Upper Headway Grammar Revision 1-6

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1 Choose the correct verb form.

1 Where has she gone / does she go / did she go last weekend?
2 We bought / ve bought / were buying our car second hand about a year ago.
3 Ive heard that you had seen / ve been seeing / were seeing a lot of Rafael recently.
4 She s been told / has told / s telling that she mustnt wear trousers to her job interview.
5 I was getting ready to go to work when the doorbell rang / was ringing / had rung twice.
6 Have you been waiting / Have you waited / Are you waiting long? No, Ive just arrived!
7 Dont come round this afternoon because I ll be having / have / ll have a nap.
8 It s / ll be / s being always so cold and miserable in England in the winter.
9 Has he / Is he going to / Does he visit his grandparents this afternoon, or not?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 I ll look after (look after) your dog while youre abroad, if you like.
2 She _______ (water) her houseplants when the phone rang.
3 We _______ (adopt) by our parents in 1982.
4 Before he went on holiday last year, he _______ never _______ (travel) by plane.
5 Wheres your laptop? It _______ (fix) at the moment.
6 _______ you _______ (have) something nice for dinner? Yes, we had barbecued chicken.
7 Jemma is going out with Tom now, and poor Steve _______ (be) heartbroken since he found out.
8 What do you imagine you _______ (do) this time next year?
9 You _______ (wait) at the bus stop for a while, havent you? Yes, about 20 minutes, so far!
10 Lets meet at the restaurant the table _______ (book) for 8 p.m.

3 Complete the travel blog with an appropriate form of the verb in brackets.
The place were renting in Granada is an amazing two-bed flat, right in the heart of the Albaycin the old
Jewish Quarter of the city. It 1_______ (do up) recently, and 2 _______ (feel) weirdly contemporary for such
an ancient part of town. Theres fabulous modern furniture, plus a huge flat-screen TV (127cm!) so we 3
_______ (watch) a movie every night for the last week or so.

4 Choose the correct verb form.

1 How long have you liked / did you like / have you been liking her? You should ask her out!
2 How often did you go / have you been going / have you gone to Brazil when you were a young man?
3 Todd Portillo wrote / has written / has been writing the third part of his successful historical trilogy. Its
nearly finished.
4 I was cutting / ve been cutting / cut the grass this morning when the neighbour started shouting at me
over the hedge.
5 When I was living / have been living / have lived in China, I learned to speak Mandarin.
6 Hes feeling nervous because he never flew /has never flown / s never been flying in a plane before.
7 We ve gone / went / ve been going to Australia twice a year since our daughter moved out there ten
years ago.
8 How many times was I telling you / have I told / have I been telling you not to leave valuables in the
hotel when we go out?

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.

1 Im sure she ll do well in her exams shes so clever.
2 If youre not sure what to say in an interview, you can always ________ something up. But you need to
sound confident.
3 Were going to ________ up the house and then sell it immediately for a profit.
4 Could you ________ without your smartphone for a year?
5 Ive been working non-stop for hours now. I could ________ with a break.
6 The burglars who broke into the jewelers ________ off with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise.
7 I wish I could ________ up for lost time since my injury last month. Ive been training hard to get fit
8 Ive ________ away with all my old clothes and shoes. I gave them to charity.
9 Do you know what Amy ________ for a living these days?
10 Hes always ________ excuses for being late to class!

7 Complete the news article with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
A giant oarfish 1 has been discovered (discover) off the coast of the island of Catalina, Southern California.

The monster creature 2 _________ (measure) 5.5 metres in length. It 3 _________ (find) by a marine
biologist who 4 _________ (snorkel) close to the shoreline. Oarfish 5 _________ (see) only very rarely
because they inhabit depths of up to 900 metres beneath the sea. The scientist said that it 6 _________ (take)
a group of ten strong, young people 7 _________ (drag) the gigantic corpse out of the sea and onto the

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.

1 Were moving to France next year. We felt we could
do with a change of scene.
2 They spent most of last year ________ up their kitchen.
3 Theyre always ________ excuses for raising fuel prices.
4 What do you ________ of Adais new friend? He seems rather strange to me.
5 They ________ away with one-pound notes years ago in England. They only use one-pound coins now.
6 Theres no Internet connection out here, so were having to ________ without.
7 Ive been ________ really well at college this term. I got top marks this week!
8 Can you ________ out what hes actually saying? Its pretty unclear.
9 Landfill waste is ________ up of rubbish that cannot easily be recycled.
10 My five-year-old told me a ridiculous story today. He must have ________ the whole thing up!

9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do and a word or phrase from the box. The
phrases are in their dictionary form. There are two extra expressions.

a difference a good impression a good job an effort arrangements business for a living
oneself understood ones research somebodys day something clear the big time well

1 Its not easy for her to make herself understood when shes speaking English.
2 My parents were so glad that I _______________ for the interview and wore a nice suit and tie.
3 Im not sure what I want to _______________ once I finish university.
4 We expect our children to _______________ at school, and make the most of the opportunities they
5 Recycling paper, glass and plastic products is _______________ to the environment.
6 Do you think I _______________ on the boss just now? He looks pleased.
7 I need to _______________ . Its time to pull your socks up and start doing some real work.
8 The builders work seems neat and tidy. I think theyve _______________ . What do you think?
9 Our company trades mainly with Europe and the USA.
But, increasingly, companies are _______________ in China.
10 He doesnt understand the market at the moment. He
should _______________ and then make a decision.
11 John and Alice are very busy _______________ for
their wedding.

10 Complete the news article with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Over 160 million years ago, a huge fish known as Leedsichthys problematicus 1 was swimming (swim) around in
our oceans. Scientists, who 2 _________ (know) about the fish for over a hundred years now, werent able to
determine its size due to the poor quality of the fossilized bones. But now, following the amazing discovery of
an intact skeleton near Peterborough, in the UK, a team of researchers 3 _________ (confirm) this week
that the Leedsichthys 4 _________ (be) nearly twice the size scientists 5 _________ (previously think)
and might 6 _________ (grow) to an enormous 16.5 metres in length. It all 7 _________ (begin) with a
chance discovery a few years ago. Two students 8 _________ (work) on a quarry site when they
_________ (spot) bits of bone sticking out of the ground. The Leedsichthys problematicus 10 _________
(live) during the Jurassic era, like the dinosaurs.

11 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

1 We published the book after the author had died.
The book was published after the author had died.
2 I was making the film when the main star decided to leave.
3 They promoted the film in New York, London and Tokyo.
4 The critics didnt review the new novel very favourably.
5 The author had based the main character on a real person.
6 While they were making the film, they ran out of money.
7 After they had found an actor for the role, they decided not to make the film.
8 How much money did they make from the film?

12 Choose the correct verb form.

Boy walks to school at three in the morning
An eight-year-old boy 1 was making / had made / made headlines yesterday as he 2 walked / was walking /had
walked to school in the middle of the night in Germany after waking up and mistaking the time. The boy 3 was
being found / was found / had found and picked up by a police car as he was walking back to his house through
deserted streets, clutching his school bag in Aachen at 3 a.m.

He told officers that he 4 had been / was going / had been going to school, but (obviously!) found it 5 was
closed / had closed / has closed and so decided to return home. His parents were still asleep when he arrived
home and had no idea the boy 6 had been leaving / was leaving / had left the house. The boy said he 7 had
woken up / was waking up / has woken up, misread the time on his alarm clock, and thought he was late for
school. Other children at the school 8 were delighted / were being delighted / delighted by the melodrama, not
to mention the TV crews and cameramen who turned up the next day at school!

13 Write indirect questions.

1 Why is he a vegetarian?
I dont know why he is a vegetarian .
2 Did she phone him back?
I have no idea __________________ .
3 Whats her email address?
Have you any idea __________________ ?
4 Where did he buy his coat from?
I wonder __________________ .
5 What time are you planning to leave?
Could you tell me __________________ .
6 Where did I put my glasses?
I havent a clue __________________ .
7 You didnt have an accident, did you?
I didnt know __________________ .
8 Why wont you come with me?
I dont understand why __________________ .
9 Where are you going for your first date?
Id like to know __________________ .
10 When are you going to tell her?
Its not clear to me __________________ .

14 Complete the sentences with the correct form of take or put.

1 People often take their health for granted.
2 Will you ________ a risk and have a go? It might be worth it.
3 He should ________ his health first and take a holiday. Hes been working too hard recently.
4 She ________ her arm around me and told me not to worry so much.
5 I know Im not particularly good at ________ criticism.
6 There are rules that have been ________ in place for a good reason.
7 Try ________ yourself in his shoes. Hes got good reason to be upset.
8 Its important in this job not to ________ things too personally.
9 Is Ukraine ________ part in the Eurovision Song Contest this year?
10 Ive ________ Monica in charge of buying food for the picnic.
11 He always ________ ages to get dressed in the morning.

15 Choose the correct verb form.

1 A What are you planning to do in the summer?
B I m going to get /ll be getting / ll get fit.
2 A Those bags look heavy!
B They are will you carry / are you carrying / will
you have carried them?
3 A You look happy. Whats up?
B This time next week, we are lying / ll lie / ll be
lying on a beach in Acapulco.
4 A Which T-shirt does he like?
B He ll take / m taking / ll be taking the blue one.
5 A Why have you circled tomorrows date on the
B It ll be / going to be / s my birthday!
6 A Ive got a terrible headache.
B Dont worry. I ll get / m going to get / m getting
you an aspirin.
7 A Why has she gone red in the face?
B I think she s / s going to / s be going to cry.
8 A What are you thinking about?
B Shall / Will / Wont we invite John and Melanie to
dinner on Friday?
9 A Lets go to the supermarket.
B No way! Im watching the tennis the match
starts / will start / will have started in a few minutes.

16 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 She only earns 3.50 an hour. (a lot)
She doesnt earn a lot of money.
2 There are only one or two chocolates left. (very few)
3 None of my friends have children. (not a single) __________________________________________
4 The children have eaten six pieces of cake each. (loads of)
5 Ive only spent 50 this month. (very little) __________________________________________
6 Most of my friends came. (almost all) __________________________________________
7 90 per cent of children start school at the age of four in the UK. (almost all)
8 Ive got a tiny bit of cheese to make the pizza. (not got much)
9 We have two days holiday left. (hardly any) __________________________________________
10 Most people are in favour of the new supermarket. (plenty of)
11 Less than 10 percent of people walk to work. (very few)

17 Complete the sentences with the correct form of take or put.

1 People often take their health for granted.
2 You always ________ your work first! Why dont you pay attention to me for a change?
3 ________ no notice of her. She doesnt know what shes talking about.
4 Shes got a lot of good plans, but rarely has time to ________ them into practice.
5 How many countries are ________ part in the Olympic Games this year?
6 Why does she always ________ ages to get dressed in the morning?
7 Theyre ________ a lot of pressure on us to reach our sales targets this year.
8 She ________ offence when he said he didnt like the food shed made.
9 Wheres the meeting ________ place?
10 He ________ my advice and bought a new pair of shoes.
11 Hes been ________ in charge of buying tickets for the match.

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