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- PIN (n.): Personal Identification Number ()
- ATM (n.): Automated Teller Machine ( -)
- GPS (n.): Global Positioning System ( )
- reservation (n.): an arrangement made so that a place or time is kept for you in a
hotel, restaurant, plane, dentist, etc. ()
- device (n.): a piece or equipment used for a particular purpose ()
- inquire (v.): to ask someone for information ()
- current (adj.): happening now but not last for a long time ( )
- stay on the line (v.): continue waiting to speak or be spoken to on the telephone (
- from time to time (adv.): sometimes, not regularly or very often ( )
- now and then (adv.): sometimes ( )
- hardly ever (adv.): almost never ()
- once in a while (adv.): sometimes, although not often ( )
- maiden name (n.): the family name that a woman had before she got married (
- verify (v.): to find out if a fact, statement, etc. is correct or true ( )
- an immediate stop (n.): a stop without delay (, )
- telemarketer (n.): a person who is employed by a business company to sell their
products to the customers and the phone by offering attractive
packages ( )
- issue (v.): to officially produce something such as new stamps, new card (
, )
- attendant (n.): someone whose job is to look after or help customers (
- initial fee (n.): money you pay at the beginning for a start ( )
- distance (n.): the property created by the space between two objects or points
- rotate (v.): to turn around a fixed point ()
- orbit (v.): to travel in a circle around a much larger object ()
- habit (n.): something that you do regularly, often without thinking about it
because you have done it many times before ( )
- habitual (adj.): done as a habit or doing something from habit ( )
- subway (n.): a railway that runs under the ground ( )
- telemarketing (n.): a method of selling things and taking orders for sales by telephone
( )
- so and so (n.): used to donate a person, any person not named ( )
- XYZ, Inc. (n.): a pretend name of a company given as an example (
- Indias Silicon Valley (n.): a reference to the original Silicon Valley, a region around
San Francisco and San Jose in California, which has a dense
concentration of electronics and computer companies
( )
- transaction (n.): a business deal ()
- booming (adj.): fast growing, successful, profitable ( )
- generate (v.): to produce or create something (, )
- MBA (n.): Master of Business Administration; a university degree in the skills
needed to be in charge of a business ( )
- anglophone (n.): English speaking ()
- British colony (n.): a country that used to be under the political control of powerful
Britain ( )
- neutralize (v.): to prevent something from having any effect ()
- diverse (adj.): very different from each other ()
- Anglo (adj.): English/British ()
- distant (adj.): far away ()
- outsourcing (n.): the practice of using workers from outside a company, arranging for
someone out side a company to provide certain goods or service
( )
- founder (n.): a person who found an organization ( )
- corp. (n.): the abbreviation of corporation (a big company) or a group of
companies acting together as a single organization (
corporation )
- campaign (n.): a service of actions intended to achieve a particular result,
especially in politics or business ()
- service (n.): an act of help or assistance ( )

0 -

1 - cell phone cellular phone mobile phone

cell phone
- ATM (Anfield)
27 .. ..1967 (Barclays)
- ATM .. 1999


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