Wiki Assignment 3 Write Up

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Stephanie Cutler

LITR 630/Instructor Mary Morgan

Assignment 3: Wiki
June 26, 2017

A wiki is a webpage that can be viewed and modified by anybody with a web browser

and access to the internet (Educause, 2005). Wikis are asynchronous. This asynchrony helps to

encourage feedback and revision as members of the wiki have the ability to continue building on

one anothers work. Providing digital natives opportunities to engage in authentic learning

experiences in a format they are more familiar with, while highlighting how online tools can be

used to enhance literacy productivity (Sanden and Darragh, 2011). Navigating wikis requires an

understanding of new literacies (Leu, McVerry, OByrne, Kiili, Zawilinski, Everett-Cacopardo,

Kennedy, & Forzani, 2011). Just because a student has had access and is a digital native does not

mean they will inherently know how to use the technology. Therefore, it is imperative for

teachers to guide students in learning how to use wikis and in an understanding of new literacies.

Wikis can have a positive effect on literacy growth but growth is dependent on the effective

implementation of teachers and they must be used as they were intended, as collaborative tools,

setting rigid guidelines as a teacher removes the elements that promote literacy growth (Sanden

and Darragh, 2011).

Lesson/Standards Breakdown

When thinking of a lesson that would incorporate the technology knowledge (TK) of

wikis and the digital literacies that go along with wikis I began planning a lesson that would

extend previous learning about animals while providing authentic opportunities to use
technology and incorporate previous taught skills of how to locate information online (KTS 6.1,

KTS 6.3, and ISTE 6d). While planning I provided choice (ILA 4.2) and scaffolds with voice

threads, color code, google docs to provide an opportunity for voice typing, and gradual release

which provided peer groups a social atmosphere with low risk (ILA 5.2). These scaffolds

provided the modifications and accommodations to improve digital literacies and move toward

reading development and achievement (ILA 1.3). As a Kindergarten teacher, I felt it necessary to

focus strongly on PK (pedagogical knowledge) because wiki format can be difficult for students

just beginning to learn about digital literacies. I wanted to provide enough support through

gradual release of independent wiki use (KTS 6.2) so students could troubleshoot tech problems

before asking the teacher for help (ISTE 6c). One particular support, that still provided lots of

choice, but helped promote safety was to create a playlist on my You Tube channel and link it to

the wiki (ISTE 5a).

During the lesson itself I focused my CK (content knowledge) on comparing and

contrasting a wide range of text by exploring print resources and a digital resources (RI.K.9, ILA

2.3). The lesson prompts for students to work together collaboratively and publish their findings

through the wiki on a google doc to solve the problem of sharing information with others (ISTE

2a, ISTE 2b). As students work through the books and videos they will be encourage to

collaborate through speaking and listening. Students should follow agreed upon rules for

discussion and add to one anothers conversations (SL.1a, SL.1b, SL.6). This discussion will

serve as prewriting before the students tell facts (W.K.2) as they compare information from

various formats on a google doc using the voice typing function (W.K.6). Collaboration with

peers will give a chance for students to give instant feedback and for groups to add/delete their

responses on the google doc (W.K.5).

I was concerned initially about how to engage Kindergarteners with a wiki. I feel more

confident about ways to work around hindrances, such as typing, and feel like the tools I have

found to help the students be successful will better my practice and help make the use of

technology in my classroom more accessible.


Sanden, S., & Darragh, J. (2011). Wiki use in the 21st-century literacy classroom: A framework
for evaluation. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 11(1), 6-20.

Carroll J. (2011). From encyclopedias to search engines: Technological change and its impact on
literacy learning. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 19 (2), 27-34.

Educause Learning Initiative. (2005). 7 Things You Should Know about Wikis [Brochure].

Leu, D. J., McVerry, J.G., OByrne, W.I., Kiili, C., Zawilinski, L., Everett-Cacopardo, H.,
Kennedy, C., and Forzani, E. (2011). The new literacies of online reading
comprehension: Expanding the literacy and learning curriculum. Journal of Adolescent &
Adult Literacy, 55 (1),5-14.

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