twain became very wealthy from his writing but lost much of it through bad investment, He was only able to recover from financial ruin through the help and advice of his friend, the financier, Henry Huttleston Rogers. It was also Rogers that Twain turned to for support when his daughter and later his wife died. Rogers’ own death in 1906 was a great personal blow to Twain. Mark Twain's final years were lived quietly. He died at the age of 74 just one day after the visit of Hailey’s comet and is buried in his wife's family plot in Elmira, New York. When US President William Taft heard of his death, he said, “Mark Twain gave pleasure ~ real intellectual enjoyment - to millions, and his works will continue to give such pleasure to millions yet to come. His humour ‘was American, but he was nearly as much appreciated by Englishmen and people of other countries as by his own countrymen. He has made an enduring part of American Literature.” 1, Samuel Clemens’ birth was noteworthy in that ‘A. he was one of seven children, B. he came from an important family. C. iteoincided with the appearance of Hailey’s comet. D. he was the only-surviving child in the family 2. The word ‘immortalised’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. enlivened B. standardised C. animated D, eternalised Page 4 of 7 9, Our boss would rather during the working hours. ‘A. we didn’t chat B. we don’t chat C. us not chat D. us not chatting, 10. You so many dishes, There are only three of us for lunch, ‘A. wouldn’t have cooked CC. needn’t have cooked B, couldn’t have cooked D, didn’t need to cook 11, The salary of a computer programmer is _ateacher. A. as high twice as C. as high twice as that of B. twice as high as D. twice as high as that of Dh; I admire her achievements, I don’t really like her. A. Even B. Much as C. Because D. As much, 13. She was much happier A. on those days C. on early days B. in those days D. in this day and age 14, The new rule _ into effect at the beginning of next month. A. takes B. makes C. comes D. assumes 15. His statement is not with yours. In fact, there are major differences. A. compared B. similar C. agreed D. consistent 16. I'd sooner they deliver the new furniture tomorrow. ‘A. won't B. wouldn’t C. didn’t D. shouldn’t 17. My job is stressful enough; I don’t want to any more responsibility. A. take over B. take in C. take up D. take on 18. It is imperative that your Facebook password confidential. A. need keeping C. needs to be kept B. need to keep D. needs being kept 19. Motorists of speeding may be banned from driving for a year. A. convicted B. arrested C. charged D. judged 20. We on our close friend on the way here. That’s why we are a bit late. A. visited B. paid a visit C. dropped in D. came across 21. We have what action to take, A. yet decided C. yet not decided B. yet to decide D, been deciding yet 22. Mary: I will never go mountaineering again. Linda: Me ; A. either? B. neither C. too D.s0 23. Ali ‘Thanks for everything, 1 John: ! A. Hey, no sweat B, Not to mention C. With pleasure D. Never mind 24, It must be true. I heard it straight from the mouth, A. dog’s B. camel’s C. horse’s D. cat's 25, [suggested the problem another way. A his tackling C. him he should tackle B. him to tackle D. him that he tackled 26. The instructor blew his whistle and A. off the runners were running C. off were running the runners B. off ran the runners D. off did the runners run Page 2 of 7 27. The team captain blamed __in the last game. ‘A. the referee for their loss C. the referee about their loss B. the referee on their loss D. their loss for the referee 28. , the stranger knew my name. ‘A. What surprised me was CC, [was surprised that B. To my surprise D. My surprise was 29. What a great cook you are! ‘A. How greatly you are cooking! C. So greatly are you cooking! B. How great of you in cooking! D, Aren’t you a great cook! 30. The student was very bright, He could solve the difficult math problem. ‘A. He was such bright student that he could solve the difficult math problem. B. The student was very bright that he could solve the difficult math problem. C. He was so bright a student that he could solve the difficult math problem. D. So was the bright student that he could solve the difficult math problem. IIL. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (20 points) Choose the underlined part that needs correction. 1, Aloha is a Hawaiian word meaning “love”; which can be used to say hello or goodbye. 2. During our ce of the ey ittwas seen een propane i gible were produced ester! pte D 3, The computer software industry is one of the most competitive markets in today’s eee advanced society. Z 4, Not oy much later did she realize her long ~ known partner had been lying her. 5. One of the Soret, who = being Ce for the job are from this, chee 6.My ae written, a Angie can put up him for a. fee days while he is in Ho Chi Minh B D City. 7. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades. A BeeeC D 8. Chocolate is prepared by a complicate process of cleaning, blending and roasting cocoa beans, A B c which must be ground and mixed with sugar. D 9. Owing to their superior skills, highly competitive athletes have been known to win contests and A B break records even when suffered from injuries, physical disorders and infections. ie D 10, It is about time that the government helped the unemployment to find some jobs. A B c D Page 3 of 7 3. Mark Twain’s home town A. was a slave state, C. was used as a backdrop in his works. 4, In 1851 Mark Twain had A. trained as a printer. C. stopped going to school. B. is where he was bom, D. was close to a Missouri port, B. commenced his writing career. D. finished his apprenticeship, 5, While working as a newspaper printer in other cities, Mark Twain ‘A, educated himself. C. got his riverboat license. B. had alot of free time. D. started using a different name, 6. The word ‘judiciously’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ‘A. judicially C. sensibly B. critically D. decisively 7. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Mark Twain’s family? ‘A. His elder brother is an attorney. B. His family moved to Hannibal in 1839, CC. His father suffered from pneumonia. D. His family was in financial difficulties after his father’s death, 8. During the American Civil war Mark Twain ‘A.made a fortune silver-digging. C. travelled the world with his brother. 9. Mark Twain’s financial situation A. was stable throughout his life. C. never fully recovered after bad investments. B. could no longer work on the river. D. resumed his work as a typesetter. B. tended to fluctuate. D. resulted in his eventual total ruination. 10. The word ‘enduring’ in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to A. withstanding B. long-suffering C. prevailing D. long-lasting V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (20 points) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 1 to 10. Studies show that most people tend to be overconfident when assessing their abilities and their rates of accuracy. In one famous study, participants were asked to (1), their driving abilities, ‘The results revealed that over eighty percent of the people (2) __ believed they were in the top thirty percent of safe drivers. In another study, participants were given limited stock market information and then asked to predict whether stocks would (3)___or fall. While most participants believed they had answered (4 about sixty-five percent of the time, they were correct only about forty-seven percent of the time. Psychologists warn that overconfidence can greatly (5) one’s ability to make sensible decisions. This is because oftentimes people who (6)__ themselves as highly successful in one realm of life mistakenly overestimate their ability in situations involving a great amount of (7) In situations that rely more on luck than ability, it is easy to see why overconfidence is viewed (8), However, research (9) that overconfidence is not always a bad thing, In studies involving human competition for resources, overconfidence (10) __ to an individual’s success when each participant's real strength was unrevealed. These results might explain why overconfidence is a key human trait, surviving through generations of evolution, 1. A.infer B. clarify C. assess D. justify 2. A. interrogated B, surveyed C. witnessed D. challenged 3. A.climb B. advance C. rise D. increase Page Sof 7 4. A. accurately B. erroneously C. realistically D. literally 5, A-enhance B. decline C. exhaust D. impair 6. A.view B. test C. take D. estimate 7. A-accident B, harmony C. chance D. stability 8. A. rationally B. negatively C. affirmatively D. hastily 9. A. explains B. contains C. approves D. reveals 10. A. validated B. contributed CC. submitted D. affixed B,_ WRITTEN TEST I. WORD FORMS (20 points) Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Innovation in Racing Car Design The A1GP racing car is revolutionary in its shape, fuel and material, ay, , Tacing cars have been designed to have a shape that causes wind HISTORY @, to press the car down so that it grips the road firmly. But, RESIST Gye , this shape creates air pockets behind the car which slow down FORTUNE other drivers. The A1GP has been designed to (4) these undesirable air MINIMUM pockets, thus creating more opportunities for pursuing drivers to (5) z TAKE From the spectators’ viewpoint, this guarantees a much more exciting race. The A1GP runs on a biofuel made from sugar, which means that there are fewer harmful (6)___. It is constructed from lightweight, stress-absorbent EMIT ‘materials that help to reduce the physical strain on the driver. Also, the seat and safety harness in the AIGP have been designed to provide a secure and comparatively comfortable driving position. Test drivers remarked positively on this, Finally, the A1GP is an (7), car. This means that drivers can take AFFORD up the sport without the need to (8) ___ that they have a virtually SURE 2) source of financial support, such as generous levels of corporate uMIT (10)____. So this is a great advantage. SPONSOR Il. OPEN CLOZE TEST (30 points) Complete the passage below by writing ONE word in each gap. Trees All over the world, forests are safeguarding the health of the planet itself, They do this by protecting the soil, providing water and regulating the climate. Trees bind soil to mountain-sides. Hills where the trees (1) been felled lose 500 times as (2) soil a year as those with trees. Trees catch and store rainwater. Their leaves break the impact (3) the rains, robbing (4) of their destructive power. The roots of trees allow the water (5) g0 into the soil, which gradually releases (6) ___ to flow down rivers and refill ground-water reserves, Where (7) are no trees, the rains run in sheets of water off the land, carrying the soil with them. Land covered with trees and other plants absorbs 20 times (8) rainwater than bare earth. As (9) grow, trees absorb carbon dioxide, the main cause of the Page 6 of 7 “greenhouse effect”, (10) threatens irreversibly (11) change the world’s climate. Together, the world’s trees, plants and soils contain three times as much carbon as there (12) ae in the atmosphere. The world’s forests contain (13)__ ‘The tropical rainforests alone have well (14) cover only about 6% of the Earth's land surface, Ill. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (30 points) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. In some questions, you have to use the given words without changing their forms in any way. ___ vast majority of its animal and plant species __ half of them, (15) though they 1, No one is at all sure of their precise relations to one another. CERTAINTY. 2, Please don’t talk about it publicly. MIND 3. The sequel to the film was a great disappointment to the public. LIVE 4, Worried he might miss his plane, he got to the airport early. FEAR 5. The revelations came as quite a shock to us, ABACK 6. The rising flames were so severe that it took several hours for fire personnel to bring the situation under control. Such os 7. She did not feel obliged to tell him the truth, She did not feel under 8. It began to snow almost immediately after our arrival home. 9. Thanks to Charles we won the debate. Had 10. No one knows a great deal about the operation of the nervous system. Little IV. WRITING A PARAGRAPH (20 points) In 60-80 words, write a paragraph about how to manage your time wisely as a high school student. This is the end of the test. Page 7 of 7

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