Togaf Key Learning Points-Preview

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TOGAF Series #63 | ATL002:63

Key Learning Points

by Roger Evernden

A recent question from a TOGAF The Open Group publishes a detailed guide
student raised some interesting points to the Conformance Requirements needed by
that may not be clear to all TOGAF someone who wants to gain TOGAF certification1.
students, and so I thought it would This documents the body of knowledge that a
candidate must possess to achieve certification.
be useful to explain a bit about Key
If you want the official, definitive list of what you
Learning Points. are expected to know as a TOGAF student this
is the place. On the other hand, there are a lot
more entertaining things to read!
It is the place I go to when I have any doubts
about what The Open Group expects of TOGAF
students. And as a student, you might also find it
useful if you have any doubts about what you are
expected to learn.
Ill give you a quick outline of what you can expect
in this document. It outlines the syllabus for both
levels of certification Level 1, Foundation, and
Level 2, Certified. It tells you the Purpose for
each learning unit in the syllabus, and it lists the
Learning Outcomes. This is the basis for every
official TOGAF training course.
Training providers have a degree of latitude on
how they choose to teach you the syllabus, but
most of them follow a structure that is very like
the one laid out here. And all training providers
must be approved by The Open Group, which
means that their courses are checked to make
sure that they cover the necessary material.


Copyright 2016 Good e-Learning. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, resold, stored in a retrieval system, or distributed in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Such requests for permission or any
other comments relating to the material contained in this document may be submitted to: Good e-Learning is a trading name used by
Educational Systems Ltd. The Open Group and TOGAF are registered trademarks of the Open Group in the United States and other countries
OK. Now we come to the Key Learning Points Read further in this section where it goes on
(KLP). A KLP is a self-contained learning object, to discuss some of the key concepts, such
typically ranging from 2 to 15 minutes. The as Enterprise, or Organizational Context.
TOGAF Knowledge Base is defined as the sum of What you will notice here is that it doesnt give
these KLPs. If you like, think of the KLPs as being you a step-by-step guide on how to define
one of the most important building blocks of the the enterprise, or identify the key drivers and
TOGAF body of knowledge. elements in an organizational context.
A KLP might be something quite simple, like listing
Then read the Steps for the Preliminary Phase
multiple items; or it can be more difficult, like
and here you will find some additional clues as
explaining which requires a description with a
to how you define an enterprise. For example,
rationale. For example, list the business benefits
Step 1, described in Section 6.4.1 Scope the
of having an enterprise architecture; or explain
Enterprise Organizations Impacted, goes part
what architecture is in the context of TOGAF.
way to telling you how to define the enterprise.
The TOGAF documentation is very detailed, and
it is difficult, or even impossible, for training So, bear in mind that to fully understand the
courses to cover everything. As you work through Approach, you should read the whole of the
the training materials it is important to bear in Chapter for that Phase.
mind that the definitive source is always the
TOGAF documentation, and this should be used Finally, bear in mind that there are things which
to supplement the training material that your are difficult to explain without doing them;
trainer provides. If you come across questions some of the KLPs will only make complete
or topics that are not fully explained in the sense as you apply TOGAF in your EA practice.
training, then you need to read the relevant (And I know that this may only happen after
sections of the TOGAF documentation. I would youve taken the TOGAF exam!)
always recommend that you take the course and A final point about an explain type question
become familiar with the TOGAF documentation is that, to answer it you need to provide a
as two parallel tasks. description with a rationale. but remember that
Let me conclude with an example the TOGAF exam is multiple choice so you will
never have to explain when you take the exam!
KLP 6.2-1 requires the student to briefly explain
the seven aspects of the approach undertaken In other words, although briefly explaining the
in the Preliminary Phase. Bear in mind that the seven aspects of the approach undertaken in
TOGAF documentation itself does not always the Preliminary Phase is a Key Learning Point
explain topics very well. The approach section for conformance requirements in the TOGAF
in the Phases of the ADM is a case in point. To syllabus, the way that the exam is structured
satisfy this KLP you need to: makes it difficult or impossible to ask a question
that will test your ability to explain it.
Look at Section 6.2 Approach (in Chapter 6
The key things to remember are:
which covers the Preliminary Phase), where you
will find that it lists the seven aspects of the That TOGAF training cant cover every single
approach without explaining them. detail of all the key learning points,

You may need to supplement the course by

reading the relevant TOGAF documentation,

And when it comes to the exam you are only

tested through multiple choice questions.

Copyright 2016 Good e-Learning. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, resold, stored in a retrieval system, or distributed in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Such requests for permission or any
other comments relating to the material contained in this document may be submitted to: Good e-Learning is a trading name used by
Educational Systems Ltd. The Open Group and TOGAF are registered trademarks of the Open Group in the United States and other countries

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