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enciklopediuri leqsikoni


kavkasia qarTul wyaroebSi


ucxo saxelmwifoebi, tomebi, istoriuli pirebi

Foreign States, Tribes, Historical Figures

kavkasia qarTul wyaroebSi

ISBN 978-9941-0-3946-1
ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis
saxelmwifo universiteti

kavkasia qarTul wyaroebSi

ucxo saxelmwifoebi, tomebi, istoriuli pirebi

enciklopediuri leqsikoni

avtorebi: eka kvaWantiraZe (proeqtis menejeri), qeTevan

nadiraZe, giorgi oTxmezuri (proeqtis samecniero
xelmZRvaneli), Tamar qoriZe

mTavari redaqtori: vaxtang goilaZe

redaqtori: qeTevan nadiraZe

SoTa rusTavelis erovnuli samecniero fondi

aRniSnuli proeqti ganxorcielda SoTa rusTavelis erovnul

samecniero fondSi mopovebuli grantis meSveobiT ( A-22-09). wi-
namdebare publikaciaSi gamoTqmuli nebismieri mosazreba ekuT-
vnis avtorebs da SesaZlebelia ar asaxavdes SoTa rusTavelis
erovnuli samecniero fondis Sexedulebebs.

winamdebare enciklopediuri leqsikoni, romelic am xasiaTis

pirveli naSromia qarTul istoriografiaSi, upirveles yovlisa
orientirebulia sazogadoebas gaacnos qarTul werilobiT wy-
aroebSi daculi informacia kavkasiis (saqarTvelos garda) qvey-
nebis, qalaqebis, tomebisa Tu istoriuli pirebis Sesaxeb. wyaroTa
qronologiuri CarCo moicavs V-XVIII ss.
leqsikoni Seicavs qarTul da inglisur enebze anbanurad dal-
agebul 240 statias. leqsikons erTvis damatebebi: terminTa gan-
martebiTi leqsikoni da geografiul saxelTa ganmartebebi.


ISBN 978-9941-0-3946-1
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Foreign States, Tribes, Historical Figures

Encyclopedical Dictionary

Authors: Eka Kvachantiradze (Project Manager), Ketevan Nadiradze,

George Otkhmezuri (Research Manager), Tamar Koridze

Chief Editor: Vakhtang Goiladze

Editor: Ketevan Nadiradze

Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation

This project has been made possible by nancial support from the Foundation of
Georgian Studies, Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (Grant A-22-09).
All ideas expressed herewith are those of the author and may not represent the opin-
ion of the Foundation iyself.

This Encyclopedical Dictionary, the rst work of this nature in Georgian histori-
ography, is primarily intended to present to the audience the information about Cau-
casian (with the exception of Georgia) countries, cities, tribes and historical gures
contained in Georgian sources. Chronologically the sources cover period from 5th
to 18th century.
The Dictionary contains 240 articles in alphabetical order in Georgian and Eng-
lish languages. The Dictionary contains also the annexes: Glossary and Explanation
of Geographical Names.


ISBN 978-9941-0-3946-1

kavkasia uZvelesi droidan sxvadasxva tomebiTa da xalxebiT dasaxle-

buli regionia da gansakuTrebuli eTnikuri siWreliT gamoirCeva. qar-
Tuli werilobiTi wyaroebi erT-erTi ZiriTadi informaciis matarebe-
lia Crdilo da samxreT kavkasiur saxelmwifoTa, aborigenuli da mosuli
Turquli warmomavlobis sxvadasxva xalxTa, tomTa Tu istoriul pirTa
Sesaxeb: albaneTi, Crd. azerbaijani, somxeTi, CerqezeTi, oseTi, daRes-
tani; xazarebi, yivCayebi, jiqebi, lekebi, CeCen-inguSebi da sxv. aq sainte-
reso informacia moipoveba kavkasiaSi mosaxle xalxTa da saxelmwifoTa
urTierTdamokidebulebis mimarT, sadac bunebrivia upiratesoba miniWe-
buli aqvs maTi urTierTobis gadmocemas qarTul saxelmwifosTan. amde-
nad, qarTul werilobiT wyaroebSi, mezobeli qveynebis irgvliv arsebuli
cnobebis moZieba, Sekreba da warmoCena saSur saqmes warmoadgens, Tundac
am qveynebis warsulis Seswavlis srulyofisaTvis.
Cveni mizanic swored es aris: SeZlebisdagvarad maqsimalurad mivawo-
doT mkiTxvels qarTul werilobiT wyaroebSi arsebuli masala kavkasiis
regionis (saqarTvelos garda) Sesaxeb. wyaroTa speqtri aseTia: naratiu-
li Zeglebi, sagvareulo matianeebi, istoriuli qronikebi, dokumenturi
wyaroebi, epigrafikuli Zeglebi, hagiografiuli literatura.
winamdebare enciklopediur leqsikonSi Tavmoyrilia da statiebis
saxiT aris warmodgenili qarTul Suasaukunovan werilobiT wyaroebSi
gabneuli informacia kavkasiis regionSi arsebul (saqarTvelos garda)
saxelmwifoTa, tomTa, istoriul pirTa Tu geografiul punqtTa Sesaxeb.
wyaroTa qronologiuri CarCo moicavs V-XVIII ss. naSromi eyrdnoba Semdeg
wyaroebs Semdegi gamocemebiT:

I. qarTlis cxovreba, teqsti dadgenili yvela ZiriTadi xelnaweris mi-

xedviT s. yauxCiSvilis mier. t. I, 1955; t. II, 1959; t. IV, 1973.
qarTlis cxovrebis Zveli cikli (uZvelesi droidan XIV s-mde) warmo-
adgens saqarTvelos istoriis umTavres wyaros, Sesabamisad qarTul is-
toriografiaSi da ara mxolod qarTulSi, mis Sesaxeb kvlevas xangrZlivi
istoria aqvs, romelic mudmivi procesia da dRemde grZeldeba. amdenad,
istoriografiaSi mravali Tvalsazrisi arsebobs misi calkeuli Semadge-
neli nawilebis moculobis, dasaTaurebisa Tu avtorebis vinaobis Sesaxeb.
rogorc ukve aRvniSneT, Cven veyrdnobiT s. yauxCiSvilis mier gamocemul
qarTlis cxovrebas (arsebobs sxvadasxva gamocemebi), xolo s. yauxCiS-
vils Zegli gamocemuli aqvs iv. javaxiSvilis mier SemuSavebuli Sedgeni-
lobis (struqturis) mixedviT. amdenad, qvemoT TxzulebaTa dasaTaureba
da TiToeuli Txzulebis qronologiuri CarCo warmodgenilia iv. java-
xiSvilis versiis Tanaxmad.

tomi I.
1. leonti mroveli, cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa.
2. leonti mroveli, ninos mier qarTlis moqceva.
3. juanSeri cxovreba vaxtang gorgaslisa.
4. leonti mroveli, mefe qarTlisa arCili.
5. matiane qarTlisa.
6. cxovreba mefeT-mefisa daviTisi.
7. laSa-giorgis droindeli matiane (cxovreba demetre mefisa, cxovreba
giorgi mefisa, cxovreba didisa mefeT-mefisa Tamarisi, cxovreba gi-
orgi mefisa, Tamaris Zisa).
8. sumbat daviTis-Ze, cxovreba da uwyeba bagratonianTa.

leonti mroveli miCneulia XI s-is I nax. moRvawed, romlis Sesaxebac

mecnierTa nawili Tvlis, rom igi TxzulebaTa avtoria, nawils ki redaq-
tor--gadamwerad miaCnia. misi pirveli ori Txzuleba gadmogvcems sa-
qarTvelos istorias uZvelesi droidan vidre ax.w. V s-mde, xolo mesame
Txzuleba exeba VIII saukunes. vaxtang gorgaslis cxovrebis avtori mec-
nierTa garkveuli azriT XI saukunis istorikosia, nawili mas VIII saukunis
avtorad, nawili ki vaxtang gorgaslis (V s. me-II nax.) Tanamedroved miiC-
nevs. matiane qarTlisa gadmogvcems VIII-XI ss-is istorias, xolo Txzu-
leba dawerili unda iyos XI s-is me-II naxevarSi. istoriuli Zeglis cxov-
reba mefeT-mefisa daviTisi ucnobi avtori daviT aRmaSeneblis Tanamed-
rovea, romelic 1072-1125 wlebis istorias mogviTxrobs. sumbat daviTis
Ze ZiriTadad VI-XI ss-is movlenebs gadmogvcems, Tavad ki XI s-is I nax. isto-
rikosad iTvleba.

tomi II:
1. istoriani da azmani SaravandedTani
2. basili ezosmoZRuari, cxovreba mefeT-mefisa Tamarisi.
3. JamTaaRmwereli.
4. beri egnataSvili, axali qarTlis cxovreba, pirveli teqsti.
5. axali qarTlis cxovreba, meore teqsti.
6. axali qarTlis cxovreba, mesame teqsti.

Tamar mefis (1184-1207/10) epoqis Sesaxeb ori Txzulebaa warmodgeni-

li: pirveli istoriani da azmani SaravandedTani, romelic moicavs gi-
orgi III (1156-84), Tamaris mamis da Tavad Tamaris drois istorias. avtori
XII-XIII ss. mijnis moRvawea. basili ezosmoZRuars ki iv. javaxiSvili Tama-
ris droindel saxelmwifo moRvawed miiCnevs. JamTaaRmwerlis Txzuleba
moicavs laSa-giorgis gamefebidan (1207/10) giorgi V brwyinvales gamefe-
bamde (1314/18) istorias, Tavad ki XIII s. II naxXIV ss. I nax. moRvawedaa miC-
XVIII saukuneSi qarTlis mefis vaxtang VI-is (1703-34) TaosnobiT Seiqm-
na mecnierTa sagangebo komisia, romelsac daevala aqamde arsebuli qar-
Tlis cxovrebis saredaqcio gadamuSaveba da misi gagrZelebis dawera. am
komisias samecniero literaturaSi ixsenieben swavlul kacTa komisiis
saxeliT, xolo maT mier Seqmnil saistorio Txzulebas axali qarTlis
cxovrebad. aRniSnul komisias garkveul dros xelmZRvanelobda beri
egnataSvili. mdidar wyaroebze dayrdnobiT Seadgines axali qarTlis
cxovreba XIV s-dan vidre XVII s-is bolomde. s. yauxCiSvilma Tavis gamoce-
maSi Seitana axali qarTlis cxovrebis pirveli, meore da mesame teqsti.

tomi IV:
vaxuSti batoniSvili (1696-1758) aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa. va-
xuStis Sroma moicavs saqarTvelos istorias uZvelesi droidan XVIII sau-
kunemde. vaxuSti Txzulebas or nawilad yofs: samoqalaqod da saeklesi-
od, xolo TiToeuli maTgani oTx nawilad iyofa: geografiuli mimoxilva,
genealogia, qronologia, politikuri istoria. vaxuStim saqarTvelos is-
toriis qronologia daazusta, Seadgina sruli geografiuli aRwerilo-
ba, rasac saqarTvelos rukebi daurTo. naSromSi ori ZiriTadi sakiTxia
gadawyvetili: qarTlis cxovrebis ciklis (XIV s-mde) redaqtireba da
Sevseba; 2. XIV-XVII s-is istoriis dawera. vaxuSti mis mier gamoyenebul yve-
la saistorio wyaros asaxelebs, romlis nusxac Zalian mravalferovania
da sandoobiT xasiaTdeba.
II. farsadan gorgijaniZe (1626-96), istoria, s. kakabaZis red. 1926.
TxzulebaSi aRwerilia saqarTvelos istoria gaqristianebidan XVII
s-is bolomde. gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania XVII s. istoriis momcve-
li nawili, rogorc pirvelxarisxovani wyaro, Tumca mTlianad naSro-
mi bevrgan azustebs da avsebs qarTul wyaroebs.
III. sexnia CxeiZe (daax. 1670-1745) cxovreba mefeTa z. WiWinaZis gamocema,
1913. TxzulebaSi gadmocemulia 1653-1739 wlebis qarTl-kaxeTis is-
IV. oman xerxeuliZe (XVIII s. II nax.; erekle II-is Tanamedrove), mefoba irak-
li meorisa. teqsti gamosacemad moamzada, gamokvleva, leqsikoni da
saZiebeli daurTo l. miqiaSvilma. 1989. TxzulebaSi gadmocemulia
1722-82 wlebis qarTl-kaxeTis istoria.
V. papuna orbeliani (XVIII s. moRvawe) ambavni qarTlisani, teqsti daad-
gina, Sesavali, leqsikoni da saZieblebi daurTo el. cagareiSvilma
1981. TxzulebaSi gadmocemulia 1739-58 wlebis istoria.
VI. Teimuraz bagrationi (1782-1846), axali istoria, teqsti gamosace-
mad moamzada, gamokvleva da saZieblebi daurTo l. miqiaSvilma. 1983.
Txzuleba Seicavs saqarTvelos istoriis masalebs 1744 w-dan 1819
VII. bagrat batoniSvili (1776-1841), axali moTxroba, T. lomouris gamo-
cema, 1941. TxzulebaSi gadmocemulia saqarTvelos istoriuli mov-
lenebi XVIII s. Sua xanebidan XIX s. 40-ian wlebamde.
VIII.cxovreba saqarTveloisa (parizis qronika), teqsti gamosacemad mo-
amzada, Sesavali, SeniSvnebi da saZieblebi daurTo g. alasaniam, 1980.
Txzulebis avtoria XVIII s-is I naxevris ucnobi istorikosi. aq gadmo-
cemulia 1337-1683 wlebis istoria.
IX. iese baraTaSvili, cxovreba anderZi, qarTuli mwerloba, t.8. 1990.
XVIII s-is moRvawe, gadmoscems sakuTar biografias, Tanamedrove isto-
riuli movlenebis fonze.
X. niko dadiani (1780-1834) qarTvelT cxovreba, teqsti gamosca, wina-
sityvaoba, gamokvleva, komentarebi, saZieblebi da leqsikoni daurTo
S. burjanaZem, 1962. Txzuleba warmoadgens erTgvar saxelmZRvanelos
saqarTvelos istoriaSi, sadac gadmocemulia istoria uZvelesi dro-
idan 1823 wlamde.

XI. Zveli qarTuli agiografiuli literaturis Zeglebi. pirveli oTxi
tomi il. abulaZis redaqciiT, mexuTe tomi mz. SaniZis redaqciiT. t. I,
1963; t. II, 1967; t. III, 1971; t. IV, 1968; t. V, 1989.
1. iakob xucesi, martviloba SuSanikisi, V s. Zegli.
wameba SuSanik dedoflisa, metafrastuli redaqcia.
2. ioane sabanis Ze, wameba wmidisa da netarisa mowamisa qristesisa ha-
bibosi,VIII s. Zegli.
3. moqceva qarTlisa, Sedgeba ori nawilisagan: 1. mokled aris gad-
mocemuli qarTlis samefos istoria aleqsandre makedonelis laSq-
robidan IX s-mde, 2. qarTvelTa ganmanaTleblis wminda ninos vrceli
cxovreba. es ori Txzuleba savaraudod gvian unda iyos gaerTiane-
buli. Txzulebis daTariRebis Sesaxeb azrTa sxvadasxvaoba arsebobs.
bolodroindeli monacemebiT miaCniaT: ninos cxovrebis moTxro-
baTa cikli ninos Tanadrouladaa Seqmnili da misgan momdinareoben
qarTlis moqcevis bizantiuri (IV s.) da somxuri (V s.) versiebi. wyaros
Sevsebaredaqtireba unda momxdariyo V, VII da IX s.sebSi.
4. wminda ninos cxovreba, arsen beriseuli (XI s. II nax-XII s. I nax.) re-
daqciiT; XII s-is anonimi avtori cxovreba da moqalaqeoba Rirsisa
da mociqulTa sworisa netarisa ninosi, metafrastuli redaqciebi.
5. martviloba daviTisa da tiriWanisa, warmoadgens IX s-is Zegls,
moTxrobilia VIII s-is movlenebi.
6. stefane mtbevari, wameba wmidisa mowamisa gobronisi, dawerilia
914-18 wlebSi.
gobronis wameba, svinaqsaruli redaqciebi (XI-XVIII ss.).
7. daviT da konstantines wameba (VIII saukunis moRvaweebi); Zegli
ekuTvnis XI-XII ss. mijnas.
8. giorgi mcire, cxovreba da moqalaqeoba giorgi mTawmindelisa;
avtori warmoadgens giorgi mTawmindelis (1009-106) mowafes.
9.wameba elizbarisi, Salvasi da biZinasi, svinaqsaruli redaqciebi
10.besarion orbelaSvili, Ruawli wmidisa da sanatrelisa mowamisa
da mefisa luarsabisi, romeli iwama Sah-abaz usjuloisa mier sparsTa
mefisa (luarsab II, 1592-1622); Txzuleba daiwera XVIII s-Si.
XII. efrem mcire (XI s. II nax.), uwyeba mizezsa qarTvelTa moqcevisasa, ga-
moica T. bregaZis mier, 1959.
XIII.arsen safareli (daax. 820/30-77), ganyofisaTvis qarTvelTa da somex-
Ta, teqsti kritikulad daadgina, gamokvleva da komentarebi daurTo
z. aleqsiZem, 1980.
XIV. abuseriZe tbeli (daax. 1190-1240), bolok-basilis mSenebloba Suar-
tyalSi da abuseriZeTa sagvareulo matiane, l. musxeliSvilis red.,
XV. mesxuri matiane, samxreT saqarTvelos istoriis masalebi (XV-XVI ss.);
teqstis publikacia, gamokvlevebi da saZieblebi qr. SaraSiZisa, 1961.
XVI.Zegli erisTavTa (qsnis erisTavTa sagvareulo matiane), teqsti ga-
mosca, gamokvleva, leqsikoni da saZieblebi daurTo S. mesxiam; masale-
bi saqarTvelosa da kavkasiis istoriisTvis, nak. 30. 1954.
XVII.qarTuli samarTlis Zeglebi; teqsti gamosca, SeniSvnebi da saZieble-

bi daurTo i. doliZem. t. I. 1963; t. II, 1965; t. III, 1970; t. IV, 1968; t. V,
1974; t. VI, 1977; t. VII, 1981; t. VIII, 1985.
XVIII.qronikebi da sxva masala saqarTvelos istoriisa da mwerlobisa
Sekrebili, qronologiurad dawyobili da axsnili T. Jordanias mier.
wign. I, 2004; wign. II. 1897; wign. III. 1967.
XIX.mcire qronikebi (kinklosebis istoriuli minawerebi), teqsti gamosa-
cemad moamzada, komentarebi daurTo j. odiSelma, 1968.
XX. qarTuli istoriuli sabuTebis korpusi, I. IX-XIII ss. Seadgines da gamo-
sacemad moamzades T. enuqiZem, v. silogavam, n. SoSiaSvilma, 1984.
XXI. qarTul-sparsuli istoriuli sabuTebi; teqsti daadgina, Targmani
da SeniSvnebi daurTo g. fuTuriZem, 1955.
XXII. S. burjanaZe, istoriuli dokumentebi imereTis samefosa da guria-
odiSis samTavroebisa (1466-1700), I, 1958.
XXIII. pirTa anotirebuli leqsikoni, I-IV tomebi, xelnawerTa erovnuli cen-
XXIV. erekle II-is mier gacemuli sabuTebi 1736-1797 wlebi, 2008.
XXV. s. makalaTia, TeZmis xeoba, 1959.
XXVI. v. silogava, yarsis cixis erTi qarTuli warwera. macne, istoriis se-
ria, 1, 1980;
XXVII. v. silogava, kumurdo-taZris epigrafika, 1994.
XXVIII. e. metreveli, aTonis qarTvelTa monastris saaRape wigni, 1998.
XXIX. .. , , , . .
XXX. , . , . 1967.
XXXI. , 1881.

leqsikonis statiebSi CarTulia ganmartebebi da TariRebi samecnie-

ro literaturidan, romlebic Casmulia frCxilebSi. naSromis Sesrule-
bis dros Tematikis irgvliv arsebuli samecniero literaturis farTo
speqtria gamoyenebuli, ZiriTadad qarTuli, nawilobriv ucxouri (azer-
baijanuli, somxuri...), (ix. bibliografia). qarTvel mefeTa da erismTa-
varTa moRvaweobis daTariReba ZiriTadad aRebulia wignidan saqarTve-
los mefeebi, red. m. lorTqifaniZe, r. metreveli, 2000.
avtorebi iTvaliswineben im garemoebas, rom am tipis leqsikonis Seq-
mna qarTul samecniero sivrceSi pirvelad xdeba da igi ar iqneba dazRve-
uli calkeuli xarvezebisgan. yvela saqmiani SeniSvna da survili madlie-
rebiT iqneba miRebuli da momavalSi gaTvaliswinebuli.


Caucasus is the region settled with the tribes and peoples from the ancient times,
distinguished with its ethnical diversity. Georgian written sources contain information about
states, aboriginal and resettled peoples and tribes of Turkic origin, as well as the historical
persons in North Caucasus and South Caucasus: Albania, North Azerbaijan, Armenia,
Turkey, Ossetia, Dagestan; Khazars, Kipchaks, Jiks, Lezghins, Chechens and Ingushs and
others. Here are the interesting data about relationships between the peoples and states in
Caucasus, of course, with the emphasis on description of their relations with Georgian state.
Thus, seeking, collection and presentation of data about neighboring countries in Georgian
written sources is of great signicance, inter alia, for studying of the past of these countries.
This is our goal: provide to the audience as much materials as possible about Caucasian
Region (with the exception of Georgia).
The range of sources include: narrative monuments, family chronicles, historical
chronicles, documentary sources, epigraphical monuments, hagiographic literature.
This Encyclopedical Dictionary offers the collection of information about the countries
(except for Georgia), tribes, geographical places and historical persons contained in Georgian
medieval written sources in a form of articles.
Chronological range of the sources covers the period from 5th to 18th century. Work is
based on the following editions of the following sources:
I. Kartlis Tskhovreba, text identied based on all key manuscripts by S.
Kaukhchishvili, v. I 1955; v. II 1959; v. IV 1973.
The old cycle of Kartlis Tskhovreba (from the ancient time to 14th century) is the
main source of the history of Georgia and hence, in Georgian historiography and not only
in Georgian one, its research has long history, it is a permanent process ongoing up to
present. So, there are numerous views in Georgian historiography dealing with the scopes
of its parts, titles and identities of the authors. As we have already mentioned, we rely
upon Kartlis Tskhovreba edited by S. Kaukhchishvili (there are different editions) and S.
Kaukhchishvili has edited the monument according to the composition (structure) developed
by Iv. Javakhishvili. Titles of the works and chronological frames of each work are presented
according to Iv. Javakhishvilis version.

Volume I
1. Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings
2. Leonti Mroveli Conversion of Kartli by Nino
3. Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali
4. Leonti Mroveli Archil, King of Kartli
5. Matiane (Chronicles) of Kartli
6. Life of David King of Kings
7. Historian of the Period of Reign of Lasha-Giorgi (Life of King Demetre, Life of King
George, Life of Queen of Queens Tamar, Life of King George, Son of Tamar).
8. Sumbat Davitis-dze Tskhovreba da utskeba Bagratonianta (Life and Tale of

Leonti Mroveli is regarded as the scholar of 1st half of 11th century; some scientists
regard him as the author of the works and the others as editor scribe. His rst two works

describe the history of Georgia from ancient time to 5th century AD and the third work deals
with 8th century. Author of Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali, in the opinion of some researchers is
the historian of 11th century; some of them regard him as an author of 8th century and some
as contemporary of Vakhtang Gorgasali (2nd half of 5th century). Matiane (Chronicles) of
Kartli provides history of 8th 11th centuries and the work, supposedly, was written in 2nd
half of 11th century. Unknown author of Life of David King of Kings is the contemporary
of David the Builder, who wrote the history of period from 1072 to 1125. Sumbat Davitis-dze
describes mostly the events of 6th 11th centuries and he is regarded as historian of 1st half
of 11th century.

Volume II:
1. Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned Monarches
2. Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life of Queen of Queens Tamar
3. Zhamtaaghmtsereli
4. Beri Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba, First Text
5. Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba, Second Text
6. Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba, Third Text

There are presented two works about the period of reign of Queen Tamar (1184-1207/10):
rst Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned Monarches contains the history of the period
of reign of George III (1156-84), father of Tamar and period of Tamars reign. The author is
the scholar of turn of 12th 13th centuries. Iv. Javakhishvili regards Basili Ezosmodzghvari
as the statesman of the period of reign of Tamar. Work of Zhamtaaghmtsereli covers the
period from enthroning of Lasha-Giorgi (1207/10) to enthroning of George the Brilliant
(1314/18) and the author is supposed to be the scholar of 2nd half of 13th and 1st half of 14th
In 18th century, by the incentive of Vakhtang VI, King of Kartli (1703-34) special
commission of the scientists was established. The commission was in charge of editing of
existing Kartlis Tskhovreba and writing of its continuation. This commission is referred
to in the scientic literature as the Commission of Science Men and the historical work
developed by them Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba (New Life of Kartli). For certain period
the mentioned Commission was chaired by Beri Egnatashvili. Based on the rich sources they
developed Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba covering period from 14th century to the end of 17th
century. S. Kaukchishvili included into his publication the rst, second and third texts of
Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba.

Volume IV:
Vakhushti Batonishvili (1696-758) Description of Kingdom of Georgia. Vakhushtis
work includes the history of Georgia from ancient period to 18th century. Vakhushti divided
his work into two parts: the temporal and religious ones and each of them is further divided
into four parts: geographical overview, genealogy, chronology, political history. Vakhushti
provided more exact chronology of the history of Georgia, developed complete geographical
description and attached the maps of Georgia to it. Work provides solutions of two key issues:
1. editing and completing of Kartlis Tskhovreba cycle; 2. writing of the history of 14th
17th centuries. Vakhushti names all historical sources used by him and the list of references
is very wide and reliable.

II. Parsadan Gorgijanidze (1626-96) The History, editor: S. Kakabadze, 1926. The work
describes history of Georgia from the period of conversion into Christianity to the end
of 17th century. Part containing history of 17th century is of special signicance as the
original source, though the entire work in many cases provides more exact and complete
III. Sekhnia Chkheidze (approximately 1670-1745) Life of Kings, editor Z. Chichinadze,
1913. Work provides the history of Kartl-Kakheti from 1653 to 1739.
IV. Oman Kherkheulidze (2nd half of 18th century, contemporary of Erekle II) Reign of
Irakli II text was prepared for publication and accompanied with the studies, dictionary
and index by L. Mikiashvili, Tb. 1989. Work provides the history of Kartl-Kakheti of
V. Papuna Orbeliani (scholar of 18th century) Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Georgia).
Text was identied and accompanied with the introduction, dictionary and indices by El.
Tsagareishvili, Tb. 1981. Work provides the history of Kartl-Kakheti of 1739-58.
VI. Teimuraz Bagrationi (1782-1846) New History. Text was prepared for publication,
with the study and indices by L. Mikiashvili, Tb. 1983. Work covers the period of the
history of Georgia from 1744 to 1819.
VII. Bagrat Batonishvili (1776-1841) Akhali Motkhroba (New Story), T. Lomouri Edition,
1941. Work provides the events of the history of Georgia from the middle of 18th century
to 40-ies of 19th century.
VIII.Life of Georgia (Paris Chronicles). Text was prepared and accompanied with the
introduction, notes and indices by G. Alasania, Tb. 1980. Author of the work is unknown
historian of 1st half of 18th century. Work covers the period from 1337 to 1683.
IX. Iese Baratashvili Life Will, Georgian Fiction, v. 8 1990. Author describes his own
biography against the background of current historical events.
X. Niko Dadiani (1780-1834) Life of Georgians. Text was prepared for publication and
accompanied with the introduction, studies, comments, indices and glossary by Sh.
Burjanadze, 1962. Work is some kind of textbook of the history of Georgia from the
ancient times to 1823.
XI. Monuments of Ancient Georgian Hagiographical Literature. First four volumes edited
by Il. Abuladze, fth volume edited by Mz. Shanidze. V. I 1963; v. II 1967; v. III 1971;
v. IV 1968; v. V 1989.
1. Iakob Khutsesi Marturdom of Shushanik monument of 5th century
Martyrdom of Queen Shushanik metaphrase edition
2. Iovane Sabanis dze Martyrdom of Saint and Blessed Witness of Christ Habibo
monument of 8th century.
Martyrdom of Habo metaphrase edition.
3. Konversion of Kartli consists of two parts: a. brief description of history of Kartli
from the campaign of Alexander Macedonian to 9th century. b. vast Life of St. Nino,
elucidator of Georgians. Supposedly these two works were joined together later. There
are different opinions with respect of dating of the work. According to the most recent
data the cycle of stories about Life of Nino were written in the period of St. Ninos life
and they provided basis for Byzantine (6th century) and Armenian (5th century) versions
of conversion of Kartli. Supposedly the source was supplemented and edited in 5th, 8th
and 9th centuries.
4. Life of Saint Nino edition of Arsen Bari (2nd half of 9th century 1st half of 12th
century); anonymous author of 12th century Life and Citizenship of Praised and

Deserved, Equal to the Apostles Blessed Nino metaphrase editions.
5. Martyrdom of David and Tirichan monument of 9th century describing events of 8th
6. Stepane Mtbevari Martyrdom of Saint Martyr Gobron was written in 914-18.
Martyrdom of Gobron (11th-18th centuries)
7. Martyrdom of David and Constantine (gures of 8th century); monument is dated with
turn of 11th 12th centuries.
8. Giorgi Mtsire Life and Citizenship of George of Mtatsminda. Author is the student of
George of Mtatsminda (1009-1065).
9. Martyrdom of Elizbar, Shalva and Bidzina (17th 18th centuries).
10. Besarion Orbelishvili Merit of Saint and Desired Witness and King Luarsab Martyred
by Shah Abbas Indel, King of Persians (Luarsab II 1592-1622); work was written in
18h century.
XII. Ephrem Mtsire (2nd half of 11th centuzy) Utskeba Mizezsa Kartvelta Moktsevisas
[Ephraim the Small, Tale on the Reason for Conversion of the Georgians, Edition by I.
Bregadze, 1959.
XIII. Arseni of Sapara (aproximately 820-30-77), On Division of Georgians and Armenians.
Text was critically identied and accompanied with th studies and comments Z. Aleksidze
XIV.Abusertidze Tbeli (approximately 1190-1240) Construction of Bolok-Basili in
Shuartkali and Family History of the Abuseridze, editor: L. Muskhelishvili 1941.
XV. Meskhuri Matiane (Meskheti Chronicals), materials of history of South Georgia (15th
18th centuries) publication, studies and indices by Kr. Sharashidze, 1961.
XVI.Dzegli Eristavta (Annals of the Eristavi) (Family Chronicles of the Eristavi of Ksani)
Text was edited and accompanied with the studies, glossary and indices by Sh. Meskhia;
materials on the history of Georgia and Caucasus, 30 1954. Written in 1348-1400.
XVII. Monuments of Georgian Law; Text was edited and accompanied with the notes and
indices by I. Dolidze. V. I 1963; v. II 1965; v. III 1970; v. IV 1968; v. V 1974; v. VI 1977;
v. VII 1981; v. VIII 1985.
XVIII.Chronicles and Other Materials of Georgian History and Literature collected,
chronologically sorted and explained by T. Zhordania; book I 2004; book II 1897; book
III 1967.
XIX. Small Chronicles (Historical notes of Kincloses) text was prepared for publication and
accompanied with the comments by J. Odisheli 1968.
XX.Corps of Georgian Historical Documents I, 9th 13th centuries. Collected and prepared
for publication by T. Enukidze, V. Silogava, N. Shoshiashvili 1984.
XXI.Georgian-Persian Historical Documents; text was identied and accompanied with the
translation and comments by G. Puturidze 1955.
XXII.Sh. Burjanadze Historical Documents of Imereti Kingdom and Guria-Odishi Samtavros
(1466-1700), I. 1958.
XXIII.Annotated Dictionary of Persons I-IV volumes, National Center of Manuscripts.
XXIV.Documents Issued by Erekle II in 1736-1797, 2008.
XXV. S. Makalatia, Tedzami Gorge 1959.
XXVI.V. Silogava. One Georgian Inscription on Karsi Fortress. Matsne, History Series #1, 1980.
XXVII.V. Silogava. Epigraphics of Kumurdo-Temple, 1994
XXVIII.E. Metreveli, Book of the Georgian Monastery of Athos, 1998.
XXIX. N. Ya. Marr, Inscription of Epiphanius, Catholicos of Georgia. Proceedings of the

Academy of Sciences 1910.
XXX. Georgian Documents of the Institute of the Nations of Asia. M. 1967.
XXXI. Deeds of Georgian Noblemen 1881.

Articles in the Dictionary contain the explanations and dates from the scientic literature
specied in the brackets. Work implementation included use of wide range of Georgian and
foreign (Azerbaijanian, Armenian) scientic literature dealing with the considered issues (see
References). Dating of the periods of rule of Georgian kings and erismtavari was basically
taken from the book Kings of Georgia, editors: M. Lortkipanidze, R, Metreveli 2000.
The authors consider that this type of dictionary was developed in Georgian scientic
sphere for the rst time and it is not secured from certain gaps. All remarks and desires will
be welcomed and taken into consideration for the future.

abazuki da bazuki osTa me- va. mokavSireebma masTan SebrZole-
feebi (mmarTvelebi). (daax. Zv. w. II-I ba gadawyvites. Tavdapirvelad gai-
s-T mijna) a. da b. ixseniebian: leon- marTa orTabrZola sumbatsa da b-s
ti mroveli `cxovreba qarTvelTa Soris, sumbatma b. SubiT gangmira.
mefeTa~ (q. c. I, 1955); vaxuSti bato- maSin sumbats Seeba a., romelic ase-
niSvili `aRwera samefosa saqarT- ve SubiT mokla. mokavSireebi qar-
velosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973). Tvel mefeTa meTaurobiT Zmebis
qarTlis mefeebma azorkma da sisxlis asaRebad somexTa laSqars
armazelma* (daax. Zv. w. II-I s-Ta mij- Seebnen, somxebma gaimarjves (l. m.
na) gadawyvites qarTlis sazRvre- 45-46; v. b. 64-65).
bis Semomtkiceba da somexTagan * leonti mrovelis mixedviT, qarTlis mefem
warTmeuli miwebis dabruneba. am aderkim (daax. Zv.w. IIis I nax.). qarTlis same-
fo Tavis or Svils Soris gayo. aqedan iwyeba
dros sumbat bivritianma (somexTa ormefoba qarTlSi da grZeldeba daax. Zv.w.
ufliswulis arataSanis aRmzr- I sis 70ian wmde.

deli da spaspeti) mokla somxeTis

q. nadiraZe
mefe iarvandi (igulisxmeba iarvan-
dTa dinastia) da taxtze aiyvana, mi-
si Zma artaSani. Seqmnili viTarebiT
abas yuli xani ganjis xani
isargebles qarTvelma mefeebma,
da kaxeTis mflobeli (XVII s. bolo
mouwodes osebs, lekebs, jiqebsa da
XVIII s. dasawyisi). Aa.y. xani ixsenieba:
didoelebs, erTiani ZaliT elaSq-
vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwera same-
raT somxeTSi. gadmoiyvanes osTa
fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973);
mefeebi, ori Zma goliaTi a. da b.
,,parizis qronika~ (1980); farsadan
jariT Sevidnen somxeTSi da moar- gorgijaniZe ,,istoria (1926); sex-
bies: Sirakuani, vanandi (dR. Turqe- nia CxeiZe ,,mefeTa cxovreba (1913);
Ti) bagrevanamde (dR. TurqeTi) da istoriuli dokumentebi (q.s.Z. III,
basianamde (saqarTvelos istoriu- 1970; IV, 1972).
li mxare, dR. TurqeTi), aseve daSti giorgi XI-is (qarTlis mefe
(veli) naxCevanamde. wamoiRes did- 1676-88, 1703-09) memandars a.y. xans
Zali alafi, wamoiyvanes tyveebi (l. iranis Sahma (sulTan huseini 1694-
m. 45). sumbat bivritianma Sekriba 1722) ganjis xanoba, Semdeg ki kaxe-
somexTa jari da mters daedevna. Tis mmarTveloba Caabara (f.g. 67;
mokavSireebma am droisaTvis gada- p.o. 120-21; v.b. 606; s.C. 7; d. 1028,
laxes md. mtkvari, mividnen kambe- q.s.Z. III, 691). a.y. xani SahTan aqebda
Covans (kaxeTi) da banaki gaSales md. giorgis da misi wyalobiT uboZes
ioris piras. iyofdnen alafs. sum- mas qarTlis mefoba (f.g. 67). gior-
batma maT mociquli gaugzavna da gi XI werda a.y. xans, rom is Sahis yma
mxolod tyveebis dabruneba iTxo- iyo da masTan surda wasvla, magram

gadado gamgzavreba. a.y. xani wers Aabraam (abraham albaTane-
Sahs werils, romelSic moTxro- li) somexTa kaTolikosi (607-615).
bilia erekle I-isa (nazarali xani, kaTolikosobamde rStunTa episko-
qarTlis mefe 1688-1703) da giorgi posi iyo. eswreboda dvinis 607 kre-
XI-is urTierTobis Sesaxeb (f.g. 79). bas da xeli moawera krebaze SemuSa-
Sahis sardalma haji-alim nazarali vebul kanonebs. 607 welsve dvinSi
xanis vezirad daniSna yiasa, romel- xelmeored Sekrebilma krebam igi
sac saqarTveloSi situaciis daZab- kaTolikosad airCia. a. ixsenieba:
va da kaxeTis mflobelis a.y xanis arsen safareli, `ganyofisTs qar-
Secdena daavala (f.g. 80). a.y. xanma TvelTa da somexTa~ (1980).
gagzavna Sahis karze bardis xani da somexTa kaTolikos nerses
giorgi XI-is warmomadgenlebi, rom- (nerse II 548-57) gardacvalebis
lebmac moaxsenes Sahs a.y xanisTvis Semdeg sakaTalikoso taxti a-ma*
giorgis mier miwerili werilis Si- daikava (a.s., 82). kaTalikosma a-ma
naarsi. giorgis gadaefiqrebina Sah- iTxova qarTlis kaTolikos kirio-
Tan wasvla, radgan Tavs damnaSaved nisagan (kirion I 599-614/616) mis
ar cnobda (f.g. 84). a.y. xans ubrZanes mier qarTlidan gandevnili cur-
nazarali xanTan TbilisSi Casvla tavis episkopos moses Tavis say-
(f.g. 85). Nnazarali-xani moelapara- darze dabruneba (ganyofisaTvis,
ka a.y. xans erwo-TianeTis (istori- 82). Aa-ma mouwoda somxeTis samRvde-
uli mxare aRmos. saqarTveloSi, md. loebas (`mRdelTa araratisaTa~)
ivris zemo welze) dapyrobaze. a.y. SeeCvenebinaT qalkedonis kreba
xanma gagzavna kaxelebi da daipyres (451 IV msoflio saeklesio kreba).
erwo-TianeTi (v.b. 469, 607). a.y. xani man SeimuSava diofizituri sarw-
kaxelebisa da ganjelebis laSqriT munoebis simbolo, romelic aRia-
mivida nazarali-xanis dasaxmareb- rebs ieso qristes or - RvTaebriv
lad giorgi XI-is winaaRmdeg brZo-
da adamianur bunebas. krebis Sem-
laSi, magram damarcxda, ukan daixia
deg diofizitebi da monofizitebi
da mivida TbilisSi (v.b. 470, 607). a.y.
sabolood gaemijnen erTmaneTs) da
xanma duSia mouravi kaxelebis me-
gandgomodnen mas (a.s., 82). a-is Sem-
Taurad daniSna (v.b. 607). Nnazarali-
dgom kaTolikosi gaxda komitosi.
xanma SahTan mociquli gagzavna da
kaTolokosma a-ma daibara arara-
daabezRa a.y. xani, rom is giorgi XI-
tis** monasterTa (oSaknis, elivar-
is mxardamWeri iyo. Sahma daujera
dis, aramunTa da garnisis) uxuce-
nazarali-xans, gaugzavna jari a.y.
sebi da mosTxova, daewyevlaT qal-
xanis Sesapyrobad da masTan gasag-
kedonis kreba, winaaRmdeg SemTxve-
zavnad (v.b. 471-72).
vaSi daetovebinaT TavianTi qveyana
e. kvaWantiraZe (a.s., 90).

dans (`daviTisa da tiriWanis mart-
* arsen safareli kaTolikosebs nerse II-sa viloba~, 186).
da abrahams Soris ar asaxelebs or kaToli-
T. qoriZe
koss da erT kaTolikosis adgilis mcvels;
eseni arian ioane II gabeleneli (557-574),
mose elivardeli (574-604) da vrTanes qer-
doli (604-607), (a.s. 131).
** didi somxeTis centraluri provincia. avetiq Sagubatovi somexi
masSi 20 gavari Sedioda. 591 gayofis Sedegad saxazino aznauri (XVIII s. bolo). Aa.S.
araratis olqis didi, dasavleTi nawili bi-
zantiis xelSi aRmoCnda, xolo mcire, aRmo- ixsenieba istoriul dokumentebSi
savleTi nawili, centriT dvinSi, sparseTis. ( , 1881).
1797 sabuTis mixedviT, mefe
T. qoriZe
ereklem (erekle II, kaxeTis mefe
1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis mefe 1762-
98) daniSna a.S. samefo karis mdiv-
abulabazi IX saukunis so-
nad (..., 30).
mexi erisTavi. a. ixsenieba: ,,matiane
qarTlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti ba- e. kvaWantiraZe

toniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa saqar-

Tvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
buRa-Turqis (IX s-is arabi sar- aTraqa SaraRanis Ze yiv-
dali) mTiuleTSi (istoriuli pro- CayTa mTavari, saqarTvelos mefis
vincia aRm. saqarTvelos mTianeTSi, daviT IV aRmaSeneblis (1089-1125)
md. TeTri aragvis xeobaSi) laSqro- simamri. a. ixsenieba: `cxovreba me-
bis dros somexTa erisTavma a-ma da feT-mefisa daviTisi~ (q.c. I, 1955).
guaram aSotis Zem Seatyobines mTi- daviTma moiyvana meore colad
ulebs, raTa ar SeeSvaT isini (m.q. sikeTiT ganTqmuli yivCayTa mTav-
256; v.b. 130). ris a-s asuli guranduxti (d.i.
e. kvaWantiraZe

q. nadiraZe

adam aregawoteli warCi-

nebuli somexi aregawidan. a. a. ix-
alanebi sarmatuli warmo-
senieba: `martviloba daviTisa da
Sobis iranulenovani naxevrad mom-
tiriWanisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963).
Tabare tomebi, istoriis asparezze
`daviTisa da tiriWanis mart-
gamoCndnen ax. w. I s-is 30-iani wle-
vilobis~ avtori nerse somexTa ka-
bidan md. donis (tanaisis) dasav-
Tolikosisa da a. a-s Tanamedroved
leTiT da azovispireTSi, xSirad
asaxelebs wmida mowameebis daviTi-
laSqrobdnen samxreT kavkasiaSi. a.
sa da tiriWanis mamas erisTav var-
ixsenieba: ,,istoriani da azmani Sa-

ravandedTani~ (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti `naTesaviT osi~. misgan SeeZina Ze
batoniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa sa- giorgi, romelic jigda-xaTunma
qarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); niko da- Svilad miiRo da qaliSvili Tama-
diani ,,qarTvelT cxovreba (1962). ri. amis Semdeg daviTma `ganiSora
giorgis (giorgis III, saqarTve- sayuareli Tvisi alTun~ (J. 236-37;
los mefe 1156-84) ZRvenis mimcem v. b. 217), (v. b. alTuns osTa mefis
da megobar xalxs Soris dasaxele- asulad moixseniebs).
bulni arian a. (i-a. 23). egrisis, sva-
neTis sazRvrebis aRwerisas a. ram- q. nadiraZe

denjerme ixseniebian (v.b. 743,785;

n.d. 151-52). a-is qveyana iyo svane-
Tis (dasavleT saqarTvelos mTiani ali lekTa winamZRvari (XVIII
regioni, moicavs kavkasionis qedis s. 90-iani). a. ixsenieba: Teimuraz
samxreT kalTebs) dasavleTiT da bagrationi `axali istoria~ (1983).
bediis (geogr. punqti afxazeTSi, 1798 lekebi Tavs daesxnen cxin-
Zveli saxelwodeba egrisi) Crdi- vals (qalaqi qarTlSi), magram ve-
loeTiT. adre qristianebi iyvnen, raferi gaawyves da ukuqceulebi
axla kerpTayvanismcemlebi arian, mefe giorgis (giorgi XII, qarTl-ka-
zogi mahmadiania. maTi qveyana mTi- xeTis mefe 1798-1800) Zes ioanes ga-
ani da myinvariania. es qveyana qar- daeyarnen dirbSi, sadac gamarTul
Tvelma mefeebma daisakuTres (v.b. brZolaSi daiRupa lekTa Cinebuli
788-89; n.d. 152). leonma (leon II, winamZRvari a. foladad wodebuli
afxazTa (dasavleT saqarTvelos) (T.b. 66).
mefe 758-98) afxazeTis samefo rva
T. qoriZe
saerisTavod dayo. meore erisTavi
dasva cxumSi da ,,misca egris-iqiTa
anakofia alaniTurT~ (v.b. 796).
ali skanti leki, avariis //
e. kvaWantiraZe xunZaxis xanis omaris naTesavi (XIX
s-is dasawyisi). a. s. ixsenieba: Tei-
muraz bagrationi `axali istoria~
alTuni osis qali. a. ixseni- (1983).
eba: JamTaaRmwereli (q. c. II, 1959); mefis (erekle II, qarTl-kaxe-
vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwera same- Tis mefe 1762-98) Ze aleqsandrem
fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973). qarTvelTa da omar-xanis naTesavis
mefe daviTs (daviT VII ulu, sa- a.s-is meTaurobiT lekTa samiaTas-
qarTvelos mefe 1246-70) Tavis me- kaciani gaerTianebuli jariT yva-
uRlesTan dedofal jigda-xa- relTan daamarcxa polkovniki ti-
TunTan ar hyavda Svili. memkvidris xanovski (T.b., 85).
gaCenis mizniT, moiyvana alTuni,
T. qoriZe

alisulTani (SamSadilisa) amberdi VII-XIII ss. cixe-si-
(XVIII s. me-2 nax.) a. ixsenieba: Tei- magre somxeTSi. Aa. ixsenieba: ,laSa-
muraz bagrationi `axali istoria~ giorgis-droindeli matiane (q.c I,
(1983). 1955); JamTaaRmwereli (q.c. II, 1959).
a-s mtrobda javad-xani (ganjis a. seljukTagan gaaTavisufles
xani 1786-1804). a. ar emorCileboda Tamaris mefobaSi (saqarTvelos me-
arc javad-xans da arc mis Zmas mah- fe 1184-1207/10) zaqaria da ivane
mad-xans. javad-xanma (1790) ayara Sam- mxargrZelebma (XII-XIII ss-is mijnis
Sadilelebi da gadaiyvana Sulaver- saqarTvelos saxelmwifo da sam-
Si (sof. qvemo qarTlSi), xolo mah- xedro moRvaweebi, zaqaria amirs-
mad-xani SamSadiloSive Tavs daesxa pasalar-mandaturTuxucesi, ivane-
a-s. a-ma gaimarjva. amas garda, a-ma msaxurTuxucesi, amirspasalari,
mravaljer daamarcxa ganjelebi. aTabagi), (l.m. 368). a. dalaSqra ja-
laledinma (manguberTi, xvarazmis
g. oTxmezuri Sahi 1220-21) (J. 169). aleqsandrem
(aleqsandre I didi, saqarTvelos
mefe 1412-42) ilaSqra a-ze da aiRo
amazasp tarovneli V s-is
(v.b. 280).
somexi erisTavi. Aa.t. ixsenieba: ju-
e. kvaWantiraZe
anSeri ,,cxovreba vaxtang gorgas-
lisa (q.c. I, 1955).
vaxtang gorgaslis (qarTlis amirgune-xani erevnis pir-
mefe V s. II nax.) bizantiaSi laSqro- veli xani (1604-28). erevnis saxano
bis dros gzad mas SeuerTda a.t. da 1604 daarsa iranis Sahma, abas I-ma
ori sxva somexi erisTavi, Trdatis (1587-1629) aRmosavleT somxeTis
(somxeTis mefe 287-330) naTesavebi, teritoriaze. a. x. iyo abas I-is ga-
miadgnen karnu-qalaqs (q. erzuru- morCeuli sardali da masTan daax.
mis (TurqeTi) Zveli qarTuli sa- piri. a. ixsenieba: beri egnataSvili
xelwodeba), gamarTes brZola, mag- `axali qarTlis cxovreba~ (q.c. II,
ram ver aiRes, radgan sami maRali 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwe-
zRudiT iyo SemosazRvruli. vax- ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV,
tangma datova qalaqisaTvis sabr- 1973). vaxuSti ixseniebs, rogorc
Zolvelad ori erisTavi 12000 mxed- amirgunaxan beglarbegs; farsadan
riT (j. 159-160). gorgijaniZe `istoria~ (1926).
Sah-abasma a. x-s ubrZana, rom
e. kvaWantiraZe Teimuraz mefis (Teimuraz I, kaxe-
Tis mefe 1606-48; qarTl-kaxeTis
1625-32) meuRle xoreSani, rome-

lic SvilebTan da Tanmxleb pireb- anaki III-IV saukunis somexi
Tan erTad olTiss idga, Seepyro warCinebuli, grigol ganmanaTleb-
da masTan gaegzavna. xoreSanma avis- lis mama. a. ixsenieba: leonti mro-
momaswavebeli sizmari naxa. umalve veli ,,cxovreba qarTvelTa mefe-
Tavisi sadgomi datova da cixe-si- Ta~ (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvi-
magres Seafara Tavi. a. x. Tavs da- li ,,aRwera samefosa saqarTvelo-
sa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
esxa sofels, sadac xoreSani ama-
qarTvel-somexTa laSqarma da-
liT eguleboda, aaoxra da xelmo-
amarcxa qasre sasaniani. man SesTa-
caruli ukan gabrunda. mas nodar
vaza mTavrebs mis mxareze gadasv-
saxlTuxucesi fexdafex mihyva.
la, samagierod pativsa da privi-
SeebrZola da didZali alafi wa- legiebs dapirda. somexi mTavari
arTva (b. e. 409; v. b. 724). a. x. mona- a., somexTa mefis kosaros (somxuri
wileobas iRebda marabdis (1625 wyaroebis xosro an xosrovi) naTe-
qarTvelTa ajanyeba iranis winaaR- savi, miemxro mas da Sepirda kosaro
mdeg) brZolaSi. algeTze brZolis somexTa mefeze SurisZiebas. a. da
dros batoni Teimurazi da a.x. Se- misi Zma ojaxebiT eaxlnen kosaros
ebnen. Teimurazma ficxlad Seutia mis sazamTro rezidencia xilaxi-
mas da cxenidan Camoagdo. am dros laSi (albanuri wyaroebis peroza-
a.x-s yajarni mieSvelnen da brZo- pati). mefem didi pativiT Seiwynara
lis velidan gaiyvanes (f.g.26). [gan- isini. nadirobisas a. da misi Zma Tan
axldnen mefe kosaros, sadac maxvi-
sxvavebuli informacia]: marabdis
liT mokles is da gaiqcnen. maT mde-
(qarTlSi, dR. TeTriwyaros r-ni)
vari daewia, daxoca da amowyvita
goraze dagvianebulad misuli xani
maTi naTesaoba (l.m. 60-61; v.b. 70).
qarTvelTa mcire gunds gadaawy-
da da Seupovari brZola gamarTa. e. kvaWantiraZe

brZolaSi mas xmaldaxmal samcxis

aTabagi manuCari mieWra, romelmac
anastasi somexTa kaToli-
TavSi mZimed daWra. xanma mas `upur-
kosi 661-667. a. ixsenieba: arsen sa-
marilo~ da umaduri uwoda, radgan fareli `ganyofisTs qarTvelTa
a.x. Sah-abasis brZanebiT manuCaris da somexTa~ (1980).
`gamzrdeli~ (patroni) iyo (b.e. 403, anastasis kaTolikosobis peri-
409; v.b. 431-32). odSi, nerse kaTolikosis (somexTa
q. nadiraZe kaTolikosi nerse III 641-661) mier
devnili ioane mairagomeli (ix st.
ioane mairagomeli) Tavis mowafeeb-
Tan erTad mivida ararats (a.s., 93).

T. qoriZe

aneli xucesebi ixseniebi- anisi cixesimagre da qala-
an: 1218 wlis saqarTvelos kaTo- qi Suasaukuneebis somxeTSi. md.
likos- patriarqis etifanes (1210- axurianis (arfa-Cais) marjvena na-
20) ganCinebaSi (. . , pirze (amJamad TurqeTis terito-
, , ria, yarsis vilaieTi). 961-idan ani-
. , 1910). ganCineba gamota- sis samefos (886-1045) dedaqalaqi.
nilia anisis marTlmadidebel mo- 1044 saqarTvelos momxre somexTa
saxleobasa da a.x-Ta Soris atexili dasma a. bagrat IV-s gadasca. 1045 a.
davis gamo. warwera amokveTilia bizantiam daimorCila. 1072 Seda-
qarTuli asomTavruli damwerlo- dianebma (muslimuri dinastia, da-
biT, anisis eklesiis fasadze. war- arsa muhamed ibn Sedadma) TavianT
weriT kidev erTxel dasturdeba, samflobelod gadaaqcies. 1199 a.
rom yofili anisis somxuri samefos saqarTvelos SeuerTda, 1236 a. mon-
(gaauqmes bizantielebma 1045. sa- Rolebma aiRes da pirad samflobe-
qarTvelos SemouerTa mefe daviT lod aqcies. 1319 miwisZvram gaanad-
IV aRmaSenebelma (1089-1125) 1124 gura da mis nangrevebze Turquli
wels) teritoria warweris amokve- sofeli gaSenda. 1878 a. ruseTis im-
Tis droisTvis (1218) saqarTvelos periis SemadgenlobaSi Sevida. pir-
SemadgenlobaSia, xolo, somxeTis veli msoflio omis Semdeg kvlav
marTlmadidebluri saepiskoposo- TurqeTma daisakuTra. a. ixsenieba:
ebi, ierarqiulad, saqarTvelos sa- `matiane qarTlisa~, `cxovreba me-
patriarqos eqvemdebareba. warwera feT-mefisa daviTisi~, laSa-gior-
mogviTxrobs: dava atyda a.x-is mier gis droindeli matiane (q. c. I, 1955);
anisis marTlmadidebeli qarTveli `istoriani da azmani Saravanded-
da somexi mrevlisaTvis saeklesio Tani~, basili ezosmoZRuari `cxov-
saidumloebaTa (jvriswera, naT- reba mefeT-mefisa Tamarisi~, Jam-
loba, wesis ageba) aRsrulebisaT- TaaRmwereli (q. c. II, 1959); vaxuSti
vis gadasaxadebis gadidebis gamo. batoniSvili `aRwera samefosa sa-
ukmayofilo mrevli zogjer wirva- qarTvelosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973); farsa-
locvasac aRar eswreboda. etifane dan gorgijaniZe `istoria~ (1926);
kaTolikosma dagmo a.x-is saqcieli niko dadiani `qarTvelT cxovreba~
da Seamcira saeklesio mosacemel- (1962); efrem mcire `uwyebaY mizez-
Ta raodenoba. etifanes ganCinebas sa qarTvelTa moqcevisasa~ (1950);
amowmebs somexi episkoposi grigo- istoriuli sabuTebi (qr. II. 1897, .
li da qalaq anisis amira vahrami. . . . . 1967); arsen safareli `gan-

g. oTxmezuri
yofisaTvis qarTvelTa da somexTa~
(1980); asomTavruli warwerebi: ani-
sis eklesiis (. . , . . . . 1910)

da anisis tigran honencis taZris a-dan dedofal mariams moaSora da
kedlebze (eq. TayaiSvili, 1917 eqsp. motyuebiT gamoiyvana qalaqis mcve-
samxr. saq. 1960). lebi: artanujis erisTavi abuseri,
qarTlis mefe vaxtang gorga- romelic flobda cixe-simagreebs
sals (daaxl. V s. 40-iani V s. bo- xixaTas, cixis-jvars da awyurs;
lomde), rodesac mcxeTaSi `sveti ivane erisTavi, ivane dadiani da be-
cxovelze~ eklesia aRuSenebia da Wis cixis patroni guaram goder-
`kzi mas zed patriarqad ganuwese- Zis Ze. a-s karTan Seipyro isini da
bia~, aseve meeqvse msoflio saekle- TviTon daikava qalaqi (m. q. 300).
sio krebas (VII s.) konstantine po- bagrat mefe SeebrZola liparits,
Ronatis (biz. imp. 668-85) dros da- magram radgan mas mxars uWerdnen
umtkicebia, amdroidan moyolebu- berZnebi (bizantia), veras gaxda. sa-
li mcxeTis sakaTolikosos samwy- bolood liparitma bagrats cixe-
soSi Sedis a. (efrem mcire, 45; qr. II, simagris sanacvlod masTan myofi
sigeli mcxeTisa gacemuli daax. Tavisi Svili ivane gaaTavisufle-
1638. imeorebs am informacias, 354). bina (m. q. 303). lipariti (1048) tyved
amasve adasturebs sulTanis (mu- Cauvarda Turqebs. roca igi tyveo-
rad III), mier daax. 1590 gacemuli si- bidan ganTavisuflda (1054 bizan-
geli (. . . . . dok. #221). aSxenis tielTa daxmarebiT) isev daikava a.
(somexTa pirveli qristiani dedo- bagratma winaaRmdegobis gaweva ver
fali) freskas aqvs qarTuli asom- SeZlo, radgan liparits isev zurgs
Tavruli warwera, romelic gva- umagrebda saberZneTi (m. q. 303). li-
uwyebs gamosaxulebis vinaobas (eq. pariti sabolod daatyveves bagra-
TayaiSvili, 23). airarati yovelT- tis momxreebma, xolo misi Ze nia-
vis somxeTis umniSvnelovanesi nia a-Si gaiqca da iq gardaicvala (m.
provincia iyo, romelSic TiTqmis q. 304-305). TurqeTis sulTanma
yvela dedaqalaqi mdebareobda, maT (Turq-selCukTa didi Semosevebi
Soris a. (a. s., 133). bagratis (bagrat iwyeba XI s, 60-iani) arfasaranma
IV, saqarTvelos mefe 1027-72) xeli- (alf-arslani 1063-72) gailaSqra
sufleba gaZlierda. mis xelSi ga- a-ze, Semusra igi, aaoxra da tyved
davida a-is cxra cixe-simagre, am- uricxvi suli waiyvana. a. waarTva
berdis garda. anelebma qalaqi ga- berZnebs da Tavis moxeles, manuCa
dasces bagratis dedas mariams abul-asvaris Zes gadasca (1065, ma-
(1044), somexTa mefis senaqerem nuCe Sadadianebis dinastiis pirve-
arwrunis qaliSvils (m. q. 299). lipa- li warmomadgenelia a-Si), (m. q. 307).
ritma (liparit baRvaSi, kldekaris daviTTan (daviT IV, saqarTvelos
erisTavi) iseve daiwyo bagrat me- mefe 1089-1125), romelic idga bo-
fis sawinaaRmdego qmedeba. man Janas wyaros (tabawyuris tbasTan,

mefeTa sazafxulo rezidencia), 20 105). a-is mosaxleobis qristianuli
agvistos mividnen a-is mflobelTa nawili ajanyda da qalaqi giorgis
mier wargzavnilebi, miitanes weri- (giorgi III, saqarTvelos mefe 1156-
li, sadac anelebi sTxovdnen da- 84) SesTavazes. giorgim isargebla
viTs, gaeTavisuflebina a. Turqe- Seqmnili viTarebiT. a. romelic
bisgan da qalaqi saqarTvelos me- odesRac `berZen mefeTa~ saxli da
fis mflobelobaSi gadasuliyo. sajdomi iyo, isev waarTva mahmadian
daviTma 60 000 mxedriT gailaSqra mflobelebs... sami dRis brZolis
a-ze. aiRo qalaqi, misi cixe da mim- Semdeg giorgim qalaqi aiRo (1161)
debare soflebi (1124), a-is didi da Tavis samyofelad aqcia. amiras
taZari, berZenTa dedoflis katro- Tanamdeboba SeinarCuna. qalaqis
nikes mier agebuli, alfarslania- dasacavad da gasamagreblad iq ami-
nebs mizgiTad hqondaT gadaqceu- rad mandaturTxucesi da amirspa-
li. daviTma taZari xelaxla akur- salari ivane orbeli datova, xolo
Txebina. dedofal katronikes saf- TanaSemwed sargis mxargrZeli (qar-
lavTan, romelic amave taZarSi iyo Tveli didebuli) dauniSna (i. a. 6;
dakrZaluli, mividnen: mefe, kaTo- v. b. 166; l. g. m. wers: giorgim aiRo a.
likosi, episkoposebi, mxedroba da qoronikonsa 380 (1161), Seipyro ami-
wesi Tavidan auges. daviTma ki de- ra salduxi, 367). qarTvelTa mier
dofals saflavSi CasZaxa: gixaro- a-s aRebisTanave `Sariarman sulta-
des, Sen, dedofalo, rameTu sayda- nad mwodebelman~ (samxr. azerbai-
ri ixsna RmerTma usjuloTagan. da- janis da iranis aTabagi Sams al-din
viTma a-is amira bulasvari (abul- ildeRizi) mouwoda mTel Sams (si-
suari manuCaris Ze) rva ZiT, mxevle- ria), jazireTs (mesopotamia), diar-
biTa da rZlebiT tyved aiyvana da bagis (diarbeqiri qalaqi md. tig-
afxazeTs (das. saqarTvelo) warg- rosisa da evfratis zemowelSi)
zavna. a. saqarTvelos samefos Semo- mmarTvels (ardoxis Ze kotb ed-din
uerTa. mcvelebad mesxi aznaurebi iRazs), saldux selCukians (arzru-
daayena (d. i. 345-46; v. b. 162; n. d. 91). mis amira al maliq salduxi) da
demetrem (demetre I, saqarTvelo sparseTis sxva fadiSahebs (1163) sa-
mefe 1125-56, a. iZulebiT isev Sada- laSqrod. gaerTianebuli jari a-s
dianebs gadasca ymadnaficobis pi- miadga. giorgi am dros naWarmagevs
robiT) Tavisi vasalis a-is mflobe- (mefeTa sazafxulo rezidencia) is-
lis dasaxmareblad da qalaq a-is venebda. umal Sekriba jari, mas
dasacavad, arzrumis amira saldu- mxarSi edgnen vezirebi: mwignobar-
xis winaaRmdeg gailaSqra (1153-54). Tuxucesi ioane, amir axori lipa-
amira daatyveva da qalaqs isev ymad- rit sumbatis Ze, bega surameli,
naficoba SeunarCuna (i.-a. 43; v. b. qirqiS abuleTis Ze. giorgim sZlia

mravalricxovan da Zlier mters (i. 103; n. d. 98-99). a-is eklesiis fasa-
a. 7, 10, 12). magram a-sTvis brZolas dis warweridan (1218-is warwera) vi-
bolo ar uCanda. Sedga molaparake- gebT, rom etifanem (saqarTvelos
ba. molaparakebaSi monawileobas kaTolikos-patriarqi 1210-20) a-is
iRebda giorgis da, sulTanis col- mcxovreblebs saeklesio sagadasa-
yofili rusudani (i.-a. 13; v. b. 168; n. xado SeRavaTebi dauwesa (. . ).
d. 93), Sedegad giorgim `uboZa anisi rusudani (saqarTvelos mefe 1223-
Tssave memamulesa da iTayvana Ta- 45), rodesac mefed akurTxes, a-s
visa Tsisa ymad~ (i.-a. 13, 15; v. b. ukve ganagebda mandaturTxucesi
168). [es memamule iyo SahanSa Seda- SanSe mxargrZeli (J. 171, 178, 180),
didi. 1173 isev ilaSqra giorgim romelic mas, biZam ivanem uwyalo-
a-ze da saqarTvelos SemouerTa. ba (J. 169). qarTvelma didebulebma,
isev atyda anisisaTvis sisxlismRv- rodesac monRolebs morCileba ga-
reli brZolebi. 1175 isev ymadnafi- moucxades, maT a. isev SanSe mxargr-
cobiT gadaeca Sedadianebs]. Tama- Zels daubrunes (J. 190). monRolTa
ri (saqarTvelos mefe 1184-1207/10) batonobiT Sewuxebulma qarTve-
flobda bevr qalaqs, maT Soris a-s lebma ajanyeba gadawyvites. am miz-
(saqarTvelom a. SemoeirTa 1199), niT, `yovelTa mTavarni~ (1245) kox-
romelic man sparselebs waarTva. tasTavs Seikribnen, SeTqmuleba
Tamarma a-s gamgeblebad mxargrZe- gamJRavnda. monRolebma cotne da-
lebi daadgina. ardevilis(ardebi- dianis garda yvela mTavari daiWi-
lis) sulTanma gaigo, rom ioane da res da a-is qveyanas waiyvanes `ro-
zaqaria mxargrZelebi mefesTan ge- mel adgilsac ewodeba Sirakavani~
guTs (sof. imereTis dablobze, md. (J. 215). am ambis gamgone cotne Tvi-
rionis marjvena mxares) imyofe- Tonac Cavida a-s (J. 216; v. b. 210).
bodnen da a-ze gailaSqra. sastikad Sah-Tamazi (Tahmasp I, iranis Sahi
aaoxra qalaqi, mravali tyve da 1524-76), rodesac saqarTvelos me-
didZali alafi waiRo, ori aTasi ka- ored Semoesia (ilaSqra oTxjer
ci cxvrebiviT dakles `eklesiaTa 1541-54) anisis gziT Sorekals mivi-
Sina~. a-is mooxrebis ambavi geguTs da, iqidan samcxeSi gadavida da mo-
acnobes mefe Tamars, amilspasalar arbia. (f. g. 5).
zaqarias da msaxurTuxucess iva- q. nadiraZe
nes. mxargrZelebi Cavidnen a-Si, maT
mTeli saqarTvelos laSqari Seu-
erTda. gaemarTnen ardevils. qala-
qi advilad aiRes, didZali qoneba
igdes xelT, sulTani mokles, misi
col-Svili tyved aiyvanes (i.-a. 100-

aniya darubandis cixe. Aa. lo) gadaWimuli iyo nikofsiidan
ixsenieba: JamTaaRmwereli (q.c. II, tuafses Crdilo-dasavleTiT, md.
1959). niCefsuxos Sav zRvasTan SeerTe-
darubandelni (q. darubandi- bis adgili) darubandis (kaspiis)
kaspiis zRvis sanapiroze, Tanam. Qq. zRvamde da ovseTidan soerad da
derbenTi) ganudgnen arRuns (mon- a-mde (q.s.Z., II, 19).
RolTa yaeni 1284-91), romelmac
maT winaaRmdeg sabrZolvelad mo-
uxmo demetres (demetre II, saqarT-
velos mefe 1270-89). darubandelni ararati mTa da qveyana md.
gamagrdnen cixe a-Si. mefem alya Se- Aaraqsis (md. samxreT kavkasiaSi, md.
moartya cixes, aiRo, gadawva, amo- Mmtkvris udidesi Senakadi) marjve-
xoca darubandeli didebulebi, wa- na napirze, amJamad TurqeTis teri-
moiRo uricxvi ganZi (J. 286). toriazea. Aa. ixsenieba: leonti mro-
veli ,,cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa~
e. kvaWantiraZe
(q.c. I, 1955); JamTaaRmwereli, ,,is-
toriani da azmani SaravandedTani~
(q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili
apahunisi evi igive qveyana
,,aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~
(administraciuli erTeuli) som-
(q.c. IV, 1973); niko dadiani ,,qarT-
velT cxovreba~ (1962).
a. ixsenieba: stefane mtbevari,
Targamosis (bibliuri per-
`wameba wmidisa mowamisa gobroni-
sonaJi, kavkasiel xalxTa eTnar-
si~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963, 175.).
qi) naTesaoba gamravlda da veRar
T. qoriZe itevda maT a-is da masisis (mTa ist.
somxeTis teritiriaze, axland. tu-
rabadini TurqeTSi) qveyana (l.m. 4;
aragawi // aregawi mTa n.d. 67). xazarebma* dalaSqres a-is
(4090 m.) somxeTSi, somxeTis deda- da masisis qalaqebi (l.m. 12; n.d.
qalaq erevnis Crdilo-dasavleTiT 69). Hhaosma (somexTa eTnarqi) mok-
40 km-is daSorebiT, somxeTis umaR- la nebroTi (bibliuri mamamTavari,
lesi wertili, mdebareobs provin- babilonis godolis mSeneblobis
cia aragawotnSi. a. ixsenieba: isto- xelmZRvaneli. l.m. mas sparselad
riuli sabuTebi (q.s.Z., II, 1965). da xalxTa pirvel mefed miiCnevs,
mefeT-mefe daviTi (daviT IV romelsac morCilebdnen Targamo-
aRmaSenebeli, saqarTvelos me- sianebi) isriT a-is mTaze (v.b. 47).
fe 1089-1125) Tavis anderZSi (1125) Ddvini mdebareobda a-is ZirSi (i-a.
wers, rom misi qveyana (saqarTve- 5). daviT aRmaSeneblis dros (saqar-

Tvelos mefe 1089-1125) seljukebi artavazi somexTa mefe ar-
zafxuls atarebdnen a-is midamo- tavaz I (Zv.w. II s. 60-50-iani wlebi),
ebSi (v.b. 157) giorgim (giorgi III, sa- artaSes I-is vaJi. a. ixsenieba leon-
qarTvelos mefe 1156-84) aiRo a-is ti mroveli ,,cxovreba qarTvelTa
mTis ZirSi mdebare qalaqi (v.b. 166). mefeTa~ (q.c. I, 1955).
a. monRolebis sazafxulo reziden- artaSes I-is ori vaJi artavazi
cia iyo (J. 189, 195). monRolebma da- da tigrani midian qarTvelTa wina-
ibares daviTi (daviT VIII, saqarTve- aRmdeg maT mier datyvevebuli uf-
los mefe 1293-1311). wavida daviTi liswulis zarenis gamosaxsnelad.
Tuqalis (monRolTa yaeni) winaSe, somexTa jari dabanakda TrialeT-
romelic idga a-is mTis Ziras (J. Si da molaparakeba daiwyo qarTve-
298). lebTan. maT Soris daido zavi. qar-
Tvelebma gaaTavisufles zareni
*am periodSi xazarTa moxsenieba qarTul we-
rilobiT wyaroebSi anaqronizmia. xazarebma
da momavalSi samxedro daxmarebas
sakuTari gaerTianebebi Crdilo kavkasiaSi dapirdnen somxebs, agreTve arta-
mxolod ax. w. VII s-is SuaxanebSi Seqmnes.
Ses mefis saxeliT monetis moWra
e. kvaWantiraZe aRuTqves. amisTvis somxebma daub-
runes qarTvelebs q. wunda, demo-
arev sivnieli V s-is some- Tis cixe, javaxeTi da artaani. amis
xi erisTavi. a.s. ixsenieba: juanSe- Semdeg mSvidoba damyarda maT So-
ri ,,cxovreba vaxtang gorgaslisa ris (l.m. 49)
(q.c. 1, 1955). e. kvaWantiraZe
vaxtang gorgaslis (qarTlis
mefe V s. II nax.) bizantiaSi laSqro-
bis dros gzad mas SeuerTda a.s. da artaSani somexTa mefe ar-
ori sxva somexi erisTavi, Trdatis taSes I (Zv. w. 189-160). Aa. ixsenieba:
(somxeTis mefe 287-330) naTesavebi, leonti mroveli ,,cxovreba qarT-
miadgnen karnu-qalaqs (q. erzuru- velTa mefeTa~ (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti
mis (TurqeTi) Zveli qarTuli sa-
batoniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa sa-
xelwodeba), gamarTes brZola, mag-
qarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973). azorki-
ram ver aiRes, radgan sami maRali
sa da armazelis (qarTlis mefeebi
zRudiT iyo SemosazRvruli. vax-
Zv.w. II-I ss. mijna) mefobaSi somxeT-
tangma datova qalaqisaTvis sabr-
Si gamefda a. (l.m. 45). is midis qar-
Zolvelad ori erisTavi 12000 mxed-
TvelTa winaaRmdeg Tavis spaspet
riT (j. 159-160).
sumbat bivritianTan erTad. qar-
e. kvaWantiraZe Tvelebma gaamagres cixeebi, daxma-
reba iTxoves osebisagan.* somxebi

dadgnen mcxeTaSi da brZolam maT adgili, kerZod, Txzulebis avto-
Soris xuTi Tve gastana. bolos ri mefe arSaks ixseniebs bizantiis
qarTvelebma iTxoves zavi da mor- imperator heraklesa (610-641) da
Cileba gamoacxades. a-ma daimo- iranis Sah varamSapos Tanamedro-
na qarTvelebi da osebi da wavida. ved. aRsaniSnavia, rom imperator
ramdenime wlis Semdeg momZlavrda herakles mmarTvelobis periodSi
qarTli, somxebi ki dasustebuli somxeTSi mefoba gauqmebuli iyo,
iyvnen sparselebTan da berZnebTan rac Seexeba TxzulebaSi dasaxele-
brZoliT. amiT isargebla qarTlma bul iranis Sah varamSapos, am saxe-
da iwyo somexTa Seviwroeba. maSin liT herakle keisris Tanamedrove
mefe a-ma kvlav Sekriba jari da ga- iranis Sahi, istoriaSi cnobili ar
mogzavna qarTlis winaaRmdeg Ta- aris. Tu ucnobi hagiografi spar-
seTis Sah varamSapos saxelis qveS
visi vaJis zarenis winamZRolobiT
Sabur III-s (383-388) gulisxmobs, ma-
(l.m. 48; v.b. 65).
Sin misi Tanamedrove somxeTis me-
fe arSak III (378-387) iyo, Tumca am
* Zv. w. II s-Si qarTul werilobiT wyaroebSi
osebis moxsenieba anaqronizmia. periodSi bizantiis imperia jer
kidev ar arsebobda. am da sxva mi-
e. kvaWantiraZe
zezebis gamo, `daviTisa da tiriWa-
nis martvilobaSi~ moxseniebuli
aruTini somexi eqimi (XVIII s. arSak somexTa mefis zeobis wlebi,
bolo). Aa. ixsenieba istoriul do- iseve rogorc nawarmoebSi aRweri-
kumentebSi ( , li ambebis qronologiuri CarCo,
1881). 1797 wlis sabuTis mixedviT, zustad ver saxeldeba. a. ixsenieba:
mefe ereklem (erekle II, kaxeTis `martviloba daviTisa da tiriWa-
mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis mefe nisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963).
1762-98) samefo ojaxis mkurnalo- a-is mefobis periodSi ewamnen
bis, imereTis mefis, azerbaijanis wm. daviTi da tiriWani (`daviTisa
xanis da xalxis mkurnalobis niSnad da tiriWanis martviloba~, 186).
uboZa eqim a-s TbilisSi, TaTris mo-
edanze ramdenime duqani (..., 31). T. qoriZe

e. kvaWantiraZe

arSaki somxeTis mefe Zv. w. II

s-Si. Aa. ixsenieba: leonti mroveli
arSak (somexTa mefe), misi ,,cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c
moRvaweobis dro ucnobia. vinaidan I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwe-
`daviTisa da tiriWanis martvilo- ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV,
baSi~ garkveul anaqronizms aqvs 1973).

mirvanma (qarTlis mefe Zv. w. II ijani, e.w. iranis azerbaijani. rac
s-Si) a-is vaJs miaTxova Tavisi asu- Seexeba dR. azerbaijanis respub-
li (l.m. 28; v.b. 59). likas (mdebareobs amierkavkasiis
e. kvaWantiraZe samxreT-aRmosavleT nawilSi), e.w.
CrdiloeT azerbaijans, qarTuli
wyaroebi icnobs mis teritoriaze
arSaki (arSak III) somxeTis me- arsebul istoriul olqebs, qala-
fe 378-387. a. ixsenieba: arsen safa- qebs, samefoebsa da saxanoebs. (ix.
reli `ganyofisTs qarTvelTa da statiebi: rani, ganZa, Sirvani, Sama-
somexTa~ (1980). xia, Saqi, bardavi, movakani, Samqori,
arsen safareli as asaxelebs yarabaRi).
bizantiis keisar arkadis (395-408)
q. nadiraZe
Tanamedroved (Tumca maTi zeobis
wlebi erTmaneTs ar emTxveva) da
aRniSnavs, rom maTi mmarTvelobis
periodSi somxebi mtkiced misdev- aRa-qiSi Saqis xani (1755-
dnen wmida grigol parTelis mier 1760), Saqis saxanos damaarseblis
naqadageb sarwmunoebas (a.s. 78). da misi pirveli damoukidebeli xa-
nis, aji-Calabis Ze. a. q. ixsenieba:
T. qoriZe papuna orbeliani `ambavni qarTli-
sani~ (1981); oman xerxeuliZe `mefo-
ba irakli meorisa~ (1989); istoriu-
astiron mTavari guaspu- li sabuTebi (qr. III, 1967).
ragneli (vaspurakaneli) IV sau- a. q. da ganjis xani Saverdi qar-
kunis I naxevris moRvawe. a. ixsenie- Tlze salaSqrod wamovidnen. maT
ba: `moqceva qarTlisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., miegebnen yazax-borCalus lekTa
I, 1963).
jari da yazaxSi mividnen. yazaxidan
vaspurakanel mTavars a-s qris-
ki baidarSi dadgnen* (p.o. 200; o.x.
tianoba uqadaga wmida ninos mier
53-54). 1752 wlis 10 ivliss aji-Ca-
moqceulma mcxeTelma ebraelma
labis Svili a. q. laSqriT baidars
mRvdelma abiaTarma (moq.q., 102-103).
movida (qr., III, 620). mefe ereklem
T. qoriZe (erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62) Se-
yara qarTl-kaxeTis jari, Cerqeze-
bi daixmara da sabrZolvelad ga-
atropatena // adarbada- emzada. a. q-ma es rom gaigo, Tavisi
gani // adribeJani qarTul sando kaci aji-frina gamogzavna
werilobiT wyaroebSi am saxelwo- ereklesTan Sesarigeblad da Tan
debebiT ixsenieba samxreT azerba- adre datyvevebuli revaz amila-

xori da mdivani ediSeri gamoayo- lis cixis midamoebi da TavianT qve-
la. mefeebma (erekle II, Teimuraz yanaSi gabrundnen, a. q-ic gabrunda
II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62) Serigeba (p.o. 231). 1752 wlis 3 seqtembers
iukadrises. rodesac a. q. yazaxi- erekle II-m aji-Calabis Svili daa-
sa da SamSadilis sazRvars Cavida, marcxa (qr., III, 620).
mefe erekle daewia da brZola ga-
CaRda. a. q. da ganjis xani gaaqcies. *o. x-s mixedviT, es moxda 1753 maisSi.
aji-Calabisa da ganjis xanis 1500
T. qoriZe
jariskaci SeinarCunes, Sirvan-Sa-
maxiis didkacebi daiWires. aji-Ca-
labis sardlebi daxoces, uricx-
aRistevi (dR. aRsTafa) mdi-
vi saqoneli, jori, aqlemi darCaT.
nare somxeTisa da azerbaijanis
damarcxebuli a. q. Saqs Cavida (p.o.
respublikebis t-ze. Camoudis ya-
202). CerqezeTidan tfiliss jariT
zaxs. a. ixsenieba: vaxuSti batoniS-
mobrunebulma mefe ereklem 3 seq-
vili `aRwera samefosa saqarTve-
tembers a. q. daamarcxa. (qr. III, 620).
losa~ (q.c. IV, 1973). daviT reqtoris
a. q-ma Semoikriba Waris, Sirvanisa
(daviT aleqsi mesxiSvili (1745-
da yarabaRis jari da yazaxSi mivi-
1824), Telavis seminariis reqtori)
da, sadac simagreebi gatexes, qve-
ganmartebiT a. yazaxis md. aRstafas
yana daarbies da didZali alafiT
Zveli saxelwodebaa (v.b. 306).
datvirTulni isev yazaxSi dabrun-
dnen (p.o. 204). a. q. yazaxs imitom g. oTxmezuri
mtrobda, rom `Tqven momiyvaneT da
davmarcxdi da jari qarTvelT amo-
miwyvites, sisxli Tqvengan mindao~. aRsarTani Sirvanis mefe
amis gamo, a. q. yazaxebs emterebo- (XII s. II nax.). a. ixsenieba: ,,istori-
da, wasvlas ar apirebda da qveyanas ani da azmani SaravandedTani~ (q.c.
arbevda (p.o. 204-205). rodesac a. II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aR-
q-ma mis winaaRmdeg qarTvelTa ja- wera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c.
ris mosvlis ambavi gaigo, aiyara da IV, 1973); niko dadiani ,,qarTvelT
wavida (p.o. 205). xunZaxis batonis cxovreba (1962).
mokavSire, yvarelTan, qarTvele- giorgi III (saqarTvelos mefe
bis winaaRmdeg gamarTul brZola- 1156-84) exmareba Tavis diswuls a-s
Si, iyo a. q., romelic masTan mivida darubandis (qalaqi kaspiis zRvis
jariT (p.o. 230). yvarlis cixesTan, sanapiroze, Tanam. Qq. derbendi)
(kaxeTi), gavazis mxares idga a. q. mxridan Semoseuli imierkavkasi-
Saqisa da Sarvanis jariT (p.o. 230). elebis winaaRmdeg brZolaSi. a.
rodesac Warelebma miatoves yvar- flobda teritorias darubandidan

xilxalamde (albanuri wyaroebis ze) da aiRo. qarTvelTagan gaqceul
ferozapati). is SviliviT hyavda seljukTa sulTanTan didi jariT
mefe giorgis. mefem Seagrova jari, midioda a. daviT aRmaSeneblis laS-
Tan waiyvana bizantiis imperatoris qarma amouwyvita mas oTxi aTasi ka-
manuelis (manuel I, 1143-80) biZaSvi- ci. a. gaiqca da martom Zlivs miaR-
li andronike (bizantiis imperato- wia sulTnis winaSe (d.i. 344).
ri 1183-1185) da wavida salaSqrod.
e. kvaWantiraZe
giorgi III-m qalaqebi Saburani da
darubandi mters waarTva da Sir-
vanSahs daubruna (i-a. 17; v.b. 169). a.
A ji-Calabi (haji Celebi
mivida Tamaris (saqarTvelos mefe
yurban oRlu) (1743-1755) Saqis
1184-1207/10) xelis saTxovnelad
saxanos damaarsebeli da misi pir-
da sarwmunoebis Secvlas dapirda.
veli damoukidebeli xani. a. C. XVIII
man uari miiRo da damwuxrebuli
s-is 40-iani saTaveSi edga iranis
gabrunda (i-a. 44-5; v.b. 176; n.d. 95).
Sahis nadiris (1736-47) xelisuf-
abu-beqris (azerbaijanis aTaba-
lebisagan gaTavisuflebisaTvis
gi XII s. bolo) mier damarcxebul-
brZolas. misi mmarTvelobis peri-
ma amir-miranma Tavi SirvanSah a-s
odi Saqis saxanos arnaxuli ayva-
Seafara. a. da amir-mirani mividnen
vebis xanaa. 1755 Sirvanis saxanos
TamarTan daxmarebis saTxovnelad.
winaaRmdeg brZolaSi damarcxebis
Tamari daexmara a-s misi naTesaobis
Semdeg, Saqis saxanos Zliereba dae-
gamo. amasobaSi abu-beqri wamovida
ca. qarTul wyaroebSi a. C. ixsenieba
saqarTvelos winaaRmdeg. Tamarma
rogorc Saq-Sarvanis xani. a-C. ix-
a-s da amir-mirans misca mefis spa
senieba: papuna orbeliani `ambavni
da salaSqrod gauSva (v.b. 181-82).
qarTlisani~ (1982); oman xerxeuli-
e. kvaWantiraZe Ze `mefoba irakli meorisa~ (1989);
istoriuli sabuTebi (qr. III, 1967);
`erekle II-is mier gacemuli sabu-
aRsunRuli ranis (,,ar-ran~, Tebi, 1736-1797~ (2008).
Zveli albaneTis arabuli saxeli) a. C. iyo erTi jaris patroni
aTabagi (XII s-is dasawyisi). Aa. ix- daRstnis mxares da yvelani pativs
senieba: ,,cxovreba mefeT-mefisa scemdnen (p.o. 148). a. C. iyo Saqeli
daviTisi~ (q.c. I, 1955). 1124 daviT da mpyrobeli Saqisa da Sirvanisa
aRmaSenebelma (saqarTvelos mefe (p.o. 166). ereklem (erekle II, kaxe-
1089-1125) Turq-seljukTa gansa- Tis mefe 1744-62; qarTl-kaxeTis
devnad gailaSqra Sirvanze (ist. 1762-98) Tbilisis cixeebSi mdgom
qveyana kaspiis zRvis das. sanapiro- yizilbaSebs Seutia, daamarcxa da

cixeebi daikava (1748). am ambiT SeSi- ar moiSales, mefeebma Warze galaS-
nebulma azerbaijanis qveynebis qreba gadawyvites, Seyares qarTl-
ganjisa da erevnis xanebma da a. C-ma, kaxeTis, yazax-borCalus jarebi,
erekles saCuqrebi gamougzavnes daibares ganjis xani, gzidan gais-
(p.o. 148). ganjis xanma erekles yara- tumres a. C-is Zmiswuli, romelic
baRis mflobelis fana-xanis Semo- asi kaciT maT eaxla. amiT a. C-ma isi-
sevebisgan dasacavad daxmareba ni Tavis erTgulebaSi ficiT daa-
sTxova. ereklem mouxmo Tavis mo- jera. Warelebi SeSindnen da mefe-
kavSire muslim xanebs, maT Soris a. ebTan molaparakeba gamarTes, mag-
C-s, romelic flobda Saqsa da Sar- ram ver SeTanxmdnen, amitom isini a.
vans. a. C-ma erekles moaxsena: sadac C-is qveyanaSi gaixiznen, xolo a.
mibrZanebT Cemi jariT iq geaxlebi- C-ma mefeebs SemouTvala: Warelebs
To (p.o. 166). fana-xanis winaaRmdeg Tu ar CamoeclebiT, me maT mxars
gaCaRda brZola. qarTvelebi mama- davuWer da maTTan erTad Cemi qvey-
curad ibrZodnen da gaimarjves. am niT amovwydebio. mefeebs aseTi mu-
brZolaSi ar Careulan erevnis, gan- qaris sityva ewyinaT da a. C-is wina-
jis xanebisa da a. C-is (Saqi-Sarva- aRmdeg galaSqreba gadawyvites
nis) jarebi. isini Soridan adevneb- (p.o. 180-181). a. C-s jari winaswar
dnen Tvals am brZolas (p.o. 169). hyavda momzadebuli. mis mxares ib-
gamarjvebulma ereklem da Teimu- rZodnen Warelebi, `lekis qveyne-
razma (Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe bi~, kakis sulTani. es mefeebma ar
1744-62) a. C-is jari iqve barguSaTi- icodnen. qarTvelebma Seuties, le-
dan (somxeTis ter.) daiTxoves, Tvi- kebi gaaqcies da a. C-s uamravi kaci
Ton ki sxva jariT mividnen ganjas moukles, magram sabolood mainc
(p.o. 172). daRestnis yvela beladi damarcxdnen. Camovidnen maRaros,
Seiyara da lekebis didZali jariT iqidan ki Tbiliss (p.o. 182). 1752,*
qarTl-kaxeTze wamovida. mefeebma 10 ianvars mefeebi wabrZandnen
(Teimuraz II, erekle II) didi brZola QWarelTa dasarbevad. a. C-ma maT
gaumarTes da lekebi daamarcxes. uRalata, didi jari Seyara, zogi
qarTvelebs lekebze gamarjveba mi- aqa-iq Causafra, danarCeni ki orSa-
uloces im xalxma, romelsac pat- baTs dilas mefeebs SeabrZola. me-
ronobda a. C. (p.o. 178-179). damar- fe ereklem gaaqcia lekebi, magram
cxebuli lekebi gaifantnen zogi damalulma lekis jarma zurgidan
kakSi, zogic a. C-is mamulSi (p.o. Seutia, ris gamoc 11 Tebervals,
179). mefe ereklesa da darejanis yvelieris orSabaTs (yvelieris
qorwilSi dapatiJebuli iyo a.-C. oTxSabaTs, qr. III, 055; 619), mefeebi
is Zmiswuli (p. o. 180). radgan le- damarcxdnen (qr. III, 211; 632. 055.
kebma qarTlisa da kaxeTis mtroba 619). CerqezeTidan Tbiliss jariT

mobrunebulma mefe ereklem 3 seq- qvemoT, agrisze erTmaneTs Seebnen
tembers a. C-is Svili daamarcxa. (qr, qarTl-kaxeTis jari, erekle-Tei-
III, 620). mefe Teimurazma da mefe murazis meTaurobiT da a. C., Ware-
ereklem a. C-is winaaRmdeg galaSq- lebis jariT. brZolisas a. C-ma ga-
reba gadawyvites da ganjas wavid- daibira qarTvelebis mxares meoma-
nen, radgan iqidan surdaT a. C-is ri ganja-yarabaxis xanebi, romel-
waxdena. mefeebma ixmes Tavis mokav- Tac, pirobisamebr, miatoves brZo-
Sire muslimi xanebi. isinic movid- lis veli (o.x. 50). a. C., yarabaxis xani
nen azarmaTas da Teimurazsa da fana, ganjis xani Saverdi, ganja-ya-
erekles SeuerTdnen. am dros md. rabaxisa da Saqi-Sarvanis jarebiT
alazani adidda da a. C-ze veRar gai- dadgnen yazaxs, aRstafaze, Teimu-
laSqres. mefeebs mowveuli xanebi razTan da ereklesTan Sebmis miz-
`avRanze~ salaSqrod epatiJebod- niT, Tumca brZola veRar gabedes,
nen. maT Turme qarTvelebis Rala- molaparakeba gamarTes, dazavdnen
ti surdaT. rodesac mefeebma es am- da ukan gabrundnen (o.x. 48-49). 1753
bavi Seityves, gadawyvites `xanebi ganjis, SuSisa da yarabaxis xanebma
daviWiroT, amaTi saqoneli jars mouxmes mefe Teimurazsa da erek-
mivsceTo~. daiWires: ganjis xani les a. C-is winaaRmdeg sabrZolve-
Tavisi ZmiT, yaradaReli qazum-xa- lad; xanebma saidumlo werili ga-
ni, barguSaTis xani, fana-xani da ugzavnes a. C-s. a. C-ma Sirvanisa da
sxvebi. fana-xanis Svili da Zmiswu- daRestnis jarebiT daamarcxa me-
li a. C-Tan wavidnen da daxmareba feebi (o. x. 53). yazax-borCaloele-
iTxoves. a. C. daTanxmda im imediT, bi da baidrelebi `Tavisis ZaliT~
rom xanebis gaTavisuflebis SemTx- qarTveli batonis (Teimuraz II)
vevaSi, is maT qveynebs daeuflebo- morCilebidan gamovidnen da a. C-s
da (p.o. 191-194). a. C-ma wamoiyvana emsaxurebodnen (p. o. 197). qarTle-
Sarvan-Samaxiis jari, Warelebi, ka- lebma a. C-is Serigeba gadawyvites
kis sulTani, Samaxiis xani da 1751 da TbilisSi mZevlad myof ganjis
wlis vnebis kviris paraskevs miadg- xanis biZas yoja-xans masTan weri-
nen ganjas. did SabaTs `ganjis ze- li miawerines. a. C-ma Serigebis sa-
viT~ gamarTul brZolaSi a. C-ma nacvlod, sapasuxo weriliT yoja-
qarTvelebi daamarcxa (sxva cno- xanisa da erT-erTi mefis (Teimu-
biT, es brZola moxda 1752, 28 marts, raz II an erekle II) sando kacis mas-
didSabaTs. ix. qr. III, 627; 632. 290). a. Tan Cayvana moiTxova. roca es
C. ganjas Cavida gamarjvebuli da moTxovna Seusrules, man qarTvel
gaaTavisufla dapatimrebuli xane- mefeebs adribejanis (azerbaijanis)
bi (p.o. 194-195; qr. III, 290, 620, 627, qveynebze xelis aReba mosTxova
632). 1752 wlis TebervalSi, Wars (p.o. 198). a. C-ma mefeebis mier mas-

Tan gagzavnili sando kacebi sam- lis wyalobis wigni uboZa maCxaanel
SobloSi aRar gamouSva da ganjas daviT bostaSvils a.-C.-Tan brZo-
datova (p. o. 198). a. C-ma jari Sekri- laSi mefis Tavdadebuli samsaxu-
ba da ganjas Cavida, sadac yaraba- ris gamo (erekle II-is mier gacemu-
Ris jari SemouerTda (p.o. 198). qar- li sabuTebi, 25); 1759, 21 maiss erek-
Tvelebma a. C-isa da ganjis xanis le II-m samefo aznaurobis wyalobis
1500 jariskaci tyved Caigdes, a. wigni uboZa furcela furcelaZes
C-is sardlebi daxoces (p.o. 202). me- a. C-Tan brZolaSi, misi Zmis mier Ta-
feebma borCalus yofil xans mu- vis gamoCenis gamo (erekle II-is mier
sa-yulis, romelic a. C-is mxares ar gacemuli sabuTebi, 32).
dadga, borCalos xanoba uboZes
(p.o. 203). ganjis xanma acnoba a. C-s *sxva cnobis mixedviT, es brZola moxda 1751
(ix. qr. III, 632, 055, 619).
baman-xanisa da zurab qsnis erisTa-
vis Svilis masTan misvlis Sesaxeb. a. T. qoriZe
C-ma TavisTan daibara baman-xani da
zurab erisTavis Svili, maT misca
xalaTi da TeTri inamad (saCuqrad). bagrevandi evi igive qve-
isini dapirdnen qarTlis daWeras yana (administraciuli erTeuli)
(p.o. 207). a. C-ma maT daujera, jari somxeTSi.
Sekriba da qarTlsa da kaxeTze ga- b. ixsenieba: stefane mtbevari
laSqreba daapira (p.o. 208). a. C-s Sa- `wameba wmidisa mowamisa gobroni-
maxiis xani da yuba-xani Seebnen da si~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963); leonti mro-
daamarcxes (p.o. 208). a. C-ma, Ware- veli, ` cxovreba qarTvelTa mefe-
lebma, kakis sulTanma, Sirvaneleb- Ta~ (q.c., I, 1955, 45.).
ma da fana-xanma piroba dades, rom
T. qoriZe
Tu xunZaxis batoni qarTlsa da ka-
xeTze gaimarjvebda, isinic Seese-
odnen, aaoxrebdnen da dainawileb-
bazuki ix. st. abazuki da ba-
dnen am qveynebs (p.o. 231). yvarlis
mTaze dabanakebulma xunZaxis ba-
tonma (igulisxmeba nursal-begi)
jari da daxmareba sTxova a. C-is
bamani (baman-xani) naxiCeva-
Svils da isic movida jariT (p.o.
nis xani (1748-1765). iranis saxelm-
227). 1754 yvarlis cixes (kaxeTi) da-
wifo moRvawe. warmoSobiT qarTve-
Restnis jari Semoesia Warelebi,
li. colad hyavda iese qsnis eris-
a. C., a. C-is Svili sulTani (qr. III,
Tavis (SanSe erisTavis Zma, XVIII s-is
231, 246). 1755, 10 ivniss mefe erek-
40-iani) asuli. naxiCevanis xanoba
lem azatobis ganaxlebisa da mamu-

uboZa ibreim Sahma (iranis Sahi 1748, orbelianebs avaleben daarwmunon
nadirSahis ZmisSvili), (1748). b. ad- b., raTa ojaxi TbilisSi gaagzav-
gilobrivi somxuri qristianuli nos. b. Tavisi col-SviliT naxiCe-
mosaxleobis mxardaWeriT sargeb- vanSi mivida, magram azat-xanis Si-
lobda. wyaroebi b-s axasiaTeben SiT iqauroba datova; col-Svili
rogorc kacTmoyvare mmarTvels, qarTlSi gamoagzavna, TviTon ki
romlis drosac somxebma SeZles erevanSi wavida. zaal orbelians
suli moeTqvaT. nadir Sahis (iranis meored dasWirda naxiCevanis daka-
Sahi 1736-47) gardacvalebis Semdeg veba (p.o. 164, 172, 175-76). `1752 yir-
amierkavkasiaSi pirvelobisaTvis xbulaxis (erevnis axlos) brZolis
atexil brZolaSi b-c Caeba. man sa- win, b. Teimurazis menapired (sa-
gangebo somxuri jari Camoayaliba, sazRvro olqis mcveli) daayenes~.
ramac gamoiwvia naxiCevanis saxanos b-ma cota xnis Semdeg mtris SiSiT
urTierTobis gamwvaveba yarabaRi- datova naxiCevani da TbilisSi Ca-
sa da samxr. azerbaijanis saxanoeb- vida TeimurazTan. Tbilisidan b.
Tan. araerTgvari iyo b-s urTier- zaal orbelianTan erTad erevnis
Toba qarTl-kaxeTis samefosTan. saxanoSi gaagzavnes, magram bambakSi
Tumca sabolood (1760) sajarod (mxare istoriul samx. saqarTvelo-
aRiara qarTl-kaxeTis samefos Si) misulebs, iq mouwiaT gaCereba
uzenaesoba naxiCevanis saxanoze. da erekles dalodeba (p.o. 183-84).
b-is mmarTveloba 1765 w-mde gagr- yirxbulaxis brZolaSi b. erekles
Zelda. b. ixsenieba: papuna orbelia- mxaresaa (p.o. 186). yirxbulaxis
ni - `ambavni qarTlisani~ (1981). brZolis Semdeg b-s daeqvemdebara
b-ma (1749) Cafari gaugzavna Te- erevnisa da yazax-borCalus jare-
imurazsa (Teimuraz II, qarTlis me- bi (p.o. 188). b. azat xanis Tavdasxmis
fe 1744-62) da erekles (erekle II, gamo (1752) naxiCevanidan gogCaze
kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxe- (sevanis tba, somxeTSi) mivida, xo-
Tis 1762-98) da sTxova jaris miS- lo iqidan TbilisSi (p.o. 190). vaS-
velieba fana xanisa (fanah ali xani, lovanSi (sof. qarTlSi) menapired
yarabaRis mflobeli 1747-63) da ganwesebulma b-ma lekebi daamarcxa
azat-xanisagan (samxr. azerbaija- da maTi moWrili Tavebi Teimurazs
nis mflobeli, 1747-62) dasacavad. miarTva TbilisSi. Semdeg b-ma azat-
qarTl-kaxeTis mefeebma b-s Txovna xanTan gaaba molaparakeba. Ralati-
Seusrules. gaagzavnes jari zaal saTvis b. daiWires (p.o. 197). b. cxe-
orbelianis meTaurobiT. ganjidan nosani jariT sulxan eSikaRabaSTan
yazaxSi (1750) Casul Teimurazsa da erTad wavida aRaqiSisa (aji Cala-
erekles b. miegeba. imave wels Tei- bis Svili) da Saverdi-xanisagan
murazi da erekle zaal da qaixosro

(ganjis xani) yazaxis dasacavad (p.o. (p.o. 223-25). Teimurazma (1758) Se-
205). ereklem (1753) yazaxSi menapi- iriga b. da borCalos xanoba uboZa
re jari Caayena revaz amilaxoris- (p.o. 245).
Svilisa da b-is meTaurobiT (p.o. g. oTxmezuri
207). imave wels b-ma datova yazaxi
da zurab qsnis erisTavisSvilTan
(ieses Ze) erTad, aji-CalabTan (Sa- bardavi (barda) qalaqi
qis pirveli xani, aji Celebi yurban azerbaijanis resp. yarabaRis va-
oRlu, 1743-55), Cavida ganjaSi, ra- keze, md. terteris orive napiras.
Ta erTad elaSqraT qarTl-kaxeTSi. dRevandeli q. b-idan ramdenime ki-
laSqroba CaiSala. b. ganjaSi wavida lometris daSorebiT aris isto-
aji-CalabTan, misi col-Svili dar- riuli q. b-is nangrevebi, romelic
Ca TbilisSi (p.o. 207-208). ganjaSi V s-dan kavkasiis albaneTis (ix. st.
myofma b-ma (1754) Teimurazs mas- rani) sataxto qalaqi iyo. VIII s. da-
Tan misvlis nebarTva sTxova (p.o. sawyisSi daipyres arabebma. b. saqa-
212). b. lekis jariT (1755) yazaxSi ravno gzebis Sesayarze mdebareob-
dabinavda, iqidan borCaloSi gada- da da msxvil savaWro-saxelosno
vida. Teimurazsa da erekles Tavi- centrs warmoadgenda. X s. salari-
si col-Svilis dabrunebas sTxov- debs (azerbaijanSi gabatonebuli
da da sanacvlod Serigebas da maT iranuli dinastia) emorCileboda.
samsaxurSi Cadgomas hpirdeboda. periodulad laSqravda qarTvel-
masTan da lekebTan mosalaparakeb- Ta jari. XIII s. I naxevarSi monRolTa
Tavdasxmebis Sedegad dakninda da
lad aRjayalis cixeSi Cavidnen re-
soflad gadaiqca. b. ixsenieba: le-
vaz amilaxori da martyofis (sof.
onti mroveli `cxovreba qarTvel-
kaxeTSi) mouravi qaixosro, romel-
Ta mefeTa~, juanSeri `cxovreba
Tac mefeTagan b-is daWera hqonda
vaxtang gorgaslisa~, `matiane qar-
davalebuli. b. somxiTis (qvemo qar-
Tlisa~, `cxovreba mefeT-mefisa da-
Tlis erT-erTi provincia gvian Sua
viTisi~, laSa-giorgis droindeli
saukuneebSi) meliqis mamulidan Ca-
matiane, sumbat daviTis Ze `cxov-
vida aRjayalaSi (cixe-simagre qv.
reba da uwyeba bagratonianTa~ (q. c.
qarTlis ist. provincia gaCianSi,
I, 1955); `istoriani da azmani Sara-
sof. kuSCis maxloblad) da Sexv-
vandedTani~, basili ezosmoZRuari
da maT, magram Semdeg aRar miendo
`cxovreba mefeT-mefisa Tamarisi~,
da isev somxiTis tyes Seafara Ta-
JamTaaRmwereli, beri egnataSvili
vi. rodesac b-ma da lekebma gaiges
`axali qarTlis cxovreba~, `axali
erekles maTze gamolaSqrebis am-
qarTlis cxovreba~ meore teqsti
bavi, gaiqcnen da ganjaSi Cavidnen
(q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili
`aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ dauriga. mexuTe qaliSvili colad
(q.c. IV, 1973); farsadan gorgijaniZe misca varzmans, romelic iyo b-is
`istoria~ (1926); papuna orbeliani sparsi erisTavis naTesavi (j. 242).
`ambavni qarTlisani~ (1981); `pari- aSot kurapalatis (qarTlis erism-
zis qronika~ (1980); istoriuli sa- Tavari VIII s. 90-iani; tao-klarje-
buTi (q.i.s.k. 1980). Tis mefe. g. 826) `saxlad iyo tfili-
qarTvelTa winaparma qarTlos- si da bardavi~ (s. d. 376; v. b. 128).
ma Tavis Svils, bardoss misca aSoti aujanyda arabebs da SavSeTSi
mtkvris marjvena sanapiro, xolo gaiqca. ganaaxla artanuji, `kvalad
man md. mtkvrisa da md. raxsis (araq- eufla qveyanaTa vidre karamde
si) SesarTavTan aaSena qalaqi b. bardavis qalaqisa~ (savaraudod q.
(l.m. 5). qarTlis mefe saurmagma (Zv. xilaxila, igive ferozapati, alban
w. III s.) colad SeirTo b-is erisTa- mefeTa rezidencia), (s. d. 377). Tbi-
vis asuli (l.m. 27). qarTlis mefe mi- lisis amira sahakis (ishak ibn isma-
rianma (IV s. I nax.) qaliSvili miaTxo- il Suabiani) winaaRmdeg brZolaSi
va `sparsTa naTesavs~ ferozs, ro- (842) baRdadis xalifas sardal mu-
melsac misca qveyana `rani barda- hameds (xalid iazidis Ze) exmareba
vamde~ (l. m. 68, 117). vaxtang gor- bagrati (tao-klarjeTis mefe 826-
gaslis (qarTlis mefe V s. 40-iani V 76). am brZolis Semdeg `aiyara~ mu-
s. bolomde) deda sagduxti wavida hamed da wavida b. (m. q. 255; v. b. 129).
b-Si, eaxla mamas, ranis gamgebels, arabTa sardalma buRa-Turqma (bu-
barzabods da Svili Seavedra, raTa Ra al-qabiri, g. 862) saqarTveloSi
igi qarTlis taxtze aeyvana (kavka- laSqrobis dros (853) gamoizamTra
siaSi iranis Sahis warmomadgeneli b-Si (m.q. 256; v. b. 130). salaridebma
iyo ranis pitiaxSi), (j. 144). vaxtang daipyres (X s. 20-iani) b. da adarba-
gorgaslisa da berZenTa (bizantia) dagani (m. q. 266; v. b. 134). Turq-sel-
Soris brZolis dros daiRupa vax- Cukebi Camodgebodnen Tbilisidan
tangis dedis Zma, varaz-bakuri, ro- vidre b-mde, radgan misi Semogareni
melic b-Si waasvenes (j. 176). sparse- gamosazamTreblad saukeTeso ad-
Tis mefem urmizdma (iranis Sahi gilebs warmoadgenda (d. i. 332). ga-
hormizd IV, 579-90) Tavis Svils, qas- zafxulze, rodesac mtkvari adid-
re ambarvezs (iranis Sahi xosro II da, Turq-selCukebi b-Si Cadgnen (d.
farvizi 591-628) samarTavad misca i. 340). daviTma (daviT IV, saqarTve-
rani da movakani. qasre dajda b-s (j. los mefe 1089-1125), (1121) daarbia
217). mefe arCilma (qarTlis erism- b. da `mosrna Turqni~ (d. i. 340,
Tavari VIII s. 20-40-iani) Tavisi Zmis- q.i.s.k. dawerili favnelisa mRvimi-
wulebi (miris qaliSvilebi) eris- sadmi dok. #1. 16). laSa-giorgis
Tavebs miaTxova da mziTvad miwebi (saqarTvelos mefe 1207/10-23) da-

badebis aRsaniSnavad qarTvelebma erT-erTi Setakebis dros, Sabura-
moarbies (1193) didi da Zveli qala- nis velze (darubandTan) daviT
qi b. (i. a. 58). monapireebis (sazRv- ulo, laSa-giorgis Zem (aRm. saqar-
rispira olqis sagangebo moxele) Tvelos mefe 1246-70) berqa yaenis
grigolis ZeTa, tbelTa, mafatlis- (oqros urdos mbrZanebeli 1255-66)
ZeTa SiSiT, b-s... dedas yma ver momxre `saxelovani kaci~ mokla,
autirdeboda (b.ez. 130). laSa gi- xolo sargis jayeli (samcxis spasa-
orgis mefobis dros, rodesac meo- lari, 1266-dan samcxis mmarTveli)
red gamoCndnen monRolebi saqarT- didi simamaciT ibrZoda berqas ja-
velos sazRvrebTan, dadgnen b-is ris winaaRmdeg. Sedegad oqros ur-
Walas (l.g.m. 370). monRolebma moa- dos jari gaaqcies. gamarjvebulebi
oxres (XIII s. 40-iani) mTlianad samx- b-s mividnen, sadac monRolebma da-
reT kavkasia, maT Soris b. (J. 186). asaCuqres. sargis jayels sagamgeb-
rodesac monRolebi Semoadgnen ka- lod gadasces karnu-qalaqi (karax-
enis (qalaqi ist. somxeTSi) cixes, pola, dR. arzrumi, TurqeTSi). da-
sadac (saqarTvelos) amirspasala- viT ulom es saqme CaSala. sargisi
ri avag ivanes Ze mxargrZeli iyo ga- ganawyenebuli Sin dabrunda, da-
magrebuli, Tavis gadasarCenad viTma ki b-Si gamoizamTra (J. 250).
monRolTa mTavrebs b-Si mociquli daviT narini (das. saqarTvelos me-
gaugzavna da zavi SesTavaza (J. 189). fe 1246-59), rusudanis Ze, ulo-ya-
monRolebi zamTris sadgurad b-s enma Seipyro da b-Si gaagzavna (J.
iyenebdnen (J. 189, 191). rusudani 228; v. b. 213). Temur-lengma (Sua
(saqarTvelos mefe 1223-45) da misi aziis mbrZanebeli 1370-1405) daaty-
memkvidre daviTi, imereTidan aRm. veva bagrati (bagrat V, saqarTve-
saqarTveloSi gadmovidnen (1243). los mefe 1360-93) meuRle anasTan
aq maT daxvdnen ukve monRolebTan erTad (1386), TviTon ki sanadirod
SeTanxmebuli qarTveli didebule- wavida, `Cavlo yaraia (mtkvris pira
bi. daviTi b-Si waiyvanes, sadac mon- veli q. rusTavTan) da mivida bar-
Rolma noinebma is samefo taxtze davs~ (v. b. 264). Semdeg b-dan Sirvans
aiyvanes da dasamtkiceblad urdo- wavida (v. b. 265). Temur-lengi mra-
Si gaagzavnes (J. 195). romguaris valricxovani laSqriT, bukTa ce-
qveyanas marTavda oTxi noni, am qve- miT da zarebis zrialiT, mivida
yanaSi Sedioda: xorasani (ist. olqi b-Si, iq datova saWurWle da saqar-
iranis Crd. aRm. nawilSi), erayi, sa- Tvelos dasalaSqrad wamovida
qarTvelo, Sirvani, movakani, b. (J. (1387), (b. e. 330; meore t. 457; v. b.
223). ilxanebsa da oqros urdos So- 267), Temur-lengma da giorgim (gi-
ris atexil omebSi (1262-63) qarTve- orgi VII, saqarTvelos mefe 1393-
lebi ilxanTa mxares ibrZodnen. 1407) zavi dades (1403), ris Semde-

gac Temuri gamosazamTreblad b-Si da mesxTa laSqari (f. g. 30). Teimu-
wavida (b. e. 335; meore t. 467; v. b. razTan, rodesac igi b-Si idga, mivi-
272). Sah-Tamazi (Tahmasp I, iranis Sa- da yarabaRis somexTa kaTolikosi
hi 1524-76), rodesac saqarTvelos da Tavrizze (q. iranis azerbaijan-
meored (1547) Semoesia, marTalia Si, ajiCais xeobaSi) galaSqreba ur-
qveyana aaoxra, magram TviTonac Cia. mefem uariT gaistumra (f. g.
didi zarali naxa; brZolis gagrZe- 31). b-is xanma Sahs qarTlis Tavade-
leba ver SeZlo, mxolod nadavliT bisgan gagzavnili arza miarTva, sa-
dakmayofilda, b-s gabrunda da iq dac isini mefed giorgis iTxovdnen
gamoizamTra (f. g. 5). rodesac ba- (qarTlis mefe giorgi XI 1676-88;
ton Teimurazs (Teimuraz I, kaxeTis 1703-09), (f. g. 83-84). rodesac na-
mefe 1606-48; qarTl-kaxeTis 1625- dir-Sahi (iranis Sahi 1736-47) da-
32), Seatyobines, rom yizilbaSebma RestanSi ibrZoda (1741-43), yizil-
kaxelebs aragvze `Tavebi daayrevi- baSebma qarTlidan gatanili 6 000
nes~, man gaiara qarTli, Cavida ka- xar-urmiT puri b-dan daRestanSi
xeTSi da kaxelebi saomrad gaemzad- gadazides (p. o. 55). nadir-Sahma
nen. es rom feiqar-xanma gaigo b-s ajanyebuli yofili Sahis Svilis
gaiqca da iqidan Sah-abass (abas I, (sefi mirza sinamdvileSi TviTmar-
iranis Sahi 1587-1629) daxmareba qvia iyo) dasasjelad Tavisi Ze nas-
sTxova. man jari gaugzavna (f. g. 24). rula-mirza gaagzavna. nasrulam
Sah-abasma kaxelebis gawyvetis da iq aiklo Sirvan-Samaxia da gamarjve-
yizilbaSTa Casaxlebis brZaneba buli `bardavs dadga~ (1743), (p. o.
gasca. am saqmes b-is xani, feiqar-xa- 73). gadasaxadebis gazrdis gamo yi-
ni xelmZRvanelobda (b-isa da kaxe- zilbaSebs qarTlis didi Tavadi gi-
Tis muslimi gamgebeli), (p. q. 90). vi amilaxvari aujanyda (1742-45),
qarTvelebma giorgi saakaZis (qarT- romelsac Turqebi exmarebodnen.
veli samxedro da saxelmwifo moR- nadir Sahma Semorigeba gadawyvita
vawe, 1570-1629) meTaurobiT fei- da saqmis gasarkvevad b-is xani gaag-
qar-xanze gailaSqres. man gaqceviT zavna (p. o. 54). rodesac TurqTa ja-
uSvela Tavs. qarTvelebma b-mde ris Semosvla nasrula mirzam gai-
sdies, ver daiWires da b. moarbies go, maSinve b-dan wamovida da ganjis
(b.e. 407). yarabaRis beglarbegma da- minareTTan dadga. SeSinebuli
ud-xanma (undilaZe) da Teimurazma Turqebi ukan gabrundnen (p. o. 75).
(Teimuraz I), moilaparakes da bar- nadir-Sahma, rodesac qarTlSi
da-yarabaRi moarbies (1632). Teimu- Turqebis Semosvla Seityo, erek-
razis jarSi iyvnen imereTis mefis lesa (erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-
aleqsandres (1639-60), odiSis 62; qarTl-kaxeTis 1762-98) da Tei-
mTavris, levan dadianis (1611-57) murazis (Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe

1744-62) dasaxmareblad b-dan aSur- wilxvedr qveyanas ewoda rani (,,ar-
xan sardlis meTaurobiT 4 000 ja- ran~, Zveli albaneTis arabuli sa-
riskaci gamoagzavna (p. o. 80). Saq- xeli) (v.b. 632).
Sirvanis xani aji-Calabi (Saqis pir-
e. kvaWantiraZe
veli xani, haji Celebi yurban-oR-
lu, 1743-55), rodesac Teimurazisa
da erekles winaaRmdeg ibrZoda
barzabodi iraneli moxele,
(1751-52), mas jariT b-is xani exmare-
qarTl-albaneTis marzpani (daax.
boda (p.o. 208).
V s. 30-iani). b. ixsenieba: juanSe-
q. nadiraZe
ri ,,cxovreba vaxtang gorgaslisa~
(q.c. I, 1955).
bardosi kavkasiel xalxTa b-is samflobelos xSirad aox-
erT-erTi eTnarqi. Bb. ixsenieba: le- rebdnen qarTlis mefe arCili (qar-
onti mroveli ,,cxovreba qarTvel- Tlis mefe V s. 20-30-iani) da misi va-
Ta mefeTa~ (q.c. I, 1955); ,,istoriani Ji mirdati (qarTlis mefe V s. 30-50-
da azmani SaravandedTani~ (q.c. II, iani). b-is asuli sagduxti colad
1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwe- iTxova arCilma Tavisi vaJisaTvis,
ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, ramac didad gaaxara b., CamoarTva
1973). mSvidobianobis piroba da misca Ta-
b. iyo bibliuri Targamosis visi asuli mirdats (j. 141-2). sag-
(kavkasiel xalxTa eTnarqi) mesame duxti gaqristianda. qmris sikvdi-
vaJi (l.m. 4; v.b. 47). Targamosis mier lis Semdeg SeSinebuli, rom mamas
qveynis gayofis Semdeg b-s ergo te- ar daesaja gaqristianebis gamo, is
ritoria md. mtkvris samxreTiT, md. wavida bardavs b-Tan da Sewyaleba
berdujidan (md. Mmtkvris marjvena sTxova. b-ma Seiwyala Tavisi asu-
Senakadi, Tanam. md. Zegam-Cai azer- li, ar aiZula mamiseul sarwmuno-
baijanSi) md. mtkvris da md. araqsis ebaze dabruneba, magram gamogzavna
SesarTavamde (l.m. 5). am terito- cecxlTayvanismcemeli msaxurni
riis sazRvrebi iyo: aRmosavleTiT mcxeTaSi episkopos binqaraniT sa-
md. Aaraqsi (md. samxreT kavkasia- TaveSi. b. qarTvelebs ar aiZulebda
Si, md. mtkvris udidesi Senakadi), mieRoT cecxlTayvanismcemloba. b.
samxreTiT mTa, romelze momavali gardaicvala da sparsTa mefem mis
mdinareebi erTvis md. mtkvars, da- adgilas dasva misi vaJi varaz-baku-
savleTiT md. berdujis mcire mTa, ri (j. 144-5).
CrdiloeTiT md. mtkvari (v.b. 48). e. kvaWantiraZe
b-ma aaSena q. bardavi da iq daemk-
vidra (l.m. 5; i-a. 58; v.b. 526). b-is

baqo Aazerbaijanis dedaqala- li 1802-1806) mivida b-s, misi mizani
qi, didi navsadguri kaspiis zRvaze, baqos dapyroba da iqidan azuRas
pirvelad ixsenieba V s-is wyaroeb- gamotana iyo saqarTveloSi myofi
Si. IX-X ss-Si mis Sesaxeb cnobebs laSqris dasaxmareblad. b-Tan erT
gvawvdian arabi geografebi. XII s-is farsangze (manZilis sazomi erTe-
meore naxevarSi erTxans Sirvanis uli aqemenidTa da sasanianTa iran-
saxelmwifos politikuri centri, Si) misulma miswera b-s xans huseins
xolo XV-XVI ss. amierkavkasiis erT- (1792-1806), raTa misTvis Caebarebi-
erTi Seuvali cixesimagre iyo. b-s na qalaqis kliteni (T.b. 72). rode-
XVI s-is 80-iani osmaleTi flobda, sac cicianovi b-s mivida, b-s xans
1604 Sah abas I-ma daangria, magram (huseins) moaxsena, rom Tu ar daneb-
male isev aRadgina. 1723 b. ruseTis deboda, Semusravda mis cixes. b-s
jarma daikava, 1735 irans daubrun- xani cbierebiT daemorCila cici-
da. ruseT-iranis 1804-13 omis dros anovs da TavisTan miiwvia. b-s xani
ruseTis imperiis SemadgenlobaSi cixis gareT Seegeba mas da dasxdnen
Sevida. 1920 aprilSi, azerbaijan- sasaubrod. swored am dros xanis
Si sabWoTa xelisuflebis damyare- kacebma cicianovi dambaCebiT mok-
bis Semdeg, misi dedaqalaqi gaxda. les. SeSinebuli rusebi yizlarsa
b. ixsenieba: farsadan gorgijaniZe da TbilisSi gaiqcnen (T.Bb. 72; b.b.
`istoria~ (1925); Teimuraz bagra- 97-98). ruseTis imperatorma aleq-
tioni `axali istoria~ (1983); bag- sandre pavles Zem (1801-25) didi
rat batoniSvili `axali moTxro- mxedroba gagzavna b-s dasapyrobad,
ba~ (1941); niko dadiani `qarTvelT romelmac qalaqs alya Semoartya.
cxovreba~ (1962). SeSinebuli b-s xani gaipara, cixe ki
Sah ismails (iranis Sahi 1502-24) rusebma aiRes (n. d., 197). b-Si myofi
misi mokavSireebi gaskris batoni rusis jari yizlarSi zRviT gadavi-
da astaris batoni murad sulTan da (T.b. 72). markizi (filipe paulu-
TaliSi TavianTi laSqriT Sir- Ci, saqarTvelos mTavarmarTebeli
vanze wauZRvnen, b-s cixe advilad 1811-1812) gadavida mtkvars Saqis,
aiRes da Sirvan Samaxia daiWires Sarvanis, darbadisa (darubandis)
(f. g. 210). 1796 movida ruseTis ja- da b-s dasaTvaliereblad, radgan
ri graf zubovis xelmZRvanelo- yvela es adgili dapyrobili hqon-
biT, romelTac daipyres daruban- daT rusebs (T.b. 80). imJamad mar-
di, Samaxia, b. da saliani. (T.b. 66); kizi Camosuli iyo b-dan TbilisSi
gilanelebis mier damarcxebuli (T.b. 82).
rusebi naviT mividnen b-s maxlob- T. qoriZe
lad. 1806 ciciSvili (pavle cicia-
novi, saqarTvelos mTavarmarTebe-

bayaTari ovsTa bumberazi TviTon dajda mis cxenze da mieax-
// goliaTi (V s. Sua wlebi). b. ixse- la Tavis spas (j. 154, 155; v. b. 103).
nieba: juanSeri `cxovreba vaxtang es is bayaTaria, romelmac moaoxra
gorgaslisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti qarTli da moitaca vaxtangis da.
batoniSvili `aRwera samefosa sa- vaxtangis da man gamoiyvana stefan-
qarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); niko da- wmindis monastris zemoT mdebare
diani `qarTvelT cxovreba~ (1962). cixidan (n. d. 80, 133).
oseTze laSqrobis dros (da- q. nadiraZe
ax. 446-47) mefe vaxtang gorgasalma
(qarTlis mefe V s-is 40-iani.- V s-is
bolomde), romelic am droisaTvis bayaTari ovsTa mTavari (g.
TxuTmeti wlis iyo, orTabrZola 1304). b. ixsenieba: JamTaaRmwereli
gaumarTa os bumberazs b-s. b. iyo (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili
goliaTi, romelic orTabrZoleb- (q.c. IV, 1973); warwera nuzalis say-
Si mudmivad gamarjvebuli gamodi- darze (qr. II. 1897).
oda. misi mSvildi sigrZiT Tormet daviTi (daviT VIII, saqarTvelos
mtkavels iTvlida, xolo isari eqvs mefe 1293-1311) periodulad ujan-
mtkavels. brZolis dawyebis win b. ydeboda monRolebs. monRolebi,
moadga mdinaris pirs (md. Tergi) sapasuxod, aoxrebdnen saqarTve-
da vaxtangs maRali xmiT SeuZaxa: los teritorias yovel gazafxul-
vaxtang mefeo, nu galaRdebi wi- sa da Semodgomaze. ovsTa mTavari b.
nadRis gamarjvebiT. giwvev brZo- monRolTa mxardaWeriT gandidda.
laSi, romelsac veRar gadaurCebi. aoxrebda qarTls, TrialeTs. aya-
vaxtang mefem miugo, rom mas icavda ra miwebidan aznaurebi da iyo `Wiri
qristes Zala da jvari, amitom mas didi mkvidrTa qarTlisaTa~. `gam-
b-is ar eSinoda `viTarca ZaRlisa~. reklis kaxas Zes~ waarTva Zamis ci-
vaxtangi Seajda javSniT SeWurvil xe (cixe Zamis xeobaSi, Sida qarTli)
taiWs, aiRo cxovelis tyavisagan da iq gamagrda. es rom beqam (beqa I
gakeTebuli fari, Caiara ferdo- jayeli, samcxis mmarTveli da me-
bi, mivida mdinaris maxloblad da fis mandaturTuxucesi 1240-1306)
b-s ubrZana, rom mdinare mas gada- Seityo, miadga cixes da alya Semo-
elaxa da xleboda, radgan igi mefe artya. osebi SeSindnen. b. mivida
iyo. b. damorCilda, gadalaxa mdi- beqasTan, patieba iTxova da piroba
nare da dauwyo vaxtangs isrebis dado, rom aRar iavkacebda. b. amis
tyorcna. vaxtangis cxeni daiWra. Semdeg gardaicvala. [sof. nuzalis
am dros vaxtangi mieWra b-s, uxeTqa saydris kedelze, ardanis xeobaSi,
xmali mxarze da CahkveTa gulamde. oseTSi, aris warwerili leqsi, sa-

dac b-s ganadideben (T. Jordania mefe 1714-16, 1724-27) moakvlevina
aTariRebs 1324 da aigivebs q. c-s (p. o. 140).
b-sTan. qr. 178-79)].
q. nadiraZe

q. nadiraZe

biriti cixe SirvanSi. Bb. ix-

bayaTari ovsTa mTavari (da- senieba: ,,cxovreba mefeT-mefisa
ax. IX-X s. mijna). b. ixsenieba: `mati- daviTisi (q.c. I, 1955) ; vaxuSti ba-
ane qarTlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti toniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa saqar-
batoniSvili `aRwera samefosa sa- Tvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
qarTvelosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973). b. aiRo daviTma (daviT IV
aRmaSenebeli, saqarTvelos mefe
afxazTa (das. saqarTvelo) mefe
1089-1125) Sirvanze laSqrobisas
bagratma (bagrat I, 881-93) gadawy-
(1124), (d.i. 345; v.b. 162).
vita sakuTari samflobelos klar-
jeTis teritoriebis xarjze ga- e. kvaWantiraZe
farToveba. amisaTvis man saomrad
gaagzavna laSqari Tavisi colisZ-
mis nasras meTaurobiT. nasras ex- bijnisi cixe-simagre som-
mareboda osTa mTavari b. brZolaSi xeTSi, mdebareobda airaratis na-
Caeba taos mefe adarnase daviTis hangis nigis gavarSi, werilobiT
Ze (881-923), romelmac md. mtkvar- wyaroebSi V s-dan ixsenieba, X-XI ss-
Tan somexTa daxmarebiT daamarcxa Si iyo fahlavunebis rezidencia,
nasra. b. brZolaSi daiRupa (m. q. 261; b-is nangrevebi dRemdea SemorCeni-
v. b. 132). li md. razdanis marjvena napirze.
Bb. ixsenieba: arseni safareli ,,gan-
q. nadiraZe yofisaTvis qarTvelTa da somexTa~
(1980); laSa-giorgis-droindeli
matiane (q.c. I, 1955); JamTaaRmwere-
benCa lekTa beladi (XVIII s. li (q.c. II, 1959).
I nax.) b. ixsenieba: papuna orbeliani VII s-is somexi monofiziti
`ambavni qarTlisani~ (1981). moZRvari ioane mairagomeli sikv-
b. erekles (erekle II, kaxeTis dilis win daemkvidra b-Si (a.s. 93).
mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis 1762- zaqaria da ivane mxargrZelebma (XII-
98) erTgulebisaTvis, erekles wi- XIII ss-is mijnis saqarTvelos sa-
naaRmdeg (1748) ajanyebulma abdu- xelmwifo da samxedro moRvaweebi,
la-begma, ieses Zem (iese, qarTlis zaqaria amirspasalar-mandatur-
Tuxucesi, ivane msaxurTuxuce-
si, amirspasalari, aTabagi) aiRes Semdeg Semusra Tbilisi, moaoxra
b. (l.m. 368). jalaledinis (mangu- qarTli da darialis gziT gaemarTa
berTi, xvarazmis Sahi 1220-21) Se- xazareTSi. xazarTa xakans b-ma mxo-
mosevis dros ivane mxargrZelma lod juanSeri warudgina, radgan
garnisTan damarcxebis Semdeg ukan SuSanma gzaSi Tavi moiwamla. SuSa-
daixia b-ken (J. 171). jalaledinma nis cxedaris arCatanis gamo (xakans
mociquli gaugzavna b-Si myof avag misi naxva surda) xakanis brZanebiT
mxargrZels (XIII s-is I nax. samxedro- b. Seipyres, moabes yelze sabeli da
politikuri moRvawe, saqarTvelos misces or cxenosans, aqeT-iqiT gan-
amirspasalari da aTabagi), TviTon sazidad. ase moswyvites Tavi (m.q.
ki idga ,,xramsa zeda bijnisisasa~ (J. 249-50).
172-3). avag mxargrZelis gardacva-
g. oTxmezuri
lebasTan dakavSirebiT daviTi (da-
viT VII, saqarTvelos mefe 1246-70)
midis mis saxlSi b-Si (J. 237). yaeni-
borena ovsTa mefis asuli.
sadmi (ilxanTa yaeni hulagu, 1217-
saqarTvelos dedofali XI s-Si.
65) gandgomili daviT VII gadavida
saqarTvelos mefis bagrat IV-is
samcxeSi sargis jayelTan (sargis
(1027-72) meuRle. b. ixsenieba: `mati-
I, samcxis mmarTveli 1266-85, saqar-
ane qarTlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti
Tvelos meWurWleTuxucesi), meuR-
batoniSvili `aRwera samefosa sa-
le dedofali gvanca da misi vaJi
qarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
demetre ki b-Si datova (J. 239).
bagrats, rodesac gardaecvala
e. kvaWantiraZe pirveli meuRle berZenTa keisris
asuli elene, meore colad Seir-
To osTa mefis dorRolelis da
bluCani (VIII s-is me-2 nax.); b. bagrats sasikvdilo sarecelTan
xazarTa xakanis spasalari. b. ix- Tavs adgnen deda mariami, meuRle b.
senieba:L`matiane qarTlisa~ (q.c. I, da sxv. (m.q. 295, 314; v.b. 145).
q. nadiraZe
b. gamoagzavna xazarTa xakan-
ma, raTa misTvis miegvara qarTlis
erismTavris juanSeris (VIII s.
borzo // baruxi (daax. V s.
50/60) da, SuSani. b. lekeTis gavliT
me-2 naxevari) borzo, movakanis
Sevida kaxeTSi da miadga im cixes,
mefe. b. ixsenieba: juanSeri `cxov-
sadac imyofebodnen juanSeri da
reba vaxtang gorgaslisa~ (q.c. I,
SuSani. man ramdenime dReSi aiRo
1955). baruxi, movakanis mTavari. ix-
cixe, juanSeri da SuSani daatyveva.
senieba: vaxuSti batoniSvili `aR-
wera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. mefisa Tamarisi~ (q.c. II, 1959); va-
IV, 1973). identuri pirebi. xuSti batoniSvili `aRwera samefo-
qarTlis mefe vaxtang gorga- sa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
sali* sparseTis Sahis brZanebiT, b. giorgis, mamamisma demetrem
sparseTze daqvemdebarebul sxva (demetre I, saqarTvelos mefe 1125-
kavkasiel mefe-mTavrebTan erTad, 56) Tavis sicocxleSive SerTo co-
saberZneTSi (bizantia) SeiWra da lad (1150-iani). b. gamoirCeoda sa-
qalaq pontos Seutia. berZnebTan ocari silamaziT, saTnoebiT, sib-
brZolaSi daiRupnen vaxtangis de- rZniT, sikeTiTa da qristes erTgu-
dis Zma ranis erisTavi, lekTa bela- lebiT. igi, Tamaris (saqarTvelos
di ipajaji da sxva erisTavebi. ma- mefe 1184-1207/10) mefis Tanamosay-
Sin vaxtangma yvelas mouwoda war- dred kurTxevis Semdeg (1178/79) ma-
matebis misaRwevad jvars mTxve- leve gardaicvala (i.-a. 4,20,27; b.ez.
odnen, xolo, vinc mis brZanebas ar 116-117; v. b. 166).
Seasrulebda, sikvdiliT dasjid-
q. nadiraZe
nen. petre mRvdels moatanina jva-
ri. erisTav demetresa da spaspet
juanSers ubrZana petres Tan xle-
gagik kareli somexi warCi-
bodnen. yvela daemorCila brZane-
nebuli, XI s-is moRvawe.
bas da daiwyes jvris Tayvaniscema.
g. k. ixsenieba: giorgi mcire,
b-m, ganacxada, rom uars ar ityoda
`cxoreba da moqalaqeoba giorgi
naTelze da futuro Zels ar emTx-
mTawmidelisa~. (Z.q.a.l.Z., II, 1967,
veoda. maSin juanSerma b-s sca max-
vili da mokla (j. 173-174; v.b. 107).

T. qoriZe
vaxtang gorgaslis mefobis daTariReba: s.
gorgaZe 443-503, iv. javaxiSvili 442-502, k.
Tumanovi 435-522, v. goilaZe 438-491.

q. nadiraZe
gagiki (gagik I) anisis mefe
(990-1020), aSot III-is SuaTana va-
Ji. g. ixsenieba: ,,matiane qarTlisa~
burduxani ovsTa mefis xud- (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili
danis (erT-erTi Crd. kavkasieli ,,aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~
mmarTveli) asuli. saqarTvelos (q.c IV, 1973). B
mefis giorgi III-is (1156-84) Tana- bagrati (bagrat III, saqarTve-
mecxedre. b. ixsenieba: `istoriani los mefe 975-1014) sTxovs g-s dax-
da azmani SaravandedTani~, basili marebas fadlonis (fadlon I, fadl
ezosmoZRuari `cxovreba mefeTa- ibn muhamadi, ganZis amira 985-1031)
winaaRmdeg sabrZolvelad. g. sixa-
ruliT aivso, Sekriba jari da wavi- ganZa q. ganjas Zveli qar-
da dasaxmareblad. ori mefe Sexvda Tuli saxelwodeba (1935-89 wleb-
erTmaneTs ZorakertSi (mxare qvemo Si q. kirovabadi) q. azerbaijanis
qarTlSi), gailaSqres fadlonis wi- respublikaSi, md. ganjiCais (md.
naaRmdeg da gaimarjves (m.q. 279-80). mtkvris auzi) napirze. dasaxlebu-
e. kvaWantiraZe
lia V s-dan. XVIII saukunidan axlad
warmoqmnili ganjis saxanos cent-
ri. g-ze gadioda mniSvnelovani sa-
gagiki kaxeT-hereTis mefe vaWro gza Tbilisi ganja SuSa
(1037-58), Tavisi samefos SenarCune- Tavrizi. g. araerTxel auoxre-
bis gamo dapirispirebulia bagrat- biaT iranelebs, Turqebs, monRo-
Tan (bagrat IV, saqarTvelos mefe lebs da sxv. masze laSqrobdnen
1027-72). g. ixsenieba: ,,matiane qar- qarTvelebic. garkveul period-
Tlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti bato- Si g. saqarTvelos mefeTa moxarke
niSvili ,,aRwera samefosa saqarT- iyo. ganZa ixsenieba: `matiane qarT-
velosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973), ujarmis war- lisa~, `cxovreba mefeT-mefisa da-
wera (2007). g. iyo taSir-Zoragetis viTisi~, laSa-giorgis droindeli
mefe daviT anholinis Ze [ix. st. da- matiane (q. c. I, 1955); `istoriani
viT anholini] (989-1048) da kaxeT- da azmani SaravandedTani~, basili
hereTis mefe kvirike III-is (1014-37) ezosmoZRuari `cxovreba mefeT-
diswuli. is ibrZvis TbilisisaTvis mefisa Tamarisi~, JamTaaRmwereli,
(m.q. 297; v.b. 145). bagratma (bagrat beri egnataSvili `axali qarTlis
IV, saqarTvelos mefe 1027-72) gai- cxovreba~, `axali qarTlis cxov-
laSqra kaxeTze, miqel gabrielis reba~ mesame teqsti (q. c. II, 1959);
mTasTan daamarcxa kaxeTis laSqa- vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwera same-
ri, gadawva bodojis sasaxle (m.q. fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973);
298; v.b. 146). g. Tavisi didebulebiT abuseriZe tbeli `bolok-basilis
mivida isnis velze bagrat IV-Tan mSenebloba SuartyalSi da abuse-
mSvidobis saZieblad. Bbagratma mi- riZeTa sagvareulo matiane~ (1941).
iRo maTgan morCilebis gancxadeba ganja ixsenieba: farsadan gorgi-
da dauzavda g-s (m.q. 300; v.b. 146). janiZe `istoria~ (1926); sexnia Cxe-
g-is vaJi iyo aRsarTani (aRsarTan iZe `cxovreba mefeTa~ (1913); papu-
I, kaxeTis mefe 1058-84), (m.q. 308; v.b. na orbeliani `ambavni qarTlisani~
562). ujarmis epigrafikul ZeglSi (1981); oman xerxeuliZe `mefoba
gagikis mosaxsenebeli warwera: ,,me- irakli meorisa~ (1989); Teimuraz
fe gagik moixsene qriste~. bagrationi `axali istoria~ (1983);
`parizis qronika~ (1980); niko da-
e. kvaWantiraZe
diani `qarTvelT cxovreba~ (1962);

bagrat batoniSvili `axali moTx- bagratis winaaRmdeg Sekra koali-
roba~ (1941); istoriuli sabuTebi cia, romelSic Sedioda g-is amira
(mc. q. 1968, qr. III. 1967, q.s.Z. II. 1965, fadloni (fadl ibn Savur II 1067-
VI. 1977, VIII. 1985); iese baraTaSvi- 73). bagrati iZulebiT dasavleT sa-
li `cxovreba anderZi~ (qarTuli qarTveloSi gadavida. sulTanma
mwerloba, 8. 1990); `mesxuri matia- Tbilisi da rusTavi samarTavad
ne~ (1961); ganZis karis warwera (qr.I, fadlons gadasca da saqarTvelo
2004) . datova. gazafxulze bagratma gai-
g-is amira fadloni (fadl ibn laSqra fadlonis winaaRmdeg da
muhamad I Sadadiani 985-1031) gaZli- igi daatyveva (m.q. 309-310; v. b. 150-
erda da periodulad kaxeT-here- 151). sulTanma bagrats mosalapa-
Tis rbeva daiwyo. bagrati (bagrat rakeblad sarangi alxazi gamoug-
III, saqarTvelos mefe 975-1014) zavna. bagrati dazavda, g-is amira
aseTma saqcielma aRaSfoTa, Sekra gaaTavisufla da g-Si gauSva (m. q.
kavSiri gagik (anisis mflobeli) so- 312; v. b. 151). fadlonma gatexa fi-
mexTa mefesTan, Cavida Samqors ci, `moipara~ qavazini (cixe-simagre
(ist. qalaqi azerbaijanSi) da gai- q. Tbilisis samxreTiT), moadga aga-
marjva (1010). fadlonma zavi iTxo- raTa (regioni Tbilisidan samxre-
va xarajas gadaxdis pirobiT (m.q. TiT. cixe agaraTa igive kojris ci-
280). bagrati (bagrat IV, saqarTve- xe) da daikava. maSin bagratis vaJma
los mefe 1027-72) ori weli ibrZo- giorgi kurapalatma, gamoiyvana
da Tbilisis asaRebad (1037/38 an ovsTa mefe dorRoleli ormoci
39/40). Tbiliss, am dros, arabi ami- aTasi kaciT (v. b.-Tan 400 000), usar-
ra jafari ganagebda. bolos amira dla da g-is amira daamarcxa. gamar-
jafarma `Sekazma~ laSqari, gaamza- jvebulebma moagroves `alafi
da tivebi, navebi da RamiT g-Si wasv- uricxvi~ (m. q. 313; v. b. 152). isev ga-
la gadawyvita (m.q. 297; v. b 145). nudga giorgis (giorgi II, saqarTve-
Turqebi g-is qveyanas moadgnen. los mefe 1072-89) ivane liparitis
berZenTa (bizantia) mefem mTavar- Ze baRvaSi (kldekaris erisTavi), ga-
sardali laSqriT gamoagzavna maT mostyua mefis mecixovneebs gagis
winaaRmdeg. bagrati berZenTa da- cixe (ist. provinciis gagis centri
saxmareblad g-is kars miadga (XI s. qvemo qarTlSi) da mihyida g-is ami-
50-iani). gaerTianebul laSqars ra fadlons (m. q. 316). sulTanma ma-
Turqebi ar SeebrZolnen. datoves liq-Sahma (1072-92) aiRo g. (1086),
g-is qveyana da ukan gabrundnen (m. q. amira fadloni daatyveva (fadlun
302; v. b. 148). selCukTa sulTanma III daax. 1073-86*) g-Si datova saran-
(alf-arslani 1063-72) aRmosavleT gi 48 000 kaciT (m.q. 317; v. b. 153).
saqarTveloze ilaSqra (1068). man mcire xnis Semdeg sarangma Sekriba

laSqari, dvinisa da dmanisis amira- Zis (hereTis erisTavi) `wveviT~ qar-
Ta TanadgomiT, giorgi mefis wina- Tvelebma warmatebiT ilaSqres g-s
aRmdeg gailaSqra. giorgi mters qvemoT belayanamde (belaqani ist.
farcxisTan (adgili Tbilisis samx- hereTis tr., XV-XVI s.s. kaxeTis
reTiT) dauxvda da daamarcxa (daax. mniSvn. centri, dR. azerbaijani),
1074), (m. q. 317; v. b. 153). daviTma (da- (i.-a. 40; v. b. 174). gandgomilTa nawi-
viT IV, saqarTvelos mefe 1089-1125) li (igulisxmeba 1191 ajanyeba mefe
erwuxTan (adgili ist. hereTSi. dR. Tamaris pirveli qmris giorgi bo-
azerbaijanSi), (1104) mcire laSq- goliubskiT saTaveSi) eaxla mefe
riT amoxoca Turq-selCukTa sul- Tamars `yel-sabel-mobmiT~ da pa-
Tnis didmoxelis g-is aTabagis tieba iTxova... mefem Seiwyala zaqa-
uricxvi laSqari (d. i. 328). daviTis ria varamis Ze (qarTveli didgvaro-
mier Seviwroebuli Turqmanni, gan- vani) da uboZa gagi g-mde (i.-a. 54).
Zel-tfilel-dmanelni wavidnen giorgi rusi (bogoliubski) g-isa da
selCukTa sulTanTan (ispahanSi) da aranis (rani) laSqriT Semovida
daxmareba iTxoves. maSin sulTanma `qveyanasa kambeCanisasa~ (kaxeTi),
mouwoda arabeTis mefes... ubrZana moarbia `SigniTa mindori~ (1193) da
yvela Turqs... maT Soris g-is aTa- ukan gabrunda (i.-a. 61). [Samqoris
bags saqarTveloze galaSqreba. brZolis win 1195] rodesac gaTen-
[1121 muslimTa koaliciuri laSq- da, movidnen mstovrebi da Tqves:
ris winaaRmdeg] didgorSi (mTa Tri- vixileT uricxvi mteri viTarca
aleTis Crd. aRm., TbilisTan axlos) qviSa zRvisa Samqoridan... (ist. qa-
qarTvelebma gaimarjves (d. i. 340; v. laqi azerbaijanSi) g-is karamdi (i.-
b. 160). demetres (demetre I, saqarT- a. 68; b.ez. 126; v. b. 182). SamqorSi ga-
velos mefe 1125-55/56) sardlobiT marjvebuli qarTvelebi mters ukan
qarTvelTa laSqarma aiRo g. daedevnen. erTi nawili g-is sanaxe-
(1138/39) da gamarjvebis niSnad qa- bamde mivida (i.-a. 71), `miawies mde-
laqis kari saqarTveloSi Camoitana varTa ganZiskar-gelaqunamde~ (ge-
(ganZis karis warwera, qr. I, 248. T. laquni-qveyana sevanis tbis samxr.
Jordania, ratomRac darubandis aRm), (v. b. 183). Samqoris cixis aRe-
karad ixseniebs, xolo n. d. daru- bis Semdeg daviT soslani (mefe Ta-
bandis karis Camoxsnas daviT IV-es maris meore qmari) wavida g-Si. ro-
miawers, 149). giorgim (giorgi III, sa- desac miuaxlovda qalaqs, win See-
qarTvelos mefe 1156-84) ubrZana gebnen didebulebi, didvaWrebi, ya-
lixT-imereTisa da qarTvelTa laS- di da swavlulebi. daviTs Tayvani
qars g-is morbeva (i.-a. 16; v. b. 169). sces, Seasxes xotba, cremliT Sea-
mefe Tamaris (saqarTvelos mefe vedres Tavi da Svilebi. gaaRes qa-
1184-1207/10) dros asaT grigolis laqis kari, daufines oqromkediT

naqsovi xaliCa sulTnis sasaxlis qarTvel-somxiT-Torelni miadg-
karamde. Tavze gadmoayares oqro- nen. g-ze alya mravali dRe grZel-
vercxli, drama da drahkani. daviTi deboda. erT dRes laSa-giorgim 4
Sevida sasaxleSi, dabrZanda sulT- 000 mxedriT qalaqis gare Semovla
nis taxtze, moiwvia darbazoba, Se- daiwyo. ganZelebma es rom SeamCni-
iqmna nadimoba `drosa da dRis Sesa- es, moulodnelad qalaqis kari gaa-
ferisi~. g-a mefe Tamarma moxarkeo- Res da 10 000 mxedriT qarTvelebs
bis safuZvelze amir-mirans (amir Seuties. miuxedavad mcirericxov-
emiran, aranisa da gelaqunis pat- nobisa, mefis mxedrobam gaimarjva.
roni, Sirvanis Sahis aRsarTanis si- sabolood g-is aTabagma patieba
Ze), abu-beqris (azerbaijanis aTaba- iTxova da xarki isev ikisra (J. 152-
gi, Samqoris brZolaSi qarTvelebis 153; v. b. 196; n.d. 100). oTxma mon-
mowinaaRmdege) Zmas gadasca (i.-a. Rolma noinma: CormaRan, CaRata,
72; b.ez. 127; v. b. 183). naxCevans ga- iosur da biCom 40 000 kaciTa da de-
daxvewilma abu-beqrma Tavisi Zma dawuliT mravali qveyana gamoia-
amir-mirani moawamlina. man Zmis res, moadgnen g-as, romelic kargad
sikvdilis ambavi g-is sanaxebSi gai- iyo gamagrebuli.**. sami dRe ibr-
go. abu-beqrma g. brZoliT aiRo da Zodnen, aiRes qalaqi, moaoxres da
daikava (i.-a. 76). ivane mxargrZeli mravali adamiani gawyvites (1235),
(mefe Tamaris msaxurTuxucesi) Se- (J. 184; v. b. 204). Gg-dan alaverds
ebrZola g-dan dvinisken mimaval (sof. md. alaznis marjvena napirze,
jars da dahfanta isini (i.-a. 77). me- saepiskoposos centri) moyvanili
fe Tamarma Sehyara laSqari, g-is wi- tyveebi wm. giorgis saswauliT gan-
naaRmdeg gailaSqra da xarki daado Tavisufldnen (abuseriZe t. 66-63,
(i.-a. 77-78). monapireebis (sazRvris- 1233 ambebi). arRun noini (monRoli
pira olqis gamgebeli) grigolis didmoxele, mexuTe ulusis gamge-
ZeTa, tbelTa da mafatlisZeTa Si- beli, sadac Sedioda saqarTvelo)
SiT g-as da bardavs dedas yma ver oci aTasi mxedrobiT wamovida, Se-
autirdeboda (b.ez. 130). laSa-gi- movlo g. da somxeTi, movida Tbi-
orgis (saqarTvelos mefe 1207/10- lisSi (1260) ajanyebul daviT ulos
23) mmarTvelobis dros saqarTve- (laSa-giorgis Ze, saqarTvelos me-
los ganudga g. da xarki Seuwyvita. fe 1246-70) winaaRmdeg (J. 240). adar-
mefem moiwvia warCinebulebi da badaganis mflobelma 1330 gadawy-
g-ze galaSqreba Seatyobina. qarT- vita giorgis (giorgi V, saqarTve-
velebma g-ze gailaSqres. ganZeleb- los mefe 1318-46) winaaRmdeg ga-
ma velze Setakebas Tavi aarides da laSqreba. mivida g-as. es rom gior-
qalaqSi gamagrdnen. qalaqs sxva- gim Seityo, didi jariT Sexvda mas,
dasxva mxridan mesxni, her-kaxni, daamarcxa da gamarjvebuli dab-

runda (n.d. 116). ganZelebma gadawy- lam erTad SesZaxa `halah~ da Sete-
vites mefe aleqsandresTvis (aleq- va ganaxlda. mterma gaimarjva
sandre I, saqarTvelos mefe 1412-42) (1561). imave Rames Sahverdi Tbilis-
xarki SeewyvitaT. ganrisxda mefe, Si Sevida (mesame t. 511). Sah-Tamazma
Sekriba laSqari, Cavida yarabaRSi TbilisSi daud-xani (daviT XI svi-
(1437). ganZelebma winaaRmdegoba monis Zma, qarTlis mefe 1569-78) ga-
gauwies. mefem urCebi dasaja da moagzavna da `Semwed~ g-is xani miu-
xarki isev daado (v.b. 281). mefe lu- Cina (v.b. 408). svimon mefis winaaRm-
arsabi (luarsab I, qarTlis mefe deg Sah-Tamazis brZanebiT, Saqis
1527-56) da kaxTa batoni levani (ka- sulTanma, didZali laSqari Sekri-
xeTis mefe 1518-74) Seikrnen, moiw- ba. mters kaxaber yorRanaSvili
vies mesxebi da `dauwyes rbeva da g-as eaxla, megzuroba gauwia da
oxreba~ g-as (v.b. 403; f. g. 4). iranis qarTlSi Semosvla gauadvila.
Sahma Tamazma (Tahmasp I, 1524-76) brZola moxda farcxisTan (sof. q.
Tbilisi daikava... g-Si*** dasva sul- Tbilisis samxreTiT), (1569). qarT-
Tani da qarTlis mefe luarsabisa- velebi damarcxdnen, mefe tyved Ca-
gan Tbilisze Setevis SemTxvevaSi varda (b. e. 368; mesame t. 514). iranis
garnizonis daxmareba daavala. lu- Sahi xudabandi (Sah-Tamazis Ze,
arsabma Seyara laSqari da Tbiliss sulTan muhamed `xodabende~ 1577-
Seutia. es rom g-is sulTanma Saver- 87) brma iyo da `verSemZle saqmisa~,
dim (Sahverdi-sulTani) Seityo, amitom g. Turqebma daikaves (b. e
Sekriba `spa yarabaRisa~ da qarTve- 368; v. b. 410; mesame t. 525; f. g. 13).
lebze gamoilaSqra. brZola moxda amis gamo g-is xani Sahverdi sulTa-
sof. garisTan (ist. qvemo qarTli), ni kaxeTis batonTan aleqsandres-
(1556). gamarjvebulma qarTvelebma Tan (kaxeTis mefe 1574-1605) mivida
mteri g-as gaabrunes (b. e. 365-366; da TavSesafari iTxova, mefem ki da-
mesame t. 507; v. b. 405; f. g. 8-9). yi- iWira da xonTqars gaugzavna (mesa-
zilbaSebma g-is sulTnis Sahverdis me t. 525; f. g. 18; p. q. 54). Sah-abasma
sardlobiT Cumad gaiares muxaTg- (abas I, iranis Sahi 1587-1629) g-a da-
verdi (adgili q. TbilisTan) da svi- ikava (v.b-s mixedviT 1787. mc. q-is
mon mefis (svimon I, qarTlis mefe Jamgulanis mixedviT 1788), manu-
1556-69; 1578-1600) laSqars mou- Cars (samcxis aTabagi) TurqTa wina-
lodnelad Tavs daesxnen. gaimarTa aRmdeg mxardaWerisTvis Calabur-
sastiki brZola. g-is xanma, rode- Ti uboZa, xolo mis dedas, dedisi-
sac qarTvelebis Tavganwirva naxa, meds xuTi didi sofeli (v. b 723; p. q.
yizilbaSebs mimarTa: gza Sors 56; mc. q. 111, s-1204; mesxuri m., 54).
gvaqvs, gaqceviT Tavs ver vuSve- Sah-abasi mivida g-as (1613) da iqidan
liT, sjobs omSi davixocoT. yve- Teimurazs (Teimuraz I, kaxeTis me-

fe 1606-48, qarTl-kaxeTis 1625-32) 1688-1703) daukiTxavad da g-is xa-
Svilis mZevlad gagzavna mosTxova nis SuamdgomlobiT erisTavoba
(b.e. 391; v. b. 585). Teimurazma SahTan iasons misca (f. g 70). Sahis mier qar-
Svilebi da sakuTari deda, qeTevan Tlis sardlad daniSnulma haji
bagrationi (qeTevan wamebuli) ga- alixan zanganma, erekles vaziri yi-
agzavna. Sahma isini SirazSi (qalaqi asa miuCina da g-is xanis waxdena da
samxr. dasav. iranSi) gaistumra (v.b nazar-ali-xanis datyveveba daava-
587). g-Si myof Sah-abass mouravi**** la (f. g. 80). giorgim (giorgi XI),
urCevda, rom qarTlSi zamTars 1691 qarTli daikava, erekle ki iZu-
sjobda Sesvla, radgan mosaxleo- lebuli gaxda TbilisSi Caketili-
bis gaxizvna gaWirdeboda. Sahs g-Si yo. qarTlSi giorgi mefobda, ka-
eaxlnen: nugzar da iese erisTavebi, xeTSi ki g-is xani abaz-yuli-xani
anduyafar amilaxori, feSangi fa- batonobda. am saqcielisTvis gior-
lavandiSvili, aRaTangi xerxeuli- gi g-is xanTan gagzavnil werilSi
Ze (qarTveli didi Tavadebi) da Sahis winaSe Tavs imarTlebda (f. g.
Tayvani sces (v. b. 425). 1623 qarTlis 84; p. q. 121-22). rodesac iranis Sahi
mouravma (giorgi saakaZe) yizilba- soleimani gardaicvala, axal Sah-
Sebs uRalata. qarTvelTa jariT Tan huseinTan (sulTan-huseini
daarbia g-a da kaxeTis mefe (Teimu- 1694-1722), ereklem abaz-yuli-xani
raz I) iq batonad dasva (mc. q. 62, H380, giorgisTan TanamSromlobaSi daa-
1636 Jamgulani). kaxeTis didebule- danaSaula da daaWerina. 1695 g-is
bi g-is xans abaz-yuli xans dahpird- beglarbegad da kaxeTis gamgeblad
nen, rom kaxeTis batonad gamo- Sahma qalbali-xani daniSna (kaxeTis
iTxovdnen (mc. q. 119). 1688 iranis muslimi gamgebeli 1695-1703), (v. b.
Sahma soleimanma (igive sefi II, 1666- 608-609). qalbali-xani, marTalia,
94) kaxeTis gamgebloba da g-is beg- ganagebda kaxeTs, magram misi mxare-
larbegoba abaz-yulixans uboZa ebi: TuSeTi, qiziyi da erwo-Tiane-
(kaxeTis muslimi gamgebeli 1688- Ti erekles mflobelobaSi Sedioda
95), (v. b. 606; f. g. 67; p. q. 120-21). (v. b. 475). qalbali-xanTan, romelic
iranma qarTlis mefed Sahnavazis g-Si imyofeboda, kaxelebi Cadiod-
(vaxtang V, qarTlis mefe 1658-75) Ze nen da lekebis winaaRmdeg Semweo-
giorgi (giorgi XI, qarTlis mefe bas iTxovdnen (v. b. 609). lekebi aox-
1676-88; 1703-09) daniSna. giorgi rebdnen ara mxolod kaxeTs, aramed
g-as estumra, g-is xani didi pati- g-as... (v. b. 497). iranis Sahma vax-
viT daxvda, xuT dRes iq Seinaxa, tangs (vaxtang VI, qarTlis janiSini
kargi saCuqrebi miarTva da qarTls 1703-14, qarTlis mefe 1716-24) dax-
gaistumra (f. g 68). Sahma erekles mareba Txova lekebisagan g-is dasa-
(nazar-ali-xani, qarTlis mefe cavad. ganjelebic evedrebodnen

vaxtangs daxmarebas, qarTlis mefe gaigo, datova baRdadi (erayis de-
didi laSqriT g-as gaemarTa. mefes daqalaqi)... miadga g-as da vaxtangi
g-is xani Samqors miegeba, mefis spam TavisTan ixmo, is ki astraxanSi (qa-
urCni g-is xans daumorCila (v. b. laqi ruseTSi) wavida (v.b. 514). Ta-
499; qr. III. 613 aTariRebs am movle- maz-xani (Tamaz-yuli-xani, Semd-
nas 1712). rodesac iranis taxtze gomSi nadir-Sahi) 1734 ibrZoda g-is
Sah-Tamazi (Tahmasp II, 1722-32) avi- asaRebad, ver aiRo, radgan zamTar-
da, vaxtangma g-dan masTan gaagzavna ma xeli SeuSala; amitom gazafxul-
sexnia CxeiZe (s. C. 34). TurqeTis ze g. datova (v. b. 514; qr. II. 142). Ta-
sardalma ibreim faSam gadawyvita maz-xanma g-Si mahmad-yuli-xans mas-
g-is dakaveba. ganjelebma qalaqSi Tan misi asulis gagzavna mosTxova
TurqTa jari SeuSves, romelic g-is (v. b. 626). 1738 qarTlSi sardlad mi-
moedanze dadga. ganjelebma Sekres vida g-is xani uRuli-xani, Ze qalba-
quCebi, dauwyes brZola da amowyvi- li-xanisa (s. C. 51). amave wels lekeb-
tes Turqebi. sardali gaiqca, xolo ma mokles uRuli-xani (s.C. 52). le-
ganjelebma qalaqi gaamagres (s. C. kebi miadgnen dmaniss (1739). sefi-
37). vaxtangma ruseTis xelmwifis, xani (yizilbaSTa sardali) g-as idga
petres (ruseTis imp. petre I, 1689- da iqidan wamovida dmanisis misaS-
1725) imediT, Sekriba laSqari, mivi- veleblad, lekebi daawioka da ukan
da g-as da iq sami Tve petres molo- gabrunda (p. o. 43-44). nadir-Sahi
dinSi uSedegod dahyo (v. b. 500). (iranis Sahi 1736-47) daRestnelebs
vaxtangi Tbilisidan 1722 gavida ebrZoda (1741-1743). man qarTlSi
(qr. III. 81; mc. q. S-2515). ganrisxe- Sikriki gamoagzavna da qarTlidan
bulma Sahma qarTli mahmad-yuli 6000 xari moiTxova, raTa g-idan da-
xans (kaxeTis mefe konstantine II, RestanSi urmebiT puri miezidaT (p.
1722-32) gadasca. man daixmara g-is o. 55). osmalTa jari orbelianTa
xani... da Tbilisi aiRo (1723), (v. b. (didi Tavadebi) mamulze Semovida.
501; o.x. 38). konstantine amave dros es ambavi, rodesac nadir-Sahis
iyo g-isa da yarabaRis beglarbegi Svilma Seityo, bardidan wamovida
(qr. III. 94, gujari gacemuli kons- da g-is minareTTan dadga. SeSinebu-
tantines mier 1724). 1726 qarTli li osmalTa jari ukan gabrunda (p.
osmalebma daikaves, Tavrizisa (q. o. 75). nadir-Sahma erekle (erekle
samxreT azerbaijanSi, ajiCais xeo- II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxe-
baSi) da Tavrizs aqeT qalaqebi da Tis 1762-98) aTasi qarTveliT ruse-
qveynebi: g-a, Semaxia, erevani dai- Tis elCTan Sesaxvedrad gamoiZaxa.
morCiles (mc. q. 41, S-1452; qr. III. gzaSi mefes brZaneba mouvida `ukan
106). 1734 vaxtangi ruseTidan da- dabrunebuliyo~. mefe g-is mindv-
rubandSi Cavida. es rom Tamaz xanma rebidan ukan dabrunda (p. o. 118).

nadir-Sahis gardacvalebis Semdeg, gamoiyvanes. qarTvelebis laSqarma
ali-xanma romelic garkveul dros fana-sastikad daamarcxa (1750). ga-
qarTlSi gamgeblad ijda, qarTlze marjvebulebma g-Si maxarobeli ga-
galaSqreba gadawyvita. ereklem moagzavnes. g-is xanma laSqrobis
`Seyara~ jari da dimitri orbelia- sazRaurad qarTvel mefeebs SamSa-
ni usardla. qarTvelebma yizilba- dilos mxare gadasca (p. o. 164-172).
Sebi daamarcxes, xolo ali-xani ereklesa da darejan dadianis qor-
g-Si gaiqca (p. o. 131; T.b. 46; qr. III. wilSi dapatiJebuli iyo g-is xanic
619 brZolas aTariRebs 1748). ma- (p. o. 180). ereklem da Teimurazma
madi, lores sulTani, romelic gadawyvites Warze galaSqreba.
erekles winaaRmdeg ajanyebul ab- laSqrobaSi monawileobis misaRe-
dul-begs (ajanyda 1748, qarTlis bad daibares g-is xanic da sxva mo-
mefis ieses Ze) exmareboda, samSvil- kavSire mahmadiani xanebic. am brZo-
des idga. aq mas miuvida rayami, sai- laSi mokavSireTa Ralatis gamo
danac Seityo, rom g-is xanoba ebo- qarTvelebi damarcxdnen (1751 md.
Za. igi saswrafod g-as dabrunda (p. agriCaize), (p. o. 181-182; T. b. 48).
o. 134). ereklem Tbilisis cixeebSi aji-Calabi (Saqis pirveli xani, haji
mdgom yizilbaSTa garnizonebs Se- Celebi yurban-oRlu, 1743-55) Saq-
utia, daamarcxa da cixeebi Tavad Sirvanis xani saqarTvelos sawina-
daikava (1748 ivlisi). am ambiT SeSi- aRmdego moqmedebebs axorcieleb-
nebulma g-is xanma erekles didZa- da. igi g-as miadga, misi Semogareni
li saCuqari gamougzavna (p. o. 148). aaoxra, yarabaRis elebi ayara da
g-is xanma ereklesa da Teimurazs Tavis qveyanaSi waiyvana. Teimurazi
(Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe 1744-62, da erekle mis winaaRmdeg laSqro-
erekles mama) daxmareba sTxova ya- bis samzadiss Seudgnen. martyofis
rabaRis mflobelis, fana-xanis (fa- (sof. kaxeTSi) mouravi qaixosro
nah ali-xani, 1747-63) winaaRmdeg g-Si gaagzavnes, raTa TavianTi mo-
(T.b-is daTariRebiT 1749; p. o. 160; xarke muslim xanTa erTguleba da-
T.b. 47-48). fana xanma g-is gamge- edginaT. g-dan mobrunebul qaixos-
bels, Saverdi xans g-is warTmeva ros mohyvnen: g-is veqili, yaraba-
daupira, g-Si auracxeli jari Seiy- Ris qedxudebi, barguSaTis (somxe-
vana, mxolod g-is cixe-simagre Tis tr.) xanis Zmiswuli. Teimuraz-
darCa daukavebeli. g-is xanma dax- sa da erekles erTguleba daudas-
marebis saTxovnelad saqarTvelo- tures; `avRanTa~ brZolaSi daxma-
Si Tavisi Zma riza-yuli-begi gamo- rebis sanacvlod sakuTari jariTa
agzavna. Teimurazi da erekle laSq- da xarjiT lekebis winaaRmdeg dax-
robisaTvis saTanadod moemzadnen. marebas dapirdnen. amis Semdeg `ba-
maT jari ymadnafici qveynebidanac tonebma~ (erekle II, Teimuraz II) le-

kebze orjer warmatebiT ilaSqres. sulebi, romlebic meomrebma sasti-
`batonebs~ kakis sulTani Serigebas kad aikles. qarTvelebi damarcxd-
exveweboda, xolo Warelebma g-is nen, xolo `batonebma~ g-is mTas Sea-
xani iSuamdgomles... Teimurazma da fares Tavi. daelodnen daRamebas
ereklem didZali jari Seyares da da TbilisSi ise dabrundnen (p. o.
g-Si wavidnen, saidanac aji-Calabis 190-195, qr. III. 218). musa-yuli ar mi-
winaaRmdeg unda gaelaSqraT... ro- emxro aji-Calabs g-is brZolaSi,
desac g-as miuaxlovdnen, win g-is risTvisac Teimurazma da ereklem
beglarbegi Saverdi-xani saCuqre- borCalos xanoba (1752-55) uboZes
biT Seegeba. g-dan `batonebma~ gaag- da aRjayalas (cixe-simagre qvemo
zavnes Sikrikebi yarabaRSi qazum- qarTlis ist. provicia gaCianSi) ga-
xanTan, fana-xanTan da TavisTan da- istumres (p. o. 223). aji-Calabis
ibares `adirbeJanis qveynebis~ xane- Svili aRa-qiSi da g-is xani Saverdi
bi. maT, rodesac Seityves, `qarT- qarTlze didi jariT wamovidnen da
lis vali g-as mobrZanebulao~, Se- dadgnen baidarSi (sof. qarTlSi,
uTvales azarmaTas SegeyrebiTo~. dR. marneulis r-ni). maT SeuerTd-
`batonebi~ g-is xanTan erTad azar- nen yazaxis, borCalus... jarebi, Sam-
maTas Cavidnen... iq Teimurazma da SadiloSi mividnen. mefe ereklem
ereklem Seityves, rom aji-Calabis dasaxmareblad CerqezTa jari dai-
sasargeblod xanebi Ralats api- qirava. es rom mterma Seityo, Seri-
rebdnen. `batonebma~ Seipyres g-is geba iTxova, magram `batonebi~ ar
xani Tavisi ZmiT da sxvebi, g-Si ga- dasTanxmdnen. mowinaaRmdege yazax-
mobrundnen da daWerili xanebic iq Si wavida. qarTvelebma yazaxze gai-
miiyvanes. maT g-is cixis dakaveba laSqres. g-is xani da aRa-qiSi sas-
surdaT, raTa iq sando kaci daes- tikad daamarcxes (p. o. 200-204; b. b.
vaT, TviTon ki qarTlSi `daWerili brZolas aTariRebs 1753, aRa-qiSis
xanebiT~ wamosuliyvnen. SeSine- magivrad wers aji-Calabs, 49). g-is
bulma ganjelebma cixe Caketes da xanma `batonebs~ wigni gamougzavna,
qarTvelebi Sig ar SeuSves. `bato- Serigeba iTxova da isev xarki ikis-
nebma~ g-is xanis biZa-diswuli (yoja ra (p. o. 208; 211-212). xunZaxis bato-
da xudaT-begi) mowinave `kacebiT~ ni (nursal-begi) didi jariT (1754-
TbilisSi mZevlad gamoistumres. 55) kaxeTisken wamovida. g-is xanma
amasobaSi aji-CalabTan Sikrikad da sxva muslimma xanebma misi mxare
fana-xanis Svili wavida. aji-Calabi daiWires. miuxedavad amisa, qarTve-
didZali jariT g-as mivida (1752) da lebma gaimarjves***** (p. o. 215, 220).
qarTvelebs brZola gaumarTa. aRd- didi lekianobis Semdeg (50-iani
gomis SabaTi dRe iyo. g-Si Tbilise- wlebi) mSvidoba Camovarda. 1758
li moqalaqeebi savaWrod iyvnen Ca- naxCevanis gamgebeli baman-xani

erekle-Teimurazs Seurigda... g-as mixedviT es moxda 1787)******. g-is
rac qarTlis elebi iyvnen, ukan da- xanma javadma SamSadileli ali-
abruna da kaxma batonmac Seiriga sulTanis winaaRmdeg gailaSqra,
(p.o. 245). mefe erekle da SuSis xani magram veras gaxda. ereklem javads
ibraimi Seikrnen, g. aiRes... Seipyres ramdenjerme daumorCila SamSadi-
g-is gamgebeli mamad-xani ojaxiT loelebi, magram maT Soris atyda
[g-is gamgeblis Saverdi-xanis sikv- omi da javadi damarcxda (T.b. 63-
dilis Semdeg xanad daadgines misi 64). 1795 maisSi aRa mahmad xan yaja-
Ze mahmad-aslan-xani (1760-80), ro- ri (1794 wlidan iranis gamgebeli,
melic mokla misma Zmam (SesaZlebe- Sahi 1796-97) yarabaRis cixe-simag-
lia biZam), swored am mamad-xanma]. res SuSis moadga. SuSis xanma ibre-
SuSis xanma mamadi ojaxiT tyved wa- imma gaamagra cixe-simagre, aRa-mah-
iyvana (T. b. 56). 1780 erekles `epyra mad xanma ver aiRo da ukan gabrune-
ganja saymod da yoveli mamuli mi- bas apirebda, magram g-is xanma ja-
si~, megobrobda SuSis xanTan, SuSis vadma iZulebiT miiyvana tfiliss,
(yarabaRi) xanis da erekles `kace- radgan mtrad iyo mokidebuli mefe
bi~ ganagebdnen q. g-as. Suris gamo erekleze. aRa-mahmad xanma erekles
ganjelebma `iraklis kaci Tavadi morCileba SesTavaza da aRuTqva,
andronikaSvili mdivanbegi qai- rom g-as, erevans, yarabaRs, Saqs,
xosro~ da SuSis xanis `kacebi~ ga- Sirvans `miscemda~ da azerbaijanis
moaZeves qalaqidan (o. x. 69, 72). 1785 gamgeblad daniSnavda. radgan erek-
ajanyebul g-Si Cavida Saverdi-xa- les rusebisTvis fici hqonda mice-
nis Ze raim-xani (ragim-xani 1785-86), muli (igulisxmeba 1783 traqtati),
romelic SuSis xans tyved hyavda da ar dasTanxmda. qarTvelebi sasti-
dajda gamgeblad (T. b. 59). ibreim- kad damarcxdnen (b. b. 65). 1796 erek-
xanma isev Txova erekles daxmareba, lem g-is dapyroba gadawyvita da ya-
isev aiRes g. da iq gamgeblad Saver- rabaRis xans ibreims SeuerTda. me-
di-xanis Svili javad-xani daniSnes fem sami Tve dahyo g-is misadgomeb-
(1786-1804), (T.b. 59). erekle mefem Tan. amasobaSi rusis jarma general
rusis jariT yarabaRze galaSqreba zubovis meTaurobiT daikava Saqi,
gadawyvita. win mxedrebiT Tavisi Ze Sirvani vidre TaliSamde. g-is xanma
iuloni gaagzavna, romelmac gzad erekle mefes Suamavlad xani ibrei-
Semoyrili yarabaRis mxedroba daa- mi gamougzavna da isev xarki ikisra.
marcxa. am dros erekle rusis ja- ibreimma mefe da xani daazava. erek-
riT g-as idga. polkovnik burna- lem Tbilisidan 700 wayvanili tyve
Sovs mouvida brZaneba g. daetove- ukan wamoiyvana da qarTlSi gamarj-
bina. erekle iZulebuli gaxda mas vebuli dabrunda (b.b. 67). 1796 seq-
gamohyoloda (o.x. 74; T.b. 60; T.b-is temberSi generalma zubovma aiRo

g. uomrad (b. b. 67). qarTlSi, ganja- lebmac ganjelebi ar daindes, rad-
yarabaRSi, Saq-SirvanSi didi SimSi- gan axsovdaT aRa-mahmad xanTan er-
loba daiwyo. kodi puri erT Tum- Tad rogor aaoxres maT Tbilisi. am
nad Zlivs iSoveboda (b. b. 68). erek- brZolaSi daiRupa g-is xani javadi.
les moxarkeebi iyvnen: erevani, g. g-s saxeli Seucvales da elisabe-
SuSa da sxva yizilbaSuri saxanoebi dopoli daarqves. igi Tbilisis
(n. d. 138). erekle oficialur sabu- mazris `uezdad~ gadaiqca (T. b. 70;
Tebze xels awerda: `... mefeman gan- b. b. 89; n. d. 196). 1813 iranis Sahi ba-
jisa, erevnisa, yazaxisa, borCalo- ba-xani (1797-1834, taxtze ijda
si, SamSadilo, mpyrobeli~ (q.s.Z. II. faThali-xanis saxeliT) ruseTis
wyalobis wigni. gacemuli 1783, 456). imperators aleqsandre pavles Zes
`mTavari Sirvanisa, mflobeli da Seurigda da ganja oficialurad
mbrZanebeli ganjisa da erevnisa~ gadasca (b. b. 139).
(q.s.Z. II. #134, 457. 1783 traqtatis
teqsti). erevnis xanis mSvenieri da g. maliq-Sahma Tavis vaJs yiasa ad-din Ta-
fars (SemdgomSi sulTani muhamed Tafari)
didi mziTvis mqone qaliSvili co- misca samarTavad. amiT Sewyda Sadadianebis
lad undodaT: `xois xanis ahmadis dinastia.
Svils, ganjis mamad-xans da SuSis 1225 g. ildegizidebs (azerbaijanis aTaba-
gebi) waarTva xorezmis mmarTvelma jalal
ibreim-xans~. erevnis beglarbegma, ad-dinma, romelmac g. Zlier cixe-simagred
husein ali-xanma ganacxada, rom qa- aqcia. igi ganjas ganagebda gardacvalebam-
de 1231.
liSvils imas miaTxovebda, visac ***
XVI-XVIII saukuneebSi g. sefevidebis ira-
erekle-xani urCevda. erekles xa- nis SemadgenlobaSia. iranis Sahma ismail I-ma
nebma TxovniT mimarTes da didZal (1501-24) g.a yarabaRis sabeglarbegos cent-
rad aqcia da iq beglarbegad Tavisi warmo-
saCuqarsac dapirdnen. erekles ga- madgeneli daniSna.
dawyvetilebiT qali xois xanis ah- ****
giorgi saakaZe didi mouravi (daaxl.
1570-1629) qarTveli samxedro da saxelmwi-
madis Svils miaTxoves (i.b. 266). fo moRvawe. saqarTvelos mefis centr. xe-
erekles dros qarTl-kaxeTs inten- lisuflebis ganmtkicebisTvis mebrZoli.
Tbilisis, cxinvalisa da dvaleTis mouravi.
siuri savaWro-saqaravno urTier- mas qarTlis mefe luarsab I-Tan konfliqti
Toba hqonda g-sTan. SemohqondaT mouvida. igi iranSi gaiqca da Sah-abas I-is
samsaxurSi Cadga. Tumca qarTvelebis ajan-
yurZeni, abreSumi, yidulobdnen yebas yizilbaSTa winaaRmdeg martyofSi
ymebs (q.s.Z. II, 933; VI, 107; VIII, 395 da (1625) TviTon Caudga saTaveSi.
sxv.). 1804 rusis jariT generalma p. orbelianTan gadmocemul istorias
(ix. zemoT nadir-Sahidan moyolebuli (p.o.
cicianovma (pavle cicianovi 1754- 55) nursal begis ambebis CaTvliT (p.o. 220),
o. xerxeuliZec gadmoscems, SedarebiT mok-
1806, rusi mTavarsardali, saqarT-
led. gansxvavebuli informacia ar moipove-
velos mTavarmarTebeli) didi ba (o.x. 38-39, 46, 48-50).
brZolis Semdeg g-is cixe-simagre b. batoniSvili am ambavs Semdegnairad
yveba: 1786 mefe erekle wavida g-as dasapy-
aiRo da sastikad aaoxra. ciciano- robad. g-is xani javadi evedra mefes, aRuT-
vis jarSi iyvnen qarTvelebic, rom- qva xarkis micema, yovel wels 3.000 Tumani.

mefis winaSe agreTve mividnen yarabaReli SeniT daixsnebiso da gaZlierde-
somexi meliqni, romelTac saq-Si dasaxleba
iTxoves. iraklim maT asayrelad waravli- biso~. Teimurazi ar dasTanxmda,
na Tavisi Ze iuloni mxedrobiT. iulonsa da Tumca kaTolikosi Tavisi amaliT
yarabaRis xans ibraims Soris moxda brZola.
qarTvelebma gaimarjves. amasobaSi rusebs qarTlSi wamoiyvana da q. gorSi daa-
brZaneba mouvidaT ukan dabrunebuliyvnen. saxla (f.g. 30-32).
qarTvelebic ukan gamohyvnen (60).

q. nadiraZe
q. nadiraZe

ganZasaris somexTa kaTo- garnisi cixe somxeTSi, mde-

likosi yarabaRis somxuri mo- bareobda erevnis samxreT-aRmosav-
saxleobis kaTolikosi. ixsenieba: leTiT, aigo Zv.w. II s-Si, iyo somex
farsadan gorgijaniZe `istoria~ mefeTa sazafxulo rezidencia, IV
(1926). s-Si aq saepiskoposo kaTedra da-
Teimurazma (Teimuraz I, qarTl- arsda, XII s-Si Crdilo-aRmosavleT
kaxeTis mefe 1625-32) gadawyvi- somxeTis saqarTvelos farglebSi
ta ganja-yarabaRis darbeva, rac moqcevis Semdeg g-ma dakarga poli-
iranis winaaRmdeg ajanyebas (1632) tikuri mniSvneloba. g. ixsenieba:
niSnavda. am laSqrobaSi monawile- JamTaaRmwereli (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuS-
obas iRebda mTeli saqarTvelos ti batoniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa
laSqari. Teimuraz mefe q. bardavs saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); Tei-
idga. masTan mivida ganZasaris so- muraz bagrationi ,,axali istoria
mexTa kaTolikosi jariT da mdid- (1983).
ruli saCuqrebiT. mefe Teimurazs jalaledinis (manguberTi, xva-
man yarabaRze galaSqrebis garda razmis Sahi 1220-21) laSqari daba-
q. Tavrizis (q. iranis azerbaijanSi, nakda g-Si (v.b. 200). rusudanma (sa-
ajiCais xeobaSi) aRebac SesTavaza. qarTvelos mefe 1223-45) gagzavna
urCia, azerbaijanSi xelisuflebis jari ivane aTabagis (ivane mxargr-
Secvla da iq Tavisi kacis dasma. igi Zeli, saqarTvelos msaxurTuxuce-
mefes 40 000 meTofiT daxmarebas si, amirspasalari, aTabagi 1212-27)
hpirdeboda. urCevda, vidre xonT- sardlobiT jalaledinis winaaRm-
qari da yaeni (osmaleTi da irani) deg g-Si. brZolaSi damarcxebuli
erTmaneTTan ubrad arian, es saqme ivane axalcixeli moikla qviT g-is
wamoiwye, me xonTqarTan gamagzavne kldeebSi Sefarebuli (J. 169-170).
da imisgan jars mogaSvelebo. gai- 1804 ciciSvilis (pavle cicianovi
marjveb, `mTavar xelmwifed (ira- 1754-1806, ruseTis armiis genera-
nis) gakurTxebT da saqristiano li, saqarTvelos mTavarmarTebe-

li) erevanze galaSqrebis dros Ro- (i-a, 54). daviT soslani (Tamar mefis
negamoclili sparsni dabanakdnen meore qmari 1187-1203/04) da ivane
g-Si (T.b. 71). mxargrZeli laSqroben g-ze (i-a 59,
e. kvaWantiraZe
60, 77). ardavelze laSqrobis dros
zaqaria mxargrZelma gaiara g. (v.b.
189). yizil-arslanis (azerbaija-
gelaquni istoriuli olqi nis aTabagi 1186-91) ZmisSvils amir-
somxeTSi, mdebareobda sevanis tbis mirs samflobelos gayofisas ergo
samxreTiT da aRmosavleTiT, Sedi- teritoria gurganis (kaspiis zRvis
oda siuniqis mxareSi. Gg. ixsenieba: Zveli saxelwodeba) zRvidan g-mde
laSa-giorgis-droindeli matiane (v.b. 181). rusudanis (saqarTvelos
(q.c. I, 1955); ,,istoriani da azmani mefe 1223-45) dros monRolebi da-
SaravandedTani~, JamTaaRmwereli banakdnen g-Si (J. 206). g. monRolTa
(q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili sazamTro sadgomi iyo (J. 189, 195;
,,aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ 253; v.b. 223). Temur-lengma (Suaa-
(q.c. IV, 1973); ,,gobronis wameba~ zieli mxedarTmTavari 1336-1405)
(Z.q.a.l.Z. I, 1963). ilaSqra g-Si (v.b. 272).
somxur xevebs Soris dasaxe- e. kvaWantiraZe
lebulia g-is oTxi xevi (g.w. 175).
Tamaris (saqarTvelos mefe 1184-
grigol mRvdeli misi eTni-
1207/10) mefobaSi g-dan movida
kuri warmomavloba da moRvaweobis
TurqTa laSqari, romelsac sZlies
zusti dro ucnobia savaraudod
qarTvelebma (i-a, 38). Tamaris mefo-
iyo somexi, qalkedoniti, VII s-is
baSi qarTvelebma gailaSqres g-ze
moRvawe. gr. mR. ixsenieba: `mart-
da didZali alafiT brundebodnen.
viloba daviTisa da tiriWanisa~,
maT daewia ,,Turqmanoba gelaquni-
(Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963).
sa~ Sameli didebulebis rostom da
rodesac daviTisa da tiriWa-
ialRuz-alfesis winamZRolobiT.
nis mowameobrivi aRsasrulis Sem-
Tamaris mebrZolebma Tavi gamoi-
deg, nerse somexTa kaTolikosi
Cines, sZlies maT da gaaqcies (i-a,
savaraudod (nerse III, 641-61). gae-
39-40; v.b. 173-174, 180). zaqaria da
marTa tiriWanis wamebis adgilas
ivane mxargrZelebma (XII-XIII ss-is
divrs da Tan gaiyola g.m. sxva or
mijnis saqarTvelos saxelmwifo
mRvdelTan sahakTan da iovanes-
da samxedro moRvaweebi, zaqaria
Tan erTad (daviTisa da tiriWanis
wameba, 191).
ivane msaxurTuxucesi, amirspasa-
lari, aTabagi) aiRes g. (l.g.m. 368). T. qoriZe
Tamarma uboZa g. ivane mxargrZels
grigol parTeli IV s-is SviliSvilebi iyvnen wmida sahaki da
moRvawe, tradiciulad iTvleba mastoci (a.s. 86). wmida g.p-ma ixila
somexTa ganmanaTleblad. QqarTuli Cveneba (a.s. 90).
saeklesio tradiciiT, g.p-ma som- T. qoriZe
xebs aswavla `marTali sarwmunoe-
ba~. amis gamo, qarTuli eklesia aRi-
arebs grigols, rogorc wmidans. g. grigoli anisis somexi ka-
p. ixsenieba: arsen safareli, `gan- Tolikosi (ix. st. aneli xucesebi)
yofisTs qarTvelTa da somexTa~ amowmebs etifane kaTolikosis 1218
(1980). ganCinebas.
bizantiaSi arkadi keisrisa
g. oTxmezuri
(395-408) da somxeTSi (igulisxmeba
bizantiisadmi mikuTvnebuli som-
xeTis nawili) arSakis mefobaSi (ar-
grozna axlandeli qalaqi
Sak III 378-387) somxebi mtkiced mis-
grozno, CeCneTis dedaqalaqi, Zv.
devdnen wmida g.p-is mier naqadageb
rusuli cixe-simagre groznaia. g.
sarwmunoebas (a.s., 78). iakobitebis
ixsenieba: Teimuraz bagrationi -
seqtis wevrma mRvdlebma garyvnes
`axali istoria~ (1983).
wmida g.p-is mier mravali Rvawli-
mcire cixe CaCnaTis sazRvarze,
Ta da cremliT morwyuli somxeTis
aaSena ermolovma (mTavarsardali
qveyana (a.s., 80). qarTvelebi eubne-
saqarTveloSi da amave dros elCi
bodnen somxebs, rom wmida g.p.-ma
iranSi) 1818. g. niSnavs `memuqare~
saberZneTidan Seitana maTSi sar-
(T.b. 88).
wmunoeba, somxebma ki uaryves es
wmida sarwmunoeba da daemorCil- g. oTxmezuri

nen abdiSos asurs da sxva borot

mwvaleblebs (a.s., 81). somxebi ar
daemorCilnen wmida g.p-is sarwmu- guaspuragani // vaspura-
kani (vaspuragani, aspuraka-
noebas (a.s. 82). somexTa kaTolikosi
ni) evi igive qveyana somxeTSi.
komitosi (daaxl. VII s. I nax.) `eufla
rogorc administraciuli erTeu-
nawils zeda wmidisa grigolissa~
li (~qveyana~) wyaroebSi Cndeba bi-
da somxeTis qveyana momakvdinebe-
zantiasa da irans Soris somxeTis
li cru swavlebiT aRavso (a.s., 83).
591 gayofis Semdeg. is somxeTis
somxeTi gandga wmida g.p-is sarw-
iranul nawilSi Sedioda. g. didi
munoebisagan (a.s., 85). somxeTi gan-
somxeTis samxreT-aRmosavleTiT
Sorebuli iyo wmida g.p-is naswav-
mdebareobda da 35 gavarisagan Sed-
li WeSmaritebisagan (a.s. 86). Gg.p-is
geboda. X saukuneSi g. Camoyalibda

somxur samefod, romelsac arw- 1124 ivnisSi daviTma (daviT IV
runTa sagvareulo Caudga saTa- aRmaSenebeli, saqarTvelos mefe
veSi. g. ixsenieba: `moqceva qarT- 1089-1125) aiRo g. (d.i. 344). g-is ci-
lisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963); stefane xeSi iyo gamagrebuli Saqis mflo-
mtbevari `wameba wmidisa mowamisa beli davriS-mahmadi, romelsac eb-
gobronisi~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963); arsen rZvian Sahi Tamazi (Tamaz I, iranis
safareli `ganyofisTs qarTvelTa Sahi 1524-76) da mefe levani (kaxe-
da somexTa~, (1980). Tis mefe 1518-74), (v.b. 574).
g-dan bods (bodbeSi) dedofal e. kvaWantiraZe
sojis brZanebiT wamoiyvanes ste-
reonisi, romelic iqve moinaTla
(moq. q., 91-92). IV s-is 70-iani, mas daviTi taSir-Zoragetis
Semdeg rac TbilisSi iranis Sahis mefe daviT anholini (989-1048). Dd.
moxele pitiaxSi dajda, g., iseve ixsenieba: ,,matiane qarTlisa~ (q.c.
rogorc qarTli, misi moxarke gax- I, 1955). d. iyo im koaliciuri laS-
da (moq. q., 95;). VI s-is 40-iani qarT- qrobis monawile, romelic moewyo
lSi mefobis gauqmebis Semdeg, ira- ganZis amira fadlonis (fadlon
nelebi batonobdnen `qarTls da II, fadl ibn Savuri, ganZis amira
somxiTs da sivnieTs da g-s~ (moq. q., 1067-73) winaaRmdeg bagratis (bag-
101). IX s-is II naxevarSi g. Sedgeboda rat IV, saqarTvelos mefe 1027-72)
Tormeti samTavrosagan (~gobronis mcirewlovnebis dros. d-is garda
wameba~, 175). bizantiis imperator am laSqrobaSi monawileobdnen kvi-
mavrikiosis zeobaSi (582-602) g-el- rike (kvirike III, kaxeT-hereTis mefe
ma episkoposebma, romlebic iyvnen 1010-37), lipariti (liparit IV baR-
sparseTis daqvemdebarebis qveS, vaSi, kldekaris erisTavi XI s. 20-
mose somexTa kaTolikosis (574-604) 40-iani), ivane abazas Ze (qarTveli
msgavsad, uari Tqves konstantino- didebuli XI s. 20-50-iani), Tbilisis
polSi wasvlaze (a.s. 89). amira jafari (jafar alis Ze, Tbi-
lisis amira XI s. 30-40-iani). brZola
T. qoriZe moxda eklecTan (md. Mmtkvris marj-
vena Senakadi), romelSic fadloni
damarcxda (m.q. 296). d. iyo kaxeT-
gulistani adgili da cixe hereTis mefe gagikis (1039-58) mama
SirvanSi. g
G . ixsenieba: ,,cxovreba me- (m.q. 297). bagrat IV-is da liparit
feT-mefisa daviTisi (q.c. I, 1955) ; baRvaSis dapirispirebis dros li-
vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwera same- paritis momxrea kaxeTis laSqari
fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973). g. da d-is jari (m.q. 300). [taSir-Zora-
iyo Sirvanis mflobelis rezidencia.
getis ganmarteba ix. st. somxebi (Se- sTa mefe, tomiT bagrationi, Wabuki
niSvna)]. da lomi, Tamar mefis yvela gamar-
e. kvaWantiraZe jvebis Tanamonawilea (l.g.m. 369). d.
ovsTa mefis Ze, aRzarda Tamaris ma-
mida rusudanma. Tavad d. iyo gior-
daviTi (soslani) osi uf- gis (giorgi I) Zis dimitris STamo-
liswuli. saqarTvelos mefis Tama- mavali. dimitris anakofiaSi (afxa-
ris (1184-1207/10) meore qmari. XII- zeTi) darCa Svili, romelic gaiqca
XIII s.s. saqarTvelos politikuri bebiis (aldes) samSobloSi, oseTSi,
moRvawe. bagrationTa osuri Stos sadac iqorwina ovsTa mefis asul-
warmomadgeneli, romlis fuZemde- ze. misi Ze iwoda ovsTa mefed. am Zis
belic iyo saqarTvelos mefeebis Svils SerTes colad rusudani (Ta-
giorgi I-is (1014-27) Svilis (hyav- maris mamida), romelic monoznad
da osTa mefis asulis aldesgan) da ekurTxa, saqarTveloSi dabrunda
bagrat IV-is (1027-72) naxevarZmis da Tan wamoiyvana aRsazrdelad Ta-
demetres Svili, daviTi. d. ixsenie- visi qmris Svili d. (soslani), rome-
ba: laSa-giorgis droindeli matia- lic mas pirveli colisgan hyavda.
ne (q.c. I, 1955); `istoriani da azmani demetres Svils, romelic ovseTSi
SaravandedTani~, basili ezosmoZR- gaiqca erqva daviTi, daviTis Zes
uari `cxovreba mefeT-mefisa Ta- aTon, xolo aTonis Zes jadaron,
marisi~ (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti bato- romlis Svilic iyo d. (soslani),
niSvili `aRwera samefosa saqarT- [v.b. 176-77; ardonis xeobaSi, oseT-
velosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); niko dadiani Si, sof. nuzalis eklesiis kedelze
`qarTvelT cxovreba~ (1962); isto- aris freskebi zemoT dasaxelebul
riuli sabuTebi (q.i.s.k. 1984). pirTa gamosaxulebebiT; daviT de-
d. iyo Svili ovsTa mefisa, ru- metres Zis oseTSi gaqcevis ambavs
sudanis (Tamar mefis mamida) gazr- hyveba aTonis iveriis monastris
dili, yrma saxiT mSvenieri, zrdi- beri giorgi olTisaric (1065-75),
li, mxne da mxedari Zlieri, uswo- ix. k. kekeliZe, etiudebi I, 314]. Ta-
ro raindi, kargi mSvildosani, ta- mar mefes hyavda ori mamida, orive
niT axovani da sikeTiT sruli (b.ez. rusudani. erTi Tamaris gamzrde-
121-22); d. efremiania* ded-mamiT
li, xorasnis sulTnis colyofili,
samefo gvaris Camomavali, Tavisi
meore jadaronis coli, d-is aRmz-
aRmzrdelis rusudanis naTesavi,
rdeli (v. b. 177; n.d. imeorebs igi-
rusudanis mamidis mxridan, rome-
ves, mxolod aTonis magivrad wers
lic oseTSi iyo gaTxovili (sauba-
daviTs, 95). d. Tamars dediTac ena-
ria daviT IV aRmaSeneblis erT-erT
Tesaveboda, radgan Tamaris deda
asulze), (i.-a. 46). Tamaris qmari, ov-
osTa mefis asuli iyo. Tamars d. de- Semdeg moarbies `gelaquni, sparsi-
diT mesame, xolo mamiT mexuTe Ta- bazari da goralauqi~ (i.-a. 60). d-is
obis naTesavad ergeboda (v.b. 177). sardlobiT qarTvelebma brwyinva-
rusudan dedofali vazirTa da di- le gamarjveba moipoves SamqorSi
debulTa moTxovniT, eaxla mefe (1195), azerbaijanis aTabagis abu-
Tamars da d-ze daqorwineba sTxova beqris winaaRmdeg brZolaSi (i.-a.
(i.-a. 46). mefe Tamari didi Txovnis 65-68). d-is sardlobiT aiRes q.
Semdeg dasTanxmda. qorwilis ga- kari (b.ez. 134, 143-44; v.b. 188). sa-
daxda gadawyda didubis sasaxleSi, qarTvelos winaaRmdeg momzadda
Tbilisis sanaxebSi. qorwili mefe axali laSqroba, romlis moTavec
Tamaris Sesaferisi iyo. yvelafers iyo rumis (mcire aziis yvelaze di-
gamorCeuli sibrZniT xelmZRva- di Turquli saxelmwifo) sulTa-
nelobda rusudani. bagrationTa ni ruknadini. ruknadinma Sekriba
gvaris da didebulTa garda, qor- oTxasiaTasi molaSqre (b.ez-is mi-
wils eswrebodnen mgosnebi, msaxi- xedviT rvaasiaTasi) azerbaijan-
obebi, iyo razmTa simravlec (i.-a. Si da saqarTvelosken gamoemarTa.
47). d-ma qorwinebidan (1187) erTi basianSi** (samx. das. saqarTvelos
wlis Tavze gaiTqva saxeli mSvil- ist. provincia, dR. TurqeTis ter.)
dosnobasa da cxenosnobaSi, cur- d-s mTavarsardlobiT qarTveleb-
vasa da asparezobaSi. d. mwignobro- ma brwyinvale gamarjveba moipoves
baSic Rrmad ganswavluli iyo (i.-a. (i.-a. 95-98; b.ez. 134, 137-38; v.b. 187).
48). d. laSqrobaSi monawileobas mefe Tamari yvelaze did damnaSave-
iRebda Tamaris brZanebiTa da mi- sac ki sikvdiliT ar sjida. icoda
TiTebiT, xolo imarjvebda uze- ra es d-ma, guzans (qarTveli dide-
naesis SewevniT (i.-a. 55; b.ez. 130). buli), romelic ganudga mefes, ava-
qarTvelebma d-is winamZRolobiT zakobda da sikvdilis Rirsi iyo,
(1191) daamarcxes Tamaris winaaR- d-ma Tamaris daukiTxavad Tvalebi
mdeg ajanyebuli qarTveli dide- dasTxara (b.ez. 144; v.b. 188). saqar-
bulebi, romelTac saTaveSi edga TveloSi `moiwia mwuxareba, rame-
saqarTvelodan gaZevebuli gior- Tu miicvala soslan daviT~, sav-
gi rusi (iuri bogoliubski, Tama- se sikeTiT, mxne da guladi. darCa
ris pirveli qmari), (i.-a. 53). d-ma, ori Ze: yrma laSa-giorgi da asuli
Tavisi Zis giorgi-laSas dabadebis rusudani (i.-a. 100; v.b. 189, v.b. mis
(1192/93) aRsaniSnavad ilaSqra q. gardacvalebas aTariRebs 1199, is-
bardavaze da moarbia (i.-a. 48; v.b. toriografiaSi TariRdeba 1203/4
179). qarTvelebma d.-is sardlobiT an 1206/7). mefe Tamaris dros gace-
ilaSqres arzrumSi, karnu-qalaqze, mul sigelebs mefesTan erTad xels

awers d-ic. `Tamaris brZanebasa me, meore ki devris qvemoT, naRvarevis
nebiTa RmrTisaiTa erisTavi daviT, xevis dasavleTiT maT saflavebze
vamowmeb da vamtkiceb~ (sigelebi ara erTi saswauli aResruleboda
gacemuli gelaTisa da Sio-mRvi- (191).
mis monastrebisadmi. q.i.s.k. #4,
T. qoriZe
#20; gv. 76, 101, 102; gacemuli 1188,
1195/96 wlebSi).

davriS mahmadi Saq-Sirva-

* efremisZe niSnavs ioseb mSvenieris Zes,
bibliuri patriarqis iakobis SviliSvils, nis mflobeli (XVI s-is 20-30-iani).
romelic qarTul ist. wyaroebSi ixsenie- d.m. ixsenieba: vaxuSti batoniSvi-
ba os bagrationTa winaprad, iseve rogorc
daviT winaswarmetyveli qarTvel bagrati- li ,,aRwera samefosa saqarTvelo-
onTa winaprad (k. kekeliZe, etiudebi I, 1956,
sa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); beri egnataSvili,
,,axali qarTlis cxovreba mesame
** samecniero lit. basianis brZola TariR-
deba 1203, 1204, 1205. teqsti (q.c. II, 1959).
d.m-is mama Saq-Sirvanis myro-
q. nadiraZe
beli asan-begi mokla levanma (kaxe-
Tis mefe 1518-74). amis Semdeg gada-
emternen erTmaneTs d.m. da levani.
daviTi da tiriWani qar-
d.m. ganudga iranis Sahs Tamazs (Ta-
Tuli eklesiis wmidanebi, maTi
maz I, iranis Sahi 1524-76) da gaa-
moRvaweobis zusti dro ucnobia, nadgura misi laSqari. amis gamgone
savaraudod iyvnen VII s. Si moRvawe Sahma 1538 daZra laSqari Sirvanze,
somexi qalkedonitebi. wm. d. da t. miswera werili d.m-s da damorCi-
ixseniebian: `martviloba daviTisa lebis sanacvlod gandgomis patie-
da tiriWanisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963). bas dapirda. d.m-ma ar ismina da ga-
mcirewlovani Zmebi, basianis amagra cixeebi. Sah-Tamazma gagzav-
mkvidrni, basianis erisTav varda- na mis winaaRmdeg mefe levani da
nisa da Tagines Zeni, wamebiT aRes- Tavisi ori sardali laSqriT. maT
rulnen qristianobisaTvis Tavian- moaoxres Saqi da miadgnen cixes,
Ti warmarTi biZis (dedis Zmis) Tev- romelSic d.m. iyo gamagrebuli. man
dosis mier. kerZod, d. uSualod ver SesZlo winaaRmdegobis gaweva
Tevdosis, xolo t. Tevdosis mier da RamiT gaipara. levani daedevna
wargzavnil mdevarTa mier sof. d.m-s, mokla, misi Tavi miarTva Sah-
divrs. MsomexTa kaTolikosma nersem Tamazs (b.e. 363; mesame t. 504-5; v.b.
(nerse III, 641-61) Tavisi xeliT `war- 572-4).
gragnna guamni igi wmidaTani~ da e. kvaWantiraZe
dakrZala erTi maTgani zeda mTaze,

dariali md. Tergis xeobis TavTa~ (q. s. Z. II. 1965); istoriuli
monakveTi yazbegis r-Si (saqarTve- sabuTebi (qr. I, 2004, II, 1897).
los resp.). xeobaze uZvelesi dro- d-s evropelebi uwodeben kavka-
idan gadioda amier da imierkavka- siis kars (v. b. 358). xazarebi daru-
siis damakavSirebeli gza. saqarT- bandisa da aragvis kariT, romelic
velosa da sxva saxelmwifoTa saga- aris d. Semodiodnen da Targamosi-
reo politikaSi didi mniSvnelo- anebs (Targamosi bibliuri perso-
ba eniWeboda d-ze batonobas. igi naJi. kavkasielTa, maT Soris qarT-
icavda amierkavkasias, Crd. kavkasi- velTa mamaTavari), (ix. st. xazarebi)
aSi mosaxle momTabare meomar tom- aoxrebdnen. sabolood Targamo-
Ta Tavdasxmebisagan. saqarTvelo sianebma xarki ikisres (l. m. 12; v. b.
mudmivad cdilobda d-is xeobis sa- 51). qarTvelebi da osebi ibrZodnen
kuTari gavlenis sferoSi moqcevas. somxebis winaaRmdeg. maT brZolaSi
saxelwodeba `dariali~ warmodgeba tyved aiyvanes somexTa mefis Svili
sparsuli dar-i alanisagan (alan- zareni. igi qarTvelebma d-is cixe-
Ta kari). Zvel qarTul da ucxour Si gamoketes (qarTlis mefis arsok/
wyaroebSi d. ixsenieba, rogorc da- arzokis dros. daax. Zv. w II-I s.s.), (l.
m. 49; v. b. 65; n. d-sTan somexTa mefe
rialani, dariela, aragvis kari, ov-
zarde, 74). qarTlis mefe asfagur
sTa kari, kavkasiis kari da sxv. d.
mirdatis Zem (III-IV s.s. mijna) gaaRo
ixsenieba: leonti mroveli `cxov-
d-is kari, gamoiyvana osebi, somexTa
reba qarTvelTa mefeTa~, juanSe-
mefis kosaros dasaxmareblad spar-
ri `cxovreba vaxtang gorgaslisa~,
selTa winaaRmdeg brZolaSi (l. m.
`matiane qarTlisa~, `cxovreba me-
59; v. b. 70). aragvis aRmosavleTiT,
feT-mefisa daviTisi~ (q. c. I, 1955);
kldis qvemoT, mefe mirianma (qar-
JamTaaRmwereli, `axali qarTlis
Tlis mefe IV s. I nax.) aRaSena cixe
cxovreba~ meore teqsti (q. c. II,
d-isa, Seaba kari, radgan mis gareSe
1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwe-
osebi da xazarebi d-iT ver Semosu-
ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. c.
liyvnen (v. b. 358; n. d. 132). vaxtang
IV, 1973); bagrat batoniSvili `axa-
gorgasalma (qarTlis mefe V s. 40-
li moTxroba~ (1941); niko dadiani
iani V s. bolo) osebis winaaRmdeg
`qarTvelT cxovreba~ (1962); iovane
Seyara laSqari, daixmara Tavisi de-
sabanis Ze `martvilobaY habo tfi-
dis Zma, ranis erisTavi (pitiaxSi)
lelisaY~, `moqcevaY qarTlisaY~ (Z. q.
varaz-bakuri, ganvlo kari d-ani,
a. l. Z. I, 1963); arsen beri `cxovrebaY
Sevida oseTs da dalaSqra (j. 150-
ninosi~, anonimi avtori `cxovrebaY
52; v. b. 102). vaxtang mefem daimor-
ninosi~ (Z. q. a. l. Z. III, 1971 metafra-
Cila osebi, yivCayebi, Seqmna kari
zuli red. XII-XIII s.s.); `Zegli eris-
ovseTisani, romelsac qarTvele-

bi `darianisad~ ixsenieben, aRaSena oseTis kari, romelsac d. ewodeba,
`maszeda godolni maRalni~, `mcve- gadavida CrdiloeT kavkasiaSi da
lebad maxlobeli~ mTielebi Caa- xazarebs Seafara Tavi (habos wa-
yena. amis Semdeg osebi da yivCayebi meba, 58). buRa Turqma (arabi sar-
qarTvel mefeTa Tanxmobis gareSe dali, buRa el-qabiri, g. 862) d-iT
d-is kariT amierkakasiaSi veRar Se- gamoiyvana osebis asi ojaxi (v. b. sa-
modiodnen (j. 156; Z. q. a. l. Z. III. 48, mi aTasi suli) da dmanisSi (polit.
81; qr. I. 50). vaxtangma gaaTavisufla centri qvemo qarTlSi) daasaxla
osebTan tyveobaSi myofi Tavisi da (m. q. 256; v. b. 130). daviTma (daviT IV,
miranduxti da sxva ganTavisufle- saqarTvelos mefe 1089-1125) daika-
bul tyveebTan erTad qarTlSi d-is va d-is cixeebi da oseTze yvela ga-
gziT gamoagzavna. TviTon ganagrZo sasvleli, raTa yivCayebisTvis sa-
laSqroba (j. 157; v. b. 103). rodesac qarTveloSi mSvidobianad gadmos-
qarTlSi mefoba daesrula, (iran- vlis saSualeba mieca (d. i. 336; v b.
ma qarTlSi mefoba 537 gaauqma), 159). mefe rusudanma (saqarTvelos
sparselebi gaZlierdnen. daikaves mefe 1223-45), rodesac jalaledi-
`karni ovseTisani~ (d), (`moq.q.~, 94). nis (xvarazmSahi 1220-31) adarbada-
murvan yrum (arabi sardali marvan ganidan isev Tbilisisken wamosvla
II ibn muhamedi, arabTa xalifa 744- Seityo (1227-28), Seyara sruliad
50) dalaSqra mTeli kavkasia (735- saqarTvelos laSqari, gaaRo kari
38), daipyro kari d. da darubandi- d-ani; gadmoiyvana osebi, durZuke-
sa, Semusra qalaqebi da cixeebi (j. bi da sxva mTieli meomrebi, Sekriba
234). juanSer erismTavris (qarT- naWarmagevs (qarTvel mefeTa rezi-
lis erismTavari VIII s. 50/60-iani) dencia, axl. sof. karaleTi, goris
gamgeblobis dros xazarebma amier- r-ni) xvarazmelTa winaaRmdeg (J.
kavkasiaze ilaSqres (764). lekeTis 183). daviT ulos (daviT VII, saqar-
gziT Semovidnen kaxeTSi, aiRes ci- Tvelos mefe 1246-70), didi yaenis
xe-simagre, sadac juanSeri da misi baTos (baTu yaeni, oqros urdos
da SuSani imyofebodnen. xazareb- damaarsebeli 1243-55) Svili mra-
ma isini sxva tyveebTan erTad d-is val mociquls ugzavnida da d-ze
gziT xazareTs gauyenes. SuSani xa- gasasvlels iTxovda (J. 245; v. b 220).
zarTa xakans colad surda rom Se- Salva qsnis erisTavi monRolTa
erTo. SuSanma warmarTis colobas laSqriT gaemgzavra daviTis (daviT
sikvdili arCia. roca tyveebma d-is VIII, saqarTvelos mefe 1293-1311)
kari gaiares, SuSanma Tavi moiwamla winaaRmdeg sabrZolvelad. davi-
(m. q. 250; v. b. 127). arabebisgan dev- Ti idga bazaleTs, es rom Seityo,
nilma nerse erismTavarma (qarTlis d-is cixes Seafara Tavi (meore t.
erismTavari VIII s. 70/80-iani) gaiara 443, Zegli erisTavTa 105). [gior-

gi V-m, saqarTvelos mefe 1318-46] dros ciciSvili (pavle cicianovi
imogzaura mTiuleTSi, Semoikri- 1754-1806, rusi generali, saqarT-
ba xevisberni, ganixila saqmeebi, velos mTavarmarTebeli) movida
Semdeg mivida d-mde, sadac sruli TbilisSi. es rom yazibegiSvilma
ganukiTxaoba iyo, mosaxleoba ar gaigo, moisyida Tagaur-qurTaule-
emorCileboda kanonebs da mraval bi, gaaxsnevina d-is Semosasvleli,
danaSauls sCadioda (`Zegli mefeT- saidanac polkovniki nesvetevi ru-
mefisa giorgisi~ dawerili 1344-46. sis erTi polkiT saqarTveloSi Se-
qr. II. 182). virSel erisTavis (qsnis movida (T. b. 94).
erisTavi XIV s. 90-iani), romelmac
q. nadiraZe
dvaleTi Ralatis gamo moarbia, wi-
naaRmdeg sabrZolvelad (1390-iani)
Seikribnen mTielni, aragvis ze-
darubandi Zv. qalaqi kas-
daznidan d-mde. maT winamZRvrob-
piis zRvis dasavleT sanapiroze.
da erisTavi surameli. ori dRe ib-
Tanamedrove q. derbendis (daRes-
rZodnen xojis kldesTan da veras
tani) teritoriaze. darialTan er-
gaxdnen (`Zegli erisTavTa~ 116-17).
Tad warmoadgenda umniSvnelovanes
Temur-lengs (Sua aziis mmarTve-
gadmosasvlels amierkavkasiaSi. d.
li 1370-1405) da mis laSqars qsnis
ixsenieba: leonti mroveli `cxov-
xeobaSi megzuroba gauwia burdi-
reba qarTvelTa mefeTa~, juanSe-
asSvilma girSelma. mterma moar-
ri `cxovreba vaxtang gorgaslisa~,
bia mTeli qveyana, miaRwia, lekeTsa
`matiane qarTlisa~, `cxovreba me-
da d-als (`Zegli erisTavTa~, 114).
feT-mefisa daviTisi~, laSa-gior-
aleqsandre mefes (aleqsandre I,
gis droindeli matiane (q. c. I, 1955);
saqarTvelos mefe 1412-42) usity-
`istoriani da azmani Saravanded-
vod morCilebda mTiuleTi mTeli
Tani~, basili ezosmoZRuari `cxov-
d-is xeoba, romelsac xevisberebi
reba mefeT-mefisa Tamarisi~, Jam-
marTavdnen (samebis taZris `sulTa
TaaRmwereli (q. c. II, 1959); vaxuSti
matianis~ ganCinebebi, TariRdeba
batoniSvili `aRwera samefosa sa-
1439. qr. II. 245). farnaoz batoniS-
qarTvelosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973); papu-
vili (qarTl-kaxeTis mefis erekle
na orbeliani `ambavni qarTlisani~
II-is 1762-98, vaJi) Tavis ZmasTan
(1981); Teimuraz bagrationi `axali
iulonTan erTad aujanyda rusebs
istoria~ (1983); niko dadiani `qar-
(1801). mas mxarSi mTiuleTi edga.
TvelT cxovreba~ (1962); istoriu-
aragvelebma rusebs gadauketes
li sabuTebi (qr. I, 2004, II, 1897, III,
Rudis xevi, xolo Tagaur-qurTau-
1967; q. i. s. k. I, 1984).
lebma Sekres d-is gza da iqidan ru-
qveyana kavkasiidan, vidre did
sebi veRar Semodiodnen (b. b. 93). am

mdinaremde (md. volga), romelic ukan dabrunebulebma - `ganvles ka-
Cadis darubandis zRvaSi (kaspiis ri d-isa~ (j. 146; v. b. 101, n. d. 79).
zR.) iyo dausaxlebeli, amitom Tar- berZenTa (bizantia) winaaRmdeg
gamosma (bibliuri personaJi) Tavi- laSqrobisas, erT-erT brZolaSi,
si ori Svili lekani da kavkasi aq laSqarni `yoveli somxiTis~, spars-
daasaxla. lekans (lekTa winapari) ni da `mefe d-isa~ (savaraudoa lek-
misca d-is zRvidan, vidre mdinare Ta mefe ipajaji) varaz bakuris mxa-
lomekamde (md. Tergi) teritoria res ibrZodnen (j. 172).qarTlSi Se-
(l. m. 5). xazarebma * gaiCines mefe, mosul iranis Sahs egona, rom Tavis
iwinamZRvres igi, gamoiares zRvis laSqars `spiTa somxiTiT da mefe-
kari, romelsac hqvia d. xazarebma Tagan kavkasianTasa ganamravleb-
iswavles ori gza, zRvis kari, anu d. da~, magram mas mxolod mefeni
da aragvis kari, anu dariali (Ter- d-isani SeuerTdnen. (j. 179). murvan
gis xeobis monakveTi, yazbegis r-Si, yrum (marvan ibn muhamadi, omanian-
saqarTvelos resp.). xSirad gadmo- Ta xalifa 744-750), (735) daipyro ka-
diodnen am gzebze da aoxrebdnen ri darialisa da d-isa (j. 234). buRa
Targamosianebs. Sedegad isini xa- Turqma (arabi sardali) gaaRo d-is
zarTa moxarke gaxdnen (l. m. 11-12, kari (853), gadmoiyvana xazarTa sa-
v. b. 51). xazarTa mefem Tavis mamis masi ojaxi da daasaxla Samqors (m. q.
Zmiswuls misca lekanis kuTvnili 256; v. b. 130). daviTis (daviT IV, sa-
teritoria d-is zRvidan aRmosav- qarTvelos mefe 1089-1125) mier
leTiT md. lomekamde (l. m. 12). ar- Sarvanis darbevis Semdeg (1121 mai-
dam erisTavma (nebroTianTa anu si), Seibnen Sarvanelebi da d-elni,
sparselTa sardali, qarTlis dam- d-elebma mokles afridon (Sirva-
pyrobi) aRaSena qalaqi zRvis kars nis mflobeli) da amoswyvites Sar-
da uwoda d., romelic sparsulad vanelebi (d. i. 339; v. b. 159). daviTi
niSnavs `daSa kari~ (l. m. 13; v. b. 51; Tavs daesxa (1124) Saburans (q. Sab-
n. d. 69). oseTis darbevis Semdeg mi- rani, daRestani), d-elsa,
riani (qarTlis mefe IV s-is I nax.) `moswydnes qurdni, lekni da yiv-
d-is gziT dabrunda mcxeTaSi (qar- Cayni d-elisani~ (d. i. 344; v. b. 161).
Tlis samefos dedaqalaqi), (v. b. 72). daviTma (1125) Tavis Zes demetres
xazarebi periodulad Tavs esxmod- uanderZa qveyana `nikofsiidgan
nen d-s, miriani maT dasaxmareblad (axl. tuafsesTan) d-isa sazRuaram-
xazarebze laSqrobda (l. m. 66, 68; v. de da ovseTidgan soerad aregawam-
b. 71-72). roca vaxtang gorgasali de~ (mTebi somxeTSi), (q. i. s. k. I, 62).
(qarTlis mefe V s-is II nax.) aTi wlis giorgis (giorgi III, saqarTvelos
iyo, osebma moarbies qarTli, gai- mefe 1156-84) mamis diswuls (daviT
taces vaxtangis da miranduxti, IV-is asulis, Tamaris Svili), aRsar-

Tans, romelic `mefe iyo Sarvanisa mefeTa Zvel pativSi ayvana: `da ami-
da zRs pirisad d-iT xirxalam- sa mowame ars saxli SarvanSeTi da
dis~, xazarebi aviwrovebdnen. gi- d-elTa, RunZTa, ovsTa...~ (b. ez. 147)
orgi wavida aRsarTanis dasacavad saqarTveloSi (1221) SemoWrilma
da ilaSqra d-is karamde (i. a. 17; v. monRolTa marbielma laSqarma Ta-
b. 169). mefe Tamari (saqarTvelos vi aarida qarTul jarTan brZolas,
mefe 1184-1207/10) flobda terito- laSa-giorgis `zedamisvlamde~ ga-
riebs pontos zRvidan (Savi zR.) daixvewnen da ganvles d-is gza (l.
gurganis zRvamde (kaspiis zR.) da g. m. 370). mas Semdeg, rac saqarTve-
speridan (ist. qarTuli provincia lo datoves monRolebma gaiares
ispiri, axl. TurqeTi) d-amdis, d-is gza, ganvles d-is kari, yivCaye-
mTlianad kavkasias xazareTamde da Ti, Semouares d-is zRvas da dab-
skTamde (i. a. 34). roca mefe gior- rundnen samSobloSi (J. 165; v. b.
gis glovis Jami dasrulda, Seik- 199); laSa-giorgis gardacvalebis
ribnen kaTalikosni, episkoposni, (1223) `Semdgomad Semokrbnen yo-
didebulni nikofsiidan d-mde da velni didebulni nikofsiT d-amde
akurTxes mefed Tamari (1184), (v. b. da akurTxes rusudan mefed~ (sa-
171; n. d. 94). Samqoris brZolis win qarTvelos mefe 1223-1245), (n. d.
(1195) baRdadis xalifas brZanebiT 100), monRolebma (1235) daiwyes `aR-
saqarTvelos winaaRmdeg Seikriba momarTiT d-s~ mTeli amierkavkasi-
mTeli mahmadianuri samyaros laS- is morbeva (J. 186; v. b. 205). monRo-
qari: romguaris (xorasani anu spar- lebi arbevdnen mTel saqarTvelos:
seTi), indoeTis `qvemoT samarya- qarTls, samcxes, javaxeTs, kaxeTs,
namdi (qalaqi Sua aziaSi, uzbekeTis hereTs d-amde (J. 191). baTo yaenis
resp.) da d-amdi~ (b. ez. 125; v. b. 182; (oqros urdos yaeni 1243-55) samf-
n. d. 96). basianis brZolis lobelo iyo ovseTi, yivCayeTi, xa-
(1202//1203) win Tamarma Sekriba zareTi, ruseTi, bneleTamde da
laSqari `imerTa da amerTa, nikof- d-is zRvamde (J. 196-97, 229; v. b. 214;
siiT d-amdis~ (i. a. 94). qarTvelma n. d-Tan xataeTi d-amde da ruseTi
didebulebma, amirspasalarma zaqa- vidre serbiamde, 103). ilxanTa yae-
ria mxargrZelma, misma Zmam manda- nis hulagus (1256-1265) karze davi-
turTuxucesma ivanem da varam ga- Tisa (daviT VII, saqarTvelos mefe
gelma sTxoves Tamars Seeyara sa- 1246-70) da sargis jayelis (samcxis
qarTvelos laSqari `nikofsiiT mTavari) sasamarTlos mimdinareo-
d-mde~, raTa (1210) elaSqraT rom- bis dros (1262) `movida kaci d-iT~,
gurze (i. a. 103). Tamaris gul- romelmac hulagus moaxsena, rom
mowyalebasa da keTilSobilebaze didi yaeni berqa (oqros urdos yae-
miuTiTebs dakninebul da devnil ni 1255-66) moadga d-is gzas (J. 248;

v. b. 221). daviTma da sargis jayelma los mefe 1346-60), (v. b. 26; n. d. 117).
ilxanebTan erTad mopovebuli ga- Temur-lengis (Sua-azieli mbrZane-
marjvebis Semdeg d-is karic gaia- beli 1336-1405) jarebma `ganvles
res da sami dRe sdevnidnen momx- d., lekeTi da movidnen ovseTs~ (v. b.
durs (J. 250; v. b. 222). berqa yaenis- 272). mefe aleqsandrem (aleqsandre
gan ltolvili limaCav (osTa ur- I, saqarTvelos mefe 1412-42) xarkis
dos meTauri, gardacvlili bela- gadauxdelobis gamo (1437) moaoxra
dis qvrivi) d-is karis gavliT Camo- ganZa. amis gamo Sirvanelni da d-el-
vida saqarTveloSi (J. 251). berqa ni SeSindnen da didi ZRveniT eaxl-
yaeni (1265) d-is gziT SemoiWra sa- nen mefes yarabaRSi (v. b. 281). avJan-
qarTveloSi (J. 254, v. b. 223). igi daZeTa gvari 1452 sigelis (natyua-
laSqrobis periodSi gardaicvala ri sabuTi) mixedviT d-dan arian mo-
da misma spam waasvena d-is karis gav- sulebi saqarTveloSi (qr. II, 265).
liT (J. 255). d-elni (1280-iani w-is ruseTis imperatorma petrem (pet-
dasawyisi) ganudgnen yaens (abaRa- re I, 1682-1725) 1722 daipyro d. (qr.
xani ilxanTa yaeni, 1265-1282). yaeni III, 82). ruseTSi myofi vaxtangi (vax-
wavida d-s, mouwoda dimitri mefe- tang VI, qarTlis mefe 1716-24), as-
sac (demetre II Tavdadebuli, saqar- rulebda Suamavlis rols (1725-27)
Tvelos mefe 1270-89) Sevida d-s. ruseTis imperatrica ekaterinesa
d-elebma winaaRmdegoba ver gauwi- (ekaterine I, 1727-1730) da iranis
es (J. 286; v. b. 234; n. d. 110). vaxtangi Sahs Soris. Semdeg kvlav mouwia
(vaxtang III, saqarTvelos mefe 1298- d-Si Casvla, sadac annas (ruseTis
1308) gamefda da flobda mTel sa- imp. 1730-40) brZanebiT gadasces
qarTvelos `nikofsiiT d-amde~ (J. jildod wm. andrias lurji ordeni
293), (v. b.-s da n. d.-s mixedviT kar- (v. b. 509). 1734 imperatrica annam
niforidan d-amde, v. b. 238, 701; n. d. vaxtangi `warmoavlina d-s, raTa
111). monRolTa gandevnis Semdeg daipyras Semaxia da merme qarTli~.
(1335) giorgim (giorgi V, saqarTve- Tamaz-xanma (SemdgomSi iranis Sahi
los mefe 1318-46) daimorCila `rani nadiri, 1736-47), rom Seityo vaxtan-
da Sirvani~ da xarki daado `d-amde gis wasvla d-idan Samaxias, Tavs da-
qurdis lekiTurT~ (v. b. 257; n. d. esxa Samaxias. vaxtangi iZulebuli
115). giorgis (1340-iani) morCileba- gaxda d-s mobrunebuliyo (v. b. 513-
Si hyavda `kavkasnica... nikofsidam 14; qr. III, 143). Tamaz-xanma Seityo
d-amde~ (v. b. 259; n. d. 116). `nikofsi- `mosvla TaTarxanTa~ (yirimeli
iT, speriT, d-amde~ Seikribnen ka- TaTrebi), datova qarTli, gaiara
Tolikosebi, episkoposebi da dide- rbeviT kaxeTi, Wari da Cavida d-Si
bulebi, rom ekurTxebinaT mefed (v. b. 515, 627). am wlis (1735) saomari
(1346) daviTi (daviT IX, saqarTve- kampaniis warmatebiT dasrulebis

Sedegad Tamaz-xans misca ruseTma ares (q. s. Z. 8, 352). 1796 rusebma,
d., osmalebma Tbilisi, ganja da graf zubovis meTaurobiT, daipy-
erevani (qr. III, 146). nadir-Sahi (ira- res d., Samaxia, baqo da saliani (T. b.
nis Sahi 1736-47) ebrZoda daRestne- 66). 1806 cicianovis mkvlelobiT
lebs (1739-41). qarTvelebi nadiris ganrisxebulma ruseTis impera-
mxares iyvnen (v. b. 517-18). 1741 d-s torma aleqsandre I-ma (1801-1825)
mividnen Teimurazi (Teimuraz II, ka- gagzavna jari, romelmac aiRo baqo,
xeTis mefe 1733-44, qarTlis 1744- d. da Samaxia (n. d. 197). 1812 markizi
62) da kaTalikosi domenti, amaliT (pauliCi) gadavida mtkvarze rusTa
(qr. III, 168). Sahis moTxovniT Teimu- mier dapyrobili adgilebis Saqis,
razTan erTad d-Si Cavida misi co- Sirvanis, d-isa da baqos mosanaxu-
li Tamaric (v. b. 630). imave wlis leblad.
agvistoSi, nadir-Sahis brZanebiT
*am periodSi xazarTa moxsenieba qarTul
d-Si Cavidnen imamyuli-xan xoras- werilobiT wyaroebSi anaqronizmia. xaza-
neli (qarTlis naibad daniSnuli rebma sakuTari gaerTianebebi Crd. kavkasia-
Si mxolod ax. w. VII s-is SuaxanebSi Seqmnes (ix,
nadir-Sahis mier 1740), abdula-beg, st. xazarebi).
ieses Ze (iese, qarTlis mefe 1714-16,
1724-27), mdivan-begi qaixosro or- g. oTxmezuri

beliani, amilaxori erisTavi givi

da sxv. Tavadebi (p. o. 49). imave wels
daRestani // daRestnele-
d-Si Caiyvanes axalcixis safaSoSi
bi - d-is avtonomiuri respublika
Sepyrobili SanSe qsnis erisTavi da
Seiqmna 1921 da dRemde Sedis ru-
misi Zma. nadir-Sahis brZanebiT isi-
seTis federaciis Semadgenloba-
ni d-is cixeSi Caamwyvdies (p. o. 51).
Si, (1991 respublikis statusiT),
aleqsandre imerTa mefem (aleqsan-
dedaqalaqi mahaCyala, istoriuli
dre V, 1720-52), (1742) vakis (adminis-
centrebi yumuxi da xunZaxi. d. mde-
traciuli erTeuli imereTSi, sae-
bareobs Crd. kavkasiis aRm. nawilSi,
risTavo) erisTavi gaagzavna d-s
aRmosavleTiT ekvris kaspiis zRva,
myof nadir-SahTan TxovniT, eSuam-
d-Si daaxloebiT 30 xalxi da eTnog-
dgomla axalcixis isay-faSas wina-
rafiuli jgufi cxovrobs. d-elTa
Se, raTa daebrunebina igi isays ime-
mravalricxovani monaTesave ena-
reTis taxtze (v. b. 892; n. d. 177). fa-
Ta jgufebi ekuTvnis iberiul-kav-
Tali-xan d-isa (1770-ian) Tavs daes-
kasiur enaTa ojaxs. Zv.w. I.s-Si d-is
xa usein-xan Saqels (T. b. 56). yafla-
samxreT nawili kavkasiis albaneTis
niSvilebis arzaSi (1793-1795) erek-
SemadgenlobaSi moeqca. aq gadioda
le meorisadmi aRniSnulia, rom na-
mniSvnelovani gza Crd. kavkasiidan
dir-SahTan daRestanSi dabarebul-
amierkavkasiaSi e.w darubandis ka-
ma qarTvelma Tavadebma gzad d. gai-

ri. IV s-Si gavrcelda qristianoba vnen (v.b. 268; n.d. 119). levan kaxTa
da albanuri damwerloba. VII s-Si mefis (1518-74) dros kaxeTSi mSvi-
d-is Crd. nawili xazarTa kaganat- dobam daisadgura. marTalia le-
Si Sevida. VIII s-Si arabebma daipyres kebi levans ar emorCilebodnen,
da aqedan gavrcelda islami. XI-XIII magram verc mtrobas ubedavdnen.
s.s. d., gansakuTrebiT, misi mTiani erTxel erTma d-ma lekma kaxeTis
nawili saqarTvelos politikur- gaRma mxridan Zroxa moipara. le-
kulturul gavlenas ganicdida. vanma igi samagaliTod dasaja, mTe-
XIII s-is 30-ian wlebSi daipyres mon- li ojaxiT kaxeTs wamoasxa da qone-
Rolebma. XV s-Si ibrZvis iranisa da ba CamoarTva, raTa sxvebs veraferi
osmaleTis winaaRmdeg, politi- gaebedaT (v.b.574); lekTa Tavdasx-
kur-ekonomikur urTierTobas am- mebisagan Sewuxebulma Teimurazma
yarebs ruseTTan, XVIII s-is bolos (Teimuraz I, kaxeTis mefe 1606-48,
d-is teritoriaze Camoyalibda aTi qarTl-kaxeTis 1625-32) d-is dasar-
msxvili polit. erTeuli da 60-mde bevad qaixosro omaniSvili gaag-
e.w. Tavisufali Temi. XIX s-is dam- zavna, romelmac mTeli d. aawioka
degs gulistanis sazavo xelSekru- (v.b. 585). mefe giorgim (giorgi XI,
lebiT (1813) iuridiulad gafor- qarTlis mefe 1676-88, 1703-09) ru-
mda d-is SeerTeba ruseTTan. XVI- seTSi Tavis Zma arCilTan ori beri
XVIII s.s-Si saqarTvelo ganicdida gagzavna (1682-83) davalebiT, raTa
d-elTa permanentul Tavdasxmebs. misTvis saqarTveloSi Camosvla er-
CiaT, radgan igi imereTis Tavadebs
mimdinareobda e.w lekianoba. d.
mefed surdaT. d-Si misuli berebi
da d-elebi ixsenieba: vaxuSti bato-
Samxalma Seipyro. am dros Samxals
niSvili aRwera samefosa saqarT-
gauvaloba daemarTa. erT-erT-
velosa (q.c. IV, 1973); papuna orbe-
ma berma, daviT TurqestaniSvilma
liani `ambavni qarTlisani (1981);
mas uwamla da moarCina. daviTi Sam-
oman xerxeuliZe mefoba irakli me-
xalma SviliviT Seiyvara, TavisTan
orisa (1989); Teimuraz bagrationi
datova, xolo meore beri gaaTavi-
axali istoria (1983); niko dadia-
sufla da ruseTSi gaamgzavra. d-Si
ni qarTvelT cxovreba (1962); bag-
yofnis dros daviTma Samxali da gi-
rat batoniSvili axali moTxroba
orgi mefe daamegobra (v.b.460). kaxe-
(1941); istoriuli sabuTebi (qr. III.
Tis mosaxleoba evedreboda qalba-
1967; q.s.Z., II. 1965, IV. 1974, VII. 1985).
li-xans (kaxeTis muslimi marTveli
Temur-lengma (Sua azieli mxe-
1695-99 da yarabaRis beglarbegi)
darTmTavari, emiri 1370-1405) da-
mieca neba, raTa WarSi Camosaxle-
imorCila d. da aq elebi Caasaxla.
bul lekebs SebrZolebodnen, rad-
swored maT gaamahmadianes d-ebi;
gan kaxeTis miwaze dasaxlebuli
manamde maTi nawili qristianebi iy-

lekebi d-eli lekebis megzurebi da VI-is asuli) SahTan d-Si mosalapa-
dasayrdenni gaxdnen kaxeTis mosax- rakeblad gaagzavna. Sahma Tamari
leobis winaaRmdeg. kaxelebs isini didi pativiT miRo. Tamarma Tavi-
aoxrebdnen, xocavdnen da Zarc- si misia warmatebiT Seasrula da
vavdnen. qal-bali-xani ki kaxelebs qarTl-kaxeTi aoxrebas gadaarCina
brZolis uflebas ar aZlevda (v.b. (o.x.42; p.o. 55), nadirs aujanyda Zve-
608). kaxeTis mefis daviTis (1709-22) li yaenis (igulisxmeba Sah-Tamaz
meuRle axrijahan begumi iyo da- II) Svili, romelsac mis winaaRmdeg
Restnis Samxalis SviliSvili (q.s.Z. ajanyebuli d-eli feodalebi exma-
II. 335-36) Warelma lekebma Sekribes rebodnen (o.x. 43; p.o 70). Sah-nadiri
laSqari, daixmares d-ebic da di- d-dan 1742 gamobrunda da qalaTis
di jariT moadgnen qalaq Telavs, cixe daikava (qr. III, 618). osmalebma
qarTvelebma gaimarjves, mosres xazina gamoagzavnes 1746, d-elebis-
mravali leki da didZali alafi mo- Tvis, raTa es fuli iranis winaaRm-
ipoves. amis Semdeg kaxeTSi moiyva- deg ajanyebisTvis moexmaraT. erek-
nes mahmad-yuli-xani (konstantine le (erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62)
II, kaxeTis mefe 1722-32) da Tayvani aragvis piras daxvda osmalebs da
sces (v.b. 623). Tamaz-xanma (iranis xazina waarTva (qr. III. 618). iranis
Sahi nadiri 1736-47) 1737 Seutia winaaRmdeg ajanyebul givi amilax-
d-s (qr.III. 617). nadir-Sahs gadawy- vars osmalebi materialurad, xo-
vetili hqonda daufleboda d-s, lo d. jariT exmarebodnen, amiT
man axali laSqroba moawyo d-is wi- sargeblobdnen d-elebi da qarTl-
naaRmdeg (1741-43), (o.x. 42). daibara kaxeTis soflebs arbevdnen (p.o.
qarTlis xani (yizilbaSi gamgebeli 61,64,67,78). xunZaxis erisTavi mu-
imam-yuli-xani) da Tavadebi. maSinve cali Camovida d-is rCeuli jariT,
wavidnen imam-yuli-xani, abdul-be- Signi kaxeTi Semovlo, TianeTze
gi (ieses Ze, iese qarTlis mefe 1714- gadavida da mWadi-jvars Semoadga
16, 1724-27), givi amilaxvari (qarT- (1755). ereklem da Teimurazma gai-
lis sadroSos sardali), rodesac marjves da lekebi gaaqcies (b.b. 50).
isini darubands mividnen, Sahi ukve 1770 qsnis erisTavi, yularaRasi gi-
aoxrebda d-s (p.o. 47). Sahi jariT orgi ajanyda, ixmo d-elei lekebi,
d-s Seesia (qr. III. 168, 170), lekebi gaamagra qsani da patara liaxvi. me-
brZoliT Seaviwrova, xolo qarT- fe ereklem, radgan molaparakebiT
velebi sursaTis TxovniT, amitom verafers gaxda, gaagzavna Svilebi
ganudgnen qarTvelebi Sahs. Sahma giorgi da leoni qsnis erisTavis
qarTl-kaxeTis amowyveta gadawy- ajanyebis CasaxSobad. ajanyebuli
vita. maSin Teimurazma (Teimuraz giorgi damarcxda (b.b. 59). 1767 d-is
II, kaxeTis mefe 1733-44) Tavis meuR- jari wavida imereTs, raWis sofle-
le Tamari (qarTlis mefis vaxtang bi moarbia da samasamde tyve wamoas-
xes (qr. III. 294). d-eli beladebi per- daud-xani ganja-yarabaRis
manentulad esxmodnen Tavs qarTl- beglarbegi (1625-33), iranis war-
kaxeTs, aoxrebdnen, Zarcvavdnen da matebuli sardali, gvarad undi-
tyveebi mihyavdaT. qarTvelebi maT laZe. iranis politikuri da sam-
medgar winaaRmdegobas uwevdnen xedro moRvawis alaverdi-xanis
(ix. statiebi: surxavi, yojax, mala- Svili, farsis beglarbegis, iranis
Ci, zubeidala, benCa, koxta, Con- saxelmwifos gamoCenili moRvawis
Col-musa, omar-xani, nursal-begi, imam-yuli-xanis Zma. d. x. ixsenieba:
faTali-xan-afSari). mefe erekles beri egnataSvili `axali qarTlis
xSirad mimarTavdnen d-ebis mier cxovreba~ (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti ba-
wayvanili tyveebis ojaxis wevre- toniSvili `aRwera samefosa saqar-
bi daxmarebisaTvis maTi gamosyid- Tvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); farsadan
vis mizniT. mefe maT exmareboda da gorgijaniZe `istoria~ (1926).
isinic mas madlobas uxdidnen (ix. d. x. aqtiurad monawileobda
arzebi: q.s.Z. II. 181, 197, 346, 530; IV. Teimurazis (Teimuraz I, qarTl-ka-
85, 564, VII. 143). zogjer qarTveli xeTis mefe 1625-32) meTaurobiT se-
mefeebi Tavadve qiraobdnen d-is fianTa iranis winaaRmdeg mowyobil
jars da jamagirs uxdidnen (q.s.Z. II. ajanyebaSi (1632). man Teimurazs
455, 529...). rusebi ebrZodnen daru- ganja-yarabaRi daarbevina (f. g. 31).
bandis xans Sixalis. Sixalim rusebs amis gamo Sah sefim (sefi I, iranis
d-mde daaxevina ukan (T.b. 80). ermo- Sahi 1629-42) d. x-s Svilebs Tvale-
bi dasTxara, xolo misi Zma, imam-yu-
lovis (rusi samxedro da saxelmwi-
li-xani, eqvsi SviliT, sikvdiliT
fo moRvawe, 1777-1861) meTaurobiT
dasaja. d. x.-ma es rom Seityo, sasw-
rusebma Seuties d-s da ramdenime
rafod miatova ganja, TeimurazTan
sofeli gadawves. lekebma maT ukan
Cavida da TavSesafari iTxova. Tei-
daaxevines (T.Bb. 88). 1812 rusebis
murazma igi Tanmxlebi pirebiT md.
winaaRmdeg ajanyebul qarTvelebs
ioris piras daasaxla. Sah sefim d.
aleqsandre batoniSvilis (erekle
x.-is gadacema moiTxova. Teimuraz-
II-is Ze) xelmZRvanelobiT d-is ja-
ma uari uTxra. ganrisxebulma Sahma
ric exmareboda (b.b. 59).
qarTlSi mmarTvelad xosro mirza
q. nadiraZe (rostom mefe, 1632-58) gamoagzav-
na da Tan azerbaijanis spasalari
rostom saakaZe gamoayola. Teimu-
daRestnelebi ix. st. da- razi iZulebuli gaxda imereTSi ga-
Restani // daRestnelebi. dasuliyo. d. x.-ma osmaleTs Seafa-
ra Tavi (b. e. 416; v. b. 437; f. g. 31-32).

q. nadiraZe

dvinadaSti evi igive qveya- yofeli iyo (l.m. 82). d-Si Catarda
na somxeTSi. X s-Si Sedgeboda sami saeklesio kreba, romliTac somxe-
samTavrosagan. d. ixsenieba: stefa- Ti ganudga qalkedonis krebas (451),
ne mtbevari `wameba wmidisa mowami- (a.s. 80,84). d-is krebaze ganaweses
sa gobronisi~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963,Ggv. ,,arajori~ (marxva, romelic win us-
175). wrebs didmarxvas sami kviriT), (a.s.
T. qoriZe 80). abul-kasimi (iusuf ibn-saj,
samxreT Aazerbaijanis arabi amira
901-27) Sevida d-Si, sadac gaigo so-
dvini qalaqi Sua saukuneebis mexTa mefis sumbat I tiezerakalis
somxeTSi, msxvili savaWro centri, (890-914) kapoetis cixeSi Sexizv-
romelzec gadioda aRmosavleTi- na, Seipyro is, Camoiyvana d-Si da
sa da dasavleTis saqaravno gzebi, Zelze Camohkida (m.q. 264; v.b. 133).
aaSena xosro III-m (331-38) da samefo liparitma bizantielebTan er-
rezidencia artaSatidan d-Si gada- Tad ilaSqra d-Si (m.q. 302; v.b. 148).
itana. V s-is Sua xanebSi gaxda samar- Ggiorgis (giorgi II, saqarTvelos
zpano somxeTis administraciuli mefe 1072-89) winaaRmdeg laSqrobs
centri. V s-is 60-iani wlebidan sa- ganZis Tavadi sarangi alxazi d-is
patriarqo rezidencia iyo. d. ara- amiras TanadgomiT (m.q. 317). d-ze
bebma daarbies da 640-dan arabTa laSqroben mxargrZelebi: sargisis
saamiros centri gaxda, dazaral- vaJebi zaqaria da ivane (XII-XIII ss-
da 862 da 893 miwisZvrebis dros, is mijnis saqarTvelos saxelmwifo
1236 monRolebma daangries. Dd. ix- da samxedro moRvaweebi, zaqaria
senieba: leonti mroveli ,,cxov- amirspasalar-mandaturTuxucesi,
reba qarTvelTa mefeTa~, ,,matiane ivane msaxurTuxucesi, amirspasa-
qarTlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); ,,istoriani lari, aTabagi), varamis vaJebi zaqa-
da azmani SaravandedTani~, basili ria da sargisi* da gamarjvebulni
ezosmoZRvari ,,cxovreba mefeT- brundebian. maT wamoewia dvinelTa
mefisa Tamarisi~, JamTaaRmwereli laSqari da moxda brZola, romel-
(q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili Sic qarTvelebma gaimarjves. amis
,,aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ Semdeg Tamari (saqarTvelos mefe
(q.c. IV, 1973); arseni safareli ,,gan- 1184-1207/10) Sekrebs jars, agzav-
yofisaTvis qarTvelTa da somexTa~ nis d-Si da moaoxrebs (i-a, 39; v.b.
(1980); ,,gobronis wameba~ (Z.q.a.l.Z. I, 173-74). ganZaze laSqrobis dros
1963). Tamar mefe Cavida d-mde (i-a, 77).
d-s did da saxelovan qalaqs balSani, eldiguz aTabagis gazrdi-
uwodeben (i-a, 5; b.ez. 130). d. somex- li d-is patronadaa dasaxelebuli
Ta mefis Trdat III-is (298-330) sam- (i-a, 77). ivane mxargrZels epyra d.

(J. 169). laSa-giorgis (saqarTvelos 552). rodesac azorkma da armazel-
mefe 1207-1222) gardacvalebidan ma (qarTlis mefeebi, I s-is 70-iani)
mesame wels xvarazmelebi d-s See- ganizraxes somxebis mier warTme-
sivnen. rusudanma (saqarTvelos me- uli qarTlis miwa-wylis dabrune-
fe 1223-45) gagzavna maT winaaRmdeg ba, lekTa mefem maT dasaxmareblad
d-Si laSqari ivane aTabagis sard- gadmoiyvana durZukebi da d. (l.m.
lobiT. qarTvelebi am brZolaSi 45); durZukebi da d. xazarebTan*
damarcxdnen (J. 169), jalaledinma erTad drodadro ibrZodnen mefe
(manguberTi, xvarazmis Sahi 1220- mirianis (qarTlis mefe, IV s. I nax.)
21) moaoxra d. (J. 171; v.b. 201). mon- winaaRmdeg (l.m. 66); imperatoris
Rolebma gaanadgures d. (v.b. 205). brZanebiT, guaramma (guaram I, qar-
d. bagratis (bagrat V, saqarTvelos Tlis erismTavari, VI s. II nax.) gamo-
mefe 1360-93) moxarke iyo (v.b. 263). iyvana ovsebi, durZukebi da d. da
qarTvelebTan erTad gailaSqres
*vaxuSti batoniSvilis cnobiT, mxolod iranelebis winaaRmdeg adarbada-
sargis mxargrZelis Ze laSqrobs dvinze.
gans (j. 220; v.b.120). sarkinoziT
e. kvaWantiraZe ltolvilni didoni maTi wesebiT
cxovroben, kacis Wamis garda (v.b.
16). d-ebi arian bilwi zneobisa da
didoelebi cezebi, daRes- qcevis, sarwmunoebiT kerpTayva-
tnis avtonomiur respublikaSi nismcemelni da eSmakis mimdevarni.
mcxovrebi xalxi. didoelebiT da- d-ebis zne-Cveulebebis, sarwmu-
saxlebuli didoeTi xangrZlivi noebisa da Sesamoselis Sesaxeb (ix.
periodis manZilze Sedioda saqar- v.b. 552-553); mefe Tamaris (saqar-
Tvelos SemadgenlobaSi. gamoeyo Tvelos mefe 1184-1207/10) epoqaSi
XVIII s-is II naxevarSi. dRes daRest- d. ajanydnen (i.a. 111); mefe Tamarma
nis avt. respublikis Semadgenlo- gandgomili mTiulebis, kaxelebi-
baSia. didoelebi ixsenieba: leonti sa da d-is winaaRmdeg gagzavna ja-
mroveli, `cxovreba qarTvelTa me- ri ivane aTabagis meTaurobiT, ro-
feTa~; juanSeri `cxovreba vaxtang melmac daamarcxa isini, CamoarTva
gorgaslisa~, (q.c., I, 1955); `istori- mZevlebi da xarki daado (v.b. 191).d.
ani da azmani SaravandedTani~; beri mouxarSav sakvebs Wamen, ramdenime
egnataSvili `axali qarTlis cxov- Zmas erTi coli mohyavs, zogi uCi-
reba~ (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti bagrati- nar eSmaks scems Tayvans, zogi ki
oni `aRwera samefosa saqarTvelo- uniSno Sav ZaRls (i-a. 111). dido-
sa~ (q.c., IV, 1973); Teimuraz bagra- eTs dedawulianad gaqceuli mefe
tioni `axali istoria~ (1983). daviTi (aleqsandre I-is Zis dimit-
d. arian `wilni lekosisa~ (v.b. ris Ze) d-ma Seiwynares da pativiT

miiRes (v.b. 567); mefe giorgim (gi- ja gadawyvita da ganZisken didZali
orgi VIII, saqarTvelos mefe igive laSqari gaagzavna. laSqars usard-
giorgi I, kaxeTis mefe 1466-1476) la Tavisi Ze giorgi kurapalati,
sTxova d-s, raTa misTvis gadaecaT romelsac bagratis moTxovniT ex-
maTTan myofi daviTi (v.b. 288). kaxTa mareboda Tavisi biZa, ovsTa mefe d.
mefeebs didoni `ara morCilebdnen 40 000 osiT. qarTvelebma ganZa moa-
nebisaebr misisa~ (b.e. 348). didoe- oxres da didZali alafi wamoiRes.
lebma mefe Teimurazis meTauro- brZolis Semdeg d-m iTxova bagrat
biT qarTvelebis winaaRmdeg brZo- sevastosTan darbazoba. bagrati
laSi daxmareba sTxoves lekebs. dasTanxmda. d. Cavida quTaisSi, sa-
lekebi daexmarnen d-s, dauxvdnen dac naxa Tavisi da borena dedo-
simagreebSi qarTvelebs, dauSines fali. Semdeg d. waiyvanes qarTl-
sagoravebi, qva, isari da amowyvi- Si. bagrati mas tinisxidis Walas,
tes mravali, maT Soris gamoCenili nadarbazevs (qarTvel mefeTa sa-
episkoposni (b.e. 421-422). general zafxulo rezidencia, md. mtkvris
rtiSCevis (nikolai rtiSCevi, sa- marcxena napirze, md. liaxvis da-
qarTvelos mTavarmarTebeli 1812- savleTiT) Seegeba. iyo didi sixa-
1816) mmarTvelobis periodSi kaxe- ruli, bukTa cema da nadimoba. oseb-
li Tavadebis nawilma daixmares d. ma aq Tormeti dRe dahyves. Semdeg,
da ruseTis mxedrobasTan gamar- zamTris moaxloebis gamo bagratma
Tul pirvel brZolaSi gaimarjves d. didZali saCuqrebiT samSobloSi
(T.b. 84). gaistumra (m.q. 305, 313; v.b. 152).

q. nadiraZe
*am periodSi xazarTa moxsenieba qarTul we-
rilobiT wyaroebSi anaqronizmia. xazarebma
sakuTari gaerTianebebi CrdiloeT kavkasia-
Si mxolod VII s-is Sua xanebSi Seqmnes (ix. st.
xazarebi). durZukebi // durZukeTi
T. qoriZe xalxi da mxare Sua saukuneebis kav-
kasiaSi, Tanamedrove veinaxTa wi-
naprebis saerTo saxelwodeba Sua
dorRoleli ovsTa mefe (XI saukuneebis werilobiT wyaroebSi.
s). saqarTvelos mefis bagrat IV- d. antikur xanaSi da Sua saukune-
is (1027-72) colisZma. d. ixsenieba: ebSi saqarTveloze damokidebuli
`matiane qarTlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); va- qveyana, misi vasali iyo, saqarTve-
xuSti batoniSvili `aRwera samefo- lodan gavrcelda maTSi qristia-
sa saqarTvelosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973). noba. d. ixsenieba: leonti mroveli
bagratma ganZis amira fadlo- ,,cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c
nis (fadl ibn Savur II, 1063-73) das- I, 1955); ,,istoriani da azmani Sara-

vandedTani~, JamTaaRmwereli (q.c. ti batoniSvili asaxelebs d-s guda-
II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aR- mayris, xevis, hereTis, kaxeTis, xev-
wera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. sureTis, oseTis, qisteTis, kaxeTis
IV, 1973). mefis kvirikes (kvirike III, kaxeT-he-
d. erqva kavkasosis Svils, ro- reTis mefe 1014-37) mier erisTave-
melic damkvidrda kavkasiis mTis bisTvis ganawilebuli teritoriis
napralSi da uwoda am qveyanas Ta- aRwerisas (v.b. 354, 357, 358, 526, 532,
visi saxeli d. (l.m. 12; v.b. 633). far- 561, 651). vaxuSti gvaZlevs d-is aRwe-
navazma (qarTlis mefe Zv.w. IV-III ss. ras: `d-is aRmosavleTiT aris qist-
I nax.) colad SeirTo d. qali (l.m. ZurZuksa da RliRus Sorisi kavkasi-
25; v.b. 57). saurmags (qarTlis mefe oni, samxreTiT fSav-xevsureTsa da
Zv.w. III s.) daupirispirdnen qarT- ZurZuks Sorisi kavkasioni, dasavle-
lis erisTavebi da ganizraxes misi TiT qist-ZurZuksa da xevs Sorisi
mokvla. saurmagi gaiqca d-is qve- kavkasioni, CrdiloeTiT CerqezeTsa
yanaSi Tavis biZasTan (dedis Zma), da qisteTs Sorisi kavkasioni. adre
d-Ta daxmarebiT daikava qarTli yvela am xevs erqva d., xolo Semdeg
da daibruna mefoba (l.m. 26-7; v.b. gaiyvnen~ (v.b. 352-53).
58). mirvanis (qarTlis mefe Zv.w. II e. kvaWantiraZe
s.) mefobaSi d-ma WarelebTan erTad
aaoxres kaxeTi da bazaleTi (ist.
mxare qarTlSi). mirvanma Sekriba durZukeTi ix. st. durZuke-
jari, gailaSqra, daamarcxa d. (l.m. bi // durZukeTi
28; v.b. 58-9). azorkisa da armazelis
mefobaSi (qarTlis mefeebi Zv.w. II-I
saukuneebis mijna) lekebisa da qar- ezra (Tarazanakerteli//
Tlis dapirispirebisas d. ibrZod- faraJnakerteli) somexTa ka-
nen lekTa jarSi (l.m. 45). Tamarma Tolikosi 630-641/642. misi zeoba
(saqarTvelos mefe 1184-1207/10) aRsaniSnavia imiT, rom somxuri ek-
gagzavna ivane aTabagi (ivane mxarg- lesia kvlav dauaxlovda diofizi-
rZeli msaxurTuxucesi, amirspa- turs, Tumca monoTelitobis ni-
salari, aTabagi) jariT ganmdgari adagze, rac wyvetilebiT 726-mde
da didoelebis dasamorCileblad. gagrZelda. somxurma monofizi-
am brZolaSi ivane aTabagis mokav- turma eklesiam e-s es ar apatia da
Sireebi iyvnen d., romelTa mefeebi kaTolikosebis siaSi mis saxels
ZRveniTa da laSqriT eaxlnen aTa- Tavdayira werda xolme. e. ixseni-
bags (i-a. 111). rusudani (saqarTve- eba: arsen safareli `ganyofisTs
los mefe 1223-45) xvarazmelebTan qarTvelTa da somexTa~ (1980).
brZolaSi iyenebs d-s (J. 183). vaxuS- rodesac somxeTs misulma mefe

heraklem* (bizantiis imp. herakle ar gaiziara maT mier aRiarebuli
610-641) ixila somexTa mwvaleb- qristes orbunebovneba, rasac mow-
loba,^ Zalze Sewuxda da werili mis- mobs pirvel wmida mamaTa wignebi
wera e-sa da aznaurebs, ubrZana som- (a.s. 91). mairagomels ganzraxuli
xeTis episkoposebsa da moZRvrebs, hqonda e-s Semdeg sakaTalikoso
raTa Sekrebiliyvnen karnu-qalaqs taxtis dakaveba (a.s. 92). e-s Semdeg
(Teodosiopolis kreba, romelze- sakaTalikosos taxtze avida nerse
dac somexTa sapatriarqom qalke- iSxneli (a.s. 92).
donitoba aRiara), ganexilaT qal-
kedonis krebze miRebuli dadgeni- * imperatori herakle somxeTs mivida da-
axl. 632.
leba da WeSmaritad ecnoT qristes
ori buneba. isini yvelani erTad T. qoriZe

warsdgnen mefis (herakles) winaSe,

`daamtkices marTali~ (anu aRiares
erevani somxeTis dedaqala-
qristes ori buneba) da xelwerili
qi, mdebareobs araratis velze, md.
ficiT daemorCilnen mas (a.s. 90). ma-
razdanis orive platoze, istori-
iragomelma (ioane mairagomeli, VII
ul wyaroebSi VI s-dan fiqsirdeba,
s. somexi mozRvari, antiqalkedi-
XIII s-dan dawinaurda rogorc qa-
niti) mouwoda mwvalebel (monofi-
laqi. Ee. ixsenieba: beri egnataSvili
zit) ber-monazvnobas gardmanis
`axali qarTlis cxovreba~ (q.c. II,
episkopos stefanes, sivnieTis epis-
1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwe-
koposs maTusala qerduliss (`gra-
ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV,
matikosi~) da sxva samRvdeloebas,
1973); sexnia CxeiZe ,,mefeTa cxov-
raTa ziareba ar mieRoT e-sgan (a.s.
reba (1913); papuna orbeliani ,,am-
91). episkoposma stefanem da maTu-
bavni qarTlisani (1981); farsadan
salam ziareba miiRes e-sgan, xolo
gorgijaniZe ,,istoria (1926); Te-
maTusala mis mier ekurTxa sivnie-
imuraz bagrationi ,,axali isto-
Tis episkoposad, ramac ganarisxa
ria (1983); oman xerxeuliZe ,,mefo-
boroti mairagomeli (a.s. 91). ka-
ba irakli meorisa (1989); mesxuri
Tolikos e-s Sesaxeb mairagomelma
matiane (1961); ,,parizis qronika
Tqva, rom igi mefeTa ( igulisxmeba
(1980); bagrat batoniSvili ,,axali
bizantiis keisrebi) SiSiT ganudga
moTxroba~ (1941), mcire qronikebi
sarwmunoebas (monofizitobs) (a.s.
(1968); qarTuli samarTlis Zeglebi
91). kaTolikosma e-m mimarTa ioane
(II, 1965).
mairagomels, samjer uxmo mas (gu-
e-s flobs Sah-Tamazi (Sah-Ta-
lisxmobs karnu-qalaqSi (dR. arz-
maz I, iranis Sahi 1524-76), (b.e. 371,
rumi) gamarTul saeklesio krebas),
375, 517). luarsabi (luarsab I, qar-
magram is ar mivida. amis Semdeg ki

Tlis mefe 1527-56) ar emorCile- misces (s.C. 38). Tamaz-xanma daibara
ba Sah-Tamazs da arbevs e-s (f.g. 4). Teimurazi (Teimuraz II, kaxeTis me-
Sah-Tamazma daatyveva luarsab I-is fe 1733-44, qarTlis mefe 1744-62)
deda da waiyvana e-Si, sadac man Ta- e-Si (v.b. 627). nadir-Sahi (iranis Sa-
vi moikla (b.e. 365; p.q. 44). xonTqris hi 1736-47) midis didi jarebiT e-ken
(osmaleTis sulTani suleiman I, (p.o. 98). Teimuraz II midis nadir-
1520-1566) jarma daipyro e. (b.e. 371, SahTan da gzad e-Si SeCerda. e-is
521; v.b. 401, 410). osmaleTisa da ira- cixis asaRebad ibrZoda amir-aslan
nis mmarTvelebma suleiman I-ma da xani (p.o. 125-27). nadir Sahma zar-
Sah-Tamaz I-ma gaiyves samxreT kavka- bazani miitana qarTlSi e-dan (p.o.
siis teritoria. Ee. ergo Sah-Tamazs 143). mamad-xan yajari (iranis Sahis
(b.e. 371). lala faSam daikava e. (f.g. nadir Sah avSaris (1736-47) mkvle-
12). Sah-Tamaz I damarcxda e-Tan li) cdilobda e-is aRebas. erevne-
brZolaSi da ispahanSi gaiqca (v.b. lebma daxmareba sTxoves Teimuraz
513). Sah-abasi (Sah-abas I, iranis Sahi II-s, romelmac sZlia mamad-xans da
1587-1629) midis e-is asaRebad. Mman moxarked gaixada e. (T.b. 47). azat
ixmo qarTlis mefe giorgi (giorgi xani (samxreT Aazerbaijanis mflo-
X, 1600-1606) da kaxeTis mefe aleq- beli) wavida e-is asaRebad. erevne-
sandre (aleqsandre II, 1574-1605) lebma kvlav Teimuraz II-s mimarTes
da ubrZana e-is cixeze galaSqreba. daxmarebisTvis. Teimurazma erek-
maT aiRes e-is cixe. Sahma daipyro e. le (erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62,
(b.e. 380-81, 537; p.q. 59; v.b. 419; f.g. qarTl-kaxeTis mefe 1762-98) gag-
18). muradma (osmaleTis sulTani zavna sami aTasi mxedriT (T.b. 48).
murad IV, 1623-40) aiRo e. (v.b. 440; erekle II erevnis mflobelad ixse-
p.q. 95; mc. qr. 32, 41, 48, 62). aqedan nieba (q.s.Z. 62, 457). Eerekle II midis
merve Tves mivida Sah sefi (sefi I, misi moxarke e-is dasabruneblad.
iranis Sahi 1629-42) didi laSqriT e-is qveyana ise iyo aoxrebuli e-is
da brZoliT daibruna e. (p.q. 95; f.g. cixisa da eCmiawinis (samonast-
37). 1679 e. daangria miwisZvram (mc. ro kompleqsi erevnis maxloblad,
qr. 46). Tamaz-xani ibrZvis e-Tvis. somxuri eklesiis centri da kaTa-
osmalebma dauTmes e. man daipyro likosis rezidencia) garda Senoba
qalaqi (v.b. 514; s.C. 47). mahmad-yu- ar iyo gadarCenili. yirxbulaxTan
li xans (konstantine II, kaxeTis me- brZolaSi ereklem daamarcxa azat
fe 1722-1732) Tamazma (Sah Tamaz xanis laSqari da gandevna e-dan (p.o.
II, iranis Sahi 1722-32) qarTlis me- 183-85; T.b. 48). mamad xani yarabaR-
foba uboZa, aseve misca e. (v.b. 619; Si gaiqca. erekle II daedevna, aiRo
o.x. 116, 241; s.C. 33). 1724 iraneleb- xargvirabis cixe, waiRo misi mTeli
ma aiRes e-is cixe, gamoiyvanes e-is simdidre da e-Si mibrunda. masTan
xani ali-yuli xani da e. raja faSas
mivida e-is xani da moxarkeoba ikis- cianovi, 1754-1806, ruseTis armiis
ra. e-Si ereklem Tavisi moxele da- generali, saqarTvelos mTavarmar-
tova (o.x. 48). e-ze laSqrobs erekle Tebeli) wavida e-is dasapyrobad,
II-is vaJi giorgi. erevnelebma naxes miadga e-is cixes, gamarTa brZola
rom mcirericxovani iyo jari, ga- baba xanis laSqarTan, damarcxda da
movidnen da gamarTes brZola. gi- dabrunda TbilisSi (T. b. 71). 1805
orgim erekle II-s mimarTa daxma- ciciSvili kvlav midis e-ze. Mmis wi-
rebisaTvis. erekle mivida da gai- naaRmdeg ibrZvis abas-mirza (ira-
marjva. erevnis xanma oTxi aTasi nis taxtis memkvidre, Aazerbaijanis
Tumani xarki daido (o.x. 70-71). 1778 mmarTveli). ciciSvilma aiRo qa-
erekle II-m e-ze ilaSqra. cixis alya laqi e., e-is cixeSi Seixizna abas-
4 Tve gagrZelda. bolos erekle da- mirza, daxmarebisTvis mimarTa ba-
uzavda e-is xans usein alis da dau- ba-xans, romelic mivida asi aTasi
wesa xarki weliwadSi 6 aTasi Tumani kaciT da daamarcxa ciciSvili (b.b.
(b.b. 56-57). erekle II-m e-is beglar- 89-91). 1808, 5 oqtombers grafi gu-
begoba uboZa abdula begs (p.o. 188). doviCi (ivane gudoviCi, 1741-1820,
borCalos xani musa-yuli xani gaiq- ruseTis armiis generali, kavkasiis
ca da mivida e-Si (p.o. 203). erekle jarebis sardali) wavida e-is cixis
II-m da Teimuraz II-m e-Si gagzavnes asaRebad, miadga kibe da ubrZana ja-
zeidal xani, radgan qarTveli me- riskacebs asvla. zemodan yizilba-
fis mier dasmuli e-is xani abdula Sebma srola daiwyes da iZulebuli
xani azat xanma daibara, e-is xanoba gaxda ukan daexia (T.b. 73; b.b. 101-
CamoarTva da isev asan-ali xans mis- 102). generali pauluCi (filipe
ca. zeidal xani unda Casuliyo e-Si pauluCi ruseTis armiis genera-
mosalaparakeblad azat xanTan, ro- li, saqarTvelos mTavarmarTebeli
melmac molaparakebaze gamogzavna 1811-12) gaurigda e-is beglarbegs
Sah-abaz xani. am ukanasknelma pa- huseins, raTa misTvis mieca e., mag-
tivi isev zeidal xans daubruna da ram uRalata huseinma da daamarcxa
e-is cixeSi daayena. azat xanma Se- mis winaaRmdeg gagzavnili sardali
rigebis sabuTi gamoatana zeidal lisanoviCi ori aTasi mxedriT (T.b.
xans (p.o. 202-05). daRestnelTa ja- 79). 1813, 18 dekembers dazavdnen
ri arbevs e-s (p.o. 209, 232). ispahanSi iranis Sahi baba xani da imperatori
azat xanTan namyofi ioane da zaal aleqsandre (aleqsandre I, ruseTis
orbelianebi qarTlSi gamotane- imperatori 1801-1825) da gaiyves
buli simdidriT e-Si dadgnen (p.o. samxreT kavkasia. Ee. darCa irans (b.b.
212). e-is xanma miarTva erekle II-s 139).
cxenebi da saCuqrebi (p.o. 243). 1804 e. kvaWantiraZe
gazafxulze ciciSvili (pavle ci-

eCmiaZini qalaqi somxeTSi, vazgani // vaJgani taoSi
Zveli qalaqi vaRarSapati (163-dan mdebare daba vaJganis savaraudod
somxeTis dedaqalaqi), somxeTis somexi mTavari; wmida mowameebis
eklesiis centri da kaTolikosis daviTisa da tiriWanis naTesavi.
rezidencia. e. ixsenieba: Teimuraz Mmisi moRvaweobis xana ucnobia (sa-
bagrationi ,,axali istoria` (1983); varaudod VII s.). v. ixsenieba: `mar-
papuna orbeliani ,,ambavni qarTli- tviloba daviTisa da tiriWanisa~,
sani` (1981); oman xerxeuliZe ,,mefo-
(Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963).
ba irakli meorisa` (1989).
v-s samkvidro mamuls Tavi Se-
erekles mefobaSi (erekle II,
afares biZisagan Seviwrovebulma
kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxe-
daviTma da tiriWanma (187).
Tis mefe 1762-1798) somxeTi ise iyo
aoxrebuli, rom aRar iyo nageboba T. qoriZe

garda erevnis cixisa da e-isa (p.o.

185; o.x. 69, 93). amave periodSi qar-
TvelTa jars, romelic erevanTan vaiZori evi igive qveyana
mdgar lekebs unda SebrZoleboda somxeTSi. X s-Si Sedgeboda oTxi
kargad daxvda somxeTis patriarqi samTavrosagan. v. ixsenieba: stefane
e-Si (p.o. 212). erekle II-m daimor- mtbevari, `wameba wmidisa mowamisa
Cila erevnis ganmdgari xani usein- gobronisi~ , (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963, 175).
ali, mivida e-Si, sadac mefe pativiT
T. qoriZe
miiRes, emTxvia siwmindeebs e-is ta-
ZarSi (o.x. 96). erevnis dasapyrobad
wasuli ciciSvili (pavle ciciano-
vanandi - evi igive qveya-
vi, 1754-1806, ruseTis armiis gene-
rali, saqarTvelos mTavarmarTe- na somxeTSi. v. ixsenieba: stefane
beli) mivida e-Si (T.b. 71). pauluCi- mtbevari, `wameba wmidisa mowamisa
sa (filipi pauluCi, ruseTis armiis gobronisi~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963); leon-
generali, saqarTvelos mTavarmar- ti mroveli ` cxovreba qarTvelTa
Tebeli 1811-12) da erevnis beglar- mefeTa~, `matiane qarTlisa~, laSa-
begis huseinis dapirispirebisas giorgis droindeli matiane (q.c. I,
huseinma Sekriba mxedroba da dama- 1955).
la e-Si (T.b. 79). v. xevi somxeTSi (`gobronis wa-
e. kvaWantiraZe meba~ 175). qarTlis mefeebma azork-
ma da armazelma (Zv.w. II-I ss.) dalaS-
qres v. bagrevanamde da basianamde
(l.m. 45). Mmefe giorgim (giorgi II,
saqarTvelos mefe, 1072-89) aiRo

v-s simagreni (m.q. 317). Tamaris riT gamougzavnes (j. 158-59; v.b. 104).
(saqarTvelos mefe 1184-1207/10) v.-b. berZenTa winaaRmdeg laSqro-
mefobaSi zaqaria da ivane mxargr- bisas erT-erT brZolaSi (456 wlis
Zelebma (XII-XIII ss-is mijnis saqar- Semdgomi xana) daiRupa. `igloves da
Tvelos saxelmwifo da samxedro Semures igi sabriTa da muriTa da
moRvaweebi, zaqaria-amirspasalar- warscdes bardavad~ (j. 176).
mandaturTuxucesi, ivane-msaxur-
Tuxucesi, amirspasalari, aTabagi)
aiRes v-is cixeni (l.g. m. 368). vaxtang gorgaslis mefobis daTariReba: s.
gorgaZe 443-503, iv. javaxiSvili 442-502, k.
T. qoriZe Tumanovi 435-522, v. goilaZe 438-491.

q. nadiraZe

varaz-bakuri (daax. V s. me-2

nax.) ranis erisTavi (pitiaxSi). vardan erisTavi wmida
v.-b. ixsenieba: juanSeri `cxovreba mowameebis daviTisa da tiriWanis
vaxtang gorgaslisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); mama, somexi, qalkedoniti (savara-
vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwera same- udod VII s. moRvawe). v. e. ixsenieba:
fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973). `martviloba daviTisa da tiriWa-
v.-b. iyo vaxtang gorgaslis* (qarT- nisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963).
lis mefe) dedis, sagduxtis Zma, ro- v. e. basianis qveynis erisTavi
melic mamis, barzabodis gardacva- iyo, mis rezidencias daba (qalaqi)
lebis Semdeg sparseTis mefem ranis onkomi warmoadgenda. v.e. iseve ro-
erisTavad dasva. gorc misi meuRle Tagine, warmo-
vaxtangma, rodesac osebis wina-
mavlobiT samefo sagvareulos ena-
aRmdeg galaSqreba gadawyvita, dax-
Tesaveboda (186).
mareba v.-b-s sTxova. igi sixaruliT
T. qoriZe
daeTanxma vaxtangs, radgan osebi
mis qveyanasac aoxrebdnen da 12 000
mxedari gamougzavna (j. 150). ose-
Tidan gamarjvebiT dabrunebulma vardan mamikoniani spar-
vaxtangma biZas ZRveni gaugzavna: selTa winaaRmdeg 572 ajanyebis me-
aTasi mona, aTasi cxeni, aTasi saxe- Tauri. v.m. ixsenieba: arseni safare-
dari (j. 158). vaxtangs sparseTis me- li ,,ganyofisaTvis qarTvelTa da
fem (iranis Sahi) berZenTa (bizantia) somexTa~ (1980).
winaaRmdeg galaSqreba ubrZana. am v.m-s ,,urCi~ ewoda. man da misma
laSqrobaSi dasaxmareblad sparse- naTesavebma mokles sparseli mar-
lebma vaxtangs, v.-b-i 200 000 mxed- zpani sureni, gadawves misi saxle-

bi da gaiqcnen konstantinopolSi. vahan mamikoniani somxe-
isini Seifara iustinem (iustine II, Tis marzpani 485-505 wlebSi, arSuSa
bizantiis imperatori 565-78). v.m-s pitiaxSis (qvemo qarTlis pitiaxSi)
uTxovia imperatorisTvis aia-so- aRzrdili. v.m. ixsenieba: arseni sa-
fias (taZari konstantinopolSi, fareli ,,ganyofisaTvis qarTvelTa
aigo 532-37) dasavleTis karis mSe- da somexTa~ (1980).
v.m-ma miiRo sparselebisgan
nebloba Tavisi saxsrebiT da ami-
marzpanis tituli, icavda qristi-
saTvis 10000 vercxli gadauxdia. am
anebis uflebebs, zrunavda glaxa-
kars somexTa kari ewoda (88).
kebze, ukan daabruna naCuqari sof-
lebi, saeklesio miwebs Seuvaloba
T. qoriZe, e. kvaWantiraZe
ganuaxla (a.s. 87).
e. kvaWantiraZe
vardan somexTa spaspeti
(mxedarTmTavari) V s-is meore
naxevris moRvawe, cnobili istori- zareni somexTa mefis arta-
uli piri mamikonianTa warCinebuli Ses I-is (Zv.w. 189-160) vaJi. z. ixse-
sagvareulodan. igi iyo varsqen pi- nieba: leonti mroveli ,,cxovreba
tiaxSis mier qristianobisaTvis wa- qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c. I, 1955).
mebuli meuRlis, SuSanikis mama. artaSes I-ma Sekriba jari da ga-
v.s.s. ixsenieba: `martviloba Su- gzavna qarTlis winaaRmdeg Tavisi
Sanikisi~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963, 11); wame- vaJis z-is sardlobiT. qarTvelebi
ba SuSanik dedoflisa, (Z.q.a.l.Z., IV,. da osebi gaerTiandnen da miegebnen
1968, 385); juanSeri, `cxovreba vax- somexTa laSqars javaxeTSi. qarT-
tang gorgaslisa~ q.c., I, 1955, 216.). velebma daamarcxes somxebi, gaaq-
cies, sdies maT somxeTis sazRvram-
T. qoriZe
de, Seipyres celis tbis piras z. da
tyved waiyvanes. Oosebs misi mokvla
varami q. anisis amira (ix. undodaT, magram qarTvelebma ar
st. aneli xucesebi). v-ma daamowma daanebes da darialis cixeSi* gamo-
1218 etifane kaTolikosis ganCine- ketes (l.m. 48-49).
ba. v-is, rogorc q. anisis umaRlesi
saero xelisuflis mier `ganCine- * Zv.w. II s-Si osebisa da darialis cixis mox-
senieba qarTul wyaroebSi anaqronizmia.
bis~ damowmeba miuTiTebs, rom yo-
fili anisis samefos teritoria sa- e. kvaWantiraZe

qarTvelos SemadgenlobaSi iyo.

g. oTxmezuri

zubeidala lekTa bela- tviloba daviTisa da tiriWanisa~,
di (XVIII s. I nax.) z. ixsenieba: papu- (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963,G186 191).
na orbeliani `ambavni qarTlisani~ T. qoriZe
z. mivida yazaxis qveyanaSi 700
kaciT. moaoxra mravali adgili Targamosi kavkasiis xal-
da waasxa tyveebi. z. Seurigda ab- xTa eTnarqi leonti mrovelis mi-
dula-beg, ieses Zes (iese, qarTlis xedviT. bibliuri noes STamomava-
mefe 1714-16, 1724-27), samSvildis li. T. ixsenieba: leonti mroveli
patrons. Tavisi jariT dadga sam- `cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c.,
Svildes da iqidan qarTlis rbeva I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwe-
daiwyo (p. o. 138). z. 1500 cxenosani ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c., IV,
lekiT Seesia zemo qarTls, mravali 1973).
adgili moaoxra da asaRebad TiR- T. iyo noes Zis, iafetis Zis,
vas cixes (md. das. fronis marjvena TarSis Ze*. igi iyo qarTvelTa, so-
napirze, Sida qarTli) miadga. meci- mexTa, ranTa da movakanelTa, her-
xovneebs damxmare Zala miuvidaT da Ta da lekTa, megrelTa da kavka-
lekebi ukan gabrundnen (p. o. 199). sianTa (Crd. kavkasielTa) saerTo
qarTvelebma z. erekles (erekle II, winapari. T. iyo gmiri. mas Semdeg
kaxeTis mefe, 1744-62, qarTl-kaxe- rac aRaSenes babilonis godoli
Tis 1762-98) brZanebiT aRjayalas da moxda enaTa gayofa, T. mTeli
cixeSi (igive gagis cixe, qvemo qar- Tavisi modgmiT wamovida da damk-
Tli) Seipyres da sikvdiliT dasa- vidrda or mTas araratsa da ma-
jes (p. o. 224-25). siss Soris. man icxovra 600 weli.
hyavda uamravi Svili da SviliSvi-
q. nadiraZe
li, ris gamoc araratisa da masisis
qveyana mis modgmas veRar itevda
Tagine savaraudod VII s. (l. m. 3-4). T-is wilxvdomil qveya-
moRvawe, basianis qveynis erisTavis, nas aRmosavleTiT esazRvreboda
vardanis meuRle. misi eTnikuri gurgenis (kaspiis) zRva, dasavle-
warmomavloba, iseve rogorc moR- TiT pontos (Savi) zRva, samxreTiT
vaweobis xana, arsebuli werilobi- oreTis (xmelTaSua) zRva, Crdilo-
Ti wyaroebis mixedviT, gaurkveve- eTiT kavkasioni (l.m. 4). T-s rva sa-
lia. savaraudod, iyo somexi, qal- xelovani Svili haosi, qarTlosi,
kedoniti. warmomavlobiT enaTe- bardosi, movakani, lekosi, herosi,
saveboda samefo sagvareulos. igi kavkasosi da egrosi hyavda. (l. m. 4;
iyo wmida mowameebis, daviTisa da v.b. 47). vinaidan araratisa da masi-
tiriWanis deda. T. ixsenieba: `mar- sis qveyana veRar itevda T-is STa-

momavlobas, man Tavisi qveyana rva mdinare mcire xazareTisa (yubani),
Svils gauyo: erTi nawili misca ha- sadamdec kavkasis wveri aRwevs. man
oss (ix. st. haosi), xolo danarCeni aaSena qalaqi, romelsac Tavisi sa-
Svidi, maTi Rirsebis Sesabamisad xeli egrisi uwoda. amJamad am ad-
danarCenebs gauyo. T-ma qarTloss gils bedia qvia. radganac kavkasiis
misca qveyana, romelsac esazRvre- CrdiloeTiT mdinare did xazare-
boda: aRmosavleTiT hereTi da Tamde (volga) dausaxlebeli qveya-
md. berduji; dasavleTiT pontos na iyo, T-ma Tavisi ori Ze lekani
zRva, samxreTiT mTa, romelic da kavkasi daasaxla. lekans misca
miuyveba md. berdujis saTaves da qveyana darubandis (kaspiis) zRvi-
grZeldeba dasavleTiT da mTa, ro- dan vidre md. lomekamde (Tergam-
melic miuyveba klarjeTsa da taos de), CrdiloeTiT mdinare did xa-
Soris vidre zRvamde (l. mr. 4-6). zareTamde, xolo kavkass misca qve-
CrdiloeTiT sazRvari Rado da yana md. lomekidan vidre kavkasi-
kidev mTa mcire, romelic gamodis onis dasasrulamde. rodesac T-ma
Stod kavkasionidan da uerTdeba Tavisi qveyana Tavis Svilebs gauyo,
Rados mTas da romelsac amJamad maT aRar isurves nebroTis morCi-
hqvia lixi. bardoss misca qveyana leba, razedac nebroTi ganrisxda
mtkvris samxreTiT, berdujis mdi- da maT winaaRmdeg gailaSqra (v.b.
naridan mtkvrisa da raxsis Sesar- 47). haosma nebroTis winaaRmdeg
Tavamde. man aaSena qalaqi bardavi sabrZolvelad mouwoda T-is mTel
da iq daemkvidra. movakans misca modgmas (l. m. 6). rodesac haosma
qveyana mtkvris CrdiloeTiT, mci- gangmira nebroTi, T-is modgma mis-
re alaznis SesarTavidan vidre gan gaTavisuflda (l. m. 7; v.b. 47).
zRvamde. man aaSena qalaqi movaka- T-is mTeli modgma urTierTsiyva-
neTi da iq daemkvidra. heross misca ruliT cxovrobda da nebroTiane-
qveyana mtkvris CrdiloeTiT mci- bis eSinodaT imis gamo, rom maT ar
re alaznis (md.iori) SesarTavidan, aeRoT nebroTis sisxli (l. m. 10).
vidre tyetbamde, romelsac amJa-
mad hqvia gulgula. herosma orive *vaxuSti batoniSvilis cnobiT, Targamo-
si iyo iafetis Zis, avananis Zis, TarSis Ze
alaznis SesarTavTan aaSena qalaqi, (v.b.47).
romelsac Tavisi saxeli hereTi
T. qoriZe
uwoda. amJamad am adgils xoranTa
(q. qiziySi, ganadgurda VIII s.) qvia.
egross misca qveyana zRvis yurisa Tarxani xazarTa* goliaTi
da daudo sazRvari: aRmosavleTiT (V-s-is Sua wlebi). T. ixsenieba: ju-
mTa mcire, romelsac hqvia lixi; anSeri `cxovreba vaxtang gorgas-
dasavleTiT zRva; CrdiloeTiT lisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniS-

vili `aRwera samefosa saqarTve- xiznul Zmebs miagno, ris Semdegac
losa~ (q.c. IV, 1973). DdaviTi sakuTari xeliT gamoasalma
TxuTmeti wlis vaxtang gorga- sicocxles, xolo tiriWani mis mi-
salma (qarTlis mefe V s-is 40-ian er gagzavnilma mdevrebma mokles.
V s-is bolomde) oseTze galaSq- mogvianebiT, T-m nerse somexTa ka-
reba gadawyvita (daax. 447-48). qar- Tolikosis (nerse III, 641-61) winaSe
Tvelebi da osebi dabanakdnen mdina- Tavisi danaSauli aRiara, moinaTla
ris (md. Tergi) orive mxares. daiwyo da daviTis saflavze eklesia aago
goliaTebis Serkineba. osTa mxares (186-191).
ibrZodnen xazarebi. xazari goli-
T. qoriZe
aTi T. SeebrZola vaxtang mefes.
vaxtangma pirvelive Setakebaze T-s
hkra Subi sartylis zemoT, gauara
Trdati (tirdate // Trdat
zurgSi da mokla (j. 152, v.b. 102-103).
III), somxeTis mefe 298-330. Ggamefda
romis imperatoris dioklitianes
* am periodSi xazarTa moxsenieba qarTul
werilobiT wyaroSi anaqronizmia. xazarebma (284-305) daxmarebiT. T-ma sasanian-
sakuTari gaerTianebebi Crdilo kavkasiaSi Ta iranis winaaRmdeg brZolaSi, ro-
mxolod ax. w. VII s-is Sua xanebSi Seqmnes (ix.
st. xazarebi). mis daxmarebiT, faqtobrivad miaR-
wia damoukideblobas, rasac mohyva
q. nadiraZe
samefo xelisuflebis gaZliereba.
T-ma, somex didebulebTan erTad,
Tevdosi sarwmunoebiT war- qristianoba miiRo da saxelmwifo
marTi. misi eTnikuri warmomavlo- religiad gamoacxada. T. ixsenieba:
ba, iseve rogorc moRvaweobis xana, leonti mroveli, `cxovreba qarT-
gaurkvevelia, savaraudod iyo so- velTa mefeTa~; juanSeri, `cxovre-
mexi, VII s-is moRvawe. T. ixsenieba: ba vaxtang gorgaslisa~ (q.c., I, 1955);
`martviloba daviTisa da tiriWa- `moqceva qarTlisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I,
nisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963). 1963); ~wmida ninos cxovreba~, arsen
Tavisi dis Tagines meuRlis, beriseuli redaqcia (Z.q.a.l.Z., III,
basianis erisTav vardanis gardac- 1971); XII s-is anonimi avtori ~cxo-
valebis Semdeg, T-m mTeli misi sam- reba da moqalaqeoba Rirsisa da
kvidro qveyana miiTvisa da Tavis mociqulTa sworisa netarisa ni-
mcirewlovan disSvilebs - daviTsa nosi~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., III, 1971); vaxuSti
da tiriWans qristianobis uaryo- batoniSvili, `aRwera samefosa sa-
fa da warmarTi RmerTebis aRiareba qarTvelosa~, (qc, IV., 1973,); arsen
mosTxova, razec Zmebisgan mtkice safareli `ganyofisTs qarTvelTa
uari miiRo. T-m Tagines mier ga- da somexTa~ (1980).

T. iyo kosaro somexTa mefis vel ricxvSi, paraskevs (moq. q., 115;
Ze. sasanianTa iranis mier somxeTis ~wmida ninos cxovreba~, arsen beri-
dapyrobis Semdeg, mcirewlovani T. seuli redaqcia, 18); rifsime, misi
gaxiznes romSi (l.m., 62; vb, 70). T-s dedamZuZe gaiane da maTi TanamoZme
romSi yofnisas gadaacves keisris qristianebi T-is samefo somxeTSi
Sesamoseli da Searkines goTebis mividnen. imperatorma dioklitia-
mefes. am orTabrZolaSi T-ma gai- nem miswera mefe T-s, raTa romidan
marjva, goTebis mefe mokla, ris mis samefoSi gaqceuli qristiani
Sedegadac goTebi damarcxdnen. qalebi moeZebna da ukan daebru-
Mmadlierma keisarma T-s laSqari nebina. mefe T-ma rifsimes sTxova,
misca da Tavis mamulSi, somxeTs colad gahyoloda da uaris miRe-
gagzavna (l.m., 68; vb., 72). qarTlis bis Semdeg sikvdiliT dasaja rif-
mefe miriansa da T-s Soris brZo- sime da misi Tanmxlebi wmida dedebi
lebi mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi (XII s-is anonimi avtori, ~cxoreba
cvalebadi upiratesobiT mimdina- da moqalaqeoba Rirsisa da moci-
reobda. T-is mokavSireebi romae- qulTa sworisa netarisa ninosi~,
lebi iyvnen, xolo mirianis ira- 58); `amis Semdgomad . . . mokuda vahan
nelebi (l.m., 69). konstantine didma mamkueni, romelman . . . Zebnna samar-
(konstantine I, romis imperatori Talni qristeaneTani, Trdat mefi-
306-37) miriani da T. daamoyvra, mi- sagan dadebulni wesni eklesiaTani
rianis Ze revma colad SeirTo T-is da glaxakTani~ (a.s. 87).
asuli salome da maT qveynebs So- T. qoriZe
ris sazRvrad daawesa md. mtkvari.
(l.m. 70; v.b, 83). konstantine didma
werili miswera T-s (l.m., 82-84). T. iarvandi somexTa mefe Zv.w.
mefe qristes ZaliT eSvad gadaiq- II s-is 50-iani. i. ixsenieba: leonti
ca da qristes ZaliTve isev kacad mroveli ,,cxovreba qarTvelTa me-
(l.m. 92). mefe T. eklesiaTa maSene- feTa~ (q.c. I, 1955; vaxuSti batoniS-
beli iyo. Mman `zurgiTa TsiTa aago vili ,,aRwera samefosa saqarTve-
eklesia (j., 161). rifsime, gaiane, wm. losa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
Nnino da sxvebi, sul ormocdacxra i-ma waarTva qarTlis mefe far-
suli, movidnen somxeTSi, romelic sman armazels q. wunda da artaani
iyo `sayofeli Trdat mefisa~ da mtkvramde, wundas uwoda qajatuni
mis mier ewamnen (moq. q., 84); rifsime (l.m. 44; v.b. 691). i. mokla somexTa spas-
dedofali da misi dedamZuZe gaiane, petma sumbat bivritianma (l.m. 45).
ormocdaaTi suliT movidnen som-
xeTSi, `samoTxesa mas Sina Trdat e. kvaWantiraZe

mefisasa~ da ewamnen imave Tvis pir-

ibreim-xani // ibraim-xani xanis Ze. axalcixis faSa suleimani
yarabaxis // SuSis xani (1763-1806); (1767-69; 1770-91) saidumlod dau-
misi mmarTvelobis periodSi yara- kavSirda i.x-s da omar-xan avari-
baRis saxanom ekonomikuri da kul- els (xunZaxis batoni), erToba da
turuli aRmavloba ganicada. i.x-ma Serigeba uaryo da `astexna lekni
sabolood daimorCila yarabaxis marbevelad qarTlisa~ (Teimura-
somexi meliqebi, ris Sedegadac ziseuli versia, ix. o.x. 98). i.x. em-
isini, da adgilobrivi somxuri mo- saxureboda da morCilebda mefe
saxleoba, iZulebuli gaxdnen da- erekles (erekle II, qarTl-kaxeTis
etovebinaT saxano. mas Semdeg, rac mefe 1762-98) mefe ereklem mis mier
cnobili gaxda kavkasiis mimarT ganjis gamgebelad dadgenil Tavad
ruseTis imperiis dampyrobluri qaixosro andronikaSvils Tana-
politikis Sesaxeb, mis winaaRmdeg Semwed daudgina SuSis xanis kaci,
gaerTianebis mizniT, i.x-ma kavSiri radgan mefe erekle i.x-s wyalobda
Sekra qarTl-kaxeTis samefosTan. da endoboda (Teimuraziseuli ver-
1801 ruseTis mier qarTl-kaxeTis sia, ix. o.x. 98-99). i.x uswavleli da
samefos gauqmebis Semdeg samxreT briyvi, werilis umecari da gaunaT-
kavkasiaSi ruseTis gaaqtiurebam, lebeli kaci iyo, mindorsa da mTeb-
i.x. aiZula 1805 daTanxmeboda ru- Si, mdabal, umecar xalxSi gazrdi-
seTis winadadebas yarabaxis saxa- li i.x-s Tavisi kariskacebi bevrs
nos ruseTis daqvemdebarebis qveS atyuebdnen, isini axalcixis faSa
Sesvlis Sesaxeb. ruseTis xelisuf- suleimanma moisyida. javaT-xan
lebam i.x-s mianiWa ruseTis armiis ganjelma samsaxuri da morCileba
general-leitenantis wodeba. ru- dauwyo mefe erekles da i.x-s Seek-
seTisadmi RalatSi eWvmitanili ra. omar-xanma meore zamTris pirs,
i.x. moklul iqna 1806. i.x. ixsenieba: Semodgomaze veRar gabeda qarTl-
oman xerxeuliZe `mefoba irakli me- Si SemoWra da yarabaRSi i.x-Tan Ca-
orisa~ (1989); Teimuraz bagratio- vida. i.x. win miegeba, pativiT miiRo
niseuli versia, wg: oman xerxeuli- da Tavisi jariTurT yarabaRSi da-
Ze, `mefoba irakli meorisa~ (1989); ayena (o.x. 73, Teimuraziseuli ver-
Teimuraz bagrationi `axali isto- sia, ix. o.x. 100). saqarTveloSi laS-
ria~, (1983); daviT batoniSvili, qrobis Semdeg omar-xani yarabaRs
`axali moTxroba~ (1941); istori- Cavida i.x-Tan, evgenis (Tavad evgeni
uli sabuTebi (erekle II-is mier ga- abaSiZe) erTi qali mas misca colad,
cemuli sabuTebi 1736-1797), (2008); meore ki TviTon SeirTo (d.b. 60). ya-
qarTuli samarTlis Zeglebi (VII, rabaRidan gamoiqcnen i.x-is somexi
1981). meliqebi, romlebic movidnen mefe
i.x. iyo yarabaRis xanis fana- ereklesTan da sTxoves jariT dax-

mareba, raTa `ahyaron yoveli saymo xmlis sanacvlod as Tumanze me-
Tvisi~ da gadmosaxlebuliyvnen sa- ti Rirebulebis mamuli eCuqebina
qarTveloSi (o.x. 74; Teimurazise- da xmali i.x-Tvis mierTmia (erekle
uli versia, ix. o.x. 101 ). yarabaRSi II-is mier gacemuli sabuTebi, 115);
misul mefe erekles mier wargzav- 1782, 24 maisis brZanebiT, ereklem
nil saqarTvelos laSqars, romel- mimbaSi oTari morigeebTan (morige
sac saTaveSi mefis (erekle II) Ze laSqari) erTad TavisTan ixmo, rad-
iuloni da sardlebi edgnen, win ga- gan arsebobda i.x-is mier daTxovi-
moegeba i.x-is jari (o.x. 73; Teimu- li xunZaxis jaris qarTl-kaxeTSi
raziseuli versia, ix. o.x. 101.). omar SemoWris saSiSroeba (erekle II-is
xanTan megobrobisa da misi Tavis mier gacemuli sabuTebi, 134). 1782
mamulSi SeSvebis gamo, i.x. damnaSa- mefe ereklesa (erekle II) da i.x-s So-
ve iyo mefe erekles winaSe, amitom ris dadebuli ficiT, maT erTmane-
ver gabeda mefesTan misvla da Ta- Tis qveynidan misuli xalxi ar unda
visi sardali jariTurT gagzavna. SeewyalebinaT da ukanve unda da-
i.x-is sardali yarabaRis jariT, me- ebrunebinaT. radgan nikoloz asa-
fis Ze iulonis jars Semoeyara (o.x. turaSvili mefe ereklesa da i.x-s
74; Teimuraziseuli versia, ix. o.x. Soris aRniSnuli pirobis dadebam-
101). TviTon i.x. SuSis cixeSi SiSis- de iTxova mirza gurginam i.x-sagan,
gan Zrwoda. mefe ereklesTan mivida man mowyaleba gaiRo da uboZa (qsZ,
i.x-is kaci da miarTva mravali feS- VII, 539-540). iese baraTaSvili 1764
qaSi da `lari Ppatiosani da Zvir- Sedgenil arzaSi wers, rom Tavisi
fasi~. mefe ereklemac i.x-s uboZa yma Tamaz SalambaraSvili maSin iyi-
xalaTi da danaSaulis patiebis ime-
da, rodesac i.x. WarSi Sevida (qsZ,
di misca. i.x-ma Cumad kaci gagzavna
VII, 71). 1778 mefe ereklem da i.x-ma
omar-xanTan da daxmareba sTxova,
aiRes ganja da Seipyres mamad-xan
raTa igi daecva ukve ganjaSi jariT
ganjisa saxleuliTurT, romelic
Casuli mefe ereklesagan (Teimura-
i.x-ma tyved waiyvana (T.b. 56). 1785
ziseuli versia, ix. o.x. 101). i.x-is
gandga (ukudga) ganja, mefisa (erek-
TanxmobiT omar-xani WarSi SeiWra
le II) da i.x-is mourneni gamoyares,
daRestnis jariT (o.x. 74). 1778, 13
SuSidan ganivlto i.x-is mier Sepy-
martis brZanebiT, ereklem vinme
robili Saverdi xanis Ze raim-xani,
TayasSvils moatanina mis sakuTre-
romelic ganjis xani gaxda. ganjaSi
baSi arsebuli azat-xanis (samxreT
misulma i.x-ma Semweoba sTxova me-
azerbaijanis mflobeli) naqoni yi-
fes (erekle II), isev aiRes ganja da
zilbaSuri xmali, romlis qeba i.x-s
Saverdi xanis Zes javads, ganjis
smenoda da ris gamoc mefe ereklem
xanoba uboZes (T.b. 59). 1786 ganjis
gadawyvita, misi mflobelisTvis

xanis damarcxebis Semdeg, ganjaSi ba ikisra da isini daazava (d.b. 66).
myof mefe ereklesTan yarabaReli 1797, rodesac saqarTvelosken wa-
somexi meliqebi mividnen, romel- mosuli aRa-mahmad xani (iranis gam-
Tac ayra da TavianTi elebiT saqar- gebeli 1794-dan; Sahi 1796-97)
TveloSi dasaxleba surdaT. mefe SuSas miadga, i.x. SeSinda, gaiqca da
ereklem maT asayrelad Tavisi Ze Wars mivida (d. b. 68). aleqsandrem
iuloni mxedrobiT waravlina, ro- (erekle II-is Ze) uRalata Tavis Zmas
melsac i.x. `zeba~ wodebul adgilas giorgis da yarabaRs i.x-Tan mivida
Seeba da damarcxda (d.b. 60). 1789 me- (d.b. 73). rodesac i.x-ma Seityo, rom
fem Tavisi mxedroba wargzavna gan- xorasnidan mobrunebuli aRa-mah-
jaze salaSqrod. mividnen Samqors, mad-xani, SuSisken miemarTeboda,
sadac Tavad mefe Cavida. iq aseve saxleuliTurT gaixizna belaqan-
mividnen darubandis xani faTali, Si, aRa-mahmad xanma ki daipyro Su-
Saqis xani mahmadi da samivem gadawy- Sis cixe (T.b. 66) i.x-s mier gadmobi-
vita yarabaRze galaSqreba, radgan rebulma omar-xanma kvlav ilaSqra
i.x-ma daiviwya mefe erekles sikeTe, qarTl-kaxeTze da daibanaka `kide-
Tu ramdenjer ixsna faTali-xanis- sa alaznisasa~ (T.b. 67). qarTvelTa-
gan, rodesac man daipyro yaradaRi gan Zleuli omar-xani mivida Tavis
da gilani. maT SeuerTda javaT-xa- siZesTan i.x-Tan yarabaRs, romel-
ni, romelsac dapyrobili hqonda mac is ar istumra (d.b. 75). 1805 baba-
kerZoi i.x-isa, magram es laSqroba xani ardavels mivida, ris gamoc Se-
aRar Sedga da ukuiqcnen (T.b. 60). Sinebuli i.x. ruseTis safarvelis
radgan ganjis xani iyo Tbilisisa qveS Sevida da Tavisi cixis (SuSis)
da yarabaRis aoxrebis mizezi, i.x. dasacavad ciciSvils (pavle cici-
wamovida ganjaze gasalaSqreblad anovi, saqarTvelos mTavarmarTe-
da daxmareba sTxova mefe erekles. beli 1802-1806) mxedroba sTxova.
man gagzavna Tavisi Ze aleqsandre ciciSvilma mas 500-kaciani rusTa
da SviliSvili daviTi, aiRes da ga- mxedroba misca (T.b. 71). 1805 cicia-
dawves q. ganja, qarTvelTa mxneo- novma yarabaRis dapyroba ganizra-
biT gaocebulebi iyvnen yarabaRe- xa da i.x-s mouwoda, xelmwifis (ru-
lebi da lekebi (T.b. 66). 1796 mefe seTis mefis) erTguleba ecno. i.x.
erekle wavida ganjis dasapyrobad, cicianovs sixaruliT daemorCila,
romelic imJamad i.x-s hqonda Seer- ganjas mivida da cixis gasaRebebi
Tebuli. qarTvelTa samTviani al- miarTva. cicianovma mas kvlav mia-
yiT Seviwrovebulma ganjis xanma niWa yarabaRis xanoba da daado xar-
javadma, i.x-s misi mefe ereklesTan ki 10 000 oqro. amis Semdeg garkve-
dazaveba sTxova. i.x-ma Suamavlo- uli xnis manZilze i.x. mSvidobianad

iyo. cicianovis sikvdilis Semdeg, cdilobs gadmoibiros gardmanis
1806 maiorma dimitri lisanoviCma episkoposi stefane da sivnieTis
yarabaRis saqme ninia joraSvils episkoposi maTusala, magram ver
miando, i.x-s Ralati daswames, erT axerxebs. isini somexTa kaTalikos
Rames lisanoviCi da `Tavbera aska- ezras (630-641) uWeren mxars. amis
rans mdgomi baxSi~ mas Tavs daesx- gamgone i.m. ganrisxda da aginebda
nen, mokles da mTeli misi qoneba am or episkoposs. ezra kaTalikos-
iavaryves (d.b. 97). ma daibara i.m. da mouwoda eRiare-
bina qristes orbunebovneba, magram
uari miiRo. i.m. wavida saberZneT-
Si, iswavla berZnuli da dabrunda
ioane dvinis wm. kaTolike somxeTSi (a.s. 91-92). somexTa kaTa-
monastris mamasaxlisi VII s-Si. i. likos nerse III (641-661) dros, ro-
ixsenieba: arseni safareli ,,ganyo- melic diofizitobas emxroboda,
fisaTvis qarTvelTa da somexTa~ i.m-is saqme cudad wavida. kaTali-
(1980). kosis brZanebiT, mas rogorc mwva-
somexTa kaTalikosma abraamma lebels, Sublze amosdaRes meliis
(607-615) daibara i. da mosTxova da- gamosaxuleba. i.m. wavida kavkasiis
ewyevla qalkedonis kreba (451), wi- mTianeTSi, magram male dabrunda
naaRmdeg SemTxvevaSi daetovebina ukan, radgan iqaurma kerpTayvanis-
somxeTi. i. ar daemorCila kaTali- mcemelma mosaxleobam ar gaiziara
kosis brZanebas (a.s. 90). misi moZRvreba. i.m. gadavida kambe-
e. kvaWantiraZe CanSi, daemkvidra somxeTis xevSi da
mravali daimowafa araratSi, gard-
manSi (ist. provincia albaneTSi, md.
ioane mairagomeli VII s-is SamqorCais xeobaSi), ZoroforSi
somexi moZRvari, antiqalkedonu- (a.s. 92). Semdegi kaTalikosis anas-
ri moZraobis erT-erTi lideri. i.m. tasis (661-667) dros i.m. daemkvidra
ixsenieba: arseni safareli ,,ganyo- bijnisSi da mairevanSi. i.m. garda-
fisaTvis qarTvelTa da somexTa~ icvala 684 wels. avtori i.m-s ,,da-
(1980). i.m. iyo somexTa kaTolikosis Zuelebul ZaRls~ da ,,ganmxrwneli
komitasis (615-28) Tanamoazre, ro- somxiTisa~-s uwodebs (a.s. 93).
melic dapirda mas kaTalikosobas, e. kvaWantiraZe
aTargmnina cnobili eresiarqebis
Txzulebebi somxurad.
i.m-is daxmarebiT gaavrcela
komitasma antiqalkedonuri moZR-
vreba mTel somxeTSi (a.s. 82-83). i.m.
iob episkoposi (375-390). i. i. k. ixsenieba: arsen safareli `gan-
Eep. ixsenieba: `moqceva qarTlisa~, yofisTs qarTvelTa da somexTa~
(Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963); leonti mroveli, (1980.).
`cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c., rodesac mose kaTolikosma da
I, 1955.). masTan erTad sparseTisadmi daq-
iakob episkoposis (363-375) vemdebarebuli somxeTis episkopo-
gardacvalebis Semdeg, episkoposi sebma ar aRiares qalkedonis kre-
gaxda nerse somexTa kaTolikosis bis (igulisxmeba 451 qalkedonis IV
(nerse I, 348-352) diakvani i. somexi. msoflio saeklesio kreba) gadawy-
(l.m. 132). qarTlis mefe Trdatis vetileba, somxeTi gaiyo orad da
(383-395) mefobis dros episkoposi kaTolikosad daadgines i. k., rome-
iyo nerse somexTa kaTolikosis di- lic aRiarebda qristes or bunebas.
akvani i. (moq. q., 91). ase gagrZelda ToTxmeti weli, vid-
re imperator mavrikiosis (582-602)
T. qoriZe
aRsrulebamde (a.s., 89-90). rodesac
ahmadma (sparsi) aiRo karnu-qalaqi
(611), man Seipyro berZenTa nawilis
iovane mRvdeli -- misi eTni-
kaTolikosi i. k., xolo mose kaTo-
kuri warmomavloba da moRvaweobis
likosma imave wels i. k-is morCili
zusti dro ucnobia. savaraudod
mRvdlebi gaaZeva somxeTidan, ro-
iyo somexi, qalkedoniti (daax. VII
melTagan zogi taoSi wavida, zogic
s.).. i. m. ixsenieba: `martviloba da-
saberZneTSi (a.s., 90).
viTisa da tiriWanisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I,
T. qoriZe
rodesac daviTisa da tiriWanis
mowameobrivi aRsasrulis Semdeg, israeli -- somexTa kaToliko-
nerse somexTa kaTolikosi (nerse si 667-677. i. ixsenieba: arsen safa-
III, 641-661) gaemarTa tiriWanis wame- reli, `ganyofisTs qarTvelTa da
bis adgilas divrs, man Tan gaiyola somexTa~ (1980).
i. Mm. danarCen or mRvdelTan sahak- i. kaTolikosisa da grigol
Tan da grigolTan erTad (191). erisTavis (somxeTis mTavari 661-
82) dros monofizitoba moedo
T. qoriZe mTel somxeTs (a. s., 93).

T. qoriZe
iohane kogoviteli som-
xeTis bizantiuri nawilis kaToli-
kosi 590-611 wlebSi, qalkedoniti.

ipajaji lekTa mefe (V s. II zezsa da qarTvelTa moqcevisasa~
nax.). i. ixsenieba: juanSeri ,,cxov- (1950); istoriuli sabuTebi (qr. I,
reba vaxtang gorgaslisa~ (q.c. I, 2004, . . . . . 1967); y-is cixis qar-
1955). Tuli warwera (v. silogava. macne, 1.
vaxtang gorgaslis (qarTlis 1980); `mesxuri matiane~ (1961); ar-
mefe V s. II nax.) bizantiaSi laSqro- sen safareli `ganyofisaTvis qarT-
bis dros gamarTul brZolaSi mok- velTa da somexTa~ (1980). y. ixsenie-
les lekTa mefe i. (j. 173). ba: sexnia CxeiZe `cxovreba mefeTa~
e. kvaWantiraZe (1913); papuna orbeliani `ambavni
qarTlisani~ (1981); oman xerxeuli-
Ze `mefoba irakli meorisa~ (1989);
kari q. yarsis Zveli qarTu- Teimuraz bagrationi `axali isto-
li saxelwodeba. qalaqi Cr. aRm. ria~ (1983); `parizis qronika~ (1980);
TurqeTSi. yarsis vilaieTis adm. istoriuli sabuTebi (qr. II, 1897, III.
centri. X-XI s.s. somxuri saxelm- 1967; q. s. Z. II, 1965).
wifos y-is samefos (963-1064) cen- qarTlis mefe vaxtang gorga-
tri. saukuneebis manZilze misTvis sals (daax. V s. 40-iani V s. bolom-
ibrZodnen: saqarTvelo, bizantia, de), rodesac mcxeTaSi (qarTlis sa-
Turq-sulCukebi, monRolebi. 1065 mefos dedaqalaqi) `sveti cxovel-
bizantia daeufla; 1074 Turq-sel- ze~ eklesia aRuSenebia da `kB zi mas
Cukebma aiRes; 1204-38 saqarTvelos zeda patriarqad ganuwesebia~, ase-
SemadgenlobaSia; XVI s. osmalTa ve meeqvse msoflio saeklesio kre-
mflobelobaSi gadavida; XIX s. mis- bas (VII s.) konstantine poRonatis
Tvis ibrZvis ruseTi; 1921-dan y. (biz. imp. 668-85) dros daumtkice-
TurqeTis SemadgenlobaSia. k. ix- bia, amdroidan moyolebuli mcxe-
senieba: `matiane qarTlisa~, `cxov- Tis sakaTolikosos samwysoSi Se-
reba mefeT-mefisa daviTisi~, laSa- dis k. (efrem mcire 45; qr. II., sigeli
giorgis-droindeli matiane (q. c. mcxeTisa gacemuli daax. 1638 ime-
I, 1955); `istoriani da azmani Sara- orebs am informacias, 453). amasve
vandedTani~, basili ezosmoZRuari adasturebs sulTnis (murad III) mi-
`cxovreba mefeT-mefisa Tamarisi~, er daax. 1590 gacemuli sigeli (. .
JamTaaRmwereli, beri egnataSvili . . . dok. #221). airarati yovel-
`axali qarTlis cxovreba~, `axali Tvis somxeTis umniSvnelovanesi
qarTlis cxovreba~ mesame teqsti provincia iyo, romelSic TiTqmis
(q. c. II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili yvela dedaqalaqi mdebareobda. maT
`aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. Soris k. (a. s. 133). mefe giorgim, (gi-
c. IV, 1973); efrem mcire `uwyebaY mi- orgi II, saqarTvelos mefe 1072-89)

RvTis wyalobiT berZnebs (bizan- Ta xelSi imyofeboda. Tamarma gaag-
tia) waarTva qalaqi k. (m. q. 317). zavna jari da ubrZana alya Semoer-
[aris gansxvavebuli cnoba:] aRmo- tyaT qalaqisaTvis. roca es Tur-
savleTis (bizantia) mxedarTmTa- qebma Seityves, datoves qalaqi da
varma grigol bakurianis Zem (qarT- gaiqcnen. k. iZulebuli gaxda qarT-
veli didebuli), romelic flobda velebs Cabareboda. mefem k-is mcve-
k-s, cixe-qalaqi da misi mimdebare lad ivane axalcixeli daayena da
teritoriebi gadasca giorgis. gi- monapireoba (sazRvrispira olqis
orgim iq SavSeli aznaurebi Caayena gamgebeli) ganusazRvra. uboZa aTa-
(d. i. 318). didi Turqobis dros, bagoba da amiraT-amiroba. es rom
Turq-selCukTa amira ahmadma, ro- selCukebma Seityves, ruqnadinma
melic sulTanma maliqSam (maliq Sa- (ruqn ad-din, wina aziis selCukTa
hi, did selCukTa saxelmw. mesame saxelmwifos rumis sulTani 1196-
sulTani 1072-92) gamoagzavna, aiRo 1204) Seyara 400 000-iani laSqari da
k. (d. i. 318-19, v. b. 154). giorgim (gi- saqarTvelosken gamoemarTa. brZo-
orgi III, saqarTvelos mefe 1156-84) la moxda basianTan (saq. ist. olqi,
didebulTa moTxovniT qveyanaSi axl. TurqeTi). qarTvelebma gai-
mSvidoba Camoagdo, laSqars ki me- marjves (i.-a. 92-93). ruqnadinis wi-
zobeli qveynebis morbevis neba mis- naaRmdeg mimavali laSqari daviT
ca. mesxebma da Torelebma moarbies soslanis sardlobiT, miuaxlovda
k. romelic selCukebs ekavaT. qarT- ra qalaq k-s, erTi dRis savalze, Se-
velebi didi alafiT dabrunden Sin isvena (b. ez. 134). ruqnadinTan
(i.-a. 16; v. b. 169). mefe Tamari (saqar- brZolaSi qarTvelebma gaimarj-
Tvelos mefe 1184-1107/10) daqor- ves... mefe Tamarma Tavisi mefobis
winda (1185) giorgi rusze (iuri bo- ocdamesame an meoTxe wels (1206/07)
goliubski, novgorodis mTavari ikiTxa qalaq k-is ambavi. k-isTvis
1172-75), maSin qarTvelebma iwinam- xangrZlivad ibrZodnen: sargis
ZRvres giorgi, ilaSqres qveyanasa Tmogveli, Salva Toreli da mesxni.
k-sa, moarbies da movidnen gamarj- mkacri zamTris gamo ver miudgnen
vebulni (i.-a. 38; v. b. 143). daviT k-s, Tumca mimdebare teritoriebi
soslanma (mefe Tamaris meore qmari daikaves. Tamarma daviT soslani
1187/89-dan) Svilis, giorgi-laSas didZali jariT k-ze salaSqrod ga-
dabadebis aRsaniSnavad 1193 ilaSq- uSva. daviTs Tan axldnen zaqaria
ra k-ze (l. g. m. 369). [k-is aReba sa- (amirspasalar-mandaturTuxucesi)
qarTvelos jaris mier da qveynisT- da ivane (msaxurTuxucesi) mxargr-
vis SemoerTeba gansxvavebuli Tana- Zelebi. Tamari Tavad dadga java-
mimdevrobiT aris gadmocemuli xeTs da iq eloda. mravaldRiani
qarTul wyaroebSi]; qalaqi k. Turq- alyis Semdeg cixe-simagre k-s gamo-

elia sasmeli wyali da mecixovneeb- (iranis ilxanTa saxelmw. mbrZanebe-
ma danebeba gadawyvites, im piro- li 1295-1304), (J. 315). Temur-lengma
biT, Tu mefe Tamari mividoda k-s, (Sua aziis mmarTveli 1370-1405)
radgan mxolod mas endobodnen. me- aiRo k., moaoxra da gamoizamTra (b.
fe Tamarma Tanxmoba ganacxada, me- e. 327). sulTanma soleimanma (sole-
cixovneebma pirobisamebr cixis iman I, osmaleTis sulTani 1520-66)
kliteni mefes Caabares, karelebma daikava k. 1556 (v. b.-s mixedviT),
iTxoves, rom k. saqarTvelos Semad- (1554), mospo urCni, ukan dabrunda
genlobaSi Sesuliyo. Tamarma k. Ta- da dadga basians (mesame t. 505; v. b.
vis Zes giorgis (laSa-giorgi, sa- 717; p. q. 44). amis Semdeg Sah-Tamazis
qarTvelos mefe 1207/10-23) Caabara (Tahmaspi, iranis Sahi 1524-76) Zem
(b. ez. 143-44). [v. b. karis aRebis am- ismailma ilaSqra k-ze, aiRo igi da
bavs gadmoscems Semdegi Tanmimdev- iq, vinc osmalo daxvda, nawili da-
robiT: qarTvelebma aiRes k. xarki xoca, nawili gaaqcia (b. e. 367; v. b.
daades da iq mcvelad ivane axalci- 717). osmaleTis sulTanma (solei-
xeli daadgines, Semdeg basianSi ga- man I) da Sah-Tamazma amierkavkasia
imarjves, xolo amis Semdeg Semoi- gainawiles (amasiis zavi, 1555). sul-
erTes k. imeorebs b. ez-is monaTx- Tans darCa `k. sazRvramde abocisa
robs. v. b. 186-89]. roca Tamaris ja- da erevnisa~ (b. e. 371). lala faSam
ri 1205 k-s Semoadga, giorgi-laSa (lala mustafa faSa, osmalTa sar-
Tormeti wlis iyo (qr. II. 234).* k-s dali) meored aiRo k. (1570-iani, p. q.
cixis koSkis 1238 qarTuli warwe- 54, mesxuri matiane). Sah-abasis (abas
ris mixedviT amira ravmalam (ix. I, iranis Sahi 1587-1629) sikvdilis
st. ravmala) rusudanis (saqarTve- Semdeg k-is beglarbegs undoda
los mefe 1223-45) mefobis dros iranis `aSla~. xorso mirzam (ros-
aaSena aRniSnuli koSki (macne, 1. tomi, qarTlis mefe 1632-58) gaamag-
161-71). mefe dimitrisagan (demet- ra k. da Sah-abasis Svili `Sasefi~
re II, saqarTvelos mefe 1270-89) sa- dasva yaenad (b. e 411). 1723 osmalTa
dunma (sadun mankaberdeli-aTabagi saraskari mivida y-Si. man vaxtangs
da spasalari) miiRo qalaqi k. rome- (vaxtang VI, qarTlis mefe 1716-1724)
lic `sajdomad~ gaixada (J. 273). be- miswera werili da dahpirda, rom
qa (beqa jayeli, samcxis mmarTveli mamad-yuli xans [iranma konstanti-
1285-1306) `gandidebuli iyo~, ne II, igive, mahmad yuli-xani (kaxe-
flobda mraval miwebs, maT Soris Tis mefe 1722-32) vaxtangis qarT-
k-s (J. 304). beqa jayels k. da misi lis taxtidan gadayenebis Semdeg,
mimdebare teritoria erTguli sam- qarTlis mefed dasva] qarTlidan
saxurisTvis gadasca yazan-yaenma gaaZevebda da mas qarTlis taxts

daubrunebda (o. x. 38). 1735 Tamaz- nen (iran-TurqeTis omis 1743-46 pe-
xani (SemdgomSi iranis Sahi, nadir- riodi), (p. o. 86). sulxan orbeliani
Sahi, 1736-47) mivida y-is qveyanaSi, qarTl-kaxeTis jariT wavida y-is
SeebrZola osmalTa jars, nawili qveyanaze, brZolaSi monawileobis
mospo, nawili gaaqcia. darCa mas misaRebad (p. o. 114). yazax-borCa-
Tofxana da saqoneli mravali (s. C. lus lekebma aaoxres y-is qveyana (p.
46). y-s qveyanas movida osmalTa mo- o. 197). lekebma isev daarbies y. (p. o.
xele, iqidan 1744 axalcixis faSas 232). elebis jars y-is qveyana daer-
meTaurobiT saqarTveloSi gamoag- bia da mravali saqoneli wamoesxaT
zavna lek-osmalTa jari, gamoatana (p. o. 242). y-is faSam (erekle II-is mo-
didZali fuli, romelic iranis wi- xarke iyo) saCuqrebi gamougzavna
naaRmdeg, daRestanSi lekTa dasa- erekles da Tan SemouTvala: Tqven-
qiraveblad unda CaetanaT. erekle ma elebma Cveni qveyana daarbies da
(erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, radgan dazaveba gvsurs, samarTali
qarTl-kaxeTis 1762-98) Tavs daes- unda ganaCinoo (p. o. 243). ereklem
xa, gaanadgura da alafi waarTva. yvelaferi y-is faSas uklebliv da-
osmalTa jari y-s gabrunda (p. o. 71- ubruna (p. o. 243). 1789 mefe erekles
73). es ambavi friad eama nadir-Sahs brZanebiT misma SviliSvilma da-
da Teimuraz-erekles mdidruli viT giorgis Zem 1000 kaciT y-ze gai-
saCuqrebi gamougzavna. TviTon wa- laSqra da alafi wamoiRo (T. b. 62).
vida y-s. es rom mefe Teimurazma leki xuda borCaloeli da Zmani
(Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe 1744-62) misni axalcixesa da y-s SiSis zars
gaigo, Sahs dauxvda abocs (ist. scemdnen (T. b. 54). erekle ruseTis
provincia qvemo qarTlSi, axl. som- imp. ekaterine II-isadmi miweril ar-
xeTi; o. x. 45). ereklem nadir-Sahis zaSi iTxovs: `mowyalebas, raTa Cve-
winaaRmdeg ajanyebuli sefi mirza ni samkvidro miwebi ar dagvekar-
(TviTmarqvia ufliswuli) daiWira gos: axalcixe, y. da misi alagebi~ (q.
da nadir-Sahs mihgvara. Sahma brZa- s. Z. II 455, 1782-is sabuTi). qarTlsa
na, misTvis Tvalebi daeTxaraT da da y-s Soris isev gafuWda urTier-
ZmasTan y-Si gaeSvaT (p. o. 75). zaal Toba. maSin giorgim (giorgi XII
yaflanisSvili gaiqca sefi mirzas- qarTl-kaxeTis mefe 1798-1800) ga-
Tan y-s (rogorc Cans, z. y. monawi- agzavna Tavisi Zeni, daviT da ioane,
leobas iRebda iranis winaaRmdeg miuxdnen y-s, moaoxres da alafiT
ajanyebaSi, givi amilaxvris mxares), gamobrundnen (T. b. 66). 1807 gudo-
(q. s. Z. VIII, 351). nadir-Sahi y-is ci- viCma (ivane vasilis Ze, ruseTis ar-
xes adga da iyo omi saSineli. yizil- miis general-feldmarSali, 1806-
baSebi osmalebs katebiviT xocavd- dan kavkasiis jarebis sardali) ge-

neral-maiori nesvetevi 4000 kaciT v.b. 149-150). 1068, 10 dekembers, sam-
y-ze gaagzavna. mas win usuf-faSa SabaT dRes bagrat IV-is winaaRmdeg
dauxvda da daamarcxa. gudoviCi mi- gamoilaSqra alf-arslanma (sel-
eSvela. yizilbaSebi gafantes. jukTa sulTani 1063-72). mas miemxr-
usuf-faSa y-Si dabrunda, gudoviCi nen somexTa mefe k., Tbilisis amira,
TbilisSi (T. b. 73). 1855 noembris aRsarTani (aRsarTan I, kaxeT-here-
TveSi ruseTis mefis nacvalma mu- Tis mefe 1058-84) da SemouZRvnen
raviovma y. aiRo, cxra faSa daiWira saqarTveloSi (m.q. 309). [taSir-Zo-
da mravali xalxi daxoca (gabriel ragetis ganmarteba ix. st. somxebi
maxaraZis `matiane~, qr. III. 646). (SeniSvna)].
e. kvaWantiraZe
* samecniero lit. basianis brZola TariR-
deba 1203, 1204, 1205. k-is aReba 1204, 1205,
kogoviti evi igive qveyana
q. nadiraZe
somxeTSi. X s-Si Sedgeboda ori sam-
Tavrosagan. k. ixsenieba: stefane
kvirike taSir-Zoragetis mtbevari, `wameba wmidisa mowamisa
mefe kvirike I (1048-89). k. ixsenie- gobronisi~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963, 175.).

ba: ,,matiane qarTlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); T. qoriZe

vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwera same-

fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
alf-arslanma (muhamed ibn da- kolbofori evi igive qve-
ud, seljukTa sulTani 1063-72) bag- yana somxeTSi. k. ixsenieba: stefane
rat IV-s (saqarTvelos mefe 1027-72) mtbevari, `wameba wmidisa mowamisa
diswuli sTxova colad, romelic gobronisi~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963).
k-s Zmiswuli iyo. Bbagratma moci- T. qoriZe
qulad gaugzavna k-s varaz-bakur
gamrekeli, magram uari miiRo. ma-
komitosi (komitasi) so-
Sin gadmoibires k-s mxleblebi da
mexTa kaTolikosi VII s-is pirvel
samSvildeSi mimavali k. da misi Zma
naxevarSi (zeobis zusti gansazR-
sumbati Seipyres, mihgvares bag-
vra ver xerxdeba). somxur istori-
rats kldekarSi. mosTxova bagrat-
ografiaSi miCneulia, rom k. saka-
ma samSvilde, magram ar dauTmes,
Talikoso taxtze avida ara uadres
radgan maTi Zma adarnase iyo samS-
615-16 wlisa. aRsaniSnavia, rom `ko-
vildeSi. waiyvanes k. samSvildeSi
mitos~ forma mxolod arsen safa-
da Zelze gasves sami dRe. bagratma
relTan gvxvdeba, somxurSi aris
CamoarTva mas samSvilde (m.q. 307;
`komitas~. k. ixsenieba: arsen safa-

reli, `ganyofisTs qarTvelTa da daeufla wmida grigolis samwysos
somexTa~ (1980). k. sakaTalikoso (`eufla nawilsa zeda wmidisa gri-
taxtze dajda abrahamis (607-15) golissa~) da maorgomelis momak-
Semdeg. igi iyo mdidari, `moxarke vdinebeli cru moZRvrebiT aRavso
samoselTa da saedarTa zeda~, pa- somexTa qveyana (a.s., 82-83).
tiosani bivritis TvlebiT amkobda T. qoriZe
kverTxis Tavs, man yvelaze metad
gaamwvava kamaTi qalkedonis krebis
dasagmobad. k-ma daiqvemdebara he- kosaro qarTuli wyaros so-
reTis kaTolikosi, romelsac mis- mexTa mefe xosro II (217-38). k. ixse-
ca Svidi saepiskoposo. man SeaCvena nieba: leonti mroveli `cxovreba
qalkedonis kreba; sivnieTis epis- qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c. I, 1955); va-
koposs `misca juari..., raTa vido- xuSti batoniSvili `aRwera samefo-
dis juariTa winaSe missa, viTarca sa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
kaTalikozi~, gaudida samwyso da k. qarTlis mefis asfagu-
gaufarTova sazRvrebi, iseve, ro- ris* daxmarebiT ebrZoda sparsTa
gorc sxva episkoposebs da ase Sei- mefes qasre sasanians (ardaSir
erTa mTeli somxeTi, raTa dapiris- I, 226-41). asfagurma gaxsna daria-
pireboda qalkedonis krebas. lis kari, gamoatara osebi, lekebi
Kk-ma iohane maorogomeli (ix. da xazarebi** k-s dasaxmareblad.
st. ioane mairagomeli) moamaraga qarTvel-somexTa laSqarma qas-
(aRWurva) wmida qalkedonis kre- re sastikad daamarcxa. brZolaSi
bis sawinaaRmdego wignebiT da mas damarcxebulma qasrem didebul-
aRuTqva Tavis sakaTalikoso tax- Ta gadabireba gadawyvita, samagie-
ti, Semdgom masve aTargmnina mwva- rod, privilegiebs dahpirda. erTi
lebel timoTe aleqsandrielis, didebuli mTavari anaki, kosaros
petre mkawvrelis, severosisa da naTesavi, miemxro mas da mefis mok-
sxva mwvalebelTa wignebi Dda miawe- vla gadawyvita. anaki da misi Zma ko-
ra (`saxelad dawerna~) marTlmadi- saros sazamTro rezidenciaSi, xi-
debeli moZRvrebis wmida sahakisa laxilaSi eaxlnen. mefem isini didi
da moses saxelebi. am tyuiliT da- pativiT miiRo. nadimobisas, Zmebma,
ajera mTeli somxeTi. man pirvelad mefe maxviliT mokles da gaiqcnen,
dawerili kanonebi da wesebi Secva- Tumca maT mdevari daewia da daxo-
la, `TT dausxna mrudni~, ris ga- ca (l.m. 59-60; v.b. 69-70).
moc `aiSala Zueli da ver daamtki-
ces axali~. Ees yovelive man gaakeTa * radgan asfaguris mefobas mecnierebi III
ioane maorgomelis xeliT. AaseTi saukunis meore naxevriT (n. SoSiaSvili, m.
sanaZe) an III-IV saukuneTa mijniT (g. meliqiS-
mzakvruli qmedebiT k. gandidda da vili) aTariReben, fiqroben, rom mefe asfa-

guris xseneba, aq anaqronizmia (n. SoSiaSvi- baSi) miadga. totlebenis daudev-
li, m. sanaZe).
robis gamo Turqebma moaxerxes
** am periodSi xazarTa moxsenieba qarTul
wyaroebSi anaqronizmia (ix. st. xazarebi). cixeSi damatebiTi osmal-lekTa
laSqari SeeyvanaT, lekTa laSqars
q. nadiraZe
meTaurobda im droisaTvis mTels
daRestanSi gamoCenili da gavle-
koxta lekTa beladi (XVIII niani k. beladi. awyurTan brZolis
s. me-2 nax.) k. ixsenieba: oman xer- dros totlebenma moulodnelad
xeuliZe `mefoba irakli meorisa~ miatova erekle. amis Semswre mtris
(1989); Teimuraz bagrationi `axali laSqari ufro gaTamamda da sami sa-
istoria~ (1983). aTis ganmavlobaSi gagrZelda da-
1759 k. da lekTa beladi Con- undobeli brZola. erekle mixvda,
Col-musa Semoesivnen qarTls 8000- rom brZolas azri aRar hqonda da
iani lekTa jariT. orad gaiyvnen. aspinZisaken (daba samcxeSi samx.
ConCol-musa miadga aCabeTs (ci- das. saqarTvelo) daiZra. aspinZas-
xe md. liaxvis marjvena napirze), Tan (1770) moxda gadamwyveti brZo-
xolo k. atocis cixes (md. fronis la lekebi k. beladis meTaurobiT
marcxena napirze) Semoewyo. Teimu- didZali jariT utevdnen qarTve-
razma (Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe lebs. qarTvelebma brwyinvale ga-
1744-62), ereklem, (erekle II, kaxe- marjveba moipoves. ereklem Tavad
Tis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis mokla am brZolaSi `daRistnis war-
1762-98) da imereTis mefe solomon- Cinebuli da mxne beladi koxta~ (o.
ma (solomon I, 1752-84) erToblivad x. 60-62; T. b. 54).
Seuties atocSi misul k-s. sasti- q. nadiraZe
kad daarbies da gaaqcies (o. x. 57-58,
T. b. 50-51). 1770 ereklem da grafma
lekani lekebis mamamTava-
totlebenma (ruseTis armiis gene-
ri. Ll. ixsenieba: leonti mroveli
ral-maiori) gadawyvites Turqebis
,,cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c.
(1768-74, ruseT-TurqeTis omis pe-
I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aR-
riodi) winaaRmdeg brZola daewyoT
wera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c.
da axalcixeze gaelaSqraT (am dro-
IV, 1973); niko dadiani ,,qarTvelT
isaTvis dapyrobili hqondaT Tur-
qebs). am mizniT 17 aprils, qarT-
l. iyo bibliuri Targamosis
velTa da rusTa gaerTianebuli
(kavkasiel xalxTa eTnarqi) mexu-
laSqari awyuris cixes (md. mtkvris
Te vaJi (l.m. 4; n.d. 67) Targamosma
marjvena napirze, borjomis xeo-
misca l-s teritoria darubandis

zRvidan (kaspiis zRva) md. lomekam- riuli dokumentebi (q.s.Z. II, 1965;
de (md. Tergi). misi sazRvrebi iyo mc.qr. 1968).
aRmosavleTiT kaspiis zRva, samx- azom (Zv. qarTuli wyaroebiT
reTiT da dasavleTiT kavkasiis saqarTvelos pirveli mefe, Zv.w. IV-
mTa, CrdiloeTiT didi xazareTis III ss. mijna) moxarked gaixada l.
mdinare (l.m. 5; v.b. 49; n.d. 67-68). xa- (l.m. 19). farnavazma (qarTlis pir-
zarTa* mefem Tavis biZaSvils misca veli mefe Zv.w. IV-III ss. I nax.) Seier-
l-is wilxvdomili qveyana (l.m. 12; Ta da moelaparaka l-s (l.m. 23; v.b.
v.b. 632). 56). azorkma da armazelma (qarTlis
mefeebi Zv.w. II-I ss. mijna) somexTa
* am periodSi xazarTa moxsenieba qarTul
winaaRmdeg brZolaSi miiwvies l.
werilobiT wyaroebSi anaqronizmia. xaza- mivida l-Ta mefe da miiyvana dur-
rebma sakuTari gaerTianebebi Crdilo kav-
kasiaSi ax.w. VII s-is SuaxanebSi Seqmnes. Zukebi (durZukeTis mkvidrni ist.
mxare Crd. kavkasiaSi, Tanam. CeCne-
e. kvaWantiraZe
Ti da inguSeTi) da didoelebi (di-
doeTis mkvidrni ist. mxare Crd.
lekebi CrdiloeT kavkasia- kavkasiaSi, gamoeyo saqarTvelos
Si mcxovrebi daRestneli tomebis XVIII s-is II nax-Si, amJamad daRestnis
qarTuli saxelwodeba. arsebobs am teritoriazea) (l.m. 45; v.b. 64). sum-
xalxis ori jgufi: Rumuq-lekebi bat bivritianma (somexTa spaspeti
da kiur-lekebi. l. ixsenieba: leon- Zv.w. II s.) sZlia l-s, gandevna da da-
ti mroveli ,,cxovreba qarTvelTa xoca (l.m. 47). asfaguri (qarTlis
mefeTa~, ,,cxovreba mefeT-mefisa mefe III s-is dasasr. da IV s-is da-
daviTisi~ (q.c. I, 1955); ,,Zegli eris- sawy.) exmareba somexTa mefes kosa-
TavTa (1954); beri egnataSvili, ros (somxuri wyaroebis xosro an
,,axali qarTlis cxovreba meore xosrovi) sparselTa winaaRmdeg
teqsti (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti ba- brZolaSi l-Ta jariT (l.m. 59; v.b.
toniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa sa- 70). mirians (qarTlis mefe IV s. I nax.
qarTvelosa~ (q.c IV, 1973);farsadan qarTlis pirveli qristiani mefe)
gorgijaniZe ,,istoria (1926); sex- ganudgnen l. da xazarebis* mxare
nia CxeiZe ,,mefeTa cxovreba (1913); daiWires (l.m. 66). somxebma varaz-
papuna orbeliani ,,ambavni qarTli- baqars (qarTlis mefe IV s. 70-80)
sani (1981); Teimuraz bagrationi sTxoves l. gamoeyvana sparselebis
,,axali istoria (1983); oman xer- winaaRmdeg (l.m. 136; v.b. 96). daviT
xeuliZe ,,mefoba irakli meorisa aRmaSenebelma (saqarTvelos mefe
(1989); bagrat batoniSvili ,,axa- 1089-1125) amowyvita darubandeli
li moTxroba~ (1941); niko dadiani (q. darubandi-kaspiis zRvis sanapi-
,,qarTvelT cxovreba~ (1962); isto- roze, Tanam. Qq. derbenTi) l. (d.i.

344; v.b. 161-62). pimen salosma moaq- pinZa, axalqalaqi) sabaraTiano (sa-
cia l. qristes rjulze (v.b. 233). Tavado, Tavad baraTaSvilebis sam-
Temur-lengis (Suaazieli mxedarT- flobelo XV-XIX ss-Si), dmanisi
mTavari 1336-1405) Saqze laSqrobi- (samxreT saqarTvelos mniSvnelo-
sas l. mas miemxrnen (meore t. 454), vani politikur-ekonomikuri cen-
Semdeg Temur-lengis laSqarma da- tri), surami (daba qarTlSi), gori
arbia l. (Z.e. 359; v.b. 265). levans (ka- (erT-erTi uZvelesi qalaqi Sida
xeTis mefe 1518-74) ar emorCile- qarTlSi) (s.C. 40-41). vaxtang VI-is
bodnen l. man daimorCila isini, mi- asuli Tamari l-gan gamoqceuli
iyvana fifineTSi da yinuls azidi- ananurSi (sof. Mmd. Aaragvis xeobaSi,
nebda kavkasionidan (v.b. 575; n.d. XVIII s-Si qalaqi iyo) mivida. mefe ga-
140). Sah-Tamazi (Tamaz I, iranis Sahi emarTa mis saSvelad da gaaqcia l.
1524-76) Saqs miadga. Saqelebis nawi- (v.b. 505-06; s.C. 32-33). baqaris mefo-
li daxmarebis saTxovnelad l-Tan baSi (qarTlis mefe 1717-19) l. da-
wavida, nawili levanTan (f.g. 29). ecnen bolniss (daba samxreT saqar-
Sah-abasi (abas I, iranis Sahi 1587- TveloSi). maT winaaRmdeg baqarma
1629) moelaparaka l-s kaxeTis wina- biZamisi svimoni gagzavna samasi
aRmdeg (b.e. 401; v.b. 588). Teimuraz- mxedriT. l-ma daamarcxes is (v.b.
ma (Teimuraz I, kaxeTis mefe 1606-48, 496). baqari SeebrZola avlabridan
qarTl-kaxeTis mefe 1625-32) daar- (erT-erTi uZvelesi ubani Tbilis-
bia l., amitom isini mtrobdnen kaxe- Si) gamosul l-s da daaamarcxa (v.b.
lebs. l. miemxrnen didoelebs Tei- 501). imam-yuli xanis mefobaSi (da-
murazis winaaRmdeg brZolaSi, daa- viT II, kaxeTis mefe 1709-22) l. daes-
marcxes da gaaqcies is (b.e. 421; v.b. xnen kaxeTs da gaalekes (s.C. 32-33;
596). aleqsandre (aleqsandre III, n.d. 142; q.s.Z. 230). imam-yuli xanis
imereTis mefe 1639-60) ebrZoda le- gardacvalebis Semdeg l-ma daarbi-
van dadians l-is daxmarebiT (v.b. es TianeTi (daba ist. kaxeTSi, X_XI
890). Nnazarali-xanis mefobaSi (erek- ss-Si kaxeTis samTavros centri)
le I, qarTlis mefe 1688-1703) l. (v.b. 618). Ll-ma aaoxres daviT gare-
xSirad laSqrobdnen kaxeTSi (b.e. jis monasteri (samonastro komp-
441). vaxtangis mefobis dros (vax- leqsi kaxeTis teritoriaze, daars-
tang VI, qarTlis mefe 1716-24) l-ma da VI s-is II nax.-Si) (q.s.Z. 232). mah-
aaoxres saciciano (saTavado, Ta- mad-yuli xanma (konstantine II, kaxe-
vad ciciSvilebis samflobelo XIV Tis mefe 1722-32) l-is daqiravebu-
s. II naxevridan) TrialeTi (ist. li jariT aiRo Tbilisi (v.b. 503-04).
Pprovincia qvemo qarTlSi, Tanam. mahmad-yuli xanma yazaxis (ist.
walka), javaxeTi (ist. Pprovincia Mmxare qvemo qarTlSi) asaRebad gag-
samxreT saqarTveloSi, Tanam. as- zavna kaxelebi da l. gaayola (v.b.

620-22). mis dros l-ma daarbies ka- 43-44). givi amilaxvari (zemo qarT-
xeTi (v.b. 622; s.C. 30). aleqsandrem lis sadroSos sardali, goris mou-
(aleqsandre V, imereTis mefe 1720- ravi 1689-1754) ibrZoda l-is wina-
41, 1741-46, 1749-52) l-is jari Seu- aRmdeg (s.C. 42-43). is aoxrebda
sia Tavis mowinaaRmdeges otia da- qarTls l-is daxmarebiT (v.b. 520;
dians (p.o. 47; n.d. 176). l-is jarma p.o. 60-61, 65-68). givi amilaxvari da
malaCis sardlobiT aaoxra qarT- erekle (erekle II, kaxeTis mefe
li, daarbia surami (p.o. 72,74,76,79; 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis mefe 1762-
o.x. 44-45). 1734 osmalebma aaoxres 98) erTmaneTTan dapirispirebisas
sabaraTiano, l-is daxmarebiT (o.x. iyeneben l-is jars (o.x. 43). 1735
39). qaixosro yaflaniSvili ebrZo- pirvelad, 15 wlis asakSi erekle II-m
da l-s, romlebic avWalis cixeSi usardla l-is winaaRmdeg brZolas
(Tbilisis gareubani, aq 1734 aSenda da gaimarjva (o.x. 40). axalcixis fa-
cixe da koSkebi lekebisagan Tavda- Sa usuf-faSa qarTlze salaSqrod
sacavad) Sexiznuliyvnen (s.C. 46). l. iyenebda l-s (p.o. 77-80; o.x. 45). ab-
Tavs daesxnen givi ciciSvilis ma- dula begi (arCili, qarTlis mefis
muls (p.o. 239). Semaxielebma l-is aliyuli-xanis (1714-16) Ze, samefo
daxmarebiT moiyvanes mmarTvelad taxtis pretendenti) erekle II-is
SahsulTan useini. amis gamgone na- winaaRmdeg iyenebda l-is razmebs
dir-Sahma (iranis Sahi 1736-47) gag- (o.x. 47). Teimurazis (Teimuraz II,
zavna Tavisi Ze didi jariT. mas Sex- qarTlis mefe 1744-62) dros l-ma
vdnen l.mde. mtkvarTan. l. damar- daarbies avWala da martyofi (sof.
cxdnen (v.b. 631). l. aoxrebdnen ka- ist. kaxeTis teritoriaze, kaxeTis
xeTs qiziyis mouravis revaz ami- mefeTa erT-erTi rezidencia). me-
laxvaris dros. maT mokles revazis fem gamoiyvana kaxTa jari, daewia
Svili erasti (v.b. 511; s.C. 41-42). l-s danRisSi (adgili mdinareebis
l-ma mokles zaza avaliSvili, re- iorisa da alaznis SesayarTan) da
vaz yaflaniSvili, elisenis moura- daamarcxa (T.b. 46-47). aji-Calabis
vi merabi (v.b. 615). osmalTa sarda- (Saqis pirveli xani, 1743-55) vaJi
li usuf-faSa ebrZoda l-s muxran- aRa-qiSi wavida qarTlis winaaRm-
Si (ist. regioni qarTlSi, XVI s-dan deg l-is jariT (T.b. 49; p.o. 200-01;
qarTlis bagrationTa saTavado), o.x. 54). 1754 omar xani (xunZaxis
nadarbazevSi (sof. qarTlSi, qarT- mmarTveli XVIII s. Sua ww.) mWadij-
vel mefeTa sazafxulo reziden- vars (sof. qarTlSi, Tanam. duSeTis
cia), niCbisTan (sof. qarTlSi, mcxe- regioni) miadga l-is jariT. Teimu-
Tis maxloblad) (v.b. 511-12). SanSe raz II-is da erekle II-is laSqarma
qsnis erisTavi l-is daxmarebiT daamarcxa is da mravali l. dauxo-
aoxrebda qarTls (v.b. 516-17; p.o. ca.** (T.b. 49; p.o. 216-17; o.x. 55-56).

omar-xanma qarTl-kaxeTi dalaSqra RarTis-karTan daesxa xuTasamde
l-is jariT (o.x. 72-73; T.b. 67). xun- l. qeTevanis samasma mxlebelma daa-
Zaxis batoni nursal-begi l-is ja- marcxa isini (T. b. 56-57). 1770 w.
riT daeca bodbes (sof. kaxeTSi) erekle II da totlebeni (ruseTis
(T.b. 55). Teimuraz II-is da erekle II- armiis general-maiori, 1715-73) os-
is mefobaSi l. gamudmebiT laSq- malTa winaaRmdeg ibrZodnen. os-
robdnen qarTl-kaxeTSi (moarbies malTa mxareze iyvnen l. (o.x. 60-62).
ruispiri, mokles muxranis batoni 1812 w. erekle II-is vaJma aleqsand-
konstantine, daarbies jugaani, te- rem rusebis winaaRmdeg brZolaSi
zeri, axmeta, borCalo, TuSeTi, gamoiyena l-Ta 8 aTasiani jari (b.b.
axalcixe, rusTavi, saguramo, no- 130-31), Semdeg mivida aleqsandres
rio, cxinvali, qareli (geogr. punq- dasaxmareblad ali skanti sami aTa-
tebi qarTlsa da kaxeTSi), magram si l-iT (T.b. 85). generalma ermo-
TiTqmis yovelTvis damarcxebulni lovma (aleqsi ermolovi, 1777-1861,
rCebodnen (T.b. 50-53, 57, 59, 61, 62, ruseTis armiis generali, kavkasiis
65-66, 68; p.o. 74-81, 97-101, 107-112, korpusis meTauri) gadawva l-is
115-18, 126-130, 182, 188-89, 209-10, ramdenime sofeli. l. SeebrZolnen
234-35, 240-41,; o.x. 57, 59-60, 67-68). da daamarcxes rusebi (T. b. 88).
1757 w. agvistoSi l-is laSqari See-
*am periodSi xazarTa moxsenieba qarTul we-
sia imereTs (das. saqarTvelos ist.- rilobiT wyaroebSi anaqronizmia. xazarebma
geogr. Mmxare) (mc. qr. 75). 1759 l-is sakuTari gaerTianebebi Crdilo kavkasiaSi
mxolod ax. w. VII s-is SuaxanebSi Seqmnes.
jari koxta beladisa da ConCol- **Teimuraz batoniSvili mWadijvarTan
musas meTaurobiT Seesia saqarTve- brZolaSi qarTvelTa mowinaaRmdeged aras-
worad asaxelebs nursal-begs.
los, magram damarcxdnen (T.b. 51;
e. kvaWantiraZe
o.x. 57). solomon I-ma (imereTis mefe
1752-84) l-is. jaris daxmarebiT da-
amarcxa rostom raWis erisTavi
(T.b. 55). 1768 w. qaixosro abaSiZem lekeTi istoriuli qveyana
(imereTis samefos politikuri CrdiloeT kavkasiaSi. l. ixsenieba:
moRvawe, solomon I-is biZa) orjer leonti mroveli ,,cxovreba qarT-
ilaSqra imereTSi l-is jariT so- velTa mefeTa~, ,,matiane qarTli-
lomon I-is winaaRmdeg (b.b. 55). so- sa~ (q.c. I, 1955); ,,Zegli erisTavTa
lomon II (imereTis mefe 1789-1810) (1954); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwe-
gaipara Tbilisidan, Cavida axalci- ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV,
xeSi (qalaqi samxreT saqarTvelo- 1973).
Si), daiqirava l-Ta jari da wavida l-Si ver Sevida sparsTa mefe qe-
imereTisken (n.d. 201-02). erekle II kaposi, radgan erTma grZneulma da-
erevanze laSqrobebSi iyenebda l-s abrmava is da misi jari (l.m. 14; v.b.
(o.x. 69). erekle II-is rZals qeTevans 52). xazarTa xakanis spasalari blu-

Cani l-is gziT Sevida kaxeTSi (m.q. imyofeboda. xazina unda moxmare-
249; v.b. 127). Temur-lengis (Suaazi- boda nadir Sahis (iranis Sahi 1736-
eli mxedarTmTavari 1336-1405) laS- 47) winaaRmdeg ajanyebuli (TviT-
qari Sevida l-Si da daarbia (Z.e. 265). marqvia) ufliswulis gamarjvebas.
e. kvaWantiraZe lek-osmalTa jari qarTlSi Semo-
vida, Caiares orbelianTa (qarTlis
didi Tavadebi) mamulze, gavidnen
leonti `winamZRuari somxe- md. mtkvars, mividnen md. alaznis
Tisa~. V s-is moRvawe l. ixsenieba: piras, sadac daxvdnen lekebi, ro-
arsen safareli `ganyofisTs qar- melTac xazina gadaabares (p. o. 71).
TvelTa da somexTa~ (1980). batoniSvilma ereklem (erekle II,
sahakma da maStocma Tavis yvela kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxe-
mowafesTan erTad, romelTa Sori- Tis 1762-98) Seipyro nadir-Sahis
sac iyvnen `winamZRuarni somxiTisa~, winaaRmdeg ajanyebuli ufliswu-
netarni l. da iosebi, Targmnes pir- li da SahTan waiyvana. amiT isargeb-
veli qristianuli wignebi (a.s. 86). la m. beladma, malulad Semovida,
T. qoriZe aaoxra da gaZarcva orbelianTa ma-
muli (p. o. 74). osmaleTis didmoxe-
lem, 1744 axalcixis faSas qarTlis
malaCi lekTa beladi (XVIII s. dakaveba ubrZana da lekTa jaris
I nax.) m. ixsenieba: papuna orbelia- daqiraveba daavala. amisaTvis os-
ni `ambavni qarTlisani~ (1981); oman maleTidan didZali xazina gamoag-
xerxeuliZe `mefoba irakli meori- zavnes... osmalebi mividnen ruisSi
sa~ (1989). (sof. Sida qarTlis vakeze). aq faSam
m. iranelTa winaaRmdeg ajan- 1000(2000) kaci airCia, maT uTava m.
yebuli (1742-45) givi amilaxvris beladi, `gaatana xazina uricxvi~
(zemo qarTlis sadroSos sardali daRestanSi Casatanad. rodesac es
da goris mouravi) mxares ibrZoda. ambavi saguramoSi mdgarma batoniS-
amilaxvarma m-s aaoxrebina bolni- vilma ereklem Seityo, yizilbaSebi
si (daba qvemo qarTlSi), sof. dma- moixmara, md. aragvis piras Tavs da-
nisi, sabaraTiano (saTavado qvemo esxa lek-osmalTa jars da gaanad-
qarTlSi). lekebma aiRes wveris ci- gura (p. o 79; o. x. 44-45). am brZolaSi
xec (Sida qarTli). didZali qoneba ereklem mokla m., im drois yvelaze
waiRes da tyveebi waasxes (p. o. 66). warCinebuli daRestneli beladi,
yarsSi mivida osmalTa didmoxele, romelsac mTeli daRestani emor-
man faSas gamoatana didZali xazi- Cileboda (o. x. 45).
na, gamoiyola lekTa beladi m., ro-
q. nadiraZe
melic imJamad axalcixis faSasTan

mamad-xani kakis sulTani daedevna maT, taSirze (mxare Sua
(XVIII s-is Sua xanebi) m.x. ixsenieba: saukuneebis aRm. saqarTveloSi,
papuna orbeliani `ambavni qarTli- qvemo qarTlis ganapira olqi) dae-
sani~ (1981). wia, bevri daxoca da bevric tyved
m.x. Warel qedxudebTan erTad Caigdo. daxocilTa Tavebi da tyve-
(1750) TbilisSi Camovida, Teimu- ebi Teimurazs miarTva. Teimurazma
razs (Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe es nadir-Sahs acnoba. m.x-ma Sahisgan
1744-62) da erekles (erekle II, ka- wyaloba miiRo. imave wels, arfaCa-
xeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis is (md. somxeTsa da azerbaijanSi,
1762-98) Serigeba sTxova da morCi- araqsis marcxena Senakadi) brZo-
leba aRuTqva (p.o. 174). azat-xan- lis win, m.x-ma lekis jariT yazaxi
ma (samxr. azerbaijanis mflobeli, gaiara da yarss miadga (p.o. 98-99).
1747-62) erevnis asaRebad gaagzav- samSvildeSi myofma m.x.-ma (1747)
na jari m.x-is sardlobiT (p.o. 183). adil-Sahisagan (iranis Sahi 1747-48)
m.x-ma erevanSi Casul ereklesTan ganjis xanobis rayami miiRo, Cavida
pirispir Sebma ver gabeda da mar-
ganjas, magram amir-aslan-xan spa-
biel laSqrobebs awyobda. ereklem
salarma ar daaneba (p.o. 134).
iqauroba moaoxra da m.x-is momxre-
ebic daatyveva (p.o. 185). g. oTxmezuri

g. oTxmezuri
mamad-xani erevnis xani (qar-
Tuli wyaros mamad-xani, vfiqrobT
mamad-xani - lores sulTani unda iyos mexdi yuli-xani, 1804-06).
(XVIII s. Sua xanebi). m.x. ixsenieba: pa- m. x. ixsenieba: bagrat batoniSvili
puna orbeliani `ambavni qarTlisa- `axali moTxroba~ (1941).
ni~ (1981). 1805 cicianovma (rusi generali
Sahis (nadir-Sahi, iranis Sahi pavle cicianovi, saqarTvelos mTa-
1736-47) brZanebiT (1744) dmanisSi varmarTebeli 1802-1806) m.x-s SeuT-
(sof. qarTlSi) Casul Teimurazs vala erevnis cixe gadaeca, raTa iq
(Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe 1744-62) rusis jari Camdgariyo. m.x-ma dax-
Tan axldnen abdula begi (qarTlis mareba baba-xans (iranis Sahi 1797-
mefis ieses Ze. iese mefobda 1714- 1834, taxtze ijda faThali-xanis
16, 1723-27), m.x. da qarTvelebi (p.o. saxeliT) sTxova. Sahma xans 100 000
89). m.x. nadir-Sahis brZanebiT (1745) jariskaci gamougzavna. miuxedavad
bambakSi (mxare istoriul samxreT didi brZolisa erevani rusebma ver
saqarTveloSi) idga. urumTa (Tur- aiRes (b.b. 89).
qebi) da lekTa lore aaoxres. m.x.
q. nadiraZe

manuCe anisis mflobeli XI mariams Txovna, misca Tavisi asuli
s-is 60-ian wlebSi. Mm. ixsenieba; ,,ma- elene bagratisTvis colad, oqros
tiane qarTlisa~ (q.c. 1, 1955). xati da saunje mravali mziTvad. m-s
alf-arslanma (muhamed ibn da- bagrati taoSi daxvda. dedam Svils
ud, seljukTa sulTani 1063-72) bi- kurapalatobis tituli `miarTva~.
zantielebs waarTva anisi da gadas- bagrati eleneze daqorwinda ba-
ca m-s, abulasvaris Zes (m.q. 307). nas (m.q. 295; v. b. 144). anelebma qa-
e. kvaWantiraZe laqi anisi m-s samarTavad gadasces
(m. q. 299). saqarTvelo bizantias
Soris garTulebuli mdgomareo-
mariami saqarTvelos mefee- bis gamo bagrati dedasTan erTad
bis: giorgi I-is (1014-27) meuRle da isev gaemgzavra konstantinopol-
bagrat IV-is (1027-72) deda. vaspu- Si (1054), konstantine monomaxTan
rakanis (somxeTi) mefis, senaqerem (1034-68) mosalaparakeblad. m. da
II arwrunis asuli. m. ixsenieba: `ma- bagrati iq Sexvdnen giorgi mTaw-
tiane qarTlisa~, sumbat daviTis Ze mindels, (cnobili qarTveli sasu-
`cxovreba da uwyeba bagratonianTa lieri moRvawe ierusalimis aTonis
(q. c. I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili iverTa monasterSi) ramac maT didi
`aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. sixaruli mohgvara. m. daemowafa gi-
c. IV, 1973); giorgi mcire `cxovreba orgis da ikurTxa mis mier `sqemiT~
giorgi mTawmindelisa~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., II, (monoznad). m-s antioqiaSi gamgzav-
1967); kumurdos eklesiis Stois (mi- rebis survili hqonda, magram gi-
naSenis) saamSeneblo warwera (v. si- orgi mTawmindelis rCeviT gadai-
logava, kumurdo taZris epigra- fiqra. m-ma giorgis didZali qoneba
fika, 1994); aTonis monastris aRapi gaatana ierusalimSi glaxakTa da
(e. metreveli, aTonis qarTvelTa davrdomilTa gasakiTxavad (gior-
monastris saaRape wigni, 1998). v. b. gi mcire, 101-107). m. dedoflisa da
m-s moixseniebs elened. bagrat IV-is meoxebiT konstantine
bagratma (1031) bizantiaSi di- monomaxma aTonis qarTvelTa mo-
di elCoba gaagzavna, m. dedoflis nasters yovelwliuri saboZvari
winamZRolobiT. dedofali Seimo- gauCina da gaaTavisufla gadasaxa-
sa mxneobiT da wavida konstanti- disagan (`dimosi~). am damsaxurebi-
nopolSi imp. romanozTan (1028-34) saTvis monastris krebulma m. de-
mSvidobisa da erTobis Camosagde- dofals TxuTmet agvistos aRapi
bad, Tavisi vaJisaTvis kurapalato- dauwera (saaRape wigni, #100, 161).
bis pativis mosapoveblad da misT- m. SvilTan erTad ixsenieba kumur-
vis Sesaferisi colis mosayvanad (s. dos minaSenis saamSeneblo warwe-
d. 386; m. q. 294). keisarma aRusrula raSi: `adiden RmerTman bagrat me-

fe da dedaY maTi mariam dedofali; mahmad-xani Saqis xani (XVIII
aReSena StoY ese mefobisa maTsa, s.). m.x. ixsenieba: papuna orbelia-
mRvdelTmoZRurobasa zosime ku- ni `ambavni qarTlisani~ (1981); oman
murdoelisasa~ (kumurdo taZris xerxeuliZe `mefoba irakli meori-
epigrafika, #17, 59-61). samSvildis sa~ (1989).
tbaze mdgom bagrats muclis sal- m. x-ma iranis Sahi nadiri (1736-
moba Seeyara. man ojaxis wevrebs ux- 47) RalatiT mokla (p.o. 160). adri-
mo da dedas ukanasknelad mimarTa: bejanis (azerbaijanis) mxares gaZ-
`dedao, mewyali Sen...~ (s. d. 314). lierebuli m.x. mraval qveyanas aox-
rebda, ris Sesaxebac 1749 erevne-
q. nadiraZe lebma mosweres mefe erekles (erek-
le II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62) da mefe
Teimurazs (Teimuraz II, qarTlis
maStoci sahak somexTa ka- mefe 1744-62) da daxmareba sTxoves
Tolikosis (387-438) Tanamedrove mis winaaRmdeg (o.x., 48). m.x-ma erev-
da TanamebrZoli kulturul-re- nis xanis Zma Seipyro, misi col-Svi-
ligiur asparezze (daaxl. 353-439). li aiklo, erevnis cixis garSemo
somxuri wyaroebis erTi nawili m-s mdebare qveyana daikava da Tavad
miawers somxuri anbanis reformas, cixis aRebasac Seecada. m.x. daemuq-
meore mis mTlianad Seqmnas, xolo ra mefeebs Teimurazsa da erekles,
mesame somxurTan erTad qarTuli romelTac erevnis xanis daxmare-
da albanuri damwerlobis SemuSa- ba gadawyvites (p.o. 160). rodesac
vebasac. Aarsen safarelis mixedviT, m.x-ma mefe erekles jariT erevan-
m. iyo grigol ganmanaTleblis Svi- Si Casvlis Sesaxeb gaigo, mTeli
liSvili, Tumca z. aleqsiZis azriT, Tavisi jariT win miegeba da Seeba.
es cnoba ar dasturdeba. m. ixsenie- erevnis cixesTan gamarTul sastik
ba: arsen safareli, `ganyofisaTs brZolaSi qarTvelebma m.x. daamar-
qarTvelTa da somexTa~ (1980). cxes m.x. da gaaqcies (p.o. 161; o.x. 48)
m. da sahaki (somexTa kaToliko- gaqceuli yarabaRSi Cavida, sadac
si) iyvnen grigolis (arsen safare- mis mier gamagrebul xargvirabis
li gulisxmobs somexTa ganmanaT- cixeSi misi col-Svili imyofeboda
lebel grigol parTels) SviliSvi- (o.x., 48). m.x. ise gaaqcies, rom Tavis
lebi. maT mowafeebTan erTad, Tar- cixeSi, iq sadac misi col-Svili im-
gmnes pirveli qristianuli wignebi yofeboda, Sesvla ver SeZlo (p.o.,
(a.s., 86). 162). mefe erekle daedevna da aiRo
m.x-is cixe, aiklo misi col-Svili,
T. qoriZe
iavar-hyo saqoneli da gaaTavisuf-
la m.x-is mier datyvevebuli erev-
nis xanis Zma (p.o. 162). mefe ereklem

xargvirabis cixe aiRo, m-x-is col- mahmad-xani da yulamali ixsenieba sava-
raudod, mxolod qarTul wyaroSi, radgan
Svili gamoiyvana, mTeli misi xazina azerbaijanul da somxur lit-Si 1780-iani
wamoiRo da erevans mivida (o.x. 48) wlebidan 1796 wlamde miTiTebulia: ucnobi
mefe Teimurazma m.x-is kuTvnili
meore cixe aiRo (p.o. 162). fana-xan- q. nadiraZe

ma (yarabaRis // SuSis xani 1747-63) mikirtum takuevi somexi

Serigebis sanacvlod Teimurazsa da mewarme (XVIII s. 70-iani ww.). m.t. ix-
erekles m-x-is datyvevebuli col- senieba istoriul dokumentebSi
Svili da yazaxis qveyana mosTxova ( , 1881). 1777
(p.o. 163). mefeebma Teimurazma da wlis sabuTSi mefe erekle (erekle
ereklem fana-xans ubrZanes, rom II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-ka-
radgan m.x. erevneli iyo, mis col- xeTis mefe 1762-98) madlobas uxdis
Svils erevnis xans gadascemdnen m.t-s saqarTvelosTvis gaweuli
(p.o. 164). ereklem da Teimurazma m.x- daxmarebisTvis, spilenZis qarxnis
is datyvevebuli col-Svili erev- gaxsnisTvis. mefe avalebs mas ga-
nis xans jafars gadasces (p.o. 164). mocdili xelosnebis Camoyvanas sa-
badoebis da Rumelebis amoqmedebi-
saTvis (..., 24).
e. kvaWantiraZe
mahmad-xani* erevnis xani,
savaraudod 1783 wlidan. m. x. ixse-
nieba: Teimuraz bagrationi `axali movakani kavkasiis albane-
istoria~ (1983). Tis teritoria (ix. st. rani), dR.
erevnelebma mokles xani yula- azerbaijanis respub. m-is istori-
mali. ereklem (erekle II, qarTl- uli sazRvrebi: aRmosavleTiT kas-
kaxeTis mefe 1762-98), Seqmnili vi- piis zRva, samxreTiT md. mtkvari,
Tarebidan gamomdinare erevanSi CrdiloeTiT kavkasioni, dasavle-
mosalaparakeblad Tavisi mdivani TiT md. mcire da didi alaznis Se-
gurgina enakolofaSvili gaagzav- sarTavidan vidre md. mtkvramde (v.
na. molaparakebis Semdeg ereklem b. 48). X s. arabi avtori masudi Sir-
xanad usein-ali-xanis (daax. 1750- vanze saubrisas axsenebs mukanis sa-
82) Ze m.x. daadgina. 1783 naxCevani mefos, romelic X s. dasawyisSi Sir-
aujanyda qalbali xans da gaaZeva. vanis samefom SeierTa. samecniero
igi TxovniT mivida m. x-sTan. m. x. Se- lit. mukani gaigivebulia qarTuli
evedra erekle mefes. ereklem nax- wyaroebis movakanTan (v. minors-
Cevanze gailaSqra da Taza qalba- ki). m. ixsenieba: leonti mroveli
lis xanoba aRudgina (T. b. 59). `cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa~, `ni-
nos mier qarTlis moqceva~, juanSe-

ri `cxovreba vaxtang gorgaslisa~ s. 20-30-iani) winaaRmdeg wamovida
(q. c. I, 1955); JamTaaRmwereli (q. c. sparsTa mefis moxele, romelic
II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwe- erisTavobda ransa da m-s. arCil-
ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. c. IV, ma gaimarjva (j. 140). Semdeg arCi-
1973). li xSirad arbevda m-s (v.b. 98, 99).
bibliur Targamoss (kavkasiis qarTlis mefe mirdat arCilis Ze
xalxTa eTnarqi), romelic daemk- (V s. 30-50-iani) Seupovrad ebrZoda
vidra `araratsa da masissa~ (ara- sparseTs. man ramdenjerme moarbia
ratis mTa) mTaTa Soris, hyavda rva m. (l. m. 141). osebma dalaSqres m. (V
Svili. maT Soris movakani. rodesac s. me-2 nax.), (j. 146). vaxtang gorga-
Svilebs Targamosma gauyo miwebi*., sals (qarTlis mefe V s. 40-iani V
m-s misca `mtkvarisa CrdiloT, mci- s. bolomde) saberZneTis (bizantia)
risa alaznisa SesarTaviTgan vid- winaaRmdeg laSqrobaSi exmareba
re zRuamde~ e. i. mtkvris marcxena dedis Zma, ranis erisTavi (pitiaxSi)
sanapiro kaspiis zRvamde, sadac varaz-bakuri: ranis, m-isa da adar-
aaSena q. movakneTi da iq damkvidr- badaganis jariT (j. 149). varsqen pi-
da (l. m. 4, 5, 7). md. mtkvari gaivlis tiaxSis (qvemo qarTlis gamgebeli,
m-s, md. mtkvars erTvis m-is mdina- vaxtang gorgasalma moakvlevina
reebi (v. b. 305-306, 309). xazarTa** 482) daRupvis Semdeg sparseTis me-
mefem kavkasiis dalaSqvris Semdeg, fem (igulisxmeba Sahi perozi 459-
Tavis mamis Zmiswuls misca m. (l. m 84) ransa da m-s mmarTvelad gamoag-
12). rodesac sparseTis mefem `qas- zavna darel da ubrZana raTa `keTi-
re anuSirvan sasanianma~*** Tavisi lad megobrobdes qarTvelTa~ (j.
vaJi mihrani (miriani) daaqorwina 216-17). sparseTis mefem urmizdma
qarTlis mefis asfaguris asulze, (sparseTis Sahi hormizd IV, 579-90)
mas sagamgeblod gadasca m. (l. m. m-i misca Tavis Zes qasre ambarvezs
64). `qasrem~ m-Si datova sparselTa (iranis Sahi xosro II farvizi 591-
jari (l. m. 65). qarTlis mefe miri- 628), (j. 217; v.b. 118). romguaris qve-
ani (mihrania IV s. I nax.) warmatebiT yanas marTavda oTxi noini. am qve-
mefobda qarTls, m-s... (l. m. 65, 67, yanaSi Sedioda: xorasani (ist. ol-
70; v. b. 71). rodesac lekebi ganudg- qi iranis Crd. aRm. nawilSi), erayi,
nen mirians, mis winaaRmdeg xazarebi saqarTvelo, bardavi, Sirvani, m...
daixmares. miriani maT SeebrZola (J. 223; v. b. 258). movida berqa yaeni
movakans da gaimarjva (l. m. 66). qar- (oqros urdos yaeni 1255-66) da moa-
Tlis mefem varaz-bakurma (IV s. 70- oxra m-i (1266), (v. b. 223). giorgi (gi-
80-iani) sparseTs zavis sanacvlod orgi V, saqarTvelos mefe 1318-46)
dauTmo m. (l. m. 136; v. b. 96). qarT- Sevida m-Si da xarki daado (v. b. 256,
lis mefis arCil mirdatis Zis (V 259, 260). aleqsandrem (aleqsandre I

didi, saqarTvelos mefe 1412-42) m-i da ar dalevda maT Termons (wya-
moxarked gaixada (v.b. 280). li)* (a.s. 89). kaTolikosma m. e-ma da
irans daqvemdebarebulma somxeTis
samecniero lit. aRniSnulia, rom aq eTnar- episkoposebma ar Seiwynares bizan-
qebis wilis saxiT, samxreTi da centraluri
kavkasiis ZiriTadi politikur-administra-
tias daqvemdebarebuli somxeTis
ciuli erTeulebia SemosazRvruli (ix. le- is episkoposebi, maT Soris taronis
onti mroveli, Sesavali nawili, q.c. I, 1955).
episkoposi, romlebic bizantiidan
am periodSi xazarTa moxsenieba qarTul
werilobiT wyaroebSi anaqronizmia. xaza- dabrundnen, sadac kidev erTxel
rebma sakuTari gaerTianebebi CrdiloeT aRiares qalkedonis krebis gadawy-
kavkasiaSi mxolod ax. w. VII s-is SuaxanebSi
Seqmnes (ix. st. xazarebi). vetilebebi, qristes ori buneba da
*** sarwmunoebrivi erTobis ficze mo-
qasre anuSirvan sasanianis (sasianianTa
dinastiis damaarsebeli ardaSir I, taxt- aweres xeli (a.s., 89). kaTolikosma
ze ijda 226-41) wyaroSi xseneba samec. lit.
anaqronizmad miaCniaT. m. e-ma iohane kaTolikosis (somxe-
q. nadiraZe
Tis berZnuli nawilis kaTolikosi)
morCili mRvdlebi gaaZeva somxe-
Tidan, romelTagan zogi taoSi wa-
mose elivardeli somexTa vida, zogic saberZneTSi (a.s. 90).
kaTolikosi (574-604), monofiziti.
m. e. ixsenieba: arsen safareli, `gan- * mose somexTa kaTolikosi aq gulisxmobs
ziarebis saidumlos aRsrulebis diofizi-
yofisTs qarTvelTa da somexTa~ tur wess. Aamitom igi safuariani purisa da
wyalgareuli Rvinis aRsaniSnavad berZnul
(1980). terminebs `furnidi~ puri da `Termoni~
bizantiis imperatorma mavri- wyali iyenebs (a.s., 190).

kiosma (582-602) ubrZana somxeTis T. qoriZe

kaTolikoss m. e-s da episkoposebs,
rom Casuliyvnen konstantino-
pols, raTa kvlav emsjelaT (igu- mose episkoposi VII s-is
lisxmeba sarwmunoebrivi sakiTxe- I naxevris moRvawe, monofiziti,
bi) da gaerkviaT simarTle. kaTo- curtavis (qvemo qarTli) episko-
likosi Mm.e. ar daemorCila da moci- posi. qarTlis kaTolikos kirion
qulis piriT SeuTvala, rom igi ar I-is (599-614/616) mier saepiskoposo
gadacdeboda md. azats (igive md. taxtidan gadayenebuli m. e. gaiqca
arni, araqsis Senakadi q. dvinTan), somxeTSi, rasac mohyva qarTvel da
romelic aris sazRvari sparseTi- somex mRvdelmTavrebs Soris mimo-
sa (md. azatze gadioda sazRvari wera da riTac formalurad daiwyo
somxeTis berZnul (qalkedonur) da somex-qarTvelTa saeklesio gan-
sparsul (monofizitur) nawilebs xeTqileba. m.e. ixsenieba: arsen sa-
Soris 591 wlis dayofis Semdeg), ar fareli, `ganyofisTs qarTvelTa
SeWamda berZenTa furnids (puri) da somexTa~ (1980.).

qarTlis kaTolikosma krionma Tlis mefe 1744-62) mier aRaqiSi-
gandevna m.e. curtavisa misi sayd- sa (Saqis xanis aji-Celebi yurban
ridan, `romeli daedgina wmidasa oRlus (1743-55) Svili) da Saverdi-
SuSaniks nawilsa Tana somxiTisasa~ xanis (ganjis xani) damarcxebis Sem-
(a.s. 82)*. deg, am ukanasknelTa mokavSire m.x.
erevanSi gaiqca (p.o. 203). m.x. (1756)
* l. janaSias azriT, arsen safarels da qar- kvlav borCalos xania da Teimuraz-
Tuli eklesiis garkveul nawils miaCndaT,
rom curtavis saepiskoposo daarsebuli sa da erekles emorCileba (p.o. 243).
iyo SuSanikis mier, albaT, somxur enaze
mRvdelmsaxurebis SemoRebasTan erTad (ix. g. oTxmezuri
l. janaSia, `arsen safarelis erTi adgilis
gagebisaTvis~. Kr. Ziebani saqarTvelosa da
kavkasiis istoriidan, Tb., 1976, gv., 131).
musa-yuli xani // musa xani
T. qoriZe borCalos xani (1752-55).
m.y. x. ixsenieba: papuna orbeli-
ani `ambavni qarTlisani~ (1981).
musa-begi yazaxis sultani m.y. x. iyo qalbi-usein xanis Ze
(XVIII s. Sua xanebi). m. ixsenieba: papu- (p.o. 188-189). m.y. x-s uboZes borCa-
na orbeliani - `ambavni qarTlisani~ los xanoba, imis gamo, rom azat xa-
(1981). nis (samxreT azerbaijanis mflobe-
erekles (erekle II, kaxeTis me- li) damarcxebaSi didi wvlili Sei-
fe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis 1962-98) tana da mefe erekles moewona misi
brZanebiT, m. baidarisa da yazax- mxneoba (p.o. 188-189). m.y. x., Zveli
borCalos qeTxudebTan erTad Tbi- borCalus xani, SemorCa qalaqs da
lisSi Camoiyvanes abdula-begis mxari ar dauWira aji-Calabs (Saqis
(ieses Ze, iese qarTlis mefe 1714- pirveli xani), mas borCalos xano-
ba uboZes da aRjayalas gaistumres
16, 1724-27) winaaRmdeg sabrZolve-
(p.o. 202-203). m.y. x. da baidris sul-
lad (p.o. 135).
Tani, rogorc damnaSaveni da or-
g. oTxmezuri
gulni, gaiqcnen da erevnis qveyana-
Si mividnen (p. o. 203). mefeni (Teimu-
raz II, qarTlis mefe 1744-62; erekle
musa-xani borCalos xani
II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62) borCalos
(XVIII s. Sua xanebi). m.x. ixsenieba: pa-
mividnen da mefeebma, m.y. x-s borCa-
puna orbeliani `ambavni qarTli- los xanoba isev uboZes da aRjaya-
sani~ (1981). lis cixeSi (cixe-simagre qvemo qar-
ereklesa (erekle II, kaxeTis me- Tlis istoriul provincia gaCian-
fe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis 1762-98) Si, dRev. marneulis r-ni) daayenes
da Teimurazis (Teimuraz II qar- (p.o. 237). yarsis faSam mefe erekles

amcno, rom misma elebma (TaTrebma) da (v.b. 515, 627; s.C. 48-9). 1744 nadir-
yarsi waaxdines da samarTlianobis Sahi gabrunda yarsidan (uZvelesi
aRdgena sTxova. gabrazebulma me- qalaqi, qarTuli wyaroebis kari,
fe ereklem elebis mier yarsidan amJamad TurqeTis teritoriazea)
wamosxmuli saqoneli yarsis faSas da m-Si mivida (o.x. 46). krwanisis
gaugzavna, Tavad elebi ki soRan- (sof. TbilisTan, amJamad Tbilisis
luRidan ayara, m.y. x win waumZRvara erT-erTi ubani) brZolaSi (1795)
da aRjayalas daayena (p.o. .243). gamarjvebis Semdeg aRa-mahmad-xani
T. qoriZe (iranis Sahi 1796-97) gadavida m-Si,
Semdeg xorasanSi (ist. olqi Sua aR-
mosavleTSi) wavida (T.b. 65).
muRani istoriuli mxare
e. kvaWantiraZe
azerbaijanSi. Mm. ixsenieba: JamTa-
aRmwereli (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti ba-
toniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa saqar-
nalbegi borCalos sarqada-
Tvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); oman xerxe-
ri (XVIII s. 40-iani) n. ixsenieba: papu-
uliZe ,,mefoba irakli meorisa
na orbeliani `ambavni qarTlisa-
(1989); Teimuraz bagrationi ,,axali
ni~ (1981).
istoria (1983).
n. (1741) Tavisi jariT Cavida
monRolebi mividnen m-Si da da-
axalcixeSi da axalcixis faSas ga-
iwyes saqarTvelos aoxreba (J. 186).
dasca iranis Sahis rayami, SanSe eris-
daviTi (daviT VII, saqarTvelos mefe
Tavis (qsnis erisTavi, XVIII s-is miw.
1246-70) wavida monRolTa yaenTan
1753) daWeris TxovniT (p. o. 50-51).
m-Si, romelic iyo monRolTa sa-
g. oTxmezuri
zamTro rezidencia (J. 237). qeiRa-
Tu (monRolTa yaeni 1291-95) wavida
rumis ajanyebis Casaqrobad, Tan wa- naxWevanelni qalaq naxiCe-
iyvana daviTi (daviT VIII, saqarTve- vanis (istoriul mxare) mosaxleo-
los mefe 1293-1311) da m-Si datova ba. n. ixsenieba: `istoriani da azma-
xutlubuRa (sadun mankaberdelis ni SaravandedTani~; JamTaaRmwere-
monRolTa mier dawinaurebuli li (q.c, II. 1959); Teimuraz bagrati-
saqarTvelos politikuri moRvawe oni `axali istoria~ (1983).
Ze) da sxva qarTveli mTavrebi (J. mefe Tamaris (saqarTvelos me-
296). Tamaz xanma gaimarjva TaTar- fe, 1184-1207/10) dros n. xarks (xa-
xanze, mivida m-Si. aq man ixmo Tavi- rajas) uxdidnen saqarTvelos (i-a.,
si samxreT kavkasieli xelqveiTebi, 100); garnisTan brZolisas (1225)
Tavi iranis Sahad gamoacxada da na- tyved Cavardnili Salva axalcixe-
dir Sahad (iranis Sahi 1736-47) iwo- li icnes n-ma da adarbadaganelebma

da jalal ad-dins (xorezmis Sahi, 1405). XV s-Si Sedioda yara-yoinlu-
1220-31) moaxsenes misi axovanebisa sa da ay-yoinlus, XVI-XVII ss-Si ki
da siqvelis Sesaxeb (J., 171). 1786 n. sefianTa iranis saxelmwifos Se-
ajanydnen da gamoaZeves TavianTi madgenlobaSi. XVIII s-is Sua xanebSi,
xani qalbali. igi mivida da daxma- nadir Sahis (iranis Sahi 1736-1747)
reba sTxova erevnis xans mahmads, imperiis daSlis Semdeg aRmocenda
romelmac Tavis mxriv, daxmareba naxWevanis damoukidebeli saxano
sTxova mefes (erekle II, qarTl-ka- (dedaqalaqi naxCevani, qalaqi are-
xeTis mefe 1762-1798). mefem n-Tan zis marcxena napirze, md. naxCevan-
gagzavna muxranis batoni ioane xaize), 1828 TurqmanCais xelSek-
mxedrobiTa da zarbaznebiT, sadac rulebiT SeuerTda ruseTs. dRes
gamarTul brZolaSi n. damarcxd- Sedis azerbaijanis respublikis
nen da qarTvelebs Seevedrnen, rom SemadgenlobaSi. n. ixsenieba: leon-
Tu maTi jari ukuiqceoda n-dan, ti mroveli `cxovreba qarTvelTa
isini TavianT xanad qalbalis daab- mefeTa~ (q.c. I, 1955); `istoriani da
runebdnen (T. b, 59). azmani SaravandedTani~, JamTaaRm-
wereli (q.c. II, 1959); farsadan gor-
gijaniZe `istoria~ (1925); `parizis
qronika~ (1980); papuna orbeliani
naxWevani // naxCevani mde- `ambavni qarTlisani~ (1980); Teimu-
bareobs samx. kavkasiis samxreT na- raz bagrationi `axali istoria~
wilSi, esazRvreba TurqeTsa da (1983); daviT batoniSvili, `axa-
irans (sazRvari gadis md. araqsze). li istoria~, bagrat batoniSvili,
Zv. w. VIII-VII ss-Si n-s teritoria ma- `axali moTxroba~ (1941); istoriu-
nasa da midiis saxelmwifoebis Se- li sabuTebi (qr. III. 1967).
madgenlobaSi Sedioda, Zv. w. VI s-Si qarTlis mefeebma azorkma da
aqemenianTa iranis saxelmwifo- armazelma (I s. 70-iani wlebi) ga-
Si, mogvianebiT ki atropatenaSi. ilaSqres somxeTze da moarbies
ax. w. III s-Si n-is teritoria daipy- daSti vidre n-mde (l. m. 45). la-
ro iranma, 623 bizantiam., VII s-is Sa-giorgim (giorgi IV, saqarTve-
Sua xanebSi arabebma. IX-X ss-Si n-s los mefe 1213-23) aiRo oroti da
teritoria sajidebis feodaluri yovelni cixeni da mimdgomni misni
saxelmwifos SemadgenlobaSi Sevi- vidre n-mde (l.m. 370). ivane aTabags
da, Semdeg daipyres salaridebma (saqarTvelos amirspasalari me-
(azerbaijanSi gabatonebuli ira- fe Tamaris (1184-1207/10) epoqaSi)
nuli dinastia). XIII-XIV ss-Si n. ram- n-dan acnobes sparseTis laSqris
denjerme daarbia Temur-lengma arans mosvlis ambavi (i-a., 67). n-s
(Suaazieli mxedarTmTavari, 1336- gadaxvewilma abubeqrma (azerbai-

janis aTabagi) mowamla Tavisi Zma ni), qurTistani, erevani, n., yaraba-
amir-mirmani (aranisa da gelaqunis Ri, Sirvani (f.g., 12). mustafa lala
patroni), (i-a., 76). sparseTs salaS- faSam dalaSqra Sarvani, daRestani,
qrod mimavalma qarTvelebma zaqa- ganja, adribejani, qurTistani, va-
ria amirspasalaris meTaurobiT ni da n., samcxe da erevani (f.g., 13).
`Cavles piri naxWevanisa~ (i-a., 104). 1603 Sah-abasma (abas I, iranis Sahi
sparseTze laSqrobidan Sin dab- 1587-1629) daipyro Tavrizi da n. da
runebulma qarTvelebma gamoiares miadga erevans (p. q., 59). qarTlis
adarbadaganis qalaqebi, rasi, `Se- Tavadebma mefe Teimurazis (Tei-
movles piri naxWevanisa~ da movid- muraz II, qarTlis mefe 1744-1762)
nen Tbiliss (i-a., 109). garnisTan arza waiRes da xelmwifes (nadiri,
brZolis (1225) Semdeg ivane aTaba- iranis Sahi 1736-1747) n-s Sexvdnen
gi ukuiqca bijnisad, xolo sulTa- (p.o. 77). 1751, 28 ivliss mefe erek-
ni (xorezmis HSahi jalal ad-dini) les (erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62;
wavida adarbadagans da n-s (J.,. 171). qarTl-kaxeTis 1762-98) mier ere-
mefis (giorgi III, saqarTvelos mefe vans damarcxebuli azat-xani (sam-
1156-84) mier orbelTa amowyvetis xreT adarbadaganis taxtis mflo-
Semdeg, ltolvili sumbat orbeli beli) n-sken gaiqca (qr, III, 055; 214;
wavida n-s (J., 228). Tegudar yaenma 620). mefeebma (Teimuraz II da erek-
(oqros urdos monRoli ufliswu- le II) maxaroblebi gagzavnes da
li, XIII s. 60-iani) abaRa yaens (ira- fana-xanze (yarabaRis // SuSis xa-
nis monRoli gamgebeli, 1265-82) ni 1747-1763.) gamarjvebis ambavi
sazamTrod uboZa raxsis piri da n. ganjas, Sirvan-Saqs, Wars, kaxeTs,
(J., 258). monRoli arRun-aRas Svil- qarTls, yazax-borCalus, erevansa
ma navrozma gamogzavna `kaci erTi da n-s acnobes (p.o., 170). mefeebma
ukeTuri~ saqarTvelos eklesiaTa TavianT qveynebSi didi saboZvariT
asaoxreblad. man aaoxra varZiis gaistumres n-isa da avRnis (avRa-
monasteri da wavida n-s (J., 300). me- neTi) xanebi, romlebic `monebdnen
fe vaxtangi (vaxtang III, saqarTve- brZanebasa mefeTa CvenTasa~ (p.o.
los mefe 1302-08) movida n-s, sadac 173). baman-xanis (n-is xani 1748-65)
muclis salmoba Seeyara da garda- col-Svili n-dan qalaqSi (Tbilis-
icvala (J., 322). Sah ismaili (ismail Si) movida (p.o. 175). azerbaijanis
I, sefianTa saxelmwifos damaarse- spasalari azat-xani baman n-is xans
beli, 1487-1524) Tavrizze galaSq- gauwyra, ris gamoc igi n-dan de-
rebamde n-s mivida da iqauri laS- dawulianad wamovida. n. azat xans
qaric Tan waiyvana (f.g., 2). mustafa darCa da iq xanad Tavisi sando kaci
lala faSam (osmalTa sardali, XVI s dasva (p.o. 176). mcire xans n-is xanad
II nx.) aiRo adribejani (adarbadaga- baman-xani iyo, romelic mtrebis ga-

mo n-s veRar gaCerda, qalaqs (Tbi- episkoposad gamogzavnili avetiq
liss) movida da mefe Teimurazs episkoposi iyo nax-ijiv-andidan
daemorCila (p.o. 183). mefe erek- (qr., III, 253). yazaxelebma, borCalo-
les brZanebiT, qarTlelebisa da elebma da fambakelebma moaoxres
kaxelebis marbielma jarma, avRa- n. da daamarcxes misi xani Suqurla
nelebisagan misi gawmendis mizniT, (naxiCevanis xani, XVIII s-is 70-ian) da
moarbia da iavaryo teritoria n-s didi alafiT gabrundnen (T.b. 55).
aqeT arazis piramde (p.o. 185). azat- 1800 baba-xanma (iranis Sahi,) Tavisi
xanze gamarjveba misive karavSi sardali n-s gamogzavna. mefe gior-
myof mefe erekles miuloces erev- gis (giorgi XII, qarTl-kaxeTis mefe
nis, n-is, airumlus da sxva xanebma 1798-1800) Tavisma Zmam aleqsand-
(p.o. 187). azat xanze gamarjvebulma rem uRalata da Sahis sardals n-s
mefe ereklem zaal orbelians qar- eaxla. sardali sparseTs gabrun-
TvelTa jari gaayola da gaistumra da, aleqsandre ki n-dan ukuqceu-
n-s. qarTvelebma isev daikaves n. da li yarabaRis xan ibreimTan mivida
dadgnen Sig (p.o. 188). azat-xani n-s (b.b. 72-73). 1808 rusebisagan erevnis
mivida, ris gamoc is qarTulma ja- gasaTavisufleblad misuli abaz
rebma datoves (p.o. 190). 1786 naxCev- mirza (iranis gamgebeli, 1800-dan)
nelebi ajanydnen da n-dan TavianTi dadga n-s. grafma gudoviCma (iva-
xani qalbali gamoaZeves, romelic ne gudoviCi, saqarTvelos mTavar-
mivida erevnis xan mahmadTan daxma- marTebeli 1806-09) mis winaaRmdeg
rebis saTxovnelad, man ki n-is xanis gagzavna ori polki troickisa
daxmareba sTxova mefes (erekle II). da iegirisa (egerTa). n-s maT Soris
maSin mefem muxranis batoni ioane gamarTul brZolaSi gamarjvebuli
mxedrobiTa da zarbaznebiT n-s ver gamovlinda (b.b., 102).
gagzavna, sadac gamarTul brZola- T.qoriZe
Si naxCevnelebi damarcxdnen da Se-
evedrnen qarTvelebs, rom Tu maTi
jari ukuiqceoda n-dan, isini daab- nerse (nerse I) somexTa ka-
runebdnen TavianT xanad qalbalis Tolikosi (348-352) n. ixsenieba:
(T. b, 59). 1791, 21 noembers fana-xa- `moqceva qarTlisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I,
nis (yarabaRis // SuSis xani) Zem ib- 1963); leonti mroveli, ~cxovreba
reim-xanma da omar-xanma (avariis qarTvelTa mefeTa~, (q.c., I, 1955),
// xunZaxis xani) lekis jariT n-ze vaxuSti batoniSvili, `aRwera same-
gailaSqres da damarcxdnen (qr., III, fosa saqarTvelosa~, (q.c., IV, 1973).
621). somexTa kaTolikosis mier sa- episkopos iakobis (363-375) gar-
qarTveloSi mcxovrebi somxebis dacvalebis Semdeg, qarTlis epis-

koposi gaxda somexTa kaTolikos kaTolikosi n. iyo aSxarakali (anu
n-s diakvani iob somexi (375-390), borotad mwvalebeli)* (a.s., 86). n-s
(l.m. 132; v. b. 95). qarTlis mefe kaTalikosobidan meore wels, ius-
Trdatis (383-395) mefobis dros tinianes (iustiniane I, bizantiis
episkoposi iyo somexTa kaTolikos imp. 527-65) keisrobis meToTxmete
n-s diakvani iobi (moq. q., 91). wels, sparseTis Sah xosros (xosro
T. qoriZe I anuSirvani, 531-79)** meore wels
meored moiwvies q. dvins kreba da
isev SeaCvenes qalkedonis wmida
nerseN(nerse II) somexTa ka- kreba (a.s. 86).
Tolikosi (548-57), romelic war-
moSobiT bagrevanis sofel aStara- *`aSxarakali~ somxurad niSnavs `qveynis
kanidan iyo da aStarakelad iwode- mpyrobels~ (a.s. 166).

boda. n. ixsenieba: arsen safareli, **teqstSi garkvul anaqronizms aqvs adgili.

`ganyofisTs qarTvelTa da somex- T. qoriZe

Ta~, (1980).
Nn-s ewoda `mijin~ (Sua) (a.s., 79).
nerse (nerse III) somexTa ka-
N kaTolikos n-s ewoda `Sua~, `ese
Tolikosi (641-661); cnobilia iSx-
ars somxurad `mijin~ (a.s., 84). som-
nelis saxelwodebiT, radgan war-
xeTis mefem da xalxma kaTolikos
moSobiT iyo taos sof. iSxnidan.
n -s sTxoves, gadaewyvita romeli
igi aseve cnobilia aRmSeneblis
sarwmunoebrivi mimdinareoba iqne-
saxeliT, radgan aRadgina ramdeni-
boda umjobesi maTTvis da isini mis
me eklesia da aaSena zvarTnoci. mi-
brZanebas daemorCilebodnen (a.s.
si zeobis periodSi, iseve rogorc
79). KkaTolikosma n-m suli xorcs
kaTolikos ezras zeobaSi, somxu-
daumorCila da Tqva, rom sikvdili
ri eklesia dauaxlovda diofizi-
erCivnaT berZnebisadmi (igulisx-
turs. n. ixsenieba: arsen safareli,
meba diofizitoba) kvlav miqcevas
`ganyofisTs qarTvelTa da somex-
(a.s. 80). kaTolikos n.-s zeobaSi da
Ta~, (1980); `martviloba daviTisa
mas Semdegac somxebsa da qarTve-
da tiriWanisa~, (ZqalZ, I, 1963)
lebs Soris sarwmunoebrivi dava
n. iSxnelma sakaTalikoso say-
iyo (a.s., 82). `aResrula borotad
dari daikava ezras (630-641/642)
kaTolikosi nerse~, romelsac ewo-
Semdeg (a.s. 92). kaTolikosi n. iyo
da `Sua~ da sakaTalikoso taxtze
kaci Rirsi da marTlmorwmune (a.s.
dajda abrahami (a.s., 82). kaToli-
92). ioane mzakvarma (ix. st. ioane
kosma n-m moiwvia kreba dvins, sadac
mairagomeli) kaTolikosi n. ixi-
somxebi sarwmunoebrivad ganeSor-
la ziarebis dros saberZneTSi (bi-
nen berZnebs da ierusalims (a.s., 84).

zantiaSi) mefe konstans mciresTan noRi // noRaelebi daRest-
(imperatori konstans II, 641-668) nis erT-erTi xalxi. qarTlis mefe
erTad, ris gamoc ewinaaRmdegebo- Teimuraz II (1744-62) da kaxeTis me-
da da ambobda, rom igic ezrasaviT fe erekle II (1744-62) zogjer lekTa
Secda qalkedonis krebis Semdeg. Tavdasxmebis winaaRmdeg iyenebd-
amis gamo kaTolikosma n-m waradgi- nen Crdilo-kavkasieli xalxebisa-
na igi episkoposebis, moZRvrebisa gan Semdgar daqiravebul jars. maT
da aznaurebis winaSe, sadac `didi Soris n-ebs. n. ixsenieba: papuna or-
gamoZieba hyves cilobisa misT- beliani ambavni qarTlisani~ (1981).
vis~ da yvelam erTad miiRo gadawy- 1760-iani ereklem da Teimu-
vetileba ioane, rogorc macduri, razma lekebis winaaRmdeg daibares
daesajaT qveynidan gaZevebiT (a.s. Cerqezis, jiqis, n-is... jarebi~. ja-
92). wmida kaTolikosma n.-m risx- ri TavianTi ufrosobiT Camovida
viT gaaZeva ioane (a.s. 92). daviTisa ananurSi (sof. md. aragvis xeobaSi),
da tiriWanis mowameobrivad aRs- xolo erisTavma jimSerma TbilisSi
rulebis Semdeg, somexTa kaToli- Camoiyvana. jari didubeSi daabina-
kosi n. mRvdlebis iovanes, sahakisa ves da ulufa uboZes. isini sxvadas-
da grigolis TanxlebiT gaemarTa xva rwmenisani iyvnen: mahmadianebi,
tiriWanis wamebis adgilas divrs. umetesad kerpT-msaxurebi, avi qce-
Mman Tavisi xeliT `wargragnna guam- visani, arawmindaTa mWamelni~, zo-
ni igi wmidaTani~ da dakrZala erTi gi Tval-tanadi, zogic Seuxedavi
maTgani zeda mTaze, meore ki div- da gonji, patara cxvirebiT, kargi
ris qvemoT, naRvarevis xevis dasav- cxenosnebi da moisarni, mkvircx-
leTiT (`martviloba daviTisa da lebi. mefeebma maTi Tavkacebi ta-
tiriWanisa~, 191). baxmelaSi (sof. q. TbilisTan) da-
T. qoriZe
ibares. rodesac lekebma maTi mis-
vlis Sesaxeb Seityves, aiyarnen da
wavidnen. radgan Camoyvanili jaris
nerSapu taronis episkopo- Senaxva Wirda, mefeebma Tavkacebi
si, somexTa kaTalikos nerse II-is oqro-vercxliT daasaCuqres, jars
(548-557) Tanamedrove. Nn. ixsenieba: jamagiri gadauxades da ukan pati-
arseni safareli ,,ganyofisaTvis viT gaistumres. ufrosma kacebma`
qarTvelTa da somexTa~ (1980). mefeebs piroba misces: rogorc ki
n. iyo erT-erTi iniciatori da Tqveni brZaneba mogviva, Tqvens sam-
monawile dvinis II saeklesio krebis saxurSi davixocebiTo (p.o. 219-222).
(551), romelzec dagmes qalkedonis
q. nadiraZe
krebis gadawyvetilebani (a.s. 85-86).
e. kvaWantiraZe

nursal-begi xunZaxis // ava- cixes, TviTon cixis bolos WalaSi
riis xani (XVIII s-is Sua xanebi). n.b. Cavida, magari sangari gaakeTebina,
ixsenieba: papuna orbeliani `am- karvebi daadgmevina da cixis asaRe-
bavni qarTlisani~ (1981); Teimuraz bad lekis jari abrZola (p.o. 216).
bagrationi `axali istoria~ (1983). mWadijvarTan gamarTul brZolaSi
kaxeTidan movida cnoba imis qarTvelebma xunZaxis batons bi-
Sesaxeb, rom xunZaxis batoni (p. o. Za da biZaSvili moukles (p.o. 218-
yvelgan Nnursal begs ixseniebs xun- 219). mWadijvarTan damarcxebis
Zaxis batonis saxeliT) `Sildis gamo Sercxvenili xunZaxis bato-
Tavs~ movida iseTi jariT, romli- ni daRestanSi dabrunda (p.o. 219;
Tac jer lekebs manamde arasodes T.b. 49, T.b. am brZolas aTariRebs
elaSqraT da qarTlisa da kaxeTis 1753)*. xunZaxis batonma qarTl-ka-
daWeriT imuqreboda. xunZaxis ba- xeTis dalaSqvra moindoma, ialbu-
toni Sildis TavSi idga da yovel- zis (kavkasionis umaRlesi mwverva-
dRe daRestnidan wamosuli lekis li) gzebi Sekra da arc lekis jari
jari emateboda (p.o. 214). Wareleb- da `arc yazaxad aRaravin gamouSva~.
ma, kakis sulTanma, aji-Calabma, daRestnel lekebs dapirda, rom Tu
Sirvanelebma, fana-xanma da ganjis mas gayvebodnen da qarTl-kaxeTs
xanma erTmaneTs piroba misces, rom daipyrobdnen, sanacvlod saSvi-
Tu xunZaxis batoni qarTlisa da ka- liSvilod samyof tyvesa da saqo-
xeTis batonebze gaimarjvebda, isi- nels aSovninebda (p.o. 226). es is
ni qarTlsa da kaxeTs aaoxrebdnen xunZaxis batoni iyo, romelsac pat-
(p.o. 215). xunZaxis batoni gadmovi- ronebma (qarTlis mefe Teimuraz II,
da alazans, dawva ruispiri, axmeta 1744-62 da kaxeTis mefe, erekle II
(kaxeTi) da avida gagnakoras (p.o. 1744-62) mWadijvris cixesTan (1754)
215). xunZaxis batonma lekis jari jari daumarcxes, amouwyvites da
gayo oTxad da gamovida aragvs oTx- damarcxebuli da Sercxvenili ga-
pirad. aragvis erisTavis mamulSi aqcies. im dRisTvis SurisZiebis ga-
jari SeuSva, is gadawves da aaoxres mo, xunZaxis batonma Semoikriba da-
(p.o. 216). xunZaxis batonis jarebma Restnis iseTi jari, rom `Samxali
ananurs (cixe aragvis xeobaSi) aqeT da surxavic (lekTa beladi) moiye-
araferi ar datoves auoxrebeli. na~, Tavisi jari Tan wamoiyvana, pir-
isini mividnen duSeTs, dawves eris- iqiT da pir-aqeT rac leki iyo, zogs
Tavis sasaxle, Sebilwes monasteri ZaliT da zogs nebiT, yvelas jari
da didi alafiT datvirTulni dab- gamoarTva, da pirvelad (jer) ka-
la Camovidnen (p.o. 216). 10 agvistos xeTze sabrZolvelad moemzada (p.o.
xunZaxis batoni duSeTidan aiyara 226-227). xunZaxis batoni daRes-
da jariT Semoertya mWadijvris tnis didi jariT movida da yvar-

lis mTaze dadga, saidanac Samxlis aqedan xunZaxis batoni da Samxali
Svili gabag-begi WarSi gagzavna da TavianTi xalxiT ganjas wavidnen,
WarelTa jari daibara. man aseve ka- sadac naSovari Caitanes, iqidan ki
cebi gagzavna aji-Calabis SvilTan, TavTavianT qveyanaSi wavidnen (p.o.
kakis sulTanTan, ganjis xanTan da 232). xunZaxis batonma n.b-ma lekTa
maT jari da daxmareba sTxova (p.o. didi mxedroba isev Seyara da Saqi-
227). mefeebma mas daupirispires Sarvanis mxares Cavida, iqidan uec-
papa beburiSvili, solomon qobu- rad wamovida, bodbes Tavs daesxa
laZe, faremuz TayaSvili, beJan ra- da ramdenime ubani iavaryo. `maSin
tiSvili, erasti namoraZe da sxva mxned iyunen baRaani~, romelTac
warCinebulebi, cixe gaaTavisuf- TavianTi simxniT daicves bodbe.
les da radgan lekebma veraferi qiziyelebma lekebi maRaroSi da-
gaawyves, darcxvenilebi ukuiqcnen amarcxes, aTasze meti amowyvites,
(T. b. 49; T.b. am brZolas aTariRebs ris Semdegac sircxvilnaWami n.b.
1754). rodesac yvarlis cixesTan iqaurobas gaecala (T. b. 55-56). n.b.
mdgarma Warelebma Seityves, rom Samaxias wavida, faTali-xan yubels
kaxT batonma (erekle II) qarTvelebs estumra, romelmac n.b-s uRala-
Waris qveyana aaoxrebina da gaaZar- ta da mokla (T. b. 56). n.b-is Ze iyo
cvina, Zalian Sewuxdnen da xunZaxis omar-xan avarieli (T. b., 59).
batons usayvedures, man ki upasuxa,
rom cixes aiRebda, kaxeTs xelSi Ca- *oman xerxeuliZis cnobiT, mWadijvarTan
brZola, sadac daRestnelebi mefeebma Te-
igdebda da maT garjas daufasebda imuraz II-m da erekle II-m daamarcxes, 1754
(p.o. 231). yvarlidan gabrunebuli moxda, magram istorikosi am brZolaSi lek-
Ta beladad SecdomiT omar-xans asaxelebs
xunZaxis batoni baidarze (dR. mar- (ix. o.x. 55).
neulis r-ni) mivida da baidaris ci- ** oman xerxeuliZis cnobiT, 1755 sofel yva-
xes alya Semoartya. cixeSi gamagre- relTan gamarTul brZolaSi daRestnelebs
SeuerTdnen Warelebi da Saq-Sarvanelebi
bulma baidaris sulTnis Svilebma sul 20 aTasi kaci da alya 28 dRe gagrZelda,
mas srola gaumarTes, bevri leki magram igi, ise rogorc mWadijvris brZola-
Si, lekTa beladad SecdomiT omar-xans asa-
moukles da cixec ar daanebes. xun- xelebs (ix. ox. 56).
Zaxis batoni cixes mxolod saRamos T. qoriZe
gaecala, borCalos mxares gavida
lekebis jariT, romelTac demur-
Ciasanlis obebi (TurqTa ulusi) da
Y axrijahan begum war-
debedas gamoRma borCalus sofle-
moSobiT leki, kaxeTis dedofali
bi aikles, tyveebi waiyvanes, uam-
(XVIII s. I nax.). Ya. b. ixsenieba: daviT
ravi saqoneli waasxes, saganZuri
imamyuli-xanis mier xarWaSisadmi
waiRes. es jari bambakSi yaraqli-
gacemul sigelSi (1721), RvTaebis
sas avida, sadac naSovari gaiyves.

gujarSi (1722), (q.s.Z. II. 1965). sige- (Z.q.a.l.Z., t. III, 1971). leonti mro-
lebidan irkveva, rom igi iyo kaxe- veli `cxovreba qarTvelTa mefe-
Tis mefis, daviTis (imam-yuli-xani Ta~, juanSeri `cxovreba vaxtang
1709-22) meuRle, sruliad daRest- gorgaslisa~, `matiane qarTlisa~,
nisa da lekeTis Samxlis SviliSvi- `cxovreba mefeT-mefisa daviTisi~
li, iranis Sahis sulTan huseinis (q.c., I, 1955); `istoriani da azmani
(1694-1722) didi veziris faThali- SaravandedTani,~ JamTaaRmwereli,
xanis da, erevnis beglarbegis asu- beri egnataSvili `axali qarTlis
li (335-36; 359). cxovreba~ (q.c., II, 1959); Zegli eris-
q. nadiraZe TavTa (1954); vaxuSti batoniSvili
`aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~
(q.c., IV, 1973); papuna orbeliani `am-
ovseTi // oseTi CrdiloeT bavni qarTlisani~ (1981); oman xer-
kavkasiis mimdebare velebze, md. yu- xeuliZe `mefoba irakli meorisa~
banis zemowelsa da md. Tergis xeo- (1989); Teimuraz bagrationi, `axali
baSi ax.w. I-II ss-Si Semosuli sarma- istoria~ (1983); istoriuli sabu-
tuli tomebis STamomavlebis mier Tebi (qronikebi, II, 1897; III, 1963; q.
Seqmnili gaerTianebebi. daaxl. V s. Z. t. III, 1965; t. III, 1970; t. VI, t. VII.
s-is Suaxanebidan Crdilo kavkasiis 1981; t. VIII, 1985); mcire qronikebi
centralur nawilSi Seiqmna osuri (1968).
gaerianebebi. gansakuTrebul siZ- xazarTa mefis Ze uoboss mamam
lieres maT X-XII ss-Si miaRwies. XIII- misca kavkasiis nawili, md. lomekis
XIV ss-Si, TaTar-monRolebisa da (md. Tergis) `dasavliT, dasavle-
Temur-lengis SemosevaTa Sedegad, Tamde mTisa~. igi aq dasaxlda. misi
baris mosaxleobis garkveulma na- naTesavebi arian ovsni da es aris
wilma kavkasionis qedis xeobebSi o., romelic nawili iyo kavkasisa
gadmoinacvla. Ddaaxl. XV s-is Sua- (l.m.. 12). o. iyo Targamosis (bibli-
xanebidan daiwyo osebis SemoRweva uri noes STamomavali) Zis kavkaso-
kavkasionis samxreT kalTebze, sa- sis wilxvdomili qveyana. xazarTa
dac Semdeg TandaTan Camoyalibda mefem kavkasosis qveyana misca Ta-
osi xalxis samxreTis Sto. ovseTi// vis Zes urbanoss, romelmac kavka-
oseTi ixsenieba: `moqcevai qarT- sosis modgma amowyvita, Tavisi
lisa~, `martviloba abo tfile- modgmiTa da tyviT dasaxlda da
lisai~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963); wm. ninos uwoda o., rac xazarulad niSnavs
cxovreba arsen beriseuli reda- `zogi Tesvad~, radgan zogi amowy-
qciiT, anonimi avtori cxovrebai vita da zogic daasaxla `Tesvad~
da moqalaqeobai Rirsisa da moci- (v.b. 632, 654). farnavazs (qarTlis
qulTa sworisa netarisa ninoisi, mefe, Zv.w. IV-III ss. I nax.) gamefebis

Semdeg darCa ZurZuki da dvaleTi, ri, qurTauli, sidamoni da Waxili-
xolo sxva xevebi osTa mefeebma wai- Ze (v.b. 634). rodesac somexTa mefe
Res da am xevebs ewoda o., maT mier artaSani (artaSen I, Zv.w. 160-150) da
am teritoriis damonebisa da maTi misi spaspeti sumbat bivritiani wa-
aq Semosaxlebis gamo (v.b. 633). baTo movidnen qarTvelebis winaaRmdeg
yaenma (oqros urdos monRoluri saomrad, qarTvelebma daixmares o.
saxelmwifos damaarsebeli da pir- jaric (l.m. 48). qarTlis mefeebis
veli yaeni, 1243-56) aaoxra o., ris azorkisa da armazelis (daaxl. Zv.w.
gamoc osebi SemoiWrnen kavkasiaSi. II-I ss.) mokavSireebi somxeTis wina-
maTi kavkasiaSi mosvlis Semdeg o. aRmdeg brZolaSi iyvnen ovsTa me-
iwoda CerqezeTad anu yabardod, feebi bazuki da abazuki (daaxl.
xolo kavkasiaSi SemosulTa qveyana Zv.w. II-I ss-Ta mijna) ovsTa jariT
o-ad (v.b. 634). o-is sazRvari iyo (l.m. 45). qarTlis mefe amazaspi
(XVIII s.) aRmosavleTiT Trusosa (230-265) o-s gadavida, aaoxra da ga-
da Eevis sazRvari, myinvaris kavkasi marjvebuli Sin dabrunda (l.m. 57;
da axotis kavkasi, md. lomeki vid- v.b. 68). mefe miriani (qarTlis mefe,
re xeTaZe-Cerqezis mTamde, samxre- IV s. I nax.) gadavida o-s da moaoxra
Tidan kavkasioni evis yelidan o. (l.m. 68). rodesac sparsTa mefe
dasavleTisken bruc-sabZelamde qasre sasaniani qarTlSi SemoiWra,
da zekara, kedela da raWa-digor- qarTvelTa mefe asfaguri o-s wavi-
basians Soris kavkasioni; Crdiloe- da iqauri jaris SemoerTebis miz-
TiT CerqezeTsa da mas Soris mTa niT, magram rogorc ki asfaguri
maRali, dasavleTiT kavkasioni ra- o-s Sevida, gardaicvala (l.m. 62;
Wasa da JReles Sorisi da basiansa v.b. 70). rodesac osebma daatyveves
da svaneTs Sorisi (v.b. 634). o-is da Tan waiyvanes vaxtangis (vaxtang
qveynis sigrZe aris evidan svane- gorgasali, qarTlis mefe V s. II nax.)
Tis kavkasamde da gani qarTlis kav- da, 3 wlis miranduxti, darubandis
kasidan Cerqezis mTamde (v.b. 635), kari gaiares da o-s gamarjvebulebi
(o-is qveynis geografiuli aRweri- Sevidnen (j. 146; v.b. 101). rodesac
loba ix. v.b. 635-653). andria (moci- o-ze laSqroba gadawyvites, mefe
quli, andria pirvelwodebuli) da vaxtangma (vaxtang gorgasali) wa-
simoni (mociquli, svimon kananeli) ravlina mociquli misi dedis Zmis,
Cavidnen o-is qveyanaSi, mividnen qa- ranis pitiaxSis varaz-bakuris wina-
laq fostaforSi, sadac didi saswa- Se da o-ze laSqroba auwya (j. 150).
uli moaxdines da mravali eri moaq- mefe vaxtangi (vaxtang gorgasali)
cies qristes sjulze (l.m. CanarTi, o-Si SeWrisas 16 wlis iyo (j. 151).
42). warCinebuli o-ebis gvarebia: o-is mefeebma jari Sekribes, xaza-
basiani, badelaZe, CerqesiZe, Tagau- rebi* SeierTes da vaxtang gorga-

sals miegebnen mdinaresTan, rome- aiRes `karni ovseTisani~, erTi di-
lic gaivlis darials da Caivlis di kari o-Si da ori dvaleTs (moq.q.,
o-is velze. am mdinares aragvi 94). o-is mxareSi ibrZoda berZenTa
hqvia. qarTlis aragvi da o-is arag- mefe iustinianosi (iustiniane I, bi-
vi (Tergi) erTi mTidan iRebs saTa- zantiis imperatori, 527-65) (j., Ca-
ves. (j. 151). mdinaris piras vaxtangi narTi, 214). sarkinozebis (arabebis)
da osi goliaTi bayaTari Seebr- mier Seviwrovebuli nerse erisTavi
Zolnen erTmaneTs. vaxtangma brZo- (qarTlis erismTavari, 764-84). ga-
laSi mokla bayaTari (ix. statia ba- iqca da gaiara o-is kari, romelsac
yaTari). qarTvelebi Seesien o-s, Se- dariali erqva (abo Tbilelis wame-
musres maTi qalaqebi, aiRes tyve da ba, 58). keisris (vardan filipikosi,
alafi uricxvi (j. 156). o-is darbe- bizantiis keisari 1711-13) erisTavi
vis Semdeg, vaxtangi Tavisi spiT ga- leoni gamagrebuli iyo o-is gada-
vida paWanikeTs, radgan igi mdeba- sasvlelTan mdebare sobRis cixeSi
reobda maSin o-is mezoblad, o-is (j., 235). saqarTveloSi SemoWrili
mdinaris qvemo dinebaze. (j. 156). arabTa sardali buRa (853) cdilob-
vaxtangma daarbia paWanikeTi da ji- da o-Si Sesvlas. buRam darialidan
qeTi, gamobrunda ukan da moadga gamoiyvana asi ojaxi ovsi, dmaniss
isev o-s. am dros ovsTa mefeebi Se- daasaxla da zafxulSi o-Si Sesvla
sulebi iyvnen kavkasiis simagreeb- ineba (m.q. 257; v.b. 130). mefe bagrat-
Si. maT erTmaneTTan mociqulebi ma (bagrat IV, saqarTvelos mefe
gagzavnes da dazavdnen. vaxtangis- 1027-72) ganZis amiras winaaRmdeg
gan ovsebma misi dis sanacvlod brZolaSi daxmarebis gamo didi sa-
iTxoves 30 aTasi tyve osi, yvelaze boZvari uboZa o-is mefesa da dide-
saukeTesoni saxeldebiT daasaxe- bulebs da TavianT samSobloSi gag-
les ovsebma. vaxtangma misca maT 30 zavna (m.q. 313). sruliad o. Sedioda
aTasi tyve da Tavisi da wamoiyvana. qarTlis kaTolikosis samwysoSi
tyve qarTvelebi ki, romlebic 6 we- (j., CanarTi, 232). rodesac yivCayeb-
li ovsTa tyveobaSi imyofebodnen, ma ovsebisagan maT teritoriaze
gacvala ovs tyveebze. aiRo mZevali mSvidobianad gatareba iTxoves, me-
ovsTagan da mZevalSic misca 30 aTa- fe daviTi (daviT IV, saqarTvelos
si tyve (j. 157). vaxtang gorgasalma mefe 1089-1125) o-s gaemgzavra, yiv-
daimorCila ovsni da yivCayni da Cayebsa da ovsebs Soris mSvidoba
Seqmna karni ovseTisani, romelsac daamyara da darialis, o-isa da yo-
Cven darials vuwodebT (j., Canar- veli kavkasiis mTis cixeebi aiRo
Ti, 156). rogorc ki qarTlSi mefoba (d.i. 336, v.b. 158). giorgi Wyondide-
dasrulda (VI s.), sparselebma qarT- li (saqarTvelos mefis daviT IV-is
li daipyres, kavkasionze gavidnen, aRmzrdeli) o-Si yofnisas garda-

icvala (d. i. 337; v.b. 159, mc. qr., 23). aqaT, sada didisa biWuintisa sam-
daviTis (daviT IV) erTi asuli o-Si zRvari miawevs~ (q.s.Z., III, 223). ime-
iyo gaTxovili (i.-a., .46). mefe davi- reTis mefe rostomma (1590-1604) o.
Ti (daviT IV) anderZSi wers, rom mi- daipyro da cexeebi da soflebi
si qveyana (saqarTvelo) gadaWimuli aiRo (mc. qr., 56). 1660-61 sabuTSi va-
iyo nikofsiidan darubandis (kaspi- mey dadiani (1659-61) ixsenieba ro-
is) zRvamde da ovseTidan sokrad gorc `lixT-imerisa da lixT-ame-
aregawamde (q.s.Z., II, 19). Tamaris (sa- risa, oseTisa da dvaleTisa, svane-
qarTvelos mefe 1184-1207/10) deda Tisa da yabardisa, jiqeTisa da
iyo ovsTa mefis asuli (v.b. 176; ix. afxazeTisa, didisa odiSisa da gu-
st. burduxani). Tamaris meuRle da- riisa da sruliad saqarTvelos ...
viTi iyo ovsTa mefis efremis Zis- mefeT-mefe~ (q.s.Z., VI, 671). 1711 vax-
gan, romelic aRzarda Tamaris ma- tangma (vaxtang VI, qarTlis mefe,
midam rusudanma (v.b. 176-77; ix st. 1716-24) o. dalaSqra (qr., III, 38). 1711
daviT soslani). Cingiz yaenma (mon- rodesac vaxtangi saqarTvelos
Roluri saxelmwifos damaarsebe- laSqriT Sevida `Znelsa karsa ose-
li, 1206-27) Tavis ufros Svils Tu- Tisasa~, maSinve mosres ovsebi, Se-
biss misca naxevari laSqari da gag- musres maTi cixeebi da gabrundnen
zavna `didsa sayivCayeTsa vidre mSvidobiT (qr., III, 40). aRmosavleT
bneleTamde, o-sa, xazareTsa, ru- saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriar-
seTsa~ (J., 163; 181). did yaen baTos qi domenti (1705-41) Tavis Tavs ix-
(1243-56) epyra yivCayeTi da o., xaza- seniebs rogorc `mcxeTisa, qarT-
reTi, ruseTi da borRaleTi (J., lisa, ranisa, kaxeTisa, sruliad
163; 234; .229). xalelampre maCabel- oseTisa, samcxe-saaTabagosa makur-
ma moimxro o. o-is mTavarma bevr- Txeveli KkaTolikosi~ (qr., III, 72;73).
jer sTxova xalelampre maCabels avRanTa marbielma jarma o-s aqeT
asulis xeli, magram man ar misca (J., mosaxleoba ahyara da givi amilax-
337, sq.1). Temur-lengis (Suaazieli vars (zemo qarTlis sadroSos sar-
mxedarTmTavari, emiri 1370-1405) dali) miabara (p.o. 48). ruseTis
mier gagzavnilma jarma aaoxra da xelmwifis mier kavkasiaSi qristia-
daimorCila o. (v.b. 272). Salvam nobis gasavrceleblad gamogzavni-
(qsnis erisTavi, XIII-XIV ss-is mijna) li 7 qarTveli beri pirvelad movi-
colad moiyvana ovsTa mefis asuli da o-Si, ris Sedegadac mravali ada-
saxelad Sirdi (Zegli erisTavTa, miani moeqca (p.o., 108). osebma da-
348). XV s. 70-iani afxazeTis sakaTa- iwyes zemo qarTlis darbeva. mefe
likosos samwyso sazRvrebSi Se- ereklem (erekle II, kaxeTis mefe
dioda mTeli miwa-wyali `Woroxsa 1744-62) maT winaaRmdeg gagzavna
aqaT, ovseTsa aqaT, zRua pontosa lekTa jari maCabelisa da iase ami-

laxvaris meTaurobiT, romelTac mamulSi dasaxlda, iq arsebuli
aaoxres o. (p.o., 110). lekebs o-Si na- marnebi da qvevrebi miisakuTra,
Sovari ar eyoT da imereTs Seesien qvevrebi veliscixelebs miyida, xo-
(p.o. 111). lekebma Camoiyvanes o-sa lo mefisa da rusTvelis wignebis
da imereTis darbevisas naSovi (sigelebis) gareSe beiTalmani ma-
uricxvi tyve, romelic mefeebma mulebi miisakuTra. radgan isini
(Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe 1744-62; arc mdivanbegis samarTals emor-
erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62) ga- Cilebodnen da arc eklesias ubru-
moisyides (p.o. 112). kaxT batoni neben naqurdalsa da beiTalmans,
(erekle II) aiyara ananuridan da wab- mefes sTxovs daxmarebas (q.s.Z., VII,
rZanda o-ze. osebi miegebnen da gai- 233). 1785 zaza maCabelma TxovniT
marTa omi. gaaqcies osebi, daedev- mimarTa xelmwifes (erekle II), rom
nen, Seyares koSkebSi, gars Semoadg- radgan misi (xelmwifis) brZanebiT
nen da ieriSiT aiRes (p.o., 113). asa- o. qarTlSi saxldeboda, neba mieca
kiT mcire mefe erekle osebis wina- misTvis o-ebi mis mamulSi ar Caesax-
aRmdeg brZolaSi ise mxned iqceo- lebina. xelmwifem brZana, rom o-ebs
da, rogorc o-Si mebrZoli 15 wlis mamuli maCablisTvis daenebebinaT
vaxtang gorgasali (p.o., 113). mefe- (q.s.Z., VII, 99-100). 1778 karbSi Cel-
ebma (Teimuraz II, erekle II) kacebi tiasTan xiznad myofi Tevdore var-
gagzavnes CerqezeTSi, o-sa da mTe- ZielaSvili wers erekle II-s, rom am
bis qveynebSi da erevanze galaSqre- Celtias Zmiswulma gogiam o-ebi
bis mizniT jarebi daibares (p.o., tyved dayida. os-ebis patronebi
183). o-is jari (piriqiTni kacni) mo- Tevdores miuvardnen da aawiokes.
vida qalaqSi (TbilisSi), saidanac erekle II-m daavala saxlTuxuces
mefe Teimurazma (Teimuraz II) isini giorgis, rom momCivanebi o-ebisgan
gaugzavna Tavis Zes erekles. osTa daecva (q.s.Z., VII, 397-98). beri gvi-
jari erekles bambakSi SeuerTda likaSvili wers erekle II-s, rom Za-
(p.o. 184). CerqezeTs mimaval mefe RinaSi mimavali gzad Tavis Tanamg-
erekles (erekle II) sanam Cerqezebi zavrebTan erTad os-ebma Seipyres,
Semoeyrebodnen, manamde Semoeyara Semdeg ki gayides. igi yaraji osma
jari os-isa (p.o., 199). 1810 iulonis daixsna 9 Tumnad da Camoiyvana, mag-
(qarTl-kaxeTis mefis erekle II-is ram Sin Causaxlda da Tavis TeTrs
Ze) vaJi leoni veRar gaCerda ov- sTxovda. radgan igi maCablisagan
seTs da wavida axalcixes (T.b., 77). gayiduli iyo, samarTals iTxovda
1773 rusTveli (rusTavis episkopo- (q.s.Z., VII, 438). Sio begiaSvili wers
si) wers erekle II-s, rom o-dan da iulon batoniSvils, rom o-ebma mo-
javaxeTidan Camosuli xalxi Cum- ukles erTaderTi Svili, romelsac
laySi (sofeli kaxeTSi), eklesiis sami oboli darCa. TviTon dabrmav-

da da sTxovs oblebis dazrdamde irakli meorisa~ (1989); Teimuraz
gadasaxadebisgan gaTavisuflebas bagrationi `axali istoria~ (1983).
(q.s.Z., VII, 753). iese msajuli wers, istoriuli sabuTebi (q.s.Z., II, 1965;
rom vinme faremuzam da misma osma III, 1970; VII, 1981; VIII, 1985; istori-
ymam 3 cxeni, iaraRi, Tofi da naba- uli dokumentebi imereTis samefo-
di mopares. is osi yma vinme jaWisS- sa da guria-odiSis samTavroebisa
vilma elizbarma daiWira da cxeni (1466-1700), I, 1958), .. 1881).
waarTva (q.s.Z., VII, 541). o. garegnobiT arian mSveniere-
T. qoriZe bi, Sav-Tval-warba, tan-werwetebi,
ufro metad qalebi, briyvebi, usaq-
cieloebi, TavianT qveyanaSi laRe-
osi//ovsi oseTis mkvidr- bi da amayebi, sxvagan mdabalni, go-
ni, CrdiloeT kavkasiis centralu- nierad mosaubreni, qurdebi, matyu-
ri nawilis mosaxleoba, romelic arebi, xarbebi, momxveWelebi, mem-
warmosdga kavkasiis CrdiloeTiT ruSeebi, tyveTa gamyidvelebi (v.b.
sxvadasxva istoriul epoqaSi Semo- 637). o-ebi Zvelad iyvnen qristiane-
suli iranuli wamoSobis momTabare bi da Sediodnen niqozelis (niqo-
tomebis (skviTur-sarmatul-ala- zis (qarTlSi) episkoposis) samwy-
nuri) da adgilobrivi kavkasiuri soSi, amJamad (XVIII s.) mxolod saxe-
tomebis Serwymis Sedegad. osebis liT qristianebi, warCinebuli gva-
ena indoevropul enaTa ojaxis ira- ris mqoneni mahmadianebi, glexebi
nul jgufs ganekuTvneba. osi//ovsi ki qristianebi, Tumca orive rju-
ixsenieba: leonti mroveli `cxov- lis ucodinarebi (v.b., 638) (o-ebis
reba qarTvelTa mefeTa~, juanSe- zneCveulebebis, sarwmunoebis,
ri, `cxovreba vaxtang gorgasli- saqmianobis, Cacmulobis Sesaxeb ix.
sa~, matiane qarTlisa, `cxovreba v.b. 637-641). qarTvelebma qarTlSi
mefeT-mefisa daviTisi~, laSa-gi- gabatonebuli sparselebis winaaR-
orgis droindeli matiane (q.c., I, mdeg daxmareba sTxoves o-s da isini
1955); `istoriani da azmani Sara- qarTlSi gadmoiyvanes. o-ma mokles
vandedTani,~ JamTaaRmwereli, beri sparsTa erisTavi (l.m. 13). qarTve-
egnataSvili `axali qarTlis cxov- lebma azos (`qarTlis cxovrebis~
reba~, `axali qarTlis cxovreba~ mixedviT, aleqsandre makedonelis
meore teqsti (q.c., II, 1959); vaxuSti sardali, romelmac daipyro qarT-
batoniSvili `aRwera samefosa sa- li daax. Zv. w. IV) winaaRmdeg brZo-
qarTvelosa~ (q.c., IV, 1973); sexnia laSi daxmareba sTxoves o-sa da le-
CxeiZe `cxovreba mefeTa~ (1913); pa- kebs. maT gaixares, radgan ar sur-
puna orbeliani `ambavni qarTlisa- daT azosTvis xarkis micema da qar-
ni~ (1981); oman xerxeuliZe `mefoba Tvelebs SeuerTdnen. farnavazma

(qarTlis mefe, Zv. w. IV-III ss.) Sekri- Ta mefe (artaSan I ) da misi spaspeti
ba qarTlis mxedroba, uxmo qujis sumbat bivritiani wamovidnen qar-
(egrisis mmarTveli) da o-s da arta- Tlze salaSqrod, dadgnen mcxeTas
anSi mdebare naqalaqarTan, romel- da ibrZodnen xuTi Tve. qarTveleb-
sac im dros qajTa qalaqi erqva, da- ma daixmares o., magram mainc gau-
amarcxa berZnebi (l.m. 23). mefe sa- WirdaT brZola da iTxoves mSvido-
urmagma (qarTlis mefe, Zv. w. III s.) ba. somexTa mefem ismina maTi vedre-
Semoikriba ZurZukebisa da o-ebis ba, Sekra zavi qarTvelebTan da
jari da kvlav daikava qarTli (v.b. o-sTan da wavida (l.m. 48). qarTve-
58). aragvis aRmosavleTiT mefe lebma da o-ma isargebles imiT, rom
mirvanis (mirian I, qarTlis mefe somxebi ebrZodnen sparselebsa da
Zv.w. II s.) mier agebuli darialia, berZnebs (romaelebs) da somxebs
romelsac man Seaba kari da xazarTa Seuties. artaSan somexTa mefem ar-
da o-Tagan dasacav simagred aqcia, taSan I Sekriba spa, Tavis Ze zareni
raTa misTvis gverdis auvlelad, usardla da qarTvelTa winaaRmdeg
veRar evloT. mis qvemoT mefeTa na- gamogzavna. qarTvelebi da o. maT
sasaxlevia imisTvis, rom rodesac javaxeTSi miegebnen, sadac gamar-
ovseTze gailaSqrebdnen, iq Tul brZolaSi zareni daamarcxes
dabanakebuliyvnen (v.b. 358). qarT- da tyved Caigdes. o-s surdaT zare-
lis mefeebma azorkma da armazelma nis mokvla, raTa aeRoT TavianTi
(Zv.w. II-I ss.) qarTlis sazRvrebis Se- mefeebis sisxli, magram qarTveleb-
momtkicebisa da somexTagan warT- ma ar daanebes. rodesac sumbat biv-
meuli miwebis dabrunebis mizniT ritiani da somexTa mefis ori Ze
gadawyvites somxeTze galaSqreba (artavazi da tigrani) somexTa spiT
da mouwodes osebs, lekebs, jiqebs, qarTlSi movidnen, erTmaneTs mo-
didoelebs, erTiani ZaliT elaSq- ciqulebi gaugzavnes da dazavdnen.
raT somxeTSi. am laSqrobaSi mona- amis Semdeg qarTvelebi, somxebi da
wileoba miiRes o-Ta mefeebma ba- o. damegobrdnen da samive erTobiT
zukma da abazukma (ix. st. Aabazuki da ebrZoda mters (l. m. 48-49; v.b. 65).
bazuki), (l.m. 64). sumbatma (somexTa amazaspis (qarTlis mefe, III s. Sua)
spaspeti, mefe artaSan I-is (Zv. w. mefobis dros dvaleTis gziT gad-
160-150) aRmzrdeli) brZolaSi mos- movida o. udidesi laSqari, dadga
ra uamravi o. da leki, romelTagan liaxvze (mdinare qarTlSi) da rva
mcire nawili gadarCa. o. somxebze dRe Seisvena. isini qveyanas ar ar-
SurisZiebis mizniT, qarTlSi gad- bevdnen, radgan q. mcxeTis Semusv-
movidnen, qarTvelebs daumegobrd- ris mizniT iyvnen mosuli (l.m. 55).
nen, gaerTiandnen da marad ebrZod- o-ebi qalaqis (mcxeTa) Crdiloe-
nen somxebs (l.m. 47). artaSan somex- TiT mdebare mxareSi muxranSi mo-

vidnen (l.m. 55). amazaspma o-Tan lekebi da sparselebs win aRdgo-
brZolaSi 15 rCeuli bumberazi mok- modnen (l.m. 136; v.b. 96). mefe vax-
la. misma meomrebma ki o-Ta mravali tangma (qarTlis mefe, V s. II nax.)
bumberazi mokles da o-s didad av- Sekriba darbazi da o-ze SurisZie-
nes (l.m. 56). amazaspma mokla o. xu- bisken (ovsebis mier misi dis, mci-
anxua (ix. st. xuanxua). amazaspi Tavs rewlovani miranduxtis gatacebis
daesxa o-s, mokla o-Ta mefe da maTi gamo) mouwoda (j., 148; v.b. 101). ju-
banaki gaanadgura. meore wels ama- anSer spaspetma aRniSna, rom o-Ta
zaspi ovseTs gadavida, daarbia da mizeziT damwuxrebulni iyvnen,
gamarjvebuli dabrunda (l.m. 56- radgan yrma mefes (vaxtang gorga-
57). rodesac amazaspis winaaRmdeg sali) ar SeeZlo arc mxedroba da
somxebma o-s uxmes, isini sixaru- arc winamZRoloba (j., 149). vaxtan-
liT wamovidnen, radgan amazaspi ma- gis winaaRmdeg gamovida o. bumbera-
Ti mosisxle mteri iyo. amazaspis zi bayaTari, romelic vaxtangma pi-
winaaRmdeg gamarTul ukanasknel rispir Sebmisas mokla (ix. st. baya-
brZolaSi, sadac igi mokles, somex- Tari). qarTvelebma (vaxtang gor-
Ta mokavSireebi iyvnen o-ebi. (l.m. gaslis meTaurobiT) o. daamarcxes,
57; v.b. 68). somexTa mefe kosaros mravali amowyvites da tyved Caig-
(somexTa mefe xosro II, 217-238) mo- des, gaqceul o-Tagan umravlesi
kavSire sparsTa mefe qasres winaaR- cocxlad Seipyres da im qarTvel
mdeg iyo mefe qarTvelTa asfagu- tyveebSi gacvales, romlebic adre
ri*, romelmac gaxsna kavkasiis kar- o-Ta mier iyvnen datyvevebulni (j.,
ni da gamoiyvana o., lekebi da xaza- 156). paWanikeTisa* da jiqeTis dar-
rebi**. isini movidnen kosaro me- bevis Semdeg, vaxtang gorgasali
fesTan sparselebis winaaRmdeg isev moadga oseTs. o-Ta mefeebi
sabrZolvelad (l.m. 59; v.b. 70). mi- qarTvelTa SiSiT kavkasiis simagre-
rianis (qarTlis mefe, IV s. I nax.) me- ebSi iyvnen gamagrebulni. o-ma vax-
fobis periodSi gadmovidnen o. tangisgan maT mier datyvevebuli
moaoxres qarTli, maSin gadavida misi dis sanacvlod iTxoves 30 aTa-
miriani ovseTs, Rrmad SeiWra, da- si yvelaze saukeTeso tyve o-ebisa,
ipyro da miaRwia xazareTam- romlebic maT saxeldebiT daasaxe-
de**(l.m. 68; v.b. 72). rodesac spars- les. vaxtangma maT 30 aTasi tyve
Ta mefem somexTa da qarTvelTa da- misca da Tavisi da wamoiyvana., tyve
saxarkad didi jariT erisTavi ga- qarTvelebi ki, romlebic 6 weli
mogzavna, somxebma varaz-baqarTan o-Ta tyveobaSi imyofebodnen, gac-
(qarTlis mefe, IV s. 70-80-iani) mo- vala o. tyveebze, o-Tagan mZevlebi
ciquli gagzavnes da sTxoves, gaex- aiyvana da mZevalSic misca 30 aTasi
sna kavkasiis kari, gadmoeyvana o. da tyve (j., 157; v.b. 104). mefe vaxtangma

(gorgasali) warCinebul qmna mxe- dobas ver kadrulobda (l-g m., 369).
darni, romlebic mxned namsaxurebi mefe Tamaris (saqarTvelos mefe,
da gamocdilebi iyvnen o-Tan brZo- 1184-1207/10) xelis saTxovnelad
laSi (j., 158). vaxtangma Tavisi da movidnen o. mefeebis Svilebi, mSve-
miranduxti, r-ic o-Tagan iyo daty- nieri da saxe-keTili moymeni (i-a,
vevebuli da vaxtangis mier gamoxs- 37). dedofal rusudanis (giorgi
nili, cilad misca sparsTa mefes III-is da) saxlSi izrdeboda moyme
(j., 185). o-Ta mefe urdure Tavs da- efremis STamomavalni, romlebic
esxa mefe kvirikes (kvirike III didi, arian o-ebi (ix. st. daviT soslani).
hereT-kaxeTis mefe 1014-37), (ix. st. o-ebi arian mZleni da Zlierni
urdure). mefe kvirike (kvirike III) brZolaSi (i-a, 46). mefe Tamaris de-
gorTan nadirobis dros mokla vin- da iyo o-Ta mefis asuli burduxan
me o-ma monam (v.b. 562). mefe giorgis (ix. statia burduxani). rusudanis
(giorgi I, saqarTvelos mefe 1014- (saqarTvelos mefe, 1223-45) brZane-
27) meore coli iyo o-Ta mefis asu- biT, gaxsnes darialis kari da gad-
li***, romlisganac mas darCa Ze, moiyvanes o-ebi, durZukebi da yo-
saxelad demetre. mefe bagratisa velni mTiulni sultnis (xorezmis
(bagrat IV, saqarTvelos mefe 1027- Sahi jalal ad-dini, 1221-31), wina-
72, giorgi I-is ufrosi vaJi) da misi aRmdeg brZolaSi daxmarebis miz-
dedis (giorgi I-is pirveli meuRle) niT (J., 165; v.b. 204). mefem (daviT VII,
mier Seviwrovebuli o-Ta mefis saqarTvelos mefe 1247-70) colad
asuli, demetresTan erTad, er- moiyvana naTesaviT o. alTuni (ix.
Txans, anakofiis cixeSi (afxazeTi, statia alTuni). daviTis (daviT VIII,
dasavleT saqarTvelo) cxovrobda, saqarTvelos mefe 1293-1311) mefo-
Semdeg ki datova saqarTvelo, dax- bas mxars uWerda o-Ta mefis Ze fa-
marebisTvis mimarTa berZenTa me- rejani (J., 294). farejanis aq yofnis
fes (bizantiis keisars), romelsac dros o-ebma daiwyes qarTlis aox-
gadasca anakofiis cixe (m.q, 295). reba da xocva-Jleta. maT q,. gori
ganZis amira fadlonis (1063-72) wi- daikaves. qarTvelebi gors miadg-
naaRmdeg brZolaSi mefe bagratis nen da mravaljer Seecadnen mis
(bagrat IV, saqarTvelos mefe, 1027- aRebas, qalaqis araerTi mcxovrebi
72) mokavSire iyo o-Ta mefe dorRo- daxoces o-c da qarTvelic da qa-
leli (ix. st. dorRoleli). mefe gi- laqi gadawves. rodesac o-s Zalian
orgi (saqarTvelos mefe giorgi III, gauWirdaT, kaci gagzavnes muxrans
1156-84) ramdeni aTas kac o-sa da mdgom TaTrebTan (monRolebTan)
yivCays ubrZanebda, imdeni movido- daxmarebis saTxovnelad. isini mo-
da (l.g. m., 367). Tamaris (saqarTve- eSvelnen da Cadgnen qarTvelebsa
los mefe, 1184-1210) epoqaSi o. qur- da o-s Soris, ris gamoc qarTveleb-

sa da o-s Soris Camovarda mtroba gi VI mcire, saqarTvelos mefe, 1311-
vidre mefe giorgimde (giorgi V, sa- 13) moadga gorSi myof o-ebs da ebr-
qarTvelos mefe 1314-46), romelmac Zoda maT sami weli (Zegli erisTav-
gandevna o. (J. 294; v.b. 239). farejan Ta, 350; meore t., 445). mefem (giorgi
o-Ta mTavari mefes (daviT VIII) ke- V brwyinvale) o-is mier dapyrobi-
Tilad emsaxureboda, magram qarT- li qarTlis cixeebi da dabebi gaa-
velebsa da o-s hqodaT mtroba. ise Tavisufla, Semdeg ki maTi qveyana
gadaekidnen erTmaneTs, rom rome- Semusra, urCebi daxoca da daimor-
lic moereoda, is klavda. qalaqs Cila, moxarked gaixada da qarTli
(Tbilisi) savaWrod myofi o-ebi o-ebisgan daamSvida (v.b. 256). Te-
saTxe da uzurbegi, ukan gamobrune- mur-lengis (Suaazieli mxedarTm-
bisas, gzad gadaeyarnen mcire ama- Tavari, emiri 1370-1405) mier daty-
liT sanadirod myof rati sura- vevebulma mefe bagratma (bagrat V,
mels. o-ebi mas Tavs daesxnen, mag- saqarTvelos mefe 1360-93) mas
ram ratim saTxes muzaradi gaupo aRuTqva, rom Tu jars miscemda, igi
da mokla, xolo rodesac uzurbegi wavidoda Tavis samefoSi da mTis
mas Tavs daesxa, ratom mxari ganuk- mosaxleobas mTiulebs, o-ebs,
veTa da cxenidan Camoagdo, ris Sem- dvalebs, svanebsa da yvela iq
degac ratis ymebma isic mokles. myofT mis rjulze (islamze) gada-
amis mxilveli o-ebi gaiqcnen (J., iyvanda (b.e. 330, meore t. 455). mefe
297-98; v.b. 240). mefis (daviT VIII) svimoni (svimon I, qarTlis mefe
momxreebsa da TaTrebs (monRo- 1556-1600) Sahs xarkis saxiT ugzav-
lebs) Soris `cikares pirispir~ ga- nida uriisa da o-ebis Zeebs. mefe
marTul brZolaSi, TaTrebis mokav- rostomma (qarTlis mefe 1633-58) es
Sireebi iyvnen gorSi msxdomi o-ebi wesi Secvala da qarTveli glexe-
(J. 306). vinaidan daviTi (daviT VIII) bis, aznaurebisa da didebulebis
winaaRmdegobas ver uwevda baya- asulebsa da Zeebs agzavnida iranSi
Tars (osTa mTavri), igi qarTls (b.e., 425). 1737 qsnis erisTavis o-eb-
aoxrebda, xalxs xocavda, Tumca mas ma aiRes ananuris cixe, monasteri
surameli ahmadi da rati sastikad da axalgori (s.C. 51). 1741 imam yu-
ebrZodnen. maSin bayaTarma kaxas Ze li-xanma `oseTs aqeT~ mosaxleoba
gamrekels Zamis cixe waarTva, amis ayara da givi amilaxvars (zemo qar-
gamo mas beqam (samcxis mTavari) Tlis sadroSos sardali) miabara,
brZola gaumarTa. damarcxebuli TviTon ki isev mibrunda da iqauro-
bayaTari cixeSi Caiketa, romelsac ba moarbia. Semorigebuli mTis
beqa miadga. o-ebma uvneblobis pi- o-ebi, am Ralatis gamo, ganrisxd-
roba iTxoves. amis Semdeg bayaTari nen, yizilbaSebs gza Seukres da ga-
mokvda (J., 317). mefe giorgi (gior- moaqcies, xani daWres, nasaxCibaSi

papua muxranbatoniSvli mokles, maSinve mefe TeimurazTan (qarTlis
yizilbaSebi amowyvites, gorSi Ca- mefe, 1744-62) mividnen, danaSaulis
vidnen, goridan ki -- TbilisSi. (p.o. patieba sTxoves da sruli begara
48). givi amilaxvris dasaxmareblad misces (p.o. 114). TbilisSi Seikrib-
mosuli o. da Cerqezebi Tavs daesx- nen jarebi qarTvelebis, Cerqeze-
nen sabaraTaSvilos, moaoxres bir- bis, o-ebis, kavkasielebis da 1750,
Tvisis, kumisis garSemo da mis ze- 10 Tebervals mefeebis Teimurazi-
moT mdebare teritoria da ise ga- sa da erekles meTaurobiT ganjaSi
Tamamdnen, rom qalaqis mosazRvre mdgari fana-xanis (yarabaRis//Su-
teritoriebidan (qalaqis piridan) Sis xani, 1747-1763), winaaRmdeg da-
naZarcvi mudmivad mihqondaT (p.o. iZrnen (p.o. 165-66). 1750 mefeebma
70). erisTavis o-ebma zemo qarTlis fana-xani daamarcxes, adribejanis
darbeva daiwyes (p.o. 100). mefe erek- qveynebi daarbies, TbilisSi gamar-
lem (erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, jvebuli dabrundnen, am brZolaSi
qarTl-kaxeTis 1762-98) maT daupi- monawile jars, maT Soris o-is
rispira mis daqvemdebarebaSi myo- jars, saboZvari uboZes da TavianT
fi anwuxeli, Tebeli da yiraxeli qveynebSi daabrunes (p.o. 173). mefe-
lekebi. maT aaoxres oseTi da gada- ebma Sekribes qarTlisa da kaxeTis,
vidnen imereTs (p.o. 110). kaxi bato- piriqiTa da piraqeTa o-is, TuS-
ni (erekle II) ananuridan aiyara da fSavelebis, moxeve-xevsurebis da
oseTs salaSqrod wabrZanda. arag- yoveli mTis jarebi, romlebic qar-
vis erisTavis jars TuSTa mouravi Tvel batons (erekle II) emorCile-
jimSeri uTava da TviTon ukan miy- bodnen da ganjas gaemarTnen, saida-
va. o-ebi moegebnen da brZola gai- nac aji-Calabis (Saqis xani, 1743-55)
marTa. jimSeri medgrad ibrZoda da damarcxebas gegmavdnen (p.o. 191).
jarsac abrZolebda. mibrZanda ba- yazaxisa da SamSadilis sazRvarze
tonic, o-ebs daerivnen, gaaqcies, mefe ereklesa da aji-Calabis Svils
ukan daedevnen, koSkebSi Seyares, Soris gamarTul brZolaSi, mteri
Semdeg ki gars Semoewyvnen. qarTve- qarTvelTa jaris SuagulSi SeiWra
lebma 40 koSki ieriSiT aiRes da da qarTvelebis mxares meomari o-is
dawves, Trusi daatyveves da mok- jari gaaqcia, ris Semdegac mefe
les. mcireasakovani erekle ise ib- erekle mTeli ZaliT Setevaze ga-
rZoda, rogorc o-ebTan mebrZoli davida (p.o. 202). mWadijvarTan le-
da maTi bumberazebis damjabni 15 kebis damarcxebis Semdeg, lekis ja-
wlis vaxtang gorgasali (qarTlis ri isev ganagrZobda saqarTvelos
mefe, V s. me-II nax.), (p. o. 113). rode- sxvadasxva kuTxis aoxrebas. mefee-
sac qsnis erisTavis o-ebma aragvis bis (Teimuraz II, erekle II) mier maT
o-ebis damarcxebis ambavi gaiges, dasaxmareblad mowveuli Cerqeze-

bis, kalmuxebis, jiqebis, qistebis, moadga, mefeebma CerqezeTSi jaris
RliRvebis, noRisa da o-ebis jare- saTxovnelad ramaz andronikaSvi-
bi, Tav-TavianTi meTaurebiT, Camo- li gagzavnes, ris Sedegadac Cerqe-
vidnen ananurs. isini iyvnen sxva- zebis, kalmuxebisa da o-ebis mcire-
dasxva rjulis msaxurebi, mahmadia- ricxovani jari movida (p.o. 228).
nebi da ufro metad kerpTayvanism- yvarlis cixesTan lekebis damar-
cemlebi, `avad-mqcevelni da saW- cxebis Semdeg mefeebma maT mxares
melTa finTTa da arawmidaTa mWa- meomar o-ebs da Cerqezebs lari
melni, zogni kargi, Tvalad tanadni uboZes (p.o. 232) afxazeTis (dasav-
da zogni duxWirni da av-sanaxavni, leT saqarTvelo) kaTolikosi besa-
TmaTa-wverTa uqonel da cxvirTa rioni (erisTavi, 1742-69) Tavis Tavs
Zniad Cenil, karg-cxenosan-moisar- ixseniebs, rogorc `ponto-afxaz-
ni da ficxad-mqcevelni~ (p.o. 219). Ta, osTa da dvalTa, lixT-amer, ra-
lekebis winaaRmdeg saqarTveloSi Wa-odiS-guriaTa da yovlisa Crdi-
mowveuli Cerqezebis, kalmuxebis, los kerZoTa jvariTa mawmind-ma-
jiqebis, qistebis, RliRvebis, no- naTlebeli, CrdiloeTis mamaTmTa-
Risa da o-ebis jari mefeebma daaye- vari kaTalikozi~ (ist. dokumente-
nes diRoms da veris xevze. rodesac bi imereTis samefosa da guria odi-
lekebma amis Sesaxeb gaiges, ukuiqc- Sis samTavroebisa, I, 105-106; q.s.Z.,
nen, ris gamoc es jari umoqmedod III, 880). ConCol-musa (daRestnis be-
idga. jaris meTaurebma mefeebs ladi) liaxvze (md. Sida qarTlSi)
sTxoves, an mterTan SeebrZolebi- gavida da samaCablos o-ebi daarbia
naT an TavianT qveynebSi dabrune- (o.x., Teimuraziseuli versia, 76).
bis ufleba miecaT. mefeebma brZa- tormasovma (aleqsandre tormaso-
nes maTi ukan dabruneba da jaris vi, saqarTvelos mTavarmarTebeli
meTaurebs uboZes oqrosa da ver- 1809-11) ramdenime udanaSaulo o.
cxlis iaraRi da lari (saganZuri, moaSTo. isini daasmines erisTaveb-
saWurWle), xolo im o-ebs, romel- ma, radganac surdaT `gaxrekai ovs-
Tac bagrationebis mier naboZebi Ta maT msgavsad Cveulebisa maTisa~
jamagiris wigni hqondaT, ganuax- (T.b. 75). rodesac mefe (solomon I,
les da jamagiri uboZes. es jarebi imereTis mefe 1789-1810) Cavida
saboZvariT aavses da TavianT qvey- imereTSi, Tan axlda mefis (erekle
nebSi gaistumres. meTaurebma mefe- II) Zis iulonis Ze leoni, romelic
ebs aRuTqves, rom maT pirvelive gagzavna raWis gavliT liaxvze, ra-
brZanebaze, eaxlebodnen, rogorc Ta o-ebi aemxedrebina rusebis wina-
maTi ymebi da maT samsaxurSi daixo- aRmdeg. man Semoikriba o-ebi da mi-
cebodnen (p.o. 221). rodesac mTeli vida cxinvalis maxloblad. rode-
daRestnis jari yvarlis cixes Se- sac amis Sesaxeb qarTlis guberna-

torma axverdovma Seityo, rusis farsadan maCabels TxovniT, daerw-
jariT avida cxinvals, magram munebina o-ebi, monawileoba mie-
o-sTan brZolas ver gauZlo da ga- RoT qarTlSi SemoWrili lekebis
magrda cxinvalis cixeSi. maSin winaaRmdeg brZolaSi, ris sanacv-
o-ebma gadawves da daarbies cxinva- lodac isini mefisgan miiRebdnen
lis midamoebi da ukuiqcnen (T.b. karg gasamrjelos (..., 26). 1785
77). ermolovis (aleqsei ermolovi, zaza maCabelma TxovniT mimarTa
saqarTvelos mTavarmarTebeli xelmwifes (erekle II), rom radgan
1816-27) mier wargzavnilma erisTa- misi (xelmwifis) brZanebiT o. qarT-
vis Svilma giorgim, 300 rusiTa da lSi saxldeboda, neba mieca misTvis
aTasamde qarTveliT, mdovleTis o-ebi mis mamulSi ar Caesaxlebina.
tbaze o-ebs brZola gaumarTa. rus- xelmwifem brZana, rom o-ebma mamu-
qarTvelTa jari damarcxda, dai- li maCabels daanebon (q.s.Z., VII, 99-
Rupa 140 rusi da 300-mde qarTveli. 100). 1789 ivane koberiZe erekle II-
o-ma xelSi Caigdes maTi zarbazani, es werda, rom igi o-sa da lekisagan
romelic maTgan 60 Tumnad gamois- wamxdari kaci iyo da iTxovda wya-
yides (T.b. 88). 1770 qarTl-kaxeTis lobas (qsZ, VIII, 21). 1792 Teimuraz
mosaxleobis aRweris mixedviT, falavandiSvili Txovda erekle II-
aragvis osi zaxas, Trusos, Wvrivs, s, rom radgan mis mamulSi Casaxle-
xadas da Rudes 1200 komli, qsnis buli o-ebi da `osis momyolni kac-
osi 2 000 komli, xolo maCablis ni~ avazakobdnen da qurdobdnen,
osi 860 komli iyo (q.s.Z., II, 420). daecalaT misi mamuli (q.s.Z., VIII,
1778 karbSi CeltiasTan xiznad myo- 160). 1795 Toma meRvineTuxucesiS-
fi Tevdore varZielaSvili wers vili werda erekle II-s, rom rode-
erekle II-s, rom am Celtias Zmis- sac iuloni (erekle II-is Ze) oseTSi
wulma gogiam o-ebi tyved dayida. brZandeboda, romelic dasaqcevi
o-ebis patronebi Tevdores miu- cixe iyo, yvela daaqcevina (q.s.Z.,
vardnen da aawiokes. erekle II-m da- VIII, 313). 1795 sveticxovlis ymebi
avala saxlTuxuces giorgis, rom revaziSvilebi weren, rom maT mo-
momCivanebi o-ebisgan daecva (q.s.Z., xucs ivane kvaliaSvilma o. miusia,
VII, 397-98). 1782 ganCinebis mixed- romelTac igi sastikad awames (Zu-
viT, Tu qristiani kaci oss qals ZuebiT Camokides da fexis frCxi-
miscemda da daumoyvrdeboda, mas lebi daaZres) (q.s.Z., VIII, 317). 1795
mkacrad mokiTxavdnen da dasjid- daTuna maCabeli wers, rom mis kuT-
nen, o-s colad SerTva ki mxolod vnil o-ebs vinme barZimi da zaza
qalis monaTvlis SemTxvevaSi SeiZ- daepatronnen (q.s.Z., VIII, 321). 1795
leboda (q.s.Z., II, 451). 1782 mefe zaal daviTaSvili wers anton II-s
ereklem (erekle II) werili miswera (aRmosavleT saqarTvelos kaToli-

kosi, 1788-1811), rom usjulo o-ma iyo, samarTals iTxovda (q.s.Z., VII,
saSinlad aikles (q.s.Z., VIII, 337). 438). Sio begiaSvili wers iulon ba-
1796 gogia ciciSvili wers, rom misi toniSvils, rom o-ebma moukles er-
yma niqozebSi (sofeli qarTlSi) TaderTi Svili, romelsac sami
qarTvelma da o-ma Seipyres da 14 oboli darCa. TviTon dabrmavda da
xarad mirzaSvilis samouravo sTxovs oblebis dazrdamde gadasa-
o-ebSi gayides. iqidan ki SemouTva- xadebisagan gaTavisuflebas (q.s.Z.,
les, rom meored upirebdnen gayid- VII, 753). iese msajuli wers, rom vin-
vas (q.s.Z., VIII, 363). 1797 daviT elio- me faremuzam da misma o-ma ymam 3
ziSvili wers dedofal darejans, cxeni, iaraRi, Tofi da nabadi mopa-
rom aRa-mahmad xanis dros momxdar res. is o. yma vinme jaWisSvilma
areulobaSi mis saxlikacs Tavisi elizbarma daiWira da cxeni waarT-
kaci daesxa Tavs o-is jariT, ekle- va (q.s.Z., VII, 541).
sia dauwva da 500 kodi puri waiRo
(q.s.Z., VIII, 447). 1799 xerxeuliZeebi *anaqronizmia, im mizniT, rom avtorma ga-
nadidos pirveli qristiani mefe miriani da
weren giorgi XII-s (qarTl-kaxeTis gamoacxados is ardaSir I-is Svilad, miria-
mefe, 1798-1800), rom maT sofelSi nisa da misi axlo winapari mefeebis mefoba,
ramdenime aTeuli wliT ukan daxia.
mcxovrebi ori o. daviTaSvilis
** xazarTa moxsenieba am periodSi anaqro-
kacma vinme imerelma gayida. amis ga- nizmia. (ix. st. xazarebi).
mo o-ebi maT emterebodnen. (q.s.Z., *** XI s-is bizantieli qronografosis gior-
VIII, 555). 1800 gogia biTaZis coli gi kedrenes cnobiT, mefe giorgis meuRles,
romelic tomiT iyo alani (osi), saxelad er-
wers xelmwifes (giorgi XII), rom qva alde. igi miemxro bizantiis keisars da
TaqTaqiSvilebis mier gayiduli mi- gadasca anakofiis umtkicesi cixe, mis vaJs
demetres ki mefem (keisarma) uboZa magist-
si Svilebi Tavad iymos, oRondac rosis tituli (georgika, t. V, Tb., 1963, 58).
o-ebSi maTi gayidvis neba ar dar- T. qoriZe
Tos (q.s.Z., VIII, 629). 1800 mroveli
(ruisis episkoposi) wers giorgi
XII-s, rom Tavdebis RvTismSoblis omar-xani avarieli, ava-
monasteri ara avi drois mizeziT, riis (xunZaxis) saxanos gamgebeli
aramed ufro o-is gamo daicala (1774-1801). misi mmarTvelobis pe-
(q.s.Z., VIII, 614-13). beri gvilikaSvi- riodSi avariis saxanom gaifarTo-
li wers erekle II-s, rom gzad ZaRi- va sazRvrebi avariis `Tavisufali
naSi mimavali Tavis Tanamgzavreb- Temebis~ daqvemdebarebis xarjze.
Tan erTad o-ebma Seipyres, Semdeg omar-xanis moxarkeebi iyvnen da-
ki gayides. igi yaraji o-ma daixsna 9 rubandis, yubanis, Saqis, baqosa da
Tumnad da Camoiyvana, magram Sin Ca- Sirvanis xanebi, aseve TurqeTis va-
usaxlda da Tavis TeTrs sTxovda. sali axalcixis faSa. 1800 misi mo-
radgan igi maCablisagan gayiduli rigi laSqroba kaxeTze ukanaskne-
li aRmoCnda. md. iorTan gamarTul axtalaSi myofi qarTvelebi, berZ-
brZolaSi is sastikad damarcxda da nebi da somxebi daatyveva, iqidan ki
ukan daixia Warisken (kaxeTis aR- axalcixes wavida, sadac suleiman
mosavleT nawili). aq belaqanSi igi faSam didi pativiT miiRo. o.x-ma
dasneulda da gardaicvala. o.x. ix- gailaSqra saabaSioze, sadac meg-
senieba: Ooman xerxeuliZe `mefoba zuroba suleiman faSas kacebma ga-
irakli meorisa~ (1989); Teimuraz uwies. Mman aiRo vaxanis cixe, cixeSi
bagrationi `axali istoria~ (1983); myofni da Tavad abaSiZis col-Svi-
bagrat batoniSvli `axali moTxro- li daatyveva, isev axalcixeSi gab-
ba~ (1941). runda, iq gamoizamTra da momdevno
o.x. iyo avariis xani da xunZaxis wlis Semodgomaze, zamTris pirs
batoni (o.x. 55). o.x. iyo nursal-be- datova safaSo (o.x. 100; T.b. 59)**.
gis Ze (T.b. 59). ereklesa (erekle II, o.x-ma mis mier datyvevebuli abaSi-
kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxe- Zis zogierTi saxlikaci suleiman
Tis 1762-98) da Teimurazis (Teimu- faSas TxovniT gaaTavisufla (o.x.
razi, qarTlis mefe 1744-62) mier 100). o.x-ma abaSiZis ori gauTxova-
morige laSqris SemoRebam SeaSina ri qali maia da elene Tan waiyvana,
lekebi, ris gamoc moxda maTi Seri- umcrosi Tavad SeirTo colad, uf-
geba daRestnis pirvel beladebTan rosi ki -- SuSis xanma ibreimma (o.x.
da maT Soris o.x-Tan, romelsacE Te- 101). 1785 mucalis Ze o.x. daRest-
imurazma da ereklem dauweses ja- nelTa 20 000-iani jariT wamovida
magiri (o.x. 68-69)*. axalcixis faSa saqarTveloze salaSqrod da dadga
suleimanma waaqeza lekebi `marbe- alaznis piras. mefe erekle Tavi-
velad qarTlisa~ da saidumlo kav- si jariT da rusTa ori batalio-
Siri daamyara daRestanSi o.x-Tan niT, romelsac polkovniki stefane
(o.x. 98). o.x-ma Sekriba daRestnis danielis Ze breSovi xelmZRvane-
mTeli jari, Camovida WarSi, Semo- lobda, dadga qiziys. o.x. alazans
ikriba Warelebic, 20 aTasi leki, gadmovida. mefes (erekle II) masTan
gadmovida alazans da movida qizi- Sebma surda, magram ivane nazirma
yis maxloblad urdoze. radgan o.x. amis neba ar darTo. o.x. wavida iedi-
siRnaRze apirebda galaSqrebas, me- boluqze, yaraias mtkvarze gada-
fe erekle qarTvelTa da rusTa ja- vida, aRjayalas miadga, magram ver
riT gamagrda siRnaRs. es rom o.x-ma aiRo. borCalodan aiyara da vercx-
gaigo, jarTan erTad Cumad RamiT lis sabados miadga, romelic aiRo,
gaipara, dedofliswyaro gaiara da iq mosaxle mravali berZeni amowy-
iorze gadavida (o.x. 100). o.x-ma md. vita da daatyveva. iqidan lores
mtkvari gadaiara, axtalas mivida, miadga, magram ver aiRo. loredan
axtalis cixe aiRo, madnebi aiklo, wamosuli axalcixes mivida, iqi-

dan ki vaxans da 20 dRis Semdgom Tis mefe 1798-1800). niaxurasTan
aiRo vaxanis cixe. evgen abaSiZis qa- gamarTul brZolaSi, sadac maT da-
lebi daatyveva, mravali qristiani upirispirdnen mefis Zeni ioane
amowyvita, daatyveva, isev axalci- da bagrati kaxeTis mxedrobiTa da
xes gabrunda da iq gamoizamTra. ga- 600 rusiT, lekebi (daaxl. 10 aTasi
zafxulze yarabaRs Cavida ibreim- kaci) damarcxdnen, didi msxverpli
xanTan, evgenis erTi qali mas misca ganicades, Sercxvenilebi ukuiqc-
colad da meore TviT SeirTo mefe nen, gadaiares iori da Tavs daesx-
erekles dauzavda, romelmac weli- nen ganjas, sadac aseve damarcxdnen
wadSi 500 Tumani jamagirad dauniS- (T.b. 67). o.x. Camovida Wars 12 aTasi-
na (b.b. 59-60). ani jariT, masTan mivida aleqsand-
o.x-ma qarTlze galaSqreba ver re (qarTl-kaxeTis mefis erekle II-
gabeda, mefe ereklesTan Sexvedris is Ze), romelmac Tbilisis aRebisa
SiSiT, ris gamoc mTa-mTa, erevnis da Tavisi Zmis mefe giorgis (giorgi
mTebis gziT Cavida yarabaRSi, sa- XII), warwymedis mizniT, wamoiyvana
dac SuSis xani ibreimi miegeba da ya- igi da dapirda tyvisa da saqonlis
rabaRSi daayena jariT (o.x. 100) Su- micemas. o.x. gavida alazans. mefe
Sis xans ibreims o.x-sTan megobroba giorgim mis winaaRmdeg gagzavna
hqonda (o.x. 101). ibreim xanma Se- Tavisi Svilebi bagrati, kaxTa mxed-
atyobina o.x-s, rom mefe erekle mis robiT da ioane, ori batalioni ru-
winaaRmdeg apirebda galaSqrebas sis jariT. maT daibanakes Zvel ana-
da Svela sTxova. o.x-ma es rom Se- gaSi (sofeli kaxeTSi), omar-xanma ki
ityo, daRestnelTa mravalricxo- mis maxloblad, yaraRajSi. qarTve-
vani jariT WarSi gadmovida da qi- lebs am adgilas surdaT omi, mag-
ziyze daapira galaSqreba. o.x-ma ram o.x. aiyara da sagarejosa da mis
mefe erekles qiziys misvlis Sesa- garSemo mdebare soflebis dapyro-
xeb rom Seityo, veRar gabeda iq mis- bis mizniT, ukana gziT wavida. mas
vla, mTeli Tavisi jariT aiyara da surda, sagarejo Tavis sadgomad
q. Samaxias miadga (o.x. 101-102). o.x- eqcia da iqidan soflebi eoxrebina.
ma ganvlo gogCa da moaoxra Samqori mefis Zeni rus-qarTvelTa jariT
(T.b. 59). 1797 o.x-ma gadawva velis- ukan miyvnen da md. iorze, niaxu-
cixe, mukuzani da wavida Saqs (T.b. rad wodebul adgilas Seebnen. sam-
66). ibreim xanis (yarabaRis//SuSis saaTian brZolaSi o.x damarcxda.
xani) waqezebiT o.x. isev SemoiWra 7 noembers, oTxSabaT saRamos ga-
kaxeTSi da daibanaka `kidesa alaz- marTul brZolaSi 500 rusi da 1500
nisasa~. masTan mivida mefis (erekle qarTveli monawileobda. Tendebo-
II) Ze aleqsandre, radgan eurCebo- da mTavarangelozebis miqaelisa
da mefes (giorgi XII, qarTl-kaxe- da gabrielis dResaswauli. RamiT

lekebi gadaixvewnen. damarcxebu- ravmala yarsis (karis) amira
li o.x. mivida ganjas, sadac mas ja- (XVIII s-is 30-iani) r. ixsenieba yar-
vaT-xani Seeba da daamarcxa. iqidan sis cixis koSkis 1238 saamSeneblo
mivida yarabaRs, ibreim-xanTan, ro- warweraSi (v. silogava, yarsis ci-
melmac is ar istumra. o.x. ukuiqca xis erTi qarTuli warwera, macne,
Wars, sadac mwuxarebis gamo mokv- istoriis... seria, #1, 1980). warwe-
da. mefesTan (giorgi XII) gagzavnes raSi aRniSnulia, rom 1238 (qoroni-
maxarobeli da acnobes es ambavi. im- koni nh), rusudanis (saqarTvelos
peratorma (pavle I, ruseTis impera- mefe 1223-45) mefobaSi, misi zeobis
tori 1796-1801) o.x-is damarcxebis- meTeqvsmete (iv) wels, karis amira
Tvis mefis Zeebi ioane da bagrati da- r-m aaSena koSki. warwera miuTi-
ajildova wm. ioane naTlismcemlis Tebs, rom 1238 wlisaTvis, miuxe-
malTis kavaleriiT, aseve daajil- davad monRolTa batonobisa, kari
dova rusi generlebi da oficrebi, isev saqarTvelos Semadgenloba-
romelTac uboZa bairaRebi warwe- Sia, romlis marTva gamgeblobas
riT `ZlevisaTvis avariisa omar xa- axorcielebs saqarTvelos mefe mis
nisa~ (b.b. 73-75). 1800 mefe giorgim mier daniSnuli moxelis amiras
(giorgi XII) moaWedina boWormad wo- meSveobiT. amasve adasturebs yar-
debuli wm. giorgis xati, romlis Za- sis cixis somxuri warwerebic (v. s.
liTac damarcxda o.x. (b.b. 74) mefis 161-174).
Ze aleqsandres mokavSire yvarelTan g. oTxmezuri
seqtemberSi (1812) polkovnik tixa-
novskis winaaRmdeg gamarTul brZo-
laSi, iyo o.x-is naTesavi ali skanti, rani (arani) kavkasiis al-
romelmac 3 000 lekiT miiRo monawi- baneTis* teritoriis aRmniSvneli
leoba warmatebiT dasrulebul am arabizirebuli saxelwodeba (ar-
brZolaSi (T.b. 85). rani). Sua saukuneebis (IX s-dan) wya-
roebis mixedviT arani moicavda
*teqstSi garkveul anaqronizms aqvs adgi-
li. morige laSqari erekle II-m Teimuraz II- md. mtkvrisa da md. araqsis Suamdi-
is gardacvalebis (1762) Semdeg, 1774 wels
SemoiRo. nareTis velis raions (axlandeli
**Teimuraz bagrationis cnobiT, es moxda milis veli) qalaqebiT: barda (cen-
1785 wels. tri), ganja, belaqani (paitakarani).
T. qoriZe aranidan warmodgeba adgilobriv
mmarTvelTa dinastiuri titu-
li `aranSahi~. r. ixsenieba: leonti
mroveli `cxovreba qarTvelTa me-
feTa~ da `ninos mier qarTlis moq-
ceva~, juanSeri `cxovreba vaxtang
gorgaslisa~, `matiane qarTlisa~, ebi r-Si (l.m. 131). qarTlis mefes
`cxovreba mefeT-mefisa daviTisi~ varaz-baqars (IV s. 70-80-iani) ira-
(q. c. I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili nis gamgebelma mosTxova r-i da mo-
`aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. vakani, radgan misi TqmiT, es teri-
c. IV, 1973). toriebi sparseTis sazRvarze iyo.
r-i aris yarabaRi (v. b. 205, 269, aq cxovrobdnen `sruliad Svilni
632). Temur-lengi (Sua aziis mbrZa- sparsTa mefeTani~. varaz-baqarma
nebeli 1370-1405) movida r-Si `aw ya- SiSis gamo veraferi Tqva da daTmo
rabaRad wodebulsa~ (v.b. 269). Tar- r-i (l. m. 136; v. b. 96). qarTlis mefem
gamosi (bibliuri personaJi, kavka- arCil mirdatis Zem (V s. 20-30-iani)
siel xalxTa eTnarqi) iyo mama r-Ta `ganacxada mteroba sparsTa~. maSin
da movaknelTa... (l. m. 5). xazarTa** sparseTis erisTavi, romelic eris-
mefem kavkasiis dalaSqvris Semdeg Tavobda (pitiaxSi) r-sa da movakans,
Tavisi mamis Zmiswuls misca `rani wamovida arCilis winaaRmdeg. ar-
da movakani~ (l. m. 12). qarTlis me- Cili mters qarTlis sazRvarTan,
md. berdujTan (md. ZegamCai, dR.
fe aderkis (daax. Zv.w. II s.) kurTxe-
azerbaijanSi) SeebrZola, daamar-
vas daeswrnen somxebi da `sparsni
cxa, Sevida r-Si, moaoxra da Sin ga-
ranisani~ (l. m. 35). rodesac spar-
marjvebuli dabrunda (j. 140). Sem-
seTis mefem `qasrem~*** Seiwynara
deg arCili xSirad aoxrebda r-sa
qarTvelTa Txovna da Tavis Svils
da movakans, r-is erisTavi ki wina-
mihrans (miriani, qarTlis mefe IV s.
aRmdegobas ver uwevda (v. b. 98, 99).
I nax.) SerTo qarTvelTa mefis asfa-
qarTlis mefem mirdat arCilis Zem
guris asuli, dasva miriani mcxeTas
(V s. 30-50-iani) gaaZliera sparse-
da misca: qarTli, r., movakani, he-
Tis winaaRmdeg brZola da xSirad
reTi (l. m. 64, 65, 67, 70; v. b. 71). mi-
aoxrebda r-sa da movakans. radgan
rian mefis siZe ferozi, romelsac
sparselebi dakavebulebi iyvnen
mirianma misca `rani bardavamdin~
indoeTSi brZoliT, mirdatis wi-
ar moinaTla. wm. nino `waremarTa naaRmdeg jars ver agzavnidnen (j.
ranisaken~, raTa ferozi qristes 141; v. b. 98). im dros ranis erisTavi
sjulze moeqcia (l. m 117, 126; v. b. iyo barzabodi. man, marTalia, ci-
93). baqar mirianis Zem (qarTlis me- xeebi gaamagra, magram qarTvelebs
fe IV s. 40-60-iani) Tavis dis qmars winaaRmdegobas mainc ver uwevda.
ferozs, mirianis mier micemuli barzabods hyavda mSvenieri asu-
qveyana `rani bardavamdi~ gaucvala li sagduxti. mirdatma, rodesac
samSvildidan vidre abocis (qarTu- misi simSvenieris ambavi gaigo, igi
li ist. provincia javaxeTis samx- colad iTxova. r-is erisTavi didi
reTiT) Tavamde teritoriaSi (l.m. sixaruliT Sexvda am ambavs (j. 142;
130-31). baqarma gaamravla eklesi- v. b. 99). mirdatis gardacvalebis

Semdeg sagduxti eaxla Tavis mamas, axSs niSnavda iranis Sahi. V s. 60-80-
r-is erisTavs, barzabods, q. bar- iani) sparseTis Sahma daniSna r-is
davSi da misi mcirewlovani Svilis, erisTavad (j. 216; v. b. 118). varsqen
vaxtangis (vaxtang gorgasali, qar- pitiaxSis gardacvalebis Semdeg
Tlis mefe V s. 40-iani V s. bolom- sparseTis mefem (sparseTis Sahi pe-
de) qarTlis taxtze ayvana sTxova. rozi 459-84) r-is da movakanis eris-
(ranis erisTavebi, pitiaxSebi ami- Tavad gamoagzavna darel da `ub-
erkavkasiaSi ganasaxierebdnen ira- rZana, raTa keTilad megobrobdes
nis xelisuflebas) barzabodi das- qarTvelTa~ (j. 216-217). sparseTis
Tanxmda (j. 144). osebma dalaSqres mefem urmizdma (iranis Sahi hor-
qarTli, sxvebTan erTad vaxtang mizd IV, 579-90) r-i da movakani mis-
mefis sami wlis da daatyveves, `Cav- ca Tavis Zes qasre ambarvezs (iranis
les rani da movakani~ da daruban- Sahi xosro II farvizi 591-628, man
dis gziT ukan gabrundnen (j. 146). r-i datova 570-ian wlebSi), (j. 217;
rodesac vaxtang gorgasali TxuT- v. b. 118). herakle keisarma (biz. imp.
meti wlis Seiqmna, oseTze galaS- 610-41) gamoiara gza r-isa da meo-
qreba gadawyvita da Tavis dedis red (628) Semovida qarTlSi (j. 231).
Zmas, r-is erisTavs, varaz-bakurs murvan-yrus (marvan II ibn muhamadi.
daxmareba sTxova. varaz-bakurma 12 ukanaskneli omaniani xalifa, 744-
000 mxedari sixaruliT gamougzav- 50) Semosevis Sedegad `qmna mas Jam-
na, radgan osebi r-sac aoxrebdnen sa garyunil qveyana qarTlisa, som-
(j. 150). r-is goliaTi farsman fa- xeTisa da ranisa~ (j. 239; v. b. 124).
ruxi, romelic vaxtang gorgaslis Tbilisis amiram, humed xalilis
laSqarSi iyo, orTabrZolaSi gamo- Zem, `nebierad daipyra yoveli ese
iwvia xazarTa bumberazma Tarxanma, queyana: somxeTi, qarTli, rani~ (m.
romelmac mas Tavi gaupo da mokla q. 257). bagratma (bagrat III, saqarT-
(v. b. 102-103). vaxtang gorgasali velos mefe 975-1014) moaoxra r-i (m.
sparseTis Sahis brZanebiT ibrZvis q. 280). bagratma (bagrat IV, saqarT-
saberZneTis (bizantia) winaaRmdeg. velos mefe 1027-72) Tavisi diswu-
mas am brZolaSi exmareba Tavisi bi- li SerTo `sparsTa mefesas sul-
Za r-is erisTavi varaz-bakuri mo- tansa~, romelmac sami wlis Semdeg
vakanis, r-isa da adarbadaganis 200 gamoiara r-i da farulad Semovida
000 kaciani jariT. vaxtangs peroJa- hereTs (m. q. 308; v. b. 150). bagratma
kafas cixesTan (savaraudod, qarT- gailaSqra ganZis amira fadlonis
lisa da somxeTis sazRvarze), rome- (fadl ibn Savur II, 1067-73) winaaR-
lic r-is erisTavma ferozma (igu- mdeg, Sevida r-Si da moaoxra (v. b.
lisxmeba mirian mefis siZe) aaSena, 145). q. SamaxiaSi gamagrebul sul-
SeuerTdnen somxebic (j. 159). var- TanTan (muhamad ibn muhamad, iranis
sqen pitiaxSi (qvemo qarTlis piti- sasulTnos mmarTveli 1117-31) da-
saxmareblad mimaval r-is aTabags rajaba lekTa beladi (XVIII s.
aRsunRuls (ak-sonkur-i axmadili) me-2 nax.) r. ixsenieba: 1774, 23 Teber-
daviTma (daviT IV, saqarTvelos me- vals erekle II-is (qarTl-kaxeTis
fe 1089-1125) gzaSi amouwyvita 4 000 mefe 1762-98) mier gacemul sabuT-
mxedari (1124), (d. i. 344, v. b. 161). gi- Si (`erekle II-is mier gacemuli sa-
orgi rusma (iuri bogoliubski, me- buTebi 1736-1797~, 2008). sabuTidan
fe Tamaris (1184-1207/10) pirveli irkveva rom solomon I-ma, imereTis
qmari) aiRo r-is qveyana (v. b. 181). mefem (1752-84) daatyveva lekTa be-
laSa-giorgis (saqarTvelos mefe ladi (lekebi Seesivnen imereTs da
1207/10-23) dabadebis aRsaniSnavad aawiokes) r. da `yaraulebis~ Tanx-
(1193) qarTvelebma moaoxres r-i da lebiT erekles gamougzavna (gv. 97.
aiRes q. barda (v. b. 179). `romelma f. 1461, rveuli 12, sab. #97).
noinmac daipyro adarbadagani, man-
q. nadiraZe
ve daipyro r.~ (albaT igulisxmeba
CormaRan noini, romelic 1235 wli-
dan laSqrobs albaneTis qveynebze), riza-yuli begi ganjis xa-
(v. b. 258). giorgi (giorgi V, saqar- nis Saverdis Zma (XVII s. II nax.). r.y.
Tvelos mefe 1318-46) Sevida r-Si begi ixsenieba: papuna orbeliani
da xarki daado (v. b. 256, 259, 260). ,,ambavni qarTlisani (1981); Tei-
aleqsandrem (aleqsandre I, saqar- muraz bagrationi ,,axali istoria
Tvelos mefe 1412-42) r. da movakani
moxarked gaixada (v. b. 280). giorgis
ganjis xani Saverdi agzavnis
(giorgi VIII, saqarTvelos mefe 1446-
Tavis Zmas r.y. begs qarTlSi Tei-
66) xarks uxdidnen r-i da Sirvani (v.
muraz II-Tan (qarTlis mefe 1744-
b. 283). 62) da erekle II-Tan (kaxeTis mefe
1744-62, qarTlis mefe 1762-98) da
kavkasiis albaneTi, erT-erTi uZvelesi sa- sTxovs daxmarebas fana-xanis (yara-
xelmwifo aRm. amierkavkasiaSi. moicavda ax-
landeli azerbaijanis respub. teritorias baRis xani 1747-63) winaaRmdeg (p.o.
da daRestnis samxreT nawils.
165). Teimurazma da ereklem aiRes
am periodSi xazarTa moxsenieba qarTul azerbaijanis qveyana. Saverdi xan-
werilobiT wyaroSi anaqronizmia. xazarebma
sakuTari gaerTianebebi Crdilo kavkasiaSi ma maT aTi aTasi Tumani gaugzavna
mxolod ax. w. VII s-is SuaxanebSi Seqmnes (ix. r. y. begis xeliT (p.o. 171). ganjis
st. xazarebi).
xanis mahmad-asan-xanis biZa iyo r.y.
qasre anuSirvan sasinianis (sasanianTa di-
nastiis damaarsebeli ardaSir I. taxtze ij- begi, romelic iyo mZevlad spar-
da 226-41) wyaroSi xseneba samec. lit. anaq- seTSi qerim xanTan (qerim xan zendi,
ronizmad miaCniaT.
iranis gamgebeli 1753-79). ukan dab-
q. nadiraZe runebuli r.y. begi ZmisSvilma aRar
SeuSva ganjaSi. erekle II-m miswera
werili mahmad-asan-xans da mouwo-

da mSvidoba damyarebuliyo maT So- sagduxti vaxtang gorgas-
ris. man ar ismina, miiwvia TavisTan lis (qarTlis mefe V s. II nax.) deda.
da Tvalebi dasTxara biZas r.y. begs s. ixsenieba: juanSeri ,,cxovreba
(T.b. 56). vaxtang gorgaslisa (q.c. I, 1955).
e. kvaWantiraZe s. iyo barzabodis (iraneli mo-
xele, qarTl-albaneTis marzpani)
silamaziT ganTqmuli asuli. ar-
rusudani Cerqezi warCine- Cilis (qarTlis mefe V s. 20-30-iani
bulis asuli. r. ixsenieba: vaxuSti ww.) vaJma mirdatma (qarTlis mefe V
batoniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa sa- s. 30-50-iani) Seityo misi mSveniere-
qarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973). vaxuS- bis Sesaxeb da sTxova mamas moegva-
tis erTi cnobiT, giorgim (giorgi ra misTvis colad s. (j. 141). s. mo-
XI, qarTlis mefe 1678-88, 1703-09) iyvanes mcxeTaSi da gaimarTa didi
Cerqezis batonis asuli r. moiyva- qorwili. s. dedofalma gamoikiTxa
na Tavisi vaJisaTvis, magram Tavis qristes sjuli, mas uTargmnes sa-
ZmisSvils vaxtangs miaTxova, xara- xareba. s-ma dagmo zoroastrizmi
gaulSi waiyvana da mcire qorwili da qristianad moinaTla. man aaSe-
gaumarTa (v.b. 474). sxva adgilas va- na samSvildis sioni. s-s eyola ori
xuSti r-s giorgi XI-is colad asa- asuli: xuaranZe da miranduxti, da
xelebs (v.b. 815). erTi vaJi vaxtangi (j. 142-3). qmris
sikvdilis Semdeg SeSinebuli, rom
e. kvaWantiraZe
mamas ar daesaja qristianobis mi-
RebisaTvis da ar emtro misi vaJi-
saTvis, s. wavida bardavSi mamasTan,
saba jibRu xakanis mama (g.
muxli moiyara, ZuZuebi amoyara,
590). TurqTa dasavleTi kaganatis
fexebze eamboreboda mas da iTxov-
aSinas dinastiis ufliswuli (qar-
da misgan ar aeZulebina qristiano-
Tuli wyaros mixedviT xazarTa xa-
bis dateveba, ar evno vaxtangisaT-
kani). s. ixsenieba: juanSeri, `cxov-
vis, romelic sasanianTa iranis qve-
reba vaxtang gorgaslisa~ (q. c. I,
Sevrdomad darCeboda. barzabodma
Seiwyala asuli da yvela Txovna Se-
`s, TurqTa mefe~ daiRupa ira-
usrula. wamovida s. dedofali qar-
nis winaaRmdeg TurqTa laSqrobi-
TlSi da ganagebda qveyanas mamis Za-
sas (j. 220).
liT da SewevniT (j. 144-5).
g. oTxmezuri
e. kvaWantiraZe

salome ujarmeli somxe- sara beTlemeli // sara ni-
Tis mefe Trdat III-is (298-330) asu- afori dvineli somexi, IV s-is
li, qarTlis mefe mirianis (IV s. I pirveli naxevris moRvawe, niafori
nax.) Zis revis meuRle. s. u. ixsenie- (sjulis maswavlebeli). s. b. ixseni-
ba: `moqceva qarTlisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., eba: `moqceva qarTlisa~, (Z.q.a.l.Z.,
I, 1963); leonti mroveli, `cxovre- I, 1963); leonti mroveli, `cxovreba
ba qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c, I., 1955);. qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c., I, 1955); va-
vaxuSti batoniSvili, `aRwera same- xuSti batoniSvili, `aRwera samefo-
fosa saqarTvelosa~, (q.c. IV, 1973). sa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c., IV, 1973).
konstantine didma (324-37) daa- wmida ninos deda susana ieru-
moyvra somxeTisa da qarTlis mefe- salimSi emsaxureboda niafor s. b-s
ebi Trdati da miriani; Trdatis (moq. q., 107; l.m. 72; v.b. 73). wmida
asuli s.u. colad SerTes mirianis nino ori weli emsaxureboda dvi-
Zes revs. (l.m. 70). s. u-ma mZimed das- nel somex dedabers s. b-s. Mman uambo
neulebul wmida ninos sTxova mo- wmida ninos ieso qristes jvarcmis,
eyola, Tu rogor movida qarTl- vnebebis, daflvis, aRdgomis, maTi
Si (moq. q., 105); mefe mirianma revsa mniSvnelobisa da ieso qristes sa-
da mis meuRle s. u-s rezidenciad moselis Sesaxeb (moq. q., 110). s. b-ma
uboZa ujarma (l.m. 71; v.b. 90). wmi- urCia ierusalimis patriarq iube-
da ninos cxovreba aRwera morwmune nals, rom mas misi da, susana colad
dedofalma, mefe mirianis Zis col- mieTxovebina branjTa ganmanaT-
ma, Trdat somexTa mefis asulma leblis zabilonisTvis (l.m., 75-76).
s. u-ma. (lm, 72) wmida ninom brZana, s. b-ma auwya wmida ninos qalaq mcxe-
rom erTi jvari gadaecaT s. u-Tvis, Tis anu uflis samoselis adgil-
raTa mas is aRemarTa qalaq ujarmas samyofelis Sesaxeb (l.m., 78-79); s.
(lm, 121). s. u-ma ujarmas aRmarTa b-ma hkiTxa efesodan mosul qals
jvari (vb, 90). revi da s. u. mividnen dedofal elenes (romis imperator
daba bods dasneulebuli wmida ni- konstatine I-is deda) sarwmunoeb-
nos sanaxavad da amis Sesaxeb acno- rivi mdgomareobis Sesaxeb (l.m. 79).
bes mefesa da dedofals (l.m. 126; wmida ninom sTxova s. b-s, raTa igi
v.b. 93). s. u-ma da peroJavr sivnelma gaegzavna dedofal elenesTan (l.m.
Caweres wmida ninos cxovreba (l.m. 79). s. b-ma dedofal elenesTan wmi-
127; vb, 93). mefe baqarma // bakurma da ninos misvlis survilis Sesaxeb
(337-357) ZmiswulebTan da maT de- amcno ierusalimis patriarqs (l.m.
dasTan s.u-Tan `xeliT-werili~ da- 79). s. b-gan wmida ninom iswavla co-
do (l.m. 131). taodeni somxuri (l..m. 85).
T. qoriZe T. qoriZe

sarangi alxazi Turq-sel- arqobidan~ da iranis gzas gauyenes.
jukTa sardali, ganZis gamgebeli Sewyda rogorc arSakidTa mefoba,
(XI s.). s.a. ixsenieba: ,,matiane qarT- ise grigol ganmanaTleblis STamo-
lisa, ,,cxovreba mefeT-mefisa da- mavalTa patriarqoba. aseT aRsas-
viTisi (q.c. I, 1955). ruls qalkedonuri wyaroebi maTi
bagratma (bagrat IV, saqarTve- marTlmadidebluri sarwmunoebi-
los mefe 1027-72) daamarcxa da Se- dan gandgomis samarTlian Sedegad
ipyro fadloni (fadlon II, fadl Tvlian. s. ixsenieba: arsen safare-
ibn Savuri, ganZis amira 1067-73). li, `ganyofisTs qarTvelTa da so-
alf-arslanma (seljukTa sulTani mexTa~ (1980).
1063-72) mociqulad gaugzavna bag- AaResrula wmida s-is Cveneba,
rats s.a. misi SuamdgomlobiT bag- romelmac ixila oqros birTvi da
ratma gauSva fadloni ganZaSi, mas inafori wmida sakurTxevelze, ra-
Tan gayva s.a. (m.q. 312). maliq-Sahma meTu arSakunianTa mefobis aRsru-
(seljukTa sulTani 1072-92) aiRo lebasTan erTad, bolo moeRo wmida
ganZa da gamgeblad s.a. daniSna. s.a. grigolis STamomavalTa mRvdloba-
ibrZvis giorgis (giorgi II, saqar- sac (a.s. 83). s. iyo grigolis SviliS-
Tvelos mefe 1072-89) winaaRmdeg. vili (arsen safareli gulisxmobs
farcxisTan (sof. qvemo qarTlSi) grigol ganmanaTlebels // par-
brZolaSi giorgi II-m aRsarTanis Tels), (a.s. 86). s M -ma Tavis mowafeeb-
(aRsarTan I, hereT-kaxeTis mefe Tan erTad Targmna pirveli qristi-
1058-84) daxmarebiT daamarcxa s.a., anuli wignebi (a.s. 86). somexi aznau-
gaaqcia, mxolod mwuxris Jamma da rebi da eriskacebi, eklesiis winam-
sibnelem gadaarCina s.a.-is laSqari ZRolTa mibaZviT, ganeSornen wmida
(m.q. 317; d.i. 318). s-is mier dadgenil kanonebs (a.s. 87).
e. kvaWantiraZe T. qoriZe

sahak (Sahak) somexTa kaTo- sahak mRvdeli - misi moRva-

likosi (387-438), MtradiciiT, gri- weobis zusti dro ucnobia (sava-
gol ganmanaTleblis SviliSvilis raudod VII). iyo somexi, qalkedo-
SviliSvilad iTvleboda. s-ma mxari niti. s. m. ixsenieba : `martviloba
ar dauWira 428, iranis Sahis brZane- daviTisa da tiriWanisa~ (Z.q.a.l.Z.,
biT, somxeTis samefo taxtidan Ca- I, 1963).
mogdebuli ukanaskneli arSakunia- rodesac daviTisa da tiriWanis
ni mefis, artaSes III-is (423-28) wina- mowameobrivi aRsasrulis Semdeg,
aRmdeg mowyobil SeTqmulebas, ris nerse somexTa kaTolikosi nerse III,
gamoc TviTonac `gadaayenes patri- gaemarTa tiriWanis wamebis adgi-
las, divrs, man Tan gaiyola s. m. da- los mefe 1027-72) deda mariami iyo
narCen or mRvdelTan grigolTan s-is asuli (m.q. 299).
da iovanesTan erTad (191). e. kvaWantiraZe
T. qoriZe

sviaja (sviaJa) qalaqi yiv-

sevinji yivCayTa mefe (XI s.).
CayeTSi, yazanis mxares, md. edilis
s. ixsenieba: `istoriani da azmani
zeda welze. s. ixsenieba: vaxuSti ba-
SaravandedTani~ (q.c. II, 1959); va-
toniSvili `aRwera samefosa saqar-
xuSti batoniSvili `aRwera samefo-
Tvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
sa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
saqarTveloSi Camoyvanamde
mefe Tamaris (saqarTvelos me-
s-Si imyofeboda Tamar mefis pir-
fe 1184-1207/10) momavali qmari
veli qmari giorgi rusi (iuri bogo-
(iuri bogoliubski, novgorodis
liubski), (v. b. 173, sq. 1).
mTavari 1172-75) biZam savalaTma
(vsevolodi) qveynidan gaaZeva da g. oTxmezuri

yivCayTa mefe s-Tan afarebda Tavs

(i.-a. 36). azerbaijanis aTabagis
abu-beqris (abu baqri) winaaRmdeg `somexTa mefe~ saqarTve-
Samqoris brZolaSi (1195) qarTvel- los mefeTa titulaturaSi wodeba
Ta mxares imyofeboda s-is Zma sa- `s.m.~ Cndeba XII s-dan. pirveli mefe
valaTi (i.-a. 64). `maSin Zma yivCayTa romelic am tituls atarebda iyo
mefisa sevinCi winaSe (mefe) Tama- daviT aRmaSenebeli. es informacia
risa iyo spiTa didiTa wveuli~ (v.b. aRniSnulia: daviT aRmaSeneblis
182. v.b-s sevinCi miaCnia yivCayTa me- monetis da saalamo jvris warwe-
fis Zmad). rebSi (d. kapanaZe, qarTuli numiz-
matikis siaxleni, kavkasiis xalxTa
q. nadiraZe
istoriis sakiTxebi, 1966), qarTvel
mefeTa sigelebSi (qarTuli isto-
seneqerimi seneqerim ar- riuli sabuTebis korpusi, I, 1984;
wruni, vaspurakanis samefos uka- pirTa anotirebuli leqsikoni, I,
naskneli gamgebeli (990-1021), sel- 1991).
jukTagan Seviwroebulma s-ma 1021 pirvelad `s.m~-d iwoda daviT
Tavisi samefo bizantias gadasca, aRmaSenebeli: `mefe afxazTa, qar-
TviTon ki ojaxiT kapadokiaSi ga- TvelTa, ranTa, kaxTa, s., SarvanSa
dasaxlda. s. ixsenieba: ,,matiane da SahanSa (d. i. 64), xolo Semdgo-
qarTlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955). mi periodis saqarTvelos mefeebi
bagratis (bagrat IV, saqarTve- iwodebodnen `mefe afxazTa, qar-

TvelTa, ranTa, kaxTa, s. SarvanSa da Tisa da tiriWanisa~, `wameba wmi-
SahanSa~ (q.i.s.k. I. #12, 14, 20, 22, 23, disa mowamisa gobronisi, romeli
37, 39, 41, 42; p.a.l. I, 212-359). Gganuteves yvelis cixiT~ (Z.q.a.l.Z.,
g. oTxmezuri
I, 1963); giorgi mcire `cxoreba da
moqalaqeoba giorgi mTawmideli-
sa~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., II, 1967); `gobronis
somexi // somxebi samx- wameba~; `cxoreba giorgi mTawmi-
reT kavkasiis uZvelesi mosaxleo- delisa~; `wameba elizbarisi, Sal-
ba. somxebi Tavis Tavs haiebs, xolo vasi da biZinasi~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., IV, 1968);
TavianT qveyanas haiastans eZaxi- Bbesarion orbeliSvili `Ruawli
an. qarTvelebis garda, romlebic wmidisa da sanatrelisa mowamisa
maT somxebs uwodeben, yvela sxva da mefisa luarsabisi~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., V,
xalxi armenebis saxeliT ixseniebs. 1989), arsen safareli `ganyofisaT-
dRevandeli somxebi indoevropul vis qarTvelTa da somexTa~ (1980);
enaze molaparake xalxia, romle- farsadan gorgijaniZe `istoria~
bic Zv.w. XII s-Si e.w. `zRvis xalxe- (1925); sexnia CxeiZe `cxovreba me-
bis` Semosevebis dros mcire azia- feTa~ (1913); papuna orbeliani `am-
Si damkvidrdnen da iq adgilobriv bavni qarTlisani~ (1981); oman xer-
mosaxleobas Seerivnen. Zv. w. IX-VII xeuliZe `mefoba irakli meorisa~
ss-Si somxebi urartus samefos te- (1989); Teimuraz bagrationi `axa-
ritoriaze Sevidnen da iq gansax- li istoria~ (1983). istoriuli sa-
ldnen. Zv.w. VI s-is 90-ian wlebSi, buTebi (qronikebi, III, 1967; q.s.Z.,
urartus samefos dacemis Semdeg II, 1965 ; VII, 1981; VIII, 1985; qarTul-
somxebma mis nangrevebze TavianTi sparsuli ist. sabuTebi, 1955; p.a.l.
saxelmwifo Seqmnes. s-ebi ixseni- I). mcire qronikebi (1968); axalqala-
ebian: leonti mroveli `cxovreba qis epigrafikuli warwera (s. maka-
qarTvelTa mefeTa~, `matiane qar- laTia, TeZmis xeoba, 1959).
Tlisa~, (q.c., I, 1955); `istoriani qarTvelebsa da s-ebs saerTo
da azmani SaravandedTani~, basili winapari hyavdaT, saxelad Targa-
ezosmoZRvari `cxovreba mefeTa- mosi (l.m., 3). qarTvelebi sparsTa
mefisa Tamarisi~, JamTaaRmwereli, mefis qekaposis moxarkeni iyvnen.
beri egnataSvili `axali qarTlis TurqebTan brZolis gamo, igi mo-
cxovreba~, `axali qarTlis cxov- ucleli Seiqmna, riTac s-ebma da
reba~ meore teqsti (q.c., II, 1959); qarTvelebma isargebles, mas ga-
vaxuSti batoniSvili, `aRwera same- nudgnen, TavianTi cixe-qalaqebi
fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c., IV, 1973); gaamagres da `yovelni naTesavni
`martviloba SuSanikisi~; `moqce- Targamosianni~ (kavkasielebi) neb-
va qarTlsa~, `martviloba davi- roTianebis (sparselebis) winaaRm-

deg gaerTiandnen. ramdenime wlis vilma aderkma s-Ta mefisagan jari
Semdeg qekaposma s-Ta, qarTvelTa iTxova da qarTvelTa mefe arsakis
da saerTod, TargamosianTa modg- (Zv.w. I s. II nax.) winaaRmdeg gamoemar-
mis (kavkasieli xalxis) winaaRmdeg Ta (l.m., 33-35). mefe aderkma (qarT-
Tavisi Ze faraboroti didi laSq- lis mefe, Zv.w. I s.) qarTvelebs mi-
riT gamogzavna. Targamosianebi ga- marTa, rom is iyo maTi mefis Ze da
erTiandnen, faraboroti daamar- somxeTis jars maT warsawymedad ar
cxes da misi spa gaanadgures. ram- mouSvebda (v.b. 62). mefe aderks s-Ta
denime wlis Semdeg qekaposma s-Ta, mefem Tavisi asuli misca colad
qarTvelTa da yovelTa Targamosi- (l.m. 35; v.b. 62). s-ebi da qarTvelebi
anTa winaaRmdeg Tavisi Zmiswuli sparsTa mefis aJRalanis (arSakuni-
qaixosro gamogzavna. imis gamo, rom anTa dinastiis warmomadgeneli)
mas didi jari hyavda, s-ebma da qar- morCilebi iyvnen (l.m., 43; v.b. 62).
Tvelebma winaaRmdegoba ver gauwi- armazeli mefeebi mtris winaaRmdeg
es, qaixosrom somxeTi da qarTli brZolaSi s-ebs exmarebodnen. s-Ta
moaoxra. ramdenime wlis Semdeg mefe iarvandma (vaxuSti batoniSvi-
sparsTa mefe vaStaSabma Tavisi Ze lis mixedviT mirvanma) ki qarTvel-
spandiat-rvali gamogzavna. s-ma da Ta sikeTe daiviwya, farsman arma-
qarTvelebma cixe-qalaqebi gaamag- zels sZlia da qarTlSi q. wunda da
res da mis Semosvlas daelodnen. artaanis mxare mtkvramde waarTva
adarbadagans mosulma spandiat- (l.m. 44, v.b. 63; ix. st. iarvandi). sum-
rvalma, ra Seityo misi mamis mamis bat bivritianma (somexTa mefis
(babuis) TurqTa* mier mokvlisa da spaspeti, ix. st. sumbat bivritiani)
TurqTa sparseTSi SeWris Sesaxeb, s-Ta mefe iarvandi mokla (ix. st
ukan gabrunda. maSin s-ebi da qarT- iarvandi) da iarvandis Zma artaSani
velebi sparselebisagan gaTavisuf- gaamefa (ix. st. artaSani), (l.m. 65).
ldnen (l.m., 14-16). qarTlis mefe s-ebis winaaRmdeg azorkisa da arma-
farnajomi (Zv.w. II s. I nax.) taSirTan zelis (ormefobis xanis qarTlis
gamarTul brZolaSi damarcxda da mefeebi, Zv.w. II-I ss. mijna) mier or-
moklul iqna s-Ta da qarTvelTa mi- ganizebul brZolaSi monawileobas
er (l.m. 29, 30). farnajomis Ze mir- iRebdnen `Crdiloni~ (CrdiloeT
vanma (mirvan II, qarTlis mefe Zv.w. II kavkasielebi) ovsebi,** maTi mefe-
s-is I nax.) sparselebis daxmarebiT ebis, Zmebis bazukisa da abazukis
qarTlis mefe bartomi (bratmani, meTaurobiT; agreTve, paWanike-
Zv. w. II s. I nax.) mokla da misi mokav- bi(paWanikebis moxsenieba aq anaq-
Sire s-ebi da qarTvelebi daamarcxa ronizmia), jiqebi, lekebi, durZu-
(l.m. 31, 32). somxeTSi gazrdilma kebi da didoelebi (ix. st. abazuki
qarTlis mefe bratmanis SviliS- da bazuki). maT somxeTi moaoxres

da gamobrundnen. maSin sumbat biv- artaani daubrunes. amis Semdeg
ritianma s-ebi Sekriba da daedevna. qarTvelebs, s-sa da ovsebs Soris
`Crdiloni~ (CrdiloeTis laSqari) mSvidoba Camovarda da mters sami-
s-ebTan brZolaSi damarcxdnen. ga- veni erTad ebrZodnen, xolo azor-
marjvebuli sumbat bivritiani qar- ki da armazeli guldamSvidebule-
TlSi Semovida da moaoxra, miuxe- bi aResrulnen, radgan qarTlis
davad amisa qarTlis mefeebi s-TaA sazRvrebi daibrunes (l.m. 69). far-
vnebiT ar cxrebodnen. s-ebze sisx- sman qvelis mokavSireebi mirdatis
lis aRebis mizniT, ovsebi qarTlSi (farsmani da mirdati, ormefobis
gadmovidnen, qarTvelebs SeuerTd- xanis qarTlis mefeebi, Tanamewyvi-
nen da marad ebrZodnen s-ebs (l.m. leni, II s. 30-50-iani) winaaRmdeg
45-47; v.b. 64). mefe artaSani da sum- brZolaSi iyvnen s-ebi da qarTvele-
bat bivritiani s-Ta jariT movid- bi. maT mirdatis mokavSire sparse-
nen da mcxeTas dadgnen. qarTveleb- lebi daamarcxes da igi (mirdati)
sa da s-ebs Soris brZola 5 Tve gag- aiZules, sparseTSi dabrunebuli-
rZelda. qarTvelebsa da osebs gau- yo (l.m. 51, 52; v.b. 66). farnavaz spas-
WirdaT brZola da zavi iTxoves. petma farsman qvelis coli da Ze
s-Ta mefem (artaSani) maTi Txovna somxeTs miiyvana, radgan farsmanis
yurad iRo, dauzavda da ukan gab- meuRle Radana s. mefis asuli iyo.
runda (l.m. 48). s-Ta mier mooxrebu- imJamad s. da berZnebi mokavSireebi
li qarTli moSenda. qarTvelebma iyvnen. qarTlSi sparselebis daxma-
da osebma isargebles imiT, rom rebiT gamefebuli mirdati, s-is,
s-ebma sparselebisa da berZnebis berZnebisa da egriselebis gaerTi-
winaaRmdeg brZola wamoiwyes da anebulma laSqarma md. liaxvze,
s-Ta vnebas Seudgnen. mefe artaSan- read wodebul adgilas gamar-
ma s-Ta jars Tavisi Ze zareni usar- Tul brZolaSi daamarcxes da mok-
dla da qarTvelebis winaaRmdeg ga- les (l.m. 53-54). qarTlis mefe ama-
mogzavna (l.m. 48; v.b. 65). (qarTve- zaspisagan (III s. Sua xanebi) ganmd-
lebis mier zarenis damarcxebis, garma xuTma erisTavma s-Ta mefes
datyvevebisa da gaTavisuflebis sTxova, raTa mas qarTlSi Tavisi Ze
Sesaxeb ix. st. zareni). zarenis ga- amazaspis diswuli gaemefebina.
Tavisuflebis mizniT qarTlSi sum- s-Ta mefe qarTlisaken didi jariT
bat bivritiani da mefis (artaSani) gamoemarTa. brZolaSi amazaspi mok-
ori Ze artavazi da tigrani mo- les da s. mefem Tavisi Ze revi qarT-
vidnen (ix. st. artavazi). zarenis lSi gaamefa (l.m., 57; v.b. 68). s-Ta me-
gaTavisuflebis sanacvlod s-ebma fe kosaros (xosro II, somxeTis mefe
qarTvelebs qarTlis sazRvari q. 217-38) sparseTis mefe qasre sasani-
wunda da cixe demoTi, javaxeTi da anis (unda igulisxmebodes iranis

Sahi ardaSir I, 226-41) winaaRmdeg (l.m. 70, ix. st. salome ujarmeli).
brZolaSi daxmarebis mizniT qarT- baqarsa (qarTlis mefe, baqari//ba-
velTa mefe asfagurma kavkasiis ka- kuri, IV s. 50-60-iani) da s-ebs Soris
ri gaxsna da ovsebi, lekebi da xaza- mtroba Camovarda, radgan s-ebi ba-
rebi*** gadmoiyvana. maTi daxmare- qaris Zmiswulis, revisa da Trdat
biT mefe kosarom sparselebi daa- s-Ta mefis (Trdat III) asulis (salo-
marcxa (ix. st. kosaro)****. amis Sem- mes) wulis gamefebas uWerdnen
deg qarTvelebma, s-ebma da Crdi- mxars. mis taxtze asayvanad saqarT-
loeTelebma (ovsebi, lekebi da xa- veloSi SemoWrili s-ebi qarTve-
zarebi) mouxSires sparseTze Tav- lebma javaxeTSi (vaxuSti batoniS-
dasxmas (l.m. 59-60; v.b. 70). sanadi- vilis mixedviT TrialeTSi) daa-
rod wasuli mefe kosaro warCine- marcxes (l.m. 130-131; v.b. 95). varaz-
bulma mTavarma anakma mokla, rome- baqaris (IV s. 70-80-iani) mefobaSi
lic mas enaTesaveboda. gaxarebul- sparseTis mefem qarTvelTa da s-Ta
ma qasre sasanianma somxeTi daipy- dasaxarkad jaris TanxlebiT eris-
ro, s-Ta mefis yvela naTesavi Tavi gamogzavna. s-ebma qarTveleb-
amowyvita da daatyveva. mefe kosa- Tan mociquli gamogzavnes da urCi-
ros Ze Trdati saberZneTSi (romSi) es, sparselebis winaaRmdeg erTad
gaiq.c.a da iq izrdeboda (l.m. 60-62; ebrZolaT. varaz-baqarma arc s-Ta
v.b. 70; ix. st. Trdati). s-Ta mefis da arc warCinebulTa rCeva ar ismi-
samyofeli (Trdat III-is zeobaSi, na. maSin sparselebma s-ebi moaox-
298-330) iyo dvini (l.m. 82; v.b. 75). res da qarTlSi Semovidnen. am dro-
Trdatma (Trdat III) daamarcxa yve- idan s-ebi da qarTvelebi sparsele-
la misi mteri, rogorc es weria bis moxarke gaxdnen (l.m., 136; v.b.
s-Ta cxovrebaSi (l.m. 69). wm. nino 96). s-ebi gandgnen marTlisa sarw-
somex dvinel niafors ori weli em- munoebisagan (a.s., 78). bizantiaSi
saxureboda (v.b. 74, ix. st. sara beT- arkadi keisrisa (395-408) da som-
lemeli). wm. rifsimes, gaianesa da xeTSi (igulisxmeba bizantiisadmi
sxva mravalTa wameba da saswauli mikuTvnebuli somxeTis nawili) ar-
aRwerilia s-Ta moq.c.evis wignSi Sakis (arSak III, 378-387) mefobaSi
(l.m. 84; v.b. 76). vaxuSti batoniSvi- s-ebi wmida grigol parTelis mier
li (XVIII) wers, rom qarTlis mefe qadagebul sarwmunoebas mtkiced
aderkidan (I s.) vidre mirianamde (IV misdevdnen (a.s., 78). qarTvelebi
s.) mefeebs keisarTa, sparsTa da s-ebs eubnebodnen, rom wmida
s-Ta mefeTa qronologiis mowmo- grigom parTelma sarwmunoeba maT-
biT adgenda (v.b., gv. 6). Trdatis Si saberZneTidan Seitana, s-ebma ki
(Trdat III) asuli salome ujarmeli es wmida sarwmunoeba uaryves da ab-
colad SerTes mirianis Zes revs diSos asurs da sxva borot mwva-

leblebs daemorCilnen (a.s., 81). gailaSqra (914), man somxeTi da sam-
vaxtangis (vaxtang gorgasali, qar- cxe moaoxra da yvelis cixes moadga
Tlis samefos mefe, V s. meore nax.) (gobronis wameba, IV, 419). guaramma
da xvaramze s-Ta pitiaxSze iyo da- (mamfali, aSot I kurapalatis Ze),
niSnuli (j. 185). SuSaniki somexTa Tbilisis amiras winaaRmdeg daxma-
spaspet vardanis asuli iyo (SuSani- rebis sanacvlod, aboci Tavis co-
kis wameba, 11). imJamad (VII s-is da- lis Zmas s-Ta mefes***** gauyo (
sawyisi) qarTvelebsa da s-ebs So- l.m. 257). s-ebi, lipariti, qarTve-
ris sarwmunoebis gamo moxda dapi- lebi da daviTis Ze aSoti nasras
rispireba. qarTlis kaTolikosma (aSot I kurapalatis SviliSvili,
kirionma (kirion I, 599-614/16) guaram mamfalis Ze) winaaRmdeg ga-
curtavis episkoposi, s-Ta sarwmu- erTiandnen, SeebrZolnen da ga-
noebis (monofizitobis) gamo, SuSa- aq.c.ies (m. q. 260; v.b. 131-132). afxaz-
nikis (ix. st. SuSaniki) saflavidan Ta mefe konstantines (afxazTa //
gandevna da qarTvelebi da s-ebi ki- dasavleT saqarTvelos mefe kons-
dev ufro metad daupirispirdnen tantine III, 893-922) s-Ta mefe sum-
erTmaneTs, xolo hereTi, rogorc bat tiezerakali (sumbat I, anisis
qarTuli eklesiis mematianeni we- mefe 890-914) emtereboda. isini er-
ren, s-Ta mwvaleblobisadmi (mono- TmaneTs ebrZodnen `qarTlsa zeda~
fizitoba) miidrika (v.b. 102, sq. 2). (Sida qarTlisTvis) (m.q. 262, v.b. 798;
s-Ta erisTavma abulabazma (ix. st. ix. st. sumbat tiezerakali). sumbat
abulabazi) da guaram aSotis Zem tiezerakalma s-sa da qarTvelTa
mTiulebs misweres, rom buRa (buRaA winaaRmdeg gailaSqra (914), man som-
Turqi, arabTa sardali, IX s 50- xeTi da samcxe moaoxra da yvelis
iani), romelmac 300 mTiuli mZev- cixes moadga (gobronis wameba, IV,
lad aiyvana da ovseTSi SeWras cdi- 419). rodesac s-Ta mefem (sumbat I)
lobda, ar SeeSvaT (m. q. 256). qarT- sarkinozebs (arabebs) winaaRmdego-
lisaTvis afxazebsa da s-ebs Soris ba ver gauwia, maSin maT gamoerida
brZolaSi daviTi (daviT I kurapa- da afxazeTis mTebis gavliT gamoe-
lati, qarTvelTa samTavros mTava- Sura (wameba wmidisa mowamisa gob-
ri 876-881) da lipariti s-ebs uWer- ronisi, 175-176). rodesac daviT ku-
dnen mxars (m.q. 259). dinar dedo- rapalatma (daviT III, taos mefe, X s.
falma (hereTis dedofali, X s.), he- II nax.) Seityo bagratisa (daviT III-is
reTi s-Ta mwvaleblobidan (mono- Svilobili) da misi mSoblebis kaxe-
fizitoba) marTlmadidebel aRmsa- lebis mier datyvevebis Sesaxeb,
reblobaze moaqcia (v.b. 559). rode- Sekriba laSqari, SemoierTa s-ebi
sac abul kasimma (arabi amira, 901- da kaxeTis dasalaSqrad gaemarTa
27) s-Ta da qarTvelTa winaaRmdeg (v.b. 138). bagratis (bagrat IV, saqar-

Tvelos mefe 1027-72) yrmobisas karis (qvemo qarTlis cixe) qveS bag-
ranTa da kaxTa mefe kvirike (kviri- rats mihgvares. maT bagrats samS-
ke III, 1014-37), s-Ta mefe daviTi (da- vildis micemaze uari uTxres im
viT I anholci, taSir-Zoragetis sa- imediT, rom maTi Zma adarnase ga-
mefos mefe 991-96-1048-49)******, magrebuli iyo samSvildis cixeSi.
Tbileli amira jafari eklecs Se- maSin bagratis brZanebiT miiyvanes
ikribnen, fadlonze (fadlon II, gan- isini samSvildes da Zelze gasves
Zis amira 1067-73) gailaSqres da mi- sami dRiT. mefe kvirikes Zmam sum-
si laSqari gaaq.c.ies (m.q. 296; v.b. batma misca cixeebi ofreTs, koSk-
145). s-Ta mefe daviTi (daviT I an- sa da varzaqars. bagratma Seiwyala
holci) liparitis (kldekaris isini, yvela cixe gaaTavisufla,
erisTavi) mokavSire iyo mefe bagra- garda samSvildisa da ase daimorCi-
tis (bagrat IV) winaaRmdeg sasireT- la misi samflobelo (m.q. 307) mefe
Si (xaSurTan, qarTli) gamarTul bagratma (bagrat IV). 1068 mefe kvi-
brZolaSi (m.q., 300; v.b. 147). kaxeTis rike, Tbileli amira da aRsarTani
mefe gagiki (kaxeT-hereTis mefe, (kaxTa mefe) sulTans (alf-ars-
1037-58). romelic iyo daviT somex- lans) eaxlnen da qarTlSi Semoiyva-
Ta mefis (daviT I anholci), samS- nes (m.q. 209). wm. giorgi mTawminde-
vildarisa da Zorakertelis Ze da li (XI s. qarTveli saeklesio moRva-
kvirikes (kvirike III, ranTa da kaxTa we) wers, rom rogorc arawmida Tes-
mefe) diswuli, 2 weli gars edga li ise Semogveria s-Ta boroti
tfiliss (m.q. 297; v.b. 147, 562; ix. st. modgma, aRviraxsnilni, veragni da
gagiki). bagratis (bagrat IV) deda gaiZverani da amis gamo didi ziani
iyo s-Ta mefe senaqerimis asuli gvadgeboda; Cveni modgma (qarT-
(m.q., 299, ix. st. mariami). liparit velTa) wrfeli da umanko iyo, ami-
baRvaSis mokavSireebi bagratis tom isini zogjer Cveni wesierebis
(bagrat IV) winaaRmdeg erT-erT gamo, zogjer gamiznulad gvacdu-
brZolaSi iyvnen kaxni da s-ni (m.q, nebdnen (giorgi mcire, 123). giorgi
301). bagratis (bagrat IV) diswuli, mTawmindeli aRniSnavs, rom s.
romlis colad SerTvac iTxova mRvdeli Jams ver wiravda mis mo-
sulTanma (alf-arslani, Turq- nasterSi (giorgi mcire, 150). marT-
selCukTa sulTani 1063-72), iyo lmadideblebi puriTa da wyalga-
s-Ta mefis kvirikes (kvirike II, ta- reuli zedaSiT (sabarZime Rvino)
Sir-Zoragetis mefe 1048/49-1089 wiraven, kaTolikeebi miadiT
Semdeg) Zmiswuli. bagratis Txovnis (ufuari puri), s-ebi ki uwylod
miuxedavad, kvirikem ar misca Tavi- (cxoreba giorgi mTawmidelisa,
si Zmiswuli, amitom igi Tavis Zma 424). mefem giorgi mTawmidels
sumbatTan erTad Seipyres da klde- hkiTxa s-Ta sarwmunoebis Sesaxeb,

hqondaT Tu ara raime saerTo qris- nismcemelni (i-a, 33; 110; b.ez., 123;
tianebTan, man miugo, rom borots v.b.185). KkaTolikosma ioanem (ioane
sarwmunoebis saxels nu uwodebda VII, saqarTvelos kaTolikos-pat-
da s. mefeebi yvelas winaSe Searcx- riarqi 1205/06-1210) zaqaria amirs-
vina (giorgi mcire, 180). mefe da- pasalars uari uTxra wirvis Semdeg
viTs (daviT IV aRmaSenebeli, saqar- sefiskveris micemaze, radgan zaqa-
Tvelos mefe 1089-1125) TxovniT mi- ria sarwmunoebiT s. iyo. zaqaria
marTes aRviraxsnili da boroti mxargrZelis iniciativiT s-sa da
modgmis s-ma episkoposebma da mo- qarTvelebs Soris sarwmunoebis Se-
nastrebis winamZRvrebma, rom moew- saxeb paeqroba gaimarTa (am paeqro-
via kreba da emsjelaT sarwmunoeb- bis Sesaxeb ix. i-a, 81-90; v.b.185).
riv sakiTxebze. Tu s-ebi damarcx- ivane mxargrZelma s-Ta sarwmunoe-
debodnen, isini TavianT sjuls Se- bis mcdaroba aRiara, moinaTla da
aCvenebdnen, gamarjvebis SemTxve- WeSmariti qristiani (marTlmadi-
vaSi ki iTxoves, rom mwvaleblebad debeli) gaxda (b.ez., 123). kaxa To-
aRar moexsenebinaT da arc SeeCve- reli rkonis RvTismSoblis monas-
nebinaT. paeqrobam, romelic cisk- trisadmi 1260-s gacemul sabuTSi
ridan me-9 Jamamde gagrZelda, ga- wers, rom man sof. xovles (qarTli)
marjvebuli ver gamoavlina. maSin naxevari iyida s. hasan sumbatisZisa
masSi Caeria mefe (daviT IV), romel- da uria ioseb buRbafasZisagan, sa-
mac Tavisi codniT Tavzari dasca buTis bolos ki aRniSnavs, rom vinc
da ganaiaraRa s-ebi. maT aRiares Ta- gaauqmebs an Secvlis mis daweril
vianTi damarcxeba da darcxvenile- sabuTs qarTveli, sparsi Tu s., Se-
bi wavidnen (d.i. 356-357; v.b. 163). da- risxos rkonis RvTismSobelma
viTis IV-is epoqaSi, s-ebma qarTve- (q.s.Z., II, gv. 58). Temur lengma iavar-
lebTan sarwmunoebrivi SeerTeba hyo s-ebi, rogorc weria `somexTa
inebes (v.b. 163). daviT IV aRmaSeneb- cxovrebaSi~ (meore t., 448). `s-ni Se-
lidan moyolebuli erTiani saqar- iSalnes~ (1539, 1634) (mc. qr.,
Tvelos mefeebi, xolo XVI s-dan 34;39;47;74; v.b. 403, sq.I)*******. 1577-
qarTlis, kaxeTisa da imereTis is sabuTiT, mefe aleqsandrem
calkeuli mefeebi atarebdnen `so- (aleqsandre II, kaxeTis mefe 1574-
mexTa mefis~ tituls (ix. st. `somex- 1605) mis samkvidro mamulSi mcxov-
Ta mefe~). mefe giorgim (giorgi III, rebi daviT jorjaZis kuTvnili yve-
saqarTvelos mefe 1156-84) daarbia la yma, maT Soris s-ebi malisagan
s-Ta mefed wodebuli qalaqi aSora- (gadasaxadi) gaaTavisufla (q.s.Z., II,
ni (v.b. 166). zaqaria da ivane sarwmu- 196). 1579-is sabuTiT mefe aleqsan-
noebiT s-ebi (monofizitebi) iyvnen, drem (aleqsandre II, kaxeTis mefe)
Tumca marTlmadideblobis Tayva- sveticxovels ganuaxla mamulebi

da ymebi, maT Soris grems (kaxeTi) baris (qsnis erisTavebis), meuRle-
mcxovrebi 12 komli s. da uria vaWa- ebs uambo maTi saflavis adgilmde-
ri (q.s.Z., II, 199). saqarTveloSi Se- bareobis Sesaxeb. maT igive s. gark-
moWrilma 40 aTasma yirimelma Ta- veuli sazRauris sanacvlod Tavi-
Tarma, romlebic mefis (luarsab I, anT or ymasTan erTad wargzavnes
qarTlis mefe 1606-14) adgilsamyo- mowameebis wmida nawilebis wamosa-
felis cxireTis cixisaken mima- Rebad (wameba elizbarisa, Salvasi
val gzas eZebdnen, ufliscixeli s. da biZinasi, 428-429; 438). ereklem
xucesis Sepyroba scades. igi maT (erekle I, qarTlis mefe 1688-1703)
gaeq.c.a, ufliscixis xidi (md. q. TbilisSi jvris monastris meto-
mtkvarze gadebuli) aSala, mtkvar- qi eklesiis ezoSi dasaxlebuli
Si gadayara da mtris Semosevis am- s-ebi ahyara da es adgili jvris mama
bavi mtkvris imier qarTvelTa So- parTens daubruna (1692), xolo ga-
ris gaavrcela, raTa mefes saswra- lavanSi dasaxlebuli ori komli s.,
fod daxmarebodnen (besarion or- datova da eklesias Seswira (p.a.l.,
beliSvili, 37). s. meistorie zaqa- t. I, 283-84). imam-yuli xanma (daviT
ria `somxeTis istoriaSi~ wers, rom II, kaxeTis mefe 1709-22) eniselis
mefe rostomis (qarTlis mefe 1633- mouravs Tavis samkvidro mamulis
58) Zis luarsabis mkvlelobaSi s. yornevis mflobelobis wigni ganu-
baadur mamikonians dasdes brali axla da ufleba misca, rom im TaT-
(v.b. 444). 1633 mefe rostomma (1633- rebisa da s-ebisTvis, romelTac am
58) goris s. samRvdeloebas siTarx- teritoriis midamoebSi daasaxleb-
nis wyalobis wigni uboZa (qarTul- da, iseve moeTxova (begara-gadasa-
sparsuli ist. sabuTebi, 102). axal- xadi), rogorsac mis danarCen ymebs
qalaqSi (kaspis r-ni) mcxovrebi s. sTxovda (qarTul-sparsuli ist.
saxaso vaWrebi ixsenieba qarTlis sabuTebi, 419). qarTveli mefeebis
mefe rostomisa (1633-58) da dedo- mier agebul eklesiebSi axpatsa
fal mariamis 1640-is axalqalaqis da sanainSi amJamad (XVIII s. I nax.) sxe-
(kaspis r-ni) monastris saamSeneb- dan s-ebi. qarTlis mefe aq episko-
lo warweraSi (axalqalaqis warwe- poss svams `miweriTa oqivaterisa-
ra, 10). aleqsandrem Cixorsa da Ta~ (somx. `hogevor ter~, sulieri
Cxars mcxovrebi s-ebi da ebraele- mama), radgan qarTlSi mosaxle s-ebi
bi ayara da Tavisi mamis (giorgi III, mis samwysoSi Sedian. amis zemoT
imereTis mefe 1604-39) tyveobidan mdebare qoberis monasteri s-ebis
gaTavisuflebis sanacvlod dadi- xelSia (v.b. 308). kalas (Tbilisis
ans (levan II, odiSis mTavari 1611- ubani) dedofal rodamis (qarTlis
57) misca (b.e., 420, v.b. 829). vinme s-ma mefe vaxtang V-is (1658-75) meuRle)
wmida mowameebis, Salvasa da eliz- mier agebuli 4 eklesia amJamad

(XVIII s.) s-ebis xelSia (v.b. 337). mah- (gadasaxadi) gaaTavisufla da s-ebs,
madianebi Tbilisis cixesa da sei- rogorc wesia, isev dauwesa (p.o. 59).
dabads (Tbilisis ubani), s-ebi ki rodesac batons (Teimuraz II, qarT-
cixes gareT cxovroben (XVIII) (v.b. lis mefe 1744-62) qristianuli we-
338). qarTvelebis garda, uriebi da siT sveticxovelSi akurTxebdnen,
mcired s-ebi cxovrobdnen atenSi, igi aRsavlis karis qvemore (ambio-
md. Zamaze mdebare mZoreTSi, axal- nis win) daayenes, episkoposebi mar-
gorSi, gorSi, cxinvalSi, cxinvals jvniv da marcxniv daudgnen, xolo
zeviT TamaraSenSi, alsa da suramSi s-Ta dasi da `frangni~ (kaTolikee-
(XVIII) (ix. v.b. 343-4; 359; 367; 370; 377). bi), samRvdelo SesamoseliT,
gokiaSi, baraleTSi (javaxeTi), krZalviT idgnen (p.o. 105). 1747-49-
axalcixeSi mesxebis garda cxov- iT daTariRebul sabuTSi merali-
robdnen s-ebi da uriebi (XVIII) (v.b. beg ciciSvili wers, rom xelmwifis
669). quTaisSi, Cixorsa da saCxere- karze daibares angariSisaTvis, ris
Si (imereTi) imerlebis garda cxov- gamoc Tavisi ymebi qarTveli, s.,
roben s-ebi da uria vaWrebi (v.b. 756; uria, aseve aznaurebi TavianTi
761). taSirSi da mtris mier aoxre- glexebiT Zamis cixeSi Sekriba.
bul abocSi, romelic aRaSena mefe maT Soris igi asaxelebs beJua s-s
vaxtangma (vaxtang V, qarTlis mefe erT komls (q.s.Z., VII 54). paata ci-
1658-75), binZurad Semosili, gaze- ciSvilis mier gayidul ymebs Soris
Tili, grZelCoxiani `sarwmunoebiT dasaxelebulia alisxeobaze mcxov-
somexni~ cxovroben (v.b. 313-314). rebi 35 suli qarTveli, s. da uria
`dasturlamalis~ (XVIII s-is samarT- (q.s.Z., VII, 56). siRnaRSi mdgomi fana-
lis Zegli.) mixedviT, qarTlis sa- xanisagan (yarabaRis//SuSis xani
mefoSi mcxovreb yvela erovnebis (1747-63.) Sewuxebuli s-is episko-
xalxs, maT Soris s-ebs, imereTSi posi, batonebs (Teimuraz II; erekle
tyvis yidvis SemTxvevaSi sabato- II, kaxeTis mefe, 1744-62) eaxla da
nod 3 minalTuni unda gadaexadaT sTxova daxmareba (p.o. 165). fana-xa-
(q.s.Z., II, 286). 1722 mefe vaxtangma nis mier Seviwrovebuli s-ebi er-
(vaxtang VI, qarTlis mefe 1716-24) Ti xeobis meliqi usuf-begi 100
Tbilisis mosaxleobas da maT So- komli kaciT, aiyarnen da mefeebs
ris s-ebs ufleba misca qalaqSi (Teimuraz II, erekle II) daxmareba
upatronod darCenil saxl-karsa sTxoves. maT isini qalaqSi (Tbili-
da miwa-mamuls dapatronebodnen si) kldis ubnis mxares daasaxles
da isini zogierTi gadasaxadisagan (p.o. 228). somxiTis meliqi gvari ar
(saTaTro da samtyveo) gaaTavisuf- aris, aramed gamahmadianebis gamo
la (q.s.Z., II, 388-389). 1742 xelmwifem vinme somexs es pativi Sah abasma mia-
(iranis Sahi) qarTvelebi malisagan niWa (v.b. 33). erevnis aRebis Semdeg

mefe ereklem mravali komli s. aya- TaTari 10 aTasi komli. salaSqrod
ra da saqarTveloSi wamoasxa, rom- SeiZleba 18 aTasi qarTvelisa da
lebic dRemde (XVIII s. II nax.) ramde- s-is gamoyvana (q.s.Z., II, 420-421).
nime adgilas cxovroben (o.x. 71; o.x. 1774-s dawerili sabuTiT abrama
Teimuraziseuli versia, 97). miqela sTxovs xelmwifes (erekle II), rom
arRuTaSvilis meTaurobiT lekeb- ganjeli s-is mier tyveobidan aT
ma daarbies yalaCa, saidanac 200-ze Tumnad daxsnili misi Svili gamois-
meti datyvevebuli s. waiyvanes (T.b. yidos da imsaxuros (q.s.Z., VII, 249).
61). 1763 nikoloz abaSiZes Txovna 1775 ColoyaSvilebi oman da qaixos-
daukmayofiles da misi samkvidro ro weren xelmwifes (erekle II), rom
yma s. alxazis Svili daubrunes maT samkvidro mamulSi Sendians
(q.s.Z., VII, 68). 1766 ramaz SalibataS- (kaxeTi), ori saydari aris s-isa,
vili wers xelmwifes (erekle II), radgan iq s-ebi iyvnen Casaxlebuli
rom tyveobidan ixsna erTma s-ma, (q.s.Z., VII, 316). 1776-is sabuTiT aide-
daasaxla da gaaazata (q.s.Z., VII, 102). mur da iovane buburiSvilebi sTxo-
1769-is sabuTSi giorgi sayvareli- ven xelmwifes (erekle II), rom qa-
Ze wers mdivanbegebs, rom erTma laqs gaq.c.euli da iq damaluli ma-
kexvelma kacma gogoebi Camoiyvana, Ti ymebi ori yazaxeli s., moZebnos
gasayidad dayavda da s-sa da urias da maT daubrunos (q.s.Z., VII, 323).
aZlevda (q.s.Z., VII, 150). 1770 qarTl- 1777w-is sabuTiT daviT kurdRe-
kaxeTis mosaxleobis aRweris mi- laSvili xelmwifes wers, rom bod-
xedviT, q. TbilisSi cxovrobdnen bis eparqiaSi movaWre s-gan aRebul
marTlmadidebeli qarTvelebi, baJs bodbeli ar iZleoda, ris ga-
s-ebi, kaTolikeebi da TaTrebi 4 moc saqmis mogvarebas iTxovda.
aTasi komli; q. gorSi marTlmadi- (qsZ, VII, 376). 1781 sabuTSi bodbeli
debeli qarTvelebi, s-ebi, kaToli- episkoposi sTxovs mefes (erekle II),
keebi 500 komli; wilkanSi marT- rom eklesiis ymobaSi myofi oTxio-
lmadidebeli qarTvelebi, s-ebi da de s. feiqari, romelTac ayras da
ebraelebi 700 komli; suramSi siRnaRSi gadasaxlebas upirebdnen,
200 komli; marTlmadidebeli qarT- ar aeyaraT maTgan eklesiisaTvis
velebi da s-ebi TelavSi 740 kom- Semosavlis (weliwadSi 1-2 Sauri
li; ananurSi 100 komli; md. qsanze, sanTlis fasi) SenarCunebis mizniT
q. axalgorSi 140 komli; siRnaRSi (q.s.Z., VII, 518). 1782 nikoloz asatu-
(qiziyi) qarTvelebis garda s-ebi raSvili wers xelmwifes (erekle II),
100 komli; qarTlSi 500; s-ebi rom 8 aTasamde misi yma s. da TaTari
borCalosa da fambakis xeobaSi yarabaxs iyvnen. ibreim-xanTan (ya-
2560; yazaxis saxanoSi 1200; SamSa- rabaxis // SuSis xani, 1763-1806) da-
diluSi 1200; eniselSi (kaxeTi) s. da debuli pirobis mixedviT ki, vinc

iqidan ipareba da mis samefoSi mo- Tavs daesxa (qr., III, 430). aRa-mahmad
dis, mefe yvelas ukan abrunebs xanTan myofma s-ebma saSviliSvilo
(q.s.Z., VII, 539). 1784-90 -Si Sedgenili saqme iTaves. meliq mejnunma spar-
qarTlis mouravis sargos mixed- selebis jari koda-TeleTze gaata-
viT, navrozobis (mahmadianTa dRe- ra, romelic sololaks (Tbilisis
saswauli) Semdeg qalaqis (Tbili- ubani) miadga. (qr., III 431). 1795. 11
sis) mouravisaTvis unda Sekrebi- seqtembers aRa-mahmad xani ukan
liyo TiToeul koml ymaze 6 Sauri, gabrunebas apirebda, magram ganjis
xolo s. ymaze 1 Sauri (q.s.Z., II, 493). xans da s-ebs ar eZinaT. ioseb mis-
1785 manuCar laSqarnivisi dedo- karbaSma da artema araratianma
fals (darejani, erekle II-is meuR- erekles mier datyvevebuli aRa-
le) wers, rom bolnisis zeviT mde- mahmad xanis elCi gaapares da misi
bare misi sofeli berdiki saqonlis daxmarebiT mters yvelaferi Se-
dasayeneblad meliq mixiTars da atyobines (qr., III, 430). 1797 ioane
mis s-is els misca weliwadSi saba- mdivniSvili sTxovs xelmwifes,
laxed (gadasaxadi) 3 Tumnis micemis uboZos imis damadasturebeli oq-
pirobiT. 1 weli isini ixdidnen ga- mi, rom man daakmayofila masTan
dasaxads, magram bolo 4-5 weliwadi TxovniT misuli ociode komli s-is
ukve aRar iZleodnen (q.s.Z., VII, 643). Txovna, purisa da sarCos micemis
1789-is sabuTSi bodbeli (bodbis pirobiT iymo da Tavis mamulSi daa-
episkoposi) daviTi wers, rom bod- saxla (q.s.Z., VIII, 409). solomon mei-
bes mdebare saeklesio mcire ma- Tari sTxovs daviT batoniSvils
mulSi Casaxlebuli s-ebi, romle- (qarTl-kaxeTis mefe giorgi XII-is
bic eklesias emsaxurebodnen, Sah- (1798-1800) Ze) SeunarCunos misi yma
abasis mier kaxeTis aoxrebisas axalqalaqSi Casaxlebuli ramde-
amowyvetilan (q.s.Z., VII, 804). 1791 nime komli zurnabaTeli s., romel-
-is mefe erekles (erekle II) ganwese- Tac iasauli ayras upirebda (q.s.Z.,
biT, Tu vinme qarTlisa da kaxeTis VIII, 513). 1798. petroza varTapeti
samefoebze, qarTvelze, s-ze, Ta- wers arzas xelmwifisadmi (giorgi
Tarze mtrulad mova da daipyrobs, XII) imis Sesaxeb, rom mosaxleobis
mosaxleoba maT momadlierebas Semcirebis gamo, axpatis saydari
`daxarjviTa da samsaxuriT~ unda usanTlod, iq myofi ori varTapeti
Seecados (q.s.Z., II, 524). 1795. 10 seq- da sami diakvani ki mSier-mwyurval-
tembers aRa-mahmad xanma s-ebis ni darCnen, yazaxis s-ebi ki maT ar
meliq mejnunis da iakob bebuTaSvi- epuebodnen da maTze ganwesebul
lis (bebuTovi) rCeviT Tbilisis gadasaxads ar uxdidnen, ris gamoc
midamoebi daaTvaliera da krwani- mefes sTxovs gasces oqmi yazaxis
sis velze erekles (erekle II) jars samRvdeloebaze da mamasaxlisze,

maT mier eklesiis gadasaxadis ga- rebis~ mixedviT, qasre anuSirvan sasaniani),
qarTlis mefe asfagur mirdatis Zisa da som-
daxdis Sesaxeb. giorgi XII-m ubrZana xeTis mefe kosaros Tanamedrove mefeebad
yazaxis s. meliqebs, samRvdeloeba- moxsenieba anaqronizmia.

sa da saero pirebs, rom axpatis mo- ***** igulisxmeba erT-erTi somxuri sam-
Tavros, Siraqis mTavari aSot I bagratuni.
nastrisaTvis dawesebuli samsaxu- TandaTan man qvemo qarTlSi Tavisi samflo-
ri SeesrulebinaT, winaaRmdeg Sem- belo gaafarTova. qarTuli miwebis mitace-
bis gamo igi Tavs `s-Ta da qarTvelTa mTa-
TxvevaSi maT mefis iasauli Camouv- vars~ 885-dan mefis titulis miRebis Semdeg
ki `s-Ta da qarTvelTa mefes~ uwodebda.
lida da gamoarTmevda gadasaxads
****** X s-is 70-iani qvemo qarTlis terito-
(q.s.Z., VIII, 485). 1799 solomon Tarx- riaze, md. algeTis xeobasa da bambak-erevnis
niSvili wers giorgi XII-s, rom 5 qeds Soris Camoyalibda taSir-Zoragetis
samefo, romelic dasaxlebuli iyo qarTu-
komli ganjeli s. misi soflebis so- li da somxuri mosaxleobiT. misi dedaqala-
mexTaganni, axalqalaqs movidnen. qi iyo samSvilde, amitom mis saTaveSi myo-
fi somexi bagratunebi, igive kvirikianebi,
dedofalma iasaulebi miusia maTi `samSvildarebad~ iwodebodnen. qarTul
ayrisa da qolagirSi wayvanis miz- wyaroebSi taSir-Zoragets `somxiTi~ ewo-
deboda, xolo somxur wyaroebSi `vrac daS-
niT. igi iTxovs xeli aaRebinon s-is ti~ (qarTvelTa veli). IX-XI ss-Ta manZilze
aq mimdinareobda brZola gavlenisaTvis
ayraze, rasac mefe akmayofilebs
somxur da qarTul samefoebs Soris. XII s-is
(q.s.Z., VIII, 503-04). 1800 lazare var- dasawyisSi es teritoria sabolood Sevida
erTiani qarTuli feodaluri monarqiis Se-
ZielaSvili daviT batoniSvils madgenlobaSi.
sTxovs daxmarebas iase daviTiSvi- ******* im wlebSi, rodesac aRdgoma 6 aprils
lis winaaRmdeg, romelmac misi Zma uwevs, marTlmadideblur (berZnul) eklesi-
asTan konfesiuri ganxeTqilebis Sedegad,
gorSi s-Tan daagirava da masac igi- somxur-grigorianuli eklesia aRdgomas 13
ves upirebda (q.s.Z., VIII, 633). gene- aprils dResaswaulobs. qarTuli marTlma-
didebeli eklesiis TvalsazrisiT es aris
ral-leitenant rtiSCevis (nikolai `SeSla~ cruzatikis dadeba. aseTi cruza-
rtiSCevi, saqarTvelos mTavarmar- tikebi iyo 570, 760, 1007, 1102, 1292-Si. aRd-
gomis gamo SeuTanxmeblobam 1197 ganxeTqi-
Tebeli 1812-16) TanaSemwe iyo gene- leba warmoSva somex-qarTvelTa Soris. 1534,
1634, 1729, aRdgoma 6 aprils iyo, xolo so-
ral-maiori axverdovi, gvarad po- mexTaTvis 13 aprils.
pulaSvili, Tbiliseli s. (T.b. 83).
T. qoriZe
erovnebiT s. miskarbaSis ioseb be-
buTaSvilis meSveobiT, rtiSCevma
yazaxis elebi gadaibira, romelTac
somxeTi saxelmwifo samx-
gare kaxeTi aaoxres (T.b. 86).
reT kavkasiaSi. s. ixsenieba: ,,moq-
cevai qarTlisai~, stefane mtbe-
* TurqTa moxsenieba im drois amsaxvel sais-
torio wyaroebSi anaqronizmia. vari ,,gobronis wameba~ (Z.q.a.l.Z. I,
** osebis moxsenieba im drois amsaxvel sais- 1963); wmida ninos cxovreba (arsen
torio wyaroebSi anaqronizmia. beriseuli redaqcia, Z.q.a.l.Z. II,
*** aq xazarTa moxsenieba anaqronizmia (ix. 1971); leonti mroveli ,,cxovreba
st. xazarebi).
qarTvelTa mefeTa~, leonti mro-
**** sparseTis mefe qasres (`qarTlis cxov-

veli ,,ninos mier qarTlis moqce- mareba. (l.m. 23). qarTamis (qarTlis
va~, juanSeri ,,cxovreba vaxtang mefe Zv.w. II saukunis 60-iani wlebi)
gorgaslisa~, ,,matiane qarTlisa~ colma s-Si gaaCina yrma aderki.Aigi
(q.c. I, 1955), arseni safareli ,,gan- aRizarda s-Si. (l.m. 32,33; v.b. 61);
yofisaTvis qarTvelTa da somexTa~ azorki da armazeli (qarTlis mefe-
(1980); ,,cxovreba mefeT-mefisa da- ebi Zv.w. II-I saukuneebis mijna) laSq-
viTisi, sumbat daviTis Ze ,,cxov- roben s-Si (l.m. 45, 48; v.b. 64). qasre
reba da uwyeba bagratonianTa (q.c. sasanianma (sasanidi Sahin-Sahi Sa-
I, 1955); ,,istoriani da azmani Sara- bur I, 241-72) daipyro s. (l.m. 62; v.b.
vandedTani~, JamTaaRmwereli, beri 71); wm. nino (qristianobis mqadage-
egnataSvili, axali qarTlis cxov- beli da gamavrcelebeli saqarTve-
reba meore teqsti, axali qarT- loSi IV s. I nax.) 50 qalwulTan er-
lis cxovreba mesame teqsti (q.c. Tad Sevida s-Si (moq. q. 84,124, w.n.c.
II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aR- 18). arkadis mefobaSi (aRmosavleT
wera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. romis imperatori 395-408) s. roma-
IV, 1973); Teimuraz bagrationi ,,axa- elebs ekuTvnodaT, Semdeg ki spar-
li istoria~ (1983); papuna orbelia- selebma daipyres (a.s. 78). dvinis
ni ,,ambavni qarTlisani~ (1981); oman saeklesio krebaze (606) s-ma aRiara
xerxeuliZe ,,mefoba irakli meori- monofizitoba (a.s. 80-81). sarwmu-
sa` (1989). noebrivi dapirispireba qarTlsa
solomon brZenis (israelis me- da s-s Soris daiwyo nerse somexTa
fe Zv.w. 967-28) vaJebi mividnen ra- kaTalikosis (548-57) dros (a.s. 82).
qael dedofalTan, moinaTlnen vahan mamikonianis (s-is marzpani
misgan, darCnen s-Si da maTi STa- 485-505) sikvdilis Semdeg sparse-
momavlebi mmarTveloben s-Si (s.d. lebma daipyres s. da Seuracxyves
373). aleqsandre makedonelma (Zv. maTi sarwmunoeba (a. s. 87). iusti-
samyaros udidesi samxedro da po- nem (bizantiis imperatori iustine
lit. moRvawe, makedoniis mefe Zv.w. II, 565-578) daibara s-is episkopose-
336-23) antioqoss (asurastanis me- bi maTi qalkedonuri mrwamsisagan
fe) misca s. (l.m. 19). aleqsandre gandgomis gamo. konstantinopo-
makedonelma gaamefa mcxeTaSi azo lis krebaze s-ma kvlav berZnebTan
(`moq. q.~-is mixedviT qarTlis pir- sarwmunoebrivi erToba aRiara (a.s.
veli mefe) da dauwesa sazRvrad s. 88). mavrikem (mavrikiosi, bizantiis
(moq. q. 82, w.n.c. 47). farnavazma (qar- imperatori 582-602) s-is bizanti-
Tlis mefe Zv.w. IV-III ss. I nax.) sTxova uri nawilis mmarTvelad daniSna
antioqoss daxmareba berZenTa wina- muSeR mamikoniani (a.s. 89). herakle
aRmdeg sabrZolvelad. Mman gamoug- (bizantiis imperatori 610-641) mo-
zavna gvirgvini farnavazs da ubr- vida s-Si da ixila somexTa gadax-
Zana somexTa erisTavebs misi dax- veva sarwmunoebisagan. man moiwvia

karnu-qalaqis (q. erzurumis (Tur- ,,cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c.
qeTi) Zveli qarTuli saxelwode- I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwe-
ba) saeklesio kreba, romelzec so- ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV,
mexTa sapatriarqom qalkedonizmi 1973).
aRiara (a.s. 90).Bbagratma (bagrat III, s.b-ma mokla somexTa mefe iar-
saqarTvelos mefe 975-1014) moxar- vandi da dasva mefed misi Zma arta-
ked gaixada s. (m.q. 281; s.d. 382). da- Sani (artaSes I, ,,didi armeniis pir-
viTi (daviT IV aRmaSenebeli, saqar- veli mefe, artaSesidebis dinastiis
Tvelos mefe 1089-1125) marTavda damaarsebeli), (l.m. 45). azorkma da
s-isa da anisis saqmeebs (d.i. 346). ja- armazelma (qarTlis mefeebi Zv.w.
laledinma (manguberTi, xorezmis II-I ss. mijna) Crdilo kavkasieli
Sahi 1220-21) moaoxra s. (J. 171; v.b. tomebis daxmarebiT moaoxres som-
200, 205). Temur-lengma (Suaazieli xeTi. s.b-ma Sekriba jari da daedev-
mxedarTmTavari 1336-1405) daipyro na qarTvelebs, romlebic kambeCo-
da sruliad moaoxra s. (b.e. 327; meo- vanSi (saqarTvelos ist. Mmxare, md.
re t. 448; v.b. 263). Sah-Tamazma (Sah- alaznis qvemo welsa da md. mtkvars
Tamaz I, iranis Sahi 1524-1576) da Soris, centri cixe-qalaqi xorna-
suleimanma (suleiman I, TurqeTis buji) gaCerebuliyvnen da iyofd-
sulTani 1520-1566) gaiyves samxreT nen alafs. s.b-ma mociquli gaug-
kavkasiis teritoria. suleiman I-s zavna qarTlis mefeebs da SeuTvala
darCa s. (b.e. 371; mesame t. 517). yvelaferi rac somxeTidan waeRoT
e. kvaWantiraZe maTi yofiliyo, oRond tyveebi gae-
TavisuflebinaT. maT upasuxes, rom
somxeTSi mis saZebnelad mividnen,
stereonisi savaraudod Tu surda misuliyo maTTan, mieRo
somexi, IV s-is I naxevris moRvawe. s. wili, Tu arada isini mividodnen
ixsenieba : `moqceva qarTlisa~, da ar datovebdnen cocxals. s.b-ma
(Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963). gadalaxa mtkvari, mas SeebrZolnen
guaspuragnidan (vaspurakani- osTa mefe bazoki, misi Zma anbazu-
dan) bods (bodbeSi) dedofal so- ki da damarcxdnen. Semdeg brZola
jis brZanebiT wamoiyvanes s., rome- gaimarTa qarTlis mefeebsa da s.b-s
lic iqve moinaTla (moq. q., 101). Soris. s.b-ma gaimarjva. Aazorki da
armazeli mcxeTaSi dabrundnen.
T. qoriZe
s.b. Sevida da aaoxra qarTli, aaSena
samcxeSi (ist. provincia samxr.-das.
saqarTveloSi, igive oZrxe demoTis
sumbat bivritiani somex-
cixe (mdebareobs fersaTis mTis Zi-
Ta mefis artaSes I-is spaspeti Zv.w.
ras, borjomTan) da wavida (l.m. 47;
II s. s.b. ixsenieba: Lleonti mroveli

v.b. 658, 662). qarTvelebma da osebma dalma aiRo cixe, Seipyro s.t., wa-
SurisZieba gadawyvites da arbevd- iyvana dvinSi, Camohkida Zelze da
nen somxeTis sazRvrebs. qarTvel- mokla (m.q. 264; n.d. 87).
Ta winaaRmdeg gamoemarTa somexTa e. kvaWantiraZe
mefe artaSani da s.b. somxebi dad-
gnen mcxeTaSi, ibrZodnen xuTi Tve
da gaimarjves. Mmesame wels movida sumbati taSir-Zoragetis
s.b. da somexTa mefis ori vaJi da mefe kvirike I-is Zma. s. ixsenieba:
dadgnen TrialeTs (ist. Temi qve- ,,matiane qarTlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955).
mo qarTlSi, Tanamedrove walka). s. dapirispirebulia bagratTan
Mmoxda dazaveba da amieridan osebi, (bagrat IV, saqarTvelos mefe 1027-
qarTvelebi da somxebi erTad ibr- 72) samSvildisaken mimavali s. mis
Zodnen mtris winaaRmdeg (l.m. 45- ZmasTan kvirikesTan erTad Seipyro
49; v.b. 64-65). bagratma. s-ma dauTmo bagrats sami
cixe: ofreTi, koSki, varzaqari (m.q.
e. kvaWantiraZe
307). [ix. taSir-Zorgetis ganmarte-
ba, st. somxebi (SeniSvna)].

sumbat tiezerakali sum- e. kvaWantiraZe

bat I bagratuni, anisis mefe (890-
914). s.t. ixsenieba: ,,matiane qar-
Tlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); niko dadiani sufan-verdi-begi yazaxis
,,qarTvelT cxovreba~ (1962). sulTani (XVIII s. Sua xanebi). s. ixse-
dapirispirebulni iyvnen s.t. nieba: papuna orbeliani - `ambavni
da afxazTa (dasavleT saqarTve- qarTlisani~ (1981).
los) mefe konstantine III (893-922). s. Teimurazma (Teimuraz II, qar-
s.t-ma gailaSqra didi jariT, miad-
Tlis mefe 1744-62) nadir-SahTan
ga ufliscixes (saqarTvelos uZve-
(iranis Sahi 1736-47) gagzavnil gi-
lesi (Zv.w. kldeSi nakveTi
vi amilaxvars (qarTlis sadroSos
cixe-qalaqi) da aiRo. Semdeg dam-
sardali, ajanyda iranis winaaRm-
Zaxldnen s.t. da konstantine da man
deg) Tan gaayola (1745), (p.o. 97). ima-
daubruna ufliscixe. Aamis Semdeg
ilaSqra abul-kasimma (iusuf ibn- ve wels Teimurazma s. miaSvela Zmis,
saj, samxreT Aazerbaijanis arabi mamukas winaaRmdeg mebrZol imere-
amira 901-27) somxeTSi. s.t. ar dae- Tis mefes aleqsandres (aleqsandre
morCila mas da Tavi Seafara afxa- V, 1720-52), (p.o. 100). mamukas momx-
zeTis mTebs (m.q. 262). abul-kasimi re osmalebma Seipyres s. da axal-
midioda dvinis dasalaSqrad, roca cixeSi Caiyvanes (p.o. 107). s. (1746)
Seatyobines, rom s.t. iyo gamagre- patimrobidan ganTavisuflda da
buli kapoetis cixeSi. Aarabma sar- TbilisSi Camovida. Teimurazma s-s

uboZa xalaTi da daubruna yazaxis sof. nazaras bolos (qr. III. 64-66; v.
sulTnoba (p.o. 118). b. 496). usuf-faSa (axalcixis faSas
g. oTxmezuri
isayis Svili) dauzavda s-s da Sig-
ni-kaxeTis dasarbevad gamoagzavna.
s-ma aaoxra Telavi, Silda, yvare-
li da ukan gabrunda (v. b. 625). s-ma
surxavi (sulxavi) sur-
lekis jariT haji-daudTan erTad
xai-xan I. daRestnis politikuri
daikava q. Samaxia 1721 (qr. III. 616).
erTeulis, yazi-yumuxis mmarTve-
1722 vaxtang mefe (qarTlis janiSi-
li 1700-41. s. mudarisis mflobel
ni 1703-14, mefe 1716-24) ganjisaken
haji-daudTan erTad iranis wina-
petresTan (ruseTis imp. 1689-1725)
aRmdeg lekTa ajanyebas saTaveSi
Sesaxvedrad wavida. am periodSi
Caudga, aiRes q. Samaxia jer 1711
man s. daamarcxa xunansa da ganjis
Semdeg 1721. sastikad aaoxres da
misadgomebTan (v. b. 499). Tamaz-xan-
gaZarcves. 1722 daikaves Sirvani
ma (SemdgomSi iranis Sahi nadiri
da Crd. azerbaijanis nawili. maT
1736-47) 1734 s. Samaxiidan gandevna,
formalurad TurqeTis uzenaesoba
Semdeg mis qveyanaze yumuxze (v. b.-
aRiares da mkveTrad daupirispir-
sTan kulmuxi) gailaSqra, moarbia
dnen irans. 1725 s. Turqebma Samaxi-
da didZali qoneba wamoiRo (qr. III.
is mmarTvelad daniSnes da xanoba
617; v. b. 513; s. C. 45). s-s Svilma 1740
uboZes. Sedegad misma qmedebebma
aRsus cixeze (SamaxiaSi) ilaSqra.
1734-44 daRestanSi iranis laSqro-
yizilbaSebi cixidan gamovidnen;
bebi gamoiwvia. 1742 s. daiWires, xo-
gaCaRda brZola, lekis jari mTli-
lo erTi wlis Semdeg gaaTavisuf-
anad amowyda (qr. III. 617).
les. gardaicvala 1748. s. ixsenieba:
vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwera same- q. nadiraZe
fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973);
sexnia CxeiZe `cxovreba mefeTa~
(1913); istoriuli sabuTebi (qr. III, surxavi (XVIII s. me-2 nax.) da-
1967). Restnis jaris winamZRoli. s. ix-
1718 lekebi s-is (v. b-sTan sul- senieba: papuna orbeliani `ambavni
xavi) meTaurobiT Seesivnen da aaox- qarTlisani~ (1981).
res bolnisi (sof. qarTlSi, dR. s. monawileobas iRebda daRes-
bolnisis r-ni), qciis xevi. rode- tnis jariT, nursal-begis (xunZa-
sac es baqarma (qarTlis janiSini xis batoni) mxares, qarTl-kaxeTis
1717-1719) Seityo, Tavisi biZa svi- winaaRmdeg warmoebul laSqrobaSi
moni, samasi mxedriT, maT winaaRm- 1755 yvarlis cixis asaRebad. Tei-
deg gaagzavna. lekebma qarTvelTa murazma (Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe
mcirericxovani razmi daamarcxes 1744-62) da ereklem (erekle II, kaxe-

Tis mefe 1744-62) Semoseuli mteri da TviT u-is xanobis micema. xanma
warmatebiT daamarcxes. s. laSqro- TarxniSvils ar mousmina, radgan
bis damTavrebamde Camoecala nur- `hqonda qoneba uricxvi da iyo Zli-
sal-begs (p. o. 226-31). eri~. imave wels, agvistos TveSi,
q. nadiraZe ereklem Sekriba jari, daibara le-
kebi, dadga sof. SarabaTs da iqidan
iwyo rbeva erevnisa. u. x. iZulebu-
urdure osTa mefe (XI s. 20- li gaxda xarki ekisra. u. x-s gar-
30-iani). u. ixsenieba: ,,matiane qar- dacvalebis Semdeg xanad misi Ze,
Tlisa~ (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti bato- yulamali daadgines. vinaidan igi
niSvili ,,aRwera samefosa saqarT- `goneba msubuqi~ iyo, erevneleb-
velosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973). ma mokles (o.x. 69; Teimuraziseuli
osTa mefe u. Semoesia kaxeTs, versia, ix. o. x. 93; T.b. 57, 58).
aaoxra TianeTi (daba ist. kaxeTis q. nadiraZe
teritoriaze, X-XI ss-Si kaxeTis
samTavros centri). kvirike (kviri-
ke III didi, hereT-kaxeTis mefe 1014- fadloni (fadlon I) fadl
37) SeebrZola mas, daamarcxa da ka- ibn muhamadi, ganZis amira (985-1031).
xeTidan gandevna. u. brZolaSi mok- Ff. ixsenieba: ,,matiane qarTlisa
les (m.q. 297; v.b. 562). (q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili
e. kvaWantiraZe ,,aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~
(q.c. IV, 1973).
f. gaZlierda da daiwyo kaxeT-
usein-ali-xani erevnis xani hereTis rbeva. bagratma (bagrat III,
(daax. 1750-82). u. x. ixsenieba: oman saqarTvelos mefe 975-1014) acnoba
amis Sesaxeb somexTa mefe gagiks (ga-
xerxeuliZe `mefoba irakli meo-
gik I, anisis mefe 990-1020), romelic
risa~ (1989); Teimuraz bagrationi
Tavisi laSqriT mivida bagratTan
`axali istoria~ (1983).
ZorakertSi (mxare qvemo qarTl-
1779(80) u. x. ganudga erekles
Si) da wavidnen qristianeTa moZu-
(erekle II, qarTl-kaxeTis mefe
le f-is winaaRmdeg. SeSinebuli f.
1762-98) da xarkis micema Seuwyvi-
cixe-simagreSi gamagrda. bagrati
ta. ereklem mosalaparakeblad Ta-
miadga Samqors (istoriuli qalaqi
vadi zaza TarxniSvili gaagzavna.
azerbaijanSi) da daulewa zRude-
ereklem mociqulis piriT u. x-s
ni. f-ma Rame mociquli gaugzavna
gaaxsena qarTl-kaxeTis mier erev-
mefes, Sendoba iTxova, msaxureba,
nis daxsnisaTvis daRvrili sisxli xarki da mtris winaaRmdeg daxmare-

ba aRuTqva. bagrati dauzavda f-s, datova, qarTlis darbevis mizniT
romelmac didi ZRveni gaugzavna muxrani Semoiara (v. b., 151). mefe
mas (m.q. 279-80; v.b. 141). bagratma f-is winaaRmdeg gagzavna
e. kvaWantiraZe laSqari. pirvelive Setakebis Sede-
gad f. Tavis laSqrianad gaaqcies (m.
q. 311). mefe bagratma f-is winaaRm-
fadloni (fadlon II) fadl deg mesxTa laSqari gagzavna. isini
ibn Savuri, ganZis amira (1067-1073). erTmaneTs wilknis (mxare Sida qar-
f. ixsenieba: `matiane qarTlisa~ TlSi) goraze ekveTnen, sadac qar-
(q.c., I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili Tvelebma f-is laSqari daamarcxes,
`aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ xerkis (qarTlSi) mTamde miyvnen da
(q.c., IV, 1955). uamravi mowinaaRmdege daxoces (v.
mefe bagratis (bagrat IV, saqar- b. 151). f. 15 cxenosniT erwos gaiq-
Tvelos mefe 1027-72) mmarTvelo- ca, sadac Tavi f-is mociqulad wa-
bis dros f. `avad eqceoda~ saqarT- radgina. igi mihgvares mesx aznaur
velos samefos (v. b. 145). mefe bagra- isak tolobelis Zes. man f. miiyva-
tis garSemo Semoikribnen lipari- na Telavs kaxTa mefe aRsarTanTan
ti, iovane abazasZe, ranTa da kaxTa (kaxeT-hereTis mefe, 1058-84), man
mefe kvirike, somexTa mefe daviTi ki waiyvana xornabujs (cixe-qala-
da tfileli amira jafari, f-s mi- qi aRm. saqarTveloSi), (m.q. 311-312).
uxdnen eklecs, brZola gaumarTes, bagratma (bagrat IV) f-is sanacv-
gaaqcies da misi jari amowyvites lod kaxelebs boWorma da ujarma
(m. q. 296; v. b. 145). amis gamo f. si- (istoriuli kaxeTis mniSv. centre-
cocxlis bolomde gaborotebuli bi) gadasca, f. ki wamoiyvana da Zel-
iyo (m. q. 296). sulTanma (alf-ars- ze gasva (m.q. 312; v.b. 151)). selCukTa
lani, selCukTa sulTani 1063-72) sulTnis (alf-arslanis) TxovniT
tfilisi da rusTavi samarTavad bagratma f. gaaTavisufla da ganZas
gadasca f-s (m. q. 310). f. 33 aTasia- daabruna (m.q. 312). sulTanma gamog-
ni laSqriT movida tfiliss da da- zavna Suamavlad sarangi, ris Sede-
ibanaka isnis velze, gaSala karvebi gadac f. gaanTavisufles (v.b. 151).
da xeli mihyo qarTlis sazRvre- f-ma fici gatexa da qavazani (c/s
bis darbevas (m.q., 310). f. gaZlier- q. Tbilisis samxreTiT) da agarani
da, TbilisSi Semovida, didgors (igive kojris cixe) daikava (m.q. 313;
mdgom mefe bagrats (bagrat IV) ar v. b. 152). mefe bagratma osTa mefe
moerida da 30-aTasiani laSqriT is- dorRoleli 40-aTasiani laSqriT
nis (Tbilisis ist. ubani aRmos. na- gamoiyvana da qarTul laSqarTan
wilSi) velze daibanaka, iq karvebi erTad f-is winaaRmdeg gagzav-

na. maT ganZa moaoxres da uricxvi samxreT azerbaijanSi) f.x. ixsenie-
tyviTa da alafiT datvirTulni ba: Teimuraz bagrationi `axali is-
dabrundnen (m. q. 313; v. b. 152). toria~ (1983); bagrat batoniSvili
:axali moTxroba~ (1941); erekle II-
is saTxovari wigni ekaterine II-sad-
mi (ruseTis imperatrica) miwerili
faTali-xani iranis Sahis (q.s.Z. II. 1965).
sulTan huseinis (1694-1722) didi avariis xani nursal-begi Sama-
veziri (iTimad ad-doule). f. x. xiaSi stumrobis dros f.x. yubelma
ixsenieba: sexnia CxeiZe, `cxovreba mokla (T.b. 56). f.x-Tan Tavi Seafa-
mefeTa~ (1913); `RvTaebis gujari~ ra aleqsandre baqaris Zem, vaxtan-
1722 kaxeTis mefis, daviT II-is (1709- gis (vaxtang VI, qarTlis mefe 1716-
22) brZanebiT dawerili (qr. III. 1967). 24) SviliSvilma, romelic aujanyda
1741 rodesac Sah sulTan-hu- erekles (erekle II, qarTl-kaxeTis
seini TeiranSi (iranis dedaqalaqi) mefe 1762-98) qarTlis taxtis war-
imyofeboda, Seityo eTimadovle Tmevis mizniT. ereklem TxovniT
f.x-is Ralati, radgan mas Sahoba mimarTa ruseTis imp. ekaterines,
Tavad surda. f.x. warmoSobiT le- romelmac f.x-s gaugzavna brZane-
ki Samxlis saxlidan, iranis Sahis ba, ris safuZvelzec man aleqsand-
karze didi pativiT izrdeboda. re Seipyro da ruseTSi gaamgzavra
sulTan-huseinma Tavis gazrdils (q.s.Z. II. 455; b. b. 57). 1789 ereklem,
Tvalebi dasTxara, xolo misi qone- f.x-ma (f.x-ma, erekles dauZinebel-
ba iavarhyo (s.C. 32). f.x iyo daviTis ma mterma, bolos masTan samxedro
(kaxeTis mefe imam-yuli-xani 1709- kavSiri Sekra) da mahmad-xan Saqel-
22) colis, dedofal Yaxrijahan be- ma yarabaRis xanis, ibreimis winaaR-
gumis Zma, xolo maTi mama erevnis mdeg galaSqreba gadawyvites, rad-
beglarbegi (qr. 85). gan ibreimma `daiviwya keTilobaY
q. nadiraZe mefisa iraklisa~ (T.b. 60). ruseTis
sardals pauluCs (saqarTvelos
mTavarmarebeli 1811-12) 1812 ebr-
faTali-xani yubis saxa- Zoda f.x-is Svili, darubandis xani
nos mmarTveli (1758-89), romelmac Sixali (T.b. 80).
gaaerTiana CrdiloeT azerbaija- q. nadiraZe
nis teritoriebi, sadac Sedioda
derbendis, baqos, Semaxas, Sirvanis
saxanoebi. aseve sparseTis Crdi-
loeT nawili q. ardebilamde (kas-
piis zRvis ukidures samxreTSi e. w.

faTali xan afSari samx- Tebina da sami dRe da Rame ilxen-
reT azerbaijanis mmarTveli, (XVIII da (p.o. 60). am dros lekebma, givi
s. I nax.) nadirSahis (iranis Sahi amilaxvarTan (qarTlis sadroSos
1736-47) ZmisSvili. mas ebrZoda ira- sardali) erTad sul aaoxres da ga-
nis Sahis, ismail III-is vaqili qerim Zarcves orbelianTa mamuli. f. x.
xan zendi (1758--79), romelmac f.x. mivida metexs da amilaxvarTan mo-
1763 sikvdiliT dasaja. f.x. ixse- laparakeba gamarTa. mas Serigebas
nieba: Teimuraz bagrationi `axa- da SahTan saqmis mogvarebas sTava-
li istoria~ (1983); savaraudod, zobda. amilaxvarma mosafiqreblad
vfiqrobT, rom papuna orbelianis sami dRe iTxova da lekebs moela-
`ambavni qarTlisanSi~ (1981) moxse- paraka. Semdeg, viTomda Serigebaze
niebuli azerbaijanis sardali fa- dasTanxmda da f.x-s SeuTvala: le-
Tali-xani, p.o-is mixedviT nadir- kebs didZali qoneba miaqvT da Tavs
Sahis colisZma, unda iyos faTali daesxiTo. f.x-s gaexarda, lekebs
xan afSari. jari daadevna. yizilbaSebma ala-
azerbaijanis sardalma f.x-ma fi waarTves, mravali leki gawyvi-
1742 imam-yuli-xani (1740-dan qar- tes, magram ukan mobrunebul jars
Tlis muslimi gamgebeli da iranis lekTa meore, Casafrebuli laSqari
beglarbegi) qarTlis jariT Warel Tavs daesxa. yizilbaSebi amowyvi-
lekebze gasalaSqreblad daibara. tes da qoneba waiRes. f.x. lalis-
xani qarTvelTa jariT iorze daba- yurs (sof. kaxeTSi) idga. iqidan Te-
nakda da f.x-s lodini dauwyo. ga- lavs (qalaqi kaxeTSi) Cavida, sadac
laSqreba ar Sedga (p.o. 53). f.x. kaxe- Teimurazma didi pativiT miiRo.
Tis mefem, Teimurazma (Teimuraz II, Telavidan f.x. yuSyalas gaemgzav-
kaxeTis gamgebeli 1733-44; qarTlis ra, saidanac Sahis brZanebiT iranSi
mefe 1744-62) TavisTan miiwvia. Te- Cavida (p.o 61). rodesac Teimurazi
imurazma mas yaraRajSi (sof. Sida qarTlis mefed akurTxes (1744.), f.
qarTlSi, axlandeli kaspis r-ni) x. SamSadilos idga (p. o 62-63), Tei-
CaakiTxa. am dros f.x-s iranis Sahma murazi Tavis vaJs, erekles (erekle
acnoba, rom qarTls 7 000 leki Se- II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62; qarTl-ka-
moesia, romlebic ajanyebul givi xeTis 1762-98) kaxeTSi gahyva, raTa
amilaxvars SeuerTdnen. f.x. Cavida misTvis wesisamebr kaxeTis mefoba
TbilisSi, jari saswrafod gorSi daeloca. rodesac mama-Svili sa-
(qalaqi qarTlSi) gaagzavna, TviTon garejoSi mivida, Seityves, rom 3
iq darCa da nadimi gamarTa. f.x. Rvi- 000 cxenosani leki qarTls Seseo-
nis msmeli, moqeife, momRerali da da. Teimurazi saswrafod TbilisSi
moTamaSe kaci iyo. mtkvris gaRma dabrunda, meore dRes yazaxSi wavi-
napirze, riyeze, CiraRdnebi gaake- da, SeuerTda f.x-s, erTad Seuties

lekebs da daamarcxes (p.o. 83). f.x. yanaSi mdgar f.x-s mahmad-xanma (Sa-
afSarma SuSis saxanos winaaRmdeg qis xani) qarTvelebis winaaRmdeg
galaSqreba gadawyvita da daxma- daxmareba sTxova. f.x-ma didi jari
rebisTvis erekles mimarTa (1759). Sekriba, ganjas mivida da gadawyvi-
ereklem mas mxedroba miaSvela, ta, erevnidan gamarjvebiT dabru-
magram, rodesac maT winaaRmdeg qe- nebul batonebs win daxvedroda. ba-
rim-xani wamovida, qarTvelebi ukan tonebi rom yazaxs mibrZandnen, f.x.
gamobrundnen. SuSis xanma fanam f.x- alaqolas mivida da omisTvis mza-
Tan SeTanxmeba gadawyvita. molapa- deba daiwyo. batonebs qarTl-ka-
rakebis Sedegad fanam ganjis xani xeTidan damxmare jarebi miuvidaT.
Saverdi gaaTavisufla (T.b. 51-52). es rom f.x-ma gaigo, aRar moindoma
q. nadiraZe
Sebma, Serigebis mizniT, mosalapa-
rakeblad kaci gagzavna da Suamav-
lad konstantine muxranis batoni
iTxova. f.x-s didad eama, rodesac
fana-xani yarabaRis // Su-
masTan mosalaparakeblad muxranis
Sis xani (1747-1763.), yarabaRis saxa-
batoni da mdivani gojaspi mividnen
nos pirveli mmarTveli da jevanSi-
(p.o. 163).
rianebis saxano dinastiis fuZemde-
f.x-ma batonebs, Serigebis sa-
beli. misi mmarTvelobis periodSi
nacvlod, mahmad-xanis col-Svi-
gauqmda somexi meliqebis TviTm-
lis, qonebis da yazaxis qveynis mis-
marTveloba mTian yarabaRSi. f-x.
Tvis gadacema mosTxova. batonebma
ixsenieba: papuna orbeliani `ambavni
f.x-is es moTxovna iwyines da sapa-
qarTlisani~ (1981); oman xerxeuli-
suxod, rac jari axldaT kacze xu-
Ze `mefoba irakli meorisa~ (1989);
Ti Tumani inami da morCileba mos-
istoriuli sabuTebi, (qr., III., 1967).
Txoves. Suamavlebma f.x-s batone-
f.x. iyo erTi javanSireli (mom-
bis morCileba `Tavs daadves~, ris
Tabare tomi) kaci (p.o. 160-61). f.x.
Semdegac isini Serigdnen da mSvi-
ganja-yarabaRis qveynebs aoxreb-
dobianad daSordnen. f.x. aiyara
da, amitom erevnis xanis dasaxma-
da ganjas Cavida (p.o. 163-64). f.x-ma
reblad wasul batonebs (Teimuraz
moindoma ganjis xanoba da adribe-
II, qarTlis mefe 1744-62; erekle II,
janis (azerbaijanis) sardlobasac
kaxeTis mefe 1744-62) gzad, yazaxSi
cdilobda. ganjis xanma Saverdim
ganjis xanis kaci miuvidaT da maT
daxmarebisTvis mefe Teimurazsa
f.x-is winaaRmdeg daxmareba sTxo-
da erekles mimarTa. f.x-is wina-
va. batonebs siRnaRis meliqis Svi-
aRmdeg daxmareba mefeebs somxis
lebmac sTxoves f.x-Tan brZolaSi
episkoposmac sTxova, radgan f.x.
daxmareba (p.o. 160-61). Samaxiis qve-
siRnaRSi (azerbaijanuli saxano)

Camdgariyo da mosaxleoba Zalze f.x. tyiani mTis wverze Causafr-
Seewuxebina (p.o. 165). ganjis xanis da qarTvelebs. qarTvelebma mefe
Cafarma mefeebs f.x-s mier q. ganjis erekles meTaurobiT f.x. im mTaze
alyis da qalaqis aoxrebis Sesaxeb sastikad daamarcxes da gaaqcies
acnoba. mefeebma ganjelTa dasax- (p.o. 168). damarcxebuli f.x. darCe-
mareblad laSqris Sekreba daiwyes, nili jariT wavida yaradaRis mTis-
radgan f.x-ma maTTvis micemuli ken (p.o. 169). siRnaRis bolos-Tul-
piroba, rom mis xalxs dasjerde- Si, iq, sadac iyo f.x-is sangari, mas
boda da arc erT qveyanas aRar em- darCa Tofxana da jabaxana, sadac
tereboda, ar Seasrula. f.x-is jar- gamarjvebuli batonebi (Teimuraz
ma ganja ise aaoxra, rom meCeTebic II, erekle II) mividnen da es yvela-
ki daaqcia da cixis meti arc erTi feri xelSi Caigdes (p. o. 169). mefe-
Senoba aRar datova (p.o. 166). 1750 ebi barguSaTsa da f.x-is gaqceul
batonebi gaemarTnen f-x-is wina- elze salaSqrod gaemarTnen. f.x.
aRmdeg. man Tavisi eli - javanSiri maT mcire jariT xozafunis xidze
ayara, arazis pirisken gaistumra, saomrad daxvda, magram rodesac
TviTon ki 6 aTaskaciani laSqari, gaigo, qarTvelTa misvla, miatova
romelSic gaerTianebuli iyvnen Tavisi eli da gaiqca (p.o. 170). 1750
javanSiris, SamSadilos, siRnaRis, f.x. moadga ganjas. maSin ganjis xan-
barguSaTis da Sahisevanis qveynebis ma mefeebs (Teimuraz II, erekle II)
jari, Tan iaxla. igi xeivans daima- daxmareba sTxova. mefeebma Semoik-
la, qarTvelTa laSqarTan mzakvru- ribes jarebi da yazaxSi Cavidnen. es
lad Sebmis mizniT (p.o. 166). f.x-is rom f.x-ma gaigo, ganjas gaerida da
kacebi aSoTan muxranbatoniSvilis Tavis qveyanaSi gabrunda ufro di-
kacebs Semoeyarnen, daxoces da Ta- di jaris Sekrebis mizniT. ganjaSi
vebi f.x-s miarTves. am aSoTans f.x. Casul mefeebs ganjis xani Saver-
mravaljer enaxa da icnobda, rom dic SeuerTda da erTad wavidnen
didi kacis Svili iyo. f.x-ma Warsa yarabaRs. iq maT f.x. didi jariT win
da SamSadiloSi werilebi gagzav- miegeba. mefeebma gaimarjves (o.x.
na, sadac cru informacias awvdida, 49). aji-Calabis winaaRmdeg ganja-
TiTqos man qarTvelebi daamarcxa, Si saomrad Casulma mefeebma f-x.
gaaqcia, muxranis batoni mokla da daibares sxva adribeJanis (azerba-
gaqceulebs ukan daedevna. igi mo- ijanis) xanebTan erTad, romlebic
uwodebda maT, gzebi SeekraT qar- maT eaxlnen (p.o. 191-92). rodesac
TvelebisTvis, samagierod ki, maT mefeebma Seityves, rom adribeJanis
alafs srulad pirdeboda (p.o. 167). xanebma, maT Soris f.x-ma, maTi Ra-
radgan mindvrad ver gabeda omi, lati ganizraxes, ra mizniTac avRa-

nelebze salaSqrod epatiJebodnen, ibreim-xanma da omar-xanma (avariis
yvelani TavisTan miipatiJes da da- // xunZaxis xani) lekis jariT naxCe-
apatimres p.o. 193). Warelebi, kakis vanze gailaSqres da damarcxdnen
sulTani, aji-Calabi, Sirvanele- (qr., III, 621).
bi, f.x. da ganjis xani SeTanxmdnen, T.qoriZe
rom Tu xunZaxis batoni qarTvel
mefeebze gaimarjvebda, isini qar-
Tlsa da kaxeTs aaoxrebdnen (p.o. farejani osTa mefis Ze (XIII
215). f.x-ma Seaviwrova siRnaRelebi s. bolo). Ff. ixsenieba: JamTaaRmwe-
(azerbaijanuli saxano), rasac ver reli (q.c. II, 1959), vaxuSti batoniS-
gauZles iqaurma somxebma. erTi xe- vili ,,aRwera samefosa saqarTve-
obis meliqi usuf-begi aiyara Tavi- losa~ (q.c. IV, 1973).
si xizniT, movida saqarTveloSi da xutlubuRa (sadun mankaberde-
mefeebs daxmareba sTxova (p.o. 228). lis monRolTa mier dawinaurebu-
f.x., ganjis xani Saverdi da nuxis li saqarTvelos politikuri moR-
xani aji-Calabi Seikribnen ganja- vawe Ze) cdilobda mefoba Camoer-
yarabaRisa da Saqi-Sarvanis jare- Tva vaxtangisTvis (vaxtang II, aRmo-
biT da mividnen yazaxs aRstafaze, savleT saqarTvelos mefe 1289-92)
xolo mefeebi (Teimuraz II, erekle da daviTi gaemefebina (daviT VIII,
II) yazaxs, Tumca xanebma maT wina- saqarTvelos mefe 1293-1311). da-
aRmdeg omi veRar gabedes, mola- viTs exmareboda osTa mefis Ze f.
parakeba gaumarTes, dazavdnen da (J. 294). f-is mTavrobis dros oseb-
ukan gabrundnen (o.x., 48-49). f.x-is ma daiwyes qarTlis rbeva da qala-
Svili iyo ibreim-xani (o.x. 98). 1752 qi gori (erT-erTi uZvelesi qalaqi
ganjis xan Saverdis, yarabaRis xans Sida qarTlSi) daikaves (J. 296; v.b.
qazums da f.x-s surdaT ganjaSi Ca- 239). f. erTgulad emsaxureboda
suli mefeebi aji-CalabTan (Saqis daviT VIII-s (J. 297; v.b. 240). daviT
xani) SeerigebinaT. mefeebs egonaT, VIII-m misca yazan yaens (ilxanTa ya-
rom es xanebi aji-Calabis mokavSi- eni 1295-1304) Tuqalis Svilebi da
reebi iyvnen, amitom isini 21 marts ganZi, romelic atenis cixeSi (saci-
Seipyres da xelborkilebi daades vis cixe, orbelianTa cixe, X-XI ss-
(qr., III, 055, 219, 620, 627, 632). 1752 is cixesimagre q. goris maxloblad)
f.x-s Svili aji-CalabTan wavida, osTa mTavars f-s hqonda mibarebu-
ganjas jari miiyvana, sadac gamar- li (J. 299; v.b. 242).
Tul brZolaSi mefeebi damarcxd- e.kvaWantiraZe
nen da Tbiliss wamovidnen (qr., III,
055; 620). 21 noembers f-x-is Svilma

feroS da kavtia* geogra- vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwera same-
fiuli punqtebi Crdilo kavkasiaSi. fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973);
f. da k. ixsenieba: leonti mroveli wyalobis sigelebi (p.a.l. IV. 2007).
,,cxovreba qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c. 1695 ganjis beglarbegad da ka-
I, 1955). xeTis gamgeblad Sahma (sulTan hu-
mirianis mefobaSi (qarTlis me- seini 1694-1722) q.x. daniSna (v.b. 608-
fe IV s-is I nax.) osebma gamoiares fe- 09). q.x. marTalia, ganagebda kaxeTs,
roS da kavtia da aaoxres qarTli magram misi regionebi: TuSeTi, qi-
(l.m. 68-9). ziyi da erwo-TianeTi erekles (na-
zar-ali-xani, qarTlis mefe 1688-
* ,qarTlis cxovrebis~ gamomcemeli s. yaux- 1703) gamgeblobaSi Sedioda (v.b.
CiSvili am geografiul punqtebs sakuTar
saxelebad miiCnevs 475). q.x. da erekle mefe erTmaneT-
Tan TanamSromlobdnen lekebis wi-
e.kvaWantiraZe naaRmdeg (b.e. 441-42). rogorc Cans,
q.x. ganjaSi ijda, radgan kaxelebi
iq Cadiodnen da lekTa Tavdasxme-
qalaZori // qelaZori qa- bisgan dacvas sTxovdnen (v.b. 609).
laqi SarvanSi. q. ixsenieba: `cxov- mis mier mravali wyalobis sigelia
reba mefeT-mefisa daviTisi~, laSa- gacemuli, saidanac irkveva, rom
giorgis droindeli matiane (q.c., I, Tavadebs umtkicebda da uaxlebda
1955). mamulebs. sainteresoa, rom udab-
daviTma (daviT IV, saqarTvelos nos naTlismcemlis berebs gauCina
mefe 1089-1125) Tavisi Ze demetre jamagiri weliwadSi sami Tumani,
Sarvans gagzavna laSqriT. demet- sof. agabaSidan asi kodi puri da
rem awarmoa `omni sakvirvelni~, sof. martyofidan aTi sapalne Rvi-
aiRo `cixe qalaZori~ da uricxvi no (1698), (p.a.l. 345).
tyviTa da alafiT warsdga mamis
q. nadiraZe
winaSe (d. i. 334, l-g m. 366).

qalbali-xani naxCevanis
saxanos gamgebeli (XVIII s. II nax.). q.
qalbali-xani (ziad-oR-
x. ixsenieba: Teimuraz bagrationi
li-qalbali-xani) ganja-yara-
`axali istoria~ (1983).
baRis beglarbegi, kaxeTis muslimi
q.x-s 1786 naxCevanis mosaxleoba
mmarTveli (1695-1703), sardari. q.
aujanyda da gamoaZeves. q. x-m dax-
x. ixsenieba: beri egnataSvili `axa-
marebisTvis erevnis xans, mahmads
li qarTlis cxovreba~ (q.c. II, 1959);
mimarTa; mahmadi erekles (erekle

II, qarTl-kaxeTis mefe 1762-98) See- aRmdeg iyenebdnen Crdilokavkasi-
vedra. ereklem jariTa da zarbaz- eli xalxebisgan Semdgar daqira-
nebiT ioane muxranbatoni gaagzav- vebul jars. maT Soris q-ebs. q. ix-
na. qarTvelebs erevnelebi SeuerT- senieba: papuna orbeliani ambavni
dnen da naxCevanze gailaSqres. da- qarTlisani` (1981).
marcxebulma naxCevanelebma Taza q. 1760-iani ereklem da Teimu-
x. isev xanad daabrunes (T. b. 59). razma lekebis winaaRmdeg daibares
q. nadiraZe Cerqezis, q-is, jiqis, noRis... ja-
rebi`. jari TavianTi ufrosobiT
Camovida ananurSi (sof. md. aragvis
qisteTi veinaxuri tome- xeobaSi), xolo erisTavma jimSerma
biT dasaxlebuli istoriuli mxare TbilisSi Camoiyvana. jari didu-
CrdiloeT kavkasiaSi. q. ixsenieba: beSi daabinaves da ulufa uboZes.
vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwera same- `isini~ sxvadasxva rwmenisani iyv-
fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973). nen: mahmadianebi, umetesad kerpT-
q. dasaxelebulia q-is xevis aR- msaxurebi. avi qcevisani, arawmin-
werisas (v.b. 357, 358), fSavis (mxare daTa mWamelni`, zogi Tval-tanadi,
aRm saqarTvelos mTianeTSi) aRwe- zogic Seuxedavi da gonji, patara
risas (v.b. 534), TuSeTis (mxare aRm cxvirebiT, kargi cxenosnebi da mo-
saqarTvelos mTianeTSi) aRweri- isarni, mkvircxlebi. mefeebma Camo-
sas (v.b. 554, 555), oseTis (mxare Crd suli jaris Tavkacebi tabaxmelaSi
kavkasiaSi) aRwerisas (v.b. 633). mo- (sof. q. TbilisTan) daibares. ro-
cemulia q-is aRwera: iq, sadac da- desac lekebma maTi mosvlis Sesaxeb
ivakebs md. aragvi (md. Tergi) mas Seityves, aiyarnen da wavidnen. rad-
erTvis q-is wyali. sadac iyofa es gan Camoyvanili jaris Senaxva Wir-
ori mdinare, SuaSi aris jariexi, da, mefeebma Tavkacebi oqro-ver-
romlis zemoT aris q. ,,dabnebiani, cxliT daasaCuqres, jars jamagiri
Senobiani (v.b. 651). gadauxades da ukan pativiT gais-
tumres. ufrosma kacebma` mefeebs
e. kvaWantiraZe
piroba misces: rogorc ki Tqveni
brZaneba mogviva, Tqvens samsaxurSi
qiSti // qisti Crdilo-kav- davixocebiTo (p.o. 219-222).
kasiuri modgmis xalxis, vainaxebis
q. nadiraZe
(CeCnebi, inguSebi) erT-erTi gaer-
Tianebis qarTuli saxelwodeba.
qarTlis mefe Teimuraz II (1744-62)
da kaxeTis mefe erekle II (1744-62)
zogjer lekTa Tavdasxmebis wina-

qristefore (apahuneli) RliRueTi istoriuli mxa-
- somexTa kaTolikosi (628-30). q. re CrdiloeT kavkasiaSi. R. ixseni-
apahunTa episkoposad yofnisas xeli eba: vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwera
moawera 607 somexTa kaTolikos abra- samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV,
hamisaTvis (607-615) micemul xelwe- 1973).
rils da monawileoba miiRo vrTanes R. dasaxelebulia oseTis (mxa-
qerdolis mier albanelTa sapasu- re Crd. kavkasiaSi) da ZurZukeTis
xod epistoles SedgenaSi. q. ixsenieba (ist. mxare Crd. kavkasiaSi, Tanam.
: arsen safareli, `ganyofisTs qarT- CeCneTi da inguSeTi) aRwerisas (v.b.
velTa da somexTa~, (1980). 554, 652). vaxuSti gvaZlevs R-is da-
kaTolikosad dajda iohane ma- xasiaTebas: R. aris qist-ZurZuke-
ireguemelis (ioane mairagomeli) Tis aRmosavleTiT, saxeli momdi-
mteri q., ris gamoc iohane gamwar- nareobs ZurZukis Zis RliRosagan.
da. Tumca raRac mizeziT q. gada- aq Camodis mdinare. am mdinareze
agdes taxtidan, ris gamoc iohanem aris didi daba angusti, romlis mo-
gaixara (a.s. 83). saxleoba mahmadiania (v.b. 652).
T. qoriZe e. kvaWantiraZe

qurdevani adgili SarvanSi. Y abala // kabala qalaqi

q. ixsenieba: `cxovreba mefeT-mefi- SarvanSi. y. ixsenieba: `cxovreba me-
sa daviTisi~ (q.c. I, 1955). feT-mefisa daviTisi~ (q.c, I, 1955);
daviTi (daviT IV, saqarTve- papuna orbeliani `ambavni qarTli-
los mefe 1089-1125) Cavida Sarvans sani~ (1981).
da moarbia teritoria liJanidan daviTma (daviT IV, saqarTvelos
q-mde (d. i. 339). mefe 1089-1125) aiRo Sarvanis qala-
T. qoriZe qi y. da aRavso Tavisi samefo oq-
ro-vercxliTa da simdidriT (d. i.,
339). Sah abas I-is (iranis Sahi, 1587-
Rasanni Sarvanis cixe. R. 1629) brZanebiT, qarTvelebma da yi-
ixsenieba: `cxovreba mefeT-mefisa zilbaSebma erToblivad gailaqres
daviTisi~ (q.c, I, 1955). Sarvans da alya Semoartyes cixe
daviTis (daviT IV, saqarTvelos y-s, romelic Turqebs ekavaT. cixis
mefe 1089-1125) dros qarTvelebma Signidan Turqebi, xolo garedan
aiRes Sarvanis cixeni R. da xozaindi yizilbaSebi gakvirvebulni iyvnen
da mimdgomi maTi qveyana (d. i. 344). qarTvelebis Seupovari brZoliT,
romlebmac aiRes cixe y., daikaves
Sirvani da gaabatones aleqsandres
(kaxTa mefe aleqsandre II, 1574-1605) 2). Sah-Tamazi (Tahmas I, iranis Sahi
Ze konstantine (p.o. 18). 1524-76) mivida y-Si (1524). y-is ba-
T. qoriZe tonebidan zogi Secvala, zogs ki
begara da xaraja daakisra (f.g.3)*.
Sah-Tamazi (1541) y-Si iyo, rodesac
yarabaRi azerbaijanis luarsabma (luarsab I, qarTlis me-
samxr. naw. moicavda mtkvris marj- fe, 1527-56) Tbilisi aiRo (f.g. 4, b.e.
vena sanapiros q. bardaviT. Zveli 357, mesame t. 496).** Sah-Tamazma ga-
qarTuli saxelw. rani. 1742-1822 ilaSqra luarsabis winaaRmdeg,
yarabaRis saxano. y. ixsenieba: Jam- aiRo Tbilisi da ukan gabrunda y-Si
TaaRmwereli (q.c. II, 1959); `axali (f.g. 5, b.e. 357, v.b. 402). y-Si dabana-
qarTlis cxovreba~ meore da me- kebuli Sah-Tamazs eaxlnen da mor-
same teqsti (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti ba- Cileba gamoucxades bagrat imere-
toniSvili `aRwera samefosa saqar- Tis mefem (bagrat II, 1510-65) da le-
Tvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); sexnia Cxei- van kaxeTis mefem (1518-74), (v.b. 402,
Ze `mefeTa cxovreba~ (1913); papuna 572, 812).*** Saqis xanis, davriS mah-
orbeliani `ambavni qarTlisani~ madze (devriS muhamedi) galaSqre-
(1981); farsadan gorgijaniZe `is- bis win Sah-Tamazis jari y-Si Seiya-
toria~ (1926); Teimuraz bagratio- ra. y-Si Sahis moTxovniT masTan ga-
ni `axali istoria~ (1983); qarTuli mocxadda levan kaxTa mefe (b.e. 363,
istoriuli sabuTebi (sit. I, II). mesame t. 504, v.b. 573-74). laSqrobis
`rani aris y.~ (v.b. 52, 205, 269, Semdeg Sah-Tamazi y-Si dabrunda
270, 632). hulagu yaenis (iranis sa- (v.b. 574). Sah-Tamazma (1547) y-dan
ilxanos damaarsebeli, Cingis yae- Tbilisze gamoilaSqra. aiRo qala-
nis SviliSvili, 1256-65) sazamTro qi, ukanve y-Si gabrunda da zamTari
samyofi (1259), `romelsac aw y-obiT iq gaatara (f.g. 7, b.e. 363, mesame t.
da muRanobiT uxmobdnen~ (J. 239- 505). Sah-Tamazi (1554) goris aRebis
40). Temur-lengma (Sua aziis mbrZa- Semdeg y-Si wavida (f.g. 8, mesame t.
nebeli 1370-1405), daibanaka y-Si 507). garisis (sof. qvemo qarTlSi)
(1386, 1387, 1400), (b.e. 328-31-33, meo- brZolaSi (1556) Sahverdi sulTanis
re t. 451-59-60-63). aleqsandrem (yarabaRis sulTani) jarSi iyo spa
(aleqsandre I, saqarTvelos mefe y-sa (b.e. 365). y-is batoni, `napiris
1412-42), (1433) aiRo y. (v.b. 281). Sah- mcveli~ Saverdi sulTani simonisa-
ismaili (ismail I, iranis Sahi 1501- gan (simon I, qarTlis mefe 1556-69,
24) baqos cixisa da Sarvan-Samaxiis 1578-1600) Seviwrovebuli Tbilisis
aRebis Semdeg (1501) y-Si gadavida. dasaxmareblad wamovida (1560), (f.g.
iqauri `Tavadebi da laSqris pat- 9, mesame t. 510); aleqsandre kaxTa
ronni~ uomrad damorCildnen (f.g. mefis (aleqsandre II, 1574-1605) da-

sasjelad (1575) wamosuli Sah-Tama- (f.g. 31). `daud-xanis orguloba, ya-
zi y-Si dabanakda (b.e. 370, mesame t. jarTa amowyveta, batonis Teimura-
516, v.b. 577). osmaleTis armiam mus- zisagan ganja y-is darbeva da aox-
tafa lala faSas sardlobiT (1578) reba, daud-xanis qarTlSi wayvana,
aiRo azerbaijanis saxanoebi, maT yvelaferi Sah-sefi (iranis Sahi,
Soris y-i (f.g. 12, mesame t. 521). Sah- 1629-1642) yaens moaxsenes~ (f.g. 31).
abasma (abas I, iranis Sahi 1587-1629) qarTlSi Semosvlamde (1633) ros-
kaxeTSi gamoagzavna konstantine tom mefe (qarTlis mefe 1632-58)
mirza (kaxeTis mefis aleqsandre II- y-Si Cavida (f.g. 32). Sah-sefis brZa-
s, mefobda 1574-1605, Svili) da nebiT Sirvanis belgarbegi (rostom
`warmoatana Tan spani Sirvanisa da xan saakaZe) y-is laSqriT rostom
y-sani~ (mesame t. 539). saqarTveloSi mefis dacvaSi dadga (1633), (f.g. 33).
laSqrobis win (1613) Sah-abasma y-Si y-Si (1640) iranelTa jari idga (f.g.
daibara Teimurazi (Teimuraz I, ka- 69). kaxelebma (1715) alaverdis
xeTis mefe 1606-48, qarTl-kaxeTis episkoposis winadadebiT, lekTa
1625-32) da luarsabi (luarsab II, Tavdasxmebis Tavidan asacileblad
qarTlis mefe 1606-15), (f.g. 21). Sah- da qarTlis. yazaxis, SamSadilus,
abasma, nadirobis sababiT (1615) y-Si y-is da Sirvanis asamxedreblad maT
waiyvana luarsabi (b.e. 396, v.b. 427). winaaRmdeg, gadawyvites Warele-
marabdis (sof. qarTlSi) brZolis bisTvis megzuroba gaewiaT am qveya-
Semdeg (1625) feiqar xans (yarabaRi- naze laSqrobisas (v.b. 615). Wareli
sa da kaxeTis muslimi mmarTveli) glexebi xSirad arbevdnen y-s, Saqs
dadevnebulma zurab aragvis eris- da Sirvans (v.b. 617). Saverdi xanis
Tavma da giorgi saakaZem (qarTveli (ganjis xani) winaaRmdeg salaSqrod
samxedro da saxelmwifo moRvawe gamzadebuli fana-xani (fanah ali
daaxl. 1570-1629) ukana gzaze ganja xani, yarabaRis mflobeli 1747-63)
da y. moarbies (v.b. 431). Teimurazma y-Si jariT idga (1749). Saverdi xa-
(1632) amierkavkasiaSi iranis samf- nis dasaxmareblad mosul Teimu-
lobeloebi: ganja, barda, y. daar- razs (Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe
bia, rac iranis winaaRmdeg ajanye- 1744-62) da erekles (erekle II, kaxe-
bas niSnavda. am brZolaSi mTeli sa- Tis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis
qarTvelos laSqari iRebda monawi- 1762-98) Tan axlda y-is, javanSiris,
leobas (f.g. 30, b.e. 416, v.b. 594). Te- SamSadilis, barguSaTis (somxeTis)
imurazma es laSqroba daud-xanis da Sahisevanis jarebi (p.o. 165-166).
(ganja-yarabaRis beglarbegi 1625- es rom fana-xanma Seityo, y-Si dab-
33) waqezebiT moawyo (f.g. 31). ganZa-
runda. qarTveli mefeebi daedevnen
saris kaTolikosTan saubarSi Tei-
mas da y-Si Sevidnen. yaraTafad (ad-
murazi aRniSnavs, rom y. mas ukavia

gili y-Si) wodebul adgilas qar- (p.o. 190-193). ganjaSi myofi aji-Ca-
Tulma mxedrobam daamarcxa mteri labis Svilis aRaqiSis jars (1752)
(T.b. 47). fana-xanis damarcxebis SeuerTda y-s jari (p.o. 198). Tulqi-
(1750, 5 marti) Semdeg qarTlidan, Tafas (yazax-SamSidilus sazRvar-
kaxeTidan, yazax-borCaludan da ze) brZolis (1752) Semdeg ganjis
erevnidan ayrili da y-Si Casaxle- xanma da aRaqiSim y-is jarTan erTad
buli glexebi ukan daabrunes (p.o. Suri iZies yazaxelebze (p.o. 204).
171). Wareli lekebis winaaRmdeg baman-xani (naxiCevanis xani) da zu-
sabrZolvelad mimaval Teimurazs rab qsnis erisTaviSvili (iese eris-
(1751) TofyaraRajSi (sof. yaraRa- Tavis Ze) aji-CalabTan erTad api-
ja, kaxeTi, siRnaRis r-ni) SeuerTda rebdnen qarTl-kaxeTze laSqrobas.
ganjis xani y-is jariT (p.o. 181). maT Tan axlda Waris, Saq-Sirvanis,
siRnaRelebis da aji-Calabis (Saqis ganja y-is, bardis da barguSaTis
pirveli xani, haji Celebi yurban jari. laSqroba CaiSala (p.o. 208).
oRlu 1743-55) SekavSirebis dasa- ibreim-xanisagan (yarabaRis xani),
zusteblad (1752) Teimurazma da (1782) wamosuli xunZaxis (saxano
ereklem werili misweres y-is xans. CrdiloeT kavkasiaSi, igive avariis
imave xanebSi aji-Calabma ganja saxano) `nafanti~ jaris y-dan qarT-
aaoxra, ayara y-is elebi da Tavis lSi SesaZlo SemoWris gamo erekle
qveyanaSi waiyvana (p.o. 190). martyo- saswrafod TavisTan ibarebs minbaS
fis mourav qaixosros ganjidan oTar amilaxvars, (sit. II, 134). erek-
TbilisSi wamoyvnen ganjis veqili, lem (1787) qarTvelTa da rusTa
fana-xanis biZaSvili, javanSiris da mxedrobiT zeibasTan daamarcxa
y-is qeTxudebi, barguSaTis xanis y-is jari. amis Semdeg erekles ganz-
Zmiswuli, romlebic Teimurazsa da raxuli hqonda y-s dalaSqvra, mag-
erekles sTxovdnen aji-Calabisa- ram rusTa jaris moulodneli wasv-
gan dacvas. mefeebi ganjaSi Cavid- lis gamo ukan gamobrunda (T.b. 60).
nen da iq daibares y-is xani qazum- SamqorSi (1787) Casul ereklesTan
xani, fana-xani da azerbaijanis xa- mividnen faTali-xani darubandisa
nebi. y-is xanma dapatiJa qarTveli (faThali xani, yubis saxanos mflo-
mefeebi. azerbaijanel xanebs Rala- beli 1758-89), mahmad-xani Saqisa da
ti hqondaT Cafiqrebuli, risTvi- gadawyvites y-ze galaSqreba. maT
sac qarTvelma mefeebma isini dasa- miimxres javad-xani (ganjis xani,
jes. marTalia, y-is xani qazumi Ra- 1786-1804), magram faTali-xanis mi-
latSi gareuli ar iyo, magram qar- zeziT laSqroba ar Sedga (T.b. 60).
Tulma jarma isic aiklo. SemdegSi qarTlis elebma (krwanisis
mefeebma mas saqoneli daubrunes brZolamde 1795) da y-is mcxov-

reblebma ibreim xanTan erTad da- li Seix sefi ad-dan ispayis (1252-1334) gar-
dacvalebidan. qronikoni rJ =190+1334=1524.
icves SuSa (yarabaRis cixe-simagre)
*f.g. am ambavs SecdomiT 1522 aTariRebs. Ta-
xojasagan (aRa-mahmad xani, 1794-dan riRi aqac aTvlilia Seix ad-din ispayis gar-
iranis gamgebeli, Sahi 1796-97), (T.b. dacvalebidan. qronikoni 188+1334=1522.

64). aRa-mahmad xani y-dan wamovida **v.b. am movlenebs SecdomiT 1536 aTari-
Tbilisis asaoxreblad (1795), (sit.
g. oTxmezuri
II, 313). ibreim xani (1795) aRa-mahmad
xanis mier y-sa da Tbilisis aoxre-
bas ganjis xans abralebda. amitom
yivCayebi // yivCayeTi
ereklem sTxova daxmareba ganjis
Turqulenovani momTabare tomi
dasalaSqrad. qarTuli jaris Se-
Sua saukuneebSi (ruseTSi `polov-
marTebam ganjis brZolaSi gaak-
cebs~ eZaxdnen, evropaSi `kuma-
virva y-ebi da lekebi (T.b. 65-66).
nebs~). pirvelsacxovrisi md. vol-
erekle (1795.IX.) atyobinebs oTar
gis aRmosavleTiT hqondaT. XI s-Si
amilaxvars, rom qristiani tyveebis
gadasaxldnen SavizRvispireTSi. XII
uklebliv dabrunebis sanacvlod
s-is dasawyisSi ruseTTan brZolis
aRa-mahmad-xani Txoulobs erekles
Sedegad maTi didi nawili ganad-
erT-erT Svils mZevlad, azat-xa-
gurda. erTi urdo (40 aTasi kaci)
nis (samxr. azerbaijanis mflobeli,
saqarTvelos mefem daviT aRmaSe-
1747-1762) naqon Zvirfas Tvals, sa-
nebelma (1089-1125) gadmoasaxla
aTs da y-is elebs (sit. II. 214). y-dan saqarTveloSi. XIII s-Si monRolTa
yazaxSi (1800) gadasuli nasif ja- dapyrobebi Sedegad maTi nawili
far uzbaSis Svili moaxsenebs xel- ungreTSi gadasaxlda, xolo danar-
mwifes (giorgi XII, qarTl-kaxeTis Ceni `oqros urdos~ Semadgenloba-
mefe 1798-1800), rom mTeli misi sa- Si gaiTqvifa. y. ixsenieba: leonti
qoneli lekebma gadarekes daRes- mroveli `cxovreba qarTvelTa me-
tanSi (sit. II, 313). tormasovi (rusi feTa~, juanSeri `cxovreba vaxtang
generali, 1808-1811 saqarTvelosa gorgaslisa~, laSa-giorgis droin-
da kavkasiis xazis mTavarsardali) deli matiane, `cxovreba mefeT-me-
da iranis Sahis warmomadgeneli fisa daviTisi~ (q.c. I, 1955); `isto-
mirza buzurgi y-Si (1810) Sexvd- riani da azmani SaravandedTani~,
nen erTmaneTs ruseT-iranis saza- basili ezosmoZRuari `cxovreba
vo molaparakebis Taobaze (T.b. 74). mefeT-mefisa Tamarisi~, JamTaaRm-
y-is dasacavad askaranSi (1812) idga wereli (q. c. II, 1959); vaxuSti bato-
800-kaciani rusTa razmi (T.b. 80). niSvili `aRwera samefosa saqarT-
velosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973); niko dadiani
*f.g-s TariRi aTvlili aqvs sefianTa sagva- `qarTvelT cxovreba (1962); arsen
reulos damaarseblis, wmindanad Seracxu-

beri, cxovreba ninosi; wameba da- winadadebas, mxolod iTxovdnen
viT da konstantinesi (Z. q. a. l. Z. III, maTdami mtrulad ganwyobili ose-
1971). bisagan gzis micemas. daviTi gadavi-
y. aris yazani, kaspiis zRvamde, da Crd. kavkasiaSi, CamoarTva mZev-
aris qalaqi sviaja (v. b. 159, sq. 1). y. lebi osebs da y-ebs. Seariga isini
skviTebi arian, romelnic ruseTis `iyo Soris maTisa siyuaruli da
nawils warmoadgenen, iq mcxovrebi mSvidoba viTarca ZmaTa~ da misca
sxva xalxnic skviTebad iwodebian y-ebs (saqarTveloSi) mSvidobiani
(v. b. 173, sq. 2), (n. d. SecdomiT miiC- gadmosvlis saSualeba (d. i. 336; v. b.
nevs, rom y. aris xazarni, vidre kas- 159). y-Ta daxmarebiT daviTma `das-
piis zRvamde. n. d. 21). aleqsandre ca SiSi da zari~ sxva qveynis mefeebs
makedonelma qarTlSi laSqrobisas (d. i. 336). daviTma y-ebi deda-wuli-
ixila mtkvris napirze mcxovrebi anad moxerxebul adgilze daasax-
sastiki warmarTni, romelTac Cven la da daudgina spasalarni da mmar-
(qarTvelebi) bunTurqebsa da y-ebs Tvelni. maTgan gawvrTna 40 aTasi
vuwodebT (l. m. 17. Z. q. a. l. Z. III, mxedari, romelTac cxenebi da sa-
46). vaxtang gorgasalma (qarTlis Wurveli dauriga. y-Ta umravle-
mefe V s-is II nax.) daimorCila ovs- soba dRiTi-dRe qristiandeboda
ni da y-ni da daikava darialis gad- (d. i. 337, 345; v. b. 159, 162). daviTma
mosasvlelebi, ris Semdegac osebs (1121) y-Tan erTad daarbia bardavi
da y-ebs aRar SeeZloT kavkasionis da `mosrna Turqni~ (d. i. 340). da-
gadmolaxva qarTvelTa mefis brZa- viTs (1123) aRricxuli hyavda y-Ta
nebis gareSe (j. 156. Z. q. a. l. Z. III, raodenoba. SarvanSi laSqrobisas
48). herakle keisarma `ganilaSqra maTi ricxvi Seadgenda 50 aTass (d.
zeda da Sevida qveyanasa komanTa- i. 343; v. b. 161). daviTi (1124) Tavs
sa, romel arian y-ni, da misca asuli daesxa Saburans, darubands da
Tsi colad mefesa y-eTsa da wariy- `moswyvidnes~ qurdni, lekni da y-ni
vana yovliTa ZaliTA misiTa Zalad darubandisani (d. i. 344; v. b. 161. n.
Tsad da Sevida sparseTs~ (Z. q. a. l. d. 92). daviTma uricxvi tyveebi ga-
Z. III, 249). daviTma (daviT IV, saqarT- moixsna y-Tagan garkveul fasad (d.
velos mefe 1089-1125) y. Camoasaxla i. 354). y-ebma ramdenjerme ganizra-
saqarTveloSi (1118), `raTa icoda xes daviTis Ralati. Seecadnen mis
y-Ta simravle, mxneoba, sisubuqe, mokvlas xmliT, SubiT Tu isriT
mimosvla, sificxe da advilad da- (d. i. 362). y-ebi giorgis (giorgi III,
samWirveloba~. y-ebs sWirdebodaT saqarTvelos mefe 1156-84) dro-
TavSesafari da advilad SeiZlebo- sac midiodnen saqarTvelos samsa-
da maTi qveyanaSi Camoyvana. y.-ebi xurSi. mefe ramdensac ubrZanebda
sixaruliT dasTanxmdnen, daviTis imdeni aTasi kaci gamohyavdaT (l.

g. m. 367). giorgim sZlia TurqTa, daesxa saqarTveloSi sazafxulod
arabTa, lekTa, y-Ta da veravin ver mimaval y-ebs. y-Ta nawilma Tbiliss
gauwia Rirseuli winaaRmdegoba (n. Seafara Tavi, xolo nawili mtkvris
d. 93). Tamaris (saqarTvelos mefe xeobiT gaiqca (J. 316). daviTi da
1184-1207/10) pirveli qmari giorgi vaxtangi (vaxtang III, saqarTvelos
rusi (iuri bogoliubski, novgoro- mefe 1298, 1302-1304/08) dapirispi-
dis mTavari 1172-75) saqarTveloSi rebisas y-ebs vaxtangis mxare eWi-
Camoyvanamde biZisgan devnili im- raT (J. 317).
yofeboda y-is mefesTan (i. a. 36; v. b. g. oTxmezuri
173). rodesac samefo karidan gaZe-
vebuli giorgi rusi (1191) saqarT-
veloSi SemoiWra Tamaris laSqarSi YyilCiyo Cerqezi (Cerqeze-
y-ic imyofebodnen (i. a. 53), Samqo-
Tis mkvidri, ist. mxare CrdiloeT
ris brZolis (1195) win `Zma y-Ta me-
kavkasiaSi) warCinebuli. Yy. ixseni-
fisa sevinjisa savalaTi saqarTve-
eba: vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwera
loSi iyo (i. a. 64). SamqorSi (1195)
samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV,
mimaval Tamars Tbilisidan gasvli-
sas miegebnen ovsni da `y-ni axalni~
arCili (arCil II, imereTis me-
(i. a. 65). winamebrZolebs y-Ta enaze
fe 1661-63, 1678-79, 1690-91, 1695-96,
ewodeba `WalaS~ da `dasnaWtda~ (i.
a. 70). kaxaberis Svilebma, baRvaSTa 1698 da kaxeTis mefe 1664-75) ru-
STamomavlebma, anton Wyondide- seTSi midioda. Samxalma gadaibira
lis ori Zma mokles, ris gamoc me- CerqezTa batoni y., raTa Seepyro
fe Tamarma Seipyro isini da eqso- arCili da iranis SahisTvis gadae-
ria uyo saberZneTis makedoniaSi, ca, amisaTvis ki gasamrjelos da-
sadac moklul iqnen y-Ta mier (b. pirda. CerqezeTs misuli arCili y-m
e. 131). monRolebma (1223) ganvles pativiT miiRo, gaayola gamcileb-
darubandis kari da Sevidnen y-s. lebi da gauSva. arCils surda y-c
y-ebi bevrjer Seebnen maT, magram masTan erTad wasuliyo, magram man
yovelTvis monRolebi imarjveb- ar ineba. arCils daewia y-s mier gag-
dnen. y-eTis gavlis Semdeg monRo- zavnili razmi da Sepyroba moundo-
lebma Semouares darubandis zRvas ma. maSin iSiSvles xmlebi arCilis
da dabrundnen samSobloSi (J. 165). mxleblebma nikoloz abaSiZem da
monRolTa didi yaenis baTos (oq- SalikaSvilma (qarTveli Tavadebi)
ros urdos yaeni 1243-55) samflo-
da gaaTavisufles mefe. mefem amo-
beloSi (1240/50-iani) Sedioda y-Ti
iRo mSvild-kaparWi da bevri Cerqe-
(J. 196, 229, 234). daviTi (daviT VIII,
zi mokla, gaarRvia CerqezTa razmi
saqarTvelos mefe 1293-1311) Tavs

da gaiqca. masTan mivida erTi warCi- liss mZevlad gamoistumres (p.o.
nebuli leki da daxmareba SesTava- 194). radgan qarTlisa da kaxeTis
za. man mefe isev y-s saxlSi miiyvana. jarebi daifantnen da Yyvela Tav-
y-s colma imave Rames gagzavna mefe Tavis adgilebs amagrebda, mefeebma
basianSi (ist. mxare Crd. kavkasiaSi), (Teimuraz II, erekle II) aji-Calabis
xolo misi laSqari digorSi (ist. (Saqis xani) Serigeba gadawyvites da
TbilisSi mZevlad myof y.x-s masTan
mxare Crd. kavkasiaSi) movida Samxa-
werili miawerines. weriliT, y.x.
li y-Tan arCilis wasayvanad, magram
Tavis-Tavze iRebda maT Serigebas.
aRar daxvda iq. Bbasianelma (basiani
aji-Calabis moTxovnisamebr, me-
provincia ist. samx.-das. saqarT-
feebma masTan y.x. gagzavnes da Tan
veloSi) qalebma arafriT ar daane-
revaz amilaxori da mdivani ediSe-
bes mefe y-s da imave Rames qarTlSi ri gaayoles (p.o. 198). rodesac aRa-
daabrunes (v.b. 855-56). qiSi (aji-Calabis Ze) da ganjis xani
e. kvaWantiraZe qarTlSi SeiWrnen, mefeebma jaris
Sekreba daiwyes. es rom aRa-qiSma
Seityo, Serigeba gadawyvita da me-
yoja-xani ganjis xanis bi- feebTan mosalaparakeblad y.x. da
Za (XVIII s. I nax.). y.x. ixsenieba: papu- aji-frina gamogzavna (p.o. 200).
na orbeliani `ambavni qarTlisani~ T. qoriZe
y.x. iyo ganjis xanis biZa mefee-
bis Teimurazisa (Teimuraz II, qarT- yojax (xojax) daRestnis
lis mefe 1744-62) da erekles (erek- beladi (XVIII s. I nax.). y. ixsenieba:
le II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62) mefobis oman xerxeuliZe `mefoba irakli me-
periodSi (p.o. 164). y.x-ma da erev- orisa~ (1989); Teimuraz bagrationi
nis yofilma xanma jafarma mefeebs
`axali istoria~ (1983).
sTxoves, raTa eSuamdgomlaT mah-
qarTlis taxtis dakavebis miz-
mad-xan erevnelTan mis mier daty-
niT 1748, erekles (erekle II, kaxe-
vevebuli jafar-xanis col-Svilis
Tis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis
gaTavisuflebis Sesaxeb (p.o. 164).
1762-98) aujanyda abdula-begi,
rodesac mefeebma Seityves, rom
ieses Ze (iese, qarTlis mefe 1714-
azerbaijanel xanebs qarTvelTa
16, 1724-27). [am dros erekles mama,
Ralati hqondaT ganzraxuli, yve-
qarTlis mefe Teimuraz II iranSi
lani da maT Soris ganjis xanis bi-
Za y.x. da misi diswuli xudaT-begi, gaemgzavra]. abdula-begma daxmare-
daatyveves. mefeebma isini, ganjis bisTvis gareSe Zalas mimarTa. maT
TavkacebTan erTad, ganjidan Tbi- Soris daRestnel feodalebs. amiT

isargebla y. beladma da didi ja- gardacvalebamde (i-a, 30). y. gar-
riT qarTls Semoesia. aaoxra `avWa- daicvala da spasalaroba sargis
lebi~ (Tbilisis gareubani). didZa- mxargrZels uboZes (v.b. 171).
li tyve da saqoneli waiRo, erekle e. kvaWantiraZe
mters orasi kaciT daedevna. gzad
qiziyis (kaxeTis regioni) ganapi-
ra soflebis laSqari SeuerTda. yulamali erevnis xani XVIII
erekle, laSqriT y. belads SiraqSi s-is 80-iani wlebis dasawyisSi. Yy. ix-
(vake alazan-ivris SuamdinareT- senieba: Teimuraz bagrationi ,,axa-
Si) dauxvda, sastikad daamarcxa da li istoria` (1983).
alafi waarTva. erekle gamobrunda usein-yulis gardacvalebis
da sof. dedofliswyaroSi dabanak- Semdeg erevnis xani gaxda misi Ze y.
da. gaqceuli y. belads gzad lekTa is gonebasusti iyo da mokles erev-
sxva jari SeuerTda da erTiani Za- nelebma (T.b. 58).
liT erekles Tavs daesxnen. qarT-
e. kvaWantiraZe
velebma mteri sastikad daamarcxes
Saburani qalaqi ist. azer-
(o. x. 47; T. b. 47).
baijanSi, kaspiis zRvasTan. S. ixse-
q. nadiraZe nieba: ,,istoriani da azmani Saravan-
dedTani, JamTaaRmwereli (q.c. II,
1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwe-
yubasari XII s. II naxevris ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV,
moRvawe, saqarTvelos mefeebis 1973).
giorgi III-is (11156-84) da Tamaris giorgim (giorgi III, saqarTve-
(1184-1207/10) samefo karis moxele los mefe 1156-84) ilaSqra aRsar-
amirspasalari da mandaturTu- Tanis (SirvanSahi 1149-1203) dasax-
xucesi, ,,nayivCaRari~. Yy. ixsenieba: mareblad, aiRo qalaqi S. da daub-
,,istoriani da azmani Saravanded- runa mas (i-a. 17; v.b. 169). S-is velze
Tani~ (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniS- gaimarTa brZola daviTsa (daviT VII
vili ,,aRwera samefosa saqarTve- saqarTvelos mefe 1249-70) da berqa
losa~ (q.c. IV, 1973). yaens (oqros urdos yaeni 1255-66)
y. kargi raindi da mefeTa er- Soris, romelSic qarTvelebma gai-
Tguli iyo. Tamaris (saqarTvelos marjves (J. 249).

mefe 1184-1207/10) gamefebisTanave e. kvaWantiraZe

didaznaurebma mefes y-is, rogorc

,,ugvanos gadayeneba mosTxoves im
mizeziT, rom is ukve avad iyo, mag-
ram Tamarma SeunarCuna mas pativi

Saverdi sulTani Saver- S.s-Tan brZolaSi. S.s. TbilisSi Se-
di sulTan ziad-oRli, yarabaRis vida (mesame t. 511; v.b. 407, 575; f.g.
mmarTveli (XVI s. Sua). S.s. ixsenieba: 10). S.s. aleqsandresTan (aleqsand-
beri egnataSvili, ,,axali qarTlis re II, kaxeTis mefe 1574-1605) mivida
cxovreba mesame teqsti~ (q.c. II, kaxeTSi (mesame t. 525; p.q. 54).
1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwe- e. kvaWantiraZe
ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV,
1973); ,,parizis qronika~ (1980); far-
sadan gorgijaniZe ,,istoria~ (1926). Saverdi xani ganjis xani
Sah-Tamazma (Tamaz I, iranis Sa- (XVIII s. II nax.). S.x. ixsenieba: Teimu-
hi 1524-76) gagzavna S.s. varZiis ci- raz bagrationi ,,axali istoria
xis (XII_XIII ss-is kldeSi nakveTi (1983); oman xerxeuliZe ,,mefoba
samonastro kompleqsi javaxeT- irakli meorisa~ (1989); papuna or-
Si) asaRebad, romelSic luarsabis beliani ,,ambavni qarTlisani~ (1981).
(luarsab I, qarTlis mefe 1527-56) dapirispirebulni arian S.x. da
momxre mesxi didebulebi iyvnen ga- fana xani (yarabaRis xani 1747-63),
magrebulni. iranelebma aiRes cixe romelsac surda ganjis xanoba.
(f.g. 6). S.s-ma, romelic Sah-Tamazis Ffana xanma Seyara jari. S.x-ma gag-
mier iyo daniSnuli, Seagrova ya- zavna Tavisi Zma riza-yuli begi
rabaRis laSqari da wamovida lu- qarTlSi da Teimuraz II-s (qarTlis
arsabis winaaRmdeg, romelmac ar mefe 1744-62) da erekle II-s (kaxe-
indoma pirispir brZola da garis- Tis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis
Tan dadga. qarTvelTa jars mefem mefe 1762-98) fana xanis winaaRmdeg
saTaveSi ufrosi vaJi simoni (simon daxmarebis sanacvlod morCileba
I, qarTlis mefe 1556-69, 1578-1600) aRuTqva. mefeebma Sekribes didZa-
Cauyena. qarTvelebma gaimarjves da li jari. amis gamgone fana xanma al-
gaaqcies S.s. is gasaqcev gzas eZeb- ya moxsna ganjas (p.o. 164-65). S.x-m
da da SemTxveviT luarsabs SeeCexa. aTi aTasi Tumani gaugzavna Tei-
mefes yvela sabrZolo iaraRi daem- murazs da erekles Tavisi Zmis ri-
tvra da cxeni aZgera S.s-s. am dros za-yuli begis xeliT (p.o. 171). S.x.
mefis cxens fexi napralSi Cauvar- Sepyrobili iyo fana xanis mier da
da da daeca. luarsabma sasikvdi- gaaTavisufla faTali xanma (sam-
lo Wriloba miiRo. am adgilas beri xreT azerbaijanis mmarTveli). is
egnataSvili S.s-is nacvlad mahmad mivida ereklesTan, romelmac gaa-
sulTans asaxelebs (b.e. 365; mesame yola qarTvelTa laSqari da aiRo
t. 508-10; v.b. 405-06; f.g. 8-9). 1561 ganja (T.b. 52). S.x. monawilea Te-
cixedidTan (ist. cixesimagre aRm. imurazis da erekles winaaRmdeg
saqarTveloSi) simoni damarcxda Sekrebili koaliciuri laSqris,
romelSic Sedian agreTve fana xani SaravandedTani~, basili ezosmoZR-
da aji-Calabi (Saqis pirveli xani, uari `cxovreba mefeT-mefisa Tama-
1747-55). maT ver gabedes mefeebTan risi~; JamTaaRmwereli (q.c. II, 1959);
Setakeba da molaparakeba daiwyes vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwera same-
(o.x. 48-9). qarTlze didi jariT wa- fosa saqarTveloisa~ (q.c., IV, 1973);
movidnen S.x. da aji Calabis Svili erekle II-is periodis dokumentebi
aRaqiSi, dadgnen yazaxSi, Semdeg ba- (saq. ist. toponimiaSi, II, 2010).
idarSi gadainacvles. Teimurazma buRa-Turqma (buRa al-qabiri
da ereklem didZali jari Sekribes. sardali, g. 862), (854) darubandis
es rom S.x-ma da aRaqiSma Seityves gziT gadmoiyvana xazarTa samasi
moindomes Serigeba, magram qarT- ojaxi da daasaxla S-Si (m.q. 265, v.b.
velma mefeebma ukan aRar daixies. 130). bagratma (bagrat III, saqarTve-
los mefe 975-1014) gailaSqra gan-
S.x. da aRaqiSi kvlav yazaxSi (ist.
jis amira fadlonis (fadl ibn muha-
mxare qvemo qarTlSi) dabrundnen.
med Sadadiani, 985-1031) winaaRmdeg.
qarTvelTa laSqarma daamarcxa
daarbia qveyana ranisa, miadga qa-
isini da gaaqcia, ganjamde miyva da
laq S-s, miuyena filakavanni (lod-
jaris didi nawili amouwyvita. S.x.
satyorcni), dalewa S-is zRudeni
ganjaSi dabrunda (p.o. 200-02). S.x.
(1010). meore dRes bagrati apirebda
mokla misma msaxurma. misi vaJebi
S-Si SeWras, magram fadlonma Sen-
mividnen ereklesTan daxmarebis
doba iTxova (m.q. 280, v.b. 141). qar-
saTxovnelad. mefe daexmara maT ja-
Tulma jarma (1190), daviT soslanis
riT, aiRes ganja da S.x-is vaJi mah- meTaurobiT, dalaSqra bardavi, ar-
mad-asan xani daayenes ganjis xanad zrumi, S. (i-a, 60, v.b. 180) qarTuli
(T.b. 52). jari (1195) dabanakda S-Tan. mtris
e. kvaWantiraZe mravalricxovani jari gadaWimu-
li iyo S-dan SoTisa da vardanaStis
mTebamde da ganZis karamde (i.-a. 68,
Samqori qalaqi azerbaija- b.ez. 126, v.b. 182). daviT soslanma
nis resp. VII s-Si xelT igdes arabeb- S-is wyali gaiara da qalaqis karTan
ma. mogvianebiT ekuTvnoda ganjis da xidTan gaaCaRa brZola (i.-a. 70).
amirebs. 1235 gaanadgures monRo- S-ebma daviT soslans qalaqis kli-
lebma. XVI-XVII ss-Si flobdnen yi- teni miarTves, iTxoves mSvidoba
zilbaSebi. 1803 SeuerTda ruseTs. da morCileba (i.-a. 70, b.e.z. 127, v.b.
garkveul periodSi (XIII s., XVIII s.) 183). qarTuli jaris wasvlis Semdeg
Sedioda saqarTvelos Semadgenlo- bubaqarma (abubeqri, azerbaijanis
baSi. S. ixsenieba: `matiane qarTli- aTabagi), aiRo ganZa da mivida S-mde
sa~, laSa-giorgis droindeli mati- (i.-a 76). laSa-giorgim (saqarTve-
ane (q.c. I, 1955); `istoriani da azmani los mefe 1207/10-23), (1219) aiRo S.

(l.g.m. 370). jalaledinma (xorezmis SarvanSa Sarvanis mflobe-
mbrZanebeli) aiRo S. (1227) da misi li. S. saqarTvelos mefeTa titu-
mimdgomni qveyana, romelic ekuT- laturaSi Cndeba XII s-dan. ixsenie-
vnoda varam gagels (qarTveli di- ba: saqarTvelos mefeebis sigeleb-
debuli), (J. 171-172). lekTa belad- Si (qarTuli istoriuli sabuTebis
ma sulxavma (surxai-xani), rodesac korpusi, I, 1984; T. Jordania, qro-
vaxtangis (vaxtang VI, qarTlis mefe nikebi, II, 1897; pirTa anotirebuli
1716-24) S-Si Casvla Seityo (1722) leqsikoni, I, 1991).
ganja datova (v.b. 499). Teimuraz- saistorio wyaroebSi saqarT-
ma (Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe 1744- velos mefeebi iwodebodnen `mefe
62) da ereklem (erekle II, kaxeTis afxazTa, qarTvelTa, ranTa, kaxTa,
mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis mefe
somexTa, S. da SahanSa~. pirvelad
1762-98) TulqiTafasTan (yazax-Sam-
S. Cndeba giorgi III-is (1156-1184),
Sadilus sazRvarze) damarcxebul
(q.i.s.k. I. #11, 12), xolo Semdeg er-
aRa-qiSis (Saqis xanis haji-Celebi
Tiani saqarTvelos (giorgi VIII-is
yurban oRlus Svili), S-mde sdies
(1446-1466) CaTvliT) da daSlilo-
(1752), (T.b. 49).
bis periodis mefeTa titulatura-
omar-xanma (avariis xani. g. 1801)
Sic (q.i.s.k. I. #14, 22, 23, 37, 39, 41,
saqarTveloSi laSqroba daasrula
42; qr. II, 241; p.a.l. I, 212-316); erTi-
(1785) imiT, rom ganvlo gogCa (seva-
ani qarTuli feodaluri monarqi-
nis tba somxeTSi), mivida, moaoxra
S. da warvida~ (T.b. 59). erekles mier is daSlis Semdeg (XV s-is II nax.) S-d
(1789) ganjaze gagzavnili mxedroba iwodebodnen ZiriTadad qarTlis,
S-Si dabanakda, moarbies Cingili da xolo zog SemTxvevaSi kaxeTisa da
ori wlis win ganjaSi gadasaxlebu- imereTis mefeebic (p.a.l. I, 212-359),
li SamSadiloelebi ayares da S-Si oRond es ukve tradiciis gagrZe-
Caiyvanes. amis mere S-Si Cavida mefe leba iyo da ara realuri viTarebis
ereklec. S-Si ereklesTan mividnen asaxva.
faTali-xani darubandisa (faThali g. oTxmezuri
xani, yubis saxanos gamgebeli 1758-
89) da mahmad xan Saqisa da yarabaRze
galaSqreba moilaparakes (T.b. 60). Saruri - evi igive qveya-
erekles ganwesebiT (1791) yazaxSi, na somxeTSi. S. ixsenieba: stefane
baidarSi (ist. mxare qvemo qarTlSi),
mtbevari, `wameba wmidisa mowamisa
SamSadiloSi, S-Si... `mcxovrebi qar-
gobronisi~, (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963,175.).
Tvelebi, somxebi, osebi, TaTrebi~
T. qoriZe
yvelani ymebi arian da maTi mbrZane-
belia erekle mefe (sit. II. 203).
g. oTxmezuri

Saqi istoriuli olqi dR. sals (daax. V s. 40-iani V s. bolom-
Crd. azerbaijanSi. III-IV ss-Si kavka- de), rodesac mcxeTaSi `sveti cxo-
siis albaneTis mxare (ix. st. rani). V velze~ eklesia aRuSenebia da `kzi
s-dan saqarTvelos aRmosavleT mxa- mas zeda patriarqad ganuwesebia~,
ris hereTis Semadgeneli nawili. aseve meeqvse msoflio saeklesio
XIV s. dasasruls ixsenieba, rogorc krebas (VII s.) konstantine poRona-
damoukidebeli saxelmwifo warmo- tis (biz. imp. 668-85) dros daumtki-
naqmni. 1551 daipyro iranma. 1743(47) cebia, am droidan moyolebuli
aji-Calabis meTaurobiT Seiqmna mcxeTis sakaTolikosos samwysoSi
Saqis (nuxis) saxano. 1805 ruseTma Sedis S. (efrem mcire 45; sigeli
SeierTa, rac sabolood ganamtki- mcxeTisa gacemuli daax. 1638, qr. II.
ca 1813 gulistanis xelSekrule- 453. imeorebs am informacias) amas-
biT. S. ixsenieba: juanSeri `cxov- ve adasturebs sulTnis (murad III an
reba vaxtang gorgaslisa~, `matiane mahmad III) mier 1590 gacemuli sige-
qarTlisa~, `cxovreba mefeT-mefi- li (.... dok. #221). qarTlis
sa daviTisi~, laSa-giorgis dro- erismTavarma arCilma (VIII s.) S. sa-
indeli matiane, sumbat daviTis Ze marTavad gadasca adarnase brmis
`cxovreba da uwyeba bagratonian- Zmiswulebs (klarji bagrationebi),
Ta~ (q.c. I, 1955); beri egnataSvili (j. 244). kaxeT-hereTis mefis kvi-
`axali qarTlis cxovreba~, `axali rikes (kvirike III, 1014-37) dros S.
qarTlis cxovreba~ meore da me- Sedioda maWis saerisTavoSi. [kviri-
same teqsti (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti ba- kem] `hereTs dasva erisTavi maWisa
toniSvili `aRwera samefosa saqar- da misca maWis wylis (md. awimi) qve-
Tvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); farsadan iT da aRmosavleTi SakixiTurT~ (v.
gorgijaniZe `istoria~ (1926); sex- b. 561). giorgis (giorgi I, saqarTve-
nia CxeiZe `cxovreba mefeTa~ (1913); los mefe 1014-27) laSqarSi, basi-
papuna orbeliani `ambavni qarTli- lis (biz. imp. 976-1025) winaaRmdeg
sani~ (1981); oman xerxeuliZe `mefo- TrialeTSi brZolis dros (1021),
ba irakli meorisa~ (1989); Teimuraz Saqelebic ibrZodnen (s. d. 383). S-Si
bagrationi `axali istoria~ (1983); misul Temur-lengs (Sua aziis
parizis qronika (1980); bagrat ba- mbrZanebeli 1370-1405) mieaxlnen
toniSvili `axali moTxroba~ (1941); da Tayvani sces lekebma, Saqeleb-
efrem mcire `uwyebaY mizezsa qarT- ma... am dros Temur-lengTan tyved
velTa moqcevisasa~ (1959); istori- imyofeboda bagrati (bagrat V, sa-
uli dokumentebi (q.s.Z. II, 1965; qr. qarTvelos mefe 1360-93), (b. e. 329;
II, 1897; ....., 1967); `mesxuri ma- meore t. 454). Temur-lengma rode-
tiane~ (1961). sac gaigo, rom bagratma da misma
qarTlis mefe vaxtang gorga- Zem, giorgim, laSqari amouwyvites,

ganrisxda, Sekriba jari, datova S., dacvalebisTanave). amis Semdeg S-Si
mivida bardavs da (1387) martSi sa- asanbegis Ze davriS mahmadi (devriS
qarTveloSi Semovida (b. e. 330; meo- muhamedi) gabatonda. mahmadi ga-
re t. 457). giorgis (giorgi VIII, sa- nudga Sah-Tamazs (iranis Sahi Tah-
qarTvelos mefe 1446-66, kaxeTis masp I, 1524-76) da mefe levans mtrad
1466-76) dros S. saqarTvelos Se- moekida. Sah-Tamazma mis dasasje-
madgenlobaSia (meore t. 476). kons- lad levani gaagzavna. levanma aaox-
tantines dros (konstantine II, qar- ra S., davriS-mahmadi mokla da misi
Tlis mefe 1478-1505) mesxi vaWari Tavi Sahs gaugzavna (mesame t. 505; v.
S-Si yidda abreSums. mesxs Cxubi mo- b. 574). miuxedavad imisa, rom Sirva-
uvida Saqel meduqnesTan. Saqelma ni Sah-Tamazs emorCileboda, qarT-
mesxs scema. maSin mesxi samcxis aTa- velebi periodulad arbevdnen mas,
bagis yvaryvares saxeliT daemuq- Sirvanelebi qarTvelebis xelis-
ra. Saqeli ufro gabrazda, mesxs SewyobaSi Saqelebs adanaSaulebd-
uwyalod scema, waarTva qoneba, ga- nen. amitom Sah-Tamazi S-Si `Cadga~.
moagdo da Tan uTxra: Senma aTabag- Saqelebi kaxeTSi gaixiznen da le-
ma Cemi saqcielis gamo duqanze yu- van mefes Semweoba sTxoves. S-is
riT ar mimabaso. mesxma aTabagTan Tavkacebi gelasan-gorasnis cixeSi
iCivla. maSin aTabagi jariT mivida gamagrdnen. Sah-Tamazi cixes Semo-
S-Si, Saqel vaWars yvelaferi waar- adga. S-is patroni iZulebuli gax-
Tva da mesxs daubruna. amis niadag- da RamiT gaparuliyo. `kaxT batoni
ze dazavebul konstantinesa da levani~ Sahs didi ZRveniT eaxla.
yvaryvares Soris uTanxmoeba Camo- man ZRveni miiRo da `Saqelni baton
varda (v. b. 708-709). Saq-Sirvanis levans~ apatia. S-is Tavkacebi, rom-
mpyrobel asan-begs (hasan-sulTa- lebic xelT igdes, `sikvdiliT da-
ni), radgan igi Sah ismailis (iranis sajes. Saqs ki axali batoni dauye-
Sahi ismail I, 1501-24) morCili iyo nes~ (f. g. 3-4; `Sah-Tamazma Semusra
da masTan megobruli urTierToba Saqi~ v. b. 716). Sah-Tamazi S-Si im-
hqonda, kaxeTis dakavebac surda. yofeboda, rodesac samcxis aTaba-
maSin levanma (kaxeTis mefe 1518-74) gi qaixosro eaxla, morCileba
asan-begTan mSvidobis damyareba aRuTqva da samcxeSi Seiyvana. am
moindoma, magram man ar isurva. ami- dros aq osmalebi idgnen. Tamazma
tom levanma Sekriba spa, gailaSqra aiRo cixeebi da Semusra isini (f. g.
asan-begze, aaoxra S., mokla asan-be- 5; b.e. 364). Sah-Tamazma S-is dapyro-
gi da didi alafiT gremSi (kaxeTis bis Semdeg luarsabze (luarsab I,
samefos dedaqalaqi) dabrunda (b. e. qarTlis mefe 1527-56) galaSqreba
363; v.b. 403, 572); (savaraudod, es gadawyvita (b. e. 364). Sah-Tamazi sam-
unda momxdariyo Sah ismailis gar- cxis aTabags daumoyvrda. es rom

luarsabma Seityo, aTabagis winaaR- vis Teimurazs (Teimuraz II, qarT-
mdeg gailaSqra; aawioka samcxe-ja- lis mefe 1744-62) da erekles (erek-
vaxeTi... Seqmnili viTareba Sahs ac- le II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-
nobes. igi aTabagis dasaxmareblad kaxeTis 1762-98) mimarTes. mama-
jariT wamovida, Semusra S. da qarT- Svilma Saq-Sirvanis mflobels aji-
lSi Semovida (v. b. 404; f. g. 5). svi- Calabs (Saqis pirveli xani haji Ce-
monma (svimon I, qarTlis mefe 1556- lebi yurban oRlu, 1743-55) SeuTva-
69, 1578-99/1600) sakuTari Zma daud- la laSqrobaSi monawileobis miRe-
xani, romelic Sah-Tamazma Tbili- ba (1750), (p. o. 166). fanah-xani da-
sisa da qvemo qarTlis gamgeblad marcxda. gamarjvebulebma Saq-Sir-
daniSna, tabaxmelasTan (q. Tbili- vanSi maxarobeli gaagzavnes (p. o.
sis Semogareni) daamarcxa da Tbi- 170). ereklem da Teimurazma ga-
liss Semoadga. Seqmnili viTareba dawyvites gaelaSqraT War-belaq-
Sahs acnobes. man dasaxmareblad neli lekebis winaaRmdeg. mefeebis
muslimebs mouwoda. maT Soris qar- mokavSire iyo aji-Calabi, romel-
TlSi gamoagzavna didZali laSq- mac maT brZolis dros uRalata.
riT S-is gamgebeli Samxal-sulTani qarTvelebi damarcxdnen (1751
(b. e. 368; mesame t. 513). aleqsandrem brZola agriCaize), (p. o. 177-182; o.
(aleqsandre II, kaxeTis mefe 1574- x. 53). aji-Calabis Svilma aRa-qi-
1605) lala-faSasTan (mustafa la- Sim Saq-Sirvanis jariT yazaxi aaox-
la faSa, osmalTa sardali) erTad ra (p. o. 204; o. x. 53). 1752 aRa-qiSim
Saq-Sirvanze gailaSqra (1578). la- erekle da Teimurazi daamarcxa. ga-
la-faSam S-Si jari Caayena (mesame t. marjvebuli Sin gabrunda, isev Sek-
523; v. b. 578; f.g. 13; p. q. 52; mesxuri riba Saq-Sirvanis jari da imave
m. 50). imam-yuli-xanis (kaxeTis mefe wels mama-Svilis winaaRmdeg wamo-
daviT II, 1709-22) mefobis dros ka- vida. qarTvelebma gaimarjves (T.b.
xelebis dasaxmareblad Warelebis 49). xunZaxis batonma nursal-begma
winaaRmdeg Sahma Sirvanis gamgebe- lekTa didi laSqari Seyara, Cavida
li sulTani gamoagzavna. S-Si mo- Saq-SirvanSi da iqidan moulodne-
sul sulTans Wareli lekebi Tavs lad bodbes (adgili kaxeTSi) Tavs
daesxnen da mokles (v. b. 498, 618). daesxa da ramdenime ubani aaoxra
Sah-abasma (abas I, iranis Sahi1587- (T. b. 55). 1789 ereklem, darubandis
1629) kaxeTi, romelSic Sedioda xanma faTalim da S-is xanma mahmadma
`eliseni, wukeTi, Sakixisi (Saqi)~ yarabaRze galaSqreba gadawyvites,
Tavis saxanod gadaaqcia (v. b. 539). radgan yarabaRis xanma ibreimma
yarabaRis gamgebelma fanah-xanma `daiviwya keTilobai mefisa irak-
(1747-63) Zalian Seaviwrova ganja- lisa~ (T. b. 60). erekle sabuTebze
naxCevanis xanebi. maT daxmarebisT- xels awers: `... mTavari Saqisa~ (q.s.Z.

t. II. 547, 457, 477). aRa-mahmad xanma (q.i.s.k. I, #11, 12), xolo Semdeg er-
(1794-dan iranis gamgebeli, Sahi Tiani saqarTvelos (giorgi VIII-is
1796-1797) erekles morCileba Ses- CaTvliT, 1446-1466) sxva mefeTa ti-
Tavaza da aRuTqva, rom S-s, Sirvans, tulaturaSic (q.i.s.k. I, #14, 22, 23,
ganjas... `miscemda~ da azerbaija- 37, 39, 41, 42; qr. II, 241; p.a.l. I, 212-
nis gamgebladac daniSnavda. erek- 316); erTiani qarTuli feodaluri
le ar daeTanxma, radgan rusebisT- monarqiis daSlis Semdeg (XV s-is II
vis fici hqonda micemuli (igulis- nax.) S-d iwodebodnen ZiriTadad
xmeba ruseT-saqarTvelos 1783 qarTlis, xolo zog SemTxvevaSi ka-
xelSekruleba). qarTvelebi sasti- xeTisa da imereTis mefeebic (p.a.l.
kad damarcxdnen (1795 krwanisis I, 212-359), oRond es ukve tradiciis
brZola), (b. b. 65). 1796 rusis gene- gagrZeleba iyo da ara realuri vi-
ralma zubovma daikava Saq-Sirva- Tarebis asaxva.
ni... (b. b. 67). qarTlSi, Saq-Sirvan- g. oTxmezuri
Si... SimSiloba iyo. kodi puri erT
Tumnad Zlivs iSoveboda (b.b. 68).
markizi (filipe pauliCi, saqarTve- Semaxia Semaxa, Samaxi qala-
los mTavarmarTebuli 1811-12) ga- qi azerbaijanis resp. kavkasionis
davida mtkvars S-is, Sirvanis, da- samxreT-aRmosavleTis mTiswineT-
rubandis da baqos dasaTvaliereb- Si. IX-XVI ss-Si Sirvanis sataxto qa-
lad, radgan yvela es adgili ru- laqi da SirvanSahebis rezidencia.
sebs hqondaT dapyrobili (T. b. 80). XVIII s. Sua wlebSi Semaxis saxanos
q. nadiraZe mTavari qalaqi. 1805 SeierTa ru-
seTma. S. ixsenieba: `cxovreba me-
feT-mefisa daviTisi~ (q.c. I, 1955);
SahanSa anisis mflobelTa `istoriani da azmani Saravanded-
tituli. S. saqarTvelos mefeTa ti- Tani~, JamTaaRmwereli (q.c. II, 1959);
tulaturaSi Cndeba XII s-dan. ixse- vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwera same-
nieba: saqarTvelos mefeebis sige- fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973);
lebSi (qarTuli istoriuli sabu- farsadan gorgijaniZe `istoria~
Tebis korpusi, I, 1984; T. Jordania, (1826); sexnia CxeiZe `cxovreba me-
qronikebi, II, 1897; pirTa anotire- feTa~ (1913); papuna orbeliani `am-
buli leqsikoni, I, 1991). bavni qarTlisani~ (1981); oman xer-
saistorio wyaroebSi saqarT- xeuliZe `mefoba irakli meorisa~
velos mefeebi iwodebodnen ~mefe (1989); Teimuraz bagrationi `axali
afxazTa, qarTvelTa, ranTa, kaxTa, istoria~ (1983); niko dadiani `qar-
somexTa, SarvanSa da S.~ pirvelad TvelT cxovreba~ (1962); istori-
S. Cndeba giorgi III-is (1156-1184), uli sabuTebi (q.s.Z., II, 1965; qr. I,
1892, III, 1967; mc. q., 1968). yizilbaSebis mxares didi laSqriT
Turq-selCukebi SeiWrnen Sir- ibrZoda S-is beglarbegi (savarau-
vanSi (1123), Seipyres SarvanSa (ma- dod aras-xan rumlu), (v. b. 408). ru-
nuCehr III, 1120-60), aiRes qalaqi S. seTis imp. annam vaxtangi (vaxtang VI,
daviTi (daviT IV, saqarTvelos me- qarTlis mefe 1716-24) darubandSi
fe 1089-1125) 50 000 kaciT Sirva- gamoagzavna `raTa daipyras Sama-
nisken gaemarTa. sulTani (mahmud xia~. rodesac vaxtangi q. daruban-
ibn muhamadi, iranis sasulTnos dSi Cavida (1734), baRdadSi (erayis
mmarTveli 1117-31) S-Si gamagrda. dedaqalaqi) myofma Tamaz-xanma
alyaSemortymuli sulTani Zali- (Tamaz yuli-xani, SemdgomSi iranis
an Sewuxda. erT Rames man S. datova Sahi nadiri) Seityo, TiTqos vaxtan-
da Sirvanidan gaipara (d. i. 343; v. b. gi S-Si imyofeboda, moulodnelad
161; n. d. 91). daviTma aiRo S. (1124), Tavs daesxa S-s, `aRiRo igi sulxa-
kaxeT-hereTis jari Caayena da gam- visagan~ (lekTa beladi surxai-xa-
ni) da moaoxra (s.C. 45; v. b. 513). sur-
geblad svimon Wyondidel-mwig-
xavma S. daikava 1721 (qr. III. daviT
nobarTuxucesi datova (d. i. 345;
reqtoris qronika, 616). nadir-Sahi
v. b. 162). adarbadaganis aTabagis
(iranis Sahi 1736-47) daRestnelebs
abu-beqris Sirvanze galaSqrebas
ebrZoda (1741-43). man qarTlidan
win uswrebda miwisZvra, romelmac
eqvsi aTasi xar-uremi moiTxova, ra-
S. daangria (i.-a. 63; v. b. 181). es mox-
Ta S-dan daRestanSi puri gadaeta-
da 1192 (mc.q. 25, A-1110, kurTxevani;
na (p. o. 55). nadir-Sahs ganudga S.,
qr. I, afxazTa qronika, 284). monRo-
astrabadi (q. kaspiis zRvis sanapi-
lebma, rodesac saqarTvelo dumne-
roze), Sirazi (q. samxreT-dasavleT
bad dayves, egarslan bakurcixels
iranSi), (1743). Samaxielebma lekebis
Caabares spa hereTisa da kaxeTi-
daxmarebiT moiyvanes (TviTmarq-
sa, Tbilisidan Semaxiis mTamde (J.
via) Sah-sulTan useinis (iranis Sahi
207; v. b. 208). 1452 Turqebs eWiraT 1694-1722) Zed wodebuli vinme (sefi
S-ia, ganja da mravali sxv. (qr. III, mirza I) da dasves `yaenad~ (v. b. 631).
106, yanCaeTis Jamgulani). aleq- iranis Zvelma yaenma Svili aujanya
sandre kaxTa mefis (aleqsandre I, nadir-Sahs (kidev erTi TviTmarq-
1476-1511) daxmarebiT Sah-ismailma via 1743, sefi mirza II). Sahma Tavisi
(iranis Sahi ismail I, 1501-24) Sirva- Ze nasrula-mirza gaagzavna ajan-
ni daipyro (1500-01), (v.b. 569; f. g. 2). yebis CasaxSobad. nasrulam aaoxra
man Samaxielebs Tavis saxelze TeT- Sirvani da gamarjvebuli bardavs
ri moaWrevina (f. g. 3.). farcxisTan dadga. ajanyebul Sahzadas (Sa-
(q. Tbilisis samxreTiT) brZolaSi his Ze) qarTlSi surda mosvla givi
(1569) qarTlis mefis svimonis (svi- amilaxvarTan, (qarTlis sadroSos
mon I, 1556-69, 1578-1600) winaaRmdeg sardali, 1742 aujanyda iranelebs)

rom iqidan osmaleTSi gadasuli- Sirakavani igive erazgavo-
yo, magram igi qsanze kaxelebma da- ri, qalaqi airaratis nahangis Sira-
iWires da erekle Teimurazis Zem kis gavarSi, iyo sumbat I bagratunis
(erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, rezidencia. S. ixsenieba: JamTaaRm-
qarTl-kaxeTis 1762-98) nadir-Sah- wereli (q.c. II, 1959), vaxuSti bato-
Tan gaagzavna (p. o. 73; qr. III. 618). niSvili (q.c. IV, 1973).
osmalTa jari qarTlSi Semovida. koxtasTavis ajanyebis dros
nadir-Sahis Svili maT winaaRmdeg monRolebma qarTveli didebulebi
wamovida da ganjasTan dadga. SeSi- waiyvanes anisis qveyanaSi, adgilas,
nebuli osmalebi ukan gabrundnen. romelsac ewodeba Sirakavani (J.
yizilbaSebi ki S-Si wavidnen (p. o. 215; v.b. 210).
75). erekles mefobis dros xunZaxis
e. kvaWantiraZe
batoni nursal-begi kaxeTis dasar-
bevad wamovida. lekebi pirvelad q.
qiziys (kaxeTSi) Seesivnen. daesxnen
sof. bodbes. qiziyis mouravis, Ta- Sirdi ovsTa mefis asuli
mazis meTaurobiT lekebi kaxeleb- (XIII-XIV s.s. mijna). S. ixsenieba: `Zeg-
ma S-Si gaaqcies, (p. o. 118; T.b. 56). li erisTavTa~ (daweris TariRi
Saq-Sirvanis mflobelis aji-Cala- 1348-1400; q. s. Z. II, 1965).
bis (Saqis pirveli xani haji Celebi Salva erisTavma (Salva virSe-
yurban-oRlu 1743-55) jarSi, ro- lis Ze qsnis erisTavi, XIII s. 80-iani
melic ebrZoda ereklesa da Tei- XIV s. 10-iani) colad moiyvana ov-
murazs (Teimuraz II, qarTlis mefe sTa mefis asuli S., romelmac `gana-
1744-62) imyofeboda Tavisi razmiT dida pativiT~ monasteri. Seswira
S-is xani (1752), (p. o. 194). am brZola- oqrosa da vercxlis barZimi (Rrma
Si erekle da Teimurazi damarcxd- sasmisi), tabakini (RvTis samsaxure-
nen da axali brZolisaTvis mzadeba beli TefSi), kandeli (zeTis sanTe-
daiwyes. aji-Calabis winaaRmdeg ga- li), mooWvilni xatni da sxva `samka-
ilaSqres da gaimarjves. Sirvan-Sa- ulni~ (106).
maxiis didebulebi daiWires... (p. o. q. nadiraZe
202). xunZaxis batonma omar-xanma
qiziyze galaSqreba ver gabeda, War-
Si darCa, Semdeg S-ias Semoadga (o.
Sirvani (Sarvani) istori-
x. 74). ruseTis mxedrobam, graf zu-
uli qveyana axl. azerb. resp. Crd-
bovis sardlobiT, S. daikava (1796),
aRm. nawilSi, kaspiis zRvis das. sa-
(T.b. 66). erekle mefe 1783 traqtat-
napiroze, mtkvris Crd. aRm-iT. po-
ze xelis mowerisas Tavs S-s mTa-
litikuri centri q. Semaxa. Seadgen-
vars uwodebs (q.s.Z. II, 1783, 477).
da kavkasiis albaneTis (ix. st. rani)
q. nadiraZe

nawils. periodulad S-is samefos er gacemuli dokumenti (.....,
ganagebdnen iranelebi, arabebi, 1967), mcxeTisadmi gacemuli sige-
monRolebi. garkveul periodSi li daax. 1638 (qr. II. 1897).
ganicdida saqarTvelos gavlenas, qarTlis mefe vaxtang gorga-
amitom qarTvel mefeTa titula- sals (daax. V s. 40-ian V s. bolom-
turaSi gaCnda wodeba `SirvanSa~. de), rodesac mcxeTaSi `sveti cxo-
1538 sefianTa iranis zewolis Se- velze~ eklesia aRuSenebia da `k'zi
degad am saxelmwifom arseboba mas zeda patriarqad ganuwesebia~,
Sewyvita da sefianTa saxelmwifos aseve meeqvse msoflio saeklesio
olqad gadaiqca. S-is teritoriaze krebas (VII s.) konstantine poRona-
1748 warmoiqmna S-s saxano, romelic tis (biz. imp. 668-85) dros daumtki-
1804 ruseTma SeierTa. S. ixsenieba: cebia, amdroidan moyolebuli
`matiane qarTlisa~, `cxovreba me- mcxeTis sakaTolikosos samwysoSi
feT-mefisa daviTisi~, laSa-gior- Sedis Sirvanic (efrem mcire, 45; qr.
gis droindeli matiane (q.c. I, 1955); II. sigeli mcxeTisa gacemuli daax.
`istoriani da azmani Saravanded- 1638 imeorebs am informacias, 453).
Tani~, basili ezosmoZRuari `cxov- amasve adasturebs sulTnis (murad
reba mefeTa-mefisa Tamarisi~, Jam- III an mahmad III) mier 1590 gacemuli
TaaRmwereli, beri egnataSvili sigeli (.... dok #221) bag-
`axali qarTlis cxovreba~, `axali ratma (bagrat III, saqarTvelos mefe
qarTlis cxovreba~ meore da me- 975-1014) xarki daado S-as (m. q. 281;
same teqsti (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti ba- s.d. 382; v.b. 141; n.d. 88). daviTma (da-
toniSvili `aRwera samefosa saqar- viT IV, saqarTvelos mefe 1089-1125)
Tvelosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973); farsadan Tavisi asuli, Tamari gaagzavna (Ta-
gorgijaniZe `istoria~ (1926); sex- marma iqorwina manuCexr afridunis
nia CxeiZe `cxovreba mefeTa~ (1913); Zeze 1105/06 an 1111) `dedoflad
papuna orbeliani `ambavni qarTli- Sirvanisa~ (d. i. 334; v. b. 158). daviT-
sani~ (1981); oman xerxeuliZe `mefo- ma ufliswuli demetre gaagzavna
ba irakli meorisa~ (1989); Teimuraz S-s salaSqrod (1117, radgan moyv-
bagrationi `axali istoria~ (1983); robiT saqme ver mogvarda). man aiRo
parizis qronika (1980); bagrat ba- cixe qalaZori (cixe S-Si) da Sin ga-
toniSvili `axali moTxroba~ (1941); marjvebuli dabrunda (d. i. 334;
niko dadiani `qarTvelT cxovreba~ l.g.m. 365; v. b. 158) daviTma `Svide-
(1962), efrem mcire `uwyebaY mizez- ulsa pirmarxvisa~ (1120) aiRo S-is
sa qarTvelTa moqcevisas~ (1950). q. yabala (md. mtkvris marcxena sana-
`Zegli erisTavTa~, 1783 traqtatis piroze dR. azerbaijani) da aRavso
teqsti (q.s.Z. II. 1965); `mesxuri mati- samefo oqroTa da vercxliT. qarT-
ane~ (1961). osmaleTis sulTnis mi- lSi mosulma isev Sekriba laSqari,

7 maiss isev Cavida S-Si da moarbia laSqari. gamgeblad da `yovelTa
adgilebi `liJaTiT vidre qurdeva- saqmeTa mandaurTa~ ganaCina mwig-
namde da xiStalanTamde~ (savarau- nobarTuxuces-Wyondideli svimo-
dod, laxija da Samaxiis r-ni) da ni (d. i. 343-45; v. b. 161-62); (swored
isev alafiT dabrunda Sin. imave am periodidan gaCnda saqarTvelos
wels Seibnen Sarvanelebi da daru- mefeTa titulaturaSi wodeba
bandelebi, mokles afridoni (afri- `SarvanSa~). S-is saxli emorCilebo-
dun I, 1094-1120) da amoxoces Sarva- da giorgis (giorgi III, saqarTvelos
nelebi (d. i. 339; v.b. 159). Turq-sel- mefe 1056-84), (l.g.m. 367). Sirvanis
Cukebma aiRes S-i (1123), Seipyres mefe aRsarTanma (aRsitani, 1160-
SarvanSa (manuCexr III, 1120-60), dai- 96/97), romelic flobda terito-
kaves S-is q. Samaxia. sulTanma (mah- riebs darubandidan xirxalamdis
mud ibn muhamadi, iranis sasulT- (xilaxala, albanuri wyaroebis fe-
nos mmarTveli 1117-31) mefe daviTs rozapati), xazarTagan (darubande-
mociquli gamougzavna da wigni ga- li xazarebi) SeWirvebulma daxma-
moatana, sadac werda: Sen tyeTa me- reba sTxova giorgis. giorgim Tavis
fe xar, verasodes velze ver gamox- mamis diswuls jari miaSvela (1167).
val, Sevipyari SarvanSa da xaraja qarTvelebi mividnen darubandis
davade, Senc Tu genebos gamomig- karamde, moaoxres muskurisa da Sa-
zavne ZRveni, Tu ara da SemebrZole. rabamis qveyana, aiRes q. Saburani,
mefe daviTma saswrafod Sehyara 50 (Sabrani, dR. daRestanSi) romelic
000 kaciani laSqari da S-Si gaemar- giorgim aRsarTans uboZa (i.-a. 17;
Ta. es rom sulTanma Seityo q. Sama- v.b. 169). Tamars (saqarTvelos mefe
xias gamagrda. alyaSemortymuli 1084-1107/10) `monebda da msaxureb-
sulTani Zalian Sewuxda da erT Ra- da~ SirvanSa, miarTmevda ZRvens da
mesac S-dan gaipara. mefe ivnisis eaxleboda didi pativiT (i.-a. 39).
TveSi isev wavida S-s, aiRo gulis- SirvanSa aRsarTans, Tamaris siyva-
tani Sirvan-SahTa rezidencia. ap- ruliT gonebamixdils surda Tama-
rilSi isev ilaSqra, aiRo S-is cixe- ris xeli eTxova da mzad iyo sjuli
ebi Rasanni da xozaondi (savarau- Seecvala. samefo karma uari uTxra
dod, es is cixeebia, romlebic ke- (i.-a. 44-45). adarbadaganis aTabagis
tavdnen darubandis viwro gasasv- yizil-arslanis (1187-91) gardacva-
lels) mimdebare `qveynebiT~. anis- lebis Semdeg, memkvidreebs Soris
ze galaSqrebis Semdeg (1124) mefe atyda SuRli. gaimarjva abu-beqrma
daviTi gaemarTa S-sken, aiRo q. Sa- (abu baqri) da dajda aTabagad. misi
maxia, cixe biriti (bivriti, bigur- umcrosi Zma amir-mirmani (amir emi-
di) da mTlianad S-is qalaqebsa da rani) S-is mmarTvels CaesiZa. abu-
cixeebSi datova kaxeT-hereTis beqrma miiRo ra xalifas daxmareba

saqarTvelos winaaRmdeg, igi pirve- l.g.m. 371; v. b. 199). romguaris qve-
lad S-isken gaemarTa, SirvanSahi yanas marTavda oTxi noini. am qveya-
aRsarTani da misi siZe amir-mirmani naSi Sedioda: xorasani, (ist. olqi
mters ver gaumklavdnen. am ubedu- iranis Crd. aRm. nawilSi) erayi, sa-
rebas miwisZvrac daerTo da q. Sama- qarTvelo, adarbadagani, movakani,
xias cixe-galavani daangria. rad- bardavi, S. ... (J. 223). berqa yaenma
gan S-i saqarTvelos ymadnafici (oqros urdos yaeni 1255-66) moaox-
iyo, mefe Tamars da daviT soslans ra qveyana S-isa (1266), (J. 254). gior-
(Tamaris Tanamecxedre) didZali gi (giorgi V saqarTvelos mefe 1299,
ZRveni gamougzavnes da daxmareba 1318-46) Sevida S-s, daimorCila da
iTxoves. mefe Tamarma da daviTma xarki daado (v. b. 256; n. d. 115). Te-
S-is mmarTveli da misi siZe samefo mur-lengi (Suaaziis mbrZanebeli,
sasaxleSi pativiT miiRes da Tan 1370-1405) bardavidan gadavida
laSqris Seyra daiwyes. Sirvanelebi S-Si, Semusra da daipyro igi (v. b.
darwmundnen, rom qarTvelTa laS- 265). S-Si mosul Temur-lengs mieax-
qari maT mtrisgan daicavda (i.-a. 63- lnen da Tayvani sces lekebma, Sar-
66; v. b. 181-82). brZola moxda Sam- vanelebma, gilan-mazandarelebma...
qorTan (ist. q. azerbaijanSi), (1195). im dros iq tyved imyofeboda bag-
abu-beqrisa da muslimTa koalici- rati (bagrat V, saqarTvelos mefe
uri laSqris winaaRmdeg brZolaSi 1360-93), (meore t. 454). Temur-len-
monawileobas iRebda S-is mmarTve- gi SarvanSasTan erTad gamoemarTa
li Tavisi jariT. qarTvelebma gai- `dab-dabTa cemiT, bukTa tkrcia-
marjves (i.-a 68). gamarjvebis Sem- liT~ saqarTvelosken; maSin bag-
deg gaimarTa darbazoba, sadac pa- ratma da misma Zem giorgim, Sekri-
tiviT iqna miwveuli SirvanSa (i.-a. bes laSqari da gaemzadnen sabr-
73). Tamaris gulmowyalebasa da ke- Zolvelad (1387), qarTvelebma med-
TilSobilebaze miuTiTebs devnil gari winaaRmdegoba gaswies (meore
mefeTa Zvel pativSi ayvana: `da ami- t. 457). Temur-lengma saqarTvelo-
sa mowame ars saxli SarvanSeTi da Si gamoagzavna (1402) S-is mflobeli
darubandelTa, ovsTa...~ (b. ez. 147) Six-baraim (Seix-ibrahim I, 1382-1417)
laSa-giorgim (saqarTvelos mefe `raTa Seetyo... begara da sargo me-
1207/10-23) S-Si gaagzavna qarTlis fisa giorgisa~ (saqarTvelos mefe
erisTavi SarvanSasTvis Tavisi dis
giorgi VII, 1393-1407) raTa CamoerT-
rusudanis miTxovebis Sesaxeb mosa-
mia Semosavlis yvela wyaro (v.b. 336;
laparakeblad. TviTon Cavida baga-
mesame t. 468). giorgim Tavis irgv-
vans (baqo), SarvanSaze rusudanis
liv Semoikriba qarTvelebi, Sirva-
dasaqorwineblad, magram igi mou-
nelebi... gailaSqra alinjas cixeze
lodnelad gardaicvala (J. 166;

(naxCevanis midamoebSi), iqidan ga- surda. maSin kaxeTis mefem levanma
moiyvana Ze sulTanisa (Temur-len- (1518-74) asan-begTan mSvidobis dam-
gis mowinaaRmdege jalariani bato- yareba moindoma, magram asan-begma
niSvili Taheri) da cixes mimdgari ar isurva. amitom levanma Sekriba
Temur-lengis laSqari amoxoca (XIV spa, gailaSqra asan-begis winaaRm-
s. 90-iani), (Zegli erisTavTa, q.s.Z. II. deg, mokla igi, aaoxra Saqi da didi
114). Temur-lengma didi brZolis alafiT gremSi (kaxeTis samefos de-
Semdeg aiRo birTvisis (ist. qvemo daqalaqi) dabrunda (savaraudod,
qarTlSi, md. algeTis xeobaSi) cixe es unda momxdariyo Sah-ismailis
(1403), cixisTav nazals Tavi mohkve- gardacvalebis Tanadroulad), (v.
Ta, xolo misi coli S-is mflobels b. 572). amis Semdeg SaqSi gabatonda
misca (b. e. 338; meore t. 471; v.b. 274). misi Ze davriS mahmad (derviS mu-
iyo grZneuli `vinme Sixi~ Temur- hamedi). davriS mahmad da mefe leva-
lengis karze, romelic S-is mflo- ni erTmaneTs mtrad moekidnen. dav-
belma mokla (b.e. 355). iranelebis riS mahmadi ganudga Sah-Tamazs
batonobis gamo `Sirvanelebma da (iranis Sahi Tahmasp I, 1524-76). Sah-
ganZelebma~ aRar misces xarki aleq- Tamazma mis winaaRmdeg galaSqreba
sandre mefes (aleqsandre didi, sa- gadawyvita da dasaxmareblad levan
qarTvelos mefe 1412-42). aleqsand- kaxTa mefe daibara. Sah-Tamazi
rem ganZaze gailaSqra, xolo SeSi- S-sken gaemarTa da gzidan davriSs
nebulma Sirvanelebma isev xarkis Semorigebis werili gaugzavna. dav-
gadaxda ikisres (v. b. 281; n. d. 123). riSma ar Seismina, gaamagra cixe-si-
giorgi aleqsandres Zes (giorgi magreebi, Sevida gulistans da
VIII, saqarTvelos mefe 1446-66) omisTvis moemzada. maSin Sah-Tamaz-
xarks aZlevdnen S-i da rani (v. b. ma mefe levans S-ze galaSqreba ub-
283). kaxeTis mefe aleqsandres rZana. levanma aiRo Sirvanis gamag-
(1476-1511) dros gamoCnda Sah-isma- rebuli cixeebi, mokla davriSi, xo-
ili (iranis Sahi ismail I, 1501-24) lo misi mokveTili Tavi Sah-Tamazs
Sixis Ze, romelmac aiRo S-ni (1500- gaugzavna (mesame t. 505; v.b. 574-
01), (v. b. 569; f. g. 2). mefe aleqsand- 575). luarsabi (luarsab I, qarTlis
rem Sah-ismailTan S-Si gaagzavna mefe 1527-56) Sah-Tamazs ar emorCi-
ZRveniT Tavisi Ze, dimitri da mor- leboda da amis gamo S-s arbevda (f.
Cileba gamoucxada (v. b. 569). Sah-is- g. 4). Sah-Tamazis Svili alxaz-mirza
mails radgan morCilebda Saq-Sir- S-Si batonobda da Zalian avkacob-
vanis mpyrobeli asan-begi (hasan da. Tamazi mivida, saqme moagvara,
sulTani) da masTan kargi urTier- xolo Tavnebebi daxoca (f.g. 5). la-
Toba hqonda, kaxeTis dakavebac la faSam (lala mustafa faSa, os-

malTa sardali) aleqsandre kaxTa iranis winaaRmdeg ajanyebulma
mefes (1574-1605) S-ze laSqrobaSi (1625) qarTvelebma iranis mxares
daxmareba SemouTvala. aleqsand- mebrZoli S-is gamgebeli usuf-xa-
rem kaxeTis gadarCenis mizniT mas nic mokles (p. o. 91). S-Si (1632) Tei-
morCileba gamoucxada da dasTanx- murazis (Teimuraz I, qarTl-kaxe-
mda. lala-faSam S. aiRo (1574) da iq Tis mefe 1625-32) ymis Svili bato-
Tavisi mcvelebi Caayena (v. b. 578; f. nobda (f. g. 31). S-is xans Sahma (sefi
g. 13; p. q. 52; mesxuri m. 50). Sah-xuda- II, 1666-94) SeuTvala, rom ruseTi-
bandas (iranis Sahi sulTan muhamed dan Camosuli erekle (SemdegSi qar-
xudabende 1577-87) colma begumma Tlis mefe erekle I, 1688-1703) pati-
(mahdi ulia) S-Si TaTrebis winaaRm- viT mieRo, 1 000 Tumani mieca da
deg gailaSqra, yizilbaSebma amowy- yazvinSi mSvidobiT CaeyvanaT. brZa-
vites jari, gadawves cixe, xelT ig- neba Seasrules (p. q. 118; f.g. 71).
des xazina, tyved aiyvanes TaTar- rodesac erekle S-Si mivida, S-is xa-
xani da yazvinSi (qalaqi Crd. das. ni manuCar endronikas Svili gar-
iranSi) wavidnen. yaenma, begumi da dacvlili daxvda (f. g. 71). xuTi
TaTar-xani moakvlevina. es rom wlis Semdeg erekles deda S-Si Ca-
Turqebma Seityves S. isev daikaves movida, iqidan ki didi pativiT ispa-
(mesame t. 525; mesxuri m. 51; p. q. 54; hans mibrZanda, sadac misi Svili im-
f. g. 13 aq begumis magivrad weria yofeboda (f. g. 70, 72). Wareli leke-
seidi). Sah-abasma (abas I, iranis Sahi, bi aoxrebdnen ara mxolod kaxeTs,
1587-1629) iranidan kaxeTSi gamoag- aramed ganjas, S-s... qarTlis mefem
zavna konstantine, aleqsandre me- vaxtangma (vaxtang VI, janiSini 1703-
fis Ze, Tan gamoayola Sirvan-yara- 14, mefe 1716-24) da kaxeTis mefem
baRis jari. mas mamis da Zmis mokvla imam-yuli-xanma (daviT II, 1709-22)
hqonda davalebuli (b. e. 382; mesame muxranSi (sof. qarTlSi) dades xel-
t. 539; v. b. 582). [aris gansxvavebuli Sekruleba lekebis winaaRmdeg sab-
monacemic]: Sah-abas I-ma SeuTvala rZolvelad (v. b. 497). am brZolaSi
kaxTa mefes, aleqsandres, rom sa- maT S-is xanic exmareboda. Sahma
kuTar Zes konstantines daxmarebo- S-is beglarbegi gamoagzavna Ware-
da S-is dakavebaSi, xolo konstan- lebis winaaRmdeg. Warelebi Tavs
tines daavala, rogorc ki S-s daika- daesxnen Sirvanelebs da beglarbe-
vebda, mama da Zma moekla. kaxelebma gi moukles (v. b. 498; 617-18). es rom
aiRes cixe yabala da konstantine Sahma (sulTan huseini, 1694-1722)
S-Si gaabatones (f. g. 18; p. q. 60). S-Si gaigo, vaxtangs Warelebis winaaRm-
konstantine bevr avsa da sasircxvo deg galaSqreba ubrZana (v. b. 618; s.
saqmes Cadioda (p. q. 61). martyofSi C. 32-34). vaxtangs iranis Sahma ubo-

Za azerbaijanis spaspetoba da mis- xanebi. maTTan iyvnen lekebic da
ca brZaneba gaewminda S. lekebisgan brZolisTvis gaemzadnen. am dros
(v. b. 499). iranis gadayenebuli Sahis mefeebma xanebis Ralati Seityves,
Tamazis (Tahmasp II, 1722-32) Svili isini daatyveves da brZolis gada-
aujanyda nadir-Sahs (iranis Sahi deba gadawyvites, magram aji-Cala-
1736-47), romelic am dros osma- bi mefeebs ganjasTan miuvarda da
lebs ebrZoda. mas mouvida ambavi, isini sastikad daamarcxa (1752).
rom S. ganudga da ajanyebuli gaa- aji-Calabma didZali ganZi waiRo
xelmwifes (o.x. 44; p. o. 73). yaraba- da S-Si dabrunda (p. o. 191-195; o. x.
Ris mmarTvelma fanah-xanma (1747- 50). 1752 erekle da Teimurazi daa-
63) Zalian Seaviwrova ganjisa da marcxa aji-Calabis Zem, aRa-qiSim.
naxCevanis xanebi. maT daxmarebi- gamarjvebuli S-Si dabrunda, amave
saTvis Teimurazs (Teimuraz II, qar- wels isev Sekriba Sirvan-Saqis, le-
Tlis mefe 1744-62) da erekles kebis mxedroba da qarTvel mefeTa
(erekle II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, winaaRmdeg wamovida. aRa-qiSi sas-
qarTl-kaxeTis 1762-98) mimarTes. tikad damarcxda (T.b. 49). xunZaxis
mama-Svilma Sikriki gaagzavna S-Si batonma nursal-begma Seyara lekTa
da Saq-Sirvanis mflobel aji-Ca- didi jari, Cavida Saq-SirvanSi da
labs (haji Celebi yurban-oRlu, Sa- iqidan moulodnelad Tavs daesxa
qis I xani 1743-55) mouwoda am laSq- bodbes (sof. kaxeTSi), aaoxra ram-
robaSi monawileoba mieRo (p.o. denime ubani (T.b. 55). 1755 nursal-
166). 1750 fanah-xani daamarcxes. ga- begi Semoadga yvarlis cixes (kaxeT-
marjvebulebma Saq-SirvanSi maxa- Si) 20 000 meomriT. maT Soris iyvnen
robeli gamoagzavnes (p.o. 170). Sirvanelebic. isini qarTvelebma
ereklem da Teimurazma gadawyvi- gandevnes (p.o. 230). 1806 ciciSvili
tes gaelaSqraT War-belaqnis leke- (generali pavle cicianovi 1754-
bis winaaRmdeg. mefeebis mokavSire 1806, saqarTvelos mTavarmarTebe-
iyo Saq-Sirvanis xani aji-Calabi, li) didZali mxedrobiT Cavida S-Si
romelmac brZolis dros mefeebs baqos dasapyrobad (T.b. 72). qarTl-
uRalata. qarTvelebi damarcxdnen Si, ganja-yarabaRSi, Saq-SirvanSi
(1751 brZola agriCaize), (p.o. 177- didi SimSiloba daiwyo. kodi puri
182). Saq-Sirvanis gamgebelma aji- erT Tumnad Zlivs iSoveboda (XVIII
Calabma ganja aaoxra. ereklem da s. 90-iani), (b.b. 68). erekle 1783
Teimurazma mis winaaRmdeg galaSq- traqtatze xels awers: `mTavari
reba gadawyvites. moiwvies Tavian- Sirvanisa, mflobeli da mbrZanebe-
Ti moxarkeebi da mokavSireebi: gan- li ganjisa da erevnisa~ (q.s.Z. t. II.
jis, erevnis, yarabaRis, naxCevanis #134, 457). markizi (filipe paulu-

Ci, saqarTvelos mTavarmarTebeli SuSaniki V s-is meore naxev-
1811-12) gadavida mtkvars Saqis, S-is, ris moRvawe, somexTa spaspetis var-
darubandis da baqos dasaTvalie- dan mamikonianis asuli. SuSaniki iyo
reblad, radgan yvela es adgili ru- qvemo qarTlis pitiaxSis varsqenis
sebs hqondaT dapyrobili (T. b. 80). meuRle, ewama qristianobisaTvis
q. nadiraZe
sjulis moRalate, cecxlmsaxuri
meuRlis mier daba curtavs (qvemo
qarTli). SuSaniki qarTulma samo-
Six baraimi Sirvanis mflo- ciqulo eklesiam wmidanad Seracxa.
beli (XIV s. 90-iani). S.b. ixsenieba: S. ixsenieba: `martviloba SuSani-
beri egnataSvili ,,axali qarTlis kisi (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963, 11); `moqceva
cxovreba meore teqsti (q.c. II, qarTlisa~ (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963,. 94);
1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili ,,aRwe- juanSeri `cxovreba vaxtang gor-
ra samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, gaslisa~ (q.c., I, 1955, 216); vaxuSti
1973). batoniSvili `aRwera samefosa sa-
Temur lengma (Suaazieli mxe- qarTvelosa~ (q.c., IV, 1973, 118; 120);
darTmTavari, 1336-1405) gamogzav- arsen safareli `ganyofisTs qar-
na saqarTveloSi Sirvanis patro- TvelTa da somexTa~ (1980).
ni S.b., imisaTvis rom mas daeTvala `moqceva qarTlisa~, juanSe-
saqarTvelos glexis mosavali da ri da vaxuSti batoniSvili S-is wa-
giorgis (giorgi VII, saqarTvelos mebas qarTlis mefis bakuris xanaSi
mefe 1393-1407) gadasaxadi (b.e. 336; (VI s. 50-iani, VI s-is 30-iani v. go-
meore t. 468; v.b. 273). ilaZis mixedviT) momxdar ambad mi-
iCneven (`moq. q., 94; j. 216; v.b. 118).
e. kvaWantiraZe
S. iyo qvemo qarTlis mmarTvelis
varsqenis meuRle. varsqeni aiZu-
lebda S-s uareyo qristianoba. S-ma
Suqurla naxiCevanis (saxano
es ar ineba, ris gamoc varsqenma igi
azerbaijanSi, rogorc qalaqi Zv.w.
saSineli tanjviT mokla. mefe ba-
VI s-dan arsebobs) xani XVIII s-is 70-
kurma S-is gvami wamoasvena da `dad-
ian wlebSi. S. ixsenieba: Teimuraz
va cortavs~ (v.b. 118). qarTlis ka-
bagrationi ,,axali istoria (1983).
Tolikosma krionma anu svimeonma
Seikribnen yazaxni (ist. mxare
(krion I 599-614/616) somexTa mwva-
qvemo qarTlSi), borCaloelni (ist.
leblobis (monofizitobis) gamo
mxare qvemo qarTlSi) da fambakel-
S-is saflavidan gandevna curtavis
ni, daarbies naxiCevani da daamar-
episkoposi (v.b., 120, sq. 2). qarTlis
cxes misi xani S. (T.b. 55).
kaTolikosma `krionma~ gandevna
e. kvaWantiraZe mose curtavis episkoposi Tavisi

saydridan, `romeli daedgina wmi- mTavari 1564-83), (b.e. 362; mesame t.
dasa SuSaniks nawilsa Tana somxi- 503). Sah-abasis (abas I, iranis Sahi
Tisasa~ (a.s. 82). 1587-1629) bebia C. qali iyo, Wkvia-
T. qoriZe ni da gavleniani mandilosani (f.g.
45). C-is batonis asuli rusudani
colad SeirTo vaxtangma (qarTlis
CaCani // CaCnelni Crd. kav- mefe giorgi XI-is 1678-88, 1703-09
kasiaSi, ZiriTadad CaCneTinguSe- Zmiswuli) (v.b. 474), sxva adgilas
Tis da daRestnis teritoriaze mo- rusudani giorgi XI-is coladaa da-
saxle xalxi. C. ixsenieba: Teimuraz saxelebuli (v.b. 815). ruseTSi mi-
bagrationi axali istoria` (1983). mavali arCili (arCil II, imereTis
1818 ermolovis (kavkasiis mTa- mefe 1661-63, 1678-79, 1690-91, 1695-
varmarTebeli) laSqroba CSi uSede- 96, 1698 da kaxeTis mefe 1664-75) Se-
god damTavrda. Celebma medgari wi- ipyres mosyidulma C-ma (v.b. 855-56).
naaRmdegoba gauwies rusebs, mrava- ruseTSi mimaval vaxtang VI-s (qar-
li kaci moukles da ermolovi aiZu- Tlis mefe 1716-24) gzad miegeba mi-
les ukan gabrunebuliyo (T.b. 88). si colis Zma C-is batoni (v.b. 507).
aji-Calabis (Saqis pirveli xani
g. oTxmezuri
1743-55) Svilma aRa-qiSim gailaSq-
ra qarTl-kaxeTis winaaRmdeg. Te-
imuraz II-m (qarTlis mefe 1744-62)
Cerqezebi xalxi CrdiloeT
gagzavna Tavisi Ze erekle (erekle
kavkasiaSi. C. ixsenieba: beri egna-
II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-ka-
taSvili, axali qarTlis cxovreba
xeTis mefe 1762-98) stefanwminda-
mesame teqsti (q.c. II, 1959); vaxuSti
Si C-Ta mxedrobis mosawvevad. C-Ta
batoniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa sa-
laSqari movida, aRa-qiSim ukan dai-
qarTvelosa~ (q.c. IV, 1973); farsa-
xia (T.b. 49; o.x. 54; p.o. 198-202). C-Ta
dan gorgijaniZe ,,istoria (1926);
laSqari exmareboda Teimuraz II-s
papuna orbeliani ,,ambavni qarTli-
da erekle II-s erevanze laSqrobi-
sani (1981); Teimuraz bagrationi
sas (p.o.161), fana-xanis (yarabaRis
,,axali istoria (1983); oman xer-
xani 1747-63) winaaRmdeg brZolaSi
xeuliZe ,,mefoba irakli meorisa
(p.o. 165), xunZaxis batonis nursal-
begis winaaRmdeg brZolaSi (p.o. 219,
giorgi dadianma (odiSis mTa-
232). Teimuraz II-m samsaxurisaTvis
vari 1572-82) colad iTxova C. qa-
C-Ta batons da mis jars gasamrje-
li, romlis erTi da giorgi II-is
lo uboZa da Tavis qveyanaSi gauSva
(imereTis mefe 1565-83) coli iyo,
(p.o. 172-73, 203).
meore ki giorgi gurielis (guriis
e. kvaWantiraZe

CerqezeTi istoriuli mxa- ruseTSi gagzavna. C-Si mas mekobre-
re CrdiloeT kavkasiaSi, moicav- ebi daesxnen (v.b. 598). C. ramdenjer-
da Crdilo kavkasiis dasavleT da me ixsenieba digoris, basianis, qis-
centralur nawils Savi zRvidan teTis, ZurZukeTis, RliRosis (ist.
da md. yubanidan, md. sunjisa da md. mxareebi Crd. kavkasiaSi), svaneTis
Tergis SeerTebamde. XVI s-dan am (das. saqarTvelos mTiani regioni,
teritoriaze md. Tergis dasavle- moicavs kavkasionis qedis samxreT
TiT yalibdeba didi yabardo. XIX kalTebs) aRwerisas (v.b. 649-54, 787).
s. I nax-Si aq rusuli mmarTveloba e. kvaWantiraZe
damyarda. XX s-is ganmavlobaSi Se-
dioda yaraCai-CerqezeTis avton.
olqSi, 1991 gardaiqmna yaraCai- Cerqez-Samxali Saqis sul-
CerqezeTis respublikad ruseTis Tani (XVI s. II nax.). C.S. ixsenieba: beri
federaciaSi. C. ixsenieba: juanSe- egnataSvili, ,,axali qarTlis cxov-
ri ,,cxovreba vaxtang gorgaslisa~ reba mesame teqsti (q.c. II, 1959).
(q.c. I, 1955); vaxuSti batoniSvili dapirispirebulni iyvnen svi-
,,aRwera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ moni (svimon I, qarTlis mefe 1556-69,
(q.c. IV, 1973); farsadan gorgijaniZe 1578-99) da misi Zma dauT-xani (qar-
,,istoria (1926). Tlis mefe 1569-78), romelic Sah
stefanoz II-is dros (qarTlis Tamazma (Tamaz I, iranis Sahi 1524-76)
erismTavari VII s. II nax.) teritoria Tbilisis da qvemo qarTlis gamgeb-
C-is sazRvramde qarTlis kaTali- lad daniSna. erT-erTi dapirispi-
kosis samwysoSi Sedioda (j. 232). rebisas Sahma Tamazma miswera Saqis
monRolTa batonobis periodSi sulTans C.S-s daxmareboda dauT-
oseTi (mxare Crd. kavkasiaSi) iwoda xans. C.S. wavida qarTlisken Saqel-
C-ad anu yabardod (v.b. 634, 655). ar- Ta da yarabaRelTa didi laSqriT.
Cili (arCil II, imereTis mefe 1661- brZola moxda farcxisTan (sof.
63, 1678-79, 1690-91, 1695-96, 1698 Qqvemo qarTlSi), (1569) (b.e. 368 ; me-
da kaxeTis mefe 1664-75), romelic same t. 513).
eurCeboda iranis Sahs Seipyres C-Si
e. kvaWantiraZe
(v.b. 469). C-Si arCilTan mivida mis
mier yirimis xanTan gagzavnili da
Samxalis mier Sepyrobili daviT
CeCneTi mxare CrdiloeT
TurqistaniSvili (v.b. 850). arCili
kavkasiaSi. C. ixsenieba: Teimuraz
wavida ruseTSi C-is gavliT (f.g.
bagrationi ,,axali istoria (1983).
70). Teimurazma (kaxeTis mefe 1606-
ermolovma (aleqsi ermolovi,
48) Tavis SviliSvili nikolozi
1777-1861, ruseTis armiis genera-
(erekle I, qarTlis mefe 1688-1703)

li, kavkasiis korpusis meTauri) nisis xeoba) gamagrda. mefeebma iqac
ilaSqra C-Si, sazRvarze aaSena pa- miakiTxes. C. m. RamiT, jarTan erTad
tara cixe, romelsac grozna uwoda gaipara (o. x. 57-58). igives wers T. b.
anu `memuqari~ (T.b. 88). magram am or ambavs erT ambad yveba
e. kvaWantiraZe da 1759 aTariRebs (T.b 50-51).

q. nadiraZe

ConCol-musa lekTa beladi

(XVIII s. me-2 nax.) C. m. ixsenieba: oman
xazarebi//xazareTi mom-
xerxeuliZe `mefoba irakli meo-
Tabare Turqulenovani xalxi Sua
risa~ (1989); Teimuraz bagrationi
saukuneebis aRmosavleT evropaSi.
`axali istoria~ (1983).
saxeli x. Sua aziidan aRmosavleT
[o. x-s mixedviT] 1757 lekebi ze-
evropaSi misvlis Semdeg erT-er-
mo qarTls Semoesivnen 4 000 kaciT
Ti winamZRolis `xazarigisgan~
C. m-s meTaurobiT. miadgnen q. cxin-
miiRes. x-Ta winaprebi dulus tom-
vals (Sida qarTli), sadac mefeebi
Ta gaerTianebis saxiT, TurqTa da-
Teimurazi (Teimuraz II, qarTlis
savleTi kaganatis SemadgenlobaSi
mefe 1744-62) da erekle (erekle II,
Sediodnen. 627/28, rogorc impera-
kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxe-
tor herakles (610-41) mokavSireebi
Tis 1762-98) imyofebodnen. mefeeb-
monawileobdnen TurqTa dasavle-
ma lekebTan pirispir Sebma ver gabe-
Ti kaganatis amierkavkasiur laS-
des, radgan mcirericxovani amala
qrobaSi. TurqTa dasavleTi kaga-
hyavdaT da cixidan atexes srola
natis dacemis (630) Semdeg, dulus
(o.x. 57). 1759 C. m. da lekTa beladi
tomebma Sua aziidan Crdilo kavka-
koxta isev Semoesivnen 8000-iani ja-
siaSi gadmoinacvles da jer kidev
riT qarTls. orad gaiyvnen. C. m. mi-
VI s-is dasasruls iranis Crdilo-
vida aCabeTs (cixe md. liaxvis marj-
dasavleTiT mdebare mervis mxri-
vena napirze), aiRo igi, samaCablos
dan mosul TurqebTan erTad daax.
osebi daarbia da sof. avnevs miadga.
650/51 xazanTa kaganati (saxakano)
koxta beladi ki atocis cixes (md.
Seqmnes. mezobeli xalxebisa da sa-
fronis marcxena napirze) Semoewyo.
xelmwifo gaerTianebebis damor-
Teimurazi da erekle jariT yor-
Cilebis Semdeg xazarTa kaganatSi
niss mividnen, maT dasaxmareblad
Sevida: Crdilo kavkasia, samxreT
imereTis mefe solomoni (solomon
uralispireTis velebi, aRmosav-
I, 1752-84) SeuerTda. lekebi atoci-
leT yirimi, volgispireTi, donis-
dan gaiqcnen. es rom C. m. gaigo, See-
pireTi, azovispireTi. am imperiaSi
Sinda, miatova avnevi da dvanis ci-
sxvadasxva warmomavlobis xalxi
xeSi (dvaniswylis xeoba. axl. yor-

cxovrobda. x. kaganati kievis ru- formirebaSi, JamTaaRmwerelTan ki
seTis mTavarma sviatoslavma (969- `x-eTi~ `yivCayeTis~ sinonims war-
72) dalaSqra da gaanadgura. X s. moadgens. x-ebi da x-eTi ixsenieba:
miwuruls man arseboba Sewyvita. leonti mroveli `cxovreba qarT-
samecniero lit. miaCniaT: qarTul velTa mefeTa~, juanSeri `cxovre-
werilobiT wyaroebSi moxseniebu- ba vaxtang gorgaslisa~, `matiane
li `xazari~ aRniSnavs ara marto qarTlisa~ (q. c. I, 1955); `istoriani
istoriul x-ebs, aramed Crdilo da azmani SaravendedTani~, JamTa-
kavkasiisa da aRmosavleT evropis aRmwereli, beri egnataSvili `axa-
velebze maTze ufro adre mcxov- li qarTlis cxovreba~ (q. c. II, 1959);
reb araerT iranul Tu Turqule- vaxuSti batoniSvili `aRwera same-
novan toms. am tomebze eTnonim fosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. c. IV, 1973);
`xazaris~ gavrceleba garkveul- iovane sabanis Ze `martviloba Yhabo
wilad gamoiwvia iman, rom yvela es tfilelisa~, `moqcevaY qarTlisa~
tomi Tavis droze gadmosuli iyo (Z. q. a. l. Z. I, 1963).
volgis gadaRma mdebare velebidan kavkasiis Crd. mdebare teri-
da cxovrobda teritoriebze, rom- toria: kavkasiidan, vidre md. did
lebic VII-X s-Si x-Ta saxelmwifos x-mde (md. volga), romelic Cadis
SemadgenlobaSi Sedioda. leonti darubandis zRvaSi (kaspiis zR.) da-
mrovelis `xazarebis~ qveS igulis- usaxlebeli iyo. Targamosma (bib-
xmebian: skviTebi, sarmatebi da sar- liuri personaJi, kavkasiel eTnos-
matul-alanur-masageturi tomebi. Ta winapari) moiyvana Tavisi ori
juanSeris x-ebSi moiazreba stepe- Ze lekani da kavkasi. lekans misca
bis momTabare tomebis didi masi- adgili darubandis zRvidan, vid-
vebi kavkasiidan dunaispiramde, hu- re md. lomekamde (md. Tergi), Crdi-
nebi. `matiane qarTlisa~ mogviTx- loeTiT md. did xazareTamde (l.
robs eTnikuri x-ebis Sesaxeb. x-Ta m. 5,6; v. b. 49). egrosis (qarTvelTa
saxelmwifos ganadgurebis Semdeg, winapari, megrelTa eponimi) samf-
istoriuli x-s teritoriaze XI s. lobelos CrdiloeTi sazRvari mi-
II nax-Si SemoiWra Turqulenovani dioda md. mcire x-mde (md. yubani),
momTabare tomebis talRa yivCa- (l. m. 5). egris wylidan (savarudod
yebi, romelTac moaxdines x-ebis md. enguri an oxoja, an RaliZga),
asimilacia. aris mosazreba, rom vidre md. mcire x-mde aleqsandre
mefe Tamaris istorikosebTan mox- makedonelis (Zv. w. 356-323) droi-
seniebuli darubandeli x-ebi ari- dan aris saberZneTis sazRvari (j.
an Crd. daRestnis Turqulenovani 177). x-is md. aris doniswyali, xolo
tomebi, romlebmac monawileoba Tavad x. moicavs teritorias donis
miiRes Tanamedrove yumuxi xalxis wylidan dnestramde, Savi zRvis

pirs litovamde da ruseTamde (v. selebisagan Tavi gaiTavisufla. am
b. 51). droTa ganmavlobaSi gaZli- dros qarTlSi mividnen da iTxoves
erdnen x-ebi da Targamosianebs TavSesafari: Turqebma, x-ebma, asu-
mtroba dauwyes, maSin Targamosia- relebma da sxva. qarTvelebi das-
nebi Seikribnen, gadavidnen kavkasi- Tanxmdnen da maTgan piroba aiRes,
is qedze, moaoxres x-Tis sazRvari, rom sparselTa winaaRmdeg brZo-
x-Tis piras aaSenes qalaqi da ukan laSi daexmarebodnen (l. m. 15). qar-
gamobrundnen. amis Semdeg x-ma air- Tlis mmarTvelma azonma (daax. Zv.
Cies mefe, kidev ufro gaZlierdnen, w. IV-III s.s. mijna) xazarebi moxarked
mefis winamZRolobiT gamoiares gaixada (l. m. 19). roca somexTa me-
zRvis-kari, romelsac amJamad hqvia fe kosaro sparseTis mefis qasres
darubandi, moaoxres Targamosia- (ardaSir I, 226-41) winaaRmdeg ibr-
nebi, Semusres qalaqebi da cixeebi, Zoda, mis dasaxmareblad qarTlis
daangries ararat-masisis qalaqe- mefe asfagurma gaaRo `karni kavka-
bi. amis Semdeg x-ebma ori gza iswav- sianTani~ (darialis) da iqidan gad-
les: zRvis kari, anu darubandi da moiyvana ovsni, lekni da x-ni (l. m.
aragvis kari, anu dariali. xSirad 59). qarTlis mefe mirians (IV s. I nax.)
gadmodiodnen am gzebze da aoxreb- sparseTis mefem x-Ta winaaRmdeg
dnen Targamosianebs. Sedegad isini galaSqreba ubrZana (l. m. 65). x-ebs
x-Ta moxarke gaxdnen (l. m 11-12; v. b. periodulad exmarebodnen lekebi
51), (am ambavs v.b. aTariRebs dasaba- mirianis winaaRmdeg brZolaSi. mi-
midan 2310). x-Ta mefem Tavis Svils riani ki maT dauRalavad ebrZoda.
uoboss (v. b-sTan urbanosi) misca x-ebi, rodesac periodulad Tavs
kavkasiis nawili, romelic gadaWi- esxmodnen darubands, miriani maT
muli iyo md. lomekis dasavleTiT, dasaxmareblad x-ebze laSqrobda.
vidre kavkasiis mTebis ukidures sabolood mTavari brZola gaumar-
dasavleTiT. aq daemkvidra uobo- Ta maT da gaimarjva (l. m. 66, 68; v.
si Tavisi naTesavi osebiT, xolo b. 71-72). vaxtang gorgasalTan (qar-
mefem Tavis mamis Zmiswuls uboZa Tlis mefe V s. 40-iani V s. bolo)
nawili lekanisa darubandis zRvi- brZolaSi osebma x-ebis damxmare
dan aRmosavleTiT md. lomekamde laSqari gamoiyvanes. gadamwyveti
(l. m. 11-12; v. b. 632, 633, 654), ardam brZolis dros goliaTTan orTab-
erisTavi (nebroTianTa, anu spars- rZola gaimarTa. pirvel dRes go-
Ta sardali, qarTlis damyrobeli) liaTma x-ma Tarxanma vaxtangis
mivida qarTlSi, Semusra qalaqebi damxare sparseTis jaris meomari
da cixeebi, amowyvita x-ebi, Tuki farsman-faruxi mokla. meore dRes
vinme naxa qarTlSi (l. m. 13). xangr- mas Tavad vaxtang mefe SeebrZola
Zlivi drois Semdeg qarTlma spar- da mas SubiT guli gaupo (j. 151-53;

v. b. 108). berZenTa (bizantia) keis- ri, Sevida CrdiloeTis qveyanaSi,
ris anTipatma (prokonsuli) leon- sadac aris samyofeli magogis Ze-
ma vaxtang gorgasals sTxova mo- ebisa, romlebic arian x-ebi ada-
laparakebis gziT mSvidoba Camoeg- mianebi velurebi, saSineli Sesaxe-
do berZnebsa da sparselebs Soris. daobis, mxecis bunebis, sisxlianis
berZnebs eSinodaT sparselebi ar mWamelni, romlebsac rjuli ara
SeWriliyvnen saberZneTSi, radgan aqvT da mxolod Semoqmedi RmerTi
maTi jari x-eTSi imyofeboda. vax- ician. nerse x. mefem pativiT miiRo,
tangi dasTanxmda. am dros spar- misca mas da mTel mis xalxs saWme-
seTis karze daxmarebis misaRebad li da samosi, CrdiloeTis qveyana-
berZnebis winaaRmdeg x-Ta mefis Si aseve mravlad iyo qalaqebi da
mociqulic imyofeboda. sparseTis soflebi, romlebic qristes sarw-
mefem (perozi, iranis Sahi 459-84) munoebiT uSfoTvelad cxovrobd-
sakiTxi vaxtangis Txovnis gaTva- nen. ramdenime xnis Semdeg Crdilo-
liswinebiT gadawyvita (j. 182-83; v. eTis mefisgan dasaCuqrebuli nerse
b. 109). xazarTa mefes (xakans) sur- afxazeTSi gadmovida (habo tfile-
da colad SeerTo qarTlis eris- li, Z.q.a.l.Z. I, 58-59). afxazTa mTa-
mTavris juanSeris (VIII s. 60-iani) varma, leonma (daax. 720-40), romlis
da SuSani. erismTavarTa saxlma mamuli moicavda teritorias md.
xazarTa mefis mociqulebi uariT klisuridan md. did xazareTamde
gaistumres. am ambidan sami wlis (aq igulisxmeba md. yubani), `sadac
Semdeg (764) x-ma sardal bluCanis daswvdebis wveri kavkasiisa~, qar-
winamZRolobiT dalaSqres kaxeTi. Tlis mefes arCils (qarTlis eris-
juanSeri da SuSani sxva tyveebTan mTavari VIII s.) morCileba aRuTqva
erTad x-eTis gzas gauyenes. Sem- (j. 242). arabTa xalifas davale-
deg Sevidnen qarTlSi da q. Tbilisi biT buRa Turqma (buRa al qabiri,
aaoxres. SuSanma gzaSi Tavi moiwam- g. 862) Tbilisze ilaSqra (853). man
la, xolo rodesac x-Ta xakans blu- darubandiT gadmoiyvana x-Ta sama-
Canma SuSanis daRupvis ambavi auwya, si ojaxi da Samqors daasaxla (m. q.
mas yelze Toki Camoacves, cxenebs 256; v. b. 130). x-Tagan Seviwroebul-
miabes da Tavi waawyvites. juanSe- ma aRsarTan SarvanSahma daxmare-
ri xakanma tyveobidan mxolod Svi- bisTvis mefe Tamars (saqarTvelos
di wlis Semdeg gaaTavisufla (m. q. mefe 1184-1207/10) mimarTa. qarTve-
243-50; v. b. 127-28). arabebisgan dev- lebi mas daexmarnen (i-a. 17). Tamar
nilma nersem (qarTlis erismTaviri mefes emorCilebodnen x-ebic (i.-a.
VIII s. 70/80-iani) ojaxiT da samaska- 23). Cingiz-yaenma (monRolTa sa-
ciani amaliT gaiara darialis ka- xelmwifos damaarsebeli, didi yae-

ni 1206-27) Tavisi ufrosi vaJi Tu- daviTis (daviT IV, saqarTvelos
bi, qarTvelebi `joCiT~ ixsenieben, mefe 1089-1125) dros qarTvelebma
dasva yaenad da sagamgeblod daum- aiRes Sarvanis cixeni Rasanni da x.
tkica: yivCayeTi, oseTi, x-eTi, ru- da mimdgomi maTi qveyana (d. i., 344).
seTi bneleTis miwebamde (ase iwo- T.qoriZe
deba J-Tan aRm. evropis ter. md. pe-
Corisa da uralis mTebs Soris), (J. xoja berbuTi Tbilisis
163, 181). baTo yaenma (oqros urdos zarafi (fulis gadamxurdavebeli)
mbrZanebeli 1243-55) mamis Tubis (XVII s. 50-iani). x.b. ixsenieba isto-
sikvdilis Semdeg miiRo oseTi, yiv- riul dokumentebSi (qarTul-spar-
CayeTi, x-eTi, ruseTi bneleTis suli istoriuli sabuTebi, 1955).
miwebamde da darubandis zRvamde x.b-ma iTxova mefe rostomi-
(J. 196, 229, 234). saqarvelos teri- sagan (qarTlis mefe 1632-58) Tbi-
toriis nawili x-ma miitaces (aRwe- lisSi, maxaTas mTis qvemoT mdebare
rilia XVI s. 20-iani w.), (b. e. 349). vake adgili Tavisi mSoblebisa da
q. nadiraZe
naTesavebisaTvis sasaflaos mo-
sawyobad da baRis gasaSeneblad.
rostomma Seusrula mas es Txovna
xazareTi ix. st. xazarebi // da daumtkica beWdiT (q-s.i.s. #106,
xazareTi 245-46).
e. kvaWantiraZe

xiStalanni adgili Sarvan-

Si. x. ixsenieba: `cxovreba mefeT-me- xuanxua // xuxu -- ovsi goli-
fisa daviTisi~ (q.c., I, 1955). aTi, qarTlis mefe amazaspis (III s.)
daviTi (daviT IV, saqarTve- Tanamedrove. x. ixsenieba: Lleonti
los mefe 1089-1125) mxedrobiT Ca- mroveli `cxovreba qarTvelTa me-
vida Sarvans, moarbia teritoria feTa~ (q.c., I, 1955); vaxuSti bato-
liJanidan qurdevanamde da x-mde niSvili `aRwera samefosa saqarT-
da alafiT datvirTulni qarTlSi velosa~ (q.c., IV, 1973).
dabrundnen (d. i., 339). Mmefe amazaspma mcxeTasTan, ov-
T.qoriZe sebis winaaRmdeg gamarTul brZo-
laSi pirispir Serkinebisas, oro-
liT mokla osi bumberazi xuanxua,
xozaondi Sarvanis cixe. x. romelic gamorCeuli iyo ovsebis
ixsenieba: `cxovreba mefeT-mefisa jarSi. (l. m, 56; v.b. 68).
daviTisi~ (q.c, I, 1955). T. qoriZe

xudaT-begi ganjis xanis xunZaxi avaria, feodaluri
disSvili (XVIII s-is I nax.). x-b. ixse- saxano Crdilo kavkasiaSi XII-XIX ss-
nieba: papuna orbeliani `ambavni Si, rogorc politikuri erTeuli
qarTlisani~ (1981). VI saukunidan arsebobs dadusa da
rodesac mefeebma (Teimuraz II, seriris saxelwodebiT. XV saukunis
qarTlis mefe 1744-62; erekle II, ka- II naxevridan saxanoSi islami gavr-
xeTis mefe 1744-62) Seityves, rom celda, gansakuTrebiT gaZlierda
azerbaijanel xanebs qarTvelTa XVIII saukuneSi, roca moicavda da-
Ralati hqondaT ganzraxuli, yve- Restnis CrdiloeT da dasavleT
lani da maT Soris ganjis xanis bi- raionebs. 1864 ruseTma gaauqma sa-
Za yoja-xani da misi diswuli x.b., xano. misi ukanaskneli mmarTveli
daatyveves. mefeebma isini ganjidan iyo ibrehim xani. x. ixsenieba: vaxuS-
TbilisSi mZevlad gamoistumres ti batoniSvili ,,aRwera samefosa
(p.o. 194). mefe ereklem da Teimu- saqarTvelosa~ (q.c IV, 1973); Teimu-
razma Tbiliss mZevlad myofi x.b. raz bagrationi ,,axali istoria~
ganZas gaistumres (p.o. 203). (1983); papuna orbeliani ,,ambavni
qarTlisani~ (1981); oman xerxeuliZe
,,mefoba irakli meorisa~ (1989); is-
toriuli dokumentebi (mc.qr. 1968).
xudia borCaloeli (XVIII s. x. dasaxelebulia kakis da eli-
me-2 nax.) x.b. ixsenieba: Teimuraz senis aRwerisas (v.b. 540), yaraRa-
bagrationi - `axali istoria~ (1983). jisa da qisiyis aRwerisas (v.b. 543).
`Cinebuli da mamaci yovlisa sa- farnavazma (qarTlis pirveli mefe
qarTvelosa Sina~. erekles (erekle Zv. w. IV-III ss. I nax.) qveynis saeris-
II, kaxeTis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxe- Tavoebad dayofisas erTi eris-
Tis mefe 1762-98) brZanebiT aspinZis Tavi dauniSna ,,TuSTa, didoTa da
(sof. zemo qarTlSi, samcxe-saaTaba- xunZaxTa~ (v.b. 556). kvirikem (kviri-
goSi) brZolis (1770, 20/IV) wina Rames kem III, hereT-kaxeTis pirveli mefe
aRababa erisTaviSvilTan da svimon 1014-37) hereTi 4 saerisTavod dayo.
muxran batonisSvilTan erTad, x.b.- mesame maWis saerisTavoSi Sedioda
ma ayara aspinZis xidi. x.b. javaxeTSi x. (v.b. 561). x-is batoni nursal-be-
dabanakebul lekebs, saqarTvelos gi lekTa didi jariT daesxa bodbes
elebTan erTad, Tavs esxmoda da Si- (sof. kaxeTSi), magram damarcxebu-
Sis zars scemda (T.b. 53-54). li gabrunda (T.b. 55-6). 1754 x-is ba-
toni omar xani mWadijvarTan (sof.
g. oTxmezuri
qarTlSi) brZolaSi damarcxda qar-
Tul jarTan (p.o. 226; o.x. 55; H-1452,
mc.qr., 45). Teimuraz II-is (qarTlis

mefe 1744-62) da erekle II-is (kaxe- Sehus momdevno Zma. misi tituli
Tis mefe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis `j~ niSnavda `RirsebiT meores ka-
mefe 1762-98) mefobaSi x-is xanebma ganatSi~. qarTuli wyaros mixedviT
ramdenjerme dalaSqres qarTl-ka- `xazarTa xakani~. ixsenieba: juanSe-
xeTi (o.x. 56, 72, 73, 93, 99; p.o. 214- ri `cxovreba vaxtang gorgasli-
20, 226, 227, 230-32, 241, 245, 246). sa~, sumbat daviTis Ze `cxovreba da
e. kvaWantiraZe uwyeba bagratonianTa~ (q.c. I, 1955).
herakle keisarma (bizan. imper.
610-41), (627) kalis cixis (Tbilisis
javaT-xani ganjis xani XVIII cixe) aReba daavala j-s. j-m aiRo
s-is Sua xanebSi, Saverdi xanis vaJi. cixe, Seipyro erisTavi, romelsac
j.x. ixsenieba: oman xerxeuliZe ,,me- keisris Seuracxyofis gamo piri
foba irakli meorisa (1989). drahkaniT auvso, tyavi gaaZro da
ereklem (erekle II, kaxeTis me- keisars gardabanSi (mxare aRmosav-
fe 1744-62, qarTl-kaxeTis mefe leT saqarTveloSi) gaugzavna (m.q.
1762-98) mamaT-xanis Semdeg ganja 95-96; j. 225, s.d. 375).
mis umcros Zmas j.x-s uboZa, rome- g. oTxmezuri
lic eSmaki da veragi aRmoCnda. man
gandgoma daiwyo, risTvisac erek-
lem gaaZeva ganjidan da ibreim-xans jiqebi//jiqeTi afxazur-
(SuSis xani) ebara tyved mefisgan, adiReuri modgmis mTieli tome-
Semdeg gaaTavisufles tyveobidan, bi. Zv. w. I s-Si cxovrobdnen Crdi-
magram ganja mainc erekles epyra. lo-dasavleT kavkasiaSi. kolxeTis
ganjelebma qaixosro mdivanbegis samefos dacemis xanaSi j-is erTi
saSualebiT sTxoves erekles j.x-is nawili Crd. kavkasiidan SavizRvis-
dabruneba. mefem daibara j.x., erT- pireTSi gadmosaxlda md. aqeuntsa
gulebis piroba CamoarTva da ganja (Saxe) da md. nikofsias (neCef-suxi)
kvlav mas uboZa. amis Semdeg is erT- Soris (daax. axl. novorosiiskidan
gulebda da morCilebda mefe erek- tuafsemde teritoria). Semdeg maT
les (o.x. 99). gaafarToves TavianTi miwa-wyali
e. kvaWantiraZe md. yubanis qvemo welamde. j-ebs ax.
w. II s-Si Savi zRvis Crd. aRm. sanapi-
roze, md. aqeuntze sanigTa eTno-
jibRu (jibRa, jibRo) politikuri gaerTianeba esazRvre-
TurqTa dasavleTi kaganatis mmar- boda, gvianantikur xanaSi egrisis
Tveli aSinas dinastiis ufliswuli (lazike) samefo, md. aqeuntze, xo-
moxo (g. 630). TurqTa kaganis tun- lo VI s-dan abazgia. garkveuli dro-

is ganmavlobaSi isini saqarTvelos ar Seiwynares mociqulis qadageba
gavlenis sferoSi imyofebodnen. da misi mokvla gadawyvites. and-
XV s. bolosTvis j-ebi CamoSord- ria RvTis madlma gadaarCina. ro-
nen saqarTvelos. XVIII-XIX ss-Si adi- desac igi j-ebis moudreklobaSi
ReebTan, ubixebTan da afxazebTan darwmunda, miatova isini da cxum-
gaiTqvifnen. j-ebis mTis Temebi ki Si dabrunda. amitom j-ebi dRemde
XIX s. 60-iani ruseTis xelisufle- urwmunoebi arian (l. m. 43, Canar-
bam TurqeTSi gadaasaxla. qarTuli Ti). mefe asfaguri (qarTlis mefe,
wyaroebi j-ebis saxeliT ixsenie- III s. bolo) somexTa mefes kosaros
ben sakuTriv j-ebs, abaza tomebs, exmareboda sparselTa winaaRmdeg
mogvianebiT j-ebi da j-eTi ewode- brZolaSi. man gaxsna darialis ka-
ba adiRebs da maT mier dasaxlebul ri da gamoiyvana xazarebi, j... (l. m.
teritoriebs, rogorc Crd.-aRm. 59-60; v. b. 69-70). vaxtang gorgasal-
SavizRvispireTSi, afxazeTidan md. ma (qarTlis mefe V s. 40-iani V s.
yubanis qvemowelamde, ise Crd.-das. bolo), rodesac oseTze gailaSqra,
kavkasiaSi. j-ebi da j-eTi ixsenieba: iqidan gadavida j-TSi da moaoxra.
leonti mroveli `cxovreba qarT- j-eTi im droisaTvis oseTs esazRv-
velTa mefeTa~, juanSeri `cxovreba reboda (j. 156; v. b. 104). xangrZlivi
vaxtang gorgaslisa~, `matiane qar- drois Semdeg Turqebisagan Seviw-
Tlisa~, sumbat daviTis Ze `cxov- roebuli j-ebi gadasaxldnen da
reba da uwyeba bagratonianTa~ (q. daemkvidrnen afxazeTis mosazRv-
c. I, 1955); beri egnataSvili `axali reT, `afxazeTs iqiT zRuamde~ (j.
qarTlis cxovreba~, `axali qarT- 157; v. b. 104). vaxtang gorgasalma
lis cxovreba~ mesame teqsti (q. c. berZnebs (bizantia) waarTva j-eTi
II, 1959); vaxuSti batoniSvili `aR- afxazeTiTurT da daimorCila (v.
wera samefosa saqarTvelosa~ (q. c. b. 795). axlandel j-eTs aRmosavle-
IV, 1973); papuna orbeliani `ambavni TiT esazRvreba kappetis wyali (md.
qarTlisani~ (1981); `parizis qroni- bzifi), dasavleTiT da samxreTiT
ka~ (1980); niko dadiani `qarTvelT Savi zRva, CrdiloeTiT kavkasioni.
cxovreba~ (1962); istoriuli sabu- kacni arian `mxecTa msgavsi~, adre
Tebi, saflavis qvis warwera (qr. II. yofilan qristianebi, axla ki ar
1897, III, 1967; q. s. Z. 1972; mc. q. 1968). cnoben qristianul sjuls. samosi,
netari andria (pirvelwodebu- iaraRi da saWurveli aqvT Cerqeze-
li) cxumidan (axl. q. soxumi) mowa- bis msgavsi (v. b. 786-87). leoni ro-
feebTan erTad gadavida j-Si, ra- desac dajda mefed (756-98) mTel
Ta iq qristianoba gaevrcelebina (I egriss uwoda afxazeTi da igi da-
s.). am qveynis mosaxleoba iyo gul- yo rva saerisTavod. afxazeTi da
ficxi, urwmuno da gaumaZRari. maT j-eTi erT saerisTavoSi moaqcia

(v. b. 796; n. d. 154). giorgim (giorgi 1512-34) ianvris TveSi (1533) gadawy-
II, afxazTa, das. saqarTvelos mefe vites j-ze zRviT galaSqreba, rad-
922-57) gavlena kaxeTzec moipova. gan j-ebi odiSsa da gurias emtere-
mas ar emorCileboda lowobanis bodnen. brZolis pirvel dRes qar-
patroni ivane ariSis Ze da misi Zma Tvelebma gaimarjves. meore dRes,
xaxua, romelic maranis (v. b-sTan paraskevs, ganrisxda RmerTi odi-
marilisi) cixes flobda. giorgim SarTaTvis. dadianTan odiSis razms
cixe aiRo, xolo xaxua j-eTSi gada- uTanxmoeba mouvida da brZolis
asaxla (m. q. 268; v. b. 135). mefe bag- veli miatoves. j-Tan sastiki brZo-
ratma (bagrat III, saqarTvelos mefe lis Semdeg mokavSireebi damarcxd-
975-1014) daipyro mTeli kavkasia, nen. brZolaSi daiWra mamia dadiani,
maT Soris j-Ti (m. q. 281; s. d. 382). mokles gurielis Svili giorgi da
rusudanma (saqarTvelos mefe 1223- sxva aznauriSvilni. mamia gurieli,
45) jalaledinis (xorezmis Sahi misi sami Zma, episkoposebi da guri-
1220-31) winaaRmdeg mouwoda mTels is laSqari daatyveves. afxazeTis
Tavis samefos, maT Soris j-Ta (J. (das. saqarTvelo) kaTolikosma ma-
182). vamey dadianma (odiSis mTava- laqia abaSiZem (1519 XVI s. 40-iani)
ri 1384-96) j-ze moawyo laSqroba. molaparakebis Sedegad cocxle-
qarTvelebma j-Si warmatebebs mi- bi tyveobidan daixsna, xolo mic-
aRwies. mosaxleobis didi nawili valebulebi gamoisyida (mesame t.
daimorCiles. vinc miimxres maTgan 497; p. q. 221; mc. q. 55; 105 qr. II, 379).
mZevlebi wamoiyvanes, xolo urC- [gansxvavebuli informacia]: mamia
ni sastikad dasajes. laSqrobidan dadiani brZolaSi daiRupa, dadi-
vamey dadiani nadavliT dabrunda, anad dasves levani, mamia gurieli
j-eTis eklesiebidan marmarilos Svilma rostomma gamoisyida. brZo-
svetebi wamoiRo da samegrelos la moxda 1532 (v. b. 811). giorgi (gi-
eklesiebs Seswira (xobis taZris orgi III, imereTis mefe 1604-39) go-
marmarlos fiqalis warwera; qr. WoraulTan (1623) SeebrZola levan
II. 199). mefe bagratis (bagrat II, dadians (odiSis mTavari 1611-75).
imereTis mefe 1463-66, qarTl-ime- levanis mxares ibrZodnen j-ebi. me-
reTis 1466-78) gavlenis sferoSi fe giorgi damarcxda (v. b. 826). da-
Sedioda j-eTi (b.e. 342; mesame t. dianebis mier gacemul sabuTebze
477). bagratma madlierebis niSnad (Sewirulobis wigni biWvinTisadmi
SarvaSiZes uboZa `afxazni da j-ni~ vamey dadianisa q.s.Z. VI, 671, gace-
(b.e. 349; v.b. 806). bagratis Taosno- muli 1660-62) dadianebi xels awe-
biT (bagrat III, imereTis mefe 1510- ren: `mflobelni j-isa~. j-Ti, rom
65 / v.b.-s mixedviT 1510-48) mamia odiSis mTavrebis gavlenis sferoa,
dadianma (odiSis mTavari 1512-33) aseve Cans vamey dadianis saflavis
da mamia gurielma (guriis mTavari qvis warweridan (1384-96, qr. II, 199).

aleqsandres (aleqsandre V, imere- mefe V s. II nax.) bizantiaSi laSqro-
Tis mefe 1720-41, 1741-46, 1749-52) bis dros gzad mas SeuerTda j.a. da
osmalebma (1730) j-ze salaSqrod ori sxva somexi erisTavi, Trdatis
uxmes. Tavdapirvelad mefe iZule- (somxeTis mefe 287-330) naTesavebi,
biT daTanxmda, Semdeg ki gadawyve- miadgnen karnu-qalaqs (q. erzuru-
tileba miiRo mietovebina osmale- mis (TurqeTi) Zveli qarTuli sa-
bi. laSqrobis wina RamiT jarTan xelwodeba), gamarTes brZola, mag-
erTad gamoipara (v.b. 887; n.d. 175). ram ver aiRes, radgan sami maRali
nursal-begis (xunZaxis batoni) wi- zRudiT iyo SemosazRvruli. vax-
naaRmdeg brZolaSi (1755) qarTve- tangma datova qalaqisaTvis sabr-
lebis mxares ibrZodnen `Cerqezebi, Zolvelad ori erisTavi 12000 mxed-
jiqebi...~ (p. o. 219). afxazeTis mTa- riT (j. 159-160).
vari ServaSiZe j-Ta, alanTa da Cer-
e. kvaWantiraZe
qezTa daxmarebiT moulodnelad
samegrelos Semoesia [kacia dadian-
ma daxmareba solomons (solomon I,
imereTis mefe 1752-84) sTxova]. so- walkoiti evi igive qveyana
lomonma 12 000 kaciani laSqari da- (administraciuli erTeuli) som-
amarcxa (ruxis brZola 1779), (qr. III. xeTSi. w. ixsenieba: stefane mtbeva-
367). cixe-qalaqis (soxumi) rusebis ri, `wameba wmidisa mowamisa gob-
mier aRebis Semdeg (1810, 10 ivlisi) ronisi~ , (Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963, gv. 175).
Sercxvenili aslan-begi j-eTSi ga- T. qoriZe
iqca. iq j-Ta jari `iSova~ da ruse-
bis winaaRmdeg wamovida. marTalia
j-ebi mamacurad ibrZodnen, magram Wagati evi igive qveya-
rusebma mainc gaimarjves (n. d. 211). na somxeTSi. W. ixsenieba: stefane
q. nadiraZe mtbevari, `wameba wmidisa mowami-
sa gobronisi~ G(Z.q.a.l.Z., I, 1963, gv.
jiqeTi ix. st. jiqebi // ji- T. qoriZe

haosi somexTa eponimi. Hh. ix-

juanSer asfuragneli V
senieba: leonti mroveli ,,cxovre-
s-is somexi erisTavi. j.a. ixsenieba:
ba qarTvelTa mefeTa~ (q.c. I, 1955),
juanSeri ,,cxovreba vaxtang gor-
vaxuSti batoniSvili (q.c. IV, 1973).
gaslisa (q.c. I, 1955).
Targamosis (qarTvelTa epo-
vaxtang gorgaslis (qarTlis
nimi) Svilebidan pirvels erqva h.

Targamosma Tavisi samflobelos tikad acemina. generali ori Tanm-
gayofisas h-s uboZa naxevari (l.m. xlebi piriT: elisbar erisTaviSvi-
4). Targamosis Svidive Svili mor- liT da vinme yazaxiT, h. y-s Sexvda.
Cilebda h-s. is ebrZoda nebroTs xanis Casafrebulma jariskacebma
(bibliuri mamamTavari, babilonis cicianovi TofiT mokles, xolo
godolis mSeneblobis xelmZRvane- elisbar erisTaviSvils h. y-m Tavi
li. l.m. mas sparselad da xalxTa mohkveTa da iranis Sahs, baba-xans
pirvel mefed miiCnevs, romelsac (1797-1834, taxtze ijda faTali-xa-
morCilebdnen Targamosianebi). man nis saxeliT) gaugzavna. SeSinebuli
Sekriba yvela Targamosiani, dadga rusebi yizlarsa (qalaqi Cr. kavka-
masisis mTis (mTebi ist. somxeTis siaSi) da TbilisSi gaiqcnen (T.b. 72;
teritoriaze, amJamad TurqeTis b.b. 97, 98). ruseTis imp. aleqsandre
teritoria) Ziras da daamarcxa neb- pavles Zem (1801-25) didi mxedroba
roTi (l.m. 6, 7; v.b. 14, 47). gaagzavna baqos saxanos dasapyro-
e. kvaWantiraZe
bad. SeSinebuli h. y. gaipara, xolo
cixe rusebma aiRes (n. d. 197).
q. nadiraZe
husein yuli-xani baqos sa-
xanos gamgebeli (daax. 1792-1806). h.
y. ixsenieba: Teimuraz bagrationi husein-xani erevnis xani
`axali istoria~ (1983); bagrat ba- (husein yuli-xani 1808-28). h. x. ixse-
toniSvili `axali moTxroba~ (1941); nieba: Teimuraz bagrationi `axali
niko dadiani `qarTvelT cxovreba~ istoria~.
(1962). 1810 h. x. sparseTidan wamovida
1806, TebervalSi ruseTis gene- 2 000 sparsi meomriT, movida axal-
ralma cicianovma (pavle cicianovi, qalaqSi (qalaqi da cixe javaxeTSi).
1754-1806, saqarTvelos mTavarmar- tormasovma (aleqsandre tormaso-
Tebeli) baqoze galaSqreba gadawy- vi, 1752-1819. ruseTis mTavarsar-
dali saqarTveloSi da kavkasiis
vita. didZali jariT baqos axlos
xazze) markizi pauliCi 1000 rusi da
dabanakda da h. y.-s qalaqis klitee-
500 qarTveli jariskaciT gaagzavna
bis Cabareba mosTxova. h. y.-s cicia-
mis winaaRmdeg. Setakebis dros mar-
novis mokvla hqonda gadawyvetili,
Talia sparselebi gafantes, magram
amitom mis winadadebas dasTanxmda
markizis ugunurebis gamo axalqa-
erTi pirobiT: Tu igi xans pirispir
laqi ver daikaves (T.b. 77, 79).
Sexvdeboda. cicianovs Ralatis Se-
q. nadiraZe
saxeb erTma baqoelma somexma acno-
ba. man ar daujera da es somexi sas-
husein-xani Saqis saxanos qalaqSi (q. javaxeTSi) dadga. am
gamgebeli. h.x. ixsenieba: Teimuraz dros Wareli lekebi Seesivnen sof.
bagrationi `axali istoria~ (1983). fxovs, waasxes tyveebi, romelTa
vfiqrobT, aq, saubari unda iyos Sa- Soris mouravis Svilis, paatas me-
qis saxanos damaarseblis aji-Cele- uRlec iyo; igi h. x-ma colad Se-
bis SviliSvilze. igi Saqs ganagebda irTo. h. x-s erekle daexmara yubis
daax. 1771-83. xanis, faTalis (1758-89) winaaRm-
ereklem (erekle II, qarTl-ka- deg brZolaSi da xanoba SeunarCuna
xeTis mefe 1762-98), rodesac osma- (T.b. 55, 56).
leTSi elCad gauSva sakuTari mdi- q. nadiraZe
vani gurgina (1776), TviTon axal-

geografiul saxelTa ganmartebebi

aboci Zveli istoriul-geografiuli provincia, qvemo qarTlis

ukidures dasavleT nawilSi (javaxeTis samxreTiT). gvian Sua saukuneebSi
Turqmanuli tomebis moZalebis Sedegad a-s yaiyuli ewoda. yaiyuli qarT-
lis samefos mewinave sadroSos SemadgenlobaSi Sedioda da mefis moura-
vi ganagebda. 1801 rodesac saqarTvelo ruseTma SeierTa, yaiyuli (aboci)
saqarTvelos guberniis lores mazris SemadgenlobaSi Sevida, 1849 rode-
sac erevnis gubernia Seiqmna, mas gadaeca. dRes somxeTis SemadgenlobaSia.

afxazeTi saqarTvelos Crdilo-dasavleTi nawilis saxelwode-

baa. afxazeTi Tanamedrove sazRvrebSi mxolod XX s-is 20-ian wlebSi Ca-
moyalibda. Tavdapirvelad teritoria, romelsac qarTvelebi afxazeTs
uwodebdnen, Savi zRvispiras anakofiidan (dR. axali aToni) md. nikofsiis
wylamde vrceldeboda. XV-XVI ss-Si afxazeTs md. bzifsa da anakofias So-
ris zRvispireTi eWira. XVI s-is 80-iani afxazeTis teritoria samxreT-aR-
mosavleTiT odiSis (samegrelos) samTavros xarjze md. kelasuramde gai-
zarda. XVII s-is dasasruls afxazebma odiSis samTavros xarjze samxreT-
aRmosavleTiT teritoria md. enguramde gaafarToves. md. kelasursa da
RaliZgas Soris maT ZirZveli qarTuli mosaxleobis udidesi nawilis ge-
nocidi da deportacia moaxdines. XVII s-is 10-20-iani am dapyrobili teri-
toriis erTi nawili samurzayanos saxeliT samegrelos samTavros daub-
runda. 1810 dasavleT saqarTvelos sxva zRvispira samTavroebTan erTad,
afxazeTis samTavro ruseTis imperiaSi avtonomiis uflebiT Sevida. 1864
ruseTis xelisuflebam afxazeTis samTavro gaauqma da termini afxaze-
Ti politikuri rukidan amoiRo. afxazeTi, rogorc termini, mxolod
1919 saqarTvelos demokratiuli respublikis mTavrobam aRadgina. afxa-
zeTma saqarTvelos demokratiuli respublikis xanaSi (1918-21) avtonomia
miiRo. 1921 dekemberSi afxazeTi, rogorc saxelSekrulebo respublika,
saqarTvelos sabWoTa socialisturi respublikis SemadgenlobaSi Sevi-
da. 1931 mas afxazeTis avtonomiuri socialisturi respublika ewodeba.
1992-93 afxazma separatistebma, ruseTis federaciis daxmarebiT, ZirZ-
veli, adgilobrivi mosaxleobis didi nawili gamorekes da afxazeTis da-
moukidebloba gamoacxades. dRes afxazeTi okupirebulia ruseTis fede-
raciis jarebis mier. qarTul wyaroebSi ZiriTadad terminSi `afxazeTi~
igulisxmeba dasavleT saqarTvelo.

axalcixis safaSo (Cildiris safaSo) osmaleTis mier Seqmnili

administraciul-politikuri erTeuli mis mier dapyrobili samcxe-saa-

Tabagos teritoriaze. XVI s-is I nax. osmalebma daipyres samcxe-saaTabagos
dasavleTi, 1578 ki aRmosavleT nawili. 1579 sulTnis brZanebiT samcxe-sa-
aTabagos sxvadasxva dros dapyrobili teritoriebi gaaerTianes da erTi
administraciul-sammarTvelo erTeuli a.s. Camoayalibes. a.s. mTlianad
ar moicavda samcxe-saaTabagos yofil teritoriebs. misi zogierTi nawi-
li: ispiri, TorTumi, patara artaani, nameravani sxva safaSoebs SeuerTes.
a.s-s ZiriTadad isev jayelTa sagvareulo ganagebda. 1828-29 ruseT-osma-
leTis omis Sedegad a.s-s nawili (axalcixe da misi sanaxebi) saqarTvelom
daibruna. XIX s. Sua wlebidan a.s. gauqmda, xolo osmalTa mflobelobaSi
darCenili teritoriebi osmaleTis sxvadasxva provincias SeuerTda.

borCalo istoriuli mxare qvemo qarTlSi. saxelwodeba modis de-

bedis xeobaSi XVII s. dasawyisSi Casaxlebuli Turqmanuli tomis borCalu-
sagan. 1604 iranis Sahma abas I-ma (1587-1729) sxva teritoriebTan erTad qar-
Tlis samefos debedis xeobac CamoaWra da b-s saxano Seqmna. saxano iranis
agresiis dasayrdeni gaxda qarTlis mefeTa winaaRmdeg. XVIII s. 50-iani Tei-
muraz II-m (qarTlis mefe 1744-62) b-s saxano Tavis xelisuflebas dauqvem-
debara. 1765 erekle II-m (qarTl-kaxeTis mefe 1762-98) saxano samouravod
aqcia. ruseTis mier qarTlis samefos gauqmebis (1801) Semdeg, Seiqmna b-s
dinstincia, romelic Tbilisis mazraSi Sevida. 1880 Tbilisis guberniis
SemadgenlobaSi Seiqmna b-s mazra. b-s mazra moicavda axlandeli walkis,
manglisis, TeTriwyaros, dmanisis, bolnisisa da marneulis r-is terito-
rias. b-s mazra gauqmda 1929.

guria mxare dasavleT saqarTveloSi. moicavda qobuleT-Caqvis

qeds, Sav zRvas, md. rionis qvemo welsa da md. Woroxis SesarTavs Soris
mdebare mxares. XV s. me-2 naxevarSi Camoyalibda guriis samTavro. samTav-
ros gurielebi ganagebdnen. maTi rezidencia ozurgeTSi iyo. g. dRes moi-
cavs: Coxatauris, ozurgeTisa da lanCxuTis r-ebs.

dvaleTi istoriuli mxare Sua saukuneebis saqarTveloSi. misi te-

ritoria moicavda kavkasionis qedis centralur nawils, darialis xeoba-
sa da mamisonis uReltexils Soris.

egrisi dasavleT saqarTvelos qarTuli saxelwodeba uZvelesi

droidan VIII saukunis CaTvliT. saxelwodeba modis dasavleT qarTuli
egri // eguri tomis saxelidan. egriss asurelebi kilxas, urartuele-
bi kulxas, xolo Zv. berZnebi kolxidas uwodebdnen. II-VIII saukuneebis Zvel
berZnul, laTinur da bizantiur saistorio wyaroebSi egrisi lazikis
saxeliT moixsenieba.

elisusis sasulTano ix. kaki (kaxi).

zemo qarTli XVI s-mde ewodeboda saqarTvelos samxreT-dasav-

leT nawils mtkvris zemoTsa (taSiskaridan md. mtkvris saTaveebamde) da
Woroxis auzis zemo wels. z. q-Si Sedioda: samcxe, javaxeTi, eruSeTi, ar-
taani, kola (mtkvris zemo welze), klarjeTi, SavSeTi, tao, speri.
XVI s-dan z. q-i ukve ewodeboda Zveli Sida qarTlis teritorias, ker-
Zod mis Crdilo-dasavleT nawils. misi centri iyo q. gori.

Tbilisis saamiro administraciul-politikuri erTeuli sa-

qarTveloSi. Seqmnes arabma dampyroblebma daax. VIII s. 30-iani XI s. 80-iani.
T.s-s marTavda mahmadiani amira. T.s. arabTa saxalifos didi provinciis
amierkavkasiis erT-erTi olqi iyo. amira iuridiulad am provinciis gam-
gebels mahmadian moxeles valis eqvemdebareboda. T.s. Tavdapirvelad
mTel aRmosavleT saqarTvelos moicavda da mas qarTlis saamiroc ewo-
deboda. arabTa winaaRmdeg qarTuli damoukidebeli samTavroebis brZo-
lis Sedegad, saamiros farglebi TandaTan SeizRuda, IX-XI ss-Si saamiros
sazRvari Crd-iT diRmis xevis CaTvliT vrceldeboda, samxreTiT saami-
ros SemadgenlobaSi darCa cixeebi: birTvisi, orbeTi, farcxisi. rusTav-
Si, dmanissa da xunanSi calke amirebi ixsdnen. IX s. 80-iani _ XI s. 80-iani
Tbilisis saamiro aRar emorCileboda saxalifos centrs. Tbilisis amire-
bi iyvnen: Suabianebis, Saibanianebis da jafarianebis sagvareuloebi. jafa-
rianebi Wridnen monetas sakuTari saxeliT.

imereTi mxare dasavleT saqarTveloSi. gviani Sua saukuneebis i.

moicavda sakuTriv imereTs, zemos (axl. zestafonis, Terjolis, WiaTu-
ris, saCxerisa da xaragaulis r-ebs) da qvemos (quTaisis qveyanas axl.
baRdadis, vanis, wyaltubos da xonis r-ebs), istoriul-eTnografiul
okribas (axl. tyibulis r-ni), raWas (axl. onisa da ambrolauris r-ebs),
leCxums (axl. cageris r-ni). XV s-is damlevs am teritoriaze Camoyalibda
imereTis samefo, romelic drodadro mTel dasavleT saqarTvelos aer-

kaki (kaxi) saqarTvelos istoriuli provinciis hereTis mniSvne-

lovani punqti da mxare, axl. azerbaijanis SemadgenlobaSia. moicavs kaxis
r-is teritorias. k. politikur erTeulad Camoyalibda mas Semdeg, rode-
sac Sah-abas I-ma (iranis Sahi 1578-1629) 1604 kaxeTis mefes aleqsandre II-s
(1574-1605) hereTis es ganapira Temi CamoarTva da waxurel lekebs gadasca.
XVIII s-is I meoTxedSi k-Si Camoyalibda waxurel lekTa e.w. ubatono Temebi.

ase Caeyara safuZveli Semdgomi drois elisusis sasulTnos, romelic XIX
s. ruseTis SemadgenlobaSi Sevida (ix. saingilo).

kambeCovani aRmosavleT saqarTvelos istoriuli mxare. moicav-

da teritorias md. alaznis qvemowelsa da md. mtkvars Soris. centri cixe-
qalaqi xornabuji. XV s-dan ewoda qiziyi (ix. kaxeTi).

kaxeTi mxare aRmosavleT saqarTveloSi. mdebareobs md. ivris Si-

da da qvemo dinebisa da md. alaznis auzSi. k-is mxareebia: garekaxeTi (md.
ivris Sua weli), qiziyi (md. ivris qvemo weli), SignikaxeTi (md. alaznis mar-
jvena sanapiro), gaRmamxari (md. alaznis marcxena sanapiro). uZvelesi k.
gacilebiT mcire teritorias moicavda: md. ivris zemo weli TianeTsa
da ujarmas Soris. VIII s. bolos kuxeTi da hereTis nawili (XV s-dan mTeli
hereTi) k-s centri gaxda. k-s centri jer CeleTi iyo, IV s-dan ujarma, XI
s-dan Telavi, xolo XV-XVI ss-Si gremi.

klarjeTi istoriuli mxare samxreT-dasavleT saqarTveloSi. mo-

icavda md. Woroxis qvemo dinebis auzs, arsianis qedidan Sav zRvamde (axl.
TurqeTis tr.). k-Si Sedioda murRulis, egris, artanujis, nigalis da sxva
xevebi. uZvelesi centri Tuxarisi, Semdeg cixe-qalaqi artanuji.

lore (lori) Sua saukuneebis cixe-qalaqi da istoriuli mxare ta-

SirSi, qvemo qarTlis ganapira olqSi (axl. somxeTis teritoria).

mesxeTi istoriuli samxreT-dasavleT saqarTvelos (zemo qarT-

li) zogadi saxelwodeba. m. teritoriulad moicavda md. mtkvris auzis
zemo nawils: samcxe, javaxeTi, artaani, eruSeTi, kola da md. Woroxis auzs
mTlianad: aWara, klarjeTi, SavSeTi, tao, speri.

odiSi istoriuli mxare dasavleT saqarTveloSi, gviandeli Sua sa-

ukuneebis xanis samegrelos ZiriTadi nawili: adreul saukuneebSi moicav-
da mdinareebis kelasurisa da texuras Soris mdebare teritorias. XVIII
s-is damdegidan o-s uwodeben mdinareebis engurisa da texuras Soris
arsebul teritorias.

saingilo feodaluri xanis saqarTvelos mxare, istoriuli kaxe-

Tis Crdilo-aRmosavleTi nawili. Zveli qarTuli provinciis hereTis Se-
madgeneli nawili. moicavs axlandeli azerbaijanis belaqnis, zaqaTalasa
da kaxis r-ebis teritorias. XI -is damdegs administraciulad maWis sae-

risTavos farglebSia. XVI-XVII ss-Si s-s teritoriaze daRestnidan lekeb-
ma daiwyes Camosaxleba da adgilobrivi mosaxleobis Seviwroveba-gandev-
na. XVIII s-is I meoTxedSi aq Camoyalibda avarieli (Wari, belaqani, katexi,
Tala, muxaxi, jinixi) da waxureli (waxuri, elisu, suvagili, yaradulaki)
lekebis e.w. Tavisufali Temebi. qarTul werilobiT wyaroebSi aq mosax-
le lekebi ixsenieba, rogorc Wareli lekebi, Warelebi. Warelebi mudmiv
dasayrdens warmoadgendnen daRestneli lekebisTvis maT mier qarTl-ka-
xeTis samefos permanentuli darbevebis dros (p.o). Warelebi agreTve ib-
rZodnen fana-xanis (yarabaRis mflobeli), aji-Calabis (Saqis xani), nur-
sal-begis (xunZaxis mflobeli) mxares qarTl-kaxeTis winaaRmdeg (p.o). s.
Sedgeboda ori politikuri erTeulisgan: War-belaqani da elisus sasul-
Tno. 1803 es erTeulebi ruseTis SemadgenlobaSi Sevidnen. 1830 rusebma
gaauqmes maTi politikuri damoukidebloba da Seqmnes War-belaqnis ol-
qi, 1840 belaqnis mazra, romelic saqarTvelo-imereTis guberniaSi Sevida.
1860-dan uwodes zaqaTalas okrugi da daRestnis olqs dauqvemdebares.
ruseTma saqarTvelos demokratiul respublikasTan (1918-21) 1920, 8 ma-
iss dadebuli xelSekrulebiT zaqaTalis olqi saqarTvelos teritoriad
aRiara. 1921-dan es olqi bolSevikurma ruseTma azerbaijans gadasca da
dRemde mis SemadgenlobaSia.

samSvilde igive orbis cixe, erT-erTi uZvelesi cixe-qalaqi isto-

riul qvemo qarTlSi, md. qciisa (xrami) da WivWivas SesarTavSi, axl. sof.
samSvildis maxloblad (TeTriwyaros r-ni). q. samSvilde warmoadgenda
amave saxelwodebis saerisTavos centrs.

samcxe istoruli mxare samxreT saqarTveloSi. moicavs axlande-

li borjomis r-is nawils, axalcixis, aspinZis, adigenis r-ebs da Turqe-
Tis momijnave teritoriul nawils (istoriul regionebs: yvelisxevs,
wurwyabs, focxovs da jayiswylis mimdebare tr. did nawils). s-is isto-
riuli sazRvrebia: dasavleTiT arsianis mTebi, CrdiloeTiT fersadis
(Rados) mTebi, samxreTiT eruSeTis mTebi, kasris seri, gumbaTisa da vanis
mTebi, aRmosavleTiT jobisxevi (md. mtkvris marjvena Senakadi). uZvelesi
centrebi oZrxe da awyuri. XI s-is me-2 nax. flobda jayelTa sagvareulo.
XVI s-is pirvel naxevarSi samcxesa da mis momijnave teritoriaze iqmneba
msxvili politikuri feodaluri erTeuli samcxe-saaTabago. XVI s-is me-2
nax. s. TandaTan daipyro osmaleTma. ruseT-osmaleTis omis (1828-29) Sem-
deg saqarTvelom samcxis erTi nawili daibruna.

samcxe-saaTabago feodaluri samTavro samxreT-dasavleT sa-

qarTveloSi. XIV s-is I nax-dan XVII s-is 20-ian w-mde. warmoiqmna samcxis sam-
Tavros gazrdis da gafarToebis safuZvelze. s.s-s gamgeblebs miniWebu-
li hqondaT spasalarobac. monRolebma saqarTvelos dapyrobisa (XIII s.)
da dumnebad dayofis Semdeg es mxare erT dumanSi moaqcies da jayelTa
gvaris Zvel erisTavebs daumorCiles. 1266 s.s-s samTavrom saqarTvelos
mefisgan Seuvaloba moipova da yaenis saxaso mamulad xasinjud iqca. XIII
s-is 80-iani s.s-s samTavros farglebSi Sedioda: tao, SavSeTi, klarjeTi,
kola, artaani, karnifori, aWara, karuli qveyana (yarsis regioni) da spe-
ri. samTavros sazRvrebi taSiskaridan arzrumamde da Sav zRvamde vrcel-
deboda. ZiriTadi rezidencia axalcixe iyo. mefe giorgi V-m (1318-46)
isev saqarTvelos samefo xelisuflebas dauqvemdebara. XV s-Si javaxeTis
SeerTebis Semdeg s.s-m mTeli mesxeTis teritoria moicva. terminma aTa-
bagi Sinaarsi icvala. igi am regionis Tavadi gaxda, s.s. ki mTeli mesxeTis
sinonimi. XVI s-dan iwyeba brZola iransa da osmaleTs Soris zogadad sa-
qarTvelosTvis da kerZod samcxisTvis. 1555 q. amasiaSi dadebuli zaviT
maT s.s. Suaze gaiyves. misi dasavleTi nawili tao, SavSeTi, klarjeTi (md.
Woroxis auzi) osmaleTs ergo, xolo aRmosavleTi nawili samcxe-javaxe-
Ti, artaani (md. mtkvris auzi) irans. 1578 daiwyo iran-osmaleTis meore
omi. CildirTan brZolaSi irani damarcxda. s.s-s teritoriaze osmalebma
axalcixis safaSo Seqmnes. gamahmadianebul manuCar jayels faSoba uboZes.
1625 s.s-m, rogorc politikurma erTeulma arseboba Sewyvita. osmalebma
dapyrobili mxare aRweres, gurjistanis vilaieTis didi davTari Seadgi-
nes. axalcixis safaSo sanjayebad (sadroSo) dayves. s.s. saqarTvelos te-
ritoriis erT mesameds Seadgenda.

svaneTi uZvelesi droidan svaneTs mdinareebis cxeniswylis, engu-

risa da kodoris zemo weli eWira. antikur xanasa da Sua saukuneebSi sva-
neTi saerisTavos warmoadgenda, romelic Tavdapirvelad egrisis, Semdeg
ki erTiani saqarTvelos samefos SemadgenlobaSi Sedioda. dRes svaneTi
sam nawilad iyofa: cxeniswylis xeobis svaneTs qvemo, enguris xeobis sva-
neTs zemo svaneTi, xolo kodoris xeobis svaneTs dali ewodeba.

tao istoriuli mxare samxreT-dasavleT saqarTveloSi md. Woroxis

Sua dinebis auzSi (axl. TurqeTis tr.). pirvelad moxseniebulia Zv.w. 1112
w. asureTis mefis tiglaTfiliser I-is warweraSi daiaenis saxeliT, xo-
lo urartul wyaroebSi diauxis saxeliT. Zv.w. I aTaswleulis damdegs t.
kolxeTis samefoSi Sedioda, xolo qarTlis samefos warmoqmnis (Zv.w. IV-III
ss.) Semdeg misi Semadgeneli nawili iyo. Zv.w. II s-is damdegs somxeTis sa-
xelmwifo daeufla. ax.w. I-II ss-Si t. kvlav qarTlis SemadgenlobaSia. IV-VII

ss. somxeTis gavlenis sferoa. VII s-dan isev qarTlis samefos Semadgenlo-
baSia. VIII-X ss-Si t. saqarTvelos sanapiro saerisTavo iyo. XIII s-is meore
naxevridan samcxe-saaTabagos farglebSi Sedioda. XIV s-dan isev erTiani
saqarTvelos SemadgenlobaSia. XV s-is II nax. saqarTvelos samefo-samTav-
roebad daSlis Semdeg t. samcxe-saaTabagos SemadgenlobaSia. XVI s-is 50-
iani t. osmalebma daipyres.

taSiri Sua saukuneebis aRmosavleT saqarTvelos mxare, qvemo qar-

Tlis ganapira olqi (axl. somxeTis teritoria), moicavda md. debedis mar-
cxena Senakadis taSiriswylis xeobas. SemosazRvruli iyo loqis, lelva-
ris, yaraRajisa da bambakis mTebiT.

qarTli aRmosavleT saqarTvelos centraluri mxare. eTnikur-ge-

ografiulad iyofa or nawilad: zena sofeli, romelsac Seesatyviseba
gviandeli xanis Sida qarTli. mecnierTa azriT unda arsebuliyo qvena
sofeli (Seesatyviseba gviandel qvemo qarTls). mogvianebiT gaCnda is-
toriul-geografiuli termini zemo qarTli~ (ix. calke: Sida qarTli,
qvemo qarTli, zemo qarTli). q-s amave dros aqvs farTo politikuri mniS-
vneloba. saistorio wyaroebSi am gagebiTaa moxseniebuli teritoria he-
reT-berdujidan samxreT-aRmosavleT SavizRvispireTamde.

qvemo qarTli qarTlis erTi nawili. SemosazRvruli iyo Triale-

Tis, javaxeTisa da bambak-erevnis qedebiT. mdebareobs md. mtkvris dine-
bis qvemo-marjvena mxares. adrindel feodalur xanaSi q.q-s qarTlis pi-
tiaxSi ganagebda. VII-XI ss-Si q.q-is teritoriaze Seiqmna Tbilisis saamiro,
kldekaris saerisTavo da taSir-Zoragetis samefo. XII-XIII ss-Si q.q-is te-
ritoriaze gagisa da lores sanapiro saerisTavoebi arsebobda. monRol-
Ta laSqrobebis Sedegad, radgan saqarTvelom dakarga xunanis saerisTa-
vo (md. hasansusa da ZegamCais Soris. axlandeli azerbaijanis teritoria),
saxelmwifo sazRvarma md. Zegamidan (amJamad azerbaijanSia) qcia-mtkvris
Sesayarze gadainacvla. XV s-dan q.q-Si Camosaxleba daiwyes Turqmanulma
tomebma (elebma). XVIII s-Si Sah-abas I-ma (iranis Sahma 1578-1629) debedas xe-
obaSi borCalus tomebi Camoasaxla. amave dros daarsa lores saxano. XVIII
s-Si daiwyo lekTa Semosevebi. Semdgom xanebSi aq gaCndnen Turqulenovani,
somexi da sxva moaxalSeneebi. dRevandeli administraciul-teritoriu-
li dayofiT q.q. moicavs: bolnisis, dmanisis, gardabnis, marneulis, TeTri
wyaros r-sa da momijnave teritoriebs.

yazaxi istoriuli mxare qvemo qarTlSi, md. aRsTafis qvemo welze

(axl. azerbaijanSi). XII-XIII ss. yazaxi gagisa da lores saerisTavoebs ekuT-
vnoda. XV s-is me-2 nax. yazaxis mxareSi Turqman tomTa dasaxleba daiwyo.
1478 uzun-hasanis (ay-yoinlus TurqmanTa saxelmw. gamgebeli 1453-78) mi-
er qarTlis aoxrebis Semdeg y-Si gaCnda e.w. TaTris elebi. SemdegSic
mtkvrispira dablobze TurqmanTa axali nakadi permanentulad saxlde-
boda. XVI s-is Sua xanebSi iranis Sahma Tamaz I-ma (1524-76) aq saxano daarsa.
gvian Sua saukuneebSi y-s saxano drodadro qarTlis mefeebs eqvemdebare-
boda. XVIII s. 60-iani erekle II-m (qarTl-kaxeTis mefe 1762-98) saxano gaauqma
da y-s mefis mouravebi ganagebdnen.

Sida qarTli qarTlis erTi nawili. adrindeli saxeli zena so-

feli. moicavda teritorias aRmosavleTiT md. aragvsa da Tbilisam-
de, CrdiloeTiT kavkasionis centralur qedamde, dasavleTiT lixis
anu suramis qedamde, samxreTiT faravnis tbamde. md. mtkvris samxreTiT
mdebare nawils gaRmamxari erqva. saqarTvelos axlandeli administra-
ciul-teritoriuli dayofiT Sida qarTli moicavs: goris, duSeTis, kas-
pis, mcxeTis, qarelisa da xaSuris r-is teritoriebs. istoriulad samx-
reT oseTis avtonomiuri olqis (Seiqmna 1922, 20 aprils) teritoria Sida
qarTlis Semadgeneli nawilia.

War-belaqani ix. saingilo.

javaxeTi samxreT saqarTvelos (zemo qarTlis) mxare. ZiriTadad

moicavs axlandeli aspinZis r-nis nawils, axalqalaqisa da ninowmindis
r-ebis teritorias. istoriulad dasavleTiT sazRvravda md. mtkvari;
CrdiloeTiT, samxreTiT da aRmosavleTiT SavSeTis, samsarisa da nialis-
yuris mTebi. XI s-dan zemo j-is centri iyo axalqalaqi, xolo X s-dan qvemo
j-is centri iyo Tmogvi.

hereTi istoriuli mxare aRmosavleT saqarTveloSi. saistorio

wyaroebis mixedviT sakuTriv h. eTnikur-istoriuli mniSvnelobiT moi-
cavda gviandeli xanis SignikaxeTis (md. alaznis marjvena sanapiro), gaR-
mamxaris (md. alaznis marcxena sanapiro) da axlandeli saingilos teri-
torias. h. wyaroebSi pirvelad V s-Si ixsenieba. XV s-dan termini h. qreba da
mas enacvleba termini kaxeTi.

Semdgeneli q. nadiraZe


aznauri 1. V-XII ss-is saqarTveloSi feodali; 2. XIII-XVIII ss. feo-

dalTa klasis dabali fena.
aTabagi (Turq. aTa-mama) Tavdapirvelad memkvidris, ufliswulis
aRmzrdeli. samefo karis vaziri. Semdeg safeodalos an savasalos mmarT-
amilaxori, amiraxori, amilaxvari amirspasalaris upirvele-
si moxele. didi ufleba-movaleobebis patroni. arabuli sityvaa da `saji-
nibos ufross~ niSnavs. Semdeg gaxda gvari.
amira (arab. mbrZanebeli, meTauri, mmarTveli) es samoxeleo titu-
li Tbilisis arabuli saamiros droindeli naSTi unda iyos. miaCniaT, rom
es Tanamdeboba qalaqis ufrosobas niSnavs. saqarTveloSi, TbilisSi a-s
xelisuflebis gadavardnis Semdegac, a-s Tanamdebobis pirebi isev arse-
amirspasalari (arab. amir-ufrosi da spars. Sefah-salari sarda-
li) samefo jarebis, spis xelmZRvaneli, samxedro ministri, vazirTa sab-
Wos wevri, veziri.
aRapi micvalebulis sulis mosaxseneblad dawesebuli wirva, siy-
varulis trapezi, gankuTvnili samonastro krebulisTvis. aRapi wesde-
boda pirisTvis, romelsac gansakuTrebuli an garkveuli damsaxureba mi-
uZRoda monastrisadmi.
beglarbegi (Turq. begTa-begi) saqveynod gamrige didi moxele
iranSi. mis xelSi iyo samxedro-administraciuli xelisufleba.
darbazi samefo xelisuflebasTan arsebuli Sua saukuneebis sa-
qarTvelos saxelmwifos uzenaesi organo. d-is mudmivi wevrebi iyvnen va-
zirebi. ikribebodnen dro da dro saqveyno saqmeebis gadasaWrelad.
dedamZuZe gamzrdeli qali.
didebuli // didebulebi feodalTa wre saqarTveloSi, romel-
Tac mefisgan didi moxeleoba, Tanamdeboba hqondaT miniWebuli. termini
d. modis sityva didebisgan, rac adre Tanamdebobaze damokidebul pativs
niSnavda. igi didi xelisuflebiT aRWurvili piri iyo.
drahkani oqros monetis saerTo saxelwodeba.
drahma drama, vercxlis moneta. arab. dirxemi.
dumani samxedro-administraciuli erTeuli XIII-XV ss-Si monRo-
leTsa da maT mier dapyrobil qveynebSi. XIII s. 40-ian ww. monRolebma saqar-
Tvelo dumnebad dahyves da maT saTaveSi qarTveli erisTavebi daayenes:
egraslan bakurcixeli (kaxeT-hereTi da mis aRmosavleTiT mdebare Teme-

bi), varam gageli (qvemo qarTli da mis aRmosavleTiT mdebare Temebi), San-
Se mxargrZeli (samxreTis Temebi), grigol surameli (Sida qarTli), gam-
rekel-Toreli (javaxeTi), yvaryvare jayeli (mesxeTi), cotne dadiani da
raWis erisTavi (dasavleT saqarTvelo).
eli Turquli war. xalxi, tomi; momTabare tomi.
eliaRasi (Turq.) elis meTauri.
erisTavi adgilobrivi mmarTveli, administraciuli erTeulis,
mxaris gamgebeli. mas gaaCnda aRmasrulebeli sasamarTlo da fiskaluri
funqciebi. igi sardlobda saerisTavodan gamosul jars. Tavdapirvelad
es iyo Tanamdeboba, romelsac niSnavda mefe. TandaTanobiT gaxda memkvid-
erismTavari erisTavTa mTavari, VI-VIII saukuneebSi qarTlis sa-
mefos meTauris tituli qarTuli wyaroebis mixedviT. e-s mefisgan gan-
sxvavebiT SeuzRudavi Zalaufleba ar gaaCnda. mas ar SeeZlo qveSevrdomi
erisTavebis gadayeneba. e. faqtobrivad iyo pirveli TanasworTa Soris.
eSikaRabaSi (Turq.) administraciuli aparatis xelmZRvaneli
xelmwifis karze.
vaziri // veziri ministri. qarTul sinamdvileSi ministrTa sazo-
gado saxeli. mag. xelmwifis karis garigebis mixedviT v-ebi or jgufad
iyo dayofili: samTa vazirTa (amirspasalari, aTabagi, mandaturTuxu-
cesi) da orTa vazirTa (meWurWleTuxucesi da msaxurTuxucesi) jgufi.
vasali Sua saukuneebis memamule feodali, romelic damokidebu-
li iyo ufro did feodalze, siuzerenze. vasali siuzerenisgan iRebda
feods, risTvisac ixdida garkveul gadasaxads.
veqili (arab.) rwmunebuli, centraluri xelisuflebis warmomad-
geneli adgilobriv xelisuflebasTan.
vilaieTi administraciul-teritoriuli erTeuli osmaleTis im-
periaSi. imperiis teritoria iyofoda vilaieTebad.
Tavadi feodaluri klasis zedafenis warmomadgeneli XV-XVIII ss-
is saqarTveloSi. T. didebulis socialuri memkvidrea.
Tarxani (Turq.) Tavisufali, xelSeuvali, gadasaxadebisgan Tavi-
ilxani (Turq. xalxis mbrZanebeli) hulaguianTa dinastiis (1256-
1335) monRoli xanebis tituli iranSi. ilxanebs emorCileboda saqarTvelo.
kurapalati bizantiuri sakariskaco tituli.
mandaturTuxucesi moxele xelmwifis karze. sapolicio uwyebis
xelmZRvaneli feodalur saqarTveloSi. XVII s-Si igi eSikaRabaSis Tanam-
debobiT Seicvala.

marzpani sasanuri periodis iranis moxele, iniSneboda dapyrobi-
li qveynis mmarTvelad. m. qarTlSi mefobis arsebobis drosac iyo, magram
igi ganixileboda iranis Sahis warmomadgenlad qarTvelTa mefis winaSe.
qarTlSi iranis mier mefobis gauqmebis periodSi (VI s. 40-80-iani ww.) m-is
xelSi gadavida qveynis marTva-gamgeobis yvela sfero.
mdivanbegi mosamarTle, msajulTuxucesi.
meliqi (arab.) soflis an qalaqis mmarTveli, romelic dakavSire-
buli unda yofiliyo sasoflo TemTan an vaWar-moqalaqeTa organizacias-
Tan, saqarTveloSi Cndeba XVI s. 70-ian wlebSi.
memandari stumrebis mimRebi moxele.
mTavari feodaluri sazogadoebis umaRlesi fenis warmomadgene-
li, romelic flobda Zalauflebas.
mouravi sameurneo-administraciuli moxele feod. saqarTvelo-
Si. m. wyaroebSi ixsenieba XI-XII ss-idan. is marTavda mefis, eklesiis, dide-
bulisa da Tavadis mamulebs. erTiani monarqiis arsebobis xanaSi qalaqebs
amira ganagebda. saqarTvelos samefo-samTavroebad daSlis Semdeg qalaqs
m. marTavda. samefo qalaqis, Tbilisis m-s mefe niSnavda.
msaxurTuxucesi samefo karis vaziri, didi xelisufali. mas ram-
denime dawesebuleba eqvemdebareboda: salaro, sawoli, mefis kerZo meur-
neoba da sxvadasxva safareSo.
mtkaveli sigrZis sazomi erTeuli feodaluri xanis saqarTvelo-
Si. daaxloebiT 222 mm.
naibi (arab. naib.) moadgile, nacvali, damxmare.
nasaRCibaSi fizikuri sasjelis (nasaRi) SemsrulebelTa ufrosi.
noini monR. nun batoni, Tavadi. monRoluri aristokratiuli gva-
ris winamZRoli XI-XII ss-Si, mogvianebiT, didebulebis warmomadgeneli.
oqros urdo (juCis ulusi gvarovnul-Temuri gaerTianeba yaenis
meTaurobiT Turanul-monRol xalxebSi) monRolTa feodaluri saxel-
mwifo, romelic daarsda qvemo volgaze XIII s. 40-ian wlebSi baTo-yaenis
(1227-55) mier 1243 w.
pitiaxSi sasanuri sparseTis samefoSi umaRlesi magistratura,
didmoxele samefo karze. ewodeboda dapyrobili qveynis gamgebels. sa-
mecniero lit. miRebulia, rom qarTul wyaroebSi pitiaxSi ixsenieba ter-
miniT erisTavi.
rayami (arab.) mefis brZaneba, beWeddasmuli sabuTi, sigeli.
sadroSo samxedro-administraciuli teritoriuli erTeuli fe-
odalur saqarTveloSi. s-dan gamoyvanili jari brZolis dros erT sam-

xedro-taqtikur SenaerTs qmnida, romelsac asev s. ewodeboda da erT
sardals eqvemdebareboda.
saerisTavo administraciul-teritoriuli erTeuli saqarTve-
loSi. pirvelad qveyana saerisTavoebad dayo qarTlis mefe farnavazma
(Zv.w. IV-III ss. I nax.).
saTavado msxvili feodaluri miwismflobelobisa da feodalTa
ierarqiul-politikuri organizaciis garkveuli forma XV-XVIII ss. saqar-
sarangi selCukTa sardali.
saraskiri (spars. sefah-salari) mTavarsardali, mxedarTmTavari.
sardari 1. iranSi warCinebuli, tomis beladi; 2. mefisnacvali.
sarqadari (spars.) sameurneo saqmeebis uwyebis gamge.
saxlTuxucesi feodalur saqarTveloSi maRali Tanamdebobis
piri, romelic samefoSi, samTavroebsa da saTavadoebSi sameurneo da ad-
ministraciul funqciebs ganagebda. sakuTari s. hyavdaT kaTolikoss da
spaspeti amirspasalaris erT-erTi moxele, samefo jarebis erT-
erTi sardali. gvian feodalur xanaSi mTavarsardali, mxedarTmTavari.
sulTani (arab. Turq.) monarqi, musulmani saero mmarTvelis wode-
ba zogierT muslimur qveyanaSi. mag. osmanTa imperiaSi.
urdo Sua saukuneebSi saxelmwifos mmarTvelis (yaenis) sadgomi, ba-
naki; tomTa kavSiri an saxelmwifo. magaliTad: oqros urdo.
faSa wodeba, romelic osmaleTis imperiaSi eniWebodaT samxedro-
administraciuli samsaxuris umaRlesi Tanamdebobis pirebs. arsebobda
faSis sami xarisxi. xarisxis ganmasxvavebeli niSani Tulebis (Zalauflebis
niSani kverTxi) raodenoba iyo.
qeTxuda (spars.) mamasaxlisi, soflis mamasaxlisi, xelosanTa gaer-
Tianebis xelmZRvaneli, ubnis ufrosi.
yadi (Turq. kadi) muslimTa mosamarTle, romelic marTlmsajule-
bas axorcielebda SariaTis (islamis religiuri kanoni) safuZvelze.
yaeni saxelmwifos mmarTveli.
yizilbaSi Turqulad wiTelTava. osmalTa sulTanebTan mtrobis
gamo mcire aziidan samxreT azerbaijansa da iranSi gadmosaxlebuli Tur-
qul momTabare tomTa saerTo saxelwodeba (XV s. me-2 nax.).
yuli (Turq.) mona, Sahis gvardiis (yulis jari) jariskaci.
Samxali daRestnis msxvili feodali.
Seuvaloba imuniteti.
Cafari (Turq.) macne, Sikriki, kurieri.

Wyondidel-mwignobarTuxucesi pirveli vaziri feodalur sa-
qarTveloSi. Seiqmna saqarTvelos mefis daviT IV aRmaSeneblis (1089-1125)
iniciativiT. gaerTianda saero da sasuliero Tanamdeboba da am Tanamde-
bobas ikavebda sasuliero piri. Wyondidis kaTedris meTaurs niSnavdnen
mwignobarTuxucesis Tanamdebobaze. mw-i iyo samefo karis samdivnos me-
xakani xazarTa saxelmwifos meTauris (mefis) tituli.
xaraja ix. xarki.
xarki dapyrobil xalxebze dadebuli gadasaxadi. x-s xarajas
eZaxdnen. saqarTveloSi TiTo komlze erTi dinari.
xarCi (spars. Turq.) moxele, romelic xalxs xmamaRali yviriliT
auwyebs mTavrobis gankargulebebs.
xevisberi saqveynod gamrige moxele, xevis ufrosi.
xorezmSahi xorezmis mmarTvelis wodeba 951 w-dan monRolebis ga-
batonebamde 1220 w-mde. Sua saukuneebSi arsebobda istoriuli olqi xva-
razmi, romlis mmarTveli iyo saqarTvelos istoriisTvis cnobili jala-
janiSini (spars.) moadgile, Semcvleli, Sahis (mefis) nacvali.

Semdgeneli q. nadiraZe


nabeWdi wyaroebis, dokumentebis Semoklebuli saxelwodebani

a.s. arsen safareli

abuseriZe t. abuseriZe tbeli
b.b. bagrat batoniSvili
b.e. beri egnataSvili
b. ez. basili ezosmoZRvari
d.b. daviT batoniSvili
d.i. cxovreba mefeT-mefisa daviTisi
v.b. vaxuSti batoniSvili
T.b. Teimuraz bagrationi
i. a. istoriani da azmani SaravandedTani
i.b. iese baraTaSvili
l.g.m. laSa-giorgis droindeli matiane
l.m. leonti mroveli
meore t. meore teqsti
mesame t. mesame teqsti
mesxuri m. mesxuri matiane
m.q. matiane qarTlisa
moq.q. moqceva qarTlisa
mc.q. mcire qronikebi
n.d. niko dadiani
o.x. oman xerxeuliZe
p.a.l. pirTa anotirebuli leqsikoni
p.o. papuna orbeliani
J. JamTaaRmwereli
s.d. sumbat daviTis Ze
s.C. sexnia CxeiZe
sit. saqarTvelos istoria toponimiaSi
f.g. farsadan gorgijaniZe
qr. qronikebi
q.i.s.k. qarTuli istoriuli sabuTebis korpusi
q.s.Z. qarTuli samarTlis Zeglebi
q.c. qarTlis cxovreba
Z.q.a.l.Z. Zveli qarTuli agiografiuli literaturis Zeglebi
j. juanSeri
habos wameba martviloba habo tfilelisa
.. .

ZiriTad SemoklebaTa sia

arab. arabuli
aRm. aRmosavleTi
axl. axlandeli
g. gardacvaleba
daax. daaxloebiT
das. dasavleTi
dok. dokumenti
dR. dRevandeli
Turq. Turquli
imp. imperatori
ist. istoriuli
md. mdinare
mniSvn. mniSvnelovani
monR. monRoluri
resp. respublika
r-ni raioni
samxr. samxreTi
samxr. das. samxreT-dasavleTi
sof. sofeli
spars. sparsuli
st. statia
tr. teritoria
Crd. CrdiloeTi
Crd. aRm. Crdilo-aRmosavleTi


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3. anCabaZe g., eTnonim `xazaris mniSvnelobisaTvis `qarTlis cxovrebaSi,
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4. arevelci vardan, msoflio istoria (Zveli somxuridan Targmnes n.
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8. goilaZe v., hun-Turqebi saqarTveloSi, Tb., 2008;
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13. kalankatuaci movses, alvanTa qveynis istoria; Zveli somxuridan
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14. kacitaZe d., iranis istoria, Tb., 2000;
15. kekeliZe k., etiudebi Zveli qarTuli literaturis istoriidan, t. I,
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16. kucia k., aRmosavleT amierkavkasiis qalaqebi XVI-XVII ss., Tb., 1965;
17. lolaSvili iv., `daviT soslanis akldamis saidumloeba, Tb., 1971;
18. metreveli r., daviT aRmaSenebeli, mefe Tamari, Tb., 2002;
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20. orbeliani sulxan-saba, leqsikoni qarTuli, t. I, Tb., 1991; t. II, Tb.,
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27. saqarTvelos marTlmadidebeli eklesiis enciklopediuri leqsikoni,
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39. javaxiSvili iv., Zveli somxuri saistorio mwerloba, Tb., 1935;
40. janaSia n., arseni safarelis erTi adgilis gagebisaTvis, kr: Ziebani
saqarTvelosa da kavkasiis istoriidan, Tb., 1976;
41. . ., , ., 2006;
42. , - , . . . , ., 1989;
43. ., 12 , saqarTvelo
rusTavelis xanaSi, Tb., 1966;
44. ., -
9-12 . , 1, , 1979;
45. , . . , ., 2009;
46. , . . , ., 1981;
47. , . . , ., 1977;
48. ( ), ., 1988;
49. XVIII .,
. . . , ., 1988;
50. ., ., , ., 1994;
51. . ., , ., 1963;
52. ., , . .. , ., 1994;
53. . ., : , , .,, 2006;
54. ., , , 2009.

ABAZUKI AND BAZUKI Kings of for the brothers and the Armenians gained
Ossetians (rulers). (Approximately turn of victory (L.M. 45-46, V. B. 64-65).
the 1st and 2nd centuries B.C.). A. and B. were
* According to Leonti Mroveli, Aderki, the King of
mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of Geor- Georgians (approximately 1st half of the 2nd century
gian Kings (K. Ts. IV, 1955); Vakhushti B.C.) divided the Kingdom of Kartli into two parts and
from this time diarchy took place in Georgia and lasted
Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
up to 70-ies of the 1st century B.C.
Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973).
Kings of Kartli, Azork and Armazeli * (turn K. Nadiradze

of the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C.) decided to

strengthen the borders of Kartli and regain
the lands taken over (by the Armenians).
Ganja and ruler of Kakheti (end of 17th
At that time, Sumbat Bivritiani (tutor of
early 18th cent.). A. Q. was mentioned in:
Artashan, Prince of Armenians and Spas-
Vakhushti Batonishvili Description of the
pet) killed Iarvand, King of Armenia (dy-
Kingdom of Georgia (K Ts. IV, 1973);
nasty of Iarvands is implied) and enthroned
Paris Chronicles (1980); Parsadan Gorgi-
Artashan, his brother. Georgian Kings took
janidze The History (1926); Sekhnia Ch-
advantage of this situation and called the Os-
kheidze Life of Kings (1913); Historical
setians, Lezghins, Jiks and Didos to attack
Documents (MGL. III. 1970, VI, 1972).
Armenia jointly. The Ossetian Kings, giant
Shah of Iran (Sultan Hussein 1694-
brothers A. and B. entered Armenia with
1722) assigned A.Q. Khan, Memandar (of-
the army and ravaged: Shirakuan, Vanand
cial, responsible for hosting of guests) of
(currently in Turkey), up to Bagrevan (cur-
George XI (King of Kartli 1676-88, 1703-
rently in Turkey) and Basiani (historical
09) as the Khan of Ganja and later, as ruler
territory of Georgia, currently in turkey),
of Kakheti (P.G. 67; P.O. 120-21; V.B. 606;
also Dasht (valley) up to Nakhchevan. They
S.Ch. 7; Ad. 1028, MGL. III, 691). A.Q,
gained numerous spoils and took the cap-
Khan praised George to the Shah and due
tives (L. M. 45).Sumbat Bivritian mobilized
to him George was enthroned in Kartli (P.G.
the army of Armenians and they chased the
67). George XI wrote to A.Q. Khan that he
enemies. At that time the allies have already
was the slave of Shah and desired to visit
crossed Kura River, arrived to Kambecho-
him, but he postponed his travel. A.K. Khan
vani (Kakheti) and encamped on the bank
wrote to Shah the letter describing relations
of Iori River. They were distributing the war
between Erekle I (Nazarali Khan, King of
spoils. Sumbat sent the messenger to them
Kartli 1688-1703) and George XI (P.G.
and asked to return the captives only. The
79). Shahs commander, Haji-Ali appointed
allies decided to ght with him. At rst the
Qiasa as vizier of Nazarali Khan. He was
duel was arranged between Sumbat and B.
ordered to strain the situation in Kartli and
Sumbat killed B. with the lance. Then A.
mislead A.Q. Khan, ruler of Kakheti (P.G.
fought with Sumbat and he was killed as
80). A.Q. Khan sent to the court of Shah the
well. The allies, lead by Georgian Kings,
Khan of Barda (city in Azerbaijan) and the
fought with the Armenian army to revenge
representatives of George XI, who told to the

Shah about the contents of George XIs let- 614/616) to return Mose, Bishop of Tsurtavi
ter to A.Q. Khan. George changed his mind exiled from Kartli to his church (On Divid-
and did not intend to visit Shah, as he did ing, 82). A. appealed to the clergy of Arme-
not accept the guilt (P.G. 84). A.Q. Khan was nia (Priests of Ararat) to condemn Chalce-
ordered to arrive to Nazarali Khan to Tbilisi don Council (IV Ecumenical Council of 451.
(P.G. 85). Nazarali Khan agreed with A.Q. It has developed the symbol of Dyophysite
Khan to conquer Ertso-Tianeti (historical religion, recognizing dual nature of Jesus
region in Eastern Georgia, at upper reaches Christ divine and human. After Council
of Iori River). A.Q. Khan sent the Kakhe- the Dyophysites and Monophysites nally
tian troops and they conquered Ertso-Tianeti divided from one another) and renounce it.
(V.B. 469-607). A.Q. Khan, with the troops (A.S. 82) 4. Gomidas (Komitos) succeeded
of Kakheti and Ganja came to Nazarali Khan A. as Catholicos. Catholicos A.A. called the
to assist him in the battle against George XI, high priests of the monasteries** (Oshakan,
but he was defeated, he retreated and came Elivard, Aramun and Garnisi) of Ararat
to Tbilisi (V.B. 470, 607). A.Q. Khan ap- (central province of Greater Armenia.) and
pointed the Mouravi Dushia as a commander demanded from them either to damn Chal-
of Kakheti troops (V.B. 607). Nazarali Khan cedon Council or, otherwise, to leave their
sent the messenger to Shah and squealed on country (A.S. 90).
A.Q. Khan, stating that he was supporter of
* Arsen of Sapara did not mention two Catholicoi and
George XI. Shah believed to Nazarli Khan one administrator when the throne was vacant; these
and sent the troops to capture A. Q. Khan are: John II of Gabelen (557-574), Mose of Eliverd
(574-604) and Verthanes Querthol (604-607). See Ar-
and send to him (V.B. 471-72). sen of Sapara, On the Division of Georgians and Arme-
nians, Tb. 1980, p. 131
E. Kvachantiradze
** Central province of Greater Armenia, including 20
gavars. It has always been the most signicant province
of Armenia. After dividing in 591, greater, western part
of Ararat region joined to Byzantium and the smaller,
ABRAAM (ABRAHAM) OF AL- eastern part, with the center in Dvin to Persia.
BATAN Catholicos of the Armenians in
T. Koridze
607-615. Earlier, he was the Bishop of Rsh-
tuni, he was present at the Dvin Council in
607 and signed the laws developed at the ABULABAZ Armenian Eristavi of
meeting. The Council held in the same year the 9th century. A. was mentioned in: Ma-
elected him as Catholicos. A. was mentioned tiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K. Ts. I, 1955);
in: Arsen of Sapara On the Division of Vakhushti Batonishvili Description of
Georgians and Armenians (1980). Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
After decease of Nerses the Catholicos At a time of Bugha-Turks (Arab com-
of Armenians (Nerses II 548-557) A.A. mander of 9th century) campaign in Mtiuleti
accepted the throne of Catholicos* (A.S., p. (historical province in the mountainous re-
82). Catholicos A. requested from Kyrion, gion of eastern Georgia, in the gorge of Tetri
the Catholicos of Kartli (Kyrion I 599- Aragvi River) A., Eristavi of Armenians and

Guaram, son of Ashot notied the Mtiuleti conciliation. When A-K. arrived to the bor-
population not to let them in (M.K. 256; der of Kazakh and Shamshadilo Erekle
V.B. 130). caught him up and they fought. Georgians
E. Kvachantiradze
drove away A-K. and Khan of Ganja, cap-
tured 1500 people of Aji-Chalab and Khan of
Ganja, as well as the noblemen of Shirvan-
ADAM OF AREGATS noble Ar- Shamakhia. They killed the commanders of
menian from Aregats. A.A. is mentioned Aji-Chalab. They gained numerous cattle,
in Martyrdom of David and Tirichan mules and camels. Defeated A-K. arrived to
(MAGHL, I, 1963). Shaki (P.O. 202). On 3rd September, when
Author of Martyrdom of David and Erekle returned to Tbilisi from Circassia, he
Tirichan names Nerses the Catholicos of defeated son of Aji-Chalab (Chr. III, 620).
Armenians and names as contemporary of A-K. mobilized the troops of Chari, Shirvan
A.A. Eristavi Vardan, the father of St. Mar- and Karabakh and arrived to Kazakh, where
tyrs David and Tirichan (186). they broke the fortresses, ravaged the coun-
try and returned again to Kazakh, loaded
T. Koridze
with rich war spoils (P.O. 204). A-K. was
at war to Kazakh, as: You called me and I
AGHA-KISHI Khan of Shaki (1755- was defeated and Georgians eliminated my
1760) son of Aji-Chalab. A-K. was men- troops and I desire blood from you. There-
tioned in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kar- fore, A-K. was the enemy of Kazakhs, did
tlisani (History of georgia), (1981); Oman not intend to leave and ravaged the country
Kherkheulidze Reign of Irakli II (1989); (P.O. 204-205). When A-K. learnt about ar-
Historical documents (Chr. III, 1967). rival of Georgian troops intending to ght
A.K. and Shaverd, Khan of Ganja set with him, he took his property and left (P.O.
out to attack Kartli. They were met by the 205). A-K., who arrived with his troops, was
Lezghin troops of Kazakh-Borchalu (P.O. ally of the ruler of Khundzakh in the battle
200). A.K. and Khan of Ganja left Kazakh against Georgians at Kvareli (P.O. 230).
and encamped in Baidar* (P.O. 200; O.Kh. When Charians left the area surrounding
53-54). On 10th July 1752, son of Aji-Cha- Kvareli Fortress and returned to their coun-
lab, A-K., came to Baidar with the troops try, A-K. returned as well (P.O. 231). On 3rd
(Chr. III, 620). King Erekle (Erekle II, King September 1752, King Erekle (Erekle II,
of Kakheti 1744-62) mobilized the army of King of Kakheti (1744-1762) defeated the
Kartl-Kakheti, received assistance of Cir- son of Aji-Chalab (Chr. III, 620).
cassians and prepared for ght. When A.-K.
* According to O. Kh., that has happened may, 1753.
learnt about this, he sent Aji, a man faith-
ful to him to Erekle, to seek conciliation and T. Koridze
sent with him Revaz Amilakhori and Edish-
er, the secretary, who were captured earlier.
The Kings (Erekle II, Teimuraz II) rejected

AGHISTEVI (CURRENTLY AGH- century) found shelter at Shirvanshah A. A.
STAFA) river in the territory of current and Amir-Miran came to Tamar and asked
republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan, it for her help. Tamar assisted A. due to their
ows through Kazakhi. A. was mentioned family relationship. Meanwhile Abu-Bekr
in: Vakhushti Batonishvili, Description of set out against Georgia. Tamar gave to A.
Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973). Ac- and Amir-Miran the royal army and sent
cording to explanation by David the Rector them to ght (V.B. 181-82).
(David Aleksi-Meskhishvili (1745-1824),
E. Kvachantiradze
Rector of Telavi Seminary) A. is the ancient
name of Aghstafa (V.B. 306).
AGHSUNGHUL Atabag of Rani
G. Otkhmezuri
(Ar-Ran Arab name of ancient Albania)
(early 12th century). A. was mentioned in:
AGHSARTAN King of Shirvan (2nd Life of David King of Kings (K. Ts. I,
half of 12th century). A. was mentioned in: 1955).
Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned In 1224, David the Builder (King of
Monarches (K.Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Ba- Georgia 1089-1125) arranged campaign
tonishvili Description of Kingdom of Geor- against Shirvan (historical land on the west-
gia (K Ts. IV, 1973); Niko Dadiani Life of ern coast of Caspian Sea) to drive away the
Georgians (1962). Turk-Seljuks and conquered it. A. was going
George III (King of Georgia 1156-84) to the Sultan of Seljuks that escaped from
assisted his nephew A, in the war against Georgians with the great army. Troops of
the enemies who came from the side of Da- David the Builder killed his four thousand
ruband (city on the coast of Caspian Sea, men. A. escaped alone and came to Sultan
currently Derbent), from the areas beyond with great difculty (L.D. 344).
Caucasian Range. A. owned the territories E. Kvachantiradze
from Daruband to Khilkhala (Ferozapat in
the Albanian sources). King George loved AJI-CHALAB (HADJI CHELEBI
him like his own son. The King mobilized QURBAN OGHLU) (1743-1755), cre-
the army, took with him Andronike (Em- ator of Shaki Khanate and its rst indepen-
peror of Byzantium, 1183-1185), cousin of dent Khan. In the 40-ies of 18th century he
Manuel, Emperor of Byzantium (Manuel I, was the leader of ght for liberation from the
1143-1180) and set out. George III took over power of Nadir-Shah (1736-47). The period
the cities of Shaburan and Daruband from of his rule was the time of unprecedented
the enemies and returned them to Shirvan- ourishing of Shaki Khanate. In 1755, after
shah (H. Chr. 17; V.B. 169). A. came to seek defeat in the war against Shirvan Khanate,
Tamars hand in marriage and promised to the power of Shaki Khanate was eliminated.
change his religion. His proposal was reject- In Georgian sources A.Ch. was mentioned
ed and he returned disappointed (H.Chr. 44- as Khan of Shak-Shirvan. A-Ch. was men-
5; V.B. 176; N.D. 95). Amir-Miran, defeated tioned in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kar-
by Abu-Bekr (Atabag of Azerbaijan, late 12th
tlisani (History of Georgia), (1982); Oman King of Kakheti 1744-1762; King of Kartl-
Kherkheulidze Reign of Irakli II (1989); Kakheti 1762-1798) and Darejan (P.O. 180).
Historical documents (Chr. III, 1967); Docu- As the Lezghins did not give up the ght
ments issued by Erekle II, 1736-1798 (2008). against Kartli and Kakheti the Kings decided
A-Ch. was a holder of army at Dages- to attack Chari. They mobilized the troops of
tan side and all respected him (P.O. 148). He Kartl-Kakheti, Kazakh-Borchalu, called the
was from Shaki and the holder of Shaki and Khan of Ganja and they sent off the nephew
Shirvan (P.O. 166). Erekle (Erekle II, King of A.Ch. with 100-people suite and by this,
of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Kartl-Kakheti A-ch. made them sure in his loyalty with his
1762-98) attacked Kizilbashs in Tbilisi for- oath. The Charians got scared and arranged
tresses, defeated them and took over the negotiations with the Kings, but they could
fortresses (1748). Khans of Ganja and Ye- not achieve the agreement and they escaped
revan the lands of Azerbaijan, scared by to the lands of A.Ch. A-Ch. notied the
this and A-Ch. among them sent the gifts Kings that if they would arrange the cam-
to Erekle (P.O. 148). Khan of Ganja asked paign against Chari, he would support Chari
support from Erekle to protect from the at- and die with entire country for them. The
tacks of Fana-Khan, owner of Karabakh. Er- Kings were offended by such threat and de-
ekle called the Muslim Khans, his allies and cided to attack A.Ch. (P.O. 180-181). A.Ch.
A.Ch., owner of Shak and Shirvan among has the troops ready for the attack. The
them. A.Ch. told Erekle that he would come Charians, countries of Lezghins, Sultan of
with his troops where he would order (P.O. Kaki fought on his side. The Kings did not
166). Georgians fought bravely in the battle know about this. Georgians attacked, drove
against Fana Khan and they gained victory. the Lezghins away and killed numerous peo-
Troops of Yerevan, Ganja, Shaki and Shir- ple of A-Ch. but nally they were defeated.
van, commanded by A-Ch. did not partici- They arrived to Magaro and further to Tbilisi
pate in Georgians victory (P.O. 169). Erekle (P.O. 181-182). On 10th January 1752* the
and Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli Kings (Teimuraz II and Erekle II) set out
1744-1762) dismissed A-Ch.s and Shirvan to ravage Chari. A-Ch. betrayed them; he
troops from Bargushat (territory of Armenia) mobilized great army, arranged ambushes
and arrived to Ganja with the others troops in some places and with the remained part
(P.O. 172). All chiefs of Dagestan gathered of the army attacked the Kings on Monday
and set out to Kartl-Kakheti with great army morning. King Erekle drove the Lezghins
of Lezghins. The Kings (Teimuraz II, Erekle away, though the troops of Lezghins from
II) took the battle and defeated the Lezghins. the ambush attacked him from the rear and
People of A-Ch. congratulated Georgians due to this, on 11th February, Monday of
with the victory over the Lezghins (P.O. 178- Pancake week, the Kings were defeated
179). Lezghins, defeated by Georgians left, (Pancake Wednesday, Chr. III, 055; 619).
some for Kaki and some for A-Ch.s estate The Kings were defeated (Chr. III, 211; 632.
(P.O. 179). Nephew of A-Ch. was invited 055, 619). King Erekle returned from Cir-
to the wedding of King Erekle (Erekle II, cassia to Tbilisi with his troops and he de-

feated son of A.Ch. on 3rd September (Chr. troops of Ganja-Karabakh and Shaki-Shir-
III, 620). King Teimuraz and King Erekle set van encamped at Kazakh, Aghstafa, for the
out to Ganja, from where they desired to de- purpose of ghting with Teimuraz II and
feat A-Ch. They called Muslim Khans, their Erekle II, though they could not dare to at-
allies and the latter arrived to Azarmata and tack them and arranged negotiations. They
joined Teimuraz and Erekle. Because of high conciliated and returned (O. Kh. 48-49).
water in Alazani River the Kings (Teimuraz In 1753 the Khans of Ganja, Shusha and
and Erekle) were not able to attack A.Ch. Karabakh called King Teimuraz and King
The Khans invited the Kings to Afghan, Erekle to ght against A-Ch.; Khans sent
they desired to betray Georgians. When the the secret letter to A-Ch. A-Ch., with Shir-
Kings learnt about this, they decided to cap- van and Dagestan troops defeated the Kings
ture the Khans and to give their property (Teimuraz and Erekle) (O. Kh. 53). People
to the army. They captured Khan of Ganja, of Kazakh Borchalo and Baidar by their
together with his brother, Kazum-Khan of own forces came out from subordination to
Karadagh, Khan of Bargushat, Fana-Khan Georgian ruler (Teimuraz II) and served to
and others. Son and nephew of Fana-Khan A-Ch. (P.O. 197). Kartlians and Kakhetians
begged A-Ch. to support them in liberating decided to conciliate with A-Ch. and made
of the Khans captivated by Georgians. A.Ch. Koja-Khan, uncle of Khan of Ganja, who
agreed hoping that in case of liberating of was held as the hostage in Tbilisi to write
the Khans he would be able to take over a letter. In his response A.-Ch. in return to
their countries (P.O. 191-194). A-Ch. took conciliation, demanded to send to him Koja-
the troops of Sharvan-Shamakhia, Charians, Khan and the man entrusted by one of the
Sultan of Kaki, Khan of Shamakhia and ap- Kings (Teimuraz II or Erekle II) when this
proached Ganja on the Friday of the Passion demand was fullled, he demanded from the
Week, in 1751. In the battle at Ganja A-Ch. Georgian Kings (Teimuraz II and Erekle II)
defeated Georgians (according to the other to give up the countries of Adribejan (Azer-
source this battle took place on 28th March baijan) (P.O. 198). A-Ch. did not allow the
1752, the Great Saturday Chr. III, 627, 632. entrusted men of the Kings sent to him to
290). A-Ch. arrived to Ganja with the vic- return to their native country and left them in
tory and liberated the captivated Khans (P.O. Ganja (P.O. 198). A-Ch. mobilized the army
194-195; Chr. III, 290, 620, 627, 632). In and arrived to Ganja, where the troops of
February 1752 the battle took place at Agri- Karabakh and Sighnaghi joined him (P.O.,
si, below Chari, between the army of Geor- 198). Georgians captivated 1500 soldiers of
gians commanded by Erekle and Teimuraz A-Ch. and Khan of Ganja, killed the com-
and A.Ch with the army of Charians. At a manders of A-Ch (P.O. 202). The Kings
time of the battle, A.Ch. gained the Khans awarded the title of Khan of Borchalo to Mu-
of Ganja-Karabakh ghting on the side of sa-Quli-Khan, the former Khan of Borchalo,
Georgians over and they left the battleeld who did not take the side of A-Ch. (P.O.,
(O.Kh. 50). A-Ch., Fana, Khan of Kara- 203). Khan of Ganja informed A-Ch. about
bakh, Shaverdi, Khan of Ganja, with the arrival of Baman-Khan and son of Zurab,

the Eristavi of Ksani to him. A-Ch. called 1st century A.D., in the areas to the east to
Baman-Khan and son of Zurab Eristavi to Don (Tanais) River and in the Azov coastal
him and awarded them the oriental robes and region, they often attacked South Caucasus.
money (Tetri) as Inam. They promised to oc- A. was mentioned in: Histories and Chron-
cupy Kartli (P.O. 207). A-Ch. believed to icles of Crowned Monarchs (K. Ts. II,
them, mobilized the army and he was intend- 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
ing to attack Kartli and Kakheti (P.O. 208). of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973);
Khan of Shamakhia and Kuba-Khan fought Niko Dadiani Life of Georgians (1962).
with A-Ch. and defeated him (P.O., p. 208). A. were mentioned among the peoples
A-Ch. Sultan of Kaki, Shirvanians and Fana- providing offerings and friendship to George
Khan agreed that if the ruler of Khundzakh (George III, King of Georgia 1156-84)
would defeat Kartli and Kakheti, they would (H.Chr., 23). In description of the borders
attack these countries, ravage them and dis- of Egrisi and Svaneti A. were mentioned
tribute among one another (P.O. 231). Ruler several times (V.B. 743, 785; N.D. 151-52).
of Khundzakh (Nursal Beg is implied T. Country of A. was to the west from Svaneti
K.), who was encamped on Kvareli Moun- (mountainous region of Georgia, includes
tain, asked for the troops and support from the southern slopes of Caucasian Moun-
the son of A-Ch. and the latter came with tain Range) and to the north from Bedia
his troops (P.O. 227). In 1754, the troops of (geographical location in Abkhazia, its an-
Dagestan, troops of Chari, A-Ch., A-Ch.s cient name is Egrisi). In the past they were
son, Sultan attacked Kvareli Fortress (Chr. Christians and now they are pagans, some of
III 231-246). On 10th June 1755, King Erekle them are Muslims. Their country is moun-
awarded David Bostashvili of Machkhaani tainous, with glaciers. Georgian Kings an-
the deed of resuming of freedom and grant- nexed this country (V.B. 788-89; N.D. 152).
ing of the estate to him, due to his devoted Leon (Leon II, King of Abkhazians (West-
service to the King in the course of ght ern Georgia) 758-98) divided Kingdom of
against A-Ch. (documents issued by Erekle Abkhazia into eight provinces (Saeristavo),
II, 25); On 21st May 1759, Erekle II awarded he assigned the second Eristavi to Tskhumi
the deed of granting of the royal nobleman and gave him Anakoa with Alan, beyond
title to Purtsela Purtseladze due to bravery of Egrisi (V.B. 796).
his brother in the ght against A-Ch. (docu- E. Kvachantiradze
ments issued by Erekle II, 32).
* According to the other source, this battle took place in
1751 (Chr. III, 632, 055, 619). ALI leader of Lezghins (90-ies of 18th
T. Koridze
century). A. was mentioned in: Teimuraz
Bagrationi New History (1983).
In 1798 the Lezghins attacked Tskh-
ALANS Iranian speaking semino- invali, but they failed and at a time of their
madic tribes of Sarmatian origin, appeared retreat, in Dirbi they met with Ioane, son of
on the historical arena from 30-ies of the King George (George XII, King of Kartl-

Kakheti 1798-1800) and in the battle the of Georgia 1246-70) had no child with his
famous Lezghin leader A., called Steel was spouse Queen Jigda-Khatun. For the pur-
killed (T.B. 66). pose of giving birth to a heir, he brought
T. Koridze
Altun, Ossetian relative. She gave birth to
the son George, who was adopted by Jigda-
Khatun as her son and daughter Tamar. After
ALI SKANT Lezghin, the relative of
this, David separated from Altun, his lover
Omar, Khan of Avaria // Khundzakhi (early
(Zh. 236-37; V.B. 217), (V.B. mentions Al-
19th century). A.S. was mentioned in: Teimu-
tun as daughter of King of Ossetians).
raz Bagrationi New History (1983).
Alexander, son of King Erekle (Erekle K. Nadiradze
II, King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-1798), with
the troops of Georgians and three thousand
Lezghins commanded by A.S., relative of th
TAROVAN) Armenian Eristavi of 5 cen-
Omar Khan defeated Colonel Tikhanovski
tury. A.T. was mentioned in: Juansher Life
at Kvareli (T.B. 85).
of Vakhtang Gorgasali (K. Ts. I, 1955).
T. Koridze At a time of Byzantium campaign of
Vakhtang Gorgasali (King of Kartli, 2nd half
of 5th century), A.T. and two other Armenian
ALISULTAN OF SHAMSHADILO Eristavis, relatives of Trdat (King of Arme-
(2nd half of 18th century) A. was mentioned nia 287-330) joined him on his way, they ap-
in: Teimuraz Bagrationi New History proached city of Karnu (ancient name of city
(1983). of Erzrum (Turkey)), they attacked the city,
Javad-Khan (Khan of Ganja 1786- but they failed to take it over, as the city was
1804) was an enemy of A. He did not sub- surrounded by three high walls. Vakhtang
ordinate neither to Javad-Khan and nor left two Eristavis with 12.000 valryca riders
Mahmad-Khan, his brother. Javad-Khan to ght for the city (J. 159-160).
(1790) resettled the people of Shamshadilo E. Kvachantiradze
to Shulaveri (village in Kvemo Kartli) and
Mahmad-Khan attacked A. in Shamshadilo.
A. gained victory. Except for this case, A.
AMBERDI Fortress in Armenia, in
has defeated the Ganjians many times.
the 7th-13th centuries. A. was mentioned in:
G. Otkhmezuri Historian of the Period of Reign of Lasha-
Giorgi (K. Ts. I, 1955); Zhamtaaghmtsereli
(K. Ts. II, 1959).
ALTUN Ossetian woman. A. was A. was freed from Seljuks in the period
mentioned in: Zhamtaaghmtsereli (K. Ts. II, of reign of Tamar (Queen of Georgia 1184-
1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description 1207/10) by Zakaria and Ivane Mkhargrd-
of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973). zelis (political and military gures of the
King David (David VII Ulu, King turn of 12th-13th centuries, Zakaria Amir-

spasalar Mandaturtukhutsesi and Ivane horse. At this time the Qajars helped A.Kh.
Msakhurtukhutsesi, Amirspasalari, Atabag) and withdrew him from the battleeld (P.G.
(H.L.G. 368). A. was attacked by Jalal ad- 26). Khan, who arrived to Marabda Mount
Din (Mangubert, Shah of Khvarazm 1220- (in Kartli, currently Tetritskaro District) with
21) (Zh. 169), Alexander (Alexander I the delay and found small troops of Georgians
Great, King of Georgia 1412-42) attacked A. and fought with them ercely. In the battle,
and took it over (V.B. 280). Manuchar, Atabag of Samtskhe rushed to
him and wounded him severely in his head.
E. Kvachantiradze
Khan called him inhospitable and thank-
less, as A.Kh. by the order of Shah Abbas
was Manuchars tutor (master), (B.E. 403;
AMIRGUNE-KHAN the rst Khan
V.B. 431- 32).
of Yerevan (1604-28). Yerevan Khanate was
established in 1604 by Abbas I, the Shah of K. Nadiradze

Iran (1587-1629), in the territory of eastern

Armenia. A.Kh. was the distinguished com-
mander of Abbas I and a person close to him. ANAKI Armenian nobleman of 3-4th
A.Kh. was mentioned in: Beri Egnatash- century, father of Gregory the Illuminator. A.
vili Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba (K. Ts. II, was mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of
1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description Georgian Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti
of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973); Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
Vakhushti mentions him as Amirgunakhan Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
Beglarbeg. Parsadan Gorgijanidze the His- Georgian-Armenian army defeated
tory (1926). Kasre Sassanid (Sassanid Shahin-Shah Sha-
Shah Abbas ordered A.Kh. to cap- bur I, 241-72). He offered the rulers to sup-
ture Khoreshan, spouse of King Teimuraz port him and in exchange he promised them
(Teimuraz I, King of Kakheti 1606-48; King honor and privileges. Armenian ruler A.,
of Kartl-Kakheti 1625-32), who, with her relative of Kosaro, the King of Armenians
children and suite was at Oltisi and send them (according to the Armenian sources, Khosro
to him. Khoreshan saw the ominous dream. or Khosrovi), took his side and promised to
She immediately left her residence and took revenge over Kosaro, King of Armenians. A.
shelter in the fortress. A.Kh. Attacked the and his brother, with their families came to
village, where he thought Khoreshan and her Kosaro to his winter residence in Khilakhila
suite were, ravaged it and returned with no (Perozapat in Albanian sources). The King
result. Nodar Sakhltukhutsesi followed him, hosted them with great honor. During hunt-
fought with him and took rich booty (B.E. ing A. and his brother accompanied King
409; V.B. 724). A.Kh. participated in Marab- Kosaro and killed him with the sword and
da battle (rebellion of Georgians against Iran escaped. The chasers caught and killed
in 1625). At a time of Algeti battle Teimu- them, as well as their relatives (L.M. 60-61;
raz and A.Kh. fought Teimuraz attacked V.B. 70).
him ercely and threw him down from his E. Kvachantiradze

ANASTASIUS Catholicos of Arme- ruined by earthquake and on its ruins the
nians in 661-667. A. was mentioned in: Ar- Turkish village was built. In 1878 it was in-
sen of Sapara On the Division of Georgians cluded into the Russian Empire. After World
and Armenians (1980). War I, A. was taken over by Turkey again.
In the period of administration by Ca- A. was mentioned in: Matiane (Chroni-
tholicos Anastasius John of Mairagom (see cles) of Kartli, Life of David the King
article john of Mairagom), exiled by Catholi- of Kings, Historian of the Period of Reign
cos Nerses (Nerses III 641-661), together of Lasha-Giorgi (K.Ts. I, 1955); Histories
with his disciples returned to Ararat (A.S. 93) and Chronicles of the Crowned Monarchs,
Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life of Queen of
T. Koridze
Queens Tamar, Zhamtaaghmtsereli (K.Ts.
II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Descrip-
tion of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV,
ANIKA Fortress of Daruband. A. was
1973); Parsadan Gorgijanidze The History
mentioned in: Zhamtaaghmtsereli (K. Ts. II,
(1926); Niko Dadiani Life of Georgians
(1962); Ephrem Mtsire Utskeba Mizezsa
The Daruband (city on Caspian Sea
Kartvelta Moktsevisas (Ephraim the Small,
coast, currently city of Derbent) population
Tale on the Reason for Conversion of the
apostated from Arghun (Kaen of Mongols
Georgians), (1950); historical documents
1284-91), who called Demetre (Demetre II,
(Chr. II. 1897, G.D.I.N.A. 1967); Arsen of
King of Georgians 1270-89) to ght against
Sapara On the Division of Georgians and
them. Darubandians fortied in A. Fortress.
Armenians (1980); inscriptions on Ani
King besieged the Fortress, took it over,
Church (N. Ya. Marr, . P.A.S. 1910) and
burned and killed the noblemen; he took
Ani Tigran Honents Temple (Ek. Takaish-
great riches from there (Zh. 286).
vili, expedition to South Georgia of 1917,
E. Kvachantiradze 1960).
When Vakhtang Gorgasali, King of
Kartli (approximately 40-ies of the 5th cen-
ANI fortress and city in medieval tury, end of 5th century), built the church on
Armenia, on the right side of Akhuriani Sveti Tskhoveli in Mtskheta and assigned
River (Arfa-Chai), (currently in the territory Katholicos as Patriarch, also sixth Ecumeni-
of Turkey, Kars Vilayet), capital city of A. cal Council (7th century) approved at a time
Kingdom (886-1045) since 961. In 1044, Ar- of reign of Constantine Pogonatus (Emperor
menians, supporters of Georgia transferred of Byzantium 668-85), since this time, A. is
A. to Bagrat IV. In 1045 Byzantium subor- within Mtskheta Catholicate (Ephrem Mt-
dinated A. In 1072 Shaddadids (Muslim dy- sire 45; Chr. II, Deed of Mtskheta, issued
nasty, founded by Muhammad ibn Shedad) approximately in 1638 repeats this infor-
made it their residence. In 1199 A. joined mation 354); this is also conrmed by the
Georgia. In 1236 Mongols occupied A. and deed issued by Sultan (Murad III), approxi-
made it their own residence. In 1319 A. was mately in 1590 (G.D.I.N.A. doc. 221). On

the fresco of Ashkhen (rst Christian Queen transferred it to his ofcial, Manucha son
of Armenians) there is Georgian asomtavruli of Abul-Asvar (1065, Manuche is the rst
inscription, specifying the identity of a per- representatives of Shadadids dynasty in A.),
son on fresco (Ek. Takaishvili, 23). Ayrarat (M.K. 307). On 20th August the envoys of
has always been the most signicant prov- A. owners came to David (David IV, King
ince of Armenia, where almost all capital cit- of Georgia 1089-1125), at Bozhana Tskaro
ies were located and A. among them (Arsen (at Tabatskuri Lake, summer residence of
of Sapara, 133). Bagrats (Bagrat IV, King the Kings), they brought the letter, where
of Georgia 1027-72) power expanded, nine the Anisians asked to free A. from Turks
castles of A. were transferred to him, except and transfer the city into the ownership of
for Amberdi. Anisians transferred the city to Georgian Kings. David attacked A. with
Bagrats mother, Mariam (1044), daughter of 60.000 mounted troops. He occupied the
Senakerem Artsrun, King of Armenians (M. city, fortress and adjacent villages (1124).
K. 299). Liparit (Liparit Baghvash, Eristavi The Alfarslanians have transformed great
of Kldekari) recommenced actions against temple of A., built by Katronike, Queen of
King Bagrat. He separated from Queen Greeks into mizgit. David made bless the
Mariam and deceitfully removed the city temple again, at Queen Katronikes grave;
guards: Abuser, Eristavi of Artanuji, who she was buried in the same temple; the King,
held the fortresses Khikhata, Tsikhe-Jvari Catholicos, Bishops, military commanders
and Atskuri; Ivane Eristavi, Ivane Dadiani were present and preyed for her repose. And
and owner of Bechi Fortress, Guaram, son David said loudly at the grave: be glad, you,
of Goderdzi. He captured them at the gate of the Queen, as Lord have saved the church
A. and occupied the city (S.Chr. 300). King from indels. David captured Bulasvar
Bagrat fought with Liparit, but he could not (Abulsuar, son of Manuchar), with his eight
deal with him, as Greeks (Byzantium) sup- sons and concubines and daughters in law
ported him. Finally, Liparit made Bagrat to and sent them to Abkhazia (Western Geor-
free his son Ivane, in exchange for the for- gia). He joined A. to the Kingdom of Geor-
tress (M. K. 303). Liparit (1048) was cap- gia and assigned Meskh noblemen as guards
tured by Turks. When he was freed (1054 (L.D. 345-46; V.B. 162; N.D. 91). Demetre
with the assistance of Byzantines) he occu- (Demetre I, King of Georgia 1125-56, trans-
pied A. again. Bagrat could not resist him, as ferred A., forcedly, to Shaddadids again, on
Greece supported Liparit again (M. K. 303). the condition of sworn vassals) to provide
Finally, Liparit was captured by Bagrats assistance to his vassal, owner of A. and
supporters and his son, Niania escaped to to protect the city of A., he fought against
A. and died there (M. K. 304-305). Sultan Saldukh, Emir of Arzrum (1153-54). He
of Turkey (great invasions of the Turks com- captured the Emir and maintained the status
menced from 60-ies of the 11th century) Ar- of sworn vassal of the city (H.Chr. 43; V.B.
fasaran (Alf Arslan 1063-72) attacked A., 105). Christian population of A. rebelled and
ruined and ravaged it and took numerous offered the city to George (George III, King
captives. He took over A. from Greeks and of Georgia 1156-84). George took advantage

of this situation. He took away A., once the sals. Tamar (King of Georgia 1184-1207/10)
home and place of Greek Kings, from the held numerous cities and A. among them
Muslim owners... after three days of battle (Georgia joined A. in 1199), taken over from
George occupied the city (1161) and made the Persians. Tamar assigned the Mkhargrd-
it his residence. He maintained Emir at his zelis to fortify A. Sultan of Ardevil (Ardebil)
position. To protect the city and fortify it, he learnt that Ioane and Zakaria Mkhargrdzelis
assigned Ivane Orbeli, the Mandaturtukhut- were visiting the King in Geguti (village on
sesi and Amirspasalari as Emir and assigned Imereti Lowland, on the right side of Rioni
Sargis Mkhargrdzeli (Georgian nobleman) River) and he attacked A. He ravaged the
as his deputy (H.Chr. 6; V.B. 166; H.L.G. city severely, took numerous captives and
wrote: George occupied A., in year 380 war spoils, they killed two thousand people
(1161), captured Emir Saldukh, 367). Upon like sheep in the churches. King Tamar,
occupation of the city, Shariar, who named Amirspasalar Zakaria and Msakhurtukhut-
the sultan (Atabag of South Azerbaijan and sesi Ivane were informed about ravage of A.
Iran, Shams al-din Ildeghiz) called Saldukh when they were in Geguti. The Mkhargrd-
Seljukian (Kotb ed-din Ighaz, son of Ar- zelis arrived to A. and entire Georgian army
dokh), the ruler of entire Sham (Syria), Jazi- joined them. They set out to Ardevil. They
ra (Mesopotamia), Diarbag (Diarbekir city easily occupied the city, took rich war spoils,
in upper reaches of rivers Tigris and Euphra- killed Sultan and captured his wife and chil-
tes) of and other Padishahs of Persia (1163) dren (H.Chr., 100-103; N.D. 98-99). From
to war. The unied army approached A. At the inscription on A. church (inscription of
that time George was resting at Nacharma- 1218) it is clear that Etiphan (Catholicos Pa-
gevi (summer residence of Kings). He mo- triarch of Georgia, 1210-20) has introduced
bilized the army. He was supported by the church tax exemptions for A. citizens (N. Ya.
viziers: Mtsignobartukhutsesi Ioane, Amir Marr). When Rusudan (Queen of Georgia,
Akhor Liparit son of Sumbat, Bega of Sura- 1223-45) was enthroned, A. was ruled by
mi, Kirkish, son of Abuleti. George defeated Mandaturtukhutsesi Shanshe Mkhargrdzeli
numerous and powerful enemy (H.Chr. 7, (Zh. 171, 178, 180), awarded to him by his
10, 12). But the ght for A. seemed endless. uncle Ivane (Zh. 169). Georgian noblemen
The negotiations were arranged and sister of declared their subordination to Mongols and
George and former wife of the Sultan, Rusu- the latter returned A. to Shanshe Mkhargrd-
dan took part in these negotiations (H.Chr. zeli (Zh. 190). Georgians bored by Mongol
13; V.B. 168; N.D. 93). In result George rule decided to rebel. For this purpose, all
gave Anis to his countryman and accepted noblemen gathered at Kokhtastavi (1245).
his oath as a vassal. (H.Chr. 13, 15; V.B. The conspiracy was discovered. Mongols
168), [this countryman was Shahinshah captured all noblemen, except for Tsotne
Sheddadid. In 1173 George arranged cam- Dadiani and took them to the land of A.,
paign against A. again, the bloody battles to the place called Shirakavan (Zh. 215).
took place. In 1175 it was transferred to When Tsotne learnt about this, he arrived to
Sheddadins again, with similar oath of vas- A. (Zh. 216; V.B. 210). When Shah-Tamaz

(Tahmasp I, Shah of Iran 1524-76) invad- aghmtsereli Histories and Chronicles of
ed into Georgia second time (he arranged the Crowned Monarchs (K. Ts. II, 1959);
four campaigns 1541-54), he arrived to Vakhushti Batonishvili Description of
Shorekal via Anis and from there he moved Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973);
to Samtskhe and ravaged it. (P.G. 5). Niko Dadiani Life of Georgians (1962).
K. Nadiradze
Relatives of Targamos (Biblical charac-
ter, common ancestor of the Caucasian peo-
ples) multiplied and the country and cities of
A. and Masis (mountain in the territory of
APAHUNIS land (administrative
historical Armenia), currently Turabadin in
unit) in Armenia. A. is mentioned in: Ste-
Turkey) could not accomodate them (L.M.
pane Mtbevari, Martyrdom of Saint Go-
4; N.D. 67). The Khazars* conquered the
bron (MAGHL I.1963, 175).
cities of A. and Masis (mountains in the
T. Koridze territory of historical Armenia, currently
in the territory of Turkey), (L.M. 12; N.D.
69). Haos (common ancestor of Armenians)
ARAGATS//AREGATS mount killed Nebroth (Biblical patriarch, head of
(4090 m. ) located in the North-West Ar- construction of the Tower of Babel. L.M. re-
menia about 40 km North-West of capital gards him as the Persian and the rst king of
city of Yerevan. It is the highest point in Ar- the peoples, to whom the Targamosians were
menia, located in the province of Aragatsots. subordinated) with the arrow on the Mt. of
A. was mentioned in: Historical Documents A. (V.B. 47). Dvin was located at the foot of
( MGL, II, 1965). A (H.Chr. 5). In the period of reign of David
In His testament (1125) King of King the Builder (King of Georgia 1089-1125) the
David (David IV, the Builder, 1089-1125) Seljuks used to spend summers in the vicini-
marks, that His country (Georgia) was lo- ty of A. (V.B. 157) George (George III, King
cated from Nikopsia (North-West Tuapse, of Georgia 1156-84) took over the city in the
on the border of the Black Sea and river foot of A. (V.B. 166). A. was the summer
Nichepsukho) to Darubandi (the Caspian) residence of Mongols (Zh. 189, 195). Mon-
Sea and from Ossetia (North Caucasus) to gols summoned David (David VIII, King of
Aragats (MGL,II, 19). Georgia 1293-1311). David submitted to Tu-
kal (Kaen of Mongols), who was encamped
at the foot of A. (Zh. 298).
* In this period, mentioning of the Khazars in Georgian
written sources is the anachronism. Khazars created
ARARAT mountain and country on their communities in North Caucasus only in the middle
of 7th century A.D.
the right side of Arax River (river in South E. Kvachantiradze
Caucasus, the largest tributary of Kura riv-
er), currently in the territory of Turkey. A.
was mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of
Georgian Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955); Zhamta-

AREV OF SIVNIETI Armenian Eri- Sons of Solomon (King of Israel, 967-
stavi of the 5th century. A.S. was mentioned 28 B.C.) came to Queen Rachel, were bap-
in: Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali tized by her in A. and their issue ruled A.
(K. Ts. I, 1955). (S.D. 373). Alexander the Macedonian en-
At a time of campaign of Vakhtang throned Azo in Mtsketa (the rst Georgian
Gorgasali (King of Kartli, 2nd half of 5th King, according to the ancient Georgian
century), on his way, A.S. and two other Ar- sources) and set A. as the border (Conversion
menian Eristavis, relatives of Trdat (King of Kartli, 82, Ts.N.Ts. 47). Parnavaz (King
of Armenia 287-330) joined him, they ap- of Kartli in the 4th-3rd centuries B.C.) asked
proached city of Karnu (ancient name of city for support from Antiochus against Greeks.
of Erzrum (Turkey)), they attacked the city, He sent to Parnavaz the crown and ordered
but they failed to take it over, as the city was the Armenian Eristavis to provide assistance
surrounded by three high walls. Vakhtang to him (L.M. 23). Wife of Kartam (King of
left two Eristavis with 12.000 cavalry riders Kartli in 60-ies of the 2nd century B.C.) gave
to ght for the city (J. 159-160). birth to Aderk in A. He was brought up in A.
(L. M. 32, 33; V.B. 61); Azork and Arma-
E. Kvachantiradze
zeli (Kings of Kartli at the turn of 2nd 1st
centuries B.C.) arranged campaign against
A. (L.M. 45, 48; V.B. 64). Kasre Sassanid
ARMENIA state in South Caucasus.
(Sassanid Shahin-Shah Shabur I, 241-72)
S. was mentioned in Conversion of Kartli,
conquered A. (L, M. 62; V.B. 71); St. Nino
Stephane Mtbevari Martyrdom of Gobron
(propagator of Christianity in Georgia), to-
(MAGHL. I, 1963), Life of St. Nino (edition
gether with 50 virgins, came to A. (C.K. 84,
of Arsen the Monk) (MAGHL. II, 1971),
124, Ts. N. Ts. 18). In the period of reign of
Leonti Mroveli Conversion of Kartli by
Arcadius (Emperor of Eastern Rome 395-
Nino, Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasa-
408) A. belonged to the Romans and later
li, Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K.Ts. I,
it was conquered by Persians (A.S. 78). At
1955); Arsen of Sapara On the Division of
Dvin Church Council (606) A. accepted
Georgians and Armenians(1980); Sumbat
Monophysitism (A.S. 80-81). Religious op-
Davitis-dze Tshovreba da Utskeba Bagra-
position between Kartli and A. commenced
tonianta (the Life and Tale of Bagratonian),
at a time of administration of Nerses, Ca-
(K. Ts. I, 1955); Histories and Chronicles
tholicos of Armenians (548-57) (A.S. 82).
of the Crowned Monarchs, Zhamtaagh-
After death of Vahan Mamikonian (Marzpan
mtsereli, Beri Egnatashvili, Akhali Kar-
of A. in 485-505) the Persians conquered
tlis Tskhovreba, Second Text (K.Ts. II,
A. and blasphemed their religion (A.S. 87).
1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Descrip-
Justin (Emperor of Byzantium Justin II, 565-
tion of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV,
578) called the Armenian Bishops, because
1973); Teimuraz Bagrationi New History
of their apostating from the Chalcedon be-
(1983); Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kar-
liefs. At the Constantinople Council A. rec-
tlisani (History of Georgia), (1981); Oman
ognized religious unity with Greece again
Kherkheulidze Reign of Irakli II (1989).

(A.S. 88). Mauritius (Emperor of Byzantium 90-ers of 6th century BC, after collapse of
582-602) assigned Mushegh Mamikonian Urartu kingdom the Armenians created their
as ruler of Byzantine part of A. (A.S. 89). own state on its ruins.
Heraclius (Emperor of Byzantium 610-641) A. were mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli
arrived to A. and saw deviation of the Ar- Life of Georgian Kings; Matiane Kartlisa
menians from the religion. He convoked the (K.Ts. I, 1955); Histories and Chronicles of
church council in the city of Karnu (ancient Chrowned Monarches; Life of Queen of
Georgian name of Erzrum (Turkey)), at Queens Tamar; Zhamtaaghmtsereli; Beri
which the patriarchy of Armenian accepted Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba;
Chalcedonism (A.S. 90). Bagrat (Bagrat III, Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba, Second Text
King of Georgia 975-1014) made A. his trib- (K.Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili De-
ute payer (M.K. 281; S.D. 382). David the scription of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV,
Builder (King of Georgia 1089-1125) ruled 1973); Martyrdom of Shushanik; Con-
A. and Ani (D.I. 346). Jalal ad-Din (Mangu- version of Kartli; Martyrdom of David and
berti, Shah of Khvarazm 1220-21) ravaged Tirichan; Martyrdom of Saint Martyr Go-
A. (Zh. 171; V.B. 200, 205). Timur Lang bron Deceased in Kveli Fortress (MAGHL
(the great commander of Central Asia 1336- I, 1963); Giorgi Mtsire Life and Citizen-
1405) conquered A. and devastated it (B.E. ship of George of Mtatsminda (MAGHL
327; Second T. 448; V.B. 263). Shah-Tamaz II, 1967); Martyrdom of Gobron; Life
(Shah-Tamaz I, Shah of Iran 1524-1576) of George of Mtatsminda; Martyrdom of
and Suleiman (Sultan of Turkey Suleiman Elizbar, Shalva and Bidzina (MAGHL IV,
I 1520-1566) divided the territory of South 1968); Besarion Orbelishvili Merits of Lu-
Caucasus and Suleiman I received A. (B.E. arsab, the Saint and Cherished Martyr and
371; Third T. 517). King (MAGHL V, 1989); Arseni of Sapara
On Dividing of Georgians and Armenians
E. Kvachantiradze
(1980); Parsadan Gorgijanidze The His-
tory (1925); Sekhnia Chkheidze Life of
Kings (1913); Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni
Kartlisani (Stories of Kartli) (1981); Oman
ancient population of South Caucasus. The
Kherkherulidze Reign of Irakli II (1989);
Armenians call themselves the Hays and
Teimuraz Bagrationi New History (1983);
their country Hayastan. Except for Geor-
Historical Documents (Chronicles III, 1967;
gians, who call them Somekhi all nations
MGL II, 1965; VII 1981; VIII 1985; Geor-
know them as Armenians. Contemporary
gian-Persian Historical Documents 1955;
Armenians are people speaking in Indo-Eu-
ADP I); Small Chronicles (1968); Epigraph-
ropean language who settled in Asia Minor
ic Inscription of Akhalkalaki (S. Makalatia,
at a time of invasion of so called Marine
Tedzami Gorge 1959).
Peoples in 12th century BC and mixed with
Georgians and Armenians had the com-
the local population. In 9th-12th centuries
mon forefather Togarmah (L.M. 3). Geor-
BC the Armenians entered into the territory
gians were the tribute payers of the Kekapos,
of Urartu kingdom and settled there. In the

King of Persians. A. and Georgians took he was the son of their king and he would
their chance when he was engaged in the war never allow the Armenian troops to harm
with Turks, strengthened their fortied cities them (V.B. 62). King of A. married off his
and all relatives of Togarmah (the Cauca- daughter to King Aderk (L.M. 35; V.B. 62).
sians) unied against Nimrodians (the Per- Armazian kings supported the A. in the ght
sians). In few years Kekapos sent Faraborot, against the enemies. Iaravand, King of the A.
his son, with great army, to ght against the (Mirvan, according to Vakhushti Batonish-
A., Georgians and entire issue of Togarmah vili) forgot all good done by Georgians, de-
(Caucasian peoples). The Issue of Togarmah feated Parsman of Armaz and took away
unied, defeated Faraborot and eliminated from him the city of Tsunda, Kartli and Arta-
his army. In several years Kekapos sent Kai- ani region, up to Kura River (L.M. 44; V.B.
khosro, his nephew to ght against the A., 63; see article Iarvand). Sumbat Bivritian
Georgians and entire offspring of Togarmeh. (spaspet of the king of Armenians, see Sum-
As Kaikhosro had indeed great army, the A. bat Bivritian) killed Iarvand, King of Arme-
and Georgians could not resist him and Kai- nians (see article Iarvand) and enthroned
khosro ravaged Armenia and Kartli. In few Artashan, brother of Iaravand (see article
years Vashtashab, King of Persians sent Artashan) (L.M. 65). The Northerns
Spandiat-Rval, his son. A. and Georgians (North Caucasians) Ossetians** lead by
strengthened their fortresses and cities and their kings, brothers Bazuki and Abazuki, as
waited for him. At his arrival to Adarbada- well as the Pachaniks, Jiks, Lezghins, Durd-
gan, Spandiat-Rval learnt that his grand fa- zuks and Didoians participated in the battle
ther was killed by Turks* and that the Turks organized by Azork and Armazeli (kings of
invaded into Persia and he returned to Per- Georgia of the period of diarchy, turn of 2nd
sia. Then the A. and Georgians were freed and 1st centuries BC) against the S. (see ar-
from the Persians (L.M. 14-16). Pharnajom, ticle Abazuki and Bazuki). They ravaged Ar-
King of Kartli (1st half of 2nd century BC) menia and returned. Then Sumbat Bivritian
was defeated in the battle at Tashir and he mobilized the A. and chased them. The
was killed by the A. and Georgians (L.M. 29, Northerns (Northern Troops) were defeat-
30). Mirvan, son of Pharnajom (Mirvan II, ed in the battle with the A. Sumbat Bivritian
King of Kartli 1st half of 2nd century BC), invaded into Kartli and ravaged it, yet, the
with the assistance of Persians, killed Bar- kings of Kartli did not stop harming the A.
tom, King of Kartli (Bratman 1st half of 2nd For the purpose of taking vengeance on the
century BC) and defeated A., his allies and A. the Ossetians came to Kartli, joined Geor-
Georgians (L.M. 31, 32). Aderk, grand son gians and commenced perpetual ght with
of Bratman, King of Kartli, who was brought the A. (L.M. 45-47; V.B. 64). Kung Artashan
up in Armenia, asked troops from the king of and Sumbat Bivritian with the Armenian
Armenia and set out to ght against Arsak, troops came to Mtskheta and encamped
King of Kartli (2nd half of 1st century BC) there. War between Georgians and Arme-
(L.M. 33-35). King Aderk (king of Kartli, nians lasted for ve months. It was very hard
1st century BC) declared to Georgians that for Georgians and Ossetians and they asked

for armistice. King of A. (Artashan) accept- of A. to enthrone his son, Amazasps nephew
ed their request, conciliated and returned to in Kartli. King of A. set out to Kartli with the
his country (L.M. 48). Kartli, ravaged by the great army. Amazasp was killed and the king
A. was rebuilt. Georgians and Ossetians of A. enthroned Revi, his son in Kartli (L.M.
took their chance when the A. were ghting 57; V.B. 68). For the purpose of assistance to
against Persians and Greeks and started to Kosaro, King of A. (Khosro II, King of Ar-
attack them. King Artashan assigned Zaren, menia 217-38), in the war against Kasre Sas-
his son as a commander of army and sent to sanide, King of Persia (supposedly Ardashir
ght against Georgians (L.M. 48; V.B. 65). I, Shah of Iran 226-41), Asphagur, King of
Details about defeat, capturing and freeing Georgians opened the Gate of Caucasus and
of Zaren see in Article Zaren. Sumbat Bivri- brought the Ossetians, Lezghins and Kha-
tian and two sons of the King (Artashan) zars***. With their assistance King Kosaro
Artavaz and Tigran arrived to Kartli (see ar- (see article Kosaro)**** defeated the Per-
ticle Artavaz). In lieu of Zarens freedomthe sians. After this, the Georgians, A. and
Armenians returned to Georgians the city of Northerns (Ossetians, Lezghins and Kha-
Tsunda, Demoti Fortress, Javakheti and Ar- zars) arranged frequent raids o the Persia
taani. After this Georgians, A. and Ossetians (L.M. 59-60; V.B. 70). When King Kosaro
lived in peace with one another and fought was hunting, he was killed by the nobleman
with the enemies jointly and Azork and Ar- Anak, his relative. Kasre Sassanide, who
mazeli deceased in peace as they regained was very glad to this, took over Armenia,
the borders of Kartli (L.M. 69). The allies of killed and captured all relatives of the king
Parsman the Virtuous (Pharasmanes III of of A. Trdat, son of King Kosaro escaped to
Iberia) in his ght against Mirdat (Parsman Greece (Rome) and he was brought up there
and Mirdat the kings of Kartli of the period (L.M. 60-62; V.B. 70; see article Trdat).
of diarchy, the partners, 30-50-ies of the 2nd Dvin was the residence of the kings of A. (in
century) were the A. and Georgians. They the period of reign of Trdat III 298-330)
defeated the Persians, allies of Mirdat and (L.M. 82; V.B. 75). Trdat (Trdat III) defeated
forced him (Mirdat) to return to Persia (L.M. all his enemies, as this is written in the Life
51, 52; V.B. 66). Parnavaz, the spaspet, of A. (L.M. 69). St. Nino served to Niaphor
brought the spouse and son of Parsman the of Dvini, Armenia, for two years (V.B. 74,
Virtuous to Armenia, as Ghadana, wife of see article Sarah of Bethlehem). The martyr-
Parsman was daughter of the king of A. At dom of st. Ripsime, Gaiane and many oth-
that time the A. and Greeks were the allies. ers, as well as the miracles were described in
The unied army of A., Greeks and Egri- the Book of Conversion of the A. (L.M. 84;
sians defeated and killed Mirdat, enthroned V.B. 76). Vakhushti Batonishvili (18th cent.)
in Kartli with the assistance of Persians, in wrote that from the times of Aderk, King of
battle at the place called Rekha on the bank Georgia (1st century) up to Mirian (4th cen-
of Liakhvi River (L.M. 53-54). Five eri- tury) the kings were identied according to
stavis, apostated from Amazasp, King of the chronology of the caesars, kings of Per-
Kartli (middle of 3rd century) asked the king sia and Armenia (V.B. 6). Daughter of Trdat

(Trdat III), Salome of Ujarma was married rion, Catholicos of Kartli (Kirion I, 599-
with Revi, son of Mirian (L.M> 71, see arti- 614/16) drove away from Shushaniks grave
cle Salome of Ujarma). There was enmity the Bishop of Tsurtavi because of the reli-
between Bakar (King of Kartli Bakar//Ba- gion of A. (Monophysitism) (see article
kur, 50-60-ies of 4th century) and the A. as Shushanik) and confrontation between
the A. supported enthroning of son of Revi, Georgians and A. became even stronger) and
Bakars nephew and daughter (Salome) of Hereti, as the historians of Georgian church
Trdat, King of A. (Trdat III). The A. invaded wrote, tended to follow heresy of the A.
into Georgia to enthrone him, were defeated (Monophysitism) (V.B. 102, note 2). Abula-
by Georgians in Javakheti (in Trialeti, ac- baz, eristavi of the A. (see article Abulabaz)
cording to V.B.) (L.M. 130-131; V.B. 95). In and Guaram, son of Ashot wrote to the
the period of reign of Varaz-Bakar (70-80- mountain dwellers to keep out Bugha (Bug-
ies of the 4th century) king of Persia sent the ha Turk, commander of the Arabs 50-ies of
eristavi with army to impose the tribute over 9th century), who took 300 highlanders as
Georgians and A. The A. sent the envoy to hostages and attempted to invade into Osse-
Georgians and advised them to ght jointly tia (C.K 256). In the battle between A. and
against Persians. Varaz-Bakar did not listed Abkhazians for Kartli David (David I, Kura-
to the advice of A. and the noblemen. Then palat, ruler of Georgian stat 876-881) and
the Persians ravaged Armenia and invaded Liparit supported the A. (C.K. 259). Queen
into Kartli. From that time the Georgians Dinar (queen of Hereti, 10th century) con-
and A. became tribute payers of Persia (L.M. verted Hereti from the heresy of A. (Mono-
136; V.B. 96). The A. left the true religion physitism) to Orthodox Christianity (V.B.
(A.S. 78). In the period of rule of Caesar Ar- 559). Guaram (Mampali, son of Ashot I,
cadius in Byzantium (395-408) and Arshak Kurapalat) shared Abots with his brother in
(Arshak III 378-387) in Armenia (part of Ar- law, King of A. ***** in lieu of his support
menia belonging to Byzantium is implied) in war against emir of Tbilisi (L.M. 257). A.,
people rmly followed the religion propa- Liparit, Georgians and Ashot, son of David
gated by St. Gregory the Parthian (A.S. 78). unied against Nasra (grand son of Ashot I
Georgians used to tell the A. that St. G.P. Kurapalat and son Guaram Mampali) and
brought this religion from Greece. And the drove him away (C.K., 260; V.B. 131-132).
A. rejected this holy religion and subordi- King of A., Sumbat Tiezerakal (Sumbat I,
nated to Abdisho the Assyrian and other evil King of Ani 890-914) was the enemy of
heretics (A.S. 81). Khvaramze, sister of Constantine, King of Abkhazians (Constan-
Vakhtang (Vakhtang Gorgasali, King of Kar- tine III, king of Abkhazians//western Geor-
tli 2nd half of 5th century) was engaged with gia 893-922). They fought with one another
pitiakhsh of the A. (J. 185). Shushanik was for Shida Kartli (C.K. 262; V.B. 798; see ar-
daughter of Vardan, the Armenian spaspet ticle Sumbat Tiezerakal). He fought against
(Martyrdom of Shushanik 11). In that period A. and Georgians (914), he ravaged Armenia
(early 7th century) Georgians and A. op- and Samtskhe and approached Kveli For-
posed one another because of religion. Kvi- tress (Martyrdom of Gobron IV, 419). When

king of A. (Sumbat I) failed to resist the Sar- give him his niece and for this, he was cap-
acens (Arabs), then he heft them and moved tured together with his brother, Sumbat and
away via Abkhazian mountains (Martyrdom brought to Bagrat at Kldekari (fortress in
of Saint Martyr Gobron, 175-6). When Da- Kvemo Kartli). They refused to surrender
vid Kurapalat (David III, King of Tao, 2nd Samshvilde to Bagrat, with the hope that
half of 10th century) learnt about capturing their brother, Adarnase was in Samshvilde
of Bagrat (adopted son of David III) and his Fortress. Then, by Bagrats order they
parents by Kakhetians, he mobilized the brought to Samshvilde and impaled them for
army, called the A. and set out to Kakheti three days. Sumbar, brother of King Kvirike
(V.B. 138). In the period of childhood of surrendered the fortresses in Opreti, Koshki
Bagrat (Bagrat IV King of Georgia 1027-72) and Vazakar. Bagrat showed mercy, freed all
Kvirike, King of Rans and Kakhetians fortresses except for Samshvilde and thus
(Kvirike III, 1014-37), David, King of Ar- subdued his belongings (C.K. 307) King
menians (David I, Anholtz, King of Tashir- Bagrat (Bagrat IV). In 1068 King Kvirike,
Dzorageti 991-96-1048-49)******, Jafar, Emir of Tbilisi and Aghsartan (King of
Emir of Tbilisi met at Eklets, attacked Fad- Kakheti) came to Sultan (Alf-Arslan) and
lon (Fadlon II, Emir of Gandza 1067-73) and brought him to Kartli (C.K. 209). St. George
drove away his army (C.K. 296; V.B. 145). of Mtatsminda (outstanding gure of Geor-
David, King of A. (David I, Anholts) was the gian clergy of 11th century) writes that the
ally of Liparit (eristavi of Kldekari) in the evil people of A. mixed with us as unclean
battle at Sasireti (near Khashuri, Kartli) seeds, unbridled, insidious and subtle and
against King Bagrat (Bagrat IV) (C.K. 300; this harmed us signicantly; Our people
V.B. 147). Gagik, King of Kakheti (king of (Georgians) were frank and innocent and
Kakheti and Hereti, 1037-58), son of David, therefore, because of our decency, they used
King of Armenians (David I Anholts), of to tempt us intentionally (George Mtsire
Samshvildari and Dzorakerteli and nephew 123). George of Mtatsminda mentioned that
of Kvirike (Kvirike III, King of Rans and the A. priest could not conduct a service ion
Kakhetians), sieged Tbilisi for 2 years (C.K. his monastery (George Mtsire 150). The Or-
297; V.B. 147, 562; see article Gagik). thodox Christians celebrate with bread and
Mother of Bagrat (Bagrat IV) was the daugh- mixture of water and wine, the Catholics
ter of Senakerim, king of A. (C.K. 299; see with bread (without yeast) and the A. with-
article Mariam). Kakhetians and A. were the out water (Life of George of Mtatsminda
allies of Liparit Baghvash in one of the bat- 424). King asked George of Mtatsminda
tles against Bagrat (Bagrat IV) (C.K. 301). about religion of the A., whether they had
Niece of Bagrat (Bagrat IV), whose had was anything common with the Christians and he
sought in marriage by sultan (Alf-Arslan, answered that the evil should not be called
sultan of Turk-Seljuks 1063-72) was the the religion and defamed the kings of A
niece of Kvirike, King of A. (Kvirike II, king (George Mtsire 180). Armenian bishops and
of Tashir-Dzorageti 1048/49 after 1089). heads of the monasteries of impudent and
Though Bagrat asked him, Kvirike did not malicious people asked King David (David

IV the Builder 1089-1125) to invite the ment written by him - whether Georgian,
meeting and discuss the theological issues. Persian or A., would be cursed by Rkoni
If the A. lose, they would damn their religion Godmother (MGL II, p. 58). Someone
and in case of their success they asked not to Shadin, relative of the A. (Zh. 244). Tamer-
call them the heretics and not to curse them. lane ravaged the A, as states the Life of Ar-
The debates lasted from dawn to 9 o clock menians (Second Text 448). The A. got
and no one won. Then the King (David IV) crazy (1539, 1634) (Small Chronicles 34;
intervened and disarmed the A. with his 39;47;74; V.B.)*******. According to the
knowledge, they recognized that they have document of 1577 King Alexander (Alexan-
lost and left defamed (H.D. 356-7; V.B. der II, King of Kakheti 1476-1605) exempt-
163). A. desired to join with Georgians in ed from taxes all serfs, including the A. be-
religious respect (in the period of reign of longing to David Jorjadze living in his inher-
David IV) (V.B. 163). From David the ited estate (MGL II 196). By the document
Builder, the kings of united Georgia and of 1579, King Alexander (Alexander II,
from 16th century some kings of Kartli, King of Kakheti) returned to Svetitskhoveli
Kakheti and Imereti had the title of the the estates and serfs and among them 12
King of Armenians (see article King of families of A. and Jewish merchant (MGL II,
Armenians). King George (George III King 199). 40 thousand Tatars of Crimea invaded
of Georgia 1156-84) ravaged the city of Ash- into Georgia, seeking the way to the resi-
oran called the King of A. (V.B. 166). Za- dence of King (Luarsab I, King of Kartli
karia and Ivane were the A. by their religion, 1606-14) in Tskhireti Fortress, attempted to
though they respected Orthodox Christianity capture A. priest from Uplistsikhe. He es-
(H.Chr. 33; B.E. 123; V.B. 185). Catholicos caped, broke Uplistsikhe Bridge (over Kura
Ioane (Ioane VII, Catholicos Patriarch of River), threw the pieces into the river and
Georgia 1205/06-1210) refused to give the informed Georgians living to that side of
bread after service to Zakaria amirspasalar Kura River about enemies to immediately
as Zakaria was the A. by religion. By the in- assist the King (Besarion Orbelishvili 37).
centive of Zakaria Mkhargrdzeli there was Zakaria, the historian of A. writes in the
arranged the dispute between A. and Geor- History of Armenia that A. Baadur
gians about religion (see for details of this Mamikonian was accused for murder of Lu-
dispute H.Chr. 81-90; V.B. 185). Ivane arsab, son of King Rostom (King of Kartli
Mkhargrdzeli recognized falseness of the re- 1633-58) (V.B. 444). In 1633 King Rostom
ligion of A, he was baptised and he became (1633-58) awarded to A. clergy of Gori the
true Christian (Orthodox) (B.E. 123). Kakha deed of granting Sitarkhan to them (Geor-
Toreli, in the deed issued to Rkoni Monas- gian-Persian historical documents 102). A.
tery of Godmother in 1260 wrote that he has merchants living in Akhalkalaki (Kaspi Dis-
bough half of village Khovle (Kartli) from trict) were mentioned in the construction in-
A. Hasan Sumbatisdze and Jew Ioseb Bugh- scription of 1640 of Akhalkalaki (Kaspi Dis-
bapaisdze and in the end of the deed he states trict) Monastery of King Rostom (1633-58)
that if anyone cancels or changes the docu- and Queen Mariam (Akhalkalaki Inscription

10). Alexander resettled the A. and Jews re- kews and some A. live in Ateni, Mdzoreti on
siding in Chikhori and Chkhari and gave Dzama River, Akhalgori, Gori, Tskhinvali,
them to Dadiani (Levan II, ruler of Odishi Tamarasheni, above Tskhinvali, Ali and Sur-
1611-57) in lieu of freedom of his father ami (18th century) (see V.B. 343-4; 359;
(George III, King of Imereti 1604-39) (B.E. 367; 370; 377). In Gokia, Baraleti (Javakhe-
420; V.B. 829). Someone A. told to the ti), Akhaltsikhe, in addition to the Meskhs
spouses of saint martyrs Shalva and Elizbar there live the A. and the Jews (18th century)
(eristavis of Ksani) about location of their (V.B. 669). IN Chikhori and Sachkhere
graves. The same A., in lieu of some remu- (Imereti) in addition to the Imeretians, there
neration were sent together with two serfs to are the A. and Jew mechants (V.B. 756; 761).
bring the relics of the martyes (Martyrdom In Tashiri and Abots,. ravaged by the ene-
of Elizbar, Shalva and Bidzina 428-429; mies, which was built by King Vakhtang
438). Erekle (Erekle I King of Kartli 1688- (Vakhtang V, King of Kartli 1658-75), there
1703) drove away the A. settled in the church are the Armenians by religion in dirty
yard of Monastery of the Cross and returned cloths, soiled, in long chokhas (V.B. 313-
this place to Father Parten (1692) and left 314). According to Dasturlamali (Geor-
two A. families within the wall and donated gian law monument of 18th century), people
them to the church (PAD v I. 283-84). Imam- of all nations residing in the Kingdom of
Kuli Khan (David II, King of Kakheti 1709- Kartli and the A. among them, in case of pur-
22) updated to Mouravi of Eniseli the deed chase of the captives in Imereti had to pay 3
of ownership of Kornevi, his ancestral estate minaltuns for ownership (MGL II, 286). In
and permitted him to collect the taxes from 1722, King Vakhtang (Vakhtang VI, King of
the A. and Tatars, whom he would settle in Kartli, 1716-24) permitted the population of
that area similar to his other serfs (Georgian- Tbilisi and the A. among them to take and
Persian historical documents 419). In the own the houses and land and estates left
churches built by Georgian kings in Akh- without owners in the city and exempted
pat and Sanain, currently (2nd half of 18th them of certain taxes (MGL II, 388-389). In
century) there are the A. King of Kartli as- 1742 the king (shah of Iran) exempted Geor-
signs the bishop by Okivater assignment) gians from mali (tax) while the A. were
(Arm. Hogevor ter, spiritual father), as the charged with the taxes according to the rules
A. living in Kartli are within its parish. Ko- (P.O. 59). When the Lord (Teimuraz II, King
beri Monastery located higher is in hands of of Kartli 1744-62) was enthroned in Sve-
the A. (V.B. 308). Four churches in Kala titskhoveli, according to Christian rules, he
(Tbilisi district) built by queen Rodam stood in front of ambon, the bishops stood
(spouse of Vakhtanh V, King of Kartli 1658- on the left and right sides from him and the
75) currently (18th century) are in hands of group of the A. and Frenchmen (the Cath-
the A. (V.B. 337). The Moslems live in Tbili- olics), in the clerical cloths stood there with
si Fortress and Seidabad (Tbilisi district) and great respect (P.O. 105). In the document
the A. live outside the Fortress (18th centu- dated by 1747-49, Meralibeg Tsitsishvili
ry) (V.B. 338). Except for Georgians, the writes that he was called to the royal court

for reporting and for this purpose he gath- there lived Orthodox Christian Georgians,
ered his serfs Georgians, A., Jews, as well A., Catholics and Tatars 4 thousand families,
as the noblemen with their peasants in Dza- in Gori: Orthodox Christian Georgians, A.,
mi Fortress. Among them he named Bezhua, Catholics 500 families; in Tslikani: Ortho-
one family of the A. (MGL VII, 45). AMong dox Christian Georgians, A. and Jews 700
the serfs sold by Paata Tsitsishvili there were families; in Surami 200 families; Orthodox
mentioned 35 Georgians, A. and Jews living Christian Georgians and A. 740 families in
at Aliskheoba (MGL VII, 56). Bishop of A. Telavi, 100 families in Ananuri, 140 families
oppressed by Fana-Khan (khan of Kara- on Ksani River and Akhalgori, In Sighnaghi
bakh//Shusha 1747-62) encamped in Sigh- 100 families of A., except for Georgians, in
naghi came to the Lords (Teimuraz II; Erekle Kartli 500 A., in Borachalo and Pambak
II King of Kakheti 1744-62) and asked for Gorge 2560 A., in Kazakh Khanate 1200
their support (P.O. 165). A. oppressed by A., in Shamshadilu 1200 A., in Eniseli
Fana-Khan Usup-Khan the melik of one (Kakheti) 10 thousand families of A. and Ta-
gorge with 100 families, left their homes and tars. Available number of warriors is 18
asked support from the kings (Teimuraz II thousand Georgians and A. (MGL II, 420-
and Erekle II). They were settled in the City 421). In the document dated by 1774, Abra-
(Tbilisi) on the side of Rock District (P.O. ma asks the King (Erekle II) to redeem his
228). Melik of Armenians is not a surname, son rescued from the captivity by the A. of
this is the honor awarded to an Armenian by Ganja for ten tumans and accept his service
Shah Abbas (V.B. 33). After taking over of (MGL VII 249). In 1775 Cholokashvili,
Yerevan King Erekle took many A. families Oman and Kaikhosro wrote to the King (Er-
and brought them to Georgia and they live in ekle II) that in their ancestral estate in Shen-
several places up to present (2nd half of 18th diani (Kakheti) there are 2 A. churches as the
century) (O.Kh. 71; O.Kh. Teimurazs ver- A. lived there as well (MGL VII, 316). Ac-
sion, 97). Lezghins, led by Mikela Arghutas- cording to the document of 1773 Aidemur
hvili ravaged kalacha and took over 200 A. and Iovane Beburishvili asked the King (Er-
captives (T.B. 61). In 1763 Nikoloz Abashid- ekle II) to nd and return to them their two
zes request was satised and returned to A. serfs of Kazakh, who escaped to the city
him his inherited serf, A. Alkhazishvili and hid there (MGL VII 323). According to
(MGL VII. 68). In 1766 Ramaz Shalibatash- the document of 1777, David Kurdgelashvili
vili wrote to the King (Erekle II) that he was wrote to the King that in Bodbe eparchy
rescued from captivity by an A., he provided Bodbeli did not pay the customs due re-
him with housing and made him free (MGL ceived from the trader A. and asked to re-
VII, 102). In the document of 1769, George solve this issue (MGL VII 376). In the docu-
Sakvarelidze wrote to the mdivanbegs that a ment of 1781 bishop of Bodbe asked the
man of Kekhvi has brought girls for sale; he King (Erekle II) not to drive away and re-
took them and sold to the A. and Jews (MGL settle to Sighnaghi four A. weavers the
VII 150). In 1770, according to the census of serfs of the church for the purpose of main-
the population of Kartl-Kakheti, in Tbilisi taining of the income of church (1-2 shaurs

the price of candles) (MGL VII, 518). In most signicant task. Melik Mejnun guided
1782 Nikoloz Asaturashvili wrote to the the troops of Persians via Koda-Teleti and
King (Erekle II) that about 8 thousand of his approached Sololaki (Tbilisi district) (Chr.
serfs the A. and Tatars were in Karabakh. 431). On 11th September 1795 Aga-Mah-
And according to the agreement with Ibreim mad Khan intended to return but the khans
Khan (Khan of Karabakh // Shusha 1763- of Ganja and S did not sleep. Ioseb Miskar-
1806), all those who escape from there and bash and Artema Araratian helped the envoy
comes to his kingdom, shall be returned by of Aga-Mahmad Khan to escape and with
the king (MGL VII 539). According to the his assistance informed the enemis about ev-
document on benets of mouravi of Kartli erything (Chr. III 430). In 1797 Ioane Mdi-
made in 1784-90, after Noruz (Moslem holi- vnishvili asked the king to issue him the pro-
day) 6 shaurs per serf family and 1 shaur per tocol evidencing that he has satised the re-
A. serf should be collected should be col- quest of twenty families of the A., made
lected for the mouravi of the city (Tbilisi) them his serfs in lieu of bread and subsis-
(MGL II, 493). In 1785 Manuchar wrote to tence and settled them in his estate (MGL
the Queen (Darejan, spouse of Erekle II) that VIII, 409). Solomon Meitari asked Prince
he leased out his village Berdiki, located David (son of George XII, King of Kartl-
higher from Bolnisi to Melik Mikhitar and Kakheti) to leave with him his serfs sev-
his A. el for grazing, with the condition of eral A. families of Zurabat settled in Akhal-
payment of 3 timans (rent) per year. For 1 kalaki (MGL VIII, 513). In 1798 Petroza
year they paid the rent and for last 4-5 years Vartapet wrote the letter to the King (George
they have paid nothing (MGL VII, 643). In XII) stating that due to reduction of the pop-
the document of 1789 David of Bodbe ulation the church of Akhpat was left with-
(Bishop of Bodbe) wrote that in the small out candles and two vartapets and three dea-
church estate an A. were settled and they cons were left without any subsistence and
served to the church. They were killed at a the A. of Kazakh did not obey to them and
time of ravaging Kakheti y Shah Abbas did not pay the imposed taxes and for this, he
(MGL VII, 804). In 1791, by the decree of asked the King to issue the protocol dealing
King Erekle (Erekle II) if anyone would with payment of the church dues by the cler-
come as an enemy of Kartli and Kakheti gy and headman of Kazakh. George XII or-
Kingdoms, Georgians, A., Tatars and con- dered the A. meliks of Kazakh, the clergy-
quers them the population should attempt to men and laymen to fulll the service im-
make them grateful with their spending and posed for Akhpat Monastery, otherwise, the
service (MGL II, 524). On 10th September royal ofcer would collect the payment
1795 Aga-Mahmad-Khan by the advice of (MGL VIII 485). In 1799 Solomon Tarkh-
A. melik Mejnun and Iakob Bebutashvili nishvili wrote to George XII that 5 families
(Bebutov) viewed the surroundings of Tbili- of A. of Ganja, from the Armenians of his
si and attacked Erekles (Erekle II) army on village came to Akhalkalaki. Queen ordered
Krtsanisi Valley (Chr. III, 430). A. who were the ofcers to attack them to resettle them to
with Aga-Mahmad Khan, undertook the Kolagir. He asked to leave the A. and King

satised his request (MGL VIII 503-04). In caused split of 1197 between Georgians and Armenians.
In 1534, 1634 and 1729 the Easter was on 6th April and
1800 Lazare Vardzielashvili asked David for the Armenians on 13th April.
Batonishvilis support against Iase Davitash-
vili, who pledged out his brother in Gori to T.Koridze
A. and intended to do the same with him
(MGL VIII, 633). Assistant of Lieutenant-
general Rtishchev (Nikolai Rtishchev, High ARSHAK King of Armenians in the
ofcial of Georgia 1812-16) was Major- nd
2 century B.C. A. was mentioned in: Leonti
General Akhverdov, whose surname was Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings (K.Ts. I,
Populashvili, an Armenian of Tbilisi (T.B. 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
83). Through Ioseb Bebutashvili Rtishchev of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
gained over the els of Kazakh and they rav- Mirvan (King of Kartli in 2nd century
aged Gare Kakheti (T.B. 86). B.C.) married off his daughter to A.s son.
(L.M. 28; V.B. 59).
* Mentioning of Turks in the historical sources reect-
ing that period is anachronism. E. Kvachantiradze
** Mentioning of the Ossetians in the historical sources
reecting that period is anachronism.
*** Mentioning of Khazars here is anachronism (see
article Khazars). ARSHAK - ARSHAK III King of
**** Mentioning of Kasre, King of Persians (accord- Armenia in 378-387. A. III. was mentioned
ing to Kartlis Tskhovreba, Kasre Anushirvan Sassan-
ide), as the contemporary of Asphagur, son of Mirdat,
in: Arsen of Sapara, On the Division of
King of Kartli and Kosaro, King of Armenians is anach- Georgians and Armenians (1980).
Arsen of Sapara mentions A. III as the
***** Ashot I Bagratun, ruler of Shiraki, one of the
Armenian samtavros is implied. Gradually he expanded contemporary of Arcadius the Caesar of
his lands in Kvemo Kartli. Due to taking over of Geor- Byzantium (395-408) (though the periods of
gian lands he called himself Ruler of the A. and Geor-
gians and from 885, after enthroning, he called himself
their rule did not coincide) and notes that in
:King of the A. and Georgians. the period of their rule the Armenians rmly
****** In 70-ies of 10th century, in the territory of followed the religion of St. Gregory the Par-
Kvemo Kartli, between Algeti River Gorge and Bam-
bak-Yerevan Mountain Range there was formed the thian (A.S. 78)
Kingdom of Tashir-Dzorageti settled by Georgian and
Armenian people. Its capital city was Samshvilde and T. Koridze
therefore, the Armenian Bagratuns, the same Kviriki-
ans, the heads of the Kingdom were called Samshvil-
dars. In Georgian sources Tashir-Dzorageti is men-
tioned as Somkhiti and in Armenian sources Vrats ARSHAK, KING OF ARMENIANS.
Dasht (Valley of Georgians). For 9th 11th centuries
this was the place of ght for inuence between Arme- Period of his reign is unknown as in Mar-
nian and Georgian kingdoms. IN early 12th century this tyrdom of David and Tirichan there is cer-
territory was nally included into the composition of
Georgian feudal monarchy. tain anachronism, in particular, the author
******* In the years when Easter is on 6th April, due of work mentions that King Arshak was
to confession schism with the Orthodox (Greek) church contemporary of Heraclius, the Byzantium
the Armenian-Gregorian church celebrates Easter on
13th April. In the view of Georgian Orthodox Church Emperor (610-641) and Varamshapoy, Shah
this is an error and such errors took place in 570, 760, of Iran. It should be noted that, the history
1007, 1102, 1292. Disagreement dealing with the Easter

does not know the Shah of Iran with such stronger and the Armenians were weakened
name, contemporary to Caesar Heraclius. If due to wars with the Persians and Greeks.
the unknown hagiographer implies Kvesh Kartli took advantage and commenced to
Shabur III, Shah of Persia (383-388), under oppress Armenians. Then A. mobilized the
the name of Shah Varamshapoy, then his army again and sent it against Kartli, under
contemporary was Arshak III, King of Ar- the commandment of his son Zaren (L.M.
menia (378-387), though, in that period the 48; V.B. 65).
Byzantine Empire did not exist yet. Due to * Mentioning of Ossetians in Georgian written sources
this and the other reasons, the period of reign of 2nd century B.C. is anachronism.
of Arshak, King of Armenians, mentioned in
E. Kvachantiradze
Martyrdom of David and Tirichan could
not be identied, as well as the chronology
of the events described in the work.
ARTAVAZ King of Armenians Ar-
A. is mentioned in: Martyrdom of Da-
tavazd I (60-50-ies of 2nd century B.C.), son
vid and Tirichan (MAGHL, I, 1963).
of Artashes I. A. was mentioned in: Leonti
In the period of reign of A. St. David
Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings (K.Ts. I,
and St. Tirichan were martyred (Martyr-
dom of David and Tirichan, 186).
Two sons of Artashes I, Artavaz and
T. Koridze Tigran set out against Georgians, to rescue
the Prince Zaren captivated by them. army
of Armenians encamped in Trialeti and com-
ARTASHAN King of Armenians menced negotiations with the Georgians.
Artashes I (189-160 B.C.). A. was men- They conciliated and Georgians liberated
tioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian Zaren and promised to provide military as-
Kings (K.Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti Batonish- sistance to the Armenians in the future, in
vili Description of Kingdom of Georgia addition, they promised to mint the coins in
(K.Ts. IV, 1973). the name of King Artashes. In response to
In the period of reign of Azork and Ar- this, the Armenians returned to Georgians
mazeli (Kings of Kartli turn of 2nd-1st cen- the city of Tsunda, Demoti Fortress, Ja-
turies B.C.), A. was enthroned in Armenia vakheti and Artaani. After this the peace was
(L.M. 45). He set out against Georgians, between them (L.M. 49).
together with Sumbat Bivritian, his spaspet
E. Kvachantiradze
(commander in chief). Georgians fortied
their fortresses and asked for support from
the Ossetians.* Armenians encamped in
ARUTIN Armenian doctor (end of
Mtskheta and ght between them lasted for
18th century). A.Sh. was mentioned in the
ve months. Finally, Georgians requested
historical documents (Georgian Noblemen
conciliation and declared their subordina-
Deeds, 1881).
tion. Finally, A. enslaved Georgians and Os-
According to the document of 1797,
setians and left. In few years Kartli became

King Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti the historical regions, cities, Kingdoms and
1744-62, King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) Khanates in its territory; see articles: Rani,
awarded to doctor A. several shops in Tbili- Gandza, Shirvan, Shamakhia, Shak, Bardav,
si, Tatar Square, to thank him for treatment Movakan, Shamkor, Karabakh.
of the royal family, King of Imereti, Khan of K. Nadiradze
Azerbaijan and the people (G.N.D., 31).
E. Kvachantiradze


nian nobleman (end of 18th century). A.Sh.
ASTIRON RULER OF GUASPURA- was mentioned in the historical documents
GAN (VASPURAKAN) outstanding g- (Georgian Noblemen Deeds 1881).
ure of the st half of 4th century. In the document of 1797, King Erekle
A. is mentioned in: Conversion of (Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King
Kartli, (MAGHL. I. 1963). of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) assigned A.Sh. as
Abiatar, Jewish priest of Mtskheta con- the Secretary of Royal Court (G.N.D., 30).
verted by St. Nino preached Christianity to
E. Kvachantiradze
him (Conversion, 102-103).
T. Koridze

BAGREVAND land (administrative

unit) in Armenia. B. is mentioned in: Stepane
ATRAKA SON OF SHARAGHAN Mtbevari, Martyrdom of Saint Gobron,
leader of Kipchaks, father in law of David (MAGHL I.1963); Leonti Mroveli, Life of
the Builder, King of Georgia (1089-1125). Georgian Kings (K. Ts., I, 1955, 45)
A. was mentioned in Life of David King of
T. Koridze
Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955).
David got married second time to the
daughter of A. leader of Kipchaks, Guran-
BAKATAR ruler of the Ossetians
dukht, famous with her kind nature (L.D.
(died in 1304). B. was mentioned in: Zham-
taaghmtsereli (K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti
K. Nadiradze Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973); inscription on
Nuzali Church (Chr. II, 1897).
ATROPATENAAdarbadagan David (David VIII, King of Georgia
ADRIBEJAN South Azerbaijan, so called 1293-1311) periodically rebelled against the
Iran Azerbaijan is mentioned in Georgian Mongols. In responce, they ravaged Geor-
written sources with these names. As for con- gian territory every spring and fall. B. ruler
temporary Republic of Azerbaijan (in south- of Ossetians was promoted with the Mon-
western part of Transcaucasia), so called gols support. He ravaged Kartli, Trialeti, he
North Azerbaijan, Georgian sources mention drew away the noblemen from their lands

and he was great disaster for the people of fore, he was not afraid of B. like a dog.
Kartli. He took Dzami Castle (castle in Dza- Vakhtang mounted the armoured warhorse,
mi gorge, Shida Kartli) from son of Gam- took the shield made of the animals skin,
rekeli Kakha and fortied there. When Beka passed down the slope, came to the river
(Beka I Jakeli, ruler of Samtskhe and Royal bank and ordered B. to cross the river and
Mandaturtukhutsesi 1240-1306) learnt about approach him, as he was a King. B. made
this, he approached the castle, and besieged this, crossed the river and started to shoot the
it. Ossetians got scared. B. came to Beka, arrows. Vakhtangs horse was wounded. At
asked for forgiveness and promised that he this moment Vakhtang rushed to B., stroke
would never be villaneous. B. passed away his shoulder with the sword and cut him
after this. [On the church wall of village Nu- down to the heart. He set on his horse and
zali, in Ardani gorge, Ossetia, there is writ- came to his army (J. 154, 155; V.B. 103).
ten the verse praising B. (T. Zhordania dates This was Bakatar, who has ravaged Kartli
it by 1324 and identies him with B. from and kidnapped Vakhtangs sister. He took
K.Ts. Chr. 178-79)]. Vakhtangs sister from the castle located up-
K. Nadiradze wards from Stepantsminda Monastery (N.
D. 80, 133).
K. Nadiradze

BAKATAR Ossetian giant (middle

period of 5th century). B. was mentioned
in: Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali BAKATAR ruler of Ossetians (ap-
(K.Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili De- proximately turn of 9th and 10th centuries).
scription of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, B. was mentioned in: Matiane (chronicles)
1973); Niko Dadiani Life of Georgians of Kartli (K. Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti Baton-
(1962). ishvili Description of Kingdom of Georgia
At a time of war against Ossetia (ap- (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
proximately 446-47) King Vakhtang Gor- Bagrat (Bagrat I, 881-93), King of
gasali (King of Georgia, from 40-ies of 5th Abkhazians (Western Georgia) decided to
century, up to end of 5th century), who was expand his lands on the account of Klarjeti
fteen, fought with Ossetian giant B. B. was territories. For this, he sent the army, com-
the giant, who always won in duels. His arch manded by his brother in law, Nasra. Ruler
was of twelve spans in length and the arrow of Ossetians, B. assisted Nasra. King of Tao,
was of six spans. Before commencement of Adarnase son of David (881-923) accepted
the battle B. came to the river bank (Tergi the battle and he defeated Nasra, with the as-
River) and he loudly told Vakhtang: King sistance of Armenians at Kura River. B. was
Vakhtang, dont feel yourself comfortable killed in the battle. (M. K. 261; V.B. 132).
with your yesterdays victory, I challenge K. Nadiradze
you and you will not escape death in this
ght. Vakhtang answered him that Christs
power and cross protected him and there-

BAKU capital city of Azerbaijan, 1806) to give up the locks of the city (T.B.
large port in Caspian Sea, mentioned for 72). When Tsitsianov came to B., he told to
the rst time in the sources of 5th century. the Khan of B. (Hussein is implied) that if he
In the 9th-10th centuries the data about B. would not surrender, Tsitsianov would ruin
were provided by Arab geographers. In the his fortress. Khan of B. deceitfully obeyed
second half of 12th century, in some period, to Tsitsianov and invited him to his place.
it was the political center of the state of Shir- Khan of B. met him outside of the fortress
van and in the 15th-16th centuries it was one and they set down to speak and at this time,
of the unassailable fortresses of A/C. In the the men of Khan killed Tsitsianov with the
80-ies of the 16th century it was subordinated guns. Scared Russians escaped to Kizlar
to Ottoman Empire, in 1604 it was ruined and Tbilisi (T.B. 72; B.B. 97-98). Alexander
by Shah Abbas I, but he soon restored it. In Pavlovich, Emperor of Russia (1801-1825)
1723, Baku was occupied by Russian Army, sent great army to conquer B. The army be-
in 1735 it was regained by Iran. At a time sieged the Fortress. Scared Khan escaped
of Russian-Iranian war of 1804-1813, it was and the Russians took over the Fortress
included into the Russian Empire. In April (N.D. 197). Russian army, which was in B.,
1920, after establishing of the Soviet rule moved to Kizlar by sea (T.B. 72). Marques
in Azerbaijan, it became the capital city. B. (high ofcial of Georgia in 1811-1812, Fillip
was mentioned in: Parsadan Gorgijanidze Paulich) crossed Kura River to view Shaki,
The History (195); Teimuraz Bagrationi Shirvan, Darbad (Daruband) and B., as all
New History (1983); Bagrat Batonishvili these places were conquered by Russians
Akhali Motkhroba (New Story) (1941); (T.B. 80). At that time, Marques (Paulich)
Niko Dadiani, Life of Georgians (1962). arrived to Tbilisi from B. (T.B. 82).
The allies of Shah Ismail (1502-1524), T. Koridze
ruler of Gaskra and ruler Astar, and Murad
Sultan Talish, with their troops, led him to
Shirvan; they easily took over the B. For-
tress and occupied Shirvan-Shamakhia (P.G.
of Nakhichevan (1748-1765). Political g-
210). In 1796, Russian army, commanded
ure of Iran of Georgian origin. He was mar-
by Count Zubov, conquered Daruband, Sha-
ried with daughter of Iese Ksnis Eristavi
makhia, B. and Saliani (T.B. 66); Russians
(brother of Shanshe Eristavi, 40-ies of the
defeated by Gilanians came to the place near
18th century). Khanate of Nakhichevan was
B. in the boat. In 1806, Tsitsishvili (High of-
awarded to him by Ibreim Shah (Shah of
cial of Georgia in 1802-1806) came to B.
Iran 1748, nephew of Nadir Shah), (1748).
His purpose was conquering of Baku and
B. enjoyed support of local Armenian popu-
taking Azugha from there, to provide assis-
lation. Sources characterize B. as a human
tance to Georgian troops. When he arrived to
ruler, at a time of his rule the Armenians
Baku, he encamped in one farsang (measure
had opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief.
of length in Achemenid and Sassanid Iran)
After decease of Nadir Shah (Shah of Iran
and wrote to Hussein, the Khan of B. (1792-
1736-47) B. was engaged in the ght for

the leadership in Transcaucasia. He formed the troops of Yerevan and Kazakh-Borchalu
special Armenian army, causing worsening were subordinated to B. (P.O. 188). Because
of relations of Nakhichevan Khanate with of Azat-Khans attack (1752) B. moved from
Karabakh and south Azerbaijan khanates. Nakhichevan to Gogcha Lake (Sevan Lake
B. had unstable relations with Kartl-Kakheti in Armenia) and from there to Tbilisi (P.O.
Kingdom, though nally (1760) he recog- 190). B., assigned as border region defender,
nized domination of Kartl-Kakheti Kingdom defeated the Lezghins in Vashlovani (vil-
over Nakhichevan Khanate in public. Rule lage in Kartli) and presented their heads to
of B. lasted up to 1765. B. was mentioned Teimuraz in Tbilisi. B. arranged negotiations
in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani with Azat-Khan. B. was captured for treason
(History of Georgia), (1981). (P.O. 197). B. with the mounted troops, to-
B. sent the envoy (1749) to Teimuraz gether with Sulkhan Eshikaghabash, set out
(Teimuraz II, King of Kartli 1744-62) and to protect Kazakh from Aghakish (son of Aji
Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744- Chalab) and Shaverdi-Khan (Khan of Ganja)
62, King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) and (P.O. 205). Erekle (1753) stationed in Ka-
asked for military assistance for defense zakh the border protection troops command-
from Fana Khan (Fanah Ali Khan, ruler of ed by Revaz Amilakhorisshvili and B. (P.O.
Karabakh 1747-63) and Azat-Khan (Ruler 207). In the same year B. left Kazakh and to-
of South Azerbaijan 1747-1762). Kings of gether with Zurab Ksniseristavisshvili (son
Kartl-Kakheti fullled his request and sent of Iese) arrived to Aji Chalab (rst Khan of
the army commanded by Zaal Orbeliani. B. Sak, Aji Cheleb Kurban Oglu 1743-55), in
hosted in Kazakh (1750) Teimuraz and Er- Ganja to arrange joint campaign to Kartl-
ekle. In the same year Teimuraz and Erekle Kakheti. The campaign failed. B. left for
assigned Zaal and Kaikhosro Orbeliani to Ganja to Aji Chalab and his family remained
persuade B. to send his family to Tbilisi. B., in Tbilisi (P.O. 207-208). B., at a time of his
together with his family arrived to Nakhiche- being in Ganja (1754), asked from Teimuraz
van, but scared by Azat-Khan he left; sent his the permission to visit him (P.O. 212). B.,
family to Kartli and he headed to Yerevan. together with the Lezghin army, encamped
Zaal Orbeliani had to occupy Nakhichevan in Kazakh (1755), moved to Borchalu from
again (P.O. 164, 172, 175-76). In 1752, be- there and asked from Teimuraz and Erekle to
fore battle at Kirbulakh (near Yerevan), B. return his family to him and in exchange, he
was assigned as protector of border region. promised to conciliate and to serve to them.
Shortly B., scared by the enemies left Nakh- To negotiate with him and the Lezgins, Re-
ichevan and arrived to Tbilisi, to Teimuraz. vaz Amilakhori and Kaikhosro, Mouravi
From Tbilisi B., accompanied by Zaal Or- of Martkopi (village in Kakheti) arrived to
beliani, was sent to Yerevan Khanate, but in Aghjakal fortress; they were assigned by the
Bambak (region in historical South Georgia) Kings to capture B. B. arrived to Aghjakala
they had to stop and wait for Erekle (P.O. (fortress in Gachiani, the historical province
183-84). In Kirbulakh battle B. supported of Kvemo Kartli, in the vicinity of village
Erekle (P.O. 186) and after Kirbulakh battle Kushchi) from the estate of Melik of Somkh-

iti (one of the provinces of Kvemo Kartli in (K. Ts. II. 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili
late medieval period) and met with them, but Description of Kingdom of Georgia (K.
he did not trust them and sheltered in Som- Ts. IV, 1973); Parsadan Gorgijanidze The
khiti forest. When B. and the Lezghins learnt History (1926), Papuna Orbeliani Ambav-
about Erekles campaign against them, they ni Kartlisani (History of Georgia) (1981);
escaped to Ganja (P.O., 223-25). Teimuraz Paris Chronicles (1980); Historical docu-
conciliated with B. (1758) and awarded him ment (CGHD 1980).
Khanate of Borchalu (P.O. 245). Kartlos, forefather of Georgians, gave
G. Otkhmezuri to his son, Bardos the right bank of Kura
River and at the place where Kura River and
Rakhsi River (Arax) join, built the city of
BARDAV (BARDA) city in the Re- B. (L.M. 5). Saurmag, King of Kartli (3rd
public of Azerbaijan, on Karabakh Plain, century B.C.) got married with the daugh-
on both sides of Terter River. In the few ter of Eristavi of B. (L.M. 27). Mirian, King
km. from currently existing city of B. there of Kartli (rst half of 4th century) married
are the ruins of historical B. which was the his daughter with the Peroz, the relative
capital of Caucasian Albania (see. article of Persians and have him the country of
Aran) from 5th century. In early 8th cen- Rani, up to Bardav (L.M. 68, 117). Sag-
tury B. was conquered by Arabs. B. was lo- dukht, mother of Vakhtang Gorgasali (King
cated on the crossroad of the caravan ways of Kartli from 40-ies of the 5th century to the
and was the large commercial and craft end of 5th century), travelled to B., came to
center. In the 10th century B. was subordi- father, ruler of Rani, Barzabod and begged
nated to the Salarides (Iranian dynasty rul- to enthrone her son in Kartli (Pitiakhsh of
ing Azerbaijan). Periodically it was attacked Rani was the representative of Shah of Iran
by Georgian army. In the rst half of 13th in Caucasus), (J. 144). At a time of battle
century, in result of Mongols attacks, it between Vakhtang Gorgasali and Greeks
was devastated and transformed into a vil- (Byzantium), Varaz-Bakur, Vakhtangs
lage. B. was mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli uncle (mothers brother) was killed and
Life of Georgian Kings, Juansher Life of his body was taken to B (J. 176). King of
Vakhtang Gorgasali, Matiane (Chronicles) Persia, Urmizd (Shah of Iran, Hormizd IV
of Kartli, Live of David King of Kings, 579-90) transferred to his son, Kasre Am-
Historian of the period of reign of Lasha barvez (Shah of Iran, Khosro II Parviz 591-
George, Sumbat Davitis-dze Tshovreba da 628) Rani and Movakan for governance.
Utskeba Bagratonianta (The Life and Tale Kasre arranged his residence in B. (J. 217).
of Bagratonians), (K.Ts. I, 1955); Histories King Archil (Erismtavari of Kartli, 8th cen-
and Chronicles of the Crowned Monarchs, tury, 20-ies-40-ies) married off his nieces
Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life of Queen of (daughters of Miri) with the Eristavis and
Queens Tamar, Zhamtaaghmtsereli, Beri gave them the lands as dowries. He married
Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba, the fth daughter with Varzman, who was
Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba- second Text the relative of Persian Eristavi of B. (J. 242).

Ashot Kurapalats (Erismtavari of Kartli in forest at B. (H.L.G. 370). The Mongols rav-
90-ies of 8th century; King of Tao-Klarjeti. aged the entire Caucasus (40-ies of the 13th
deceased in 826) residence was in Tbilisi century), including B. (Zh. 186). When the
and Bardavi (S.D. 376, V.B. 128). Ashot Mongols approached the fortress of Kaen
rebelled against Arabs and escaped to (city in the historical Armenia), where the
Shavsheti. He renewed Artanuji, conquered Amirspasalar (general commander of Geor-
the lands again, up to the city of Bardavi gia) Avag, son of Ivane Mkhargrdzeli was
(supposedly city of Khilakhila, same as fortied, to save himself, he sent to the lead-
Ferozapat, residence of the Albanian Kings), ers of Mongols the messenger and offered
(S.D. 377). In the battle against Emir of armistice (Zh. 189). The Mongols used B.
Tbilisi (Ishak ibn Ismail Shuabian), (842), as a place to spend winter (Zh. 189, 191).
Bagrat (King of Tao-Klarjeti, 826-76) pro- Rusudan (Queen of Georgia 1223-45) and
vided assistance to the Khalif of Baghdad, her heir David, moved from Imereti to the
Commander Muhammad (Khalid son if Ia- eastern Georgia (1243). Here they were met
zid). After this battle Muhammad moved to by the Georgian noblemen, who have al-
B. (M.K. 255, V.B. 129). Commander of Ar- ready made agreement with Mongols. They
abs, Bugha-Turk (Bugha al-Kabir, deceased took David to B. where the Mongol noins
in 862) spent winter in B. (M.K. 256, V.B. enthroned him and sent to the Horde for ap-
130) at a time of campaign in Georgia (853). proval (Zh. 195). Country of Romguar was
The Salarides conquered B. and Adrabada- ruled by four noins; this country includes:
gan (20-ies of the 10th century), (M.K. 266, Khorasan (historical region in the north-
V.B. 134). The Turk-Seljuks used to encamp eastern part of Iran), Iraq, Georgia, Shirvan,
from Tbilisi to B., as its outskirts were the Movakan, B. (Zh. 223). In the wars between
best place to spend winter (L.D. 332). In Ilkhans and Golden Horde (1262-63) Geor-
spring, at a time of high water in Kura River, gians fought on the side of Ilkhans. At a
the Turk-Seljuks encamped in B. (L.D. 340). time of one battle, on the Shaburan eld (at
David (David IV, King of Georgia 1089- Daruband) David Ulo, son of Lasha-George
1125) ravaged B. (1121) and eliminated (King of Eastern Georgia 1246-70) killed
the Turks, (L.D. 340, CGHD written to the the outstanding man supporter of Berka
Pavneli Mghvime doc. # 1, 16). To celebrate Qaen (ruler of Golden Horde 1255-66) and
birth of Lasha George (King of Georgia Sargis Jakeli (Spasalar of Samtskhe, ruler
1207/10-23) the Georgians ravaged (1193) of Samtskhe from 1266) fought with great
the large and ancient city of B. (H.Chr. 58). courage against Berkas army. In result, they
With the fear of the Monapires (special of- drove away the troops of Golden Horde.
cial of the borderside region) Grigolisdze, The winners came to B., where they were
the Tbelis, Mapatlisdzes, in B. mothers did awarded by the Mongols. City of Karnu
not allow the infants to cry (B.EZ. 130). At (Karakhpola, currently Arzrum in Turkey)
a time of reign of Lasha-George, when the was transferred to Sargis Jakeli, for gov-
Mongols appeared at the borders of Georgia ernance. David Ulo prevented this. Disap-
for the second time, they encamped in the pointed Sargis returned home and David

spent winter in B. (Zh. 250). David Narin (P.Chr 90). Georgians, led by George Saa-
son of Rusudan (King of Western Georgia kadze (Georgian military and political gure
1246-59) was captivated by Ulo-Qaen, and 1570-1629) set out against Peikar Khan. He
sent him to B. (Zh. 228; V.B. 213). Timur escaped. Georgians chased him up to B.,
Lang (ruler of the Central Asia 1370-1405) could not capture him and ravaged B. (B.E.
captivated Bagrat (Bagrat V, King of Geor- 407). Daud-Khan (Undiladze), Beglarbeg of
gia 1360-93), together with his spouse Ana Karabakh and Teimuraz (Teimuraz I) agreed
(1386) and went hunting. He passed Karaia and ravaged Barda-Karabakh (1632). In the
(valley on the bank of Kura River at the city army of Teimuraz there were the troops of
of Rustavi) and arrived to Bardav (V.B. Alexander, King of Imereti (1639-60), Levan
264). Later he went from B. to Shirvan (V. Dadiani, the ruler of Odishi (1611-57) and
B. 265). Timur Lang, with the great army Meskhs (P.G. 30). When Teimuraz was in B.,
bugling and playing cymbals arrived to B., Catholicos of Armenians of Karabakh came
he left the treasury there and set out to Geor- to him and advised to attack Tabriz (city in
gia (1387), (B.E. 330, Second T. 457, V.B. Iranian Azerbaijan, in Achijai Gorge). The
267), Timur Lang and George (George VII, King refused (P.G. 31). Khan of B. submit-
King of Georgia 1393-1407) agreed about ted to Shah the letter of noblemen of Kartli,
armistice (1403) and after this Timur trav- who asked to enthrone George as their King
eled to B. to spend winter (B.E. 335, Sec- (George XI, King of Kartli 1676-88; 1703-
ond T., 467, V.B. 272). When Shah Tamaz 09), (P. G. 83-84). When Nadir Shah (Shah
(Tahmasp I, Shah of Iran 1524-76) attacked of Iran 1736-47) fought in Dagestan (1741-
Georgia second time (1547), he ravaged the 43), Kizilbashs delivered bread from B. to
country, but he suffered great losses as well; Dagestan by 6.000 oxen and carts. (P.O. 55).
he could not continue ght any more and To punish the rebelled son of former Shah (in
took war spoils only and returned to B. and reality Se Mirza was the impostor), Nadir-
spent winter there (P.G. 5). When the King Shah sent his son, Nasrula-Mirza. Nasrula
Teimuraz (King Teimuraz I, King of Kakheti ravaged Shirvan-Shamakhia and encamp-
1606-48; Kartl-Kakheti 1625-32) was in- ed at Bardavi after gaining victory (1743)
formed that Kizilbashs beheaded Kakhetians (P.O. 73). Givi Amilakhvari, Grand Duke of
at Aragvi River, he passed Kartli, arrived to Kartli rebelled against Kizilbashs, because
Kakheti and Kakhetians got ready for war. of increase of taxes (1742-45), Turks assist-
When Peikar-Khan learnt about this, he es- ed him. Nadir Shah decided to conciliate and
caped to B. and from there he asked assis- sent the Khan of B. to clarify what was the
tance from Shah Abbas (Abbas I, Shah of matter (P.O. 54). When Nasrula Mirza learnt
Iran 1587-1629). Shah Abbas sent the army about invasion of the Turkish troops, he set
to him (P.G. 24) Shah Abbas issued the or- out from B. and stayed at minaret in Ganja.
der to eliminate the population of Kakheti Scared Turks retreated (P.O. 75). When Na-
and settle the Kizilbashs there. Khan of dir Shah learnt about invasion of the Turks in
B., Feikar Khan (Muslim ruler of B. and Georgia, he sent 4.000 soldiers commanded
Kakheti) was the leader of this operation. by Ashurkhan from B. to assist Erekle (Er-

ekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-1762; King zapan of Kartli and Albania (approx. 30-
of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-1798) and Teimuraz ies of the 5th century). B. was mentioned
(Teimuraz II, King of Kartli 1744-62) (P.O. in: Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali
80). When Aji-Chalab, Khan of Shak-Shir- (K.Ts. I, 1955).
van (rst Khan of Shak, Hadji Cheleb Kur- Lands of B. were ravaged many times
ban Oghlu, 1743-55) fought against Teimu- by Archil, King of Kartli (King of Kartli
raz and Erekle (1751-52), Khan of B. pro- in 20-30-ies of the 5th century) and his son
vided the troops to him (P.O. 208). Mirdat (King of Kartli in 30-50-ies of the
5th century). Archil sought the hand of Sag-
K. Nadiradze
dukht, Barzabods daughter for marriage
with his son. B. was very glad to this, re-
ceived the promise of maintaining of peace
BARDOS one of the ethnarchs of
and married off his daughter to Mirdat (J.
Caucasian peoples. B. was mentioned in:
141-2). Sagdukht converted into Christian-
Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings
ity. After death of her husband, with the fear
(K.Ts. I, 1955); Histories and Chronicles of
of punishment from her father, because of
the Crowned Monarches (K. Ts. II, 1959);
her conversion, she arrived to Bardavi (city
Vakhushti Batonishvili Description of
in Azerbaijan, on Karabakh Valley), to her
Kingdom of Georgia (K Ts. IV, 1973).
father and begged his forgiveness. B. for-
B. was the third son of biblical Targa-
gave his daughter and did not force her to
mos (Thargmah) (ethnarch of Caucasian
change her religion, but he sent the Zoroas-
peoples) (L.M. 4; V.B. 47). After dividing
trian servants to Mtskheta, with the leader-
of the country by Targamos, B. received the
ship of Bishop Binkaran. B. did not force
territory to the south from Kura River, from
Georgians to convert to the Zoroastrianism.
Budruji River (right tributary of Kura River,
B. deceased and King of Persians assigned
currently Dzegamchai River in Azerbaijan)
in his place Varaz-Bakur, his son (J. 144-5).
to the place where Arax falls into Kura River
(L.M. 5). Borders of this territory were: Arax E. Kvachantiradze
River from the east (river in South Caucasus,
the largest tributary of Kura River); from the
south the mountain where the rivers falling BENCHA chief of Lezghins (1st
into Kura River ow, from the west small half of the 18th century). B. was mentioned
hill of Bedruji River, from the north Kura in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani
River (V.B. 48). B. built the city of Bardavi (History of Georgia), (1981).
(city in Azerbaijan, on Karabakh Plain) and B. was killed by the order of rebelled
settled there (L.M. 5; H.Chr. 58; V.B. 526). Abdula-Beg, son of Iese (Iese, King of Kar-
The country allocated to B. was called Rani tli, 1714-16, 1724-27) for his loyalty to Er-
(Ar-Ran, the Arab name of ancient Alba- ekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62,
nia) (V.B. 632). King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98), (P.O. 140).
E. Kvachantiradze
K. Nadiradze
BARZABOD Iranian ofcial, Mar-

BIJNISI fortress in Armenia, it was BIRIT fortress in Shirvan. B. was
located in the gavar of Ararat Nahang Nig, mentioned in: Life of David, King of
in the written sources it was mentioned from Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955), Vakhushti Batonish-
the 5th century; in 10-11th centuries it was vili Description of Kingdom of Georgia
the residence of Pahlavuns. Ruins of B. are (K. Ts. IV, 1973). B. was taken over by Da-
maintained up to present, on the left side of vid the Builder (King of Georgia 1089-1125)
Razdan River. B. was mentioned in: Arsen at a time of Shirvan Campaign (1124) (L.D.
of Sapara On the Division of Georgians 345; V.B. 162).
and Armenians (1980); Historian of the Pe- E. Kvachantiradze
riod of Reign of Lasha-Giorgi (K.Ts. 1955);
Zhamtaaghmtsereli (K. Ts. II, 1959).
Armenian Monophysite priest of the
BISHOP JOB (IOB) (375-390).
7 century, John of Mairagom settled in
Bishop I. was mentioned in: Conver-
B. before his death (A.S. 93). Zakaria and
sion of Kartli (MAGHL, I, 1963); Leonti
Ivane Mkhargrdzelis (political and military
Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings (K.Ts. I.
gures of the turn of 12th-13th centuries, Za-
karia Amirspasalar Mandaturtukhutsesi
After death of Bishop Iakob (Jacob)
and Ivane Msakhurtukhutsesi, Amirspas-
(363-375) I. the Armenian, deacon of Nerses
alari, Atabag) took over B. (H.L.G. 368). At
the Catholicos of Armenians became the
a time of Jalaledins (Mangubert, Shah of
Bishop (L.M. 132). In the period of reign of
Khvarazm 1220-21) attack, Ivane Mkhar-
Trdat, King of Kartli the bishop was I., the
grdzeli retreated to B after defeat at Garnisi
deacon of Nerses, Catholicos of Armenians
(Zh. 171). Jalal ad-Din sent the envoy to
(Conversion, 91).
Avag Mkhargrdzeli who was in B. (military
and political gure, amirspasalar and atabag T. Koridze

of the 1st half of 13th century) while he was

at Bijnisi Gorge (Zh. 172-3). In relation
with decease of Avag Mkhargrdzeli David BISHOP MOSE gure of the rst
(David VII, King of Georgia 1246-70) vis- half of 7th century, the Monophysite, Bishop
ited his home in B. (Zh. 237). David VII, of Tsurtavi (explanations to be provided).
who apostated from Kaen (Hulagu, Kaen Mose, replaced by Kirion I, the Catholicos
on Ilkhans, 1217-65) moved to Sargis Jakeli of Kartli (599-614/16), from the bishops
(Sargis I, ruler of Samtskhe 1266-85, Me- throne escaped to Armenia, followed by the
churchletukhutsesi (treasurer of Georgia) in correspondence between Georgian and Ar-
Samtskhe and left his spouse Gvantsa and menian high priesthood and this was the for-
son, Demetre in B. (Zh. 239). mal commencement of dissent between Ar-
menian and Georgian churches. B. M. was
E. Kvachantiradze
mentioned in: On the Division of Geor-
gians and Armenians by Arsen of Sapara

Kirion, Catholicos of Kartli exiled B. icles) of Kartli (K.Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti
M. from Tsurtavi and his church, which Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
was established by Saint Shushanik in the Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
land of Somkhiti (A. S. 82)*. When Bagrats rst spouse, Elene,
daughter of the Greek Caesar passed away,
*According to L.Janashia, Arsen of Sapara and part of he got married with B. the sister of Dorg-
Georgian church considered, that Tsurtavi Episkopate
was established by Shushaniki, probably together with holeli, King of Ossetians. At Bagrats death-
establishment of religions rite in Armenian language bed there were his mother Mariam, spouse
(see L.Janashia, For Understanding One Place in Arsen
of Sapara, // Research From Georgian and Caucasus
B. and others (M. K. 295, 314; V.B. 145).
History, Tbilisi, 1976, p. 131).
K. Nadiradze
T. Koridze


BLUCHAN (2 half of 8 century); th MATELY 2ND HALF OF THE 5TH CEN-
Spasalar of Khazar Khakan. B. was men- TURY) Borzo: King of Movakan. B. was
tioned in Matiane (chronicles) of mentioned in: Juansher Life of Vakhtang
Kartli (K.Ts. I, 1955). Gorgasali* (K. Ts. I, 1955). Barukh: ruler of
B. was sent by Khakan of Khazars Movakan. He was mentioned in: Vakhushti
to bring to him Shushan, sister of Juan- Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
sher, Erismtavari of Kartli (50/60-ies of 8th Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973). They are the
century). B. arrived to Kakheti via Leketi identical persons.
(Dagestan) and approached the fortress, Vakhtang Gorgasali, King of Kar-
where Juansher and Shushan were. He took tli, by the order of Shah of Persia, together
over the fortress in few days and captured with the other kings and rulers of Caucasus,
Juansher and Shushan. He ravaged Tbilisi, subordinated to Persia, invaded into Greece
devastated Kartli and headed to Khazaria by (Byzantium) and attacked the city of Ponto.
Darial way. B. brought Juansher to Khakan In the battles with Greeks Vakhtangs uncle,
of Khazars as Shushan has poisoned herself. mothers brother, eristavi of Rani, leader of
As B. has not brought the body of Shushan Lezghins Ipajaj and other eristavis were
(Khakan desired to see her), by Khakans or- killed. Then Vakhtang ordered to all, to kiss
der, B. was captured. They tied the rope on the cross, to achieve unity and success and
his neck, fastened it to two riders and tore his who would not fulll this order, would be
head away (M.K. 249-50). sentenced to death. He ordered Petre, the
priest to bring the cross. He ordered eristavi
G. Otkhmezuri
Demetre and commander Juansher to ac-
company the priest. All obeyed to his order
and worshiped the cross. B. declared that he
BORENA Daughter of the King of would not reject the light and would not kiss
Ossetians. Queen of Georgia in 11th century. the vain rod. Then Juansher stabbed him with
Spouse of Bagrat IV, King of Georgia (1027- the sword and killed (J. 173-174; V.B. 107).
72). B. was mentioned in: Matiane (chron-
CHAGAT country i.e. land in Arme-
* Dating of Vakhtang Gorgasalis reign: S. Gorgadze: nia. Ch. was mentioned in: Stepane Mtbe-
443-503, Iv. Javakhishvili: 442-502, K. Tumanov: 435-
vari, Martyrdom of Gobron (AMGHL I,
522, V. Goiladze: 438-491.
1963, 175).
K. Nadiradze T. Koridze

BURDUKHAN daughter of Khud- CHECHNYA region in North Cauca-

dan (one of the North Caucasian rulers), sus. Ch. was mentioned in: Temuraz Bagra-
King of Ossetians, spouse of George III, tioni New History (1983).
King of Georgia (1156-84). B. was men- Ermolov (Alexey Ermolov, 1777-1861,
tioned in: The Histories and Chronicles of General of Russian Army, commander-in-
Crowned Monarchs, Basili Ezosmodzgh- chief of Caucasian Corps) arranged the cam-
vari Life of Queen of Queens Tamar (K. paign against Ch., built small fortress on the
Ts. II, 1959), Vakhushti Batonishvili De- border and named it Grozna, or the Threat-
ening (T.B. 88).
scription of Kingdom of Georgia(K. Ts. IV,
1973). E. Kvachantiradze
Demetre (Demetre I, King of Georgia
1125-56) married his son, George with B. CHERKEZ-SHAMKHAL Sultan
(1150-ies). B. was distinguished with great of Shak (2nd half of the 14th century). Ch. Sh.
beauty, kindness, wisdom, generosity and was mentioned in: Beri Egnatashvili Akh-
faith to Christ. She deceased shortly after ali Kartlis Tskhovreba - Third Text (K. Ts.
crowning of Queen Tamar (Queen of Geor- II, 1959).
gia 1184-1207/10) as co-ruler (1178/79), There was confrontation between Svi-
(H.Chr. 4,20,27; B.Ez. 116-117; V.B. 166). mon (Svimon I, King of Kartli 1556-69,
K. Nadiradze
1578-99) and his brother, Daut-Khan (King
of Kartli 1569-78), who was assigned by
Shah Tamaz (Tamaz I, Shah of Iran 1524-
CHACHAN//CHECHENS people 76) as a ruler of Tbilisi and Kvemo Kartli.
living mostly in the territory of Chechnya At a time of one of the conicts, Shah Tamaz
and Ingushia and Dagestan. Ch. were men- wrote to sultan of Shak to provide support
tioned in: Teimuraz Bagrationi New His- to Daut-Khan. Ch. Sh. set out to Kartli with
tory (1983). great army of Shaki and Karabakh. The bat-
In 1818 Ermolovs (high ofcial in tle took place at Partskhisi (village in Kvemo
Caucasus) ended without any results. Ch. re- Kartli) (1569) (B.E. 368; Third T. 513).
sisted rmly, killed many soldiers and forced E. Kvachantiradze
him to retreat (T.B. 88).
G. Otkhmezuri

Lezghins (2nd half of 18th century). Ch. M. PHER) (OF APAHUN) Catholicos of
was mentioned in: Oman Kherkheulidze, Armenians (628-630). In the period of his
Reign of Irakli II (1989); Teimuraz Bagra- administration as a Bishop of Apahuns he
tioni New History (1983). signed the document submitted in 607 to
[According to O. Kh.] In 1757, the Abraham, Catholicos of Armenians (607-
Lezghins attacked Zemo Kartli, with 4.000 615) and participated in preparation of the
troops, commanded by Ch. M. They ap- epistle in response to Albanians by Erthanes
proached the city of Tskhinvali (Shida Kar- Cerdol. Ch. was mentioned in: Arsen of Sa-
tli), where the Kings Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, para, On the Division of Georgians and Ar-
King of Kartli 1744-1762) and Erekle (Er- menians (1980).
ekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Ch., the enemy of Ioan of Maireguem
Kartl-Kakheti, 1762-98) stayed. The Kings (Mairagom) was enthroned as Catholicos
could not dare to ght face to face, as they and Ioane became furious because of this,
had very little suite and they started to shoot though, Ch. was removed from the throne
from the fortress (O. Kh. 57). In 1759, Ch. for some reason and Ioane was glad for this.
M. and chief of Lezghins attacked Kartli (A.S. 83).
again, with 8.000 army. They divided into T. Koridze
two parts. Ch. M. came to Achabeti (fortress
on the right bank of Liakhvi River), took it
over, ravaged the Ossetians in Samachablo
CIRCASSIA historical region in
and approached village Avnevi. Kokhta-Be-
North Caucasus, included western and cen-
ladi besieged Atotsi Fortress (on the left side
tral parts of North Caucasus from Black
of Froni River). Teimuraz and Erekle arrived
Sea and Kuban River to the place of joining
to Kornisi with the troops and Solomon,
of rivers Sunji and Tergi. From 16th century,
King of Imereti (Solomon I, 1752-84) joined
in this territory, to the west from Tergi River,
them. The Lezghins escaped from Atotsi.
the Greater Kabardinia was formed. From
When Ch. M. learnt about this, he left Avn-
the 1st half of 19th century the territory was
evi and fortied in Dvani Fortress (Dvanist-
governed by Russia. During 20th century it
skali Gorge, currently Kornisi Gorge). The
was within Karachai-Cherkess autonomous
Kings found him there. Ch. M. escaped at
region, in 1991 it was transformed into re-
night, together with his troops (O. Kh. 57-
public of Karachai-Cherkess within Rus-
58). T.B. wrote the same, but he tells these
sian Federation. C. was mentioned in: Juan-
two events as one story and dates it with
sher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali (K. Ts.
1759 (T.B. 50-51).
I, 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili Descrip-
K. Nadiradze tion of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV,
1973); Parsadan Gorgijanidze The History
In the period of Stephanoz II (Erismta-
vari (ruler) of Kartli, 2nd half on the 7th cen-

tury), the territory up to the C. was within Imereti 1565-83) and the other wife of
the parish of the Catholicos of Kartli (J. George Gurieli (ruler (mtavari) of Guria
232). In the period of Mongol rule, Ossetia 1564-83) (B.V. 362; Third T. 503). Grand
(region in North Caucasus) was called C. or mother of Shah Abbas (Abbas I, Shah of Iran
Kabardo (V.B. 634, 655). Archil (Archil II, 1587-1629) was C. woman, very clever and
King of Imereti 1661-63, 1678-79, 1690-91, inuential lady (F.G. 45). Vakhtang (neph-
1695-96, 1698 and King of Kakheti 1664- ew of King of Kartli, George XI 1678-88,
75), who was disobedient to Shah of Iran, 1703-09) married to Rusudan, the daughter
was captured in C. (V.B. 469). In C., David of ruler of C. (V.B. 474). In the other case
Turkistanashvili, sent by him to the Khan Rusudan was named as a wife of George
of Crimea and captured by Shamkhal came XI (V.B. 815). ). Archil (Archil II, King of
to him (V.B. 850). Archil traveled to Russia Imereti 1661-63, 1678-79, 1690-91, 1695-
via C. (F.G. 70). Teimuraz (King of Kakheti 96, 1698 and King of Kakheti 1664-75), on
1606-48) sent his grand child Nikolaoz (Er- his way to Russia was captured by the hired
ekle I, King of Kartli, 1688-1703) to Russia. C.-s (V.B. 855-56). On his way to Russia,
In C. the robbers attacked him (V.B. 598). Vakhtang VI (King of Kartli 1716-24) was
C. was mentioned several times in the de- met by his brother in law, ruler of C. (V.B.
scriptions of Digori, Basiani, Kisteti, Dzurd- 507). Agha-Kishi, son of Aji-Chalab (rst
zuketi, Ghlighos (historical regions of North Khan of Shak 1747-55) arranged the cam-
Caucasus), Svaneti (mountainous region paign against Kartl-Kakheti. Teimuraz II
in western Georgia, includes the southern (King of Kartli 1744-62) sent his son, Erekle
slopes of Caucasus Mountain Range) (V.B. (Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of
649-54, 787). Kartl-Kakheti 1962-98) to Stephantsminda,
to invite the C. cavalry riders. Army of C.
E. Kvachantiradze
arrived and Agha-Kishi retreated (T.B. 49;
O.Kh. 54; P.O. 198-202). Army of C. sup-
ported Teimuraz II and Erekle II at a time of
CIRCASSIANS nation in North Cau-
their campaign against Yerevan (P.O. 161),
casus. C. was mentioned in: Beri Egnatash-
in the battle against Fana-Khan (Khan of
vili, Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba - Third
Karabakh 1747-63) (P.O. 165), in the bat-
Text (K.Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili
tle against Nursal-beg, ruler of Khundzakh
Description of Kingdom of Georgia (K.
(P.O. 219, 232). Teimuraz II, for the service,
Ts. IV, 1973); Parsadan Gorgijanidze The
paid to the ruler of C. and his troops the re-
History (1926); Papuna Orbeliani Ambav-
muneration and allowed them to leave for
ni Kartlisani (History of Georgia), (1981);
their country (P.O. 172-73, 203).
Teimuraz Bagrationi New History (1983);
Oman Kherkheulidze Reign of Irakli II E. Kvachantiradze

George Dadiani (ruler of Odishi 1572-
82) married to the C. woman, one sister of
which was the wife of George II (King of

DAGESTAN DAGESTANIANS New History (1983); Niko Dadiani Life
Autonomous Republic of D. was established of Georgians (1962); Bagrat Batonishvili
in 1921 and up to present it is within Russian Akhali Motkhroba (New Story) (1941);
Federation, with the status of republic from Historical Documents (Chr. III, 1967; MGL
1991. Capital city: Makhachkala. Historical II, 1965; IV 1974; VII 1985).
centers: Kumukh and Khundzakh. D. is lo- Timur Lang (Tamerlane, commander of
cated in the eastern part of North Caucasus, Central Asia, Emir 1370-1405) subdued D.
with Caspian Sea from the west. About 30 and settled the els there. They inuenced the
peoples and ethnographic groups live in D. people in D. and made them Muslims; earli-
Groups of numerous related languages be- er, some of them were Christians (V.B. 268;
long to the Iberian-Caucasian family. In 1st N.D. 119). In the period of reign of Levan,
century B.C. southern part of D. was within King of Kakheti (1518-74) there was peace
Caucasian Albania. There was the signi- in Kakheti. Though the Lezghins were not
cant route from North Caucasus to Trans- subordinated to Levan, they could not dare to
caucasia, so called Daruband Gate. In 4th arrange raids. Once a Lezghin stole the cow
century Christianity and Albanian alphabet from Kakheti. Levan gave him an exemplary
were spread in these areas. In 7th century penalty: brought him to Kakheti with his en-
northern part of D. was included into Kha- tire family and seized his property to prevent
ganate of Khazars. In 8th century the territory others from commiting such crimes (V.B.
was conquered by Arabs and from this time 574). Teimuraz (Teimuraz I, King of Kakhe-
Islam was widespread. In 11th -13th centu- ti 1606-48; King of Kartl-Kakheti 1625-32),
ries D. and especially its mountainous part bored by the raids of Lezghins sent Kaik-
was under political and cultural inuence of hosro Omanishvili to deal with D. and the
Georgia. In 30-ies of 13th century it was con- latter ravaged entire D. (V.B. 585). King
quered by Mongols. In 15th century it ghts George (George XI, King of Kartli 1676-88,
against Iran and Ottoman Empire and makes 1703-09) sent two monks to his brother Ar-
political and economic relations with Russia. chil in Russia, (1682-83), to advise him to
In late 18th century, in D. ten large political return back to Georgia, as the noblemen of
unites and up to 60 so called free communi- Imereti desired to see him as their King. The
ties were formed. In early 19th century, by monks, when they arrived to D. were cap-
Gulistan Peace Treaty (1813) D. was formal- tured by Shamkhal. At that time Shamkhal
ly included into Russia. In 16th-18th centuries fall ill with ileus and one of the monks, Da-
Georgia was subjected to permanent raids vid Turkestanishvili treated and healed him.
of Dagestanians. So called Lekianoba Shamkhal left David with him and he loved
took place. D. was mentioned in: Vakhushti him like his own son. As for the other monk,
Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of he sent him to Russia. For the time of his be-
Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973); Papuna Orbeli- ing in D. David achieved friendly relations
ani Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Geor- between King George and Shamkhal (V.B.
gia), (1981); Oman Kherkheulidze Reign 460). Population of Kakheti begged Kalbali-
of Irakli II (1989); Teimuraz Bagrationi Khan (Muslim ruler of Kakheti 1695-99 and

Beglarbeg of Karabakh) to allow them to from ravaging (O.Kh. 42; P.O. 55). Son of
ght with the Lezghin settled in Chari as the Kaen (Shah-Tamaz II is implied), supported
Lezghins residing in Kakheti land provided by feudal lords of D. rebelled against Nadir
support and guidance to the Lezghins of D. in (O.Kh. 43; P.O. 70). Shah Nadir returned
their raids against Kakheti population. They from D. in 1742 and occupied Kalati Fortress
used to ravage, kill and rob the Kakhetians. (Chr. III, 618). Ottomans sent the treasury in
Kalbali did not allow the Kakhetians to ght 1746 for the els of D. to spend the money for
with them (V.B. 608). Akhrijahan Begum, their rebellion against Iran. Erekle (Erekle
spouse of David, King of Kakheti (1709- II, King of Kakheti 1744-62) met the Otto-
22) was the grand daughter of Shamkhal mans at the bank of Aragvi River and took
of Dagestan (MGL II, 335-36).Lezghins of the treasury away from them (Chr. III 618).
Chari mobilized the army, gained assistance Ottomans provided nancial assistance and
from D. and approached the city of Telavi. D. provided the troops to Givi Amilakhvari,
Georgians defeated them, killed numerous in his rebellion against Iran. Dagestanians
Lezghins and gained rich war spoils. After used to take advantage of this and ravage
this they brought to Kakheti Mahmad-Quli- the villages of Kartl-Kakheti (P.O. 61, 64,
Khan (Constantine II King of Kakheti 1722- 67, 78). Mutsal, the Eristavi of Khundzakhi
32) and swore allegiance to him (V.B. 623). arrived with the elite troops of D. passed
Tamaz-Khan (Shah of Iran, Nadir 1736-47) Kakheti, moved to Tianeti and approached
attacked D. in 1737 (Chr. III, 617). Nadir Mchadijvari (1755). Erekle and Teimuraz
Shah decided to take over D. He arranged gained victory and drove the Lezghins away
new campaign against D. (1741-43) (O.Kh. (B.B. 50). In 1770, Qularaghas George, Eri-
42). He called Khan of Kartli (Kizilbash ruler stavi of Ksani rebelled, called the Lezghins
Imam-Quli-Khan) and the noblemen. Imam- of D., fortied Ksani and Patara Liakhvi.
Quli-Khan, Abdul-Beg (son of Iese, King of As the negotiations failed, King Erekle sent
Kartli 1714-16, 1724-27), Givi Amilakhvari his sons George and Leon to suppress the
(head of Saamilakhvro) set out immediately. rebellion. Rebelled George was defeated
When they arrived to Daruband, Shah was (B.B. 59). In 1767 troops of D. attacked
already ravaging D. (P.O. 47). Shah attacked Imereti and Racha villages, ravaged them
D. with his army (Chr. III, 168, 170), he and took about 300 captives (Chr. III. 294).
suppressed Lezghins with attacks and with Chiefs of D. permanently arranged raids to
Georgians demanding victuals. Therefore, Kartl-Kakheti, they ravaged, robbed and
Georgians renounced Shah. Shah decided took the captives. Georgians resisted them
to raze Kartl-Kakheti to the ground. Then ercely (see articles: Sulkhavi, Kojakh, Ra-
Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of Kakheti jaba, Malachi, Zubeidala, Bencha, Kokhta,
1733-44) sent Tamar, his spouse (daugh- Chonchol-Musa, Omar-Khan, Nursal-Beg,
ter of Vakhtang VI, King of Kartli) to D., Fathali-Khan Afshar). Family members of
to negotiate with Shah. Shah hosted Tamar the captives taken by the Dagestanians of-
with great respect. Tamar fullled her mis- ten applied to King Erekle to assist them
sion with success and saved Kartl-Kakheti in ransoming their relatives and many of

them thanked the King for his support (See Bagrat Batonishvili Akhali Motkhroba
the letters, MGL II, 181, 197, 346, 530; IV, (New Story), (1941); Niko Dadiani Life
564; IV 143; IV 85, 564; VII 143)). In some of Georgians (1962); Iovane Sabanis-dze
cases Georgian kings hired the troops of D. Martyrdom of Habo Tpileli, Conversion
and paid the wages to them (MGL II, 455, of Kartli (MAGHL. I, 1963); Arsen Beri
529...). Russians fought with Shikhali, Khan Life of Nino, anonymous author Life
of Daruband. Shikhali made Russians retreat of Nino (MAGHL. II, 1971, metaphrase
up to D. (T.B. 80). Russians, commanded edition, 12th 13th cent.); Dzegli Eristav-
by Ermolov (Russian military and political ta (Annals of the Eristavi), (MGL 1965);
gure 1777-1861) attacked D. and burned historical documents (Chr. I., II, 1897).
several villages. Lezghins made them re- Europeans called D. the gate to Cau-
treat (T.B. 88). In 1812, Georgians rebelled casus (V.B. 358). Khazars used to enter via
against Russia, commanded by Alexander gates of Daruband and Aragvi and ravage
Batonishvili (son of Erekle II), were sup- Thargamosians (Thargamos [Togarmah]
ported by the troops of D. (B.B. 59). Biblical character, ancestor of the Cauca-
sians and Georgians among them). Finally
K. Nadiradze
the Thargamosians undertook to pay tribute
(L.M. 12; V.B. 51). Georgians and Ossetians
fought against Armenians. Zaren, son of
DARIAL section of Terek River in
the King of Armenians was taken as a cap-
Kazbegi District (Republic of Georgia). Way
tive. Georgians placed him in D. fortress (at
connecting two sides of Caucasus Range run
a time of Arsok/Arzok, King of Kartli, ap-
in Darial Gorge from the ancient times and
proximately 2nd 1st centuries B.C.), (L.M.
control of Darial Gorge was of great signi-
49; V.B. 65; N.D. mentioned Zarde, King of
cance in foreign policies of the other coun-
Armenians, 74). King of Kartli, Asphagur,
tries. It protected Transcaucasia from attacks
son of Mirdat (turn of 3rd and 4th centuries)
of hostile nomad tribes of North Caucasus.
opened gate of D. and allowed the Ossetians
Georgia always attempted to maintain con-
to pass, to support Kosaro, King of Arme-
trol over D. Gorge. Name Darial origi-
nians, in his ght against Persians (L.M. 59;
nates from Persian Dar-e Alan (Gate of Al-
V.B. 70). To the north from Aragvi, below
ans). In ancient Georgian and foreign sourc-
the rock, King Mirian (King of Kartli, 1st
es D. was mentioned as Darialan, Dariela,
half of 4th century) built the fortress of Dari-
Aragvi Gate, Ossetians Gate, Caucasus Gate
ali, constructed the gate, to prevent entrance
etc. D. was mentioned by: Leonti Mroveli
of Ossetians and Khazars via D. without his
Life of Georgian Kings, Juansher Life of
permit (V.B. 358; N.D. 132). Vakhtang Gor-
Vakhtang Gorgasali, Matiane (chronicles)
gasali (King of Kartli, 40-ies of the 5th centu-
of Kartli, Life of David King of Kings
ry, end of 5th century) mobilized army against
(K.Ts. I, 1955); Zhamtaaghmtsereli, Akhali
Ossetians, gained support from Varaz-Bakur,
Kartlis Tskhovreba- second Text (K.Ts. I,
his mothers brother, Eristavi (Pitiakhsh) of
1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
Rani, passed the gate of D., entered Osse-
of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973);

tia and conquered it (J. 150-52; V.B. 102). setians (V.B. three thousand people) via D.
King Vakhtang subordinated to himself Os- and settled them in Dmanisi (political center
setians, Kipchaks, he created the gate of Os- in Kvemo Kartli), (M.K. 256; V.B. 130). Da-
setia, called by Georgians as Dariani Gate vid (David IV, King of Georgia 1089-1125)
and built on it the high towers and assigned took over the fortresses of D. and all passes
the mountain people as guards. After this, to Ossetia to allow Kipchakians to peace-
the Ossetians and Kipchaks could not enter fully move to Georgia (L.D. 336; V. B. 159).
Transcaucasia without consent of Georgian When Queen Rusudan (Queen of Georgia
Kings via D. gate (J. 156; MAGHL. III. 48, 1223-45) learnt that Jalal Ad-Din (Khvaraz-
81; Chr. I. 50). Vakhtang freed Mirandukht, mshah 1220-31) set out from Adrabadagan
his sister, captured by Ossetians and together to Tbilisi (1227-28), mobilized the army of
with the other freed captives sent to Kartli, entire Georgia, opened the gates of D; she
via D. gate and he continued the campaign called the Ossetians, Durdzuks and other
(J. 157; V.B. 103). When throne in Kartli warriors of mountains, she gathered them
was cancelled (Iran cancelled the throne of at Nacharmagevi (residence of Georgian
Kartli in 537), Persians gained power and Kings, currently village Karaleti, Gori Dis-
took over the Gate of Ossetia (D), (Con- trict), to ght against Khvarazmians (Zh.
version 94). Murwan the Deaf (Marwan II, 183). To David Ulo (David VII, King of
ibn Muhammad, Arab Khalif 744-50) con- Georgia 1246-70), son of Great Khan Batu
quered entire Caucasus (735-38), took over (Batu Khan, founder of Golden Horde 1227-
the Gate of D. and Daruband, ruined the cit- 55) sent numerous envoys, asking for pass
ies and fortresses (J. 234). At a time of rule through D. (Zh. 245; V.B. 220). Shalva, Eri-
of Juansher Erismtavari (Kartli Erismtavari stavi of Ksani, with the army of Mongols
50/60-ies of 8th century) Khazars arranged set out to ght against David (David VIII,
campaign against Transcaucasus (764). They King of Georgia 1293-1311). David was en-
entered Kakheti by Lezghin way, took over camped at Bazaleti and when he learnt about
the fortress, where Juansher and his sister this, he sheltered in D. Fortress (Second T.
Shushan were. They took them to Khazaria 443; Dzegli Eristavta 105). [George V, King
by D. road. Khakan of Khazars desired to of Georgia 1318-46] traveled in Mtiuleti, he
get married with Shushan, but Shushan pre- invited the Khevisbers, considered the cases
ferred to die than to get married with the pa- and further he came to D., where there was
gan. When the captives passed the gate of D. absolute lawlessness; population did not ob-
Shushan poisoned herself (M. K. 250; V.B. serve the laws and committed many crimes
127). Nerse Erismtavari, chased by Arabians (Monument of George the King of Kings,
(Erismtavari of Kartli, 70/80-ies of 8th cen- written in 1344-46. Chr. II, 182). To ght
tury) passed the gate of Ossetia, called D., against Virshel Eristavi (Eristavi of Ksani,
moved to North Caucasus and found shelter 90-ies of 14th century, who ravaged Dvaleti
at Khazars (Martyrdom of Habo, 58). Bugha because of betrayal, the mountain warriors
Turk (Arab commander, Bugha el Kabir, gathered (1390-ies) from Aragvi Zedazeni
Died in 862) took hundred families of Os- to D. They were commanded by Eristavi of

Surami. They fought at Khoji Rock for two od of Reign of Lasha-Giorgi (K.Ts. I, 1955);
days but in vain (Dzegli Eristavta 116-17). Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned
Timur Lang [Tamerlan] (ruler of Central Monarchs, Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life
Asia 1370-1405) and his army were guided of Queen of Queens Tamar, Zhamtaaghmt-
in Ksani gorge by Burdiashvili Girsheli. The sereli (K.Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonish-
enemies ravaged the entire country, reached vili Description of Kingdom of Georgia
Dagestan and Darial (Dzegli Eristavta, (K.Ts. IV, 1973); Papuna Orbeliani Ambav-
114). Mtiuleti, entire gorge of D., ruled by ni Kartlisani (History of Georgia), (1981);
the Khevisberis, implicitly obeyed to King Teimuraz Bagrationi New History (1983);
Alexander (Alexander I., King of Geor- Niko Dadiani Life of Georgians (1962);
gia 1412-42), (Awards of Sulta Matiane historical documents (Chr. I, 2004; II 1897;
[Chronicles of the Spirits] Trinity Temple, III 1967; CGHD I, 1984).
dated by 1439, Chr. II, 245). Parnaoz Ba- Territory from Caucasus to the great
tonishvili (Son of Erekle II, Erekle- King river (Volga river), falling into Daruband
of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98), together with Sea (Caspian Sea) was unsettled and there-
his brother Iulon rebelled against Rusians fore, Thargamos (Biblical Character [Toga-
(1801). Mtiuleti supported him. Aragvelebi rmah]) settled two of his sons, Lekan and
locked Ghudi gorge to prevent entrance of Caucas there. He gave the territory from D.
Russians, Tagaur-Kurtaulis locked D. way Sea up to Lomek River (Tergi River) to
and Russians could not enter from there Lekan (forefather of Lezghins), (L.M. 5).
(B.B. 93). At that time, Tsitsishvili (Pavle Khazars* made the king ... made him a lead-
Tsitsianov, 1754-1806, Russian General, er, passed the gates of the sea, called D. Kha-
high ofcial in Georgia) arrived to Tbilisi. zars found two ways, the gate of the sea, or
When Kazibegashvili learnt about this, he D. and the gate of Aragvi, or Dariali (section
bribed Tagaur-Kurtaulis, made them open D. of Tergi gorge in Kazbegi District, Republic
entrance and from there, Colonel Nesvetev, of Georgia). They often entered through
with Russian regiment entered into Georgia these ways and ravaged the Targamosians.
(T. B. 94) In result they became the tribute payers
(L.M. 11-12; V.B. 51). King of Khazars gave
K. Nadiradze
the territory belonging to Lekan to the neph-
ew of his father, to the east from the sea of
D., up to Lomek River (L.M. 12). Ardam
DARUBAND ancient city on the
Eristavi (commander of the Nebrothians i.e.
coast of Caspian Sea, in the territory of con-
Persians, conqueror of Kartli) built the city
temporary Derbend (Dagestan). Together
at the sea gate and called it D., meaning, in
with Darial it was the most signicant way
Persian, to close the gate (L.M. 13; V.B.
to Transcaucasia. D. was mentioned in:
51, N.D. 69). After ravaging of Ossetia, Mir-
Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings,
ian (King of Kartli, 1st half of 4th century) he
Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali;
returned to Mtskheta (capital city of Kartli
Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli; Life of
Kingdom) via D. (V.B. 72). Khazars periodi-
David King of Kings, Historian of the Peri-

cally arranged the raids to D. To support 169). Queen Tamar (Queen of Georgia 1184-
them, Mirian fought with the Khazars (L.M. 1207/10) owned territories from the Sea of
66, 68; V.B. 71-72). When Vakhtang Gor- Ponto (Black Sea) up to the Gurgan Sea
gasali was ten (King of Kartli, 2nd half of 5th (Caspian Sea) and from Speri (historical
century), the Ossetians ravaged Kartli, they province of Georgia, currently in Tukey), up
kidnapped Mirandukht, Vakhtangs sister to D., entire Caucasus, up to Khazaria and
and on their way back they passed the gate Scythia (H.Chr. 34). When the time of
of D. (J. 146; V.B. 101; N.D. 79). Vakhtang, mourning for King George ended, the Cath-
on his way to the war with Greeks (Byzan- olicai and bishops, the noblemen from
tium), passed Entire Somkhiti and Persians Nikopsia to D. gathered and enthroned Tam-
and King of D. (supposedly the chief of ar (1184), (V.B. 171; N.D. 94). Before
Lezghins Ipajaj), (J. 172). In war against Shamkori battle (1195), by the order of Kha-
Persians Vakhtang was supported by the lif of Baghdad, the army of Muslim world
kings of D. (chiefs of Lezghin tribes), (J. was mobilized to ght against Georgia: from
179). Murvan the Deaf (Marwan ibn Mu- Guari (Khorasan, i.e. Persia), from India up
hammad, Khalif of Omanians 744-750), to Samarkand (city in Central Asia, Republic
(735) conquered the gate of Dariali and D. of Uzbekistan) and D (B.Ez. 125; V.B.
(J. 234). Bugha Turk (Arab commander) 182; N.D. 96). Before Basiani battle (1202-
opened the Gate of D. (853), moved three 1203) Tamar mobilized the army from this
hundred families of Khazars and settled and that sides, from Nikopsia to D. (H.Chr.
them at Shamkori (M.K. 256; V.B. 130). Af- 94). Georgian noblemen, Amirspasalar Za-
ter ravaging of Sharvan (May 1121) by Da- karia Mkhargrdzeli, his brother, Mandatur-
vid (David IV, the Builder 1089-1125) the tukhutsesi Ivane and Varam of Gagi asked
Sharvanians and forces of D. fought. D. Tamar to mobilize the army of Georgia
forces killed Apridon (owner of Shirvan) from Nikopsia to D. to ght against
and killed the Sharvanians (L.D. 339; V.B. Romgur (H.Chr. 103). Merciful and noble
159). David attacked Shaburan (1124) (city nature of Tamar is demonstrated by restoring
of Shabran, Dagestan) and D. they killed of the honors of fallen and exiled kings: and
the Kurds, Lezghins and Kipchaks of D. this is witnessed by the houses of Sharva-
(L.D. 334; V.B. 161). David (1125) be- nians and D., and Ghundzs and Ossetians...
queathed to his son, Demetre, the country (B.Ez. 147). Ravaging army of Mongols,
from Nikopsia (currently Tuapse) to the who invaded into Georgia (1221) avoided
border of D. and from Ossetia to Aregats battles with Georgian troops and they es-
(mountains in Armenia), (CGHD I, 62). caped and passed the way of D. before La-
Aghsartan (son of Tamar, daughter of David sha-Giorgi appeared (H.L.G. 370). When the
VI), nephew of father of George (George III, Mongols left Georgia, they passed the way
King of Georgia 1156-84), who was the of D., Gate of D, Kipchakia, they bypassed
King of Sharvan and sea shore from D. up the Sea of D. and returned to their native
to Khirkhala, was oppressed by Kazars. land (Zh. 165; V.B. 199); after decease of
George set out to protect Aghsartan and he Lasha-Giorgi (1223) all noblemen from
fought up to the Gate of D. (H.Chr.. 17; V.B. Nikopsia to D. gathered and enthroned Ru-

sudan (N.D. 100). Mongols started to rav- 46) subdued Ran and Shirvan and imposed
age (1235) entire Transcaucasia beyond D. tribute over the lands to D. and Kurds and
(Zh. 186; V.B. 205). Mongols ravaged entire Lezghins (V.B. 257; N.D. 115). George
Georgia: Kartli, Samtskhe, Javakheti, (1340-ies) ruled Caucasians... from Nikof-
Kakheti, Hereti, up to D. (Zh. 191). The sia to D. (V.B. 259; N.D. 116). The Cathol-
lands of Batu Khan (Khan of Golden Horde icai, Bishops and noblemen gathered (1346)
1243-55) (1240-41): Ossetia, Kipchakia, to enthrone David (David IX, King of Geor-
Khazaria, Russia, Darkness, to the east from gia 1346-60) (V.B. 26; N.D. 117). Troops of
Khataeti were bordered by the Sea of D. (Zh. Timur Lang (Tamerlane, ruler of Central
196-97, 229; V.B. 214; N.D.: Khataeti up to Asia 1336-1405) Passed D. and Leketi and
D. and Russia up to Serbia, 103). At the arrived to Ossetia (V.B. 272). King Alexan-
court of Hulagu, Khan of Ilkhan (1256- der (Alexander I, King of Georgia 1412-42)
1265), at a time of trial (1262) of David (Da- ravaged Ganja (1437) as they failed to pay
vid VII King of Georgia 1246-70) and Sargis the tribute. After this the Shirvanians and D.
Jakeli (ruler of Samtskhe +1285) a man were scared and visited King in Karabakh,
came via D., who reported to Hulagu that with great gifts (V.B. 281). According to the
Great Khan Berka (Khan of Golden Horde document of 1452 (faked document) the
1255-66) came to the way of D. (Zh. 248; family of Avzhandadze has come from D. to
V.B. 221). David and Sargis Jakeli, after the Georgia (Chr. II, 265). Peter, the Emperor of
victory, gained together with Ilkhans, passed Russia (Peter I 1682-1725) conquered D in
the Gate of D. and chased the enemies for 1722 (Chr, III, 82). Vakhtang, in the period
three days (Zh. 250; V.B. 222). Limachav of his being in Russia, plaid the role of en-
(leader of the horde of Ossetians, widow of voy (1725-1727) between Empress of Rus-
the deceased chief) arrived to Georgia via sia Catherine (Catherine I, 1727-1730) and
Gate of D. (Zh. 251). Berka Khan (1265) in- Shah of Iran. Later he had to arrive to D,
vaded into Georgia via Gate of D. (Zh. 254; where, by the order of Anna (Empress of
V.B. 223). He died at a time of his campaign Russia 1730-40). He was awarded by Blue
and his army took his body away via Gate of Order of St. Andrew (V.B. 509). In 1734
D. (Zh. 225). People of D. rebelled against Anna assigned Vakhtang to D. to conquer
Khan (Abagha-Khan, Kaen of Ilkhans 1265- Shemakhia and further Kartli. When
1282). Kaen set out to D., called King Dimi- Tamaz-Khan (later Shah of Iran Nadir, 1736-
tri (Demetrius II, Self-sacricer King of 47) learnt about Vakhtangs departure from
Georgia 1270-89) and entered into D. People D., he attacked Shamakhia. Vakhtang had to
of D. could not resist him (Zh. 286; V.B. return to D. (V.B. 513-14; Chr, III, 143).
234; N.D. 110). Vakhtang (Vakhtang III, Tamaz-Khan learnt about coming of the Ta-
King of Georgia 1298-1308) was enthroned tarkhans (Tatars from Crimea), left Kartli,
and he owned entire Georgia from Nikopsia passed Kakheti, Chari, ravaging them on his
to D. (Zh. 293) (according to V.B. and N.D. way and arrived to D. (V.B. 515, 627). After
from Karnifor to D., V.B. 238, 701; N.D. successful completion of the military cam-
111). After driving of Mongols away (1335), paign of that year (1735), Russia gave up D.
George (George V, King of Georgia 1318- to Tamaz Khan and the Ottomans surren-

dered Tbilisi, Ganja and Yerevan (Chr. III, visit the places conquered by Russians:
146). Nadir-Shah (Shah of Iran 1736-47) Shak, Shirvan, D. and Baku.
fought with the troops of Dagestan. Geor-
G. Otkhmezuri
gians supported Nadir, at D. (V.B. 517-18).
In 1741, Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of
Kakheti 1733-44, King of Kartli 1744-62) DAUD KHAN Beglarbeg of Ganja-
and Catholicos Domenti, with the suite ar- Karabakh (1625-33), successful military
rived to D. (Chr. III 168). Upon request by commander of Iran, his surname was Un-
Shah, together with Teimuraz, Tamar, his diladze, son of Alaverdi Khan, outstanding
wife arrived to D. with him as well (V.B. political and military gure of Iran, brother
630). In August of the same year, by the Na- of Imam Quli Khan, Beglarbeg of Farsi,
dir-Shahs order, Imamquli-Khan of Kho- the outstanding gure in Iran. D. was men-
rasan (assigned as Naib of Kartli by Nadir- tioned in: Beri Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis
Shah 1740), Abdula-Beg, son of Iese (Iese, Tskhovreba (K. Ts. II., 1959); Vakhushti
King of Kartli 1714-16, 1724-27), Mdivan- Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
Beg Kaikhosro Orbeliani, Amilakhor Eri- Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973); Parsadan Gorgi-
stavi Givi and other noblemen (P.O. 49). In janidze The History (1926).
the same year Shanshe, Eristavi of Ksani and Daud Khan actively participated in the
his brother captured in Akhaltsikhe Pashate rebellion arranged by Teimuraz (Teimuraz
were brought to D. and locked them into D. I, King of Kartl-Kakheti 1625-32) against
Fortress (P.O. 51). Alexander, King of Sefevid Iran (1632). He assisted Teimuraz
Imereti (Alexander V, 1720-52) sent Eristavi in ravage of Ganja-Karabakh (P.G. 31). For
of Vake (administrative unit in Imereti, this, Shah Se (Shah of Iran 1629-42) blind-
Saeristavo) to Nadir-Shah, who was in D., ed the children of D. Kh. and executed Imam
begging solicitation with Isak-Pasha of Quli Khan, with his six children. When D.
Akhaltsikhe, asking the latters assistance in Kh. learnt about this, he immediately left
regaining the throne of Imereti by him (V.B. Ganja, arrived to Teimuraz and asked for
892; N.D. 177). Fathali-Khan of D (1771- shelter. Teimuraz settled him on the bank of
ies) attacked Usein-Khan of Shek (T.B. 56). Iori River, together with his accompanying
In the letter of the Kaplanishvili (1793-95) persons. Shah Se demanded to transfer D.
to Erekle II there is stated that Georgian no- Kh. Teimuraz refused. Enraged Shah sent
blemen called to Dagestan by Nadir-Shah to Kartli, as a ruler Khosro Mirza (King
passed D. (G.L.M. 8, 352). In 1796, the Rus- Rostom, 1632-58) accompanied with Ros-
sians, commanded by Count Zubov, con- tom Saakadze, commander of Azerbaijan.
quered D., Shamakhia, Baku and Salian Teimuraz had to escape to Imereti. D. Kh.
(T.B. 66). In 1806, Emperor of Russia, Alex- found shelter in Ottoman country (B.E. 416;
ander I (1801-1825), in wrath by murder of V.B. 437; P.G. 31-32).
Tsitsianov sent the troops and took over
K. Nadiradze
Baku and Shamakhia (N.D. 197). In 1812
Marques (Paulich) crossed Kura River to

DAVID David Anholin King of T. by the chasers sent by Tevdos in village
Tashir-Dzorageti (989-1048). D. was men- Divri. Catholicos of Armenians, Nerses (Ca-
tioned in: Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli tholicos of Armenians, Nerses III, 641-61)
(K. Ts. I, 1955). personally took the holy bodies and buried
D. was the participant of coalition one of them high on the mountain and the
campaign arranged against Fadlon, Emir of other lower from Divri, to the north from
Gandza (Fadlon II, Fadl ibn Shavur, Emir of Naghvarevi Gorge (Martyrdom of David
Gandza 1067-73) when Bagrat (Bagrat IV, and Tirichan, 191). Numerous miracles have
King of Georgia 1027-72) was the infant. occurred at their graves.
In addition to D., participants of this cam- T. Koridze
paign were: Kvirike (Kvirike III, King of
Kakhet-Hereti 1010-37), Liparit (Liparit IV,
Baghvash, Eristavi of Kldekari, 20-40-ies of
DAVID (SOSLAN) Ossetian prince,
11th century), Ivane, son of Abaza (Georgian
second husband of Queen of Georgia Tamar
nobleman, 20-50-ies of the 11th century), Ja-
(1184-1207/10). Political gure in Geor-
far, Emir of Tbilisi (Jafar, son of Ali, Emir
gia of 12th 13th centuries; representative
of Tbilisi, 30-40-ies of the 11th century). The
of Ossetian branch of Bagrationis, whose
battle took place in Eklets (right tributary of
forefather was David, son of son of King
Kura River) and ended with defeat of Fadlon
of Georgia George I (1014-27), (from Alde,
(M. K. 296). D. was father of Gagik, King
daughter of King of Ossetia) and Demetre,
of Kakhet-Hereti (1039-58) (M.K. 297). At
stepbrother of Bagrat IV (1027-72). D. was
a time of conict between Bagrat IV and Li-
mentioned in: Historian of the Period Reign
parit Baghvash, Army of Kakheti and D.s
of Lasha-Giorgi (K. Ts. I, 1955); Histories
troops are supporters of Liparit (M.K. 300).
and Chronicles of Crowned Monarchs,
[Clasicatio of Tashir-Dzorageti. See the ar-
Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life of Queen of
ticle Armenians. (Remark)].
Queens Tamar (K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti
E. Kvachantiradze Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973); Niko Dadiani
Life of Georgians (1962); historical docu-
DAVID AND TIRICHAN saints of ments (CGHD 1984).
Georgian church. Period of their exact ac- D. was son of Ossetian kings, brought
tivities is unknown (presumably they were up by Rusudan (aunt of Queen Tamar), hand-
Armenians Chalcedonists,VII c.). St. D. and some young man, polite, brave and strong,
T are mentioned in Martyrdom of David perfect knight, good archer, of dignied ap-
and Tirichan (MAGHL I, 1963). pearance and good nature (B.Ez. 121-22); D.
Infant brothers, residents of Basiani, was progeny of Ephraim*, offspring of royal
sons of Vardan, the Eristavi of Basiani and family, relative of Rusudan, from the side of
Tagine, were martyrized for Christianity by Rusudans aunt, who was married with the
their heathen uncle (mothers brother) Tev- Ossetian (one of the daughters of David IV,
dos. In particular, D. directly by Tevdos and the Builder is implied), (H.Chr. 46). Tamars

husband, King of Ossetians, of Bagrationi agreed after long persuasions. They decided
family, young and brave as lion, is partici- to arrange the wedding feast at Didube Pal-
pant of all victories of Tamar (H.L.G. 369). lace, in Tbilisi. Wedding feast was appropri-
D. son of King of Ossetians was brought up ate for Tamar. Rusudan arranged everything
by Rusudan, Tamars aunt. D. was the de- with her distinguished wisdom. In addition
scendant of Dimitri, son of George (George to the representatives of Bagrationi fam-
I). Dimitri Anakopia (Abkhazia) had the son, ily and noblemen, there were poets, artists,
who escaped to the native land of his grand numerous military men (H.Chr. 47). In one
mother (Alde), to Ossetia, where he got mar- month after marriage D. was already fa-
ried with the daughter of King of Ossetians. mous in archery and horseriding, swimming
. His son was called the King of Ossetians. and combat. D. was a very educated person
Son of this son was married with Rusudan (H.Chr. 48). D. participated in military op-
(aunt of Tamar), who was professed, re- erations according to Tamars orders and in-
turned to Georgia and took with her D. (So- structions and gained victory with the Lords
slan), the son of her husband from his rst help (H.Chr. 55; B.Ez. 130). Georgians, un-
wife. Demetres son, who escaped to Ossetia der D.s leadership defeated Georgian noble-
was called David, Davids son was Aton and men rebelled against Tamar led by George
Atons son was Jadaron, whose son was D. the Russian exiled from Georgia (Yuri Bo-
(Soslan), (V.B. 176-77; in Ardoni Gorge, in golybsky, Tamars rst husband), (H.Chr.
Ossetia, on the wall of the church in village 53). D., to celebrate birth of his son, Giorgi-
Nuzali there are the frescos with the images Lasha (1192/93) attacked the city of Bardava
of the above mentioned persons; the story of and ravaged it (H.Chr. 48; V.B. 179). Geor-
escape of David, son of Demetre to Ossetia gians, under commandment of D., arranged
was told also by George Olthisar (1065-75) campaign in Arzrum, against city of Karnu
the monk of Iviron Monastery at Mount and further they ravaged Gelakun, Sparsi-
Athos, see K. Kekelidze, Sketches I, 314). Bazari and Goraluki (H.Chr. 60). Under
Queen Tamar had two aunts, names of both commandment of D. the Georgians gained
of them were Rusudan. One of them Tam- brilliant victory in Shamkori (1195), in the
ars tutor, former wife of Sultan of Khorasan battle against Abu-Bekr, Atabag of Azerbai-
and the other wife of Jadaron, D.s tutor jan (H.Chr. 65-68). Under commandment of
(V. B. 177; N.D. repeats the same, though D. Kari was taken over (B.Ez. 134, 143-44;
instead of Athos he writes David, 95). D. V.B. 188). New campaign against Georgia
was Tamars relative from her mothers side was prepared under leadership of Ruknadin,
as well, as she was the daughter of Ossetian Sultan of Rum (the largest Turkish state of
Kings. D. was Tamars relative in third gen- Central Asia). Ruknadin mobilized four hun-
eration from her mothers side and in fth dred thousand warriors (according to B.Ez.
generation from her fathers (V.B. 177). eight hundred thousands) in Azerbaijan and
Queen Rusudan, with the request of viziers headed for Georgia. In Basiani** (hist. prov-
and noblemen came to Tamar and asked ince of south-west Georgia, currently in the
her to marry D. (H.Chr 46). Queen Tamar territory of Turkey). Under commandment

of D. they gained brilliant victory (H.Chr. Tamaz, Shah of Iran (Tamaz I, Shah of Iran
95-98; B.Ez. 134, 137-38; V.B. 187). Queen 1524-76) and eliminated his army. When
Tamar never sentenced to death even most Shah learnt about this, in 1538 he set out to
severe villains. Knowing this, D. blinded Shirvan with his troops, wrote letter to D.M.
Guzan (Georgian nobleman), great villain, and promised to forgive him, in exchange
who repudiated from his Queen and com- for his obedience. D.M. did not accept this
mitted many crimes (B.Ez. 144; V.B. 188). and fortied the fortresses. Shah-Tamaz sent
Grief came to Georgia as Soslan David against him King Levan and his two com-
deceased, a man full of good, bravery and manders with the army. They ravaged Shaki
courage. He left two children: son Lasha- and approached the fortress where D. M.
Giorgi and daughter Rusudan (H.Chr. 100; was. The latter was not able to resist them
V.B. 189. V.B. dates his death by 1199, in and escaped at night. Levan chased D.M.
the historiography it is dated by 1203/4 or and killed him and offered his head to Shah-
1206/7). The documents issued at a time of Tamaz (B.V. 363; Third T. 504-5; V.B. 572-4).
reign of Queen Tamar were signed by D. as E. Kvachantiradze
well: By Gods will, I, Eristavi David, attest
and approve the order of Tamar (documents
issued to Gelati and Shio Mghvime Monas-
DIDOIANS Tsezs, people living in
teries. CGHD #4, #20; 76, 101,102; issued
the Autonomous Republic of Dagestan. Di-
in 1188, 1195/96).
doeti, settled with the Didoians, for the long
period it was within Georgia and was sepa-
* Son of Ephraim means son of Joseph the Beautiful,
grand child of Biblical patriarch Jacob, mentioned in rated from it in the 2nd half of 18th century.
Georgian historical sources as the forefather of Ossetian Today it is within Dagestan Autonomous Re-
Bagrationis, similar to David Prophet is the forefather
of Georgian Bagrationis (K. Kekelidze, Sketches I, public. D. were mentioned in: Leonti Mrov-
1956, 312-18). eli Life of Georgian Kings; Juansher Life
** In the scientic literature Basiani battle is dated by
1203, 1204, 1205.
of Vakhtang Gorgasali (K.Ts. I, 1955);
K. Nadiradze Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned
Monarches, Beri Egnatashvili Akhali Kar-
tlis Tskhovreba (K.Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti
DAVRISH MAHMAD owner of Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
Shak-Shirvan (20-30-ies of the 16th century). Georgia (K.Ts. IV. 1973).
D.M. was mentioned in: Vakhushti Baton- Tushetians and Didoians are the share
ishvili Description of Kingdom of Georgia of Lekos (V.B. 552). When Azork and
(K. Ts. IV, 1973); Beri Egnatashvili, Akhali Armazeli (Kings of Kartli, 70-ies of the 1st
Kartlis Tskhovreba Third Text (K. Ts. II, century) decided to regain the territories of
1959). Kartli occupied by the Armenians, king of
D.M.s father, conqueror of Shak-Shir- Lezghins brought to support them the troops
van, Asan-beg was killed by levan (King of of Durdzuks and D. (L.M. 45); Durdzuks
Kakheti 1518-74). After this D.M. and Le- and D., together with the Khazars*, fought
van became enemies. D.M. apostated from from time to time against King Mirian (King

of Kartli, 1st half of 4th century) (L.M. 66); .E. 421-422). In the period of administration
by the Emperors order, Guaram (Erismta- of General Ratishchev, part of Kakhetian
vari [ruler] of Kartli, 2nd half of 6th century) noblemen attracted the D. and Antsukhians
mobilized the Ossetians, Durdzuks and D., and gained victory in the rst battle against
together with Georgians and they participat- Russian troops (T.B. 84).
ed in the campaign to Adrabadagan, against
Iranians, (J. 220). The Didoians, who took *Mentioning of Khazars in this period in Georgian
Written sources is anachronism. Khazars created their
refuge from the Saracens, lived according to own units in North Caucasus only in the middle of 7th
their rules, except for cannibalism (V.B. 16). century (See article Khazars)
The customs and traditions of the Didoians T. Koridze
(see V.B. 552-553; in the period of reign
of Queen Tamar (King of Georgia 1184-
1207/10), the Pkhovians and D. (H.Chr.
DORGHOLELI King of Ossetians
111); D. eat the raw food, several brothers th
(11 century), brother in law of Bagrat IV,
have one wife, some of them worship the
King of Georgia (1027-72). D. was men-
unseen devils and some black dogs which
tioned in: Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli
have no any marks (H.Chr. 111); D.-s shel-
(K.Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili De-
tered David (son of Alexander Is son Dimi-
scription of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV,
tri) and hosted him with great respect (V.B.
567); Guaram (Erismtavari [ruler] of Kartli,
Bagrat decided to punish Fadlon, Emir
Guaram I Kurapalat, 6th century) mobilized
of Gandza (Fadl ibn Shavur II, 1063-73)
the Ossetians, Dzurdzuks and Didoians and
and sent great army to Gandza. He assigned
ravaged Adarbadagan (V.B. 120) together
his son, George Kurapalat as commander.
with Georgian troops; Queen Tamar sent the
Upon Bagrats request, he was assisted by
troops commanded by Ivane Atabagi against
his uncle, D., King of Ossetians with 40.000
apostated mountain population, Kakhetians
warriors. Georgians ravaged Gandza and
and D. He defeated them, took the hostages
gained rich spoils. After the battle D. asked
and imposed tribute over them (V.B. 191).
for audience with Bagrat Sevastos. Bagrat
King George (George VIII, King of Georgia,
agreed D. arrived to Kutaisi, where he met
same George I, King of Kakheti 1466-76)
with his sister, Queen Borena. Later D. was
asked the Didoians to transfer him David
taken to Kartli. Bagrat met with him at Tani-
(V.B. 288). The Didoians did not obey to the
skhidi forest, Nadarbazevi (summer resi-
kings of Kakheti as they desired (B.E.348).
dence of Georgian Kings, on the left side of
The Didoians, under commandment of King
Kura River, to the west from Liakhvi River).
Teimuraz, asked support from the Lezghins,
There was great joy, music and feast. They
in their ght against Georgians. Lezghins
spent there twelve days. Later, as winter was
assisted D., met Georgians in the fortresses,
coming, Bagrat sent D. with rich gifts to his
shot them from rollers, threw stones and shot
native land (M. K. 305, 313; V.B. 152).
them with the arrows and killed many of
them, including the outstanding Bishops (B K. Nadiradze

DVIN city in the medieval Armenia, attacked D. (M. K. 302; V.B. 148). Sarang
large commercial center, which was located Alkhaz, ruler of Gandza, with the support
at the junction of the east and west caravan of Emir of D. attacked George (George II,
roads. The city was built by Khosro III (331- King of Georgia 1072-89) (M.K. 317). The
38) and moved the royal residence from Mkhargrdzelis fought against D.: sons of
Artashat to D. In the middle of 5th century Sargis, Zakaria and Ivane (political and mili-
it became the administrative center of Ar- tary gures of the turn of 12th-13th centuries,
menia. From 60-ies of the 5th century it was Zakaria Amirspasalar Mandaturtukhut-
the residence of Patriarch. D. was ravaged sesi and Ivane Msakhurtukhutsesi, Amir-
by Arabs and from 640 it became the center spasalari, Atabagi), sons of Varam, Zakaria
of Arabic Emirate. The city was damaged and Sargis* and returned with the victory. On
by the earthquakes in 862 and 893, in 1236 their way, the army of Dvin caught up with
it was destroyed by Mongols. D. was men- them and the battle took place, in which the
tioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian Georgians gained victory. After this, Tamar
Kings, Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K. (Queen of Georgia 1184-1207/10) mobilized
Ts. I, 1955); Arsen of Sapara On the Divi- the army, sent to D. and ravaged it (I-A., 39;
sion of Georgians and Armenians (1980); V.B. 173-74). At a time of campaign against
Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned Gandza, Queen Tamar reached D. (I-A., 77).
Monarchs, Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life Balshan, brought up by Atabag Eldiguz was
of Queen of Queens Tamar, Zhamtaaghmt- named as the owner of D. (I-A, 77). Ivane
sereli (K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonish- Mkhargrdzeli held D. (Zh. 169). In the third
vili Description of Kingdom of Georgia year after decease of Lasha-George (King of
(K. Ts. IV, 1973); Martyrdom of Gobron Georgia 1207-1222) the troops of Khvarazm
(MAGHL I, 1963). attacked D. Rusudan (Queen of Georgia
D. was regarded as large and outstand- 1223-45) sent the army against them to D.,
ing city (H.Chr. 5; B.Ez. 130). D. was the under commandment of Ivane Atabag. Geor-
residence Trdat III, the King of Armenians gians were defeated in this battle (Zh. 169),
(298-330) (L.M. 82). In D. the Church Jalal ad-Din (Mangubert, Shah of Khvarazm
Council was conducted, at which Armenia 1220-21) ravaged D. (Zh. 171; V.B. 201).
apostated from the Chalcedon Council (451) Mongols destroyed D. (V.B. 205). D. was
(A.S. 80, 84). At the council in D. the Ara- the tribute payer of Bagrat (Bagrat V, King
jor was established (fast, three weeks before of Georgia 1360-93) (V.B. 263).
the Great Fast) (A.S. 80). Abul-Kasim (Iusuf * According to the information of Vakhushti Batonish-
ibn-Saj, Arab Emir of the southern Azer- vili, only son of Sargis Mkhargrdzeli took part in the
baijan 901-27) entered D., where he learnt battle against Dvin.

about sheltering of the King of Armenians, E. Kvachantiradze

Sumbat I Tiezerakal (890-914) into the Ka-
poet Fortress; captivated him, brought to D.
and hung him on the rod (M.K. 264; V.B.
133). Liparit, together with the Byzantines

DVINADASHT land in Armenia. In op of Gardman, Methuselah Kerdulis (The
the 10th century it consisted of three prov- Grammarian) and other clergy not to receive
inces. communion from Catholicos E. (A.S. 91).
D. was mentioned in: Stepane Mtbe- Bishops Stephan and Methuselah received
vari Martyrdom of Saint Martyr Gobron communion from Catholicos E. T. and Me-
(MAGHL I, 1963, 175) thuselah was blessed by him as a Bishop of
Sivnieti and this made the revengeful St.
T. Koridze
John of Mairagom angry (A. S. p. 91). About
E. he said that fear of the Kings made him
abandon his faith (A. S. 91). Catholicos E.
applied to John of Mairagom that he called
(PARAZHANAKERT) Catholicos of the
him three times (he implies the clerical meet-
Armenians 630-641/642. His administration
ing arranged at the city of Karnu), but he had
was marked by the fact that the Armenian
not come. And after this he did not share
Church became closer to Dyophysitism,
the idea of dual nature of Christ and this is
though on the Monothelit basis and this last-
evidenced from the writings of the rst Holy
ed up to 726, with some interruptions. Arme-
Fathers (A.S., 91). St. John of Mairagom
nian Monophysite church had not forgotten
intended to take the throne of Catholicos
this and they used to place his name in the
(A.S., 92). After E. Nerses of Ishkhan took
list of the Catholicai upside down. Catholi-
the throne of Catholicos (A. S. 92).
cos E. T. was mentioned in: Arsen of Sapara
On the Division of Georgians and Arme- * Emperor Heraclius arrived to Armenia in about 632
nians (1980). T. Koridze
When King Heraclius* (Byzantine
Caesar Heraclius 610-641) saw the heresy
of the Armenians, this made him very con-
FADLON Fadl ibn Mohammed, Emir
cerned and he wrote the letter to Catholi-
of Gandza (985-1031). F. was mentioned in:
cos E. and the noblemen and ordered the
Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K. Ts. IV,
Bishops and priests to arrive to the city of
1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
Karnu (Meeting of Theodosiople where the
of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973).
Patriarchy of the Armenians recognized that
F. became powerful and started to rav-
they were Chalcedonites), to consider the
age Kakhet-Hereti. Bagrat (Bagrat III, King
decisions made at the Chalcedon Councils
of Georgia 975-1014) informed about this
and accept as truth the dual nature of Christ.
Gagik, King of Armenians (Gagik I, King of
They all appeared against the King (Hera-
Ani 990-1020), who came to Bagrat with his
clius), stated the truth (i.e. recognized
army, to Dzorakert (region in Kvemo Kartli)
the dual nature of Christ) and subordinated
and they set out against F., foe of Christians.
themselves to him with the written oath (On
Scared F. fortied in the fortress. Bagrat ap-
Dividing, 90). St. John of Mairagom (see St.
proached Shamkor (historical city in Azer-
John of Mairagom) appealed to the heretic
baijan) and broke its walls. F. sent the envoy
(Monophysite) monks, Stephan, the Bish-
to the King, begged for mercy and promised

to serve to him, to pay the tribute and pro- gians defeated the army of F. chased them
vide assistance against his enemies. Bagrat up to Kherki mountain and killed many of
conciliated with F., who sent to him lavish them (V.B. 151). F., together with 15 cavalry
gifts (M.K. 279-80; V.B. 141) riders escaped to Ertso, where he presented
himself as the envoy of Fadlon. He was
E. Kvachantiradze
taken to Meskhetian nobleman Isak son of
Tolobel. He brought F. to Telavi, to Aghsar-
tan (King of Kakheti and Hereti, 1058-84)
and the latter took him to Khornabuji (M.K.
Gandza (1067-73). F. was mentioned in:
311-312). Bagrat transferred to Kakhetians
Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K.Ts. I,
Bochorma and Ujarma, in exchange for F.
1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
and impaled F. (M.K. 312; V.B. 151). Sultan
of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
of Seljuks (Alf-Arslan) asked Bagrat to free
In the period of reign of King Bagrat
F. and he liberated him and returned him to
(Bagrat IV, King of Georgia 1027-72) F.
Gandza (M.K. 312). Sultan sent as a solici-
was malicious to the Kingdom of Georgia
tor the sarang and in result F. was liberated
(V.B. 145). King Bagrat was surrounded by
(V.B. 151). F. broke his oath and occupied
Liparit, Iovane Abazasdze, Kvirike, King of
Kavazani and Agarani (M.K. 313; V.B. 152).
Rans and Kakhetians, David, King of Ar-
King Bagrat sent Dorgholeli, King of Osse-
menians and Jafar Emir of Tbilisi. They at-
tians with 40.000 troops, together with Geor-
tacked F. at Ekletsi, fought with him, drove
gian army against F. They ravaged Gandza
him away and eliminated his army (M.K.
and returned with numerous captives and
296; V.B. 145). Because of this, F. was em-
rich war spoils (M. K. 313; V.B. 152).
bittered up to the end of his life (M.K. 296).
Sultan (Alf-Arslan, Sultan of Seljuks, 1063- T. Koridze

72) transferred Tbilisi and Rustavi to F., for

governance (M.K. 310). F. arrived to Tbilisi
with 33 thousand men and encamped at Isani FANA-KHAN Khan of Karabakh //
eld. He arranged the tents and commenced Shusha (1747-63). The rst ruler of Kara-
to ravage the border zone of Kartli (M.K. bakh Khanate and founder of Jevanshir
310). F. gained power, entered Tbilisi, he Khan Dynasty. In the period of his rule
did not pay attention to King Bagrat (Bagrat the self-governance of Armenian Maliks
IV) at Didgori and encamped on Isani Field in Mountainous Karabakh was cancelled.
with the army of 30.000 warriors, he left the F. was mentioned in: Papuna Orbeliani
tents there and moved to Mukhrani, for the Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Geor-
purpose of ravaging of Kartli (V.B. 151). gia) (1981); Oman Kherkheulidze Reign
King Bagrat sent the army against F. II. In of Irakli II (1989); Historical Documents
result of the rst battle F. was driven away (Chr. III, 1967).
together with his army (M.K. 311). King F. Kh. was a man of Javanshir (nomadic
Bagrat sent against F. the army of Meskheti. tribe) (P.O. 160-61). F.Kh. used to ravage
They collided at Tsilkani Hill, where Geor- the lands of Ganja-Karabakh and therefore,

a man of Khan of Ganja came to the Kings asked the Kings for their support as F. was
(Teimuraz II, King of Kartli 1744-62; Er- encamped in Sighnaghi and oppressed the
ekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62) when they population (P.O. 165). Ofcial of Khan of
were on their way to the Khan of Yerevan Ganja informed the Kings about siege and
to provide support to him, in Kazakh and ravage of the city and the Kings started to
asked for his assistance against F.Kh. Sons mobilize the army to support Ganja, as F.
of the Malik of Sighnaghi asked their assis- Kh. did not fulll his promise given to them
tance in their ght against F.Kh. (P.O. 160- that he would not be aggressive to any land
161). Mahmad-Khan (Khan of Shak) asked any more. Troops of F.Kh. ravaged Ganja so
support in his ght against Georgians from that they have even destroyed the mosques
Fana-Khan encamped in the country of Sha- and they left no building except for the for-
makhia. F.Kh. mobilized great army, arrived tress (P.O. 166). In 1750 the Kings set out
to Ganja and decided to meet the Kings re- to ght against F. Kh. He moved on his el
turning from Yerevan with the victory. When Javanshir, sent them to Arazi side and he,
the Kings arrived to Kazakh, F. Kh. arrived with the troops of 6 thousand men, com-
to Alakola and started to prepare for war. posed of the troops of Javanshir, Shamsha-
Reinforcement troops arrived from Kartl- dilo, Sighnaghi, Bargushati and Shahisevan,
Kakheti to the Kings. When F.Kh. learnt hid to insidiously attack Georgian army
about this, he decided not to ght and sent (P.O. 166). Men of F. Kh. met the men of
an envoy to negotiate about conciliation and Ashotan Mukhranbatonishvili, killed them
requested Constantine, Ruler of Mukhrani as and brought their heads to F.Kh. Ashotan
mediator. F.Kh. was very pleased when Rul- has met Fana Khan many times and he knew
er of Mukhrani and Gojasp, the Secretary that he was the son of an inuential man.
came to him (P.O. 163). Instead of concili- F.Kh. sent the letters to Chari and Sham-
ation, Fana-Khan requested from the Kings shadilo spreading false information that he
to transfer family of Mahmad-Khan, his has killed Ruler of Mukhrani and defeated
property and the land of Kazakh to him. The Georgians and drove them away. He asked
Kings were insulted and demanded from them to block the ways to Georgians and
him to pay ve tumans for each man of his in exchange, he promised to give them all
troops as redemption and his obedience to plunders (P.O. 167). As F.Kh. could not dare
them. The mediators imposed obedience to ght in the eld, he ambushed on the top
to the Kings over F.Kh. and after this they of forested mountain. Troops commanded
conciliated and peacefully left the place. F. by King Erekle defeated the people of F.Kh.
Kh. moved on and arrived to Ganja (P.O. on that mountain and drove them away (P.O.
163-64). F. Kh. desired to become the Khan 168). Defeated F.Kh., with the remained
of Ganja and he also attempted to become troops moved to Karadagh mountain (P.O.
the commander-in-chief of Adribejan (Azer- 169). In Tuli, outskirts of Sighnaghi, where
baijan). Shaverdi, Khan of Ganja applied to the trench of F.Kh. was located, he left the
Kings Teimuraz and Erekle for assistance arsenal and when the Kings (Teimuraz II
against F. Kh. and the Bishop of Armenians and Erekle II) came there, they gained all

these (P.O. 169). Kings set out to attack came to Kazakh, though the Khans could not
Bargushat and F.Kh.s el. F.Kh. with small dare to ght against them, arranged negotia-
troops, met them on Khozafuni Bridge, but tions, conciliated and returned back (O. Kh.
when he learnt that Georgians were there, 48-49). Ibreim-Khan was a son of F.Kh. (O.
he abandoned his el and escaped (P.O. 170). Kh.98). In 1752, Shaverdi, Khan of Ganja,
In 1750 F.-Kh. approached Ganja. Khan of Kazum, Khan of Karabakh and F-Kh. desir-
Ganja asked assistance of the Kings (Teimu- ing to conciliate the Kings (King of Kartli,
raz II and Erekle II) (O. Kh. 49). The Kings Teimuraz II and King of Kakheti Erekle II)
mobilized the troops and arrived to Kazakh. with Aji-Chalab. The Kings thought that
When F.-Kh. learnt about this he returned they were the allies of Aji-Chalab and there-
to his country to mobilize the greater army fore, on 21st March they captured them and
(O. Kh. 49). When the Kings (Erekle and chained them with handcuffs (Chr. III, 055;
Teimuraz) arrived to Gandza, Shaverdi, 219; 620; 627; 632). In 1752, Son of F.-Kh.
Khan of Ganja joined them and they left for came to Aji-Chalab, brought the troops to
Karabakh. F-Kh. met them with great army Ganja, where the battle took place and the
(O. Kh. 49). Kings, who arrived to Ganja Kings were defeated. They left for Tbilisi
to ght against Aji Chalab, invited F.Kh., (Chr. III. 055; 620). On 2st November, Ibreim-
together with the other Khans of Adribejan Khan, son of F-Kh. and Omar-Khan (Khan
(Azerbaijan) and they came (P.O. 191-192). of Avaria//Khundzakh), with the Lezghin
When the Kings learnt that Khans of Adribe- troops, arranged campaign against Nakhche-
jan and F. Kh. among them, decided to be- van and were defeated (Chr. III, 621).
tray them and this was the reason why they T. Koridze
called to ght against Afghani, they invited
all of them and captured (P.O. 193). Chari-
ans, sultan of Kaki, Aji-Chalab, Shirvanians,
FAREJAN son of the King of Os-
F.Kh, Khan of Ganja agreed that if the ruler
setians (end of the 13th century). F. was
of Khundzakh would gain victory over the
mentioned in: Zhamtaaghmtsereli (K. Ts. II,
Kings, they would ravage Kartli and Kakhe-
1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
ti (P.O. 215). F.Kh. oppressed Sighnaghi
of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973).
(Azerbaijan Khanate) and the Armenians
Khutlubugha (son of Sadun of Mank-
living there could not stand this. Usuf-Beg,
aberd political gure of Georgia promoted
melik of one of the lands moved on, together
by the Mongols) attempted to take away the
with his refugees and arrived to Georgia and
throne from Vakhtang (Vakhtang II, King
asked support from the Kings (P.O.228).
of eastern Georgia 1289-92) and enthrone
F-Kh, Shaverdi, Khan of Ganja and Aji-
David (David VIII, King of Georgia 1293-
Chalab, Khan of Nukhi gathered with the
1311). F., son of the Ossetian King support-
troops of Ganja-Karabakh and Shaki-Shir-
ed David (Zh. 294). In the period of reign of
van and arrived to Kazakh, at Aghstafa and
F. the Ossetians started to ravage Kartli and
the Kings (Teimuraz II King of Kartli 1744-
took over the city of Gori (one of the most
62 and Erekle II King of Kakheti 1744-62)
ancient cities in Shida Kartli) (Zh. 296; V.B.

239). F. served faithfully to David VIII (Zh. Sea). F. Kh. was mentioned in: Teimuraz
297; V.B. 240). David VIII gave to Kazan Bagrationi New History (1983); Letter of
Kaen (Kaen of Ilkhan 1295-1304) the chil- Erekle II to Catherine II (Empress of Rus-
dren of Tukal and the treasure entrusted to sia), (MGL II. 1965).
F., ruler of the Ossetians in Ateni Fortress Nursal-Beg, Khan of Avaria was killed
(Satsivi castle, Castle of Orbelians, fortress by F. Kh. of Quba at a time of his visit to
of 10-th 11th century in the vicinity of city Shamakhia (T.B. 56). F. Kh. sheltered Alex-
of Gori) (Zh. 399; 242). ander, son of Bakar, grand son of Vakhtang
E. Kvachantiradze
(Vakhtang VI, King of Kartli 1716-24), who
rebelled against Erekle (Erekle II, King of
Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98), to take over his
throne. Erekle applied to the Russian Em-
FATHALI KHAN Grand Vizier of
press Catherine and she sent the order to F.
Sultan Hussein (1694-1722), (Itimad ad-
Kh., on the basis of which he captured Alex-
doule). F. Kh. was mentioned in: Sekhnia
ander and sent him to Russia (MGL II, 455;
Chkheidze Life of Kings (1913), Ghv-
B.B. 57). In 1789, Erekle, F. Kh. (F. Kh. the
taebis Gujari (Lords Deed) written by the
mortal enemy of Erekle, nally, made the
order of David II, King of Kakheti (1709-
military alliance with him) and Mahmad-
22), (Chr. III., 1967).
Khan of Shaki decided to arrange campaign
In 1741, when Shah Sultan Hussein
against Ibreim, Khan of Karabakh, as Ibreim
was in Tehran (capital city of Iran) he learnt
has forgot all good done to him by King Er-
about betrayal of Etimadovle F. Kh., as he
ekle (T.B. 60). Shikhal, Khan of Daruband,
desired to be the shah himself. F. Kh. was
son of F. Kh. fought with Russian command-
from the House of Shamkhil, the Lezghins,
er Paulich (Governor of Georgia in 1811-12)
he was brought up in great luxury. Sultan
in 1812 (T.B. 80).
Hussein blinded his ward and ruined his
property (S. Ch. 32). F. Kh. was brother of K. Nadiradze

Queen Yakhrijahan Begum, spouse of David

(King of Kakheti Imam-Quli Khan 1709-22)
and their father was the beglarbeg of Yere- FATHALI KHAN AFSHAR ruler of
van (Chr. 85). South Azerbaijan (rst half of 18th century)
nephew of Nadirshah (Shah of Iran, 1736-
K. Nadiradze.
47). Kerim Khan Zendi (1758-79), vakil of
Ismail III, Shah of Iran fought with him and
sentenced F. Kh. to death in 1763. F. Kh. was
FATHALI KHAN ruler of Quba
mentioned in: Teimuraz Bagrationi New
Khanate (1758-89), who has unied the ter-
History (1983); supposedly, he was Fathali
ritories of northern Azerbaijan, including
Khan, military commander of Azerbaijan
Derbend, Baku, Shemakh, Shirvan khanates,
mentioned in Ambavni Kartlisani (Histo-
as well as north part of Persia, up to city of
ry of Georgia) by Papuna Orbeliani (1981).
Ardebil (in the extreme south to the Caspian
According to P.O., Fathali Khan Afshar was,

supposedly, the brother in law (wifes broth- the Kizilbashs and took away the property.
er) of Nadir-Shah. F.Kh. stayed at Laliskuri (village in Kakhe-
In 1742, commander of Azerbaijan, ti). From there he moved to Telavi (city in
F.Kh., called Imam Quli Khan (from 1740, Kakheti), where Teimuraz hosted him with
Muslim ruler of Kartli and Beglarbeg of great respect. From Telavi F. Kh. moved to
Iran) with the troops of Kartli to ght with Kushkala and from there, upon Shahs order
the Lezghins of Chari. Khan, with the Geor- he arrived to Iran (P.O. 61). When Teimu-
gian army, encamped at Iori River and waited raz was crowned as King of Kartli (1744),
for F. Kh. The campaign did not take place F. Kh. was at Shamshadilo (P.O. 62-63).
(P.O. 53). F. Kh. invited Teimuraz (Teimuraz Teimuraz accompanied his son, Erekle (Er-
II, ruler of Kakheti, 1733-44; King of Kartli ekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62; King of
1744-62). Teimuraz visited him in Karaghaji Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) to bless him as a
(village in Shida Kartli, currently in Kaspi King of Kakheti, according to the tradition.
District). At that time, Shah of Iran informed When the father and son arrived to Sagarejo
F. Kh. that 7.000 Lezghins attacked Geor- they learnt that 3.000 Lezghin riders have
gia and joined rebelled Givi Amilakhvari attacked Kartli. Teimuraz returned to Tbilisi
(1742). F. Kh. arrived to Tbilisi, promptly immediately. On the next day he moved to
sent the army to Gori (city in Kartli) and ar- Qazakh, joined F. Kh. and they attacked the
ranged the feast in Tbilisi. F. Kh. was a man Lezghins and defeated them (P.O. 83). F. Kh.
fond of wine, feasts, songs and games. He Afshar decided to arrange campaign against
ordered to make the torches on the bank of Shusha Khanate and asked Erekle for as-
Kura River and was on a spree for three days sistance (1759). Erekle provided mounted
and nights there (P.O. 60). Meanwhile, the troops to him, but when Karim-Khan en-
lezghins, together with Givi Amilakhvari tered the battle against them, the Georgians
(Grand Duke of Georgia) fully ravaged and retreated. Fana, Khan of Shusha decided to
robbed the estate of Orbelianis. F. Kh. came conciliate and in result of negotiations Fana
to Metekhi and arranged negotiations with freed Shaverd, Khan of Ganja (T.B. 51-52).
Amilakhvari. He offered to conciliate and
K. Nadiradze
settle his problems with Shah. Amilakhvari
requested three days to make decision and
after this, he made deal with the Lezghins,
feigned that he agreed on conciliation and in- graphical locations in North Caucasus. F.
formed F. Kh. that the Lezghins were carry- and K. were mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli
ing great plunder and offered to attack them. Life of Georgian Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955).
F. Kh. gladly sent his troops to ght with the In the period of reign of Mirian (King
Lezghins. Kizilbashs took away the plunder of Kartli in the 1st half of 4th century) the Os-
from Lezghins and killed many of them, but setians passed Ferosh and Kavtia and rav-
on their way back the other troops, lying aged Kartli (L.M. 68-91).
in ambush attacked F. Kh.s troops, killed

men, came to Isani eld to seek peace with
* S. Kaukhchishvili, publisher of Kartlis tskhovreba
regards that these are not geographical locations but the Bagrat IV, Bagrat accepted the oath of loy-
proper names. alty and conciliated with G. (M. K. 300; V.B.
E. Kvachantiradze 146). G.s son was Aghsartan (Aghsartan I,
King of Kakheti 1058-84), (M. K. 308; V.B.
562). Epigraphic monuments of Ujarma and
GAGIK King of Ani, Gagik I (990-
Khirsa are the inscriptions in commemora-
1020), the middle son of Ashot III. G. was
tion of Gagik. Ujarma inscription: Christ,
mentioned in: Matiane (chronicles) of Kar-
remember King Gagik.
tli (K. Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili
Description of Kingdom of Georgia (K. E. Kvachantiradze
Ts. IV, 1973).
Bagrat (Bagrat III, King of Georgia
975-1014) asked for assistance of G. against GAGIK OF KARI Armenian noble,
Fadlon (Fadlon I, Fadl ibn Mohammed, famous gure in 11th century. G.K. was men-
Emir of Gandza 985-1031). G. was very tioned in Tskhovrebai da Mokalakeobai
glad, mobilized the army and made his way Giorgisa Mtatsmindelisa (Life and Citizen-
to him. Two Kings met in Dzorakert (region ship of Giorgi of Mtatsminda), (MAGHL
in Kvemo Kartli), they attacked Fadlon and II.1967, 178).
defeated him (M. K. 279-80). T. Koridze

E. Kvachantiradze

GANDZA ancient Georgian name of

GAGIK King of Kakhet-Hereti the city of Ganja (in 1935-89 city of Kirov-
(1037-58), to maintain his Kingdom, he abad). The city in the Republic of Azerbai-
was confronted to Bagrat (Bagrat IV, King jan, on the bank of Ganjichai River (Kura
of Georgia 1027-72). G. was mentioned in: River basin); settled from the 5th century;
Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K.Ts. I, from the 18th century, the center of newly
1955), Vakhushti Batonishvili Description emerged Ganja Khanate. Signicant trad-
of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973), ing route Tbilisi Ganja Shusha Tabriz
Ujarma inscription (2007). passed via G. G was many times ruined by
G. was the nephew of David Anholin the Iranians, Turks, Mongols and others.
(989 1048). Son of [see the article David Georgians attempted to take over G. as well
(Anholin)] King of Tashir-Dzorageti and and in certain period G. was the tribute payer
Kvirike III, King of Kakhet-Hereti (1014- of Georgian kings. Gandza was mentioned
37). He fought for Tbilisi (M. K. 297; V.B. in: Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli, Life of
145). Bagrat (Bagrat IV, King of Georgia David King of Kings, Historian of the Peri-
1027-72) set out to attack Kakheti. At Mi- od of Reign of Lasha-Giorgi (K. Ts. I, 1955);
chael Gabriel Mountain he defeated the Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned
army of Kakheti, burnt Bodoji Pallace (M.K. Monarchs, Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life
298; V.B. 146). G., together with his noble- of Queen of Queens Tamar, Zhamtaagh-

mtsereli, Beri Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis Turks approached G.s land. King of Greeks
Tskhovreba, Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba (Byzantium) sent the commander with army
Thirdt Text (K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti to resist them. Bagrat approached to the gate
Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of of G. to assist the Greeks (50-ies of the 11th
Georgia (K Ts. IV, 1973); Abuseridze Tbeli century). Turks did not enter the battle with
Construction of Bolok-Basili in Shuart- the unied army. They left the land of G. and
kali and Family History of the Abuseridze returned back. (M.K. 302, V.B. 148). Sultan
(1941). Ganja was mentioned in: Parsadan of Seljuks (Alf-Arslan 1063-72) arranged
Gorgijanidze The History (1926); Sekhnia the military campaign to Eastern Georgia
Chkheidze Life of Kings (1913); Papuna (1068). He arranged coalition against Bagrat,
Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani (History member of which was Emir Fadlon (Fadl ibn
of Georgia) (1981); Oman Kherkheulidze Shavur II, 1067-73), Emir of G. Bagrat had
Reign of Irakli II (1989); Teimuraz Bagra- to move to Western Georgia. Sultan assigned
tioni New History (1983); Paris Chron- governance of Tbilisi and Rustavi to Fadlon
icles (1980); Niko Dadiani Life of Geor- and left Georgia. In spring Bagrat set out
gians (1962); Bagrat Batonishvili Akhali against Fadlon and captured him (M. K.309-
Motkhroba (New Story), (1941); historical 310, V.B. 150-151). Sultan sent for negotia-
documents (Sm.Chr. 1968, Chr. III. 1967, tions with Bagrat the sarang (military rank)
MGL II. 1965, VI, 1977, VIII. 1985); Iese Alkhaz. Bagrat accepted armistice, freed
Baratashvili Life Will (Georgian Fic- Emir of G. and allowed him to leave for G.
tion, 8, 1990), Meskhuri Matiane (Meskheti (M.K. 312, V.B. 151). Fadlon broke the oath,
Chronicles (1961), Gandza Gate Inscription stole Kavazan (fortress to the south from
(Chr. I, 2004). Tbilisi), approached Agarata (region to the
Emir of G. Fadlon (Fadl Ibn Muham- south from Tbilisi. Fortress Agarata is Ko-
mad I Shadadian 985-1031) became stronger jori Fortress) and took over it. Then Giorgi
and started to periodically ravage Kakheti Kurapalat, son of Bagrat took with him
and Hereti. Such actions made Bagrat Dorgholeli, King of Ossetians, together with
(Bagrat III, King of Georgia 975-1014) in- the army of forty thousand soldiers (V. B.
dignant. He unied with Gagik (owner of 400 000), led them as a commander and de-
Anis) King of Armenians, arrived to Sham- feated the Emir of G. The winners collected
kor (historical city in Azerbaijan) and gained countless spoils (M. K. 313, V.B. 152).
victory (1010). Fadlon requested armistice, Baghvash, son of Ivane Liparit (eristavi of
with the condition of payment of the kharaja Kldekari) apostated from Giorgi (George II,
(tribute), (M. K. 280). Bagrat (Bagrat IV, King of Georgia, 1072-89), he swindled out
King of Georgia 1027-72) fought for two from the royal custodians Gagi Fortress
years to take over Tbilisi (1037/38-39/40). (center of historical province Gagi in Kvemo
At that time Tbilisi was ruled by Arab Emir Kartli) and sold it to Fadlon (M. K. 316),
Jafar. Finally, Emir Jafar equipped the army, Emir of G. Sultan Malik Shah (1072-92)
prepared the rafts and boats and decided to took over G. (1086), captured Emir Fadlon
leave for G. at night (M. K. 297, V. B. 145). (Fadlun III, approximately 1073-86*), he left

in G. the sarang with 48.000 army (M.K. center in Kakheti in 15th 16th centuries, cur-
317, V. B. 153). Soon the sarang collected rently in Azerbaijan), (H.Chr. 40, V.B. 174).
the army with the support of emirs of Dvin Part of the renegades (the rebellion of 1191,
and Dmanisi and set out against King led by the rst husband of Tamar, George
George. George met the enemies at Partskh- Bogolyubsky is implied) appeared before
isi (place to the south from Tbilisi) and de- Tamar, with the ropes on their necks and
feated them (approximately 1074), (M. K. begged for mercy ... Queen pardoned Za-
317, V. B. 153). David (David IV, King of karia, son of Varam (Georgian noble) and
Georgia 1089-1125) at Ertsukhi (place in gave him Gagi, up to G. (H.Chr. 54). George
historical Hereti, currently in Azerbaijan), the Russian (Bogolyubsky) moved via G.
(1104) with his small troops eliminated the and Aran (Rani) and entered the country of
great army of high ofcial of sultan of Turk- Kambechan (Kakheti), ravaged the inner
Seljuks, the atabag of G. (L.D. 328). The eld (1193) and returned back (H.Chr. 61).
Turkmans, from Gandza, Tbilisi and Dma- [Before Shamkori battle 1195] When the
nisi, oppressed by David, went to the sultan day broke, the scouts came and said: we saw
of Seljuks (to Isfahan) and asked him for uncountable enemies like sea sand from
help. Then the sultan called the King of Ara- Shamkori ... (hist. city in Azerbaijan) to the
bia... ordered to all Turks ... including the gates of G. (H.Chr. 68; B.Ez. 126; V.B. 182).
atabag of G. to set out against Georgia. In After gaining victory at Shamkori the Geor-
Didgori (to the north east of Trialeti Moun- gians chased the enemies up to the outskirts
tain, in the vicinity of Tbilisi), [in 1121, of G. (H.Chr. 71), they chased the enemies
against Muslim coalition army] Georgians up to the gates of Gandza and
gained victory (L.D. 340, V.B. 160). Geor- Gelakun(Gelakun country on the south-
gian army, under the leadership of Demetre east from Sevan Lake), (V.B. 183). After tak-
(Demetre I, King of Georgia 1125-55/56) ing over the Shamkori fortress David Soslan
took over G. (1138/39) and to mark the vic- (second husband of Tamar) headed towards
tory he brought the gate of the city to Geor- G. When he approached the city, the noble-
gia (Inscription on Gandza gate, Chr. I, 248. men, merchants, the qadi (Muslim judge)
T. Zhordania mentions it as the door to Daru- and the scientists met him. They showed him
band for some reason and N.D. states that their humility, praised him and begged for
Daruband gate was taken by David IV, 149). themselves and their children. They opened
George (George III, King of Georgia 1156- the gate, spread the gold-brocaded carpets
84) ordered to the army of Likht-Imereti and up to the door of Sultans palace. They
Georgia to ravage G. (H.Chr. 16; V.B. 169). poured over the gold and silver, the drach-
At a time of reign of Qeen Tamar (Qeen of mas and drahkans. David entered the palace,
Georgia 1184-1207/10), with the invita- set on the sultans throne, summoned the as-
tion of Asat, son of Grigol (eristavi of Here- sembly, arranged the feast proper for the
ti) the Georgians successfully conquered the time and day. Queen Tamar, on the basis of
territory from G., down to Belakan (Belakan tribute relations transferred G. to Emir-Mi-
territory of historical Hereti, signicant ran (Amir Emiran, owner of Aran and

Gelakun, son in law of Aghsartan, Shah of for three days, took over and ravaged the
Shirvan), brother of Abu Bekr (Atabag of city and killed many people (1235), (Zh.
Azerbaijan in the Shamkori battle against 184, V.B. 204). The captives brought from
Georgians), (H.Chr. 72, B. Ez. 127, V.B. Gandza to Alaverdi (village on the right side
183). Abu-bekr, who escaped to Nakhche- of Alazani River, the center of bishopric)
van, ordered to poison his brother Emir-Mi- freed due to the miracle of St. George (Abu-
ran. He learnt about death of his brother at seridze T. 66-63, events of 1233). Arghun
the outskirts of G. Abu-Bekr took over G. noin (Mongol ofcial, head of the fth ulus,
with battles (H.Chr. 76). Ivane Mkhargrdzeli which included Georgia), with 20.000 riders
(Queen Tamars butler) entered the battle set out, passed G. and Armenia and ap-
with the army moving to Dvin and defeated proached Tbilisi (1260) to ght against re-
them (H.Chr. 77). Queen Tamar mobilized belled David Ulo (son of Lasha-Giorgi, King
the army and attacked G. and imposed trib- of Georgia 1246-1270), (Zh. 240). In 1330,
ute over them (H.Chr. 77-78). The rulers of owner of Adrabadagan decided to arrange
the border-side region, Grigolisdze, the Tbe- campaign against George (George V, King
lis and Mapatlisdzes inspired great fear of of Georgia 1318-46) and approached G.
the population of G. and Bardava (B.Ez. When George learnt about this, he met him
130). In the period of reign of Lasha Giorgi with the great army, defeated him and re-
(King of Georgia 1207/10-23), G. opposed turned with victory (N.D. 116). The Gand-
Georgia and stopped to pay the tribute. King zians decided to stop paying the tribute to
invited the noblemen and informed them Alexander (Alexander I, King of Georgia
that he intended to take over G. Georgians 1412-42). The King grew furious, mobilized
set out against G. The army of G. avoided the army and arrived to Karabakh (1437). G.
battle on the open land and fortied their po- resisted him. The King punished the rebel-
sitions in the city. Troops from Meskheti, lious and imposed the tribute again (V.B.
Heret-Kakheti, Kartli approached the city 281). King Luarsab (Luarsab I, King of Kar-
from all sides. Siege of G. lasted for many tli 1527-56) and Levan Lord of Kakhetians
days. One day Lasha-Giorgi, with 4.000 cav- (King of Kakheti, 1518-74) unied, invited
alry riders started to pass around the city. the Meskhs and started to ruin and ravage
When the Gandzians noticed this, they G. (V.B. 403, P.G. 4). Tamaz, Shah of Iran
opened the city gate and attacked Georgians (Tahmasp I, 1524-76) took over Tbilisi ... as-
with 10.000 horsemen. Irrespective of small signed the sultan in G.*** and ordered him to
number, the Kings army gained victory. Fi- provide assistance to the garnison in case of
nally, the Atabag of G. begged for mercy and attacking Tbilisi by Luarsab, King of Kartli.
undertook to pay the tribute (Zh. 152-153, Luarsab mobilized the army and attacked
V.B. 196; N.D. 100). Four Mongol noins: Tbilisi. When Shaverdi, Sultan of G. (Sultan
Chormaghan, Chaghata, Iosur and Bicho Shahverd) learnt about this, he mobilized the
with 40.000 men and their families passed army of Karabakh and set out to ght with
through many countries and approached G., Georgians. Battle took place at village Garisi
which was fortied very well**. They fought (historical Kvemo Kartli), (1556). Georgians

gained victory and made the enemies to re- Zhamgulan, in 1788), for support against the
turn to G. (B.E. 365-366, Third T., 507; V.B. Turks he awarded Chalaburti to Manuchar
405; P.G. 8-9). The kizilbashs, under the (atabag of Samtskhe) and to Dedisimedi, his
leadership of Shahverd, Sultan of G., silent- mother ve large villages (V.B. 723; P.
ly passed Mukhatgverdi (place in the vicini- Chr. 56, Sm. Chr. 111, s-1204, Meskhuri M.,
ty of Tbilisi) and unexpectedly attacked the 54). Shah Abbas arrived to G. (1613) and
army of King Svimon (Svimon I, King of from there demanded from Teimuraz
Kartli 1556-69; 1578-1600). The battle was (Teimuraz I, King of Kakheti 1606-48, King
indeed erce and when the Khan of G. saw of Kartl-Kakheti 1625-32) to send his son as
desperate actions of the Georgians, he told a hostage (B.E. 391; V.B. 585). Teimuraz
the kizilbashs: we have long way, we can not sent to Shah his mother, Ketevan Bagrationi
escape from here and wed better die in this (Ketevan the Martyr) and children. Shah
battle. The kizilbashs all together exclaimed sent them to Shiraz (city in the south-west
Halah and resumed the attack. The ene- Iran), (V.B. 587). Mouravi**** advised to
mies gained victory (1561). At the same Shah Abbas, who was in G., to attack Kartli
night Shahverd entered Tbilisi (third T. 511). in winter, as it would be hard to evacuate the
Shah-Tamaz sent to Tbilisi Daudkhan population. Nugzar and Iese eristavis, Andu-
(brother of Svimon, King of Kartli 1569-78) kapar Amilakhor, Feshang Palavandishvili,
and appointed khan of G. as his assistant Aghatangi Kherkheulidze (great dukes of
(V.B. 408). By the order of Shah-Tamaz, Georgia) appeared before Shah Abbas in G.
Sultan of Shak mobilized great army against and knelt against him (V.B. 425). In 1623,
king Svimon. Kakhaber Korganashvili came Mouravi of Kartli (George Saakadze) be-
to the enemies, guided them and facilitated trayed the kizilbashs, he ravaged G. with
them entry to Tbilisi. Battle took place at Georgian army and made King of Kakheti
Partskhisi (village to the south from Tbilisi), (Teimuraz I) the lord there (Sm. Chr. 62,
(1569). Georgians were defeated, the king H380, 1636 Zhamgulani). Nobles of Kakhe-
was captivated (B.E. 368, V.B. 410; third T., ti promised to the Khan of G. Abbas-Quli
514). Shah of Iran, Khudaband (son of Shah Khan to arrange his appointment as the ruler
Tamaz, Sultan Muhammad Khodabende of Kakheti (Sm. Chr.119). In 1688, Solei-
1577-87) was blind and unable to act and man, Shah of Iran (same es Se II, 1666-94)
therefore, G. was taken over by the Turks awarded to Abbas-Quli Khan the positions
(B.E. 368; V.B. 410; third T., 525, P.G. 13). of ruler of Kakheti and Beglarbeg of G.
By this reason, Khan of G. Shahverd Sultan (Muslim ruler of Kakheti 1688-95), (V.B.
came to the Lord of Kakheti Alexander 606; P.G. 67, P. Chr. 120-21). Iran assigned
(King of Kakheti 1574-1605) and asked for George (George XI, King of Kartli 1676-88;
shelter. The King captivated him and sent 1703-09), son of Shahnavaz (Vakhtang V,
him to the Khontkar (third T., 525, P.G. 18; King of Kartli 1658-75) as King of Kartli.
P. Chr. 54). Shah-Abbas (Abbas I, Shah of George visited G. Khan of G. hosted him
Iran 1587-1629) took over G. (according to with great respect for ve days, gave him
V.B., in 1787; according to Sm. Chr. beautiful presents and sent back to Kartli

(P.G. 68). Shah, without consent of Erekle 613 dates this event by 1712). When Shah-
(Nazar-Ali-Khan, King of Kartli, 1688- Tamaz (Tahmasp II, 1722-32) was enthroned
1703) and with the solicitation of G.s Khan in Iran, Vakhtang sent to him Sekhnia Ch-
assigned Iason as the eristavi (P.G. 70). Had- kheidze (S. Ch. 34). Commander of Turkey,
ji Alikhan Zangan, appointed as commander Ibreim Pasha decided to take over G. The
of Kartli by the Shah, assigned Qiasa as vi- population of G. allowed the Turkish army
zier of Erekle and ordered him to compro- into the city, which stayed at the square of G.
mise the khan of G. and captivate Nazar-Ali- The population blocked the streets, fought
Khan (P.G. 80). George (George XI) occu- with them and eliminated the Turks. The
pied Kartli in 1691 and Erekle had to lock in commander escaped and the population of
Tbilisi. George was the king in Kartli and in G. fortied the city (S. Ch. 37). Vakhtang,
Kakheti the ruler was Khan of G., Abbas- hoping to receive assistance from Peter (Em-
Quli Khan. For this action, George attempt- peror of Russia Peter I, 1689-1725), mobi-
ed to excuse himself against Shah in the let- lized the army, approached G. and stayed
ter sent to khan of G. (P.G. 84; P.Chr. 121- there for three months, vainly waiting for
22). When Soleiman, Shah of Iran deceased, Peter (V.B. 500). Vakhtang left Tbilisi in
Erekle blamed Abbas-Quli Khan in collabo- 1722 (Chr. III. 81; Sm.Chr. s2515. IV). Infu-
ration with George, in front of new Shah riated Shah transferred Kartli to Makhmad-
Hussein (Sultan-Hussein, 1694-1722) and Quli Khan (Constantine II, King of Kakheti
Abbas-Quli Khan was arrested. In 1695, 1722-32). He accepted assistance from the
Shah appointed Kalibali-Khan (Muslim rul- khan of G. ... and took over Tbilisi (1723),
er of Kakheti 1695-1703) as the beglarbeg of (V.B. 501; O.Kh. 38). At the same time Con-
G. and ruler of Kakheti (V.B. 608-609). stantine was the beglarbeg of G. and Kara-
Though Kalibali-Khan ruled Kakheti, Tush- bakh (Chr. III. 94, deed issued by Constan-
eti, Kiziki and Ertso-Tianeti, the regions of tine II, 1724). In 1726 Kartli was taken over
Kakheti, were subordinated to Erekle (V.B. by the Ottomans, they took the cities and
475). The Kakhetians arrived to G., to Kal- countries to both sides of Tabriz (city in
ibali-Khan and requested his protection southern Azerbaijan, in Adjichai Gorge): Sh-
against Lezghins (V.B. 609). The Lezghins emakhia, Yerevan (Sm.Chr. 41, S-1452; Chr.
devastated not only Kakheti but G. as well ... III. 106). In 1734 Vakhtang arrived from
(V.B. 497). Shah of Iran requested assistance Russia to Daruband. When Tamaz Khan
from Vakhtang (Vakhtang IV, janishin of learnt about this, he left Baghdad (capital of
Kartli 1703-14, King of Kartli 1716-24) for Iraq)... approached G. and called Vakhtang
protection of G. from the Lezghins. People to him and the latter left for Astrakhan (city
of Ganja begged assistance from Vakhtang in Russia), (V.B. 514). Tamaz Khan (Tamaz-
as well. King of Kartli set out with large Quli Khan, further Nadir-Shah) fought to
army to G. Khan of G. met with the King in take over G. in 1734, he failed as winter pre-
Shamkori (historical city in Azerbaijan). vented him from this; therefore, he left G. in
Army of the King made the rebellious to spring (V.B. 514; Chr. II., 142). Tamaz Khan
obey to the Khan of G. (V.B. 499, Chr. III. demanded from Mahmad Quli Khan to send

his daughter to him, in G. (V.B. 626). In (P.O. 134). Erekle attacked the garrisons of
1738, khan of G. Ughuli Khan, son of Kal- kizilbashs, at Tbilisi fortresses, defeated
bali-Khan was appointed as a commander in them and occupied the fortresses (July
Kartli (S. Ch. 51). In the same year the 1748). Khan of G., scared with these devel-
Lezghins killed Ughuli-Khan (S. Ch. 52). opments, sent to Erekle the lavish gifts (P.O.
The Lezghins approached Dmanisi (1739). 148). Khan of G. asked Erekle and Teimuraz
Se-Khan (commander of the kizilbashs) (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli, 1744-62, Er-
was at G. and set out from there to provide ekles father) for assistance in his operations
assistance to Dmanisi, he drove away the against owner of Karabakh, Fana-Khan (Fa-
Lezghins and returned back (P.O. 43-44). nah Ali Khan, 1747-63), (according to dat-
Nadir-Shah (shah of Iran 1736-47) fought ing by T. B., in 1749), (P.O. 160, T.B. 47-
with the Dagestan (1741-1743). He sent the 48). Fana-Khan intended to take G. from
messenger to Kartli and demanded 6000 Shaverdi Khan, the ruler of G. He disposed
oxen to deliver bread from G. to Dagestan signicant forces in G., only the fortress of
on the carts (P.O. 55). The troops of Otto- G. was not taken. Khan of G. sent his broth-
mans entered the estates of the Orbelianis er, Riza-Quli Beg to Georgia, to ask for help.
(grand dukes). When the son of Nadir-Shah Teimuraz and Erekle got ready for the cam-
learnt about this, he set out from Barda and paign properly. They took the troops from
stopped at minaret in G. Scared Ottoman the countries, which have sworn allegiance
troops retreated (P.O. 75). Nadir-Shah called to them as well. Georgian army defeated
Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti, 1744-62, Fana Khan (1750). The winners sent the
King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) with one messenger to G. to inform them about vic-
thousand Georgians to meet with the ambas- tory. Khan of G. as a reward for the cam-
sador of Russia. On his way, the King re- paign, transferred the Shamshadilo land to
ceived the order to return back. The King Georgian kings (P.O. 164-172). Khan of G.
returned from the elds of G. (P.O. 118). Af- was invited to the wedding ceremony of Er-
ter decease of Nadir Shah, Ali-Khan, who, ekle and Darejan Dadiani (P.O. 180). Erekle
for certain period was ruler of Kartli, decid- and Teimuraz decided to arrange campaign
ed to arrange campaign against Kartli. Er- to Chari. They called the khan of G. and
ekle mobilized the army and appointed Dim- other allies, the Muslim khans. Because of
itri Orbeliani as a commander. Georgians betrayal of the allies Georgians lost this bat-
defeated the kizilbashs and Ali-Khan es- tle (1751, Agrichai River), (P.O. 181-182;
caped to G. (P.O. 131; T.B. 46; Chr. III. 619 T.B. 48). Aji-Chalab (the rst khan of Shak,
dates the battle with 1748). Mamad, Sultan Hadji Cheleb Qurban-oglu, 1743-55), khan
of Lor, who supported Abdul-Beg rebelled of Shak-Shirvan performed the operations
against Erekle (son of Iese, King of Kartli, against Georgia. He approached G., ravaged
rebelled in 1748), stayed at Samshvilde. its outskirts, captured population of Kara-
Here he received the rakam (letter), notify- bakh elds and took the captives to his coun-
ing him that he was awarded the position of try. Teimuraz and Erekle started to get ready
Khan of G. He immediately returned to G. for campaign against him. They sent Kaik-

hosro, the mouravi (administrator) of Mart- khan of G. (Qoja and Khudat-beg), together
kopi (village in Kakheti) to G. to nd out, with the best men to Tbilisi as hostages.
whether the Muslim khans, their tribute pay- Meanwhile son of Fana-Khan (Fanah-Ali-
ers were faithful to them. Kaikhosro returned Khan, Khan of Karabakh, 1747-63) went to
from G., together with: lawyer (vekili) of G., Aji-Chalab as envoy. Aji-Chalab approached
village headmen of Karabakh, nephew of the G. with great army (1752) and entered in
khan of Bargushat (territory of Armenia). battle with Georgians. It was the Saturday,
They conrmed their loyalty to Teimuraz Easter eve, Tbilisi citizens were in G. for
and Erekle. They promised to assist them in shopping. The warriors dealt cruelly with
ght against Lezghins with their own army those people. Georgians were defeated and
at their expense, in return to assistance in the Seigniors escaped to the Mountain of
ght of Afghans. After this the Seigniors G. They stayed there up to the night and re-
arranged two successful campaigns against turned to Tbilisi (P.O. 190-195; Chr. III. P.
Lezghins. Sultan of Kak begged the Sei- 218). Musa-Quki did not support Aji-Chalab
gniors for reconciliation and the Charians in G. battle and for this, Teimuraz and Erekle
asked for solicitation of the khan of G. awarded him khanate of Borchalo (1752-55)
Teimuraz and Erekle mobilized great army and sent him to Aghjakala (fortress in Gachi-
and moved to G. From there they intended to ani, historical province of Kvemo Kartli),
set out against Aji-Chalab ... When they ap- (P.O. 223). Agha-Kish, the son of Aji-Chalab
proached G., Shaverdi Khan, beglarbeg of and Shaverd, Khan of G. set out to Kartli
G. met them with the gifts. From G. the Sei- with great army and encamped in Baidar
gniors sent from G. the messengers to (village in Kartli, currently Marneuli Dis-
Karabakh, to Kazum-Khan, Fana-Khan and trict). Troops of Kazakh and Borchalu...
ordered the khans of Adirbezhan countries joined them, they arrived to Shamshadilo.
to come to them. When they learnt that Vali King Erekle hired the troops of the Cherkezs
of Kartli arrived to G., they notied them for assistance. When the enemies learnt
that they would meet them in Azarmata. about this, they asked for conciliation, but
The Seigniors arrived to Azarmata, to- the Seigniors did not agree. The enemies
gether with the khan of G.... There Teimuraz left for Kazakh and Georgians set out to Ka-
and Erekle learned that the khans intended to zakh. They defeated khan of G. and Agha-
betray them, for the benet of Aji-Chalab. Kish (P.O. 200-204; B. B. dates the battle
The Seigniors captured the khan of G., to- with 1753, he writes Aji-Chalab, instead of
gether with his brother and the others, re- Agha-Kish, 49). Khan of G. sent the letter to
turned to G. and took the captured khans the Seigniors, asking for conciliation and
with them as well. They desired to occupy undertook to pay the tribute (P.O. 208; 211-
fortress of G. and appoint there the reliable 212). Ruler of Khundzakhi (Nursal-beg),
person and return to Kartli with the cap- with the great army (1754-55) set out to
tured khans. The scared Ganjians locked Kakheti. Khan of G. and other Muslim khans
the fortress and did not allow Georgians in. supported him. Nevertheless the Georgians
Seigniors sent the uncle and nephews of gained victory***** (P.O. 215, 220). After the

period of forays of the Lezghins (fties) the lo, but he failed. Erekle forced Shamshadilo
peace ensued. In 1758, Baman Khan, ruler to subordinate to Javad, several times, but
of Nakhchevan conciliated with Erekle- the war began and Javad lost (T.B. 63-64). In
Teimuraz ... he returned all people of Kartli May 1795, Agha-Mahmad-Khan Qajar (rul-
back and King of Kakheti accepted concilia- er of Iran from 1794, Shah in 1796-97) ap-
tion (P.O. 245). King Erekle and Ibrahim, proached Shushi, fortress of Karabakh. Ibre-
Khan of Shushi unied, they occupied G. .... im, the Khan of Shushi, fortied the fortress
They captivated Mamad Khan, the ruler of and Agha-Mahmad-Khan failed to take over
G. and his family [after decease of Shaverdi- it and intended to return, but Javad, Khan of
Khan, his son, Mahmad-Aslan-Khan was as- G. forcedly took him to Tbilisi, as he was the
signed as Khan of G. (1760-80), who was enemy of King Erekle. Agha-Mahmad-Khan
killed by his brother (uncle?), Mamad- offered obedience to Erekle and promised
Khan]. Khan of Shushi took Mamad and his that he would give him G., Yerevan, Kara-
family as captives (T.B. 56). By 1780, G. as bakh, Shak, Shirvan and would appoint him
well as all its lands were subordinated to Er- as ruler of Azerbaijan. As Erekle had sworn
ekle, he had friendly relations with the Khan to the Russians (Treaty of 1783 is implied),
of Shushi (Karabakh), men of the Khan he did not agree. Georgians were defeated
and Erekle ruled G. Because of envy the (B.B., 65). In 1796 Erekle decided to con-
people of G. exiled Prince Andronikashvili, quer G. and joined Ibreim, Khan of Kara-
Mdivanbeg Khaikhosro the man of Irakli, bakh. The King spent three months at the
and men of the khan of Shushi from the outskirts of G. Meanwhile, the Russian army
city (O.Kh. 69, 72). In 1785, Raim-Khan led by General Zubov, took over Shak, Shir-
(Ragim-Khan 1785-86), son of Shaverdi van, up to Talish. Khan of G. sent to King
Khan, earlier captivated by khan of Shushi Erekle Khan Ibreim, as negotiator and un-
arrived to the rebelled G. and became the dertook to pay the tribute. Ibreim arranged
ruler (T.B. 59). Ibreim-Khan asked assis- the peace between the King and Khan. Er-
tance from Erekle again, they took over G. ekle took back 700 captives taken from
again and appointed Javad-Khan, son of Tbilisi and returned to Kartli with the victo-
Shaverdi Khan as a ruler (1786-1804), (T. B. ry (B.B., 67). In September 1796, General
59). King Erekle decided to arrange the cam- Zubov took over G. without battles (B.B.,
paign, together with Russian army against 67). Great famine began in Kartli, Ganja-
Karabakh. He sent Iulon his son in avant- Karabakh, Shak-Shirvan. One loaf of bread
guard, who defeated the mounted troops of could be bought for one tuman (B.B., 68).
Karabakh. At that time Erekle was encamp- Erekles tribute payers were: G., Shusha and
ed at G., with the Russian troops. Colonel other kizilbash khanates (N.D. 138). Er-
Burnashov received the order to leave G. ekles signature on the ofcial deeds was as
and Erekle had to follow him as well (O.Kh. follows: ... King of Ganja, Yerevan, Kazakh,
74; T.B. 60; According to T.B. this occurred Borchalo, Shamshadilo, the Potentate
in 1787)******. Javad, Khan of G. arranged (MGL II, Tskalobis Tsigni [Deed of Dona-
campaign against Ali-Sultan of Shamshadi- tion], issued in 1783, 456). Ruler of Shir-

van, Owner and Ruler of Ganja and Yere- of Sepevid Iran. Ismail I, Shah of Iran (1501-24) made
ganja the center of beglarbegate (district) of Karabakh
van (MGL II. 134, 457. text of the treaty and appointed his representative as beglarbeg.
of 1773). Son of Akhmad, Khan of Khui, **** George Saakadze Great Mouravi (about 1570-
Mamad Khan of Ganja and Ibreim Khan of 1629) Georgian military and political gure, promoter
of central power of the King of Kartli. Mouravi of
Shusha desired to marry beautiful daughter Tbilisi, Tskhinvali and Dvaleti. He was in conict with
of the Khan of Yerevan, with great dotal Luarsab I, King of Kartli. He escaped to Iran and served
to Shah-Abbas I. Though he was the leader of Geor-
property. Beglarbeg of Yerevan, Husein gians rebellion against Kizilbashs in Martkopi (1625).
Ali-Khan stated that he would give his ***** Events described by Papuna Orbeliani (see
daughter to the person, advised by Erekle above, note about Nadir-Shah and further), (P.O. 55),
including events about Nursal beg (P.O. 220)), are de-
Khan. The khans applied to Erekle and scribed by O. Kherkheulidze as well, relatively briey.
promised lavish gifts to him. By Erekles de- No any different information is available (O.Kh. 38-39,
46, 48-50).
cision the woman got married with the son
****** B. Batonishvili describes this story as follows:
of Ahmad, Khan of Khui (I.B. 266). In the In 1786, King Erekle set out to conquer G.. Javad, Khan
period of Erekles reign there was extensive of G, begged the King, promised to pay tribute, 3.000
tumans every year. Meliks, the Armenians of Karabakh
trade and communication between Kartl- submitted to the King as well and asked permission to
Kakheti and G. They imported the grapes, settle in Georgia. Erekle sent his son, Iulon with the
mounted troops to ravage them. The battle between
silk, they bought the serfs (slaves), (MGL II, Iulon and Ibraim, Khan of karabakh took place. Geor-
933; VI, 107; VIII, 395 etc.). In 1804, Gen- gians gained victory. Meanwhile, the Russians received
the order to return and Georgians followed them (60).
eral Tsitsianov (Pavle Tsitsianov, Russian
commander, high ofcial in Georgia 1754- K. Nadiradze
1806) took over the fortress of G. after erce
battle and ravaged it. Georgians also were in
Tsitsianovs army and they were merciless to GANDZASAR CATHOLICOS OF
G. as they remembered how Agha-Mahmad- ARMENIANS Catholicos of Arme-
Khan had ravaged Tbilisi. Javad, Khan of G. nian population of Karabakh. Mentioned
was killed in that battle. G. was renamed and in: Parsadan Gorgijanidze The History
called Elisabetopol. It became the uezd (1926).
(district) of Tbilisi county region (T.B. 70, Teimuraz (Teimuraz I, King of Kartl-
B.B. 89, N.D. 196). In 1813, Baba Khan, Kakheti 1625-32) decided to ravage Ganja-
Shah of Iran (1797-1834, he was enthroned Karabakh and this meant rebellion against
with the name Fathali-Khan) conciliated Iran (1632). The army of entire Georgia
with Russian Emperor Alexander Pavlovich took part in this campaign. King Teimuraz
and ofcially transferred G. to him. (B.B. was encamped at city of Bardavi. Gandzasar
139). Catholicos of Armenians came to him with
the army and lavish gifts. In addition to cam-
* Malik-Shah transferred administration of G. to his
son, Qiasa ad-din Tafar (further Sultan Muhammad Ta-
paign at Karabakh, he offered to king Teimu-
far) and by this the dynasty of Shadadian ended. raz to occupy city of Tabriz (city in the Irani-
** In 1225 Jelal ad-din, ruler of Khorezm took over G. an Azerbaijan, in Ajichai Gorge). He advised
from the Ildegizids (atabags of Azerbaijan) and made
G. the powerful fortress. He ruled G. up to his death to replace the government in Azerbaijan and
in 1231. to assign the man faithful to him there. He
*** In 16th-18th centuries G. was in the composition promised the King to assist with his 40.000
troops stationed there. He advised to com- General of Russian army, high ofcial of
mence this campaign while the Khontkar Russian Emperor in Georgia) against Yere-
and Khan (Kaen), (Ottoman Empire and van (T.B. 71).
Iran) were in discord; he offered to be sent E. Kvachantiradze
to Khontkar and get military assistance from
him. You will gain victory, we shall bless
you as a main King (of Iran) and Christian
GELAKUN historical district in Ar-
world would be saved and strengthened
menia, located to the south and east from
by you. Teimuraz did not agree with him,
Sevan Lake, it was within Syunik Region.
though, he took the Catholicos, together
G. was mentioned in: Historian of the Period
with his suite to Kartli and settled him there,
of Reign of Lasha-Giorgi (K. Ts., I, 1955);
in Gori (P. G. 30-32)
Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned
K. Nadiradze Monarchs, Zhamtaaghmtsereli (K. Ts. II,
1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973);
GARNISI Fortress in Armenia, lo- Martyrdom of Gobron (MAGHL. I, 1963).
cated at south-east to Yerevan; it was built in Among Armenian gorges there were
the 2nd century B.C. It was the summer resi- mentioned four gorges of G. (G. Ts. 175).
dence of Armenian Kings. In the 4th century In the period of reign of Tamar (Queen of
the Bishop cathedra was created in G. In the Georgia 1184-1207/10), the army of Turks
12th century, after including of north-eastern came from G. and was defeated by Geor-
part of Armenia into the borders of Geor- gians (H.Chr., 38). In the period of Tamars
gia G. lost its political signicance. G. was reign, Georgians attacked G. and when they
mentioned in: Zhamtaaghmtsereli (K. Ts. II, were returning with rich war spoils, Turk-
1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili, Description
mans of Gelakun, under the leadership of
of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973),
noblemen of Shami, Rostom and Ialghuz-
Teimuraz Bagrationi New History (1983).
Alfes caught up with them. Tamars warriors
Army of Jalal ad-Din (Mangubert,
distinguished themselves, defeated them and
Shah of Khvarazm 1220-21); encamped in
drove them away (H.Chr., 39-40; V.B. 173-
G. (V.B. 200). Rusudan (Queen of Georgia
174, 180). Zakaria and Ivane Mkhargrdzelis
1223-45) sent the army, under the command-
(political and military gures of the turn of
ment of Ivane Atabag (Ivane Mkhargrdzeli,
12th-13th centuries, Zakaria Amirspasalar
Msakhurtukhutsesi, Amirspasalari, Atabagi
Mandaturtukhutsesi and Ivane Msakhur-
1212-27) to G., to ght against Jalal ad-Din.
tukhutsesi, Amirspasalari, Atabagi) took
Defeated Ivane Akhaltsikheli was killed with
over G. (H.L.G. 368). Tamar transferred G.
the stone in Garnisi rocks, where he found
to Ivane Mkhargrdzeli (H.Chr. 54). David
shelter (Zh. 169170). In 1804, the weakened
Soslan (second husband of Queen Tamar
Persians encamped in G., after campaign of
1187-1203/04) and Ivane Mkhargrdzeli
Tsitsishvili (Pavle Tsitsianov, 1754-1806,

fought against G. (H.Chr., 59, 60, 77). At the river and on this river there is a big town
a time of his march to Ardaveli, Zakaria called Angust with Muslim population (V.B.
Mkhargrdzeli passed G. (V.B. 189). At a 652).
time of dividing of the property, Amir-Mir, E. Kvachantiradze
nephew of Qizil-Arslan (Atabag of Azer-
baijan, 1186-91), received the territory from
Gurgan Sea (ancient name of Caspian Sea) GREGORY THE PARTHIAN fa-
to G. (V.B. 181). In the period of reign of mous gure of the 4th century, traditionally
Rusudan (Queen of Georgia 1123-45) the he is regarded as the enlightener of the Ar-
Mongols encamped at G. (Zh. 206). G. was menians. According to Georgian church
the winter residence of the Mongols (Zh. tradition, Gregory taught the Armenians the
189, 195, 253; V.B. 223). Timur-Lang (the true religion, therefore, Georgian church
general commander of Central Asia 1336- respects Gregory as a saint. Gregory the
1405) fought in G. (V.B. 272). Parthian was mentioned in: Arsen of Sapara,
E. Kvachantiradze On the Division of Georgians and Arme-
nians (1980).
In the period of reign of Arcadius the
GHASANNI Fortress of Sharvan. Caesar (395-408) in Byzantium and Arshak
Gh. was mentioned in: life of David King (Arshak III (378-387) in Armenia (part of
of Kings (K.Ts. I, 1955). Armenia under Byzantium is implied) the
In the period of reign of David IV, the Armenians were rm in their faith propagat-
Builder (1089-1125) the Georgians took ed by G. P. (A.S. 78). Priests, the members
over the fortresses of Sharvan, Gh. and Kho- of the Jacobite sect depraved the Armenian
zaind and surrounding lands (L.D. 344). land asperged with numerous merits and
T. Koridze tears of G.P. (A.S. 80). Georgians used to
tell Armenians that St. Gregory has brought
the religion to them and the Armenians have
GHLIGHUETI historical country rejected this faith and subordinated them-
in the North Caucasus. Gh. was mentioned selves to Abdishos Asur and other evil her-
in: Vakhushti Batonishvili Description of etics (A.S. 81). Armenians did not obey St.
Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. 1973). G.P.s faith (A.S. 82). Catholicos of the Ar-
Gh. was mentioned in descriptions of menians, Komitos (see article Komitos)
Ossetia (country in North Caucasus) and Took over the relics of St. Gregory and
Dzurdzuketi (historical region in North Cau- lled with terrible false teaching the land of
casus, currently Chechnya and Ingushetia) Somkhiti (A. S. 83). Somkhiti abandoned the
(V.B. 554, 652). Vakhushti provides descrip- truth taught to them by St. Gregory (A.S. 85).
tion of Gh. Gh is located to the east of Kist- Armenia has rejected the truth taught to them
Dzurdzuketi, its name originates from the
by of St. G. P. (A. S. 86). Grand children of G.
name of Ghligho, son of Dzurdzuk. Here is

P. were St. Sahak and Mashtots (A. S., 86). St. ter dividing of Armenia between Byzantium
G. P. has had the vision (A.S. 90). and Iran in 591. It was located in the Iranian
part of Armenia. Guaspuragan was located
T. Koridze
in south-eastern part of Greater Armenia and
consisted of 35 gavars. In the 10th century it
was formed as an Armenian Kingdom under
GRIGOL Armenian Catholicos of
the royal family of Artsruni.Guaspuragan
Ani (see art. Priests of Ani). Approved the
was mentioned in: Conversion of Kartli
judgment of Catholicos Epiphanius of 1218.
(MAGHL I, 1963, 91-92, 95, 101); Stepane
G. Otkhmezuri Mtbevari Martyrdom of Saint Martyr Go-
bron (MAGHL I. 1963, 175); Arsen of Sa-
para, On the Division of Georgians and
GRIGOL THE PRIEST The exact Armenians 1980.
period of his activities is unknown. Presum- By the order of queen Soji Stereonis
ably he was Armenian Chalcedonist. Priest was brought from G to Bodi (Bodbe), who
Grigol is mentioned in: Martyrdom of Da- was christened there (Conversion, 91-92). In
vid and Tirichan, (MAGHL I.1963). the seventies of the 4th century, after taking
When, after martyr death of David over the rule in Tbilisi by the representative
and Tirichan, Nerses the Catholicos of Ar- of Shah of Iran the Pitiakhsh, G., similar
menians (Zerses III, 641-61) went to Divri, to Kartli, became his tributary (Conversion
the place of torture of Tirichan, he took with 95). In the forties of 6th century, after can-
him G. P. with two priests Sahak and Iovan cellation of Kingdom in Kartli, the Iranians
(Martyrdom of David and Tirichan, 191). ruled Kartli and Somkhiti and Sivnieti and
G (Conversion, 101). In the second half of
T. Koridze
the 9th century G comprised of twelve prov-
inces (Martyrdom of Gobron, 175). In the
period of reign of Emperor of Byzantium
GROZNA G. was mentioned in:
Mauritius (582-602) the Bishops of G., who
Teimuraz Bagrationi New History
were subordinated to the Persians, refused to
(1983). Small fortress at Chachnati border
leave for Constantinople (A. S., 89).
built by Yermolov (commander-in-chief in
Georgia and ambassador in Iran at the same T. Koridze

time) in 1818. G. means threatening (T.B.

G. Otkhmezuri
GULISTAN place and fortress in
Sharvan. G. was mentioned in: Life of
David, King of Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955),
GUASPURAGAN // VASPURAKAN Vakhushti Batonishvili Description of
(VASPURAGAN, ASPURAKAN) land Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973).
i.e. country in Armenia. As an administrative G. was the residence of Shirvans rul-
unit (country) it appears in the sources af- er. In June 1124, David the Builder (King

of Georgia 1089-1125) took over G. (L.D. to Ottoman Empire (1776), and he stayed in
344). In G. fortress there was fortied Davr- Akhalkalaki (city in Javakheti). At that time
ish-Mahmad, ruler of Shaki, with whom the Lezghins of Chari attacked village Pk-
Shah Tamaz (Tamaz I, Shah of Iran 1524-76) hovi, took the captives, among which there
and King Levan (King of Kakheti 1518-74) was the spouse of Mouravis son, Paata; H.
fought (V.B. 574). married her. Erekle assisted H. in the battle
E. Kvachantiradze
against Fathali, Khan of Quba (1758-89)
and supported him to maintain his position
of Khan (T.B. 55, 56).

HAOS eponym of Armenians. H. was K. Nadiradze

mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of Geor-

gian Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushrti Ba-
tonishvili (K. Ts. IV, 1973). HUSSEIN QULI KHAN ruler of
The rst of Targamoss (eponym of Baku Khanate (approximately 1792-1806).
Georgians) son was called H. At a time of H. Q. was mentioned in: Teimuraz Bagra-
dividing of his holdings, Targamos gave tioni New History (1983); Bagrat Baton-
half of them to H (L.M. 4). All seven chil- ishvili Akhali Motkhroba (New Story)
dren of Targamos were subordinated to H. (1941); Niko Dadiani Life of Georgians
He fought with Nebroth (Biblical patriarch, (1962).
head of construction of the Tower of Babel. In February 1806, Russian General
L.M. regards him as the Persian and the rst Tsitsianov (Pavle Tsitsianov, 1754-1806
King of the peoples, to whom the Targamo- viceroy) decided to arrange campaign to
sians were subordinated). He called all Tar- Baku. With his great army he camped near
gamosians, encamped at the foot of Masis Baku and demanded from H. Q. to submit
Mountain (mountains in the territory of his- the city locks. H. Q. intended to kill Tsitsian-
torical Armenia, currently in the territory of ov and therefore, agreed to his demand with
Turkey) and defeated Nemroth (L.M. 6, 7; one condition: if he would meet with the
V.B. 14, 47). Khan personally. An Armenian of Baku in-
formed Tsitsianov about betrayal. He did not
E. Kvachantiradze
believe and ordered to beat this Armenian
severely. General met with H.Q. accompa-
nied with two persons: Elisbar Eristavishvili
HUSSEIN KHAN ruler of Khanate
and someone Kazakh. Khans soldiers being
of Shaki. H. Kh. was mentioned in: Teimu-
in ambush killed him with the gun and H. be-
raz Bagrationi New History (1983). We
headed Elisbar Eristavishvili and sent to Ba-
suppose that here is implied the grand son
ba-Khan, Shah of Iran (1797-1834; he was
of Aji-Cheleb, the creator of Shaki Khanate,
enthroned with the name of Fathali-Khan)
who ruled Shaki in 1171-83.
Scared Russians escaped to Kizlyar (city in
Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kartl-Kakhe-
North Caucasus) and Tbilisi (T.B. 72; B.B.
ti 1762-98) sent Gurgina, his own secretary
97, 98). Alexander Pavlovich, Emperor of

Russia (1801-25) sent great army to conquer suspected in betrayal of Russia was killed
Baku Khanate. Scared F.Q. escaped and the in 1806. I. Kh. was mentioned in: Oman
Russians took over the fortress (N.D. 197). Kherkheulidze, Reign of Irakli II (1989);
Reign of Irakli II, version of Teimuraz bagra-
K. Nadiradze
tioni, wg: Oman Kherkheulidze, Reign of
Irakli II (1989); Teimuraz Bagrationi New
History (1983); David Batonishvili Akhali
IARVAND King of Armenians, in the
Motkhroba (New Story) ,(1941). Historical
50-ies of 2nd century B.C. I. was mentioned
Documents (Documents issued by Erekle II,
in: Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings
1736-1797) (2008); Monuments of Geor-
(K. Ts. I, 1955), Vakhushti Batonishvili De-
gian Law (VII, 1981);
scription of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV,
I. Kh. was the son of Fana-Khan (ver-
sion of Teimuraz Bagrationi, O.Kh. 98).
I. Took the city of Tsunda and Artaan,
Suleiman, Pasha of Akhaltsikhe (1767-
up to the Kura River from Parsman Armaze-
1769; 1770-1791) secretly contacted with
li, King of Kartli. He named Tsunda as Kaja-
I. Kh and Omar-Khan of Avaria, rejected
tun (L.M. 44; V.B. 691). I. was killed by Ar-
alliance and conciliation and provoked the
menian Spaspet Sumbat Bivritian (L.M. 45).
Lezghins to ravage Kartli (version of Teimu-
E. Kvachantiradze raz Bagrationi, 98). I. Kh. served and obeyed
to King Erekle (version of Teimuraz Bagra-
tioni, O.Kh. 98-99). King Erekle appointed
IBREIM-KHAN //IBRAIM-KHAN a man of Khan of Shusha as the assistant of
Khan of Karabakh //Shusha (1763-1806). In Prince Kaikhosro Endronikashvili, the ruler
the period of his rule, the economic and cul- of Ganja, assigned by him, as King Erekle
tural development took place in Karabakh was favorably disposed to him and trusted
Khanate. I.Kh. nally subdued the Armenian him (version of Teimuraz Bagrationi, O.Kh.
Meliks of Karabakh to himself and in result, 98-99). I. K. was uneducated and illiterate
they and local Armenian population had to man, he was brought up among the illiterate
leave the Khanate. When it became clear mountain people of low birth, in the elds
that Russian Empire implemented the ex- and mountains (version of Teimuraz Bagra-
pansionist policies against Caucasus, for the tioni, O.Kh. 99). I. Kh. was many times de-
purpose of unifying against it, I.Kh. made ceived by his courtiers, they were bribed by
alliance with Kartl-Kakheti Kingdom. In Suleiman, Pasha of Akhaltsikhe, Javat-Khan
1801, after abrogation of the Kartl-Kakheti of Ganja commenced to serve and obey to
Kingdom by Russia, and activation of Rus- King Erekle and unied with I. Kh. (version
sia in South Caucasus, I. Kh. had to accept of Teimuraz Bagrationi, O.Kh. 99). Before
the proposal of Russia on subordination of the next winter, in the autumn Omar-Khan
Karabakh Khanate to the Russia. Russian could not dare to attack Kartli and arrived
government awarded to I. Kh. the rank of to Karabakh to I.Kh (O. Kh., 73; version of
Lieutenant General of Russian Army. I. Kh., Teimuraz Bagrationi, O.Kh. 100). I. Kh. met

him, hosted him with great respect and al- the order of 13th March 1778, Erekle ordered
lowed him, with his troops, to stay in Kara- someone Takasshvili to bring the Kizilbash
bakh (version of Teimuraz Bagrationi, O. sword owned earlier by Azat-Khan, praise
Kh. 100). Omar Khan gave the daughter of of which was heard by I.Kh. and for which,
captivated Evgen Abashidze to I. Kh. The King Erekle decided to give to its owner the
latter married to her (version of Teimuraz estate of more than one hundred tumans val-
Bagrationi, O.Kh. 101). After campaign in ue in return to the sword and give this sword
Georgia Omar-Khan arrived to Karabakh to I.Kh. (documents issued by Erekle II,
to I. Kh. He gave one daughter of Evgeni 115); By the order of 24th May 1782, Erekle
(count Evgeni Abashidze) to him as a wife II called Mimbash Otar, with the warriors on
and he, himself, got married with the other duty (troops on duty) as there was the dan-
(D.B. 60). Armenian Meliks of I. Kh. es- ger of intrusion of Khundzakhi troops dis-
caped from Karabakh, they came to Erekle missed by I. Kh. into Georgia (documents
and asked him to assist them with his troops issued by Erekle II, 134). In 1782, by the
to take all their people and settle in Georgia covenant between Erekle (Erekle II) and
(O. Kh. 74; version of Teimuraz Bagrationi, I.Kh. they had not to accept the people came
see O. Kh. 101). I. Kh.s troops welcomed from one anothers country and return them
Georgian army sent by Erekle and led by back. As Gurgina requested Nikoloz Asatu-
the Kings son Iulon and the commanders rashvili from I. Kh. before the mentioned
(O. Kh. 73; version of Teimuraz Bagrationi, covenant between King Erekle and I. Kh. he
see O. Kh. 101). Because of his friendship kindly gifted him (MGL VII, 71). In 1778
with Omar-Khan and allowing him into his King Erekle and I. Kh. took over Ganja and
(I. Kh.s) estate, I. Kh. was guilty to Erekle captured Mamad-Khan of Ganja, together
and therefore, he could not dare to come to with his family, who were taken by I. Kh. as
the King and sent his commander with the captives (T.B. 56). In 1785 Ganja apostated
troops. Commander of I. Kh, with the Kara- (withdrew), they drove away the assignees
bakh army met with Iulon, the Kings son of the King (Erekle II) and I.Kh., Raim-
(O. Kh. 74; version of Teimuraz Bagrationi, Khan, son of Shaverdi-Khan, captured by
see O. Kh. 101). Scared I. Kh. was in the I. Kh. escaped from Shusha and became the
Shusha Fortress. I. Kh.s man came to King Khan of Ganja. I.Kh. who arrived to Ganja,
Erekle and brought to him numerous offer- asked for support from the King (Erekle II),
ings and treasures. King Erekle granted the they regained Ganja and assigned Javad, son
oriental robe to I. Kh and made him hope of Shaverdi Khan as Khan of Ganja (T.B.
that he would forgive I. Kh.s guilt. I. Kh. 59). In 1786, after defeat of Khan of Ganja,
sent secretly a man to Omar-Khan and asked Armenian Meliks of Karabakh visited King
for his assistance and protection from King Erekle in Ganja, they desired to leave Ganja
Erekle, who was in Ganja already (version of and settle in Georgia together with their ells.
Teimuraz Bagrationi, see O.Kh. 101). With To assist them in resettlement, King Erekle
the I.s consent Omar-Khan attacked Chari assigned Iulon, his son, with the troops and I.
with the troops of Dagestan (O.Kh. 74). By Kh. fought with him in the place called Zeba

and was defeated (D.B. 60). In 1789, King Kakheti again and encamped at the bank of
sent his troops to take over Ganja. They ar- Alazani (T.B. 67). Oman-Khan, defeated by
rived to Shamkori and the King arrived to Georgians came to Karabakh, to I.Kh., his
there as well. There were Fathali, Khan of brother in law, and the latter did not accept
Daruband, Mahmad, Khan of Shak and all him (D.B. 75). In 1805, Baba-Khan arrived
three of them decided to attack Karabakh, to Ardaveli and scared I.Kh. asked protec-
as I. Kh. as forgot all good done to him by tion from Russia and requested troops from
Erekle and how many times he has saved I. Tsitsishvili (Pavel Tsitsianov, high ofcial
Kh. from Fathali Khan, when he conquered of Georgia 1802-1806) to protect his for-
Karadagh and Gilan. Javat-Khan, who has tress (Shusha). Tsitsishvili assigned to him
conquered the lands of I. Kh. joined them, Russian mounted troops of 500 cavalry rid-
but this campaign nally was not arranged ers (T.B. 71). In 1805, Tsitsishvili decided
and they returned (T.B. 60). As Khan of Gan- to conquer Karabakh and offered I.Kh. to
ja was the reason of ravaging of Tbilisi and swear allegiance to the King (Tzar of Rus-
Karabakh, I. Kh. set out to attack Ganja and sia). I.Kh. readily fullled Tsitsianovs re-
requested support from King Erekle. The lat- quest, arrived to Ganja and gave him the
ter sent his son Alexander and his grand son keys of the fortress. Tsitsianov assigned him
David. They took over and burned the city of again as Khan of Karabakh and imposed the
Ganja. Karabakhians and Lezghins were as- tribute in amount of 10.000 golden coins.
tonished by courage of Georgians (T.B. 66). After this, for some period, I.Kh. lived
In 1796, King Erekle set out to conquer Gan- peacefully. After Tsitsianovs death, in 1806,
ja, which was annexed by I.Kh. Javad, Khan Major Dimitri Lisanovich, with the consent
of Ganja, oppressed by three-month siege of of Ninia Jorashvili, assigned the issue of
Georgians asked I. Kh. to assist him in con- Karabakh to the latter. I.Kh. was accused for
ciliation with King Erekle. I.Kh. undertook betrayal and one night, Lisanovich attacked
to conciliate them and achieved piece (D.B. him and killed and ravaged all his property
66). In 1797, when Agha-Mahmad-Khan, (D.B. 97).
moving from Georgia, approached Shusha, T. Koridze
scared I.Kh. escaped to Chari (D.B. 68). Al-
exander (son of Erekle II) betrayed George,
his brother and arrived at rst to Nakhche-
IOAN churchwarden of Catholic
van and further to Karabakh, to I.Kh. (D.B.
monastery of Dvin in 7th century. I. was men-
73). When I.Kh. learnt that Agha-Mahmad-
tioned in: Arsen of Sapara On the Division
Khan (Agha-Mahmad-Khan, ruler of Iran
of Georgians and Armenians (1980).
from 1794; Shah: 1796-97) on his way back
Catholicos of Armenians, Abraam
from Khorasan was moving to Shusha, he
(607-615) called I. and demanded from him
escaped together with his family to Belakan
to curse the Chalcedon Council (451), oth-
and Agha-Mamad-Khan took over Shusha
erwise he had to leave Armenia. I. did not
Fortress (T.B. 66). Omar-Khan, enticed
fulll the order of Catholicos (A.S. 90).
by I.Kh. arranged campaign against Kartl-
E. Kvachantiradze

IOHANE (JOHN) OF KOGOVIT about this, he grew furious and scolded
Catholicos of the Byzantine part of Armenia these two Bishops. Catholicos Ezra called
in 590-611, the Chalcedonite. I.K. was men- I.M. and told him to recognize dual nature of
tioned in: Arsen of Sapara on the Division Christ, but he refused. I. M. left for Greece,
of Georgians and Armenians (1980). learned there Greek language and returned
When Catholicos Mose and the other to Armenia (A.S. 91-92). In the period of
Bishops of Armenia, that were subordinated administration of Nerses III, the Catholicos
to Persia, did not recognize the decision of of Armenians (641-661), who supported
Chalcedon Council (IV Ecumenical Council Dyophysitism, I.M.s life went wrong. By
of 451 is implied), Armenia was divided into the Catholicoss order, they punished him
two parts and I. K., who recognized dual na- as heretic and branded the image of the fox
ture of Christ, was assigned as Catholicos. on his forehead. I.M. left for the mountains
This lasted for fourteen years, up to decease of Caucasus, but returned soon, as the local
pagan population did not share his teaching.
of Emperor Mauritius (582-602). (A. S., 89-
I.M. moved in Kambechian and settled in
90). When Ahmad (the Persians) took over
the Armenian Gorge. He found many fol-
the city of Karnu (611), he captured I.K., the
lowers in Ararat, Gardman (historical prov-
Catholicos of the Greek part and Catholicos
ince in Albania, in the gorge of Shamkorchai
Mose exiled the priests subordinated to Ca-
Gorge), in Dzorofor (A.S. 92). In the period
tholicos I.K. in the same year. Some of these
of administration of Catholicos Anastas
priests left for Tao and some for Greece
(661-667), I.M. settled in Bijnisi and Maire-
(A.S. 90).
van. I.M. deceased in 684. The author called
T. Koridze I.M. the old dog and deler of Armenia
(A.S. 93).
E. Kvachantiradze
nian priest of 7th century, one of the lead-
ers of anti-Calchedon movement. I.M. was
IPAJAJ King of Lezghins (2nd half
mentioned in: Arsen of Sapara On the Divi-
of 5th century). I. was mentioned in: Juan-
sion of Georgians and Armenians (1980).
sher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali (K. Ts. I,
I.M. was the supporter of Komistas,
the Catholicos of Armenians (615-28), who
King of Lezghins, I, was killed in the
promised him the throne of Catholicate,
battle during the campaign of Vakhtang Gor-
made him to translate the works of famous
gasali (King of Georgia, 2nd half of 5th cen-
heresiarchs into Armenian. With the support
tury) in Byzantium (J. 173).
of I. M. Komistas spread the anti-Chalcedon
doctrine all over Armenia (A.S. 82-87). I.M. E. Kvachantiradze
attempted to gain over Stephan, Bishop of
Gardman and Mathusala, Bishop of Sivnieti,
but failed. They supported Ezra, Catholicos
of Armenians (630-641). When I.M. heard

ISRAEL Catholicos of Armenians Bagratonianta (the Life and Tale of Bagra-
in 667-677. I. was mentioned in: Arsen of tonian), (K.Ts. I, 1955).
Sapara On the Division of Georgians and Caesar Heraclius (Emperor of Byzan-
Armenians (1980). tium 610-41) assigned J. to take over Kala
In the times of Catholicos I. and Grigol Fortress (Tbilisi Fortress). J. took over the
Eristavi (ruler of Armenians, 661-682), the fortress, captured the Eristavi, at rst he
Monophysitism has spread all over Armenia lled his mouth with Drahkans (due to the
(A.S. 93). words praising Caesar) and then skinned
him because of slandering of Caesar and
T. Koridze
brought his skin to the Caesar in Gardabani
(region in eastern Georgia, Kakheti) (J. 225;
S.D. 375).
JAVAT-KHAN Khan of Ganja in the
G. Otkhmezuri
middle of 18th century, son of Shaverdi Khan.
J. Kh. was mentioned in: Oman Kherkheu-
lidze Reign of Irakli II (1989).
JIKS // JIKETI mountain tribes of
After death of Mamat-Khan, Erekle
Abkhazian-Adygei origin. In the 1st century
(Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of
B.C. they lived in north-west Caucasus. In
Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) transferred Ganja to
the period of decline of Colchis Kingdom,
J. Kh., his younger brother, who turned out
part of J. moved from North Caucasus to
to be deceitful and treacherous. He began to the Black Sea coast, between rivers Acheunt
separate and for this, Erekle exiled him from (Shakhe) and Nikopsia (Nechep-Sukhi), (ap-
Ganja and he was held as a captive by Ibre- proximately the territory from present Nov-
im-Khan (Khan of Shusha) by the Kings orossiysk to Tuapse). J. Later they expanded
order. Later he was liberated from captiv- their land to the lower reaches of Kuban
ity, but Ganja was still held by Erekle. The River. In 2nd century AD, J. was bordered, on
Ganja population asked Erekle, via Kaikhos- north-eastern coast of Black Sea, at Acheunt
ro Mdivanbeg to return J. Kh. King called River, by ethnic-political unity of Sanigs, in
J. Kh., took his oath and returned Ganja to the late antique period Kingdom of Egrisi
him. Further he was faithful and obedient to (Lazike), on Acheunt River and from 6th
King Erekle (O. Kh. 99). century Abazgia. For certain period these
were within the area of Georgian inuence.
E. Kvachantiradze
By end of 15th century J. separated from
Georgia, In 18-19th centuries they mixed
with Adygeis, Ubikhs and Abkhazians. In
JIBGHU-KHAKAN Khakan of 60-ies of the 19th century Russian govern-
Khazars (630). Georgian historical sources ment resettled the mountain communities
name J. as Eristavi. J. was mentioned in: of J. to Turkey. In Georgian sources under
Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali, the name of J. there are mentioned the J.s
Sumbat Davitis-dze Tshovreba da Utskeba as such, Abaza tribes, later J. and Jiketi were

used to denote Adygeis and the territories Ossetia (J. 156; V.B. 104). After long period
settled by them, both, in the black sea Re- of time, J. oppressed by Turks abandoned
gion, from Abkhazia to the lower reaches of their territories and settled in the vicinity
Kuban River, and in the north-west Cauca- of Abkhazia, beyond Abkhazia, up to the
sus. J. and Jiketi were mentioned in: Leonti sea (J. 157; V.B. 104). Vakhtang Gorgasali
Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings, Juansher took over from the Greeks (Byzantium) J.,
Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali, Matiane with Abkhazia and subordinated to himself
(chronicles) of Kartli, Sumbat Davitis-dze (V.B. 795). Current J. is bordered by Kap-
Tskhovreba da Utskeba Bagratonianta petis Tskali (Bzipi River), Black sea from
(The Life and Tale of Bagratonians), (K.Ts. the west and south and Caucasus Mountains
I., 1955); Beri Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis from the north. Men are like beasts, in
Tskhovreba, Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba- the past they were Christians, but now they
third Text (K.Ts. II. 1959); Vakhushti Baton- do not recognize Christian religion. They
ishvili Description of Kingdom of Georgia have cloths, weapons and armours similar
(K.Ts. IV, 1973); Papuna Orbeliani Ambav- to those of Circassians (V.B. 786-87). Leon,
ni Kartlisani (History of Georgia), (1981); when he was enthroned (756-98), named
Paris Chronicle (1980); Niko Dadiani entire Egrisi as Abkhazia and divided it into
Life of Georgians (1962); historical docu- eight Saeristavos. He included Abkhazia and
ments, tombstone epitaph (Chr. II, 1897, III, J. into one Saeristavo (V.B. 796; N.D. 154).
1967; MGL 1972; S.Chr. 1968). George (George II King of Abkhazians,
Blissful Andrew (the First Called), Western Georgia 922-57) gained inuence
together with his followers, moved from over Kakheti as well. Ivane, son of Arishi,
Tskhumi (currently Sokhumi) moved to J., owner of Lotsobani and Khakhua, his broth-
to spread Christianity there (1st century). er, owner of Marani Castle (Marilisi by V.B.)
Population of this country was hot-tem- did not subordinate to him. George took over
pered, indel and avid. They did not ac- the castle and resettled Khakhua to J. (M.K.
cept his preaches and decided to kill him. 268; V.B. 135). King Bagrat (Bagrat III,
Andrew was saved by lords bless. When King of Georgia, 975-1014) conquered en-
he was convinced in toughness of J., he tire Caucasus, including J. (M. K. 281; S.D.
left them and returned to Tskhumi. There- 382). Rusudan (Queen of Georgia 1223-45)
fore, the J. are indel up to present (L.M. mobilized entire her country, including J. to
43, supplement). King Asphagur (King of ght against Jalal ad-Din (Shah of Khorezm
Kartli, end of 3rd century) supported King 1220-31) (Zh. 182). Vamek Dadiani (ruler of
of Armenians in his war against Persians. Odishi 1384-96) arranged campaign against
He opened Daryal Gate and allowed Kha- J. Georgians were successful in J. They sub-
zars, J. ... to pass. (L.M. 59-60; V.B. 69-70). ordinated most part of the population, took
Vakhtang Gorgasali (King of Kartli, from the hostage from those, who has taken their
40-ies to the end of 5th century), at a time side and severely punished the disobedient.
of his invasion into Ossetia, entered J. and Vamek Dadiani returned from the raid with
ravaged it. At that time J. was bordering with rich spoils. He took the marble columns

from the churches of J. and contributed them 671 issued in 1660-62) their signature con-
to the churches of Samegrelo (inscription on tained words: owners of J. Epitaph on the
Khobi Temple marble; Chr. II. 199). J. was tombstone of Vamek Dadiani (1384-96, Chr.
within the area of inuence of King Bagrat II, 199) also conrms that J. was within the
(Bagrat II, King of Imereti 1463-66, King of sphere of inuence of Odishi rulers. Otto-
Kartl-Imereti 1466-78), (B.E. 342; Third T. mans called Alexander (Alexander V King
477). As a token of his gratefulness, Bagrat of Imereti 1720-41, 1741-46, 1749-52) to
awarded to Sharvashidze Abkhazians and participate in campaign against J. (1730). At
J. (B.E. 349; V.B. 806). With the incentive rst the King had to agree but later he made
of Bagrat (Bagrat III, King of Imereti 1510- decision to leave the Ottomans. At night, be-
65 / according to V.B. 1510-48) Mamia Da- fore the battle he escaped together with his
diani (ruler of Odishi 1512-33) and Mamia troops (V.B. 887; N.D. 175). In the battle
Gurieli (ruler of Guria 1512-34) decided in against Nursal-Beg (ruler of Khundzakhi),
January (1533) to invade into J. from the sea, (1755) Circassians, J... fought on the side
as J. were hostile to Odishi and Guria. On of Georgians (P.O. 219). Sharvashidze, ruler
the rst day of the battle Georgians gained of Abkhazia, supported by J., Alans and Cir-
victory. On the next day, Friday, Odishars cassians invaded into Samegrelo unexpect-
experienced wrath of God. Odishi forces edly [Katsia Dadiani asked support from
had disagreement with Dadiani and they Solomon (Solomon I, King of Imereti 1752-
left the battleeld. After bloody battle with 84)]. Solomon defeated army of 12000 men
J. the allies were defeated. Mamia Dadiani (Rukhi battle 1779), (Chr. III. 367). After
was wounded, George, son of Gurieli and occupation of the fortied city (Sokhumi)
other warriors were killed. Mamia Guri- by Russians (10th July 1810) defamed Aslan-
eli, his three brothers, Bishops and army of Beg escaped to J. There he got the troops
Guria were captured. Malakia Abashidze, of J. and set out against Russians. Though J.
Catholicos of Abkhazia (Western Geor- fought ercely, Russians still gained victory
gia) (1519 40-ies of 16th century) rescued (N.D. 211).
those, who survived, through negotiations K. Nadiradze
and redeemed the dead (Third T. 497; P. Chr.
221; Sm.Chr. 55; 105 Chr. II, 379). [Differ-
ent informaiton]: Mamia Dadiani was killed
in battle, Levan was given the title of Dadi-
menian Eristavi of 5th century. J.A. was
ani, Mamia Gurieli was redeemed by Ros-
mentioned in: Juansher Life of Vakhtang
tom, his son. Battle took place in 1532 (V.B.
Gorgasali (K. Ts. I, 1955).
811). George (George III, King of Imereti
At a time of campaign of Vakhtang
1604-39) fought at Gochorauli (1623) with
Gorgasali (King of Kartli, 2nd half of 5th
Levan Dadiani (ruler of Odishi 1611-75). J.
century), on his way, J.A. and two other Ar-
fought on the side of Levan. King George
menian Eristavis, relatives of Trdat (King
was defeated (V.B. 826). On the documents
of Armenia 287-330) joined him, they ap-
issued by Dadiani (Book of Contributions
proached city of Karnu (ancient name of city
to Bichvinta of Vamek Dadiani, MGL. VI,

of Erzrum (Turkey)), they attacked the city, KALBALI KHAN ruler of Nakhche-
but they failed to take it over, as the city was van Khanate (second half of the 18th centu-
surrounded by three high walls. Vakhtang ry). K. was mentioned in: Teimuraz Bagra-
left two Eristavis with 12.000 cavalry riders tioni New History (1983).
to ght for the city (J. 159-160). In 1786 population of Nakhchevan re-
E. Kvachantiradze
belled and drove him away. K. applied for
assistance to Mahmad, Khan of Yerevan;
Mahmad begged to Erekle (Erekle II, King
of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98). Erekle, sent Io-
KABALA city in Sharvan. K. was
ane Mukhranbatoni with the troops and can-
mentioned in: life of David king of kings
nons. The forces of Yerevan joined Geor-
(K.Ts. I, 1955); Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni
gians and they attacked Nakhchevan. De-
Kartlisani (History of Georgia), (1981).
feated population of Nakhchevan returned
Took over the city of K. in Sharvan
Taza K. to his position of Khan (T. B. 59).
and lled his Kingdom with the gold and
silver and riches (H.S. 339). By the order K. Nadiradze

of Shah Abbas I (Shah of Iran 1587-1629)

the Georgians and Kizilbashs arranged joint
campaign against Sharvan and besieged K, KALBALI KHAN (ZIAD-OGH-
Fortress, which was held by the Turks. The LI-KALBALI-KHAN) Beglarbeg of
Turks within the fortress and the Kizilbashs Ganja-Karabakh, Muslim ruler of Kakheti
out of it were astonished by the bravery of (1695-1703), sardar (military command-
Georgians, who took over the fortress K., er). K. was mentioned in: Beri Egnatash-
occupied Sharvan and made Constantine, vili Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba (K. Ts. II,
son of Alexander (Alexander II, King of 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
Kakheti, 1476-1605) the ruler (P.O. 18). of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973);
Deeds of donation (A.D.P. IV. 2007).
T. Koridze
In 1695 Shah (Sultan Hussein
1694-1722) appointed K. Kh. as Beglarbeg
of Ganja and ruler of Kakheti (V.B. 608-
KALADZOR // KELADZOR city 09). Though K. Kh. ruled Kakheti, but its
in Sharvan. K. was mentioned in: life of regions: Tusheti, Kiziki and Ertso-Tianeti
David king of kings, Historian of the Period were subordinated to Erekle (Nazar-Ali-
of Reign of Lasha-Giorgis (K.Ts. I, 1955). Khan, King of Kartli, 1688-1703), (V. B.
Sent Demetre, his son to Sharvan, with 475). K. Kh. and King Erekle collaborated
the troops. Demetre conducted the miracu- against Lezghins (B. E. 441-42). Suppos-
lous wars, Took over the Fortress Ka- edly, the residence of K. Kh. was in Ganja,
ladzor and returned to his father with un- as the Kakhetians used to go there to ask
countable captives and war spoils (L.D. 334; for protection against the Lezghins attacks
H.L.G. 366). (V.B. 609). He has issued numerous deeds of
T. Koridze gifts, evidencing that he granted (registered)

and resumed (re-registered) the properties. mas II, Shah of Iran 1524-76) arrived to K.
Interesting: he appointed the remuneration (1524), replaced some of leaders of K. and
for the monks of Desert Baptist three silver imposed the taxes and tributes upon some
tumans, one hundred loaves of bread from of them (P.G. 3)*. Shah Tamaz was in K.
village Agabash and ten saddlebags of wine when Luarsab (Luarsab I, King of Kartli
(1698), (A.D.P. 345). 1527-56) took over Tbilisi (P.G. 4; B.E. 357;
Third T. 496)*. Shah-Tamaz attacked Lu-
K. Nadiradze
arsab, took over Tbilisi and returned to K.
(P.G. 5, B.E. 357; V.B. 402). Bagrat, King
of Imereti (Bagrat II, 1510-65) and Levan,
KARABAKH southern part of
King of Kakheti (1518-74) visited Shah-
Azerbaijan. It included the right bank of
Tamaz encamped in K. and declared that
Kura River with the city of Bardavi. An-
they would subordinate to him (V.B. 402,
cient Georgian land Rani. In 1742-1822
572, 812). Before campaign against Khan of
Khanate of Karabakh. K. was mentioned
Shak, Davrosh Mahmad (Devrish Muham-
in: Zhamtaaghmtsereli, Akhali Kartlis Tsk-
mad) the troops of Shah Tamaz gathered in
hovreba - Second and Third Text (K.Ts. II,
K. According to Shahs request Levan, King
1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
of Kakheti arrived to K. (B.E. 363, Third
of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973);
T. 504, V.B. 573-74). After the war Shah-
Sekhnia Chkheidze Life of Kings (1913);
Tamaz returned to K. (V.B. 574). Shah-
Papuna Orbeliani Ambavi Kartlisani (His-
Tamaz (1547) set out from K. to Tbilisi, took
tory of Georgia), (1981); Parsadan Gorgi-
over the city and returned to K. and spent
janidze The History (1926); Teimuraz
winter there (P.G. 7, B.E. 363, Third T. 505).
Bagrationi New History (1983); Georgian
Shah-Tamaz (1554), after conquering of
Historical Documents (HTG. I, II).
Gori, returned to K. (P.G. 8, Third T. 507)*.
Rani is Karabakh (V.B. 52, 205, 269,
In Garisi (village in Kvemo Kartli) battle
270, 632) winter residence (1259) of Hulagu
(1556), troops of K. were in army of Shaver-
Kaen (founder of Iran Ilkhanate, grand son
di Sultan (Sultan of Karabakh), (B.E. 365).
of Chingiz Kaen (Genghis Khan), 1256-
Ruler of K, defender of the border region,
65), which is now called K. and Mughan
Shaverdi Sultan set out to Tbilisi (1560), op-
(Zh. 239-40). Timur Lang (Tamerlane, ruler
pressed by Simon (Simon I, King of Kartli
of Central Asia 1370-1405) encamped in
1556-69, 1578-1600) (P.G. 9, Third T. 510);
K. (1386, 1387, 1400) (B.E. 328-31-33,
Shah-Tamaz, intending to punish Alexander,
Second T. 451-59-60-63). Alexander (Al-
King of Kakheti (Alexander II, 1574-1605)
exander I, King of Georgia 1412-42) took
encamped in K. (1575), (B.E. 370; Third T.
over K. (1433) (V.B. 281). Shah-Ismail (Is-
516; V.B. 577). Ottoman army, commanded
mail I, Shah of Iran 1501-24), after taking
by Mustafa Lala Pasha (1578) conquered the
of Baku Fortress and Sharvan-Shamakhia
Khanates of Azerbaijan and K. among them
(1501) moved to K. and the noblemen and
(P.G. 12, B.E. 371; Third T. 521); Shah Ab-
holders of the troops surrendered to him
bas (Abbas I, Shah of Iran 1587-1629) sent
without ghting (P.G. 2) Shah Tamaz (Tah-

to Kakheti Constantine Mirza (son of Al- and to rise Kartli, Kazakh, Shamshadilu, K.
exander II, King of Kakheti 1574-1605) ac- and Shirvan against them, decided to guide
companied with the troops of Shirvan and K. the Charians at a time of their campaign in
(Third T. 539). Before his campaign to Geor- their country (V.B. 615). Peasants of Chari
gia (1623) Shah Abbas called to K. Teimu- used to arrange raids to K., Shak and Shir-
raz (Teimuraz I, King of Kakheti 1606-48, van (V.B. 617). Fana Khan (Fanah Ali Khan,
King of Kartl-Kakheti 1625-32) and Luars- ruler of Karabakh 1747-63) prepared to the
ab (Luarsab II, King of Kartli 1606-1615), campaign against Shaverdi Khan (Khan of
(P.G. 21). Shah-Abbas, allegedly for hunt- Ganja) was encamped in K., with his troops
ing (1615), took Luarsab to Kars (B.E. 396; (1749). Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of Kar-
V.B. 427). After battle of Marabda (village tli 1744-62) and Erekle (Erekle II, King of
in Kartli) (1625), Zurab Aragvis Eristavi Kakheti 1744, King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-
and George Saakadze (Georgian military 98), who arrived to support Shaverdi Khan,
and political gure, approximately 1570- were accompanied by the troops of K., Ja-
1629), after chasing of Peikar-Khan (Mus- vanshir, Shamshadilo, Sighnaghi (city in
lim ruler of Karabakh and Kakheti), on their Kakheti), Bargushat (Armenia) and Shahise-
way back, ravaged Ganja and K. (V.B. 431). van (P.O. 165-166). When Fana-Khan learnt
Teimuraz (1632) ravaged the territories held about this, he returned to K. Georgian Kings
by Iran in Transcaucasia: Ganja, Barda, K. chased him and entered into K. In the place
and this meant rebellion against Iran. En- called Karatafa (place in K.) Georgian army
tire Georgian army took part in this battle defeated the enemies (T.B. 47). After defeat-
(P.G. 30; B.E. 416; V.B. 594). Teimuraz ing of Fana-Khan (5th March 1750) the peas-
commenced this campaign with instigation ants resettled from Kartli, Kakheti, Kazakh-
from the side of Daud-Khan (Beglarbeg of Borchalu and Yerevan to K. were returned
Ganja-Karabakh 1625-33), (P.G. 31). In his to their homes (P.O. 171). When Teimuraz
conversation with Catholicos of Gandzasar, set out to ght against the Lezghins of Chari
Teimuraz mentioned that he held K. (P.G. (1751), in Topkaraghaj (village Karagaja,
31). Shah-Se (Shah of Ian, 1629-1642) Kakheti, Sighnaghi District) Khan of Ganja,
was informed about everything: treason by with the troops of K. joined him (P.O. 181).
Daud-Khan, killing of Kajars, ravaging of To conrm alliance of Sighnagians and Aji-
Ganja and K. by King Teimuraz (P.G. 31) Chalab (rst Khan of Shak, Aji Cheleb Kur-
before his entry into Kartli (1633) King Ro- ban Oglu, 1747-55) Teimuraz and Erekle
stom (King of Kartli 1632-58) arrived to K. wrote the letter to Khan (1752). In the same
(P.G. 32); by the order of Shah-Se Beglar- period Aji-Chalab ravaged Ganja, resettled
beg of Shirvan (Rostom Khan Saakadze) the els of K. and took them to his coun-
with the troops of K. protected King Ros- try (P.O. 190). Lawyer of Ganja, cousin of
tom (1633), (P.G. 33). Troops of Iran were Fana-Khan, Ketkhuds of Javanshir and K.,
stationed in K. (1640), (P.G. 69). Kakhe- nephew of khan of Bargushat accompanied
tians, according to advice of the Bishop of Kaikhosro, Mouravi of Martkopi from Ganja
Alaverdi, to prevent the raids of Lezghins to Tbilisi and asked Teimuraz and Erekle to

protect them from Aji-Chalab. The Kings ar- the reason of Fathali-Khan the campaign
rived to Ganja and there they called Kazum- was not realized (T.B. 60).
Khan, Khan of K., Fana-Khan and Khans Els of Kartli (before Krtsanisi Battle
of Azerbaijan. Khan of K. invited Georgian 1795) and the citizens of K., together with
Kings. The Khans of Azerbaijan intended to Ibreim Khan, protected Shusha (Karabakh
betray them and for this the Georgian Kings Fortress) from Khoja (Agha-Mahmad Khan,
punished them. Though Kazum, Khan of ruler of Iran from 1794, Shah 1796-97),
K. did not participate in betrayal, Georgian (T.B. 64); Agha-Mahmad Khan set out to
warriors plundered him. Later the Kings re- ravage Tbilisi (1795), (HTG. II, 313).
turned his property to him (P.O. 190-193). Ibreim Khan (1795) accused Khan of
Troops of K. joined the army of Aghakishi, Ganja for ravaging of K. and Tbilisi by Agha-
son of Aji-Chalab (1752) (P.O. 198). After Mahmad Khan. Therefore, Erekle asked for
the battle at Tulkitapa (border between Ka- his support to attack Ganja. K. and Lezghins
zakh and Shamshadilu) (1752) Aghakishi, were astonished with courage of Georgian
together with the troops of K. and Khan troops in Ganja battle (T.B. 65-66). Erekle
of Ganja revenged upon the Kazakhians (1795.IX) informed Otar Amilakhvari that in
(P.O. 204) Baman-Khan and Zurab son of exchange for returning of all Christian cap-
Eristavi of Ksani (son of Iese Eristavi), to- tives Agha-Mahmad-Khan demands one of
gether with Aji-Chalab intended to attack Erekles children as a hostage, the jewel for-
Kartl-Kakheti. They were accompanied by merly owned by Azat-Khan (owner of South
the troops of Chari, Shak-Shirvan, Ganja Azerbaijan, 1747-1762), the clock and the
and K., Barda, Bargushati and Sighnaghi. els of K. (E. II, 214). Son of Nasif Jafar Uz-
The campaign failed (P.O. 208). Because of bash, who moved from K. to Kazakh (1800)
possible attack of the scattered troops of reported to the King (George XII, King of
Khundzakh (Khanate in North Caucasus, the Kartl-Kakheti 1798-1800) that his entire cat-
same as Avaria Khanate) from K. Erekle ur- tle was taken by Lezghins to Dagestan (Sit.
gently called Minbash Otar (Amilakhvari), II, 313). Tormasov (Russian General, Com-
(HTG. II, 134). Erekle (1787) defeated the mander-in-chief of Georgian and Caucasian
army of K. at Zeiba, with the support of troops in 1808-1811) and Mirza Buzurg,
Georgian and Russian mounted troops. After representative of Shah of Iran met with one
this Erekle intended to attack K., but due to another in K. (1810), to negotiate concilia-
unexpected departure of the Russian troops tion between Russia and Iran (T.B. 74). Rus-
he returned (T.B. 60). When Erekle was in sian troops of 800 warriors were encamped
Shamkori (1787), Fathali, Khan of Daru- in Askaran to protect K (1812), (T.B. 80).
band (Fathali Khan, owner of Kubi Khanate G. Otkhmezuri
1758-89), Mahmad, Khan of Shak visited
*P.G. counted time from the date of decease of the
him and they decided to arrange campaign founder of Safavid dynasty, Sheikh Se ad-Din Ispaq
against K. They gained support from Javad- (P.G. 252-1334). Choronikoni RZh=190+1334=1524
Khan (Khan of Ganja, 1786-1804), but by *V.B. erroneously dates these events by 1536.

KARI ancient Georgian name of When King of Kartli, Vakhtang Gor-
city of Kars. City in north-west Turkey, ad- gasali (approximately 40-ies of 5th century
ministrative center of Kars Vilayet. In 10th end of 5th century) built the Church on Sve-
-11th centuries the center of Armenian state ti Tskhoveli in Mtskheta and assigned
K. (963-1064). For the ages, for K. fought: Katolicos as patriarch, also sixth Ecumeni-
Georgia, Byzantium, Turk-Seljuks, Mon- cal Council (7th century) approved at a time
gols. In 1065 it was taken over by Byzan- of reign of Constantine Pogonatus (Emperor
tium, in 1074 by Turk-Seljuks. In 1204-38 of Byzantium 668-85), since this time, K. is
it was within Georgia. In 16th century it was within Mtskheta Catholicate (Ephrem Mt-
held by Ottomans. In 19th century Russian sire 45; Chr. II, Deed of Mtskheta, issued ap-
fought to take it over. Since 1921 K. was proximately in 1638 repeats this informa-
within Turkey. Kari was mentioned in: Ma- tion 453); this is also conrmed by the deed
tiane (chronicles) of Kartli, Life of David issued by Sultan (Murad III), approximately
the King of Kings, Historian of the Period in 1590 (G.D.I.N.A. doc. 221). Ayrarat
of Reign of Lasha-Giorgi (K.Ts. I, 1955); has always been the most signicant prov-
Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned ince of Armenia, where almost all capital cit-
Monarchs, Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life ies were located and K. among them (Arsen
of Queen of Queens Tamar, Zhamtaagh- of Sapara, 133). King George (George II,
mtsereli, Beri Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis King of Georgia 1072-89), with the will of
Tskhovreba, Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba god, took over the city of K. from Greeks
Third Text (K.Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti (Byzantium), (M. K. 317). [There is also the
Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of different information:] Grigol, son of Baku-
Georgia (K.Ts. IV. 1973); Ephrem Mtsire riani, Commander of the East (Byzantium),
(Ephraim the Small) Utskeba Mizezsa (Georgian nobleman), who owned K., trans-
da Qartvelta Moktsevisasa (Tale on the ferred the fortied city and adjacent territo-
Reason for Conversion of the Georgians), ries to George. George assigned there the
(1950); historical documents (Chr. I, 2004, noblemen of Shavshi (L.D. 318). At a time
G.D.I.N.A. 1967); Georgian inscription of great invasion of Turks, Ahmad, Emir of
on Karsi Fortress (V. Silogava. Matsne, Turk-Seljuks, who was sent by Maliksha
I. 1980); Meskhuri Matiane (Meskheti (Malik Shah, third Sultan of Great Seljuk
Chronicles), (1961); Arsen of Sapara On State 1072-92), took over K. (L.D. 318-19,
the Division of Georgians and Armenians V.B. 154). George (George III, King of
(1980); Kars was mentioned in: Sekhnia Ch- Georgia 1156-84), with the request of the
kheidze Life of the Kings (1913); Papuna noblemen, achieved peace within the coun-
Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani (History try and allowed the army to ravage the
of Georgia), (1981); Oman Kherkheulidze neighboring countries. Meskhs and Torians
Reign of Irakli II (1989); Teimuraz Bagra- ravaged K, which was held by Seljuks.
tioni New History (1983); Paris Chron- Georgians returned home with rich war
icle (1980); Historical documents (Chr. II, spoils (H.Chr. 16; V.B. 169). Queen Tamar
1987, III. 1967; MGL II, 1965). (Queen of Georgia 1184-1207/10) got mar-

ried (1185) with George the Russian (Yuri Mkhargrdzeli. Tamar encamped in Javakheti
Bogolyubsky, ruler of Novgorod 1172-75), and waited for them there. After long period
then Georgians led by George, attacked the of siege, K. fortress lacked water and they
country of K., ravaged it and returned with decided to surrender, provided that Queen
the victory (H.Chr. 38; V.B. 143). David So- Tamar would come to K. as they trusted her
slan (second husband of Queen Tamar since only. Queen Tamar agreed and the guards
1187/89), to celebrate birth of his son, La- gave up the locks of the fortress to her, Kari-
sha-Giorgi, in 1193, arranged raid to K. ans asked to include K. into Georgia. Tamar
(H.L.G. 369). [Taking over of K. and joining assigned it to her son Giorgi (Lasha-Giorgi,
it to the country, is described in Georgian King of Georgia 1207/10-23) (B.Ez. 143-
sources in different ways]; City of K. was 44). [V.B. describes taking over of K. as fol-
held by Turks. Tamar sent the army and or- lows: Georgians took over K., imposed trib-
dered to besiege the city. When Turks learnt ute and assigned Ivane Akhaltsikheli as a
about this, they left the city and escaped. K. guard, later they gained victory in Basiani
had to surrender to Georgians. Queen as- and after this joined K. this is similar to the
signed Ivane Akhaltsikheli as guard of K. story told by B.Ez. V.B. 186-89]. When
and made him Monapire (the ruler of the Tamars army approached K. in 1205, Gior-
frontier region). He granted him the titles of gi-Lasha was twelve years old (Chr. II.,
Atabag and Amirat-Amir (Emir of Emirs). 234).* According to Georgian inscription of
When the Seljuks learnt about this Ruknadin 1238 on the tower of K. fortress Emir Rav-
(Rukn ad-din, Sultan of Seljuk state Rum mala (see Article Ravmala) in the period of
1196-1204) mobilized army of 400 000 war- reign of Rusudan (Queen of Georgia 1223-
riors and set out to Georgia. Battle took 45) built the mentioned tower (Matsne, I.
place at Basiani (historical region of Geor- 161-71). Sadun (Sadun of Mankaberd, Ata-
gia, currently in Turkey). Georgians gained bag and Spasalar) received from King Dimi-
victory (H.Chr. 92-93). Army against Rukna- tri (Demetre II, King of Georgia 1270-89)
din, led by David Soslan, on its way to city city of K., and made it his residence (Zh.
of K., stopped to have rest when one-day 273). Beka (Beka Jakeli, ruler of Samtskhe
way was left (B.Ez. 134). Georgians gained 1285-1306) was empowered, he owned nu-
victory in the battle with Ruknadin ... Queen merous lands and K. among them (Zh. 304).
Tamar, in the twenty third of fourth year of Kazan-Khan (ruler of Iran Ilkhan state 1295-
her reign (1206/07) asked about K. Sargis 1304) transferred K. and adjacent territories
Tmogveli, Shalva Toreli and the Meskhs to Beka Jakeli for his devoted service (Zh.
fought for long time to take over K., Due to 315). Timur Lang [Tamerlane] (ruler of Cen-
severe winter they could not approach K., tral Asia 1370-1405) took over K., ravaged it
though they occupied the adjacent territo- and spent winter there (B.E. 327). Sultan So-
ries. Tamar sent David Soslan with Great leiman (Suleiman I, Sultan of Ottomans
army to take over K. David was accompa- 1520-66) occupied K. 1556 (according to
nied by Zakaria (Amirspasalar-Mandatur- V.B.), (1554), eliminated the rebellious and
tuhutsesi) and Ivane (Msakhurtukhutsesi) encamped in Basiani (Third T. 505; V.B.

717; P.Chr. 44). After this, Ismail, son of army returned to K. (P.O. 71-73). Nadir-
Shah Tamaz (Tahmasp, Shah of Iran 1524- Shah was very glad to learn about this and
76) attacked K., occupied it and killed part sent rich gifts to Teimuraz and Erekle. He
of the Ottomans there and drove away the left for K. When Teimuraz (Teimuraz II,
others (B.E. 367; V.B. 717). Sultan of Otto- King of Kartli 1744-62) learnt about this, he
mans (Suleiman I) and Shah Tamaz divided met Shah in Abots (historical province in
Caucasus (Amasya Armistice 1555). Sultan Kvemo Kartli, nowadays Armenia), (O.Kh.
remained K., up to the border of Abots and 45). Erekle captured Se Mirza (impostor
Yerevan (B.E. 371). Lala Pasha (Lala Mus- prince) rebelled against Nadir-Shah and
tafa Pasha, commander of Ottomans) occu- brought him to Nadir-Shah. Shah ordered to
pied K. second time (1570-ies, P.Chr. 54, blind him and send to his brother in K. (P.O.
Meskhuri Matiane). After death of Shah Ab- 75). Zaal Kaplanishvili escaped to Se Mir-
bas (Abbas I, Shah of Iran 1587-1629) za (supposedly Z. K. participated in the re-
Beglarbegs of K. desired to free from Iran. bellion against Iran, on the side of Givi Ami-
Khosro Mirza (Rostom, King of Kartli 1632- lakhvari), (MGL VIII, 351). Nadir-Shah ap-
58) fortied K. and assigned son of Shah proached K. fortress and the battle was ter-
Abbas Shasef as a Khan (B.E. 411). In rible, Kizilbashs killed the Ottomans like
1723 the saraskar of Ottomans came to K. cats (period of Iran-Turkish war 1743-46),
He wrote letter to Vakhtang (Vakhtang VI, (P.O. 86). Sulkhan Orbeliani, with the army
King of Kartli 1716-1724) and promised that of Kartl-Kakheti set out to the land of K., to
he would drive away from Kartli Mamad- participate in the battle (P.O. 114). Lezghins
Quli Khan [Iran enthroned Constantine II, of Kazakh-Borchalu ravaged the land of K.
Mahmad Quli Khan (King of Kakheti 1722- (P.O. 197). Lezghins ravaged K. again (P.O.
32) in Kartli, after dethroning of Vakhtang] 232). Army of Els ravaged the country of K.
and return the throne of Kartli to him (O. Kh. and took numerous cattle from there (P.O.
38). In 1735, Tamaz Khan (later Shah of 242). Pasha of K. (he was the tribute payer
Iran, Nadir Shah, 1736-47) arrived to the of Erekle) sent the gifts to Erekle and sent
land of K., fought with the army of Otto- him the message: your els have devastated
mans, eliminated some part of them and our country and if we desire to conciliate,
drove away the others. He got the armoury you should ensure the justice (P.O. 243). Er-
and numerous goods (S.Ch. 46). Ottoman ekle returned everything to Pasha of K. (P.O.
ofcial arrived to K., from there, in 1744, 243). In 1789, upon Erekles order, his grand
sent the army of Lezghin and Ottomans, son, David, son of George, with 1000 men,
commanded by Pasha of Akhaltsikhe and arranged raid to K. and gained rich spoils (T.
gave them great amount of money, which B. 62). Lezghin Khuda of Borchalo and his
was to be delivered to Dagestan, for hiring brothers kept in fear Akhaltsikhe and K.
of the Lezghins, to ght against Iran. Erekle (T.B. 54). Erekle asks in the letter to Cathe-
(Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of rine II, Empress of Russia: for assistance to
Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) attacked them, de- prevent loss of the inherited lands
feated and took over the war spoils. Ottoman Akhaltsikhe, K. and surrounding territories

(M.G.L. II, 455, document of 1782). Rela- in 650-51 they created Khaganate of Kha-
tions between Kartli and K. failed again. zars. After taking over of the neighboring
Then George (George XII, King of Kartl- peoples and state unions, Khazar Khaganate
Kakheti 1798-1800) sent his sons David and included: North Caucasus, south Uralic val-
Iioane, they attacked K., ravaged it and re- leys, east Crimea, territories at Volga River,
turned with the war spoils (T.B. 66). In 1807, Don River, Azov Sea. Peoples of various ori-
Gudovish (Ivan Vasilievich, General-Field gins lived in this empire. Kh. Khaganate was
Marshal of Russian army, commander of eliminated and destroid by Sviatoslav, ruler
Caucasian army from 1806) sent major Gen- of Kiev Russia (969-72). In late 10th century
eral Nesvetev with 4000 men to K. Usuf Pa- it ended its existence. In the scientic lit-
sha met him there and defeated. Gudovish erature there are views that: Khazar men-
provided support and they drive away the tioned in Georgian written sources means
Kizilbashs. Usuf Pasha returned to K. and not only historical Khazars but many Iranian
Gudovich to Tbilisi (T.B. 73). In Novem- and Turkic tribes living in North Caucasus
ber 1855, Muraviov, assignee of Russian and Eastern Europe earlier. Applying of
Tzar took over K., captured nine Pashas and ethnonyme Khazar to these tribes was to
killed many people (Matiane of Gabriel some extent caused by the fact that all these
Makharadze, Chr. III, 646). tribes have come from the territories be-
yond Volga River and lived in the territories,
* In the scientic literature Basiani Battle was dated by which were within Khazar state in 7-10 cen-
1203, 1204, 1205; occupying if K.: 1204, 1205, 1206/7. turies. Leonti Mrovelis Khazars implied:
K. Nadiradze Scythians, Sarmats and Sarmat-Alan-Ma-
saget tribes. Juansher implied the large terri-
tories from Caucasus to Danube, with steppe
KHAZARS / KHAZARIA nomadic nomadic tribes, Huns. Matiane (chronicles)
Turkish-speaking people in the Eastern Eu- of Kartli tells about ethnical Kh. After de-
rope of medieval period. Their name comes struction of Kh. state, in second half of 11th
from one of their leader Khazarig af- century, the wave of Turkic nomadic tribes
ter their arrival to the Eastern Europe from - Kipchaks rushed in the historical territory
Central Asia. Khs ancestors, in a form unity of Kh. and they assimilated Kh. There is an
of Dulu tribes, were in the composition of opinion that the Kh. of Daruband, mentioned
western Khaganate of Turks. In 627/28, as by historians of King Tamar are the Turkik
allies of Emperor Heraclius (610-41) they tribes of North Dagestan, who participated
participated in Transcaucasian campaign of in formation of contemporary Kumukh na-
western Khaganate of Turks. After collapse tion. In Zhamtaaghmtserelis work Khazaria
of western Khaganate of Turks (630), Dulu was the synonym of Kipchakia. Kh. and
tribes moved from Central Asia to North Khazaria are mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli
Caucasus and as early as in the end of 6th Life of Georgian Kings, Juansher Life of
century, together Turks, who came from Vakhtang Gorgasali, Matiane (chronicles)
Mervi, in north-west of Iran, approximately of Kartli (K. Ts. I, 1955); Histories and

Chronicles of Crowned Monarchs, Zhamta- became the tribute payers of Kh. (L.M. 11-
aghmtsereli, Beri Egnatashvili Akhali Kar- 12; V.B. 51), (V.B. datesthis by 2310 from
tlis Tskhovreba (K.Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti the origin). King of Kh. gave to his son, Uo-
Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of bos (V.B. mentions him as Urbanos) part of
Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973); Iovane Sabanis Caucasus, to the west from Lomek River, to
Dze Martyrdom of Habo Tbileli, Conver- the extreme west of Caucasus Mountains.
sion of Kartli (MAGHL. I. 1963). Here Uobos settled with his relatives, the
Territory located in north of Caucasus: Ossetians and the King gave to his fathers
from Caucasus to Didi Kh. River (Volga), nephew part of Lekani, to the east from Da-
who joins Daruband Sea (Caspian Sea) was ruband Sea to the east, up to Lomek River
not settled. Thargamos (Biblical character, (L.M. 11-12; V.B. 51, 53, 632, 633, 654).
ancestor of Caucasian nations) brought his Ardam Eristavi (commander of Nebrothians
two sons Lekan and Caucas. He gave to i.e. Persians, conqueror of Kartli) came to
Lekan the territory from Daruband Sea to Kartli, ruined the cities and fortresses, killed
Lomek River (Terek River), to north Riv- all Kh.s he found in Kartli (L.M. 13). After
er Didi Kh. (L.M. 5, 6; V.B. 49). Northern long time Kartli got free of Persians. At that
border of Egross (ancestor of Georgians, time came to Kartli and asked for shelter: the
eponyme of Megrelians) land reached Mt- Turks, Kh., Assyrians and others. Georgians
sirer Kh. River (Kuban River), (L.M. 5). agreed provided that the formers would as-
From Egris Water (probably Enguri River, sist them in ght against Persians (L.M. 15).
or Okhoja or Ghalidzga) up to Mtsire Kh., Azon, ruler of Kartli (approximately 4th-3rd
from the time of Alexander Macedonian centuries B.C.) made the Khazars his trib-
(356-323 B.C.) there is the border of Greece ute payers (L.M. 19). When Kosaro, King
(J. 177). River Kh. is Don and Kh. includes of Armenians fought against Qasre, King
the territories from Don to Dniester, Black of Persians (Ardashir I, 226-41), to provide
Sea Shore, to Litova and Russia (V.B. 51). assistance to him, Asphagur, King of Kar-
With time Kh. became stronger and started tli opened the Gate of Caucasus (Daryal)
to ght with Thargamosians. Then Targa- and let pass the Ossetians, Lezghins and
mosians gathered, passed Caucasus Ridge, Kh. (L.M. 59). King of Persia ordered Mir-
ravaged the border of Kh., built the city at ian, King of Kartli (1st half of 4th century)
Khazaria and returned back. After this, Kh. to arrange campaign against Kh. (L.M. 65).
elected the King. They became even stron- The Lezghins periodically supported Kh. in
ger, commanded by their King, they passed their ght against Mirian. And Mirian fought
the sea gate, which now is called Daruband, against them tirelessly. At a time of attack-
they killed Thargamosians, ravaged the cit- ing Daruband, Mirian attacked Kh, to sup-
ies and fortresses, ruined the cities of Ara- port them. Finally, the main battle took place
rat-Masis. After this, Kh.s found two ways: and Mirian gained victory (L.M. 66, 68; V.B.
sea gate, i.e. Daruband and Aragvi gate, i.e. 71-72). In the battle against Vakhtang Gor-
Daryal. They often came to these places and gasali (King of Kartli, 40-ies of 5th century
ravaged the Targamosians. In result, they end of 5th century), the Ossetians were sup-

ported by Kh. troops. At a time of decisive thirsty, who have no religion and who know
battle the ght of giants was arranged. On only creator. King of Kh. hosted Nerse with
the rst day Tarkhan, the giant Kh., killed honor, gave to him and all his people some
Parsman-Farukh, warrior of Persian troops food and cloths, in North Country there were
supporting Vakhtang. On the next day King numerous villages and cities, where people
Vakhtang fought with him and speared his with Christian faith lived peacefully. After
heart (J. 151-53; V.B. 108). Leon, Procon- some period, Nerse, with gifts from North-
sul of the Greek (Byzantine) Caesar asked ern King moved to Abkhazia (Habo Tpileli,
Vakhtang Gorgasali to negotiate and achieve MAGHL. I 58-59). Ruler of Abkhazians,
peace between Greeks and Persians. Greeks Leon (approximately 720-40), whose lands
were concerned that the Persians could at- included territories from Klisuri River to
tack Greece, as their troops were in Kh. Gret Kh. River (Kuban River is implied),
Vakhtang agreed. At that time, the envoy of where the top of Caucasus reaches, he
King of Kh. was at the court of Persia, seek- swore to Archil, King of Kartli (Kartli Er-
ing assistance against Greeks. King of Per- ismtavari, 8th century) to subordinate to him
sians (Peroz, Shah of Iran, 459-84) made de- (J. 242). Upon order of the Arab Khalif,
cision taking into consideration Vakhtangs Bugha Turk (Bugha al Kabir, Died in 862)
request (J. 182-83; V.B. 109). King of Kha- attacked Tbilisi (853). He brought three hun-
zars (Khakan) desired to get married with dred Kh. families through Daruband and set-
Shushan, sister of Juansher (60-ies of the tled them at Shamkori (M.K. 256; V.B. 130).
8th century), Erismtavari of Kartli. House of Aghsartan Sharvanshah, oppressed by Kh.
Erismtavari turned down the Kings envoys. asked assistance from Qeen Tamar (Qeen of
In three years after this (764) Kh., together Georgia 1184-1207/10). Georgians helped
with commander Bluchan attacked Kakheti. him (H.Chr. 17). Kh. subordinated to Tamar
They took Juansher and Shushan to Khaz- as well (H.Chr. 23). Chingis-Khan [Geng-
aria, together with the other captives; fur- his Khan], (Great Khan, founder of Mon-
ther they entered Kartli and ravaged Tbilisi. gol Empire 1206-27) assigned his elder son
Shushan poisoned herself when they were on Tubi, named by Georgians Jochi as a Khan
their way to Khazaria and when Bluchan in- and gave him to rule Kipchakia, Ossetia,
formed Khakan of Kh. about Shushans sui- Kh. Russia up to the lands of Darkness
cide, he pun the noose on his neck, fastened (territory of Eastern Europe between Pecho-
it to horses and tore off his head. Khakan ra River and Ural Mountains in Zh.), (Zh.
freed Juansher only after seven years (M.K. 163-181). Batu Khan (Ruler of Golden Hord
243-50; V.B. 127-28). Nerse (Erismtavari 1243-55), after death of his father Tubi, re-
of Kartli, 70/80-ies of 8th century), exiled ceived Ossetia, Kipchakia, Kh., Russia up
by Arabs passed Daryal Gate together with to the lands of Darkness and Daruband Sea
his family and three hundred people, en- (Zh. 196-229, 234). Part of the territory of
tered Northern Country, where there is the Georgia was taken over by Kh. (described in
place of Magog sons Kh., the wild people, 20-ies of 16th century), (B.E. 349).
of terrible appearance, beast nature, blood- K. Nadiradze

KHODJA-KHAN - the uncle of the KHOJA BERBUT zarap (money
Khan of Ganja (1st half of 18th century). K.- exchanger) of Tbilisi (50-ies of the 17th cen-
Kh. was mentioned in: Papuna Orbeliani tury). Kh.B. was mentioned in the histori-
Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Georgia), cal document (Georgian-Persian historical
(1981). documents, 1955).
K.Kh. was the uncle of the Khan of Kh.B. asked from King Rostom (King
Ganja, in the period of reign of Teimuraz of Kartli 1632-58), the plain place in Tbilisi,
(Teimuraz II, King of Kartli 1744-62 and Er- under Makhata Mountain, to arrange the
ekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62) (P.O. 164). cemetery for his parents and relatives and
K.Kh. and Jafar, former Khan of Yerevan for arranging of an orchard. Rostom fullled
asked the Kings to solicit before Mahmad- his request and approved it with his seal
Khan of Yerevan for freeing of Jafar-Khans (G.P.H.D. #106, 245-46).
captured family (P.O. 164). When the Kings E. Kvachantiradze
learn that the Azerbaijanian Khans intended
to betray Georgians, they captured all of
them, including K.Kh, uncle of Khan of
KHOZAOND Fortress of Sharvan.
Ganja and Khudat-Beg, his nephew. Kings
Kh. was mentioned in: Life of David king
sent them, together with Ganja leaders from
of kings (K.Ts. I, 1955).
Ganja to Tbilisi as the hostages (P.O. 194).
In the period of reign of David the
As Georgian and Kakhetian troops scattered
Georgians took over the fortresses of Shar-
and all fortied their own places, the Kings
van, Ghasanni and Kh. and surrounding
(Teimuraz II, Erekle II) decided to conciliate
lands (L.D. 344).
with Aji-Chalab (Khan of Shak) and made
K.Kh, who was in Tbilisi, to write the letter T. Koridze

to him. In this letter K.Kh. undertook to con-

ciliate them. According to Aji-Chalabs re-
quest, they sent K.Kh. to him, accompanied KHISHTALANNI place in Shar-
with Revaz Amilakhori and Edisher, the sec- van. Kh. was mentioned in: Life of David
retary (P.O. 198). When Aghakishi (son of king of kings, (K.Ts. I, 1955). David IV, the
Aji-Chalab) and Khan of Ganja invaded into Builder (1089-1125) arrived to Sharvan and
Kartli, Kings commenced to mobilize the ravaged the territory from Lizhan to Kurd-
army. When Aghakish learnt about this, he evani and K. and returned with rich plunders
decided to conciliate and sent to the Kings (L.D. 339).
K.Kh. and Aji-Frina, as envoys (P.O. 200) T. Koridze
T. Koridze

KHUANKHUA Ossetian giant,

contemporary of Amazasp, King of Kartli
(3rd century). Kh. was mentioned in: Leonti
Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings (K.Ts. I,

1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description Bridge. Together with the Els of Georgia
of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973). Kh. arranged raids against the Lezghins en-
King Amazasp in battle against Osse- camped in Javakheti and inspired fear (T.B.
tians at Mtskheta killed Khuankhua, the dis- 53-54).
tinguished warrior in the Ossetian army, in G. Otkhmezuri
the face to face battle, as well as two other
Ossetian giants. (L. M. 56; V.B. 68).
T. Koridze
KHUNDZAKH Avaria, feudal
Khanate in North Caucasus in the 12th-19th
centuries. It existed as the political unit from
the 6th century, with the names of Dadu and
KHUDAT-BEG nephew (sisters
Seriri. From the second half of 15th century
son) of Ganja Khan (1st half of the 18th cen-
Islam was spread in the Khanate and it be-
tury). Kh.-B. was mentioned in: Papuna Or-
came especially powerful in the 18th century,
beliani Ambavni Kartlisani (History of
when it was spread in the northern and west-
Georgia), (1981).
ern regions of Dagestan. In 1864 Russia ab-
When the Kings (Teimuraz II, King of
rogated the Khanate. Its last ruler was Ibreim
Kartli 1744-62; Erekle II, King of Kakheti
Khan. Kh. was mentioned in: Vakhushti Ba-
1744-62) learnt that the Khans of Azerbaijan
tonishvili Description of Kingdom of Geor-
intended to betray them, they captivated all
gia (K. Ts. IV, 1973); Teimuraz Bagrationi
of them. Among them there was Koja-Khan,
New History (1983); Papuna Orbeliani
the uncle of Khan of Ganja, as well as Kh.,
Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Georgia),
his nephew. The Kings sent them to Tbili-
(1981), Oman Kherkheulidze Reign of
si as hostages (P.O. 194). King Erekle and
Irakli II (1989); historical documents (Sm.
Teimuraz sent Kh.-B., who was as a hostage
Chr. 1968).
in Tbilisi, to Ganja (P.O. 203).
Kh. was mentioned in description of
T. Koridze Kaki and Eliseni (V.B. 540), in description
of Karaghaj and Kisikhi (region in eastern
Georgia)(V.B. 543). Parnavaz (rst King of
KHUDIA OF BORCHALO Kartli, 4th-3rd centuries, B.C.), at a time of
(LEZGHIN) (2nd half of 18th century). dividing of the country into the Saeristavos
Kh. was mentioned in: Teimuraz Bagrationi (administrative units), assigned one Eristavi
New History (1983). to the Tushetians, Didos and Khundzakhs
the outstanding and brave all over (V.B. 556). Kvirike (Kvirike III, the rst
Georgia. By the order of Erekle (Er- King of Heret-Kakheti 1014-37) divided
ekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Hereti into 4 Saeristavos. Kh. was included
Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98), at night before the into the third, Macha Saeristavo (V.B. 561).
battle of Aspindza (village in Zemo Kartli, Ruler of Kh., Nursal-Beg attacked Bodbe
Samtskhe-Saatabago), (20.04.1770), togeth- (village in Kakheti) with the large army of
er with Aghababa Eristavishvili and Svimon Lezghins, but he was defeated (T.B. 55-6).
Mukhranbatonisshvili destroyed Aspindza

In 1754, ruler of Kh, Omar Khan was de- North Caucasus) and his army to Digori
feated in the battle at Mchadijvari (village (historical region in North Caucasus). Sham-
in Kartli) by Georgian troops (P.O. 226; O. khal came to K. to take Archil but he was not
Kh. 55; H-1452, S. Chr., 45). In the period there. Women of Basiani did not give up the
of reign of Teimuraz II (Teimuraz II, King King to K. and sent him to Kartli at the same
of Kartli 1744-62) and Erekle II (Erekle II, night (V.B. 855-56).
E. Kvachantiradze
King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Kartl-
Kakheti 1762-98), the Khans of Kh. attacked
Kartl-Kakheti several times (O. Kh. 56, 72,
73, 93, 99; P.O. 214-20, 226, 227, 230-32, KING OF ARMENIANS A. appears
241, 245, 246). in the title of Georgian Kings from 12th cen-
tury. It was mentioned in the legends and in-
E. Kvachantiradze
scriptions on the coins and banner cross of
David the Builder (D. Kapanadze, News of
Georgian Numismatics, Issues of the Histo-
KILCHIKO Circassian (resident of ry of Caucasian People, 1966), in the deeds
Circassia, historical region in North Cau- of Georgian Kings (CGHD I, 1984; ADP I,
casus) nobleman. K. was mentioned in: 1991).
Vakhushti Batonishvili Description of For the rst time David the Builder
Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. 1973). was called the King of A.: King of Abkha-
Archil (Archil II, King of Imereti 1661- zians, Georgians, Rans, Kakhs, A. (D.K.
63, 1678-79, 1690-91, 1695-96, 1698 and 64) and Georgian Kings of the following
King of Kakheti 1664-75) intended to travel period were titled as King of Abkhazians,
to Russia. Ahamkhal enticed K., the Circas- Georgians, Rans, Kakhs, A., Sharvansha and
sian nobleman to capture Archil and trans- Shahansha (CGHD. I, # 12, 14, 20, 22, 23,
fer him to the Shah of Iran and for this he 37, 39, 41, 42; ADP. I, 212-359).
promised him to pay. When Archil arrived
G. Otkhmezuri
to Circassia, K. hosted him with great honor,
gave him the escort and let him go. Archil
wanted to take K. with him, but the latter
did not desire. The group sent by K. caught KIPCHAKS || KIPCHAKIA Turkic
up with Archil and made attempt to capture nomadic tribe in medieval period (in Russia
him. Archils guards, Nikoloz Abashidze they were called Polovets, in Europe
and Shalikashvili (Georgian noblemen) took Cumans). Their original place of residence
up their swords and liberated the King. King was to the east from Volga River. In 11th cen-
took the bow and quiver and killed many tury they resettled in the Black Sea coastal
Circassians, broke through the group of Cir- region. In early 12th century, in result of wars
cassians and escaped. A noble Lezghin came with Russia most of them were eliminated.
to him and offered his assistance. He took David the Builder, King of Georgia (1089-
the King to the K.s home again. K.s wife 1125) resettled one of the hordes (40.000
sent the King to Basiani (historical region in people) to Georgia. In the 13th century, in re-

sult of Mongols invasion part of them moved and it was easy to bring them to his coun-
to Hungary and the others mixed with the try, K. were glad to accept Davids propos-
Golden Horde. K. was mentioned in: Leonti al, they only requested the right of way from
Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings; Juansher hostile Ossetians. David arrived to North
Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali , Historian of Caucasus, took the hostages of Ossetians
the period of reign of Lasha-Giorgi, Life and K. and conciliated them and there was
of David King of Kings (K.Ts. I, 1955); peace and love between them like between
Histories and Chronicles of Crowned brothers and he allowed the K. to freely
Monarchs, Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life move [to Georgia] (L.D. 336; V.B. 159).
of Queen of Queens Tamar. Zhamtaagh- By K.s assistance D. inspired the kings of
mtsereli (K.Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Baton- the other countries with fear (L.D. 336). D.
ishvili Description of Kingdom of Geor- settled the K. together with their families in
gia (K.Ts. IV, 1973); Niko Dadiani Life the favorable place and assigned their com-
of Georgians (1962); Arsen Beri, Life of manders and rulers. He trained 40 thousand
Nino; Martyrdom of David and Constantine horsemen and supplied them with the horses
(MAGHL III, 1971). and weapons. Most of K. were gradually
K. is Kazan, at Caspian Sea, there converted into Christians (L.D. 337, 345;
is the city of Sviaja (V.B. 159; S.K. 1). K. V.B. 159, 162). David, together with the K.
are the Scythians, who comprise the part of (1121) ravaged Bardavi and eliminated
Russia and the other peoples living there the Turks. David had recorded (1123) the
are called the Scythians as well (V.B. 173; number of K. At a time of campaign in Shar-
S.K. 2) (N.D. incorrectly regards that the van their number was 50 thousand (L.D.
K. are Khazars, living this side to Caspian 343; V.B. 161). David attacked (1124) Sha-
Sea. N.D. 21). Alexander the Great (Mace- buran, Daruband and eliminated the Kurds,
donian), at a time of his campaign in Kartli, Lezghins and K. of Daruband (L.D. 344;
saw the cruel pagans living on the bank of V.B. 161; N.D. 92). David rescued numer-
Kura River, whom we (the Georgians) call ous captives from K. for certain price (L.D.
Bunturks and K. (L.M. 17, MAGHL III, 46). 354). K. intended to betray David several
Vakhtang Gorgasali (King of Kartli, 2nd half times, attempted to kill him with the sword,
of 5th century) subdued the Ossetians and K. spear and arrow (L.D. 362). K. served to
and occupied the gates of Dariali and after Georgia at a time of reign of George (George
this the Ossetians and K. were not able to III, King of Georgia 1156-84) as well. They
pass Caucasian Mountains without order of provided as many thousand men as the king
Georgian King (J. 156. MAGHL III, 48). ordered (H.L.G. 367). George won victory
Caesar Heraclius set out and entered the over Turks, Arabs, Lezghin, K. and no one
country of Comans, who are K. and gave his was able to adequately resist him (N.D. 93).
daughter to the king of K. and took him with First husband of Tamar (King of Georgia
his troops and entered into Persia (MAGHL 1184-1207/10), George the Russian (Yuri
III, 249)*. David (David IV, King of Geor- Bogolybsky, ruler of Novgorod 1172-75),
gia, 1089-1125) settled the K. in Georgia before his arrival to Georgia, exiled by his
(1118) as he was aware in their great num- uncle, was at the court of king of K. (H.Chr.
ber, courage, easiness, mobility, smartness
36; V.B. 173). When George the Russian, Teimuraz, King of Kartli (Teimuraz II
exiled from the royal court (1191) invaded 1744-62) and Erekle, King of Kakheti (Er-
into Georgia there were K. in Tamars army ekle II, 1744-62) often used in their ght
(H.Chr. 53). Before Shamkori battle (1195) against Lezghins the hired troops composed
Savalat, brother of Sevinj, the King of K. of the representatives of North Caucasian
was in Georgia (H.Chr. 64). On her way to nations. In 1761 Erekle and Teimuraz called
Shamkori, at a time of leaving Tbilisi, the Circassian, Kisht, Jik, Noghi troops to
Ossetians and new K. met her (H. Chr. ght against Lezghins. Together with their
65). The vanguard warriors, in the language commanders they arrived to Ananuri and
of L. are called chalash and dasnachtda Jimsher Eristavi brought the troops to Tbilisi
(H.Chr. 70). Children of Kakhaber, descen- and provided accommodation and catering
dants of Baghvashs killed two brothers of to them in Didube. They were of various
Anton Chkondideli and for this Tamar cap- religions: Muslims, many pagans, ill-bred,
tured them and exiled to Greek Macedonia, eating some unpleasant food, some of them
where they were killed by K. (B.E. 131). handsome and some ugly, with small noses,
Mongols (1223) passed Daruband Gate and good riders and archers, quick and dexter-
entered into K. K. fought with them many ous. The Kings (Erekle and Teimuraz) called
times, but Mongols always gained victory. their leaders to Tabakhmela (village in the
After passing K., Mongols bypassed Daru- vicinity of Tbilisi). When Lezghins learnt
band Sea and returned to their native land about their arrival, they left. As it was hard
(Zh. 165). (1240/50-ies) K. was within the to support the hired troops, the Kings gift-
territories of Great Kaen of Mongols, Batu ed gold and silver to their leaders, paid the
(Kaen of Golden Horde 1243-55) (Zh. 196, wages to the soldiers and saw them off with
229, 234). David (David VIII, King of Geor- respect. The leaders promised the Kings that
gia 1293-1311) attacked K., on their way to upon their order they would immediately ar-
Georgia, intending to spend summer there. rive and provide services (P.O. 219-222).
Part of K. found shelter in Tbilisi and the
other part escaped through gorge of Kura K. Nadiradze

River (Zh. 316). In confrontation between

David and Vakhtang (Vakhtang III, King of
Georgia 1298, 1302-1304/08) K. were on KISTETI historical region in North
the side of Vakhtang (Zh. 317). Caucasus settled with the Veinakh tribes. K.
was mentioned in: Vakhushti Batonishvili
G. Otkhmezuri
Description of Kingdom of Georgia (K.
Ts. 1973).
K. was mentioned in description of
KISHTI KISTI North Caucasian K. Gorge (V.B. 357, 358), in description
people, Georgian name of Vainakhs (Chech- of Pshavi (region in the mountains of east-
ens or Ingushs). K. was mentioned in: Papu- ern Georgia) (V.B. 534), in description of
na Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani (History Tusheti (region in the mountains of eastern
of Georgia), (1981). Georgia) (V.B. 554, 555), Ossetia (country

in North Caucasus) (V.B. 633). He provides discussion for denouncing of Chalcedon
description of K: where Aragvi River (Tergi Council. He subordinated to himself the Ca-
River) ows on the plain, water of K. ows tholicos of Hereti, to whom he gave three
into it. Where these two rivers divide, in the Bishoprics. He cursed Chalcedon Council.
middle, there is Jariekhi, above which there He appointed the bishop as his cross cus-
are the settlements with the buildings todian (He gave the cross to the Bishop of
(V.B. 651). Sivnieti to walk ahead of him as Catholicos),
he increased (expanded the parts of him) his
E. Kvachantiradze
parish, similar to the other Bishops and so he
jointed entire Armenia to oppose Chalcedon
KOGOVIT land in Armenia. In the 10th
K. equipped John of Maireguem (see
century it consisted of two provinces. K. was
article John of Mairagom) with the books
mentioned in: Stepane Mtbevari Martyrdom
against holy Chalcedon Council and prom-
of Saint Gobron (MAGHL, I, 1963, 175).
ised to him the throne of Catholicos after
T. Koridze himself, he also made him translate the
books of heretic Timothy of Alexandria, Pe-
ter the Scratcher, Severos and other heretics
KOLBOPHOR land in Armenia. K. and wrote on them (as authors) the names
was mentioned in: Stepane Mtbevari Martyr- of Saint Sahak and Mose. He made entire
dom of Saint Gobron (MAGHL, I, 1963 175). Armenia to believe in this falsehood. He
changed the laws and rules written initially
T. Koridze
and therefore the old was destroyed and the
new could not be approved. And he did all
this in the name of John of Mairagom. By
such insidious actions K. took over the par-
Catholicos of Armenians, in the rst half
ish of Saint Gregory (took over the part of
of 7th century (exact identication of the pe-
Saint Gregory) and ooded the land of Ar-
riod of his rule is not possible). In Armenian
menians with deadly false doctrine of John
historiography it is regarded that Komitos
of Mairagom [Mairagomeli]. (A. S., 82-83).
took the throne of Catholicos no earlier than
in 615-16. It should be admitted that form T. Koridze

Komitos is mentioned in the work of Ar-

sen of Sapara, in Armenian texts he is named
Komitas. K. was mentioned in: Arsen of KOJAKH // KHOJAKH chief of
Sapara On the Division of Georgians and Dagestan (1st half of the 18th century), K. was
Armenians (1980). mentioned in: Oman Kherkheulidze Reign
K. took the throne of Catholicos after of Irakli II (1989); Teimuraz Bagrationi
Abraham. He was rich, owner of rich gar- New History (1983).
ments and donkeys, he used to decorate In 1748, Abdula-Beg, son of Iese (Iese,
the head of his crozier with beryls; he made King of Kartli, 1714-16, 1724-27) rebelled

against Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti away (O. Kh. 57-58; T.B., 50-51). In 1770,
1744-62, King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) Erekle and Count Totleben (Major General
for the purpose of taking over the throne. of Russian Army) decided to start ghting
(At this time, King of Kartli, Teimuraz II, against Turks (period of Russian Turkish
father of Erekle left for Iran). Abdula-Beg war of 1768-74) and set out to Akhaltsikhe
asked the external forces for assistance and (in this period it was seized by Turks). For
the feudal lords of Dagestan among them. this purpose, joint army of Georgians and
Chief K. took his chance and attacked Kartli Russians approached Atskuri Fortress (left
with the great army. He ravaged Avchalebi bank of Kura River, in Borjomi Gorge). Due
(suburb of Tbilisi), took numerous captives. to Totlebens negligence the Turks managed
Erekle followed him with two hundred men. to position additional troops of Ottomans
The troops of Kiziki (Kakheti Region) outly- and Lezghins in the Fortress, the troops of
ing villages joined them on their way. Erekle Lezghins was commanded by K. the famous
met Chief K. in Shiraki (plain at the inter- and inuential person in Dagestan. Totle-
uve of Alazani-Iori rivers), defeated him ben abandoned Erekle unexpectedly, at a
and took away his spoils. Erekle returned time of Atskuri battle. This encouraged the
and encamped in village Dedoplistskaro. enemies and the erce battle continued for
Other troops of Lezghins joined escaped three hours. Erekle realized that there was no
chief K. and they attacked Erekle. Georgians any sense in his ght and set out to Aspindza
defeated the enemies (O. Kh. 47; T. B. 47) (settlement in Akhaltsikhe District). The de-
cisive battle took place at Aspindza (1770)
K. Nadiradze
the Lezghins, commanded by K. attacked
Georgians with the great troops. Geor-
gians gained brilliant victory. Erekle killed
KOKHTA chief of lezghins (2nd half
Kokhta, the outstanding and brave chief of
of the 18th century). K. was mentioned in:
Dagestan (O.Kh. 60-62; T.B. 54).
Oman Kherkheulidze Reign of Irakli II
(1989); Teimuraz Bagrationi New History K. Nadiradze

In 1759 K. and Chonchol Musa, chief
of Lezghins attacked Kartli with the troops KOSARO King of Armenians Khos-
of 8.000 Lezghins. They divided into two ro II (217-38) in Georgian sources. K. was
parts. Ch. M. came to Achabeti (fortress mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of Geor-
on the right bank of Liakhvi River) and K. gian kings (K. Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti Ba-
besieged Atotsi Fortress (on the left side of tonishvili Description of Kingdom of Geor-
Froni River). Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King gia (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
of Kartli 1744-62), Erekle (Erekle II, King K. with the assistance of Asphagur,
of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Kartl-Kakhe- King of Kartli, fought against Kasre Sassa-
ti, 1762-98) and Solomon, King of Imereti nid (Ardashir I, 226-241). Asphagur opened
(Solomon I, 1752-84) jointly attacked K. the Dariali entrance, allowed to pass the Os-
in Atotsi, routed him utterly and drove him setians, Lezghin and Khazars to support K.

Georgian-Armenian army utterly defeated KULAMALI Khan of Yerevan in
Kasre. Defeated Kasre decided to gain the early 80-ies of the 18th century. K. was men-
noblemen over and in exchange he promised tioned in: Teimuraz Bagrationi New His-
them to provide the privileges. One of the tory (1983).
noblemen, Anak, relative of Kosaro support- After decease of Usein-Quli, his son K.
ed him and decided to kill the King. Anak became the Khan of Yerevan. He was weak-
and his brother came to Kosaro in his win- minded and was killed by Yerevanians (T.B.
ter residence, Khilakhila. King hosted them 58).
E. Kvachantiradze
with great respect. At a time of the feast they
killed the King with the sword and escaped,
though the chasers caught them up and killed KURDEVANI place in Sharvan. K.
(L.M. 59-60; V.B. 69-70). was mentioned in: Life of David King of
Kings (K.Ts. I, 1955).
* As in the scientic literature the reign of Asphagur is David IV, the Builder (1089-1125) ar-
dated with the second half of the 3rd century (N. Shoshi-
ashvili, M. Sanadze) or the turn of the 3rd and 4th centu- rived to Sharvan and ravaged the territory
ries (G. Melikishvili), it is supposed that mentioning of from Lizhan to K. (L.D. 339).
King Asphagur here is anachronism (N. Shoshiashvili,
M. Sanadze). T. Koridze
K. Nadiradze

KVIRIKE King of Tashir-Dzorageti

KUBASAR political gure of the Kvirike I (1048-89). K. was mentioned in:
2nd half of 12th century, ofcial of the royal Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K. Ts. I,
court of George III (1156-84) and Tamar 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
(1184-1207/10) Amirspasalari and Manda- of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
turtukhutsesi, previously Kipchak. K. was Alf-Arslan (Mohammed ibn Daud,
mentioned in: Histories and Chronicles of Sultan of Seljuks 1063-72) sought the hand
the Crowned Monarchs (K. Ts. IV, 1973). of the niece (sisters daughter) of Bagrat
K. was a good knight and faithful to IV (King of Georgia 1027-72), she was the
the Kings. When Tamar was enthroned, the niece (brothers daughter) of K. Bagrat sent
signicant noblemen demanded from her to to K. Varaz-Bakur Gamrekeli as envoy, but
dismiss K., as he was of low social status, the proposal was rejected. Then they enticed
stating that he allegedly was already sick, K.s suite and captured K. and his brother, on
but Tamar maintained his honors up to his their way to Samshvilde and brought them to
decease (H.Chr., 30). When K. died, the po- Bagrat, in Kldekari. Bagrat demanded Sam-
sition of Spasalari (commander) was award- shvilde from him, but they did not surrender
ed to Sargis Mkhargrdzeli (V.B. 171). it as Adarnas, their brother was in Samshvil-
E. Kvachantiradze
de. They took K. to Samshvilde and impaled
him for three days. Bagrat took away Sam-
shvilde. After this, Armenians became his
slaves (M.K. 307; V.B. 149-150). On 10th

December, on Tuesday, Alf-Arslan (Sultan the Eristavi), (1954); Vakhushti Batonishvili
of Seljuks, 1063-72) attacked against Bagrat Description of Kingdom of Georgia (K.
IV. King of Armenians, K., Emir of Tbilisi Ts. 1973).
Aghsartan (Aghsartan I, King of Kakhet- King of Persians, Kekapos could not
Hereti 1058-1084) supported him and led enter L., he and his army were blinded by
him into Georgia (M.K. 309). [Clasication the wizard (L.M. 14; V.B. 52). Bluchan,
of Tashir-Dzoraget: See the Article Arme- the commander of Khazar Khakan entered
nians. (Remark)] Kakheti via L. (M. K. 249; V.B. 127). Army
E. Kvachantiradze of Timur Lang (Tamerlane general com-
mander of the Central Asia 1336-1405) en-
tered L and ravaged it (Dz.E. 265).
LEKAN Patriarch of the Lezghins. L. E. Kvachantiradze
was mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of
Georgian Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti
Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of LEONTI father of Somkheti(father
Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973); Niko Dadiani of Armenian). Figure of the 5th century. L.
Life of Georgians (1962). was mentioned in: Arsen of Sapara On
L. was the fth son of biblical Targa- the Division of Georgians and Armenians
mos (ethnarch of Caucasian peoples), (L.M. (1980).
4; N.D. 67). Targamos gave to L. the terri- Sahak and Mashtots, together with all
tory from Daruband Sea (Caspian Sea) to their followers, including the fathers of
Lomek River (Tergi). Its borders were: from Somkheti beatied L. and Ioseb (Joseph),
the east Caspian Sea, from the south and translated the rst Christian books (A.S., 86).
west Caucasian Mountains, from the north
T. Koridze
river of greater Khazareti (L.M. 5; V.B. 49;
N.D. 67-68). King of Khazars* gave to his
cousin the country which was the share of L.
LEZGHINS (LEKI) Georgian name
(L.M. 12; V.B. 632).
of the tribes of Dagestan residing in North
* Mentioning of Khazars in Georgian written sources Caucasus. There are two groups of these peo-
this period is anachronism. Khazars created their com- ples: Ghumuk-Lezghins and Kiur-Lezghins.
munities in North Caucasus only in the middle of 7th
century. L. was mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life
of Georgian Kings, Life of David King of
E. Kvachantiradze
Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955); Dzegli eristavta
(Annals of the Eristavi), (1954); Beri Egna-
tashvili, Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba - Sec-
LEKETI (DAGESTAN) historical ond Text (K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Baton-
country in North Caucasus. L. was men-
ishvili Description of Kingdom of Georgia
tioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian
(K. Ts. IV, 1973); Parsadan Gorgijanidze
Kings, Matiane (Chronicles) of Kartli (K. The History (1926); Sekhnia Chkheidze
Ts. I, 1955); Dzegli eristavta (Annals of

Life of Kings (1913); Papuna Orbeliani eliminated the L. of Daruband (Daruband
Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Georgia), the city on the Caspian Sea coast, currently
(1981); Teimuraz Bagrationi New History Derbent) (D. I. 344; V.B. 161-62). Pimen Sa-
(1983); Oman Kherkheulidze Reign of los converted L. to Christianity (V.B. 233).
Irakli II (1989); Bagrat Batonishvili Akh- In the Timur Langs (Tamerlane, general
ali Motkhroba (New Story), (1941); Niko commander of Central Asia 1336-1405)
Dadiani Life of Georgians (1962); His- campaign in Shak L. Supported him (Second
torical Documents (MGL II, 1965; S. Chr. T. 454). Later Timur Lang ravaged L. (Dz.E.
1968). 359; V.B. 265). L. did not subordinate to Le-
Azo (the rst King of Kartli according van (King of Kakheti 1518-74). He made
to ancient Conversion of Kartli (MAGHL), them obey, he brought them to Pipineti and
turn of 4th 3rd centuries B.C.) made L. his made them to deliver ice from Caucasus
tribute payers (L.M. 19). Parnavaz (rst Mountains (V.B. 575; N.D. 140). Shah-
King of Kartli, 4th 3th centuries B.C.) an- Tamaz (Tamaz I, Shah of Iran 1524-76) ap-
nexed L. and negotiated with them (L.M. 23; proached Shak. Part of Shakians applied to
V.B. 56). Azork and Armazeli (Kings of Kar- the Lezghins for assistance and part of them
tli, turn of 2nd and 1st centuries B.C.) invited applied for support to Levan (P.G. 29). Shah
L. to ght with Armenians. King of L. came Abbas (Abbas I, Shah of Iran 1587-1629)
with the Durdzuks (residents of Durdzuketi made a deal with L. against Kakheti (B.E.
historical region in north Caucasus, cur- 401; V.B. 588). Teimuraz (Teimuraz I, King
rently Chechnya and Ingushia) and Didos of Kakheti 1606-48, King of Kartl-Kakheti
(residents of Didoeti historical region in 1625-32) ravaged L. and therefore they were
North Caucasus, divided from Georgia in the enemies of Kakhetians. L. supported the Di-
2nd half of 18th century, currently in the terri- dos in the ght against Teimuraz, defeated
tory of Dagestan) (L. M. 45; V.B. 64). Sum- him and made him escape (B.E. 421; V.B.
bat Bivritian (Spaspet of Armenians, 2nd cen- 596). Alexander (Alexander III, King of
tury B.C.) defeated L., drove them away and Imereti 1639-60) fought with Levan Dadi-
killed (L.M. 47). Asfagur (King of Kartli, ani, with the support of L. (V.B. 890). In the
end of 3rd and beginning of 4th century) as- period of reign of Nazarali Khan (Erekle I,
sisted Kosaro, King of Armenians (accord- King of Kartli 1688-1703) L. often attacked
ing to the Armenian sources, Khosro or Kakheti (B.V. 441). In the period of reign of
Khosrov) in the war against Persians, with Vakhtang (Vakhtang VI, King of Kartli
the troops of L. (L.M. 59; V.B. 70). L. apos- 1716-24) L. ravaged Satsitsiano (principali-
tated from Mirian (King of Kartli, 1st half of ty of Prince Tsitsishvili from the 2nd half of
4th century, rst Christian King of Kartli) and 14th century), Trialeti (historical province in
supported Khazars* (L.M. 66). Armenians Kvemo Kartli, currently Tsalka), Javakheti
asked Varaz-Bakar (King of Kartli, 70-80- (historical province in southern Georgia,
ies of the 4th century) to take the L. in the war current Aspindza, Akhalkalaki), Sabaratiano
against Persians (L.M. 136; V.B. 96). David (principality of Prince Baratashvili in 15th
the Builder (King of Georgia 1089-1125) 19th century). Dmanisi (signicant political-

economic center in southern Georgia), Sura- tiano with the assistance of L. (O. Kh. 39).
mi (town in Kartli), Gori (one of the most Kaikhosro Kaplanishvili fought against L,
ancient cities in Shida Kartli) (S.Ch. 40-41). who sheltered in Avchala Fortress (outskirts
Daughter of Vakhtang VI, Tamar, escaped of Tbilisi, in 1734 the fortress and towers
from L. and arrived to Ananuri (village in were built there for defense against Lezghins)
the gorge of Aragvi River, it was the city in (S. Ch. 46). L. Attacked the estate of Givi
18th century). King set out to rescue her and Tsitsishvili (P.O. 239). Shemakhians (resi-
drove the L. away (V.B. 505-06; S.Ch. 32- dents of Shemakhia the city in the territory
33). In the period of reign of Bakar (King of of Azerbaijan), with the support of L.,
Kartli 1717-19) L. attacked Bolnisi (town in brought to power and made a ruler Shahsul-
southern Georgia). Bakar sent Svimon, his tan Usein. When Nadir-Shah (Shah of Iran
uncle with three hundred riders. L. defeated 1736-47) heard about this, he sent his son
him (V.B. 496). Bakar fought with the L. with the great army. They met with L. at
who came from Avlabari (one of the ancient Kura River. L. were defeated (V.B. 631). K.
districts of Tbilisi) and defeated them (V. B. used to ravage Kakheti, in the period of ad-
501). In the period of reign of Imam-Quli ministration of Kiziki Mouravi Revaz Ami-
Khan (David II, King of Kakheti 1709-22) lakhvari. They killed Revazs son Erasti
L. attacked Kakheti and made them Lezghins (V.B. 511; S.Ch. 41-42). L. Killed Zaza
(S. Ch. 32-33; N.D. 142; K.S.Dz. 230). After Avalishvili, Revaz Kaplanishvili, Merab,
decease of Imam-Quli Khan L. ravaged Mouravi of Eliseni (V.B. 615). Commander
Tianeti (town in the historical Kakheti, cen- of Ottomans, Usuf Pasha fought against L.
ter of Kakheti in 10th-11th century) (V.B. in Mukhrani (historical region in Kartli,
618). L. ravaged the Monastery of Davit- from 16th century principality of Bagrationis
Gareji (monastery complex in the territory of Kartli), in Nadarbazevi (village in Kartli,
of Kakheti, established in the 2nd half of 6th summer residence of Georgian Kings),
century) (K.S.Dz. 232). Mahmad-Quli Khan Nichbisi (village in Kartli, in the vicinity of
(Constantine II, King of Kakheti 1722-32) Mtskheta) (V.B. 511-12). Shanshe, Eristavi
took over Tbilisi with the hired troops of the of Ksani ravaged Kartli with the assistance
L. (V.B. 503-04). Mahmad-Quli Khan sent of L. (V.B. 516-17; P.O. 43-44). Givi Ami-
the Kakhetians to take over Kazakh (histori- lakhvari (commander of Zemo Kartli,
cal region in Kvemo Kartli) and sent L. with Mouravi of Gori 1689-1754) fought against
them (V.B. 620-22). In the period of his L. (S.Ch. 42-43). He ravaged Kartli with the
reign the L. ravaged Kakheti (V.B. 622; S. assistance of L. (V.B. 520; P.O. 60-61, 65-
Ch. 30). Alexander (Alexander V, King of 68). Givi Amilakhvari and Erekle (Erekle II,
Imereti 1720-41, 1741-46, 1749-52) sent the King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Kartl-
troops of L. against his rival, Otia Dadiani kakheti 1762-98) used L. troops against one
(P.O. 47, N.D. 176). Army of L., under com- another (O. Kh. 43). In 1735, for the rst
mandment of Malachi ravaged Kartli, devas- time, in the age of 15, Erekle II commanded
tated Surami (P.O. 72, 74, 76, 79; O. Kh. 44- the troops in the battle against L. and gained
45). In 1734 the Ottomans ravaged Sabara- victory (O. Kh. 40). Pasha of Akhaltsikhe,

Usuf-Pasha used L. to attack Kartli (P.O. 77- torical-geographic region of western Geor-
80; O.Kh. 45). Abdula Beg (Archil, son of gia) (S.Chr. 75). In 1759 the troops of L.
AliQuli-Khan 1714-16, pretender of the under commandment of Kokhta Beladi and
throne of Georgia) used the troops of L. Chonchol-Musa attacked Georgia, but they
against Erekle II (O. Kh. 47). In the period of were defeated (T.B. 51; O. Kh. 57). Solomon
reign of Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of Kar- I (King of Imereti 1752-84), with the support
tli 1744-62), L. ravaged Avchala and Mart- of L. troops defeated Rostom, the Eristavi of
kopi (village in the territory of historical Racha (T.B. 55). In 1768. Kaikhosro
Kakheti, one of the residences of Kakheti Abashidze (political gure of Imereti King-
rulers). The King took the Kakhetian troops, dom, uncle of Solomon I) arranged two cam-
caught up the L. in Daghnisi (place at the paigns to Imereti with L. troops, against
point of conuence of rivers Iori and Ala- Solomon I (B.B. 55). Solomon II (King of
zani) and defeated them (T.B. 46-47). Agha- Imereti 1789-1810) escaped from Tbilisi, ar-
Kishi, son of Aji-Chalab (rst Khan of Sha- rived to Akhaltsikhe (city in southern Geor-
ki, 1747-55) set out against Kartli with the gia), hired the troops of L. and set out to
troops of L (T.B. 49; P.O. 200-01; O. Kh. Imereti (N.D. 201-02). Erekle II, in his cam-
54). In 1754, Omar Khan (ruler of Khun- paigns against Yerevan, used the L. (O. Kh.
dzakhi, middle of 18th century) approached 69). At Gharis-kari about ve hundred L. at-
Mchadijvari (village in Kartli, currently in tacked Ketevan, the daughter in law of Er-
Dusheti Region) with the troops of L. Army ekle II. Ketevans three hundred guards de-
of Teimuraz II and Erekle II defeated and feated them (T.B. 56-57). In 1770, Erekle
killed many L.* (T.B. 49; P.O. 216-17; O. and Totleben (Major General of Russian
Kh. 55-56). Omar-Khan attacked Kartl- Army 1715-73) fought against Ottomans. L.
Kakheti with the troops of L. (O. Kh. 72-73; supported the Ottomans (O. Kh. 60-62). In
T.B. 67). Ruler of Khundzakh, Nursal-Beg 1812, Alexander, son of Erekle II, in the
attacked with troops of L. attacked Bodbe ght against Russians used the 8.000 troops
(village in Kakheti) (T.B. 55). In the period of the L. (B.B. 130-31), further, Ali Skant
of reign of Teimuraz II and Erekle II L. per- with three thousand L. came to assist Alex-
manently fought in Kakheti (ravaged ander (T.B. 85). General Ermolov (Alexey
Ruispiri, killed Constantine, ruler of Ermolov, 1777-1861, General of Russian
Mukhrani, ravaged Gurjaani, Tezeri, Army, head of Caucasian Corps) burned sev-
Akhmeta, Borchalo, Tusheti, Akhaltsikhe, eral villages of L. L fought with them and
Rustavi, Saguramo, Norio, Tskhinvali, Kare- defeated the Russians (T.B. 88).
li (geographical locations in Kartli and
Kakheti), but almost in all cases they were * Teimuraz Bagrationi, in relation of battle at Mchadi-
jvari names incorrectly Nursal-beg.
defeated (T.B. 50-53, 57, 59, 61, 62, 65-66,
68; P.O. 74-81, 97-101, 107-112, 115-18, E. Kvachantiradze
126-30, 182, 188-89, 209-10, 234-35, 240-
41; O. Kh. 57, 59-60, 67-68). In August
1757 the troops of L. attacked Imereti (his-

MAHMAD KHAN* - Khan of Ye- tempt to take over the Fortress as well. M.
revan, supposedly from 1783. M.Kh. was Kh. threatened the Kings Teimuraz (Teimu-
mentioned in: Teimuraz Bagrationi, New raz II) and Erekle (Erekle (II), who decided
History (1983). to support the Khan of Yerevan (P.O. 160).
Khan Kulamali was killed in Yerevan. When M. Kh. heard about arrival of Erekle
Regarding the situation, Erekle (Erekle with his troops to Yerevan, he met him with
II, King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) sent to his entire army and fought with him. In the
Yerevan his secretary, Gurgina Enakolopa- severe battle at Yerevan Fortress Georgians
shvili. After negotiations, Erekle assigned defeated M. Kh. and drove him away (P.O.
M.Kh., son of Usein-Ali Khan (approx. 161; O. Kh. 48). M. Kh arrived to Karabakh,
1750-82) as the Khan. In 1783, Nakhchevan where, in Khargvirabi Fortress, fortied by
rebelled against Kalbali Khan and exiled him there were his wife and children (O. Kh.
him. He came to M.Kh. and begged him for 48). M. Kh was chased so that he could not
help. M.Kh. begged Erekle for intercession. enter into his fortress, where there were his
Erekle attacked Nakhchevan and restored wife and children (P.O. 162). King Erekle
Taza Kalbalis status of Khan (T. B. 59). chased him, took over M. Khs fortress, ha-
rassed his family, killed his cattle and liber-
* Mahmad Khan and Qulamali were mentioned, sup- ated the brother of Khan of Yerevan (P. O.
posedly, in Georgian source only, as in the Azerbaijan-
162). King Erekle took over Khargvirabi
ian and Armenian literature there is specied, for the
period from 1780-ies to 1796: unknown Khans. Fortress, withdrew his family, took his entire
treasury and arrived to Yerevan (O. Kh. 48).
K. Nadiradze
King Teimuraz took over the other fortress
belonging to M. Kh (P.O. 48). Fana Khan
(Khan of Karabakh/Shusha 1747-1763) of-
MAHMAD-KHAN Khan of Shaki
fered to Teimuraz and Erekle the country of
(18 century) M. Kh. was mentioned in: Pa-
Kazakh, in exchange for M. Kh.s wife and
puna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani (His-
children (P.O. 163). Teimuraz and Erekle
tory of Georgia), (1981); Oman Kherkheu-
told Fana Khan that as M. Kh. was from
lidze Reign of Irakli II (1989).
Yerevan, they would transfer his family to
M.Kh. insidiously killed Nadir, Shah of
the Khan of Yerevan (P.O. 164). Erekle and
Iran (1736-1747) (P.O. 160). M. Kh., who
Teimuraz transferred the captivated family of
became stronger in Adribejan (Azerbaijan),
M. Kh. to Jafar, Khan of Yerevan (P.O. 164)
ravaged many countries and the Yerevanians
wrote about this to King Erekle (Erekle II, T. Koridze

King of Kakheti, 1744-1762) and King

Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli 1744-
1762) in 1749 and asked for their assistance MALACHI Chief of Lezghins (1st
against M. Kh (O. Kh. 48). M. Kh. captured half of 18th century). M. was mentioned
the brother of Khan of Yerevan, harassed in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kar-
his wife and children, occupied the territory tlisani (History of Georgia), (1981); Oman
surrounding Yerevan Fortress and made at- Kherkheulidze Reign of Irakli II (1989).

M. fought on the side of Givi Ami- man troops and eliminated them (P.O. 79; O.
lakhvari (Commander of Zemo Kartli Sad- Kh. 44-45). In this battle Erekle killed M.,
rosho and Mouravi of Gori) rebelled against the most successful chief of Dagestan of that
the Persians (1742-45). By Amilakhvaris time, who dominated over entire Dagestan
order M. ravaged Bolnisi (town in Kvemo (O. Kh. 45).
Kartli), village Dmanisi, Sabaratiano (Sata- K. Nadiradze
vado in Kvemo Kartli). The Lezghins took
over Tsveri Fortress (Shida Kartli). They
took with them great plunders and many
MAMAD-KHAN Sultan of Kaki
captives (P.O. 66). High ofcial of the Ot-
(middle of 18th century) M. was mentioned
tomans arrived to Kars, he gave to the Pa-
in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani
sha great treasury, took with him the chief of
(History of Georgia), (1981).
Lezghins M., who, at that time, was visiting
M. arrived to Tbilisi together with the
Pasha of Akhaltsikhe. The treasury was in-
Ketkhuds of Chari (1750), asked for concili-
tended for support of the prince (the impos-
ation from Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of
tor) who rebelled against Nadir Shah (Shah
Kartli, 1744-62) and Erekle (Erekle II, King
of Iran, 1736-47). The troops of Lezghins
of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Kartl-Kakheti
and Ottomans entered Kartli, they passed
1762-98) and promised to subordinate to
the estate of Orbelianis (Great Dukes of
them (P.O. 174). Azat-Khan (ruler of South
Kartli), crossed Kura River and came to the
Azerbaijan, 1747-1762) sent the army to
bank of Alazani River, where they were met
take over Yerevan under commandment of
with the Lezghins, to whom the treasury
M. (P.O. 183). M. could not dare to involve
was transferred (P.O. 71). Prince Erekle (Er-
in direct battle with Erekle and he arranged
ekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of
the raids. Erekle ravaged the territory and
Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) captured the prince
captured the supporters of M. (P.O. 185).
rebelled against Nadir-Shah and delivered
him to the Shah. Chief M. took his chance: G. Otkhmezuri

he secretly entered and ravaged the estate of

Orbelianis (P.O. 74). In 1744, Ottoman high
MAMAD-KHAN Sultan of Lore
rank ofcial ordered Pasha of Akhaltsikhe to
(middle of 18th century) M. was mentioned
occupy Kartli and instructed him to hire the
in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani
Lezghin troops. For this, the great treasury
(History of Georgia), (1981).
was sent from Ottoman country... the Otto-
By the order of Shah (Nadir-Shah,
man entered Ruisi (village on Shida Kar-
Shah of Iran 1736-47), at a time of his visit
tli Plain). Here Pasha selected 1000 (2000)
to Dmanisi (village in Kartli), (1744) Teimu-
men and gave them the uncountable trea-
raz (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli 1744-62)
sury to deliver to Dagestan. Prince Erekle
was accompanied by Abdula Beg (son of
learnt about this, while he was encamped in
Iese, King of Kartli. Period of Ieses reign:
Saguramo, he took advantage of Qizilbashs
1714-16, 1723-27), M. and Georgians (P.O.
assistance and attacked the Lezghin-Otto-
89). According to the order of Nadir-Shah

(1745) M. was encamped in Bambak (region MANUCHE owner of Ani in the 60-
in historical Southern Georgia). The Urums ies of the 11th century. M. was mentioned in:
(Turks) and the Lezghins ravaged Lore. Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K. Ts. I,
M. chased them, caught them up in Tashir 1955).
(region in the Eastern Georgia of medieval Alf-Arslan (Mohammed ibn Daud, Sul-
period, the border region of Kvemo Kartli), tan of Seljuks 1063-72) took over Ani from
killed many of them and captured the oth- the Byzantines and transferred it to M. son
ers. He presented the heads of the killed and of Abulasvar (M. K. 307).
the captives to Teimuraz. Teimuraz informed
E. Kvachantiradze
Nadir-Shah about this and M. was awarded
by Nadir-Shah. In the same year, before the
battle at Arphachai (river, in Armenia and
Azerbaijan, left tributary of Arax River) M., MARIAM spouse of George I, King
with the Lezghin troops, passed Kazakh and of Georgia (1014-27) and mother of Bagrat
approached Kars (P.O. 98-99). At a time of IV, King of Georgia (1027-72). Daughter of
his being in Samshvilde (1747) M. received Senakerem II Artsrun, King of Vaspurakan
the letter from Adil-Shah (Shah of Iran (Armenia). M. was mentioned in: Matiane
1747-48), awarding him Khanate of Ganja, (Chronicles) of Kartli, Sumbat Davitis-dze
but Spasalar Amir-Aslan-Khan did not give Tskhovreba da Utskeba Bagratonianta
up to him (P.O. 134). (The Life and Tale of Bagratonians), (K. Ts.
I. 1955), Vakhushti Batonishvili: Descrip-
G. Otkhmezuri
tion of the Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV,
1973); George Mtsire Life of George of
Mtatsminda (MAGHL., II, 1967), the con-
MAMAD KHAN Khan of Yerevan struction inscription on Kumurdo church ac-
(we suppose that Mamad Khan mentioned cretion (V. Silogava, Kumurdo Epigraph-
in Georgian source is the same as Mekhdi ics of the Temple, 1994), Agape of Athos
Quli-Khan, 1804-06). M. was mentioned Monastery (E. Metreveli, Book of Agapes
in: Bagrat Batonishvili Akhali Motkhroba Athos Monastery of Georgians, 1998). V. B.
(New Story), (1941). mentions her as Elene.
In 1805, Tsitsianov (Pavle Tsitsianov, Bagrat (1031) sent great embassy mis-
Russian General, high ofcial in Georgia sion to Byzantium with the leadership of
1802-1806) notied M.Kh. to transfer the Queen M. The Queen equipped herself with
fortress of Yerevan to him, to dispose Rus- courage and left for Constantinople, to the
sian army there. M.Kh. asked for assistance Emperor Romanoz (1028-34), to foster
from Baba-Khan (Shah of Iran, 1797-1834 peace and unity, to gain the honor of Kura-
enthroned with the name of Fathali Khan). palat for her son and to nd worthy wife
Shah sent 100.000 soldiers to the Khan. Irre- for her son (S. D. 386; M.K. 294). Caesar
spective of erce battles Russians failed and accepted Mariams request and offered her
could not take over Yerevan (B.B. 89). his daughter Elene as a ancee for Bagrat
K. Nadiradze and golden icon and great treasures dowry.

Bagrat met M. in Tao. Mother offered him MASHTOTS (approximately 353-
the title of Kurapalat. Bagrat married Elene 439). Contemporary and fellow ghter on
in Bana (M.K. 295; V.B. 144). The citizens the cultural-religious arena of Sahak, the Ca-
of Anis transferred their city to M. to rule tholicos of Armenians (387-438). One part
(M. K. 299). Because of complicated re- of Armenian sources attribute to him the re-
lations between Georgia and Byzantium, form of Armenian Alphabet, the other part
Bagrat, together with his mother, again trav- its development in full and the third devel-
eled to Constantinople (1054) to negotiate opment of Georgian and Albanian alphabets,
with Constantine Monomach (1034-68). M. in addition to the Armenian one. According
and Bagrat met there with George of Mtats- to Arsen of Sapara, Mashtots was a grand
minda (outstanding Georgian religious g- son of Gregory the Enlightener, though, in
ure in the Iberian Monastery on Mt. Athos) the opinion of Zaza Aleksidze, this informa-
and this was great delight for them. M. be- tion is not conrmed. M. was mentioned in:
came the follower of George and took the Arsen of Sapara On the Division of Geor-
vows of schema. M. desired to travel to gians and Armenians (1980).
Antioch, but she changed her mind by the M. and Sahak (Catholicos of Arme-
advice of George. M. gave great property to nians) were the grand children of Gregory
take with him to Jerusalem and donate to the (Arsen of Sapara implies Gregory the Par-
poor and disabled (Giorgi Mtsire, 101-107). thian, the enlightener of Armenians). They,
Due to Queen M. and Bagrat IV Constantine together with their followers, translated the
Monomach assigned annual donations to the rst Christian books (A. S., 86).
Iberian Monastery on Athos and exempted T. Koridze
from taxes (Dimos). For this the board
of Monastery wrote Agape to Queen M. on
fteenth day of August (Book of Agapes,
100, p. 161). M., together with her son,
manufacturer (70-ies of the 18th century).
is mentioned in the construction inscription
M.T. was mentioned in the historical docu-
of Kumurdo accretion: God praise King
ments (Georgian Noblemen Deeds 1881).
Bagrat and their mother, Queen Mariam;
In the document of 1777, King Erekle
who built this accretion in the period of ad-
(Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of
ministration of Patriarch Zosime Kumurdoe-
Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) thanks M.T. for the
li (Kumurdo Epigraphies of the Temple,
assistance provided to Georgians, for open-
17, p. 59-61). At Samshvilde Lake Bagrat
ing of the copper factory. The King ordered
fall ill. He called his family members and
him to recruit the experienced workers to
told his mother nally: Mother, concerned
operate the mines and furnaces (G.N.D, 24).
Im about you... (S. D. 314).
E. Kvachantiradze
K. Nadiradze

MOSE OF ELIVARD Catholicos MOVAKAN territory of Caucasian
of the Armenians (574-604), Monophysites. Albania (see. article Rani), currently in
M.E. was mentioned in: Arsen of Sapara Republic of Azerbaijan. Historical borders:
On the Division of Georgians and Arme- Caspian Sea from the east, Kura River from
nians (1980). the south, Caucasus Mountain Range from
Emperor of Byzantium, Mauritius the north and from the west mouth of Mt-
(582-602) ordered Mose, the Catholicos of sire and Didi Alazani up to Kura River (V.B.
the Armenians and the Bishops to arrive to 48). Masud, Arabian author of the 10th centu-
Constantinople to discuss (the religious is- ry in discussing Shirvan, mentions Kingdom
sues are implied) and clarify the truth. Ca- of Mukan, which was annexed by Shirvan
tholicos M.E. did not obey him and commu- Kingdom in early 10th century. In the sci-
nicated to him, via the envoy that he would entic literature Mukan is regarded as Mo-
not go further than River Azat (same as Riv- vakan in Georgian sources (V. Minorski). M.
er Arni, the tributary of Arax at the city of was mentioned by: Leonti Mroveli Life of
Dvin), which is the border of Persia (River Georgian Kings and Conversion of Kartli
Azat was the border between Greek (Chal- by Nino, Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gor-
cedon) and Persian (Monophysite) parts of gasali (K. Ts. I, 1955); Zhamtaaghmtsereli
Armenia after its dividing in 591), he would (K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili
not eat the Greek phurnide (bread) and drink Description of Kingdom of Georgia (K.
Greek thermon (water)* (A. S. 89). Ts. IV, 1973).
Catholicos M. E. and Bishops subordi- Biblical Targamos, who settled be-
nated to Iran were merciless to the Armenian tween mountains of Ararat and Masis (Mt.
bishops subordinated to Byzantium, includ- Ararat), had eight children and Movakan
ing the Bishop of Taron, who returned from among them. When Targamos divided the
Byzantium, where they one more time rec- lands between his children*, he gave to M.
ognized the decisions of Chalcedon Council, the land north from Kura, from the mouth
recognized dual nature of Christ and signed of Mtsire Alazani up to the sea, i.e. left side
the oath of religious unity (A. S. 89). Cathol- of Kura River up to the Caspian Sea, where
icos M.E. exiled the priests obedient to Ca- he built the city of Movakneti and settled
tholicos Ioan (Catholicos of the Greek part there (L.M. 4, 5, 7). Kura River passes M.,
of Armenia) from Armenia, some of which Rivers of M. fall into Kura (V.B. 305-306,
left for Tao and some for Greece (A. S. 90). 309). King of Khazars**, after campaign in
Caucasus, transferred M. to the nephew of
* Mose, Catholicos of the Armenians implies the Dyo- his father (L.M. 12). When King of Persia
physite rule of administration of ordinance of commu-
nion. Therefore, he uses Greek terms denoting the bread Kasre Anushirvan Sasanid*** married his
with the yeast and wine with water: Furnide (bread) and son Mirian with the daughter of Asfagur,
Thermon (water).
King of Kartli, he transferred M. for gov-
T. Koridze ernance (L.M. 64). Kasre left the army of
Persians in M. (L.M. 65). Mirian (Mihran),
King of Kartli (1st half of 4th century) suc-
cessfully governed Kartli, M., (L.M. 65, 67,
70, V.B. 71). When the Lezghins opposed 256, 259, 260). Alexander (Alexander I the
Mirian, they called for assistance the Kha- Great, King of Georgia 1412-42) made M.
zars against him. Mirian fought with them in his tribute payer (V.B. 280).
Movakan and won (L.M. 66). King of Kartli,
Varaz-Bakur (70-ies 80-ies of the 4th centu- * In the scientic literature it is mentioned that here,
in a form of ethnarches, the key political-administrative
ry) gave up to Persians M., in return to peace units of central Caucasus are limited (see. Leonti Mrov-
(L.M. 136, V.B. 96). Ofcial of the King of eli, Introduction, K. Ts. I, 1955).
Persia attacked King of Kartli, Archil, son ** In this period, mentioning of the Khazars in Geor-
gian written sources is the anachronism. Khazars cre-
of Mirdat (20-ies-30-ies of the 5th century), ated their communities in North Caucasus only in the
who was Eristavi in Rani and M. Archil won middle of 7th century A.D (See article Khazars)

(J. 140). Later Archil frequently ravaged M. *** Kasre Anushirvan Sassanid (creator of Sassanid
dynasty Ardashan I. Period of his reign: 226-41) in the
(V.B. 98, 99). Mirdat, son of Archil King of scientic literature, his mentioning in the source is re-
Kartli (30-50-ies of the 5th century) relent- garded as anachronism.

lessly fought with Persia. He ravaged M. K. Nadiradze

several times (L.M. 141). The Ossetians at-
tacked M. (2nd half of 5th century), (J. 146). In
the campaign against Byzantium, Vakhtang MUGHAN historical region in Azer-
Gorgasali (King of Kartli, 40-ies of the 5th baijan. M. was mentioned in: Zhamtaaghmt-
century to the end of 5th c.), was supported sereli (K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonish-
by Varaz-Bakur, Eristavi (Pitiakhsh) of Rani, vili Description of Kingdom of Georgia
his uncle (mothers brother), with the troops (K. Ts. IV, 1973); Oman Kherkheulidze
of Rani, M. and Adrabadagan (J. 149). After Reign of Irakli II (1989); Teimuraz Bagra-
death of Varsken Pitiakhsh (ruler of Kvemo tioni New History (1983).
Kartli, was killed by the order of Vakhtang Mongols came to M. and started to rav-
Gorgasali in 482), King of Persia (Shah age Georgia (Zh. 186). David (David VII,
Peroz 459-84 is implied) sent Darel as ruler King of Georgia 1246-70) visited the Kaen
of Rani and M. and ordered him to main- (Khan) of Mongols in M., winter residence
tain good relations with Georgians (J. 216- of Mongols (Zh. 237). Keighatu (Kaen of
17). Urmizdi, King of Persia (Shah of Persia Mongols 1291-95) set out to suppress Rumi
Hormizd IV, 579-90) transferred M. to his rebellion; he took with him David (David
son Kasre Ambarvez (Shah of Iran Khosro II VIII, King of Georgia 1293-1311) and left
Farvis 591-628), (J. 217, V.B. 118). Country in M. Khutlubugha (son of Sadun Mankab-
of Romguar was ruled by four noins. This erdeli Georgian political gure promoted
country included: Khorasan (historical re- by Mongols) and other Georgian leaders
gion in the north-eastern part of Iran), Iraq, (Zh. 296). Tamaz Khan defeated Tatarkhan,
Georgia, Shirvan, M... (Zh. 223, V.B. 258). arrived to M. and called his South Caucasian
Berka Kaen (Kaen of Golden Horde 1255- subordinates, declared himself as the Shah of
66) and ravaged M. (1266), (V.B. 223). Iran (Shah of Iran 1736-47 and was named
George (George V, King of Georgia 1318- Nadir-Shah) (V.B. 515, 627; S.Ch. 48-9). In
46) entered M. and imposed tribute (V.B. 1744, Nadir-Shah returned from Kars (an-

cient city, Kari, in the Georgian sources, cur- MUSA-KULI KHAN // MUSA-
rently in the territory of Turkey) and arrived KHAN Khan of Borchalo (1752-55).M.Kh.
to M (O.Kh. 46). After victory in Krtsanisi was mentiont in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambav-
(village near Tbilisi, currently one of Tbilisi ni Kartlisani (History of Georgia), (1981).
Districts) battle (1795) Agha-Mohammed- M. Kh. was the son of Kalbi-Usein
Khan (Shah of Iran 1796-97) moved to M, Khan (P.O. 188-189). Position of Khan of
further to Khorasan (historical region in the Borchalo was granted to Musa as he contrib-
Middle East), (T.B. 65). uted greatly to defeat of Azat Khan (owner
of the throne of South Azerbaijan) and King
E. Kvachantiradze
Erekle liked his bravery (P.O. 188-189).
Musa-Kuli Khan, the former Khan of Bor-
chalo stayed in the city and did not support
MUSA Khan of Borchalu (middle of
Aji-Chalab (the rst Khan of Shak), he was
18 century). M. was mentioned in: Papuna
granted the position of Khan of Borchalo
Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani (History of
and sent off to Aghjakala (P.O. 202-203). M.
Georgia), (1981).
Khan and Sultan of Baidar, as the infringers
After defeat of Aghakishi (son of Aji-
and traitors, escaped and came to the country
Cheleb Kurban Oglu, Khan of Shaki, 1743-
of Yerevan (P.O. 203). Both Kings (Teimu-
55) and Shaverdi-Khan (Khan of Ganja) by
raz II and Erekle II) came to Borchalo, dis-
Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62,
missed Musa-Kuli-Khan from the position
King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) and Teimu-
of Khan of Borchalo and assigned Dimitri
raz (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli 1744-1762)
Eshikaghabash Orbeliani, as boundary mili-
M., the ally of the formers escaped to Ye-
tary administrator (P.O. 223). Both Kings
revan (P.O. 203). M. (1756) is still Khan of
(Teimuraz II and Erekle II) met and granted
Borchalo and he is subordinated to Teimuraz
to Musa-Khan the position of Khan of Bor-
and Erekle (P.O. 243).
chalo to him again and assigned Aghjakal
G. Otkhmezuri Fortress (fortress in Kvemo Kartli histori-
cal province Gachiani, currently Marneuli
District) to him (P.O. 237). Pasha of Kars
MUSA-BEG Sultan of Kazakh informed King Erekle that his Els (Tatars)
(middle of 18th century). M. was mentioned have ravaged Kars and asked to restore the
in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani justice. Angry King Erekle sent the cattle
(History of Georgia), (1981). stolen by the Els from Kars to the Pasha of
According to the order by Erekle (Er- Kars and withdrew the Els from Soghan-
ekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of lughi, with M. Khan and settled them in
Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) M., together with Aghjakala.
the Ketkhuds of Kazakh-Borchalo and Baid- T. Koridze
ari was brought to Tbilisi to ght against
Abdula-Beg (P.O. 135).
G. Otkhmezuri

NAKHCHEVAN located in the (70-ies of the 1st century) arranged campaign
southern part of South Caucasus. It borders in Armenia and ravaged Dasht, up to N.
with Turkey and Iran (the border runs along (L.M. 45). Lasha-Giorgi (King of Georgia
Arax River). In the 8th 7th centuries B.C. 1213-23) took over Oroti and all fortresses
the territory of N. was included in the Mana and surrounding territories up to N. (L.M.
and Midia states, in the 6th century it was 370). Ivane Atabagi was informed from
within the Achamenid Iran and later within N. about arrival of Persian troops to Aran
Atropatena. In the 3rd century A.D. the terri- (H.Chr. 67). Abubekr, who escaped in N.,
tory of N. was conquered by Iran and in 623 poisoned Amir-Mirman, his brother (H.Chr.
by Byzantium, in the middle of 7th century 76). Georgians, on their way to Persia, under
it was conquered by Arabs. In 9th 10th cen- the commandment of Zakaria Amirspasa-
turies the territory of Nakhchevan was in- lar bypassed Nakhchevan (H.Chr. 104).
cluded into the composition of Sajide feudal Georgians, returning from their campaign
state and later it was conquered by Salarides in Persia, passed Adrabadagan cities, Ra-
(Iran dynasty ruling Azerbaijan). In 13th khs, bypassed Nakhchevan and arrived to
14th centuries N. was ravaged by Timur Lang Tbilisi (H.Chr. 109). After battle at Garnisi,
(Tamerlane, commander of Central Asia Ivane Atabag retreated to Bijnisi and Sultan
1336-1405) several times. In 15th century (Jalal Ad-Din, Shah of Khorezm) left for
it was within the state of Kara-Koinlu and Adrabadagan and N (Zh. 171). After killing
Ak-Koinlu and in the 16th 17th centuries of Orbels by the King (George III King of
it was within Safavid Iran. In the middle of Georgia 1156-84), the refugee, Sumbad Or-
18th century, after decomposition of Nadir- beli left for Nakhchevan (Zh. 228). Tegudar
Shahs (Shah of Iran 1736-1747) Empire, Kaen (Mongol prince of Golden Horde, 60s
the independent Khanate of Nakhchevan of XIII c.) granted to Abagha Kaen (Mongol
was emerged (with Nakhchevan as capital ruler of Iran, 1265-82) Rakhsi and N. (Zh.
city); In 1828, according to Turkmanchai 258). Navroz, son of Mongol Arghun-Agha
Agreement it joined Russia. Currently it sent a bad man to ravage Georgian church-
is within the Azerbaijan Republic. N. was es. He ravaged Vardzia Monastery and left
mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of Geor- for N. (Zh. 300). King Vakhtang (Vakhtang
gian Kings K. Ts. I, (1955); Histories and III, 1302-08) arrived to N., where he fell ill
Chronicles of the Crowned Monarchs (K. and deceased (Zh. 322). Shah Ismail (Is-
Ts. II 1959); Zhamtaaghmtsereli (K. Ts. II, mail I, founder of Sede state, 1487-1524),
1959); Parsadan Gorgijanidze The History before his campaign to Tabriz, arrived to
(1925); Paris Chronicles (1980); Papuna Nakhchevan and took with him the troops
Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani (History of N (P.G. 2). Mustafa Lala Pasha (com-
of Georgia), (1980); Teimuraz Bagrationi mander of Ottomans) took over Adrbejan
New History (1983); David Batonishvili (Adrabadagan), Kurdistan, Yerevan, N.,
New History,. Bagrat Batonishvili Akha- Karabakh, Shirvan (P.G. 12). Mustafa Lala
li Motkhroba (New Story), (1941); Histori- Pasha conquered Sharvan, Dagestan, Ganja,
cal Documents (Chr. III, 1967). Adrbejan (Adrabadagan), Kurdistan, Vani
Kings of Kartli, Azork and Armazeli
and N,, Samtskhe and Yerevan (P.G. 13). In (P.O. 187). King Erekle, after gaining vic-
1603, Shah Abbas (Abbas I Shah of Iran tory over Azat Khan, sent his troops with
1587-1629) conquered Tabriz and N. and Zaal Orbeliani to N. Georgians took over
approached Yerevan (P. Chr. 59). Georgian Nakhchevan again and encamped there (P.O.
noblemen took the letter of King Teimuraz 188). Azat-Khan came to N. and due to this
(Teimuraz II King of Kartli 1744-62) and met Georgian troops left it (P.O. 190). In 1786,
with the King (Nadir, Shah of Iran 1736-47) the King (Erekle II) sent to N. Ioane, the rul-
in Nakhchevan (P.O. 77). On 28th July 1751, er of Mukhran, with the mounted troops and
Azat-Khan defeated by King Erekle (Erekle cannons and in the battle the N. troops were
II, King of Kakheti 1744-62; King of Kartl- defeated and begged Georgians that if they
Kakheti 1762-98) in Yerevan escaped to N. withdraw the troops from N., Kalbali would
(Chr. III, 055; 214; 620). Kings (Teimuraz be restored as Khan of N. (T.B. 59). On 21st
II and Erekle II) sent the messengers and in- November 1791, Ibreim-Khan, son of Fa-
formed Ganja, Shirvan-Shak, Chari, Kakhe- na-Khan (Khan of Karabakh//Shusha) and
ti, Kartli, Kazakh-Borchalu, Yerevan and Omar-Khan (Khan of Avaria//Khundzakh)
Nakhchevan about their victory over Fana- attacked N. with the troops of Lezghins and
Khan (Khan of Karabakh/Shusha 1747-63) were defeated (Chr. III, 621). Bishop Ave-
(P.O. 170). Kings sent off to their countries, tik sent by the Catholicos of Armenians as
with rich gifts the Khans of Nakhchevan and the Bishop of Armenians residing in Geor-
Avghan (Afghanistan), who were obedient gia, was from Nakh-Ijiv-And (Chr. III, 253).
to the orders of us, the Kings (P.O. 173). Kazakhians, Borchaloians and Fambakians
Family of Baman-Khan came from N. to the ravaged N. and ravaged N. and defeated its
City (Tbilisi) (P.O. 175). Spasalar of Azer- Khan, Shukurla (Khan of Nakhichvan, 70-
baijan, Azat-Khan was enraged with Baman, ies of the 18th century) and returned with rich
Khan of N. and for this reason the latter left plunder (T.B. 55). In 1800 Baba Khan (Shah
N. together with his entire family. N. was of Iran) sent his commander to N. Alexan-
left to Azat-Khan and he assigned as Khan der, brother of George (George XII, King of
there a man whom he trusted (P.O. 176). For Kartl-Kakheti 1798-1800) betrayed him and
a short period Baman Khan was the Khan came to N., to Shahs commander. The com-
of Nakhchevan, who could not stay there mander returned to Persia and Alexander
because of enemies, he arrived to the city came to Ibreim, Khan of Karabakh, retreated
(Tbilisi) and subordinated to King Teimuraz from N. (B.B. 72-73). In 1808, Abbas Mirza
(P.O. 183). By the order of King Erekle the (ruler of Iran since 1800), who came to re-
ravaging troops of Kartli and Kakheti rav- lease Yerevan from Russians, encamped in
aged and devastated the territory from N. N. Count Gudovich (Ivan Gudovich, high
to the bank of Araz for the purpose of free- ofcial of Georgia 1806-09) assigned two
ing of the territory from Afghans (P.O. 185). Troitski and Egir (Eger) regiments to ght
Khans of Yerevan, Nakhchevan, Airumlu against him. In the battle at N., between
and other Khans congratulated Erekle, in his them, there was no winner (B.B. 102)]
marquee, with his victory over Azat-Khan
T. Koridze

NAKHCHEVANIANS population NERSHAPU Bishop of Taron, con-
of the city of Nakhichevan or of the his- temporary of Nerses II, the Catholicos of
torical region Nakhichevan. N. was men- Armenians (548-57). N. was mentioned in:
tioned in: Histories and Chronicles of the Arsen of Sapara On the Division of Geor-
Crowned Monarchs, Zhamtaaghmtsereli gians and Armenians (1980).
(K. Ts. II, 1959); Teimuraz Bagrationi New N. was one of the initiators and partici-
History (1983). pants of II Church Council of Dvin (551),
In the period of reign of Queen Tamar at which the decisions of Chalcedon Council
(1184-1207/10) N. paid tribute (kharaja) to were damned (A.S. 85-86).
Georgia (H.Chr. 100); the N. and Adrabada- E. Kvachantiradze
ganians recognized Shalva Akhaltsikheli,
who was captivated in Garnisi battle and told
Jalal Ad-Din (Shah of Khorezm 1220-31)
NERSES (NERSES I) Catholicos of
about his generosity and his imposing ap-
Armenians (348-352). N. was mentioned in:
pearance (Zh. 171). In 1786, N. rebelled and
Conversion of Kartli (MAGHL I, 1963);
drove away Kalbali, their Khan. He came to
Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings
Mahmad, Khan of Yerevan and asked for his
(K.Ts I, 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili De-
support, who, on his side, asked support from
scription of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV,
the King (Erekle II, King of Kartl-Kakheti
1762-1798). The King sent to N. Ioane, ruler
After decease of Bishop Iakob (363-
of Mukhrani with the troops and cannons. In
375), Iob the Armenian (375-390), Deacon
the battle the N, were defeated and begged
of N., the Catholicos of Armenians became
Georgians that if their army would be with-
the Bishop of Kartli (L.M., 132; V.B., 95). In
drawn from Nakhchevan, they would make
the period of reign of Trdat, King of Kartli
Kalbali their Khan again (T.B. 59).
(366-375), Iob the Armenian, deacon of N.,
T. Koridze the Catholicos of Armenians was the Bishop
(Conversion, 91).
T. Koridze
NALBEG Sarkadar of Borchalo (40-
ies of 18th century). N. was mentioned in: Pa-
puna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani (His-
tory of Georgia), (1981). N. (1741), with his
of Armenians (548-557). He was from vil-
troops, arrived to Akhaltsikhe and submitted
lage Ashtarakan, Bagrevan and was called
to Pasha of Akhaltsikhe the letter from Shah
Ashtarakeli. N. II was mentioned in: Arsen
of Iran, requesting capturing of Shanshe Eri-
of Sapara On the Division of Georgians
stavi (Eristavi of Ksani, end of 18th century
and Armenians (1980).
1753) (P.O. 50-51).
N. was called Mijin (middle) (A.S.
G. Otkhmezuri 79). Catholicos Nerses was called the Mid-
dle, this is Mijin in Armenian (A.S. 84).

Armenian people and the King asked Ca- Catholicos Ezra, Armenian Church became
tholicos N. II to make choice, which trend closer to Dyophysite again. N. III was men-
in religion would be better for them and they tioned in: Arsen of Sapara On the Division
would obey him (A. S. 79). Catholicos N. of Georgians and Armenians (1980); Mar-
II made his spirit to obey his body and said tyrdom of David and Tirichan (MAGHL I,
that they would better die than support the 1963).
Greeks again (Dyophysitism is implied) (A. N. III Iskhneli took the position of
S. 80). In the period of administration of Catholicos after Ezra (630-641/642) (A. S.
Catholicos N. II and further, there was the 92). Catholicos N. was a worthy person, fol-
religious disagreement between Armenians lower of true religion (A.S. 92). Ioane the
and Georgians (A. S. 82). Evil Catholicos Perdious (see article Ioane of Mairagom)
Nerses, called the Middle passed away saw Catholicos N. III in Greece (Byzan-
and Abraham took the throne of Catholi- tium) at a time of communion, with King
cos (A. S. 82). Catholicos N. II convened Constance the Minor (Emperor Constance II
the meeting at Dvin, where the Armenians (641-668)), he resisted and said that he was
separated from the Greeks and Jerusalem, in mistaken, like Ezra, after Chalcedon Coun-
religious respect (A.S. 84). Catholicos N. II cil and for this Catholicos N III presented
was the ashkharakal (i.e. bad heretic) (In the him to the Bishops, priests and noblemen,
comments ashkharakal means in Arme- where they conducted great investigation
nian the conqueror of the world (A.S. 166, of this disagreement and all of them, unani-
86). On the second year after N. II being the mously, made decision to punish Ioan as de-
Catholicos, on the fourteenth year of being luder with exile from the country (A.S. 92).
Justinian the Caesar (Emperor of Byzantium Holy Catholicos N. III exiled Ioan with rage
Justinian I 527-565), on the second year (A.S. 92). After death of David and Tirichan
of reign of Khosro, Shah of Persia (Khosro asmartyrs, Catholicos N., accompanied by
Anushirvan 531-79)* the second meeting priests Iovan, Sahak and Grigol went to
was convened in Dvin and damned again the Divr, the place of martyrdom of Tirichan.
holy Chalcedon Council (A.S. 86). He with his own hands took the holy bod-
ies and buried one of them on the mountain
* Text contains certain anachronism and the other below Divr, to the west from
Naghvarevi Gorge (Martyrdom of David
T. Koridze
and Tirichan, 191)

T. Koridze
of Armenians (641-664). Is known with the
name Ishkhneli, as he was from village Ish- NOGHI // NOGHALS one of the
khani, Tao; he was also known as Builder, peoples in Dagestan. N. was mentioned in:
as he has restored several churches and he Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani
built Zvartnots. In the period of his admin- (History of Georgia), (1981).
istration, as well as in the period of rule of Teimuraz, King of Kartli (Teimuraz II

1744-62) and Erekle, King of Kakheti (Er- of Khundzakh was at the entrance of Shilda
ekle II, 1744-62) often used in their ght and the troops of Lezghins from Dagestan
against Lezghins the hired troops composed were increasing every day (P.O. 214). Char-
of the representatives of North Caucasian ians, Sultan of Kaki, Aji-Chalab, Shirva-
nations. In 1760 Erekle and Teimuraz called nians, Fana-Khan, Khan of Ganja made a
Circassian, Kisht, Jik, N. troops to ght deal that if the ruler of Khundzakh would
against Lezghins. Together with their com- win over the rulers of Kartli and Kakheti,
manders they arrived to Ananuri and Jim- they would ravage Kartli and Kakheti and
sher Eristavi brought the troops to Tbilisi capture the local population (P.O. 215).
and provided accommodation and catering Ruler of Khundzakh crossed Alazani, burnt
to them in Didube. They were of various Ruispiri, Akhmeta (Kakheti) and came to
religions: Muslims, many pagans, ill-bred,
Gagnakora (P.O. 215). Ruler of Khundzakhi
eating some unpleasant food, some of them
divided the troops of Lezghins into four
handsome and some ugly, with small noses,
parts, crossed Aragvi, sent the troops to the
good riders and archers, quick and dexter-
estate of Eristavi, which they burnt and rav-
ous. The Kings (Erekle and Teimuraz) called
aged (P.O. 216). Troops of Khundzakhi ruler
their leaders to Tabakhmela (village in the
did not leave anything undamaged to this
vicinity of Tbilisi). When Lezghins learnt
side of Ananuri (fortress in Aragvi gorge).
about their arrival, they left. As it was hard
They arrived to Dusheti, burnt the palace of
to support the hired troops, the Kings gift-
ed gold and silver to their leaders, paid the Eristavi, violated the monastery and moved
wages to the soldiers and saw them off with downwards, with great spoils (P.O. 216). On
respect. The leaders promised the Kings that 10th August, ruler of Khundzakhi left Dush-
upon their order they would immediately ar- eti and besieged Mchadijvari Fortress, he
rive and provide services (P.O. 219-222). moved to the rare forest behind the Fortress
and ordered to arrange the reliable trench,
K. Nadiradze
the tents and ordered the Lezghin troops to
ght to take over the Fortress (P.O. 216).
In the battle at Mchadijvari the Georgians
NURSAL-BEG Khan of Khundzakh
killed the uncle and cousin of the ruler of
// Avaria (middle of 18th century) N.B. was
Khundzakhi (P.O. 218-219). Ruler of Khun-
mentioned in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni
dzakhi, defamed by the defeat at Mchadi-
Kartlisani (History of Georgia), (1981);
jvari returned to Dagestan (P.O. 219; T.B.
Teimuraz Bagrationi New History (1983).
49. T.B. dates this battle by 1753)*. Ruler of
The information was delivered from
Khundzakh desired to attack Kartl-Kakheti,
Kakheti that the ruler of Khundzakhi (Pa-
he blocked the ways of Mt. Elbrus and did
puna Orbeliani mentions Nursal Beg with
not let the troops of Lezghins or anyone oth-
the name of the ruler of Khundzakh) ap-
ers anywhere. He promised the Lezghins of
proached Shilda outskirts with such army, as
Dagestan that if they followed him and oc-
the Lezghins have never had and he threat-
cupy Kartli and Kakheti, he would provide
ened to conquer Kartli and Kakheti. Ruler

them the captives and cattle sufcient for and killed many Lezghins and did not sur-
their grand children (P.O. 226). This was the render the Fortress. Ruler of Khundzakhi left
ruler of Khundzakh, who was defeated at the Fortress only in the evening, moved to-
Mchadijvari Fortress by the Masters (Teimu- wards Borchalo with the army of Lezghins,
raz II, King of Kartli 1744-62 and Erekle II, who ravaged the obs (Turk Ulusi) of De-
King of Kakheti 1744-62 are implied) and murchiasanli and the villages of Borchalu to
driven away defamed. To revenge for that this side of Debeda River, from where they
defeat, ruler of Khundzakhi mobilized such took the captives, numerous cattle and the
army of Dagestan that even Shamkhali and treasures. This army ascended to Bambak,
Surkhavi troops were included, he took his at Karakli, where they divided the plunder,
army, mobilized all Lezghins, from both ruler of Khundzakhi and Shamkhal, with
sides [of Caucasian Range], whether volun- their troops moved to Ganja, where they
tarily or forcedly and initially prepared them delivered the plunder and from there they
to attack Kakheti (P.O. 226-227). Ruler of moved to their countries (P.O. 232). N.B.,
Khundzakhi came with the great army of ruler of Khundzakhi mobilizsed again the
Dagestan and encamped at Kvareli Moun- large troops of Lezghins and approached the
tain, from where he sent Gabag-Beg, son land of Shaki-Shirvan, from there they un-
of Shamkhil to Chari to mobilize the troops expectedly attacked Bodbe and ravaged sev-
of Chari. He also sent the messengers to the eral districts. The Baghaans were brave
son of Aji Chalab, Sultan of Kaki, Khan of and protected Bodbe with their bravery. The
Ganja and requested their support and their Kizikians defeated the Lezghins in Magaro,
troops (P.O. 227). Kings assigned to ght killed over thousand of them and defamed
with him Papa Beburishvili, Solomon Kobu- N.B. retreated (T.B. 55-56). N.B. arrived to
ladze, Faremuz Takashvili, Bezhan Ratish- Shamakhia, where he visited Fathali-Khan
vili, Erasti Namoradze and other noblemen, of Kubi, who betrayed N.B. and killed him
they freed the fortress and as the Lezghins (T.B. 56). Son of N.B. was Omar-Khan of
failed to do anything, they retreated (T.B. 49. Avaria (T.B. 59).
T.B. dates this battle by 1753)**. When the
Charians at Kvareli Fortress learnt that the *According to Oman Kherkheulidze, in 1754, in the
battle of Mchadijvari king Erekle II and Teimuraz II
Ruler of Kakheti (Erekle II) allowed Geor- gained a decisive victory over Dagestanis, but in the
battle he names Omar-khani as a chief of the group by
gians to ravage and rob the land of Chari,
mistake. (see O. Kherkheiulidze.55)
they got concerned and reproached the ruler ** According to Oman Kherkheulidze, in 1755, in the
of Khundzakhi and the latter answered that battle of Kvareli Dagestans, Charelien and Shaq-shar-
qalien formed an alliance under which 20 000 people
he would take over the fortress, conquer united and laid siege which lasted for 28 days. But he as
Kakheti and would pay back to them (P.O. well as in the battle of Mchadijvari, names Omar-khani
as a chief of the group by mistake. (see O. Kherkhei-
231). Ruler of Khundzakhi, after returning ulidze.56)
from Kvareli came to Baidar (currently Mar-
T. Koridze
neuli District) and besieged Baidar Fortress.
Children of Sultan of Baidar started to shoot

OVSETI //OSSETIA communities the part of Caucasus, to the west, up to the
created by the descendants of Sarmat tribes west of the mountains from Lomek (Tergi)
invaded in 1st 2nd centuries AD on the plains River . Uobos settled there. His relatives
adjacent to of North Caucasus, upper reach- are Ossetians and this is O., which was the
es of Kuban River and in Tergi River Gorge. part of Caucasus (L.M. 12). O. was the land,
Approximately from the middle of 5th cen- share of Caucas, son of Togarmah (descen-
tury the Ossetian communities were created dant of biblical Noah). King of Khazars gave
in the central part of North Caucasus. They the land of Caucas to his son, Urbanos, who
became especially powerful in the 10th 12th eliminated the descendants of Caucasos and
centuries. In 13th 14th centuries, in result settles there with his offspring and captives
of invasion of Tatar-Mongols and Tamerlane and named this land O., meaning in Khazar
certain part of lowland population moved language some for sowing as he killed
to the gorges of Caucasus Mountain Range. some and settles some to sow (V.B. 632,
Approximately from middle of 15th century 654). After enthronement of Parnavaz (King
the Ossetians reached the southern slopes of of Kartli, 4th century 1st half of 3rd century
Caucasus Mountain Range and later in these BC) only Dzurdzuk and Dvaleti remained
areas the southern branch of Ossetian people as the other lands were taken over by the
was formed. Ovseti//Ossetia was mentioned Ossetian Kings and these lands were called
in: Conversion of Kartli; Martyrdom of O. Due to conquering of these territories
Abo Tbileli (MAGHL I, 1963); Leonti by them and their settling there (V.B. 633)
Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings; Juan- Bato Kaen (founder and rst Khan of Mon-
sher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali; Ma- gol state of Golden Horde 1243-56) ravaged
tiane (chronicles) of Kartli; Life of King O. and because of this the Ossetians invaded
of Kings David (K.Ts. 1955); Historian of into Caucasus. After their coming to Cauca-
the Period of Reign of Lasha-Giorgi (K.Ts. sus O. was called Circassia or Kabardo and
I, 1955); Histories and Chronicles of the the country of the people who invaded into
Crowned Monarchs, Zhamtaaghmtsereli, Caucasus O. (V.B. 634). Border of O. was
Beri Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis Tskhovre- (18th century) to the east border of Truso
ba (K.Ts. II, 1959); Dzegli Eristavta and Khevi, Glacier Caucasus and Akhot
(Annals of the Eristavi), (1954); Vakhushti Caucasus, Lomek River, up to Khetadze-
Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of Cherkes Mountain, from the south Cauca-
Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973); Papuna Orbeliani sus Mountains, from the neck of the gorge
Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Georgia), to the west, Bruts-Sabdzeli and Caucasus
(1981); Oman Kherkheulidze Reign of between Zekara, Kedela and Racha-Didgor-
Irakli II (1989); Teimuraz Bagrationi New Basiani; north Circassia and high moun-
History (1983); Historical Documents tain, west Caucasus between Racha and
(Chronicles II, 1897; III 1963; Monuments Zhghele and between Basiani and Svaneti
of Georgian Law III, 1970; VI; VII 1981; (V.B. 634). Length of O. country is from the
VIII 1985). gorge to Svaneti Caucasus and width from
King of Khazars gave to his son, Uobos Kartli Caucasus to Circassian Mountain

(V.B. 635), (geographical description of O. Rani, his mothers brother and informed him
land see V.B. 635-653). about the campaign (J. 150). King Vakhtang
Andrew (Apostle Andrew the First (Vakhtang Gorgasali) was 16 years old when
Called) and Simon (Apostle Simon the Zeal- he invaded into O. (J. 151). Kings of Ossetia
ot) arrive to the country of O., came to the mobilized the army, attracted Khazars* and
city of Phostapoir where they accomplished met vakhtang Gorgasali at the river, which
great miracle and converted many nations passes Dariali and the valley of O. This river
into Christianity (L.M. 42). The families of is called Aragvi and Aragvi of Kartli and
outstanding Ossetians are: Basiani, Bade- Aragvi of O. originate at one and the same
ladze, Cherkesidze, Tagauri, Kurtauli, Sida- mountain (J. 151). At the river side Vakhtang
moni and Chakhilidze (V.B. 634). When and Bakatar, the Ossetian giant fought and
Artashan, King of Armenians (Artashen Vakhtang killed Bakatar in the single combat
I, 160-150 BC) and Sumbat Bivritian, his (see article Bakatar). Georgians attacked O.,
Spaspet set out to ght with the Georgians, ravaged their cities, got numerous captives
the latter accepted assistance from the O. and war spoils (J. 156). After ravaging of O.
troops (L.M. 48). Allies of Azork and Ar- Vakhtang, with his army attacked Pachanik-
mazeli, Kings of Georgia (approximately eti, as then Pachaniketi the neighbor of O., in
160-150 BC) in their war against Arme- lower reaches of O. River (J. 156). Vakhtang
nians were Kings of Ossetia Bazuki and ravaged Pachaniketi and Jiketi, returned and
Abazuki (approximately turn of 2nd and 1st approached O. again. AT that time the Kings
centuries BC) with Ossetian troops (L.M. of Ossetia were in the Caucasian fortresses.
45). Amazasp, King of Kartli (230-265) They sent the envoys to one another and
attacked Ossetia, ravaged it and returned concluded an armistice. Ossetians requested
home with victory (L.M. 57; V.B. 68). King from Vakhtang 30 thousand Ossetian cap-
Mirian (King of Kartli, 1st half of 4th cen- tives in return to his sister. Ossetians named
tury) attacked Ossetia and ravaged it (L.M. the best of the captives. Vakhtang gave to
68). When King of Persians, Kasre Sassa- them 30 thousand captives and took his sis-
nid invaded into Kartli, Asphagur, King of ter with him and exchanged Georgian cap-
Georgians left for Ossetia for the purpose tives, who were in captivity in O. for 6 years,
of attraction of the troops from there but he with the Ossetia ones and gave another 30
deceased as soon as he reached O. (L.M. thousand captives for the hostages (J. 157).
62; V.B. 70). When Ossetians captured and Vakhtang Gorgasali subdued Ossetians and
took with them 3-years old Mirandukht, sis- Kipchaks and created the gate of Ossetia,
ter of Vakhtang (Vakhtang Gorgasali, King which we call Dariali (J. 156). As soon as
of Kartli 2nd half of 5th century), they passed throne of Kartli was cancelled (6th century)
gate of Daruband and arrived to Ossetia Persians conquered Kartli, passed Caucasus
with victory (J. 146; V.B. 101). When the Mountains, took over the Gate of Ossetia,
decision was made about campaign in Os- one great gate in Ossetia and two in Dva-
setia, King Vakhtang (Vakhtang Gorgasali) leti (C.K., 94). King of Greeks, Justinian
sent the envoy to Varaz-Bakur, Pitiakhsh of (Justinian I, Emperor of Byzantium, 527-65)

fought in the country of O. (J. 214). Nerse brought up by Rusudan, aunt of Tamar (V.B.
Eristavi (Erismtavari of Kartli, 764-84) op- 176-77; see article David Soslan). Genghis
pressed by Saracens (Arabs) escaped and Khan (founder of Mongol State. 1206-27)
passed the Gate of O., called Dariali (Mar- gave to Tubis, his elder son, half of his army
tyrdom of Abo Tbileli 58). Leon, Eristavi of and sent him to Great Kipchaketi, up to Dark-
Caesar fortied in Sobghi Fortress, located ness, to O., Khazareti, Russia (Zh. 163; 181).
at the O. pass (J. 235). Bugha, commander Great Kaen Batu (1243-56) held Kipchakia
of Arabs, who invaded into Georgia (853) and O, Khazaria, Russia and Borghaleti (Zh.
attempted to enter into O. Bugha took hun- 163; 234; 229). Khalelampre Machabeli at-
dred Ossetian families from Dariali, settled tracted O. to his side. Mtavari of O. sought
them in Dmanisi and desired to enter into Khalelampre Machabelis daughters hand
O. in summer (C.K. 257; V.B. 130). King in marriage but he refused (Zh. 337; note 1).
Bagrat (Bagrat IV, King of Georgia 1027- Army sent by Tamerlane (great commander
72), granted great gifts to the O. Kings and of Central Asia, Emir 1370-1405) ravaged
noblemen and sent them to their native land and subdued O. (V.B. 272). Shalva (Eristavi
for their assistance in war against Emir of of Ksani, turn of 13th-14th centuries) got mar-
Gandza (C.K. 313). Entire O. was within ried with Shirdi, daughter of King of Osse-
the parish of Catholicos of Kartli (J. 232). tians (M.E. 348). In the 70-ies of 15th century
When the Kipchaks asked Ossetians to give parish of Abkhazian Catholicate included
them way in their territory, to pass peaceful- the entire land to this side of Chorokhi, this
ly, King David (David IV, King of Georgia side of Ossetia, this side of Ponto Sea, where
1089-1125) arrived to O., concluded peace the border of Didi Bichuinta is located
between Kipchaks and Ossetians and took (MGL, III, 223). In the document of 1660-
over the fortresses of Dariali, O. and en- 61 Vamek Dadiani (1659-61) is mentioned
tire Caucasus Mountains (H.D. 336; V.B. as King of Kings of Likht-Imereti and
158). George Chkondideli (tutor of David Likht-Ameri, Ossetia and Dvaleti, Svaneti
IV, King of Georgia) deceased at a time of and Kabardo, Juketi and Abkhazia, Didi
his being in O. (H.D. 337; V.B. 159). One Odishi and Guria and entire Georgia (MGL
of Davids (David IV) daughters was mar- VI, 671). In 1711 Vakhtang (Vakhtang VI,
ried in O. (H.D. 46). In his testament King King of Kartli 1716-24) attacked O. (Chr.
David (David IV) writes (marks), that he left III, 38). In 1711, when Vakhtang, with Geor-
his posterity the country (kingdom) from gian army entered into the Severe Gate of
Nikopsia (present Tuapse) to Daruband (the Ossetia, they immediately ravaged the Os-
Caspian ) Sea and from Ossetia to Aragats setians, ruined their fortresses and success-
(MGL, II,19). fully returned back (Chr. III, 40). Domenti,
Mother of Tamar (Qeen of Georgia, Catholicos-Patriarch of eastern Georgia
1184-1207/10) was daughter of King of O. (1705-41) named himself as Catholicos
(V.B. 176; see article Burdukhan). Spouse Blessing Mtskheta, Kartli, Rani, Kakheti,
of Tamar was descendant of Ephraim (Bibli- All Ossetia, Samtskhe-Saatabago (Chr. III,
cal Ephraim), son of Ossetian King, he was 71; 73). Ravaging troops of Afghans dis-

placed the population to this side of O. and 1773, Rustveli (Bishop of Rustavi) wrote
brought them to Givi Amilakhvari (Com- to Erekle II that the people, who came from
mander of Zemo Kartli Sadrosho) (P.O. 48). O. and Javakheti, settled in Chumlaki (vil-
7 Georgian monks, sent by the King of Rus- lage in Kakheti), in the church estate, ap-
sia to Caucasus, for propagation of Christi- propriated the vine cellars and kvevris, sold
anity at rst came to O. and in result many the kvevris to the people of Velistsikhe and
people were converted (P.O. 108). Ossetians misappropriated the beitalman estates with-
started to ravage (started to beat) Zemo Kar- out the documents (deeds) of the King and
tli. King Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti, Rustveli. As they did not subordinate to the
1744-62) sent the troops of Lezghins against law of Mdivanbegi and did not return to the
them, commanded by Machabeli and Iase church what was stolen and beitalman and
Amilakhvari and they ravaged O. (P.O. 110). asked assistance from the King (MGLVII,
The Lezghins were not satised by plunder 233). In 1785 Zaza Machabeli applied to the
gained in O. and they attacked Imereti (P.O. King (Erekle II) stating that as the O. were
111). Lezghins brought numerous captives settling in Kartli, by his (Kings) order, he
from O. and Imereti, who were redeemed asked for permit to prevent settling of O. in
by the Kings (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli his estate. King ordered the O. to leave the
1744-62; Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744- estate to Machabeli (MGL VII, 99-100). In
62) (P.O. 112). Lord of Kakhetians (Erekle 1778, Tevdore Vardzielashvili, who shel-
II) set out from Ananuri and arrived to O. tered in Karbi, in Cheltias estate, wrote
The Ossetians met him and the battle start- to Erekle II that Gogia, the nephew of this
ed. They drove the Ossetians into their tow- Cheltia sold the O.s as captives. The owners
ers, sieged them, attacked and took over of these O.s attacked Tevdore and ravaged
(P.O. 113). Young King Erekle, in the battle his place. Erekle II ordered sakhltukhutsesi,
against Ossetians fought with a great cour- Georgia, to protect the claimants from the
age, like 15 years-old Vakhtang Gorgasali, O.s (MGL VII, 397-98). Monk Gelikashvili
in battle in O. (P.O. 113). Kings (Teimuraz wrote to Erekle II that he and his compan-
II and Erekle II) sent the messengers to Cir- ions were captured on their way to Dzaghina
cassia, O. and other mountain countries and by O.s and later they were sold. He was res-
ordered them to send the troops for the cam- cued by Karaji the Ossetian for 9 tumans and
paign against Yerevan (P.O. 183). Troops of brought him back but he settled in his home
O. arrived to the City (Tbilisi), from where and demanded his money back as he was
King Teimuraz sent them to his son Erekle. sold by Machabeli and he claimed for justice
Ossetian troops joined Erekle in Bambak (MGL VII, 438). Shio Begiashvili wrote to
(P.O. 184). King Erekle (Erekle II), on his Iulon Batonishvili that the O.s killed his only
way to Circassia, met the O. troops before son, who had left three orphans, he was blind
he met the Circassians (P.O. 199). In 1810, and he asked for exemption from taxes until
Leon, son of Iulon (son of Erekle II, King the orphans grew up (MGL VII, 753). Iese
of Kartl-Kakheti) could not stay in O. any Msajuli wrote that someone Farmuza and his
more and left for Akhaltsikhe (T.B. 77). In Ossetian serf stole his 3 horses, weapons, the

gun and nabadi. That Ossetian serf was cap- in the vicinity of Kiziki. As O. Kh. intended
tured by someone Jachisshvili Elizbar and to attack Sighnaghi, King Erekle fortied in
took away a horse from him (MGL VII, 541). Sighnaghi, with the Georgian and Russian
troops. When O. Kh. learnt about this, he
T. Koridze
escaped at night, together with his troops.
He passed Dedoplistskaro and crossed Iori
(O. Kh. 100). O. Kh. crossed Kura River,
OMAR-KHAN an Avarian, ruler of
came to Akhtala, took over Akhtala Fortress,
Avaria (Khundzakh) Khanate (1774-1801).
ravaged Madnebi, captured the Georgians,
In the period of his rule, the Khanate of Ava-
Greeks and Armenians in Akhtala and from
ria expanded its territory via subordination
there he headed to Alhaltsikhe, where Sulei-
of the free communities. Tribute-payers of
man Pasha met him with great honors (O.
Omar-Khan were the Khans of Daruband,
Kh. 100). O. Kh. attacked Saabashio, where
Kuban, Shaki, Baku and Shirvan, as well
his guides were the men of Suleiman Pasha.
as Pasha of Akhaltsikhe, the vassal of Tur-
He took over the Fortress of Vakhani and
key. In 1800, his campaign against Kakheti
captivated all who was in the fortress, as
turned out to be the last one. In the battle at
well as the family of Prince Abashidze. He
Iori River he was defeated and he retreated
returned to Akhaltsikhe again, spent winter
to Chari (eastern part of Kakheti). Here, in
there and in the late autumn of the next year
the settlement of Belakan he fell ill and de-
left the Pashate (O. Kh. 100; T.B. 59) **. O.
ceased. O. Khan was mentioned in: Oman
Kh. freed some relatives of Abashidze by the
Kherkheulidze Reign of Irakli II (1989);
request of Suleiman Pasha (O. Kh. 100). O.
Teimuraz Bagrationi New History (1983);
Kh. took with him two unmarried daughters
Bagrat Batonishvili Akhali Motkhroba
of Abashidze, Maia and Elene. He married
(New Story), (1941).
to the younger one and Khan of Shusha,
Omar-Khan was the Khan of Avaria
Ibreim married the elder sister (O. Kh. 101).
and ruler of Khundzakh (O. Kh. 55). O.Kh.
O. Kh., son of Mutsal with 20.000 troops of
was son of Nursal-Beg (T.B. 59). Introduc-
Dagestan set out to Georgia and encamped
tion of the task forces by Erekle and Teimu-
on Alazani River bank. King Erekle, with
raz scared the Lezghins and by this reason
his troops and two Russian battalions com-
their conciliation took place with the rst
manded by Stefan Danielovich Breshov,
chiefs of Dagestan and Omar Khan among
encamped in Kiziki.O. Kh. crossed Alazani.
them, to whom Teimuraz and Erekle as-
The King (Erekle II) desired to ght with
signed the remuneration (O. Kh. 68-69)*.
him but Ivane Nazir prevented this. O. Kh.
Suleiman, Pasha of Akhaltsike, provoked
headed to Iediboluk, crossed Kura River at
the Lezghins to ravage Kartli and made se-
Karaia, approached Aghjakala but he could
cret communication with O. Kh., in Dages-
not take over it. He set out from Borchalo
tan (O. Kh. 98). O. Kh. mobilized the entire
and approached Vertskhlis Madani, con-
army of Dagestan, arrived to Chari, mobi-
quered it and killed and captured numerous
lized the Charians, 20.000 Lezghins as well,
Greeks living there. From there he attacked
crossed Alazani River and arrived to Urdo,

Lore, but he failed to take it over and moved (about 10.000 men) were defeated, they suf-
to Akhaltsikhe and from there to Vakhan. fered great losses and retreated defamed.
In 20 days he took over the Vakhan Fortress. They crossed Iori and attacked Ganja and
He captured daughters of Evgen Abashidze, they were defeated again (T.B. 67). O.Kh.
returned to Akhaltsikhe and spent winter arrived to Chari with 12 thousand troops. Al-
there. In spring he arrived to Ibreim Khan. exander (son of Erekle II) came to him and
He gave one of the Abashidzes daughters to took him with his troops for the purpose of
him as a wife and he got married to the other. taking over of Tbilisi and elimination of his
He conciliated with King Erekle and the lat- brother (George XII, King of Kartl-Kakheti
ter awarded him the remuneration in amount 1798-1800) and promised to give him the
of 500 Tumans per year (B.B. 59-60). war spoils and captives. O.Kh. crossed Ala-
O. Kh. could not dare to attack Kartli as zani. King George sent hi sons Bagrat, with
he was afraid to meet with King Erekle and Kakhetian mounted troops and Ioane with 2
therefore, he moved to Karabakh through battalions of Russian army. They encamped
mountains, via Yerevan Mountains, where in Dzveli Anaga (village in Kakheti) and
he was met by Ibreim, Khan of Shusha and O.Kh. encamped in Karaghaj, nearby. Geor-
allowed to encamp there with his troops gians desired to ght at that place but O.Kh.
(O.Kh. 100). Khan of Shusha, Ibreim was moved on and for the purpose of conquer-
the friend of O. Kh. (O. Kh. 101). Ibreim ing of Sagarejo and surrounding villages he
Khan informed O.Kh. that King Erekle in- moved by the back road. He desired to make
tended to arrange campaign against him and Sagarejo his camp and attack the villages
asked for support. When O. Kh. learnt about from there. Sons of the Kings, together with
this, together with great army of Dagestan he Georgian and Russian troops followed him
moved to Chari intending to attack Kiziki. and fought with him at Iori River, the place
(O. Kh. P. 101). When O. Kh. learnt about called Niakhura. In three-hour battle O. Kh.
arrival of King Erekle to Kiziki, he could was defeated. There were 500 Russians and
not dare to attack, withdrew his troops and 1500 Georgians. This battle took place on 7th
moved to Shamakhia (O. Kh. 101-102). O. November, Wednesday evening. The day of
Kh. passed Gogcha and ravaged Shamkori Archangels Michael and Gabriel was com-
(T.B. 59). In 1797 O. Kh. burnt Velistsikhe, ing. At night the Lezghins left that places
Mukuzani and moved to Shak (T.B. 66). By and defeated O.Kh. came to Ganja, where
Ibreim Khans instigation O.Kh. invaded Javat Khan fought with him and defeated.
into Kakheti again and encamped on Ala- From there he came to Karabakh, to Ibreim
zani side. Alexander, son of the King (Er- Khan but the latter did not accept him. O.Kh.
ekle II) came to him, as he was disobedient to retreated to Chari and there he died because
the King (George XII, King of Kartl-Kakheti of grief. The messenger was sent to the King
1798-1800). In the battle at Niakhura, where (George XII) to inform him about this. The
they confronted with the sons of King Emperor (Pavel I, Emperor of Russia 1796-
Ioane and Bagrat, with Kakheti mounted 1801) awarded to Ioane and Bagrat, sons of
troops and 600 Russians, the Lezghins the King for defeating of O. Kh. with the

Malta orders of St. John the Baptist, he also inscription states: the dispute was caused by
awarded Russian generals and other ofcers increase of the fees for the administration
and granted to them the banners with the in- of sacrament (wedding, baptism, ministra-
scriptions For defeating of Omar Khan of tion of Holy Communion). Sometimes dis-
Avaria (B.B.73-75). In 1800 King George satised parishioners did not even attend the
(George XII) ordered to mint the icon of St. divine service. Catholicos Epiphanius de-
George called Bochorma, by the power of nounced the actions of the priests of A. and
which O. Kh. was defeated (B.B. 74) the ally reduced the amounts of charges. Judgement
of Alexander, son of the king. In Septem- by Epiphanius was approved by Grigol, the
ber (1812), at Kvareli, in the battle against Armenian Bishop and Vahram, Emir of Ani.
Colonel Tikhanovski, there was Ali Skant,
G. Otkhmezuri
relative of O. Kh., participating with 3000
Lezghins in this successful battle (T. B. 85).

* Some anachronism takes place in the text. Erekle PRIEST SAHAK his ethnical ori-
II founded the duty forces in 1774, after decease of gin and exact period of his activities are un-
Teimuraz II (1762).
known. Supposedly he was Armenian. Chal-
** According to Teimuraz Bagrationis information
this occurred in 1785. cedonite Priest S. was mentioned in: Mar-
tyrdom of David and Tirichan (MAGHL, I,
T. Koridze
When after martyr death of David
PRIESTS OF ANI were mentioned and Tirichan Nerses the Catholicos of Ar-
in: judgement of 1218, by Epiphanius, Ca- menians went to Divri, the place of torture
tholicos Patriarch of Georgia (1210-20), (I. of Tirichan, he took with him S. with two
Ya. Marr, Inscription by Epiphanius, Ca- priests Grigol and Iovan (Martyrdom of
tholicos of Georgia, Gazette of the Academy David and Tirichan, 191).
of Science, 1910). Judgment was made on T. Koridze
dispute between Orthodox Christian popula-
tion of Ani and the P.A. The inscription is
made in Georgian Asomtavruli alphabet on PRIEST IOVAN his ethnical origin
the facade of Ani Church. The inscription and exact period of his activities are un-
conrms one more time that the territory known. Supposedly he was Armenian Chal-
of former Armenian Kingdom of Ani (was cedonite. Priest I was mentioned in: Mar-
eliminated by Byzantium in 1045. King Da- tyrdom of David and Tirichan (MAGHL, I,
vid IV the Builder (1089-1125) annexed it to 1963).
Georgia in 1124), at a time of making of the When after martyr death of David and
inscription (1218) was within the territory of Tirichan Nerses, the Catholicos of Arme-
Georgia and the Armenian Orthodox church- nians (Nerses III, 641-661) went to Divr, the
es, according to the hierarchy, were subor- place of martyrdom of Tirichan, he took I.
dinated to the Patriarchy of Georgia. The with him, together with two other priests

Sahak and Gregory (martyrdom of David father of R. and Movakan populations ...
and Tirichan, 191). (L.M. 5). King of Khazars**, after campaign
in Caucasus, gave to his nephew Rani
T. Koridze
and Movakan (L.M. 12). Coronation of
Aderk, King of Kartli (approx. 2nd century
B.C.) was attended by the Armenians and
RAJABA chief of Lezghins (2nd half
Persians of Rani (L.M. 35). When King
of 18th century). R. was mentioned in: the
of Persia Kasre*** accepted the offer of
document of 23rd February, 1774 issued by
Georgians and married his son Mihran (Mir-
Erekle II (King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98),
ian, King of Kartli, 1st half of the 4th cen-
(Documents Issued by Erekle II, 1736-1797;
tury) with the daughter of Asfagur, King of
2008). The document states that Solomon
Georgians, he arranged Mirians residence
I, King of Imereti (1752-84) captivated R.,
at Mtskheta and transferred to him: R., Mo-
the chief of Lezghins (the Lezghins attacked
vakan, Hereti (L.M. 64, 65, 67, 70; V. B. 71).
Imereti and ravaged it) and sent him, accom-
Feroz, son in law of King Mirian, to whom
panied with the guards to Erekle (p. 97. F.
Mirian gave Rani up to Bardav was not
1461, notebook 12, Doc. #97).
baptized. St. Nino went to Rani to convert
K. Nadiradze Feroz to Christianity (L.M. 117, 126, V.B.
93). Bakar, son of Mirian (King of Kartli in
the 40-60-ies of the 4th century) exchanged
RANI (ARAN) destination of the with his brother in law, Feroz, the land Rani
territory of Caucasian Albania* changed in up to Bardav given to the latter by Mirian,
Arabian manner (Ar-Ran). According to the instead of the territory from Samshvilde to
medieval sources (from 9th century), Aran the Abotsi (Georgian historical territory to
included the territory of interuve between the south from Javakheti), (L.M. 130-131).
Kura and Arax rivers (currently the Mili val- Bakar built the churches in R. (L.M. 131).
ley) with the cities: Barda (center), Ganja, Ruler of Iran asked R. and Movakan from
Belakan (Paitakaran). From Aran originates King of Kartli, Varaz-Bakar (70-80-ies of
the dynastic title of local rulers Aranshah. the 4th century), as, these territories were
R. was mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life on the border of Iran, as he said. Here lived
of Georgian Kings and Conversion of the children of the Kings of Persia. Be-
Kartli by Nino, Juansher Life of Vakhtang cause of fear Varaz-Bakar could not object
Gorgasali, Matiane (Chronicles) of Kar- and gave up R. (L.M. 136, V.B. 96). King
tli, Life of David King of Kings (K. Ts. I, of Kartli, Archil, son of Mirdat (20-30-ies
1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description of the 5th century) declared about enmity
of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973). of Persians. Then the Eristavi of Persians,
R. is Karabakh (V.B. 205, 269, 632). who was the Eristavi (Pitiakhsh) of R. and
Timur Lang (Tamerlane, ruler of Central Movakan, set out against Archil. Archil met
Asia 1370-1405) came to Rani now called the enemies at the border of Kartli, at Ber-
Karabakh (V.B. 269). Targamos was the duji River (Dzegamchai River, currently in

Azerbaijan) fought with him, defeated and the giant of Khazars, who broke his head
entered into R., ravaged it and returned and killed (V.B. 102-103). Vakhtang Gor-
home with the victory (J. 140). Later Ar- gasali fought against Greece (Byzantium)
chil ravaged R. and Movakan many times by the order of the Shah of Persia. In this
and Eristavi of R. could not resist him (V.B. war, Varaz-Bakur, Eristavi of R., his uncle
98, 99). Mirdat, son of Archil, King of Kar- assisted him with the 200.000 troops of R.
tli (30-50-ies of the 5th century) intensied and Adarbadagan. At Perozha-Kafa fortress
the ght against Persia and he ravaged F. (supposedly at the border between Georgia
and Movakan many times. As the Persians and Armenia), which was built by Eristavi
were engaged in wars in India, they could Feroz (son in law of King Mirian), the Ar-
not send the troops against Mirdat (J. 141, menians joined Vakhtangs troops (J. 159).
V.B. 98). At that time, Eristavi of Rani was Varsken Pitiakhsh (Pitiakhshs of Kvemo
Barzabod. Though he fortied the fortress- Kartli were appointed by the Shah of Iran.
es, yet he was not able to resist Georgians. 60-80-ies of the 5th century) was appointed
Barzabod had a beautiful daughter Sag- by Shah of Iran as Eristavi of R. (J. 216; V.B.
dukht. When Mirdat learnt about her beauty, 118). After decease of Varsken Pitiakhsh the
he sought her hand in marriage. Eristavi of King of Persia (Peroz, Shah of Persia 459-
R. was very glad to this (J. 142, V.B. 99). 84) sent Darel as Eristavi of R. and Movakan
After decease of Mirdat, Sagdukht submit- and ordered him to maintain good relations
ted to her father, Eristavi of R. Barzabod, to with Georgians (J. 216-217). King of Per-
the city of Bardav and asked to enthrone her sia, Urmizd (Shah of Iran, Hormizd IV 579-
minor child, Vakhtang (Vakhtang Gorgasali, 90) transferred to his son, Kasre Ambarvez
King of Kartli from 40-ies of the 5th century (Shah of Iran, Khosro Parviz 591-628, he
to the end of 5th c.) in Kartli. (Eristavis of left Rani in 570-ies) Rani and Movakan for
Rani, the Pitiakhshs were the representa- governance (J. 217; V.B. 118). Caesar Hera-
tives of the power of Iran in Transcaucasia). clius (Emp. of Byz. 610-41) passed the way
Barzabod gave his consent (J. 144). The of R. and entered Kartli second (628) time (J.
Ossetians attacked Kartli and together with 231). In result of attack of Murvan the Deaf
the others they captivated the three-year-old (Marvan II, ibn Mohammed, the last Om-
sister of King Vakhtang, passed Rani and nide Khalif, 744-50) the countries of Kar-
Movakan and returned by the road of Daru- tli, Armenia and Rani were devastated (J.
band (J. 146). When Vakhtang achieved age 239; V.B. 124). Emir of Tbilisi, Humed, son
of fteen, he decided to arrange campaign of Khalil, easily conquered all countries:
against Ossetia and asked his uncle, Varaz- Armenia, Kartli, Rani (M.K. 257). Bagrat
Bakur, Eristavi of R. for assistance. Varaz- (Bagrat III, King of Georgia 975-1014) rav-
Bakur readily sent to him 12.000 horse- aged R. (M. K. 280). Bagrat (Bagrat IV, King
men, as the Ossetians used to ravage Rani of Georgia 1027-72) married off his niece to
as well (J. 150). Parsman Farukh, giant of the Sultan, King of Persia, who, in three
Rani, who was in the army of Vakhtang Gor- years, passed R. and entered Hereti in se-
gasali, was challenged to a duel by Tarkhan, crecy (M.K. 308; V.B. 150). Bagrat arranged

campaign against Fadlon (Fadl ibn Shavur RAVMALA Emir of Kars (Kari) (30-
II, 1067-73). Emir of Gandza, entered Rani ies of 18th century). R. was mentioned in the
and ravaged it (V.B. 145). David (David IV, constructors inscription on tower of Karsi
King of Georgia 1089-1125), killed 4.000 Fortress of 1238 (V. Silogava, One Georgian
riders (1124) of Aghsunghul (Ak-Sonkur-i Inscription on Karsi Fortress, Gazette, His-
Akhmadil), Atabag of R., when he was on tory #1, 1980). The inscription states that
his way to Sultan (Muhammad ibn Muham- in 1238, in the period of reign of Rusudan
mad, ruler of Iran Sultanate, 1117-31) forti- (Qeen of Georgia 1223-45), on sixteenth
ed in the city of Shamakhia, to assist him, year of her rule, R., Emir of Karsi built the
(L.D. 344, V.B. 161). George the Russian tower. Inscription demonstrates that irre-
(Yuri Bogolyubsky, rst husband of Queen spective of Mongol rule, by 1238, Kari is
Tamar (1184-1207/10)) took over the coun- still within Georgia and it is governed by
try of R. (V.B. 181). To celebrate birth of La- the Qeen of Georgia through the ofcial
sha George, (King of Georgia 1207/10-23), assigned by him Emir. The same is con-
(1193) Georgians ravaged R. and conquered rmed by the Armenian inscriptions of Karsi
the city of Barda (V.B. 179). Noin, which Fortress (V.S. 161-174).
G. Otkhmezuri
conquered Adarbadagan, conquered R. as
well (supposedly Chormaghan Noin is im-
plied, who fought against Albanian countries
from 1235), (V.B. 258). George (George V, RIZA-QULI BEG brother of Shaver-
King of Georgia 1318-46) entered R. and di, Khan of Ganja (2nd half of 17th century).
imposed tribute (V.B. 256, 259, 260). Alex- R.Q. Beg was mentioned in: Papuna Orbeli-
ander (Alexander I, King of Georgia 1412- ani Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Geor-
42) made R. and Movakan his tribute payers gia), (1981), Teimuraz Bagrationi New
(V.B. 280). R. and Shirvan paid tribute to History (1983).
George (George VIII, King of Georgia 1446- Shaverd, Khan of Ganja sent his broth-
66), (V.B. 283). er, R.Q. Beg, to Kartli, to Teimuraz II (King
of Kartli 1744-62) and Erekle II (King of
* Caucasian Albania, of the oldest states in the east- Kakheti 1744-62, King of Kartli 1762-98)
ern Caucasus included the territories of the Republic of and asked for assistance against Fana-Khan
Azerbaijan and the southern part of Dagestan.
(Khan of Karabakh 1747-62) (P.O. 165).
** In this period, mentioning of the Khazars in Geor-
gian written sources is the anachronism. Khazars cre- Teimuraz and Erekle took over the country
ated their communities in North Caucasus only in the of Azerbaijan. Shaverdi Khan sent to them
middle of 7th century A.D (See article Khazars)
*** Kasre Anushirvan Sassanid (creator of Sassanid ten thousand Tumans via R.Q. Beg (P.O.
dynasty Ardashan I, Period of his reign: 226-41) in the 171). R.Q. Beg was the uncle of Mahmad-
scientic literature, his mentioning in the source is re-
Asan-Khan, Khan of Ganja. The former was
garded as anachronism.
Karim-Khans (Karim Khan Zendi, ruler of
K. Nadiradze Iran 1753-79) hostage in Persia. When R.Q.
Beg returned to his country, his nephew did
not let him into Ganja. Erekle II wrote the
letter to Mahmad-Asan-Khan and called for

peace between them. He did not accept this, tashvili Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba (K.Ts.
invited his uncle, R.Q. Beg and blinded him II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Descrip-
(T.B. 56). tion of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV,
1973); Sekhnia Chkheidze Life of Kings
E. Kvachantiradze
(1913); Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kar-
tlisani (Stories of Kartli) (1981); Oman
Kherkheulidze Reign of Irakli II (1989);
RUSUDAN daughter of Circassian
Teimuraz Bagrationi New History (1983);
nobleman. R. was mentioned in: Vakhushti
Historical Documents (MGL II, 1965; III
Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
1970; VII 1981; VIII 1985; Historical Docu-
Georgia (K. Ts. 1973).
ments of Imereti Kingdom and Samtavros of
According to Vakhushtis information,
Guria-Odishi (1466-1700), I, 1958).
George (George XI, King of Kartli 1678-88,
O. are of pleasant appearance, with
1703-09) brought the daughter of Circas-
black eyes and eyebrows, slender, mostly
sian noblemen to marry her with his son,
women, stupid, ill-bred, free and proud in
but married her off to Vakhtang, his nephew,
their countries and modest and cleverly
took them to Kharagauli and arranged mod-
speaking in other places, thieves and liars,
est wedding feast (V.B. 474). In the other
grasping and greedy, libertine, sellers of the
case Vakhushti names R. as a wife of George
captives (V.B. 637). In the past the O. were
XI (V.B. 815).
Christians and were in parish of Nikozeli
E. Kvachantiradze (Bishop of Nikozi, Kartli), currently they
are only called Christians, the noblemen are
Muslims and the peasants are Christians,
OSSETIAN//OVSI residents of Os- though they are uneducated in both religions
setia, population of central part of Caucasus (V.B. 638) (see about customs, traditions, re-
Mountains, originated in result of joining of ligion, activities and cloths in V.B. 637-341).
the nomad tribes (Scythians Sarmatians - Georgians asked the O. for assistance
Alans) of Iranian origin, who settled in the against Persians dominating in Kartli and
north of Caucasus in various historical pe- brought them to Kartli. O. killed the Eristavi
riods and local Caucasian tribes. Ossetian of Persians, in addition, they eradicated all
language is of Iranian group of the family of Persians in Kartli and freed Georgians from
Indo-European languages. them (L.M. 13-14). Georgians asked for
Ossetians/Ovsi were mentioned in: assistance of the O.s and Lezghins in the
Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings; ght against Azo (according to Kartlis Tsk-
Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali; hovreba, the commander of Alexander the
Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli, Life of Macedonian, who conquered Kartli, turn of
King of Kings David; Historian of the Peri- 4th and 3rd centuries B.C.). They were glad as
od of Reign of Lasha-Giorgi (K.Ts. I, 1955); they did not want to pay tribute to Azo and
Histories and Chronicles of the Crowned joined Georgians. Parnavaz (King of Kartli,
Monarchs, Zhamtaaghmtsereli, Beri Egna- 4th-3rd centuries BC) mobilized Georgian

militaries, called Kuji (ruler of Egrisi) and (Artavaz and Tigran) arrived to Kartli with
O.s and defeated the Greeks at the ruined the Armenian troops, they sent the envoys to
city in Artaani, which was called the City of one another and concluded armistice. After
Devils at that time (L.M. 23). King Saurmag this Georgians, Armenians and O.s made
(King of Kartli, 3rd century BC) mobilized friends and fought with the enemies jointly
the troops of Dzurdzuks and O.s and took (L.M. 48-49; V.B. 65). At a time of reign of
over Kartli again (V.B. 58). To the east from Amazasp (King of Kartli, middle of 3rd cen-
Aragvi there is Darialli, built by King Mir- tury) great army of O.s passed via Dvaleti,
van (Mirian I., King of Kartli, 22nd century encamped at Liakhvi (river in Kartli) and
BC), which he turned into the fortress to pro- had a rest for eight days. They did not ravage
tect from the Khazars and O.s, to prevent by- the territory, as their purpose was Mtskheta
passing. Below it, there are the ruins of royal (L.M. 55). The O. came to Mukhrani, to
palaces to make the invaders to Ossetia stay the north from the City (Mtskheta) (L.M.
there and settle (V.B. 358). Sumbat (Spaspet 55); In single combat Amazasp killed 15
of the Armenians, tutor of King Artashan I, distinguished giants. His warriors killed
160-150 BC) killed in battle numerous O.s numerous O. giants and caused great harm
and Lezghins and only small part of them es- to the O. (L.M. 56). Amazasp killed the O.
caped death. For the purpose of revenge over Khuankhua (see article Khuankhua). Ama-
the Armenians the O.s moved to Kartli, be- zasp attacked the O., killed the King of the
came their friends, unied with them and al- O. and eliminated their camp. In the next
ways fought with the Armenians (L.M. 47). year Amazasp invaded into Ossetia, rav-
Artashan, King of Armenians (160-150 BC) aged it and returned with the victory (L.M.
and Sumbat Bivritian, his Spaspet set out to 56-57). When Armenians called the O. to
Kartli, encamped at Mtskheta and fought for ght against Amazasp, they agreed gladly, as
ve months. Georgians were supported by Amazasp was their deadly enemy. In the last
the O.s but yet it was hard for them and they battle against Amazasp, where he was killed,
asked for peace. King of Armenians agreed, the O. were allies of Armenians (L.M. 57;
concluded armistice with Georgians and O.s V.B. 68). Ally of Kosaro, King of Armenians
and left (L.M. 48). Georgians and O.s took (King of Armenia Khosro II, 217-238) in his
advantage of the fact that the Armenians ght against Persians was Asphagur, King
fought with the Persians and Greeks and at- of Georgians^, who opened the gate of Cau-
tacked them. Artashan, King of Armenians, casus and led O., Lezghins and Khazars**.
mobilized the army, assigned Zaren, his son They came to King Kosaro, to ght against
as a commander and sent to ght against Persians (L.M. 59; V.B. 70). In the period of
Georgians. Georgians and O.s met them in reign of Mirian (King of Kartli, 1st half of 4th
javakheti, where they defeated Zaren and century) the O., Perosh and Kavtia and rav-
captured him. O.s wanted to kill Zaren to aged Kartli, Then Mirian attacked Ossetia,
revenge for their Kings but Georgians did invaded into it and conquered it up to Khaza-
not let them to do this. When Sumbat Bivri- reti** (L.M. 68; V.B. 72).
tian and two sons of the King of Armenians When the King of Persians sent Eristavi

with the troops to impose tribute upon Ar- 562). Second spouse of King George
menia and Georgia, Armenians sent the en- (George I, King of Georgia 1014-27) was
voy to Varaz-Bakar (King of Kartli, 4th cen- daughter of the King of O.*** and she gave
tury, 70-80-ies) and asked to open the gates birth to a son named Demetre. Daughter of
of Caucasus, let the O. and Lezghins pass King of O., oppressed by King Bagrat
and resist the Persians (L.M. 136; V.B. 96). (Bagrat IV, King of Georgia 1027-72, elder
King Vakhtang (King of Kartli, 2nd half of 5th son of George I) and his mother lived for
century) convened the session of high of- some period in the Fortress of Anakopia
cials and called them for revenge over the O. (Abkhazia, western Georgia) with Demetre
(because if kidnapping of his minor sister, and later she left Georgia and asked for help
Mirandukht) (J. 148; V.B. 101). Juansher the from the King of Greeks (Caesar of Byzan-
Spaspet mentioned that they were in sorrow, tium), to whom the Fortress of Anakopia
because of the O., as young King (Vakhtang was transferred (C.K. 295). In the ght
Gorgasali) was unable to be the military and against Emir of Gandza, Fadlon (1063-72),
command the army (J. 149). Vakhtang killed Dorgholeli, King of Ossetians (see article
Bakatar, O. giant in single combat (see arti- Dorgholeli) was the ally of King Bagrat
cle Bakatar). Georgians (commanded by (Bagrat IV, King of Georgia 1027-72). King
Vakhtang Gorgasali) defeated the O., killed George (George III, King of Georgia, 1156-
and captivated many of them, captured most 84) could call any number of the O. and Kip-
escaped O. and exchanged them in Geor- chaks and they always came (Historian of
gians captured by the O. earlier (J. 156). Af- Lasha-Giorgi, 367). In the period of reign of
ter ravaging of Pachaniketi and Jiketi, Tamar (Queen of Georgia, 1184-1207/10)
Vakhtang Gorgasali approached Ossetia. the O., Kipchaks, Svanetians could not dare
Kings of O. scared by Georgians were to steal anything (H.L.G. 369). Sons of the
locked in the fortresses. They requested 30 Kings of O. sought Queen Tamars (1184-
thousand best Ossetian captives listed by 1207/10) hand in marriage; they were hand-
their names from Vakhtang in exchange for some and noble young men (H.Chr. 37).
his sister. Vakhtang gave them 30 thousand Young descendant of Ephraim, who are the
captives and took his sister and in addition, O. was brought up at home of Queen Rusu-
he exchanged O. captives in Georgian ones, dan (sister of George III) (see article David
who were captured for 6 years, he also took Soslan). The O. are strong and powerful in
the hostages from the O. and gave 30 thou- battle (H.Chr. 46). Mother of King Tamar
sand captives for them (J. 157; V.B. 104). was Burdukhan, daughter of King of O. (see
King Vakhtang awarded the warriors distin- article Burdukhan). By the order of Rusudan
guished with their courage and faithfulness (King of Georgia, 1223-45) the Gate of Dar-
in the war with the O. (J. 158). King of the iali was open to allow pass to O., Durdzuks
O., Urduru attacked King Kvirike (Kvirike and other mountain warriers for the purpose
III the Great, King of Kakhet-Hereti, 1014- of support in the ght against sultan (Jalal
37) (see article Urduru). King Kvirike ad-Din, Shah of Khorezm) (Zh. 165; V.B.
(Kvirike III) was killed by the O. slave (V.B. 204). King (David VII, King of Georgia

1247-70) got married with Altun, relative to ercely. Then Bakatar took away Dzami
Ossetians (see article Altun). Farejan, son of Fortress from Gamrekeli, son of Kakha and
the King of the O. supported reign of David because of this Beka (Mtavari of Samtskhe)
(David VIII< King of Georgia 1293-1311) fought with him. Defeated Bakatar locked in
(Zh. 294). At a time of Farejans being there, the fortress and Beka approached this for-
the O. started to ravage Kartli and kill peo- tress. The O. requested the promise not to
ple. They took over Gori. Georgians ap- harm them. AFter this Bakatar died (Zh.
proached Gori and made numerous attempts 317). King George (George VI, the Minor,
to take the city, many citizens were killed, King of Georgia 1311-1313) approached the
both the O. and Georgians and they burned O. encamped in Gori and fought with them
the city. When the situation of the O. became for three years (Monument of Eristavis, 350;
very hard, they sent the messenger to the Ta- Second T. 445). King (George V the Bril-
tars (Mongols) encamped at Mukhrani to ask liant) freed the fortresses and towns con-
for their assistance. They provided support quered by the O. in Kartli and further he rav-
and separated Georgians and the O. Because aged their country, punished the rebellious
of this between Georgians and the O. there and subdued them, made them his tribute
was enmity up to the period of reign of payers and brought peace to Kartli (V.B.
George the Brilliant (George V, King of 256). King Bagrat (Bagrat V, King of Geor-
Georgia 1314-46), who drove the O. away. gia 1360-93) captured by Tamerlane (high
(Zh. 294; V.B. 239). Farejan, the ruler of Os- commander of Central Asia, Emir 1370-
setians served to the King (David VIII) well 1405) promised him that if he gave him the
but the Georgians and the O. were the ene- army, Bagrat would go to his kingdom and
mies. Their enmity was so strong that they convert the mountain population the Mtiu-
used to kill one another. The O., Satkhisa lis, O., Dvalis, Svans and all other popula-
and Uzurbeg, who visited the City (Tbilisi) tion to Islam (First T. 330; Second T. 455).
for trade, on their way back, met Rati Sura- King Svimon (Svimon I, King of Kartli
meli, who was hunting with his small suite. 1556-1600) sent to shah, as contribution, the
The O. attacked them but Rati broke Sarkhes sons of Jews and O., King Rostom (King of
helmet and killed him and when Uzurbeg at- Kartli 1633-58) changed this rule and sent
tacked him, he cut Uzurbegs shoulder and the sons and daughters of Georgian peasants
threw down from his horse and after this and noblemen to Iran (First T. 425). In 1737,
Ratis serfs killed him as well. The O., who the O. of Eristavi of Ksani took over Ananuri
saw this, ran away (Zh. 297-98; V.B. 240). In Fortress, the monastery and Akhalgori
the battle in front of Tsikare between the (C.Ch. 51). In 1741, Imam Quli-Khan reset-
King (David VIII) and Tatars (Mongols) the tled the population to this side from Osse-
O. encamped in Gori were allies of the Ta- tia and entrusted them to Givi Amilakhvari
tars (Zh. 306). As David (David VIII) could (commander of Zemo Kartli Sadrosho), then
not resist Bakatar (ruler of the Ossetians), he he returned and ravaged that area. This in-
used to ravage Kartli, kill the people, though delity made the mountain O. angry, they
Ahmad of Surami and Rati fought with him closed the way to kizilbashs and drove them

away; they wounded the Khan, killed Papua Erekle set out to ght against Fana-Khan
Mukhranbatonishvili, the Nasakhchibash, (Khan of Karabakh // Shusha 1747-1763)
killed the Kizilbashs, arrived to Gori and encamped in Ganja (P.O. 165-66). In 1750
from Gori to Tbilisi (P.O. 48) The O. and the Kings defeated Fana-Khan, ravaged the
Circassians, who came to support Givi Ami- countries of Adribejan and returned to Tbili-
lakhvari, attacked Sabaratashvilo, ravaged si with the victory. The troops participating
the areas surrounding Birtvisi, Kumisi and in this battle, including the troops of O.,
the territory located higher and they became were awarded and returned to their countries
so impudent that they even permanently (P.O. 173). The Kings mobilized the troops
robbed the outskirts of the city (P.O. 70). of Kartli and Kakheti, O., of this and that
The O. started to ravage Zemo Kartli (P.O. side of Caucasus Mountains, Tushs and
100). The O. of Eristavi started to ravage Pshavians, Mokheves and Khevsurs and
Zemo Kartli. King Erekle (King of Kakheti troops of mountain peoples, who subordi-
1744-62, Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) assigned nated to Georgian Lord (Erekle II) and they
against them the Lezghins of Antsukhi, Tebe set out to Ganja, from where they planned to
and Kirakhi subordinated to him. They rav- defeat Aji-Chalab (Khan of Shak, 1743-55)
aged Ossetia and moved to Imereti (P.O. (P.O. 191). At the border of Kazakh and
110). Lord of Kakhetians (Erekle II) set out Shamshadil, in the battle between son of Aji-
from Ananuri to attack Ossetia. He assigned Chalab and Erekle, the enemies rushed into
Jimsher, Mouravi of Tushs as the command- the center of Georgian troops and drove
er of Eristavis troops and followed him. The away the troops of the O., ghting on the
O. met him and the battle started. Jimsher side of Georgians. After this, King Erekle at-
fought with fortitude and made the army to tacked with the entire power (P.O. 202). Af-
ght as well. Lord arrived too and they at- ter defeating of the Lezghins at Mchadijvari,
tacked the O. and drove them away, chased the Lezghin troops continued to ravage vari-
and drove them into the towers and sieged ous districts of Georgia. The troops of Cir-
them. Georgians took over 40 towers and cassians, Kalmukhs, Jiks, Kists, Ghlighvs,
burned them, captured Orus and killed him, Noghi and O., together with their command-
Young Erekle fought like 15-years old ers invited by the Kings (Teimuraz II and
Vakhtang Gorgasali (King of Kartli, 5th cen- Erekle II) for their support arrived to Anan-
tury), the ghter with the O. and defeater of uri. They were of various religions, some
their giants (P.O. 113). When the O. of Eri- Muslims, many of them were pagans ill-
stavi of Ksani learnt about defeat of the bred, eating strange food, some of them
Aragvi O., they immediately came to King handsome and some ugly, without hair and
Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli, 1744- beard, strange noses, good riders and archers
62), begged for mercy and paid full amount and smart (P.O. 219). Kings located in Dig-
of taxes (P.O. 114). The troops of Georgians, homi and at Vere Gorge the troops of Circas-
Circassians, O., Caucasians gathered in sians, Kalmukhs, Jik, Kists, Ghlighvs, Noghi
Tbilisi and on 10th February 1750, under and Ossetians invited to Georgia. When the
commandment of the Kings Teimuraz and Lezghins learnt about this, they retreat and

therefore, these troops staid there without Imereti 1789-1810) arrived to Imereti, he
any occupation. The commanders asked the was accompanied by Leon, son of Iulon,
Kings either to ght or to dismiss the troops who was the son of King (Erekle II, King of
and allow them to return to their countries. Kartl-Kakheti) and he sent him to Liakhvi
Kings ordered to return the troops to their via Racha to raise Ossetians against Rus-
countries, presented golden and silver weap- sians. He mobilized the Ossetians and ar-
ons and Lari (the treasury) and to the Osse- rived to the place in the vicinity of Tskhin-
tians, who had the deeds on remuneration, vali. When Akhverdov, Governor of Kartli
granted by Bagrationi, they resumed the re- learnt about this, he arrived to Tskhinvali
muneration payments, they paid good com- with Russian troops but he could not stand
pensation to all those troops and sent them to the battle with Ossetians and sheltered in
their countries. The commanders of these Tskhinvali Fortress. Then the Ossetians
troops promised the Kings that immediately burnt and ravaged the area of Tskhinvali and
upon their order they would come as their retreated (T.B. 77). George, son of Eristavi,
serfs and slaves and die for them at their ser- together with 300 Russians and about one
vice (P.O. 221). When the entire army of thousand Georgians sent by Ermolov (Alex-
Dagestan sieged Kvareli Fortress, Kings ey Ermolov, high ofcial of Georgia 1816-
sent to Circassia Ramaz Andronikashvili to 27) fought with the Ossetians at Mdovleti
request support and in result some troops of lake. Russian and Georgian army was de-
Circassians, Kalmukh and Ossetians came to feated. 140 Russians and up to 300 Geor-
support them (P.O. 228). After defeat of gians were killed. Ossetians gained their
Lezghins at Kvareli Fortress the Kings gave cannon, which was later redeemed from
Lari to the Ossetians and Circassians ght- them for 60 tumans (T.B. 88). According to
ing on their side (P.O. 232). Besarion, Ca- census 1770 of Kartl-Kakheti, there were
tholicos of Abkhazia (western Georgia) (Eri- Aragvi Ossetians: in Zakha, Truso, Chvrivi,
stavi 1742-69) mentions himself as the Patri- Khada and Ghude 1200 families, Ksani
arch of Ponto-Abkhazs, Ossetians and Dva- Ossetians 2.000 families and Ossetians of
lis, Likht-Amer, Racha-Odish-Guria and Machabeli 860 families (MGL II, 420). In
entire North, Elucidator and Educator (His- 1778, Tevdore Vardzielashvili, who shel-
torical Documents of Imereti Kingdom and tered in Karbi, in Cheltias estate, wrote to
Guria Odishi Samtavros I, 105-106; MGL Erekle II that Gogia, the nephew of this
III, 880). Chincol-Musa (Chief of Dagestan) Cheltia sold the O.s as captives. The owners
crossed Liakhvi (river in Shida Kartli) and of these O. attacked Tevdore and ravaged his
ravaged the Ossetians of Samachablo (O. place. Erekle II ordered Sakhltukhutsesi,
Kh. 76). Tormasov (Alexander Tormasov, Georgia, to protect the claimants from the O.
high ofcial of Georgia 1809-11) eliminated (MGL VII, 397-98). According to the decree
several innocent Ossetians on whom the Eri- of 1782, if the Christian man married off his
stavis squealed as they wanted to eliminate daughter to the Ossetian and become his
the Ossetians following their customs (T.B. relative in law, he would be punished strictly
75). When the King (Solomon I, King of and a man could get married with the Osse-

tian woman only if she was converted into 160). In 1795 Toma Meghvinetukhutsesish-
Christianity (MGK II, 451). In 1785 Zaza vili wrote to Erekle II that when Iulon (son
Machabeli applied to the King (Erekle II) of Erekle II) was in Ossetia, he ordered to
stating that as the O. were settling in Kartli, ruin all fortresses, which were to be ruined
by his (Kings) order, he asked for permit to (MGL VIII, 313). In 1795, the Revazishvilis,
prevent settling of O. in his estate. King or- serfs of Svetitskhoveli wrote that Ivane
dered the O. to leave the estate to Machabeli Kvaliashvili sent the O. to their old man and
(MGL VII, 99-100). In 1789 Ivane Koberid- they tortured him mercilessly (they hang
ze wrote to Erekle II that he was a man dam- him with the breasts and tore away the nails
aged by the O. and Lezghins and asked for on his feet) (MGL VIII, 317). In 1795 Datu-
donation (MGL VIII, 21). In 1792. In 1778, na Machabeli wrote that someone Bardzim
Tevdore Vardzielashvili, who sheltered in and Zaza captured his Ossetians (MGL VIII,
Karbi, in Cheltias estate, wrote to Erekle II 321). In 1795 Zaal Davitashvili wrote to An-
that Gogia, the nephew of this Cheltia sold ton II (Catholicos Eastern Georgia 1788-
the O.s as captives. The owners of these O.s 1811) that the indel O. caused to him great
attacked Tevdore and ravaged his place. Er- damages (MGL VIII, 337). In 1796 Gogia
ekle II ordered sakhltukhutsesi, Georgia, to Tsitsishvili wrote that his serf was captured
protect the claimants from the O.s (MGL in Nikozebi (village in Kartli) by Georgian
VII, 397-98). Monk Gelikashvili wrote to and O. and sold him for 14 bulls to the Mir-
Erekle II that he and his companions were zashvili Samouravo and he informed that
captured on their way to Dzaghina by O.s they intended to sell him one more time
and later they were sold. He was rescued by (MGL VIII, 363). In 1797 David Eliozash-
Karaji the Ossetian for 9 tumans and brought vili wrote to Queen Darejan that at a time of
him back but he settled in his home and de- Agha-Mahmad-Khan, when there were dis-
manded his money back - as he was sold by turbances, the servant with the O. troops at-
Machabeli and he claimed for justice (MGL tacked his relative, burned the church and
VII, 438). Shio Begiashvili wrote to Iulon took with him 500 kodis of wheat (MGL
Batonishvili that the O.s killed his only son, VIII, 447). In 1799 Kherkheulidze wrote to
who had left three orphans, he was blind and George XII (King of Kartl-Kakheti, 1798-
he asked for exemption from taxes until the 1800) that two O. residing in their village
orphans grew up (MGL VII, 753). Iese were sold by someone of Imereti, servant of
Msajuli wrote that someone Farmuza and his Davitashvili. For this, the O. were his ene-
Ossetian serf stole his 3 horses, weapons, the mies (MGL VIII, 555). In 1800 wife of Go-
gun and nabadi. That Ossetian serf was cap- gia Bitadze wrote to the King (George XII)
tured by someone Jachisshvili Elizbar and asking to make her children sold by Taktak-
took away a horse from him (MGL VII, ishvili his own serfs but not to allow their
541). Teimuraz Palavandishvili asked Erekle sale to the O. (MGL VIII, 629). In 1800
II to free his estate from the O. as the O. and Mroveli (Ruisi Bishop) wrote to George XII
people accompanying the O., settled in his that the Tavdebi Monastery of Godmother
estate were robbers and thieves (MGL VIII, emptied not because of bad times but rather

because of the O. (MGL VIII, 614-13). SAGDUKHT mother of Vakhtang
Monk Gelikashvili wrote to Erekle II that he Gorgasali (King of Kartli, second half of
and his companions were captured on their 5th century). S. was mentioned in: Juansh-
way to Dzaghina by O. and later they were er Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali (K. Ts. I,
sold. He was rescued by Karaji the Ossetian 1955).
for 9 tumans and brought him back but he S. was Barazbods (Iranian ofcial,
settled in his home and demanded his money Mirzapan of Kartli and Albania) daughter,
back as he was sold by Machabeli and he famous with her beauty. Mirdat (King of
claimed for justice (MGL VII, 438). Shio Kartli, 30-50-ies of the 5th century), son of
Begiashvili wrote to Iulon Batonishvili that Archil (King of Kartli, 20-30-ies of the 5th
the O. killed his only son, who had left three century) learnt about her beauty and asked
orphans, he was blind and he asked for ex- his father to merry him with her (J. 141). S.
emption from taxes until the orphans grew was brought to Mtskheta and the great wed-
up (MGL VII, 753). Iese Msajuli wrote that ding was arranged. Queen S. asked about
someone Farmuza and his Ossetian serf stole the Christian religion, the Gospel was trans-
his 3 horses, weapons, the gun and nabadi. lated for her. S. abandoned Zoroastrianism
That Ossetian serf was captured by someone and was baptized. She built Sioni Church at
Jachisshvili Elizbar and took away a horse Samshvilde. S. gave birth to two daughters
from him (MGL VII, 541). Khuarandze and Mirandukht and one son
Vakhtang (J. 142-3). After decease of her
T. Koridze
husband, scared of punishment from her fa-
* It is anachronism. To laud Mirian, the rst Christian ther because of her conversion and to prevent
King and declare that he was the son of Ardashir I, the
author shifted the periods of reign of Mirian and the enmity to her son, S. arrived to Bardavi, to
kings preceding him by several decades. her father. She begged him not to force her to
** Mentioning of Khazars in this period is anachro- leave Christianity and not to harm Vakhtang
nism (see article Khazars).
*** According to the data of Byzantine chronograph and in exchange Vakhtang would remain the
George Cedrene, name of spouse of King George, of citizen of Sassanid Iran. Barzabod forgave
Alan (Ossetian) nationality was Alde. She supported
his daughter and fullled all what she asked.
the Caesar of Byzantium and transferred to him the im-
pregnable Fortress of Anakopia and the king (Caesar) Queen S. returned to Kartli and ruled the
granted to her son the title of magistrates (Georgica, v. country with the power and assistance of her
V, Tb. 1963, p. 58).
father (J. 144-5).
E. Kvachantiradze
SABA father of Jibghu Khakan (de-
ceased in 590). Prince of Ashina Dynasty
of Western Turkic Khaganate . S. was men-
SAHAK (SHAHAK) Catholicos of
tioned in: Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gor-
the Armenians (387-438). According to the
gasali (K.Ts. I, 1955).
tradition, he was believed to be the grand
S., King of Turks was killed in the
child of grand child of Gregory the En-
campaign of Turks against Iran (J. 220).
lightener. He did not support the conspiracy
G. Otkhmezuri against Artashes III (423-28) the last Ar-

shakunian King dethroned by the order of to Kartli (Conversion, 105); King Mirian
the Shah of Iran in 428 and for this he was gave Ujarma, as the residence to Rev and his
also removed from the position of Patri- spouse S. U. (L.M. 71; V.B. 90). The faithful
arch and sent to Iran. The Kingdom of Ar- queen S. U., daughter of Trdat, the King of
shakids, as well as Patriarchy of the progeny Armenians, spouse of the son of King Mir-
of Gregory the Enlightener has terminated. ian described life of Saint Nino (L.M. 72)
The Chalcedonic sources regarded such end Saint Nino ordered to pass one cross to S.
as just outcome of their separation from the U., to erect it in the city of Ujarma (L.M.
Orthodox religion. S. Catholicos was men- 121). S. U. erected the cross in the city of
tioned in: Arsen of Sapara On the Division Ujarma (V. B. 90). Rev and S. U. came to
of Georgians and Armenians (1980). the settlement Bodi to see severely ill Saint
The vision of Saint S. who saw the Nino and informed the King and the queen
golden nucleus and inaphor on the holy al- about this (L.M. 126; V.B. 93). S. U. and
tar, as together with the end of reign of the Perozhavr of Sivni wrote down the life of
Arshakunians the priesthood of the progeny Saint Nino (L.M. 127; V.B. 93). King Bakar
of Saint Gregory ended as well (A.S. 83). S. // Bakur (337-357) together with the neph-
was the grand child of St, Gregory (Arsen ews and their mother, S.U. made the written
of Sapara implies Gregory the Enlightener oath (L.M. 131).
// Parthian) (A.S. 86). Armenian noblemen T. Koridze
and laics followed the religious leaders and
abandoned the laws established by St. S.
T. Koridze NIAPHOR Armenian of Dvin, gure of
the rst half of 4th century, Niaphor (teacher
of theology). S. B. was mentioned in: Con-
SALOME OF UJARMA (UJARME- version of Kartli (MAGHL I, 1963); Leonti
LI) daughter of Trdat III (298-330), King Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings (K.Ts. I,
of Armenia, spouse of Revi, the son of Mir- 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili, Description
ian, King of Kartli (280-337). S. U. was men- of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
tioned in: Conversion of Kartli (MAGHL Susana, mother of Saint Nino served
I, 1963); Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian to Niaphor S. B. in Jerusalem (Conversion,
Kings (K.Ts, I, 1955); Vakhushti Batonish- 107; L.M. 72; V. B. 73). Saint Nino served
vili Description of Kingdom of Georgia for two years to Armenian old woman from
(K.Ts. IV, 1973). Dvin. She told Saint Nino about crucifying
Constantine I the Great (324-337) made of Jesus Christ, martyrdoms, burial, rising,
the Kings of Georgia and Armenia, Mirian about signicance and shroud (Conversion,
and Trdat the relatives in law: son of Mir- 110). S.B. advised to Jubenal, Patriarch of
ian, Rev, got married with the daughter of Jerusalem to marry his sister Susana with
Trdat, S. U. (L.M. 70). S.U. asked severely Zabilon, enlightener of Branjs (L.M. 75-
ill Saint Nino to retell her how she arrived 76). S. B. informed Saint Nino about city

of Mtskheta, or location of the shroud of SENEKERIM Senekerim Artsrun,
Christ (L.M. 78-79); S.B asked the woman the last ruler of Vaspurakan Kingdom (990-
that arrived from Epheos about religion of 1021), S., oppressed by Seljuks transferred
Queen Ellen (LM., 79). Saint Nino asked his Kingdom to Byzantium in 1021 and he,
S. B. to send her to Queen Ellen (LM. 79). with his family, settled in Kapadokia. S. was
S.B. informed the Patriarch of Jerusalem mentioned in: Matiane (chronicles) of Kar-
about Saint Ninos desire to visit Queen El- tli (K. Ts. I, 1955).
len (mother of Constantine I, the Emperor of Mariam, mother of Bagrat (Bagrat IV,
Rome) (L.M. 79). Saint Nino learned some King of Georgia 1027-72) was daughter of
Armenian language from S.B. (L.M. 85). S. (M.K. 299).

T. Koridze E. Kvachantiradze

SARANG ALKHAZ commander SEVINJ King of Kipchaks (11th cen-

of Turk-Seljuks, ruler of Gandza (11th cen- tury). S. was mentioned in: Histories and
tury). S.A. was mentioned in: Matiane Chronicles of Crowned Monarchs (K.Ts. II,
(chronicles) of Kartli, Life of David King 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
of Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955). of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
Bagrat (Bagrat IV, King of Georgia, Queen Tamars (Queen of Georgia
1027-72) defeated and captivated Fadlon 1184-1207/10) future husband (Yuri Bo-
(Fadlon II, Fadl ibn Shavur, Emir of Gan- golybsky, ruler of Novgorod 1172-75) was
dza 1067-73). Alf-Arslan (Sultan of Seljuks exiled by his uncle Savalat (Vsevolod) from
his country and S., King of Kipchaks shel-
1063-72) sent S.A. as an envoy to Bagrat.
tered him (H.Chr. 36). In Shamkori battle
With his solicitation Bagrat sent Fadlon to
(1195) against Atabag of Azerbaijan, Abu-
Gandza. S.A. accompanied him (M.K. 312).
Bekr (Abu Bakr), Savalat, S.s brother was
Malik-Shah (Sultan of Seljuks 1072-92)
on the side of Georgians (H.Chr. 64). Then
conquered Gandza and assigned S.A. as its
Sevinch, brother of Kipchak King was invit-
ruler. S.A. fought against George (George II, ed to (Qeen) Tamar with great army (V.B.
King of Georgia 1072-89). In the battle at 182. V.B. thought that Sevinch was brother
Partskhisi (village in Kvemo Kartli) George of King of Kipchaks).
II defeated and drove away S.A. with the as-
K. Nadiradze
sistance of Aghsartan (Aghsartan I, King of
Heret-Kakheti 1058-84) and only evening
and darkness saved the troops of S.A. (M.K.
317; L.D. 318). SHABURAN city in the historical
Azerbaijan, at Caspian Sea. Sh. was men-
E. Kvachantiradze
tioned in: The Histories and Chronicles of
Crowned Monarchs, Zhamtaaghmtsereli
(K. Ts. II, 1959): Vakhushti Batonishvili
Description of Kingdom of Georgia (K.
Ts. IV, 1973).
George (George III, King of Georgia the part of Hereti, eastern region of Georgia.
1156-84) arranged campaign to support In the end of 14th century it was mentioned
Aghsartan (Shirvanshah 1149-1203), he as independent state. In 1551 Sh. was con-
took over the city of Sh. and returned it to quered by Iran. In 1743 (47) Shak (Nukhi)
him (H.Chr. 17; V.B. 169). Battle between Khanate was created with the leadership
David (David VII, King of Georgia 1249- of Aji-Chalab. In 1805 Russia annexed Sh.
70) and Berka Kaen (Kaen of Golden Horde and in 1813 nally conrmed this by the
1255-66) took place on Sh. eld. Georgians agreement of Gulistan. Sh. was mentioned
won (Zh. 249). in: Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali,
E. Kvachantiradze
Matiane (Chronicles) of Kartli, Life of
David King of Kings, historian of the pe-
riod of reign of Lasha-Giorgi, Sumbat Da-
SHAHANSHA ruler of Ani. Sh. ap- vitis-dze Tskhovreba da Utskeba Bagrato-
pears in the title of Georgian Kings from nianta (Life and Tale of the Bagratonians
12th century. It was mentioned in: the deeds (K. Ts. I, 1955); Beri Egnatashvili Akhali
of Georgian Kings (CGHD I, 1984; Chr. II, Kartlis Tskhovreba, Akhali Kartlis Tsk-
1897; ADP I, 1991). hovreba- the second and third Text (K.Ts.
In the historical sources Georgian II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Descrip-
Kings were titled as King of Abkhazians, tion of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV,
Georgians, Rans, Kakhs, Armenians, Shar- 1973); Parsadan Gorgijanidze The History
vansha and Sh. For the rst time Sh. ap- (1926); Sekhnia Chkheidze Life of the
peared in the title of George III (1156-1184) Kings (1913); Papuna Orbeliani Ambav-
(CGHD I, 11, 12) and later in the titles of ni Kartlisani (History of Georgia) (1981);
the other Kings of united Georgia (including Oman Kherkheulidze Reign of Erekle II
George VIII, 1446-1466), (CGHD. I, #14, (1989); Teimuraz Bagrationi New History
22, 23, 37, 39, 41,42; T.J. Chr. II, 241; ADP. (1983); Paris Chronicles (1980); Bagrat Ba-
I, 212-316); After decomposition of united tonishvili Akhali Motkhroba (New Story),
Georgian feudal monarchy (2nd half of 16th (1941); Eprem Mtsire Utskebai Mizezsa
century) Sh. were mostly the Kings of Kar- Kartvelta Moktsevisasa (Ephraim the small
tli and in some cases Kings of Kakheti and Taleon the Reason for Conversion of the
Imereti (ADP I, 212-359); though this was Georgians), (1959); historical documents
the tradition only, rather than reection of (MGL II, 1965; Chr. II, 1897, G.D.I.A.N.,
actual situation. 1967); Meskhuri Matiane (Mesketi
Chronicles), (1961).
G. Otkhmezuri King of Kartli, Vakhtang Gorgasali
(approx. from 40-ies of the 5th century to the
end of 5th c.) built the church in Mtskheta,
SHAK historical region in the terri- at Sveti Tskoveli and assigned Katholi-
tory of current north Azerbaijan. In the 3rd- cos as Patriarch, in addition, the sixth Ecu-
4th centuries, region of the Caucasian Alba- menical Council (7th century), at a time of
nia (see article Rani); from the 5th century,

reign of Emperor Constantine Poghonat sold in Sh. the silk. The Meskhetian quar-
(Emp. of Byz. 668-85), approved and since reled with the trader from Shaki. The trader
that time, Sh. is included into the Mtskhe- beat him. Then Meskhetian threatened him
ta Catholicate parish (Eprem Mtsire 45, with Atabag of Samtskhe, Kvarkvare. The
Deed of Mtskheta, issued in approx. 1638, trader of Shaki became angrier and beat the
Chr. II, 453, repeats this information) the Meskhetian trader severely and took away
same is conrmed by the deed issued by all his property and drove him away and
Sultan (Murad III or Mahmad III) in 1590 said: your Atabag can not fasten me to my
(..... Doc. #221). Archil, Erismta- shop for my behavior. The Meskhetian made
vari of Kartli (8th century) transferred Sh. for complaint to Atabag and then Atabag came
governance to the nephews of Adarnase the to Sh. with the troops, took everything from
Blind (Klarji Bagrationi), (J. 244). At a time the trader of Shaki and returned the property
of reign of Kvirike King of Kakhet-Hereti to the Meskhetian. Because of this occur-
(Kvirike III, 1014-37) Sh. was included into rence the disagreement arose between con-
the Macha administrative unit (Saeristavo). ciliated Constantine and Kvarkvare (V.B.
[Kvirike] assigned in Hereti the Eristavi 708-709). Asan-beg (Hasan-Sultan), owner
of Macha and allocated to him the territo- of Shak-Shirvan, as he was subordinate of
ry downwards from Machis Tskali (Atsimi Shah Ismail (Ismail I, Shah of Iran 1501-24)
River), including eastern Shaki (V.B. 561). and he had friendly relations with him, de-
In the army of George (George I, King of sired to occupy Kakheti. Then Levan (King
Georgia 1014-27), at a time of ght against of Kakheti 1518-74) desired to make peace
Basil (Emp. of Byz. 976-1025) in Trialeti with Asan-Beg, but the latter did not wish
(1021) there were the warriors of Shaki this. Then levan mobilized the army, set
(S.D. 383). When Timur Lang (Tamerlane), out against Asan-Beg, ravaged Sh., killed
(ruler of Central Asia 1370-1405) arrived to Asan-Beg and returned to Gremi with rich
Sh. the Lezghins, Shirvanians submitted to war spoils (B.E. 363, V.B. 403, 572), (sup-
him and worshiped him... At that time Timur posedly this happened shortly after decease
Langs captive was Bagrat (Bagrat V, King of Shah Ismail). After this, Davrish Mahmad
of Georgia 1360-93), (B.E. 329, Second T. (Devrish Muhammad), son of Asan-Beg
454). When Timur Lang learnt that Bagrat became the ruler of Sh. Mahmad apostated
and his son, George chrushed his army, he from Shah Tamaz (Shah of Iran, Tahmasp I,
enraged, mobilized the army, left Sh., ar- 1524-76) and became the enemy of King Le-
rived to Bardavi and in March 1387 invad- van. Shah-Tamaz sent Levan to punish him.
ed into Georgia (B.E. 330, Second T. 457). Levan Ravaged Sh., killed Davrish-Mahmad
At a time of reign of George (George VIII, and sent his head to the Shah (Third T., 505;
King of Georgia 1446-66, King of Kakheti V. B. 574). Though Shirvan obeyed to Shah-
1466-76), Sh. was within the composition of Tamaz, the Georgians periodically ravaged
Georgia (Second T. 476). At a time of reign it and the Shirvan population blamed the
of Constantine (Constantine II, King of Kar- Shakians for support to Georgians. There-
tli 1478-1505), the Meskhetian merchant fore, Shah-Tamaz stood at Sh. The Shaki

population escaped to Kakheti and asked as- against Shak-Shirvan (1578). Lala-Pasha
sistance from King Levan. Leaders of Shaki encamped the army in Sh. (Third T., 523;
fortied in Gelasan-Gorasn fortress. Shah- V.B. 578; P.G. 13, P.Chr. 52, Meskhuri Ma-
Tamaz approached the fortress. Sh.s owner tiane 50). In the period of reign of Imam-
had to escape at night. Master of Kakheti, Quli Khan (King of Kakheti David II, 1709-
Levan submitted to Shah with lavish gifts. 22), to provide assistance to Kakheti, in
He accepted the gifts and forgave Mas- hostilities against Chari, Shah sent Sultan,
ter Levan the occurrence with the Shaki. the ruler of Shirvan. When Sultan arrived
Sh.s leaders, who were captured, were to Sh., the Chari Lezghins attacked him and
sentenced to death and new master was as- killed (V.B. 498, 618). Shah-Abbas (Abbas
signed to Shak (P.G. 3-4: Shah-Tamaz rav- I, Shah of Iran 1587-1629) made Kakhe-
aged Shak V.B. 716). Shah-Tamaz was in ti, including Eliseni, Tsuketi, Shakikhisi
Sh., when Kaikhosro, Atabag of Samtskhe (Shak) his Khanate (V.B. 539). Ruler of
submitted to him, swore to be obedient to Karabakh, Fanah-Khan (1747-63) oppressed
him and lead him to Samtskhe. At that time, severely the Khans of Ganja-Nakhchevan.
there were the Ottomans. Tamaz took over They applied for assistance to Teimuraz
the fortresses and ruined them (P.G. 5, B.E. (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli, 1744-62) and
364). After conquering of Sh., Shah-Tamaz Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62,
decided to set out against Luarsab (Luarsab Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98). Father and son of-
I, King of Kartli 1527-56), (B.E. 364). Shah- fered Aji-Chalab, master of Shak-Shirvan
Tamaz became the relative in law of the Ata- (rst Khan of Shak, Hadji Cheleb Kurban
bag of Samtskhe. When Luarsab learnt about Oghlu, 1743-55) to participate in the cam-
this, he arranged campaign against Atabag; paign (1750), (P.O. 166). Fanah-Khan was
ravaged Samtskhe-Javakheti ... when Shah defeated. The winners sent the messenger to
was informed about the situation, he set out Shak-Shirvan (P.O. 170). Erekle and Teimu-
with the army to assist Atabag. He ravaged raz decided to arrange campaign against the
Sh. and entered Kartli (V.B. 404, P.G. 4-5). Lezghins of Char-Belakan. Aji-Chalab was
Svimon (Svimon I, King of Kartli 1556-69, the ally of the Kings. He betrayed them at a
1578-99/1600) defeated his own brother, time of battle and Georgians were defeated
Daud-Khan, who was assigned by Shah- (battle of 1751 at Agrichai), (P.O. 177-182;
Tamaz as the ruler of Tbilisi and Kvemo O.Kh. 53). In 1752, Agha-Kishi defeated Er-
Kartli, at Tabakhmela (outskirts of Tbilisi) ekle and Teimuraz. He returned home as a
and approached Tbilisi. Shah was notied winner, mobilized the army of Shak-Shirvan
about this situation and he called the Mus- and set out against the father and son in the
lims for help. He sent great army to Kartli same year. Georgians won (T.B. 49). Nursal-
and Shamkhil-Sultan, ruler of Sh. among beg, master of Khundzakh mobilized great
them (B.E. 368, Third T. 513). Alexander army of Lezghins, arrived to Shak-Shirvan
(Alexander II, King of Kakheti, 1574-1605), and from there, unexpectedly attacked Bod-
together with Lala-Pasha (Mustafa Lala be (place in Kakheti) and ravaged several
Pasha, commander of Ottomans) set out districts (T.B. 55). By 1789, Erekle, Fathali

- Khan of Daruband and Mahmad-Khan of Tamar, Zhamtaaghmtsereli (K.Ts. II,
Shaki decided to arrange campaign against 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
Ibreim, Khan of Karabakh, as Ibreim has of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973);
forgot all good done to him by King Erekle documents of the period of reign of Erekle
(T.B. 60). Erekles signature on the ofcial II (Historical Toponymics of Georgia, II,
deeds was as follows: ... Ruler of Shaki 2010).
(MGL II. 447, 457, 477). Agha-Mahmad- Bugha-Turk (Bugha al Kabir, the com-
Khan (ruler of Iran 1794; Shah 1796-1797) mander, 862), (854) moved three hundreds
offerer to Erekle to subordinate to him and of Khazar families via Daruband and settled
promised to give him Sh., Shirvan, Ganja them in Sh. (M.K. 265; V.B. 130). Bagrat
... and assign as the ruler of Azerbaijan. Er- (Bagrat III, King of Georgia 975-1014) ar-
ekle did not agree, as he had given the oath ranged campaign against Fadlon, Emir of
to Russians (treaty of 1783 between Rus- Ganja (Fadl ibn Muhammad Shadadian
sia and Georgia is implied) Georgians were 985-1031), ravaged the country of Ran, ap-
severely defeated (Krtsanisi battle 1795), proached the city of Sh., brought the cata-
(B.B. p. 65). In 1796, Russian General pults (throwing the boulders), broke the wall
Zubov occupied Shak-Shirvan ... (B.B. 67). of Sh. (1010). On the following day Bagrat
In Kartli, Shak-Shirvan... there was the fam- intended to enter into Sh., but Fadlon begged
ine and loaf of bread could be bought for one him for mercy (M.K. 280; V.B. 141). Geor-
tuman (B.B. 68). Marques (Philip Paulich, gian army, commanded by David Soslan,
High Ofcial of Georgia 1811-12) crossed attacked Bardavi, Arzrum, Sh... (H.Chr. 60,
Kura River, to view Sh., Shirvan, Daruband V.B. 180) Georgian army encamped (1195)
and Baku, as all these places were conquered at Sh. The enemys army was spread from
by Russians (T.B. 80). Sh. to Shoti and Vardashan mountains and to
K. Nadiradze
the gate of Ganja (H.Chr. 68, B.Ez. 126; V.B.
182). David Soslan crossed the water of Sh.
and started battle at the city gate and bridge
(H.Chr. 70). The Shamkorians submitted the
SHAMKOR city in the Republic of
keys of the city to David Soslan, asked for
Azerbaijan. In 7th century it was conquered
peace and promised to subordinate (H.Shr.
by Arabs, later it belonged to the Emirs of
70; B.Ez. 127; V.B. 183). When Georgian
Ganja. In 1235 it was ruined by Mongols;
army left, Bubakar (Abubekr, Atabag of Azer-
in 16th-17th centuries it was owned by Kizil-
baijan) conquered Ganja and approached Sh.
bashs, in 1803 it was annexed to Russia. In
(H.Chr. 76). Lasha-Giorgi (King of Georgia
certain period (13th century, 18th century)
1207/10-23) took over Sh. (1219), (H.L.G.
it was within Georgia. Sh. was mentioned
370). Jalal-ad-Din (ruler of Khorezm) took
in: Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli Histo-
over Sh. (1227) and surrounding lands,
rian of the period of reign of Lasha-Giorgi
which belonged to Varam of Gagi (Georgian
(K.Ts. I, 1955); Histories and Chronicles
nobleman), (Zh. 171-172). When Sulkhav,
of the Crowned Monarchs, Basili Ezos-
the chief of Lezghins (Surkhai-Khan) learnt
modzghvari Life of Queen of Queens

about arrival of Vakhtang (Vakhtang VI, SHARVANSHA ruler of Sharvan.
King of Kartli, 1716-24) to Sh. (1722), he Sh. appears in the title of Georgian Kings
left Ganja (V.B. 499). Teimuraz (Teimuraz from 12th century. It was mentioned in: the
II, King of Kartli 1744-62) and Erekle (Er- deeds of Georgian kings (CGHD I, 1984;
ekle II, King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Chr. II, 1897; ADP I, 1991).
Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) chased Agha-Kishi In the historical sources Georgian
(son of Aji-Cheleb Kurban Oglu) defeated Kings were titled as King of Abkhazians,
at Tulkitapa (at the border of Kazakh and Georgians, Rans, Kakhs, Armenians, Sh.
Shamshadilu) up to Sh. (1752) (T.B. 49). and Shahansha. For the rst time Sh. ap-
Omar-Khan (Khan of Avaria +1801) ended peared in the title of George III (1156-1184)
his campaign in Georgia by passing Gogcha (CGHD I, #11, 12) and later in the titles of
(lake in Armenia, same as Sevan), ravaged the other Kings of united Georgia (includ-
Sh. and left (T.B. 59). Mounted troops sent ing George VIII, 1446-1466), (CGHD. I,
by Erekle (1789) to Ganja encamped in Sh. #14, 22, 23, 37, 39, 41,42; Chr. II, 241; ADP.
They ravaged Chingil, displaced the Sham- I, 212-316); After decomposition of united
shadiloians, who moved to Ganja two years Georgian feudal monarchy (2nd half of 16th
earlier and took them to Sh. After this King century) Sh. were mostly the Kings of Kar-
Erekle arrived to Sh. Fathali Khan of Da- tli and in some cases Kings of Kakheti and
ruband (Fathali Khan, ruler of Qubi Khan- Imereti (ADP I, 212-359); though this was
ate (1758-89)) and Mahmad, Khan of Shak the tradition only, rather than reection of
agreed upon their campaign against Kara- actual situation.
bakh (T.B. 60). According to Erekles order G. Otkhmezuri
(1791) Georgians, Armenians, Ossetians
and Tatars residing in Kazakh, Baidar (his-
torical region in Kvemo Kartli), Shamsha-
dilo, Sh... all are the slaves and their ruler
(2nd half of the 18th century). Sh. Kh. was
is King Erekle (HTG. II, 203).
mentioned in: Teimuraz Bagrationi New
G. Otkhmezuri History (1983), Oman Kherkheulidze
Reign of Irakli II (1989), Papuna Orbeli-
ani Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Geor-
SHARUR country, i.e. land in Ar- gia), (1981).
menia. Sh. was mentioned in: Stepane Mt- The opponents were Sh. Kh and Fana
bevari, Martyrdom of St. Martyr Gobron Khan (Khan of Karabakh 1747-63), who
(MAGHL I, 1963). desired to be the khan of Ganja. Fana Khan
mobilized the army. Sh. Kh. sent his broth-
T. Koridze
er, Riza Quli Beg to Kartli, to Teimuraz
II (King of Kartli 1744-62) and Erekle II
(King of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Kartl-
Kakheti 1762-98) and promised to subor-
dinate to them in exchange for assistance

against Fana Khan. The Kings mobilized SHAVERDI SULTAN Shaverdi Sul-
great army. When Fana Khan heard about tan Ziad-Oghli, ruler of Karabakh (middle
this, he raised the siege from Ganja (P.O. of the 16th century). Sh.S. was mentioned in:
164-65). Sh. Kh. sent to Teimuraz and Er- Beri Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis Tskhovre-
ekle ten thousand Tumans (currency), via ba - Third T. (K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti
his brother, Riza-Quli Beg (P.O. 171). Sh. Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of
Kh. was captured by Fana Khan and he was Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973); Paris Chroni-
freed by Fathali Khan (ruler of South Azer- cles (1980); Parsadan Gorgijanidze The
baijan). He came to Erekle, who gave him History (1926).
the army of Georgians and took over Ganja Shah-Tamaz (Tamaz I, Shah of Iran
(T.B. 52). Sh. Kh. was the participant of the 1524-76) sent Sh.S. to take over Vardzia for-
coalition army mobilized against Erekle and tress (Monastery complex cut in the rocks
Teimuraz, which included also Fana Khan in Javakheti, 12th 13th centuries), where
and Aji Chalab (rst Khan of Shak, 1747- the Meskh noblemen supporters of Luarsab
55). They could not dare to battle with the (Luarsab I, King of Kartli 1527-56) were
Kings and commenced negotiations (O. Kh. stationed. The Iranians took over the fortress
48-9). Sh. Kh. and Agha Kishi, son of Aji (P.G. 6). Sh.S., who was assigned by Shah
Chalab set out with great army, encamped Tamaz, mobilized the army in Karabakh
in Kazakh, further they moved to Baidar. (historical region in Azerbaijan) and set out
Teimuraz and Erekle mobilized great army. against Luarsab, he did not accept direct bat-
When Sh. Kh. and Aghakish learnt about tle and encamped at Garisi. King assigned
this, they decided to conciliate, but Georgian his elder son Simon (Simon I, King of Kar-
kings did not change their mind. Sh. Kh. and
tli 1556-69, 1578-1600) as a commander.
Aghakish returned to Kazakh (historical re-
Georgians won and drove Sh.S. away. He
gion in Kvemo Kartli) again. Georgian army
was seeking the way to escape and acci-
defeated them and drove them away, chased
dentally he came upon Luarsab, All weap-
them up to Ganja and eliminated greater part
ons of the King were broken and he made
of their army. Sh.Kh. returned to Ganja (P.O.
his horse collide with Sh.S. At this moment
200-02). Sh. Kh. was killed by his servant.
the horses leg fell into the crack and it fell
His sons came to Erekle to ask for his sup-
down. Luarsab was badly wounded. Here
port. King assisted them with the troops,
Beri Egnatashvili names Mohammed Sultan
they took over Ganja and made Mahmad-
instead of Sh.S. (B.E. 365; Third T. 508-10;
Asan Khan, Sh. Kh.s son as Khan of Ganja
V.B. 405-06; P.G. 8-9). In 1561, at Tsikhe-
(T.B. 52).
didi (historical fortress in eastern Georgia)
E. Kvachantiradze Simon was defeated in the battle with Sh.S.
Sh.S. entered Tbilisi (Third T. 511; V.B. 407;
P.G. 10). Sh.S. came to Alexander (Alexan-
der II, King of Kakheti 1574-1605) (Third T.
525; P.K. 54).
E. Kvachantiradze

SHEMAKHIA Shemakha, Shamakh Chr. I, Chronicles of Abkhazians, 284). The
city in Azerbaijan Republic, at south-east Mongols, when they divided Georgia into
foothills of Caucasus Range. In 9th-16th cen- dumnas, assigned to Egarslan of Bakurt-
turies the capital city of Shirvan and the resi- sikhe the army of Hereti and Kakheti, from
dence of Shirvan Shahs. In the middle of 18th Tbilisi to Shemakhia Mount (Zh. 207, V.B.
century the main city of Shemakh Khanate. 208). By 1452, the Turks held Sh., Ganja and
In 1805 Russia annexed it. Sh. was men- many other cities (Chr. III, 106, Kanchaeti
tioned in: Live of King of Kings David Zhamgulani). With the assistance of Alexan-
(K.Ts. I, 1955); Histories and Chronicles der, the King of Kakhs (Alexander I, 1476-
of the Crowned Monarchs, Zhamtaaghmt- 1511), Shah-Ismail (Shah of Iran, Ismail I,
sereli (K.Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonish- 1501-24) conquered Shirvan (1500-01),
vili Description of Kingdom of Georgia (V.B. 569, P.G. 2). He ordered Chamakhians
(K. Ts. IV, 1973); Parsadan Gorgijanidze to mint the Tetri coins in his name (P.G. 3). In
The History (1826); Sekhnia Chkheidze the battle at Partskhisi (city to the south from
Life of Kings (1913). Papuna Orbeliani Tbilisi), (1569), on the side of Kizilbashs,
Ambavni Kartlisani (History of Geor- against Svimon, King of Kartli (Svimon
gia), (1981); Oman Kherkheulidze Reign I, 1556-69, 1578-1600), Beglarbeg of Sh.
of Irakli II (1989), Teimuraz Bagrationi (supposedly Aras-Khan Rumlu) fought with
New History (1983); Niko Dadiani, Life the great army, (V.B. 408). Anna, Empress
of Georgians (1962); historical documents of Russia sent Vakhtang (Vakhtang VI, King
(MGL, II, 1965; Chr. I, 1892, III. 1967; of Kartli 1716-24) to Daruband to conquer
Sm.Chr., 1968). Shamakhia. When Vakhtang arrived to Da-
Turk-Seljuks invaded into Shir- ruband (1734), Tamaz-Khan (Tamaz-Quli
van (1123), they captured Shirvansha Khan, further Shah of Iran, Nadir) who was
(Manuchehr III, 1120-60), took over the city in Bagdad (capital of Iraq), learnt that al-
of Sh. David (David IV, King of Georgia legedly Vakhtang was in Sh., unexpectedly
1089-1125) set out to Shirvan with 50.000 attacked Sh., took over it from Sulkhavi
warriors. Sultan (Mahmud ibn Muhammad, (leader of the Lezghins, Surkhai-Khan) and
ruler of Iran Sultanate 1117-31) fortied in ravaged (Sm.Ch. 45, V.B. 513). Surkhav oc-
Sh. Beleaguered Sultan was distressed. One cupied Sh. in 1721 (Chr. III, David Rectors
night he left Sh. and escaped from Shirvan Chronicles, 616). Nadir-Shah (Shah of Iran
(L.D. 343, V.B. 161, N.D. 91). David took 1736-47) fought with the Dagestan (1741-
over Sh. (1124), located there the army of 43). He demanded 6.000 oxen and carts from
Kakhet-Hereti and assigned Svimon Chkon- Kartli to deliver bread from Sh. to Dagestan
didel-Mtsignobartukhutsesi as a ruler (L.D. (P.O. 55). Sh., Astrabad (city on the shore of
345, V.B. 162). Campaign of Abu-Bekr, Ata- Caspian Sea) and Shiraz (city in south-west
bag of Adrabadagan to Shirvan was preced- of Iran) apostated from Nadir-Shah (1743).
ed by earthquake, which ruined Sh. (H.Chr. The Shamakhians, with the assistance of
63, V.B. 181). This occurred in 1192 (Sm. Lezghins, brought someone (Se Mirza I,
Chr. 25, A 1110, Kurtkhevani (Blessings), impostor) who was regarded as the son of

Shah-Sultan Usein (Shah of Iran 1694-1722) 74). Russian troops, under the command-
and assigned him as a Khan (Kaen) (V.B. ment of Count Zubov occupied Sh. (1796),
631). Old Khan (Kaen) of Iran made the son (T.B. 66). King Erekle, at a time of signing
to rebel against Nadir-Shah, his father (there of the treaty of 1783 names himself as ruler
was one more impostor in 1743, Se Mirza of Sh. (MGL II, 1783, 477).
II). Shah sent his son, Nasrula-Mirza to sup- K. Nadiradze
press the rebellion. Nasrula ravaged Shirvan
and after the victory encamped at Bardavi.
Rebelled Shahzada (son of Shah) desired
SHIKH BARAIM owner of Shir-
to nd shelter at Givi Amilakhvaris place
van (90-ies of the 14th century). Sh. B. was
(Grand Duke of Kartli, rebelled against Iran
mentioned in: Beri Egnatashvili, Akhali
in 1742) to move further to Ottoman coun-
Kartlis Tskhovreba - Second Text (K. Ts. II,
try, but the Kakhetians captured him at Ksani 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
and Erekle, son of Teimuraz (Erekle II, King of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973).
of Kakheti 1744-62, King of Kartl-Kakheti Timur Lang (Tamerlane, general com-
1762-98) sent him to Nadir-Shah (P.O. 73, mander of Central Asia), 1336-1405) sent
Chr. III, 618). Army of Ottomans entered owner of Shirvan Sh.B. to Georgia, to ac-
Kartli. Son of Nadir-Shah set out against count the harvest of Georgian peasants and
them and stayed at Ganja. Scared Ottomans the taxes payable by George (George VII,
retreated. Kizilbashs moved to Sh. (P.O. King of Georgia 1393-1407) (B.E. 336; Sec-
75). In the period of Erekles reign, Nursal- ond T. 468; V.B. 273).
beg, ruler of Khundzakh set out to ravage
E. Kvachantiradze
Kakheti. Firstly the Lezghins attacked city
of Kiziki (Kakheti). They attacked village
Bodbe. Under the leadership of Tamaz,
SHUKURLA Khan of Nakhichevan
Mouravi of Kiziki, the Kakhetians drove out
(khanate in Azerbaijan, it exists as a city
the Lezghins to Sh. (P.O. 118, T.B. 56). In
since 6th century) in the 70-ies of the 18th
the army of Aji-Chalab, owner of Shak-Shir-
century. Sh. was mentioned in: Teimuraz
van (rst Khan of Shak, Hadji Cheleb Kur-
Bagrationi New History (1983).
ban-Oghlu 1743-55), which fought against Warriors of Kazakh (historical region
Erekle and Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King in Kvemo Kartli), Borchalo (historical re-
of Kartli, 1744-62) there was Khan of Sh. gion in Kvemo Kartli) and Fambak, ravaged
(1752) with his troops (P.O. 194). Erekle and Nakhichevan and defeated Sh., its khan.
Teimuraz lost in that battle and commenced (T.B. 55)
to prepare for the new battle. They fought
E. Kvachantiradze
against Aji-Chalab and gained victory. The
noblemen of Shirvan-Shamakhia were cap-
tivated ... (P.O. 202). Ruler of Khundzakhi,
Omar-Khan could not dare, he stayed in SHIRAKAVAN same as Erazgavor,
Chari and further, approached Sh. (O.Kh. city in gavar of Shirak, nahang of Ararat, it
was the residence of Sumbat I, Bagratuni.

Sh. was mentioned in: Zhamtaaghmtsereli became the region of the Safavid state. In the
(K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti Batonishvili territory of Sh., in 1748, the Khanate of Sh.
Description of Kingdom of Georgia (K. was established, which was annexed by Rus-
Ts. IV, 1973). sia in 1804. Sh. was mentioned in: Matiane
At a time of Kokhtastavi rebellion the (Chronicles) of Kartli, Life of David King
Mongols took Georgian noblemen to the of Kings, History of the period of reign of
country of Ani, to the place called Shiraka- Lasha-Giorgi (K. Ts. I, 1955); Histories
van (Zh. 215; V.B. 210). and Chronicles of the Crowned Monarchs,
E. Kvachantiradze Basili Ezosmodzghvari Life of Queen of
Queens Tamar, Zhamtaaghmtsereli, Beri
Egnatashvili Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba,
SHIRDI daughter of King of Osse- Akhali Kartlis Tskhovreba- the second
tians (turn of 13th-14th centuries). Sh. was and third Text (K. Ts. II, 1959); Vakhushti
mentioned in: Dzegli Eristavta (Annals of Batonishvili Description of the Kingdom of
the Eristavi), (written in 1348-1400, MGL Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973); Parsadan Gorgi-
II, 1965). janidze, The History (1926); Sekhnia Ch-
Shalva Eristavi (Shalva, son of Vir- kheidze Life of the Kings (1913); Papuna
shel, Eristavi of Ksani, 80-ies of 13th century Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani (History
10-ies of 14th century) got married with of Georgia) (1981); Oman Kherkheulidze
Sh., the daughter of the King of Ossetians, Reign of Irakli II (1989); Teimuraz Bagra-
she gloried the monastery, contributed tioni New History (1983); Paris Chron-
golden and silver bowls and plates, oil can- icles (1980); Bagrat Batonishvili Akhali
dles and icons decorated with jewelry and Motkhroba(New Story), (1941); Niko Da-
other decorations (106). diani Life of the Georgians (1962); Eprem
Mtsire Utskebai Mizezsa Kartvelta Mokt-
K. Nadiradze
sevisas (Ephraim the Small Taleon the
Reason for Conversion of the Georgians),
(1950), Dzegli Eristavta (Annals of the
SHIRVAN (SHARVAN) historical Eristavi), text of the treaty of 1783 (MGL
country in the north-eastern part of current II. 1965); Meskhuri Matiane (Mesketi
Republic of Azerbaijan, on the western shore chronicles), (1961); document issued by the
of Caspian Sea, to the north-east from Kura Sultan of Ottomans (....., 1967);
River. Political center: city of Shemakha. It deed issued to Mtskheta, approx. 1638 (Chr.
was the part of Caucasian Albania (st. article II, 1897);
Rani). Periodically the kingdom of Sh., King of Kartli, Vakhtang Gorgasali
was ruled by Iranians, Arabs, Mongols. In (approx. from 40-ies of the 5th century to the
some periods it was subjected to the inu- end of 5th c.) built the church in Mtskheta, at
ence of Georgia and therefore, in the titles Sveti Tskoveli and assigned Catholicos,
of the Kings of Georgia there was the title of in addition, the sixth Ecumenical Council
Shirvansha. In 1538, in result of Safavid (7th century), at a time of reign of Constan-
Iran, this state terminated its existence and it

tine Poghonat (Emp. of Byz. 668-85), ap- You are the King of the forests, you will
proved and since that time, Sh. is included never be able to come out into the eld, I
into the Mtskheta Catholicate parish (Eprem have captured Sharvansha and imposed
Mtsire 45; Deed of Mtskheta, issued in ap- Kharaja, If you like, send me the gifts and if
prox. 1638, Chr. II, 354, repeats this infor- not, ght with me. King David mobilized the
mation) the same is conrmed by the deed army of 50.000 warriors immediately and
issued by Sultan (Murad III or Mahmad III) set out to Sh. When the Sultan learnt about
in 1590 (....., Doc. 221). Bagrat this, he fortied in the city of Shamakhia.
(Bagrat III, King of Georgia 975-1014) im- Beleaguered Sultan was bored very much
posed tribute on Sh. (M.K. 281; S.D. 382; and one night he escaped from Sh. Ling re-
V.B. 141; N.D. 88). David (David IV. King turned to Sh. in June, took over Gulistan
of Georgia 1089-1125) sent his daughter the residence of Shirvan-Shahs. In April he
Tamar (Tamar married with Manuchekhr arranged the new campaign and took over
son of Afridun 1105/6 or 1111) to be the the castles of Ghasan and Khozaond (sup-
Queen of Shirvan (L.D. 334; V.B. 158). posedly, these are the castles, which locked
David sent Prince Demetre to attack Shirvan the bottleneck at Daruband), together with
(as the relation in law could not change the the surrounding countries. After campaign
situation, 1117). He took over the fortress against Ani (1124) King David attacked Sh.,
Kaladzor (fortress in Sh.) and returned home took over the city of Shamakhia, fortress
with the victory (L.D. 334; H.L.G. 365; V.B. Birit (Bivrit, Bigurdi) and left the army of
158) David on the seven days of Easter Kakhet-Hereti in the cities and fortresses of
(1120) the city of Kabala in Sh. (on the left Sh. He assigned Svimon, Mtsignobartukhut-
side of Kura River, currently in the territory ses-Chkondideli, as a ruler and to deal with
of Azerbaijan) and lled the Kingdom with all affairs there (L.D. 343-345; V.B. 161-
the gold and silver. When he returned to Kar- 162), (from this time, in the titles of Geor-
tli, he mobilized the army again and on 7th gian Kings the title of Sharvansha ap-
May arrived to Sh. and ravaged the areas peared). House of Sh. was subordinated to
from Lizhati to Kurdevani and Khishtalan- George (George III, King of Georgia 1056-
ta (supposedly Lakhija and district of Sha- 84), (H.L.G. 367). Aghsartan, King of Shir-
makhia) and returned home with the war van (Aghistan 1160-96/97), who owned the
spoils. In the same year the battle between territories from Daruband to Khirkhala (Kh-
Sharvan and Daruband troops took place. ilakhala Ferozapat in Albanian sources),
Apridon (Apridun I 1094-1120) was killed oppressed by the Khazars (Khazars of Daru-
and the Sharvan warriors were killed (L.D. band), asked for Georges assistance. George
339; V.B. 159). Turk Seljuks took over Sh. sent the troops of his fathers nephew (1167).
(1123), captured Sharvansha (Manuchehr Georgians came up to the gate of Daruband,
III, 1120-60), occupied Shamakhia the city ravaged the country of Muskur and Shar-
in Sh. Sultan (Mahmud ibn Muhammad, abam, took over the city of Shaburan (Shab-
ruler of Iran Sultanate 1117-31) sent to King ran, currently in Dagestan), who was donat-
David the messenger with the letter, stating: ed to Aghsartan (H.Chr. 17; V.B. 169).

Shirvansha was the slave and serf of Tam- and Ossetians (B.Ez. 147). Lasha-George
ar (Queen of Georgia 1084-1107/10), he (King of Georgia 1207/10-23) sent to Sh. the
used to submitted her the offerings with Eristavi of Kartli to negotiate about marriage
great respect (H.Chr. 39). Shirvansha Agh- of his sister Rusudan and Shirvansha, but
sartan, madly in love with Tamar, desired to unexpectedly he deceased (Zh. 166; H.L.G.
get married with Tamar and he was ready to 371; V.B. 199). Country of Romguar was
change his religion. The royal court rejected ruled by four noins. This country included:
his proposal (H.Chr. 44-45). After decease Khorasan (historical region in the north-
of Kizil-Arslan (Atabag of Adarbadagani, eastern part of Iran), Iraq, Georgia, Adrab-
1187-91), there was the disagreement be- adagani, Movakani, Bardavi, Sh. (Zh. 223).
tween his heirs, Abu-Bekr won and he be- Berka Kaen (Kaen of Golden Horde 1255-
came the Atabag. His younger brother Amir- 66) ravaged the country of Sh. (1266), (Zh.
Mirman (Amir Emiran) became the son in 254). George (George V, King of Georgia
law of the ruler of Sh. Abu-Bekr, after re- 1318-46), (1299) entered Sh. and imposed
ceiving assistance against Georgia, rst set tribute (V.B. 256, N.D. 115). Timur Lang
out to Sh., Shirvanshah Aghsartan and his (ruler of Central Asia 1370-1405) moved
son in law Amir-Mirman could not resist the from Bardavi to Sh., ravaged and conquered
enemies. This misfortune was further aggra- it (V.B. 265). The Lezghins, Sharvanians,
vated by the earthquake and ruined the cas- Gilan-Mazandarians ... submitted and ex-
tles and fortied walls. As Sh. has given the pressed their worship to Timur Lang, when
oath of loyalty to Georgia, they sent to he arrived to Sh.... At that time Bagrat
Queen Tamar and David Soslan (Tamars (Bagrat V, King of Georgia 1360-93) was the
spouse) the lavish gifts and asked for assis- captive there (Second T. 454). Timur Lang
tance. Tamar and David hosted the ruler of set out to Georgia together with Shirvansha
Sh. and his son in law with great respect and playing the drums and horns: then Bagrat
commenced to mobilize the army. The and his son, George, mobilized the army and
Shirvanians made sure that the army of got ready to ght (1387), Georgians resisted
Georgians would protect them from the en- (Second T. 457). Timur Lang sent to Georgia
emies (H.Chr. 63-66; V.B. 181-182). The (1402) Shikh-Baraim, (Sheikh Ibrahim I,
battle took place at Shamkori (hist. city in 1382-1417) the owner of Sh. to nd out ...
Azerbaijan), (1195). Sh.s ruler with his the taxes and levies of King George (George
troops participated in the battle against Abu- VII, King of Georgia 1393-1407) to take
Bekr and the coalition army of the Muslims. away all income sources (V.B. 336; Third T.
Georgians won (H.Chr. 68). After the victory 468). George mobilized the Georgians,
the party was arranged and Shirvansha was Shirvanians ... he set out against Alinja For-
invited with great respect (H.Chr. 73). tress (in the vicinity of Nakhchevan), from
Awarding of the honors to the exiled Kings there he took the son of Sultan (Jalarian
shows generosity and merciful nature of prince opposing to Timur Lang) and slew the
Queen Tamar and witnesses of this are army of Timur-Lang (14th century, 90-ies),
house of Sharvansheti and Darubandians (Dzegli Eristavta, MGL II. 114). After great

battle Timur Lang took over Birtvisi (in the Davrish Mahmad apostated from Shah-
historical Kvemo Kartli, in the gorge of Al- Tamaz (Shah of Iran, Tahmasp I, 1524-76).
geti River) fortress (1403). He beheaded Shah-Tamaz decided to arrange campaign
Nazala the fortress keeper and gave his wife against him and called Levan, King of
to the owner of Sh. (B.E. 338; Second T. Kakheti for assistance. Shah-Tamaz set out
471; V.B. 274). There was the clairvoyant to Sh. and when he was on his way there sent
someone Shikh at the court of Timur Lang, to Davrish the letter of conciliation. Davrish
who was killed by the owner of Sh. (B.E. did not accept it and fortied the fortresses
355). Because of domination of the Iranians and castles, entered Gulistan and got ready
the Shirvanians and Gandzians did not pay for the war. Then Shah-Tamaz ordered King
tribute to King Alexander (Alexander the Levan to attack Sh. Levan took over the for-
Great, King of Georgia 1412-42). Alexander tied castles, killed Davrish and sent his
arranged campaign against Gandza and head to Shah-Tamaz (Third T. 505; V.B.
scared Shirvan undertook to pay the tribute 574-575). Luarsab (Luarsab I, King of Kart-
(V.B. 281; N.D. 123). Sh. and Rani paid trib- li, 1527-56) did not subordinate to Shah
ute to George, son of Alexander (George Tamaz and therefore, he used to ravage Sh.
VIII, King of Georgia 1446-66), (V.B. 283). (P.G. 4). Alkhaz-Mirza, son of Shah-Tamaz
In the period of reign of Alexander (King of ruled Sh. and he was very cruel, Tamaz came
Kakheti 1476-1511) Shah Ismail (Shah of to there, dealt with the problem and killed
Iran Ismail I, 1501-24) son of Shikhi ap- the rebellious (P.G. 5). Lala Pasha (Lala
peared and took over Sh. (1500-01), (V.B. Mustafa Pasha, commander of Ottomans)
569; P.G. 2). King Alexander sent his son, called Alexander, King of Kakheti (1574-
Dimitri with the lavish gifts to Shah Ismail 1605) to assist in the battle against Sh. Alex-
and declared obedience (V.B. 569) to Shah- ander, for the purpose of saving of Kakheti
Ismail, as the holder of Shak-Shirvan, Asan- declared his loyalty and agreed. Lala-Pasha
Beg (Sultan Hasan) was subordinated to him took over Sh. (1573) and assigned his guards
and he had good relations with him, in addi- to there (V.B. 578; P.G. 13: P.Chr. 52,
tion, he desired to occupy Kakheti. Then Meskhuri M. 50). Begun (Mahdi Ulia), wife
King of Kakheti, Levan (1518-74) desired to of Shah-Khudabanda (Shah of Iran, Suptan
make peace with Asan-Beg, but Asan-Beg Muhammad Khudabende 1577-87) attacked
did not desire this. Therefore, Levan mobi- the Tatars in Shirvan. Kizilbashs eliminated
lized the army, arranged campaign against the troops, burnt the fortress, took the trea-
Asan-Beg, killed him, ravaged Shak and re- sury, captivated Tatar-Khan and left for Qaz-
turned to Gremi (the capital city of Kakheti vin (city in north-western Iran). Kaen or-
Kingdom) with great war spoils (supposed- dered to murder Begum and Tatar-Khan.
ly, this occurred at the same time as decease When the Turks learnt about this they took
of Shah Ismail), (V.B. 572). After this, his over Sh. again (Third T. 525; Meskhuri M.
son, Davrish Mahmad (Dervish Muham- 51; P.Chr. 54; P.G. 13 - Here is written Seidi
mad) became the ruler of Shak. Davrish instead of Begum). Shah-Abbas (Shah of
Mahmad and King Levan were the enemies. Iran, Abbas I 1587-1629) sent Constantine,

son of King Alexander, with the Shirvan- Shirvan and killed the Beglarbeg (V.B. 498;
Karabakh troops from Iran to Kakheti. He 617-618). When Shah (Sultan Hussein,
was assigned to kill his father and brother 1694-1722) learnt about this, he ordered
(B.E. 382; Third T. 539; V.B. 582). [There Vakhtang to arrange the campaign against
are the different data as well:] Shah-Abbas I Charians (V.B. 618; S.Ch. 32-34). Shah of
notied Alexander, King of Kakheti to pro- Iran awarded to Vakhtang the rank of Spas-
vide assistance in occupying of Sh. to his pet (high commander) of Azerbaijan and or-
son and told Constantine to kill his father dered him to free Sh. from the Lezghins
and brother as soon as they would take over (V.B. 499). Son of Tamaz (Tahmasp II,
Sh. Kakheti troops took over the fortress Ka- 1722-32), he removed Shah of Iran rebelled
bala and made Constantine the ruler of Sh. against Nadir Shah (Shah of Iran 1736-47),
(P.G. 18; P.Chr. 60). In Sh. Constantine has who, at that time, fought with the Ottomans.
committed many bad and shameful deeds He received the notice that Sh. has apostated
(P.Chr. 61). In Martkopi, Georgians rebelled and that the rebelled was made the ruler
against Iran (1625) killed Usuf-Khan, ruler (O.Kh. 44; P.O. 73). Ruler of Karabakh, Fa-
of Sh., who fought on the side of Iran (P.O. nah-Khan (1747-63) oppressed the Khans of
91). Son of the vassal of Teimuraz (Teimu- Ganja and Nakhchevan very much. They ap-
raz, King of Kartl-Kakheti, 1625-32) was plied for assistance to Teimuraz (Teimuraz
ruler of Sh. (1632). Shah (sepi II, 1666-94) II, King of Kartli, 1744-62) and Erekle (Er-
notied the Khan of Sh. to host Erekle (Er- ekle II, King of Kakheti, 1744-62, Kartl-
ekle I, King of Kartli 1688-1703) on his way Kakheti 1762-98). Father and son offered
from Russia, with great respect, give him Aji-Chalab, master of Shak-Shirvan (rst
1000 Tumans and deliver him to Kazvin Khan of Shak, Hadji Cheleb Kurban Oghlu,
peacefully (city in north-western Iran). This 1743-55) to participate in the campaign
order was fullled (P.Chr. 118; P.G. 71). (P.O. 166). In 1750 Fanah-Khan was defeat-
When Erekle arrived to Sh. he found that ed. The winners sent the messenger to Shak-
Khan of Sh. Manuchar, son of Endronika Shirvan (P.O. 170). Erekle and Teimuraz
was deceased (P.G. 71). After ve years, Er- decided to arrange campaign against the
ekle-s mother arrived to Sh. and further, with Lezghins of Char-Belakan. Aji-Chalab was
great honors she left for Ispahan, where her the ally of the Kings. He betrayed them at a
son was (P.G. 70, 72). The Lezghins of Chari time of battle and Georgians were defeated
ravaged not only Kakheti, but Ganja, Sh.... (battle of 1751 at Agrichai), (P.O. 177-182).
King of Kartli, Vakhtang (Vakhtang VI, Jan- Ruler of Shak-Shirvan, Aji-Chalab ravaged
ishin 1703-14; King 1716-24) and King of Ganja. Erekle and Teimuraz decided to ar-
Kakheti, Imam-Quli-Khan (David II, 1709- range campaign against him. They invited
22) made the agreement in Mukhrani (vil- their tribute-payers and allies: Khans of
lage in Kartli) about combating Lezghins Ganja, Yerevan, Karabakh, Nakhichevan.
(V.B. 497). In this war Khan of Sh. assisted The lezghins were with them as well. They
them as well. Shah sent the Beglarbeg of Sh. got ready for battle. At that time the Kings
to ght against Charians. Charians attacked learnt about betrayal of the Khans, they cap-
tured them and decided to postpone the bat-

tle but Aji-Chalab rushed to the Kings at of Varsken, the Pitiakhsh of Kvemo Kartli,
Ganja and defeated them (1752). Aji-Chalab she was martyred for Christianity by her
gained great treasures and returned to Sh. spouse, denouncer of Christianity, who ad-
(P.O. 191-195; O.Kh. 50). In 1752 Erekle opted Zoroastrianism, in the town of Tsur-
and Teimuraz were defeated by Aji-Chalabs tavi. Georgian Apostolic Church canonized
son, Agha-Kishi. He returned to Sh. with the Shushanik. Sh. was mentioned in: Martyr-
victory. In the same year he mobilized the dom of Shushanik (MAGHL I, 1963, 11);
troops of Shirvan-Shak and Lezghins and set Conversion of Kartli (MAGHL I, 1963);
out against Georgian Kings. Agha-Kishi was Juansher, Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali
defeated (T.B. 49). Nursal-Beg, master of (K.Ts. 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili De-
Khundzakh mobilized great army of scription of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV,
Lezghins, arrived to Shak-Shirvan and from 1973); Arsen of Sapara On the Division of
there, unexpectedly attacked Bodbe (place Georgians and Armenians (1980).
in Kakheti) and ravaged several districts Conversion of Kartli, as well as
(T.B. 55). In 1755, Nursal-Beg approached Juansher and Vakhushti Batonishvili regard
Kvareli fortress (in Kakheti) with 20.000 that martyrdom of Shushanik took place in
warriors. There were the troops of Shirvan the period of reign of Bakur, King of Kar-
as well. Georgians drove them out (P.O. tli (50-ies of the 6th century) (Conversion,
230). In 1806, Tsitsishvili (General Pavle Ts- 94; J. 216; V.B. 118). Sh. was the spouse of
itsianov 1754-1806, high ofcial in Georgia) Varsken, Ruler of Kvemo Kartli. Varsken at-
arrived to Sh. with great army to conquer tempted to force Sh. to renounce Christian-
Baku (T.B. 72). In Kartli, Ganja-Karabakh, ity. Sh. refused and for this, Varsken killed
Shak-Shirvan the great famine commenced. her in terrible torture. King Bakur took her
It was scarcely possible to buy one loaf of body and placed in Tsortav (V.B. 118).
bread for one Tuman (90-ies of the 18th cen- Kyrion, Catholicos of Kartli, i.e. Svimon
tury), (B.B. 68). Erekles signature on the (Kyrion I (599-614816) is implied), because
treaty of 1783 was: Ruler of Shirvan, owner
of heresy of Armenians (monophysitism)
and ruler of Ganja and Yerevan (MGL. II,
removed the Bishop of Tsurtavi from the
134, 457). Marques (Philip Paulich, High
grave of Sh. (V.B. 120, Sch. 2). Catholicos
Ofcial of Georgia 1811-12) crossed Kura
of Kartli, Kyrion (Kyrion I, 599-614/616)
River, to view Sh., Shak, Daruband and
drove out Mose, Bishop of Tsurtavi from his
Baku, as all these places were conquered by
church, which was set by St. Shushanik in
Russians (T.B. 80).
the area. (A.S. 82).
K. Nadiradze
T. Koridze

SHUSHANIK outstanding gure of STEREONIS supposedly Arme-

the second half of 5th century, daughter of nian gure of the 1st half of 4th century. S.
Vardan Mamikonyan, Spaspet (commander) was mentioned in: Conversion of Kartli
of Armenians. Shushanik was the spouse (MAGHL I, 1963).

S. was taken from Guaspuragan SUMBAT BIVRITIAN general
(Vaspurakan) to Bodi (Bodbe) by the order commander and Spaspet of Artashes I, King
of Queen Soji, where he was baptised (Kon- of Armenians in the 2nd century B.C. S.B.
version, 101) was mentioned in: Leonti Mroveli, Life of
T. Koridze
Georgian Kings (K. Ts. I, 1955), Vakhushti
Batonishvili (K.Ts. IV, 1973).
S.B. killed Iarvand, King of Arme-
nians and enthroned Artashan, his brother
(Artashes I, the rst King of Greater Arme-
zakh (middle of 18th century). S. was men-
nia, founder of the dynasty of Artashesides)
tioned in: Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kar-
(L.M. 45). Azork and Armazeli (Kings of
tlisani (History of Georgia), (1981).
Kartli turn of the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C.),
Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli
with the assistance of North Caucasian
1744-62) sent S. (1745) with Givi Amilakh-
tribes, ravaged Armenia. S.B. mobilized the
vari (Grand Duke of Kartli, rebelled against
army and chased Georgians, who were en-
Iran) to Nadir-Shah (Shah of Iran 1736-47),
camped in Kambechovani (historical region
(P.O. 97). In the same year, Teimuraz sent S.
of Georgia, in the lower reaches between
to assist Alexander, King of Imereti (Alex-
Alazani and Kura rivers, center city-for-
ander V, 1720-52) ghting against Mamuka,
tress Khornabuji) and were dividing the war
his brother (P.O. 100). Ottomans support-
spoils. S.B. sent the envoy to the Kings of
ing Mamuka captured S. and took him to
Georgia to say that they could maintain ev-
Akhaltsikhe (P.O. 107). S. (1746) liber-
erything they have taken from Armenia, but
ated from the prison and arrived to Tbilisi.
they should free the captives. They answered
Teimuraz granted to S. the oriental robe and
that they came to Armenia to nd him and if
restored him in his rights as Sultan of Ka-
he wanted he could come to them and take
zakh (P.O. 118).
his share, otherwise, they would come to
G. Otkhmezuri him and kill him. S.B. crossed Kura River.
Bazok, King of Ossetians and Anbazuk, his
brother fought against him and were defeat-
SUMBAT brother of Kvirike I, King ed. Later the battle took place between S.B.
of Tashir-Dzorageti. S. was mentioned in: and Kings of Kartli. S.B. gained victory.
Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K. Ts. I, Azork and Armazeli returned to Mtskheta.
1955). S.B. entered Kartli and ravaged it. He built in
S. was in confrontation with Bagrat IV. Samtskhe (historical province in south-west-
(King of Georgia 1027-72) On their way to ern Georgia same as Odzrkhe) the Fortress
Samshvilde, S. and his brother were captured of Demoti (at the foot of Fersati Mountain,
by Bagrat. S. gave up three castles to Bagrat: near Borjomi) and left (L.M. 47; V.B. 658,
Ofreti, Koshki, Varzakar (M. K. 307). 662). Georgians and Ossetians decided to
revenge and they used to ravage the border
E. Kvachantiradze
areas. Artashan, King of Armenians and S.B.

set out against Georgians. They encamped in hundred horsemen. The Lezghins defeated
Mtskheta, they fought for ve months and the small troops of Georgians at village Naz-
gained the victory. In the third year S.B. and ara (Chr. III 64-66; V.B. 496). Usuf-Pasha
two sons of the King of Armenia came and (son of Isaq, Pasha of Akhaltsikhe) concili-
encamped in Trialeti (historical community ated with S. and sent him to ravage Shigni
in Kvemo Kartli, current Tsalka). The con- Kakheti. S. ravaged Telavi, Shilda, Kvareli
ciliation took place and from that time, the and returned (V.B. 625). S., with the Lezghin
Ossetians, Georgians and Armenians fought troops, together with Haji-Daud, took over
together against the enemies (L.M. 45-49; Shamakhia in 1721 (Chr. III. 616). In 1722,
V.B. 64-65). King Vakhtang (Janishan of Kartli 1703-14;
King 1716-24) left towards Ganja, to meet
E. Kvachan
with Peter (Emperor of Russia 1689-1725).
In this period he defeated S. at Khunan and
Ganja outskirts (V.B. 499). In 1734, Tamaz-
Khan (later Shah of Iran, Nadir 1736-47) ex-
Khan I. Ruler of Qazi-Qumukh, the political
iled S. from Shamakhia, further he attacked
unit of Dagestan 1700-41. S., together with
his country Qumukh (Kulmukhi by V.B.)
Haji-Daud, owner of Mudarisi, took advan-
ravaged it and gained great riches (Chr. III,
tage of rebellion of Lezghin people against
617; V.B. 513; S.Ch. 45). Son of S. attacked
Iran. They lead the rebellion. They took
Aghsu Fortress (in Shamakhia). Kizilbashs
over Shamakhia, at rst in 1711 and later
came out of the fortress and the battle com-
in 1721. They ravaged and robbed it merci-
menced. Lezghin troops were eliminated
lessly. In 1722 they took over Shirvan and
completely (Chr. III. 617).
part of northern Azerbaijan. Formally they
recognized domination of Turkey and op- K. Nadiradze

posed Iran. In 1725 Turks appointed S. as a

ruler of Shamakhia and granted him the title
of Khan. His actions caused Iranian attacks SURKHAVI (2nd half of 18th century)
on Dagestan in 1734-1744. In 1742 S. was commander of Dagestan army. S. was men-
captured and freed in one year. S. deceased tioned in: Papuna Orbeliani, Ambavni Kar-
in 1748. S. was mentioned in: Vakhushti Ba- tlisani (History of Georgia), (1981).
tonishvili Description of Kingdom of Geor- S. with Dagestan troops, participated
gia (K.Ts. IV, 1973); Sekhnia Chkheidze, on the side of Nursal-Beg (ruler of Khun-
Life of Kings (1913); historical docu- dzakhi), in the campaign against Kartl-
ments (Chr. III, 1967). Kakheti, to take Kvareli fortress in 1755.
In 1718, the Lezghins, commanded by Teimuraz (Teimuraz II, King of Kartli, 1744-
S. (Sulkhavi, in V.B.) attacked Bolnisi (vil- 62) and Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti
lage in Kartli, currently Bolnisi District), 1744-62) successfully drew away the en-
Ktsia gorge and ravaged it. When Bakar emies. S. abandoned Nursal-Beg before the
(Janishin of Kartli 1717-1719) learn about campaign ended (P.O. 226-31).
this, he sent Svimon, his uncle with three K. Nadiradze

SVIAJA (SVIAZHA) city in Kip-
chakia, Kazan Region, upper reaches of * Mentioning of Khazars in this period in Georgian
written source is anachronism. Khazars created their
Edil River. Before his arrival to Georgia communities in North Caucasus only in the middle pe-
Yuri (George Russian), the rst husband of riod of 7th century (see article Khazars).
Queen Tamar was in S. (V.B. 159; S.K. 1, K. Nadiradze
173, 173 Sk.1).
G. Otkhmezuri
TEVDOSI heathen. His ethnical ori-
gin, as well as the period of activities could
TAGINE spouse of Vardan, Eristavi not be identied based on the available writ-
of Basiani land. Her period of activities is ten sources, supposedly he was Armenian
unknown, presumadly she was Armenian, (VII c.). T. was mentioned in: Martyrdom
Chalcedonist (VII c.). She was relative of of David and Tirichan (MAGHL I, 1963,
the royal family. She was mother of saint 186-191).
martyrs David and Tirichan. After decease of Vardan, Eristavi of
T. was mentioned in: Martyrdom of Basiani, the spouse of his sister, he took
David and Tirichan (MAGHL I, 1963, 186- over his country and demanded from his
191). minor nephews to reject Christianity and
T. Koridze recognize the pagan gods. Brothers refused
rmly. T. found brothers, who were hidden
by Tagine and personally killed David and
TARKHAN giant of Khazars* (mid- Tirichan was killed by the chasers sent by
dle period of 5th century). T. was mentioned him. Later T. avowed his guilt against Ners-
in: Juansher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali es, the Catholicos of the Armenians (Nerses
(K.Ts. I, 1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili De- III, 641-61)*, received christening and built
scription of Kingdom of Georgia (K.Ts. IV, the church on Davids grave (Martyrdom of
1973). David and Tirichan, p. 186-191).
Vakhtang Gorgasali (King of Georgia,
from 40-ies of 5th century, up to end of 5th * Nerse, Catholicos of Armenians, supposedly was
Nerses III
century), in age of fteen, decided to attack
T. Koridze
Ossetia (approximately 447-48). Georgians
and Ossetians encamped on the opposite
sides of River (Tergi). The duels of giants
started. Khazars fought on the Ossetian side. TRDAT (TIRIDATE) III King of
Armenia in 298-330. He became the King
Khazar giant T. fought with King Vakhtang.
with the assistance of Diocletian, Emperor
At the rst collision Vakhtang stroke him
of Rome (284-305). With the assistance
with the spear above the belt, pinked through
from Rome, in his ght against Sassanid
and killed (J. 152, V.B. 102-103).
Iran, he actually gained independence, what
was followed by strengthening of power.

Trdat III, together with the Armenian nobles, place of Residence of King Trdat and were
accepted Christianity and declared it as the subjected to torture by him (Conversion,
state religion. T. was mentioned in: Leonti 84); Queen Ripsime and her foster sister Ga-
Mroveli Life of Georgian Kings, Juansher iane, fty people arrived to Armenia, To the
Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali (K.Ts. 1955); paradise of King Trdat and were martyred
Conversion of Kartli (MAGHL I, 1963); on the rst day of that month, on the Friday
Anonymous author of 12th century Life a of (Conversion, 115); near the paradise of King
Saint Nino, (MAGHL, III, 1971) Vakhushti Trdat, Saint Ripsime and persons like her
Batonishvili Description of Kingdom of were martyred for Christs name by T. (Life
Georgia (K.Ts. IV, 1973); Arsen of Sapara of Saint Nino, edition by Monk Arsen, 18);
On the Division of Georgians and Arme- Ripsime, her foster sister Gaiane and their
nians (1980). fellow Christians arrived to Armenia, ruled
T. was the son of Kosaro, King of Ar- by King Trdat. (Anonymous author of 12th
menians, after conquering of Armenia by century, Life and Citizenship of Worthy and
Sassanid Iran, young T. was sent to Rome Equal to Apostle, Beatied Nino, 58); Em-
(L.M. 62; V.B. 70). In the period of T.s being peror Diocletian wrote to King T. to nd
in Rome, they dressed him into the cloths of Christian women escaped from Rome to
the Caesar and made him ght with the King his Kingdom and return them back (Anony-
of Goths. T. won this combat, he killed the mous author of 12th century, Life and Citi-
King of Goths and in result the Goths were zenship of Worthy and Equal to Apostle, Be-
defeated. Grateful Caesar gave the army to atied Nino, 58); King T. asked Ripsime to
T and sent him to Somkhiti, his native land marry him and when she refused, he execut-
(L.M., 68; V.B. 72). Mirian, King of Kar- ed her and holy mothers accompanying her
tli and T. fought with one another with the (Anonymous author of 12th century, Life and
variable results. T.s allies were the Romans Citizenship of Worthy and Equal to Apostle,
and Mirians allies the Iranians (L.M. 69). Beatied Nino, 58); After this . . . died Va-
Constantine I the Great (Emperor of Rome, han Mamkuen, who . . . sought the justice
306-337) ordered Mirian and T. to become of Christians, rules of churches and of the
the in-law relatives: Mirians son Rev got poor. (A. S., 87). For explanations see 179.
married with T.s daughter Salome and made
T. Koridze
Kura River (Mtkvari) as border between
their countries (L.M., 70; V.B. 83). Con-
stantine the Great wrote letter to T (L.M.
TSALKOITI country, i.e. land (ad-
82-84). King T. was transformed into the
ministrative unit) in Armenia. Ts. was men-
wild boar by Christs power and then back
tioned in: Stepane Mtbevari, Martyrdom
into a man (L.M. 92). King T. was builder
of St. Martyr Gobron (AMGHL I, 1963),
of the churches. He built the church with
his own hands (J., 161). Ripsime, Gaiane,
St. Nino and others, forty nine people in ag- T. Koridze

gregate, came to Armenia, which was The

URDURE King of Ossetians (20-30- VAHAN MAMIKONIAN Marza-
ies of the 11th century). U was mentioned in: pan of Armenia in 485-505, he was brought
Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli (K. Ts. I, up by Arshusha Pitiakhch. V.M. was men-
1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description tioned in: Arsen of Sapara On the Division
of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973). of Georgians and Armenians (1980).
U., King of Ossetians attacked Kakheti, V.M. received the title of Marzpan
ravaged Tianeti (town in the territory of his- (ofcial) from the Persians. He protected
torical Kakheti, center of Kakheti Kingdom the rights of Christians, he took care of the
in the 10th - 11th centuries). Kvirike (Kvirike poor; He returned the donated villages and
III the Great, King of Kakhet-Hereti 1014- resumed inviolability of the church lands
37) fought him, defeated and drove him (A.S. 87).
away from Kakheti. U was killed in the bat-
E. Kvachantiradze
tle (M. K. 562).
E. Kvachantiradze

VAHRAM Emir of the city of Ani

(see art. Priests of Ani). Approved the
USEIN-ALI-KHAN Khan of Ye- judgment of Catholicos Epiphanius of 1218.
revan (approx. 1750-82). U.Kh. was men- Approval of the judgment by V., as the
tioned in: Oman Kherkheulidze Reign of highest secular ofcial demonstrates that the
Irakli II (1989), Teimuraz Bagrationi New territory of former Ani Kingdom was within
History (1983). Georgia.
U.Kh. apostated from Erekle (Erekle II,
G. Otkhmezuri
King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) in 1779 (80)
and stopped to pay the tribute. Erekle sent
for negotiations the nobleman Zaza Tarkh-
nishvili. Via the envoy Erekle reminded U. VAIDZOR land in Armenia. In the
Kh. the blood shed by Kartl-Kakheti for res- 10th century it consisted of four provinces.
cuing of Yerevan and awarding to U.Kh. the D. was mentioned in: Stepane Mtbe-
title of Khan. Khan did not listen to Tarkh- vari, Martyrdom of Saint Martyr Gobron
nishvili, as he had uncountable property (MAGHL I, 1963, 175).
and he was powerful. In the same year, in T. Koridze
August, Erekle mobilized the army, called
the Lezghins, encamped at village Sharbat
and started to ravage Yerevan from there.
VANAND land in Armenia V. was
U.Kh. had to undertake to pay the tribute.
mentioned in: Stepane Mtbevari, Martyr-
After death of U. Kh., his son, Kulamal was
dom of Saint Martyr Gobron (MAGHL I,
assigned as new Khan. As he was light
1963); Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian
minded, the people of Yerevan killed him
Kings; Matiane (chronicles) of Kartli,
(O. Kh. 69; Teimurazs version, see O. Kh.
Historian of the Periodof reign of Lasha
93; T.B. 57, 58).
Giorgi (K.Ts. I, 1955,).
K. Nadiradze

V. land in Armenia (Martyrdom of Go-
* Dating of Vakhtang Gorgasali reign: S. Gorgadze:
bron, 175). Kings of Kartli, Azork and Arma- 443-503; Iv. Javakhishvili: 442-502; K. Tumanov 435-
zian (II-I A.D.) conquered V. up to Bagre- 522; V. Goiladze: 438-491
van and Basiani (LM. 45); King George II
K. Nadiradze
(1072-1089) took over the fortresses of V
(M.K. 317); in the period of reign of King
Tamar (1084-1207/10), Zakaria and Ivane VARDAN ERISTAVI father of saint
Mkhargrdzelis took over the fortresses of V martyrs David and Tirichan, Armenian,
(H.L.G. 368). Chalcedonist (presumably VII c.), V.E. is
T. Koridze mentioned in: Martyrdom of David and Ti-
richan (MAGHL I, 1963).
V.E. was Eristavi of the land of Basiani,
VARAZ-BAKUR (approximately sec- his residence was in the settlement (town)
ond half of 5th century) eristavi (pitiakh- Onkomi. He, as well as his spouse Tagine,
shi) of Rani. V.-B. was mentioned in: Juan- was the relative of the royal family (Martyr-
sher Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali, (K. Ts. I, dom of David and Tirichan, 186).
1955); Vakhushti Batonishvili Description
T. Koridze
of Kingdom of Georgia (K. Ts. IV, 1973).
V.B. was brother of Vakhtang Gor-
gasalis* (King of Kartli) mother, Sagdukht.
After decease of his father, Barzabod, King
of rebellion of 572 against Persians. V. M.
of Persia assigned V.-B. as eristavi of Rani.
was mentioned in: Arsen of Sapara On
When Vakhtang decided to arrange cam-
the Division of Georgians and Armenians
paign against Ossetians, he asked V.-B. for
(1980). V.M. was called rebellious. He and
assistance. He gladly agreed with Vakhtang,
his relatives killed Suren, the Persian marz-
as the Ossetians used to ravage his country
pan (ofcial), burnt his houses and escaped
as well and sent him 12.000 cavalry riders
to Constantinople. Justin (Justin II, Emperor
(J. 150), Vakhtang, who returned from Os-
of Byzantium 565-78) sheltered them. V.M.
setia with the victory, sent the lavish gifts to
asked permission from the Emperor to build
his uncle: one thousand slaves, one thousand
the western door of Hagia Sophia (temple
horses, one thousand donkeys (J. 158). King
in Constantinople, built in 532-37) at his
of Persia (Shah of Iran) ordered Vakhtang to
expenses and for this he paid 10.000 silver
arrange campaign against the Greeks (Byz-
coins. This door is called the door of Arme-
antium). To assist in this campaign, the Per-
nians (A.S. 88),
sians sent to Vakhtang V.-B. with 200.000
horsemen (J. 158-59; V.B. 104). V.-B. was T. Koridze,
E. Kvachantiradze
killed in one of the battles of war against
Greeks (period after 456). They mourned
over him and covered him with sabr and
ashes and took him to Bardavi (J. 176).
historical gure of the second half of the 5th

century from the noble family of Mamikoni- YEREVAN Capital City of Armenia,
yan. He was the father of Shushanik, mar- located on Ararat valley, on both plateaus of
tyred for Christianity, the spouse of Varsken Razdan River. In the historical sources it is
Pitiakhsh. V. Spaspet of the Armenians was mentioned after 6th century, from 13th cen-
mentioned in: Martyrdom of Shushanik tury it was developed as a city. Y. was men-
(MAGHL I, 1963, 11); Martyrdom of Queen tioned in: Beri Egnatashvili (K. Ts. II, 1959);
(MAGHL IV, 1968, 385); Juansher Life of Sekhnia Chkheidze Life of Kings (1913);
Vakhtang Gorgasali (K.Ts. I, 1955, 216). Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani
(History of Georgia), (1981); Parsadan Gor-
T. Koridze
gijanidze The History (1926); Teimuraz
Batonishvili New History (1983); Oman
Kherkheulidze Reign of Irakli II (1989);
VAZGAN // VAZHGAN supposedly Meskhuri Matiane (Mesketi Chronicles),
Armenian, ruler of the settlement Vazhgan, (1961); Paris Chronicles (1980); Bagrat
relative of the holy martyrs David and Tir- Batonishvili New Story (1941); Small
ichan. Period of his activities is unknown (pre- Chronicles (1968); Monuments of Georgian
sumably VII c.). V. was mentioned in: Mar- Law (II, 1965).
tyrdom of David and Tirichan (MAGHL I, Y. was held by Shah-Tamaz (Shah-
1963). Tamaz I, Shah of Iran 1524-1576) (B.V. 371,
David and Tirichan, harassed by their un- 375, 517). Luarsab (Luarsab I, King of Kar-
cle found shelter in the V.s patrimonial estate. tli 1527-1556) did not obey to Shah-Tamaz
(Martyrdom of David and Tirichan, 187). and ravaged Y (F.G. 4). Shah-Tamaz capti-
vated mother of Luarsab I and took her to
T. Koridze
Y., where she committed suicide (B.V. 365;
P.Chr 44). Army of Khontkar (Sultan of Ot-
tomans Suleiman I, 1520-1566) conquered
YAKHRIJAHAN BEGUM Lezghin Y (B.E. 371, 521; V.B. 401, 410). Rulers of
by nationality, queen of Kakheti (1st half Ottoman Empire and Iran, Suleiman I and
of the 18th century). Y.B. was mentioned Shah-Tamaz divided the territory of Cau-
in: the deed issued by David Imam-Quli casus. Shah-Tamaz received Y. (B.V. 371).
Khan to Kharchash (1721), Lords Deed Lala Pasha occupied Y. (P.G. 12). Shah-
(1722). (MGL II. 1965). From the deeds it Tamaz was defeated in the battle at Y. and
is evident that she was the spouse of David, escaped to Isfahan (V.B. 513). Shah-Abbas
King of Kakheti (Imam-Quli Khan, 1709- (Shah-Abbas I, Shah of Iran 1587-1629) set
22), grand daughter of Shamkhil of entire out to take over Y. He called George, King
Leketi (Dagestan), sister of Fathali Khan, of Kartli (George X, 1600-1606) and Alex-
Grand Vizier of Sultan Hussein, Shah of Iran ander, King of Kakheti (Alexander II, 1507-
(1694-1722), daughter of beglarbeg of Yere- 1605) and ordered them to attack the fortress
van (335-336; 359). of Y. They took over the Y. Fortress. Shah
conquered Y. (B.E. 380-81, 537; P.Chr. 59;
K. Nadiradze V.B. 419; P.G. 18). Murad (Ottoman Sul-

tan Murad IV, 1623-40) took over Y. (V.B. astery complex in the vicinity of Yerevan,
440; P.Chr. 95; S. Chr. 32, 41, 48, 62). After center of Armenian church and residence of
eight months from this day Shah Se (Se I, the Catholicos). In the battle at Kirkhbulakh
Shah of Iran 1629-42) came with great army Erekle defeated the army of Azat Khan and
and regained Y. after the battle (P.Chr... 95; drove him away from Y. (P.O. 183-85; T.B.
P.G. 37). In 1679 Y. was ruined by the earth- 48). Mamad Khan escaped to Karabakh.
quake (S.Chr. 46). Tamaz Khan fought for Y. Erekle chased him, took over Khargvirabi
The Ottomans gave up Y. and he conquered Fortress, took all his riches and returned to
the city (V.B. 514; S.Ch. 47). Tamaz (Shah Y. Khan of Y. came to him and undertook
Tamaz II, Shah of Iran, 1722-32) awarded to to pay the tribute. Erekle left his ofcial in
Mahmad-Quli Khan (Constantine II, King of Y. (O.Kh. 48). George, son of Erekle II ar-
Kakheti 1722-1732) the throne of Kartli and ranged campaign against Yerevan. The Ye-
transferred Y. to him as well (V.B. 619; O. revanians saw that his troops were not very
Kh. 116, 241; S.Ch. 33). In 1724, the Iranian large, they joined the battle. George asked
troops took over Y. Fortress, captured Ali- for support from Erekle II. Erekle came and
Quli Khan and transferred Y. To Raja Pasha won. Khan of Yerevan undertook to pay the
(S.Ch. 38). Tamaz-Khan called Teimuraz II tribute in amount of four thousand tumans
to Y. (Teimuraz II, King of Kakheti 1733- (O.Kh. 70-71. In 1778 Erekle II arranged
1744, King of Kartli 1744-1762) (V.B. 627). campaign against Y. Siege of Y. fortress last-
Nadir-Shah (Shah of Iran 1736-47) set out ed for 4 months. Finally Erekle conciliated
to Y. with the signicant troops (P.O. 98). with Usein Ali, Khan of Y. and imposed the
Teimuraz, on his way to Nadir-Shah stopped tribute 6 thousand tumans per year (B.B. 56-
at Y. Amir-Aslan Khan fought to take over 57). Erekle II awarded the title of Beglarbeg
Y. (P.O. 125-27). Nadir Shah brought the of Y. to Abdula Beg (P.O. 188). Khan of Bor-
cannon to Kartli from Y. (P.O. 143). Mamad- chalo, Musa-Quli Khan escaped and arrived
Khan Qajar (killer of Nadir Shah Avshar, to Y. (P.O. 203). Erekle II and Teimuraz II
Shah of Iran (1736-47) attempted to take sent Zeidal Khan to Y. as Azat Khan called
over Y. Yerevanians asked assistance from Abdula Khan, the Khan of Y. and replaced
Teimuraz II, who defeated Mamad-Khan him from the position of Khan of Y. and
and made Y. his tribute payer (T.B. 47). Azat gave this position to Asan-Ali Khan. Zeidal
Khan (owner of southern Azerbaijan) set Khan should arrive to Y., arrange negotia-
out to take over Y. The Yerevanians applied tions with Azat Khan, who sent for negotia-
again to Teimuraz II for support. Teimu- tions Shah-Abbas Khan. The latter returned
raz sent Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakheti the honor to Zeidal Khan again and allowed
1744-62, King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-1798) him to reside in Y. Fortress. Azat Khan gave
with three thousand cavalry riders (T.B. 48). the conciliation deed to Zeidal Khan (P.O.
Erekle II was mentioned as owner of Yere- 202-05). Army of Dagestan ravaged Y. (P.O.
van (K.S.Dz. 62, 457). Erekle II set out to re- 209, 232). Ioane and Zaal Orbelianis, who
gain Y., his tribute payer. Country of Y. Was visited Azat Khan in Isfahan, with the riches
so ravaged that no building was left there ex- given to them stopped in Y. (P.O. 212). Khan
cept for Y. Fortress and Etchmiadzin (mon- of Y. gifted to Erekle II the horses and pres-

ents (P.O. 243). In spring of 1804, Tsitsish- Artashes I mobilized the army and sent
vili (Pavle Tsitsianov, 1754-1806, General it to ght against Kartli, under the command-
of Russian army, high ofcial in Georgia) ment of his son Z. Georgians and Ossetians
set out to ght against Yerevan, approached unied and met the army of Armenians in
Y. Fortress and fought with the army of Javakheti. Georgians defeated Armenians,
Baba Khan. He was defeated and returned to drove them away, chased them up to the
Tbilisi (T.B. 71). In 1805, Tsitsishvili made Armenian border, captured Z. at Tseli Lake
another attempt to take over Y. Abbaz-Mirza and took with them. Ossetians desired to kill
(heir of the throne of Iran, ruler of Azerbai- him, but Georgians did not allow and impris-
jan) fought against him. Tsitsishvili took oned him in Dariali Fortress* (L.M. 48-49).
over the city of Y., Abbaz-Mirza sheltered in
Y. Fortress and asked Baba Khan for support. * Mentioning of the Ossetians and Dariali For-
The later arrived with one hundred thousand tress in the 2nd century B.C. in Georgia sources,
warriors and defeated Tsitsishvili (B.B. 89- is anachronism.
91). On 5th October 1808, Count Gudovich
(Ivan Gudovich, 1741-1820, General of E. Kvachantiradze
Russian Army, commander-in-chief of Cau-
casian troops) set out to take over Y. For-
tress, approached it, set the ladders against ZUBEIDALA chief of Lezghins (1st
the wall and ordered the soldiers to ascend. half of 18th century). Z. was mentioned in:
Kizilbashs started to shoot and he had to re- Papuna Orbeliani Ambavni Kartlisani (His-
treat (T.B. 73; B.B. 101-102). General Pau- tory of Georgia), (1981).
lich (General of Russian Army) made deal Z. came to the country of Kazakh with
with Hussein, Beglarbeg of Y., to surrender 700 people. He ravaged many places and took
Y., but Hussein betrayed him and defeated the captives. Z. conciliated with Abdula-Beg,
commander Lisanovich with two thousand son of Iese (Iese, King of Kartli, 1714-1716,
cavalry riders, who was sent to ght against 1724-1727), the master of Samshvilde. He
him, but Hussein defeated them (T.B. 79). encamped in Samshvilde, with his troops and
On 18th December 1813 Baba Khan, Shah of commenced to ravage Kartli (P.O. 138). Z.,
Iran and Alexander, Emperor of Russia (Al- with his 1500 Lezghin cavalry riders attacked
exander I, Emperor of Russia 1801-1825) Zemo Kartli, ravaged many places and ap-
made peace and divided South Caucasus. Y. proached Tighva Fortress (on the right bank
remained with Iran (B.B. 139). of west Proni River, Shida Kartli). Additional
forces joined the Fortress defenders and the
E. Kvachantiradze Lezghins retreated (P.O. 199) Georgians, by
the order of Erekle (Erekle II, King of Kakhe-
ti 1744-62, King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98),
ZAREN son of King of Armenia captured in Aghjakal Fortress (same as Gagi
Artashes I (189-160 B.C.). Z. was men- Fortress, Kvemo Kartli) and put him to death
tioned in: Leonti Mroveli Life of Georgian (P.O. 224-25).
Kings (K. Ts. I. 1955).
K. Nadiradze


ABKHAZIA name of north-western part of Georgia. Abkhazia, in current borders

Abkhazia was formed only in 20-ies of 20th century. Initially, the territory called Abkhazia
by Georgians was spread over Black Sea coast from Anakopia (currently New Athon) to
Nikofsis River. In 15th 16th centuries Abkhazia was included coastal region from Bzipi
River to Anakopia. From 80-ies of 16th century Abkhazia increased up to Kelasuri River and
included Odishi (Samegrelo) Samtavro. In the end of 17th century Abkhazians expanded their
territory to south-east up to Enguri river, on the account of Odishi Samtavro and committed
genocide and deportation of most part of local Georgian population between rivers Kelasuri
and Ghalidzga. From 10-20-ies of 18th century part of this conquered territory was returned to
Samegrelo Samtavro, with the name of Samurzakano. In 1810, together with the other Sam-
tavros of the coastal zone of western Georgia, Abkhazian Samtavro was included into Rus-
sian Empire with the autonomous status. In 1864, Russian government cancelled Abkhazian
Samtavro and removed term Abkhazia from the political map. Abkhazia, as a term was
restored only in 1919 by the Government of Democratic Republic of Georgia. In December
1921, Abkhazia, as an agreement-based Republic, entered under the jurisdiction of Soviet
Socialistic Republic of Georgia. In 1931, it was named as Autonomous Socialistic Republic
of Abkhazia. In 1992-93, with the support of Russian Federation, Abkhaz separatists declared
the independence and drove out the majority of autochthonous local population. At present,
Abkhazia is occupied by Russian Federation Military troops.

ABKHAZ KINGDOM - political term in Western Georgia, the capital city Kutai-
si; It was later (15th Century) titled as Imereti Kingdom; before 8th century it was called
Egrisi and/or Lazika.

ABOTSI - ancient historical-geographical province in extreme western part of Kvemo

Kartli (south to Javakheti). In the late medieval period, in result of inow of Turkman tribes
A. was called Kaikuli. Kaikuli was within the leading Sadrosho of Kartli Kingdom and it
was ruled by Kings Mouravi. In 1801, when Russia annexed Georgia, Kaikuli (Abotsi) was
included into Lore Region of Georgian Province. In 1849, when Yerevan Governorate was
established, A. was transferred to it. Currently it is within Armenia.

AKHALTSIKHE PASHATE (CHILDIRI PASHATE) administrative-political unit

created by Ottomans in the territory of Samtskhe-Saatabago conquered by them. In the 1st
half of 16th century the Ottomans conquered western part of Samtskhe-Saatabago and in 1578
they took over its eastern part as well. In 1579, according to Sultans order, the territories
of Samtskhe-Saatabago conquered at different times were unied and one administrative-
governance unit A.P. was created. A.S. did not include entire territories of Samtskhe-Saa-
tabago. Some of its parts Tortumi, Patara Artaani, Nameravani etc. were included into the
other Pashates. It was basically ruled by Jakeli family. In result of Russian-Ottoman war of
1828-29, part of A.P. (Akhaltsikhe and its outskirts) were regained by Georgia. The remained
territories were included into the other provinces of Ottoman Empire.

BORCHALO historical region in Kvemo Kartli. The name originates from Borchalu
tribe settled in early 17th century in Debeda Gorge. In 1604, Abbas I, Shah of Iran (1587-
1629), together with the other territories of Kartli, took over Debeda Gorge as well and

created the Khanate of B. The Khanate became the basis for Iran aggression against Kings
of Kartli. In 50-ies of 18th century Teimuraz II (King of Kartli 1744-62) subordinated Khan-
ate of B. to his power. In 1765 Erekle II (King of Kartl-Kakheti 1762-98) transformed the
Khanate into Samouravo). After cancellation of Georgian Kingdom by Russia (1801) the B.
district was established, in the composition of Tbilisi Province. In 1880 region of B. was es-
tablished within Tbilisi Province. B. district included the territories of current Tsalka, Mang-
lisi, Tetritskaro, Dmanisi, Bolnisi and Marneuli districts. Region of B. was cancelled in 1929.

CHAR-BELAKAN see Saingilo.

DVALETI historical region in medieval Georgia. Its territory included the central part
of Caucasus Mountain Range, between Dariali Gorge and Mamisoni pass.

EGRISI Georgian name of western Georgia from the ancient time to 8th century inclu-
sive. The name originates from the name of western Georgian Egri Eguri tribe. Assyrians
called it Kolkha, Urartuians Kulkha and ancient Greeks called it Colchis. In ancient Greek,
Latin and Byzantine historical sources of 2nd 8th centuries Egrisi is mentioned with the name

ELISU SULTANATE see Kaki (Kakhi)

GURIA region in western Georgia. It included Kobulet-Chakvi Range, Black Sea

coast, territory between lower reaches of Rioni River and mouth of Chorokhi River. In 2nd
half of 15th century Guria Samtavro was established. The Samtavro was ruled by Gurieli fam-
ily with the residence in Ozurgeti. Currently G. includes Chokhatauri, Ozurgeti and Lanch-
khuti districts.

HERETI historical territory in the east Georgia. According to the historical sources,
H., as such, with its ethnical-historical signicance, included Shignikakheti of later period
(right size of Alazani River), Gaghmamkhare (left side of Alazani River) and the territory of
current Saingilo. For the rst time H. was mentioned in the sources in 5th century. From 15th
century term H. disappeared and it was replaced with Kakheti.

IMERETI region of western Georgia. In late medieval period I. included Imereti,

Zemo Imereti (currently Zestaponi, Terjola, Chiatura, Sachkhere and Kharagauli districts)
and Kvemo Imereti (country of Kutaisi currently Baghdadi, Vani, Tskaltubo and Khoni
districts), historical-ethnographic Okriba (currently Tkibuli District), Racha (currently Oni
and Ambrolauri districts), Lechkhumi (currently Tsageri District). In the end of 15th century
in this territory the Kingdom of Imereti was formed, which, periodically, included entire
western Georgia.

JAVAKHETI region in south Georgia (Zemo Kartli), includes part of current Aspin-
dza District, territories of Akhalkalaki and Ninotsminda districts historically, it was bor-
dered by: Kura River from the west; Shavsheti, Samsari and Nialiskuri mountains from the
north, south and east. From 11th century Akhalkalaki was the center of J. and Tmogvi was the
center of Zemo Javakheti.

KAKHETI territory in east Georgia located in inner and lower reaches of Alazani
River basin. Kakheti includes the following regions: Garekakheti (middle of Iori River),
Kiziki (lower reaches of Iori River), Shignikakheti (right side of Alazani River), Gaghmam-
khari (left side of Alazani River). Ancient Kakheti included much less territory: upper reaches
of Iori River, between Tianeti and Ujarma. In the end of 8th century Kukheti and part of Hereti
(from 15th century entire Hereti) became the center of K. Center of K. at rst was Teleti,
from 4th century Ujarma, from 11th century Telavi and in 15th 16th centuries Gremi.

KAKI (KAKHI) signicant point and region of Hereti the historical province of
Georgia, currently within Azerbaijan. It includes the territory of Kakhi district. K. was formed
as a political unit in 1604, when Shah Abbas I (Shah of Iran, 1587-1629) took over this border
community of Hereti from Alexander II, King of Kakheti (1574-1605) and transferred it to
Lezghins of Tsakhuri. In early 18th century in K. so called free communities of Lezghins were
formed. This provided basis for later Elisu Sultanate, which was included into Russia in 19th
century (see Saingilo).

KAMBECHOANI historical region of eastern Georgia. It included the territories

between lower reaches of Alazani River and Kura River. Its center was city-fortress Khorn-
abuji. From 15th century it was called Kiziki (see Kakheti).

KARTLI Central region of Eastern Georgia. In ethnical and geographical respect it

is divided into two parts: Zena Sopeli, i.e. Shida Kartli of later period. According to the
scientists opinion there should be Kvena Kartli (later Kvemo Kartli). Later the historical-
geographical term Zemo Kartli appeared. At the same time, Kartli is of great political
signicance. In the historical sources the territory from Heret-Berduji to south-east region of
Black sea is implied under this name.

KAZAKHI historical region in Kvemo Kartli, at lower reaches of Aghsta River (cur-
rently in Azerbaijan). In 12th 13th centuries Kazakh was within Gagi and Lori Saeristavos.
In 2nd half of 15th century the Turkman tribes started to settle in Kazakh region. In 1478,
after ravaging of Kartli by Uzun-Khasan (ruler of Ak-Konly Turkman state 1453-78) in K.
appeared so called Tatar els. Further, the new ows of Turkmans permanently settled at
the lowlands on the side of Kura River. In the middle of 16th century Tamaz I, Shah of Iran
(1524-76) established Khanate there. In late medieval period K. Khanate periodically was
subordinated to the Kings of Kartli. In 60-ies of 18th century Erekle II (King of Kartl-Kakheti
1762-98) cancelled the Khanate and K. was ruled by Kings Mouravis.

KLARJETI historical region in south-west Georgia, spread over lower basin of

Chorokhi River, from Arsiani Mountain Range to Black Sea (currently in the territory of
Turkey). K. included Murghuli, Agra, Artanuji, Nigali and other khevis (lands). The ancient
center: Tukharisi, later city-fortress Artanuji.

KVEMO KARTLI part of Kartli bordered by Trialeti, Javakheti and Bambak-Yere-

van ranges. It is located in lower right side from Kura River. In early feudal period K.K. was
ruled by Pitiakhsh of Kartli. In 7th 11th centuries in the territory of K.K. Tbilisi Emirate,
Kldekari Saeristavo and Tashir-Dzorageti Kingdom were established. In 12th 13th centuries,
in the territory of K.K. there were Gagi and Lori border Saeristavos. As Georgia has lost

Khunani Saeristavo (between rivers Hasansu and Dzegamchai, currently territory of Azer-
baijan) in result of Mongol campaigns, the state border was displaced from Dzegami River
(currently in Azerbaijan) to Ktsia-Kura junction. From 15th century the Turkman tribes (els)
started to settle in K.K. In 17th century Shah Abbas I (Shah of Iran 1587-1629) settled the
Borchalu tribes in Debeda Gorge. At the same time Lore Khanate was established. In 18th
century Lezghin attacks commenced. Later there appeared Turkish-speaking, Armenian and
other new settlers. According to current administrative-territorial arrangement K.K. includes:
Bolnisi, Dmanisi, Gardabani, Marneuli, Tetritskaro districts and adjacent territories.

LORE (LORI) medieval city-fortress and historical region in Tashiri, the border dis-
trict of Kvemo Kartli (currently territory of Armenia).

MESKHETI general name of historical south-west Georgia (Zemo Kartli). M. in-

cluded the upper part of Kura River basin, Samtskhe, Javakheti, Artaani, Erusheti, Kola and
entire basin of Chorokhi River, as well as Adjaria, Klarjeti, Shavsheti, Tao, Speri.

ODISHI historical region in western Georgia, signicant part of Samegrelo of late

medieval period. Earlier it included the territory between Kelasuri and Tekhura rivers. From
early 18th century O. includes the territory between rivers Enguri and Tekhura.

SAINGILO region of Georgia of feudal period, north-east part of historical Kakheti;

part of ancient Georgian province Hereti. Includes the territories of Belakan, Zakatala and
Kakhi districts, Azerbaijan. In early 11th century, administratively, it is within Macha Saeri-
stavo. In 16th 17th centuries the Lezghins from Dagestan started to settle there and oppress
and drive away local population. In the beginning of 18th century so called free communities
of Avarian (Chari, Belakan, Katekhi, Tala, Mukhakhi, Jinikhi) and Tsakhuri (Tsakhuri, Elisu,
Suvagil, Karadulak) Lezghins. In Georgian written sources the Lezghins residing here were
named as Lezghins of Chari, Charians. Charians were permanent support for the Lezghins
of Dagestan in permanent ravaging of Kartl-Kakheti Kingdom (P.O.). Charians also fought
on the side of Fana-Khan (owner of Karabakh), Aji-Chalab (Khan of Shak), Nursal-Beg
(ruler of Khundzakh), against Kartl-Kakheti (P.O.). S. consisted of two political units: Char-
Belakan and Elisu Sultanates. In 1803 these units were included into the composition of Rus-
sia. In 1830 the Russians eliminated their political independence and established the district
of Char-Belakan, In 1840 Belakan district was within the province of Georgia-Imereti. From
1860 it was called Okrug of Zakatala and it was subordinated to Dagestan. In the agreement
of 7th May 1920 between Russia and Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-21) Russia rec-
ognized Zakatala district as the territory of Georgia. From 1921 Bolshevik Russia transferred
this district to Azerbaijan and currently it is within Azerbaijan.

SAMSHVILDE i.e. Orbi Fortress, one of the most ancient fortresses in historical
Kvemo Kartli, at the junction of Ktsia (Khrami) and Chivchiva rivers. City of Samshvilde
was the center of the Saeristavo with the same name.

SAMTSKHE historical region in Georgia. It includes part of Borjomi District, ter-

ritories of Akhaltsikhe, Aspindza, Adigeni districts and areas adjacent to Turkey (historical
regions: Kveliskhevi, Tsurtskabi, Potskhovi and great part of the territory adjacent to Jakist-
skali). Historical borders of S: from the west Arsiani Mountains, North Persadi (Ghado)

Mountains, south Erusheti Mountains. Kasri Range, Gumbati and Vani mountains, east
Jobiskhevi (right tributary of Kura river). The ancient centers: Otskhe and Tabatskuri. In 2nd
half of 11th century it was owned by Jakeli family. In the 1st half of 16th century, in Samtskhe
and adjacent territories the large political feudal unit Samtskhe-Saatabago was created.
From 2nd half of 16th century S. was gradually taken over by Ottoman Empire. After Russian-
Ottoman war (1828-29) Georgia regained one part of Samtskhe.
SAMTSKHE-SAATABAGO feudal Samtavro in south-west Georgia from the 1st
half of 14th century up to 20-ies of 17th century. It was created in result of expansion of
Samtskhe Samtavro. Rulers of Samtskhe were awarded the position of Spasalari. After con-
quering of Georgia and its dividing into Dumnas by Mongols (13th century) this territory was
included into single Dumna and subordinated to Jakeli family. In 1266 S.S. samtavro was
awarded exemption from taxes by the king of Georgia and it became the khanate estate of
the kaen Khasinju. In 80-ies of the 13th century S.S. Samtavro included: Tao, Shavsheti,
Klarjeti, Kola, Artaani, Karni, Fori, Adjaria, Land of Kari (Kars region) and Speri. Borders
of the Samtavro spread from Tashiskari to Arzrum and Black Sea. The central residence was
Akhaltsikhe. King George V (1318-46) subordinated it to the governance of Georgia. In 15th
century, after joining Javakheti, S.S. included the territory of entire Meskheti. Meaning of
term Atabagi changed. He became the lord of this territory and S.S. the synonym of entire
Meskheti. From 14th century the ght between Iran and Ottoman Empire for Georgia in gen-
eral and particularly for Samtskhe commenced. According to truce concluded in the city of
Amasia, in 1555, they divided S.S. into two parts. Its western part Tao, Shavsheti, Klarjeti
(basin of Corkokhi River) was assigned to Ottoman Empire and the eastern part Samtskhe-
Javakheti, Artaani (Basin of Kura River) to Iran. In 1578 second war between Iran and Otto-
man Empire commenced. Iran was defeated. Ottomans created Pashate of Akhaltsikhe in the
territory of S.S. and awarded the title of Pasha to Muslim Manushar Jakeli. In 1625 S.S., as a
political unit, ceased its existence. Ottomans developed the inventory of conquered territory
and created the great registry of Gurjistan Vilayet. They divided Akhaltsikhe Pashate into
Sanjaks (Sadrosho). S.S. included one third of Georgian territory.

SHIDA KARTLI part of Kartli, earlier named Zena Sopeli included the territory to
the east from Aragvi River and Tbilisi, central range of Caucasus to the north, to Likhi i.e.
Surami range to the west and to Paravani Lake to the south. Part of the territory located to
the south from Kura River was called Gaghmamkhari. According to current administrative-
territorial arrangement of Georgia Shida Kartli includes: Gori, Dusheti, Kaspi, Mtskheta,
Kareli and Khashuri districts. Historically the territory of Autonomous District of South
Ossetia (established on 20th April 1922) is part of Shida Kartli.

SVANETI from the ancient times it included the upper reaches of rivers Tskhenists-
kali, Enguri and Kodori. In the ancient and medieval periods Svaneti was Saeristavo, initially
within Egrisi and later within entire Georgian Kingdom. Currently Svaneti is divided into
three parts: at Tskhenistskali Gorge Kvemo Svaneti, at Enguri Gorge Zemo Svaneti and
at Kodori Gorge Dali.

TAO historical region in south-west Georgia, in the middle basin of Choroki River
(currently in the territory of Turkey). It was mentioned for the rst time in the inscription of
Tigltliser I, King of Assyria of 1112 B.C., as Daiaen. In the beginning of 1st millennium

BC T. was within Colchis Kingdom and after creation of Kartli Kingdom (4th-3rd centuries
BC) T. was within its territory. In early 2nd century BC it was taken over by Armenian King-
dom. In 1st-2nd centuries AD it is again within Karli Kingdom. In 4th 7th centuries it was
within the sphere of Armenian inuence and from 7th century it is again in Kartli. In 8th 10th
centuries it became the place of construction of the monasteries. Bana, Khakhuli, Oshki,
Parkhali and other monasteries were built. Reign of Bagrationi dynasty commenced from
there. In 12th 13th centuries T. was the border Saeristavo of Georgia. From 2nd half of 13th
century it was within Samtskhe-Saatabago. From 14th century it is again within the united
Geoirgia. From 2nd half of 15th century, after dividing of Georgian Kingdom in Samtavros,
T. was within Samtskhe-Saatabago. In 50-ies of 16th century T. was conquered by Ottomans.

TASHIRI region of medieval eastern Georgia, border district of Kvemo Kartli (cur-
rently in Armenia). it included the gorge of Tashiristskali River, the left tributary of Debeda
River. It was bordered by Loki, Ghelvari, Karaji and Bambak mountains.

TBILISI EMIRATE administrative-political unit in Georgia. It was established by

Arab conquerors, approximately in 30-ies of 8th century, up to 80-ies of the 11th century. T.E.
was ruled by Muslim Emir. T.E. was one of the districts of Transcaucasia, the large province
of Arab Khalifat. Legally the Emir was subordinate to the ruler of the province, Muslim of-
cial Vali. Initially T.E. included entire eastern Georgia and it was also called Kartli Emirate.
In result of ght of independent Samtavros of Kartli the Emirate gradually reduced and in
9th 11th centuries the north border of T.E. was at Dighomi Gorge. In the south, the Emirate
included the fortresses: Birtvisi, Orbeti, Partskhisi. In Rustavi, Dmanisi and Khunani there
were separate Emirs. From 80-ies of 9th century to 80-ies of 11th century Tbilisi was no more
subordinated to the center of Khalifat. Emirs of Tbilisi were of the families of Shuabiani,
Shaibaniani and Jafariani. Jafarianis minted the coins with their own name.

ZEMO KARTLI name of south-west part of Georgia, including upper reaches of

Kura river (from Tashiskari to origins of Kura River) and upper part of Chorokhi River, up
to 16th century. Z.K. Included: Samtskhe, Javakheti, Erusheti, Artaani, Kola (at upper reaches
of Kura river), Klarjeti, Shavsheti, Tao, Speri. From 16th century Z.K. implied the territory of
old Shida Kartli, in particular, its north-west part, with the center in city of Gori.

K. Nadiradze


AGHAPI service in memory of deceased, table of love, intended for the monastery
assembly. Aghapi was dedicated to a person with particular merits to the monastery.
AMILAKHORI, AMIRAKHORI, AMILAKHVARI the highest ofcer subordi-
nated to Amirspasalari person with great authorities and obligations, the term is Arabic and
means the head of stables. Later it transformed into the surname.
AMIRSPASALARI (Arabic: Emir head and Persian Sefahsalar commander) head
of the royal troops spa, military minister, member of viziers council, vizier.
ATABAG (Turk. Ata-baba) initially tutor of the prince vizier of royal court, later
ruler of feudal or vassal estate.
AZNAURI 1. Feudal lord in Georgia of 5th 12th centuries; 2. lower stratum of the
feudal class in 13th 18h centuries.
BEGLARBEG (Turk. Begta-beg) high ofcial in Iran, he had military-administrative
CHAPARI (Turk.) messenger, envoy, courier.
Established with the initiative of David IV the Builder (1089-1125). The secular and religious
positions were unied and this position was occupied by the churchman. Head of Chkondidi
Cathedra was appointed to the position of Mtsignobartukhutsesi, he was the head of the royal
DARBAZI the supreme governing body under the royal power in medieval Georgia.
Viziers were permanent members of D. They met from time to time to make decisions on the
state issues.
DRAHKAN common name of golden coins.
DRAHMA drama silver coin, dirkhem in Arabic.
DUMAN military-administrative unit in 13th 15th centuries in Mongolia and coun-
tries conquered by it. In 40-ies of 13th century the Mongols divided Georgia in Dumans and
assigned the Eristavis as their rulers: Egraslan Bakurtsikheli (Kakhet-Hereti and communi-
ties to east therefrom), Varam Gageli (Kvemo Kartli and communities to the east), Shan-
she Mkhargrdzeli (southern communities), Grigol Surameli (Shida Kartli), Gamrekel-Toreli
(Javakheti), Kvarkvare Jakeli (Meskheti), Tsotne Dadiani and Eristavi of Racha (western
ELI people, tribe of Turkish origin; nomadic tribe.
ELIAGHASI Turk. head of Eli.
EMIR (ruler, leader, manager in Arabic) this ofcial title is supposedly remained after
Arab Emirate of Tbilisi. It is regarded that this title means ruler of the city. In Tbilisi, Georgia,
after elimination of E. power, there existed the persons at the position of E.
ERISMTAVARI head of the Eristavis, in the 6th 8th centuries title of the head of
Kartli Kingdom. According to Georgian sources, E., unlike the king, did not have unlimited
power. He could not dismiss subordinated Eristavis. Actually, E. was the rst among equals.
ERISTAVI local ruler, governor of administrative unit, region. He had the executive,
judicial and scal functions, he commanded the troops of the Saeristavo. At rst this was the
position awarded by the king. Later it became hereditary title.
ESHIKAGHABASH head of the administrative apparatus at royal court.

GOLDEN HORDE (Ulus of Juchi family-community union led by Kaen in Turan-

Mongol nations) feudal state of Mongols established at lower reaches of Volga River in
40-ies of 13th century by Batu Kaen (1227-55) in 1243.
HORDE residence, camp of the state ruler in medieval period; union of tribes or state,
e.g. Golden Horde.
ILKHAN (Turk. ruler of people) title of Mongol Khans of Hulaguians dynasty (1256-
1335) in Iran. Georgia was subordinated to the Ilkhans.
JANISHIN (Pers.) deputy, alternate shahs (kings) regent.
KADI (Turk.) judge of Muslims, executing justice on the basis of Sharia (Islamic
religious law).
KAEN ruler of the state.
KETKHUDA (Pers.) had of the village; head of the craftsmen union, head of the
KHAKAN title of the head (king) of Khazar state.
KHARAJA see tribute.
KHARCHI (Pers. Turk.) herald, ofcial, informing people about governmental orders.
KHEVISBERI ofcial responsible for judgment, head of Khevi.
KHOREZMSHAH title of Khorezm ruler from 951 to the time of rule of Mongols in
1220. In medieval period there was the historical district Khorezm, ruler of which was Jalalad-
din, well known in the history of Georgia.
KIZILBASH red-headed in Turkish. Common name of the Turkish nomadic tribe
resettled from Asia Minor to South Azerbaijan and Iran because of enmity with the Ottoman
sultans (2nd half of 15th century).
KULI (Turk.) slave; soldier of shahs guard (kuli troops).
KURAPALATI Byzantine title at royal court.
MANDATURTUKHUTSESI ofcial at royal court, head of the police service in
feudal Georgia. In 12th century it was replaced by the position of Eshikaghabash.
MARZPAN ofcial of the Sassanid Iran, usually assigned as the ruler of conquered
country. M. was also in the period of existing of kingdom in Kartli, he was regarded as
the representative of shah of Iran against king of Georgia. In the period of cancellation of
kingdom in Kartli (40-80-ies of 6th century) all spheres of governance of the country were
gathered in M. hands.
MDIVANBEG judge, head of judges.
MELIK (Arab.) ruler of the village or city, which should be related to the village
community or organization of the traders and citizens. In Georgia this position appeared in
70-ies of 16th century.
MEMANDARI ofcial, responsible for hosting the guests.
MOURAVI economic-administrative ofcer in feudal Georgia. M. was mentioned
in the sources from 11th 12th centuries. He managed the estates of the king, feudal lords,
noblemen. In the period of united Monarchy the cities were ruled by Emirs. After dividing of
Georgian Kingdom in Samtavros the cities were ruled by M. M. of the capital city, Tbilisi was
appointed by the king.
MSAKHURTUKHUTSESI vizier of the royal court with great authorities. Several
institutions: cash ofce, bedchamber, kings personal service and various ofces were sub-
ordinated to him.
MTAVARI representative of the highest stratum of the feudal society, equipped with
the authorities.
MTKAVELI length unit in feudal Georgia, about 222 mm.
NAIBI (Arab. naib) deputy, alternate, assistant.

NASAGHCHIBASH head of the executors of physical punishment (nasagh).
NOBLE|| NOBLEMEN (didebuli) circle of feudal lords in Georgia, who were award-
ed high ofcial posts by the king. Term didebuli is derived from the word dideba glory,
meaning at that time the respect to the position. They were the persons with great powers.
NOIN nien nobleman, lord, head of Mongol aristocrat family in 11th 12th centuries,
later, representative of noblemen.
PASHA title of high ofcials of the military-administrative service in Ottoman Em-
pire. There were three degrees of Pasha, distinguished with the number of tuls (scepters).
PITIAKHSH supreme magistrate; high ofcial at royal court in Sassanid Persia.
Ruler of the conquered country was called P. In the scientic literature it is accepted that in
Georgian sources Pitiakhsh is nominated by the term Eristavi.
RAKAM (Arab.) kings order, document with the seal, deed.
SADROSHO military-administrative territorial unit in feudal Georgia. Troops of the
S. composed one military-tactical unit in the battle called similarly, the S. and it was subor-
dinated to one commander.
SAERISTAVO administrative-territorial unit in Georgia. For the rst time the country
was divided into Saeristavos by Parnavaz, King of Karli.
SAKHLTUKHUTSESI high ofcial in feudal Georgia, managing the economic-ad-
ministrative affairs in the Samtavros and Satavados. Catholicos and Queen had their own S.
SARANGI commander of Seljuks.
SARASKIRI (Pers. Sephah-Salar) commander, military ofcer.
SARDARI 1. chief of the tribe, nobleman in Iran.
SARKADAR (Pers.) head of the housekeeping staff.
SATAVADO certain form of large feudal holdings and hierarchical-political organiza-
tion of feudal lords in Georgia of 15th 18th centuries.
SHAMKHAL signicant feudal lord in Dagestan.
SPASPETI one of the ofcers of Amirspasalari, one of the commanders of royal
troops, in later feudal period high commander, commander-in-chief.
SULTAN (Arab. Turk.) Monarch, title of Muslim secular ruler in Muslim country, e.g.
Ottoman Empire.
TARKHANI (Turk.) free, exempted from the taxes.
TAVADI representative of the higher strata of feudal class in Georgia of 15th 18th
TRIBUTE taxes imposed over the conquered peoples. It was called Kharaja and
amounted to one dinar per family.
VASSAL feudal lord in the medieval period subordinated to the higher feudal lord,
suzerain. The vassal received from suzerain the feud and for this he paid taxes.
VEKILI (Arabic) - attorney, representative of central government against local govern-
VILAIETI administrative-territorial unit in Ottoman Empire, the territory was di-
vided into Vilaiets.
VIZIER minister. In Georgian reality this was the general name of ministers. E.g.
according to Document of the Royal Court the V. were divided into two groups: groups of
three viziers (Amirspasalari, Atabagi, Mandaturtukhutsesi) and two viziers (Mechurchl-
etukhutsesi and Msakhurtukhutsesi).

K. Nadiradze


abbreviations of the written sources, documents

Abuseridze T. - Abuseridze Tbeli

A.D.P. Annotated Dictionary of Persons
A.S. Arsen of Sapara
B.B. Bagrat Batonishvili
B.E. Beri Egnatashvili
B.Ez. Basili Ezosmodzghvari
CGHD Corps of Georgian-Persian Historical Documents
Chr Chronical
Conversion Conversion of Kartli
D.B. Davit Batonishvili
Dz.E. Dzegli Eristavta
G.P.H.D. Georgian-Persian Historical Documents
H.Chr. Historices and chronicles of the Crawned monarches
H.G.T. History of Georgia in Toponimic
H.L.G. Historian of the Period of reign of Lasha-Giorgi
I.B. Iese Baratashvili
J. Juansher
K.Ts. Kartlis Tskhovreba (History of Georgia)
L.D. Life of David King of Kings
L.M. Leonti Mroveli
MAGHl Monuments of ancients Georgian Hagiographical
Martyrdom of Habo - Martyrdom of Habo Tpileli
Meskhuri M. - Meskhuri Matiane
M.G.L. Monuments of Georgian Law
M.K. Matiane of Kartli
N.D. Niko Dadiani
O.Kh. Oman Kherkheulidze
P.Chr. Paris chronicl
P.G. Parsadan Gorgijanidze
P.O. Papuna Orbeliani
G.H.D. Georgian Hoblemen deeds
S.Ch. Sekhnia chkheidze
S.D. Sumbat Davitis-dze
Second T. Second Text
Sm. Chr. Smoll chronical
Third T. - Third Text
T.B. Teimuraz Bagrationi
V.B. Vakhushti Batonishvili
Zh. Zhamtaaghmtsereli
G.D.I.N.A. Georgian Documents of the Nations of Asia


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2. Il. Abuladze, Dictionary of Ancient Georgian Language, Tb. 1973
3. Anchabadze G. On Meaning of Ethnonym Khazar in Kartlis Tskhovreba,
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4. Arevelts Vardan, World History. Translation from ancuent Armenian by B.
Shoshiashvili and E. Kvachantiradze. Introduction, comments and indices by E.
Kvachantiradze, Tb. 2004
5. Beridze O., Sanadze M. History of Georgia v. I (Antique and medieval periods), Tb.
6. Gigineishvili O., Essays from the History of Ottoman Empire. Tb. 1982
7. Goiladze V., Chronology of Christian Kings of Pharnabazid Dynasty. Tb. 1990
8. Goiladze V., Hun-Turks in Georgia, Tb. 2008
9. John of Ghraskhanakert, History of Armenia. Armenian text with Georgian
translation, studies and indices edited by V. Tsagareishvili. Tb. 1965.
10. Tbilisi, Encyclopedia. Tb. 2002
11. Inadze M., Issues of Ethnic-political History of Ancient Abkhazia Gazette (History
Series) 1992 #2
12. Islam. Encyclopedical Reference Book. Editor: G. Beradze Tb. 1999
13. Kalankatuatsi Movses History of the Country of Alvan. Translation from Ancient
Armenian. introduction and comments and indices by L. Davlianidze-Tatishvili, Tb.
14. Katsitadze D. History of Iran Tb. 2000
15. Kekelidze K. Etudes from the History of Ancient Georgian Literature v. I Tb. 1936
16. Kutsia K. Cities of Eastern Transcaucasia in 16th 17th centuries Tb. 1965
17. Lolashvili Iv. Secret of the Tomb of David Soslan Tb. 1971
18. Metreveli R. David the Builder, King Tamar Tb. 2002
19. Essays from the History of Near East. Editor: V. Gabashvili Tb. 1957
20. Orbeliani Sulkhan-Saba, Georgian Dictionary, v. I. Tb. 1991; v. II, Tb. 1993
21. Sanadze M., Kartlis Tskhovreba and the Ancient Period of the History of Georgia
(From Kartlos to Mirian), Tb. 2001
22. Sanadze M., Beradze T. Ancient Political-Geographical Description of Caucasus and
Time of Its Composition, Meskheti, III, Tbilisi Akhaltsikhe, 1999
23. Arseni of Sapara On Division of Georgians and Armenians, text was critically identied
and accompanied with the studies and comments by Zaza Aleksidze, Tb. 1980
24. History of Georgia in Toponymic. editor: D. Muskhelishvili Tb. 2008
25. Essays on the History of Georgia. v. I IV, Tb. 1970-73.
26. Catholicos- Patriarches of Georgia. Editor: R. Metreveli. Tb. 2000
27. Encyclopedical Dictionary of Georgian Orthodox Christian Church. Editor: E.
Gabidzashvili. Tb. 2007
28. Kings of Georgia. Editors: Mariam Lortkipanidze, Roin Metreveli, Tb. 2000
29. Orthographic Dictionary of Geographical Names of Georgian SSR. Editor: I. Apkhazava,
I. Gigineishvili, A. Kobakhidze, D. Ukleba, M. Chabashvili, Tb. 1987
30. Svanidze M. Ottoman History. Tb. 1999
31. Dictionary of Loanwords. Developed by S. Tezelashvili. Tb. 2007

32. Conversion of Kartli, Study, overview and comments by V. Goiladze. Tb. 2009
33. Kartlis Tskhovreba. Text was prepared, accompanied with te comments and glossary
by M. Sanadze, N. Shoshiashvili. v. I Tb. 1994, v. II Tb. 1998
34. Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia . Editor in Chief: I. Abashidze v. I-XI Tb. 1975-1987
35. Shengelia N. Seljuks of Asia Minor and Georgia. Tb. 2003
36. Tsintsadze M. From the History of Georgian-Adygei Relations. Tb. 1982
37. Javakhishvili Ivane, Encyclopedical Dictionary, Editor in Chief: R. Metreveli. Tb. 2002
38. Javakhishvili Iv. Works in 12 volumes v. I-XII Tb. 1977-98
39. Javakhishvili Iv. Ancient Armenian Historical Literature. Tb. 1935
40. Janashia N. For Clarication of one Place in the Work of Arseni of Sapara. Collection:
Researches of the History of Georgia and Caucasus. Tb. 1976
41. Ashurbeili S. Kh., State of Shirvanshahs B. 2006
42. Abbasians. Historical-Ethnographic Essay. Editor: L.I. Lavrov. Ch. 1989
43. Buniyatov Z. Georgia and Shirvan in 1st Half of 12th Century, Georgia in the Age of
Rustaveli Tb. 1966
44. Eremyan S. Common Fortunes and Cultural-Political Cooperation between
Transcaucasian Nations in 9th 12th Centuries Caucasus and Byzantium. 1. Yerevan.
45. History of Azerbaijan. Editor: S. Aliyarli B. 2009
46. History of Ancient Rome. Editor: V. Kuzishchin. M. 1981
47. History of Iran. Editor: M. Ivanov. M. 1977
48. Kabardian History (from Ancient Time up to Present). M. 1988
49. History of South Caucasus Peoples from the Ancient Time to the End of 18th Century.
Responsible Editor: Academician B. Piotrovski. M. 1988
50. Malbakhov B. Elmesov A. Medieval Kabarda. N. 1944
51. Minorski V.F. History of Shirvan and Derbend. M. 1963
52. Nochmov Sh. History of Adygei People. Editor: T. Kh. Kumikova. N. 1994
53. Rizhov K.V. All Monarches of the World: Ancient East: Reference Book. M. Veche 2006
54. Khachikyan A. History of Armenia. Yerevan 2009

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Proof-Reader: Leila Kirtadze

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Foreign States, Tribes, Historical Figures

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