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Possibly the most disliked animal on the planet, mosquitoes seem to be everywhere.
They buzz around your bed at night, ruin a family picnic and mercilessly pester campers
and hikers. Over 3,000 species live on the planet. But mosquitoes are more than just
annoying. They are responsible for more deaths from infectious diseases worldwide
than any other source. In warm, tropical climates, mosquitoes spread malaria, typhoid,
encephalitis, yellow fever and other deadly diseases. These diseases are most serious
for children and old people. Scientists believe that mosquitoes might spread and
become more of a problem as the earth warms. Mosquitoes can sense
body temperature and smell body odor to locate prey. They breed and live near bodies
of water. Draining ponds and other bodies of water can reduce mosquito problems.
However, this strategy destroys habitat for frogs, aquatic birds and other animals.

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