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Security Glossary

REF: (Microsoft Security Glossary) Last Update: Dec 2007
Keyword Extracted Localized Terms

First Option Second Option Third Option Date Modified

1 access
2 access control
3 access control entry (ACE) access control entry (ACE)
4 access control list (ACL) access control list (ACL)
5 access mask access mask
6 access token
7 administrative vulnerability
8 adware
9 anonymity
10 antivirus software (AV)
11 attack
12 authentication authentication
13 authorization
14 availability
15 back door
16 BBBOnLine BBBOnLine
17 buddy fix buddy fix
18 buffer
19 buffer overrun
20 certificate
21 change management
22 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
23 choice
24 cipher
25 ciphertext
26 cleartext
27 clickstream data clickstream data
28 computer security
29 Content Advisor Content Advisor
30 cookie
31 credentials
32 critical update critical update
33 cryptography
34 data transfer
35 deceptive trade practices
36 decryption
37 denial of service attack (DoS) denial of service attack (DoS)
38 digital certificate
39 digital rights management (DRM) digital rights management (DRM)
40 digital signature digital signature
41 disclosure
42 distributed denial of service (DDoS) distributed denial of service (DDoS)
43 download
44 elevation of privilege
45 e-mail bomb
46 encrypted data
47 Encrypting File System (EFS) Encrypting File System (EFS)
48 encryption
49 enforcement
50 EU Data Protection Directive EU Data Protection Directive
51 extranet
52 Fair Information Practices Fair Information Practices
53 filter
54 Financial Modernization Act of 1999 1999
55 firewall
56 full file replacement full file replacement
57 globally unique identifier (GUID) globally unique identifier (GUID)
58 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB) Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB)
59 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
61 high priority update high priority update
62 hotfix
63 impersonation impersonation
64 implicit profiling implicit
65 implicit targeting implicit
66 information disclosure
67 interactive logon
68 Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA)
69 KB article KB Article
70 key
71 Kids Passport Kids Passport
72 least privilege administration least privilege administration
73 mail bomb
74 mail relaying mail relaying
75 malicious user

76 malware
77 Message Authentication Code (MAC) Message Authentication Code (MAC)
78 Microsoft Download Center Microsoft Download Center
79 Microsoft Passport Network Microsoft Passport Network
80 Microsoft security bulletin Microsoft security bulletin
81 Microsoft virus alert Microsoft virus alert
82 network logon
83 nonrepudiation nonrepudiation
84 notice
85 Office Update Office Update
86 onward transfer
87 opt in
88 opt out
89 parental control
90 password
91 password propagation
92 password synchronization
93 patch
94 patching
95 permission for kids
96 permissions
97 personal data
98 personal identification number (PIN)
99 personal information
100 personally identifiable information (PII)
101 phisher
102 phishing
103 physical vulnerability
104 plaintext
105 Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P)
106 pooling pooling
107 principal
108 privacy
109 privacy compromise
110 privacy policy
111 privacy statement
112 Privacy Wizard Privacy Wizard
113 private fix private fix
114 private key
115 privileges
116 proxy server proxy server
117 public key
118 public key encryption
119 public key infrastructure (PKI) public key infrastructure (PKI)
120 Quality of Service (QoS) Quality of Service (QoS)
121 quick fix engineering (QFE) quick fix engineering (QFE)
122 race condition
123 remote attack
124 remote procedure call (RPC) remote procedure call (RPC)
125 repudiation repudiation
126 Request for Collaboration (RFC) Request for Collaboration (RFC)
127 rights
128 role-based authorization
129 rollup rollup
130 Safe Harbor Agreement Safe Harbor Agreement
131 Safe Harbor Principles Safe Harbor Principles
132 safeguard
133 sandbox

134 script kiddies script kiddies
135 secondary data uses
136 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
137 security
138 security alert
139 security identifier (SID) security identifier (SID)
140 security key
141 security principal
142 security update
143 security vulnerability
144 sensitive data
145 service pack service pack
146 Service Release Service Release
147 smart card
148 software update
149 software upgrade
150 spam
151 spoof
152 spyware
153 strong password
154 tamper
155 third-party seal third-party seal
156 throttling throttling
157 token
158 transcryption gateway transcryption gateway
159 transparency
160 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Layer Security (TLS)
161 Trojan horse
163 update
164 update rollup update rollup
165 upgrade
166 user profile
167 user rights
168 virtual private network (VPN)
169 virus
170 vulnerability
171 weak password

172 Windows Update
173 worm
174 X.400 X.400
XML Glossary

This glossary defines terms that pertain to XML standards.


An XML structural construct. A name-value pair, separated by an equals sign, included inside a tagged element that modifies

You can declare attributes for an XML element type using an attribute list declaration.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Formatting descriptions that provide augmented control over presentation and layout of HTML and XML elements. CSS can b


See Channel Definition Format (CDF).

Channel Definition Format (CDF)

An XML-based data format used in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and later to describe Active Channel content and deskt

CDF permits a Web publisher to offer frequently updated collections of information, or channels, enabling automatic deliver

character data

All the textual content of an element or attribute that is not markup. XML differentiates this plain text from binary data. In th

complex data type

An element that can contain other elements or attributes. Also known as complex type. Appears as <complexType> in XML d


See Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

data island

An XML document (<XML> or <SCRIPT language="XML">). that exists within an HTML page. It allows you to script against the

HTML is used as the primary document or display format, and XML is used to embed data within the document.

Data Source Object

Provides a way to bind HTML controls directly to an XML data island. It assists developers in connecting to structured XML da

XML Data Source Object allows you to work with data one node at a time, but you can also work with multiple nodes at a tim

data types

The parts and subparts of an XML schema that are used as the basis of all the larger components in schema.


A description used to create simple and complex data types.

document element

The element in an XML document that contains all other elements. It is the top-level element of an XML document and mus

The terms root element and document element are interchangeable.

document entity

The starting point for an XML parser. Unlike other entities, the document entity has no name and cannot be referenced. It is

Document Object Model (DOM)

A platform- and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, s

document type declaration

An XML structural construct. Consists of markup code that indicates the grammar rules, or Document Type Definition (DTD),

Document Type Definition (DTD)

Can accompany a document, essentially defining the rules of the document, such as which elements are present and the str

DTDs help to validate the data when the receiving application does not have a built-in description of the incoming data. The

See also schema.


See Document Object Model.


See Document Type Definition.


See Electronic Data Interchange.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

An existing format used to exchange data and support transactions. EDI transactions can be conducted only between sites th


An XML structural construct. An XML element consists of a start tag, an end tag, and the information between the tags, whic

Elements used in an XML file are described by a DTD or schema, either of which can provide a description of the structure o


An XML structural construct. A file, database record, or another item that contains data. The primary purpose of an entity is

The entity can be referred to by an entity reference to insert the entity's contents into the tree at that point. Entity declaratio

entity reference

An XML structural construct. Acts as a placeholder for the content author, and the XML parser places the actual content at e

It is used in much the same way as a macro.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

A subset of SGML that is optimized for delivery over the Web, XML provides a uniform method for describing and exchangin

The key is that with XML, the information is in the document, while the rendering instructions are elsewhere. In other words

At the time of this writing, XML 1.0 is a Worldwide Web Consortium Recommendation, which means that it is in the final sta
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)

A language used to transform XML-based data into HTML or other presentation formats, for display in a Web browser. The tr

In contrast to CSS, which "decorates" the XML tree with formatting properties, XSL transforms the XML tree into a new tree (

XSL consists of two parts, a vocabulary for transformation and the XSL Formatting Objects.


A restriction on a data type. A single defining aspect of value space. There are two types of facets: fundamental and constrai


See XML information set.

invalid document

Documents that do not follow the XML tag rules. If a document has a DTD or schema, and it doesn't follow the rules defined

mixed content

Element types with mixed content are allowed to hold either character data alone or character data interspersed with child e


A mechanism that allows developers to uniquely qualify the element names and relationships and to make these names rec

A namespace identifies an XML vocabulary defined within a URN. An attribute on an element, attribute, or entity reference a

An XML name that does not contain a colon (:). An NCName begins with either a letter or an underscore (_) character, follow






Tells the parser what type of object is being referenced. Usually refers to a data format of non-XML data, such as BMP. A not

notation declaration

Tells the parser how to deal with a specific binary file type, as well as provides a name and an external identifier for a notatio

The notation declaration gives an internal name to an existing notation so that it can be referred to in attribute list declaratio

The external identifier is used for the notation, which can allow an XML parser or its client application to locate a helper app

parsed entity

An entity that has content that is parsed and replaced with actual literal values. The result is called the replacement text. Par

processing instruction

An XML structural construct. A mechanism for embedding information in a file intended for proprietary applications rather t

A processing instruction is a string of text included almost anywhere in an XML document's character data between <? and ?

An example is the XML declaration that begins every valid XML file:

Copy Code
" ?>

reference node

The reference node for a search context is the node that is the immediate parent of all nodes in the search context. Every se

replacement text

The content of parsed entities, after replacement of character references and parameter-entity references.


See Simple API for XML.


A formal specification of element names that indicates which elements are allowed in an XML document, and in what comb

A schema is functionally equivalent to a DTD, but is written in XML. A schema also provides for extended functionality such a

schema structures

The compounds that can be constructed from data types and are used to describe the element, attribute, and validation stru


See Standard Generalized Markup Language.

Simple API for XML (SAX)

An XML API that allows developers to take advantage of event-driven XML parsing. Unlike the DOM specification, SAX doesn

simple data type

An element that contain only text. Also known as simple type. Appears as <simpleType> in XML documents. Attributes are co

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

An open, extensible way for applications to communicate using XML-based messages over the Web, regardless of what oper


See Simple Object Access Protocol.

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

The international standard for defining descriptions of structure and content of electronic documents. Despite its name, SGM

XML is a subset of SGML designed to deliver SGML-type information over the Web, while HTML is an application of SGML.


The basis of the XML style sheet is the template rule, which makes a template that allows a user agent to construct a styled

The matching part identifies the source (XML) node to which the processing action is to be applied. The matching informatio

The processing part defines how the children are to be processed and what styling is to be applied to them. The processing i

tokenized attribute type

In a tokenized type, the parser will normalize all white space to a single space character and will eliminate leading and trailin

Seven attribute types are characterized as tokenized types because each value represents either a single token (ID, IDREF, EN

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)

A superclass that includes both URNs and URLs. Presently, URI means URL in nearly all cases when discussing XML, although

URIs are a slightly more general scheme for locating resources on the Internet that focuses a more on the resource and less

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

The set of URI schemes that have explicit instructions on how to access the resource on the Internet.
URLs are uniform in that they have the same basic syntax no matter what specific type of resource (Web page, newsgroup) i

Uniform Resource Name (URN)

Identifies a persistent Internet resource. A URN can provide a mechanism for locating and retrieving a schema file that defin

Unlike URLs, URNs are not location-dependent.

unparsed entity

Any block of non-XML data, sometimes referred to as a binary entity because its content is often a binary file (such as an ima

Unlike a parsed entity, an unparsed entity requires a notation, which identifies the format or type of resource to which the e


See Uniform Resource Identifier.


See Uniform Resource Locator.


See Uniform Resource Name.

valid XML

XML that conforms to the rules defined in the XML specification, as well as the rules defined in the DTD or schema.

The parser must understand the validity constraints of the XML specification and check the document for possible violations

Because all of this parsing and checking can take time and because validation might not always be necessary, XML supports


See XML vocabulary.


See Worldwide Web Consortium.

well-formed XML

XML that follows the XML tag rules listed in the W3C Recommendation for XML 1.0, but doesn't have a DTD or schema. A we

Well-formed XML documents are easy to create because they don't require the additional work of creating a DTD. Well-form

Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C)

A standards body located at MIT that sets standards for XML, HTML, XSL, and many other Web technologies.


See XML-Data Reduced.


See Extensible Markup Language.

XML-Data Reduced (XDR)

An early language used to create a schema, which identifies the structure and constraints of a particular XML document. XM

XML declaration

The first line of an XML file can optionally contain the "xml" processing instruction, which is known as the XML declaration. T

An example is the XML declaration that begins every valid XML file:

Copy Code

" ?>

XML document
A document object that is well formed, according to the XML recommendation, and that might (or might not) be valid. The X

XML engine

Software that supports XML functionality on the client; Internet Explorer 4.0 and later include XML engines. Its components

XML information set

A description of the information available in a well-formed XML document.

XML Object Model

An API that defines a standard way in which developers can interact with the elements of the XML structured tree. The XML

XML parser

A software module used to read XML documents and provide access to their content and structure. The XML parser generat


The result of an effort to provide a common syntax and semantics for functionality shared between XSL Transformations (XSL

XML Pointer Language (XPointer)

A W3C initiative that specifies constructs for addressing the internal structures of XML documents. In particular, it provides f

An XPointer consists of a series of location terms, each of which specifies a location, usually relative to the location specified

Copy Code

refers to the second child element whose type is precocious.

XML Query Language (XQL)

A set of extensions to XSL Patterns proposed to the W3C.

XQL is an extension to the capabilities of XSL that will provide for searching into, and data retrieval from, XML documents. It

XML Schema Definition (XSD)

A language proposed by the W3C XML Schema Working Group for use in defining schemas. Schemas are useful for enforcing
See also schema.

XML vocabulary

A set of actual elements and the structure for a specific document type used in particular data formats. Vocabularies, along

One of the first and probably most well-know vocabularies is the Channel Definition Format used to define Web pages that a


See XML Pointer Language.


See XML Query Language.


See XML Schema Definition.


See Extensible Stylesheet Language.

XSL formatting objects

A set of formatting semantics expressed as an XML vocabulary.

Conceptually, these objects form a tree. The formatting objects denote typographic elements such as page, paragraph, rule,

XSL Patterns

A declarative, non-procedural selection language implemented in MSXML versions 3.0 and earlier. For MSXML 4.0 and later,

XSL Transformations (XSLT)

Makes use of the expression language defined by XPath for selecting elements for conditional processing and for generating

XSLT provides two "hooks" for extending the language, one hook for extending the set of instruction elements used in templ
ged element that modifies certain features of the element. All attribute values, including things like size and width, are in fact text strings a

d XML elements. CSS can be used for describing the formatting behavior of simply structured XML documents, but does not provide a disp

hannel content and desktop components.

enabling automatic delivery to compatible Web clients. The user only needs to choose the channel once, and scheduled deliveries of the ch

text from binary data. In the XML OM, character data is stored in text nodes, which are implemented as DOM text objects.

as <complexType> in XML documents.

ws you to script against the XML document without having to load it through script or through the <OBJECT> tag. Almost anything that can

he document.

ecting to structured XML data and supplying it to an HTML page by using the data-binding facility of dynamic HTML.

with multiple nodes at a time, without having to walk the document tree. It binds the data to specific controls on the page and the controls

n XML document and must be the first element in the document. There is exactly one document element, no part of which appears in the

cannot be referenced. It is the entity in which the XML declaration and document type declaration can occur.

s and update the content, structure and style of documents. The Document Object Model provides a standard set of objects for representin

ent Type Definition (DTD), for the particular class of document. The document type declaration can also point to an external file that conta

nts are present and the structural relationship between the elements. It defines what tags can go in your document, what tags can contain

of the incoming data. The DTD is declared within the document type declaration production of the XML file. With XML, however, DTDs are
ucted only between sites that have been specifically set up with compatible systems. Proprietary EDI formats are more difficult to write tha

on between the tags, which is often referred to as the contents. Each element has a type, identified by name, sometimes called its "generi

cription of the structure of the data.

ary purpose of an entity is to hold content not structure, rules, or grammar. Each entity is identified by a unique name and contains its o

that point. Entity declarations occur in the DTD.

ces the actual content at each reference site. To include an entity reference, you first insert an ampersand (&) and then enter the entity na

describing and exchanging structured data that is independent of applications or vendors.

elsewhere. In other words, content and presentation are separate. XML is the Web's language for data interchange and HTML is the Web's

ans that it is in the final stage of the approval process.

ay in a Web browser. The transformation of XML into formats, such as HTML, is done in a declarative way, making it often easier and more a

XML tree into a new tree (the HTML), allowing extensive reordering, generated text, and calculations all without modification to the XM

fundamental and constraining.

n't follow the rules defined in its DTD or schema, that document is invalid as well.

ta interspersed with child elements. In this case, the types of the child elements can be constrained, but not their order or their number of

d to make these names recognizable. By doing so, they can avoid name collisions on elements that have the same name but are defined in d

ibute, or entity reference associates a short name with the URN that defines the namespace; that short name is then used as a prefix to th
rscore (_) character, followed by any combination of letters, digits, accents, diacritical marks, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) p

L data, such as BMP. A notation identifies by name the format of unparsed entities, the format of elements that bear a notation attribute, o

ernal identifier for a notation.

o in attribute list declarations, unparsed entity declarations, and processing instructions.

tion to locate a helper application capable of processing data in the given notation.

d the replacement text. Parsed entities can only contain character data or XML markup.

etary applications rather than the XML parser or browser. The XML parser passes the instructions to the application.

cter data between <? and ?> marks. It begins with the name of the application for which the PI is intended, followed by the data for the ins
he search context. Every search context has an associated reference node.

ument, and in what combinations. It also defines the structure of the document: which elements are child elements of others, the sequen

tended functionality such as data typing, inheritance, and presentation rules. Consequently, the new schema languages are far more powe

ttribute, and validation structure of a document type.

M specification, SAX doesn't require the entire XML file to be loaded into memory. SAX notifies you when certain events happen as it parse
ocuments. Attributes are considered simple types because they contain only text.

b, regardless of what operating system, object model, or language they use. SOAP provides a way to use the existing Internet infrastructure

ents. Despite its name, SGML is not a language in itself, but a way of defining languages that are developed along its general principles. SGM

an application of SGML.

gent to construct a styled Result node from a Source node. The template has two parts:

d. The matching information is contained in the match attribute.

d to them. The processing information is contained in the template's child elements.

liminate leading and trailing white space altogether. It will also validate the contents based on the declared type.

single token (ID, IDREF, ENTITY, NMTOKEN) or a list of tokens (IDREFS, ENTITIES, and NMTOKENS).

n discussing XML, although it is expected that URNs will become more numerous in the future. The URI supplies a universally unique numb

e on the resource and less on the location. In theory, a URI could find the closest copy of a mirrored document or locate a document moved
e (Web page, newsgroup) is being addressed or what mechanism is described to fetch it.

ng a schema file that defines a particular namespace. While an ordinary URL could provide similar functionality, a URN is more robust and e

a binary file (such as an image) that is not directly interpreted by the XML parser. An unparsed entity could contain plain text, so the term b

of resource to which the entity is declared. Beyond a requirement that an XML parser make the identifiers for the entity and notation avail

e DTD or schema.

ment for possible violations. If the parser finds any errors, it must report them to the XML application. The parser must also read the DTD, v

necessary, XML supports the notion of the well-formed document.

ave a DTD or schema. A well-formed XML document contains one or more elements; it has a single document element, with any other elem

creating a DTD. Well-formed XML can save download time because the client does not need to download the DTD, and it can save process

ticular XML document. XML-Data Reduced refers to the subset of the XML-Data schema specification that was made available in MSXML 3

n as the XML declaration. The XML declaration can contain pseudo-attributes to indicate the XML language version, the character set, and w
r might not) be valid. The XML document has a logical structure (composed of declarations, elements, comments, character references, and

L engines. Its components include the XML parser, the XSL processor, and schema support.

L structured tree. The XML object model exposes properties, methods, and the actual content (data) contained in an object. It controls how

e. The XML parser generates a hierarchically structured tree, then hands off data to viewers and other applications for processing, and fina

n XSL Transformations (XSLT) and XPointer. The primary purpose of XPath is to address parts of an XML document. It also provides basic fac

. In particular, it provides for specific reference to elements, character strings, and other parts of XML documents, whether or not they bea

ve to the location specified by the prior location term. Each location term has a keyword (such as id, child, ancestor, and so on) and can hav

l from, XML documents. It provides ways to manipulate XML in order to create new documents, to control the content of existing documen

mas are useful for enforcing structure and/or constraining the types of data that can be used validly within other XML documents. XML Sche
mats. Vocabularies, along with the structural relationships between the elements, are defined in a DTD that serves as the rulebook for that

to define Web pages that are designed to be sent automatically, or "pushed" to client users.

h as page, paragraph, rule, and so forth. Finer control over the presentation of these elements is provided by a set of formatting properties

For MSXML 4.0 and later, XSL Patterns is not supported. For more information about XSL Patterns, download the MSXML 2.5 SDK from MS

cessing and for generating text.

on elements used in templates and one hook for extending the set of functions used in XPath expressions. These hooks are both based on
th, are in fact text strings and not numbers. For XML, all values must be enclosed in quotation marks.

but does not provide a display structure that deviates from the structure of the source data. See also Extensible Stylesheet Language.

heduled deliveries of the channel information will be delivered to the client without further intervention.
. Almost anything that can be in a well-formed XML document can be inside a data island.

the page and the controls are automatically populated with data from the Data Source Object.

rt of which appears in the content of any other element. The document element represents the document as a whole; every other elemen

t of objects for representing HTML and XML documents, a standard model of how these objects can be combined, and a standard interface

o an external file that contains all or part of the DTD. It must appear following the XML declaration and preceding the document element. T

ent, what tags can contain other tags, the number and sequence of the tags, the attributes your tags can have, and optionally, the values th

h XML, however, DTDs are optional.

more difficult to write than XML, and unlike XML, cannot be transmitted over HTTP.

metimes called its "generic identifier" (GI), and may have a set of attribute specifications. Each attribute specification has a name and a val

ue name and contains its own content, from a single character inside the document to a large file that exists outside the document. The fun

d then enter the entity name followed by a semicolon (;), as follows: &YourEntityName;. Then, when the line is processed, the entity will b

nge and HTML is the Web's language for rendering.

it often easier and more accessible than through scripting. In addition, XSL uses XML as its syntax, freeing XML authors from having to lear

out modification to the XML source. The source can be maintained from the perspective of "pure content" and can simultaneously be deliv

ir order or their number of occurrences.

e name but are defined in different vocabularies. They allow tags from multiple namespaces to be mixed, which is essential if data is comin

then used as a prefix to the element, attribute, or entity reference name to uniquely identify the namespace. Namespace references have
s (-), and underscores (_) permitted in the XML specification. The following list shows some example NCNames:

bear a notation attribute, or the application to which a processing instruction is addressed.

wed by the data for the instruction.

ents of others, the sequence in which the child elements can appear, and the number of child elements. It defines whether an element is e

guages are far more powerful than DTDs.

events happen as it parses your document. When you respond to an event, any data you don't specifically store is discarded. If your docum
sting Internet infrastructure to enable applications to communicate directly with each other without being unintentionally blocked by firew

g its general principles. SGML defines the way that a markup language is built by specifying the syntax and definitions for the elements and

a universally unique number or name that can identify an element or attribute in a universally unique way.

r locate a document moved from one site to another.

a URN is more robust and easier to manage for this purpose because a URN can refer to more than one URL.

n plain text, so the term binary is a bit misleading.

e entity and notation available to the application, XML places no constraints on the contents of unparsed entities.

must also read the DTD, validate the document against it, and again report any violations to the XML application.
ement, with any other elements properly nested under it; and each of the parsed entities referenced directly or indirectly within the docum

TD, and it can save processing time because the XML parser doesn't need to process the DTD.

made available in MSXML 3.0 and later. It carries out the same basic tasks as DTD, but with more power and flexibility. Unlike DTD, which req

on, the character set, and whether the document can be used as a standalone entity.
s, character references, and processing instructions) and a physical structure (composed of entities, starting with the root, or document enti

n an object. It controls how users communicate with trees, and exposes all tree elements as objects, which can be accessed without any re

ns for processing, and finally returns the results to the browser. A validating XML parser also checks the XML syntax and reports errors.

nt. It also provides basic facilities for manipulation of strings, numbers, and Booleans. XPath uses a compact, non-XML syntax to facilitate us

s, whether or not they bear an explicit ID attribute.

or, and so on) and can have arguments, such as an instance number, element type, or attribute. For example, the XPointer:

ontent of existing documents, and to manage the ordering and presentation of these documents along with XSL.

XML documents. XML Schema Definition refers to the fully specified and currently recommended standard for use in authoring XML schem
ves as the rulebook for that vocabulary.

et of formatting properties, such as indents; word- and letter-spacing; and widow, orphan, and hyphenation control. The formatting objects

e MSXML 2.5 SDK from MSDN at

e hooks are both based on XML namespaces.

tylesheet Language.
whole; every other element represents a component of the document.

d, and a standard interface for accessing and manipulating them. Vendors can support the DOM as an interface to their proprietary data st

the document element. The syntax of the document type declaration is <!DOCTYPE content>.

nd optionally, the values those attributes can have.

ation has a name and a value. An instance of an element is declared using <element> tags.

side the document. The function of an XML entity is similar to that of a macro definition.

processed, the entity will be replaced with the entity's content.

authors from having to learn another markup language.

an simultaneously be delivered to different channels or target audiences by just switching style sheets.

is essential if data is coming from multiple sources. Namespaces ensure that element names do not conflict, and clarify who defined which

amespace references have scope. All child nodes beneath the node that specifies the namespace inherit that namespace. This allows nonq
es whether an element is empty or can include text. The schema can also define default values for attributes.

is discarded. If your document is very large, using SAX will save significant amounts of memory when compared to using DOM. This is espe
entionally blocked by firewalls.

tions for the elements and attributes that compose it.

indirectly within the document is well formed.

bility. Unlike DTD, which requires its own language and syntax, XML-Data Reduced uses XML syntax for its language. Unlike XSD, which has o
the root, or document entity).

e accessed without any return trips to the server. The XML OM uses the W3C standard Document Object Model.

tax and reports errors.

-XML syntax to facilitate use of XPath within URIs and XML attribute values. XPath gets its name from its use of a path notation as used in U

e XPointer:

se in authoring XML schemas. Because the XSD specification was only recently finalized, support for it was only made available with the rel
rol. The formatting objects and formatting properties provide the vocabulary for expressing presentation intent.
to their proprietary data structures and APIs, and content authors can write to the standard DOM interfaces rather than product-specific A
clarify who defined which term.

mespace. This allows nonqualified names to use the default namespace. See also RDF namespace.
to using DOM. This is especially true if you only need a few elements in a large document.
ge. Unlike XSD, which has only recently been recommended as a standard, XML-Data Reduced was implemented and made available by Mi
path notation as used in URLs for navigating through the hierarchical structure of an XML document.

made available with the release of MSXML 4.0. It carries out the same basic tasks as DTD, but with more power and flexibility. Unlike DTD, w
her than product-specific APIs, thus increasing interoperability on the Web.
and made available by Microsoft well ahead of the existence of XSD as a recommended standard by the W3C XML Schema Working Group
and flexibility. Unlike DTD, which requires its own language and syntax, XML Schema Definition uses XML syntax for its language. XSD closely
ML Schema Working Group.
or its language. XSD closely resembles and extends the capabilities of XDR. Unlike XDR, which was implemented and made available by Mic
and made available by Microsoft in MSXML 2.0 and later releases, the W3C now recommends the use of XSD as a standard for defining XM
a standard for defining XML schemas.
acceptance test
access mechanism , ,
accessibility aids
active document

American Standard Code for Information Interchange
asynchronous communication
Attribute values
backward compatibility
base character
binary formats
Byte Order Mark
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Channel Definition Format (CDF)
character data
character encoding
character entity references
class meta-data
compatibility checker
compatibility mode
Compatibility Pack for Microsoft Office 2007 File Formats Compatibility Pack for Microsoft Office 2007 File For
Compatibility Report
compatibility tools
compatible ID
complex data type
computer language
computer restrictions
computing ecosystems
content class
content conversion
content deployment
content formatter
content management
content master

content model
content owner
content provider
content rating
content replication
content revocation
data island
Data Source Object
data type
data types
document element
document element
document entity
Document Format
Document Format Standard
Document Object Model (DOM)
document storage
document type declaration
Document Type Definition (DTD)
Document Type Definition (DTD)
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
empty-element tag
entity reference
Entity references
Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML)
extensible language
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)
external dependencies
file conversion tool
file format
file scanning tool
invalid document
legacy document
logical structure
Markup Language
Maximum compatibility
mixed content
monolithic document format
notation declaration
numeric character references
Open document
Open Document Format (ODF)
Open standard
parsed entity
Post Schema Validation Infoset (PSVI)
predeclared entities
processing instruction
real-time business information
reference node
replacement text
root element
Scalable Vector Graphics
schema structures
self-closing tag
semantics of elements
Simple API for XML (SAX)
simple data type
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Software a a service
software designer
Software-Oriented Architecture
specification language
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
syntax rule
Technical collaboration
tokenized attribute type
transformative shift
translation project
tree-based data structure
type derivation model
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Uniform Resource Name (URN)
unparsed entity
user experience
valid document
valid XML
well-formed document
well-formed XML
Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C)
XML declaration
XML declaration
XML document
XML engine
XML information set
XML Object Model
XML parser
XML Pointer Language (XPointer)
XML Query Language (XQL)
XML Schema Definition (XSD)
XML Schema definition language (XSD)
XML vocabulary
XML-aware software
XML-capable browser
XML-Data Reduced (XDR)
XSL formatting objects
XSL Patterns

soft Office 2007 File Formats

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