The Lost: Week 1 Review: FAITH

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Week 1 Review : FAITH

Our Purpose is to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31)
The Word of God is Authoritative (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 1:18)
The Word of God contains Bad News [s] (Romans 5:12; Lev. 5:17; 2 Thess. 1:9)
The Word of God contains Good News [] (Ps 2:12; Jn 1:32-34; 3:14-17; Rom.5:8-10)
Faith involves an Object, Knowledge, Belief, and Trust : Jesus is the object and author of our faith!
Christians are those saved by Gods grace, through faith, created in Christ Jesus to do good Works
(James 2:14-18; Ephesians 2:8-9)
Reaching Out is not only a good work, its a great work! (Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Timothy 4:1-5)
Not all Christians are called to be Evangelists (Eph. 4:11), but all are to be Witnesses (Acts 1:8)
If your life has been impacted / transformed by your relationship with Jesus, then youre Qualified!
Homework / Testimonies [The Ladders : Will you be forgiven?]
Gods Sovereignty and/or Individual Responsibility?
Ephesians 1:3-5 (God is sovereign in election)
Romans 1:16 (Salvation is linked to individual belief / faith)
Isaiah 55:8-9 (Its not either/or, its both/and!)
Why Should we Reach Out? What Should be Our Motives?
Luke 19:10 (This is the purpose of the Son of Man)
John 17:18 (Jesus has sent us to be in the world as His witnesses)
Matthew 28:19 (Jesus has commanded us to evangelize)
1 Peter 3:15 (The apostles have commanded us to be ready to witness)
Romans 10:14-17 (Evangelism is Gods design for reaching the Lost)
Acts 17:30-31 (Judgment is coming, and God desires repentance)
Ezekiel 18:23; 32 (God desires that all should have life!)
Acts 4:10-12 (Jesus is the only way to salvation)
Who are the Lost?
2 Thessalonians 1:6-8 (They have two key characteristics : they neither know nor obey God)
How does God view the Lost (How should we view the Lost)?
John 9:39 (Blind)
Romans 1:20-21 (Unthankful, futile, foolish)
John 8:24 (Dead in sin)
John 3:18 (Condemned)
Jonah 4:11 / Psalm 145:8 (with Patience and Compassion)
Luke 15:1-10 (Precious and worth seeking)
John 3:16 / Romans 5:6-8 (With Love / Worth dying for)
Titus 3:3-7 (Remember ... we were once lost too!)
Homework [ Break into Groups of 4-6, share relationships with those who are lost, and pray together ]
Create an Impact List, Pray, and walk through open doors!
1. Faith 6. Expected Responses & Preparedness
2. The Lost 7. Special Guests : Randy and Robin
3. Special Guests : The Rydbecks 8. Common Objections
4. Styles of Reaching Out 9. Review and Commissioning
5. The Apostle Paul

Reaching Out : Week 2 1

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