Reflectiveessayno 1

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This section is very accurate of who I am, and there is nothing that is missing that I
should include. Although I did not specify my career goals or what I plan on
accomplishing through secondary education, this section has helped me clarify and
understand who I am, serving to help me become a more thoughtful, understanding

The reason that I did not specify my career hopes and dreams, is because although I do
have a slight idea of what I want to achieve, I have not made any definite path choices-
as I am very indecisive, and would like to see where I stand from a year from now.

One of my faults is being too indecisive; this section of my Life work Portfolio made me
realise that I need to less lenient with myself and set down a more definite path for me
to follow, and not just do impulsive wishes. A step towards becoming real with myself is
to write down what I can do between now and university to help nurture me into
becoming the best version of myself before I apply for my long-term career profession.
For example, this summer I can read as many books as possible, to become more
knowledgeable; talk to my neighbors and engage in my community more to understand
what I can contribute; complete some studying of previous grade material to ensure that
when I go back to school in September, my brain not on vacation and not ready to put
full effort in learning.

This section also have helped me become more grateful to those around me, realise my
privileges, and help me become more supportive of myself- gain more courage to trust
myself and what I want to embark on for my endeavours, and trying to be as pervasive
as possible.

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