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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date:_______________


______1. The planet closest to the sun a.

______2. Called morning star and evening star

______3. The only known living planet b.

______4. Red planet

______5. The largest and most massive planet in c.

the solar system

______6. The planet with amazing rings and the second d.

largest in the solar system

______7. Blue-green colored planet e.

______8. Brilliant blue planet

______9. A dwarf planet f.

______10. Most famous comet predicted to appear in 2062

______11. Described as potato-shaped balls of snow and g.

rocky dust, also known as dirty snowballs.

______12. Like small planets, but they are far bigger than meteors.
______13. Larger chunks that land on earths surface.

______14. A spiral galaxy where our solar system is located

in one of its spiral arms.

______15. A group of planets and moon which travel around the sun.
j. Milky Way

k. Solar System

l. Comets

m. Meteorites

n. Asteroids

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