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Draconic Elemental Charging of Blades Dragon Dreaming

Dragon Dreaming

Draconic Elemental Charging of Blades

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Draconic Elemental Charging of Blades Dragon Dreaming

( Save
Yourself by Lissy Elle Laricchia

Draconic Elemental Charging of Blades

by JKarrah, 1995

The purpose of this ritual is to charge a ritual blade with the elemental forces of nature via the
assistance of draconic elemental mages.

What this means is that, as with human magic workers, dierent Dragons can have an anity with
dierent elemental energies. Just as you dont have elemental humans you dont have elemental
Dragons you simply have those who prefer to work with the energies of one element over
another. Sometimes, you will nd a Dragon who works equally well with all elemental energies and
other times those who couldnt tell a salamander from an undine.

Whenever you hear someone talking about elemental Dragons, those that embody the forces of a
particular Element, most likely they are either confusing the mage with the magic, or they are seeing
an elemental crier in draconic form. The common metaphysical representations of each element are:
Fire- the Salamander; Water- the Undine; Air- the Zephyer; Earth- the Gnome.

Also while this ritual should be performed during a thunderstorm, and for best results, as close to the
full moon as possible, it is not necessary (nor especially advisable) to place the blade you are charging
directly out in the storm as this can ruin it. Placing the blade out on a sheltered, open aired porch,
garage, gazebo, etc is sucient. I also strongly recommend that the blade be coated with a good
quality metal oil or silicon (spray or cloth such as can be found in the gun section of a sporting goods
store), or coat it with a substance called Renaissance Wax which can be purchased online.

Needed items:
Normal altar equipment;
Blade to be charged

Step 1: take the blade to be charged to a location where it will not be disturbed. If you trust the blade
will come to no harm, sink it 3-6 inches into the ground (if you dont have an area of ground you can
safely use, the blade can be placed in a large pot of soil) and pour a circle of salt around it
approximately 12 inches in diameter and say:

In the name(s) of (personal deity), I ask the Dragons of the Elements to touch this blade and infuse it with
elemental power! May all the forces of power and justice, as unstoppable as this storm, be drawn into this blade.

Step 2: Call upon the Guardian Dragons of each Gate to individually touch the blade with elemental
force. If you have regular Gate guardians and you know their names (or the names they use when
working with you) then call their names at the beginning of each invocation.

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Draconic Elemental Charging of Blades Dragon Dreaming

Great Dragon of the East, and all the Dragons of Air, riders of the storm winds, weavers of Wisdom, make this
blade straight and true for the honor and glory of my Gods, my Dragon friends and my Clan!

Great Dragon of the South, and all the Dragons of Fire, whose power is manifested by the lightening bolt, hold
fast the power of transformation within this blade that it may beer aid me in my service to my Gods, my
Dragon friends, and my Clan!

Great Dragon of the West, and all the Dragons of Water, you who swim the ocean currents and bring the
cleansing rains, rinse away all doubt and uncertainty of purpose from this steel and s/he who wields it that both
may be as unstoppable as the raging ood in defense of justice and the innocent, for my Gods, my dragon
friends, and my Clan!

Great Dragon of the North, and all the Dragons of Earth, shakers and shapers of the World, keepers of mystery
and secrets, keep strong this blade and s/he who wields it that I may be able to see into the heart of mystery and
with its aid discern the truth in any situation for the glory of my Gods, my Dragon friends and my Clan!

Step 3: Ask for the blessings of the Gods by saying:

(Name(s) of deity) , I ask that You pour forth Your blessings upon this blade, and that You touch it with Your
powers, that it may be a worthy magical weapon, aiding me as I work in Your service.

Step 4: Go back indoors if you wish, or remain outside, until the storm has passed. Meditate on the
desired eects of the ritual for at least 10-15 minutes. When the storm is over give thanks to the Gods
and the Dragons for their assistance. Take up the Blade and immediately give it a thorough cleaning
and oiling.

(Copied from


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