Online Course Design Project

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Nichole Scheutzow
AP Art History - Online
Designing Online Courses

Sample Unit 1 - Introduction to Art History

Course Learning Objectives:

1.) Students will learn critical thinking, research, and analysis skills in order to understand the
context, content, form, and function of artwork throughout history.
(Fink's "Learning How to Learn")

2.) Students will compare and contrast artworks to understand the influence of an artistic tradition
or change on other artists and works of art.
(Fink's "Foundational Knowledge" and "Integration")

3.) Students will be able to make personal connections with artworks through an inquiry based
research project about a specific historical art movement.
(Fink's "Caring" and "Human Dimension")

4.) Students will apply learned knowledge of historical artworks to research papers demonstrating
creative thinking and writing skills and accurate knowledge of the meaning behind specific works of
(Fink's "Application")

Unit 1 Activities and Objectives: "What is Art?"

*For each lesson students will complete a weekly quiz and reading response assignment and
participate in class discussions online. Tests will be given in the middle of the unit and at the end of
the unit. Students will write short and extended response essays in relationship to each of the unit
activities unless otherwise stated. *

Unit Objectives:
Students will participate in class discussions and blogs to identify and debate the question
"what is art?"
Students will create writing responses based on articles and artworks in order to critically
analyze and interpret these ideas.

1.) Is it Art? Reading and Student Response Activity
Students read the beginning section in Art History, What is Art? in online textbooks then
watch the Colbert Nation videos.
Students participate in class Google Blog regarding whether the portrait of Stephen Colbert
is art.
Students participate in class discussion board to talk about their responses, and debate the
question "What is art?"

2.) Class Discussion & Comparative Analysis:
Watch the Google Slides presentation about the contextual background of King Menkaure
and Queen, including its function as a substitute body for the ka, then asks whether it is art
since that was not its intended function
Online Discussion: ways that medium, function, form, and context intersect
Discuss artworks Spiral Jetty, the Terra Cotta Warriors, and Fountain using the same

3.) Tradition and Change - Student reading response and contemporary comparison, group
Students read sections of Art History on Anavysos Kouros, Kritios Boy, Riace Warrior,
Doryphoros, Hermes and Dionysos, and Seated Boxer in online textbook
Student invent and sketch a new Peanuts character, describing details that individualize
their characters and ones that make them appear as part of the gang -upload photo of
sketch onto class discussion board to share with group
Explore naturalistic, idealized, and stylized in the context of Peanuts characters through
class discussion board and through drawing explanation paragraph
Students analyze features of tradition in the three Egyptian works in comparative analysis
research paper

4.) Differing Interpretations:

Students read the Miner article (Miner, Horace Mitchell)Body Ritual Among the Nacirema
American Anthropologist 58:3 (June 1956) Online Discussion: How can outsiders
can easily misinterpret works of art removed from their cultural contexts?
A photo of hard candy is displayed and students are asked (1) whether it is art, (2) what
their response is on seeing it, (3) what its function is - responses typed in one page paper
Gonzlez-Torres candy dump photo is shared - students read and analyze statements from
the artist, descriptions of audience responses, and several reviews of the work on class
discussion board and typed responses
Students will view African and the Mayan work, discussing potential misinterpretations by
outsiders and the meaning of the works within their cultural contexts - class discussion and
artwork response paper

5.) Thematic Connections:

Students choose an image matched with one of the optional course themes or subthemes
posted on the assignment board - compare and contrast with two other required works
through Google Slides presentation and background history of the artworks
Share presentation with class - post on class blog and engage in discussion about context,
content, form, and function

Sample Assessments:
Students choose any work of art in the required course content studied so far to which they
have a strong response - write a 2 - 3 page essay with visuals or create a narrated Google
Slides presentation explaining reactions, analyzing content and formal elements in the work
that elicit those responses
Unit Quizzes and Tests

Unit 7: West and Central Asia and Early Europe through 1400 C.E.

*For each lesson students will complete a weekly quiz and reading response assignment and
participate in class discussions online. Tests will be given in the middle of the unit and at the end of
the unit. Students will write short and extended response essays in relationship to each of the unit
activities unless otherwise stated. *

Unit Objectives:

Students will be able to.

1.) Explain and identify how patronage affects artistic and architectural production through exploration of
artworks throughout history.
2.) Engage in class discussion boards and blog posts exploring how cultural exchanges are reflected in Art.

Unit Activities:

1.) Manuscript and Icon:

Review illustrated stories (narrative works) posted on class website and describe the experience of
reading a scroll
Based on student blogs responses, discuss ways the innovation of binding books altered the
practice of reading
Students formally analyze Vienna Genesis illuminations, discussing media, narrative techniques,
and classical motifs
Compare classical motifs with ones found in the icon artworks through class discussion and one
page response paper
Discuss tension between supporters and opponents of icons and the resulting Iconoclastic
Controversy - Google Blog
Compare the icons traces of classicism with its elements of Byzantine stylization

2.) Islamic Monuments:

Students read article about Islamic beliefs and practices, early history, and architecture
Analyze the Kaaba and view the video of Muslim pilgrims circumambulating it Inside Mecca,
view of Kaaba Video, 00:00:51.
Explore performative aspects involving this sacred space and ongoing artistic creation in the
structures annual redressing through reading response paper and online discussion
Students sketch the Dome of the Rock and investigate its significance, history, renovations over
time, and decorative motifs - posted sketches with response paper on class blog for discussion
Discussion: What are religious reasons for the aniconic tradition in Islamic sacred structures?

Sample Assessments:

Architectural Field Trip:

Students work independently or in groups to visit four local structures: three representing different
religious traditions, and one governmental structure reflecting classical influence.
For each structure, groups 1) create a simple floor plan, 2) describe the principal materials and
structural support system, 3) identify components reflecting historical architectural influences, 4)
analyze ways the building meets the needs of its occupants in either a religious or governmental
capacity, and 5) take photographs enabling them to teach all of these aspects in multimedia
PowerPoint or Google Slides presentations uploaded to the class blog
Students view presentations by two other groups and evaluate presentations on success in meeting
assignment requirements
Thirty-minute Essay:

Students are provided the plan and elevation (or interior) of the Great Mosque in Kairouan,
Tunisia and Saint Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna - write a thirty-minute timed essay in which
they identify the religious tradition of each structure and analyze ways in which the structures
design accommodates the needs of those who use it
Quizzes and Tests will be administered regarding specific facts from this time period

Nine Events of Instruction Where and How this is presented in Units
1. Gain Attention Presented at the start of unit activities to get students
engaged in the topic
Students will watch videos, read articles, or engage in
discussion to create interest and critical thinking
about the topic
2. Inform Learner of the Objectives Learning objectives will be posted for each unit
activity at the start of the unit and will be re-
emphasized throughout the course of the activity
3. Stimulate Recall of Prior Students will be asked to draw from experience and
Information opinions during many of the class discussion boards
regarding the study and nature of art
Students will be encouraged to form new opinions
based on information and their prior knowledge of
the subject and demonstrate this information in
writing and verbal form
4. Present Stimulus Material Students will be given access to weekly scholarly
articles, videos, websites, artworks, and online class
blogs and discussions to support the unit learning
5. Provide Learning Guidance Learning guidance will be provided in the form of
websites about the artworks and artists, discussion
forums, online class blogs, and examples of prior
students projects and presentations
6. Elicit Performance Reading response paragraphs and essays
Research projects presented on Google Slides
Small drawings in relation to article or topic
Class blogs and journal entries
Research field trips with project responses
7. Provide Feedback Projects and papers will be grades with a rubric and
responses will be posted with a grade on Blackboard
Course sites
Quizzes and Tests will be graded following an answer
8. Assess Performance Quizzes
Artwork response timed essay tests
Projects relating to a current topic of study
9. Enhance Retention and Transfer Students will participate in an architectural research
field trip to make connections with historical
artworks and their influence in modern day
Students will participate in class discussions, blogs,
and response papers based on connections made
between the content their real life relations to it
Community of Inquiry
1. Social Presence Students will have opportunities to participate in
class blogs and class discussion boards and actively
respond to others opinions and questions
Students will have opportunities for group projects
to get to know peers in the class better and
collaborate with different students
2. Cognitive Presence Students will have reading response and reflection
writing and discussion opportunities where they will
be able to realize personally meaningful connections
to the course content
3. Teaching Presence Each learning activity will have a specific set of
instructions and a learning checklist to differentiate
for the needs of many types of learners
Projects and papers will have a rubric containing
specific learning objectives and point values the
students may achieve
Teacher will be an active participant of this online
class and will join in class discussions and blogs
Teacher will post comments and feedback for student
projects and papers and will answer student
questions through a message center

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