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WE, the members of

________________________________________________, in order to promote our
moral, social and economic well-being, protect and uphold our individual
and collective rights, as well as foster harmonious and progressive
relationship do hereby promulgate this CONSTITUTION.


Section 1. This Association shall be known as

hereinafter referred to as the ASSOCIATION.

Section 2. The Association shall be domiciled at



The Association commits itself to the pursuits of the following


Section 1. To promote the moral, social and economic well-being of the


Section 2. To protect and uphold the individual and collective rights of

all the members.

Section 3. To faster harmonious and progressive association through

proper management.

Section 4. To strive for the adoption of legislation, policies and other

measures that will promote the economic, social and general
well-being of all the members, in particular, and working
class in general.

Section 5. To promote the enlightenment of all the members in regards

to their rights and obligation as association members.

Section 6. To engage in economic and livelihood projects for the benefit

of the association.
Section 7. To provide social aid benefits to members, to uplift their
plight to secure for themselves human dignity.

Section 8. To constitute to the state its modest share of the nation

building through self help programs as an NGO representing
the _________________.


Section 1. All worker/laborer working in the Municipality of ____________

and a bonafide resident of
____________________________________ is eligible for
membership in the Association.

Section 2. Qualified worker/laborer may become members of the

Association by written application approved by the President
upon recommendation of the committee on membership and
after payment in full of the requirement admission fee.

Section 3. The following shall not be eligible for membership nor to

election or appointment to any position in the Association.

subversives or persons who profess subversive ideas;

persons who have been convicted of a crime involving
moral turpitude; and
persons who are found enimical to the objectives for
which the association was created.


Section 1. The governing body of the Association shall be Executive

Board whose members shall be elected through secret ballot
by the general membership.

Section 2. The Executive Board should administer the association

officers, formulate policies and implement program to
effectively carryout the objective of the Association and
manage all the monies and property of the Association.

Section 3. The Executive Board should be consist of the Association

officers, namely:

President Auditor
Vice President Public Information Officers
Secretary Sergeant-At-Arms
Treasurer Business Managers

Section 4. There should be a Board of Directors consisting of _____

members who shall likewise be elected through secret ballot
by the general membership.
Section 5. The Officers of the Association shall hold for a period of ____
years from the date of their election until their successor
shall have been duly elected and qualified, provided that they
remain members of the Association of good standing.

Section 6. Vacancies in the Executive Board, except the position of the

President, shall be filed up by the board by appointing any
member(s) shall hold office in an acting capacity for the
unexpired term of office of the immediate predecessors, or
until special election therefore as authorized by Board or by
the general membership.


Section 1. The President shall be the Executive Officer of the

Association, his duties and powers shall be included, the

preside the over all meetings and deliberations of the

Executive Board and of general membership.

appoint all members of standing committees of the

association with the concurrence of majority of the
members of the Executive Board.

approve vouchers covering the applications or

expenditures of Association funds before payment or
disbursement is made by the treasurer.

call special meeting of the Association or the Executive

Board wherever he deems necessary or upon written
request of at least 30% of the general membership or a
majority of the members of the Executive Board.

Represent the Association on all occasion and all matters

in which representation of the Association may be agreed
upon or required.

Section 2. The Vice President shall perform the duties and function of
the President in case of the latters absence, disability, death
or resignation. He shall perform functions that maybe
assigned to him by the President.

Section 3. The Secretary shall perform the following duties and


take down minutes of the meetings of the general

membership and of the executive board.

Keep a book of minutes of resolution and a continuing

register of all the Executive Board.
Act as custodian of all records, documents, minutes of
meeting of the Executive Board and of the general
membership as well as printed and/or written policies,
projects and activities of the Association.

Submit to the DOLE RO5 of Association members, list of

offices, and other respective addresses, minutes of
election and list of voters within 30 days from the date of
election or from the occurrence of the change in
association officers and such other documents or papers
as may be required by DOLE.

Section 4. The duties and functions of the Treasurer are as follows;

collect, receive and issue receipts for all money, funds and
contribution to the association.

make sure that all the disbursement and payment made

by him are covered by vouchers and accompanied by
necessary receipts.

keep a record of all receipt and expenditures.

prepare such financial reports as may be required of him

by the general membership, the Executive Board and the
DOLE shall include all money receives and paid by him
since he assumed office and the balance remaining in his
bonds and securities and other properties of the
Association entrusted to his custody or under his control.
The rendering such account shall be made.

at least once a year within thirty (30) days after the

close of the association fiscal year.

at such other times as may be required by a

resolution of the majority of the members of the
association; and

upon vacating his office due to dissolution of the

association for any cause, the Treasurer shall make
a final report of all his assets in his custody.

Section 5. The Auditor shall audit, verify and examine all financial
accounts of the association. He shall supervise the entries in
the books of accounts of the association shall render a report
of his audit as may be required by the Executive Board or by
resolution of majority of the general membership.

Section 6. The Pubic Information Officer (PIO) shall be in charge of

matters involving public in formations of the association.
With the approval of the Executive Board, he may establish
an official publication for the association.
Section 7. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be in charge of the preservation
of peace and order at meetings of the Executive Board and of
the general membership.

Section 8. The Board of Directors shall be in charge of the legislative

functions of the Association under guidelines to be issued by
the Executive Board. The Board of Directors shall consult the
different standing committees of the Association on matters,
problems and areas that be subject to the Association rules,
regulation or policy.

Section 9. The Business Manager/s shall be in charge of matter/s

involving the operation of the Association, based on the
approved work program of the Executive Board. He/she is
also responsible for recommending to the Board plans
strategies for further improvement.


Section 1. To ensure coordination and efficiency in the transaction of

Association matters and in order to realize the objectives of
this Constitution, the following three (3) standing committees
are hereby created:

committee on membership which shall receive and

process application for membership and make
recommendations thereon to the President. It shall
implement rules, regulations and decisions as may be
promulgated by the Executive Board or the general
membership for the admission of members in the

Committee on labor education and research which shall

prepare, adopt and implement labor education programs
and activities that will promote the enlightenment of the
members, the provisions of this Constitution, issuances
and policies that affect the members directly or indirectly.

Committee on welfare which shall be responsible for the

adoption and implementation of programs, projects and
activities that will promote and protect the general welfare
of the members.


Section 1. The Association shall hold regular general membership

meetings at least once every months. Notices of the meeting
shall be sent out by the Secretary at least[ ten (10) days prior
to such meetings by posting in conspicuous places,
preferably inside company premises said notices. The date,
time and place for the meeting shall be determined by the
Executive Board.

Section 2. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall take place on

the last Sunday of every month with appropriate notice to be
sent out by the Secretary to each member of the Board at
least three (3) days prior to such meeting. The time and
place of the meeting shall be determined by the President.
The meeting shall preferably be held in the association

Section 3. Special meeting of the general membership may be called at

any time, either at the call of the President, upon request of
majority of the members of the Executive Board or upon
written petition addressed to the President of at least thirty
(30) percent of all members in good standing of the

Section 4. The notice of any meeting whether it be of the general

membership of the Executive Board, regular or special, shall
contain the item or items to be discussed and shall constitute
the agenda of the meeting. Any item or items not included in
the agenda may be taken up or upon recommendation of
majority of the members of the Executive Board present and
constituting a quorum if it be an Executive Board meeting or
majority of the members present and constituting a quorum it
be a general membership meeting.

Section 5. Any member who absent himself from any regular or special
meeting of the general membership shall within five (5) days
from the date of said meeting submit a written explanation to
the Committee on Membership as to the reason or reasons
for his failure to attend the meeting. The Committee on
Membership shall evaluate the explanation and render a
report thereof to the Executive Board.

Section 6. In the event, the reason or reasons unacceptable to the

Executive Board for being unjustified, the erring member or
members shall pay, at the discretion of the Executive Board a
fine of not less than TWNETY (20) PESOS nor more than FIFTY
50) PESOS to the Association through the Treasurer which
may be collected strictly by the Treasurer.

Section 7. Members on official leave of absence are excused from

attending meetings whether regular or special.

Section 8. Any member who absents himself for three (3) consecutive
times from any regular or special meeting of the general
membership without justifiable grounds therefore may be
expelled or suspended from the association by majority of the
Executive Board.
Section 9. Absence of a member or members of the Executive Board
shall be subject to rules and regulations to be promulgated
by the Board. Such rules and regulations shall be passed
upon by the general membership.


Section 1. There shall be a Committee on Election (COMELEC) to be

created by the Executive Board at least thirty (30) days
before any regular or special election. The functions of the
COMELEC include the following:

adopt and promulgate rules and regulations that will

ensure a free, clean, honest and orderly election, whether
regular or special;

pass upon qualification of candidates;

rule on any question or protest regarding the conduct of

the election subject to the procedure that may be
promulgated by the Executive Board; and

proclaim duly elected officers.

Section 2. The COMELEC shall be composed of chairman and two 92)

members all of whom shall be appointed by the Executive

Section 3. The COMELEC shall automatically dissolved thirty (340) days

after the duly elected officers are proclaimed.

Section 4. Regular election officers of the Association shall be held on

________________________________ and on the same date every
______ years thereafter.

Section 5. All members of the Association in good standing shall be

eligible to vote in Association election. Candidates for
elective positions must be members of the association in
good standing for a period of at least one (1) year of the date
of the election.

Section 6. Voting should be secret balloting and the election shall be

decided by plurality of votes.

Section 7. The duly elected officers shall meet within one (1) week
following their proclamation to which time the outgoing
administration shall turn over all records and properties of
the association to the new administration.

Section 1. An admission of _________ PESOS shall be paid by an applicant

before he becomes officially a member of the association.

Section 2. Every member shall pay regular dues to the Association in

the amount of _______ PESOS per day, which may be collected
by the Treasurer.

Section 3. All amount collected pursuant to the preceding sections shall

constitute the general fund of the association to be applied to
the operational and organizational expenses of the
association or for any purposes or object at may be
authorized by the general membership in a written resolution
adopted at the general membership meeting duly called for
the purpose.

Section 4. Every member shall contribute to the association such

amount as may be fixed by the general membership through
a written resolution adopted at the general membership
meeting duly called for the purpose to be applied to or
expended for any or all of the following objects:

labor educations program

welfare and cooperative program; and
such other plans and programs that will promote the
interest and welfare of the association members.

Section 5. Special assessments or other extraordinary fees such as for

payments of attorneys fees shall be made only upon a
resolution duly ratified by the general membership by secret

Section 6. Any member who shall be two 92) months in arrears in the
payment of his regular day dues or who falls for two months
to pay the special assessments, fines or other payments
required to be made, shall cease to be member in a good
standing and may be subjected to other disciplinary actions.
In the event of sickness, leaves of absence without pay and
other similar causes, the Executive Board may excuse non-
payment or defer collection thereof at its discretion.

Section 7. Every payment of fees, dues or other contributions by a

member shall be evidence by a receipt signed by the
Treasurer or his duly authorized representative making the
collection and entered into the records of the association to
be kept and maintained for the purpose.
Section 8. Every expenditures of the fund of the Association shall be
evidence of the receipt from the person to whom the
payment is made which shall state the date and place and
purpose of such payments. Such receipt shall from form part
of the financial records of the association.

Section 9. The books of accounts other records of the financial activities

of the association shall be open for inspection by any officers
or members anytime during office hours.

Section 10. In case of voluntary dissolution of the association or final

cancellation of its registration, association members shall
enjoy equity to association properties to the extent that said
properties shall first be solved to the association members
and the proceeds there from, together with the balance of the
association funds shall be distributed, pro-rata to its
members, depending on the amount of membership dues
contributed to the association. The Bureau of Labor Relations
may be consulted to settle differences of the opinion.


Section 1. Except when greater proportion is required herein or by law,

majority vote shall prevail at meetings and deliberations of
the association. A majority of the members of the association
shall constitute a quorum to officially transact any business.


Section 1. Any of the following shall be grounds for the impeachment or

recall of association officers:

committing or causing the commission directly or

indirectly of acts against the interest and welfare
malicious attack against the association, its officers or
against fellow association officers or members
failure to comply with the obligation to turn over and
return to the association Treasurer within three (3) days
are unexpended sum or sums of money received from the
association funds to answer for an authorized association
misappropriation of association of funds and property.
This is without prejudice to the filing of an appropriate
criminal or civil action against the responsible officer or
officers by an interested party.
Gross misconduct, unbecoming of an association officer
Willful violation of any provisions of this Constitution or
rules, regulations, measures, resolutions and decision of
the association.
Section 2. The following procedure shall govern impeachment and recall

formal petition shall initiate impeachment or recall

proceedings or resolution signed by at least thirty (30)
percent of all bonafide members of the association and
addressed to the chairman of the executive board.

the board chairman shall then convene a general

membership meeting to consider the impeachment or
recall of officers or a group of officers, whether elective or

association officers against whom impeachment or recall

changes have been filed shall be given ample opportunity
to defend themselves before any impeachment or recall
vote is finally taken.

a majority of all members of the association shall be

required to impeach or recall association officers.

the association officers impeached, shall be considered

resigned or ousted from office and shall no longer be
elected nor appointed to any position in the association.

the decision of the general membership on the

impeachment or recall charge shall be final and executory.


Section 1. The association fiscal year shall commence on 1 January and

end on 31 December of the year.


Section 1. The Executive Board may make proposals for amendments to

this constitution or upon formal petition of at least ten (10)
percent of the general membership.

Section 2. No proposals for amendments and become a part of this

constitution until after the same shall have been ratified by
two-thirds vote of all members of the association either at a
special meeting or a resolution called for such purpose.

Section 1. This Constitution shall take effect on the day following its

ADOPTED AND RATIFIED this day of ______ of ____________________,

200___ at _______________________________________, Philippines.

The list of members together with their signatures who ratified the
same appearing in Annex A hereof.







___________________City/Municipality) S.S.

I, __________________________________ (Name), being the duly elected

(proponent/association), an organization duly organized and existing
under and by virtue of its registration with the
__________________________________________________ (appropriate government
agency), with principal office/address at
_____________________________________________________, do hereby certify that
during the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of said organization
held on ______________________________ (date), the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED, that the application for assistance from DOLE is

hereby approved as discussed during the Board Meeting conducted on

RESOLVED, that to support said application, the following

statements are made:

1. The organization is currently operating in the principal address stated in

its certificate of registration.
2. The organization is not in the process of dissolution or the subject of a
proceeding leading to the cancellation of its certificate of registration;
3. The organization is not a party respondent in any case pending with
regular courts or administration agencies. (Note: if not applicable or if
with pending case, a list of such cases shall be annexed to the Board
Resolution.); and
4. The organization is willing to appropriate the 20% counterpart funding
support for the purpose thereof.

I also certify that the said Resolution is still in force and has not
been amended and revoked.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day

of _________________, 200__.

Name of President/Officer

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _______ day of

_____________________, 200__ at ____________________________________________, affiant
exhibiting to me his/her Residence Certificate No. ___________________ issued at
___________________________________ on ___________________________________________.


Doc. No. _________

Page No. _________
Book No. _________
Series of _________

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