The Multiplier

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errotr Choices yous: Wealth or Money? - THE MULTIPLIER Choice is yours: Wealth or Money? @ Wednesday, October. 15,2014 This is the one of the most important time of your life when you need to make an important decision. Money or wealth? sounds same right? but the difference between two is that the former is what the 95% are trying to get and are unsuccessful in getting it and the latter is What the top 5% who owns 95% of wealth generated in stock market are trying on and successful in acheieving it. Here comes an interesting fact. the fact is that the mentality that brought you in the stock market is not the mentality which will help you earn money in the stock market i know what most of you are trying to get you are looking at someone who can give you tips that work with 100% success rate... and the fact is that there is no ‘one who can acheive 100% success rate when it comes to trading and there is no secret trading strategy which will be able to do this so what's the Solution... | HAVE IT FOR YOU nnn try Creating Wealth instead of Money... in place of looking at short term hit and run away focus on going long in the market focus on building wealth in the long TUN. sssmnsennes for this my advice to you is from now ownwards put 75% of your total trading capital in multibaggers- the ones which you will buy and keep as bank deposits and you are not going to touch them for months and you will get many folds of your capital in these ones within few years- when i will recommend these will be based on both technical and funamentals... and rest 25% is for our short term playing......... and keep in mind you can't be successful 100% times in short term trading so what you have to do in trading is that buy a stock put the stop loss and be patient as long as its above stop loss i will ensure that the stop loss is not below 10-15% in any case. and if it goes down and hit the stop loss then no need to worry don't let your emotions come in the way kick it off and let it go thats how the trading is done... .and if you keep holding them with the intention that, i was right-i can't be wrong. i won't sell a stock unless it is above my purchase price... successful ones.. . then you are preparing yourself to give up the gains that you have got in .. that's the way the crowd thing... .. the crowd which is looses which is coverd in those 95% loosers. if you are doing that then you are a losser thats not how successful traders think. . if you want to be a winner you have to do what the winners are doing .. .. and my foues is on making you a winner not on provinding calls becuase even if i provide the same stocks that iam entering you may keep holding a stock which has hit a stop loss and book a successful ‘one that has risen 10% means you might be minimizing your gains and hntpuhww tremula iv20%4/1ocheice-s-yours-weath-x-money.himI?spref=P 18 errotr Choice is yous: Wealth or Maney? - THE MULTIPLIER increasing your losses. .. just don't do that... try the reverse minimize losses by stop loss and keep riding profitable ones. out of the short term calls there will come some big heros whtich wil make good all the losses and help us increase our trading capital and great profits. like poddar developers which has already given us 162% returns in one month, kirloskar industries- 45% in a week first financial 20 upper circuits in a row, turbotech engineering- continuous upper circuits since the date of my reco, commex technolgoy 5% upmove everyday now, trinethra infra ventures upper circuit every other day, linc pens 45% in a week and many others. .ithas been only 2 months since i started my facebook group and not even a month of the start of the blog and yet i have countless success stories. but people are not yet satisfied FeASOM wn the reason lies between Your tO €arS....uif you change your mentality you will have a reason to celebrate everyday and i am telling you what you should hear and not what you want to hear and the differecne between the two is that by listening what you want to listen you stay wherever you are and buy listening what you should listen you will move towards creating miracles in your life. and what you should listen is that, i or anyone else won't be successful all the time.. . if you keep on searching who is right all the time you will never find anyone. w»« 80 the solution is buy put stop loss if it hits stop loss book your loss hapily and if it moves upwards and then keep, on riding... .. ow the choice is yours what you want to do... oe you want to come in top 5% or stay in those 95% lOSS€FS..n... if you want to keep doing What you are doing right now looking for becoming billionaire overnight, lokking forwards to cover your loss in a week, looking for the billion dollar secret strategey, looking to double your money in a month then sorry my friends this blog is not for you and i m not the right person to approach.. . but if you want to do what the top 5% are doing then you have follow my rules if you are not following my rules then i can’t help you. in the top 5% you have to do what the top 5% are doing, you have to think like what the top 5% are thinking .and if you are able to do that there is no one in the world who can stop you from earning your share in the 95% of total wealth generated in the market and if you keep engaging the hit run, intraday, futures etc. even if, you make money one time you will loose it in the next trade. THE TRUTH IS THAT BIG MONEY IS NOTIN INTRADAY OR FUTURES BIG MONEY IS BUYING A GOOD STOCK ‘AND HOLDING IT FOR 3-6 MONTHS. you have tried your current and it hasn't worked and i can bet its not gonna work anytime in future .. now is the time when you have to try something new something that works.. to achive something you haven't achieved till now you have to try something you haven't tried till now. ..and i believe in each one of you deserves to be in those top 5% you need to know that we are responsible for our losses. neither the market, nor the operators. not anyone. if give a call and it turns out to be a loosing one for you then also you are the one responisible for it because its you who didn't do his home work and believed blindly on me. | don’t want you to be blindfollower of me. i want each one of you to undertake analysis at your level in the best, possible way when give a call ... and if you feel anything is wrong with it come up with your point i will be happy. to answer it reasons iam saying this is that i want each one of you to be your own boss.. .. each one of you to tocome hntpuhww tremula iv20%4/1ocheice-s-yours-weath-x-money.himI?spref=P errotr Choice is yous: Wealth or Maney? - THE MULTIPLIER be the stock kiN. .nrr and by doing what the stock king is doing you can also become the stock king as simple as that. . if you are 0 in analysis you can start learning it right now... .. refer to my blog it has got some good material which i try to update continuosuly you can start with candlesticks, then move to moving averages, MACD, RSI, bollinger bands and last but the not least are books i have got ‘a good collection of top books i have found on the subject for you along with the links to amazon to buy them. because as far as know amazon is best for buying books at good discounts... ..the best one i would want you to start with is Stan Weinstein's Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Mark its going to train your eyes. son tO Fead the charts. or 2. How | Made $ 2,000,000 in the Stock Market by Nicolas Darvas its my alll time favourite and the way that man has written it is just great... some would say 500-1000 ruppes book. | can't afford to buy itti would say you can't afford not to buy books if you want to be successful in the markets... . the expenditure incurred in buying a books is an investment for you which will surely give you fruits in your life and believe me if start reading books once... ... yOu Will feel so much great....... your confidence in YOUFSEIf...nee and the joy which comes from learning yourself and undertaking analysis your self is not in anything else. because if you have the knowledge you will be knowing what you are doing. . you won't be like the blind ameturs.. . hungry for secret trading strategy..... hungry for quick gains, the market doesn't cares who you are what you want it just have to bless the disciplined ones.... ...and if you do what exactly the disciplined ones are doing you will get the same results they are doing no matter who are you, from where you belong. What is your background... THE MARKET IS GOING TO BLESS YOU.. and THIS IS WHAT | HAVE DONE and ican say to anyone proudly that | AM SUCCESSFUL. and i want you people to say it to yourself and the world... 1». That's all i have to say to you people if you don't change your way now then you won't be able to change it ever. now is the time rise up from the bunch of lossers, bunch of impatient ones, bunch of hit and run players... this bunch. this crowd has never done everything good, they have never achleved anything of value. keep them doing what they are doing you are different from those .. BECAUSE YOU WERE BORN TO WIN, DESIGNED TO INSPIRE, DESIGNED TO TO BECOME THE KING OF THE MARKETS. thats why you are here reading this artilce right now. reading this post right now. NOW IS THE TIME... . CREATE THE LIFE YOU ALWAYS WISHED OF. GO FOR GREAT abhishek ninaniya the stock king hntpuhww nem ull iv20%4/1ocheice-s-yours-weathx-money.himI?spref=P

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