Market Assessment

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Market Analysis

In this part, will be explained about the offering of Brainwave IVR technology to properly
deliver for a market inside the directed industry. It likewise to give information about how huge
the span of our market. Below is the assessment of Brainwave VR technology:


Worldwide Video Gamers PC and Console Virtual Reality Gamers

Video Gamers
Figure x.x TAM, SAM, & SOM

TAM (Total Available Market): Worldwide Video Gamers

Playing video games is part of enjoying the entertainment. In general, video games that
are played require a hardware as a place to play the desired games. For example, console
gaming hardware, personal computer, handheld console, mobile phone, and so forth. To
play video games on existing hardware, it takes an interaction to give action to the games
we play. Like controlling the movement of characters in the game. Usually needs a control
device that mediates the movement of human interaction to the game being played.
The reason video gamers become the Total Available Market of Brainwave IVR is because
video gaming require a controller device that can deliver our desired interaction to the
games that we play. For example, shooting, driving, flying a plane, fishing, etc. There are
2.2 billion gamers in the world (29% of the world population). Some of them have the
potential to try new technologies that can enhance the personal experience of the games
being played.

SAM (Serviceable Available Market): PC and Console Video Gamers

Computers and gaming consoles is a hardware that is often used by gamers as a tool that
can provide a high level of personal benefits. As it provides a variety of customization
systems in the game, a high level of interaction between players and games, as well as good
visual imagery and even almost like the real-world environment. The ability to provide
visual images as well as a good game system requires high computing capabilities as well.
Computers and console is a gaming tools that has high hardware capabilities so that both
computers and console can provide maximum satisfaction and pleasure for its users.
There are 1.36 billion gamer that play using computer and console which is 62% of
worldwide video gamers. The reason why pc and console gamers are taken to serve as
Serviceable Available Market because this tool has a higher ability to be able to display
visual images to virtual reality device also computer and consoles commonly used as a tool
for gaming using virtual reality based games.

SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market): Virtual Reality Gamers (around 90 million)

When a person can experience gaming in a three-dimensional environment and made a
possible interaction inside of a generated environment is what we call VR gaming. VR
headsets are head-mounted goggles with a screen before the eyes. VR itself may
incorporate sound through speakers or earphones. The combination of gaming using VR
headsets and controller system (physical controller or sensors controller) enable the person
to "look around" the artificial generated world, and with VR the person can move around
the environment inside it and interact with virtual features, items, or characters.

Figure x.x virtual reality users (grey: innovators, dark blue: early adopters, blue:
early majority)

Gaming with VR has a gradual increase in users every year. Where in 2017 VR gaming
users reach a total of 90 million users, including innovators, early adopters, and early
majority. It is predicted that by 2018, VR gaming users will experience an increase about
90% to 171 million users.
The reasons why the VR gamers are becoming the Serviceable Available Market is because
VR gamers are a group that familiar in using VR technology. You could say they are users
who are hungry for new technologies that can boost their personal experience in playing a
VR game. If a combination between a VR and a new controller using brainwave sensors is
introduced to them, it is likely they will try to use the technology.
Can be seen at the beginning of VR introduced, the control begins only using our head
movement to look around in the generated artificial environment. Then the control switches
to devices like keyboard and mouse, and joystick to increase player interaction with
characters or features that are played in VR games. On April 5, 2016, launched a VR
headset called HTC Vive developed by HTC and Valve, where the headset is intended to
use "room scale" technology to transform a room into three-dimensional space via sensors.
With the virtual world enabling the users to explore normally, with the capacity to walk
around and utilize motion tracked handheld controllers to distinctively control objects,
controlling with precision, communicate and experience immersive situations inside the
generated artificial world inside the VR games.
The entertainment industry especially in gaming have higher potential because of the existing
practical benefit. Such as giving satisfaction to interactive entertainment enthusiasts, bringing
users into a virtual world that expands the limitations of activities that are not possible in the
real world, feeling and doing activities in a visual space that is done in a safe place, and also
provides the expressive nature that we have into characters and features that exist in the game
being played. All of this when combined as one will become something called personal
experience in playing video games. Bringing brainwave IVR technology to other industries
such as medical might bring potential benefits to patients who want to be given therapy like
paralysis on certain body parts. The difficulty level in introducing the VR brainwave practice
may be higher if it is to the medical industry rather than gaming industry. Because not many
people are paralyzed and in need of brainwave IVR treatment when compared to people who
want to play video games. Also in medical industry is not yet ready to receive such technology
because in medical industry, the tools that is used need further development to test the readiness
and effectiveness of therapy using the brainwave VR that can last for years. This make other
industries still didnt have a purpose by using brainwave IVR for a short-term period.
People in the gaming industry certainly want a new technology that will improve their
experience level in playing games. Can be said that the level of market demand will be increase
gradually altogether with the development of technology in the game industry.
Gaming industry already have the required education of using such technology because they
are familiar with the use of virtual reality and the usefulness of virtual reality in video games.
No doubt that the industry has low-barrier when introducing the new brainwave IVR
technology. Gamers also indirectly forced to being faced with their current gaming platform
being surpassed by an updated model and technology, thats what encouraged them to catching
up with the latest technology. So, the likelihood of the industry will receive well this brainwave
IVR technology is high.

Value Analysis
In value proposition canvas, will be explained the analysis of value proposition of the
brainwave IVR within the servable market of choice. There will be a deeper explanation to
what sort of problem the technology will solve and what gains will customers experience by
using brainwave IVR technology.
In value proposition canvas, there will be two parts taken from business model canvas, which
is the value proposition and customer segments. They are called value map on the left and
customer profile on the right. In the customer profile, there will be a description of the jobs that
customer trying to get done. And then there will be a highlight of the customer pain that needs
to be solved and also the customer gain which is a positive outcome that they want to achieve.
The second part is the value map which contain the list of products or services where the value
proposition builds on. And then a description in which the products can be a pain reliever like
how they eliminate, reduce, or minimize pains that customers care about. And then there will
be an outlined in which way they are becoming the gain creators that produce an increase or
maximizing the outcome and benefits that the customers expect.

Figure x.x Value Proposition Canvas

Brainwave IVR Value Proposition Canvas
Customer Profile:
A. Customers Jobs
Communicating with other players
Calibrating the controller
Controlling the character inside the video game
Experiencing games environment
B. Customers Pain
Multiple gaming device
Inefficient use of space
High maintenance
High price
C. Customers Gain
New gaming experience
Durable controller
Faster responds time
Accurate control
Ease of use
Value Map:
A. Products
Head-mounted VR display
Brain-wave sensors & controller (EEG)
Surround sound system
B. Pain Relievers
Single device
Less maintenance
Space efficiency
C. Gain Creators
Brain-controlled gaming
Surround sound
In the customers profile parts, the number of hardware components used is a pain that can be
overcome with a single device on the pain reliever parts. Where the use of brainwave sensors
will minimize additional controller devices such as joystick, mouse & keyboard, and so forth.
The use of an IVR headset brainwave device will also save some additional space and by using
a set of IVR brainwave headset will certainly reduce the maintenance requirements. Also, to
be expected with single device use, it will certainly have a slightly cheaper price than the VR
that still use some controller device.
In the value map, can be seen that the brainwave sensor controller will provide a new
experience to enjoy video games. Users can also interact with existing features in generated
artificial world with a good control precision, such as shooting, fishing, driving a car, and
others. Because the IVR brainwave headset is only sit on the users head, the absence of
activities such as pressing buttons and moving the analog sticks / joystick will make the headset
device cannot easily damaged. Brainwave IVR headsets are also equipped with wireless
connections to enhance the level of user comfort while wearing them. The use of digital
surround sound systems in the IVR brainwave headset will also increase the immersive level
that users can feel.

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