A Dragon Summoning Spell

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The Dragons Eye ~ A Dragon Summoning Spell Dragon Dreaming https://dragondreaming.wordpress.com/the-dragons-eye-a-dragon-summ...

Dragon Dreaming

The Dragons Eye ~ A Dragon Summoning Spell

The following is an excerpt from The 21 Lessons of Merlyn: A Study in Druid Magic and Lore by
Douglas Monroe Chapter XIV THE DRAGONS EYE.

In DRAGONS ISLE (in Chapter XIII), there are several references to a Rite whereby the power of The
Dragon may be summoned to appear its presence, or spirit evoked. Now exactly what is meant by
The Dragon? This question may at rst appear confusing, since it is jointly stated in the story, that no
actual living Dragons were left in Britain. The answer is, in short, that the Druids viewed the entire
energy system of the Earth as a single manifestation of The Dragon calling the magnetic ley lines
which criss-cross the surface of the globe Dragon Lines. The Earth itself generated these lines of
force, and at certain sacred points where this energy coiled and twisted to the surface, (such as at
Glastonbury Tor, Dragons Isle/Wight, Snowdonia & etc.), great occult power was to be found there. Often
times such sites were marked by Menhirs (standing stones) or groups of stones (like at Stonehenge). In
any event, this was the Dragon Energy, and the whole Earth was viewed as the Body of the Dragon.
And this Dragon is just as alive today, as in the Time of Legends.

The Symbolic aributes of The Dragon which it will be necessary to utilize for the CALLING, are
listed as follows:

Weapon = SWORD
Planet = MARS
Element = FIRE

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The Dragons Eye ~ A Dragon Summoning Spell Dragon Dreaming https://dragondreaming.wordpress.com/the-dragons-eye-a-dragon-summ...


Metal = GOLD (IRON may be substituted)
Number = 2

Now, to CALL THE DRAGON according to the formula found in the Book of Pheryllt, execute the
following steps:

1) Choose a secluded clearing outdoors, preferably high on a hill or mountaintop (such high places are
sacred to the Dragon).

2) Cast a circle of 12 stones, using your own height as a diameter. Spread iron or gold lings lightly
within. (Remember if you cant nd something from the spell, symbolism works well in a pinch too!)

3) With THE SWORD (or symbolic representation thereof), etch the DRAGONS EYE symbol onto the
ground within the circle. The site is now ready for use.

4) At DAWN or HIGH NOON or DUSK (the three threshold times sacred to the Dragon), enter the
circle and burn DRAGONS BLOOD resin upon coals you kindle therein.

5) When ready, stand in the very center of the Dragons Eye and hold the SWORD with both hands
high over head point downward.

6) THRICE intone, with a voice loud and powerful, the GRAND EVOCATION OF THE DRAGON:
Cum Saxum Saxorum, In duersum montum oparum da In Aetibulum, In quinatum: DRACONIS!

7) PLUNGE the sword deep into the earth where lies the Dragon eye (AKA puing the sword into the
stone) in one swift motion.

8) BE SEATED in the center of the EYE, legs crossed around the sword.

9) Close your eyes and await the coming of the Dragon.

(Its presence may become known in numerous ways & states. To BANISH the Dragon-presence,
simply remove the sword from the earth. WARNING: do not depart the protective circle, until the
sword has been removed from the stone)

As a symbol of power & authority, it is recorded that the Pheryllt Priests once wore golden
DRAGONS EYES upon High Holy Days. The EYE may also be used with great success as a
GATEWAY according to the outline in appendix #13. There are many possible versions of the Rite of
Dragon-Call, as it may even be successfully performed indoors, and the symbol created upon oor or
cloth; small stone circles can easily be set-up indoors, and work fairly well there. Be creative, as
inspiration is a quality traditionally seen as a gift of the Dragon!

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The 21 Lessons of Merlyn: A Study in Druid Magic & Lore ~ p263 of 1st edition, 16th printing, 2004.
Note the spelling of Dranconis! (???!)

Source: This spell is from: The 21 Lessons of Merlyn by Douglas Monroe, and can
be found online in a number of places including
http://thorns-meadow.com/bos/documents/1312.html (http://thorns-meadow.com
/2010/03/summoning-dragons.html (https://zoeykastledorf.blogspot.com.au/2010/03
Introductory and closing paragraphs and image from the book are

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The Dragons Eye ~ A Dragon Summoning Spell Dragon Dreaming https://dragondreaming.wordpress.com/the-dragons-eye-a-dragon-summ...

from books.google.com.au (https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Q8XYuRyAIp4C&

printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q=263&f=false) pp 263, 274 & 276.

Screenshots of an earlier version of this page here on Dragon Dreaming have also
been used on Douglas Monroes own New Forest Centre website at
http://www.newforestcentre.info/fire.html (http://www.newforestcentre.info/fire.html).

NOTE: 30/04/2017 ~ I came across some extremely negative reviews of The 21

Lessons of Merlyn the book (which I have not read) from where this spell originates.
Apparently the book is full of factual inaccuracies. Even so, use of the spell
independently of whatever else is in the book may still give satisfactory results, or it
could be used as inspiration to write your own spell. Words and actions in ritual are
tools to help direct and focus your will and intent so if following the steps laid out in the
spell above helps you to focus, then go for it. What works for some people may not
work for others its all very subjective. Even though I found this spell and published it
here over 4 years ago I have not personally used it, but if I do I will most likely blog
about my experience. I include many things here on my website which I feel may be
useful in ones practice of the Dragon Path which is always evolving.

The reviews can be read at:

Review by Mary Jones http://www.maryjones.us/jce/21lessons.html
Review by Ellen Evert Hopman http://library.druidry.org/reviews/21lom.html
(http://library.druidry.org/reviews/21lom.html)Review by Ceisiwr Serith
~ http://www.digitalmedievalist.com/?s=merlyn (http://www.digitalmedievalist.com
What is the Book of Pheryllt? by Lisa Spangenberg ~ http://www.digitalmedievalist.com
(http://www.digitalmedievalist.com/opinionated-celtic-faqs/pheryllt/)21 Lessons of
Hogwash by Isaac Bonewits ~ http://www.neopagan.net/21-Lessons.html
Read the comments that come after the general book descriptions in this next one

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The Dragons Eye ~ A Dragon Summoning Spell Dragon Dreaming https://dragondreaming.wordpress.com/the-dragons-eye-a-dragon-summ...

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